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Betty Cooper dreams of kissing Archie Andrews
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conexaoamerica · 1 year
If we don’t dream…
➢ Credit 👉🏆📽 @917vis
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#dream #travelnyc #dontwakeme #nycviews #viewsforviews #viewsfordays #newyorkcity #nyc #nycreels
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meg-is-awesome · 3 years
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Don't wake me
Chapter Writer
Thank you for reading Don't wake me this story was inspired by the song Don't Wake Me by Skillet I know this story isn't much compare to some of my other ones but I've been in there slump for awhile, and I haven't written a story in awhile for that reason, i've probably been saying that for my other stories I written this year 😅 let's just say it's that kind of yeah with dealing of writers block and slumps. Thank you again for reading this story and I hope you are all well, and be safe, see you all next time I write a story🙂❤️😊💖.
Song Don't Wake Me ⬇️.
Text copyright meg-is-awesome © 2021
Link to Story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/280553405?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_story_details&wp_uname=Meg-is-awesome&wp_originator=fYFCl90Vb61E2h8YNB7Wl0jhm%2BBz0o9zoqA%2B%2B4w5FqjEyDsnmfxEkaMCRvB7hvhOBosoMj0%2Bvt19K5NnMu8t08UeafxCiZEoh1itRXNTQ%2BP9nMrjGX2Lxq4zcrqMhZYn 
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daydreambouquet · 4 years
Don’t Wake Me
There was a noise. It was a distant irritating buzz, disturbing the dreamy blackness of space. Steadily, it ebbed closer, drawing into a lower frequency, then a hum. The noise was bothersome, troubling. It collected the vast emptiness into physical sensation, and Denzel felt it pulling him downwards. Away. Back. 
The noise went on, pausing occasionally but always resuming. It intrigued him. He couldn’t remember anything quite like it up here, in this space. And he’d been here a very long time. He couldn’t remember how long, exactly, but that didn’t matter. Time didn’t matter. He knew this. 
The hum became more clear like a radio tuning in, and he felt an awful pain in his chest. It hurt like a sludge creeping through his heart, and his veins beat tidal waves in response to the sound as it came closer. He wanted to fight against it, felt compelled to resist it somehow yet he had no means to do anything but listen. 
And gradually, the murmur became words. A voice. 
“—and there was nothing quite like it. A billion of them. I don’t remember ever seeing so many in my life, not even out in Nibelheim.” A pause. “I guess that’s one benefit of no cities. No lights.”
The words continued, but they became fuzzy again. The darkness around Denzel was melding into something tangible, constricting. It was impossible that sounds could create such a physical presence, but the two senses of hearing and touch were indecipherable from each other, and the voice was choking him. 
Then he remembered. He’d heard this noise before. Perhaps a long time ago? It came back to him like a strange detached memory. 
“I’d brought you some doughnuts anyways. I mean, even though… well, I don’t know.”
Yes, he recognized this voice. The speaker was someone… he struggled to recall. It was so hard to think! Especially with that oppressive rhythm building around him, solidifying. Changing. 
“She’s still lost out there, I think.”
A terrible being was looking at him through the darkness. Denzel could feel it. It was searching, clawing, wanting to take him. 
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re still lost out there, too.”
It was a bright point of light. A sudden jolt of discovery. The thing had found him. It grabbed him, pulled him in. Under. Denzel wanted to scream, but he was already trapped. 
“The best I can do is hope that one day you’ll come home.”
Home… The single word reverberated, and it had an odd calming effect. Like a tranquilizer, paralyzing the pain that raked his body as it formed and pulled and tightened. 
Then he awoke. With a spasmic gasp, the world burst into existence around him. Burnt metallic air filled his lungs and he coughed. He retched as he realized there was something in his throat. A tube. He yanked it out. 
“Denzel!” The voice was bright and happy and very loud. Right next to him. 
Through a difficult brightness, so completely different from the space he’d been safely living in forever, a man came into view. A young blonde man with bright blue eyes. 
“...Cloud…?” Denzel’s own voice was small, weak. The other reached out to put one hand on his shoulder, a warm kind gesture.
And suddenly he remembered everything. The calamity from the sky. The dream world. The other side. Tifa in Mideel. Yuffie in Edge. Cloud in the rain. Waking up from a coma. Frantically scribbling in a journal. Climbing the stairs to the roof of his fake school on a fake afternoon. Falling. 
Falling. Falling. 
“Cloud!” The realization that he’d somehow made it back leapt through his heart and mind, bringing tears to his eyes. Desperately, he held onto Cloud’s arm, smiling, shaking. He’d done it! Cloud was here! Which could only mean… “You’re awake!” he rasped as enthusiastically as he could. “You’re here with me, on the other side! We got you out of Edge!”
What was the last thing he remembered? The asset, the man with the black hair, appearing in Edge. Pointing at Denzel with his hand in the shape of a gun. Pow!
Cloud didn’t respond because he was hugging Denzel so tight. Like there was nothing else in the world. The happy embrace settled after a moment, and Cloud held Denzel’s shoulders, beaming with excitement. 
“Yes!” Cloud said, “Yes, I awoke and I was in the Fort. And you were... “ he stopped suddenly, then smiled again, brushing off whatever thoughts he’d been speaking, then, “It doesn’t matter. You’re awake now. You heard me! You must have. I’ve been speaking to you. Just like in our dreams!”
For some reason the final sentiment unsettled him. The way Cloud had said it, maybe. But no matter, Denzel shook it off. 
“Yeah,” the younger man replied, taking his first look around the room, “I heard you talking about…” he thought for a moment, “doughnuts!”
The room around them was small and sparse. A dingy place with nothing but the bed, a chair, medical equipment, and a single hanging bulb. It did not look like a hospital. 
“Oh yeah, the doughnuts!” Cloud let out a laugh. “That was a while ago!”
There was no window, and the walls were concrete. A large crack snaked up one corner. Denzel tried to calm the panic rising in his chest. Was he still asleep? Was this some sort of… trick? He breathed out, steadying his pulse. He remembered the thing searching for him in the great nothingness.
“H-how much time has passed?” Denzel asked. He stared at Cloud. The blonde didn’t seemed to have aged at all, so it was difficult for Denzel to gauge. But of course, Denzel reminded himself, the Jenova cells likely had something to do with that. Or the Mako. Or whatever else he’d remembered hearing about Cloud. It was very possible Cloud would outlive all of them. 
Suddenly Denzel felt nauseous. He leaned over and threw up, or he tried to. There was nothing in his stomach but clear awful bile. The feeling persisted. 
“Slow down. It’s okay,” Cloud soothed, patting Denzel on the back and holding a towel for him, “It’s okay. Everything’s okay now.”
Denzel got a hold of his stomach spasms and leaned back, wiping his mouth, but something felt very wrong here. Hadn’t he woken up from a coma before, with Cloud in the room like this, and everything had been turned upside down? Hadn’t his perception of the world been under fire once before already?
“Relax and take it easy,” Cloud continued, “Everything is just fine.”
The words echoed inside his mind. Just fine. The recent infinite darkness opened up in his memory. Timeless. 
“What happened?” Denzel finally asked after catching his breath. 
Cloud smiled again. He hadn’t stopped smiling since Denzel woke up. It comforted Denzel. Despite this strange place, this strange awakening, everything was alright. Their mission had been a success. Cloud was here. 
“You’ve been in a coma for a long time. We’re in Junon. You’re safe with me.”
“And the others?” Denzel asked, eagerly looking towards the door, “Where’s Tifa? And Marlene?” 
Cloud’s smiled faded. There was a beat of silence, then he said, “Marlene… She didn’t survive the Fort collapsing.”
The news hit Denzel so hard he stopped breathing for a second. His sister—the woman he’d come to love as his sister—was dead. Gone. Tears stung his eyes. He gasped, choking on the sudden sharpness of sorrow. It wasn’t fair. 
“Wh...what?” Denzel blinked. “No...”
“I’m sorry.”
Desperate memories raced through his head. What was the last exchange he’d had with Marlene? When was the last time he’d seen her? Her face, somewhere in his memory, turned towards him, smiled. Her last moments, what had those been? Denzel began crying. He couldn’t stop. He hadn’t expected there to be this loss, even though he should have anticipated the possibility of it. He and Marlene always knew that death could come swiftly, yet somehow he’d gotten it into his head that they’d always survive, always be together. 
Cloud hugged Denzel. “D...did you see her?” Denzel mumbled against Cloud’s shoulder. “At the Fort. You woke up there… Did you see her?”
A tightness wound in Denzel’s chest. He wouldn’t open his eyes, couldn’t let Cloud see the drenched mess of his face. This close to the blonde, Denzel felt other memories surface. The rain dripping off a glinting sword in the ruins. This man had killed so many, had been at the Fort while Denzel was… asleep or dreaming or… lost in Edge with the man with the black hair. Caught in some nightmare. Marlene had been dying while Denzel slept. 
Cloud had been there.
“I saw her,” Cloud spoke softly, “I wasn’t with her when she died, though. She was brave. I know that much.”
Denzel pushed Cloud away, wiped his tears with the edge of his sleeve. It had been war, and people died in war, Denzel reminded himself. 
“What about Tifa? Did she also…?”
“No,” Cloud replied quickly, “No, she wasn’t at the Fort.” 
This brightened Denzel’s spirits. The mournful woman trapped in Mideel was resilient, determined. She was a survivor. 
“But she isn’t here,” Cloud continued. This was hard for him to say. His voice wavered and he looked away, shoulders sagging. “I don’t know where she is.”
There’d been an attack, he relayed to Denzel. After the Fort collapsed, survivors had gathered in Junon. A base of operations was set-up and the ruins of Edge were scoured for the living. But there were many who didn’t want Cloud with them. He was, after all, the apocalyptic weapon of the alien. A cold warrior who’d sliced enemies apart without hesitation, killed their friends, their families. It wasn’t over for them, and they could never forgive Cloud. Even if Tifa and Yuffie and Vincent vouched for him, the past could not be undone. 
In the middle of the night, a large band of survivors attacked. The WRO fought back, supporting Cloud, but Cloud refused to take arms against anyone. He fled. Tifa was with him for a while, but she too was branded a traitor. They got separated in the chaos. 
“I never saw her again.” 
Denzel didn’t know what to say. He’d known other survivors to be ruthless, especially the scavengers. 
“She and the rest of the WRO. Yuffie, Vincent…. I don’t know where any of them are.”
Then a new group joined the battle. The Jenovites from Kalm. They still worshipped Cloud and once they learned he was being hunted down, they took up arms and came to Junon. Cloud was alone, surrounded. He had to defend himself. Denzel got a striking mental image of the blood-soaked sword once again cutting down soldiers. Just like it had in the ruins of Edge. 
“When the fighting was over, the people from Kalm stayed here. With me. They helped rebuild parts of the city.”
The fear and hatred people harbored for Cloud didn’t surprise Denzel. He remembered how others had treated him once they’d learned the monster haunting Edge had a link to the young man. He’d been a social pariah. Now the monster itself was suddenly living in their midst like another victim. How else could they have responded?
“I...wish I’d been awake to help you,” Denzel finally said. 
Cloud waved dismissively. “I’m glad you were safe here. It was a nightmare.”
“She’s out there somewhere, though. Right? She’ll come back for you. She spoke of nothing but you while you were away.”
A faint smile traced Cloud’s lips but then he shook his head. “I’ve...searched for her, for a long time. If she was alive, she’d have come back by now.” 
The finality in Cloud’s voice made Denzel deeply sad. Time had passed. Tifa was gone. Marlene was dead.
“At least we have each other,” Cloud said, mirroring Denzel’s thoughts. 
They embraced. It was a bittersweet reunion. But Denzel was thankful for it, deep down to his core. Somehow he’d found his way back home.
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resilient-beauty · 5 years
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robinwoodsfiction · 3 years
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Someone has sleepy eyes. #dogsofinstagram #dontwakeme #shhh (at Florence Oregon Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/COtph35jxBb/?igshid=7q5x26c7ux6h
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matteohudson · 3 years
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Now Listening: Skillet - Awake. #skillet #skilletawake #awake #hero #monster #dontwakeme #awakeandalive #onedaytoolate #itsnotmeitsyou #shouldvewhenyoucouldve #believe #forgiven #sometimes #neversurrender #lucy #2009 #2009album #christianrock #christianmetal #alternativerock #hardrock #numetal #symphonicmetal #nowlistening #nowplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-bfsxjXvm/?igshid=z6fd6zlgg7x
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The sleepiness hit them like a brick wall!! Everyone's out! 😴😴😴 Pictures: Daisy, Kenna, Indi, Millie, Baby, Bernard, Ellie, Murphy, Martini #groupnap #squadgoals #seniordogs #soooootired #dontwakeme #whisperingwillowsseniordogsanctuary #wornout #dogsanctuary #whereloveiswhisperedtothelastbreath #seniordogrescue #naptime #bigdogs #olddogsarehappydogs #tinydogs #happyhearthappylife (at Whispering Willows Senior Dog Sanctuary, Inc.)
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mywherehaus · 4 years
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End of the weekend. Ready for Monday. . #weekend #sundayvibes #mondayprep #dontwakeme #kittylitterlouvers https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-KIHdAbH2/?igshid=c7m24h4f9hmc
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kaiapapaya23 · 4 years
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#workingfromhome in my @lucyand.co company bandana. Don't show these to my boss or she may deduct treatos from my pay! How do you help your hooman work from home? Love my bandana? Use code LCKAIA to save on your own! . 《¤𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛: @lucyand.co 𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 $$ 𝚘𝚏𝚏: 𝙻𝙲𝙺𝙰𝙸𝙰¤》 《¤𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛: @packleashes 𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 $$ 𝚘𝚏𝚏: 𝙺𝚊𝚒𝚊𝟸𝟹 ¤》 . #wfh #relax #work #lucyandco #amidoingthisright #hardworker #dontwakeme #cutepuppiesplanet #cute_puppersofig #dogs #cute_doggies_world #bestwoof #dogsthathike #dogsofinstaworld #mydogiscutest #germanshepherds4ever # #pawfectpuplove #petoftoday #petsoriginal #Smartpetsclub #pawnatic #GermanShepherdadventures #GSD #puppy #Coloradopup #Kaiapapaya23 (at Steamboat Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd17p7J4Xi/?igshid=so5ap450zbgc
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meg-is-awesome · 3 years
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Don't wake me
Chapter 6 I need to right now
I got home really late I walk in through the front door "I'm home" I put my coat on the stair railing. my parents are angry at me for coming back so late my dad's start yelling at me, in a fit of anger he throws me against the wall my forehead starts bleeding I look  at my dad and run out of the house. I want to find Claire I see Claire standing on the path waiting to cross the road I run over to her and hug her totally she hug me back "I just need someone right now" Claire sees blood dripping from my forehead. Claire grabs my hand and we slowly walk her house.
Text copyright meg-is-awesome © 2021
Link to Story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/280553405?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_story_details&wp_uname=Meg-is-awesome&wp_originator=fYFCl90Vb61E2h8YNB7Wl0jhm%2BBz0o9zoqA%2B%2B4w5FqjEyDsnmfxEkaMCRvB7hvhOBosoMj0%2Bvt19K5NnMu8t08UeafxCiZEoh1itRXNTQ%2BP9nMrjGX2Lxq4zcrqMhZYn 
Link to Profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Meg-is-awesome
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daydreambouquet · 4 years
Nothing is a dream
I’ve got a lot of writing that I want to get done, but there never seems to be enough time to just sit and think and write and focus.
I tell myself that I will only post things that are finished, because its always best to have a fully formed story before releasing it to the world. 
But maybe I just need to relax a little, take it all a bit less seriously. Let’s loosen up and just write for the hell of it. See where it goes.
So I’m going to scribble down as I go. Starting with this one, a continuation:
01 - Another Shade in Dreamland
Tifa sat perfectly still, tapping her fingers together in her lap. The room she was in was small, white, devoid of everything except the very basics. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed. There was no clock on the wall, but Tifa felt certain that a long time had come and gone. 
People came and went. Most of them asked her questions. She really had no answers. And they wouldn’t answer hers, so everything seemed pointless. Sometimes she felt she recognized the person who entered. Once it was an older man, thin, short, with a crooked posture and wirey glasses on the bridge of his nose. He reminded her of someone vile that she might’ve once known. It was so hard to concentrate nowadays. Images and people would trigger memories or glimpses of dreams though she couldn’t really say which was which.
“Do you know where you are?”
Edge, she knew. They’d moved her from Gongaga to Edge weeks ago. Or days ago. 
“What can you tell me about the other world?”
Once or twice Rufus came to visit her. He kissed her hand and told her he would make things right, then she never saw him again. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to have her in his life anymore. Insane, she’d heard people say. She was insane. 
“What can you tell me about the other world, Tifa?” 
She’d seen Cloud a handful of times too, always solemnly standing outside the open door as another person was ushered in to meet with her. He would steal glances at her, but never came in to speak. She saw the pain in his eyes, as if this too were eating him up inside. Then she thought of Denzel and remembered what they’d gone through together, how he’d barely hung on back then. 
Back then. They could all get by with skinned knees. Back…
“And the General wants an update. When was the last time you spoke with your husband?”
Tifa slowly turned towards the woman speaking. It was Elena, but Tifa knew this was only a shade of Elena. A dark duplicate. A mirror in the mirror. 
“Husband?” Tifa repeated the word. It sounded strange, foreign. 
“Yes,” Elena huffed and tilted her head, “Cloud. When was the last time you really spoke with him?”
“We never married.”
Time went by, but the days never changed. She’d demanded to speak with Tseng at first, knowing that he’d be able to corroborate all of her story, but when he was led to her room, the Turk refused to speak. Dark eyes regarded her sadly, like a hopeless case, and he sighed. She thought for a moment he would whisper close to her ear that he was working on a way to get her out, that he was on her side in all of this, but he never did. He merely shook his head. 
He was protecting himself, she reasoned. He didn’t want to be taken down along with her as crazy. He’d lived in this world long enough, in secret, she thought. 
“The child. Do you remember his death?”
Tifa nodded. Reno spoke to her now, lazily looking down at a series of papers attached to a clipboard in front of him. 
“Tragic,” Reno commented, exhaling. 
Yes, tragic. She agreed, and as Reno left she spotted Cloud standing in the hallway again. A forlorn lover, watching his world fall apart. But that wasn’t really him. He was gone, she knew, and the person standing in the hall was just another shade in dreamworld. Not real. 
“What can you tell me about the other world?”
The other world. It was such a strange question. She couldn’t bring herself to answer because this is the other world. She couldn’t comprehend the question of it. What exactly did they expect her to say? It was like being thrown into the middle of a conversation without knowing the subject matter or the speaker. 
“Don’t you think it’s possible, Tifa?” The man across from her was someone she felt she should’ve known. “Don’t you think the timing of this so-called alien entity matches up quite perfectly with Denzel’s death?”
His death. Denzel. Memories flittered against her skull like trapped birds, moving so fast she could hardly grasp any. 
“And don’t you think it’s remarkable that the alien entity would assume the form of Zack Fair, the long-dead best friend of your lover.” A pause as if she was supposed to agree, then a breath and the speaker went on, “Your lover who was so affected by Denzel’s death that you had to leave him?”
Nothing was certain. 
“Isn’t that an odd coincidence? Cloud can’t recover, and you imagine Zack, the very symbol of traumatic death, has torn you two apart. You imagine a whole world where this symbol of death haunts him, keeps you from him. Literally infects him and makes him do terrible things. Such as leave you and become a hollow shell. An emotionless monster.”
She tried to focus on specific things about the speaker, about the subject matter, but it was so hard to concentrate. Her head ached. Her heart was a mess of knots. 
“A broken husk under the unswaying command of a ghost.”
She’d had it wrong this whole time. Her brain was a jumble of images and random bits of dialogue. Lonely nights on Mideel. A sweeping vista of the wastelands from high atop a fort lookout. A dark ruined city in the rain. These were all just constructs she’d made to escape the reality of her relationship falling apart and his death. 
Denzel. The phone call that changed their world. The boy fascinated with sleep, because when he slept he dreamed, and whatever it was peering at him through the looking glass of night was not some maligned interstellar being but a sick sad disease, and he was a fragile damaged child. A child she couldn’t protect, and Cloud couldn’t suffer another loss. Cloud never recovered. She’d left. 
She remembered it now. She’d had a particularly vivid dream, just before she met up with Cloud in Gongaga. Yes, she’d dreamt of finding him near the church of Midgar, though she couldn’t remember there being any flowers. She’d held him close, and when she awoke in Edge, years apart from the demise of their relationship, she’d felt more alone than ever before. 
She missed him, and all those dreams had just been a terrible way for her to cope. The only way her broken heart could. It was so plain to see now. 
Tifa sipped coffee from the cup in front of her. She’d been in the WRO’s custody for weeks. Or months. There was no way to tell.
“The other world,” she repeated the words carefully.
But how could she tell if any of it was real? At night she still dreamt of another place, but it was fragmented and foggy. There was fire and chaos, and she thought perhaps her memories of Nibelheim were getting mixed up with fiction concocted in her head. 
It couldn’t last forever, she knew. Everything comes to an end.
Her coffee was cold, and she bit the edge of the styrofoam cup softly like a nervous tick. 
“And all you’re trying to do in this other world is reach him. Does that sound like you, Tifa? A miserable sad woman, searching endlessly?”
She wanted to believe them all. She wanted to get better. But something was always off. Something she couldn’t quite see or touch. It moved ahead of her in the dark, slipping between realities, and the overwhelming sensation of loneliness gripped her tight. 
“No. Your brain is just processing trauma the best it can.”
“The best it can,” she echoed. 
But it never helped. Knowing the truth meant nothing. And at night she still dreamt of another world opening up. A consistent place of nightmarish creatures in a dark rainy city. She was with him here, in this strange other place. She knew they were together somehow. But she never saw him. 
“You know he’s here, Tifa. He’s waiting for you. Your husband.”
She could only feel him like a pulse. Like a part of her heart that was gone, so far away, yet still in sync with her body. The real Cloud was off somewhere with the real Tifa. And she was… not real. She was a mirror of something she’d lost. Or she’d lost something in the mirror. She couldn’t remember which, and really what did it matter?
All she knew was she couldn’t give up. Because when she dreamt, she was back through the mirror, still searching for what she had lost. It was endless, timeless. An infinite blackness stretched outward into a sea of stars. 
She closed her eyes. She wanted to sleep. There was nothing but interrogations and long periods of silence. Sometimes she stared out the window into a gray seasonless sky. They gave her sheets of paper and pencils, asked for anything about the other world. But everything she wrote, no matter how meticulous she spelled her words out, became illegible formless symbols the next time she glanced down. It was maddening. She was mad. 
Her brain oscillated between fitful sleep and wakefulness. She stopped looking for Cloud outside the doorway when it opened to allow some interrogator to enter. Nobody harmed her physically, but she got the sensation that she was being drugged at one point. She’d given up trying to break out, trying to plead or bargain, trying to assert authority or utilize her relationship status with Rufus. Nothing worked. 
She was stuck. And it truly felt like she’d never be free.
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coloredspoons · 7 years
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i lie awake now what should i think? no control over my thoughts no control over time how much longer will i lie awake? i lie awake, still staring at the ceiling no control over my feelings no control over fear how much longer will i be scared? i start to drift white turns to grey grey turns to black i fall asleep now what should i dream? no control over my actions no control over anything no fear, no cares color, no color pure bliss, in this state of mind  but not for long not for long enough i wake up.
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chickenfriedfolkart · 5 years
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Lunchtime escape...I had a day vision that I was sitting on a sand dune near the ocean. I could taste the salt air on my lips and warmth of the sunshine made my skin happy.....#dontstopdreaming #dontwakeme #vactionyet? https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rATQUgEwg/?igshid=6hqgl3pelkqs
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xoxomichellewilson · 7 years
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When he takes a picture of you sleeping #beauty #sleepyhead #dontwakeme #coffee #nofilterneeded #socute #naturalbeauty #loveme #coldinhere
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taratatethegreat · 5 years
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Awake for 20 hours got me like...😴 . #GoodNight #Snooze #DontWakeMe #AlarmOff #Night #Sleep #Naps #Dream #Doze #Nope #DayOffVibes #NightOffVibes #GoSlowTakeNaps #zzz #SweetDreams (at Pozo Saloon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0p2raHh3Ud/?igshid=7o2wavaddnpg
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