#doug mahaswaren
laurelegg · 1 year
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Baby Connie
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Steven and Connie’s daughter
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(Artist is here)
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sersofa-blog · 6 years
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A challenge to draw our favorite scenes with different characters.
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notgaybutmybfis · 4 years
my boyfriend told me that if (when) he becomes a dad he wants to be like these mfs and honestly-
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steveduckson · 3 years
Series: Warp into the Future
Story: The Empire in Silver
Chapter: 24; Reunions
Summary: Everyone is safe at last. Everyone, whether they want to be or not.
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e350tb · 4 years
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genussanguis · 4 years
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So @mwokozi369 and @anonymousauer which is mwokozi’s friend actually started our own little private AU rp. Yes it’s a Spinel Steven AU. He was locked in the tower and forgotten, yes he was fed but was never able to leave the tower as a punishment for “taking away Pink” and Spinel who was brought with Pink and not abandoned in the garden pretty much plays out with Steven’s role with the Crystal Gems but Connie having Steven’s more human problems and she is Spinel’s best friend. Connie grows up as Spinel’s knight and one day Spinel goes to Homeworld to make peace with the Diamonds which is where she meets Steven who is finally let out of the tower after being in there for almost his entire life, he is 27 and was in there for 18 straight years and is pretty badly treated in front of Spinel and Connie, often humiliated and treated like a either a pest, pet or servant all in one by his fellow Diamonds and it also beaten in front of them for making even the smallest mistake. He is cold and bitter and even is treated poorly by the Diamonds Pearls or any gem as he is half organic making him seen as beneath everyone even if he is a Diamond. It’s different from our AUs as Steven is seen as still a Diamond and not treated poorly by gems who are beneath Diamonds so pretty much everyone who’s not White, Yellow or Blue Diamond and Pink Diamond in mwokozi’s cause.
He suffers from depression, social anxiety, PDSD and just anxiety in general. Steven hates everyone in the beginning and has severe trust issues and trusts no one in the beginning. Despite what he says and how he might come off Steven is someone who needs to be shown that he is loved and needs to be raised or undo all the trauma and taught everything he missed meaning where he left off at age nine.
Steven’s very athletic after just doing push ups and working out in the tower. He hasn’t had any interaction since he is nine he has trouble socializing. Connie actually hates Steven at first since he kinda is a jerk in the beginning but then realizes that he’s just scared and in pain and that doesn’t know how to interact with people.
Well White, Yeelow and Blue see the errors of their ways and though they want to have a relationship with Steven he leaves before they can properly apologize and goes to reunite and live with his father. He has no proper interaction with the Diamonds so far in our rp. If anyone is interested we might talk more about it though.
Steven does have lion though who’s the only thing keeping him somewhat sane.
Me- Steven (Our baby), Topazes, Lapis, Amethyst, zoo men, Lars, Kiki, Mayer Dewey, PeeDee, Marty, corrupted gems, Nephrite, Famethyst
@mwokozi369 -Pink Diamond, Pearl, Greg Universe, White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Connie, Yellow Pearl, Volleyball, Jasper, also zoo men, Buck, Holly Blue Agete
@anonymousauer -Spinel, Peridot, Bismuth, Aquamarine, random Beach citizens, Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, rubies, Sadie, Jenny, Ranoldo, off colors, mystery girl, Kevin, Connie’s parents, Yellow Tail, Vadalia, the rest of the Pizza family, Fryman, Skinny, Carnelian
Zach he owns @shatteredheartsau - Lion, Onion, Sour Cream, Mr Smily, Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, past Crystal Gems, Famethyst, Jamey, Barb
All of us play random Homeworld gems
Yes this is a crappy quick sketch of our baby boy.
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transconnieau · 4 years
What do Connie's parents think of her being transgender? As far as I can tell, it doesn't seem like they took it very well.
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They didn't take it well at all.
Doug and Priyanka weren't on board at first, due to their mindsets being confused about what being trans is and seeing flaws in it. This made Connie's young childhood very hard with unsupportive parents. They do later come around after she explains everything to them, and they become more open minded.
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runrundoyourstuff · 6 years
New Work!
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,300
Every instinct tells her that this is another bad dream, the likes of which she has experienced before countless times in the thirteen years since becoming a parent.
“Are you okay?”
She sniffs, forces herself to regain her composure before she fully turns to him. “You…you allow your son to…to do things like this all the time. How?”
Dr. Maheswaren and Greg reflect after their respective children leave for Homeworld.
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gemidentity-blog · 7 years
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Can we just appreciate how much they look alike now. Because omg I love them both.
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Stevonnie? 👀
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Sorry this is late aaaaahhh 😓 I struggled with this one
Headcanon A:  realistic
Being the fusion of best friends, Stevonnie keeps clothes that fit them at both Steven and Connie's houses. Sure, Steven's shirts fit them, even if they turn into crop tops, and Connie's pants fit ad well, they just aren't as comfortable as properly-fitting clothes.
...Which can be a bit hard to find if you're seven feet tall, but they manage. They really like dresses, as well, and those are easier to find than pants, so that's good.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
When Steven and Connie reach their full, adult heights (5'9" and 6'3" respectively) (I believe in tall Connie supremacy), Stevonnie is, like, 8 and a half feet tall. They're even taller than Garnet, if you can believe it. They lord it over everyone, especially Kevin, whom they still hate. It's revenge for all the times he demeaned them. Sometimes, all you need to do to intimidate someone is be about 2 and a half feet taller than them.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
In the beginning, they're terrified to show themself to Priyanka and Doug. They, through Connie, know that Priyanka wouldn't be enthused about her daughter regularly fusing into a single being with her best friend, who is a human-alien hybrid. Connie (and Stevonnie) are terrified that, if Priyanka finds out, she wouldn't let Connie see Steven anymore.
However, after Future, and Priyanka helps Steven, they finally feel comfortable enough to tell the Mahaswarens about themself. It goes well, even if Priyanka has about a million questions.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
After Steven initiates Era 3 and changes the Diamonds' minds, fusions are so much more accepted on Homeworld. Because of this, Stevonnie is free to go around Homeworld as themself whenever they like. This may happen because Steven wants to show Connie something cool he found and it's easier to get there as one person, or if Steven had a stressful Diamond meeting and he wants to chill with someone as a fusion. Stevonnie thinks Homeworld is really cool anyway, so it's nice to just walk around and explore as themself, for a bit. It also serves to show the Homeworld Gems that fusion is alright now, especially if they see one of their Diamonds walking around as a fusion and being completely okay with it.
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 3 years
do you ever think about the fact that connie mahaswaren’s parents, priyanka and doug, dr. and mr. mahaswaren, overprotective 101,
had sex at least once in their lives
I mean- I am purely assuming. Seeing how Dr. Priyanka is mostly busy by her job and being a overprotective mom when she isn't working, I doubt she has time to have a "normal" relationship with Doug, but they make it work their own way.
I am assuming before Connie, She and Doug likely had sex a normal amount. They probably do have sex still but it isn't like something on their mind most of the time
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weirdlizard26 · 7 years
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gem-fluff-blog · 8 years
Is no one going to point out
In SU, Steven has a gem not a belly button
Gems have no belly button because Lapis’s crop top it’s not there
Gems probably don’t even know what belly buttons ARE so like just imagine
Connie goes to the beach in a cute bikini and they’re all just crowding around like like just someone has to draw this
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