#dont even get me started on ravage and ten
blighted-lights · 1 month
having to restrain myself from making a ridiculously long meta analysis of mtmte ravage and why there was so much potential lost for him + why narritvely his character works but the narrative doesn't work for his character. i have no idea how if word any of it but. i am so so tempted.
ravage does what the narrative needs him to do very well! but in order to do that, it fucks up some important key points of his characterization. plot points are picked up and then dropped, his abilities are forgotten about frequently, and he's passively treated as an animal despite the original emphasis that ravage isn't a pet. he's such a weird character in mtmte. wish i could word what i wanna say about him in a way that i like.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Fearless buddy being sent to the tfp universe at first made me want the tfp team prime to see mtmte Megs interact with buddy and have a crisis over the fact that Megs became a dad, to a human no less.
and then I realized, no. no I dont want team prime to just react to mtmte megs, I want these fuckers to get yeeted into the portal one by one and suffer through the general chaos of the lost light.
Arcee - What was that?
Swerve - oh thats just Skids, you can tell cause when Buddys' in the vents it sounds more like a pitter patter.
Drifts gets double to Ratchets to simp for
Optimus curls into a ball and cries when he sees Megatron with an autobot badge and being a decent person
Tailgate fanboys and asked for an autograph, yes he knows that its not their Optimus Prime but he's cool none the less
Miko quickly finds Buddy and Whirl and Rodimus quickly grabs Bumblebee and Smokescreen. Ultra Magnus has his back turned for for ten minutes and suddenly the Lost light has been turned into a race track with Swerve handling the betting's and a small world has declared war on the lost light, stating the instigators was a human and two mechs, one of which kinda sounds like the Apex armor.
Brainstorm finds Raf and gets into a custody battle for him with Ratchet.
Optimus and Megatron both have a conversation and get some kinda closure from it.
Ultra Magnus nearly cries over Jack being responsible and polite. he loves buddy but why did they get the well mannered human
plus the rest of the autobots being fucking flabbergasted at how Megatron is with his tiny organic child
In short: C H A O S !
There simply would have been way too much to cover with just this request alone. So, I've tried to condense everything down to 4 key highlights of events that defiantly happened during the trip. This would also be assuming that this is also the same universe as Old Predacon Buddy.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy gets a visit from TFP Bots
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
4 Conversations and confrontations that have defiantly happened during the visit
Meeting the Co- captains
The bots had just arrived at the Lost Light via portal and met Buddy once again.
Buddy wanted to bring them to the med bay just to make sure everything was okay with their systems.
Optimus was the one to have Buddy on his servo as they pointed the way to get to the med bay.
How did they not come across any other crewmember?
That is beyond them.
But just before the team made it to the med bay a streak of black came in front of the bots.
“Who are you and what are you doing on board?”--Ravage
Buddy waving from Prime’s servo.
“Hi Ravage!”--Buddy
Ravage takes notice of Buddy and pins his audials back.
“Let them go now!”--Ravage
Ravage tries swiping at the Prime, but Arcee fires a warning shot.
“Don’t even think about it.”--Arcee
“Wait can’t we all calm down—"--Buddy
Multiple heavy pede steps are heard.
“And now he’s coming…”--Buddy
Megatron and Rodimus come running from the corner and stop behind Ravage.
Megatron has his fusion cannon ready and Rodimus is powering up.
Everyone is tense.
“All right Fake Optimus, put Buddy down and no one gets hurt too badly.”--Rodimus
“Fake Prime? This is Optimus Prime.”--Smokescreen
“Yeah, and Megatron isn’t Buddy’s dad. That’s not Optimus.”--Rodimus
“Excuse did you say that bucket head there was Buddy’s dad?!”--Miko
Buddy nods and pats Prime’s digits.
“Just pass me to Rodimus while I explain everything.”--Buddy
Optimus hesitates a minute before handing Buddy to Rodimus.
Buddy Jumps from Rodimus’s servo start onto Megatron’s arm, which freaks everyone out for a minute as the ex war lord does catch them.
“Buddy we’ve talked about this.”--Megatron
Buddy stick’s out their tongue.
“Can someone please explain what in Primus’s name is going on?!”--Magnus
“In a bit Magnus.”--Buddy
“Wait, wait wait, this is Magnus?”--Rodimus
Rodimus looks at him amused.
“Just wait til Minimus finds out.”--Rodimus
“Who’s Minimus?”--Wheeljack
“In a minute, now to the med bay. Ratchet should take a look at them before anything else.”--Buddy
“Ratchet?”—Team Prime
Rodimus and Buddy turn to each other with a mischievous smile.
Megatron just sighs tiredly.
This was going to be a long day… or week even…
2. Ratchet confrontation and some honorable mentions
Both Ratchet’s nearly have a stroke when they see each other.
The team gets checked out by every medic available.
Buddy manages to catch everyone up overall on the ‘alternative universe’ fiasco. Everyone manages to understand for the most part.
Megatron watches Buddy like a hawk while also sending a message to Minimus on the situation.
He could practically hear the stroke happening from here.
MTMTE Ratchet taking a double look at everyone’s energon levels.
“How are any of you even functioning?! Your energon levels are so low you shouldn’t even be standing up right?!”—MTMTE Ratchet
TFP Ratchet huffs.
“Unlike this universe, energon is not a common thing to run by. Naturally the levels are going to be low.”—TFP Ratchet
“I’m not saying that it is, but what I am is astounded on how any of you are still even talking. And you especially.”
Optimus looks curious.
“What are you referring to?”--Optimus
MTMTE Ratchet takes a deep vent and lets it out.
“Your Ratchet has the lowest energon levels out of your entire team combined! Miracle that he is even with us.”--ratchet
Bee buzzes angrily.
All MTMTE bots look at him worriedly.
First Aid comes over to him.
“What happened to your voice?”—First Aid
MTMTE Ratchet, Ambulon and Velocity join in crowding Bee.
“His voice box was damaged in the war on Cybertron. Our Megatron damaged it.”—Raf
Bumblebee looks down a bit.
The medics are all looking at one another.
“We can see what we can do here, if you’d like Bumblebee.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Bee buzzes happily as Raf hugs his digit.
Drift enters the med bay.
“Hey Ratchet, I heard you yelling in here, is everything—”--Drift
Drift looks at the scene in front of him stopping dead in his tracks.
His optics land on TFP Ratchet.
Buddy looks at him mouthing ‘No!’
“Who’s this guy?”--Smokescreen
“I finally made it to the Afterspark.”--Drift
“What?”—TFP Ratchet
“That’s just Drift just ignore him.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Ratchet I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”--Buddy
Drift pulls them both into a hug.
TFP Ratchet is struggling to get out of his grip while MTMTE Ratchet just goes along with it.
“Buddy, who’s that?”--Wheeljack
“And why is he hugging Ratchet?”--Bulkhead
“That’s Drift, he’s Ratchet’s Conjunx.”--Buddy
All TFP Bots nearly have whiplash at how fast they move their helms.
“HIS CONJUNX?!”—Team Prime
“MY WHAT?!”—TFP Ratchet
“Not yours.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Aww Ratty! You do care.”--Drift
“RATTY?!”—Team Prime
Several members of Team Prime laughing on the med slab so hard the medics are on standby.
3. Kids custody
Tfp team goes to the bar.
Kids stay with Buddy in the human safe portion of the bar to get some food.
Everyone is staring at them.
But to be fair they did have way different frame types than everyone else in this dimension.
Buddy yells at them for being rude.
That they help them in their time of need.
Suddenly everyone is in a much better mood.
Swerve serving Team Prime some engex.
“Any friend of Buddy is a friend of ours. Drink up fellow bots!”--Swerve
“Thank you Swerve.”--Optimus
Prime feels something poking his side
He looks at a white minibot poking his side holding a data pad.
“Hi! I know your not this universes Optimus, but can I still have your autography!”--Tailgate
Prime looks a bit surprised but he gives in.
“Thank you!”--Tailgate
“And what may be your name?”--Optimus
“I’m Tailgate!”--Tailgate
Arcee spits out her engex, Bulkhead calms her down.
“Is she okay? I didn’t upset her right?”--Tailgate
Arcee walks up to Tailgate, who is roughly around her size.
Cyclonus walks up behind Tailgate as if daring her to do something dumb.
She eventually holds her servo out.
“I’m Arcee.”--Arcee
Tailgate hugs Arcee instead.
“Thank you and your team for taking care of Buddy while they were away!”--Tailgate
Arcee is holding back tears as she gives into the hug.
“SHE’S ARCEE!”--Rodimus
Many bots look over with curiosity and some with fear.
Bulkhead looked over at the human table to find it empty.
“Hey where are the kids?”--Bulkhead
“Oh! Whirl took them around the bar when you weren’t looking.”--Swerve
“Whirl? Who’s Whirl?”--Magnus
Swerve points to the helicopter bot with his cockpit open.
“That one who’s trying to fight with Getaway.”--Swerve
Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus navigate their way to Whirl.
He turns to show Buddy and Miko laughing in the pit.
“So, you’re this little monsters guardians?”--Whirl
“Well, TOO BAD!”--Whirl
Whirl places a protective claw over both of the giggling humans.
“They are not your Amica—”--Magnus
“Actually I’m his.”--Buddy
“And that’s something we’re going to talk about later. Miko—”--Wheeljack
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“MIKO YES!”--Miko
Meanwhile with Arcee…
Arcee stares at MTMTE Magnus, Cyclonus, Tailgate and Pipes.
Pipes and Tailgate are asking him all sorts of questions.
“Ultra Magnus. Cyclonus.”--Arcee
“Arcee.”—Magnus and Cyclonus
All three of them look over at the other three who are happily laughing at a joke.
All three mentally promise to destroy anyone who harms Jack.
Meanwhile with Ratchet…
Brainstorm holding Raf high above his helm.
“I HAVE FOUND MY CHILD!”--Brainstorm
“HE IS NOT YOUR CHILD!”--Perceptor
“Fine! Percy and Nautica we need to schedule visiting time—”--Brainstorm
MTMTE Ratchet taking Raf out of his servo.
“Leave the poor boy alone.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift looks over at MTMTE Ratchet and Raf and smiles teasingly.
“AAAAWWWW Ratty!”--Drift
Ratchet suddenly getting the hint.
“No…”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift no.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Drift yes?”--Drift
“…”--MTMTE Ratchet
Ratchet hands Raf back to his counterpart.
“I think its best to keep him in check.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Will do—HEY!”—TFP Ratchet
Brainstorm once again nabbing Raf from him.
“Mine child! Now Rafael. Would you like to see my lab? It has all sorts of inventions in it.”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm starts heading to the exit faster before Skids tackles him down letting Raf to get thrown up in the air.
He gets caught by Swerve, who just puts him down next to him.
“…Do you like Bill Nye?”--Swerve
Meanwhile with Rodimus…
Has Smokescreen and Bumblebee both thrown over his shoulder looking at Megatron and Magnus.
“Too bad.”--Rodimus
Confused car noises intensify.
Later on, Optimus and Megatron are found in one of the booth having some whispered conversation.
No one knows what they talked about, but both came back from it looking tired yet somewhat happy.
4. Promise to meet each other one day in the future
A couple days pass, the portal comes back.
Tfp team says their goodbyes.
Buddy wishes them good luck and to say hi to their alternative.
Portal closes.
“Wait you said, ‘other Buddy’, there was another Buddy?”--Megatron
“Oh yeah, but they’re an old Predacon.”--Buddy
“AN OLD WHAT?!”--Whirl
Meanwhile back in TFP…
The team comes out of the portal groaning at the semi harsh landing.
June and Agent Fowler came running in.
June nearly tackles the kids asking so many questions their heads are spinning.
The team explains what happened.
“Would have guessed that after Buddy’s explanation.”—Agent Fowler
“Heh, hey where is Buddy anyways?”--Bulkhead
“Bet their taking a nap.”--Miko
“Nope. After four hours of you guys ‘disappearing to the other dimension’ they’ve been trying to keep everything under control. They’ve been increasing patrols and energon digs.”—Agent Fowler
“They should be coming in soon.”--June
Heavy wing flaps are heard from the main entrance.
“June! I think another rocks stuck in my—”--Buddy
Buddy stops to take a good look at the team before going in for a group hug, spreading their wings as much as possible.
“Thank the Primes your all safe.”--Buddy
“Woah! Buddy, your…umm…”--Smokescreen
Buddy looking down at their dented and dusty self.
“Someone had to pick up on the patrols. The Decepticon’s couldn’t know that you were gone.”--Buddy
Optimus places his servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Rest old friend. We can take it from here.”--Optimus
Buddy just yawns and moves to their spot near the human area and slumps down hard and falls asleep.
The kids go over to Buddy to see if they are still awake.
They were out.
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 months
waittt aventurine is from the ipc not penacony ... im rlly curious to hear that then
YES. OKAY SO , instead of just mentioning fav and why, I WILL ELABORATE ABT MY LOVE FOR THE IPC GUYS LETS GOOOOO
so we know how the IPC is an intergalactic corporation that basically has a monopoly on the trade routes and currency and is basically just a HUGE part of the universe in hsr. This is honestly so interesting to me because of how they dedicate themselves to Qlipoth the Preservation whos building Walls to seperate planets for some reason, but IPC wants to Connect planets while also helping the Amber Lord. its so interesting? almost makes u wonder if the IPC is even dedicated to Qlipoth or is simply an interastral corporate wanting their economic influence to dominate the entirety of the universe. But we do know one thing. WE ONLY HAVE *TWO* KNOWN EMANATORS OF PRESERVATION IN THE IPC, one is Taravan Keane one of the board members of the IPC whos rumored to not even be a follower of Qlipoth, the other is Diamond, Head of the Strategic Investment Department and Leader of the Ten Stonehearts...
THE TEN STONEHEARTS ARE ALSO KNOWN AS THE SENIOR MANAGERS OF THE STRATEGIC INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT. Their official like term / job title is "Non-Performing Asset Liquidation Specialists", theyre all handpicked by Diamond and given Cornerstones which are like a Gemstone that represents what theyre like good at and gives them the authority to borrow Diamond's power as the emanator of Preservation. So its like. They have powers too, but its from the cornerstones, and the cornerstones are given to them by Diamond who gets power from Preservation and the cornerstones are an extension of Diamond's powers.
ANYWAY. Topaz's cornerstone is the "Topaz of Debt Retrieval". Shes also the leader of the Special Debts Picket team and currently the lowest ranking (P44) and implied to be the or one of the youngest member of the Ten Stonehearts.
I love her a lot because of how assertive and confident she is while also prioritizing being kind to others and going with a soft approach first, shes like the customer service Queen. shes also rlly good at math which she actually hates bcuz ppl keep using her like a human calculator if she discloses that information.
ALSO ONE OF HER IDLE HAS HER SPEAKING IN ALL THE DIFF LANGUAGES HSR OFFERS (AKA EN, JP, CN, AND KR) ITS SO COOL ??? Also yes shes technically had to be in the IPC because of how her dying planet made a contract to basically all of them work for the IPC.
I love Topaz for her flaws and also her strengths, shes both incredibly . i dont know the word but its like when you rlly believe ur right and dont think anything else? Shes genuine in a sense that what she does she genuinely believes shes helping people, even though she also acknowledges the faults and bad sides of the IPC, she wasnt hesitant to literally say the IPC was going to use Belobog/Jarilo-VI for the resources and develop it in their own view of how they could improve the lands (aka basically a lot of restructuring and destroying the culture to improve it) but again shes like this because shes experienced it firsthand, how her planet with the most unliveable conditions started to Thrive under the IPC's influence despite it essentially giving up their freedom to work For the IPC. For Topaz she believes that the IPC IS THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE BELOBOG from its current slow recovering state after the stellaron crisis and corrossion that caused the eternal freeze to ravage the planet. That is of course until she saw that Belobog has its own way of survival, its own way of thriving without the need for IPC's meddling, that she steps down/backs off and immediately took the blame without asking for anything in return, just that shes only buying some time and it isnt possible to erase the debt completely. and in a way, I know that it didnt affect her much because she works for the sake of helping the world (in her mind) and not for the money, but it would still suck to get demoted and be known to fail at ur assignment even though you were doing a good decision for the sake of the native inhabitants of the planet. Like?? Oh my gosh. I need to hug her im so happy she has like friends actually like furry creatures and cats and Numby her constant companion because OH MY GOSHH HER character stories make me emo tbh.
shes the silliest gal ever in history of the IPC and I think she needs more fans FORREAL FORREAL ‼️‼️‼️ topaz main for LIFE i need everyone to experience her fun playstyle and numby running around with her and LOKE OMGGG HER SHINY DIAMOND PATTERN SCARF THAT SPARKLES IN THE LIGHT <3 best aspect of her design IMO. i like her thigh mole too but that sounds too 0///0 of me so ill shut up abt topaz now BTW HER LIGHTCONE IS THE BEST LIGHTCONE ART (SHE IS SO CUTE WITH THE CATS AND DOGS AND LIL NUMBY IN THE BG BEING JEALOUS AND WANTING ATTENTION) I WILL SCREAM THIS AND DIE ON THAT HILL . also meta wise her eidolons are All really good for her i need to get her to e2 when she reruns if possible <33 my BELOVED TOPAZ / JELENA U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUSSSSS ♥️💖💖❤️💗💕💞❣️💌💘💝💖💞💕💓💟🫰🫶
anyway for Aventurine . HES A FREAKING MENACE <33 i love his "constantly smiling" persona and his gambling addiction. He is the epitome of a business guy imo, business guy to beat all business guys APPEARANCE WISE (except Reigen , Reigen is top tier business guy hes so me fr fr best character in history :3) anyway back to Aventurine. I like his angst a lot I think.... his persona... his hidden side ... IM SO EXCITED TO PLAY THROUGH IT BECAUSE HIS STORY IS SO DAMN RAAAHHH i cant believe he says "use me as you wish even stab me in the back if you see fit" what if i cry forever i love this guy. more ppl need to as well. ik hes morally gray btw he wants to #win and i for one support him GO AVENTURINE U LIL SMUG GAMBLER U CAN DO IT-- okay ill shut up now i just love his silly personality soo much.... and his voice <3 he makes me so ouhhwgwg emotional fr fr. The only two negative part abt Aventurine is his design not being a person of color and the fact that his iconic hat and sunglasses ARENT on his playable model. I hate hoyo for this /hj but srsly. man. I NEED HIM SO BAD I NEED TO PULL FOR HIM NOWWWWW AND PUT HIM ON MY TOPAZ/FOLLOW UP TEAMS RAAHHHHHH ‼️‼️‼️‼️
also i love the IPC's NPCs like Velite from Argentis Companion Mission and Wilder from the Aetherium Wars event ‼️‼️ and Owlbert our fav host in the youtube videos <3 silly silly
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wolfbitingstarboy · 11 months
Starboy's Story
TW: Blood, Nail-biting/picking, Skin-biting/picking, Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors. Be advised that BFRBs are not a form of self-harm, however they may be very uncomfortable to hear about for people sensitive to stories containing self-harm. Thank you.
So, I've always been known for my love of research, to the point that my sister usually calls me a research monkey whenever I fall down a journal article hole. Even with all of my attempts to stop my "bad habits" and the years of research I've poured into them, I never realized BRFBs existed, purely because there's just so little information out there. So, I think it's safe to say that I never expected to discover them through Etsy, of all places.
This is my story.
I started biting and picking my nails at such a young age that I don't remember a time when I didn't. The earliest memory I have about my nails is when I was told not to pick at them by my mom, so of course I started biting them instead because it wasn't picking and I was born a smart ass.
Another time, my parents took me to a doctor that I recall being about as different from my pediatrician as you could get; where my pediatrician was the same short, round, ferociously protective Filipina doctor that delivered me, this new doctor was tall, slim, and felt detached somehow. He asked me to show him my hands, and I remember instinctively holding them behind my back, already aware that what he wanted to see were my ravaged nails. I'd never before felt the sort of shame about my "habit" as I did when he finally looked them over. He never said a word to me, only took notes. At some point, he turned to my folks, but whatever he said to them back then is lost to time now.
Biting and picking my nails at some point became biting and picking the skin around them and my cuticles, which eventually turned into biting the skin on my hands and lower arms to clear away any other "imperfections" I couldn't attack one-handed. Whether it was a blemish, an ingrown hair, a bit of dead or peeling skin, or even if I just spotted the slightest bump or a hair slightly too dark or thick, things would quickly devolve and whatever it had been would be replaced by a new wound.
Over the next handful of years, I became personally familiar with an unfortunately wide variety of textures and types of scabs and scars my behaviors led me to create. I can look at a scab and tell you if the skin underneath is healed "enough" to pick it off without bleeding and be right probably 95% of the time. The same goes for identifying signs of possible infection before they fully set in; when I saw the signs, I would always re-open, sanitize, and add Neosporin and a band-aid to treat the wound site, and very rarely did those signs return.
Looking back, how I managed to get this far without getting incredibly sick as a result of my BFRBs is shocking. Before the pandemic, I always washed my hands whenever I went to the bathroom or they got dirty, or if I was bleeding, but I wasn't especially diligent about it otherwise and just kind of went with the flow.
Fast-forward to somewhere around September of 2022. I was browsing Etsy for subversive "Hello My Name Is..." badges, and found a shop full of buttons saying things like, "Hello, I am asthmatic, not contagious," and something entirely new to me: "Hello I Have Dermatophagia, Dont' Ask About My Fingers/Nails." (Shop link at the end of the post.)
I knew enough to know "dermatophagia" translates to skin-eating, but that was it. I was fascinated. The shop had another one, "Hello I Have Dermatillomania, Don't Ask About My Hands." I wrote those words down and immediately looked them up. That was when I learned that Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors are A Thing(TM), and not only that but that they're largely misunderstood, underdiagnosed, and untreated.
I finally worked up the courage to join a support group at the start of the year, and spent at least ten minutes of my first session sobbing because I'd never before heard the words, "This disorder is not a character flaw or any fault of your own. It doesn't define us or control us, it's simply part of us and something we recover with rather than from." I was floored.
It turns out there are a lot of us out there, and most of us have never heard the term "Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior" before. That's why I decided to make this blog. I want to share my story and struggles and hope that maybe someone who needs the resources that I have will find it. If nothing else, it's a great outlet and will help me spread awareness.
So if you read this entire thing, thank you for starting this new journey with me.
TL;DR - I found the words "dermatophagia" and "onychophagia" in a cool little shop on Etsy, discovered what BFRBs are, and learned that me being unable to "break the habit" without professional help didn't mean that I was a failure at life. :)
That shop is Doodlepeople on Etsy. You can find their "Hello I Am/Have" buttons here.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Kinkmas Day ten- choking with tenya iida
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I closed asks to finish up the ones flooding through my inbox and finish kinkmas cause I swear I'll finish even if it kills me
This story contains:choking kink, dark tenya, female reader, messy writing cause I've been busy working and not sleeping ✨🍓
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Tenya was a man who loved to follow the rules, after all no rules meant chaos. Everything in his life was regulated by rules so it was no surprise that he even placed rules on you, only issue was you were not a fan of rules. It was something you hated and honestly you breaking the rules was practially tradition but this time you went a tad too far
You two were out to mingle with a few of his friends when you decided to get drunk, which was breaking a rule. Next you septated from tenya while he was distracted..another broken rules, lastly when tenya did find you he found you with todoroki's face smashed between your chest the poor male being awkward while you hugged him close being taller thanks to your heels that you wore to tease tenya even more
"[y-y/n], I adore your affection but won't your husband be upse-"
"yes. Yes he will be, darling shall we go to talk?"
You looked over at tenya before a pout was on your lips and you let go of the pro hero not noticing he was on fire from being flustered nor did you notice just how upset your lover was.
You two walked to an empty bedroom and that's when tenya let his kind persona drop, he quickly pinned you against the wall now glaring at you with a raging fury.
"how many?"
"how many rules were broken? How many did you break?"
You shuddered and before you could answer the male did it for you, with a low harsh tone he made to let you know just how many rules you broke
"ten rules, my dear you broke ten which is obscenely a lot"
With that he let you go from the wall but instead pulled you to the bed and pushed you back. You knew exactly what he was going to do he was going to fuck you brutally that's what he always did when pissed off.
"let's try things a little different this time hmm?"
Tenya pulled his glasses off before calmly folding them and slipping them into his pockets, with that he started to unbuckle his pants
"well you see, it seems like you don't take me all too seriously. Like my rules are just mere suggestion but that's where you're wrong my dear star. My rules are law."
You gulped and saw him slide his belt off his pants before putting it around your wrist binding them together, with that he pushed you back onto the bed his new mission being to get you undressed as quickly as possible
"now here's what's going to happen, I'm going to cover your body in cum and mark you up so bad that everyone knows you're mine..then when we get home I'm going to ravage you is that clear?"
You gave a shaky now before the male threw aside your clothes, your body was free from any sort of hickies or note marks and that pissed him off.
"maybe you should get a tattoo, I know I've always been against them slightly since I don't want you to damage your body but having my name somewhere on you will prove resourceful"
"zip it. I don't want you to speak, instead make your mouth useful and suck my cock"
You quickly did as you were told now sitting up and gulping as the sight of his twitching cock, his cold eyes staring down atyou with a gaze of utter disgust yet arousal.
You leaned forward trailing your tongue up his length slowly and teasingly feeling his fingers burying in your hair as he bucked his hips up hearing your muffled gagging from his rough thrusting, the sight of your mouth full with his cock was enough to make him go a little feral. Without thinking he pushed his cock down your throat watching as tears brimmed in your eyes.
"you like that dont you? You like not being able to breathe because of my length don't you darling?"
With that you felt tenya reach out covering your nose with his hand while he thrusted deeper and harsher in your throat watching as you panicked from the lack of air.
The sight of your face becoming more and more pale with your mouth tightly around his cock was enough sadistic satisfaction to make him cum. He wanted to watch you choke with a mouth filled with cum
With one final thrust tenya shuddered as he gripped your hair and buried your face against the base of his cock only release you when you4 mouth is filled with his warm cum.
He couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at the sight of you coughing and wheezing for air spilling cum down your chin and sputtering it along your body.
"what a mess, you can't help but be a dirty whore hmm? Who knew seeing you like that would be such fun. I wonder how much more you can take before you pass out from lack of air"
The utter thought of him torturing you like that made your body shake out of both excitement and utter fear, the feeling of his hands reaching out to wrap around your throat tightly made you hold back a pained gasp your hands wiggling against your restraints.
"now now, be a good wife and trust your husband..I won't hurt you too much my love"
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nochedura · 5 years
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ive been trying to write these big ass posts and ive been failing but i really just think its fucking wild that bane’s debut comic is him being born into a prison, being put into a fucking HOLE IN THE GROUND FOR TEN YEARS after killing someone in self defense at SIX YEARS OLD, being told by a vision of his future self that he was born to rule over many and the only thing standing in his way is fear (which took the form of a bat), getting out of the hole and reading thousands of books and training his body, being told about gotham and batman and deciding he was going to kill batman to rule gotham, and breaking out of fucking prison
and obviously i really enjoy knightfall (me looking longingly at my copy of vol 1) but im also just so so into the aftermath of this man when its done right. like. god! they clown on bane so bad all the time but whenever anyone writes him like... a man who is innately good but was raised in circumstances that made him bad. it’s just really good for me. that’s why i like anti-hero bane because like, he isn’t... a hero by any means. like i read something earlier where he beat a man with his own arm and i loved it. but he does bad shit for good reasons and he wants to do what’s right and he Cares about people especially like women and kids and he wants to be a leader so he can do whats Right for them but the issue is he’s very much a character who thinks that he’s the only bitch who knows what’s right. 
and dont even get me started on like... how he crafted his body and his mind to be Perfect because he wants so badly to be in control of himself because, yknow, he was raised in a fucking prison and didnt really have any control, but he used venom thinking it would heighten his strength, but it fucking... ravaged him. and like. UGH in gotham knights #50 when he goes into the lazarus pits and he says “i will be reborn” i go rabid. BANE REBUILDING HIMSELF GOING HAND IN HAND WITH RECOVERING FROM HIS ADDICTION MAKES ME GO FERAL. AND LIKE. HE DESERVES TO BE LOVED AND HAVE A FAMILY AND THAT’S WHY I CLOWN ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SCANDAL SO MUCH. let this man have a fucking family and have a good life you fucking cowards. let him fight crime.
anyway bane redemption arc 2020.
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pendragonfics · 6 years
Fanfic Is Just Wobbly Canon
Paring: Wade Wilson/Reader
Tags: male reader, canon complaint, canon divergence, time-travel fix-it, canon-typical violence, canon gay character, character death ((but dont worry its ok)), romance, fluff, angst. 
Summary: Reader loved Wade since that drunk kiss in 2010. Reader loves Wade in that burning orphanage in 2018. Cable realises stuff.
Word Count: 2,064
Current Date: 2018-09-05
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Being a part of the X-Men wasn’t half bad, most of the time. You got regular dental checks and healthcare cover thanks to the Professor, an account on the team’s Netflix you didn’t have to pay for, and training to allow you to regulate your mutation to be allowed around other people. While Ellie Phimester could literally explode, and Colossus was metal most of the time, you were able to shift your density. Which had been a rude awakening at fourteen when you fell from your bed at the top of the orphanage through all the floors and landed in a heap in the basement.
But that was years ago, and since, you’ve been learning not to fall so much as ‘fly’, or, really, just be half-useful in hand-to-hand combat with the people the X-Men encountered. In 2010, you met Wade Wilson back when he was just a mercenary for cash – by accident! You were on your way to your apartment in the shady part of town and he’d seen you in the shadows as a threat. Leading to his knife in your chest…well, his knife going through your chest. To make up for it, he’d taken you out for an apologetic round of drinks and given you a sloppily drunk kiss. But it was nice. It was Wade.
You’re sure he was too drunk to remember that, because it hadn’t been mentioned since. But that was perchance because he’d found a girlfriend. Because when you met again a couple of years later – when you were called in from a mission in the Basque country of France – he looked like a scaly piece of radioactive cheese, but, even without the eyebrows and a skincare routine, you knew it was Wade. For one, that sailor mouth.
Now, you’re not so sure.
“She’s ducking dead,” he says, over and over, except ducking is what everyone intends to write when Autocorrect steps in. “And Russel’s – duck!” His eyes are wild. He looks like a raggedy, wild, ravaging animal. Or a child. He’s acting like it too. His legs are still small, and standing in the corner, you watch as he works out his problems mentally until he growls in frustration.
Weasel looks to you, and you look to Neena, and in turn, look to Wade.
“X-Force didn’t work out,” you say, and Wade gives you a sharp look. You clear your throat, and start again, “X-Force isn’t done yet, but it hasn’t done what its goal was. Get Russel and stop him. Especially since he’s with Juggernaut.”
Neena nods, agreeing. “We need to stop them, I mean, that guy is ugly.”
Weasel raises a hand. “How are we going to do it? I mean, me – I’m just me, and Wade has baby legs, Neena – you’re just a fluke of nature –,”
She grins at that, “Thank you.”
“– and __________, you’re just really good at falling through things.” He concludes.
“We can’t just do nothing.” You say, desperate. “We know that Russel turns into a really, really bad guy if we let him go down this path – we have to try! It’s better to try at failing than to fail at trying.”
“Isn’t that from a motivational cat poster?” Neena wonders.
You throw your hands up, exasperated, and leave the room to find Wade’s kitchen. When you were but a young boy, a blind boy a little older than you roomed with you at the orphanage. He might have been blind, and at night, covered his head with pillows because everything was too loud, but you learned something from him, even when you discovered your mutation.
Tea makes everything better. Of course, two teenaged boys didn’t learn this by themselves – you’d sneak down to the kitchens after sunset for a mug of warm milk that Sister Constantine would permit, but, when your friend came with you this time, she declared that it wouldn’t be tea this time for the both of you.
“How old are you boys, again?” she asked in her matronly tone.
“Fifteen,” you replied.
“I’m sixteen.” Said his friend.
“Well, you’re much too old to have warm milk at night. Yes,” she repeated, busing herself with boiling a pot of water upon the cast iron stove. “Milk is for children or calves suckling at their mothers’ teat in the farmyard. You boys are nearly men, and men drink milk, yes, but with other things.”
“Do you mean biscuits?” you questioned.
You had no clue as to what men drank. You had been found as a baby upon the orphanage doorstep, swaddled in a raggedy scarf in a box that had allegedly smelt of cat pee and cigarettes. The nuns raised you, and so, apart from the occasional school teacher who was male, you had few as role models.
“No,” Sister Constantine replied. “Tea.”
Returning to the living room with several cups looped over your fingers, it isn’t until you look up and realise that almost everyone there has a gun cocked to where you were just standing. Because standing there is the man who had just been trying to kill Russel. It’s then your mutation kicks in with the adrenaline that’s racing through your mind, and the cups drop, hitting the floor. Kersch-plash.
“Sorry,” you apologise, “I just – he’s – what?”
“Cable. The mother-trucker who was – hey, who’s censoring my words?” Wade frowns, looking at you. No, not you, the you who’s reading. “Did the writer put you up to this?” he asks, growling. “I am the Merc with a Mouth, not one of those lame-o’s from The Good Place.” He bring his hand down upon his baby leg in frustration, and winces. “Fork! Bench.” He turns his gaze from you back to you, standing in the doorway with several broken mugs of tea at your feet, and continues, “He’s the guy who wanted to let Russel get blown up like a piñata on the Day of the Dead.”
“Oh,” you say, “hi.”
The other man says nothing. But it’s what happens next that says more words.
You see it happening, perhaps, before he did.
There was the shot of the gun from that asshole, and the bang! of the shot itself, and well, you did what you did. Your feet move themselves, your brain makes you move faster than before. Sure, earlier today you couldn’t function enough to hold your own with your density vs. the tea cups, but now, your body is in fight mode. And before you can register what you’re doing, you’ve moved.
You feel the bullet, and feel somewhat hollow, and but its then you shift. Your skin grows dense, like concrete trying to drip dry out of a waterless tap.
Time seems to go back to normal after that.
And you collapse to the ground, heavy. From the hole in your chest, you know you’re bleeding onto the X-Force unitard. From what’s hurting the most, you know the bullet has hit your heart, right where you didn’t need a bullet to go through. But you took it.
“Bruv,” Russel says, shocked.
“__________!” Wade’s at your side. “No – what!”
You look to him, unable to articulate anything. From shifting your mutation as you took the bullet, you can only assume it’s taking up all your energy, all your will, and you can feel weaker. “H-hi.” You whisper.
“__________, you can’t die,” Ellie blinks, looking between you and Colossus. At the mansion, you never thought yourself as close, but here she is, breaking. “Call someone!”
But you’re focusing on Wade, with every second you have left.
“__________, no,” he says, pulling the mask up, so you can see his lips. “You can’t die too.”
You muster all your strength, and reaching toward Wade with your hand, you place your fingers on his chin, and your hand falls to land on his chest. “I…I l –,” You splutter, your heart rate fading quick, your lungs unable to fill. “you.”
It all goes dark.
Time is strange when you don’t care about it. He care deeply for it, especially since it’s what he works on. Lives off. Needs. But he says he doesn’t care, and that’s what other people know of him. They don’t know much of him. Like how he had a son, once. A perfect child, unaffected like him. It drove him mad, seeing the boy showing no mutant genes. It was when he and his wife, quite young, and quite sure of it at that time, decided to return this child to where he came from. Originally. So that it could have the best life for someone like that.
So, he had his wife write a note, and they wrapped the child in a scarf, and marked him in a way so if he wanted to, he could find the boy. And together, he and his child, went to the late 20th century, to a small orphanage in New York city. He chose a warm night, to leave him, in a box that smelt faintly of cigarette smoke.
After that, time went on for him. Forwards, backwards, his device worked well. Until that night, and then, he, in revenge for what happened to his family, armed himself with it, and saw it had only two more rides left. One to the 21st century. To take out Russell Collins. And one to return home.
But plans change.
Cable watches the young man fall, having taken the bullet. But it isn’t until he takes his hand, and places it against Wade’s chest that he notices a small mark on the inside of his wrist. Three dots, faded, yes, but, there, as if tattooed.
He knows those dots. While the X-Force are busy churning out tears, he turns his device, and in time – a fluid thing, really – goes backwards, for once, in a small way. Ten minutes, back when they were un-squashing out of the taxi together.
He does what he does, and shrugs when asked why he touched the younger man’s chest. He feigns indifference, and, well. The rest is history. Future.
You see it happening, perhaps, before he did.
There was the shot of the gun from that asshole, and the bang! of the shot itself, and well, you did what you did. Your feet move themselves, your brain makes you move faster than before. Sure, earlier today you couldn’t function enough to hold your own with your density vs. the tea cups, but now, your body is in fight mode. And before you can register what you’re doing, you’ve moved.
You feel the bullet, but, not as you expect it. Your body is tensed, your mutation had kicked in, but there was no feeling. It’s then you realise.
The bullet is nestled into the ground near your feet, dented by something. You’re intact. Russel’s intact. You frown, and look to Wade, and your eyes land on Cable. He nods, as cryptic as ever, and it is then when he goes to inspect his gun.
“I nearly died,” you whisper, looking once more to your friends, your eyes settling on Wade. Your adrenaline is still coursing your body, and it’s in a split second when you stride toward him, looking at him through the mask. “Wade, there’s something I gotta tell you.”
Russel gives you two a look, and moves toward Colossus, away from you too.
“You left the stove on at my place?” he asks.
“No, no, not that,” you shake your head. “Do you remember back in 2010 when we first met? In the alleyway? You stabbed me, but I –,”
He nods.
But you persist. “Do you remember all of it? Because sometimes it’s like you try to erase that bit, because you’ve never brought it up. You were with V –,”
Wade interrupts you, ripping the mask from his face that looks like an undercooked and under-sauced pepperoni pizza, and at once, he cradles your face with his gloved hands, and your heart stops. Not in the literal way. Because finally, it’s happening sober. It’s happening out of your guilty pleasure daydreams and wishes.
“I wasn’t sure if you remembered,” he says to you, as you break for air.
“Gross,” says Russel.
“Every sock has a pair,” says Yukio, no doubt holding Ellie’s hand.
“Of course I remembered,” you say, and kiss Wade forkin’ Wilson, the guy you’ve been in love with since that night in 2010.
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twilightsporklez · 4 years
For Want of a Nail, the Kin was Lost
    Exactly two weeks ago, the world had entered the Darkest Timeline. Andrew Hussie, creator of Homestuck, had died from a heart attack at the ripe old age of sixty nine, and, as he had passed to the underworld, his creations had passed from the underworld to Earth. The constellations glittering in the sky, once beacons of hope, had loosened their chains and come down in order to destroy the world. The twelve trolls of Homestuck were alive, and they wanted humanity dead.
Story continued under the cut (cw: violence, death, gore)
    Using their god-like powers, they first targeted power plants and the homes of world leaders. Then they came for the fans. They recruited readers of Homestuck in order to help them destroy Earth. Every one of them had agreed and had immediately sworn their loyalty. 
    Along with their rampages came another change. Everyone, overnight, had had their appearance changed to match that of their assigned zodiac kin. Deku, as far as he could tell, was a Vriska. He was pretty sure that his zodiac sign was Cancer, but maybe his birthday was on an edge day.
    Deku had spent the first week hiding in his basement reading the entirety of Homestuck. His house had then been burned down by a rampant Sollux. Most of the city had been, actually. The only safe spots now were shelters with closely guarded locations.
    He had spent the past few days wandering through the ravaged streets, searching for the location to a safehouse. The heat of the day beat down heavy against his cloak, but he dare not take it off in fear of burning his gray skin. According to a nearby spray-painted billboard, a brave Tavros had set up shop inside the EBGames he was standing in front of.
    The surface was mostly bare during the day, but Deku was still cautious. He did a quick search of the surrounding parking lot before entering the lobby.
    The doorbell chimed as he wiggled his way in. Deku pulled down his hood and waved at the Tavros.
    "What are you in for today?" The Tavros wasn’t in character. Phew. Only those who had had quirks beforehand spoke with their typing quirk.
    "Some food and a safe house, ideally." Deku turned and scanned the shelf that had used to house Nintendo games. It had a couple copies of the physical editions of Homestuck, along with a few handbooks for ‘your new troll body and you’. Deku sighed at the sight of them.
    He heard a few thumps and some swearing, and turned around to find the Tavros bumping his wide horns against the door-frame of the back room. Ouch. Deku feigned interest in the handbooks to help the guy’s self esteem.
    Along with the appearance and typing quirk of your assigned kin, you also gained their powers. Deku had been ecstatic at the news, but then, as always, inevitably disappointed, as it turned out that it only replaced your old quirk instead of fitting you with a new one. He was still powerless in a society filled with superheroes. Er, trolls. Quirk-having trolls were indistinguishable from the originals in every way other than their height, lack of limited immortality, attitude, and blood. Thankfully, everyone had kept their blood.
    Tavros, having managed to not hit his horns this time, came back into the room carrying a couple loaves of bread and a map. "That'll be seventy dollars."
    Shit. He didn't have any money. He didn't have any powers, either. The only thing Deku had, aside from his pure charisma and perceptiveness, was a bunch of weird paper that he had stolen while committing tax fraud. Wait. That's money. Deku paid quietly for the goods and then sat on the floor and took a bite of his spoils. Judging from the map, the safe house was three or four blocks away and pretty well guarded.
    By the time he was finished memorizing the route, he had hungrily wolfed down an entire loaf of Wonder bread without noticing. Grabbing the remaining two loaves, he rolled up the map, pulled his faded orange hood back up, and left.
    The constant surveillance of his surroundings turned a five minute walk into twenty, but it paid dividends. The original route shown on the map was crawling with Eridans looking for someone to take out their anger out on.
    Happy with his avoidance of a close call, Deku examined his surroundings. The outside of the base was relatively hidden. It resembled a normal, beaten-up subway entrance. However, the bottom of the stairway was blocked off with metal and presumably, bullet proof glass with an open hole a the bottom, like at the movie theatres, or maybe a dentist. What were dentists hiding from? He would need to think about this immediately. He had time: there was a sign about someone being "OUT FOR LUNCH."
    Just then, his phone went off. Labelled as the caller: "(Vriska)." Not one for dramatic pauses, Deku answered immediately.
    The voice sounded female. It was hard to tell, because all they were saying was ‘doot’ over and over to the tune of some song that Deku didn't know. The audio quality was pretty bad too, like if someone made a SBAHJ podcast and then made it shittier. He hung up.
    It was another ten minutes before someone came out. The Terezi had her hair cut short, and her left horn was chipped. She sat down in a chair in the booth and waved.   
    "N4M3??" Like eighty percent of the population, she had a quirk.
    "Previously Izuku Midoriya. Currently assigned Vriska. Forgive me if I don't remove the hood."
    Deku found that unsettling, but free room and board is free room and board, so he didn't question it. Terezi leaned back in her chair and slapped a button on the wall. The window between them swung open and Deku jumped back to avoid it.
    “COM3 ON 1N.” Terezi moved her chair over to the side, and Deku saw that the interior was much larger than he had thought. It was a little bigger than a supply closet, and had pictures of various Homestuck characters plastered along the walls.
    The space felt personal, so Deku didn’t lag behind when Terezi left down a hallway to the side.
    After a short walk, the hallway opened up into an abandoned underground parking garage. The sturdy concrete walls were covered in graffiti, and most of the cars had doors busted open. Trolls from most of the hemospectrum were lazing around, talking and sleeping. All of them except for Cerulean bloods. 
    Maybe he should get to know the person—troll—currently leading him away from any witnesses.
    Start simple. “Are Terezi’s powers any fun to use? I never had a quirk, so I’ll never get to experiment with mind-”
    “1 DONT H4V3 4 QU1RK.”
    “You don’t? Then why the typing quirk?” He would never have thought he would be having this kind of conversation.
    “1 US3D TO K1N T3R3Z1. 1M V3RY S3NS1T1V3 4BOUT 1T.”
    “I understand.” Deku did not understand, but he did not doubt for a moment that the 5’1” Terezi beside him could kill him instantly, even without a quirk.
    Looping around cars, Terezi led him into another hallway, barking at some of the other trolls to keep it down during sleeping hours. They passed a few kitchens and supply closets, until winding up at an oak door.
    Deku hoped that she was joking. He took a breath in and opened the door.
    An older-looking troll with long, tangled black hair sat in front of him. She wore a faded yellow robe with a sun poorly embroidered on it. Her tired face glowed a soft blue, and it scrunched up in seething hatred once all eight of her eyes saw who—what—he was.
    Vriska shot her hand out towards him. Dice spilled out, zapping in the air and glowing brightly. "No dou8les!!!!!!!!!"
    Deku pulled his hood on and ducked, narrowly avoiding certain death. "Wait!” Reminded of his conversation from earlier, he decided to lie. “I'm not a Vriska,” he said. "I'm a (Vriska). Completely different."
    Vriska motioned for him to sit down. "Let's talk. And close the door 8ehind you."
 It had been a few weeks since Deku had joined the underground group. He was sitting with the Terezi and Vriska he had met on the first day, conversing about possible long-term solutions to food shortages. It was difficult because they kept getting distracted and making out instead of getting work done.
    “If we were to grow our own food above ground, we’d run the risk of being—er, 8eing tracked-” Deku cut himself off. A nearby Karkat had a knife in his hand. “Did you guys check everyone’s blood? I think that Karkat is about to kill someone.”
    They stopped kissing and looked over to where Deku was pointing. Vriska reached into her bag and started rummaging through it. “First of all, not a dude. Second of all, o8viously I checked them all.”
    Vriska pulled out a handful of dice and a tube of red chap-stick. Terezi gratefully took the chap-stick, biting into it like a Popsicle. They both stood up.
    “WH4T 4R3 YOU DO1NG?” asked Terezi.
    The Karkat smiled. “NOTHING.” He proceeded to walk over to a sleeping Sollux and pat him on the head.
    “I have a new way to solve our food shortage. Reduce damand.” Vriska flung out her dice towards the red-tinged troll. They flashed and spun, until hitting the ground to reveal the damage count. Because of her luck, it was the maximum possible. Lightning shot out of the die and phased through the Karkat, killing him instantly.
    Except, he wasn’t dead. He peeled himself off the pavement and dusted himself off.
    Terezi turned towards Deku and Vriska. “OK4Y 1 TH1NK 1V3 FOUND TH3 PROBL3M. K4RK4T H4S MUT4NT BLOOD. TH4T 1S TO S4Y HUM4N BLOOD.”
    Karkat nodded, as if to approve the theory. Apparently a blood test doesn't work if the one you're trying to find has freakishly normal human blood.
    Vriska facepalmed. “This is so unfair. He never 8ecame a god in the alpha timeline!!!!!!!!”
    The floor rumbled softly, and the roof started to crack and splinter. Beams of energy shot through the roof, and a large part of it collapsed. Hundreds of trolls streamed through the hole, carrying weaponry and a thirst for destruction. Homestucks.  Did they not realize this conquest would result in the demise of humanity?
    Initially filling the area with deafening shouting and pushing, they soon fell silent. A troll in a bright yellow robe floated above them, staring directly at the trio.
    “It’s 8eneath me to ask nicely, 8ut please kill each other so that we don’t have to waste time.” She flipped her long black hair as if it were a simple request.
    Deku, unsurprisingly, liked being alive. “What happens if we don’t?”
    An enthusiastic Nepeta pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.
    "Calm down. I'll deal with this 8ozo myself." Deku realized that floating above him was Her. The original Vriska.
    He was doomed.
    Vriska pulled out dice from her pocket and started playing with them in her hand. “I h8 doubles, 8ut I’ll give you one chance at redemption. Prove yourself a real fan and I’ll let you join my army.”
    Deku considered his answer carefully. He didn’t have a lot of options. Better to go with something tried and true rather than lose at a Homestuck trivia contest. If it worked once, why not again? "I'm actually the original (Vriska). Don't kill me."
    "It seems unlikely. Karkat, test her 8lood."
    Okay yeah he was definitely doomed. Why did Vriska have to take basic safety precautions?
    Karkat’s knife dripped with the yellow blood of a Sollux, and Deku cringed at the sight. Karkat came close to Deku, and took his arm in one hand. He carefully grazed the knife along Deku’s skin, letting the blood drip out for all to see.
    Cerulean blood. 
    He was safe. But he was (Vriska)... And if he was (Vriska), then who was phone????????
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This is a sort of sequal to that anon Bee/Spike drabble I sent you. This one has some Rumble/Spike/Frenzy as well, even if Spike dosent know who’s who. The content i of slight dubious content, but nothing beyond sexual. I might have included an unnamed unimportant OC, but its just an unnamed younger sibling of Spike. I hope you enjoy it, despite the grammar mistakes. ______________
His dad had noted the almost dopey smile on Spike face, as the boy entered the front door after saying goodbye to the yellow minibot. He almost didn’t react to his youngest sibling waving their hand infront of his face durning dinnertime. With a nervous chuckle he had excused himself, and helped to clean off the table with a slight spring to his step. His father only smiled knowingly, amused about his sons obivious lovesick display. The boys head hit the pillow with a soft tud, a deep content sigh leaving him once he was in his bedroom. Closing his eyes Spike grinned cheekly as he remembered the exciting kiss both he and Bee had shared. Rolling over to the side his hand clasped over the space where his heart would be. The ripples of intense love and devotion had waved through him and back as Bee had pulled him closer, the closeness something more intimitate than anything he had heard of. The contents in those magazines Butch had kept under his bed were medicore, cheap almost compared to what both he and Bee had shared. “I miss you already Bee…” he mumbled to himself sleeply, remembering the minibots knowing but shy smile as he had said goodnight. The hand on his chest grasped into his chest, his cheeks dusted pink as his eyelids fluttered before he almost dozed off… …almost, because he suddently noticed a pair of unfamiliar purple and black cassettes innocently laying on his nightdesk. For a moment he just laid there staring at them. ‘Those arent mine… Busters perhaps?’ A part of him denied that thought. His younger brother was far less absentminded to leave his own stuff laying around. Sitting up slowly he stared at them with a drowsy gaze; his head tilting to the side in a sleepy manner he wasnt aware of doing. He was about to just leave it be before the mental image of a certain pair of decepticon twins made him sober up more from his drowsiness. Reaching out to them suspiciously, he jumped back as the two cassettes changed into those very twins he dreaded it would be. But before he could scramble off the bed, the red and black one straddled him. Both he and his purple painted brother shared a michevious look, before the one currently between his legs pinched Spikes cheek. “Youre right bro, he does kind of look cute.” His hand cupped his cheek, the casetticons thumb brushing against his quivering lips. “Damn! They are soft to touch as well…” He They started to snicker mockingly and licked their lips, only to protest annoyed when Spike slapped his tormenters hand away. “Get out of my house decepticreeps!” His strained demands only gained a laugh from the both of them, before the purple one(he never knew which was which, it always changed for some reason) cupped his mouth. “Shut it fleshie! We have decided we wanted to do what you and that wimpy Autobot did outside.” The twin straddling him leaned down to hold him in his arms before rolling to the side, ignoring Spikes muffled protests as the other twin pushed himself up against his back. At the humans thrashing the one behind him hissed in his ear. “Ravage is already downstairs, just waiting to tear your guardian to shreds.” At the way the boys eyes widened the one infront of him leaned forward to whisper along. “But if you play along, he might just take a nap instead.” “So what do you say fleshie? Wanna play?” Their chorus of voices carried a mocking but eager tone, the hand of the one behind him slipping forward to rest on his stomach. Lower and he might have paniced even more. But the thought of his family potentionally being harmed or worse by the mech downstairs wagered the guilt in him. What he and Bee shared was special, laced in a trust he didn’t want to break. With an quiver in his voice, he stuttered. “W-what if we did something else? I’m kind of tired from-” But at the annoyed groans of the twins, he acted quickly with widened eyes. Leaping forward he liplocked the red and black minicon infront of him, the exciting yell of the one behind of (“man hes eager!”) falling on deaf ears as he tried to leave as little space between him and the mech infront of him. He whimpered as he felt teeth on the back of his neck, the hand on his stomach traveling up to where his heart was. “Mhh-w-wait! I’m too tired for that right no-” The twin infront of him silenced him by shoving his tounge deep into his mouth, giving the twin behind him the oppertunity to lift Spikes t-shirt. He jumped slightly by the cold sensation of the mechs hand running up and down his bare chest with a flat hand, the sound of its owner making a curious hiss by his ear. “Its beating so hard… Primus you’re cute for a fleshie.” The hand trailed downwards, and chassis of the twin currently kissing him glowed a bright orange from the seams. Spike only shook, not knowing if he wanted it to stop or not. He didnt want to betray the trust of Bumblebee, but he wanted his family to be safe. Something in him started to convey feelings he himself wasnt projecting. Concerned, alarmed, protective. A nip on his neck brought him back from his thoughts. Leaning to hesitantly press his chest against the groaning con, he let out a slight moa- The door opened with a soft creak, causing all three to pause. “Spike, I cant find philly.” His eyes widened by the tired voice of his eight year old babysister. Turning around to look over the decepticon, he saw her tiny tired form still in her overalls. Rubbing her eyes she still hadn’t noticed the scene in front of him. Hearing the annoyed growl from his intruders he wriggled himself into a seating position. “Just leave her be okay?? She’s-” “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?” The startled yell of his little brother along with a mechanical hiss made him throw himself off the bed and straight to his baby sister. Picking up the confused girl he held her close as he backed out of his room, a defiant glare directed towards the terrible two. “Call him off, decepticreep! Im not doing anything if he hurts my family!” The two of them snorted before leaping off the bed. Advancing towards the boy and the now whimpering girl in his arms, they smiled mockingly. “You seemed eager just a moment ago? Whats the big idea??” “Yeah! You had no problem doing this to that doofus! And we are ten times more cooler than that wet blanket!” They paused to give the tiny form in his arms a disgruntled look before one of them reached over to give her a harsh poke. The girl squealed in pain causing Spike to turn his back on the two decepticons. “Don’t touch her!” One of them gave off an annoyed groan. “This is so stupid! It would have been so much easier if-” “If what???” All three of them froze. Turning around slowly the two minicons saw none other than Bumblebee at the window. His usual merry expression was contorted into a feral glare, optics glowing a bright white to indicate just how furious he was. A part of Spike almost felt like he could feel what Bee was thinking. Concerned, furious, MINE. The intensity of it blinded him for a moment, only to break out of it when one of the twins grabbed him by the collar. Giving him a wide smirk the minicon leaned forward to give him a swift kiss. The human’s eyes widened before shoving the con off him, arms still securely holding the girl.  He only gained a laugh from the terrible two and a chorus off. “See you around cutie!” They began to rush to the window, transforming in mid-air to be caught by lazerbeak who mysteriously flew past his window. Downstairs he could hear Ravage toppling over his father before probably leaping out through an open window, the distant transformation noises and squack indicating that the bird had picked him up as well. Spike leaned against the doorframe, the shock of it all finally dawning on him. His sister wiggled from his arms to rush downstairs to their dad, leaving him to stare with slight guilt at the yellow minibot. Walking towards the window, he opened it up more to be lifted into his best friends arms. He burrowed into the warm embrace, before speaking with a mumble. “I-I’m sorry. They took me by surprise and Ravage was downstairs. I didn’t know-” “It’s allright Spike. I already knew.” He stiffened. Lifting his head he stared both shocked and confused at the minibot. “Wait…How??” Bumblebee only nuzzled him in response, his hold becoming more firmer. “We share a bond now Spike. I felt your distress because of the spark merge earlier.” Spike didn’t know how to wrap his head around that reasoning. But something of it… “I felt it too… I-I just didnt know what it was though” A part of him wanted to giggle at the slight mechanical purr he got from Bee as a response. Reaching up he cupped the faceplate of the yellow bot. “I love you Bee.” From that he got an eager but soft kiss, which he responded back with gladly.
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sheencko · 7 years
mr. moreau
an unfinished scrap of a novel i am not sure ill continue
i can see it its a diamond with the crossroads its white borders from my cracked window up here
i ‘ave to get that fixed)—  just below the fog (the fog is low today)
—and its on top of the street that was just painted
oh yesterday or maybe the day before that
or something,
i think
black as my genevieve’s ‘air
two bodies crisscrossed atop of each other and splattered like paint on a black canvas, a pollack of angry reds and i cant see their face cause theyve been ravaged by the hard concrete and im so high up looking down like a dreamer into a field of rye and i shudder because oh, how painful is that but i also suppose,
when youre fallin i guess you only feel the woosh of the wind under you and maybe your soul leaves your body before your body breaks into a million teeny tiny pieces and everything inside you that youve ever dreamed flows out of you like a bucket tipping over onto a tile floor—maybe
maybe its a perpetual fear and youre trapped inside a perpetual cycle of mind numbing terror because youre falling to your doom and you regret that your feet left the edge in the first place and maybe, maybe you shoulda called your mom and then told her that you loved her one last time or apologized to the man that you bumped into while you were hurrying home yesterday and the tears are flying from your face ‘cause you can see them surrounding your grave wearin nothing but black and your father is silent but a kind of silent youve never seen before and in that second you can just SEE him taking the same path you are and then
maybe the fear grips your limbs like god coming down and punishing you but all you feel is a childish sort of aversion an “i dont wanna” cause you dont wanna—you dont wanna die cause you have so so much to live for and youre cryin to some big fat man up in the sky but whats he gonna do? he cant stop you
but i wouldn’ know but i took the elevator and went down to look at the scene anyway cause we’re all drawn to the misfortune of others anyway like nothing more than moths having an orgy on a blue flame
mr. steinway was next to me in the elevator; he lived on the 13th floor and i on the 12th i saw him smoking up on the roof sometimes. he was a gentleman by any other name, except the part where his wife left him cause hed been caught with a particularly young mistress but i suppose that didnt matter because he played ravel’s jeux d’eau like no one else in the world could and maybe he played her body like that homonymous six figure grand he has, who knows
his face was wrinkled and ugly but the melodies he played were smooth and beautiful so who cared about his damn visage i guess
“oh, mister moreau,” and for that matter, his voice wasnt particularly musical either
“steinway, are you heading down to see what happened?”
“arent we all,” he chuckled like the deaths were a funny little joke he had made up,
“i think i’ll stop by the grocery store”
“is that so?” he spoke like a conductor introducing a symphony to an ignorant audience and he was just trying to find a way to relive his days of performing inside carnegie hall’s stern auditorium because all he performed in now was his empty apartment, we around ‘im the unwilling listeners. he silently watched the floor numbers count down on the bar above the elevator doors 10 9 8 7 “i ‘aven’t been there lately.” he finally said like he had wondered how to talk without being offensive while still showing his pockets were full of gold.
dick, i thought 4 5
and waited and 2 1 and the doors opened.
our doorman greeted us. he was a fine fellow and i talked with him when it was too awkward for silence. he had a prized son about to head off to columbia on some scholarship or another and his younger daughter was expected to follow in his shoes. his mother was bedridden his dad dead and apparently he made a great deal of money working as a valet for the most expensive hotel in the city on the weekends. he liked the color orange and his ties were sometimes tied with a different knot because his daughter liked to practice on him. for lunch he preferred a simple tomato and mozzarella panini from the cafe a few blocks away but occasionally he partook in the pita bread and hummus that mrs. tomadakis on the fourth floor gave him and he always always despised it when someone moved the rug in front of the door. i didnt know his name.
“another suicide, huh?” he gave me a warm smile and mr. steinway a slightly cooler one
he said ‘another’ because it had been the eighth one this month and we were only fourteen days into it and silently, slowly we found ourselves heading towards a point of numb disassociation—when one person committed suicide it was all over the news like mr. steinway’s scandal and you learned their birthday, their name, their age,
every tiny detail of they had been, the sorrow of their friends and family,
and everything that happened between the day that they they came into the world and the day they left
and the people reacted with horror, the parents apologized to their kids and the kids to their parents, and the grief counselors opened their doors to those who had lost someone in a similar fashion and had to relive the memory through someone else’s eyes and maybe a wide-eyed girl holdin the blade to her small wrist told herself not today, not today
but of course, thats me being optimistic
sometime after the third suicide all that popped up was a name and a vague somethingorother reason they lit themselves on fire or shot themselves in the ‘ead or something and then a frown from the casters, maybe a tinge of sympathy entered their tone but then 10 seconds passed and they forgot because this was all part of a trend that would end. the people talked about the suicides in hushed tones but now the conservations were turning into a more questioning again? and a response of yeses and then it tended to be never discussed again because hey it didnt involve us anyhow
so the nameless bodies started to pile up one on top of each other and i knew the faces and names of maybe three or four but no more.
i nodded to him. “troubling,” i said, because what else could i say
“yes, definitely. my wife had me turn off the news last night because she was so… distressed at all the incidents lately” the doorman replied and there was a hint of something unknown when he said it. nonetheless he turned to the man next to me because his priorities were his own “I heard your playing the other day, mr. steinway. marvelous as always,” he said, voice turned slick because steinway gave good tips. he couldn’t hear anything from all the way on the 1st floor of course
mr. steinway looked chuffed, a prizewinning cock who fought with all the other roosters. “the debussy or the khachaturian?”
“the khachaturian, of course. i always find myself partial to the contemporary—“ the doorman said in an inviting tone to begin an conversation that would undoubtedly net him a few more dollars or maybe a lot more next week—
“interesting!” steinway murmured in that hushed tone since discussion of classical music was clearly some covert operation that no one was supposed to know about. i walked outside into the cool fall air knowing that they would be stuck there for a good ten minutes or more and noticed that the crowd around the two corpses in the middle was gone already and the first thing i wondered was not who they were but rather if dear genevieve had heard the news
there is a photographer standing by the bodies with her big old camera snap snap and she looks up and stares at me staring at her she stands up and i notice that the bottom of her pants have been scuffed by the road she smiles at me without dusting herself off,
“hello!” she was too cheery for the death in front of her “do you live here?” she is the only one out here and the world feels strangely empty
“yes, i” i pointed to the clean, modern building to the left “live just over there,”
she looked at me up and down up and down “you wouldn’t know these people would you?” no i wouldnt
“no” her face fell but then it rose again as she stuffed a card into my clammy hand and the bracelets on her hand jangled and she grinned at me with white teeth but the front two were crooked as if someone ‘ad taken a pair of pliers to them and her brown ‘air was messy, her skin lighter than mine—“i was just wondering since no one seems to know who they are” (she spoke in a rush like she was breathless) and i finally start to wonder indeed, who they are because even as corpses their hands are entwined together “i’m” and now that im down here i can see the fine details in their “photographer, i” faces and the one on the left has that dead fish look in their dark eyes and the eyes are wide open and theyre staring into “crime scenes” my very soul and i wonder if theyre blaming me for my being complicit in their deaths because i too heard the news and did nothing but “ive been in the news” my hands are shaking and i think i couldnt have done anything because i didnt know but something jabs me — a maybe i did know because i too heard the news and passed by disinterested “but i also do” and im staring back at them and theyre staring back at me in a staring contest that i know i will lose “family portraits, anything you need basically” and the one on the rights eyes are closed and the part of their face that isnt all burst open and spilling onto the floor has a tender charm and their lips are fixed in what seems like a peaceful smile but im thinking no there is no way that could be peaceful and oh “call the number if” their ‘ands are all so small if i could just have grabbed those before they jumped maybe id be staring at an empty black canvas instead of a grotesque exhibit of all that we ‘ave done wrong
work title:
medium: human on concrete
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photonconductor · 7 years
i dont have an ao3 but shout out to my homeboys
once upon there was a gay on th e moon bc of a really lovng alternate au idea where elc turened BAD and klaus had a 1000 year nap and it'd take too long to fucking explain this so just roll with it ok. this gay--its elcrest btw hes also a Bad Boy now; he rly likes hot topic and thinks those t shirts with sarcastic sayings are actually rly funny but we all know they aren't--was feleing emo bc he couldn't see his bf xen o bc he betrayed him. so he stayed in his room whining abt how fgay he was until eve showed up
"hey whats wrong elc mother is here for u" even tho shes like 5000 years old and looks like shes 2 and also a rock (but im not rockist guys i promise). elc looked at her with his optics shining in the pale argentate light. good thing hes the seme here bc otherwise he'd start crying. in reality he rly wanted to fucking bone xeno bc obviously they had a lot of gay sex b4 they tried to kkill his mom once nad staring at rocks all day kinda sucks.
a;so burnign alive but hes kind of over that phase.
"im sad my bf left me for 1000 years can i pls go back to earth my raging hard on can't be satisfied bc rocks. my dicks not a jack hammer even tho im jacking it all the time (thats what guys do right bitch i dont know)" eve was so offended she put her hands on her giant rock self thats not just herself. its rly fucking complicated shut up u came here for the gay sex not instructibles on how physical forms manifest.
"we dont say ROCKS in this household young man!!!!"
"BUT MOOOMMMMM sorry i forgot to turn off my seme voice lemme adjust my mic it happens when my dick is hard" elcrest coughed twice "ok sounds good, BUT MOM I RLY NEED TO NUT. YOU KNOW NUT I'M SAYING... ITS ALL OR NUTTING BUT MOSTLY NUTTING IN XENO'S SWEET HOT BUNS"
"stop talking abt nuts u disgusting boy fine, god, if u leave me alone u gaylord"
and then eve punched him so hard in the dick that elcrest landed on earth in a giatn crater. how hes still alive is bc he still had some continues left like in mario even though this is a srpg game. once elc recovered he struck a pose and laughed evilly while twirling his mustache.
"finally...... I have RETURNED for xeno's hot man breasts! the world cannot stop me now!!" he cackly cackkled and quickly ripped off the fake mustache he put on just for this one scene. then elc went on a quest to find where klaus was and bc the author is too lazy to write any tansitional scenes.
elc found him chilling in his bed reading a book that was called Sweets and You: Do sweets make u inherantly Gay? elcrest made the PFFT noise. ofc they make u gay, fuckiing idiot book. he could write better than that author. in fact, elcrest was gonna do that when he got home bc obviously if this trash is published any shit elc wrote would be good.
NO! he had to focus! but he couldnt stop staring at xenos man boobs and felt his dick get hard again. elc got a nose bleed too bc thats what happens in anime right. i played persona 4 i know what im about
"damn u xeno." elc said thru his nosebleed and klaus looked up bc the author cant fucking rmemeber who is klaus and who is xeno and was surprised i remmebred his name but could not remember remember the 5th of novemember
"XENO IT IS I" since h e was caught red handed he just kickflipped through the window anyway. he did a sick flip then stood in the middle of klauses room. klaus made a gay gaspp
"alto! what are u doing hre!?" klaus said, bc in this AU that was his codename. elc wanted to be currently doing that but eve said no. fuck his mom. except please dont bc i know you sick fucks are thinking abt it.
"I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE GAY SIDE, XENO WE HAVE COOKIES. bc i really miss that bammin slammin bootilicious sex we used 2 have and you are in fact bammin slammin bootilicious. also have u heard the word and gospel of our savior mother" elc said gayly
"dude no please stop preaching in my house im a changed man now" xeno pirouetted out of bed
"cmon man im ur seme u cant refuse we made like a yaoi blood oath u cant go back on ur word" elc pushed him back on thebed bc he'd have his ass yet anyway so no real use getting up. bc what is consent anyway hes Bad
"o shit really huh" klaus paused in thougt and bad elc laughed evilly. his plan was working!! all he had 2 do was the final touches! i mean besides touching xenos dick or whatever we're not yet. sorry u have to suffer for ten more paragraphs for sweat boy on boy. elc then turned around an produced a kitty keyboard from the recesses of his coat tails. xeno made the :O face and elc sat down bc playing while standing rly fuckin g sucks
"i wrote this for u on the moon so you'll be hypnotized by my sick beats" then he pulled the mic out of the keyboard and made a sick beatbox noise. No i dont know what the fuck it sounds like just google it. klaus blushued and made another gay gasp and elc made the >:3 face
then be started to play the piano keyboard. he was playing cruel angel thesis, their theme song that they had decided at 1am while xeno was drunk af.  it was their theme song despite none of them speaking fucking japanese but they just felt it in their SOULS. it was rly gay. elc was going so fucking hARD that his hard on was getting 40 hard ons. and thats four tens the hard ons. and its rad.
except the ebst part was it was all in meows so it spoke 2 klaus' furry soul.
klaus nyaed softly in surprise and suddenly all his memories of being xneo were restored!!! he gave into the desire that he craved in his soul and opened his big man arms bc for some reaon everyone thinks dudes are thirsty af. dont ask me why
"elc1!1 pls take me!! but be gentle my ass hasnt been ravaged in 1000 years (sick reference to hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort like, comment, subscribe for more sick referneces like this one)" xeno mewled like afucking furry and elc nodded once. xeno walked up to elc an touched his man boob sensually even tho xeno is like 60 feet taller than elc just imagine it ok
elc now has sunglasses just bc i think its a funny image
"xeno...... lets do it" elc said softly
"o h elc senpai......." xeno meowed
"and i'll keep my sunglasses on bc i hate the sun #moonlifeforever" and xeno gayzed into his emotion shields sensuallyier. then elc kissed him passionately and their tongues battled for dominance but we all know klaus is a fucking bottom bitch as stated in hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort paragraph 17 and 18 bc it was a dialogue.
then elc ripped off his clothes bc hes fucking JACKED and jACKED OFF and xeno gay gasped forlike the third time in this fic. elc was fuckign shredded. legends told of his abs but this time it was real. almost like the fact that shaved ice flavors dont actually exists the syrup is just food coloring.  his dong dangled in the breeze and xeno was turned tf on so he took off his clothes too bc hes not a god damn animal god whats wrong with u elc.
except elc didnt take off the sunglasses like he promised so those were still on dont worry readers i got you covered.
"get on ur knees dude and give me a wet willy but like on my dick" elc demanded
"wtf no"
"dude u cant say no its a smutfic"
"ok yeah i guess i kinda do like sucking dick or somethign"
"PREPARE TO EAT YOUR LAST DICK, XENO" elc cackcled and then xeno succed his dick like no tomorrow. elc practically creamed right there bc he couldnt get his rocks off on the moon for 1000 years (hahaha no im not gonna stop makign rock jokes). also xeno has no gagreflex bc he succed dick like a thousand times. once that was over elc just punched his dick in xenos hot cross buns and xeno meowed again
"why are u still a furry after 1000 years" elc asked but continued to Ravage The Promised Ass
"do u nyat like it erucu-kun???" xeno purred and elc shook his head
"no ur still banging its ok"
NUT THEN (i wanted to write but but i typoed and decided to keep it its funnier this way) xenos ass started 2 glow with a new holy light
"WHAT tHE FUCK" elc yelled
"my ass was actually the only way we could turn u good again! the more u fuck me the gooder u are!" and elc gasped gayily! no! his plan was working against him! he could alredy feel the goodness (haha get it bc fucking is hot i guess) turning him good! he had 2 pull out but found he couldnt. xeno was just too bammin slammin bootlicious
"HOW DARE YOU TRICK, I, ELCREST THE CONDICKTOR" he roared and xeno was tuned on again bc roaring is prolly a furry thign im not a furry im sorry
"it was for ur own good elc bc i love you!" xeno dokied so hard there were shoujo sparkles and even elc got shoujo sparkles. his azure optics glew like stella glow and u could almost see constellations in them. except there were sunglasses so u couldnt actually see it but the reader can. xneo was right. he was his tru  love..... not the Mother..... his mom was lame anyway all she did was talk to rocks
"xeno.............." elc said wiwstfully before bangin xeno harder. their bangin was so intense everyone could hear it in the kngihts barraks. it was so loud that even ana in her coma woke up for like a second to be like The Gays are At It Again. soon enough the banging was sucessful. elc glew in a beautiful magical girl ligtht and he was become good again. xeno shed a single tear but licked it away
"im cured! xeno ur ass did it! plus that was hot" elc smiled and im pretty sure xeno cried bc look at that man. hes so beautiful. please take the $2 from my purse. they embraced in a gay way. it was cute and xeno did a thumbs up and ana's face appeared at 20% opacity in the bg and she was also winking
"elc i am so glad u are back and i love u" then they made out. for a rly long time too bc theyre so fucking GAY good lord how could stella glow keep this under wraps. then they decidd they had to punch eve in the rock bc she was a dickw hile elc was being emo and stuff. BUT FIRST, xeno got porked lke 80 more times b4 then bc 1000 years does a lot do u.
the end remember to like, comment, subscribe for more fics like this one, seeya
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leigh-kelly · 7 years
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Warm and Very Wet
We live in increasingly more extreme conditions whether climatic, political or social and I couldnt help but agree with a Matt cartoon I recently saw with the couple reading the paper saying “I dont know about you, but I would quite like to go back to precendented times”. How very apt!!!
This blog is not aimed at the political or social but one cannot but be alarmed at the vagaries of the climate and the impact on the natural world.  It is now mid October, we have had nothing even near to a frost and having had a terribly dry and damaging spell in East Anglia we are now caught up in an endless run of warm and wet, the consequence of which is seen in the photo below of the box blight in this garden which is ravaging all the hedges and marches inexorably onwards, the only thing that will halt it being a drop in temperature.  So it is with heavy heart that starting in two weeks several “runs” of box will come out.  I hope to save the topiary pigs who are like family, but the snail is badly damaged.  If the hedging between terrace and lawn succumbs too badly it will be replaced with yew - Taxus baccata Hicksii is a variety that can be kept pretty  low and does make a viable alternative.  One must always be optimistic and embrace change but it is a big change and expensive too!
My merry band of helpers have once again been fantastic in starting the restoration of the second and third of the Brisley Common Ponds.  These two are interconnecting - one is huge, the second one dark and deep.  Over the last two weekends we have hacked and sawed and cut, and are now at the point of clearing it all out - having a fire has been pretty challenging - the day we started was the last day before the rains came - the bottom of the pond completely dry so we could walk everywhere.  Since then over two feet of water has arrived and we are now pulling out massive branches and brash that is soaked!  But I had a great teacher on burning water - my father was an amazing bonfire man, and with patience one can build a hot core and then burn pretty much anything.  Yesterday I did just that and the chaps were pretty impressed!  One more stretch of bramble reduction this week by a couple of the volunteers will mean we can see daylight from one side to the other, having opened up large areas on the NW, W and S sides so when the digger comes in ten days, he can re profile the banks and remove the sludge - it is a fabulous achievement, photos dont really do it justice, but we are all thrilled and it will be a great benefit to the village.  It is difficult on the one hand to remove trees such as willow and thorn when we are being encouraged, quite rightly, to plant trees, but we have to consider the wildlife in a pond - it is a different eco system altogether, and one that is not nurtured enough.  
I set up the containers for winter yesterday - using the wallflowers sown from seed - a deep blood red one, standard orange and white - the lovely Carex buchanii which I keep a supply of year on year for this purpose and the Nandina domestica Firepower from last year which have been living in a trough quite happily through the summer.  The tulip bulbs have gone in too - Hemisphere and Grand Perfection - might be a bit whacky but we shall see in April!  Also Tulip Calgary a good stumpy white one in the smaller pots.  At the front of the house I have lifted out the Salvia Hot Lips, Salvia jamensis Bright Pink and Agapanthus and stored them in the coldframes.  These pots will look dull for the moment but they are packed with Hyacinth Delft Blue and Carnegie - bulbs which I think are better standing alone when they flower.  Its a back breaking job, tugging stuff out, heaving compost bags etc., but it’s done and is such a joy in late February when you see the pointy shoots of the tulips emerging.
A lot of work at the moment, and many a house call to make!! Lots of tweaking of spring plantings to do, so any wrinkles are ironed out for next year, some new  planting for a few and some completely new planting schemes and layouts for others.  It will be busy now until Christmas so not many spare days to fill as the rest are taken up with being out with the girls.  Talking of Mavis - somebody said the other day what a funny name for a dog - I explained it was an old name for a Song thrush - she looked surprised.  I checked by the usual source - google, and it is indeed a thrush, though some sources say a Mistle Thrush and some say Song - either way it reminds me to mention that we have Mistle Thrushes back in the garden for the first time in three years which is lovely.
Mavis’ nose has recovered from what must have been a spider bite.  It still needs a bit of fur but it is less obvious.  We have had some good training but still have two issues, one the lack of confidence at times to run out away from me when she is not sure what for and she cant quite trust that I know there is something, and the other is that having brought something back - now beautifully delivered - she starts leaping all round me in excitement which sometimes bashes me in the face, hits my hand or just generally is very ANNOYING!!! I am loathe to bash her myself, and even when I try she has flitted out of the way, so I must get someone to catch her unexpectedly so she doesnt relate it to me - oh the joys!  But we are a jolly gang of girls now assembling and hopefully keeping the training going even into winter as it does stop them getting over the top from just going picking up.  First day a week tomorrow.
Scout and Inca meantime are very happy - constantly eating fallen apples and generally enjoying life.  Scout’s latest weekly job has become taking delivery of the weekend paper - she rushes to the gate to greet Sarah our lovely paper lady, and is handed the magazine from the FT which she proudly brings into the kitchen. She is also the chief rat retriever when they are knocked off the birdtable, and she very kindly got one of mine this morning bringing our autumn tally to 9.  
If it stops raining a bit, I have tons to do - I did manage to weed and clear a big section of the potager the other day and sow some green manure which I hope will germinate - it can then be turned into the soil in spring.  The cuttings of the summer bedding plants have struck which is great so they can be potted on to 9cm pots in about three weeks.  All the geraniums are in the greenhouse, just a few pelargoniums still to take in.  Sowed a last batch of spinach and some lambs lettuce as soil probably just still warm enough.  Salad is still super however and so is the perpetual spinach.  The garlic has arrived so when its a bit drier I shall get that in.  We still have some yew hedging to cut, the beech at the top of the garden and any box that is not coming out.  I am longing to get one of the borders tidied up, as I want to swap over some grasses, and put in some different perennials once I have removed all the Verbascums - I do love them but they get so big they kill other smaller things. A frost would just hit the asparagus too so it can be cut down, it may have to be done quite soon willy nilly as its falling over, but I feel it should have at least turned yellow!  We also need to strim the meadow areas again as this weather has made them grow and they are too long for me to just run the mower over the top.
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