#dr rubin's
Shadowsan: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Carmen's birthday invitations. Ivy: Well, what are they supposed to say? Shadowsan: "Carmen's birthday". Ivy: So, what do they say instead? Shadowsan: "Carmen’s bi". Ivy: Ivy: Works out either way.
Player: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Ivy: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Carmen, scoffing: Oh, please. Ivy, to Carmen: Hey, how you doin’? Carmen: Carmen: giggles and blushes
Zack: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Player: That’s a snake.
Ivy: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people? Shadowsan: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause. Ivy: Won’t people think it’s weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though? Shadowsan: I saw someone feed their pet peacock crème brûlée from their mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think faux third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.
Vlad: To be honest, I'm kinda pissed that I'm not asleep in bed next to the love of my life in a cottage with no obligations other than watering my vegetable garden.
{I really need someone to clarify whether they're brothers or two deadpan Russians that Just Look Like That. Because they give such Gay Stone-Faced Lovers but idk. hm. [Looks at the To Steal Or Not To Steal Dip™️*] oh okay}
Boris: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vlad: It was autocorrect. Boris: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vlad: Yes.
Boris: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Vlad: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Boris, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Boris: We should be partners. Vlad: You mean like, partners in crime? Boris: Yeah… that’s precisely what I meant.
Dr. Bellum: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Cleo: Nope, there's 26. Dr. Bellum: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Cleo: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Dr. Bellum: You'll get the D later ;).
Cleo: The stars are so beautiful… Dr. Bellum: They're just giant balls of gas. Cleo: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Dr. Bellum: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Cleo: Oh…
Chase: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Chase: What’s up? I’m back. Zack: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Chase: Death is a social construct.
The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one Chase: I will not let you down. Ivy: Sounds fun. Zack: K. Julia: No, I'm fucking not. Carmen: Do I have to be? Shadowsan: Please god, I am so tired.
Shadowsan: Wanna hear some dark humor. Ivy: Yeah, I love dark humor. Shadowsan: Alright. Shadowsan: Turns off the lights Shadowsan: Knock knock. Ivy: Turn the damn lights back on.
Zack, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Zack: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Ivy: It was you the fuck. Zack: It was I the fuck… Shadowsan: Who cooks rice in a pan? Ivy: They the fuck.
Carmen: trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark Carmen: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?" Associate: Well, I- Carmen: How about "You witnessed the murder of my actual dad?" Associate: No…Wait, wha- Carmen: You know what, I'll just get a blank one. Carmen: writes You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Shadowsan: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there? It’s really something how utterly delusional your optimism is. If I didn’t hate you so much, I might even be impressed. Chase: Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Shadowsan!
Ivy: Its hard to resist, I'm really sorry- I mean, considering your approach so far, you had us tied here for- what? Hours? And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are! Chase: What are you then? Ivy: I'm a Virgo!
Zack: I once tried to play a pirated copy of Garfield Kart, when Garfield jumped out of my PC! We are currently married with three beautiful children and a summer house in Lisbon.
*The Dip from To Steal or Not to Steal {no seriously they slayed. Those little gay boys served every bit of cunt within the timespan of three and a half seconds}
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ALSO, The Entire Video, which is fucking amazing. Masterpiece.
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nathaaaan · 2 months
I was watching Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel as a part of rewatching my childhood, and I noticed something that I would have NEVER noticed before if I didn’t.
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This lady appeared on the screen, and when she started talking I GASPED.
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hitchell-mope · 7 months
Still a great movie. I’ll start number three tomorrow.
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simonbakeralbum · 2 years
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The Mentalist 05-11
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govic17 · 11 months
Medicine: Little Things Can Be Game Changers
They are. Think about the most basic of hardware: nails and screws. Simple, common, cheap, but where would we be if they didn’t exist? You can’t hold a house or car together with duct tape. I’ve seen two articles on Medscape by Dr. Rachel Rubin, and frankly, both are impressive for pointing out little things that really matter. Language and men: The words that we use, or more precisely, the…
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pandemichub · 1 year
It is important to be informed about covid, long covid and not minimize or deny either. It also is to remember co- and opportunistic infections and other illnesses become all the more critical to track, screen, diagnose, treat, be prepared for and prevent. There are other viruses, fungi and bacteria to be concerned about that is spreading throughout the community.
With this in mind, here is a video where clinical immunologist and board certified allergist (double board certified physician in pediatrics and allergy immunology) Dr. Zachary Rubin (MD) talks about metapneumovirus.
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Music Shelf’s April 21st Review Roundup
The Music Shelf Crew review some new music they recommend you check out.
Runa – Sad Eyes Mustard had the pleasure of speaking last month with RUNA. When Mustard asked about “Sad Eyes” RUNA put it simply: listeners can expect revenge. RUNA does not hold back on this 70s inspired tune. The instrumentation on “Sad Eyes” is twisted, methodical, and haunting. To further elevate the haunting instrumentation are RUNA’s vocals who may as well be hypnotizing your human ears.…
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"Palestinian plaintiffs and their legal representatives on Friday [January 26, 2024] presented a powerful case in federal court accusing President Joe Biden and other top US officials of complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza.
People around the world tuned in for the long-awaited hearing in Oakland, with plaintiffs appearing in person and over Zoom in an unprecedented effort to hold the Biden administration accountable for its actions in Gaza.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed the lawsuit in November 2023 on behalf of Defense for Children International–Palestine, Al-Haq, and eight Palestinians in the US and Palestine. The complaint accuses President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin of failing to live up to their legal responsibilities under the 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1988 Genocide Convention Implementation Act.
The United Nations convention classifies complicity in genocide, or the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part, as a crime under international law and requires that states take measures to prevent such atrocities.
[Note: This is a big reason why politicians almost never call it a genocide, btw. Because if a country recognizes that it's a genocide, then they actually are legally required to do a bunch of things to stop it, under international law.]
The historic lawsuit contends that the Biden administration has failed to uphold its obligations by continuing to provide diplomatic and military support for Israel's brutal campaign in Gaza. Plaintiffs are asking the court to stop Biden from sending more weapons and munitions to Israel that are being used to kill Palestinians en masse.
The hearing before the US District Court for the Northern District of California took place just hours after the International Court of Justice issued provisional measures against Israel in a landmark case brought by South Africa.
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024. Article continues below.
Court contends with questions of jurisdiction and responsibility
In evaluating the allegations, questioning in Friday's hearing revolved around the so-called political question doctrine, by which federal courts regularly refrain from ruling on political matters seen as best resolved by the president and Congress.
The Department of Justice argued that according to the doctrine, the court has no jurisdiction to rule in the case.
"If the court condemns United States foreign policy toward Israel, it could cause international embarrassment and undermine foreign policy decisions in the sensitive context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," defense counsel Jean Lin told Senior District Judge Jeffrey S. White.
Katherine Gallagher of the CCR countered that the court does, indeed, have a responsibility to step in: "Here, the question is a legal one, whether the actions undertaken by the United States failed to uphold the obligation to prevent genocide, and that is an active obligation that requires that the United States not provide the means by which a genocide is being furthered."
"There is no discretion for any state to evade its obligations, its legal obligations. These are not policy decisions," she said.
Palestinian plaintiffs share powerful testimonies before the court
After legal arguments in the case, Judge White heard two hours of gut-wrenching testimony from Palestinian plaintiffs and a renowned Holocaust and genocide expert.
Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University Dr. Barry Trachtenberg shared his remarks before the court in spite of vehement US government opposition.
"To have an event fall under the 1948 Convention on Genocide requires both action and intent, and here we see that very, very clearly in a way that seems really quite unique in history," he stated, noting that there is now an opportunity to stop Israel's unfolding genocide in real time to prevent further loss of lives...
Judge White said he would take the testimonies to heart as he evaluates his constitutional responsibilities, describing the case as "the most difficult judicial decision" he has ever had to make."
-via TAG24, January 26, 2024
Note: I know a lot of people are really not gonna appreciate that last line. I'm not thrilled with it either. But it is worth noting that having a federal court overrule the US president's huge foreign policy and military decisions would be an absolutely massive deal/precedent
This is a case that deserves to be ruled on with an incredible amount of seriousness, if only because if you're a federal judge who's going to make that call, your written decision/legal justification needs to be unimpeachable
That said, if the judge uses jurisdiction to pass the buck here and avoid his legal and human responsibility to do what he can to stop a genocide, I'm gonna be pissed
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toytle · 2 months
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i don’t have a cat or a speedster, so the next best thing is projecting my fever onto hal so that at least one of us can have the comfort of barry’s healing frequencies. doctor’s orders
[alt text, ID + non-blurry versions below cut]
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1) Halbarry fanart of a sick Hal holding Barry for comfort. Hal’s face is red and slick with sweat and snot, scrunched in a self-pitying expression. He’s holding Barry to his chest while Barry vibrates as if purring. Barry has a sweet, close-eyed grin across his face as he touches Hal’s hand on his chest supportively. They’re sitting on a bed, the background colored in vibrant greens and lined in red.
2) Fanart of Halbarry as cats. Hal is a fluffy brown cat and Barry is a sleek yellow tabby, both referencing their respective human/hero designs in their fur patterns. A miserable-looking kitty Hal holds a purring Barry for comfort. Barry’s head is tucked underneath Hal’s chin, the tip of his tail supportively curled around Hal’s. They’re lying on a cat bed, the background colored in vibrant greens and lined in red.
3) Text ID: The frequency of cat purring has been shown to fall between 25 and 140 Hz. The same frequency has been shown to aid in the healing of broken bones, joint and tendon repair, and wound healing. A study by Dr Clinton Rubin and his team showed that bones of older sheep started showing signs of repair after being exposed to 30 Hz of vibrations for 20 minutes, five days a week. Similarly, in humans, vibrational therapy with a frequency between 10-50Hz has been found to not only benefit bone repair but also strengthen tendons and joints. In fact, vibration therapy uses whole-body vibration to enhance physical health and overall well-being. Cats' purrs are believed to have similar effects on the human body.
4) Halbarry fanart of a sick Hal holding Barry for comfort, alternate version without Barry’s blurred lines.
5) Fanart of Halbarry as cats, alternate version without Barry’s blurred lines.
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drrubinspomade · 3 months
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#sabrina osborn #cmb artistry #dawnamatrix #ric colgan photo
We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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subliminalbo · 3 months
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I used to tell myself that I wasn't like other girls. I know, gross cliche. But so sincere was I in my belief that I thought that it was the fundamental thing that made me Andrea Rubin.
Listen: I've never really been good with people. The transition to college was hard for me. I didn't like dressing up, I didn't like going out. Maybe I would convince myself from time to time that a hook up was a good idea, but a boy never did anything for me that I couldn't do better by myself.
You'd think that with all that time alone, I'd be on track to graduate with honors. Fuck, on track to graduate at all. But I was a shit student too. Not so much in the "peaked in high school, bounced out of college in sophomore year" way, but more so in a "super senior without a major" kind of way. Yeah.
My life before I started working for Dr. Fielding is what an academic advisor describes as "rudderless." A lot of single seat tickets at the college theater, nights spent locked in my room absorbing trivia by way of podcast.
I didn't mean to find my purpose in Dr. Fielding, but I didn't really have a choice, either. She has a way of reshaping things for you.
Alright, let's just call it what it is. I'm not her employee, I'm her slave. Once she's in your head, there's no escaping her. I exist now solely as an instrument of her will.
And yeah, it pisses me off. It pisses me off that she sets me free after every job. I have to live my life as if nothing's happened, waiting for the phone call that overrides everything else. All I need is to hear her voice on the other end of the line to drag me down instantly into her service.
I'm not the only one either. Dr. Fielding has favorite conquests. Like the crazy sorority president who brainwashed half of Greek life on campus, or that stage hypnotist who thought she could get the better of the doctor. Her favorites are the ones who fight even after they're under her power. Some of them fight like hell, and that's what makes the conquest worth it.
The vast majority are not fighters. I've seen dozens of patients enter Dr. Fielding's office and they all leave with that same expression on their faces. Empty, uncritical, obedient eyes. I see their faces and I know that it's exactly how I look when she's done with me.
How can I tell myself that I'm not like other girls when I'm not even a favorite? I've given up on fighting. I know that this power she holds over me is total and there is no escape.
I don't even know who Andrea Rubin is anymore. I am whoever Dr. Fielding needs me to be. She can dress me up like her doll and I'll crave to be played with. If she needs me to be an honor student I'll pick up a textbook. If it's a brainless bimbo, I'll empty my head and fill my mouth.
The scariest part of all of this is that I lose more of myself every time she puts me under. It gets harder to go home after work. I want to be me. I want to be hers. My only pleasure is in serving her. I am nothing without my purpose. I'm nothing without her direction. I am nothing without...
Fuck! Fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming for you, Dr. Fielding! Oh god, fuck!
Okay, breathe in, long exhale.
Jesus, I've got to get my shit together before I actually lose it completely.
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shmowder · 2 months
FIRST ASK ON HERE!!!!!! Can you do a little drabble on the healers with a reader who constantly is using cat puns in their sentences? Like for example purrfect and pawsome!???
I'm glad to have you here new anon! <3 Woo first ask and already requesting a banger, huh? Feel free to pick an emoji, I'd love to see you around again.
[Platonic, humour, kinda crack]
Daniil Dankovsky
Secretly enjoys your puns
Absolutely doesn't want you to know that
He has to resist a stupid smile whenever you make them in, order to maintain appearance
Get him drunk enough or visit him when he's exhausted enough so his guard is down, then surprise attack him with a pun
He might just return the friendly fire
But no one will ever believe you
"Good, you're finally here." Daniil's voice came out muffled from behind the gauze mask, "Did you get back the test papers from Dr. Rubin? What do the results say?"
Not taking his eyes off of the plate in front of him, Daniil carefully separated a thin layer from the tissue sample, peeling it off and moving it onto the sterile glass slide, carefully placing the second slide on top and sealing it in-between. Without giving you a chance to reply, Daniil continued, "Positive like I theorised, correct?"
"Oh, yeah." Flipping through the three papers stapled together, with the most casual tone you say,"Pawsitive indeed."
His movement came to an immediate pause, processing your joke. Blinking the sleepiness away from his eyes, Daniil turned his head to look at you with one raised eyebrow.
You watched as he seemed to churn over a topic in his brain, weighting the ups and downs, considering the fact it's just the two of you in the room.
"Purrfect," rolling the Rs in his purr, his mask veiled a satisfied smile underneath, "that's all I needed from you for today. It's getting late. You should be on your way."
Artemy Burakh
Completely unphased
You have Isidor to thank for subjecting him to almost two decades of puns and dad jokes
And now
He gets to weaponise them on Sticky and Murky
If anything, he encourages your puns by replying with his own just to hear the sighs of youth
"What do you call a cow that plays an instrument?" Artemy sat on the opposite side of the small table, stirring the crushed leaves into his tea before tapping the spoon against the rim of the cup and setting it aside.
Blowing against your own cup to cool off the liquid inside, you took a sip, the bitterness of the leaves quickly dissolve away, a naturally sweet aftermath flooding your tastebuds. "What?"
The corners of Artemy's lips curled upwards, "a moosician." a satisfied look in his eyes.
An exasperated sigh came from the young girl sitting on the chair next to you. Murky attempted to ignore you two and focused on enhaling the pancakes on her plate.
"That's hiss-terical" you replied with a laugh.
"Not you too!" Sticky's voice embodied the betrayal he felt, rolling his eyes as he buried his face between his arms ok the table.
"You okay, kid? You seem to be feline down." Your quick reply got one hearty laugh out of the Haruspex who's struggling not to choke on his drink.
Clara Saburova
Sometimes she rolls her eyes and calls your jokes lame
Only to immediately steal them afterwards to terrorise Notkin and Grace with
Other times she's the one making the most heinous puns you've ever heard
Straight up shooting them one after another like it's nothing
So much it becomes a competition
"Did you hear about the man who lost his entire left side?" Clara swings her legs as they dangle from the edge of the fence she's sitting at, "now, he's all right."
"That's just claw-ful, isn't it." You give a polite smile her way
Shs returns it, although more strained, legs swinging faster.
"Yeah, but then he got hit in the head by a soda can. He's lucky it was only a soft drink, though."
"What are the chances? you've got to be kitten me."
Clara hops down from the fence, a serious look of determination in her fierce eyes as she steps closer, chin raised high.
"Too bad he died today when a pile of books fell on him, He only had his shelf to blame if you ask me."
"That's not something you should be joking about, Clara. I hope a cat-astrophe like this never efur happens again."
Frustrated by your cool demeanour and seamless humour, Clara sticks her tongue at you, demeaning your whole existence with the juvenile equivalent of the middle finger.
You've seen her give the middle finger to Dankovsky one time too many ofter before, indirectly exposing the soft spot she held for you just now.
"Your jokes aren't even that punny, paw-lease just give it up already.
"Paw-don me, clearly someone's got cattitude."
At last, she was defeated on her own turf. Clara may have lost this fight, but the war still rages on.
"You're really a fur-midable opponent."
With that as her goodbye, she runs off into the horizon, never to be seen again... until it's time for lunch. Ready to terrorise any innocent passerby with those deadly weapons you unawarly handed her, adding your puns to her already varied arsenal.
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hitchell-mope · 7 months
Nice save(.)
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alexinterrupt3d · 11 months
events i attend in my dr
→ met gala since 2016
→ michael rubins white party
→ vmas
→ amas
→ ksi + kennys boxing matches
→ xix vodka events
→ vik + simons wedding
→ every rave/festival/concert ever - boomtown, coachella, wireless, reading, tomorrowland + eras tour
→ sidemen charity match
→ notting hill carnival
→ brit awards
→ nyfw, lfw + mfw
→ vs fashion shows
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There's only one food allergen I'm allergic to. (I got diagnosed as allergic to 3 but I only seem to have a reaction to one). Guess which one it is?
It sucks because sesame oil is fucking delicious too.
Also. For disability rights I guess I should state. It really fucking sucks that companies are like "I'd rather just make it so people with serious allergies can't eat my food" rather than actually try to accommodate us. You know how much fucking time I spent reading fucking labels to find food I can fucking eat?
You know what's especially shitty? There's actually treatment for non-life threatening food allergies. Doctors just don't treat it because insurance just doesn't cover it because "You can just avoid the food". Except you fucking can't. Because sesame is everywhere. Especially its in literally every health food that includes seeds and nuts "for added protein"
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thefemmerefinery · 2 years
Books to add to your reading list this year
Thé princessa by Harriet Rubin - explores power from a woman’s perspective and advices not to employs power the way men do it.
Becoming by Michelle Obama - there’s a lot to be learnt about excellence and making sure to be best for herself before she met Barrack.
12 week year - currently reading this and it’s mind blowing. Breaks down how to better execute things. Especially good for those who burn out in the middle of the year ro lose track of their goals.
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel - if you want to develop a better mindset around money and achieve financial freedom this is a great starting point.
Boundaries by Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend - self explanatory but I return to this every year and having/developing boundaries is a continuous work in progress.
Go forth and flourish💕.
- The Femme Refinery
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