#dose this make sense?
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fop characters with their hair not styled
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hugsarethugs · 6 months
(pov i hate coloring-) SO sum scene context in a nutshell: Dice and the cups are in town running some errands when they run into Chalice, her being up to her usual cons. She decides to tag along with them an gets introduced to Dice. The Cups talk about how Chalice has been teaching them the ways of her lil dance routine which makes Dice laugh, he says their lil dance ain't goin to get them anywhere an they should work on singing instead to con people.
Him and Chalice get into an argument on which is better an who has the better charming skills yada yada...
In the argument Chalice makes a comment like: "Don't listen to a guy who can't keep his make-up from smudging" or something like that- Dice's reaction:
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they have a charm off and everyone gets ✨arrested✨
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breitzbachbea · 2 months
I have a question to my fellow fic writers/headcanon people in the Hetalia fandom: When you think about Human AU versions of the characters, how do you decide on their religion (if you make them raised religious/actively religious)? Especially when you have a country with several, sizeable denominations or branches or ... versions of a religions? (I was raised Evangelical, aka Protestant in Germany, so I only know it's denomination for Christianity. But I do know that there's also different branches for other religions). Do you go with what's statistically most likely? Go with what you want to explore the most? Go with what you know the most? I'm curious.
I've been thinking about what brand of Christianity I should give my Scottish OCs, including the Scotsman himself, for a while now but I can't seem to make up my mind. He has a Highland Clan surname, so Catholic would make sense. He was born and raised in Edinburgh however and I also always find it quite funny when he calls the Irishman 'Cath boy.'
(I also mentioned Human versions specifically because I'd imagine that the thought process for headcanons set in the canon universe is a bit different, since they were alive for much longer and are influenced by their surroundings in a different manner).
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Ok but imagine baby Mudd talking to Shaman Seus about how when he grows up he was going to be a great adventurer with cool friends who goes to save the world and shaman sues and her telling him about these other great adventures the infinites and all their adventures and baby Mudd saying he wants to be just like them. And then teenage Mudd wishing he could leave his life and go and adventure with the cool people that shaman Seuss told him about. And then when he ran away he started to forget everything Seuss had told him about the infinites but when he heard about the infinites he couldn’t quite remember why he wanted to join them but he just did.
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snzluv3r · 16 days
my sleep study was actually kinda sorta helpful in that i just got diagnosed with rem sleep behavior disorder which i’ve been 99% sure i have for over a year but it was validating as hell to find out that i do in fact know my body and my mind lol. there’s not much i can do about it but i’m working with the sleep study doctor & she’s referring me back to psychiatry again so!! a win’s a win. really glad to have had a positive experience because i’m so so so stupid scared for my appointment tomorrow and needed to be reminded that not all appointments are disappointing
OH ALSO this diagnosis might kinda explain why i seem to sneeze in my sleep (obviously im waking up to sneeze but) bc my stupid body doesn’t understand that it’s supposed to be paralyzed during REM lol
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tj-crochets · 8 months
The options with the * are the ones I've already scanned, and all but the blorbo are sewing patterns (I've already shared the blorbo sewing pattern)
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nekoning · 11 months
transmasc bingqiu where there's a scarce of T producing plants/mushrooms/whatever airplane would come up with and they go on a quest to obtain more while also comforting each other through the inevitable return of their periods
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emily-mooon · 11 months
ST x ‘In Another Universe’ Text Posts (pt.1?)
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soullessjack · 1 year
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zmediaoutlet · 7 months
They’re loud enough coming into the motel room that Sam would feel bad for the neighbors, if this weren’t a total dirtbag no-tell. $39 a night and worth every grimy penny. Dean’s still telling him about the plot of Metalstorm. At volume.
“Dude, and then Hurok—I told you about his backstory, right? With the Two-Eyed Queen?”
“Maybe,” Sam says, dropping to the nearer bed. “I think I lost the will to live somewhere around the killer shrapnel tornadoes.”
A raspberry. Dean stows the six-pack they bought on the way back from the bar in the mini-fridge and pulls out two bottles. “Telling you, no appreciation,” he says, but he’s not pissed. He’s grinning at Sam, weirdly cheery like he’s been all day.
“What’s with you,” Sam says, accepting his beer. Dean cracks it for him with the ring, plops down on the other bed. His boots stretched out around Sam’s legs. “You’re like—a kid cracked out on birthday candy.”
“Hey, this is a good day, man,” Dean says, expansive. He waves a hand, vaguely encompassing the dingy room and Hollywood and the whole world, possibly. “Got to go to a legit movie set, met two movie stars, and the case isn’t even really a case, which means no dead guy, which means no digging up a grave, which means: we got the night off, hombre.”
He says it with the h. “Pretty sure Gerard St. James doesn’t count as a movie star,” Sam says, but it’s hard not to smile back at Dean when he’s being—ebullient, practically.
Dean grins, knows he won. “You’re not ruining this for me,” he says, pointing at Sam. Then—it’s strange, how quick—his grin dips, turns. His lower lip bitten, lopsided. “I know you wanted a—a distraction, or whatever. We can find another job. Here or we could go south maybe. TJ?” His eyebrows pop. “Could get a show.”
“Spare me,” Sam says. Dean leans forward, looking all over Sam’s face, which heats. God, Dean. So annoying Sam could kill him, but also… “Thought you wanted to go to the Hard Rock Cafe, anyway.”
A second, two. Dean finishes examining his aura or something and then his grin gets dirtier, which is impressive because Sam thought he’d found a new depth before. “Hey, we can get hard as a rock right here,” he says, and Sam rolls his eyes, says, “That doesn’t actually—work,” and Dean surges forward not fast but inevitable as plate tectonics, pushes Sam down to his back on the bed, crawls up with his knees on either side of Sam’s hips, makes Sam hold his beer wide and to the side so it doesn’t spill, grins down into Sam’s face. Purely—glad.
“Does too,” Dean says, the dingy light riming him like a halo. Sam has no idea what he’s responding to but so what. Dean takes a swallow of his beer, throat bobbing, and then takes Sam’s out of his hand so they clink together, reaches down and sets them on the carpet. Leaves Sam free to grab his hips, his waist. Familiarity of what feels like his whole life taking over. This unseating at the back of the brain, like being drunk, except he only had two at the bar and it’s really just the wild spinning reality of—being Dean’s brother. What that means, when they’re together, and things are good.
But—“I don’t need a distraction,” Sam says, sliding his hand up Dean’s stomach. No hair, just the soft warm give of his skin. Options flickering in his gut, knowing how the night’s going to go, but he wants to be sure. That Dean knows, that it’s not—
But Dean knows. Sam can’t trust that Dean knows every swirling doubt in him, especially in these days of strange terror, but on this, with this, Dean might as well be in MENSA. “Good,” Dean says, warm. He gets his hand between them on Sam’s crotch, on where he’s swelling up the denim. Sam’s hips flinch, curving up. A crooked smile, and then his tongue touching the point of his tooth. All the blood in Sam’s brain drains abruptly to where it’s needed. Dean leans down, close, so Sam can smell his beer-breath and his skin. Salt. Sam’s mouth waters and Dean looks between his eyes. Making it easy. “Wouldn’t want you distracted.”
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scarecrow-bill · 11 months
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not-emerald-onion · 19 days
I am crazy about the many ways we can interpret the Hero and the Guide's relationship?
What do you mean the Hero is his purpose? His reason to exist? His destiny? The knife he is sharpening to drive through his own heart?
What do you mean the Guide is their first companion? Someone who has seen them at their lowest and still chooses to stay every single time? Someone who they can always count to show them the right way?
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eluminium · 1 year
Life Series: Angel's Blessing
...or how killing Skizz seems to lock you into a Top 2 placement.
Welcome to another post where Eluminium goes insane about Skizzleman because the brainrot is consuming me.
So y'all know of the whole "Skizz and the number 3" thing? Well, a part I forgot to mention in the original post was a weird thing relating to Skizz's last deaths. Now Skizz is very good at dying early, he and Jimmy are the only two people who've never made it past session 7. In 3rd Life, he was killed by Grian. In Last Life, he was shot by Ren. And in Limited Life he sacrificed himself to TIES by having Etho kill him.
In (almost) every single death he's had, he's been killed by either the winner of the game or by second place. And the other one (Scar for 3rd Life and Scott for Last Life) was also there to witness it firsthand. Every time. It's not as strong in Limited Life, but it's still there. Who was a witness to Skizz's sacrifice? Impulse. Who came second? Impulse. Martyn didn't witness it nor permakill Skizz, but you could argue that one of the kills Martyn got on Skizz pushed him towards his eventual martyrdom.
 In almost every series, the one to either permakill Skizz or watch Skizz permadie gets top 2. With no fail (so far.) Three times in a row.
Hmmm, well isn't that weird? And it's happened in every series Skizz has been in. And what are the only numbers above three? That's right. One and Two. First and Second. It's almost as if Skizz's weird curse tied to the three works as a blessing for whoever is there to kill him or watch him die. I suppose one man's curse is another man's blessing.
So uhm, petition to call this weird phenomenon "Angel's Blessing." For...obvious reasons. 
Hey I mean, could probably work it into a funny design thing. 
Just imagine Desert Duo in the cactus ring. As they throw punch after punch and speak their woes on how they don't wanna do this, two cracked and barely noticeable triangle-shaped halos (haha get it because three) are hovering over both their heads. As Scar's health starts draining, the halo fades with him, while Grian's only grows stronger, and more stable. Eventually, Grian's fist cracks right through Scar's barely visible golden headpiece, and with that, Scar has no chance. Not that he put up much resistance in the first place.
Just imagine Scott and Ren's final battle. Scott, fresh from his kill on Martyn, with his triangle halo hovering, just taking shot after shot on Ren. With every hit, Ren's halo grows weaker. However, it isn't Scott who smashes the fragile thing into pieces, instead the honor is given to a random zombie, who doesn't care what it just destroyed. When Scott stands victorious, divine lightning strikes and shatters his halo too. 
Just imagine Martyn cutting down Scott first because he knows. He's an observant guy, he's noticed the little gold barely-noticeable triangle floating over Impulse's head. A naive soul would have mistaken it for a trick of the light, but Martyn sees how it cracks as if solid when he ends Scott's life. Scott had to be first, Scott didn't have a halo this time. If Martyn himself looked up, it's quite likely he'd see his own little triangle. Strong, solid, blessed. But the one floating over the demon's head is a broken, helpless, sad little thing uselessly clinging onto hope after being so thoroughly crushed. 
Martyn's brain takes him back for a second. Back to the very first session of this damned death game. Back to that cave, to the rush of the Boogeyman curse, and back to Skizz. As Skizz called him up to give him a sweet compliment, he readied his blade. But all he saw was this poor wingless angel, an angel who had his two snow-white wings hacked off by two boogies barely ten minutes in. All that remained was his halo, and if Martyn wanted to kill Skizz, he would have had to break it...and he couldn't bring himself to do it. It was almost too pathetic. He let Skizz live, let him keep his last piece. And that would be a piece kept until Etho broke it on Skizz's behalf since Skizz never got Boogey killed again.
He couldn't go through with the backstabbing then. It's different now. Much blood-drenched time has passed since.
Now Martyn brings down his axe and lava on his ally, a betrayal he refrained from when this series started. He's numb by now.
When lightning strikes where Scott once stood, he looks over to a shocked Impulse. An Impulse with no armor, an Impulse who won't be able to react in time. Just as helpless and vulnerable as Skizz in that cave. The halo still sits right over the demonic horns, and to kill Impulse, he'll have to break it.
But Martyn is a different man now. Those acts of mercy are long gone. Now, he feels nothing as he mercilessly chases Impulse down and brings his axe through the halo that once made him hesitate. Wrathful, hungry, animalistic.
It's what these worlds do to them. It's what they do to them.
An Angel's Blessing can't guarantee victory. But it can guarantee something better than third. 
And well. For once, the blessing went to Impulse. About time, considering Impulse has watched Skizz permadie every single time. 
Isn't the Life series just full of fun patterns to discover?
btw Skizz said on the podcast today that he has a habit of sometimes kissing Impulse on the cheek when they're reunited. Just a fun fact to cheer you up <3
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2hoothoots · 2 years
i've seen a couple of posts recently talking about Thorney Towers and its bizarre geometry - how it's the only real-world location we see with gravity-defying environments and Escheresque architecture. here's what's always been my interpretation: the inside of the asylum doesn't literally look like that, but it's a representation of how Raz, with his extrasensory awareness, perceives it.
there are a couple of thing in the games that imo make it explicit we're seeing everything filtered through Raz's point of view. there's gameplay stuff, like how things he's focusing on will get a green glow around them; and then there's stuff like the bit at the end of Rhombus of Ruin, implying that the Hand of Galochio is, at least sometimes, something only he can see. we can also see ripples in the air where two people are talking telepathically or where there are stray thoughts, auras around certain characters, and so on - things that (presumably) aren't visible to the regular, non-psychic person.
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i've always figured that this extends to the way he perceives the rest of the world, too. the upper levels of Thorney Tower are twisted, mind-bending, impossible spaces that could never plausibly exist in real life. to me, this level is more of a visual metaphor than anything else. it's twisted and warped the same way our own perception can be warped by strong feelings, like how a sense of claustrophobia can make it feel like the walls are squeezing down on you, or vertigo can make heights seem to stretch and spin.
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(screenshots taken from a Let's Play by Materwelons)
there's a long-standing trope of psychics/empaths/mediums being able to read the 'vibes' of places they're in, especially places where horrible things have happened. real-world asylums and sanitariums have been the sites of untold horrors against their 'patients'; confinement and restraints, electroshock therapy, lobotomies... it's easy to imagine Thorney Towers as a place suffused with suffering, the anguish of its old inhabitants seeping into it like a stain, lingering like ghosts even after the building itself has been all but abandoned.
what does that feel like, if you're someone who's sensitive to it? how does it warp your perception of the space around you? the twisted interiors of Thorney Towers harken back to the impossible geometry of some of the mental worlds, and i think that's deliberate. to me, we're seeing a blending of both the physical surroundings, an old building in disrepair; and the metaphysical, the echoes of old feelings that still haunt the place, the way it must have looked to some of its inhabitants - warped in a way that's upsetting and almost incomprehensible.
i don't have an explanation for the pit of radioactive goo at the bottom, though. if anyone has any ideas about the goo let me know i guess
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thegatorsgoose · 2 years
Minecraft and brotherly bonding
So. I was watching hermitcraft and I had a realization about mourning dove Danny.
Minecraft would be perfect for him.
Now Iv played Minecraft every once in a while when I was younger, but I mostly get my knowledge out of watching people. This is irrelevant.
But one thing I did notice when playing it for myself, especially cus younger me had more trouble with this, was how people interacted with each other. Since the game is much simpler than irl, the “social cues” , or just how people portray how they feel by moving there character, it was much much easier for me to interact with people and know how to react back.
I propose that Minecraft would be a great way to slowly start integrating him back into society. Instead of risking going out at first, they “teach” him about interacting with people, and all the complicated bullshit that comes with it, by letting him play Minecraft online. There’s little to no risk, they can control the environment, and Danny can talk to strangers without them seeing him.
Of course we already know that Danny is working on writing, one of his biggest motivators being to text, and that applies here to. It actually gives him the choice to either type out in chat/with signs, or just with “body language” and both are equally accepted.
Of course, this comes with other benefits. It’s still a game after all, so they have fun as well. Him and Damian have a survival world together where they build stuff together (I imagine that Danny and dami like to just sit together in silence while Damien’s painting/drawing and Danny’s doing needle work:)), it ends up becoming a huge collab  project with an entire city in it.
They all occasionally play server games, and they all have one world together, it’s very chaotic but Danny and Dick especially love it. Tim is a red stone GOD, and is teaching Danny, who is surprisingly good at it (you can’t convince me Danny isn’t a genius like the rest of the Fentons). Jason sets up traps to annoy his siblings. Cass just… collects materials. Mines for hours and keeps every. Single. Thing. The rest are terrified of what she will do with them. Steph has made an “empire” out of a village she ransacked, modded it to make all the villagers special and gave them their own names and everything. Duke keeps doing dumb shit just cus he can, like make a turtle farm in the nether or keep a warden as a pet. Babs is off doing her own thing, no one understands her builds but rest assured, it’ll aalll come together eventually. Danny likes to build cozy spaces, or just spaces that have a really good atmosphere in general. Lil builds that are just sprinkled around the map like how there’s always that random hutch in the middle of the woods in horror storys. They are all for random animals he grew attached to, like this one random cow or that squid he saw while walking to Tim’s base. This isn’t enough for a whole batch so here’s a lil muffin instead.
Mourning Dove is an au of Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel set around 4 years in the future. I recommend you read it if you haven’t, it’s adorable and heartbreaking.
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satanic-fruitcake · 8 months
what makes john crichton a great protagonist is the fact that he’s the only member of the moya crew who doesn’t suffer from “wow these people are weird. glad i’m the only normal person here” brainrot.
as the token human surrounded by aliens you’d think it’d be other other way round but John isn’t about that life. He’s a sweetie pie.
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