#dr angie march
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Philip Quast as Father Pearse Harman in Ultraviolet S01E06: Persona Non Grata (1998)
Also pictured: Suzannah Harker (Dr Angie March), Idris Elba (Vaughan Rice), Jack Davenport (Mike Colefield) Fiona Dolman (Frances) & Corin Redgrave (Dr Paul Hoyle)
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accidentalshifter · 3 months
[March 10, 2024: Now Entering Mystic Falls, Part One]
⚜️ TW: My Mikaelsons are a ✨️ problem ✨️ and don't play nice at all. Death, sex, blood, violence, manipulation, and dark themes will probably be present. I don't condone any of the actions taken by these vampires, I'm just recording them. For science. Also warning, I am TLDRing yet again.
Shifting Notes:
This is my first [awake, lucid] shift where I'm taking charge of the situation/piloting my DR-self (Zoey) like a Gundam mech suit. Using the Taglock Method, I've been able to focus on the specifics of where I'm going and when. I don't think it's foolproof, though. We'll see... For weeks now, I've been going through the source material of TVD. I figured that Mystic Falls would be the best place to start. After all, the Webb* estate is there. Hopefully, there'll be clues there, too.
Astrological timing: It was a new moon in Pisces. Saturn and Neptune was on either side of the moon in the same sign. Pisces is known as a natural dreamer. Saturn and Neptune solidify the dream. An excellent time for shifting.
*In my DR, the Webb estate is a property owned by my DR-self's family.
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⚜️ In order to connect with my DR-self and pop into the TVD/Originals-verse, I decided to wear my hair up in a bun like Zoey Webb. I also added in a wooden chopstick just like her, both for connection & the added bonus of having a stabby little stake handy on my person. Can't be too careful. I learned from my [asleep] minishifts that the best time to jump into my DR-self is when she's busy or distracted so I tried focusing my inner-vision on a moment where she was as soon as I put on the taglock. (See: Taglock Method)
⚜️ The first thing that drifted into my mind was the song "No Roots" by Alice Merton & the blurred images of trees. Sustaining my focused trance, I put on the song and began listening to it in my CR. As soon as I did, the images crystallized, becoming much clearer than before. Zoey is sitting in a Greyhound bus, jamming out to music (she has ear buds in) while green forest flies past her outside the window. I begin to synchronize my CR self's movements to Zoey's. Suddenly, I'm in her body. Seeing everything from 1st person perspective.
Observation: I'm the exact opposite of Z. I am usually more reserved on public transit & don't listen to music while I'm traveling. I pay attention to my surroundings.
⚜️ The bus is empty save for a mother & her two children who're being A LOT and crying. A young dude with a skateboard and a man sitting more towards the front seats of the bus. He carries a briefcase with him. I'm in the back of the bus (something my DR-self & I have in common, I usually pick the back). At the climax of the song, I hear the muffled voice of the bus driver announcing to those onboard that we've officially entered Mystic Falls. "This is our last stop on the line. Please remember to take your stuff with you when you leave. You won't be able to recover your valuables if you forget them here. Last stop, Mystic Falls." The bus driver reiterates again for good measure.
⚜️ My DR-self takes out one ear bud to half listen to the end of what the bus driver was saying & then gets bored, continuing to jam out more to the end of the song. But out of the corner of our eyes, we see the stressed mom giving us a disapproving glare. We give her a little rueful, embarrassed smile. Before we can tone things down, however, we spot the "Welcome to Mystic Falls" sign from our side of the window. We in it now. There's no turning back for our stuff if we leave it here. As if making a huge point to underline that, "No Roots" ends.
⚜️ I feel something vibrate in my pocket. It's my cell phone alerting me to a text message from an "Angie." I would've opened the text, but Zoey's body overrides my influence, rolls her eyes, and ignores the message. She puts the cell phone back in her pant's pocket. RIP Angie, lolol. The bus driver announces again, "Now entering our lovely historic downtown Mystic Falls!". Then, he goes on to elaborate about how this cozy town has 'still retained its rustic charm throughout the decades it's been around'. He sounds like he wants to be a tour guide instead of a Greyhound driver...
⚜️ From outside my window, I see the huge, brick clocktower rising up before me on the horizon. I see old houses with wrap-around porches, white pillared entrances, and large sprawling yards. Eventually, that melts into storefronts and the Mystic Falls Square. It's a regular day here. As regular as any day in Mystic Falls can be. People are going about their business; walking through the Square, bustling around the storefronts. There's no town event being held here. But since MF is always commemorating something, I don't doubt there's a party happening somewhere. As the bus drives past the Mystic Grill, my DR-self (and I) peer at it from out our side of the window. Her with curiosity, me with...uh. Well, mixed feelings, to be honest. I notice a woman walking into the Grill just as the bus drives past it. It's no one I recognize from the show.
⚜️ The bus driver announces out loud again: "Last stop! Please, take all items with you & enjoy your stay in beautiful Mystic Falls, the homeliest town in all of Virginia!". When the bus finally comes to a complete stop, people start gathering their things & moving toward the exit. Since I'm in the back, sitting behind everyone, I have to wait for the others to go before me. It gives me (my CR-self) enough time to feel mild anxiety about disembarking because the moment I do, I'm sure the TVD drama will begin. As soon as the mom with her loud children make it to the front of the bus, I see my DR-self (Z) reach for a military canvas bag that's been sitting next to her on the empty seat. It looks beaten up, like it has seen way better days. There's hand-stitched, cloth patches on some parts of it where I'm guessing Zoey tried her best to repair it from being damaged. Also, I notice that the bag is all the items she has with her besides the ear buds & cell phone.
⚜️ My DR-self pauses as if she can feel my anxiety just before the exit, peering up at the LED destination sign that said "Mystic Falls" in loud, bright yellow. Both my DR/CR-self takes a synchronized deep breath and steel ourselves. 'Whelp, there's no turning back,' I hear my DR-self whisper under her breath. I respond back mentally with a 'Yup, we in it' despite knowing that "Z" probably can't hear me. I'm just a passenger inside her head and have *some* control over what she does. But not total control...
⚜️ The place the Greyhound drops everyone off at is behind the police station across the street from the Grill. There's a parking lot in the back of the police station, it's nearly full with cars. I get anxious again and nearly lose my connection with my DR-self. After a few calming breaths, however, I'm able to synch again with her. When I do, Z checks her cell phone & goes into her Google Mail. An email from "Nathaniel Pogue" is sitting there up on the top of the list. It looks like it's been read before. It's flagged as important. I influence Zoey to read the email again just so I can be a snoop. But also because it's starred. I only ever star things in my email when I need to remember not to forget an appointment...
⚜️ Bing, bing, bing! I'm right. The email was starred because it details a 3 pm meeting at Mathewson Realty where (Z) will be signing paperwork pertaining to the Webb estates. Apparently, today is the day she'll be signing the dotted line on the Deed of Ownership for all of William's properties and picking up the keys from Mr. Pogue. I notice on the phone that the time is already 3 pm. Great! My DR & CR self are both running late for our first scenario in Mystic Falls! Cue: us running (like a female anime protagonist late for her first day of high-school with toast in her mouth trope) towards Mystic Falls Square.
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I hope being late for appointments isn't my "thing" in Mystic Falls. 😅 Anyways, y'all. I'll be posting [Part Two] of this shift ASAP. If you're still reading this, I appreciate that you got this far haha!
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badassxbirdy · 3 months
April Activity Update - Pinned Post
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This one includes posts and drafts for March. Everything else can be found in previous updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
My beloved Rook has a gofundme, please take a look!
If you didn't see Tumblr's post regarding AI, you should go and read it here.
Still figuring out meds and other treatment, and still dealing with some intense irl responsibilities, so thread replies will happen when they happen. I’m trying to put less pressure on myself, but as an anxious human and chronic people pleaser it’s a struggle. 😂
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
Library ghost with Finn (link)
At the motel (drafted)
Giving Lance a haircut (drafted)
Car trouble (drafted)
Taking Lance on a hunt (queued)
Now kitthhhhhh! (queued)
An unwanted visitor, and Ty finds out the boy has powers (link)
Azzy makes a point (drafted)
“Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot?” (queued)
“Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing.” (drafted)
Threatening speech workshop? 😂 (queued)
Sick Tyler = sulking Tyler (drafted)
An appointment with Dr Soliman (link)
Tyler meets Captain Hook (link)
FBI!Fish and Human!Ty at the motel (link)
Ocean hedghogs! (queued)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (drafted)
Proteus is baby, Tyler is angy. (link)
“Hold still, I’m trying to help!” (link)
Dumbass teens and cannibal ghosts (drafted)
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Tyler is an orange cat. Look at these and tell me I'm wrong. JK YOU CAN'T. (link)
Ty judging Damon as usual. This time it's about accents. 😂 (link and link)
I think that’s everything! As always, please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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mizumi-kahago-art · 1 year
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✦ Danganronpa Birthday Artworks ✦
An overview of all the Birthday Artworks so far.
(Male characters are gender-bend to be female)
A list to all the individual images so far under the cut!
DR 1:
6th October: Kyoko
7th July: Sayaka
31st August: (Female) Kiyotaka
23rd November: Celestia
31st December: (Female) Hifumi
3rd January: (Female) Leon
13th September: Sakura
25th July: (Female) Yasuhiro
24th December: Junko
24th December: Mukuro
25th November: (Female) Monokuma
5th February: (Female) Makoto
3rd March: Toko
14th March: Chihiro
24th April: Aoi
5th May: (Female) Byakuya
9th June: (Female) Mondo
DR 2:
1st January: (Female) Hajime
1st January: (Female) Izuru
27th November: Ibuki
26th July: (Female) Twogami
30th June: Peko
16th August: (Female) Fuyuhiko
15th July: Akane
29th June: (Female) Kazuichi
13th October: Sonia
14th December: (Female) Gundham
2nd September: (Female) Teruteru
26th July: Usami & Monomi
22nd February: (Female) Nekomaru
9th March: Hiyoko
14th March: Chiaki
24th April: Mahiru
28th April: (Female) Nagito
12th May: Mikan
5th July: Hiroko
31st May: Komaru
DR v3:
7th September: (Female) Shuichi
3rd October: (Female) Rantaro
19th October: (Female) K1-B0
16th November: Miu
1st July: (Female) Ryoma
15th August: Tsumugi
3rd December: Himiko
31st July: (Female) Korekiyo
9th January: Tenko
23rd January: (Female) Gonta
2nd February: Maki
26th March: Kaede
12th April: (Female) Kaito
18th April: Angie
10th May: Kirumi
21st June: (Female) Kokichi
14th January: Sato
20th November: Ruruka
27th March: Natsumi
3rd May: Chisa
8th June: Seiko
Bases & Outfits used belong to UnknownSpy (@ Inkhandprint) on Twitter ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿  
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themculibrary · 1 month
Peggy/Angie Masterlist
a minor distraction (ao3) - brilligspoons peggy/natasha, peggy/angie T, 3k
Summary: Rumors about an organization experimenting with the super soldier serum bring Peggy Carter to Russia, where she meets a young factory worker named Natalia.
A Somebody I'm Longing To See (ao3) - Eliza49 peggy/angie, peggy/steve T, 32k
Summary: In the spring of 1947 Peggy Carter returned to New York, the birthplace of Steve Rogers…
Despite the distraction of a fascinating case and no small amount of peril, Peggy had missed her New York roommate, Angie Martinelli, during her time in L.A.. She had become accustomed to comforting conversation and happy chatter at the end of the working day, and whilst the Jarvises had helped fill the void, it had not been quite the same: after all, Ana and Edwin belonged to each other, but Angie, Peggy felt, was hers, somehow...
(This is a sequel to my story, “A Safe Community for Modern Female Professionals.” It takes place after season 2 of "Agent Carter," and depicts Peggy and Angie living together [and getting together] in Howard's penthouse in Manhattan. There is also an SSR investigation, which Peggy leads as Chief of the New York office.)
A Song That Will Not Die (ao3) - chilly_flame M, 15k
Summary: Peggy and Angie deal with a new crisis after moving in together, thanks to their good friend Howard Stark.
A Woman's Touch (ao3) - all_soul T, 59k
Summary: It’s been a week since Peggy saved New York from Dr. Fenhoff, and Dottie is loose in the big city. Regardless of Interim-Chief Jack keeping her off the Underwood case, her fraying relationship with Daniel, and the tightrope that she walks at home with Angie, she’ll find her. Peggy Carter always gets her girl.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Burning Bridges Sweeten the Air) (ao3) - DiNovia T, 26k
Summary: Before Peggy Carter can make good on her promise to train Angie Martinelli to protect herself better, an old foe makes a reappearance and a new plot comes to light. Will Peggy be able to figure it out before it's over and done?
Cat Got Your Tongue (ao3) - Meskeet T, 10k
Summary: There’s only two things Peggy’s currently certain about.
One, she’s in love with Angela Martinelli.
Two, she’s a cat.
(Or, the one where Howard Stark turns Peggy into a cat.)
Easy Living (ao3) - sagesiren T, 9k
Summary: Her day had started nearly forty hours before when North Korea had marched too far South for anyone's liking, and she'd been subsisting on coffee and frustration at the American government's incompetence since. 
While her fledgling organization wasn't large enough nor old enough to be regarded as a player on the national level quite yet, her agents were more capable than any others in the country by half, and she still suspected vital information was being withheld. 
Not to mention that the process of moving her base of operations to D.C. - and every agent along with it - was hard enough without a war complicating things.
Or a child.
(It's 1950 and Peggy decides she needs a live-in nanny after gaining custody of her niece, Sharon. Enter: Angie.)
i break wild roses (ao3) - halfmoonsevenstars peggy/natasha, peggy/angie M, 7k
Summary: It’s August 1950 and Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD, is back in New York for the week, wrangling diplomats and soothing fractured bureaucratic egos by day. By night, Peggy goes out for drinks and dancing with Angie, but it’s a beautiful Russian girl she brings back to the hotel room.
Mapping the Spaces in Between (ao3) - warmspringrain G, 10k
Summary: Filling in the missing moments of Season One.
Morning Mix Ups (ao3) - tiredmoonlight G, 1k
Summary: Sometimes, in the rush of a busy morning, Peggy doesn’t always grab the right clothes.
or alternatively: two times Peggy stole Angie’s clothes by accident, and one time Angie stole Peggy’s on purpose.
Rule #1: Peggy Carter is sometimes wrong (ao3) - burninglights peggy/angie, ana/jarvis T, 25k
Summary: The four times Peggy apologises to Angie, and the one time she doesn't. With an extra few chapters of Angie being (always) right.
Or: Peggy falling in love with another scrappy Brooklyn kid, in a mostly-canon re-write of Agent Carter season 1 and a non-canon-re-write of season 2, because we all know how that went down. Domestic shenanigans from New York to L.A.
Peggy Carter pushes open the door and takes a corner seat, still feeling like she's somehow betraying her Queen by being publicly seen drinking coffee twice in a week (and /enjoying/ it, too). Angie spots her from across the Automat and comes hurrying over, a huge, shit-eating grin plastered to her face. “English!” She bends down and pulls the woman into a tight, brief hug.
When Angie finally pulls away, Peggy isn’t sure what she’s more concerned about – the fact that this waitress doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of personal space (of which she herself places great importance) or the fact that she actually finds herself enjoying the said invasion of personal space. She clears her throat. “I have a name, you know,” she says. “It’s Peggy. Peggy Carter.”
Scarlet Cross (ao3) - wreckofherheart M, 40k
Summary: [AU: Second World War]  
Angie and Peggy meet under the most inconvenient and harmful circumstances.
Yet, somehow, this only brings to light something they did not foresee.
Someday (ao3) - all_soul T, 7k
Summary: "Well, I look forward to hearing what this is about someday"
In which a day after the events of the season one finale, Peggy climbs through the Griffith window.
Someone New (ao3) - TESPO G, 33k
Summary: Peggy Carter only opens her heart to those she can keep safe, and so for the most part it remains locked shut. Little does she know Angie Martinelli has a history of picking locks, defying odds, and breaking all the rules.
suffer what we must (ao3) - the eternal feminine (redpenninja) G, 6k
Summary: "They don’t really know how to talk to each other, he decides, but this is enough. She gives him a little glimpse at her real smile, a small ray of sunlight bursting through dark skies. He wonders how she looks when she smiles at Carter, wonders what she thinks about when she goes home to a large, empty house, wonders how Carter reacts to such a blinding, ethereal light."
In which Jack meets Angie, Angie gets desperate, and Jack has an ulterior motive for getting Peggy home from Los Angeles
The Lady is a Tramp (ao3) - maggiemerc M, 21k
Summary: Angie’s got suspicions on what Peggy does for a living and she’s determined to protect her at all costs…to other people. It’s not like she’s crazy and about to risk her life for a dame that’s more hot and cold than the plumbing on the third floor of the Griffith Hotel.
the mothering thing of us (ao3) - QuickYoke, ratherembarrassing E, 59k
Summary: The Black and White Ball was a masquerade ball held on November 28, 1966 at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Hosted by author Truman Capote, the ball was in honor of The Washington Post publisher, Katharine Graham. -- Director Carter attends.
what they don't see (ao3) - acolonf6 peggy/angie, past peggy/steve T, 22k
Summary: Angie is convinced that her new next door neighbor is a spy, and is determined to find proof of such.
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muznew · 3 months
Beatport Top 100 Best New Hard Dance / Hardcore: March
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-03-01 GENRES: Hard Dance / Hardcore, Hard Techno Tracklist : 1. Fracture - Desolation(Extended Mix) 2. DJ Deepcore - Imperio Del Hardcore(Original Mix) 3. Oposition - Midnight Machination(Original Mix) 4. F. Noize - Rave Attack(Original Mix) 5. Paul Clark (UK) - Dead To Rights(Original Mix) 6. Soundchecka - The Last Fomorian(Extended) 7. AnGy KoRe, Gabriel Padrevita - Fxx System(Original mix) 8. Dr Rude - Move Your Feet(Extended Mix) 9. The Outside Agency - Eject(Original Mix) 10. DJ Thera - Desolation(Phantom Pro Remix) 11. Onlynumbers - Istanbul's Night(Intro) 12. Element, Exproz - Consequences(Extended Mix) 13. ACOR - Jawbreaker(Original Mix) 14. LXD - Glock(Original Mix) 15. Frontliner, Firelite - Electricity(Extended Mix) 16. Acidus - BASS INTENSITY(Original Mix) 17. Anderex - Be With You(Extended Mix) 18. Peckerhead - Other Beings(Original Mix) 19. Demi Kanon - On The Edge(Original Mix) 20. CANCEL - Negate(Strange Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 3 months
Beatport Top 100 Best New Hard Dance / Hardcore: March
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-03-01 GENRES: Hard Dance / Hardcore, Hard Techno Tracklist : 1. Fracture - Desolation(Extended Mix) 2. DJ Deepcore - Imperio Del Hardcore(Original Mix) 3. Oposition - Midnight Machination(Original Mix) 4. F. Noize - Rave Attack(Original Mix) 5. Paul Clark (UK) - Dead To Rights(Original Mix) 6. Soundchecka - The Last Fomorian(Extended) 7. AnGy KoRe, Gabriel Padrevita - Fxx System(Original mix) 8. Dr Rude - Move Your Feet(Extended Mix) 9. The Outside Agency - Eject(Original Mix) 10. DJ Thera - Desolation(Phantom Pro Remix) 11. Onlynumbers - Istanbul's Night(Intro) 12. Element, Exproz - Consequences(Extended Mix) 13. ACOR - Jawbreaker(Original Mix) 14. LXD - Glock(Original Mix) 15. Frontliner, Firelite - Electricity(Extended Mix) 16. Acidus - BASS INTENSITY(Original Mix) 17. Anderex - Be With You(Extended Mix) 18. Peckerhead - Other Beings(Original Mix) 19. Demi Kanon - On The Edge(Original Mix) 20. CANCEL - Negate(Strange Read the full article
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Rev. Stanley Kirk Burrell (born March 30, 1962) known by his stage name MC Hammer (or simply Hammer), is a rapper. He is known for hit songs such as “U Can’t Touch This”, “2 Legit 2 Quit” and “Pumps and a Bump”, flashy dance movements, extravagant choreography, and his eponymous Hammer pants. Remembered for a rapid rise to fame, he has been an entrepreneur and celebrity spokesperson.
A multi-award winner, he is considered a “forefather” and pioneering innovator of pop rap and is the first hip-hop artist to achieve diamond status for an album.
Along with a Mattel doll and other merchandise, he starred in a cartoon called Hammerman in 1991. He became an ordained preacher and hosted M.C. Hammer and Friends, a Christian ministry program. He was a dance judge on Dance Fever, was the co-creator of the dance website DanceJam.com, and was the executive producer of his reality show titled Hammertime.
He has managed his recording business as a record label CEO. He has created and produced his acts/music including Ho Frat Hoo!, Oaktown’s 3.5.7, Special Generation, Analise, DRS, B Angie B, Gentry Kozia, and Oakland Fight Club. He has associated, collaborated, and recorded with Psy, VMF, Tupac Shakur, Teddy Riley, Felton Pilate, Tha Dogg Pound, The Whole 9, The Hines Brothers, Deion Sanders, Big Daddy Kane, BeBe & CeCe Winans, and Jon Gibson. He signed with Suge Knight’s Death Row Records.
BET ranked him as the #7 “Best Dancer of All Time”.Vibe’s “The Best Rapper Ever Tournament” declared him the 17th favorite of all time during the first round. He continues to perform concerts at music venues and appears in television advertisements, along with participating in social media and ministry/outreach functions. He is active in community and sports activities, being interviewed locally and nationally.
He was born in Oakland. His father was a professional poker player and gambling casino manager, as well as a warehouse supervisor. He married Stephanie (1985) and they have three sons and two daughters and raised his nephew. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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naturecoaster · 5 months
Dementia Care Seminar Designed for Caregivers
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United Way Hernando Hosts Semi-Annual Event in March Dementia Care Seminar Designed for Caregivers United Way of Hernando County will be hosting their Semi-Annual Dementia Care Seminar on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at St. Frances Cabrini Church in Xavier Hall - 5030 Mariner Blvd, Spring Hill, FL 34609. This free seminar is for families and caregivers focusing on loved ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. This highly anticipated community event typically takes place once a year in the fall, however, due to the high demand for caregiver support services, United Way of Hernando will now host their Dementia Care Seminar twice a year to ensure that resources and support is provided for families living and caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging, and this seminar aims to provide caregivers with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to navigate this journey. Whether you are a family member, friend, or professional caregiver, this seminar is designed to equip you with valuable insights and strategies to enhance the quality of care for individuals living with dementia. Thanks to United Way’s Partners in Health, HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital and Oak Hill Senior Living, a free breakfast and lunch will be provided. United Way encourages caregivers to join us and hear from a lineup of expert speakers who will cover a wide range of topics, including understanding dementia, effective communication techniques, managing challenging behaviors, self-care for caregivers, and accessing community resources. Guest speakers will include: Gary Joseph Leblanc, Dementia Spotlight Foundation, focusing on Dementia Education; Dr. Lauren Dedea, M.D., Dedea M.D Family Medicine, focusing on Primary Care; Christian Smith, Mortellaro Law, focusing on Estate Planning. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in interactive discussions, ask questions, and connect with other caregivers facing similar challenges. "We understand the unique needs and demands that caregivers face when caring for someone with dementia," said Angie B. Walasek, Executive Director at United Way of Hernando County. "Our goal is to provide a supportive environment filled with health vendors where caregivers can learn, share experiences, and find the resources they need to provide the best possible care for their loved ones." Often times, caregivers forget to care for themselves. It is important caregivers of all ages have a community behind them reminding them they are not alone. This seminar is open to all caregivers in the community and is free of charge, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. However, pre-registration is required as seating is limited. Attendees must RSVP to reserve their spot by visiting www.UnitedWayHernando.org/dementia-spring2024, calling the UW office at 352-688-2026, or by emailing [email protected]. On-site respite care will be provided at this event by Always Near Home Care (please indicate your need when registering). This health initiative is proudly supported by United Way of Hernando County, Dementia Spotlight Foundation, Oak Hill Senior Living, and HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital. United Way of Hernando County, Inc.:United Way of Hernando County (UWHC) was established as a 501c3 organization in 1987, and since then has continuously focused on creating partnerships and mobilizing our community to seek sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing local needs.  UWHC strategically allocates Community Investment Funds in Health, Education, & Financial Stability programs with proven results and local impact. UWHC works hard to balance the growing demand for basic services such as food, utilities, and rent assistance, with our ongoing commitment to tackling the underlying causes of complex issues. United Way partners with businesses and organizations that share our vision for improving lives through the power of collective impact and working together. Our support for long-term commitments are essential to addressing key social issues, such as helping children, youth, adults & elders, encouraging health and wellness, including physical and emotional care, promoting financial stability and self-sufficiency, and crisis intervention. For more information on how YOU can LIVE UNITED, visit www.UnitedWayHernando.org. Read the full article
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ao3feed-twiyor · 5 months
Omniscient Academy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fKbnGov by PlanetaryProblem, Rant_Aro “ Nakime has gathered all of the staff in her office. “Okay. What should we name this academy?” “Howza ‘bout we name it Tomfoolery Academy?” Stan sipped some cola. “Eh, sounds boring.” Tengen crossed his arms. “What about ‘The Academy of Flamboyance?’” “Absolutely not.” Fiddleford shook his head. “We should name it somethin’ meanin’-ful.” “Oh! So Meaningful Academy it is!” Kyojuro laughed, completely serious. Kaigaku facepalmed. “We’re stuck with a bunch of idiots, Gyomei-nii.” “That’s not what I—…” Fiddleford facepalmed. “I suggest we name it something that means knowledgeable.” Ratio said. Gyomei hummed. “I see. What about ‘Omniscient’, all-knowing? Omniscient Academy has a nice ring to it.” Shinobu sighed in relief. “Finally, a good school name.” “That sounds nice.” Stanford nodded. “Let’s keep it that way.” “ OR WELCOME TO OMNISCIENT ACADEMY! Full of the weird, angst, and the crack (most definitely the angst and crack)! Rated T for Teens due to uncensored swearing and violence Words: 3525, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Brain Rot School/Mafia Au Fandoms: Gravity Falls, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), OMORI (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), A Hat in Time (Video Game), Dangan Ronpa Series, Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Multi Characters: Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket, Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Sunny (OMORI), Kel (OMORI), Basil (OMORI), Aubrey (OMORI), Hero (OMORI), Mari (OMORI), Snatcher (A Hat in Time), Queen Vanessa (A Hat In Time), Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, Uzui Tengen, Yonaga Angie, Douma (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Himejima Gyoumei, Kaigaku (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Kochou Kanae, Kochou Shinobu, Tamayo (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Rengoku Kyoujurou, Kamado Tanjirou, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Kanroji Mitsuri, Kanzaki Aoi (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Dr. Ratio (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Emma (The Promised Neverland), Lucas (The Promised Neverland), Ray (The Promised Neverland), Gilda (The Promised Neverland), Fujisaki Chihiro, Candy Chiu, Grenda (Gravity Falls), Tokitou Yuichirou, Sabito (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Tojo Kirumi, Hashibira Inosuke, Anya Forger, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Kamado Nezuko, Dori (Genshin Impact), Kibutsuji Muzan, Bill Cipher, Minor Original Character(s) - Character, Nakime (Kimetsu no Yaiba) Relationships: Everyone & Everyone, Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Sunny/Zenitsu, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Snatcher/Queen Vanessa (A Hat in Time), Pacifica Northwest/Dipper Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket/Stan Pines Additional Tags: Way too many character tags help us, How Do I Tag, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crack Treated Seriously read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fKbnGov
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newagesispage · 1 year
Elliot Page has given us a memoir titled Pageboy. ** Another good offering looks like The Book of Charlie by David Von Drehle.
Another book release is A Tour De Farce: The complete history of the 3 Stooges on the Road by Gary Lassin.** And let’s not forget Ed Begley Jr. Who has written, To the temple of tranquility and step on it.
Naomi Watts married Billy Crudup. ** Andy Richter married Jennifer Herrera and Conan was the last- minute officiant.
DQ is getting rid of cherry dip. What the fuck? W was just discussing cherry dip the other day with a friend that had worked at DQ and she did not even know they had it. Try advertising the product, people before getting rid of it. Why does fast food always screw it up?? KFC let go of their lil’ lemon parfait and Steak and Shake stopped serving lemon, lime and orange freezes. C’mon. Somebody could open a restaurant with just the stuff that other places discontinue.
Chelsea Peretti has directed, ‘First time female director.’
A Federal Court overturned the Arkansas law that kept Dr.’s from providing gender transition treatment for transgender youth.
Days alert: It’s like Nicole never learns not to lie. Never! At least she admits she is the queen of lies. ** The Body and Soul soap within a soap is too fucking funny! ** Terrell Ransom Jr. The actor that played Theo Carver as a young man may be on the way back!!** Xander and Sarah forever!!** C’mon, let’s try Li and Kristen and Chloe and Rex!!
The 2024 Hollywood Walk of Fame has been announced!! The year will give stars to Chadwick boseman, Kevin Feige, Gal Gadot, Maggie g
Gyllenhaal, Chris Meledandri, Chris Pine, Christina Ricci, Michelle Yeow, Ken Jeong, Eugene Levy, Mario Lopez, Jim Nantz, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Michael Shur, Kerry Washington, Raul De Molina, Lili Estefan, Glen Ballard, Toni Braxton, Def Leppard, Charles Fox, Sammy Hagar, Brandy Norwood, Darius Rucker, Gwen Stefani, Dr. Dre, Jane Krakowski, Otis Redding, Angie Martinez, Billie Jean King and Carl Weathers.
The 76th Tony’s came on June 11. My best dressed were Rachel Brosnahan, Lea Michele, Lupita Nyong’o and Jessica Chastain. Winners included Jodie Comer, J. Harrison Ghee, Sean Hayes, Bonnie Milligan and Alex Newell. The big musical, play and revival awards went to Kimberly Akimbo, Leopoldstadt, Parade and Top dog/Underdog. Aaron Rodgers was there to support his friend, C.J. Cormac who produced Ain’t no Mo.
Censure Adam Schiff for telling the truth??** Pelosi told her Republican colleagues that they looked miserable. It is a fitting twist on the “you look marvelous” era. I mean, they do always look miserable. ** John Durham keeps saying he does not keep up with the news so he couldn’t know if there was anything to the Trump/ Russia controversy. He did admit that Trump made use of the Russian hackers. He poo pooed the Mueller investigation that brought half a dozen convictions. ** Greene and Boebert have been fighting on the house floor. How do people this ignorant get elected.
The Wagner mercinary group staged a March for Justice in Russia.
President Biden hosted Modi of India and the man took questions from reporters, a first!
Sofia Coppola is bringing us her take on Priscilla. The film is based on Elvis and me.
Georgia poll worker Ruby Freeman was completely cleared of fraud in the election.
45 bags of human remains were found in a gulch in Guadalijara, Mexico.
President Biden had to have a root canal. He also called Chinese President Xi a “dictator” at a fundraiser. ** Hunter Biden pled guilty to filing taxes late and will avoid charges that he lied about his drug use when purchasing a handgun. McCarthy called it a sweetheart deal. ** Comer admits that they have these investigations to bring down Biden’s poll numbers.
Everybody seems filled with anxiety and the world seems a little more rude but murder is down 12%.
The bodies of 81 immigrants went into the water off the coast of Greece.
Ted Kazinsky and Pat Robertson have died.
Danny Bonaduce has been diagnosed with Hydrocephalus and had brain surgery. He is recovering nicely.
A new landfill was halted in Peoria, Il. The current landfill should be full in a year or two. It was discovered that an old diamond mine, Black Jewel no. 2, was discovered underneath. The hazards are being looked into.
Chris Licht is out at CNN.
Mike Pence and F X Suarez have jumped into the Republican Presidential ring.
Netflix got what they wanted. They did lose a few customers but got a big bump in new customers after they wouldn’t allow people to share. They are getting away from their old tag line: Love is sharing a password.
Pat Sajak is finally retiring from Wheel of Fortune. Ryan Seacrest is taking over? That sounds about right. The blandness continues.
Scary Clown 45 was indicted on June 13. ** When Trump runs, GOP loses. - John Thune** A new poll shows 59% of the country wants Trump to end his campaign.
Can’t wait for the Doc, Chasing Chasing Amy.
2 Southern Baptists churches were expelled for having women pastors.
The Supreme Court has left Native Americans to adopt or foster their own children.
Stetson and other cowboy shit is quite popular right now. The 70’s are coming back hard.
A company out of Washington state called Recompose will let your loved ones go back to the earth naturally as mulch.
American Auto and Grand Crew were cancelled. Damn, NBC, didn’t you learn your lesson with Brooklyn 99? American Auto and Grand Crew are some of the funniest shows on tv. ** Mindhunter and Perry Mason were also cancelled.
Pete Davidson was charged with reckless driving. He has checked into rehab.
Paul McCartney has a picture book of the things he saw as the Beatles invaded America. Eyes of the Storm: 1964 looks awesome.
The PGA? The Saudi’s? What?? The Saudi’s are taking complete control of the PGA. They won’t tell us all the details.  Is that a security risk? Many of the players and 9-11 victims feel betrayed. Sen. Richard Blumenthal is looking into it.
Trevor Noah is starting a podcast that is still to be named.
Oceangate  lost 5 passengers that paid $250,000 each to ride to the Titanic in a submersible named Titan. Contact was lost and the mystery began. It looks like the ship claimed 5 more.
I hate the word, homophobia. It’s not a phobia, you’re not scared, you’re an asshole. - Morgan Freeman
R.I.P. Astrud Gilberto, Cynthia Weil, Mike Batayeh, Wade Goodwyn, treat Williams, Cormac McCarthy, Bill Lee, Marlene Clark, Daniel Ellsberg, Beyond Wonderland victims, Glenda Jackson, Carol Higgin Clark, Sheldon Harnick, Frederic Forrest, Julian Sands, Titan victims, Alan Arkin and Rick Bennett
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Philip Quast as Father Pearse Harman in Ultraviolet S01E05 Terra Incognita (1998)
Also pictured Suzannah Harker as Dr Angie March & Idris elba as Vaughan Rice
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ledenews · 1 year
Inclusion on Ice Welcomes Everyone to Skate on March 12
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The free Inclusion on Ice free public skating event for people of all abilities will take place Sunday, March 12, at Wheeling Park Ice Rink. The event has expanded in its second year to include an exhibition ice hockey game from noon-1 p.m. featuring Mighty Pens Sled Hockey players facing off against the Wheeling Nailers and Wheeling Lightningbirds. The game will be followed by free public skating from 1-3 p.m. at the Wheeling Park Ice Rink. Additional activities will include a sensory room, inflatables, refreshments, face painting, a photo booth and more. “We are very excited to organize an event with Easterseals and the Wheeling Nailers that promotes inclusion,” Angie Wood, Augusta Levy Learning Center executive director, said. “This free event is an opportunity for us to give back to our community that has been so supportive of our center and its mission.” “Everyone is welcome no matter your ability or disability, and thanks to our sponsors, everything is free,” Betsy Bethel-McFarland, marketing director for Easterseals, said. "Inclusion on Ice is an incredible event here in the Ohio Valley, and we are very fortunate that it has become an annual tradition,” Nailers spokesperson D.J. Abisalih said. The event will take place at Wheeling Park's Memorial Ice Rink. The event grew out of an idea developed by David George, a local advocate for people with disabilities and author of the book “Be Unique, Be You & Live.” “I want to help produce something that would bring all persons with special needs/disabilities together interpersonally and have a great fun time!” George said. Last year, the Mighty Pens were unable to attend. This year, with the help of Wheeling native Sarah Riley whose husband is a Mighty Pens player, about a half-dozen players will suit up and take the ice against the Nailers and Lightningbirds, who also will be using sleds. “We are grateful to the Mighty Pens for taking the time and effort to come to our event. We’re really looking forward to seeing their athleticism and to seeing how the pros do against them,” Bethel-McFarland said. During the public skate, the hockey players will be available to help get everyone on the ice, whether that involves tying skates, pushing wheelchairs, or providing encouragement. “Last year, it was extremely special to watch how our players interacted with all of the skaters, especially those who were on the ice for the very first time. It means the world to us to be able to help give people this opportunity that they don't typically get to enjoy on a daily basis,” Abisalih said. This year’s title sponsor is J.B. Chambers Memorial Foundation, which is supporting the event in honor of the late Dr. Thomas Thomas. Thomas was a longtime Chambers Foundation chairman and supported such projects as the I-470 Sports Complex, the Miracle League, the YMCA and the Wheeling Park ice rink. “Dr. Thomas led the Chambers Foundation for over 40 years, always finding new ways to help improve the lives of children in our community,” Brian Joseph, foundation chair, said. “His family chose Easterseals as a beneficiary of memorial contributions, so sponsoring the Inclusion on Ice is a great way for us to support a wonderful cause and honor him,” he added. Other major sponsors include Wheeling Park, Encova Foundation, WesBanco, City of Wheeling, Western Reserve Orthotics and Prosthetics, and Regional Economic Development Partnership. For more information, see the Inclusion on Ice event page on Facebook or call Easterseals, 304-242-1390, or Augusta Levy Learning Center, 304-242-6722. Read the full article
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absortio · 6 years
side character // tag dump
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “Genesis” guest cast
Peter Cambor as Nate Getz Back from "MWD" last week.
Bar Paly as Anastasia "Anna" Kolcheck Last seen in "All the Little Things" in mid-March.
Ashwin Gore as Akhil Ali This is ONI Inspector General Akhil Ali, who was asking all the questions in the Laura Song "Divided We Fall" episode in early November.
Jere Burns as Arnold Baines Longtime working actor.  Was Breughal in Max Headroom, Kirk Morris in Dear John, Pete Schmidt in Bob, Tom Booker in The Mommies, Jack Farrell in Something So Right, Frank Alfano in Good Morning, Miami, Michael in Help Me Help You, Dr. Jim in Surviving Suburbia, Anson Fullerton in Burn Notice, Jake Abernathy in Bates Motel, Wynn Duffy in Justified and Chet Atkins in Angie Tribeca.
Guest appearances include Hill Street Blues, Riptide, Street Hawk, Hunter, Remington Steele, The Last Precinct, Ohara, Jake & the Fatman, Down the Shore, Fantasy Island (1998), Just Shoot Me, Odd Man Out, For Your Love, Twice in a Lifetime, Cover Me, Touched by an Angel, The Outer Limits (2001), Sabrina the Teenage Witch (2002), Family Law, State of Grace, 8 Simple Rules, Las Vegas, All of Us, The King of Queen, Will & Grace, Dr. Vegas, Four Kings, Boston Legal, Psych, According to Jim, Trust Me, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Good Guys, Retired at 35, Off the Map, Breaking Bad, Hawaii Five-0 (2012), Grey's Anatomy, Last Man Standing, Suits, The Muppets (2015), From Dusk Till Dawn, Major Crimes, The X-Files (2018), I'm Dying Up Here, The Cool Kids, Lucifer, The Detour, Dead to Me, Sydney to the Max and All Rise.
Played himself in an episode of Blossom.
Layla Alizada as Dr. Roxana Jarrahi Guest starred in episodes of Strange Luck, Cold Squad, The 4400 (2004), Dead Like Me, DaVinci's City Hall, Godiva's, The Evidence, Eureka, Whistler, the Unit, Robson Arms, Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, The Whole Truth, The Mentalist, Melissa & Joey, Legit, Days of Our Lives, Scandal, Rizzoli & Isles, Castle, Stitchers, Jane the Virgin, SEAL Team, Shameless and Lucifer.
Played Constable Gloria Walker in DaVinci's Inquest, Betty in The Muppets (2015) and Elena in Taken and Sizma in Shut Eye.
Milissa Sears as Leah Novak Last seen being "run into" by Callen in "Lost Soldier Down" in early January.
Beckett Gunderson as Young Callen Last seen getting slapped by his instructor by "Pandora's Box".
Andrei Dolezal as Young Baines Played a frat boy in The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Duncan Campbell as Agent Castor Also last seen in "Pandora's Box".
Written by:  Andrew Bartels wrote or co-wrote "Allegiance", "Zero Days", "The Grey Man", "Humbug", "Fighting Shadows", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Angels & Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke…", "Glasnost", "Old Tricks" "Battle Scars", "Fool Me Twice", "Warrior of Peace", "Reentry", "The Prince", "Smokescreen", "The One That Got Away"/"No More Secrets" two-parter, "Yellow Jacket", "Missing Time", "If the Fates Allow", "Red Rover, Red Rover" and "Divided We Fall".
Directed by:  John P. Kousakis directed "Imposters", "Sacrifice", "San Voir" part one, "The Fifth Man", "Parley", "Inelegant Heart", "Chernoff, K.", "Active Measures", "The Long Goodbye", "Talion", "Glasnost", "Unleashed", "Party Crashers", "This Is What We Do" (episode 200), "Goodbye Vietnam", "Ninguna Salida", "The Guardian", "High Society", "A Tale of Two Igors", "Under the Influence", all of the Afghanistan scenes from "Iron Curtain Rising" to "Zero Days" in season five and all of Kensi’s injury/recovery storyline scenes from "The Queen’s Gambit" to "Sirens" in season eight.  
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
WHAT IF: Broken Was Captured By The Lords & Mother Miranda?
Broken (Groans at aching head and opens eyes, coming face to face with Salvatore & Angie): Huh?
Angie (Turns to face the Lords and Mother Miranda): She's Awake!!! (Runs excitingly to Donna)
Mother Miranda: Now - you all have given me your requests; some more convincing than others, but I have made my choice. (Points to Donna) Donna, this creature will be placed under your care.
Karl (Glares at Miranda in anger): What?!
Alcina (Rises to her feet): Mother Miranda, I must protest! While she is my sister, Donna is not mentally capable of caring for this creature; she can't even care for herself. (Towers over Broken and smiled down at her) Give the creature to me and I'll make sure she's ready.
Karl (Marches up to Alcina): Like hell, you'll get her, Lady Super-Sized Bitch! That thing slaughter more of my lycans in a blink of an eye before more could show up! I need that blood for my beasts and I won't let you turn her into wine!
Broken (Slowly rises to her feet): There's no way Lady Dimitrescu is turning me into wine and you're not getting your claws on my DNA - Karl Heisenberg. (Stands and breaks the chains)
Alcina (Takes a step back): How do you know our names?
Broken: I know more about you than just your names. (Points to Alcina) Alcina Dimitrescu - Head of House Dimitrescu - Lives in Castle Dimitrescu with your 3 Daughters that were made from dead bodies of women and can turn into clouds of flies - Has a blood disease that causes you to drink human blood to keep up your strength.
Alcina (Mouth Open): What?
Broken (Points to Donna): Donna Beneviento - Head of House Beneviento - Lives in Beneviento Manor in the Valley of Mist - Introverted, thus speaks through her doll, Angie - The last living Benevento & adopted daughter of Mother Miranda.
Donna (Shocked): How...
Broken (Points at Moreau): Dr. Salvatore Moreau - The 3rd Lord - Rules over the Fishing Village near the Reservoir - Completely devoted to Mother Miranda - The Orginal Creature of the Lycan Serum but it was taken by Karl Heisenberg.
Salvatore: How do you know...?
Broken (Points at Karl): Karl Heisenberg - The Iron Steed - The 4th Lord & Owner of the Factory - A walking magnet - no real remorse for your actions and no respect for the lords who share your mantle - a true Stupid Man-Thing.
Karl: WHY YOU!!!
Broken: And... (Points at Miranda) Mother Miranda...(Starts walking forward) The Village Leader - Creator of the Cadou - Ally of Umbrella - Destroyer of Lives and for what? A wish that can never come true...When will you understand? No matter what you do... no matter who you sacrifice...no matter what you create.
[Broken gets in Miranda's face - glaring into her blue eyes with gold and the wide grin on her mask.]
Broken (Dark Voice): The Megamycete did not make you a god. You have no power over life and death. You can never have back what you lost. And your current plan..will fail. Return Rosemary to her true parents...or lose everything & cost your children everything.
[In a flash of black - Broken is no longer there, leaving a shocked and trembling Miranda behind.]
@snowflakestree Broken Truth: Thoughts?
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