#donnie taking care of his little big bro
disastertwins9000 · 1 year
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can’t always be the leader
i feel like leo and donnie have a lot of hidden pressure, and even with everything else on his plate donnie would see leo needs a break and just be there for his big brother
and no this isn’t one sided- leo listens to donnie rant/vent or relieve pressure- i just think it’s sweet when younger siblings comfort the older ones
i decided to make this while i’m sick instead of sleep:)
❌tcest DNI❌
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homeheroine · 9 months
Hey I was wondering how do you think the turtles from rottmnt would deal with them saying that they don’t think a human would ever date them. And their crush is very blunt “You’re so stupid for thinking that” normally crush isn’t the type to insult and before the turtles can say anything crush says this, “I’m human and I want to go on dates with you”?
Thanks for the request this is a good one!
author's note : this has not been read through so I apologize for anything that doesnt make sense. I'll come back and edit it later. enjoy! <3.
"With my charm no one could resist me anyway." A cheeky smirk plastered across Leo's face as he landed onto the couch was enough to make the whole group groan.
"Nardo, no more of this please." Donnie sighed, taking a seat in his usual spot for movie night.
This seemed to be Leo's favorite topic of discussion these days. It's not the conversation itself that made everyone hate it, it was just the way Leo had such smugness about it. This was a sensitive topic for the turtles for obvious reasons. And as much as Leo talked about romance as if he had it in the bag, everyone knew from their late night convos that Leo was just as insecure, if not even more than the rest of them.
You had just reached the lair when this conversation began. You were in charge of pizza tonight and you had come with full arms. Stumbling into the kitchen you placed the pizza's on the counter. It didn't take long for you to hear the voices of the bickering brothers from the next room over as you quietly made your way to them. Pushing back the curtain you were able to catch a specific turtle rattle off an interesting comment.
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Raph :
"All I'm say'n is, I can't imagine any human wanting to be with a mutant. Especially one that looks like me. If anything they would wanna be far from me! My spikes wouldn't make me a very cuddly partner haha..." Raph's laugh falls at the end. His face changed into something a little more sad.
"Dude, you look like a kicked puppy." You say crossing your arms while leaning against the entrance's frame.
"AH! WHA- HI. *ahem* hey Y/N. I didn't see you there." Raph jumped at your sudden appearance. Snapping his blushed face toward your figure that stood next to him. His brothers laughed at your coincidental appearance. It was no secret the way Raph felt about you, well except to you, and the fact that you appeared next to the giant pining turtle might as well have been scripted in a romcom.
You gave the room a weird look then turned to Raph, unable to help what you would say next. "I knew you were a little dumb, but that has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard you say." Your scowl followed you as you left the room. "I'm getting pizza."
Raph's face said it all. The brothers burst out into laughter after your exit. "You gonna take care of that whole situation big bro?" Leo said through laughs.
Raph blinked, quickly taking glances over his shoulder as he loudly whispered to his brothers. "Did you tell them!?" They laughed harder.
"Why on earth would that comment make you think that they would know?"
"Man I- ah I DON'T KNOW. Forget you guys." He said exasperated. The snapping turtle made his way to the kitchen stumbling in embarrassment and in an effort to escape his laughing brothers.
You were there, standing behind the counter gathering cups, napkins and the pizza boxes for movie night. Your arms were full and everything you were carrying was ready to topple over.
"mmmmm ahh AH!" You cried out trying to keep you and the items balanced. Taking another step, you and your treats leaned ready to fall. Just before gravity took you, your momentum was gently stopped. Looking up to see the hero that saved you from your fall you meet the eyes of Raph, who smiled nervously down to you. "Heyyy..."
"Raph." You said flatly. "Thanks."
He gave you an apprehensive chuckle. "For sure." Taking some of the boxes off the top of your stack he eyed you. "Are ya uhh... mad at me?"
It was your turn to eye him. "No."
"Okayy. Then uh what was that whole comment in the projector room? You were joshin with me right?" He placed the stack of pizza boxes down on the counter. His eyes met the floor. "I'm not sure I've ever heard you come after someone like that, maybe against Leo, but not me." He coughed, trying to clear the air of the thick tension.
"Sure Raph." You said bluntly grabbing some more paper plates from the cabinets. You cursed yourself in your mind. Why'd you say anything in the first place?? Now you were gonna have to explain yourself.
He paused, then in a quick breath added, "When why do you still sound upset? Are ya sure you're not mad? Cuz ya know. We can... we can always talk. I don't wanna upset you, like ever. And I'll understand if you dont wanna talk too. Just-just uh l-let me know if I ever make ya mad or somethin--"
You interrupted him, "Enough! I get it Raph thanks." He was spewing nonsense, clearly overthinking the situation. His face was sunken and his posture was rigid. What was making him so anxious? You sighed, knowing his nasty overthinking habit. You should clarify before he becomes a mess. Well, more of a mess. "I just can't understand, why do you think like that?"
He was confused. "Think like what?"
You sighed again, annoyed that he couldn't see the reason for your frustration. "I'm a human and I wanna go on dates with you."
Raph's face went blank. His heart stopped in his chest. "Wha-"
You took a long drawn breath in. It's now or never I guess. "Don't you get it Raph? I like you!" There was a long pause.
"You- you like me?" His eyes widened as a smile crawled to his face. His posture slowly became larger and un-slumped again.
"Oh my god Raph. OF COURSE I DO. Not only are you dumb, but you're also dense as hell too!" You yell in a flustered anger.
He didn't know what to say, his face was burning and his body felt weak. Needing to ground himself by holding onto the edge of the counter. You liked him. You liked him! "Man... I dunno what to say. I'm cheesin like mad hard." He was right too. He was smiling so hard he looked like he was about to cry. Your face was getting redder and redder by the moment as well. His expression was too much. You turned away from him attempting to hide your blush.
"I never thought I would ever have a chance with you, Y/N. I just thought... I dunno... like you would ever even look my way. Being a mutant and all."
"Raph, you should know more than anyone that the way someone looks shouldn't keep anyone from thinking about them differently than anyone else. But... you're more than just anyone else to me."
Now he was crying. You turned to look at him and watched the tears roll down his face. "Raph!" you rushed to him coming close to his chest, waving your hands in his face like you would try to wipe away his tears. "Ah jeez. Don't cry please."
He bent down to your level wrapping you in a tight hug. "I like you too."
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Donnie :
"The day Donnie gets a partner before me, let me know cause I'll have a bet to pay up." Leo says, kicking his feet back onto the coffee table.
"That's not very nice Leo." Mikey said. You walked into the projector room, placing some of the pizza boxes you brought onto said coffee table.
"Well tell me I'm wrong!" He says opening an eye at you. "Not only is he the least best looking twin but he's also a mutant! No human would ever be interested in someone like him."
Donnie rolled his eyes. Not unfamiliar with being the butt of Leo's "jokes". "First of all, I'm not your twin. And second of all that comment brings zero new data to the conversation. Humans still look at us with caution. All of us. Even after all we do for this city." He said in a matter of a fact tone.
You didn't even have time to think before the words spilled from your lips, "Well, I'm a human and I like Donnie." All eyes were on you suddenly. Hearing your voice spill out the words before you got a chance to edit them was unlike you, your face burned. "Wha- what I mean is, Donnie is an incredible inventor and scientist what's not to like right? Wait- no no, what I meant was," Your incoherent rambling was not helping you regain your composer. All seemed to gain a sudden knowing, all except for Mikey would tackle Donnie into a hug. "Well I~ am a mutant and Donnie~ is my second favorite brother so I like him too."
"Second favorite!?" The three others said in unison.
You sighed, thankful for Mikey's unknowing save of your unconfessed feelings. The boys had completely forgotten about your comment and were instead engrossed in finding out who Mikey's favorite brother was.
Movie night continued as usual after that; the boys lip synced scenes, the usual spill happened, and Leo, Raph and Mikey eventually fell asleep. You and Donnie remained awake almost every time this happened. He pulled all nighters all the time and you couldn't spend the night over at the lair so you would wait till the boys fell asleep to leave. This was the time when you and Donnie always decided to have your weird 2 am conversations. High on laziness and lips loose from feeling sleepy. You yawned as you stretched, the credits rolling on the now finished movie. You looked over to Donnie who was awake per the usual.
"I'm gonna head out the others are asleep and I'm exhausted." You said. You weren't really as tired as usual, you just wanted to get out of there. Mikey's diversion may have made the others forget but you were sure Donnie would interrogate you the moment he remembered. He watched you get to your feet and pick up your blanket. He got up, coming over to you, a little closer than usual you observed, and grabbed the end of the blanket that hung from your arms. His voice was soft as he spoke. "Let me help you fold this."
"Oh, sure." You smiled softly at him, hoping this wasn't his way of trapping you for a moment longer. He seemed really quiet, something you hoped was just sleepiness. His brow was furrowed and he looked like he was thinking.
You both finished folding the blanket and you began walking to the lair's exit. This was your chance to leave! You prepared the push past the projector room's curtain when you heard him, faintly.
"Y/N." Shit, you thought, "Can we talk?"
You froze. "Yea... yeah we can talk." you sighed, defeated.
He nodded and you two walked through the curtains. You followed him through the lair and eventually to the exit. He was gonna walk you out. Your nerves were on fire. You swear he made you wait to start talking for dramatic effect, you were starting to overthink as you both walked in silence through the tunnels. Was he gonna talk or was this conversation up to you all of a sudden?? God you hated when he did this and your fear of him figuring out your feelings only made this feel more and more planned. Is he playing with you?
You breathed in to begin talking, the silence eating you up, "Don-", but before you could get the words out he began. "Thank you." He said simply.
"Huh?" You said, without thinking again.
He turned his face to you with a slight smile on his face. "For standing up for me against Leo.... Not that I needed it cause I had the situation handled but it was very refreshing to have Leo eat-th his words." He added quickly.
You smiled, relieved that he didn't bring up the undertones of your mishap. His smile was genuine and as much as he said he "had it handled" you've been close friends long enough to know that some of things that Leo says can really cut deep sometimes. It was nice to know that what you said was enough to get a heartfelt thank you from bad boy Othello Von Ryan. Even if it was an accident, it was genuine! You bumped him with your shoulder in a playful manner.
"You getting soft on me, Von Ryan?" you said, smirking a little.
"Please." He teased back.
The walk was silent again, though the air was calm. So you thought.
"So" He started. "You like me?"
You sputtered, coughing on air. "Wha-! Donnie please." You pleaded in a way you hoped he didn't see as begging.
"I'm curious, did you mean those things?" He strolled in front of you, walking backwards to meet your gaze. "That I'm an incredible scientist and what was it? Oh! And "what's not to like." Hmm?" He quoted you, a smug grin growing on his face.
You blushed hard. God whyyy. Turning your face away to escape his gaze. Your silence he took as an invitation to tease you further.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that!" He cried, chasing your gaze by tilting his head. "Do you have anything else to say? Or is the mutant thing scaring you off?"
"You're so dumb." You threw at him. Getting annoyed that this "mutant problem" kept getting brought up.
"Yea dumb. The mutant thing doesn't mean anything to me. What you are doesn't matter to me. I just like you for you." you cried exasperated. "I'd go on a date with you without even thinking twice!"
You did it again, speaking without thinking. You slapped a hand over your mouth, looking helplessly into Donnie's eyes.
He blinked at you, just as surprised, his expression changing to one more serious just as your tone did. "Do you actually you like me?" His face blooming into a shade similar to yours.
This was gonna be a long walk home.
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Leo :
"I'm the king of charm! .....I could get anyone." Leo said confidently falling into his spot on the couch. The brothers rolled their eyes.
You were agitated with that comment, me my be your crush but even you wanna to see Leo knocked down a peg. "Last I checked Leo, you have never successfully "charmed" anyone." You said casually, walking over to the coffee table and grabbing a bottle of soda off of it. A blatant lie because you were absolutely pining for him, but that was beside the point. "For being the self proclaimed face man of the team, you really get no play uh?" The room busted out in a unison of "oooooo" and "burnnned" at your quip to toward Leo. His face crinkled up at your comment and he crossed his arms, pouting. And maybe even blushing a little?
"Dang Leo got burned!!" Mikey exclaimed, poking his older brother's face. Raph chuckled, trying to hold in his laughter. Donnie openly cackled at your words.
"Whatever, you guys wouldn't know charm if it hit you square in the face. And it's me hitting you square in the face. I'm charm!!" He yelled out exasperated.
"Mkay then Nardo." you said taking a seat next to him. "No hard feelings?" You said offering a soda to him. He looked at you, taking in your expression. It was calm, with no malice. His expression, though, changed from one of skepticism to something more mischievous. He took the can from you gently brushing his fingers against yours and leaned in close, too close. "Don't tempt me Y/N or you'll be the first person I charm." He whispered to you. Your eyes were blown wide. He winked at you before turning to the movie projection.
If you thought that was just an empty threat, you were sorely wrong. The whole rest of the night had been just moments upon moments of Leo doing anything he could to see a blush spread across your face; fake yawning to wrap his arm around your shoulders, brushing your hand everytime you both grabbed some popcorn. Even lip syncing scenes from the movie of the characters proclaiming their love for the other.
This. is. ridiculous.
As the credits rolled on the third movie of the night was when Leo decided to get really bold.
"Yo Leo!" Raph called from the other side of the couch. "It's your turn to pick a movie." Raph launched the remote over to Leo who caught it easily. The striped turtle scrolled through the offered movies for a bit of time before deciding on something. You mindlessly scrolled on your phone not offering any attention to his selection, in hopes he wouldn't make a scene when the lights illuminated the room again.
The lights dimmed as the movie began again and everyone settled back into their spots. You looked up at the movie knowing what it was the moment you laid your eyes on it. The Princess Bride. Of course he would pick that movie. It was so Leo. You made a small chuckle at the selection.
"Something funny, Buttercup?" Leo turned to you smirking.
You blushed at the name. Was he gonna play this out like you two were the main love interests from the movie? "Uhh and I assume you are supposed to be Westley then?" You answered, raising a sarcastic brow.
Instead of answering he inched closer. Strategically during a dark part of the movie to avoid the eyes of his brothers. "Only if you want me to be, Princess." His face was inches from yours, you blushed fiercely both at the name and his words. "What are you doing Leo?" You sunk farther into the couch trying to escape him, only causing him to chase you more. He wasn't done yet. The room went dark again because of the movie and the last thing you saw were his eyes. Shining with mischief. Your heart raced in anticipation. What was he planning??
You didn't even have time to think before you felt hands around your waist pulling you down. Leo was right above you. Hands placed on each side of your head as he gazed down into your wide shot eyes. Your breath caught and you swore your heart stopped beating. You cursed yourself for your expression, sure that whatever it looked like was exactly what he wanted. You only knew this because of the way his smug smile seemed to stretch further. He bent his arms to lean down into your personal space even further. Close enough to whisper into your ear "So what is it Y/N? Are you charmed~ yet?" His voice oozed with smugness. And god were you so over it.
"I- I have to go!" You abruptly stood up pushing him off of you. You stormed across the room directly in front of the screen. Catching the attention of the other brothers who watched you storm off. "You good Y/N?" Mikey called after you as you left. "Peachy." You spat, a little more frustration came through in your voice than you had intended. You left without explaining yourself. It didn't take long till the others turned their heads toward Leo. Who looked shocked? Upset? Disappointed? Nervous even? He watched you leave a sudden worry growing in this chest. Was that too far?
"Leo. What the hell did you do to make them so upset?" Raph asked, pausing the movie. "Was this pay back from earlier?"
Leo didn't answer his older brother, only getting up to chase after you. Were you leaving?
You were a mess, as you made your way through the lair. You didn't know where you were going, you just needed to get away. Your face was burning and your heart was on fire. What was that! Pay back? You regretted ever having made that burn to him. If this was the price, you weren't sure if you wanted to pay more or if you wanted a complete refund. God he made your head hurt. It wasn't even the flirting or the attention, it was just the undertones of it all. Was he doing this just to get back at you or did this cheesy flirting actually mean something to him? You hated that he played with you like this. And how smug he was about it too.
"Y/N! Wait."
Oh god, please no.
"Y/N! Don't leave!" Leo portaled after you effectively misjudging the distance and opened his portal directly in front of you blocking your path. As he emerged through the portal he ran straight into you, toppling both of you to the ground. You landed in a similar situation as you were on the couch a few moments ago.
Leo looked at you surprised by the outcome of the portaling "skills". He smiled sheepishly, laughing a little. "haha sorry bout' that". You scowled unhappy to be in the same situation you just ran from.
"Leo! Get off!"
He retracted himself almost immediately. You stood up, brushing yourself off, you eyed him, waiting for whatever he was gonna rub in your face next.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry." He jumbled out of the way as he helped you to your feet, holding onto your hand as he did. His apology pricked your eyes. Was Leo seriously apologizing instead of ratting off some excuse to cover his ass? He was nervous? His face was downturned and his body language was not like his usual self at all. That wasn't even one of his pretend flamboyant face man apologies either. Was this a genuine Leo apology? "I'm sorry Y/N.... I wanted to-... I-.... I don't know what I wanted... I'm sorry about everything, really."
"It's ok. I get it. I embarrassed you, you wanted to get even." You told him. You didn't wanna accept his apology, but god did you need to leave. You looked down noticing that Leo was still holding onto your hand from when he helped you up. "Uh, Leo? You gonna let go?"
"Hm? Oh! Yeah." He hesitated before letting your hand drop to your side. He seemed off, was this another game?
You were skeptical of his unusual behavior. "Leo are you messing with me?" You ask, squinting at him.
"What? No! Y/N I-, I-." He huffed in frustration, he clearly had something he wanted to say but his pride just wouldn't allow it. He breathed out, collecting himself. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I did but honestly I would do it again in a heartbeat." At this he began avoiding your gaze. "I did want to get back at you at first that's why I started it, but..." He faltered, preparing himself for what he was about to say. "Listen I'm just gonna lay it all out on the table now Y/N."
You stared at him confused. He took your hand again, this time both of his. He looked deeply into your eyes, but not like before. He was pleading this time. Begging for you to hear him out. You silently nodded awaiting his words.
"I talk big game like a lot, you know this but... I'm honestly scared. When we became friends Y/N I was so excited I thought you were so cool and I wanted to do everything other than be myself so that you would think I was cool too. I didn't want to disappoint you with how I actually was. And when I uh.. started to.. um, develop... feelings for you that fear just multiplied."
Your eyes widened at his confession, you would have never guessed. All this time he was trying to be cool for you?
He continued, unable to look you in the eyes while he watched his hand rub circles into yours. "I accepted a long time ago that humans were not ever gonna like us, like me. But being with you is the best feeling and you give me hope for a relationship between mutants and humans. You get me, you laugh at my jokes, you like the same movies, and you always know exactly what to say to make me feel like I'm a hero." He was smiling a little now, reminiscing about the times you've had together. Your heart was melting at his words.
"I dont think a human would even wanna be with a mutant. Especially one as go-good looking as you." It was his turn to blush now. "Being able to flirt with you today as a "game" was everything I actually wish I could do." He looked up at you squeezing your hand affectionately as he said his next line, "it wasn't a game to me."
Your eyes softened for him, placing your free hand on top of his. Your next words were meant to be teasing but they came out more blunt than you intended. "I'm a human and I wanna go out with you."
There was a pregnant pause before you heard him speak again. His hands stopped and dropped to your shoulders making you gasp and look up at him. When you looked up he was towering over you. His face was unreadable. "Why?" was all he asked.
You chuckled a little at his question, feeling more confident because of his confession. "Cause I like you Leo. You are cool. You're my hero." His face was shining from the praise that fell from your lips. Never would he have thought you would have had this locked away from. He didn't even reply, instead wrapping his arms around you tight. He rubbed his face into your neck. And for a moment you two stayed like that. You could feel a smile forming on his face as he spoke.
"So I guess you were wrong uh?"
"wrong? about what?"
He pulled back from the hug so he could take a look at you. "I did charm you."
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Mikey :
"Y/N! You're here!!" Mikey cheered, his excitement was evident by the way he perked up on the couch and patted the spot next to him enthusiastically. "Come sit next to me!!"
You and Mikey loved movie night and it was always you two who cuddled up on the couch together to watch. This was your tradition and it was even weird not to have you glued together sharing popcorn and pizza.
Mikey seemed completely unfazed by the conversation that the rest were having and with your arrival it seemed the topic was pushed away. For now.
The screen produced by projectors glow was the only thing that lit up the room by the time you all had finished your fifth movie. Making it Mikey's turn to pick once again. Now was the time when Leo and Raph would have usually fallen asleep and Donnie would be death scrolling through his phone.
You and the box turtle were comfortably cuddled together under a blanket. You laid on his chest plastron while he laid on his back with his hand drawing mindless shapes onto your back. His usual high energy temperament was chilled when it came to this time and he was honestly very quiet during these times. Making a comment here or there and laughing at the funny moments. But tonight he was different. The shine in his eyes was less bright and he kinda just stared into the scenes.
Beauty and the Beast was what he picked. A classic Mikey pick. This was one of his favorite movies, he would sing the lyrics to the songs, sometimes get up and dance like he was Bell or even Beast. He loved this movie, but today he did none of that. He laid quietly, watching the movie, concentrated with a furrowed brow. Very unlike him, you noted.
You traced the colorful drawings he painted on his shell, thinking. Dragging your sleepy eyes from the scene of Bell and Beast dancing and looked up at him. His eyes were watering and his lip quivered from beneath his teeth. Looked like he was gonna explode with tears in any second.
"Mikey!" You whisper yelled, frantically raising yourself off of him in order to get closer to his cup his face. He was forced to look at you now. He seemed to not have expected you to be awake or even to notice him. Maybe he was trying to cry quietly?
"Y/N?!? I didn't know you were awake still." He said frantically wiping his tears away. You grabbed his face, pulling him close to you. "You've been acting weird all night and now you're crying??" You searched his eyes for anything while he avoided your gaze. His hands came around your wrist that was holding his face, ready to pull them down gently. The moment loaded with tension was broken when you both turned to look at the scene that suddenly caught both your attention. Bell and Beast were sitting on the balcony when Beast asked Bell if she was happy with him and when she said yes the tears hanging from Mikey's eyes fell freely onto your hands that still held his face. He tightened his grip around your wrists ever so slightly and turned to you again, looking you in the eyes as he said between chokes, "T--t-tHey'Re s-so bE-beAUtIfuL."
You smiled a little as his wholesome response, taking him into your arms and easing the both of you deeper into the couch cushions. You held him under your arm and grabbed his hand with your other. He instinctively pressed his cheek to your shoulder and you leaned your cheek on the top of his head. He cried more incoherent phrases until his sobs turned to sniffs. "Bell is so sweet and kind, she doesn't care he's a beast, it doesn't matter to her! And Beast, he just wants to be loved and accepted! And Bell gives that to him and and... and." His ranting fell off as he seemed to compose a new idea in his head. "I'm not sure any human would love a monster like that in real life. I'm not sure any human would want to be with... a mutant monster... like me."
You froze, ceasing your comforting motions and took in the gravity of his words. You never thought he cared what humans thought of him, he didn't even put in his two cents when his brothers talked about stuff like this. He even ignored the conversation entirely! How long has this been eating him up?
"Why do you think that?" You asked softly but curiously.
He seemed surprised that you would ask, you could feel him tense a little under your arm. He breathed in a deep breath and pushed out from your warm embrace. He placed his hands by your sides on the couch and looked at you close. "Humans are not as sweet as Bell is. And I know that a human, like you, would never want to be with me."
"I'm a human and I wanna be with you." You said it way more bluntly than you had meant to. Mikey's eyes widened, but he stayed just as close.
"You want to be with me? I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster! That's such a stupid thought." You were upset now. Who made him feel like he was a monster. You'd beat them up!
He smiled, tears rolling down his face once again. "Not many are as kind as you Y/N."
footnote : thank you so much for requesting! please keep them coming! this was really fun to write! I hope this is what you had in mind.
taglist : @leafyturtle
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artistic-intrxvert · 5 months
hey so how do you think the turtles rottmnt would deal with having a s/o and Casey slips up a “Mr/Mrs Hamato” to the s/o and it dawns on s/o right away what that means and if their turtle picks up on it and brings it up. S/o remains silent until then with yes or no answers when usually they’re way more talkative. S/o is like “Don’t you dare start. We’re on mission and we’re too young to be talking about this right now” Makes it sound like it’s an option when they’re both 30 or something, but they’re panicking by hearing this news right now, they’re making excuses not to talk about it, and they clearly need time to process it? 😂 (s/o does want to marry their turtle eventually, but this news freaked them out. Even the krang alien didn’t freak them out as much as knowing they get married to their boyfriend does).
Rise!Turtles when Casey Jr calls their s/o “Ms/Mr/Mx Hamato”
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Donnie would probably do a double take…then a triple take
Bros just standing there like🤨”tf?”
When he finally processes it, he corrects Casey
“Ah, but that is where you are wrong. (Name) isn’t my spouse. We’re just in a romantic relationship, but not legally married.”
Yeahhh he goes into the technical stuff about it
Casey explains it’s just habit since you and Donnie hang out a lot
Eventually Donnie doesn’t seem to care, sometimes he might use it to tease even
“Yes, I would agree that’s a good plan. And how about you, Ms/Mr/Mx Hamato? What say thee?”
Not quite as flustered but more in the confused side of things
Leo wouldn’t stop teasing him, Raph occasionally would tease
Mikey is just doing little happy stims in the corner because of how adorable he thinks it is
(Donnie likes it but will never on Galileo’s name admit it)
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Seems confused at first but wraps an arm around your shoulder before explaining
“Oh! No, we’re not married! Not yet, at least. (Name) is just my partner!”
Istg he’s so wholesome about this I can’t-
He’d use it but not in a teasing way (50/50 he will whisper it just to see your reaction)
The others seemed confused considering Mikey was the youngest of them all and there was no way they could even imagine him getting married at that age
Even they correct Casey, again explaining that you two were only dating
Mikey does get used to it but always gets excited to hear it, clinging onto you tightly and giggling
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Bro grins from ear to ear, nodding
“Ms/Mr/Mx Hamato~? Damn, I never thought you’d love me so much as to take my last name~?”
Yeah you bonked him over the head with your phone after that
(He whined…A LOT)
He’s constantly teasing you about it, like 24/7 constantly
There have been a few times where he’s accidentally said it without realizing and it has confused literally everyone in the room
Like he says it on accident and they’re all just “🧍”
He didn’t even notice! He just thought you guys were quiet!
Later in the day he does realize it and then face palms himself while his face heats up
Sometimes if the others tease him and he’s had too much of it he’ll bury his head into your neck </3
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My big man Raph
The dude
The guy
The silly
He just corrects Casey, doesn’t even feel flustered
Okay maybe a bit…
No he’s very flustered
He won’t admit the tho…(ids obvious he is)
Raph would correct him and probably wouldn’t tease you
If he would it would probably be after a long day of fighting and you both would be too exhausted to even think too much about it
“Jeez…You did good today…Ms/Mr/Mx Hamato…”
You looked at him confused bc like
Did your sweet innocent kind caring Angel of a boyfriend tease you?
If you’re too quiet afterwards he might think he said something wrong so don’t do that </3
He really doesn’t mind the whole thing but honestly he has thought about it being a real thing one day
Thank you so much for your request! Feel free to leave something else if you’d like! Have a wonderful day/night!! <33333
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You seem to draw Donnie covered in Spray paint (pink and blue) a lot. Why is that? What got him hooked to it and why doesnt he have to mix the colors himself?
(BIG fan of the angsty separated au!!!!)
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Draxum’s lab is pretty dull color wise, and Three wanted to differentiate his tech from Draxum’s. Huginn and Muninn are the ones who buy Three his spray paints! One of those small, nice things they try to do to make the kid a little bit happy. Purple is Three’s favorite color, but sometimes they’re limited in what they can bring him. (Also the pink and blue colors are a nod to Jinx—It’s kinda funny that her colors, pink and blue, when mixed, make purple)
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It would be maximum shock if they all met right when Leo and Donnie rejoined the family, before they kinda started their healing process, cause they’re probably the most different at that point.
Rise!Donnie would be appalled at AU!Donnie, from silly things like the way he accumulates layers of grime without a care—to the rude way he treats April. AU!Leo and Rise!Leo would keep a wide birth from each other and probably stick to a buddy system with their respective brothers just in the hopes that they don’t ever get left alone with the other (their bros of course conspire to do exactly that, so they can get to know each other)
Rise!Raph would probably be really worried about AU!Raph just cause he thought his brother’s make him stressed and tired? But between dealing with Leo’s anger issues, and Donnie’s…everything, AU!Raph looks ready to drop any second. AU!Mikey would love Rise!Mikey, cause he’s adorable, but he’s a little sad when he looks at him, cause he acts just like he used to, before he was thrown into the arena, so he tries to tone down the bad and make it sound more exciting so that Rise!Mikey doesn’t know how horrible AU!Mikey had it.
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The Kraang would def be the Rise Kraang version. The movie would take place a little while after the defeat the Shredder. I’m still working out the timeline cause when I was first deciding their ages, I forgot about the two years from the end of the series and the start of the movie 🙄. So I’m doing some reworking on that end. I think I’ll either change them to be a few years older at the start of the AU than I made them, OR the AU and the fight with Shredder will go for a longer stretch of time than it did in the series. That way there’s not a huge two year gap of unknown time between Shredder’s defeat to the start of the movie. EDIT Now that we know the series took place over two years and it was only a couple months between the finale and the movie. Their ages are gonna be the ones listed on their character charts!!
I’m still not even sure if I’ll manage to make it that far, but hopefully we will get there eventually! Cause I really wanna get to Casey. In fact, I’d probably make it less about Leo growing into a more serious role (cause obviously he’s already there), and more about him really accepting the love of his family. We might even see a future Leo come back with Casey?? It would be so hard not to go that route cause I love that idea so much 🤣
But I honestly don’t know yet what I’d really like to do. And I’d hate to give an answer that I’d have to redact later. I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I can’t even think about them, until I put out all the other stuff I’ve got planned. So let’s all cross our fingers and hope we get there some day lol!
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2012!Leo would go MOM MODE™️ EXTREME, 2012!Raph and Don would take off like a rocket with the intention of hunting down and murdering Draxum, Shredder and Big Mama, and Mikey would probably be caught between holding back tears and doing his best to tell jokes and ease the tension, or following after his brothers in their murder spree.
Basically as much as the 2012 boys would be thrown off at first over how different the AU boys are from the other versions of themselves they’ve met, they’d go HARD as the protective older bros. But the only one who’d probably actually appreciate it would be AU!Raph cause he never gets to be the little brother lol.
@smoldevelopingcookie @c00k13san2 @luvrbug @organisedchaosstuff @uniqueness351217
Separated AU tag
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glitter-alienz · 12 days
Question abt OV!Lita! You've drawn them w Donnie, but what does the rest of the family think of her? :0
here's a thing i drew couple of months back that's pretty much how leo is with lita VS how raph is with lita
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and here's an answer but its pretty long!! ⤵️
she's raised by the whole family (mostly splinter & leo) since donnie didnt really see lita as his child, bcuz she kinda isnt,, she's a failed attempt at cloning him. and he struggled to take care of her (bro can barely takes care of himself) so splinter did 70% of the work. and splinter loves lita a lot and spends a lot of time with her as a baby, he missed when his sons were small. and so they're close but lita can be mean to him sometimes (she's just a mean kid in general,, and splinter is very sensitive). April gets cute aggression when she sees lita and likes to buy her stuff. casey thinks lita is the funniest kid ever.
as for the turtles, Raph is lita's favourite person ever, because she encourages lita to be an evil little shit <3 she's the fun aunt that lets you do stuff youre not allowed to 👍🏾 and when chompy is adopted by raph and mona (years later) she babysits chompy. Leo is the closest to her and he is super protective over her. he baby proofs the entire lair the moment lita learns to crawl lol. and he is constantly arguing with donnie who is too relaxed with lita and lets her stay in his lab unsupervised. lita likes mikey,, he's her second favourite. But mikey wasn't always great with her. at first, the others wouldn't let him pick her up and he didn't mind that bcuz he was too scared to hurt her,, and she was super tiny. but then after lita is a bit older he turns into the world's greatest uncle. they plays and draw with her a lot. and he's super chill so lita likes him,, he never says no to her because she uses her big shiny bug eyes. see this post where he gives her a massive bow
anyways, this is too long srry,,, here's a thing i drew couple of months back that's pretty much how leo is with lita VS how raph is with lita
original ⤵️ (also thanks for the ask!!)
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ghostytoad · 7 months
🎃 ROTTMNT Halloween Headcanons 🎃
Haunted House (X Reader) Edition
Summary: Date night at a scare attraction with Reader!
Headcanons for: Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, April, Cassandra, & Casey Jr
CW: Fluff, romance ig?, can be read as platonic, gn! reader
Halloween Headcanons - Haunted House Edition Pt. 1
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isn't too thrilled about the idea, would rather stay home with y/n and watch scary movies
but how can he say no to those cute lil' eyes?
has to hype himself up while waiting in line to be brave for y/n
"you can do this, raph. you're big. you're strong. you're definitely not afraid of a dumb ol' haunted house."
he will cling onto them the entire time and hide his face in their back
his arms will not leave their waist; it's his only lifeline rn
is v careful not to squeeze too hard tho
makes it farther than he usually does with his bros
does it all for y/n; he's gotta be there to protect them after all
has never made it all the way to the end tho
it usually ends with him running out of the house screaming like a little schoolgirl
carries y/n bridal style while he's running
refuses to stop until they've made it all the way back to the lair
promises to make it up to them every time tho
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honestly? why even bother?
he can show you scarier things out on the streets of new york than you'd ever see at a cliche scare attraction
begrudingly goes anyways; pretends its against his will but any time spent with y/n makes him v happy
not that he'd ever admit it
spends most of the time pointing out where and when most scares will occur
it really ruins the surprise for y/n but he genuinely doesn't notice he does it
"cue yet another garish hockey slasher approaching from the left corridor in 3... 2... 1...."
will occasionally tease y/n for getting scared but never pushes them past their limit
if y/n decides to tap out early, he'll understand
doesn't stop him from reaching the end tho
decides to video chat with y/n the entire time tho to show them "what they're missing out on /s"
adds a few unenthusiastic aaaah's while he's still inside to cheer y/n up for tapping out early
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oho he is going to milk this opportunity to be your knight in shining armor
cocky and smug the entire time
promises y/n that they have nothing to fear as long as lightning leon is around!
will absolutely melt if y/n clings onto him
might even carry them koala bear style if they're too scared to move
"no te asustes, mi amor! let these big, strong arms protect you from the scary monsters!"
will probably jump out to scare y/n a few times
knows when to stop tho; he's not heartless!
finds it cute how scared they get and will let them know again and again how adorable they are
if y/n decides to tap out early, he does get a bit pouty but will leave with them
makes up for all his teasing with a big share of his candy haul
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won't say no to a date night with y/n!!
he'd jump into an active volcano if it meant getting to spend time with them!!
he doesn't mind if it's a bit scary for him.....
does his best to reassure y/n that they shouldn't be too scared! mikey's got their back!
is incredibly good at putting a brave face on the entire time
will cling to y/n as much as he can
might get a bit spooked every now and then, but as long as y/n's with him, he can power through anything
checks in often to make sure y/n is okay
"a-are you good to keep going? n-not that i'm scared, i just want you to feel safe!"
will immediately tap out if y/n starts getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable
if y/n makes it through to the end, he will absolutely brag to everyone about how brave and cool they are
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she knows all the best spots and is psyched to take y/n to all of them!
will make a whole date week of it
v encouraging and supportive of y/n the whole time if they show any fear
"as long as we stick together, we've got this thing in the bag! we're the power couple to end all power couples!"
doesn't mind y/n clinging onto her and uses her hoodie as a face cover if they get a bit too scared
if she does get scared (rare), she will instictively reach out for y/n's hand
would never tease y/n for getting scared, but will giggle at how undeniably cute their screams are
lots of "scared face" selfies!!
tries to encourage y/n to keep going if they start slowing down but will not hesitate to tap out if needed
takes y/n to meet all the scare actors after closing to help them get over their fears a bit
likes to end the night with a horror movie marathon and a sweets binge
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doesn't understand it.... but if it makes y/n happy then she must oblige
might need to be talked through the concept a few times while waiting in line
is a bit surprised and caught off guard if y/n decides to cling onto her
she won't reject it, she's just unsure how to reciprocate
she's definitely beat up a few scare actors that've gotten a little too close to y/n for comfort
"the masked one dares to threaten my y/n?! you will suffer unending retribution for your insolence!!"
will get incredibly angry if someone scares y/n too badly and demand an apology (and all of their candy)
keeps a close eye on y/n the entire time
if y/n decides to tap out early, she will swoop them up and carry them straight to the door
refuses to let them walk afterwards until they're absolutely 100% certain they're okay and not dying or anything
will consider it an incredible triumph if y/n makes it all the way to the end and will not let them forget just how amazing they are
Casey Jr:
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he's a bit wary at first, but he'd do anything to make y/n happy
is nervous and a bit worried for y/n
what if y/n gets hurt? what if they end up getting traumatized from all the scares? would they make fun of him for being afraid? would they see him as weak?
stays on guard the whole time; firmly plants himself between y/n and anything that might scare them
will become a flustering mess if y/n decides to hold onto him for comfort tho
insanely protective and ready to defend; had broken a few props bc of this tho
checks in even more than mikey; is just incredibly worried for y/n
"are you alright, y/n? do we need to leave? just let me know when you need anything. i'm right here for you."
if y/n decides to tap out, casey won't hesitate to pick them up bridal style and rush through the nearest exit
growing up in the apocalypse, casey is v quick to make an escape so getting out won't be a problem for him
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yellowhollyhock · 17 days
Rise Future Leo is so important to me
I just. It's just.
Like on the first watch through it sticks out a lot how much he's changed. But the thing is the thing is
"Hope is a ninja's greatest weapon" and then young Leo being like "ooh new catchphrase" like I know it's a time travel joke but listen. He lost everything. His entire family, his entire city, literally even parts of his body, and ultimately his entire timeline. Do you know how much grief can change a person fundamentally? Do you realize how hard it is to hang onto the little things that used to make you happy? Sometimes you just have to find new little things, and let go of who you used to be. Sometimes that's better.
But the fact that after every one of these losses, for all the things he let go of, Leo held onto his one-liners and catchphrases--I can't I can't he's so. Like the strength that takes? The deliberate choice that had to be? And the way he's using it more maturely to lift others up instead of to mask his insecurities, but also the way it's both and has always been both. GAH
And it's just it's just like. It really emphasizes the strengths that Leo had in the show all along, because. At first when I first watched the movie, I felt like they kinda nerfed his character? Why is he acting all irresponsible, sure he presents that way but rise Leo usually is actually pretty careful and aware of himself. Like especially his family's safety. But then it makes so much sense because he's just been given all this responsibility and he's trying to figure out how to deal with that.
And it's the moments. It's. When he says something or looks at someone and infuses that hope into them, like he's literally handing them a weapon. It happens in the show too (Donnie in the basketball episode comes to mind, and of course the classic "where are my brothers"), but the movie really builds to focus on those moments. And that's so very at the core of what makes a character Leonardo. It's that reservoir of inner strength that he learns how to share.
That ability to hang onto hope when it doesn't make any sense, and then persuade others to feel it. 87's corniness and charging into all kinds of dangerous situations, 03's sappy speeches and dangerous level of trust in everyone ever, the way 12 grows from pushing and demanding to encouraging and believing. Even 07 Leo, the Worst from what we saw of him--it's the changes in Donnie and Mikey when they see him again that make me believe that guy is in there. He's been the one putting hope in their hands when they couldn't find it anywhere else and that's why they felt so betrayed and abandoned. Splinter literally says to Donnie "if you cannot learn to recognize [where your brothers are weak and how to be strong for them], all hope is lost for our family." Honestly I think Raph is the only one, including April and Casey, who actually did keep that weapon in his hand after Leo left. He's the one who still believes he can save the city, ya know? And maybe also never really gave up on Leo coming back, which is why he also couldn't let go of the anger that it took so long.
It's like this okay: hope is a sword, love is a shield. It's Leo and Raph. Hope and Love bro ❤️🩵
And the Rise turtles brought this into focus because of how they flipped around some of their superficial traits.
I don't know you guys the fact that 'you are not alone' became Raph's big moment and 'hope is a ninja's greatest weapon' became Leo's just makes me insane a little bit. I don't think my brain was designed for this many emotions.
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eveandtheturtles · 11 months
Bayverse turtles (seperate) with a mutant reader who hibernates in the winter?
The first time it happens he is startled.
Like yeah, you mentioned that but he couldn't help but panic a little when you just wouldn't wake up.
It takes Donnie's expert opinion to calm him down.
"Don't scare me like that!" Is like probably first thing you hear when you wake up. Will not let go for a long time.
He reads to you while you sleep.
Has a warm cup of tea ready for you when you wake up.
Next time you plan VERY THOROUGHLY your hibernation and he has a dedicated spot in his room for you.
Both the knight and a dragon guarding you in your sleep. He will exact utmost revenge upon his brothers if any of them tries to wake you up.
Has to chase Donnie out of his room. He doesn't care that his bro wants to observe you for "scientific reasons". NO DISTURBANCES.
Gets Donnie to plan your meals before next Big Sleep so you have all the nutritions you need.
Freaks out a bit like Leo when it happens. Mostly bc you probably did tell him about it but his ADHD brain forgot.
Whips you out THE BEST pillow fort for next time.
Hangs out around you all the time BC he misses you so damn much. When will you wake uuup he has so much stuff to tell you and show you!
Draws you when you sleep.
Makes you a feast both before you sleep and when you wake up. All your favourite food
Raph needs to sit his hyperactive ass down or he'd wake you up. Donnie needs to explain it is bad to mess your cycle like that.
After that he is super worried and hides his percussion in case that makes noise.
He still tells you everything at the end of the day.
He hides in the fort with you when he feels super low and needs to remember you are still there for him.
Wrote you a song when you slept.
Cuddles you so much when you are awake.
You will have the coziest nest to hibernate. He knits you blankets, pillows, socks, sweaters, scarves and anything you want.
He will sit by you and stroke your head waiting for you to wake up.
Doesn't talk much. He isn't a talker
"Took you long enough" he grumbles when you wake up and kinda just sags on you.
He missed your voice and your eyes looking at him.
Better return the favour of skritches. He missed the way you'd scratch his neck and head.
Then order your favourite take out, maybe cook something himself.
Carries you into the main part of lair "LOOK WHO IS UP!"
Will not leave your side after you wake up.
Like Leo he is bodyguarding you.
One time Mikey sneaked past him and you had some stuff drawn on your face.
Raph was pissed and Mikey had to hide from him for at least a week, cause it was on sight.
Raphie proceeded to clean your face as carefully as he could. No one disrespects you. Not even his brothers.
He makes sure you'd build your muscles/body mass quickly after waking up.
You write him a statement allowing him to monitor you when you sleep.
He is super excited to know how your type of mutant works.
He preplans EVERYTHING.
It is a bit annoying when your boyfriend doubles also as a doctor bc he monitors everything to have clear data.
After the first time you kind of revoke his permissions bc while you love him it was very tiring.
He calms down after that.
Like Mikey he has a pillow fort of sorts for you in his lab so he can spend as much time around you while you sleep as he can.
The pillow fort is covered with materials that cannot get set on fire. He made sure of it.
Oh and a forcefield just in case.
There's a big mug of coffee waiting for you when you wake up.
Still threatens everyone in the lair to cut off their WiFi if they dare to wake you up.
Gets Mikey to cook you a good, healthy meal but also throws in some of your favourite things in there as well.
When you sleep you are kind of like rubber duck for him to read his codes to find faults in them.
@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @m1dnyt3-w0lf @leosgirl82 @madammuffins @sharpwindow @tinkabelle19 @scholastic-dragon @dilucsflame33
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turtlefanboy · 2 years
2012 turtles (or just your favourite one) with a boyfriend who’s a bit of a softie? like soft spoken, big on handholding, cant take 1 on 1 training with his turtle bf seriously and just ends up a blushy giggling mess
A/N: I would LOVE to do this for you!! Sorry I haven’t posted recent and that this took SOOOOO long to come out just kid has been busy…
2012 turtle bro's with Soft male S/o
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Leo ADORES you
I'm not joking
he ADORES you
boy loves your soft personality
and will gladly hold your hand whenever you want to
he loves your soft spoken voice
he thinks it's adorable how easily he can make you flustered
he loves your adorable flustered giggles
he's just hopelessly in love with you
when training with you he wished you take it a little bit more seriously but
he just can't stay mad about it cause of how cute you are when your all flustered and giggly when you train with him cause of how cool (and hot) he looks when training with you
plus he enjoys the pride he gets from knowing he's the only one who can get you into that flustered giggly state
also you can get him in a blushing giggly state too
and it's very cute
basically Leo adores you and loves you with all his heart
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Raph really loves you
he finds everything you do really cute
especially your soft spoken voice
while a little hesitant on hand holding
he will hold your hand just cause it makes you happy
your one of the only people who really gets to see his soft side
except for chompy
but chompy is aborable
we love chompy
and he trust you to take care of chompy
sorry getting side tracked-
Raph doesn't mind that you don't take training seriously
he just loves to see you all giggly and flustered over him
it inflates his ego just a bit more
especially about the fact that he's the only one that can get you in that state
all in all you inflate his ego and he just really loves you.
he likes your softeness it makes a good combination with his roughness.
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Donnie just can't handle your soft and sweet personality
and I don't mean like he's annoyed by it
I mean he just finds you really adorable that he just can't help but swoon over you every chance he gets
like Raph a little hesitant on hand hand holding but he will just to make you happy
he loves your soft spoken voice
like Leo he would like you to take training a little bit more seriously
but unlike Leo he's a blushing and giggling mess too
you cannot tell me he wouldn't be while training with you
shy boy just loves you
he still won't let you touch his projects
don't touch his babies
but he loves you and your softness and doesn't want to let you go
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this boy
this adorable turtle boy
fucking LOVES you
everything about you
unlike his brothers he is VERY big on hand holding
and will hold your hand whenever you want
expect a lot of cuddles from him too
he loves your soft spoken voice compare too his loud and outgoing voice
he loves how gentle you are
and he really does not care that you don't take training seriously.
cause lets be honest he doesn't either.
both of you are giggling blushing messes with each other while training
he lets you read his comics, and takes you to go skate boarding with him.
mans just a puppy in love with you basically.
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Can I request the rise bois having a crush on a human y/n but they think y/n would never like a mutant so they use a cloaking brooch to try and ask y/n on q date, but y/n quickly recognizes them even with the brooch 👉👈
彡★Rise!Bros X Reader Headcannons★彡
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Pronouns: Gender Neutral (they/them)
Relationships: Dating
Timeline: Post-Movie
Warnings ⚠️: None
• It wasn’t that Leo thought you didn’t like him as he was. He was just trying to relate to you since you had so many human friends.
• When you two were hanging out, you’d often get a message on your phone from one of your friends asking if you can hang out. More often than not, you would leave the lair to meet them, leaving Leo to think about solutions to make you more comfortable.
• Okay, maybe he was a little insecure about being a mutant rather than a human.
• When you saw him in the cloaking brooch, your first reaction was to laugh out loud.
• “Aw, Lee…!” You said in between laughs. “You look so weird.”
• Leo felt a pang of annoyance as he jumped through hoops to get a cloaking brooch and may have the Hidden City police after him.
• “C’mon, don’t this rugged good looks translate well in my human form?”
• You giggled as you neared him and gently took the brooch off of his chest, Leo turning back to the lovable turtle he was.
• “I like you just the way you are, babe. Green skin, bald head and all.”
• Leo scoffed but hugged you tightly, lifting you off your feet and twirling around.
• We all know that the red clad turtle is big. Like, really big. And spiky.
• You’d cut yourself on his spikes before and he always profusely apologized even though you were never mad at him.
• So one day, he thought to try out a cloaking brooch to see if he could reduce his spikes and size.
• It definitely reduced his spikes, but not his size.
• When you saw him, you loved it before he told you why he’d done it.
• “Raph, you don’t have to do that.”
• “But I keep hurting you and—”
• You grabbed his face and pulled him down to your own visage, taking the cloaking brooch off.
• “I love every part of you. Spikes and all.”
• When Mikey put on the cloaking brooch, you loved the way his human form looked. Like, you’d obsessively ask him if he could put it on.
• After a while, Mikey grew to assume that you only liked him with the brooch on.
• He started to wear it more and more before you would even ask him.
• Eventually, you grew suspicious. It seemed like he would rush to get the brooch whenever you’d come into the lair.
• “Mike, you know you don’t have to wear the brooch every time I’m here, right?”
• Mikey was slightly embarrassed. “I know…! I just thought you liked it more than… my other form.”
• “No, Mikey,” you took the brooch off of his chest, turning him back into a mutant, “I love your human form. But I love your mutant form even more.”
• Donnie was always insecure about your relationship. When he’d first met you, he had a cloaking brooch on, so he appeared human.
• It was only after the first date he revealed that he was a mutant.
• You didn’t care about his appearance and he was still hot anyways, but he would often put the brooch on when you two would hang out.
• One day, you thought it was a good idea to remind him again. When you arrived in his lab, he was working on another great invention. When he saw you, he quickly reached for the brooch, but you approached even faster.
• You placed a hand on the brooch and gazed up at him. “Y’know you don’t need to wear that, right?”
• He somewhat avoided your stare. “I know. I just…”
• “Donnie,” your hand went up from his hand to his bicep and you gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’ve told you already that I love you just as much as I love your human form.”
• “I know, but… you’re human. You’re used to humans. So why not look like one to make you more comfortable?”
• You sighed as you cupped his cheek. “You already make me feel comfortable, Dee.”
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angelmichelangelo · 8 months
Ooh, are you taking requests? I'd love to see a little 2012 Raph whump, maybe a little something where Mikey gets to be badass and protect/care for his big bro?
i love badass mikey :3 adding in the medic!mikey hc too because it makes me run around in a circle
Mikey soars through the air with the force of a bullet, kusarigama chains go taunt as he whips it forwards and then back towards him all with one movement, a flurry of Foot bowling over in its wake, a series of groans and cries echoing out over the stretch of rooftops.
Raph is slumped over, pressed up against the lip of the roof, practically folded in half, Mikey wastes no time in getting to him, he springs upwards, feet landing on slender shoulders, he kicks off, chucks swing backwards and connect hard with a human jaw with a sickening crack.
“Raph!” He barks, his brother groggily acknowledging his presence as he lifts his head up slowly. “Raph! Hold on!”
He’s skidding to a halt beside him. His heart kicks wildly in his chest when he notices the smear of crimson across his brothers palm that’s pressed into his side.
“Just a knick,” Raph says with a heavy breath. His eyes are rolling around in his skull like googly eyes, his mouth is drawn together in a thin, straight line. “M’fine.”
Mikey pulls his hand away and quickly replaces it with his own. Behind him he can hear the sound of Leo’s katanas cut through the air, Donnie’s bō staff colliding with bone, and a howl of pain ripples through the night air.
“Shut up,” he tells his brother plainly. “How deep?”
Raph doesn’t respond straight away, his head rocks back and forth on his shoulders with each laboured breath. Mikey clicks his tongue at him.
“Raph,” he presses, pushing his palm a little tighter towards the wound, making his brother hiss with pain, head snapping up like a rubber band. “How deep?”
Raph hums, annoyed. “Not deep enough that it stuck,” he tells him. That’s good. There’s a chance it missed anything vital.
“Kay,” Mikey muses. He drops his chucks by his feet, letting them roll a little ways away from him. He uses his free hand to rummage around the belt pack that holds all his emergency first aid things.
“S’gonna sting,” Mikey warns him before he’s pulling out a small bottle of antiseptic. “Don’t be a baby.”
Raph goes to say something, probably a well aimed curse word but whatever it is, it dies down in the back of his throat where a cut off sob replaces it, his whole body doing a quick little jerk of pain before he’s quickly stilling himself.
Mikey’s eyes meet his. He can’t help but smirk.
“I said don’t be a baby.”
This time Raph gets his chance to cuss him out.
“Fuck off.”
Mikey reaches in for a bandage. He’ll have to wrap it, only for the time being until they get off this rooftop and head home but this is all he can do for him for now.
“You’re a terrible patient, Raph.” Mikey says around a grin.
Raph huffs. He’s squirming still, probably the lingering effects of the antiseptic itching at his broken skin.
“Yeah,” he says through gritted teeth. “Well you’re a—”
Whatever Raph says, Mikey doesn’t hear it. Probably for the better too, given it was most likely a heated insult, but Mikey would take brotherly bickering any day over the sudden explosion of pain that comes down on top of his head.
“Mike!” He hears Raph call out, a shuffle of his sluggish body kicks Mikey into gear. Raph can’t move. He can handle this fine.
He blindly reaches for his discarded nunchucks. Praises Kami when his fingers find familiar wood groves. He yanks them up and spins on his shell.
Raph is trying to get up, clutching uselessly at his side as he stumbles to his feet, Mikey sends him back down with a meaningful jab of his elbow.
“Raph! Stay down!” He spins again, kicking his legs oht like a bronco horse, he feels connection with a torso, a crunch of broken ribs beneath his heel. With the wind kicked out of the Foot solider, he quickly leaps to his feet and moves.
There’s definitely a concussion swimming around in the back of his skull. His vision blurs for only a second, the whole earth seems to dance beneath him, unsteadying him just briefly, but Mikey keeps low to the ground and darts to the side.
He does a cartwheel despite the way it makes his brain bounce about in his head, hands moving outwards he grabs a hold of stiff shoulders and jerks them sideways, sending the solider spilling to the ground with a thud.
Mikey also goes sprawling across the floor but not before he’s scrambling upwards to get to Raphael.
“You idiot,” he huffs, shaking his head. It sends white spots bursting about the edges of his vision. “Stay still. I gotta re wrap this now.”
Raph’s eyes are blown wide. Mikey can just about hear the sound of the fight dulling down behind him.
“Me?!” Raph explodes. “You nearly got your brains bashed in— Leo! Don!”
Mikey scoffs as he gets to work on the bandage wrapping. His brother jerks around too much for it to be as tight as he wants but now that the fight was done, they could head home and he could make good of it there.
Leo and Donnie appear at his side, breathless and crowded with worry, Raph is quick to redirect their anxiety.
“Mike got his head conked,” Raph rats him out. His breaths are wheezy and shallow but Mikey puts it down to sheer excitement and adrenaline. “Like really conked.”
Leo looks like he’s ready to scold him, perhaps scold them both for getting themselves into such trouble, but Don hooks a hand under his arm and gives him a gentle, knowing tug.
“We should go,” he tells him. “It’s gonna be daylight in about an hour and we all know Raph is about as heavy as a horse when he’s hurt.”
Raph doesn’t take kindly to such an insult, but has to be carried home anyway, where Mikey tends to his wound and clears him of anything serious. He even slaps on a My Little Pony bandaid that’s totally useless to his injuries but gives him a good laugh anyway.
And then when Leo assesses his probable concussion with a flashlight shot into his eyes and gentle hands feeling around for any fractures creeping up around his skull, he wraps him up in a hug and tells him he’s proud.
“You did good today. Thank you.”
Mikey shrugs. “Raph was right. It was just a knick. Nothing too deep or serious.”
Leo just holds him tighter. “Doesn’t matter,” he says, breathing into the space where his neck meets his shoulder. “Thank you. For doing what you do so well.”
It had taken a long time for Mikey to stomach such a high amount of praise, practically solar opposiyes from his eldest brother, who soaked up words of affirmation like a damn sponge, Mike was finally able to find himself welcoming whatever confidence his brothers voiced about him.
He squeezes Leo back, even if it does knock the wind out of him a little, he lingers between his brother's arms a little longer. He knows he has a job to do. And he knows now that he does it well.
He smiles.
“No problem, bro.”
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nardos-primetime · 1 month
Au (me n my brother aka my Raph talked about yesterday) where the boys (and maybe splinter n casey n april) end up timeline hopping on accident (around movie ages directly) and get trapped in another universe and end up helping Splinter escape but splinter fucking dies and his last wish is for these weird turtle yokai to take care of the babies and Donnie is like "NO. NONONONONO WE'VE ALREADY FUCKED UP THIS TIMELINE WE ARE NOT-"
The babies get like little fruit names, Rasp (Berry), Grape, Orange (Peel), Blue (Berry) because splinter is too lazy to come up with actual names and it'd be confusing. Casey jr gets to be like a big bro and the Cass from that universe is oddly chill having a mostly grown up son out of nowhere.
Raph is a little too protective of Rasp, making Rasp a bit more rebellious, Mikey is a good uncle but sometimes he does give in to little orange, Donnie acts disgusted by Grape at first bit as soon as Grape is like "cool I don't need you either" Donnie panics and starts trying to be the cool uncle to him, Leo looks at Blueberry and cringes because he doesn't want him to grow up feeling like Leo does.
Thing is Donnie is right and things start happening out of order, the main thing being a shredder suddenly popping up out of nowhere while Leo's out with the kids. So they desperately jump to another timeline to hide. Uh oh! Sudden krang invasion WAY TOO EARLY. They keep hopping timelines and basically infecting and fucking them up with errors until they absolutely cannot stop running all because they want to give the kids way more normal lives.
Au is half serious half SO UNSERIOUS bc they're committing crimes of the multiverse and end up in some really weird situations like a silverfish outbreak in some.
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niphredil-14 · 3 months
if request are still are open here’s a fun idea you could try- like the Rottmnt bros with a younger sister reader with unknown origins but she’s MAGICAL. Think like the characters from magical girl shows
this request should tell you that am a huge magical girl fan😅
sorry this took so long to get to, life's been hectic, also sorry if this kinda sucks, i'm running on no sleep, and have only ever watced two magical girl shows, neither of which I finished.
I feel that it's important to point out the fact that they all use mystic powers, they are all magical. So I don't really feel like they would view you any differently based on you being magical. But for the sake of writing this, I am going to assume that the Magical Sister is like a typical magical girl from an anime (im gonna use inspo from Tokyo Mew Mew where the girls have animal powers, since I feel like it would tie in well with the whole mutant turtle thing.) (also gods that takes me back to my early anime phase yikes) This means I am imagining someone who does flashy magical wardrobe changes and is 60% aesthetic, 20% girl power, 10% love, and 10% cringy tweenage girl emotions.
Leo is the ultimate hype man, super supportive.
I feel like he might be slightly jealous of your transformations though. He's the face man, and feels that he should get to be the flashiest.
Would def be like your partner in crime.
the definition of "protective older brother"
he doesn't care how strong/powerful/capable you are, he's gonna worry.
Frankly he doesnt even want you going on patrol. You're his baby sister, and the only reason he let it slide is because you and Mikey teamed up on him.
If you have a boring love interest, like most magical girls do, he will be repeatedly giving the shovel talk. Does NOT like your LI, though he'd be glad that they were some boring normal person and not anyone dangerous to you.
If they are someone dangerous, he will forbid it, like the absolute asshole of an overprotective brother that he is
Don would be mostly indifferent.
Might wanna study whatever item turned you into a magical girl (if one did)
Prob isn't as big of a fan of all the magic,
But he is ALL for the showmanship. He will help with the theatrics, and making sure that you're safe, but that's it.
if im being honest
mikey is also a magical girl
there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
Magica girl team-ups ^u^
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
OAKY QUICK QUESTION,,, we've seen leo if his brothers DID run away, what about the brothers themselves?
gghhhh quick overview. mightve said something thats different from this but idk i dont remember.
he's ecstatic at first, high on freedom. he often fluctuates between excitement and happiness and quiet guilt over leaving Leo, but tbh as like, a 10 year old or something, he can only hold so many emotions at once. In his little child brain, Leo was a mean asshole brother, and it might suck that they had to leave him with Splinter, but Leo would have for sure sold them out sooo not much to be done about it.
Mikey gets to stretch his legs, and plays less of a Family Therapist role than he otherwise would (at least until they reunite with Leo) and really gets involved with the artistic communities of the hidden city.
Raph feels more consistently bad about abandoning Leo. he knows how bad Splinter is, even if he doesn't fully understand or accept it. he tries to make up for it by taking extra care of Mikey and Donnie, which is even more exhausting now that they have to scavenge for food and shelter full time. He's also the main source of income, probably holding down a few less than legal jobs (hes like 13 years old at this point) in order to support his bros. At least for a while, until Donnie starts bargaining for more money for his inventions with Big Mama.
Donnie very quickly led his brothers to the hidden city. For the first few weeks/months, he feels like a drain on his brothers. he's terrified of being seen as too useless to keep around. he hates the idea of his brothers wanting to get rid of him but not being able to, so he tries his best to be helpful. He eventually ends up being their main source of income, making tons of money off his tech and supporting his bros in whatever they wanna do. This leaves Raph kind of floating for a minute, since providing and caring for his bros has basically been his entire purpose up to this point.
this means that Raph actually starts having his own stuff going on way earlier in the timeline. he develops hobbies, makes yokai friends, and generally realizes he's a human being and not just a Protector way earlier.
unfortunately, due to them living in the hidden city full time, Raph meets up with Casey way less sooo :P
I could and probably SHOULD say more, really flesh it out, but i dont want to. so.
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melancholysway · 1 year
Okay okay I know your ask is closed but this idea has been eating away at my for a week now
Alright so imagine the reader is a feline mutant, could be a house cat or a big cat mutant whatever you imagine, and they’re cuddling with their turtle and they start kneading, making bread, their paws into said turtle while they sleep. How would the boys react to that? Cause it just seems so cute, especially if the reader gets embarrassed by it.
preferably 2007 or Rise, cause I’ve also seen you mention your desire for 07 requests
I’ve read a bunch of your posts and I’m sure you can do my request wonderfully, now you make sure you take care of yourself and if this is too much for you right now I can wait ❤️💖
If your request hasn’t been fulfilled yet, IM SORRY BRO IM TRYING FR FR😭I think I jumped at this bc it’s just a short shot & I literally have to mentally prepare myself to write a long shot
Also me using the same 4 gifs of the guys bc there’s barely any TMNT 2007 gifs 😫😫
TMNT 2007 Headcanons: Baking Biscuits (Cat Mutant!Reader)
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This turtle loves every second of it
Tries to catch you all the time kneading, he’s infatuated with how normal cat habits fall onto you
How turtles have things like chitters(?) & mating season, he likes to see you have cat qualities
You knead the ends of his mask a lot
Cats sleep a lot, so I think you’d fall in between sleeping for a full 8 hours all the time no matter what
And once you wake up, Leo’s gone(in the event you stay the night or share a bed,) but he always leaves an extra blue mask for you to knead while he’s training or meditating
Like how turtles enjoy their shell to be scratched, you’ll definitely both have a set time where you just love on each other like that, where you just cuddle and scratch while he rubs your back
That’s so cute omfg wait I might’ve just did sum
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Won’t ever tell you, but he feels it while sleeping
So much so that he’ll have a dream of you kneading on or around him
We all know he’s a cat lover
Guys that love cats >>>
But anyway, he’s already fond over you and protective
Also I hc that he feeds the stray cats around the city & the best part is watching them make biscuits in an alley
So to see you do it is the cutest
Raph is a known heavy sleeper, so he doesn’t awaken that easily
HOWEVER (comma)
He would not mind it at all if he woke up to you trying to knead on his shell before he rolled over
Also if he does wake up, he’ll lay on his stomach for easy access to his shell for you
Also doesn’t tell you if he’s awake, he’ll wait a few just to hear you purr while baking those biscuits
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Donnie doesn’t sleep
However (comma) he wouldn’t mind it if you kneaded next to him while he was working on something
My cat usually kneads right next to me and buries their head on some part of my body, so if you do so, Donnie seriously doesn’t mind
In fact, he loves it! Just feeling you next to him is all he needs
Actually, since Donnie doesn’t sleep, I feel like he would take a cat nap (no pun intended) via bread kneading
He thinks of it as a nice massage. Although kneading is usually on a blanket or something, Donnie’s shoulders are free real estate for kneading
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He notices right away
He’s not a heavy sleeper idc RAPH is 😭NOT Mikey
He immediately does the lil head pat
Also likes to joke around about it
“Guys please stop ordering biscuits Y/n’s been baking for hours please they haven’t seen their family in weeks”
That line. All. The. Time.
Is definitely the most physical out of the four brothers
Meaning he’ll absentmindedly pet you or rub your back knowing you enjoy it as if you’re a non-mutant cat
If you get a little embarrassed (especially if done around his brothers or April/Casey,) Mikey would just switch and do it in private
But tbh he just wants to show off his cute s/o to everyone
Gifts you a (very fluffy) orange blanket of his exclusively for kneading and baking those nice loaves of bread
Since being a mutant feline, your nails will naturally be sharper than average, so he always (attempts to at least) stitch the blanket back up for you?
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside
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whattraintracks · 1 month
28. Broken Vase - TMNT 2012
Little Raph goes out with a crash.
Mikey looks up from his comic at the sound of a crash. Little Raph runs into his bedroom a moment later, and Mikey's just thrilled the tiny troublemaker came to him first. He beckons Raph to his lap, where the kid tucks inside his shell. With a blanket and some adjustment, the lump looks just like a pillow. Mikey snickers, practicing his innocent face for whoever inevitably comes looking for their mini maestro of mischief.
Seriously, five-year-old Raph is the prince of pranks. The same sweet face and small form that nobody suspects make him the perfect accomplice. Mikey had no idea Raph was so devious. He actually has to reign in some of the kid's ideas. Even then, they've gone through more water balloons, silly string, and air horns in the last couple of weeks than Mikey does in a few months. The guys are still setting off bang snaps around the lair.
Pranks or no pranks, Mikey loves getting to spend so much time with Raph. He and Donnie were thick as thieves when they were all little, and these days Leo's his best friend whenever they're not fighting, so it makes Mikey pretty happy that, right now, he's kid Raph's go-to brother. The others will joke about Mikey being easy to get along with because he's the most childlike, yadda yadda yadda. But you know what! Maybe that's not such a bad thing. What's wrong with dressing up, and playing pretend, and arts and crafts and coloring? Is it just 'cause they're a little older now? Mikey couldn't care less. It makes him happy, it makes Raph happy, and that's all that matters.
He gives Raph's shell a little rat-a-tat-tat and settles back to read. He doesn’t get very deep into his stack when he realises two things. First, no one's come calling for Raph. Second, his lapful of turtle is shaking pretty hard, and it's not with giggles.
He lifts a corner of the blanket. "You good, little man?" 
The only answer is a hiccupy sob.
"Aw, buddy,” he winces.
Sometimes Raph's deviousness comes back to bite him. One of their early pranks caught Leo on a bad day. Leo got really startled and almost started embarrassed-crying, and then Raph was devastated and started actual-crying, and it just went downhill from there. So Mikey's been trying to keep their antics harmless and random.
"No one's come looking for you. They can't be too mad," he assures.
Raph just keeps crying. Mikey’s debating if he should ride it out when he has a brief flash of panic. Mentally shaking himself for not checking sooner, he asks, "Are you hurt?"
More sniffles.
"Hamato Raphael," he says in his best impression of Leo's leader voice, "Are you hurt?"
Finally, a thin, watery voice replies, "No." 
"Okay,” he heaves a sigh of relief. “Okay, that's good, little dude." That took years off his life. No wonder Leo acts so old; Master Splinter must feel ancient.
He slumps against the headboard, tugging Raph a little closer. "No worries, you can chill with big bro Mikey until you feel better. I won't let anyone bother you."
Since Raph usually settles down with snuggles, Mikey returns to his comics, mostly at ease. Sure enough, the quaking and sad noises stop by the time he finishes his last one. Oh, hey, it's probably close to nap time.
"What should we make for your pre-nap snack, kiddo?" he asks cheerfully.
No response.
He repeats Raph's name a few times. Poking him gets nothing, too, so Mikey assumes the micro turtle fell asleep. Oh well, there’s no point in waking him now that he’s out. Someone'll feed him when he wakes up hangry.
With nothing to do and pretty hungry himself, Mikey uses his rad ninja skills to slide Raph to the bed—oh, ouch, numb legs, very numb legs—and wobbles out to find some food. Good old 'out of sight, out of mind' takes over, and Mikey promptly forgets about all things Raphael for the next three hours.
He's having a dinner-making-jam-sesh in the kitchen when Leo peeks in to ask, “Have you seen Raph?”
"Hmm?" He tugs an earbud down. "No, not since I left him to nap in my room."
"In your room?" Leo echoes.
"Yep," Mikey pops the p with a smile, "'Cause I'm obviously little Raph's favorite big brother." But Leo doesn't take the bait. He just furrows his brow and heads back the way he came.
Something pings in the back of Mikey's head. An annoying noise he figures is the universe telling him this is important. So he tosses everything into the slow cooker and races after Leo. Mikey follows soft murmuring to his bedroom, where Leo's crouched beside Raph still tucked in, still in his shell. His big brother rubs a gentle hand across the turtle tot's carapace. Raph hasn't moved an inch since Mikey left, and it fills him with anxiety. The little guy's not moving, not making any noise, he can't even tell if he's breathing.
"Little brother," Leo croons, "will you come out and tell me what's wrong?"
Mikey thanks everything for the gasping, whiny sob that echoes out. Leo catches him with a free hand as he stumbles to the foot of the bed.
No amount of coaxing or bribery draws Raph out, so Leo picks him up and motions Mikey toward the dojo. Right. Getting an adult is absolutely the call in this situation.
They trek to the dojo, picking up a fretting Donnie along the way. Bowing as they enter, Mikey's faintly impressed Leo can manage the correct angle with Raph in his arms and without falling over. Master Splinter is kneeling beside a pile of ceramic shards. After a quick rewind, his brain finds the audio of the crash that started this whole thing. His eyes catch on the dusty robe and an old repair kit, and he wonders if Sensei went to the storage room between then and now.
Furry ears flick in acknowledgment. "Sit, my sons."
Mikey's heart twists when Raph's breath hitches. Leo must notice, too. He kneels to face Master Splinter but doesn't let the little turtle go, arms bundling him tighter. Mikey and Donnie kneel on either side of them, and it feels like falling into rank.
Master Splinter watches them settle from the corner of his eye.
"When Raphael was quite young," he pauses, snout twitching, "the first time, that is—he broke this bowl in a fit of anger." He gestures at the dish before him. It's a beautiful gold-veined thing, and it takes Mikey a minute to notice the original interrupted pattern beneath.
Sensei's voice sharpens subtly, "What have I taught you of kintsugi."
Mikey and his brothers recite the old lesson with practiced ease. They could probably repeat Sensei's cultural lessons word-for-word in their sleep, dreaming about a heritage that can never be theirs. Mikey stumbles over his words only when Raph finally pops out of his shell, rubbing at his eyes and curling against Leo.
Sensei nods approvingly. "Things broken in anger can never be fully restored, but they can be made functional again."
He looks directly at Raph, "Tomorrow, you will aid me in mending this vase you have broken, an active meditation on the consequences of your anger. Do you understand?"
Raph bobs his head miserably. Mikey has just enough time to think, that's it?, before Sensei dismisses all four of them.
That evening, Raph hardly says a word. He's not moping, just quiet, reserved, like he's trying to avoid attention. Mikey's heart breaks when even his best jokes and silliest faces can't bring out the smile that usually comes so easy to his little brother. The three elder turtles wordlessly agree to tag team bedtime, and Mikey feels a little better knowing Raph went to bed with big hugs from each of them.
Then, just like that, it’s over. Donnie cracks the reaging agent, and Raph is back in all his slightly-taller-than-Mikey glory before lunch. And it’s great! It’s Raph whole and himself and 100% back to normal, and he predictably insists they forget the little thing ever happened.
Except Mikey can't. Can't stop thinking about how crappy little Raph's last full day with them was and that it's kind of maybe his fault for not noticing it sooner. He dreams that night of a little big brother with golden veins but broken eyes and that no matter how tight he hugs that tiny turtle, his pieces just won't stay together.
He wakes with a shout that gathers all his big brothers. He lunges teary-eyed at Raph—normal-sized, too big to wrap his arms around Raph—babbling half-formed apologies. Leo and Donnie join the hug, and Raph is pressed in from three sides. Mikey prays that will always be enough to mend whatever tries to break him.
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