#donor reunited with recipient
cynicalone94 · 7 months
Sending hugs always!
Time After Time: Send me a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of [that fic], or sometime in the past before the story started, and I’ll tell you what happened then
A few years later!
For living donation, please and thank you!
five years later
Jay glances at Hailey with tired eyes before turning back and knocking on the door. 
It’s been a busy couple of days in the city and there just aren’t patrol officers available to canvas the street for them which means they get to do it themselves. 
Which isn’t the worst thing in the world but it does take a lot of time away from the hundreds of other things they need to do today. 
He pushes down those thoughts as the door opens, a teenage girl standing behind the screen door. 
“Hi.” he says, plastering a smile across his face. “I’m -”
“Mr. Jay!” she says, eyes lighting up. 
He stutters to a stop, studying her face and trying to figure out where he knows her from. 
“J-Jennifer?” he asks, his own eyes going wide. “How are you doing?”
“It’s been amazing!” she says, swinging open the screen door and motioning them inside. “The liver has been incredible. I was able to start taking dance lessons after I recovered and now I do dance, cheer and tennis.”
“Yeah?” Jay asks, glancing around the room at the photos and trophies. “You look a lot more energetic and just healthy than I remember.”
She nods. 
“Absolutely.” she agrees. “And it’s all thanks to you. I can’t thank you enough.”
“I was happy to help.” he tells her. “And even more happy to see how well you’ve been able to use it.”
“I knew that I was getting such an incredible gift and it was very important to me to make sure that I made good use of it.” she says, cheeks filling with color. 
“Jennifer.” he says seriously. “This is all incredible but you know that all I wanted for you was that you lived past the age of nine. Everything else is you going above and beyond and living your best life and I am so happy for you.”
“Can I hug you?” she asks with a shy smile and he’s quick to nod, opening his arms for her to step into them. 
When she steps back, he bites his lip. 
“As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the day catching up,” he says reluctantly. “We are here for work. Is your mom here?” 
“You guys are here about the home invasion down the street, right?” she asks. 
“That’s right.” he confirms. “We’re talking to everyone on the street to see if anyone saw anything or maybe has outdoor cameras that might have picked something up.”
“I was away at cheer camp when it happened.” she says. “Just got home this morning but let me grab mom. Even if she didn’t see anything she can get you the tapes from the cameras.”
He nods and she hurries down the hall. 
Hailey steps up, putting a hand on his arm. 
“You okay?” she says quietly. 
“I never even thought about how different her life would be after the transplant.” he whispers. “But she’s so… so happy and healthy.”
“You did something so special and beautiful.” she tells him. “And in case I haven’t told you lately, I am so proud of you. And not just for what you did for Jennifer.”
He offers her a slightly overwhelmed smile and she squeezes his arm before letting her hand fall as Jennifer and her mother come back into the room. 
“Detective Halstead.” Eleanor says warmly, her face lighting up. “It’s so wonderful to see you.”
“Call me Jay.” he insists, smiling at her. “It’s amazing to see how well you guys are doing. And I so wish that I wasn’t here for work because I have a case to solve or I really would love to stay and catch up.”
“You’ll need my number for your report.” she says easily. “We can make plans to do dinner another time. Jennifer said you guys were asking about the home invasion.”
“We are.” Hailey confirms. “Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary last night?”
“There was an unusual truck that spent a lot of time up and down the street.” she says. “Some early in the morning but it showed up again just after dinner. There wasn’t a logo and I didn’t get a plate but it was a blue pickup truck. And I can get you the outdoor cameras from the last couple of days and hopefully you can get more of what you need from that.”
“Thank you.” Jay says, taking the flash drive that she’s holding out. “I’ll reach out about dinner. It’ll be great to catch up properly.”
“Agreed.” she says, stepping forward to hug him quickly, stepping back before he has a chance to truly respond. 
He and Hailey step toward the door, knowing that they have a lot more people to talk to before they can get back to the district and start piecing together what they might have found on the canvas but he feels a lot better about this canvas already. 
“Bye Jay.” Jennifer calls and he glances back to wave at her, breaking into a wide smile when he sees her holding a familiar teddy bear, waving it’s little hand at him. 
“Bye Jay.” he echoes, shaking his head at the bear that she’d named after him. 
She’s laughing when he finally steps out of the door and the sound fills him with unbelievable warmth. 
It had been a difficult recovery but he’d never once stopped believing that it had been one hundred percent worth it. 
And seeing the happy, thriving life that Jennifer is living just makes it even more so. 
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journeydb · 1 year
March 15 2022 Boulder and Denver
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We had such fun this afternoon visiting with friends we hadn’t seen for years, including Peter and his wife, Linda and Steve, and Debbie at our friend, Attila’s daughter, Hanna’s, 30th birthday party.
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Attila is a great guy and he almost always has a smile on his face.  He is generous and kind.  He has been very successful in his business ventures and he has shared his good fortune with underserved populations in the community to create a better place for us all to live.
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Our friend Jimmy recently reunited with his first wife, Debbie, and it was good to see them together again.  He and Attila have been business partners for many years.  Jimmy has also been a generous donor to many of the nonprofits we support in Boulder County.
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Hanna blew all the candles out with one breath!  Of course, as is often the case so close to the mountains, it was a bit windy, so perhaps that helped.  I met Hanna for the first time tonight and found her to be delightful and refreshingly HERSELF!
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My friend April, whom I met when she was working for El Porvenir, and with whom I traveled in Nicaragua for a tour of El Porvenir’s water systems in rural areas, is on the board of Locally Haiti and invited me to their “Evening for Haiti” fundraiser tonight at the Botanical Gardens in Denver.  I met Wynn, the Executive Director, and had an inspiring conversation with him about the work they are doing in Haiti, and especially about the new hospital they are funding in the village of Petit Trou.  Bruce and I donated to support its construction and we’ll stay connected with this wonderful group of caring people to do what we can to help the people of the communities in Haiti that they serve.
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After all the years I have eaten at Moxie’s Bakery in both Louisville and Boulder and especially enjoyed their King Egg, I finally got to meet the founder and owner, Andy.  Moxie’s graciously supplied the food for this fundraiser and it was yummy, at least the little bit of which I could eat, given my dietary restrictions.  Andy is a fascinating guy and we had an animated conversation about breads and baked goods and I asked him to consider adding more vegan and gluten free items to their menu, which he said he’d consider.
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The Botanic Gardens is almost as lovely at night as it is during the day, especially with these lighted sculptures scattered throughout the gardens.
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What fun to meet up with my former neighbor, Lynn and her husband, Eben, who was Hobie’s first pediatrician, at the fundraiser! I first met Lynn when we were neighbors on Lincoln Place when I moved in with Bruce in 1979.  They were honored tonight and here is the information Locally Haiti put on their Facebook page about this award. 
“We are honored to present this year’s Ted Lewis Awards to Dr. Eben Carsey & Dr. Lynn Gilbert from Colorado and Jean Well & Jean Fritz Bourgogne from Haiti! These recipients have made a transformative impact in Petit Trou, and we are grateful for their dedication and life-giving work towards building a stronger community.”
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Harrison Ford: 2018 summary (II)
2nd:  Harrison Ford at the restaurant Leña Brava, Chicago [x]
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4th: at the airport in Los Angeles. Harrison has stubble and starts to grow a beard, stirring once again the Harrison fandom
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Enjoy this fluffy man in all his almighty fluffiness
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10th: Harrison Ford will be honored by Indianapolis Zoo with the Jane Alexander award for wildlife conservation 
11th: more bad news for Indy 5: 'Indiana Jones 5' will be delayed a year until 2021
Walt Disney Studios announced that Ford's still-untitled return to his famed Indiana Jones character would be delayed from July 10, 2020, the movie's original release date, to July 9, 2021.
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Mark Hamill congratulates Harrison for his birthday
16th: Harrison Ford eyes ‘Call of the Wild’ 
Harrison Ford is in negotiations to star in “Call of the Wild”. If a deal is reached, the “Star Wars” actor will play John Thornton, a prospector braving the Yukon on the hunt for gold. The big-budget film is being adapted by 20th Century Fox from the classic 1903 Jack London novel about the Klondike gold rush of the 1890s.
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(non-related picture just for gratuitous lusty enjoyment)
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The stubble is killing me
21st: at  the opening event of The Boeing Blue Sky Aviation Gallery, Denver, Colorado [x] [x] [x]  
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Oh God he´s so beautiful... (also a brief spontaneous speech here)
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24th: Dan Stevens Joins Harrison Ford in ‘Call of the Wild’. The film is supposed to start filming on August-September in Vancouver.
6th: 25 years ago The Fugitive was released in cinemas
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Early August: When grandpa tells stories about the good old days…  (Pic from Eliel Ford) 
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16th: Play it again, Harrison [x]
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21st: God, look at this caveman! [x]
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30th: Harrison Ford’s ‘Call of the Wild’ Adds Colin Woodell 
12th-13th: Celebrity-watching: A-listers in Hollywood, music and politics gather in SF for Climate Summit.
Thousands of business leaders, mayors, governors and activists from around the world are gathering in San Francisco this week for the Global Climate Action Summit, and some of the speakers are big names in Hollywood, music and politics. Actor Harrison Ford of “Star Wars” fame is the vice-chair of Conservation International and will be speaking Thursday in a session titled “Thriving Plant: A New Hope for the Next Generation.”
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Harrison Ford begs voters to 'stop electing leaders who don't believe in science'
“Stop giving power to people who don’t believe in science. Or worse than that, pretend they don’t believe in science for their own self interest” 
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Harrison Ford takes a break at the Climate Summit [x]
13th: Harrison Ford’s ‘Call of the Wild’ Casts Omar Sy 
17th: Harrison Ford hanging out in San Francisco [x]
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23rd: Harrison Ford to Address Top Donors at New Beginnings Counseling Center 
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Board of Directors of NBCC Celebrating 50 Years of Service with Harrison Ford
27th: Guardians of the Galaxy actor Karen Gillan joins Harrison Ford in Call of the Wild film adaptation 
30th: Harrison Ford honored at Indianapolis Prize Gala
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One of the most recognizable award recipients at this year's Indianapolis Prize gala was Harrison Ford. He's known to most of us as an accomplished actor, but Ford is also a vocal ambassador for conservation. 
"Protecting nature is how we will continue to survive on this planet," Ford said. "Protecting nature is first and foremost for me a moral imperative. Yet saving nature is really about saving ourselves."
At the JW Marriott, Ford joined his close friend, 2018 Indianapolis Prize winner Russ Mittermeier. They reminded the gala crowd that nature doesn't need people, people need nature. Ford himself was honored as the Jane Alexander Global Wildlife Ambassador.
Harrison Ford congrats Biologist and Conservationist Russell Mittermeier for winning the 2018 Indianapolis Prize award (video filmed in June 2018)
1st: Indiana Jones 5 Will Return to Global Scope, Says Frank Marshall
“This will be Harrison Ford’s last Indiana Jones movie, I am pretty sure, but it will certainly continue after that,” Spielberg previously said.
4th: sweaty Harrison take a rest after jogging in Santa Monica. Keeping in shape for Indy 5?
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18th: Harrison on the set of Call of the Wild in Los Angeles (he´s wearing his character´s outfit) [x] 
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25th:  No beard but goatee is back. Has he finished Call of the Wild?
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28th: Harrison Ford To Present Award At The Carneys 
Hollywood star Harrison Ford is making a rare public appearance on October 28 at Elvis Duran’s 4th Annual Carney Awards. The star of the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films will present the Chairman’s Lifetime Achievement Award to the legendary character actor M. Emmet Walsh. The two of them appeared together in the original Blade Runner movie in 1982.
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Actor M. Emmet Walsh and Harrison Ford at the Carney Awards, Santa Monica
9th: SAG-AFTRA Foundation Honors Spike Lee, Harrison Ford, Lady Gaga and Jeffrey Katzenberg
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The SAG-AFTRA Foundation held their 3rd Annual Patron of the Artists Awards last night honoring industry leaders and artists who champion the arts and whose history of fostering creativity and creating opportunities has made a positive impact on the performing arts and the world.
Harrison Ford Rails Against ‘Nationalism and Isolationism’ at the SAG-AFTRA Awards
Harrison Ford didn’t mention any politicians by name during a speech about climate change, but there’s little doubt that he wasn’t referring to President Donald Trump.
Harrison Ford on whether Chris Pratt is joining Indiana Jones  "I think it's him or me" [x]
Harrison shares an ‘Indiana Jones V’ update:
Other highlights of the event:
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Ryan Gosling presents Harrison Ford with the Artist Inspiration Award
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Find someone who looks at you the way Lady Gaga looks at Harrison Ford
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Harrison reunites again with his former co-star Henry Winkler (they worked together in the movie Heroes (1977)
10th: Like a boss on the streets of LA
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12th: “I’ll tell you the dirty little secret—I love doing this” . Harrison talks to young actors about his experiences during his movie career [x] [x]
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16th: Harrison Ford Supports Disaster Relief Fund for SAG-AFTRA Members
19th: Harrison and Calista attend the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ 10th annual Governors Awards 
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27th: That Time Harrison Ford Drank A Bottle Of Scotch While Trying To Film Empire Strikes Back 
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Harrison Ford recently revealed a horror story involved with filming the sequences set on Hoth. George Lucas took production to Finse, Norway for the snowy scenes, but Ford had a hard time getting to set. In fact, he was stuck on a snowplow for about hours trying to regret there, ultimately taking to a bottle to get him through the nightmare.
3rd: 'Working Girl' Turns 30: On-Set Romances and Secrets of the Staten Island Ferry Revealed in Juicy Oral History 
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30 years ago on this date Working Girl was released in cinemas
19th:  Harrison Ford goes for a walk in Brentwood, Los Angeles. In all his magnificence. Now full shaved
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27th: Harrison Ford Honors Billy Dee Williams at the American Black Film Festival with moving tribute video  
Earlier this year, Billy Dee Williams was honored with the Hollywood Legacy Award at the American Black Film Festival Honors. While the awards ceremony was back in February, the iconic actor must be reflecting on his year, because he recently shared a video from the ceremony of his long time friend and co-star, Harrison Ford. (Video at Billy Dee Williams´ twitter)
31st: Remember to dress like this the day after
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yahoosg-feature · 6 years
A caring nation, together
From a small fishing village to a cosmopolitan city today, the building blocks of our nation were laid on a solid foundation of care through selfless acts by Singaporeans from all walks of life. Some of these people include Mr Tan Tock Seng, who built a hospital for the sick and destitute in the mid-1800s, and Ms Daisy Vaithilingam who created the Singapore Association of Retarded Children (SARC) for children with mental and physical disabilities in 1962, now known as the Movement for Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS).
Everyday acts of care
It is together that we must continue building on this legacy for a better future. However, acts of care need not be exaggerated. Each of us can contribute to a better Singapore through simple gestures. Take Ibrahim AL, Jared Chew and Justin Chua for example – who all went out of their way to help someone in need. Ibrahim helped an elderly man find a home, Jared spends his free time helping people with disabilities to engage in sporting activities, and Justin kindly drove the extra mile to reunite an elderly passenger with her lost wallet. Such acts may seem small, but it certainly warms the hearts of the recipients.
Volunteering with the community
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Involve your kids and work together to create something for charity.
Photo credit: SG Cares
Apart from everyday acts of care, consider volunteering with the community. It also doubles the fun when done with your family! Do not limit yourselves when exploring organisations and causes to contribute to. Explore common interests as a family and skill sets you are able to offer together. For instance, should heritage and culture be of interest, volunteer your time at HeritageCares! As volunteers, you will facilitate heritage trails and programmes for at-risk children and youths, persons with disabilities and senior citizens. Other volunteering opportunities include the Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP), which you can volunteer in many different ways. For example, you can volunteer your skills and assist in design work, administrative tasks and even event photography and videography. Try using the SG Cares App to find a volunteering activity suited for your family.
Volunteering as a family also presents multiple benefits:
Forge stronger bonds with one other
Working together gives you the opportunity to better understand your family members. Besides the need for teamwork and communication, it provides parents a platform to inculcate important values and become role models for your children. A volunteering experience creates shared memories with loved ones to look back on.
Develop useful skills in your children
Apart from developing social skills, the interaction with others through volunteering will instil in children a sense of responsibility, how to work as a team and pick up practical skills such as problem solving. These skills help better prepare them for the future.
Looking to volunteer as a family? Look no further!
Begin your journey of care for the community and join us at the SG Cares “Celebrating Our Culture of Care” in early March at JCube! Be inspired by history and everyday stories of care that organisations and individuals have taken to build Singapore today. Make sure you exercise your creativity at the free mural making workshop, which will showcase over 200 years of Singapore’s culture of care. You can also make birthday cards and party hats, which will later be gifted to residents of Moral Welfare Home, Sembawang Home and AWWA shelter. Do not miss this opportunity to learn about Singapore’s history while giving back to the community as a family!
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Here’s your chance to get creative! Paint your own boat and sail at the workshops.
Photo credit: The Arts Glass House
Mural making and Craft workshop
Date and time:  2 and 3 March, 12pm to 8pm
Location: JCube Level 1 Atrium, 2 Jurong East Central 1
Workshops are free and held throughout the day. Registration is not required.
Join us on the 2 and 3 of March! To find out more, check out the SG Cares website for more information.
In partnership with the SG Cares Movement.
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kidneystories2013 · 3 years
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Reunited and it feels so good: Baldwinsville kidney donor, recipient meet - https://goo.gl/alerts/TLEPJ #GoogleAlerts (at Hammond, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR5WJDzs3hf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I know that glorious fluffiness is your speciality (and I love that >.
Hey there!!
Sure, I’m always happy to help ^^ First of all I recommend checking out my “Pining Rec List” I posted a few days ago, there’s lots of angst as well!!
Furthermore, I can totally rec:
The Most Important Thing by NorthernSparrow
Jimmy Novak remembers nothing of the last six years. Reunited with his troubled daughter Claire, he’s struggling to raise her on his own. The most important thing is to make Claire happy. But why does he keep having these dreams of wings, and of two men in a black car?
Man in the Wilderness by OneHundredSuns
Dean Winchester is fresh out of Purgatory along with every other Tom, Dick and Wendigo that called the cesspool home. As the monsters lay waste to the Earth and eat anything they can get their hands on, Dean sets out to find his only remaining family so that they can hunker down and fight the assholes head on. He doesn’t mean to stumble upon Castiel Novak and his adorable twins in the middle of the apocalypse and he sure as hell doesn’t mean to offer them a ride to wherever they are trying to get to. But the world is a dangerous place now and he’s always been a sucker for blue eyes and cute kids. So he’ll help them out and just hope it doesn’t get him or them killed in the process.
The Unwavering Heart of a Winchester by violue
There’s no point in mincing words. Sam is dead, and without him Dean is a drunken shell of who he used to be. When he finally pulls himself out of a growing pile of whiskey bottles, Dean finds it hard to go back to his life. With one flippant comment from a friend, Dean thinks he might finally have a way to make peace with the loss; Sam was an organ donor, and Dean’s going to find the recipients, talk to them, and see how their lives are better because of his little brother. For the first six stops on his road trip, things go mostly according to plan, and then he meets the man who has Sam’s heart. Dean had hoped he might find peace on this trip… he never expected to find love.
Say Something by JhanaMay
No matter how difficult he can be, Dean loves his son. Raising him alone after his mother died hasn’t been easy, but with the support of his family and friends, Dean has made it work. Now that Ben is starting kindergarten, Dean hopes that he can finally relax a little, but the challenges Ben faces at school make Dean realize that their struggles are just beginning. When Ben is assigned a new support teacher, Dean finds that Ben isn’t the only Winchester who has a problem dealing with change.
Hunting for Faith by perunamuusa, riseofthefallenone
It starts a few days earlier.
Castiel first notices it in the middle of the night when the dreams of fire and screams have kept him awake. He’s kneeling before the altar, praying, when the glass in the windows start to shake, the very air vibrating around him. Castiel is on his feet and reaching for the gun tucked into the back of his pants as the shutters over the windows start to rattle.
Season Ticket On A One Way Ride by Darksilvercat
Before Castiel breaks Dean out of the green room in 4.22, he breaks Anna out of prison. With two angels on Team Free Will, the apocalypse takes a different course. Some things change, some things stay the same, and the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, but in the midst of it all, Dean finds a way to hold his family together.
Closer to Fine by sheron
As an empath, Castiel has always been different. Whether he liked it or not, since childhood he has felt the emotions of people around him. There is only one exception to the rule, a man whom his powers don’t affect at all: Dean Winchester. With Dean seemingly just a regular guy, with a tough past, what makes him special? Can Castiel stop himself from falling for him regardless? And why has his brother Gabriel suddenly returned, wanting to rebuild their broken relationship…
Never Not Fantastic by thestoryinsideme
When television star Dean Winchester makes a stop at the Rogue Wave Cafe, owner Castiel Novak initially takes notice - and exception to - the celebrity’s presence in the all-but-forgotten beachside town where the age of the average resident is sixty-five.
This is a story about love and love, about family, friends, and more than friends, about learning when to hold on and when to let go, and about maybe, finding some turtles along the way.
The Ghosts of Blackthorn Hall by linoresearch
In 1843 Castiel Milton leaves his life of quiet faith and duty to take up employment as tutor to the young ward of one Mr Dean Winchester, at Blackthorn Hall. Set deep among the Yorkshire moors, Blackthorn is a place of mysteries – a wild place, where pale faces appear at the windows, and mad women laugh in the night. Castiel is drawn to the enigmatic Master of Blackthorn and they form an attachment neither of them expected. But there are secrets hidden behind Blackthorn’s stone walls, truths that threaten to destroy their fragile happiness, as they are forced to confront the ghosts of their past.
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csrgood · 5 years
United Airlines Launches New Crowdsourcing Platform to Donate Miles to Charity
Today, United Airlines announced the launch of Miles on a Mission, a first-of-its-kind crowdsourcing platform that gives customers a simple, easy way to donate miles to non-profit organizations and charities in need of air travel. The company has selected 12 launch partners and MileagePlus members can now visit united.com/donate to make contributions to organizations like the Transplant Life Foundation, OperationUSA and Waves for Water.
Each launch partner has 28 days to crowdsource miles from MileagePlus members, with the goal of reaching at least 250,000 miles. New partners will be added to the program as each launch partner reaches its goal.
United is donating two million miles to kick off the Miles on a Mission program, matching the first 50 thousand miles raised for each campaign.
"We want to make a difference in the communities where our customers and employees live, work and fly," said Sharon Grant, vice president and chief community engagement officer at United Airlines. "Miles on a Mission not only allows us to connect with even more organizations than before but also gives our customers a new way to use their miles in a way that supports the charities and causes that mean the most to them."
Non-profit organizations with current live campaigns include:
OperationUSA: An international disaster relief organization with a live campaign development agency that helps communities around the world overcome the effects of disaster, disease, violence and endemic poverty abroad.
Holocaust Museum Houston: An organization that is looking to fund travel for teachers to provide further education and classroom resources concerning the Holocaust and Human Rights.
NJ LEEP: A college access and success program serving first-generation and low-income students from the greater Newark, NJ area. The organization helps students build academic and social-emotional skills, develop the habits necessary for lasting success, and gain exposure to professional role models.
Swim Across America: An organization that hosts swimming events across the world to raise money for cancer research and clinical trials at major research institutions to supplement government funded research projects.
Watts of Love: A non-profit that provides solar technology and education to the 1 billion people living without electricity. They offer clean and sustainable forms of energy as an alternative to dangerous forms of energy.
Waves for Water: An organization that provides access to clean water for communities by creating portable water filter systems, digging/renovating wells and constructing rainwater harvesting and storing solutions.
The Transplant Life Foundation: The nation's leading advocacy group for those in the donation and transplantation world, including transplant recipients, living donors and donor families. Transplant Life Foundation strives each day to enhance and improve the lives of its members through its education programs, social networking platforms, TransplantNATION magazine and Transplant Games of America.
Off-The-Grid Missions: An organization dedicated to providing the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing with access to life-saving resources, especially in high-risk and remote regions around the world.
Miles4Migrants: Dedicated to using donated frequent flyer miles, points and money to reunite and relocate individuals and families around the world separated by war, persecution, and disaster.
Animal Lighthouse Rescue: Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and finding of loving homes for satos, or stray dogs in Puerto Rico, through their local partner, no-kill shelter El Faro de los Animales, and a team of staff, volunteers, and foster families in NY.
Adaptive Cycling Foundation: An organization that supplies, manufactures and adapts bicycles for injured service members, first responders or heroes as a means for recovery and rehabilitation, both mentally and physically, from injuries and traumas.
The Miles on a Mission platform went live on Friday, October 25, and one of the inaugural non-profits, Veterans Community Project, has already reached its crowdsourcing goals. A new campaign will launch on the platform within the coming days.
"The Adaptive Cycling Foundation is very excited and honored to be included in United's Miles on a Mission campaign, continuing our alliance with United of giving back," said Scott Moro, Adaptive Cycling Foundation's mechanic and founder. "We create One of a Kind Bicycles for One of a Kind Heroes, Heroes that have already paid enough. The United Miles from the Miles on a Mission campaign helps us to provide zero cost travel to individually fit and consult with these Hero Veteran and Active Duty Service Members and First Responders. It's exciting, motivating, and we are honored to be involved in United's continuing mission of giving back."
Eligible charities can apply for the opportunity to launch a 28-day campaign to raise miles for their organization through MileagePlus member donations. Approved charities will work with United to reach goals of raising between 250,000 and 5 million miles. Organizations looking to launch a campaign can visit the Miles on a Mission website for full application details. 
Every customer. Every flight. Every day.
In 2019, United is focusing more than ever on its commitment to its customers, looking at every aspect of its business to ensure that the carrier keeps customers' best interests at the heart of its service. In addition to today's announcement, this year United:
Announced that MileagePlus award miles will never expire
Gave Economy customers a choice of complimentary snacks on domestic flights
Made DIRECTV free for every customer on more than 200 aircraft
Released a new version of the award-winning, most downloaded app in the airline industry
Launched a new tool called ConnectionSaver, dedicated to improving the experience for customers with connecting flights
Partnered with CLEAR on free or discounted memberships for MileagePlus members
Announced PlusPoints, new upgrade benefits for MileagePlus Premier members
And introduced products in its amenity kits made exclusively for the airline by luxury skincare line Sunday Riley
About United
United's shared purpose is "Connecting People. Uniting the World." We are more focused than ever on our commitment to customers through a series of innovations and improvements designed to help build a great experience: Every customer. Every flight. Every day. Together, United and United Express operate approximately 4,900 flights a day to 358 airports across five continents. In 2018, United and United Express operated more than 1.7 million flights carrying more than 158 million customers. United is proud to have the world's most comprehensive route network, including U.S. mainland hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. United operates 788 mainline aircraft and the airline's United Express partners operate 560 regional aircraft. United is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides service to 195 countries via 26-member airlines. For more information, visit united.com, follow @United on Twitter and Instagram or connect on Facebook. The common stock of United's parent, United Airlines Holdings, Inc., is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol "UAL".
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/42959-United-Airlines-Launches-New-Crowdsourcing-Platform-to-Donate-Miles-to-Charity?tracking_source=rss
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As Trump sides with Putin, the FBI arrests a Russian spy; some good news from Eritrea and Ethiopia.
STR/AFP/Getty Images
The Department of Justice arrested conservative activist and student visa recipient Maria Butina, 29, on Monday. The DOJ says she was following orders from Russia to influence American politics, essentially accusing her of being a Russian agent in disguise. [Vox / Andrew Prokop]
Butina allegedly tried to broker a meeting between a senior Russian government official and President Trump right after his inauguration. She also proposed a meeting between Trump and Russian President Putin to Jared Kushner during a National Rifle Association conference. [Washington Post / Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger, Shane Harris, and Carol D. Leonnig]
It didn’t end with meeting proposals. Butina also formed connections in religious organizations, the National Rifle Association, and the National Prayer Breakfast in order to shape the Republican Party’s agenda into a pro-Russian one. [NYT / Matt Apuzzo, Katie Benner, and Sharon LaFraniere]
The FBI had been monitoring Butina since 2016. But authorities chose to arrest her when they discovered she was planning a move from Washington to South Dakota, where known associate and GOP figure Paul Erickson lives and where it would be harder to monitor her. [Daily Beast]
It was discovered that Butina had been arrested just hours after Monday’s Helsinki summit with Trump and Putin, at which Trump said he didn’t “see any reason why” Russia would interfere in the 2016 presidential election (a statement he has contradicted and un-contradicted in the following days). [Vox / Alex Ward]
A federal judge ordered that Butina be jailed before her trial because a pretrial memo said she was a flight risk with connections to Russian oligarchies that could help her flee. [NPR / Noel King and Carrie Johnson]
The memo also said that Butina “cohabited” with a “politically influential American” and offered “sex in exchange for a position with a special interest organisation.” [Independent / Chris Riotta]
Russia’s Foreign Ministry accused the FBI of “fulfilling openly political orders … to fuel Russo-phobic hysteria.” Nevertheless, there’s ample evidence of Butina’s shady communications with Russian officials. [AP / Angela Charlton]
The NRA could be punished by the government and experience backlash from the public and major donors for Butina’s involvement with the organization. [The Conversation / Brian Galle]
Butina had a meeting with an unnamed “political candidate” in 2015. Some speculate that it could be Trump. [Vanity Fair / Maya Kosoff]
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Ethiopia and Eritrea have formally declared an end to their war dating back to 1998. The peace deal also reestablishes trade and diplomatic ties. [BBC]
A peace deal was brokered thanks to “an impressive combined effort” by religious organizations, the African Union, and the United Nations to “to resolve a regional issue that has festered for years.” [The Conversation / Martin Plaut]
The war between the two nations, active from 1998 to 2000, was considered a fight over borders. In reality, it was a battle “over rival hegemonic claims in the Horn of Africa and over ‘national pride’ and ‘territorial integrity.’” [Institute for Policy Studies / Patrick Gilkes and Tom Barry]
Over the course of 20 years, Eritrea was always ready for war while Ethiopia had the “most elaborate security state in East Africa.” With peace, both nations can finally rest easy. [Al Jazeera / Nanjala Nyabola]
A celebratory inaugural commercial flight filled with champagne and roses flew from the capital of Ethiopia to the capital of Eritrea nine days after brokering the peace deal. This has reunited families separated for 20 years. [NYT / Alan Cowell]
Citizens of both nations are so happy about the peace deal that they are calling strangers in the neighboring nations just to relish the fact that they can do so. [CNN / Bukola Adebayo]
Twitter says it doesn’t “have the bandwidth” to fix its verification system right now. In 2010, that probably wouldn’t have been a controversial issue. In 2018, it means popular white nationalists and neo-Nazis get the honorary blue checkmark. [The Verge / Chris Welch]
Battling a case of toxic masculinity, rapper 50 Cent said that at first, he “wasn’t looking at Terry Crews” as a victim of sexual assault. “I’m looking at the Hulk, the guy that’s this big,” 50 Cent said, mimicking Crews’s famously large muscular build. [Vulture / Dee Lockett]
While erectile dysfunction ads have been rampant across the New York City subway system in recent months, Thinx, which makes underwear for people who menstruate, was barred from advertising on NYC subways because the ads contained the word “period.” [Broadly / Leila Ettachfini]
Jewel watchers theorize that Queen Elizabeth waged “brooch warfare” during Trump’s recent trip to England, using her jewelry to throw subtle shade at the president. Evidence in their favor: On the day Trump arrived in England, QEII wore a brooch given to her by President Obama. [Refinery29 / Channing Hargrove]
“The only clear-eyed way to regard a corporation is, at best, as an adversary. No matter what they might say when trying to separate you from your money, that’s certainly how brands see you.” [Amanda Mull on why “there’s no such thing as a feminist brand” / Racked]
Hong Kong has British DNA. [YouTube / Johnny Harris]
Vox Borders: Hong Kong episodes premiere each Wednesday; sign up for the Borders newsletter to get new episode alerts straight to your inbox.
Trump somehow still doesn’t understand NATO
Republican House member once lamented you can’t call women “sluts” anymore
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is a kooky, poppy romp
Thai boys speak publicly for the first time: “This experience taught me to be more patient”
A black candidate made a rap album. His white opponent says it makes him unfit for Congress.
Original Source -> Vox Sentences: From Russia With Love
via The Conservative Brief
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rswoan · 7 years
Seattle International Film Festival 2017 Films Ranked
SIFF 2017 Feature Films listed from best to worst with special emphasis on editing and structure along with content (especially with documentaries):
 The Farthest - history and legacy of the NASA Voyager project. Maybe best talking heads documentary in history of SIFF...
Ethel & Ernest - fantastic animation of the lives of the parents of a graphic artist set against World War 2 in London.
The Net - fascinating story of a North Korean who inadvertently crosses into South Korea.
Becoming Who I was - interesting look at the reincarnation of a Buddhist leader growing up. Stunning filmmaking over course of 8 years.
Secret 1
Dirtbag: The Legend of Fred Beckey - fascinating look at life of legendary climber Fred Beckey.
This Is Our Land - dramatization of how populism can take hold in France or any Western country.
Food Evolution- well edited documentary on GMOs and science.
The Last Animals - trying to save rhinos and elephants from extinction.
American Folk - best of the road trip movies this year as two people thrown together to drive cross country following 9/11.
God of War - well made genre movie. China defends against Japanese incursion against great odds.
Wind River - fantastic murder mystery set on Indian reservation.
At the End of the Tunnel - suspenseful crime caper drama.
Kills on Wheels - assassin in a wheelchair and his helpers.
The Journey - drama of what might have happened to end Irish Civil War.
Take Every Wave: The Life of Laird Hamilton - well made documentary on Laird Hamilton’s contribution to big wave surfing.
Ivan - former helicopter pilot turned ambulance driver works through personal issues while taking care of young girl.
Better Watch Out - fun horror take on Home Alone theme of kid left alone with his babysitter near Christmas.
The Smuggler and Her Charges - filmmaker’s father’s past as a Jewish child on the run during WW 2 and a woman who helped him. Well made and educational.
Angry Inuk - commercial seal skin commercial trade bans threaten Inuk way of life.
The Odyssey - fascinating story of the life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
Mr Long - aspects of various Asian movie styles and themes blended in a cohesive movie.
I, Daniel Blake - drama of people caught up in UK support system bureaucracy.
Ingrid Goes West - social media obsessed woman moves to CA after death of her mother in attempt to reboot her life.
The Oath - doctor tries to rescue his daughter from a life of drug use with her boyfriend dealer.
Secret 3
Kalushi - story of a young man drawn into the ANC militant wing during apartheid.
The Unknown Girl - a doctor tracks down death of an unknown girl who she could have saved.
A Date for Mad Mary - young woman released from prison needs to find date for best friend’s wedding.
Handsome Devil - well executed coming of age as an outsider in high school.
Soul on a String - epic Tibet “western” chase movie.
Chasing Coral - bleaching of the world’s coral and climate change.
Quest - decade in the lives of a North Philly black family.
Finding Kukan - in search of a lost Academy Award winning documentary and the story of the woman behind it.
Afterimage - historical drama about life of a prominent artist swept up by socialist takeover of Poland.
Nowhere To Hide - 5 years in the life of a nurse and his family in central Iraq starting from being outside to becoming engrossed by war.
Cook Up a Storm - fun Chinese cooking competition movie.
Lady Macbeth - solid period drama focusing on indentured wife taking back her life.
Columbus - relationship between man dealing with ill father and young lady dealing with issues with her mother and future.
Gook - a pair of Korean-American brothers selling shoes in LA against backdrop of crime and Rodney King riots.
Entanglement - interesting look at a man dealing with mental illness after suicide attempt.
Feather - Italian teens dealing with pregnancy and life.
Mellow Mud - an orphan brother and sister struggle to make it on their own after guardian dies.
The Wedding Plan - woman gives herself and God 30 days to find a husband after breaking up with fiance.
I Was a Dreamer - unscripted drama based on life of non-actor lead.
Trouble - dysfunctional brother-sister relationship revisits past and changes future.
Wulu - solid crime drama set against the backdrop of turmoil in Africa.
The Midwife - a woman is reunited with her father’s ex during an inflection point in her life.
The Nile Hilton Incident - murder mystery against backdrop of Arab Spring and police corruption.
The Man - artist reunites with estranged street artist son.
The Truth About Love Is… - light hearted comedy regarding family relationships.
New Chefs On the Block - breezy documentary on two first time restaurant owners opening up in Washington DC.
Borders - Murphy's law for 4 women who meet on a cross West Africa journey spanning multiple countries.
Dara Ju - drug addiction and family secrets set against Wall Street and immigration.
Small Town Killers - dysfunctional couples find themselves after hiring assassins.
Napping Princess - enjoyable anime with contemporary themes, fantasy and reality.
Secret 3
The Feels - dialogue improvised, bachelorette party exposes many truths.
Hero - aging actor tries to come to grips with legacy.
The Reagan Show - documentary on importance of PR at beginning of television age.
Bad Influence - coming of age set against conflict between Chile government with native people.
Zip & Zap and the Captain’s Island - fun kids romp mystery movie. Far better than original movie.
Chavela- portrait of an iconic Mexican singer. Great subject but talking heads format is mind numbing during non-performance period of her life.
Moka - mother seeks justice for hit and run death of her son.
Two Irenes - 2 girls with the same name with a shared secret and curious of each other's lives.
A Ghost Story - time and sentimentality.
In the Radiant City - dysfunctional family torn apart by childhood disaster years later.
Whose Streets? - Birth of Black Lives Matter from Ferguson killing and return of citizen activism in a modern age.
Weirdos - coming of age in the face of family secrets.
8 Borders, 8 Days - first hand look at the journey of a Syrian refugee family to Germany.
Tea Pets - animated feature, life of tea pets when people aren’t around.
Death in Sarajevo - scattered look of tragic history of the city through interactions of individuals tied together by a hotel.
What Lies Upstream - water quality in US.
City of Ghosts - poorly edited documentary on incredible citizen journalism of Raqqa Syria.
500 Years - documentary on government genocide against indigenous peoples.
Roberto Bolle - The Art of Dance - ballet equivalent of a concert film.
After the Storm - father attempts to connect with divorced wife and son while dealing with personal demons.
Hedi - life of a Tunisian man getting cold feet before his wedding.
The Winter - life of Argentina sheep ranch foreman.
Searchers - classic western remake set in Arctic with Inuit people.
Goldstone - missing girl mystery in Australian outback.
Paradise - unique way of telling a WW 2 story from perspectives of persecutor and persecuted.
Godspeed - roadtrip drug smuggling story.
The Door - sliding doors what if look at life of a man as a mechanic and successful businessman.
The Landing - what if Apollo 18 wasn’t scrubbed?
Susanne Bartsch: On Top - life and times of a pre-eminent NYC party/club host.
Person to Person - a day in lives of different folks tied together only by NYC.
Manifesto - modern performance art answering question of what art is.
Heal the Living - lives of the families of an organ donor and recipient.
The Girl Without Hands - minimal charcoal like animated Grimm tale.
Come Together - Korean family drama set aside societal norms.
Landline - yet another dysfunctional family drama.
The Beautiful Kokonor Lake - awkward Chinese soap opera of love lost for duty in Communist China.
The Paris Opera - scatter shot look at a year of the Opera. No real narrative, just brief look ins.
Backpack Full of Cash - documentary of how charter schools are destroying public education. Too repetitive.
Rocketmen - campy episodic Seattle based serial.
Gholam - a immigrant/refugee taxi driver affected by a mysterious past that never quite emerges.
Have A Nice Day - animated mobster drama starting with foot soldier stealing money.
A Dragon Arrives! - Iranian mystery, bizarre, unrelatable characters.
Divine Divas - well made documentary of lives of Brazilian transvestite performers. Good if you have connection with subject. I just didn't care.
Footnotes - musical of struggles of shoe factory workers trying to prevent offshoring.
Vampire Cleanup Department - campy movie of team battling strange vampires in HK.
Pyromaniac- character study of a pyromaniac. No real insight just hints never tied together.
The Bloom of Yesterday - grandchildren of those involved in Holocaust still wrapped up in it’s aftermath. Unrelatable damaged characters. Who cares?
Zoology - middle-aged woman deals with having a tail.
It's Only the End of the World - day in life of dysfunctional family with return of prodigal son.
God’s Own Country - gay son finds romance on a rural farm in the UK.
Yourself and Yours - want to be amusing romcom really feels like making fun of mental illness.
Lane 1974 - coming of age set against hippie culture, feels long and sleepy.
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson - cold case investigation into death of LGBT activist icon.
Anishoara - mind numbing year in the life of a girl in a Moldovan village.
Secret 2
Santa and Andres - a dissident and his government minder develop relationship in Cuba.
Without Name - pointless horror movie.
Terror 5 - a bunch of over the top stories of zombies, snuff films, and partying loosely connected.
Knife In The Clearwater - best described as contemplative meditation on lives of rural Muslim family in China, aka mind numbing days in the life.
Devil’s Freedom - mind numbing talking heads documentary on the Mexican drug wars.
Pendular - pointless character study with gratuitous sex and nudity.
Black Code - important topic feels more like a vanity piece for organization.
Lives With Flavor - this year's chef ego movie. Don't learn much about food or his life really. Lots of food porn though without much explanation.
Lemon - pointless not funny comedy.
Struggle for Life - not funny French slapstick.
Hello Destroyer - predictable character study of a hockey player whose life is destroyed by a dirty play.
0 notes
kidneystories2013 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Living kidney donors reunite with recipients at organ donation awareness event in Franklin https://www.cbs58.com/news/living-kidney-donors-reunite-with-recipients-at-organ-donation-awareness-event-in-franklin/ (at Hammond, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPzlcE2DYL7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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