#dr stone kin
cafe-kinnamon · 1 year
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Aromantic flag picked from Senku Ishigami (DCST) ! Self indulgent
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twelve-nights · 3 months
god... i miss ishigami village. i miss byakuya. so fucking bad. i didn't go see the fireworks tonight but i can hear them. they remind me of them
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tavs-kin-korner · 1 year
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gluttonyedits · 1 year
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requested by anon: Senku Ishigami moodboard based on the song Call the Nightingale by Vian Izak
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
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Icons of Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone) with themes of plants and including orange daisies.
Mod Haze
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tumberkin · 8 months
May I request a stimboard for Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone) with nature and bird/feather related things :0? (/nf) Sorry if the source is too niche ^^;
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Senku Ishigami Stimboard!
Hope you enjoy!
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kin list for today 😎
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this is also a desperate cry for moots atm so please 🙏
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fel0ny-01 · 9 months
Veterinarian! Ghost and Animal Rescuer! Soap (I am projecting)
At Soap’s rescue, he gets a shit tonne of animals with lots of chronic and undiagnosed health issues, so naturally he takes them to the vet to get them checked out, diagnostics, the lot.
He’s in the waiting room with one of the cats, Anubis, who is struggling to pee, and they need to find out why. Could it be Cystitis? Could it be bladder stones? Either way, this cat needs bloods and scans doing before John can even think about putting him up for adoption.
A few minutes goes by and he’s putting his finger through the bars so Anubis can rub his head against it, and suddenly a deep, gruff mancunian voice startles him out of his thoughts.
John looks up. This is the most attractive man he’s ever seen. The vet gives him a soft smile as John stands up with the carrier, before taking him through to the first clinical room.
“My name is Dr Simon Riley, and you are?”
“A’hm John.”
“Pleasure to meet you John, and of course this must be Anubis.”
“Damn richt, he’s bin causing me sae many issues lately, it's a guid job ah love him.”
This caused Simon to laugh, as John caught another look and studied the man’s face. Not too many scars, but enough that it looks sexy.
“So what’s the problem with him?”
“He’s bin struggling tae urinate. I’ve managed tae hulp him dae it manually bit a'm wanting' tae make sure we kin treat it properly so he kin git adopted.”
“Ah I see, so because he’s been able to urinate manually we can rule out Bladder stones, but we would probably need to do some scans and maybe an a ultrasound to study the shape of the bladder.”
John nods dumbly whilst looking into the eyes of this hot vet. He’s definitely taking it all in for Anubis’ sake, but God he needs to get this vet assigned to his case immediately.
After the consultation where they booked an ultrasound in for next week, John shifts to the front desk.
“Cuid ah have Dr Riley assigned tae mah cat’s case? A'm feelin' like it wid be easier if we hud th' identical vet juist so that Anubis gets familiar 'n' so that information doesn’t git muddled.”
“Of course, sir.”
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Pearlescentmoon aka Pearl Moo the Un-beelivable Postmaster.
CR 18 NG/NE Medium Humanoid Shapechanger.
XP 153,600 (if used as npc for encounter)Human Entothrope Werewasp(Bee variant)Vigilante (Splintersoul)17
Neutral Good/Evil Medium humanoid Shapechanger(Human, vermin)
Init +6; Senses Perception +27 Darkvision 60ft Low light vision
AC 29, touch 19, flat-footed 23 (+6 Dex, +4 Deflection, +9 Armor) (+2Natural armor in Hybrid/vermin form) Hp 165 (17d8+85) (17 temporary Hp while in Hybrid/Vermin form)
Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +16 (+1 in Fortitude and Reflexes while in Hybrid/vermin form)
Speed 30 ft, 20ft climb, 60ft flying(good) Melee Axes+20/15/10 1D6+2(+9d8 precision damage) 
Only in hybrid/vermin form: 2 Natural attack+18 1d4+2 Sting+18 1d8+2 plus poison(DC24 1/round for 6 rounds 1d2 Dex cure 1 save) and curse of entothropy DC15 RangedCrossbow +19 1D8+3(+9d8 precision damage)
Racial Bonus feat (Master crafter), +1 Skill point per level, Speed 30 ft, Change shape Hybrid/vermin form(+2 Natural armor+2Dex +2Con, DR 5/silver, 20ft climb, 60ft flying, Darkvision 60ft, Low light vision, Natural attacks, Curse of entothropy), Entothropic emphaty, Insect mind.
Traits Excellent penmanship, Empty mask.
Class features Splintered identity, Seamless guise, Vigilante specialization: Stalker(+9d8 precision damage), Social talents: Renown, Celebrity discount, Great renown, Social grace[Bluff, Intuition, Stealth], Safe house, Quick change, Sudden change, Surprising change, Vigilante talents: Lethal grace(natural attacks, axe), Evasive, Cunning feint, Blind spot, Hide in plain sight.
Str 10, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 24
Base Atk +12/7/2; CMB +18; CMD +28
Feats Strong personality, Extra vigilant feats: Strike the unseen, Vital punishment, Up close and personal, Combat skill(Improved vital strike, Greater vital strike), Shield of blades, Signature weapon(axe), Returning weapon.
Skills Acrobatics +16, Appraise +6, Bluff +17, Climb +8, Craft(Stone & Metal) +20, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +20, Disable device+20, Escape artist +12, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (Dungeon +6, Engineering +6, Local +6, Nobility +6), Linguistics +3, Perception +17, Perform(oratory) +11, Profession(Postwoman) +10, Ride +10, Sense motive +4, Sleight of hand +15, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +26, Survival +5, Swim +10, Use magic device +11.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orchis, Aquan, Infernal, Vermin empathy.
Combat gear Distance Cunning Light crossbow+1, 50+2 Bolts, Merciful huntsman axe+2, Silencing axe+2, Ring of protection+4, Shadow mithral chain shirt+5, Belt of physical might+4 (Dex, Con), Headband of mental prowess+4 (Int, Cha, Spellcraft), Cloak of resistance+4, Amulet of mighty fists+2, Burglar boots(minor), Gloves of reconnaissance, Coat of pockets, Courier’s secret pouch, Hat of disguises, Black marketeer’s bag, Bookmark of deception, Codex of conversation, Corset of the Vishkanya, 4 Potions of Cure critical wounds , Manual of quickness of action+2(Used), Tome of leadership and influence+2(Used), 6 Doses of Blue Whinnis, Vigilante’s kit, Postmaster’s outfit, Mwk thieves tools, 2 Cats(Nugget & Olive), 10GP, The crimson shroud(Artifact).
The crimson shroud: This artifact is a ring with many ruby shards poking from the golden surface and glows and eerily crimson during the nights of full moon creating a full red cloak to shield the user. During said nights, the holder of the ring becomes even more unhinged and powerful granting a +6 bonus on Natural armor Strength and Constitution (an effect similar to the barbarian rage but without any other effects). The user feels compelled to perform acts of violence for no reason or under some animalistic instinct but NEVER against other creatures of the same kin(like humans or other bee creatures). While the user cannot notice or remember the acts it has an instinct to prevent to remove the ring as it makes the user immune to fear and charms that would even “suggest” to remove it. Furthermore, the ring rewards those that performs act of violence (even under guise) by granting the holder a regenerative ability healing the individual by 2Hp each round and increasing by 1 for every victim or defeated target (to a maximum of 10) during the night. The ring is said to be made with the crystallized blood of a war god and the only way to destroy it is to find his corpse and deliver it. To remove it from the finger without harming the user, one must use a couple of Rings Gates to deliver the ring on the other side at 100 miles, then have it being pulled out using a DC25 Strength check.
Background PearlescentMoon simply known as Pearl or Mrs Moo is one of the many inhabitants of the land of Hermits where many buildings defy the laws of possibility and brings wonder to those who lay their eyes upon them. Pearl is known as one of the many that helped to build many of these wonders, especially for Grian. She is in her own right a great builder herself that loves to mix various styles and she is known to have recently created a postal service along with Ethoslab and Tangotek where she is the Postmaster. She is a friendly outgoing person, especially with the “Soup Group” composed of Geminitay and ImpulseSV. However, deep beneath some people remember another Pearl, a red one, one that predated, hunted, killed: the Scarlet Pearl. Very few remember the events that transpired during the events known as Double Life but one that stood was when Pearl fell into a different more “Scarlet”persona, one that spilled the blood of both friends and foes. For some unknown reasons(maybe for the best) Pearl thinks that the event was but a dream. Who knows, maybe the other hermits subdued her to make her forget the event and let her return to her “better self” or maybe something more macabre occurred, no one knows. However, while her work distract her form these dreams she keeps seeing them especially during the full moon. One night she was restless and could not sleep so she went for a walk, the night was clear and tranquil but her fear of seeing again those dreams was more real than ever. “Do you want to be free of those dreams? I can make it happen.” Said a voice. Pearl jolted but found no one she was alone. “If you want to discover your crimson self and surpass it come find me, if you can. A guiding light is however, mandatory.” And she noticed a crimson light coming from a small hole in the ground. Pearl heard whispers in her head and could not resist, her hand reached in and as it came out it was wearing a golden ring with rubies on it. As soon as that happened the world changed around her and she found herself in a new land close to a town in front of an abandoned postal office. Her memories wandered but could not remember much, however she remained under her instinct as postmaster and carried on her duty not knowing that the night would have called for her other self to spread and grow her hive using her sting and punishing the criminals around the land. The Crimson Pearl was reborn, albeit a little different.
Image made using Heroforge.
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Interventions Part One
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Season Two Episode Six
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader (Aaron Hotchner’s Sister)
Words: 6275
Series Masterlist
Summary: Y/N spirals out of control. Spencer and Aaron recruit the whole team to help. 
Notes: This one is going to be crazy long, but I’m really excited to dive into each relationship the reader has with everyone on the team. I was really planning on making this one part to keep the season nine episodes, but I thought, fuck it. There’s so much to go over in this. I was going to do more with JJ, but since she wouldn’t actually be there, I shortened it, but I think it still conveys the importance of their friendship. Obviously, both of these parts are going to jump scenes a lot, but I hope it’s still clear. 
Warnings: Alcoholism, suicidal thoughts/actions, depression, PTSD, etc. (both of these are going to be pretty intense, so ye have been warned)
He carried it with him. The envelope, though thin, it weighed in his pocket every day like a stone pressed against his heart. It was too painfully familiar, the sweeping letters of his name. The note left by Jason Gideon haunted yours, the sting of abandonment fogging Spencer’s mind with more emotions than he knew how to handle. 
It’d been three days since everyone got back from Los Vegas. Three days since he saw you, or even heard from you. The worry was making it hard to work. He had no idea where you were or if you were okay. He didn’t even have it in him to be angry. He just wanted you to come home. 
Of course, the team noticed the youngest member’s change in behavior, but everyone assumed he was still recovering from the case with his father. Only Hotch suspected something else was wrong. 
He hadn’t heard from you either. 
The whole morning, everyone worked in a tense silence, like they were all waiting for a bomb to go off, but they didn’t know when. Emily darted back and forth between her desk and Hotch’s. She feigned a series of questions about cases, but really she was just checking to make sure he was okay. She’d noticed he’d seemed more stressed than usual lately and figured it was because of worrying about you. Of course, everyone was worried about you. Morgan had asked about you more than usual and Emily hadn’t quite figured out why. 
It was around one, right after everyone got back from lunch- whoever decided to leave- that the said bomb hit. 
“Guys,” Prentiss said, eyes glued to the news playing on the television. 
“Pine River Psychiatric Hospital outside Oregon City, Oregon has released a statement today announcing the death of mass murderer, Lydia Y/L/N, the woman responsible for what the press called ‘The Birthday Cake Killings,’” the anchor announced.
 The room went silent. Reid was frozen in his chair and his hands started to shake. Hotch came out of his office and watched with them.
 “Lydia Y/L/N killed six teenage girls at her daughter’s birthday party in the spring of 1998. She pleaded insanity and was sentenced to life in psychiatric care. Y/L/N leaves behind her daughter, the only victim to have survived the murders-”
Hotch muted the television. 
“Oh my god,” Prentiss exclaimed. “Does Y/N know?” 
Hotch nodded. “They would have called her first. She’s Lydia’s only next of kin.” He turned to Reid who hadn’t stopped staring at the TV. “Reid, did you see her this morning? Did she seem-”
“She left me,” Reid said, almost to himself, but loud enough for Morgan to hear. 
“What?” Morgan boomed. “What do you mean, she left you?” 
Reid spoke quietly like a broken man trying to find the pieces. “The night we got back from…” he took a deep breath and finally turned around to find everyone’s anxious gazes burning into him. “From Las Vegas, I found this on her desk.” He pulled the note out of his jacket pocket, looking down at his name in your beautiful handwriting. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Morgan asked. 
“I didn’t think I needed to announce the condition of my love life, and frankly, I wasn’t ready to talk about it,” he fired back. “I figured she would’ve told you,” he added, looking up at Hotch. 
“She didn’t,” Hotch said. A thick, heavy feeling of dread filled his chest like molten metal. 
“Damnit!” Morgan yelled, kicking his chair back. It hit the floor with a deafening crash. 
Rossi came out of his office. “What’s going on?” 
“Y/N’s mom died,” Prentiss answered, still shocked by her partner’s outburst.
“Is Y/N okay? Does she know?” He asked.  
“You don’t understand,” Morgan sighed. He took a moment to calm himself down and let his gaze dart between Hotch and Reid. “Y/N’s drinking again.” 
A tense heaviness sank into everyone in the room. In a blink, Reid had crossed to Morgan, his hands gripping the other agent’s shirt. 
“How long have you known and not told anyone?” Reid snapped. 
Morgan was taken aback. He’d never seen the kid like this before. Reid had never been violent with someone else on the team before, but the fierce anger on his face told Morgan just how serious he was. 
He put his hands on his shoulders slowly, trying to urge his hands away from him. “I only found out when I called her to come to Vegas, okay? I was trying to give her the chance to tell you herself, but I think it’s been going on for a while.” 
“Do you have any idea what this means for her?” Reid said, the anger cracking to reveal his panic. “Do you know how much pain she must be in? And now, her mom is…”
“Reid,” Hotch said sharply. 
Reid let go, but Morgan kept his hands on his arms. 
“We’ll find her.”
The two men looked at each other, a shared guilt between them. Morgan knew, if he’d just told Hotch and Reid about you, they could have stopped you from leaving. 
Spencer berated himself for not noticing the signs. He should have seen it. He should have helped you. 
And now you were gone. 
It was like Fairfax all over again, except now, the only villain they would be facing was the one inside of your head. The demons you’d never shared. 
You didn’t know why you answered the phone. You’d been ignoring calls all day and almost turned it off altogether, but the name that came up stopped you. Maybe you thought it was somehow poetic. 
“Hey JJ.”
“Y/N, hi. I-um-I just heard and I want to see how you’re doing.” 
“You know, I didn’t think Aaron would stoop as low as to use the new mother to babysit.” Your words swam in your head as much as they stumbled out of your mouth. 
“I’m not calling for your brother. I want to make sure you’re doing okay.”
“Oh, I’m doing great. I’m curled up, watching stupid Christmas movies about stupid families with stupid mothers who make stupid dinners for their perfectly stupid kids. I’m having a great morning. You?” 
She paused. “Sweetie, how much have you had to drink?” 
“I don’t know why you guys are making a big deal about this,” you huffed. “It’s not like you were there the first time. You don’t know. Maybe I’ve changed. I’m not the woman you met and trusted into your family. Killing someone does that.” You didn’t mean for the last part to slip out, but the liquor loosened your lips. 
“You’re right. We weren’t there,” she said. “But we’re here now. You have people who care about you, Y/N. We just want to help you.” 
You stared at the tv, absentmindedly watching a mother and daughter decorate Christmas cookies. You imagined them licking the frosting off of the spoons and collapsing in a seizing, gasping heap. Just like you and your mom used to. 
“I need you to do something for me, JJ.” You finally said. 
“Of course. Anything.” 
“You’re the front man. Hell, you’re the first person I met that day. You were so sweet and smiley and wonderful.”
 Your words held no bitterness, but a kind of melancholy. Like you were mourning for a life lost. The life where the two of you were friends, where Spencer smiled at being made godfather of her son, and you could look on with something other than total despair in your chest. You could resume pretending that you were a part of their family. 
“You’re the one that looks through everything and decides what cases to present, right?” 
Her tone tinted with confusion. “Yeah.”
“Tell them I’m not one of your cases.” 
“Y/N, wait-”
You hung up the phone. 
“Okay. Thanks JJ,” Reid sighed. He leaned his head back against the hallway wall, taking a break from his pacing. He tried calling you again, but no answer. 
JJ said you didn’t sound good. He felt bad for bringing her into this- she should be relaxing at home with Henry and Will, but he knew that she would have driven to the BAU and yelled at him for not keeping her in the loop. 
He knew JJ saw you as more of a sister than just a friend. She was worried. Everybody was. 
“Was that JJ?” Prentiss asked. “What’d she say?” 
“That Y/N is drinking and she’s afraid it’s going to get worse,” he said. “Y/N told her that she’s changed. She doesn’t think she deserves to be a part of us anymore.” He paused and ran his hand down his face. “Because she killed Sarah Cunningham.” 
“She thinks she’s becoming her mother,” Prentiss nodded mournfully. “And now, she’ll never get the closure of coming to terms with it because her mother died.” 
“Morgan should have said something,” Reid snapped. “He knew. He could have- I don’t know- maybe if we’d known we could have stopped her from leaving.” 
Prentiss crossed her arms. “Come on, Reid. You aren’t really mad at him and you know it. This is about something else.” 
He stared at her for a moment, shoulders sinking, and started pacing again. “I should have seen it. I knew something was off, but I didn’t do anything and now-”
“Woah woah woah,” she said, holding a hand out to stop him. “This is not your fault, okay? Y/N would have been careful. She understands behavior just as well as we do. She would know exactly what to hide from you, from Hotch, from everybody.” 
“But I should have seen through it,” he shook his head, voice cracking from the pressure building in his chest. “I didn’t even go after her. She left me that letter and I assumed it was because of Vegas. I thought I’d become too much for her and she left just like-” 
He stopped himself. He didn’t even know who he meant at this point. So many people had left him already. The thought of losing you… it piled on with the rest until he couldn’t see anything else anymore. 
Prenitss’ face softened. “Spencer…” 
“I don’t know what to do,” he cried. “When I almost lost her before, we had a villain, something to go after. Now,” His hands floundered helplessly at his sides. He needed to do something. “She doesn’t want to be found.” 
Emily took the younger agent in her arms and hid her own heartbroken expression in his shoulder. It felt like the team had lost one of their own and, in a way, she thought maybe they had. But she refused to accept that. 
Emily Prentiss, of all people, knew what it was like to protect the people you love from your past. And as her mind started running with the connections, she let Reid go, keeping a hand on his shoulder. 
“We’re going to find her,” she said. “She’s going to be okay. Y/N’s one tough woman, even if she doesn’t see that right now. We have to help her find herself.” 
He nodded and returned to his pacing while Prentiss formed a plan. 
Dave- Six years ago
Your arm hung limply in the sling across your chest and the soreness of every motion only made the red tint of embarrassment on your cheeks grow. 
The man sat across from you in a chair in the corner. He flipped absently through a magazine, gazing up every once in a while. 
“I remember you, you know,” you finally said after the silence became unbearable. “You were at my high school graduation reception. You only stayed, like, two minutes, but I saw you there. You’re David Rossi. I’ve read your books.” 
“I would hope you remembered me,” he scoffed, putting the magazine aside. “Who do you think that generous gift came from?” The man smirked and crossed his arms, eyeing you in a way that reminded you of your brother every time you snuck out. “So… wanna talk about how you got here?” 
“Where’s Aaron?” You asked, avoiding his question. 
“Being processed.” 
You nodded, only snippets of the past few hours recovered in your memory. “Right.” You shifted back against the hospital bed pillow and winced. Hangovers and broken bones definitely didn’t mix. You blew out a breath. “That was stupid.” 
“I’ll say,” Former Agent Rossi said. 
You rolled your eyes. “I meant Aaron. He could get fired for something like that, right?” 
“I doubt he will be. Professor Douche isn’t pressing charges so he can keep this all under wraps. Besides, most people in the bureau would have done the same thing,” he glowered. “I know I would have.” 
“Brian isn’t a bad man. He’s brilliant and he’s helped me through-”
“He’s writing a book, Y/N,” Dave blurted. 
You looked away, the reason you drank pouring back into your memory. You’d found the pages on his desk and downed a few glasses of wine, finished a bottle of vodka, and half a bottle of absinthe, by the time he came back to his house. You screamed at him until you fell down a flight of stairs. 
Dave’s face softened with sympathy. “He was using you for content, sweetheart.” 
“That’s not…” You still couldn’t lift your gaze. “That’s not why I did it.” 
He took a seat on the edge of the bed and for some reason, you welcomed his presence. In your years of building up distrust for everyone, this man- basically a stranger- already felt so familiar. 
“I know,” he said. 
“My uncle drowned himself in a bottle of Jack. I haven’t seen him since I graduated, but it’s still, I don’t know. When you don’t have much family, every member counts, right?” You finally looked up at him and found he was listening intently. “That’s why I went over to Brian- Dr. Calvin’s house. I have a key so I let myself in and found the manuscript on his desk.” You didn’t know why you were telling him all this. Maybe you knew, if Aaron trusted him, then you could too. 
He didn’t say anything for a while, only nodded in understanding. After a while, he finally spoke. “You know, I’ve been through a lot with your brother in the years we worked together.” He paused, making sure you understood the importance of what he was about to say. “When he called me tonight, I'd never heard him so scared. Believe me. The broken nose was deserved.” 
You laughed humorlessly, hating the fact that he was right. When you were loaded into the ambulance, you remembered Brian worrying about how he’d look. He screamed at you for bringing him into your problems. He wasn’t anything like the person you’d fallen in love with. Your brother had just seen that all along. 
“You’re a legend in profiling, right?” You said. 
He raised a brow. “I don’t know if ‘legend’ is the word I would use.” He chuckled. “Why?” 
You turned your head to the window. Your lip quivered as the pieces and fractures of memory kept coming back to you. 
“Why do I do it?” When you looked back at him, tears filled your vision. “I mean, I saw what it did to Uncle Robbie. I’ve seen it since I was a kid and I let it happen to me anyway. I welcomed it. Why?” 
“There’s a lot of reasons people turn to alcohol and drugs, especially after going through something like you did,” he said. “It makes sense that maybe you saw a kind of relief your uncle got from it so you tried to find it for yourself.” 
“Is there something wrong with me, Mr. Rossi?” You cried. “For the past four years, I’ve been trying to figure it out. I tried to drink it away, but it just made things worse. I don’t know what to do.”
He put a hand on top of yours. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Y/N. You survived something nobody should ever have to go through. Your entire life changed. Hell, you found out there was another half to your family you didn’t even know about. And you still graduated top of your class. You’ve pushed yourself so hard to prove to yourself that you aren’t that girl anymore that you split yourself in two.” 
You closed your eyes, the tears finally spilling out. You never realized it before. All this time, you’ve spent studying to figure out why your mom did what she did that you never thought to turn what you’d learned on yourself. You were overcompensating in one side of your life and crashing in the other. 
Dave held your hand a little tighter. “It’s time to become whole again.”
Although he didn’t show it, Aaron felt sick. The panic had knotted his insides and clouded his head with images of his little sister lying on a motel floor somewhere, choking on your own bile or with a gun in your hand. 
He hated himself for not realizing sooner. He knew the signs. He’d spent two years with you getting through your addiction. The overcompensating and avoidance made sense now. You knew, of all of the people in this office, he’d see through it and he failed. 
“She’ll be okay,” Rossi said from his seat in the corner. “She was before. She’ll find a way back.” 
Hotch shook his head. “This time is different. When Robbie died, she lost a connection to her past self. She mourned the person she used to be, but she came out of it. Now, she lost any amount of closure she could have gotten,” he sighed. “She never went and saw her, you know. Not since the trial. She said she always meant to, to understand, but she could never bring herself to do it. Now, she can’t.” 
“And with what happened in Fairfax…” Rossi blew out a breath. “She thinks there’s nothing now to stop her from becoming like Lydia.” 
“Without her mother as a tether, she thinks there’s nothing stopping her from losing herself entirely. It’s why she left Reid, why she’s been avoiding me,” Hotch said, a tone of helplessness making his voice darken. “She’s protecting us from what she thinks she’s inevitably becoming.” 
Rossi nodded and stood. He walked to the Unit Chief’s desk and put a hand on the edge. “It’s up to us to remind her that’s not what she is. And then we’ll bring her home.” 
A quiet knock at the door interrupted their thoughts. Morgan stood, tension evident in the stiff way he held his shoulders. Like the springs inside of him were waiting to break. Hotch dismissed Rossi with a nod. 
The older agent left and closed the door behind him. 
Morgan shifted uncomfortably. “Garcia tried tracking Y/N’s phone, but she’s got it blocked off somehow.”
“I helped her do that,” Hotch sighed, running a hand down his face. “I didn’t want her to have to worry about fans or copycats trying to get to her. You know what the press was like.”
“Arnold Owens was a real piece of work,” Morgan nodded. “I can’t imagine what that was like for her.” 
“It wasn’t easy, but she was always a tough kid.” The other agent made for the door, but Hotch stopped him. “Have a seat.” 
Morgan clenched his jaw, took a deep breath, and took the chair across from Hotch, the deep sense of dread now mixing with his guilt. 
Hotch centered his gaze on Morgan, the seriousness of his expression softened by the sincerity in his eyes. 
“I don’t blame you for what happened in Fairfax,” Hotch said. 
Of the things Derek was expecting, that was not on the list. He just sat there, blinking for a moment. “I didn’t think that you…” There wasn’t any point in lying, so his voice trailed off. 
“I don’t blame you, Morgan. Owens was the more pressing threat. You couldn't have known the Cunninghams were waiting for her. It wasn’t your fault. Nobody thinks that, including Y/N. I know how you’ve carried it with you. I know you think that’s the reason I’ve been so hard on you and I need you to know, now, that it isn’t.” 
Morgan looked at his hands, clasped in his lap. “I know I should have said something about her drinking, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
“She asked you not to and you trusted that she would make the decision on her own to seek help. And she might have, had her mother not passed away. That isn’t your fault either.” Hotch leaned forward on his desk. 
The average person may not have noticed the change in his face, the slight hint to just how worried he really was, but Morgan did.
 “I’m telling you this because I need you to have a clear head for all of this,” Hotch said. “I’m afraid you and Prentiss are the only ones who can. You saw what it’s already doing to Reid and I…” He swallowed. “I’ve seen what she’s been through before and I’m afraid this time is only going to be worse. If we all close in on her, I don’t know what she’ll do.” 
Morgan stood with new determination. “I’ll have Garcia work a new angle.” 
“I’ll be right out,” Hotch said. “I need to call Haley in case Y/N said anything to her.” 
“Wherever Y/N is, Hotch, I’m not gonna rest until I bring her back and get her help.” Morgan opened the door and stepped back out to the bullpen, finding Reid still pacing in the hall and Prentiss’ chair empty.
The Christmas movies continued as you downed another glass. You fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling while your hand reached for underneath the pillow. You stopped halfway, rolling your head to the side and switching your focus to the fabric on the chair. 
Somehow, your legs managed to bring you to the chair and your fingers latch onto the scarf. The soft, purple material made you feel more than you want it to. The guilt. The loneliness. The wish to have him here now like nothing happened. But that was selfish. 
Your mind traveled back to what laid underneath your pillow. 
A soft knock at the door brought you back. 
You groaned quietly and sat back down on the bed, hoping they’d just go away. The manager had checked up on you a couple of times just to make sure you paid, so it was probably just him again, even though you’d paid out for the next few days. 
“Y/N, it’s me.” 
“Crap,” you muttered, but the word itself hardly formed on your lips. Maybe if you were quiet enough, she’d go away. 
“Come on, I know it’s you. Open the door,” Emily boomed. She knocked again, this time louder. It made your head pound. 
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” you winced. You made your way to the door, tripping slightly on the chair leg. You kept the chain locked and cracked the door open. “Hey Emily.”
She grimaced and put a hand down her nose. “God, you look like hell.” 
“What’re you doing here?” You slurred through the words and swayed on your feet. 
“Can I come in?” 
“I don’t think that’s-” The turning in your stomach cut you off. You slammed the door shut and unlatched the chain. 
“Okay, this is how we’re doing this,” Emily sighed, hurrying after you, hearing the sounds of you vomiting in the bathroom. 
She sat beside you and held your hair as if you were college girls at a party. The hand on your back soothed your sickness until you were able to sit up again. 
“I never had a big sister,” you muttered through your haze. 
Emily didn’t say anything. It broke her heart to see the strong woman she’d come to know reduced to a scared girl on the floor of a sleazy motel bathroom. She could see in your eyes, behind the drunken trance, the despair you were trying to forget. Wrapped around your hand, a long purple scarf was carefully kept off of the floor and in your lap. Even intoxicated, you seemed to protect it. 
“Isn’t it stupid?” You said, noticing her eyes on the scarf. “I stole it. His favorite scarf. I just wanted something I could hold, you know? He’s probably looking for it. Will you give it back to him?” You held it out to her with sad eyes and pouting lips. 
She lifted you off the floor. “No.”
“Why not?” 
“Because you are going to give it to him yourself,” she said. “After we sober you up, so come on.” 
“But I don’t want-”
She pushed you into the shower and turned on the stream of freezing water, ignoring your squeals of protest, only now taking the scarf from your hand. You stood in the spray of icy cold and could feel. 
You got out of the shower and were sick again. After that, Emily decided you seemed conscious enough and took you back into the room, helping you change out of your soaked clothes and forcing a glass of water down your throat. The water was followed by coffee and you switched back and forth between the two. It must have been an hour of just that. No questions. No words. Just water and coffee. 
“Why are you here?” You finally asked, pulling the blanket around your shoulders tighter.
“You’ve got a lot of worried people back home. You know that.” Emily thought back to Reid’s trance over the past few days, his terror as he paced. She handed you the scarf. 
You sniffed. “He hates me now, doesn’t he?” You abandoned him with nothing more than a note- just like his dad, just like Gideon. You didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye. At the time, you just hoped he’d never have to see you again. 
“He misses you.” 
You closed your eyes, rubbing the fabric back and forth in your hands, as if you could conjure his comfort. When you opened them again, you were still just in the motel room, sitting across from Emily’s pitying eyes. 
You blew out a long breath. “How did you even know how to find me?” 
Her expression darkened and she looked down for a moment before returning to your gaze. “Because I’d do the same thing.” This was the part she was afraid of, but she swallowed and kept a straight face. “Now… where is it?” 
You froze, fingers tightening around the scarf. You could deny it. You could say you didn’t know what she meant. But what was the point? 
Emily held out her hand. You leaned back, reached underneath the pillow, and pulled out the gun. She took it slowly, as if reaching too fast would scare you into shooting it. With one hand, she tucked it into her waistband behind her, and with the other she reached for yours. 
“I need to know- I’m not going to be upset with you- but,” she sighed, “did you come here to use this?” Her voice was filled with such sincerity, such concern, you knew you couldn’t lie. 
“I don’t know,” your words were surprisingly steady. “I just wanted to protect everyone.”
She nodded, understanding. “From you?” 
You didn’t say anything. You just turned your head to the window. She continued. 
“Y/N, I know what it’s like to be afraid of becoming just like your parents. Hell, half of the people in your life know what that’s like.” 
You scoffed. “It’s not the same thing.” 
“You’re right, it isn’t,” she said. “But I also know what it’s like to be so terrified of a part of yourself that you’d do anything to keep it hidden. You’d do anything to protect the people you love from the ugly, brokenness you feel.” She squeezed your hand a little tighter. “But all you’re going to do is hurt them.” 
Her words sunk into you like teeth, but the wall around your heart wouldn’t let them completely in. There was still that fear, the sense of inevitability that even her honest eyes couldn’t chase away. But it did make you realize something. You may not have had the strength, but you still needed a failsafe. Just in case she was wrong. 
You wiped the corner of your lip with the back of your hand. 
“I need you to call someone for me.” 
The office was buzzing with effort in trying to locate you. Everyone was working even harder since Prentiss just up and disappeared. 
“We know she must have gone to Fairfax,” Reid exclaimed. “Why can’t we just go find her?”
“This is all about protecting us from who she thinks she has become,” Hotch sighed. “If we charge after her, I’m afraid what measures she’d take to keep from ‘hurting’ us.” 
Reid stopped his furious scribbling on the map of the city. He turned to Hotch, wide eyed and terrified. “You don’t think she’d…”
“I think, if she’s pushed herself this close to the edge, then she’ll do anything if she believes it means not dragging us down with her.” 
Spencer let the marker fall to his side and leaned hopelessly back against the table. Statistics unmercifully filled his head. Connections between PTSD and suicide, alcholism and every other dark thought his stupid logical brain could conjure. He should have seen the signs if you had gotten this bad.
“She’s spent her whole life learning how to mask herself, Reid,” Hotch said, as if reading his mind. The older agent was thinking the same thing. He should have known you were avoiding him for a reason. 
“Guys,” Morgan rushed through the doorway, phone in his hand. “Prentiss found her.” He put the phone back to his ear and listened, expression contorting with confusion. “What are you talking about? Just bring her back.” 
Reid opened his mouth, but Morgan held up a hand to stop him. 
“Alright, alright. Text me the place and I’ll meet you there.” 
The shift in his tone made Reid and Hotch stop breathing. Hotch was the first to speak. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Morgan’s head tilted, bewildered. “Prentiss found her. Sobered her up as best she could. But she wants me to pick her up.” 
“What are we waiting for?” Reid exclaimed. “Let’s go.”
“Just me,” Morgan said. “Y/N said it’s important.” He shrugged and looked to Hotch for approval. 
Hotch nodded. “Go.”
Reid whipped his head around. “We aren’t going with him?” 
“If that’s what brings her back,” he sighed. “Yes.” 
He spent the entire drive trying to wrap his head around it. Why him? Did you still think he was the only one who knew about the drinking? Why wouldn’t you want to see your brother? Or Reid, for that matter? Sure, there was a reason you left him, but of everyone in the BAU, why would you need him to come and get you. 
Derek pulled into the parking lot of the motel Prentiss sent him and spotted both of your cars in front of the room. Prentiss stood outside the door with a duffle bag and a grave expression. 
“Hey,” he greeted, getting out of his car. “What the hell is going on?” 
Prentiss shrugged. “She told me she wanted you to take her back so she could talk to you about something. She wouldn’t tell me what.” She turned to the office where you were checking out. “I’m just relieved she agreed to come back at all.” 
He blew out a long breath. “That bad, huh?” 
“I counted four empty bottles in that room,” she nodded. “And I found this.” Prentiss glanced around before pulling the gun out from her waistband. 
Derek looked down. 
“Do you think she was going to do it?” 
“Honestly…” She sighed. “I don’t think she’d see it as enough. She thinks she deserves this. Deserves being alone and miserable. She’s convinced herself that there isn’t a way out.” 
“Then why did she agree to come back at all?” He mused. 
You finished paying and walked back to where the two agents waited for you, Derek’s hard, worried face staring you down. You straightened your shoulders, determined. He was the only one that could do it. 
“Are we ready?” You asked, picking your duffle bag off of the ground. 
“I guess I’ll just meet you guys back in Quantico.” Emily said, gaze darting between the two of you. 
“Quantico?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Why would I be going to Quantico?” 
“Because you called me to take you back and that’s where we’re going,” Derek said. 
You made no further argument and got in the car. 
The drive started in tense silence. You didn’t say a word, partially because every motion of the vehicle was making your head sway. You should have taken Emily up on her aspirin offer. 
“So are we gonna spend the next forty minutes in silence, or what?” He chided. 
“Why are you talking so loud?” You groaned, leaning your head against the cool window. 
“God, you’re really out of it still, aren’t you?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Sweetheart, you just spent the last four days on a bender, scaring the hell out of everyone, and breaking Reid’s heart in the process, so fine is not exactly the word I would choose.” 
“This was a bad idea,” you muttered to yourself. Your head’s pounding increased. 
“You wanted me, you’ve got me, but I’m not gonna just drive you back so you can disappear again.” 
You put a hand to your forehead. “Please stop talking.”
“Why did you need me anyway? Do you have any idea what this has been doing to Reid-”
“Pull over.” 
“Pull over, damnit.” The ferocity of your tone was all he needed and he quickly got to the side of the road in time for you to be sick again. 
Derek stopped the car and got out, walking around to the other side where you were crouched by the passenger door, hands on your knees to hold yourself up. 
“Great,” he exhaled, crossing his arms. 
“Yeah, well, alcohol poisoning’s a bitch, Derek. I would know.” You stood back up, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Here you were, standing on the side of the road in a puddle of sick, with Derek Morgan’s famous big-brother-protective, but frustrated, gaze locked on you. 
The two of you stood there for a long time. It was just like the police station. His tough-love approach was familiar, almost comforting. It had to be him. 
He seemed to understand the shift in your gaze. “Why did you call me, Y/N?” He stepped towards you. 
“Because they love me too much,” you sighed, coming away from the car and the now soaked earth. 
“You’re the only one who will do it,” you said. “Because they love me too much.” 
 His eyes narrowed, trying to figure out what you meant. They widened again when he understood. “No.” 
“You’re the only one-”
“You can’t actually be serious,” he scoffed. 
“If I… change. If I do something to hurt them. I need you to-”
“That’s not how this works, Y/N. You know that. You’ve spent the last ten years studying it. You aren’t just going to wake up one day and turn into Lydia Y/L/N.” 
“I killed, Derek,” you cried. “I’m a killer. I’m already her.”
“Your mother suffered a severe psychotic break due to undiagnosed PTSD from your father’s abuse,” he said slowly. “Why are you so convinced that that’s who you are?”
“Because everything I touch dies!” 
Your hand hit his chest before you really knew what you were doing. You pushed again. 
“Arrest me.” 
“I’m not gonna do that.” 
You hit him again, this time harder. “Derek, arrest me. Stop me. Do something! Arrest me, damnit!”
“Y/N, stop.” 
“I can’t go back. You have to end it. I can’t- please- I can’t do it alone. Derek, please.”  
He caught you before you fell, holding you up against his chest as your arms fell defeated to your sides. Sobs muffled against him and tears stained his dark shirt. You kept muttering the same things over and over again until they didn’t make sense to you anymore. Derek lowered his voice to a persistent, caring whisper. 
“Y/N, running away isn’t going to save us. You can’t protect anyone by destroying yourself,” he sighed, keeping his arms locked around your shaking frame. “Or asking me to.”  
“You don’t- you don’t know that.” 
“I know you. And I know how crazy Reid and your brother are going right now worrying about you,” he said, still holding on. “They aren’t afraid of you, sweetheart. They’re afraid of losing you.” He pulled back, tucking a finger under your chin to lift your head. “If I don’t bring you back, that kid is going to lose his mind, you hear me?” He smiled slightly. “I know the fight you’ve got in your head isn’t one that I can just pull you out of, even though I want to. But that’s the thing, Y/N. You have to keep fighting.”
You closed your eyes, more tears cascading down your cheeks. He kissed your forehead. “Let’s take you home, okay? I talked to Garcia and she said we can use her office and you can tell me everything. Or you can say nothing. It’ll be up to you.” 
With a deep breath, you nodded, opened the car door and climbed inside. 
(I know I forgot to post last week, I'm sorry!)
The In-Betweens series: @amywright; shesoperfectt;  hereforsmutbcicantgetenough;  violetbossler;  hyper-half-blood;  i-bitch-you-bitch; xcastawayherosx; preciousbabypeter; @jori21; @sol-48;  @murdermornings ; @ staygoldsquatchling02; @ ara-a-bird
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toph3r-marshmell00w · 11 months
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Hewo!! ☆
I'm topher! I also go by toph, tophie or marshmellow :33 I'm a British, scemo, furry artist! Also a self proclaimed, nerd and geek! I will post my art, reblog, moodboards, random opinions, maybe even use this blog as a little journal! Another thing, I am the biggest tophfucius shipper, I will defend them with my life 🙏
My pronouns are he/thon/they/ze/xe + any neos ^^ do NOT use she/her or it/it's on me. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
I am genderfluid + xenos! I am pansexual as well as aegosexual!! :3 I am ambiamorous ^w^
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I am in many fandoms, for example we haveeee my fav rn, clone high!! Then we have others like fbacc, fnaf, yfm, eddsworld, sandersides, furry, vocaloid, total drama(minor), MLP, South Park, SML, Invader Zim, FRED figglehorn, welcome home(minor), super Mario, smiling friends, hunter x hunter, rick and Morty(minor), tally hall, horrible histories, football (+ 442oons, I'm also a Bayern Munich supporter!!:33), and probably more I can't remember!! XD But I'll mostly be posting about clone high!! ^^
If you'd like to play games with me, I'm up 4 it but i don't play roblox (srry roblox players) , I used to but I'm more interested in minecraft ^w^ I play both java and bedrock! :DD
My music taste mostly consists of scene music of course as well as emo! Sometimes I like to listen to hyperpop, rock, metal, fangame/fandom music, music boxes(mostly the fnaf music boxes), game soundtrack, vocaloid, music from the old internet and sometimes weird al!! :DD I also have a soft spot for shakira (aka my wife/hj <33)
WHOOP WHOOP!! I'm also a juggalo! :33 my fav song from ICP is confederate flag! ^_^
I have quite a few favorite youtubers! These include, FRED (ofc) , memeulous, Danny Gonzalez, drew gooden, Kurtis Conner, tomska, markiplier, jacksepticeye, saberspark, Flamingo, one topic, TUV, messyourself, imallexx, willNE, James marriott and MUCH more!
I am very very VERY interested in history, I love it so much! Everything from the stone age to the 2010s! I love it!! I do hours of research, make powerpoints, factfiles, read about it etc!
I am also quite interested in things like world cups (precisely the 2014 world Cup), Maned wolves and lop bunnies, graphic novels and space! I love doing research about them and picking up random facts + key info about them! If anyone would like to hear me ramble about em please dm I AM BEGGINGGGG <33 I'll also listen to you ramble aswell :33
In total, I have 6 collections: badges/pins, posters, plushies, figures, stickers and cans! ^^
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Other random stuffffzz!!
I'm a multi shipper and I ship like anything except proships :3 Though for clone high, I don't really like joanabe, Joanfk, candidworth, jfgogh (I don't get this ship I'm sorry) and harrucius (I mean it's cute but it's just not 4 me ^_^) My fav ships are tophfucius, tophabe(pls don't bully me 😭), joanrriet, Vanceaser, jfabe, butlertron x scudworth (I dunno the ship name 😔), kahlopatra, tommatt, paultryck, poly Martians, scutters (Scott malkinson x butters, one of my fav rarepairs <33), tophdi, jfucius, harold x leshawna, harold x Ezekiel, Ezekiel x Justin, Noah x Cody and like so much more ships that I can't even remember TwT
I'm a copinglink! My copinglinks are topher bus(CH), benatar (YFM) and tom(EW)!! Copinglinks are a coping mechanism to deal with stress, trauma, or other issues by identifying as someone / something knowingly, willingly, and actively! :3
Kinlist!! :
Top kins: Topher bus, Gandhi(CLONEHIGH!!) , pip pirrup, benatar, puff puff, tom (EW), Confucius(CLONEHIGH!!), pinkie pie and Heidi Turner!!
kins: Matt, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, axel chains, joan of arc(CLONE HIGH SEASON 1), van Gogh(CLONEHIGH!!), JFK(again CLONE HIGH!!), stan marsh, Cody and harold(TD) and Kyle(fbacc)!!
Forgot to mention but Im a shifter :3 (current DR is clone high :D)
OHHH ANDDDDD my birthday is 27th Feb! ^^ so erm that's cool :DD
Here's some of my art!
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・basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes racists, ped0s etc)
・People who ship irl people.. That's just weird.
・people who bully/send death threats over ships..
・People I know irl.
・AI artists
・ Idm how old you are, you can interact but if you are above the age of 21 please don't dm me or become close. I have bad experience with people 20+ but idm if they interact or reblog or whatever just as long as they don't try to get close.
・I AM A MINOR‼️ please be aware of that when talking to me.
・If you need someone to talk to/vent to I'm here! ^^ but please ask before venting. Also remember that I am not a therapist and I won't be able to respond to all your vents. Another thing, don't just use me to vent. I'm not your own personal therapist that will help you with your problems :/ if venting is all you want to do with me then you are blocked.
・ do NOT use fem terms on me. Only masc or gender neutral :3
・I have a fear of ladybugs/ladybirds. Please do not bring them up or send photos of them or anything like that, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable, unsafe, anxious and very scared.
・As an artist, I do not like people reposting my art on other apps. I don't care if credit is given i am still incredibly uncomfortable. If you'd like to use my art for a profile picture or anything as such (like that'll ever happen) please ask :)
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Thank you so much 4 reading!! I hope i can make some friends or mutuals! :DD
I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!! Remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself <33 love y'all!!/p :33
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twelve-nights · 6 months
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x x x x 🌿 x x x x
Senku Ishigami stimboard for myself
Do not tag as kin/id/me/fictive
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tavs-kin-korner · 1 year
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cudiess · 4 months
abt me cs i feel like i didnt do it right in bio <3
mexc, domini rep , chinese — miner
i have limitations to my pronouns, you cannot use any pronouns on me. so worry about misgendering me! /hj
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I usually n will post/repost current hyper-fixations(╹◡╹)
One Piece, Dr . Stone , JJK , KNY, Soul Eater , BSD, TDLSK, Arctic Monkeys, HxH , Cells At Work , Tyla , Yuno Miles , Komi Can’t Communicate , Black Clover , Avatar , KonoSuba , Fairy Tail , Lucky Star , Cats , Rblx , One Piece , Sanrio , PJSK , MP100, InuYasha , God Troubles Me, Did i say Dr. Stone ? (ect..)
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SOCALS ; ↓↓↓
Disc: cudiecatz
Spotify: cutiecudiez
Pinterest: Cudmoy
Rblx: N/A
Xbox: cudiecatz
“Remember When You Used To Be A Rascal?” — Fluorescent Adolescent , Arctic Monkeys
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Kins & Favs .!!
KINS: Najimi Osana , Asa Mitaka , Crona, Honey-Senpai , Reigen Arataka , Shun Kaito , Chiyo Yumehara , And Gen Asagiri
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FAVS: NICO ROBIN , Senku Ishigami , Rumiko Manbagi , Death The Kid , Nami , Chococat , Kirby , Yuta Okkotsu , Kanae Kocho , Killua Zoldyck , n ect..
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I’m super awesome so you should totally add my socials and stuff yk :3 , love my pookies and my cat kitty cat cat meow meow (^ω^)+ my tags are “cudiesart” and “cudiesyap”
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“ Well, R U Mine? ” (。・ω・。)
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mugenloopdalove · 11 months
pastelcringeboy's f/ovember post!!
hey guys!! ill be doing f/ovember casually this year!! ill be doing this for my kin f/os and f/os i have s/is for!!
kin f/os:
overwatch (kin: gerard lacroix)
soldier 76
widow (trans masc widowmaker)
amelie lacroix (canon widowmaker)
sigma (talon canon specific)
sombra (talon canon specific)
sonic movie (kin: agent stone)
dr robotnik
shadow the hedgehog (kid)
pinstripe (crash bandicoot-s/i: summer)
blackjack (steel vengeance-s/i: tess)
kevin (saints row-s/i: b)
disco kid (punch out-s/i: mel)
kaori (mirishita-s/i: mimi)
brigitte (overwatch-s/i: miles)
itto (genshin-s/i milo)
jiro (imas side m-s/i mimimi/miles)
cassidy and genji (overwatch-s/i: elliot)
adachi and dojima (persona 4-s/i: eli)
goro majima (yakuza-s/i: mellie)
d.va (overatch-s/i: miles)
rio (mirishita-s/i: mimi)
roary (crash bandicoot oc-s/i: summer)
tawna (crash bandicoot-s/i: summer)
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minsarasarahair · 6 months
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I already did the Otto Apocalypse and Jack Vesallius back then so I figured I might as well do something like that for Lou Zhu (Are You OK) and Aventurine (HSR). I love both characters so I want to ramble their only similarities.
Both of their character design are blond haired beautiful men with green and yellow color scheme for their clothes. Different shade of green but still green. Aventurine was seen wearing stylish shades, fluffy fur in his clothes and has his iconic green earring. Lou Zhu on other hand was seen occasionally wear shade as well when he go out of his tower to do work, has fluffy fur for his outer cloak for his novel design, and he has this iconic green hair accessory in his braid.
Both are merchant characters who excels in business field. Lou Zhu own a popular shopping mall establishment as his main source of income known as his Best Tower and it really help to boost up the economy in Da Liang so people who are looking for job opportunities and businessmen look up to him while Aventurine is one of the elite who works for IPC Strategic Investment Department known for his good fortunes when it comes to wager because he never lose.
They both appear frivolous and cunning who wear luxurious attire but they are not that bad as a person and definitely has a heart who know what fear felt like. Aventurine truly treasure and miss his family while Lou Zhu is a lonely man suffering from homesick so he protects people from his world behind the emperor's back. Aventurine has accessory he treasure given by his deceased family and Lou Zhu's underground floor in Best Tower is his secret museum contained of his treasured things left behind by his fellow outsiders who are most likely died or killed by the emperor's men.
Both of them are survivor who climb up to their current position. Aventurine is the only survivor of his kin, Avgin from Sigonia but sadly caught to slavery. He fought his way to break away from it and even kill his master. That's when he caught the IPC's attention so they decided to scout him to be part of 10 stone hearts of IPC. In Lou Zhu's case, there's a past where the emperor lined up all of the outsiders like him to see what they can offer. If they are useless, they are either killed or jailed. Lou Zhu won the emperor's favor easily because he's useful and resourceful so he became the emperor's henchman. Lou Zhu might not be the only survivor but outsiders like him is heavily discriminated by natives just because he's an outsider who never belong in their world.
Technically, they both kinda died at least once. Lou Zhu was murdered by his business nemesis in his original world before he transmigrated to Da Liang and Aventurine needs to die in the dream as part of his plan to get across the barrier with the help of Acheron. They have so many close call scenario in their life as well. They both have moments when they march to death too.
They both have blue haired close friend who look after them. Lou Zhu has Lin Kai, leader of Martial arts alliance and Aventurine has Dr. Ratio, one of the geniuses from Intelligentsia guild.
They both have addictive personality and opportunists. Aventurine was seen being interested to gambling, trading and bargaining chips to the point he don't mind risking his own life. Lou Zhu is very workaholic behind his lazy façade hence why he never enjoyed his first life but thank god he has friends now who tell him to get a vacation and was seen playing his favorite card game of death. He said in the extra story that he's afraid of losing his interest toward money one day because most likely he'll be out of control who can become obsessed in love so he prefer to be laid back as possible.
Both have business pal with white hair and red hair highlight. Aventurine has his coworker Topaz who just got demoted so he's her boss now. Lou Zhu used to have Zuo Yunqi as his bodyguard to learn about business but at the end of series, he became an independent businessman. They write to each other to give update about their life or ask advices just like how Aventurine casually call Topaz and offers her a job.
There are moments that they are outwitted by other characters no matter how smart they are but of course, they still fight back and turn around the table. Sunday outwitted Aventurine by using his power against him for his benefit together with Dr. Ratio who's only pretending he betrayed him and Zuo Yunqi use Lou Zhu's influence to enter the emperor's palace with the help of Lin Kai behind his back. Of course, somehow both of it became part of their plan.
They barely have friends. I like to believe Aventurine is at least friends with Topaz and Dr. Ratio. In the book, Lou Zhu was hinted he don't have friends or even family in his first life and only has his riches so when he meet his murderer again Lou Zhu actually thanked him because he met his best friends in his second life.
One of their bargaining chip are from their business pal. Aveturine has Topaz's cornerstone and Lou Zhu got the banned book as his bargaining chip from Zuo Yunqi who stole it from their Tuo Huang enemy.
In conclusion, I believe Aventurine is actually a mix of anime Lou Zhu and book Lou Zhu. Book Lou Zhu is more cunning and into gambling but Anime Lou Zhu show more the soft side and vulnerability of the character.
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