#dr hiruluk
zonaenthusiast · 1 month
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regnigt · 2 years
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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When i was asked to rank parent figures i kinda had a revelation...i think
Btw, Bellemere, Hiruluk and Corasan are all top right corner but i couldnt fit them all in the same spot
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redhatmeg · 1 year
Kureha: Listen to me. You can't save person's life with kindness alone. If you want to save a life, you have to have years of medical knowledge and practice!
Kureha stands as foil to Hiruluk - while he didn't know anything about medicine but had good intentions to "cure" Drum, she knows a lot about medicine but is very abrasive and cynical.
Still, from her reaction upon learning that Hiruluk ate a poisoned mushroom, it's quite clear that she cared for Hiruluk. She probably grew to regard him as an odd friend, and deep down she cherished this friendship. She later grew to love Chopper as her own son and pulled Zeff on him.
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kentaropjj · 2 years
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STICKER GANG! Only 8 days left to nab! $10 DELINQUENT TIER: Sniper Wolf (Glow-in-the-Dark) $15 VANDAL TIER: Tony Tony Chopper (Pink Holo) $20 BANCHO TIER:  Terra Branford (Vaporwave Holo) Free Bond sticker with every order! https://www.patreon.com/kentaropjj
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hitohitonika · 5 months
Drum Arc is so, so important to me. When Dr. Hiruluk tells the story of a man that had an incurable illness but then sat under a Sakura tree and got cured, I'm convinced he was talking about depression.
And this has happened to me. That moment when something clicks inside your head and you are so in awe by the world that you experience an incredible will to stay alive.
And after that he spent the rest of his life trying to show people that wonder, that love for life. Also, when he says he tries to cure stupidity, I think he was again referring to how stupid it is to fight and do harm when life is so beautiful.
And Kureha saying farewell to Chopper with the symbol that gave life back to a hopeless man, oh god I could cry just thinking about it. It's basically both of them telling Chopper to go and live a wonderful life, explore the world and be happy in his adventures around the great ocean.
I swear it doesn't matter how many times I watch it, Drum always makes me ugly cry.
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bardock1991 · 1 month
Ruby - Free Palestine
A little late on this, i know, but better late than never
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I decided to redraw the scene from One Piece where Luffy protects Dr. Hiruluk's flag (the image below), but with Ruby & the Palestine flag instead
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rapharo · 4 months
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Arco Alabasta
Se a Saga East Blue foi o começo de um grande amor, a transição para Alabasta em "One Piece" foi como uma proposta de casamento: emocionante, empolgante e absolutamente irresistível. Ao entrar na Grand Line, já estava completamente fisgado pelos personagens, curtindo cada momento como um fã devoto.
Os eventos que antecedem Alabasta são repletos de mistérios envolventes. A introdução da Baroque Works, com seus espiões misteriosos e seus codinomes de Mr. e Misses, nos presenteia com uma trama intrigante. E, claro, conhecemos a Princesa Vivi e seu pássaro Karoo, que rapidamente se tornam parte essencial da tripulação dos Chapéus de Palha. Essa fase é um excelente exemplo da habilidade de Eiichiro Oda em manter a curiosidade e o engajamento dos espectadores.
E então, chegamos à Ilha Drum, onde somos apresentados a um dos personagens mais adoráveis de "One Piece": Tony Tony Chopper. A saga de Chopper é emocionante, comovente e simplesmente inesquecível. Seu passado trágico, a perda do Dr. Hiruluk e o carinho maternal da bruxa Kureha são de fazer qualquer um chorar. É um desses momentos que nos lembram por que amamos tanto essa série. Além disso, os outros personagens dessa saga, como o fortão guardião da ilha, também deixam uma marca profunda.
Ao chegar em Alabasta, somos mais uma vez surpreendidos pela criatividade de Oda. O país tem vida e personalidade próprias, com um toque único em cada detalhe. A cidade onde Crocodile, o vilão principal, está sediado, claramente inspirada em Las Vegas, é um deleite visual. E o cenário desértico, onde a falta de água é o principal motor da trama, adiciona peso e urgência aos acontecimentos. Cada local por onde a tripulação passa, até mesmo as cidades abandonadas, é intrigante e bem construído.
O deslocamento do bando pelo país é eletrizante. E como sempre, Oda nos apresenta novos personagens que rapidamente conquistam nossos corações, como aquele homem que ficou sozinho na cidade escavando um buraco na esperança de encontrar água. A forma como o autor amarra todos os eventos anteriores à chegada em Alabasta é simplesmente genial, tudo se encaixa de maneira coesa e satisfatória.
Um dos momentos mais memoráveis do arco é a reunião dos vilões no bar, agendada por Crocodile. Visualmente impactante e narrativamente poderosa, essa cena estabelece Crocodile como um dos melhores vilões da série. Imponente, inteligente e com um poder assustador de areia, ele é um adversário formidável. Seu design é impecável, tornando-o um personagem inesquecível.
No entanto, nem tudo são flores no deserto de Alabasta. O arco sofre um pouco na metade, com episódios que se arrastam e contribuem pouco para o avanço da história. Esse ritmo lento pode ser frustrante, mas felizmente, é um problema menor no grande esquema das coisas.
O encerramento do arco é excelente, deixando ganchos para futuras tramas e introduzindo a enigmática Nico Robin, que se torna uma das personagens mais fascinantes da série. A conclusão de Alabasta cria uma expectativa enorme para o que está por vir, com flash forwards que nos deixam loucos para explorar mais do vasto mundo de "One Piece".
Em resumo, o arco de Alabasta é uma montanha-russa de emoções e aventuras. Com personagens cativantes, um vilão de primeira linha e uma trama envolvente, é uma das sagas mais memoráveis de "One Piece". Apesar de alguns episódios mais lentos, o arco se destaca como um exemplo brilhante da capacidade de Oda de criar histórias complexas e emocionalmente ressonantes. Se você ainda não se apaixonou por "One Piece" até aqui, prepare-se para ser conquistado de vez.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 11 months
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You know, I really have a lot of questions about MADS, and I hope as the Egghead arc continues, we will get answers eventually
Back in the Emotionless Excursion cover story, they first show MADS being sponsored by Du Feld as being a "research lab for peace", but it was followed by an image of the MADS group members absolutely looking like they're the mafia. Okay, so it's reasonable that we might then assume it was just a "cover" or an ironic label, and that MADS is actually an evil mad scientist lab.
Then there's the image with Caesar, Queen, and Judge that was labeled as "Mass Production of Deadly Weapons", and they seem to be actually making crazy evil shit. That checks out, this whole mess looks totally evil.
However, then Vegapunk made what was almost a more advanced version of Dr Hiruluk's "sakura" that actually makes flowers for real instead of just an illusion of sakura by turning the snow pink.
That's... not deadly at all. It actually "stops violence", because it turns bullets and gunpowder into flowers, rendering them useless. It even won him a "Peace Prize", even though the prize's name is somewhat ironically called "Evil".
The prize's name is イベル Iberu. The joke is that this alludes to "Nobel" ノーベル Nooberu, but also that "Iberu" happens to be the Japanese reading for the English word Evil. Romanised as Ibel in translations.
Anyway. After that, there's that scene of Vegapunk being summoned by the elders. And now that we've actually met Vegapunk, he wasn't evil or anything. He just a kinda-kooky, but otherwise nice old man.
So... What's happening here? Was Vegapunk just a chill scientist the whole time that's forced to work by the World Government, and it's just his assistants(?) who are absolutely psycho? So what's with the gun in that first pic???
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 3-12/01
I'm sorry I've been so disconnected these days! University exam suck, but here are all anime B-days since day 3:
3: Aisa (OP), Iceberg (OP), Fujikata-san (CCS)
4: Crocus (OP), Ai (Free), Senkuu (Dr. Stone)
6: Amida (SK), Hotaru-chan (SM), Oimo, Tilestone (both from OP)
7: Mozu (OP), MSMM anime
8: DC anime, Iva-san (OP)
10: Otohime (OP), Eustass Kid (shit I missed it :'), OP)
11: Todoroki (BNHA)
12: Hiruluk (OP)
I'll put my favourite ones (they're quite a bunch) in a publication later, ok? :')
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nowherecarlos · 4 years
When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.
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- Dr. Hiruluk
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regnigt · 7 years
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My Christmas fanart for this year!
I got to thinking about December 24 being Chopper's birthday and started to wonder how a reindeer, and an outcast reindeer at that, would know his own birthday to start with.
And I figure either he doesn't know it, and it's just the out-of-universe knowledge that we the readers have because Oda confirmed it in an SBS answer - or he does know it as the date when he celebrates his birthday, but only because Hiruluk or possibly Kureha picked it for him when he got curious/wistful about this birthday thing that humans do. I liked the latter answer the most, so that's what I based this picture on. If Hiruluk gave Chopper a present at the time, it would have been the first present Chopper ever got.
(Come to think of it, Nami would have no idea of her own real birthday either, so the same question applies to her... )
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Did anyone ever asked you to form your own crew on one piece? I think the rule was to not choose a straw hat.
I would choose the parental figures/part of the flashbacks if I can. Like Tom, Saul, Hiruluk, Bellemere, Zeff, Dadan and the dude that trained Zoro and Kuina.
I don't we would ever be that far but I'm pretty sure we would have a great time.
Im in a very emotional state and anon i need you to know that that last sentence hit me like a ton of bricks holy shit :')
Also great ask!
I think i would get Dr Kureha, Hina, Mihawk (although idk if he would join), Smoker, Paulie, Viola, Bon-chan, Jonathan (from the g-8 filler), and Baby 5
I want that ship to be chaos 24/7
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vinzulu · 3 years
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onepiecechapteraday · 4 years
Why do these chapters have to make me cry so much? These are beautiful moments are beautiful moments. Hiruluk, Chopper, Kureha, Dalton all really good fun.
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holykillercake · 4 years
Hazy Justice - Chapter 01
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Cop!Smoker x Military Doctor!Reader
word count: 2k
summary: After eight years serving your country in a war, you returned to your hometown as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. You were expecting a calmer life now, but suddenly you see yourself choosing between your brain and your heart, light and dark, justice and evil.
notes: This is a new multipart fic I´m working on! Hope you guys like it!
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𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤, 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤!
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It felt good to be home. After all of those years serving on hostile grounds, it felt good to be back in your beloved hometown, Lucky Bay. The name comes after the city's borderline that contoured a lucky clover shape. It wasn't a perfect drawing but it worked to give it some meaning, after all, people from all over would move there to try a better life.
Eight years have passed since you left to serve your country's ally in war as a Military Doctor, now that it was over not only you'd receive a Medal of Honor but also an incredible job offer as the new head of Trauma Surgery in one of the greatest hospitals of the country, the Hiruluk Institute of Medicine and Scientific Research.
The timing couldn't be more perfect and also the circumstances; they gave you a top floor apartment in one the best districts of the city, they borrowed you a car and they had beautiful scrubs ready for you to slip in and work. After eight years of experiencing nothing but pain and agony, you deserved to be spoiled a little.
And it wasn't like you were alone, you had an older brother and a friend who could keep you company and update you on the changes. Your brother was a businessman, owner of hotel chains, casinos, and luxury restaurants. Your friend, Tashigi-chan, was actually the sister of a late comrade, you kept in contact with her after he passed and you became friends eventually. You heard she joined the Police Task Force.
¨Tashigi-chan!¨ you smiled from ear to ear and waved your hand.
¨Y/N-san, I'm not a kid anymore you can call me just Tashigi...¨ her cheeks blushed and you pulled her to a tight bear hug.
¨You keep calling me Y/N-san! I'm not that old!¨
¨Of course! This is not what I mean, Y/N-san!¨ her eyes widened ¨Y/N. Y/N-san!¨
You were amused with her clumsy way, you knew she'd never stop calling you by ¨san¨ mostly because of the respect people had towards militaries.
¨So you'd feel better if I called you Tashigi-san?¨ her eyes almost fell out of their sockets, probably thinking she wasn't worthy of such respect.
When you came to an agreement that you would call her just ¨Tashigi¨ she led the way to one of her favorite bakeries so you could gossip.
¨How's the job?¨ you asked, mouth filled with pastries.
¨It's good, it's difficult to get them to see me as equal sometimes. Not my boss, though, he sees me as any other of his men.¨
¨Vergo's still working at the Police Task Force?¨
¨No! I mean, he is but, they added another Commander for special cases, Smoker-san.¨ you tried to remember any rookie by the name of Smoker, but failed greatly. Either you're memory from eight years ago is not as fresh as you thought or you never met him.
¨I hope I get to meet him one day, it's always good to know we have competent men on the field.¨
¨Uhm, he is! He's the best at what he does.¨ she sipped her coffee ¨But, anyway, where are you staying, Y/N-san?¨
¨Oh, it's a lovely place, once it's settled you have to come by! It's a building called Drum Tower, close to the Hiruluk hospital.¨ she seemed a little surprised.
¨Drum Tower? At Grand Avenue 1746?¨
¨Hum...yeah. How do you know?¨
¨That's where Smoker-san lives.¨
¨So, what do you think? How was your first night call shift?¨ the head of General Surgery, Dr. Marco, asked, placing a cup of coffee in front of you.
¨Oh, thanks!¨ you took a sip ¨Easy peasy, actually, not a lot of trauma and the residents seem pretty adequate. ¨
¨You shouldn't say things like that, Y/N-ya.¨ Dr. Law, head of Cardiothoracic Surgery, said when he entered the break room. He took off his white with dark spots surgery cap and poured himself a cup of coffee.
¨Didn't know you were superstitious, Dr. Trafalgar.¨ you played with him.
¨Not superstitious, Y/N-ya, carefulstitious.¨ he somehow managed to say this with a straight face and you chuckled, shocked to see him making jokes, not great jokes, but jokes nonetheless.
¨This is not good, you said that there's not a lot of trauma and you just made a joke. Something really bad will happen, I can feel it coming.¨ the blonde rubbed his temples.
¨Well, whatever it is I'm leaving for you guys. My shift ends in seven minutes and I am going ho-¨ you were ruthlessly interrupted by all of your pagers beeping non-stop. You looked at each other, skeptic.
You gathered with the other attendings and staff on the Emergency Department where the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Kureha, was delegating duties and recapping some protocols.
¨...mass casualty and our Trauma One Center's been asked to respond. We don't have enough information about the accident, but I'll keep you posted. Dr. Y/L/N, you'll be conducting and leading a triage team on the field and Dr. Marco will be in charge of assigning the incoming wounded, the Isshi-20 will be at your disposal. Minor injuries will be redirected to Dr. Muret at the clinic. Dr. Trafalgar, I want you for Rapid Response, you'll have Tony to assist you if needed. ¨
¨My unit can handle it, Dr. Kureha.¨ he was calm, showing no sign of concern. The old woman just gave him a nod.
¨The other attendings will help take care of the injured. We're gonna need all hands on deck. Come on, people!¨
The Emergency Department became a mess of doctors running around, opening as many beds as they could, getting new charts ready, and waiting for the first wave from the scene to arrive.
¨...trays, intubation carts, and central line kits.¨ you heard Dr. Marco tell his team. He looked nothing like he was in the break room, no lazy eyes and no jokes.
You decided to give your crew a pep talk while the ambulance was on its way to get you.
¨Do you all have your kits?¨ your team nodded ¨Hold them on your laps in the ambulance, IDs outside your jackets, and don't disturb the rescue team. I won't hold your hands once we get there, so I expect each and every one of you to have your shit together. Those people will be in pain and fear so we don't get to freak out. I don't know what kind of scene we'll find in there, but I'll make sure the person who chickens out doesn't see the inside of an OR for 3 months. Was I clear? ¨
You too became a different person and maybe tougher than you had to, but they needed to be prepared for the worst of these triage calls. Especially because you had among your residents future Military Doctors and on a battlefield, you can't expect someone to cover for you if you fail. Comrades die and you might get killed.
¨How long until we arrive?¨ you asked the driver.
¨Three minutes.¨ he let you know that the accident happened on a district across town, that was the reason of the relatively long trip. 
The city was divided into five different districts, all equally wealthy but for different reasons.
 At eight o'clock were the Light District, the district of extravagance, fine pleasure, and splendidness with all of the daintiest restaurants, opulent hotels, and luxurious casinos. That's where your brother held his businesses.
At ten o'clock lived loudly and full of nostalgia the Shadow District, home of pubs, clubs, and eclectic bars. The sanctuary for gangs and teenage rebels with their bright hair colors and flashy clothes.
Moving on to twelve o'clock you'd find the Commercial District, a place for fun and joy with the libraries, museums, martial art dojos, and paintball arenas. Anything and any service could be found in there.
At two o'clock was your current home, the Justice District, it was also a lively one with the hospital, the base unit of the Police Task Force, and courts. Besides these busy spots, you had the majority of policemen, judges, and doctors living in there.
Last but not least, the Noble District, a place where not everyone could just walk into. It was mostly residential, all houses were named mansions like the Polar Mansion, where your coworker Dr. Trafalgar lives, and the Blue Whale Mansion, where Dr. Marco's family lives.
All of these divisions were connected in the center of the city by the Lucky Lake, a romantic point where dreamful hearts would throw their coins and make wishes. The districts were connected, altogether with some other important points, by a subway line. The only exceptions were the Light and the Noble Districts where the subway line would only take people to their entrances. People who could afford the Light District wouldn't take the subway and you needed identification to enter the Noble District.
The accident occurred across the town, at the Sora, Warrior of the Sea Theme Park, between the Light District and the Shadow District. The place didn't exist when you lived there eight years ago and it was a shame that that's how you'd get to know it.
¨Alright,¨ you noticed the ambulance stopping and sirens wailing around you. ¨we're here. Remember my words. I'm not gonna have my eyes on you the entire time, so if you need help come to me or someone else, just don't stop, ok?¨
They agreed and you opened the back door, letting not only the light come in but also the sight of chaos.
Police tapes were closing different perimeters, paramedics had already started the triage process separating the life-threatening injuries from the non-life-threatening ones.
It looked like a calamity had passed by, the long and large path of wrecked asphalt ended inside of a burning store, together with what you thought was a roller coaster cart.
The fire team was occupied trying to shut down the fire and rescue people who were trapped in. You suspected you would not have as many problems as you thought, giving that the majority of rescuers carried lifeless bodies. In any way, you were ready to save lives and bring people back from the gates of heaven. You wouldn´t let them go that easily, not on your watch. 
You gave your team final instructions and rushed into the ocean of paramedics, policemen, and wounded victims.
When was the last time that I slept? you asked yourself while chugging an energy drink. You didn't love the taste but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You rolled your head making some bones pop and your shoulders stiffen. Your legs were swollen, your mind was foggy and you could feel a bit dehydrated, nothing you weren't used to, but it didn't mean you enjoyed it.
¨Heading home?¨ Marco tossed his white coat in his locker.
¨Yeah. You?¨ he nodded.
The break room became silent while you collected your things, both too tired to cheat chat. It was about two in the morning and you had received permission to go home since the situation was taken care of.
¨Y/N.¨ you turned to the blonde who stood at the door with his eyes lazier than usual ¨Welcome to our hospital.¨
Despite the exhaustion, you couldn't help but smile.
¨Hold the elevator!¨ you screamed before the door closed and jumped in ¨Thanks.¨
The man hummed ¨Floor?¨
¨Oh, it's pressed already, thanks.¨
He just hummed again, just like you he'd had a long day and didn't notice anything peculiar with your statement.
When the door opened the two of you left and walked down the hallway alongside each other, without even realizing. It was just when you put the key in the porthole that the information got processed.
He also had the same reaction, turning around surprised - although his ¨surprise¨ look was more grumpy.
¨You//You!¨ you spoke in unison.
¨Yes, me! Nice to meet you!¨ you gave him your hand to shake.
¨Yeah, you too. Uhm, thanks for the cigars, by the way. And welcome to the building.¨
As a Good Neighborhood Policy gift, you had given him a box of cigars. The doorman had told you about his addition when you asked what kind of person he was. The hope was to give it to him in person, but he seemed to be never at home, so you just left it at his door.
¨Yeah, thanks!¨ a moment of silence ¨Yeah, goodnight, then. It was a pleasure.¨
¨Goodnight.¨ he smiled shortly before entering his place, you did the same.
Crouching down by the door while you debated with your own mind whether you'd take a shower or sleep on the couch, your eyes shut and you fell unconscious.
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