born-to-riot · 7 months
Messaging you... like this?
Any quote? "The games you play you would always win"- Set fire to the rain. And ship… Anything with Eris, preferably Azriel (or if you have a lot of it in your brain, do Cassian x Eris), please
Hope Azris is okay, and uh warning it’s sad and major character death ✌️
Request by: @hieragalbatorixdottir
Azriel has been lying on the top of his roof, face down, head pillowed on his arms, here in the pouring rain for hours now.
He is aware that this may seem dramatic but he can’t seem to bring himself to care. He doesn’t think he can…. He doesn’t even know... All he does know is that he wasn’t expecting it to hit him like this.
They weren’t supposed to understand each other. He wasn’t supposed to fall for him.
It's not like the Mother destined them for each other. They were enemies, they had been for a long time. So why does he feel hollow, why are his insides all numb, why can’t he see past this moment, right here, soaking in the cool downpour.
Azriel’s wings automatically were raised above to let the rain pour off them, but that didn’t stop the water from reaching his hair or pooling underneath him, it's like they were pointless, he was pointless. What was the point anyway…why is he here, why can’t he move?
What is the point of being able to fly? Of being able to communicate with his shadows? What’s the point if he wasn’t able to do what mattered in the end.
Azriel inhales deeply and lets out an involuntarily shaky exhale, there's not much his body can do against the plummeting temperatures of the rain and the subzero levels of his mood and motivation.
He lifts his head up just a miniscule amount from where he had it pillowed in his arms, just enough so he could shift the positioning of his head to the left, then lays it back down, hair sopping wet and hanging over his eyes. It doesn’t cover it all though, there is still a sliver of light peeking through the dark curtain, just enough for his red stained hazel eyes to make out the crumpled piece of papyrus, its ink long washed away by the rain.
It doesn’t matter, he thinks as he closes his eyes, as he closes the soaked piece of paper into his fist, ignoring how the added pressure makes it fold into itself even more into a soggy pile of scrap, as he pushes his face back into his arms, forcing himself back into darkness, hoping maybe he’ll never have to go back.
How can he come back from this? He can tell his shadows are whispering in his ears trying to tell him something, he can’t bring himself to listen. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to listen to them again. Not after the news they just gave him. Not after the poison they dripped into his consciousness.
Azriel just can’t stop thinking about the perfectly printed scrawl of ink left on the piece of papyrus, the one that’s long been ruined and warped by the rain, molded to his fingers. He wishes the rain could wash away his memories too, that way he can see something else other than the repeated visions of the words that used to be.
My Shadowsinger, I’m afraid we’ve flown a bit too close to the sun, my heart will always be yours, but it seems my spirit is no longer ours to keep.
How did it even come to this point? Why did it feel like he had been felled with his own blade? Why can’t Azriel find the will to live on in a world where Eris Vanserra no longer walks? A world where Eris Vanserra no longer smiles, no longer talks?
How is Azriel supposed to get up, how is he supposed to progress? The tiny thing he stumbled upon with Eris, the relationship they both nurtured between their intertwined hands, its still alive in his chest. What is he to do when he looks for the other, when he reaches out for him, but is inevitably met with nothing but a ghost.
His family doesn’t know, he never bothered to tell them, if he couldn’t understand it himself how could he begin to hope that they might. It's hard to explain how barbed words shifted into playful teasing, how sheer hatred morphed into a cruel understanding.
How was it that Eris Vanserra was able to provide Azriel the exact inexplicable support and company he was craving? Azriel supposes he’ll never have a chance to find an answer… not after the shadows whispered to him of Eris’ death moments after he received his last letter.
Would he have been able to change anything? Would he had been able to prevent it? Would Eris have let him try?
Azriel, for the first time in hours, feels something other than the never ending numbness that had settled over his body ever since he collapsed on the ground with that stupid piece of papyrus in his hand. It's the stinging heat of anger filling him, the steam of fury.
How dare he? How dare he let himself take a risk and not cue in Azriel, how dare he leave him? How dare he force Azriel into solitude again, a world where no one understands. Fucking Vanserras, Azriel thinks, fists tightening. He feels the need to fight but there is no enemy in sight, nothing tangible he can destroy, no escape for the rage. There’s nothing.
How is he supposed to accept that?
Azriel remains in the same position, lying face-down and vulnerable in the pouring rain. He’s soaking, he’s wet, he’s cold. His body shivers anew with each fresh droplet of the ice-cold downpour, his mind is reeling.
Eris would always win their little games, always. He hates to call this tragedy a game, he does. But as Azriel ignores the pleading whispers of his shadows, his skin shriveling under the never-receding pool of water, and his future looking nothing other than dim.
Azriel can’t help but think to himself, looks like Eris has won again.
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Thank you @cams4 for an adorable Sans x OC commission 🥺 I love plant mages, if I could pick any magic power it would probably be something plant related <3
Calypso came in from the rain, closing the backdoor behind her, cutting off the sound of the downpour that had quickly descended over the skeleton household. She pulled off her coat and hung it up beside the door, moving into the kitchen with a collection of cut plant stalks in one hand. The stems were long but not that thick, the ends dotted with what looked like hundreds of clusters of tiny balls.
When she arrived in the kitchen, Sans was already there. He was leaning on the countertop, casually, a cup of coffee in hand and an easy smile on his face.
(She hadn’t seen the way he jumped at the sound of her coming in. Though it wasn't unusual for her to come over, he hadn't been expecting to see her. She hadn’t seen how he pulled at his dirty shirt, counting the stains and wishing he’d worn something less gross. She hadn’t seen how he scrabbled at some dirty plates he’d bought down from his room and teleported them into the sink- and she hadn’t seen the three poses he’d attempted, before settling on the most casual-seeming one.)
“hey caly.” He said, smooth and warm.
... Calypso’s fern-green eyes only needed to land on him for a few moments, before he already felt himself slightly losing his cool, cheekbones prickling and threatening to flush blue. He swallowed, shifting his weight a little more onto one foot.
She visibly brightened. Raindrops hung suspended in her golden hair, like dozens of little pearls. “Sans! You’re up early!”
Sans was up early. 11am- early for him. He winked. “yup, i can’t be-leaf it either. whatcha doin’ out in the rain?”
His joke earned a modest snort, despite the innumerable amount of times he’d said that same joke to her. “Just some gardening for Papyrus. Is he home yet?” 
“not yet. still working out, probably.”
He didn’t really understand why Calypso bothered with gardening. She was a mage- capable of making plant life grow on command. And yet she often still insisted on taking the long route.
“... I just think it’s much more rewarding to let the plants grow themselves, and help them along a bit. Listen to them, rather than forcing them to make the journey faster. They’re just as pretty when they’re growing as they are when they’re grown.”
... He didn’t get it. The only plant he’d managed to keep alive was a little potted cactus she’d given him a few months ago, a creature who sat happily on his windowsill and seemed to thrive on his neglect. If he had plant powers he’d use them all the time.
... But maybe there was an element of comfort, to him, about the fact that the girl he was so hopelessly head-over-heels for preferred a fixer-upper to something already perfect.
“what’s pap growin’ now, then?” He asked.
“He likes dahlias, so I’ve just planted some. He described them as ‘POSITIVELY MATHEMATICAL’.” She drew a vase out of the cupboard, filling it with water and dropping the large trimmings in. “They might take a while to grow, but that’s alright.”
Sans couldn’t help but chuckle. Of course his brother was obsessed with such a symmetrical flower.
“gotta admit, i’m comin’ up short on dahlia puns.” He supported his chin on his elbow, swirling the remaining dredges of coffee in his cup. Talking to her... it just made him feel so... relaxed. So okay. “what’re the ones in the vase, then?”
“Just some of the hydrangea. It’s getting huge, now. It’s good to garden them when it’s raining.” She gently rearranged them. “I thought they’d look nice inside, when they bloomed.”
He grinned. “bet they’ll be bloomin’ unbelievable.”
Calypso suddenly shifted. She looked... nervous? She bit her lip.
... Sans immediately felt himself shift too, instinctively, smile losing a few millimetres. He lowered his mug.
“... something... wrong?” He asked, carefully, after a few moments of silence.
She had no idea how much that single sentence meant, coming from him. Sans, famously terrified of any emotional subject, had a tendency to evacuate the room even when his closest friends got too upset. But with her, he felt a degree of comfort he’d only felt before around family. 
... He wanted to make sure she was okay.
“N-no, not at all.” She needlessly adjusted the flower in the vase again. “I’m fine. Uhm... It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
The thought of her not being able to tell him something made him feel itchy. 
“... you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. but, uh... you can tell me anything, heh.” He was wearing his most disarming smile. “‘sides, if it’s botherin’ you, it’s usually better to get it out.”
If Papyrus had been in the room he would’ve fainted at the sight of Sans not only avoiding the easy way out of the conversation (just accepting her 'I'm fine'), but actively pushing for greater emotional honesty.
As a monster, he had exceptional hearing. He didn’t want to tell her that he could hear her heartbeat getting faster.
“I’m...” Her eyes darted around, focusing on anything that wasn’t him. Were her cheeks getting red? Shit, had one of his jokes landed badly? He racked his mind for anything he could've said to make her upset. “Y-you’re right. It’s... it’ll be better to get it out.”
He was getting nervous now. Was it bad? Should he be concerned? “mhm.”
She stared at the hydrangea. She fidgeted with the side of the countertop, took a breath in...
“I... I really like you.”
“.......... huh?”
“... Like... erm...” She tucked some hair behind her ear, still not looking at him. “... Romantically.”
Not what he was expecting to hear.
The sound of the rain outside filled the room. Sans stood there, staring at her blankly, waiting for the punchline. Waiting for her to start laughing, grin and say it was a prank. Waiting for the gotcha!
There was no way she liked him. It was too good to be true.
... Not when he liked her so much, too. 
Calypso glanced at him- his expression must’ve been something else, because she immediately looked away again. He could smell regret starting to seep out of her.
“I-I mean... it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to do anything. It’s no big deal.” She laced her fingers together, then unlaced them, tapping them on the countertop, as unsure of how to stand as he had been minutes earlier. “I just, uhm... figured you should know... nothing has to change though. A-and it’s fine, I’ll probably-” 
Her cheeks were getting progressively redder and redder, and her voice progressively smaller and smaller. She was being honest. 
“i-i like you too,” he blurted. 
She finally looked at him. She stared at him as blankly as he’d stared at her. 
... He had to let go of his mug, for fear of cracking the handle. 
“... romantically.”
Calypso's face flushed. As it did, her eyes glimmered green for a split second- and every bud on hydrangeas in the vase instantly opened, a vivid bunch of bubblegum pink.
It kinda matched the shade on her cheeks.
“Y-you... do?” Her voice cracked.
His Soul was in his mouth. If it turned out she was pranking him, he’d never forgive her. don’t laugh at me. 
“... you sound like you don’t believe me.” He said, as playfully as he could, in the state he was in. He could feel his eyelights all but twinkling in his sockets, they were probably embarrassingly big and fuzzy.
“I... w-well. You’re just... you’re so cool, and I...”
... Sans laughed. He couldn’t help it. It was a short sound, he covered his mouth- she quickly gave him a quizzical look. Though she seemed comforted by the sound. 
i feel like my bones are gonna fall apart.
“i-i’m sorry. i just...” He dragged his hand down his face, his grin was so big it was starting to ache. “i can’t believe you said that. that’s exactly how i feel about you.”
The hydrangeas went from pink to red. Again, just like her face. “... You think I’m... cool?”
He had word vomit. “who wouldn’t?”
He was so... excited? Happy? He couldn’t put his finger on it. He wasn’t used to not knowing exactly how he felt.
“... I didn’t know you could go that colour.” Calypso giggled, gently.
Sans quickly became self-conscious of the amount of magic he could feel prickling in his cheekbones. His face must’ve been absolutely cerulean; he itched his cheekbone, letting out a weak chuckle of his own and glancing away. 
“guess, uh... my crush confessing to me blue me away, heheh...”
She reached across, and took one of his skeletal hands in hers.
He stared at the two limbs, entwined. Warmth spread through his chest. Whatever he was feeling, he really liked it.
“pap is gonna lose his shit when he finds out.”
“I know, right?”
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
Is this angst? I am not sure but it's definitely more of a quiet and thoughtful chapter. Kind of interesting to see the parallels between their date last chapter and here, and what happened in the main timeline I wrote.
Future Tumble Edit: Fanart from my friend!
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 27: Stars
Rather than take the ferry home, Papyrus decided to take you through Waterfall instead. From what you'd seen on your way to the resort earlier, Waterfall was a quiet but pretty place, so you'd agreed.
You could tell Papyrus was in oddly high spirits ever since leaving the resort. In fact, he had a near permanent smug smile on his skull and kept looking at you in a way that you could only describe as infatuation. It was enough to make your heart flutter.
To top it all off, he had occasionally made flirty comments as you walked through Waterfall. The main issue was that they only served to fluster you further, leaving you with no way to respond.
When the precipitation picked up, Papyrus retrieved a red umbrella from a container with several and opened it up. You practically had to walk so you were touching each other in order to stay dry, but you didn't mind in the slightest. So, you linked your arm around his and leaned against his shoulder.
You were quite familiar with rain, but compared to the often chaotic storms on the surface, Waterfall was almost downright peaceful. Even when you had to travel through a downpour and avoid the really deep puddles so as to not get your shoes soaked, you couldn't help but revel in the sheer atmosphere this area created.
"The rain is nice down here," you murmured softly. "It's warm and there's no wind to damage your umbrella either. There's also no loud thunder or lightning which I guess is nice too."
Papyrus hummed and nuzzled the top of your head tenderly. "What Is Thunder And Lightning?" he asked.
"Lightning is like a streak of bright light that can start at the ground or from the clouds. I'm frankly not good with explaining technical stuff but it has to do with an area of high energy and low energy. When the energy builds up too much, it is released in a bolt of lightning, and the resulting heat from the lightning is what causes thunder."
You chuckled and shook your head. "My explanation can't come even close to the real thing. You'd really have to experience it to know what I mean, I guess."
"Sounds Crazy," Papyrus mused thoughtfully. "Sans Would Probably Get A Kick Out Of How That Works. He Is Really Into The Whole Science Stuff, Kind Of Like Alphys I Guess."
"I guess not to the point where he'd want to be the Royal Scientist though?"
He chuckled and shook his skull knowingly. "No, Too Much Responsibility For Him. Maybe He Used To Though, Back When We Were Kids At Least, I Am Not Sure What Changed His Mind. He Definitely Has The Talent For It Anyways."
"Fair enough, the amount of pressure she must go through on a daily basis isn't for everyone," you commented.
A few minutes later, Papyrus suddenly stopped at a small crevice in the rock that was barely wide enough to shimmy through. He stared at the passageway for a moment in a thoughtful sort of way and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
"Paps? Is something wrong?" you whispered and stepped slightly closer to him.
He didn't respond immediately and closed the umbrella instead, thankfully it was only sprinkling right now. "Do You Want To See Something Cool?" he asked and turned to you again. His eyelights flickered with what you assumed was excitement, so how could you say no to that?
You grinned, "Of course I do!"
"Follow Me Then." Papyrus gestured for you to come with and stepped into the crevice. He had to kind of crouch down to do so because he was so tall, which you knew couldn't be comfortable.
Nevertheless, you followed him as closely as you could. The passage wasn't very long and you both soon emerged into a much larger room.
This room was a bit darker than the previous one but there was plenty of glowing light sources to make up the difference. There were hundreds of the very same glowing blue flowers Papyrus had used to propose to you growing everywhere, along with other kinds of bioluminescent flora. To top it all off, the ceiling was dotted with tiny, twinkling crystals of varying colours, some of which, were arranged to vaguely resemble a few star constellations you recognized.
"Woah..." It was all you could say as words couldn't even begin to describe the sheer awe you felt right now. Slowly, you turned around and scanned the room, trying to memorize every little detail.
A soft click drew your attention back to Papyrus again. He'd apparently found your reaction rather adorable and decided to take a picture, but you couldn't be mad at him this time. Instead, you felt a little embarrassed and rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Sorry, I Could Not Resist, Precious," he whispered and put his phone away again.
You shook your head and chuckled. "No, it's fine." Changing the subject, you asked, "What is this place anyways?"
"This Is Called The Wishing Room. Monsters Used To Come Here To Make A Wish On The Crystals In The Ceiling Since We Cannot See The Real Sky Down Here." Papyrus sounded much more somber now as he glanced up at the crystals.
"Used to?"
He nodded slowly, "Yes, I Am Unsure How Many Monsters, If Any, Still Uphold The Tradition."
You frowned and looked up at the crystals yourself. It had been so long since you saw the real stars, yet you couldn't imagine going your whole life and never seeing them. It was ironic really. There were so many things you'd taken for granted back on the surface, and just being able to look up and see the stars was yet another thing to add to the increasingly long list.
"I Cannot Speak For Everyone, But I Am Tired Of Fighting, Rihanna. I Just Want To Have A Peaceful Life And Now That I Have You, I Want It More Then Ever..."
You wrapped your arms around his ribcage and hugged him. "I want that too..." you whispered.
Papyrus' hands found their way to your shoulders and he soon returned the hug. "Still, I Would Not Trade Having Met You For Freedom. You Mean Everything To Me And If I Have To Wait The Rest Of My Life To See The Real Stars, I Will Gladly Do So. As Long As You Are With Me, I Will Have The Strength To Get Through Each Day, Until We No Longer Need To Hide Anymore."
You stayed there for a little while, just holding each other. Eventually, your legs started to get tired though, so you both walked a little further into the room until you found a dry patch of grass to sit down in.
Besides the hundreds of large blossoms, there were even more smaller blue flowers that grew closer to the ground. They seemed to be the same variety so maybe they were just younger?
"What kind of flowers are these, Papyrus?" you asked.
He smiled and gently ran his phalanges through your hair before responding. "We Call Them Echo Flowers. As You Discovered Previously, They Repeat The Last Thing They Heard Until They Hear Something Different."
"That's so cool," you murmured. "We don't have anything like them on the surface..."
"I Would Think Not As They Are Quite Literally A Magical Plant," Papyrus chuckled.
You smiled and leaned up against him a bit more as he continued to play with your hair. If you didn't know better, you would accuse him of never touching someone else's hair before, but you held your tongue and chose to just enjoy the moment instead. He seemed particularly interested in the texture of your hair and how strong it was. Thankfully, he was being careful not to pull too hard and his gloves served to keep the individual strands from getting caught between his finger bones.
"We'll get out soon, I know it," you said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between the both of you. "There's so many things I want to show you when we do..."
Papyrus hummed softly and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He also pressed a soft skeleton kiss to the top of your head before just resting his chin on you.
"I think my family would love to meet you too..."
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awan-ungu · 2 months
I asked chatGPT to write undertale fanfiction.
prompt : papyrus is sitting under the rain. he is quiet. he feel tired because he needs to pretend every single day. pretend that he is innocent and nice, so people around him can be happy. he is not innocent, he is an adult, damn it! but people around him treating him like a child, because of what he's doing. why can't he be himself?
result :
Rain poured from the heavens, drenching the world around me as I sat alone on a bench, my thoughts as heavy as the sodden clouds above. People hurried past, umbrellas held aloft like shields against the downpour, their faces obscured by the relentless rain.
But I sat there, exposed to the elements, feeling the water soak through my clothes and plaster my hair to my skull. It was a fitting metaphor for the weight I carried—a weight that no amount of rain could wash away.
I am Papyrus, the jolly skeleton of Snowdin, known for my boundless enthusiasm and unwavering optimism. Or at least, that's what everyone believes.
The truth is, behind this facade of innocence and cheerfulness lies a tired soul, weary from the burden of pretending. Pretending to be something I'm not, pretending to be happy when all I feel is emptiness inside.
I've spent so long playing the role of the innocent child, the naive fool who sees the world through rose-tinted glasses. But deep down, I know the truth—I am not innocent, I am not naive. I am an adult, damn it!
Yet, no matter how hard I try to break free from this charade, I find myself trapped in a never-ending cycle of pretense. People around me treat me like a child, their smiles masking their patronizing pity, their words dripping with condescension.
"Why can't you be more like Papyrus?" they say, their voices laced with false sweetness. "He's so innocent, so pure-hearted. If only we could all be like him."
But what they don't realize is that their words cut deeper than any blade, slicing away at the fragile facade I've constructed around myself. They see only what they want to see—a caricature of the real me, distorted beyond recognition.
And so, I sit here in the rain, feeling the weight of their expectations pressing down on me like a leaden shroud. I long to cast off this mask, to reveal the truth that lies beneath, but I fear the consequences of such honesty.
Would they still smile and pat me on the head, or would they recoil in horror at the sight of the real me? Would they still treat me with the same kindness and affection, or would they turn their backs on me, unable to reconcile the truth with the image they've created in their minds?
I am tired, so tired of pretending, of wearing this mask that grows heavier with each passing day. But as the rain continues to fall, I realize that I have no choice but to carry on—to smile and nod and play the part of the innocent fool, all the while longing for the freedom to be myself.
Perhaps one day, the rain will wash away the facade, leaving behind nothing but the truth—a truth that is as raw and unyielding as the storm that rages within me. Until then, I will sit here in the rain, silently bearing the weight of innocence that threatens to crush me beneath its relentless pressure.
prompt : sans ask papyrus what is he doing under the rain. papyrus decided to lie. after all, sans trust papyrus so much, he would not notice what's wrong.
result :
As I sat under the rain, lost in my thoughts, I heard the familiar sound of footsteps approaching. Sans emerged from the mist, his hands tucked into the pockets of his hoodie, a curious expression on his face.
"Hey bro, what are you doing out here in the rain?" Sans asked, his tone laced with concern.
I forced a smile, hoping to hide the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. "Oh, you know, just enjoying the weather. It's quite refreshing, actually!"
Sans arched a brow, clearly not convinced by my feeble attempt at deception. "Really? You hate getting wet, Papyrus. Something's up. What's going on?"
I shifted uncomfortably, searching for a plausible explanation to satisfy his curiosity. "Uh, well, I was... practicing my meditation techniques! Yeah, that's it. I read that meditating in the rain can enhance focus and clarity of mind."
Sans regarded me with a skeptical look, but to my relief, he didn't press the issue further. "Well, if you say so, bro. Just don't catch a cold, alright?"
I nodded, grateful for his concern. "Don't worry, Sans. I'll be fine. Thanks for checking up on me."
With a shrug, Sans turned and began to walk away, leaving me alone once more with my thoughts. As the rain continued to fall, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at my conscience. But for now, the lie would have to suffice. After all, Sans trusted me implicitly, and I couldn't bear to let him down.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
✨✨Charon X Reader✨✨
Title: Petals
Pairing: Underfell Papyrus (Charon) /reader
Important information: 4th prompt of the Papy-lynevent hosted by @msmkcreates and LeftBlind, the prompt is “Hanaki”, angst, this is a multi parter
Words: 650
Summary: The first petals fell around midnight.
“I’m moving to France.”
Was it him that drove her away?
“I…It feels suffocating here. So I’m going.”
He’s unable to speak, there’s something stuck in his non-existent throat. Wanting to burst free.
“I want you to delete this number and never contact me again.”
Was the friendship between them a shackle? Chaining her down and hurting her?
“Goodbye, Charon.”
She hung up.
The petals burst past his teeth in a violent coughing spell.
It was a meeting of chance.
“Get inside, you’ll catch a cold.” You had offered a hand to this strange skeleton standing in the middle of the downpour. His guarded face did not tell much, but his eyelights told a story of a thousand melancholic words. You couldn’t leave him standing there in the rain.
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
Throughout history, mankind has chosen to record information using a variety of media: clay tablets, pieces of bone, slabs of wood, palm leaves, stone, parchment, papyrus, paper, USB drives, and a host of other media. Some of my favorite media are Rite in the Rain notebooks. I recently tested the Rite in the Rain No. 954 notebook, and found it to be an excellent choice for everyday carry. It is durable, moisture resistant, and reasonably priced (available at the time of this writing directly from Rite In The Rain for $6.95 plus shipping). I highly recommend it. The Backstory For many decades, I have carried small notebooks of various sorts in my left hip pocket, next to my handkerchief. I first started carrying a notebook in order to write down expenditures that I needed to enter into the budget each week. As time went on, I found the notebook to be useful for recording a host of other details that I might otherwise forget: phone numbers, door codes, passwords, parts numbers, etc. The greatest challenge faced by my pocket notebooks was wear and tear. My pockets are a harsh environment for the objects they contain. The continued flexing motion produced by sitting on a notebook, standing up, and sitting on it again puts quite a bit of stress on the cover and the pages. Over the course of time, I have tried notebooks made by Avery, Mead, Barnes and Noble, Moleskine, and a host of other vendors. Most of these notebooks fell apart after about a year of use due to the stress of pocket carry. In January of 2016, I ordered a Rite in the Rain No. 754. It was a 112 page, black, 3.5″ X 5″ notebook made with a special water-resistant paper by the JM Darling company of Tacoma, Washington. That notebook held up well to six years of continuous use and abuse. The cover eventually ripped, but I patched it with black duct tape, and the notebook just kept functioning. I gradually filled its pages with carry out orders for fast food, part numbers for pieces of equipment, numeric codes for the key pads of the doors at my church, addresses, telephone numbers, packing lists, shopping lists, and (of course) expenditures that needed to be recorded in the budget. The notebook endured. I finally got to the place where there were only a couple of blank pages left in the book. It was time to look for a replacement. Since old No. 754 had served so well, I decided to stick with a Rite in the Rain product. I contacted the JM Darling company and asked if they could supply a No. 954 for testing and evaluation. They were kind enough to agree. Several days later, a package arrived from Tacoma, Washington. No. 954 Old No. 754 is black, but the No. 954 is green. I wanted a more natural color that would blend into the surrounding environment better during field use. Like all other Rite in the Rain products, my new No. 954 is made in the USA. The information printed on the packaging in which the notebook is marketed advises that when the notebook is wet, one can write on the pages with pencil, a Rite in the Rain pen, wax marker, or crayon. Online reviewers have also noted that Fisher Space Pens work well on wet Rite in the Rain pages. I found this to be true in my testing. If the pages are dry, they can be written on with permanent markers or ballpoint pens. I used black ballpoint pens almost exclusively in old No. 754, and had good results even under somewhat damp conditions. JL Darling does not recommend using water-based inks, gel pens, most highlighters, fountain pens, or water colors on Rite in the Rain paper. The packaging indicates that the notebook, “will not only survive a downpour, it will also hold up to: sweat, mud, grime, and laundry.” Based on my experiences with old No. 754, I can attest to the accuracy of that statement. The notebooks are unconditionally guaranteed against defects. If failure occurs during normal use, they request that the notebook be returned directly to JL Darling LLC, 2614 Pacific Highway E, Tacoma, WA 98424. The JL Darling company was established in 1916.
The packaging that came with the No. 954 reports the company history as follows: The Rite in the Rain story began over a century ago in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Entrepreneur Jerry Darling recognized the logging industry’s need for a durable material that could be written on and survive in poor weather conditions. Jerry developed a special coating that created a unique moisture shield on the hand-dipped sheets of paper that he and his wife, Mary, processed at their home. From these humble beginnings, our first all-weather paper was born. Over the many years we’ve perfected and patented our environmentally responsible coating process. Still located in Tacoma, our continued mission is to provide innovative products for professionals and enthusiasts who brave the outdoors. Like old No. 754, the No. 954 measures 3.5″ X 5″ X .25″. It has 56 leaves (112 pages) between the covers. The covers are made of a slightly heavier material than the pages. The inside front cover includes a 1/25,000 – 1/250,000 meter scale, a 1/50,000 meter scale, and a 1/100,000 meter scale. It also has a number of US to Metric and Metric to US Conversions, a table of various English Linear Measurements, and a number of Map Scales–English and Metric. The back cover has inch and centimeter rulers printed along the edge. I had torn so many pages out of old No. 754 over the years, that I had forgotten how thick the notebook was when new. But even with all 112 pages intact, the new No. 954 fits in my pocket quite comfortably. I did find that it was somewhat difficult to button the left rear pocket of my best pair of suit pants while that pocket contained the No. 954. Since I generally carry my notebook in a jacket pocket when I am wearing a suit, that is not a significant problem. Pocket Testing Pocket testing consisted of copying some useful information into the No. 954, putting in my back pocket, and carrying it every day. It proved to be a worthy successor to old No. 754. More than six weeks of daily carry and use under a variety of conditions resulted in no significant signs of wear and tear. I was very pleased, but not surprised based on my experiences with old No. 754. The Water Test I tore a page from No. 954, filled a two-gallon bucket about half full, and immersed the page in the bucket. I then took a Fisher Space Pen that I tested for a recent article, and used it to write on the page underwater. Both paper and pen functioned flawlessly in this difficult environment. Notebook History Most early writing media were unsuitable for notebook use. Clay tablets were too heavy, and papyrus tended to be too fragile. One medium that was widely used for taking notes in the ancient world was broken pieces of pottery upon which notes were written with ink (ostraca), Another early medium that was adapted for notebook use was wax tablets. A thin layer of wax on a thin layer of wood was light and compact enough to allow several such tablets to be fastened together notebook style. Another benefit of this medium was that the wax one the pages could be smoothed over to erase previous writing and allow the pages to be reused. Parchment was even more suitable for notebook use. It was strong and flexible enough for pages to be sewn together along one edge to create the “codex” or book format. Small scraps of parchment from the trimmed edges of larger sheets could be bound together in this way to form the first small pocket notebooks. Paper was developed in China sometime in the last couple of hundred years B.C. It gradually made it way west during the ensuing centuries, finally becoming common in Europe by the 15th century A.D. Early paper was made primarily from rags. As demand for paper outstripped the supply of rags, other sources of fiber suitable for paper making were sought. In the 1860s, it was discovered that wood pulp would work as a substitute. Rag fiber paper is generally better than wood pulp paper, since most wood pulp papers have a tendency to become brittle and turn yellow and then brown over time.
But wood pulp paper is so much less expensive than rag fiber paper that it has largely replaced it in daily use. Early paper notebooks were largely self-made, with notebook making considered an important skill for educated people. Then, with increasing industrialization, commercially produced notebooks came to predominate. Conclusions I have found Rite in the Rain notebooks to be durable, moisture-resistant, reasonably priced notebooks for everyday carry and a host of other uses. They are a good choice for those who need to write things down outdoors under field conditions. Disclaimer JM Darling LLC was kind enough to provide me with a Rite in the Rain No. 954 notebook for testing and evaluation. I tried not to let their kindness influence my evaluation of the product, and believe that I have succeeded in remaining objective. The Fisher Space Pen Company was kind enough to provide me with a model #SM4B Military Space Pen for testing and evaluation for a recent article. I did not receive any financial or other inducements to mention any vendor, product, or service in this article.
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awelldressedtornado · 2 years
guys i made the discovery that if downpour sans or papyrus were to get into a pool. everyone in that pool is dead. gone. kerbloowey. deaded.
dont invite them swimming
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twelve | Danger Mystery (Part 1 of 2)
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Today's the day, and though there's no going back now, one look at the last message your ex sent you makes you wish you could.
I'll 🐝 there in 30 ⌚, babe. 😘😘😘
💋💖🥺 Miss you. 🥺💖💋
The overuse of emojis topped off with him calling you ‘babe’ makes you regret so much as the thought of meeting him already.
It's hard to imagine a normal conversation with Jerry given how awfully long it's been since you last talked and how blatant you were being through texts, ignoring all the ones about the info he dug up on monsterkind and only answering his most recent message with a 'K'. You didn't want to hear his reasons behind his absence after how bad things were left between you, and even less did you want him to call you 'babe' in real life. Grateful as you are to have Toriel offer her home as the place for your meeting with him, you look forward to this as much as you do having to wake up at five in the morning every weekday. Her home is busy as a result of the upcoming visitor, with Papyrus trying to make himself look like the most sophisticated gentleman possible, Toriel fixing Frisk's hair into two short braids, Undyne freshening up after exercising all her own nervousness away, Alphys practicing her introductory speech, and Sans revising Frisk's homework.
Considering how much of a handful the last person has been, you decide to take that as an opportunity for you to bother him yourself -- not only as payback, but as a way to prepare yourself to confront Jerry soon.
You approach the couch he sits on and stand behind him, his sitting height and your standing one allowing you to grab a look at what he's doing with more detail. He's around halfway through correcting Frisk's Math homework, and their English speech is already set aside with a few marks and commentary on what they had left to work with. His revision stops when you hover a little closer, making him acknowledge your presence and set the notebook aside to turn around and meet with your eyes.
"How do I look?
That's the first question you ask him, a bit of confidence shining through with how your health's managed to improve a bit since your hospitalization. While you still have to use foundation to cover up your stress blemishes and you're far from being as fit as Jerry was, it's a huge difference from how you were at the start of it all. As a result, you smile, ready to hear someone else's view of you besides Frisk, Brenda, or yourself.
"'Fraid you're asking the wrong person, pal," he replies, gaze averting from yours.
"C'mon," you insist, sitting next to him on the couch. You then shift a bit closer to the skeleton and nudge his shoulder, pouting at him after that. "Please?," you add, facing him again. "You're… You're the only one I trust who won't sugarcoat how I look if you pointed out those 'love handles' I've got a while back." 
He manages to keep his gaze and attention on the conversation, though you can see he tries to look elsewhere every so often, as if unable to stare at you for too long.
"So? I was just makin' a comparison between us, not callin' you out or anything."
"But you were still bold enough to say I had them."
You pull your hand back, noticing it's been kept on his shoulder for far too long. Then, you scoot away, growing aware of how close you are. "I don't want him to think I'm still hung up over him." You huff. "It's been almost six years now!"
"Are you still thinkin' about 'im, though?"
"Oh, hell no. He can go date whoever he wants."
Sans grabs the area where you'd touched him; the sight of that makes you worry if you'd involuntarily crossed a line with him. You're not sure how to ask if you've made him uncomfortable, so you back off and shift further away in your seat, setting your hands on your lap and staring down afterwards. "He was… nice enough to wait until I finished my second year of college for us to call our relationship off and for him to leave the picture, so I can't really blame him too much for what happened." You take in some air and look up again, maintaining your pride. "But that still doesn't mean I don't want to look my best. I've moved on, and I... I really want all that to show today."
Appearing convinced, Sans nods once and sits up straighter on the couch. Whatever made him wary of eye contact vanishes and allows him to judge you without any bias, irises scanning your face for a moment. He carries on to your attire, though it's a quicker observation in comparison and a hint of embarrassment can be seen in his body language, from how stiff his shoulders get to how his grin feels forced and bashful. "You look good. Not much different from your regular self, I'd say."
"Please, be honest with me here, Serif. I know I didn't exactly... look my best when we first met, y'know? It's fine."
"But I am being honest." Again, he averts his gaze from yours, posture staying rigid as he faces the table and stares at the open notebook. "You don't need to try and look like you've moved on, 'cause it already shows -- And even more now that you look healthier, too."
Unsure how to approach his comment, you grab your knees and clench your hands around them, sighing after. "If you really think so, then I..." You breathe in, chest feeling tighter than the belt around your waist. "Thank you."
You stand up and fix your clothes for what has to be the twentieth time today. Your heart's racing just as much as your thoughts. Honest to goodness, you were nervous over meeting Jerry again, and not because of butterflies or lingering feelings, but for how much had happened since he last visited. At the thought of him meeting the monsters and learning all about the near two months Frisk was absent from your side, your worries heighten and anxiety eats right through your confidence. 
Nervous, you gulp and look back to the couch again, offering the one still sitting there a smile. "Could you... follow me outside, please?" You wring your hands, clasping them as a subtle plead shows on your face. "I could really use your company right now."
Sans laughs at that, nodding again as he stands up, dusts off, and joins your side, winking when he looks up at you. "Thought you'd never ask, (Y/N)."
You still can't help feeling strange at the sound of him saying your name. 
While you're fully aware it was nothing out of the ordinary and that he was now in closer enough terms with you to call you that instead of 'pal' or (L/N), there remains a sudden flip in your stomach whenever he says it. Whether it was due to how wary you've become around him or how incessant he was with his flirting, it's still impossible for you to acknowledge that and get over those feelings. No way were you wasting any of your time and energy thinking about that stuff, anyway.
• • •
The temperature changes as you both step outside.
In contrast to the warmth and coziness of Toriel's home, you're greeted by cold and unrelenting winds, along with the colder, occasional water droplets falling on your face. The hint of a downpour coming soon makes you dwell on your past visit here and how you were obliged to stay the night back then. You wonder if the same ending will apply for today, or if you would have to cut your reunion short as a consequence.
"Guessin' those months without the kid around were pretty draining, huh? You look way happier compared to when we first met." Sans breaks the ice, though his hands are kept in his pockets to shield himself from both the cold and any awkward body language. "When I think about it, it's… It's kinda hard to believe it's already been just as long since we left the Underground -- And that it's gonna be Frisk's birthday soon, too." 
You face down at him, smiling when you meet with his gaze. "Has it felt like less or longer to you?"
"A weird mix between the two, actually."
You look away from each other at the sound of an engine rumbling from nearby. A familiar, red colour flashes before your eyes; the Ferrawrxd that parks at the sidewalk brings back memories, ones you try to push down. "Tori was already plannin' out somethin' for 'em by that time," the skeleton says, distracting you from the view. "Has she talked about it with you?"
"Not yet," you reply, facing your shoes. "But I wanted to ask her if she'd like to help out -- It's the least I can do with how much she cares for Frisk."
Despite your best efforts not to, you tense up at the sound of a person stepping down and a car door being shut and locked.
Now that you're actually about to confront your ex, it's hard for you to keep your confidence and face up at that sight. "You should do it, then." Again, Sans's voice helps melt your worries down. "I'm sure she'll be more than happy to join you in that -- And pretty much the rest of Frisk's friends, too." You can feel his gaze on you, though you don't look at him, still too anxious to move your eyes away from the floor. "And I'd be more than happy to help also, so just say the word if you need me."
The earthy scent of roses catches you off guard and makes you look up to see a large, white-and-red bouquet being offered out to you, ex-husband standing behind them. "How's it going, babe?" he asks, a smile present on his face. "I missed you."
You back up against the door to Toriel's home and face the man in front of you with careful eyes. Your breathing hitches with how different a greeting that is from your expectations; the sight of him having no companion around and the use of 'babe' makes it obvious as to what the bouquet means. It's even more than evident with the lull in his tone and the soft look in his eyes, though you don't want to acknowledge that. To counter, you step closer to the skeleton's side and look at your ex right in the eye, a firm look remaining in yours. 
"I'm doing alright," you reply, stoic. You then take the flowers from him, paying little attention to them and ignoring his other comment. "This is Sans. Though I'm sure you've heard about him already," you add, gesturing with a hand over to him. Pretending you hadn't seen Jerry at the restaurant back at the very beginning of it all is the best you can do for now with how hard it is to lie about it. "He's one of Frisk's friends from the Underground."
The pair exchange a look, one you can only remain curious over when you remind yourself over the purpose for Jerry's visit. You glare sharply at him, wanting to stand your ground. "Why return after a whole year of not coming around to see your child?" Finally, you cross your arms tight and let your displeasure known through a grimace. "Frisk was gone for almost two whole months, and yet you never worried to ask if I needed help with that or not!"
You take a step forward, anger bubbling the more you let those words dawn upon you. "You came to visit us only after the hardest stage was over. The one where I needed you the most!" You hold yourself back, against letting your voice turn any louder or making a scene of any sort.
"Well, I..." he counters, gaze narrowing and frown showing. "I waited two whole years for you to start out college before ending our relationship, and I'm still paying child support to this day."
"And I had to divide time between taking care of a two year-old with work and college!" You huff out, trying to contain yourself. "This isn't a competition, Jerry. It never was." A sharp bite to the inside of your lip is what's necessary for you to keep yourself from exploding any further than you have already, against showing any more weakness in front of him. "I don't care if you decided to leave, I only wanted you to at least pretend you cared for Frisk. Not just show up and visit once a year like freakin' Santa Claus!"
He glares back at you, keeping it that way when he looks down at Sans, his height not only towering over the monster, but you, as well. "At least I'm not dating a Halloween decoration seven years after my divorce!" 
You shove the bouquet right at his chest.
Your nostrils flare and your hands ball up tight as you stare him down, frown changing for a deep and unwavering scowl. "Don't talk to him like that!" You pause and take another step forward, enough for him to do the opposite. "Don't call me babe, and don't give me flowers if you're just gonna assume I'm dating someone else! I'm through with you, Jerry, and it's been that way since six damn years ago."
Jerry's eyes lower back to the skeleton, who takes his hands out of his pockets and straightens up. He faces your ex, looking amused. "So this is the one you told me you liked, man?" he asks, brushing you aside to make way towards Sans. "Is this really the (chick/dude) you told me you were into? I thought we were bros!"
"Wait, what?"
Those are the only words you can say out loud as you watch the two confront each other, tension thick in the air. Jerry takes in all of it, while the monster keeps his cool, shrugging at his bro. "Sorry to lay it down like this, but yeah," he says, snickering. "They're who I'm into." He spares a quick glance at you, winking to further fuel your ex's anger. "I gotta admit, it's a bit awkward. Though I really dunno why you're so worked up over this if you had your time all those years ago. Ain't my fault you two broke up."
"They're my ex-spouse, bro!"
"Yeah -- I'm well-aware of that, pal."
You back away from the door when it opens, revealing a frowning Toriel behind it. 
"Is everything alright out there, you two? Someone sounds angry." When she catches sight of Jerry, her eyes brighten and a smile overcomes her. "I see our new guest is here! Come along now. I cannot wait to meet Frisk's other parent!"
"Inna second, Tori," Sans says, grinning up at your ex. "Just havin' a talk with 'im first."
The goat lady nods, and a knowing look's exchanged between them two; she then closes the door after that, leaving you be.
Overwhelmed and in need of some painkillers for a future headache, you take a step back meanwhile, not quite in favour of getting caught up between your ex and a monster with a seemingly one-sided crush on you. 
"What more could there be to talk about?" Jerry asks, scowling. "If I'd known it was (Y/N) you'd been talking about this whole time, I would've never told you to try giving it a shot!"
He storms off inside the house and closes the door shut, leaving you alone with the skeleton, who soon beckons you over with his irises, a look of caution visible in them. 
"You okay, pal?" he asks, hands going back in his pockets. "Sorry I got ya mixed up in all this. I know you don't want any drama, but I really didn't think he'd figure me out like this."
You stand by the door and lean against the wall while you consider his words. 
It doesn't take too long for a smile to show up on your face. You sigh, choosing to believe him for now. "It's alright," you say, dismissing his words. "The look you gave each other before this kind of... showed that." You pause, curiosity intervening. "How did you guys become friends, anyway? Didn't he pretty much hate your guts a while back?"
"Met 'im again while workin' at a hot dog stand, so we've been able to talk some more since then." Sans joins your side, similar to the day at Waterfall, but with an easier atmosphere present between you. "He came over to grab a bite, we found some stuff in common, and then we kinda just became friends from there on -- Surprisingly." He hums, a faint chuckle interrupting it. "We started talkin' about our love lives two weeks into gettin' to know each other. And about a month after you confronted me over at that restaurant." His hands leave his pockets, these placing themselves behind his skull as he further reclines against the wall. "I told 'im I'd met someone I was interested in, but when he asked for specifics, I said they weren't really into me. Told 'im they were a single parent, and that maybe that had somethin' to do with them not fallin' easily enough for my flirtin'."
He stops, though you still want to hear more. You nod at him, hope over him carrying on remaining. "Is... Is that all?"
"You'll get mad at me if I keep tellin' you what I told 'im about you."
"I can't promise I won't, but I'll try not to."
The monster takes in a breath, and his relaxed state is then replaced by a subtle mousiness he tries to cover up, mainly by remaining calm and casual.
"I told him your stubbornness and integrity were kinda just... hot, and that I had a thing for not only your looks, but just you, in general -- As a person, I mean."
"Do you still feel that way about me?"
You don't know what makes you blurt that question out, but it's far too late for you to dwell over it now of all times.
"Of course I do," Sans says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I told Jerry 'bout that last part just a few days ago." He stops again, breathing in deep once more. "I was, well, only doing it for fun back when it started. But now... Now I really mean it when I flirt with you, (Y/N)."
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Updates will be Mondays and Fridays starting after Part 2 of this chapter!
Not only will I continue working with my Mario (one-shots from my old account, featuring Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina, and Pauline) and She-Ra (some drabbles I’ll be posting here later on) fanfics soon, but I've reached a personal milestone in terms of my studies, so I'll be celebrating that soon!!
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Tag List (Comment or message me if you want to be added to [or removed from] it!)
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
Movie Night [Sans x Reader]
Summary: In which you and Sans attempt to stomach a REALLY BAD romance movie. Eventually, you give up and Sans carries you upstairs-- Unfortunately he’s also a clumsy dork.
Genre: Fluff
Date: July 21, 2016
A heavy rain patters in the background, hitting the cold cement floors with rhythmic, unforgiving splatters that sent stray drops licking exposed ankles. A faint light from a nearby building illuminates part of his face dramatically, revealing a hardened expression intermingled with well-disguised gloom. “You have to go.”
Almost as if on cue, lightening flashes and highlights the heart wrenching sorrow on their face. Thunder booms in the background, and a hand-soaked to the bone with the torrent of rain- reaches out to the other. “W-Wait, please-“ He shoots her a cold glare, tears veiled by the downpour. “This is the best for the both of us-“ You groan and massage your temples, throwing your feet out and nearly knocking the bowl of half-finished popcorn astray. This ridiculous movie had started out as semi-promising, with a strong female lead and a somber male love interest. They had an interesting dynamic, and so you had continued watching- only to have it go downhill from there. After an hour, it soon became very apparent that the only dynamic they were capable of was making each other bawl in histrionic locations. Sans was startled awake by your abrupt movements, untangling his arms from behind his head and eyeing your miserable form on the other end of the couch with a smirk. What a shame. You were hoping that he suffered as much from the movie as you did. He took a quick glance at the television screen, then nudged you with the tip of his pink slipper. “ is it just me, or this movie replaying the same scene, for crying out loud?” You moan in agony and sink further into the couch cushions, responding to his horrible play on words with a hearty kick to the hipbones. With a hiss of pain, you drew your sock-clad foot back to safety. Of course, you were hurt while Sans had barely shifted from his spot, only adding a comical “oof” to entertain your intentions of obliterating him and his bad jokes forever. When the sounds of hysterical weeping ceased, you glimpsed at the television. Was it finally over? Of course not. Just as your eyes met the screen, a cheesy romantic soundtrack started playing in time with an atrocious makeout session- and you wondered for a split second if they were both cannibals with an unsatisfied appetite. Upon witnessing such abhorrent material, you grabbed a nearby pillow (courtesy of Papyrus’s viewing of “AMAZING HOME DÉCOR SHOWS, NYEHEH!”) and slammed it over your face, blocking out the detestable slobbering noises while half-heartedly trying to suffocate yourself. Your dully thumping headache caused you to question why you had chosen such a horrible flick for movie night. Honestly, you were kind of a sucker for good romance movies; it was just something about two people who completed each other like a two-part puzzle, fitting perfectly into the other’s personality like intertwined fingers and soulful hugs- it was a very beautiful, fairytale-esque feeling. Keyword being “good romance movies.” Unfortunately, this one didn’t quite reach your standards. Not by far. Papyrus had retired to his bedroom early after witnessing the first kissing scene with a hue of orange to his cheekbones. “WOWIE, HUMAN CULTURE SURE IS PASSIONATE! ER… MAYBE TOO MUCH SO, EVEN FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS.” This left you and Sans (who was drifting in and out of a light slumber) alone to watch the ever-worsening  romance saga into the night, leading to a record number of cringes done in less than two hours. …Well, at least this would provide many humorous conversations in the future- if you survived it, that was. “Turn it off!” You whined, much to Sans’s amusement. He chuckles at your misfortune before he reaches for the remote with his bony digits, clicking the television off and freeing you of your dilemma. “i’m sure you already know, but that movie wasn’t even remotely good.” You remove the pillow from your head to be greeted with Sans waving the television remote in front of you, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. With an over exaggerated sigh, you throw an arm over your eyes, not wanting to deal with any more of his lame satire. Imitating the movie heroine’s theatrical sulky tone, you say  “Goodnight Sans. I’ve endured enough torture for today.” “hey kid, i can’t just leave you…” Sans said, standing up and adopting an uncharacteristic solemn expression, “…here until mourning.” “UGHHHH” You latch onto the arm of the couch as Sans attempts to pry you off, eventually succeeding with his blue magic. “Hey! You cheater, you can’t use monster magic!” “well, I just did.” You squirm and flail in protest, making sure to give him a hard time as he goes up the stairs. He eyes you with a look of both amusement and warning, as if daring you to kick up an even bigger fuss. Challenge accepted. You begin to twist and deviously dig your fingers into his sides, experimenting with the idea that he may be ticklish. In response, Sans merely pretends to lose his grip on you- leaving you squealing and latching onto his torso instead of wiggling your fingers into his ribs though his jacket. “Sans!” “hah, i guess you almost fell for me?” “Sans, you better stop that-” You’re cut off by the sensation of falling again, and once more you cling to Sans like a cat to a tree. “don’t worry (Y/N),” Sans deepens his voice to a ridiculously low octave, adopting that stupidly serious look again, “i’ll never let you go.” You nearly choke, unable to suppress the flush of red that rushes to the apples of your cheeks. “S-Sans-” You’re about to tell him to cut it out because his weird, supposedly “comical” imitation of a love interest was almost too realistic, (not that you minded, of course) before- “OW- SANS!” Your hip collides with the corner of the stairwell banister and sends a shock of pain though you. You shoot Sans a look of sharp disapproval as he chuckles and shrugs, looking elsewhere. “does that count as me hitting on you?” Moment officially ruined. “That’s going to bruise tomorrow for sure.” You mutter, rubbing the still-sore area. “i can think of other ways to bruise you.” Sans winked. “SANS, PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT.”
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the-river-person · 3 years
The Plan and the PUNishment
“Hey there, Human.” Slowly the human turned to face the skeleton, their face was expressionless, yet somehow they conveyed surprise nonetheless. Rain was always falling in this part of Waterfall. A perpetual downpour from the cavern ceiling, and the sound of the ever flowing waterfalls was like an echoing heartbeat in the shadows. All was illuminated by the sparkling crystals which gave off a faint light like stars in an endlessly dark sky. Sans sat on a boulder near the place where the path split, echo flowers growing up and around the rocks all around him. human Human HUMAN hUmAn humAn HumaN huMan they whispered, repeating his words again and again as well as each others until the sounds once again descended into quiet meaningless noise once more. “You didn’t come,” said the human, still watching the Skeleton with their eyes that glowed red with Determination. “Why did you stop coming?” “Why did you stop killing?” Sans shot back feeling a surge of annoyance and rage that he fought back down. How dare they act like he was the one out of line after everything they’d done? For a long moment there was silence and Sans was certain that he wasn’t going to get an answer at all when the Human spoke. “After Frisk and Chara faded away, I was simply left with Determination to preserve the Underground and its inhabitants for as long as possible. That included you. As long as I kept killing, as long as I kept forcing you to fight me, you would never have the chance to talk to me, not the way you would in a neutral or pacifist run. LOVE was the only way to keep you distant. It worked, for a very long time. Then that too failed and you learned the truth. Now there is no point to killing. I will continue to reset the world after the time limit is up.” “You did it for...me?” he almost didn’t believe them. But in all they’d done, all the people they’d killed, they’d never lied. And if he believed that Frisk and Chara were gone from them... why would they lie about this? The Human nodded. “They grew to care for you. That very first time in the Underground was a Pacifist Route. They cared for all of you, both of them. Chara’s spirit as an invisible guide, and Frisk as the one with enough Determination to save everyone. It was inevitable that they would grow to care. And then they remembered why they’d come to the Mountain in the first place. A place where people were said never to return from. Just as Chara before them, Frisk had no wish to return home, and if she stayed with Toriel they would eventually find them again and make them go home. What to do? A Reset was the answer...or so they thought.” And Sans recalled what the Human had said before, about making a mistake and not knowing that only the Underground itself would Reset while the world above moved on. Even if they’d waited till the people they were hiding from were dead, the Monsters would come up into a world where they had already escaped into and then vanished from. Everyone would want answers, and Frisk hadn’t wanted to give any. “I didn’t kill at first. For a long time it was nothing but Pacifist routes for a long time. Only Flowey remembered those. Eventually the strain was too much. An adult might have lasted longer, but all you had was a child who was too frightened to think straight. Neutral runs were brutal, and once they’d begun it was easier to kill and kill and kill. It wasn’t long at all before it was total Genocide and nothing else. That’s when you started to remember things, long into the Resets. I pushed you so hard that you were determined to stop me no matter the cost, and that forced you to remember.” It all made sense. Horrible twisted sense. And none of it mattered now. What they could have done, what they should have done. Nothing could change it. Not even a Reset. Remember Remember Remember, the Echo Flowers whispered, repeating the last word the Human had said. Yeah, that was the plan. He grinned at the Human, who looked surprised. “Well that explains a few things. Thanks kid. Now, as to your question. I was off figuring a few things out. Making plans.” The Human didn’t need to know he’d spent a few weeks refusing to come out of his bedroom and wishing that he didn’t exist anymore. “We’re gonna try and make something out of all this. Since there isn’t a surface to escape to, we’re gonna try and make the Resets less of a prison. If everyone remembers then it will be as if only the world itself starts over while all the Monsters keep going. Not ideal, but its an improvement.” The Human gaped at him, their mouth hanging open. The expression was so comical that he started to laugh. “Hey, might wanna close that before something swims in and makes itself at home. That sort of thing just leaves a fishy taste in your mouth.” He laughed harder as the Human snapped their mouth shut, looking as if they didn’t know whether to laugh or frown at him. There was a rustle off in the grass and Sans was almost certain he heard a very soft “Nyeh!” of outrage. So Papyrus was listening in, was he? Hah! Served him right then, it would be his punishment for sneaking around. This thought set off another round of the giggles and it took him some time to calm down. “So, that’s our plan. You in, Kid?” After a brief moment where they appeared to be thinking, the Human nodded with a smile. It was the first true smile that Sans had seen on their face in as long as he could remember. “Yes, I will help.” they said.
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
Don't ask me where this idea came from, I don't rightly know. Also, the full song may not be a fit, just the single line. Although some of them do fit * cough Shine cough *
Without further adieu, the boys as Panic! At the Disco lyrics.
Undertale Sans/Ace - “Whoa, Mona Lisa, I'd pay to see you frown” (The Ballad of Mona Lisa – Vices and Virtues)
Undertale Papyrus/Lief - “You could 'cause you can so you do “ (Nine in the Afternoon – Pretty Odd)
Underfell Sans/Chisel - “If I could trade mistakes for sheep, Count me away before you sleep” (Trade Mistakes – Vices and Virtues)
Underfell Papyrus/Spur - “There's something beautiful and tragic in the fall out” (Miss Jackson – To Weird To Live To Rare To Die) .
Underswap Sans/Scout - “Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention” (The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage – A Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
Underswap Papyrus/Piper - “And if you never know who you can trust then trust me, you'll be lonely, oh” (Hey Look Ma I Made It – Pray For the Wicked)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip - “And I can't change into a person I don't wanna be so” (Say Amen Saturday Night – Pray For the Wicked)
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - “I am a wolf among the sheep, gnawing at the wool over my eyes” (Hurricane - Vices and Virtues)
Horrortale Sans/Tender - “I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights” (Victorious – Death of a Bachelor)
Horrortale Papyrus/Cook - “Your melody sounds as sweet as the first time it was sung “ (Folkin Around – Pretty Odd)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc - “Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die” (Emperor's New Clothes – Death of a Bachelor)
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - “This is gospel for the vagabonds, Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards” (This Is Gospel - Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze - “Words, wars, and symphonies, Make room! We're taking over here” (Let's Kill Tonight – Vices and Virtues)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus - “Forgive our sins, forged at the pulpit with forked tongues selling faux sermons” (I Constantly Thank God for Esteban – A Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
Underlust Sans/Shine - “Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy “ (Build God Then We'll Talk – A Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
Underlust Papyrus/Calico - “Sunk the glow and drowned in covers, Send for all your absent lovers things” (She's A Handsome Woman – Pretty Odd)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – “Take a chance, take your shoes off, dance in the rain “ (I Have Friends In Holy Spaces – Pretty Odd)
Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot - “Fuck a silver lining, Cause only gold is hot enough” (Fuck A Silver Lining – Pray For The Wicked)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – “Hey moon, please forget to fall down” (Northern Downpour – Pretty Odd)
Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – “When the moon fell in love with the sun, All was golden in the sky” (When The Day Met The Night – Pretty Odd)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – “Once upon before we were brilliant and bored“ (Old Fashioned - Pray For The Wicked)
Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme –  “ And I swear that I'll always paint you ,Golden days, golden days” (Golden Days - Death of a Bachelor)
G!Sans/Aurum - “Endless romantic stories, You never could control me” (Far To Young To Die – Too Weird To Live, To Rare To Die)
G!Papyrus/Viridis – “Sorry to get sentimental tonight” (The Overpass – Pray For The Wicked)
Frisk - “Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid” (Camisado - Fever You Can't Sweat Out)
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creative-poptart · 5 years
Hello, I loved what you did with my last question and, while we're at it, how would the SF brothers and, UF and UT Papyrus realised they've a serious crush on their friend? Thanks again!
Ooh I love two-parters!!! This one was actually a little trickier to do, but we’ll see where it takes us!
UT Papyrus/Creampuff: When people are doing their absolute best, 100% all the way, he finds that to be a very amiable quality! You just so happened to be practicing some puzzle obstacle courses that had been established on the Surface that he had been supervising with zeal. Of course, you were stumbling and falling a lot, because it takes a lot to do one of these, but you didn’t give up! It took you several tries to get through some of the things that were laid out for many people to try and solve, but as Creampuff is watching, he’s noticing that you’re tiring out. He wants to go and help you, but when you suddenly cross the finish line and jump up in a burst of energy, that thought goes away. Now all he can think about is the way your face lit up so brightly that it rivaled the memory of the first time he saw the sun. He’s now extremely flustered at the realization that he likes you, but that won’t deter him from asking you out on a date.
UF Papyrus/Fell: As hard as it is to make friends with him, you’d think it’d be really hard to make him fall in love with someone. Hate to tell you, but that’s wrong. You had managed to make it over to his house on a particularly rainy day, barely escaping getting soaked by the downpour. While he’s beginning to chastise you for risking getting sick in this kind of weather, he knows that there’s also a flash flood warning in place as well, which means you’re probably safer here than anywhere else. As the two of you are getting ready for games and some small scale puzzles, the power goes out, and you somehow end up flailing into his lap for comfort. Turns out that storms kinda scare you a bit, and now you’re turning to the most comforting thing available to you, and that just so happens to be him. Fell is going insane on the inside, noticing now just how much he loves it when you want him to protect you. He’s a bit shy when it comes to emotions, so good luck getting him to ask you out any time soon. 
SF Sans/Black: Surprisingly, he is almost as easy to get falling in love as Fell is, but there’s a difference. While Fell appreciates the protection seeking aspect of his potential datemate, Black wants to see their tough side in full force. He was giving you a sparring lesson one afternoon, and to your credit for someone without magic, you were putting up a pretty good fight. You had been knocked down a few times, but you were still getting back up, managing to dodge, and still getting some good practice in at the same time. At some point, you went flying onto the ground, and he stood over you, a bone club in his triumphant hand, grinning over you. In a moment, before he could even really register it, he was on the ground, and you were leaning over him, your face mere inches away. You’d somehow swept his foot out from under him without him realizing it, and now you’d... you’d won. All of a sudden, there’s a hot blooming sensation in his soul that he can’t quite explain as you celebrate your first victory against the skeleton. He’s knows he’s got to act fast, and he’s going to ask you out, quite possibly before you even finish your victory lap.
SF Papyrus/Rus: This skeleton isn’t as easygoing as he seems when it comes to choosing his partners. There’s a lot that’ll factor in really, and while he loves to cuddle up to just about anyone, Rus needs something more than just that to go off of. For you, he noticed how it was your kindness at every single turn, whether it benefited you or not. It started simply enough as you being willing to share food with him, but the more he looked for it, the more and more he found. You were offering to pay for people’s groceries if they couldn’t afford it, helping people pick up dropped things, giving monsters an item that was sold out save for one thing that you’d picked up. Your kindness and generosity extended to both monsters and humans, and somehow it ended up being the most attractive quality he saw in you. He’d never really known a kind world, save for a few private moments with Black, but this was something he suddenly had a deep craving and appreciation for. This is like, the only time you’ll be able to get him to directly ask you out, save for a few other rare occasions, but he’s definitely got his thoughts turned to you for a good long while before he even asks.
Thanks for the ask @mecaniquefairy!!
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manbehindthaticon · 4 years
So downfall, tell me about it
its downpour and i havent finished downpour yet. sans, frisk, and papyrus are the only “completed” ones. toriel and the others still need designs and stuff. my concept is still a work in progress and the areas havent even been re-created and made yet. i’ll post more downpour content soon though...if you want it.
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awelldressedtornado · 3 years
Downpour Information Post:
There isn't MUCH to learn about Downpour other than that it's rainy all the time. But lemme go into detail.
The Rain:
The rain actually works different in each place. In the ruins, it's naught much but a small drizzle, much like a water sprinkler. Toriel doesn't need an Umbrella in the ruins so she has a hat because...Fashion. In Snowdin, it's your average rain. It pours and pours and that's just how life is.
The people in Snowdin will need an umbrella...But at the same time, that's only if they choose to. Sans usually has a poncho on whenever he's outside, he doesn't want his clothes getting wet. Same with Papyrus.
In Waterfall, it's practically a waterfall, as it is in the name. It's also sometimes storming there....Well, a lot of the time. It's hard to find some place that isn't practically a swimming pool. Undyne lives above her house because...Well, it's flooded and all the stuff she has is just...Poof.
In Hotland, it's practically dry. The water evaporates. The people in Hotland have no clue about the rain. Except for Alphys, of course. They're still trying to figure out how and why it rains in the underground.
For the place Asgore lives in. It's again, only a small drizzle. He likes the drizzle, cause it waters his flowers. He tends to stay in the throne room to water the water peacefully hit the petals of the flowers.
The Characters, Personalities, and Story:
Now, again, not much has changed in these three core parts of the entire lore. But for those that did change, I will explaining briefly.
Frisk doesn't look like your usual Frisk. No double striped shirt that's blue and purple and no closed or squinting eyes. This Frisk is different. For starters, I can't exactly explain what their eyes have going on.
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But, you know, I'll think of an explaination sometime soon.
Frisk always carries an umbrella with them. It's helped them do a lot, despite being a mere umbrella. It's their weapon, transportation, and shield. They never leave this umbrella behind.
Their personality is quite understandablely, none. Their personalities all determines which route/timeline they're in.
Genocide: Blunt, rude, hostile, apathetic.
Neutral: --All depends on the amount they spared or the amount they killed--
Pacifist: Stubborn, Generous, Helpful.
The two main things that hasn't changed is the fact they continously have a straight face/poker face on and that they don't talk. People still find Frisk unsettling in the pacifist timeline.
Sans and Papyrus's relationship:
Now, I wouldn't say their relationship is the best but it also isn't the worse. Sans still makes dumb puns (Rain Edition) and Papyrus still wants to capture the human. Both have completely seperate goals, so they tend to bicker a lot. Sans tries to convince him to not capture the human, Papyrus's determination overshadows his thoughts, someone says something they don't mean, bickering ensues. They're still brothers overall and would do anything for each other.
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Now, Chara is a topic all on their own. They're story hasn't changed but the personality has along with appearence, kind of.
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Chara is your helpful ghost friend...With their own intentions, of course. Frisk and Chara are actually siblings, with Chara being older. Chara didn't like how they have been treated, so they just left. Ended up falling into the Underground, and soon after perishing due to an illness. Chara is like a guide for Frisk, appearing only to instruct them on what to do, and of course, using them to test things they weren't able to do.
They show up a lot more during the genocide route, only to reflect on Frisk's actions, acting as their own actions. They mean no actual harm, they're just very curious and like testing things out a lot. Ever since they found out about Frisk's power, that's when the true curiousity kicked in. They'd like to not only test the limits, but as well as the power.
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frankpanioncube · 5 years
Prompt List #3 - Rain
Part #3 of @sheewolf85 's October Prompt List. Based almost exclusively on something that happened to one of my best mates, myself and his wife.
Contains video games, spooky graveyards, light UndynexAlphys and Papyrus
"A whole Surface worth of snacks to choose from and you still want oatmeal with little sugar eggs in it."
Undyne's complaint held no real weight and she slammed the boot of the trunk down. There was more than enough variety of snack foods for tastes (and several more people beyond two monsters’ besides), to complement her first real 'best friends' night with Papyrus since they'd settled on the surface.
"And I will RUE the day I get sick of pizza because of you, you nerd."
Papyrus put the top of the car up with a glance at the sky, perhaps because it was going to rain, perhaps because he knew as well as she did that the very second he latched onto a favourite food, he would order it ad nauseum. It was a real debate on whether to take him to a new place that didn’t have one of his favourites; as if he happened to like it one was liable to be eating nothing but for the next few months.
At least his spaghetti was more than edible now.
True to his word, Papyrus navigated through the parking lot from the grocery to the pizza joint they'd placed an order into forty minutes prior and Undyne dashed inside to get the pies. She returned  in fairly short order, holding the boxes on her lap. It appeared not too many other people wanted to go out in what was rapidly becoming a torrential downpour of an evening and the parking lot was all but deserted save for Papyrus' convertible and those parked in employee spots.
The home that she had settled in with Alphys was closer to the the University than the flat Papyrus shared with Sans on the other side of town and Papyrus was enjoying his first visit; or would be had the rain not been driving so heavily.
It finally let up about fifteen minutes in, so Papyrus dimmed his head beams and let Undyne gush about anime for awhile while he chose to take the lull in the storm to observe the local scenery.
"Hey, spooky huh?"
"What is?"
"All that mist around the graveyard at the Church."
"That's spooky?"
"Hell yeah. Well, you know, humans find it spooky. Like zombies and stuff."
"Some humans find Skeletons spooky." Papyrus retorted, rather primly.
"Yeaaaah, maybe, but it's different. Like...it's atmosphere."
Papyrus considered as they continued past. In the gloom of twilight with the imposing silhouette of the church as a backdrop, the roiling fog along the ground did not give the same ambience as the precursor to a Mettaton Show, that was for sure.
Undyne predictably broke the silence. "Oh hey! We should play spooky video games! It's the perfect weather for it!"
"Spooky video games?" Papyrus echoed her.
"Yeah. Unless you're chicken!" Undyne grinned viciously at her friend across the car seat. 
Papyrus predictably rose to the challenge spectacularly. "OF COURSE NOT!"
The rain had started up again and they booked it into the house. Pizza boxes and snacks were delivered to the kitchen; a brief tour of the house was given and soon the duo found themselves seated in Undyne’s living room, drinks, snacks and pizza to hand. 
Papyrus examined Alphys’ anime figurines with a begrudging amount of respect while Undyne pawed through her much less alphabetically organized video game collection, pulling out several titles well known for their blood, guts, gore and of course, jump scares.
The room had been outfitted with drawn blackout curtains but a low rumble of thunder suggested that the storm had now escalated.
Undyne thumbed the volume up on the television and sorted through the titles, picking out the most up-to-date; virtually guaranteed to have the most realistic graphics, then put it down.
“Oh no. This one.” 
The title was a compilation reprint from an old company to the point where it’s inital release had required more than nine CD’s to play through. However, in the interests of winning the unspoken challenge the game’s plot also revolved around puzzles; using items and information in the correct way in order to escape the demonic haunted house and solve the mystery.
Just as the protagonist’s posessed husband had caught hold of her and was about to lock her into a torture device, an immense clap of thunder rang out, the power went out and both Papyrus and Undyne let out a joint scream.
A split second later the lights flickered back on.
Alphys stood in the doorway, taking in the sight of her wife and her wife’s best friend, clutching eachother on the couch; Undyne in Papyrus’ lap with her arms around his neck and her knees tucked up to her chest, Papyrus with his face buried into her shoulder and clinging like his life depended on it.
Both Undyne and Papyrus were begrudgingly impressed as she very calmly held up her phone and snapped a photo.  
Papyrus broke the stunned silence with what was evidently meant to be a whisper. “Is this where I’m supposed to say ‘It’s not what it looks like’?”
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End of the Pond Party
The rain falls suddenly, a downpour that would soak anyone not already wet from the pond.  You hear a rumble of thunder.  
Grim is on his feet in an instant, blowing his whistle.  Boss joins him seconds later. followed by Papyrus.  “Everybody out of the pond!” they shout.  
“Grab something to bring in,” Anne calls.  “Don’t leave stuff out to get ruined!” 
You’re already well on your way, followed by your favorite skeleton.  Each of you grabs something -- a platter of cookies, a pile of towels, something -- and races for the house.  Somehow you all make it in before too long.  
There are changes of clothes for everyone.  You’re not sure how Anne has clothes in your size, but they’re comfy and you’re not about to complain.  
Everybody ends up in the pillow fort room, sitting in groups and snuggling under fluffy blankets.  Someone turns out the lights, leaving only the fairy lights to twinkle overhead. Someone else - probably Lucky - turns on soft music.  You can just barely hear the rain hitting the roof and the windows. You snuggle down with your buddy.  It was a wild party, but this is the perfect way to end it.  
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