#dop and pop
phuckingphan · 2 months
dnp found their soulmates and proceeded to make it everyone’s problem
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permanently-silly · 8 months
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this is nothing
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minart-was-taken · 11 months
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I LOVE an excuse to draw my OCs
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foggysilverfeathers · 4 months
Now that Skizz is on Hermitcraft, we can expect nicknames for every single hermit, so I've taken it upon myself to make a masterlist of all of them so far (but I've probably forgotten some so please tell me if so):
Impulse: Dipple Dop
Tango: Top (Tango Top?)
Gem: Gemstone
Grian: G sharp, G spot, G
Pearl: Pearlie Pop
Cleo: Clerbert, Cleaver
Scar: Scarface, Face
Bdubs: B double down
Zedaph: Zeddlebop
Cub: Rubadub Cub
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pseudophan · 2 months
I finally had a dream featuring dop and pop which I am attributing directly to all your dream anons. They made another like choose your own adventure thing but it was a mystery and we had to solve puzzles to save two giant Flemish rabbits 🤷🏻‍♀️
oh i want that!!!! a choose your own adventure mystery by dan and phil would rule. idk about the rabbits though
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I’m not prepared to see how things transpire when Fe and Rooster go back to work. Especially if Jaidyn is gonna be there.
But you're gonna have to deal with it bestie. Because it’s gonna have to happen sooner or later. And we know shits gonna blow up. As always though here’s the Terms of Endearment Masterlist.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence.
SunnySide daycare centre was a diamond in disguise. At first when you had been looking for a place to enrol Odette into when you realised you were going to be sticking around longer than intended it hadnt even fallen onto the short list of daycares you were reading into. It had been with Penny Benjamin's recommendation that you actually decided to go forward with the application process. A good friend of Penny’s had worked there ever since she could remember.  
“Tooster!” Dot giggled and squealed as Braldey held her up over his head, roaring like what he thought a dinosaur would sound like. Whatever sound left his ajar mouth was definitely not a dinosaur sound, but it made you laugh nevertheless. “Tooster! Dop! Dop!” Dot tried to plead with Rooster through her bout of giggles. 
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, just dropping Odette off are we?” One of the ladies at the reception desk asked as Bradley placed her down on the counter, letting her back lean against his shoulder as one of her purple backpack staples nearly cut his circulation off. 
“Yes please, and I also wanted to speak to someone about confirming the list of people permitted to drop off and pick up?” It was your first day back at work after the small Christmas and new year break you all got. The third of January saw SunnySide back up and running and in full swing again as most of its enrolled were military children. 
“Sure, not a problem at all Felix.” Bradley crooned his head your way to plant a gentle kiss against your temple, he could see the vein popping from a mile away. “Okay so i've got yourself listed as the primary caregiver and emergency contact, i've got a Jake Seresin listed too as a primary pick up and secondary emergency contact if we can't reach you and a Bradley Bradshaw was just recently added as a primary pick up and drop off and third emergency contact if yourself of Jake are not reachable.” The receptionist explained as she turned her head up from her computer screen to look at you. “Does that all sound good Fe?” 
“Yeah, all good.” You sighed out a breath of relief. “Um, I was also wondering if I could red flag someone?” Bradley knew it was hard for you to even ask, but you needed to make sure that Odette was going to be safe in the care of the child workers you trusted her to. He’d been the one to remind you that it was probably a good idea to get ahead of the game and expect Jaidyn to try something. “Dots dad has recently moved to town and I just want to make sure if he ever tries to collect her or comes to try and see her or something that someone will notify me?”
“Sure thing sugar, I just need a name and I can make sure that if that were to ever happen we’d notify you, but please remember unless someones been specifically nominated as a trusted adult, we wouldn't let just anyone claiming to be here for Dot pick her up Felix, She's safe here.” It was nice to be reassured. 
“Thankyou.” You smiled softly as you nuzzled your daughter, kissing her cheeks until she was smiling. Bradley had tried his best to do her hair this morning, you had to redo it but let him redeem his self esteem when he placed the purple bows against her pigtails. “Uh, his name is Jaidyn Dolan.” 
“Great, I'll make sure if he ever comes snooping around that you're informed immediately.” 
“Alright squirt, time to go.” Bradley roared again as he scooped Odette up, placing her down on the ground as he opened his arms wide for her to smoosh herself against him, encapsulating the almost three year old he’d give his life for. “You have a good day alright? and I want at least two new drawings, got some new picture frames to fill.” 
“You know you can't just keep using her for cheap artwork Bradshaw.” You were quick to laugh as you came to crouch beside him, Dot moving from his warm strong embrace to your loving, protective hug. “Love you Lieutenant Polkadot, see this afternoon baby.” 
“I'm gonna stockpile them so when she actually does grow up to become the next Picasso, i'll be making bank.” Rooster quipped as he stood with you, watching as one of the early childhood educators took Dot by the hand and walked her inside the daycare. “Come on Mamma, we better get to base.” 
You weren't going to lie, you were utterly terrified of what going back to work would bring. Nothing had changed really, but so much had also changed at the same time. Before the break, you and Bradley weren't exactly sure what the two of you were. Now? You’d gone ahead and made it official, Bradley Bradshaw was your boyfriend and you were his girlfriend.
God, you had a child, you were a fully grown woman and even just the idea of introducing Bradley as your boyfriend to anyone made you feel like a prepubescent adolescent. You asked if you could refer to him as your partner if anyone were to ask, Rooster said you could call him anything under the sun so long as he was yours and you were his. He didn't care that much for labels, he just wanted you and your daughter for the rest of his life. 
“If he comes near you Bradley I swear–” Holding the passenger side door of the Bronco open. 
“I can hold my own, don't you spend a second worrying about me Fe.” Penny had offered to lend you her car for a little bit while you looked on marketplace for anyone going for a good price. Jake was still waiting on his insurance claim to finish processing so he could cash in for a new Ford. You had politely accepted knowing Jake needed it more than you did. “Besides, I think the more important matter at hand here is making sure you remember to grab the keys to your new house before you leave this afternoon.” 
“True, true, still can't believe I actually got approved.”  As it turns out, one of the main reasons it had taken you so long to be approved for staff accommodation was that one of the admin workers knew of you and your beautiful daughter and wanted to find you something you could truly make a home. There was a new opening on the outskirts of the bass housing, a modest two story house with a garden and white picket fence. Three bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage. It had all the fixings and once you'd seen the letter and photos attached you couldn't contain your excitement. “I think Jakes almost a little too excited to see the back of me.” When you had told Jake that you'd been approved for your own place, he was beyond excited for you, told you that he was delighted to finally see that day, that he thought you were gonna be living rent free under his roof for eternity. 
Although he teased and pushed your buttons, never once did Jake insist eternity was a bad thing. He had sent Bradley a text soon after telling him to meet him at the hardware store that afternoon so they could split a pretty penny on a solid security system they could both remotely access. 
“He’s gonna remember just how quiet his home was before you showed up, trust me.” Bradley smirked as he started up the Bronco, strapping himself in and before he even thought about shifting into first gear–he made sure you were buckled in too. “You still wanna go look at furniture on the weekend?” 
“Absolutely, there's this lounge that is apparently stain proof at fantastic furniture I wanna have a look at.” You reached down for the catalogue you had thrown into your bag this morning, Bradley laughed when he quickly glanced over to see you had circled some items in red marker. “Wonder if I can get something that looks similar at the op shop.” 
“You dont wanna buy it new?” Bradley wasn't against second hand, he loved a good thrifted piece as much as the next guy. His favourite bomber jacket was actually found at an old overcrowded second hand store he went to once with a few buddies who were in search of some clothes of a themed Sunday Funday back in his TopGun days. But he thought if you were starting a fresh, new life, new house, new people around you who loved you for you, that you’d want some new furniture, owned just by you. No string or memories of any kind attached, owned by you and only you to create only the best of memories on and around. 
“Rooster, I don't think I’ve ever had a piece of furniture that's brand new.” You sighed. “I think the bunk bed I shared with my sisters was so old that every time something broke or snapped my brothers would just nail a piece of wood to the frame to keep it from falling apart on us in the middle of the night.” It was becoming abundantly clear that you and Bradley came from two very different backgrounds. “Roo—“ you reached over to place your hand on Roosters thigh. “My mum's bipolar, Frank? Well—he’s an alcoholic and an addict.” You explained with a solemn tone. “I did whatever I could to help raise my siblings and I wish to this day I could have done more than I did before they cut me out.” You never explained why you didn’t talk to your siblings anymore, Bradley had asked Jake one night over a few beers and the only explanation he gave was that you wanted a better life for yourself. “Everything I do, all the money I earn? Is so that Odette can have a better life, I wanna be able to give her everything because she’s a great little girl and she deserves a hell of a lot more than I’ve given her so far.” 
Rooster didn’t argue, he understood where you were coming from. Reaching up to grab the hand you’d placed on his thigh to bring it up to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss to your palm. It made your heart do backflips the way Bradley didn't try and argue, didn't try and change your ways or your views. It made you feel loved for who you were–and there wasn't a single fibre of Bradley Bradsahw who wanted to change a single part of who you were. 
“So we make a day of it? I’ll rent a trailer and we can op shop the shit out of this house mamma.” 
The locker room was crowded with naval aviators returning to work after having been off for the last week or so. Bob Floyd was the first one to notice the new face amongst the sea of all too familiar faces he’d grown to know over the last year or so being stationed in North Island. 
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Jaidyn smeared as Bob found himself staring at the man he didn't know, turning his head sharply to anywhere else in the room but the man's line of sight when he’d been sprung. “Im just fucking with you man” Jaidyn smirked as he reached out to shake Bob’s hand. “Names Jaidyn, Zeus.” 
“For the love of god Bob don't touch him, I don't know where he’s been.” Jake hissed as he stepped in between the two aviators, puffing his chest and flaring his nostrils as he clenched his jaw. 
“Jake–” Jaidyn eyed off his former best friend like he’d seen someone come back from the dead. “It's good to see you bro, how's things? How's my missus?” Jaidyn was only beginning to test the waters to see how far he could push Jake Seresin in a public forum before he snapped. The locker room had never felt so silent before with so many people in it. “Heard she's been crashing at your place ever since she took off.” 
“Judging by the swelling under your right eye I trust Bradshaw already told you to stay clear away from her and we won't have any issues.” It was a nod to the bruised knuckles Rooster was still carrying the weight of after having busted his fist against Jaidyns face. “I wanna make one thing abundantly clear though–” Jake hissed through gritted teeth as he got up in Jaidyn’s face enough to have the slightly taller, brunette man stumble back a step or two. “You fucking go anywhere near her and I find out about it ill kill you, and thats a promise.” 
“What lies had she spun to you Seresin.” Jaidyn chuckled as Jake turned on his heels, heading back in the direction of his locker after having shook his head Bob's way, gesturing for the backseater not to go near him. “ I never took you for a bitch.” 
“Yeah well, I'd rather be known as a bitch than as the guy who beats up women.” Jake didn't even have to turn around to know Jaidyn had gone the darkest shade of red known to man. “Because I never took you as the kinda guy who would do that shit for fun.” There was something Jake's fellow aviators were missing in the confrontation going down in the locker room because in all the time they'd known Jake Seresin he had never once mentioned his former best friend or the girl he saw as a sister until you showed up at his front doorstep. “You damn near killed her and you know it.” It was what Jaidyn was smearing next that had Jake seeing red, that had him racing across the locker room at full speed, pushing past everyone and anyone who got in his way, just as you and Rooster were walking in hand in hand laughing at something stupidly corning he’d said just to make you smile. 
“Yeah well, it's damn near addicting when she makes such pretty noises.” 
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Bradley was off in an instant, leaving you at the threshold of the locker room as he raced over to break up the conflict unfolding. “ILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Jake had his hands on Jaidyn in three point five seconds, shoving his chest as hard as he could before he tried to throw a punch that would have knocked the slightly taller, brunette with the wicked and maniacal laugh out cold. 
“Jake!” Rooster stepped between the two men who were about to throw punches. “He's not worth it man, it's want he wants, don't give it to him.” On the way over, Rooster had passed the Admiral making his way over, it was only a matter of time.
“What the hell is going on?” Mickey asked as you stepped into the locker room looking all kinds of meek and to blame for the events transpiring. “Who the hell's this guy?” 
“Dots father–” Is all you said and suddenly all eyes are on you. The squad who had become like a family to you all looked at you as if you were suddenly so much shorter, so much more vulnerable and so much more broken than you really were. “Jaidyn is Odette's dad, he uh, he followed me here.” 
“Fe–” Phoenix was the first person to speak as you never took your eyes off Bradley as he tried his best to deescalate the situation. Throwing himself between Jake and Jaidyn like he didn't care for his own wellbeing, just those around him. 
“I'm fine Nix, really, I’ll uh–I'll be in the hangar if anyone needs me.” You held back tears as you faked a smile so painful it damn near pulled on all the strings in Phoenix's heart. “Fanboy please don't forget that the strap on your hemet still needs to be fixed before you go up today, come see me whenever you can, the new part I ordered came in over the break.” You thought maybe throwing yourself into your work would keep you sane enough to get through at least the first day back. But when you made eye contact with Jaidyn for a brief moment, the way he smiled at you like he knew he won made you want to throw up. 
“Neither of you two know what shes really like, shes got you fucking played boys.” Jaidyn scoffed as he broke himself away from Braldey and Jake who stood side by side, the rest of the team behind them looking over their respective shoulders. “We’re engaged, she loves me and it'll only be a matter of time before she comes crawling back, begging for forgiveness after she took our daughter and ran.” In retrospect, Rooster knew he he maybe shouldn’t have said it—but his words were escaping far too quickly for him to stop himself.
“You mean the same daughter who calls me daddy now while I tuck her into bed every night?” Bradley knew what his taunt would cost him, he was prepared to cop it too. Dot had never called him dad before and he surely never expected her to. But as Jaidyn swung a powerful right hook against Roosters cheek just as Admiral Beau and Pete Mitchell were stepping into the locker room to see what all the fuss had been about, it was worth it. 
“Lieutenant Dolan, my office now!” Admiral Beau shouted as he watched Rooster go down, Jake just barely caught his head before he cracked it on the side of the bench. There were a few seconds there where Bradley Bradshaw swore he could smell colours and hear shapes but it was so worth it as the taste of iron coated his taste buds. 
“Bradshaw you alright?’ Jake asked as he watched Bradley fight off unconsciousness, he could have sworn if this had been a cartoon he’d have stars flying around his head like in that one movie Dot was scared shitless of. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He didn’t blame the two year old though, that ending kinda fucked him up too. “Rooster? You there.” 
“Oi be careful, he can actually throw a solid punch.” Bradley chuckled, showing Jake his blooded teeth as he sat up slowly. “Admiral Beau didn't seem too happy though, which is good.” 
“All you did was by yourself a little more time Rooster, I don't think this solves anything, if i'm being perfectly honest I think this might have made things worse.” Bob interrupted as he sat down next to Rooster on the ground with the locker room medical kit, assessing the damage. “Far out I don't know how your nose isn't broken.” 
“Where Fe?” It was his first question. “She didn't see, did she?” If there was only one thing Bradley Bradshaw was worried about it wasnt if his nose was broken or if he’d actually hit his head or not. It was if you’d seen him take a hit for a lie he told just to get Jaidyn to play his own game. You hadnt, you were half way back to your hanger by the time Rooster had hit the deck and Jaidyn was being escorted to the admirals office for disciplinary action. 
“Nah, she left before you turned yourself into a human punching bag.” Fanboy was the one who gave Rooster the answer he’d been hoping for. ”But hey, why do they call him Zeus for?” 
“Stands for Zero Effort Unless Supervised.” Jake replied as he stood with a groan, letting Bob take over as nurse's aid. “Im sure you’ll find out just how he got that callsign in the first place, hes a fucking terrible wingman.” 
“Lifestyles——of the rich and the famous—.” You muttered along to yourself as you hung halfway into the engine bay of your latest victim. An old Tomcat that the admirals had asked you to bring back from the dead as a side job amongst all the services and everyday tasks you kept ahead of to make sure the Dagger Squad were as well oiled as they could be. “They’re always complaining—always complaining.” Good Charlotte’s The Young and the Hopeless album had been blasting through your speakers for about four or five songs now—filling the silence with the early two thousands music was enough to keep your mind on the task ahead instead of wandering off somewhere else. 
“Don’t change career paths Felix, you sound like a broken record.” Jake chuckled as he stood looking up at you from the ground below. You stood atop the ladder, looking down at Jake. “Can we talk for a minute?” 
“Only if you grab me a redbull from the mini?” You replied as you started making your way down. Being careful to take one ladder step at a time. Jake did as you asked and made his way over to where your mini fridge sat, filled with copious amounts of caffeinated beverages ranging from redbulls to massive cans of Bang energy. 
“Here.” Jake handed you your beverage of choice as he stole a five hour energy, he didn't need to ask, so he didn't. “So we found out who Zeus is gonna be flying with–” Jake wasn't even trying to beat around the bush as he took the five hour energy down the hatch. You had your mechanic suit undone and tied around your waist, leaving you exposed to your black stand issue T-shirt. 
“Don't say Bradley.” You groaned as you cracked open the can. Taking a sip as Jake looked at you as if he wished he wasn't about to say Roosters name. “Jake I swear–”
“Okay so I won't tell you Jaidyn is Roosters wingman now.” 
“Oh well you just did! Didnt you?” You sighed in defeat as you made your way over to the small lounges you’d thrifted for the workshop, more often than not the Daggers would spend their lunch breaks and down time in your hanger turned workshop. “God, that's not gonna go well.” 
“You’re telling me, Roosters already got a black eye and it's only day one.” Okay, Jake really had dropped the ball on that one. He knew you were going to find out sooner or later and he thought it was best if you found out sooner, but still, the way you looked at him like he’d just punched you in the face was not a good experience. “He’s fine, Bradshaw was just taking the piss and took a fist to the jaw, he's fine Y/n, lover boys still walkin and talkin.” Jake explained as he sat across from you in one of the old rocking chairs that needed new upholstery. “Thats not what I came here to talk to you about, fuck Rooster, hes fine.” 
“We wanna put some security cameras up in your new place.” 
“You wanna do what now?” Your eyes bugged out of your head a little as you choked on the carbonation of your red bull. “I feel like that's a little bit–”
“Necessary Y/n, it's necessary because I wanna keep you safe.” You didn't reply for a moment, you just sat across from Jake smirking as you mulled over your next statement. Sinking a little lower as you placed your legs up onto the coffee table that was covered in polaroid of you and respective members of the dagger squad– all slid underneath the glass slab. 
“You’re gonna miss me, admit it.” You chuckled, biting your bottom lip because you knew even if he wasn't going to admit it that you were right. Jake Seresin had gotten used to having you living in his spare room and he was in fact going to miss the chaos you so effortlessly brought back into his life. From the way you never replaced the toilet paper roll after a roll was finished to the way you would put a movie on full ball and still manage to fall asleep half way through. 
“Fuck off Fe.” Jake scoffed as he turned his head away from your eyeline. “I just think since you’re gonna be on your own a lot more often, if you had cameras, we could check in on you without physically having to check in on you.” 
“No common areas and I wanna know where every single fucking one is.” Pointing at Jake, you agreed to the cameras, understanding that it was probably a good idea even if you just had a few around the place. “And so help me god if you so much as stick your nose into my private life with bradley il–” 
“I don't wanna know what you and Bradshaw get up to behind closed doors.” Jake shivered at the thought. “I'm still scared from the display I walked in on at the dining table.” 
“Maybe nows not such a good time to tell you we fucked on your kitchen countertop too.” 
“You’re fucking gross you know that?”
“Eat me Seresin, I'm a grown up. I can do whatever and whoever the hell I want.” The two of you just sat there for a while listening to the same Good Charlotte album you would listen to when you were getting high together at the back of the yards. Jake's mum would kill him to this day if she knew her baby boy had been exposed to such a thing. 
“I don't care how old we get, you're still gonna be a little shit of a sister.” Jake broke the silence first as he leaned across, his elbows digging into his knees. “You’re a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass and this shit you've got going on with Jaidyn is all of our problem alright?” Jake frowned as he watched you shrug like you didn't think you were worth the extra effort. “I think you should tell the rest of the guys how serious things really are so they can help too.” 
“I aint required reading Hangman.” You groaned as you let your head fall back against the chair. “But if we can drop the subject for now, i'll think about it, alright?” 
“Okay.” Was all Jake said as he pressed his lips together and nodded, standing as he came over the tussle with your hair. “I'll see you at home, don't forget to pick up your keys.” 
“Rooster already reminded me, but thanks.” You watched from the couch as Jake made his way out of the hangar. “Hey Jake?” You called out after him, watching as he paused in his tracks to turn his head back to where you sat. “I don't say it enough and I really should.” You cooed. “I love you.” Jake just smiled, he knew you did and he loved you back, so much. He’d known you his entire life and he still knew there was so much more to you than everyone saw. Perhaps Bradley would be the person to get to know you just a little better than Jake thought he did. 
“I love you too.” 
“Talk out of your ass like that again and I'll be the one who smacks you upside the head you got it Bradshaw?” You growled as Bradley made his way over to you, dragging his feet along the bitchament from a long day. The side of his face knocked up and surely bruising. “Jake told me what you said.” Bradley had been avoiding coming past the hanger all day so you couldn't castrate him for being an idiot. 
“Hangman needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” Dropping his bag, Bradley took you into an embrace he;d been wanting to give you all day, the smell of your shampoo always brought him solace. Kissing the top of your head a few times as he kept you close against his chest. Pressing your back into the side of the Bronco you had been waiting beside. “But I know, I know, I shouldn't have said it.” 
“You can't be doing that shit, he's dangerous and I don't wanna lose you.”
“Oh trust me mamma it’ll take alot more than a single right hook to take me down.” You loved the term of endearment Rooster had chosen for you. Mamma. It made you ache for his touch. 
“Really? Cause from the eye witness account Fanboy told me about when he came to pick up his helmet, apparently you hitting the deck like a sack of shit.” You taunted Rooster as he saw Jaidyn making his way over to his own car out of the corner of his eyes. Far too close to you than he was comfortable with. 
“Love makes a man do crazy things.” Rooster was serious when he tilted your chin to look at him. Holding your chin between his thumb and index. “I love you Y/n, and you don't have to say it back, but I do love you–so much baby.” So caught up in the way Bradley was looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him and him alone, you hadnt even noticed Jaidyn near his car, parted only one space across from Roosters Bronco. 
“I love you too.” It was one of the first times you'd ever said that with genuine intent. You told Jake you loved him, but this was a different kind of love then the one you had for Jake. Jakes was unconditional sibling love. The love you felt for Bradley bradshaw you'd never experienced before. You really did love Bradley, so much it hurt. “Now how about we go check out my new crib huh? Ten bridge street is officially all mine.” 
“Ten Bridge street huh?” Jaidyn eaves dropped as he slammed his car room after having thrown his duffel into the back seat, leaning on the side of his car with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“I'm nine Bridge street honey, looks like we’re neighbours.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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life-winners-liveblog · 4 months
-[ OH GOSH SCARRRR…. Okay y’all (winners) scar DOESNT really understand that so let us just explain, Skizz has a nickname for people, idk the reason behind it but I know his nicknames usually have to rhyme with something op, so he calls tango top, I’m pretty sure he called Pearl, Pearlie pop and this one I read somewhere else but he calls impulse Dimple Dop?? The impulse & Pearl one I can’t confirm but the tango one we can 100% confirm. Im pretty sure scar just calls Skizz Bottom as a joke to him calling tango Top 😭 ]
— Nate
Scott: Well I think thats cute...
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courtneycantstudy · 10 months
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2/100 DOP (tue. aug. 29)
another day, another diagram for oceanography… decided to take notes until my mechanical pencil ran out of lead today, which ended up being only 2 1/2 hours, but i’ll take it.
made another friend today in my math recitation :)
full-body workout last night was awesome, it’s small-group testing week for chaarg, so we can all go around all week to see which small workout groups we think will be the best fit for us. i’m going to at least one more on friday, might pop into one on thursday, too, if i’m feeling it, otherwise i’ll workout on my own early that morning.
🎧: method man- wu-tang clan
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lazar-codes · 4 months
14/02/2024 || Day 12 (dop)
🔸 practised ASL fingerselling
🔸 went to ASL class
🔸 worked on button functionality for Frontend Mentor project
🔸 started planning new illustration
🔸 read current book
Turns out that when I pick up extra shifts at work, I don't do anything productive when I get home -- including program. I feel like I haven't done any consistent programming since November, tbh. Hopefully I can find it in me to get back on it, but I'm definitely feeling the programming burnout.
ASL class - I just want to say that today we learned about conjunctions after it was introduced to us 2 weeks ago, and dear lord will I need to sit down and practice it a bunch. I'm excited though!
Frontend Mentor - I decided that I want to wrap this project up ASAP, so of course I did only the minimum today. I got the button functionality all working, where they'll appear and disappear at appropriate times. The next thing that I'll do tmr will be to dynamically fill out the information required in the Summary step, which is depending on the user's selections throughout the form.
Much like with programming, I've been putting off sketching, but this time only for the past 2 weeks. I swear, I was at a sketching high in January, where I filled a page almost every day. Especially at the end of January, because I had finished re-playing The Last of Us Part 2 and was a sketching machine filled with inspiration. But then it disappeared once I made a finished digital illustration of one of my fanart ideas. So, to combat the stagnation I feel, I did the unspeakable and picked up a pen and went in directly without pencil lines. Apparently I can't go 2 months without using pen, despite swearing it off since I used it for nearly 4 years straight. And what do you know? I had fun sketching today. I gotta say though, the best thing about drawing in pen is that the sketches really pop out of the page because they're so bold.
Also, I spent last night looking for some graphic novels I might be interested in, but a lot of ones aimed at adults have art styles and don't really vibe with me, so I started looking at kids' graphic novels and found one whose style I fell in love with! I know nothing about the plot, but I'm really hoping that the art itself can inspire me! Plus, it's a nice little Valentine's Day present to myself.
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
WOOO ASK BOX OPEN AGAIN!! I've been DYING to ask this one!!
However it happens, your characters end up cornering a lone toilet with no chance of escape for it. Instead of getting aggressive and snappy, however, it... starts to panic. It backs itself up against the wall, staring up at the Alliance agents with wide, teary eyes. As it shakes in terror and rapidly shakes its head, it can barely bring itself to sing its kind's horrible shrieking anthem, but it forces words past its mouth anyway, and its 'dop nee' slowly morphs into 'nee do' until all it's repeating are quiet, quivering pleas of "no".
How do they react? What do they even do then?
Camron would probably feel a bit of sympathy for it. It's a war after all and everyone is suffering on all sides. No matter how much he tries to pick up the gun and blast it...his finger can't seem to pull the trigger. He can't shake the visual that those wide scared eyes reminds him of what the human looked like when they popped out of that trap. He can only sigh and sign for the skibidi to get out of there...and do something else. Then, he would leave it. DJ would probably feel pity for the lone toilet, but would still hold a grudge for what they did to their titan. He would be a similar situation to Camron, in which he'll keep trying to force himself to kill it. But would constantly faulter. He can't help it. There's just something sad about killing something that's not even willing to fight back. Even unarmed toilets are trying to bite and rip heads off of units...so what's up with this one. He'll just fire a warning shot nearby the toilet before leaving. Vee would become incredibly intimidating to the toilet. He wants to make sure that this abomination knows that TV units are to be fears. He could make it kill itself for his own amusement if he wanted to. He would stand there as menacing as possible, before laughing at it. It's a little pathetic to see such creatures floundering around. Especially this one that's not even willing to try and bite him. He won't lie, it's unusual. The sad fear in it's eyes reminds him of someone...to a point where he simply teleports away. It's just a skibidi. If he doesn't kill it, some basic unit will. Why get his hands dirty? The mimic group would probably all behave the same. Buddy would kill it because it's a threat to the human. Pal would try to give it mercy killing that's quick and painless. Fiend would have a strict no mercy policy for skibidis.
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4ltblr · 1 year
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dop pop
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
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40s!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader MCU AU
A/N: This little story popped into my head as I was driving to work and Candy Man by Christina Aguilera came on and I had to get this down. I will interspersing the lyrics into the story as it goes along.  This is dedicated to @buckyalpine​  @frostironfudge​  
Also this is an MCU au Bucky never fell from the train IDC! Make sure you listen to the song as well.
Maybe you were being bise, but you thought you had the most handsome and sexiest boyfriend ever. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. You have been dating Bucky for almost a year now and you both were so happy you always wondered if the other shoe would drop. But you never wanted to look a gift horse in the mouth so yeah. You met Bucky one night at a nightclub in brooklyn. You were standing at the bar waiting for the bartender to bring your drink when he came in with his friend Steve Rogers and a few of the howling commandos. As you were turning around with your drink in hand you looked directly into his eyes as he finished talking to steve. 
As soon as he saw you he walked right over to you with determination. Your breath hitched as he was walking towards you mid drink. He stopped about a foot away from you, boring his eyes into yours.
“Hi, my name is James but you can call me bucky. What's your name darlin?” stretching out your hand for him to shake “My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you.” Grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips for the lightest kiss to your knuckles. “Oh, the pleasure is all mine.” You both fell into easy conversation. After about 15 mins you got to him asking you what you did for work, that's when the bartender came up to you telling you you had 3 mins. “Well I guess I’ll have to show you what I do Sergeant.” with a wink and a smile you went backstage. As soon as you got on stage with your 2 best friends christy and millie you went into your song and dance for all the patrons. Bucky immediately fell in love. Your voice was fierce but sweet. 
That brings you to tonight, you had a special treat for bucky tonight. You have been practicing this routine and song you wrote for bucky for a month trying to get it perfect. As you were looking from backstage you finally spotted Bucky sitting front and center with his buddies. You came out and walked right up to him and sat on his lap and gave a hello kiss. 
“Hey baby, I'm so glad you were able to make it tonight.” “Hey when my girl asks me to come see her perform I will not let her down.” “Well I'm so happy because you're about to see something new and special.” With that you gave him a hug and a chaste kiss and went back behind the stage. 
The music started and a man yelled into the crowd.
Tarzan and Jane swingin from a vine! 
Then the spotlight hit you and your friends and began singing.
Candyman, candyman. Then the man again.
Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine And back to you
Sweet, sugar. Candyman. All of a sudden Bucky was being brought up on stage to sit in front of you, and you began to sing again. 
“I met him out for dinner on a Friday night
He really got me working up an appetite. 
He had tattoos up and down his arm
There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm.”
Bucky was in total shock. You were singing directly to him. 
“He's a one stop shop, makes the panties drop
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man
A sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman.” 
You had a big smile on your face as you sang to him, his equally as big. So he sat back and watched his girl sing to him. 
“He took me to the Spider club on Hollywood and Vine. We drank champagne, and we danced all night. We shook the paparazzi for a big surprise (a big surprise)
The gossip tonight will be tomorrow's headlines. He's a one stop shop, makes my cherry pop”
Bucky’s cheeks blushed at the lyric
“He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (oh yeah) A sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman”
“Wah-doo-boo-doo-dwee-dop Bah-choo-bah-bah-bo-dah Dwee-dum-bow, bop-bow 
HEEYY, YEAH!Yeah-eh-eh-eh-eh, yeah,yeah.
Oh, Yeahhhh, Dwee-dum-bow”
Bucky was in awe of you. He has never heard such power in your voice, and all of this was for him. While all of this is happening, Steve and his buddies are eating it up. 
He's a one stop shop, makes my cherry pop
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (oh)
A sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man X2
Well, by now I'm getting all bothered and hot. When he kissed my mouth, he really hit the spot. He had lips like sugar cane, oh Good things come for boys who wait…..
You are having the time of your life up on stage. You are dancing with your best friends and performing a song for your absolutely sexy boyfriend. 
(Tarzan & Jane swingin' on a Vine)
Candy man, candy man
(Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine)
Candy man, candy man 
(Sweet, Sugar, Candyman) ‘Wisper’
He's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin' all the panties drop
(Sweet, sugar, candy man)
He's a one stop, got me hot, makin' my (uh) pop
(Sweet, sugar, candy man)
He's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby, don't stop
(Sweet, sugar)
The next lyrics you were a little nervous to say but heck you were showing how much you loved bucky so here it goes.
He got those lips like sugar cane Good things come for boys who wait. He's a one stop shop with a real big (uh)
He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man
(Say what) a sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman
(Say) a sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman, woo
A sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman
(Candy Man Candy Man Candy Man…..) 
As soon as the song was over the 3 of you bowed, the crowd was standing on their feet clapping and whistling. Bucky stood up, walked over to you with hearts in his eyes and made a big decision. 
He grabbed your hand and as you turned around he was beginning to lower down on one knee. You had wide eyes and your mouth was opening and closing like a fish.
“Y/N, you are an amazing woman. We met in this club almost a year ago and I knew from that day I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't have a ring but I have this.” Bucky reaches into his uniform and grabs his dog tags. “Will you marry me?”
You are completely frozen in place. Meanwhile the club is going wild, your friends are freaking out and Steve is yelling at you for an answer. When you come back to reality, you see those beautiful blue eyes and see your heart, your life, your future.
“Yes James Buchanan Barnes I will marry you!” He scoops you up and spins you around in circles while giving you a mind blowing kiss. After the need to breathe hits you both, he brings you down on your feet and puts his dog tags around your neck. 
“I promise baby I will give you the ring you deserve real soon.”
“It's ok Bucky, take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere. What is it that you and Steve say? I'm with you till the end of the line.” 
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burn1ngcomputer · 3 months
Hello, my name is Aly and this is my story.
It all started one fateful day after school, me and my rizzler gang went to rizz up the girls in our class. The girls all had a level 4 ice spice bussing gyatt straight from Ohio, my boy, and I simply couldn’t resist rizzing up that bussing skibidi Ohio ice spice gyatt. I tried using my Kai Cenat rizz, but I failed in the end. I don’t need girls anyway, I’m a skibidi sigma after all. I only care about the gyatts. Anyways, me and my ohio gang griddied back home the ocky way. We switched on the television and started watching YouTube Shorts. We learned some new rizz lines straight from Ohio, and also watch some LankyBox. But then, all of a sudden Skibidi Toilet popped up. All my friends started screaming and crying. My pal, who pretty much has rizz from Ohio started singing the skibidi toilet song, “skibidi dop dop dop yes yes!” It only scared me more, I ate a cheesecake only a few minutes before and boy was it bussing. But all of a sudden, my level 3 gyatt started to rumble. Shit SPEWED out my asshole..FUCK!
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coco-hun · 17 hours
Sah- De not Sade
Earthy Black reader x Denki Kaminari
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Music. The one thing even I wouldn't give up for the world, to pop, to neo-soul, to even metal; I've been finding new artist recently at this record store by my apartment, the store is just a small business ran by a family of 4, their daughter has been with me since I was a kid moving to Japan because my dad got a new hero job was difficult; culture shock.
It's honestly too hot to be walking the street today, June heat and the fact my summer outfits ain't even giving just made my mood dop, then it some boy with yellow hair staring at me like I'm some newly discovered species!? Turing my head to look at the boy he just smiles and waves, a little taken back I just wave and speed walk into the record store, my best friend told me a new shipment of records from my favorite artist came in! SADE, even though it's a old album they vinyl was brand new got the cd in too! combing my finger through each album to grow my collection from Miseducation of Lauryn Hill to BLONDE by Frank Ocean even a CDs of Snoop Dogg and Selena was littered across each table. Picking up a Sade album when the werido from early comes up to me
" You like Sade? She's my-"
" I'm sorry but who is Sade?
" The woman on the album, Sade?" He looks just as confused as me.
" Baby this is SAH- DE not Sade hun"
"... Im pretty sure it not sah-dey but I like her music that one song-
" How she your favorite artist but you can't pronounce the band name?
... He just stares at me and pulls out his phone trying to prove me wrong with a recording of her saying her name, when she starts is smug smirk turns into a frown and I giggle at his deflated expression.
" Oh... it is sah-de and they are a band? I thought that was her name?"
" It's her stage name but also the band name, i dont undertsna d it either but she been my favorite singer since I was kid"
Fo the next few minutes we talk about our music taste, and I know I called him a werido before but, he's kind of cool getting past his confident mistake. I pay for my album, and he asks me if I had a boyfriend.
" And if I don't?"
" Then my plan worked and I could ask you out duhh"
" And if I dont accept"
His face turns a little gloomy making me giggle more as he lists all the reasons that going on a date with him would be worth my wild, I accept, and he slips me his number as I write my number down on his hand
" So, what plan did you have?"
" I heard the music in your headphones and I knew the band right, seeing you pick the album I acted like I didnt know her name"
" So...you lied?"
" And it worked idnt it" He boost a smirk on his face widen as i roll m eyes and chuckle"
" Your funny, a liar but funny you what's your name again?
" Denki, yours"
" y/n"
He writes a smiley face next to my number and name on his hand and we wave goodbye, I heard him say to a friend group that was waiting on him that he talked to me, and they laughed at him off as he tries to convince them.
" But it true! She even told me the band's name and everything!"
" Yea right and I'm Beyonce, now let's go before Aizawa beats our ass for missing training"
Snickering at the thought I walk aback home, a new boy in my mind as Kiss of Life plays through my ears.
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A.N: ( I dont like the " Sade aesthetic " girlies because they all white with bad fashion sense. I make my claim with the fact I heard 5 people in my life say Sade name and band name wrong... THEY THOUGHT I WAS LYING TOO! But hope y'all like it! Love y'all <3
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d0rky-0utfits · 8 months
I was watching YouTube shorts and shit myself because of skibidi toilet hello my name is Timmy and this is my story it all started one fateful day at school me and my rizzler gang went to rizz up the girls in our class the girls all had a level 4 ice spice bussing gyat straight from Ohio my boy and I simply couldn't resist rizzing up that bussing skibidi Ohio ice spice gyat I tried using my kai senat rizz but I failed in the end I don't need girls anyway I'm a skibidi sigma after all I only care about gyats anyways me and my Ohio gang griddied back home the ocky way we switched on the television and started watching YouTube shorts we learned some new rizz lines straight from Ohio and also watched some lanky box but then all of a sudden skibidi toilet popped up all my friends started screaming and crying my pal who pretty much had rizz from Ohio started singing the skibidi toilet song skibidi dop dop yes yes it only scared me more i ate a cheesecake only a few-
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
[.:♔:.] He was reminded of her, every time the dragon lord had played his heavily decorated violin that was gifted to him. Long ago.
Oddly enough, and despite the passage of time, Lord Alexander could still smell Vermin's perfume, if not lightly wafting from the instrument. A painful lump formed in his throat as he thought of the powerful matriarch, and how she seemed to have vanished.
He held the instrument with great care, as he always did when he visited Vermin's old game space, desolate and devoid of life as it was.
Lord Alexander had not taken the news well when Vermin's game disappeared, and he couldn't come to terms with the fact that she, at least to him, was dead. It was a hard road to walk, but with time he began to heal and even started visiting her old space frequently, and played the violin as if he were playing it for her.
However one day, as the player count was quite slow for his own game, Lord Alexander set out to where Vermin's old game had once been once more. Violin in had, the somber draconian was prepared to play 'Danse Macabre' today when his game suddenly experienced a small upset.
It was the ad-blocker, again.
It was down, or there was some glitch. But either way there was a small bug in the game that allowed for various ads and unwanted pop-ups to trespass, and Lord Alexander promised whoever had the audacity to advertise in his home would be dearly sorry.
But then one ad caught the dragon lord's attention.
Lord Alexander nearly dopped the violin as he fell to his knees. Before he registered the words he couldn't help but just focus on the poster itself. Vermin...was alive? But who was that pink fellow sprawled above her and...
"Big...Daddy's Treasures?" he read aloud, not sure whether to feel great sadness, anger, or confusion. The beast began to feel his eyes sting with tears.
Lord Alexander picked up his prized violin and placed it safely into his hammer space, before remotely letting Cromwell know to activate his place holder for the night.
He was off to take a trip, to Big Daddy's.
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