#dr. crabblesnitch
nllick · 1 year
I was casually playing bully and this was my first time seeing Dr. Crabblesnitch in a cowboy hat💀 I was so confused
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year
Bully: The Deal
I've been proud of what I wrote for a big story idea for Bully (the game by rockstar) but its still like first chapter and I probably wont get to it anytime soon. So I wanted to post some bits and pieces. Mostly showing like Pete's perspective and resemblance of like Gary and his Grandfather Also this is the game Bully so offensive language is kind of part of the deal.
Pete Kowalski have had many bad days in his life. As being a small and shy, but curious child, it was bound to be the case. Like the time when he was five and a bunch of boys poor glue all over his head. Or like the time he was eight and he watched his dog get hit by a car because he wanted to play outside with him.
The lady who hit the dog, fussed at Pete for not keeping him on a leash and demanded his parents pay for the damage done to the bumper. Pete never asked for another pet since.
There was also a time when Pete first started Bullworth. A bunch of bullies stuck him into a trash can and rolled him off of school grounds down into the beach path. He rolled straight into the water. Pete had to swim back to shore as the trash sailed off to sea. And that was just a few really terrible ones that came to mind, however, none of them compared to the deep sense of dread and anxiety of today. Well... maybe the dog thing was worse, but this was a close second. “Hello~ Earth to Fem-boy!” A hand waved in front of his face. The hand retreated back, like a pulled curtain, revealing a scarred face with a wicked grin. Gary Smith was back for another year at Bullworth. “I hate to disappoint you, Petey, but I don't swing that way. Though I know its hard not to stare. I'm an incredible. Human body at its peak.” Gary flexing his arms, “Humanities greatest achievement. Genetic marvel, really.” “Not mentally.” Pete bit his tongue as soon as he let his words slip. Cursing internally as Gary turned back towards him.
“Ooohoo hoo~ I see someone got started on their testosterone while I was gone.” Gary cooed with a nastier grin. Eyes sharp. Petey rolled his eyes, as he always did with the boy. Though he can't deny after the stunt Gary pulled last year, he was highly on edge. Just being in same room with Gary, set off his flight response. Pete couldn't imagine rooming with the guy again for another year or two. “Whatever Gary. What are you even doing here?”
“Oh, you know! Just like every snot-nose moron that infect these halls, I was.. forced to.” Gary gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, shaking it a little.
Pete raised a brow, his arms crossed. Forced to? “Yes! Girly-boy,” Did Pete say his thoughts out loud again? Though, with Gary, it could be that he read Pete's expression or that he wanted to continue for the sake of dramatic effect. “-Forced! Forced by the unfortunate trash that gave me life to attend this sorry God-forsaken zoo we call a school.” Gary flopped back on his bed, opposite of Pete's, arms crossed. His back against the wall. “Trust me, this is the LAST place I would want to be. Well, I guess second to that damn asylum.” Petey couldn't say he was shocked. Letting out a sigh, Pete asked mostly to himself, “Why me though?” “I don't know, Petey. Why don't you go ask Dr. Crabs-for-brains? After all, I'm sure he'll tell you with all the sucking up you had to do to get the title of HEAD boy. Or maybe he might even switch you with Hopkins if you offer some ass.” Pete's face flush with embarrassment and scrunched up in absolute disgust at the comment. “You're so gross.”
“I'm not the one sucking cock-” “Whatever, Jerk. I'm outta here.” Pete swiftly turned to walk out of the dorm. “Give the head a good kiss for me~ Right on the ass che-!” Pete slammed the door shut, a bit harder than he wanted to, but within ten minutes in the same room with Gary and Pete was ready to go back home. Too bad his parents wouldn't let him even if he did. 'You spend too much time inside!' 'Go out and play, son!' 'Don't you have a girlfriend, yet?' 'You're sixteen, Pete! Go to the park, go ride a bike, or get drunk at a party- just go do something!' Pete pinched the bridge of his nose while sticking his free hand into his pocket. To think he was even looking forward to the new year. He had FRIENDS.. well a friend and his friend's current... girlfriend? Jimmy never made it clear what Zoe was, but neither did Zoe. He was the head boy, which was bound to gain him some respect. At least by the smaller kids. The cliques were somewhat on good terms since Jimmy beat their asses again. Things were looking up for once. But... Pete should have known better by now, that anything that goes up must come down.
“Here he is, Mr. Smith. The perfect model student of Bullworth Academy. Our Head Boy, Paul Kowalski-”Dr. Crabblesnitch stood up and patted Pete on the shoulder. “Peter, sir.” Pete corrected with a muttered. “Aha-yes yes. My mistake. Peter Kowalski.” Dr. Crabblesnitch's hand squeezing Pete's shoulder. His face keeping a stressed smile. “Head Boy?” The gruff voice of the older man asked with a raise brow. Pete tried hard not to frown as he recognized that tone. Mr. Smith plopped down in a empty chair right next to the one that was overturned on the floor. “This puny punk? Ha! He looks like one step away from wearing a dress and changing his name to Patty.” Okay, yeah. They were definitely related. Pete's face twitched in annoyance. “You must be Gary's grandfather. I can see where he gets his sense of humor from.” Petey outstretched his hand out towards Mr. Smith, trying to ignore the painful grip of Dr. Crabblesnitch's hand on his shoulder.
Mr. Smith tilted his head as his mustache swished back and fourth. Pete tried to keep his smile in place. He didn't want to appear weak or intimidated, but the silent tension was making Pete nervous. “Hahaha! Nice to meet you, Peter.” Mr. Smith burst out laughing while he reached out to shake Pete's hand. “Nice. To meet. You. Too... Mr. Smith.” Pete said through gritted teeth, trying to not let the pain show as Mr. Smith crushed Pete's hand in his grip. “Call me Allen, son.” Mr. Smith let go of Pete's hand and leaned back into his chair. He nodded his head slightly, as if he given Pete his approval. Pete let out a slight breath in relief. He folded his arms behind his back and rubbed his aching hand. Jerk. “Nice to meet you, Allen, sir.” --------------------
“So I thought to myself on how we could prevent the past from repeating itself and then it occurred to me. Our major blind spot is among his peers, thus entrusting a student with upstanding morals for the task was top priority.” Dr. Crabblesnitch looked over at Mr. Smith, “Of course, Gary Smith will be tested regularly as well to make absolutely certain that no tampering has arise.” This was a bad idea. A VERY bad idea. Pete couldn't stop Gary last year! He definitely couldn't, didn't WANT to this year. Gary did what Gary wanted too. He could fake it so easily and Pete... Pete was pretty certain all this would bite him in the ass. In more ways than one. “Hmph. Sounds like a lot of hoopla to me.” Allen's voice snapped Pete out of his daze. “S-sir! I was Gary's roommate last year and-and I don't think-” Petey stuttered. He had to say something, anything to try to get out of this. “Splendid! Then you'll already know what his condition is like with or without his medication.” “No-I mean yes, but-!” “Well! You've certainly convinced me, Crabblesnitch. I think its a wonderful idea.” Allen laughed loudly, standing up with a grin. Pete froze as he whipped his face towards Allen in confusion. What were all the adults on in this town?! The old man walked over to him, and slapped his back making the poor boy stumble forward. “I feel quite satisfied that this young lad is going to be playing caretaker to my grandson.” Allen barked. Pete's eyes danced between the headmaster and Mr. Smith. Confusion still written clearly on his face. “Ah, I'm so glad you've come to reason, Mr. Smith. Though Peter is not going to be responsible for Gary Smith's actions, he will at least keep us updated.” Dr. Crabblesnitch letting out a small breath of relief. Pete was too stun to reply. His fate was sealed, just like that.
“Ah, finally some fresh air. I was getting tired of smelling all that bullshit in there,” Allen chuckled as he gave Pete a wink. Pete choked on a snort. “It was.. stifling to say the least.” Allen barked a laugh as he started to walk again. “Well, I'm glad there was at least one person that isn't stuck so far up their own ass that they can't smell shit around them.” Pete hummed in response, not sure how to take the compliment.
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cyanityy · 13 days
Thinking about how secondary schools usually have three-word Latin mottos on the emblem to show which virtues are most exercised ("Modeste, Strenue, Sancte", "Stet Fortuna Domus"..) so having the original Bully game named Canis Canem Edit was a jab at this system while hinting at what Bullworth's climate is like.
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mintys-corner · 2 years
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Bully manual comics
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olympeparpaing · 2 years
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Plus junk i forgot to post here
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
What do you think Dr Crabblesnitch was like when he was a prefect?
iirc canonically Crabblesnitch was previously a Bullworth prefect probably some time in the 1960s, given that the he's in his 50s and the game is set in 2006
I Fr love ur prompts Omg
He was a mythic bitch.
He was one of the strictest prefects
In the beta paddles were apart of the game. Therefore I think through the 50’s to mid-80’s they used paddles as punishment.
His paddle had a name, special case, was freshly polished, it had all the fixings.
He treated that paddle better than Ms. Danvers.
It was also put to use. Very frequently.
He would hit students so hard they would be limping-
Many of his peers genuinely feared him and would loathe waking up.
I imagine he was most likely head boy as well
So he had to keep track or dorms and whatnot.
He was VERY strict about the dorms and bathrooms being clean.
Would legit make kids clean the cafeteria with a toothbrush if their rooms weren’t up to par.
He was probably very manipulative as well, since I’d like to think back when he was younger Dr. Crabblesnitch was good looking.
He’d use this advantage with teachers and his other fellow prefects.
Horrible kid. -0/10 would beat him up if he wasn’t twice my size.
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bumblingbee1 · 2 years
Bully but it’s about Leo Kasper as a teenager in the late 1980′s and Crabblesnitch is his homeroom teacher.
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jacryptid · 6 months
i hope the bully sequel mentions how pete knew garys plan the whole time
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itsyoung8 · 9 months
The age of the students at Bullworth Academy (part II)
Hello! Today in this second part I'm going to talk about the age of preppies. Happy reading!
-> I'm going to assume that Bullworth Academy is a high school
-> Since it is a high school located in the United States, four years ago and not three as in Europe (ex: France). That's why I'm going to make the following cut:
1st year: 14-15 years old - Freshman
2nd year: 15-16 years old - Sophomore
3rd year: 16-17 years old - Junior
4th year: 17-18 years old - Senior
Derby Harrington:
When Derby speaks when he walks alone, he can be heard saying this: "Why won't my father let me cash in my trust fund? It's like he doesn't understand: I need a yacht too!" After doing a lot of research, it turns out that, in most New England states, you have to be at least 16 years old to be able to drive a boat alone without the assistance of an adult. Derby's line of dialogue suggests that he can drive his own yacht himself. We can then deduce that Derby is either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior
Bif Taylor:
Two lines of dialogue from Bif can guide us on an age. The first: "She'd totally dig me if I had a car". As seen with Russell, the minimum legal age to drive a car is 16 years and a few months (for some New England states) but with restrictions, otherwise you have to be 18 to drive without restrictions. We can already say that Bif is at least 16 years old or older.
The second line of dialogue reads as follows: "Does my trust fund kick in at eighteen or twenty-one?" The majority in all New England states is 18 years old and this line of dialogue makes me think that Bif is very close to reaching the majority. I came to think that Bif must be a 17-18 year old senior
Pinky Gauthier:
Pinky in conversation: "Daddy says he'll buy me an Italian convertible when I turn sixteen!" This line of dialogue allows us to rule out the possibility that Pinky is a junior or a senior. In addition, "I heard we'll be allowed to bring our own servants next year!" This suggests that Pinky was already at Bullworth Academy last year as if this year and last year, servants were not allowed. I conclude that Pinky is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Tad Spencer:
"They'll have a hard time topping last year's carnival." We know from this line of dialogue that Tad is not a freshman otherwise he wouldn't use the words "last year". Also, in The Eggs, Tad explains to Jimmy that he's not an old rich guy like all the other Peppies but a new one. This suggests that Tad probably arrived at Bullworth Academy a year before Jimmy, otherwise the new term wouldn't make sense if he had been in school longer than that. I've come to think that Tad is probably a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Gord Vendôme:
What I'm saying for Gord is not certain.
During a mission, he can be seen talking with Parker. If we listen to their conversation, Gord says he's going to work in his father's office this summer. In the United States, the minimum age required to work is 14 years old with constraints, otherwise it is 18 years old without constraints. So all years of high school are possible for Gord. However, the fact that he talks quite often about law school and how much he is looking forward to it may make us think that he may be a 17-18 year old senior.
Parker Ogilvie:
"Dr. Crabblesnitch is making Hopkins a Prefect, even though it's his first year." We can see that Parker is probably not in his first year at Bullworth Academy, so not a freshman. When he gets hit by a bicycle, he can be heard saying: "I should have daddy drive me." This sentence may make us think that Parker is not yet old enough to drive a car. So, we can deduce that Parker is a 15-16 year old sophomore.
Chad Morris:
Chad is the one who gives me the most trouble because there are hardly any clues that could tell us how old he is. The only thing I found is: "want to ride on my scooter, jimmy, next weekend sounds good?" As seen earlier, the minimum legal age in New England to drive a vehicle is 16 years and a few months or so. He is then either a 16-17 year old junior or a 17-18 year old senior.
Justin Vandervelde:
Another one that I can't give a specific age range on lol. Well, I can say that Justin is not in his first year because during a free conversation with another preppie, one of those lines of dialogue is: " My dad arranged for me to get perfect marks this year." This clearly means that he is not a freshman. Then, with this line of dialogue: "I think I'll skip university and go straight to my father's business." I figured that by saying that, he must be close to going to college. I've come to assume that he may be a 17-18 year old senior but nothing is certain.
Bryce Montrose:
Bryce is not in his first year as he has been working at Golf & Yacht to pay for his studies and has been for several years (starting in the 1st year). In addition, he uses the word "kid" in several lines of dialogue. Suggesting that he's older than Jimmy, in which case he wouldn't call him that if he was the same age as him. Finally "I'm making valuable contacts at the Golf & Yacht club. One guy offered me a VP job when I finish at Bullworth". This line of dialogue leads us to believe that he is very close to completing his studies at Bullworth Academy. I'm starting to think maybe he's a 17-18 year old senior
Here is the end of this second part. In the next part, I'll talk about Greasers. A la prochaine!
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employee41512 · 1 month
dedicated to @redninjaoutfit!
his surname would Actually be spelt "van der Velde", as in Justin van der Velde. he rages when the yearbook spell his name wrong and writes a complaint to Dr Crabblesnitch each time (nonetheless, Miss Danvers trashes the lamentations before they're ever read). he takes pride in his Dutch heritage despite the fact that European culture and traditions are completely lost on his generation. he has mostly Canadian blood but he loves strutting his European knowledge
Before the school pool was shut down, Justin was on the water polo team! …however, there was hardly a full team to begin with.
When he's home in Canada for the summer, he swims in his indoor pool every morning. It's large enough to train an Olympic athlete.
I imagine that almost every prep was given at least One music class when they were younger, and for Justin, I pick violin. He has little time for it nowadays, but he may play it for Derby sometimes
Jezebel and Delilah looove talking to Justin when he visits the tent. yeah he's ableist but he will yap about anything to whomever will listen. The girls think he's so interesting and sophisticated and Jezebel may have a slight crush on him
Egg stuff.
Mayonnaise enjoyer. He has a special mayonnaise bottle and claims the eggs come from chickens of "prestigious status and quality." 
He also has a pet rooster at home and trusts the house-servants to care for it. He demands they frequently mail him pictures of his chicken. Unbeknownst to him, the cock has been long deceased and the Vandervelde house servants have simply been replacing it with similar chickens and taking pictures of those. Justin cannot tell the difference. One time, the house-servants replaced the rooster with a chicken of completely different plumage and they claimed it's because they change colors when they get cold . Justin wholeheartedly believed that lie, among many others
The cock's name is Sir Theodore II, or "Teddy"
He strangely cares about the safety and protection of farm animals. He has considerable knowledge about farm animal abuse and his Sir Theodore II (clone) has its own luxurious, grand quarters. justin likes having his house-servants dress Teddy in outfits and has a picture of Teddy wearing a football jersey in his wallet
ermm thats all 4now… I will rb to add more if I think of any. ^_^
edit: oh ya and he definitely was a biter. he grew out of it at 12 years old
edit 2: i embedded redninja's additional headcanons because i need them in this post forever
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urapunk · 18 days
Uhmm… Gary..headcanons… please :3
uuuaaghhh gary my brainrotted disgusting needs to be arrested son LET ME HOLD HIM
i remember you said you keep him in a tiny ourse like a little puppy
He doesnt like his medication because he feels digusting snd sluggish and its overwhelming snd overstimulating for him. Being sluggish makes him want to throw up because it feels sickening. He thinks hes better without it though, that his head moves faster and he can stay in the game.... But we all saw what happened then.
Cried when he was released from happy volts. His grandfather scolded him neaely all night while an actually medicated gary sat on the couch and refused to make eye contact because crying isnt something he wants someone so close to see.
Sometimes when he zones off he'll scratch at one specific area until he snaps out of it. He looks neutral and doesnt have a scowl when he's just zoned off, and he could find himself stsring at something thats just oddly satisfying to look at, like a specifically position pencil or staring at his hands while he fiddles with a hairtie.
Needs to cry.
He spends atleast 30 minutes in the mirror looking at himself. He likes how he looks, he really does, but what if nobody else does. What will he do then? What if someone thinks he looks awful? Should he get new shoes- or maybe cut his hair?... He thinks. He really does think all the time, and it is always torture. People just think he means he's smart, but hes just.. Worried.
Vomits from anxiety. Sometimes when he gets caught doing something, crabblesnitch will let him go to the bathroom before a strong talking to. Just incase.
Shivers when he gets REALLY sleepy. Like, constant yawning sleepy. Also sleep talks and its adorable.
Chronic monster drinker, but he hasnt had one in atleast 2 years due to his grandfather throwing them away whenever he can. Monster just isnt good for him and his thoughts. (He only likes the original flavor. Hes so boring)
Heat. He loves laying under sunny windows in the dorms or at his grandfather's house. Often sleeps on his stomach on a couch under the window.
Bruna (oc mention:3) once bought an iced coffee, which gary begged to try until she said yes. She let him have a sip and it was gone 10 minutes later. Its a tradition now for her to buy them for gary.
Dr Pepper lover. He literally could drink Dr Pepper for the rest of his life and he'd die content and less angsty.
Hes so immature, but also more mature than most. His actions are childish , but his throughts are those of a 40 year old man. He's a really deep thinker.
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cyanityy · 3 months
One plot hole that really irks me in Bully is the Help Gary mission. After how Gary boasts about taking over the school in front of all the clique leaders, with a reputation of being sadistic and untrustworthy beyond that of the usual teenage banter, why the flippity is there no resistance against his rumours?? Anyway, my two cents on the ordeal:
First, scrap Gary as a guide throughout the entire mission. Why are we still in tutorial mode while navigating the basement I see literally zero purpose for that. We could easily resolve the mission's rigid direction by making the betrayal happen moments before, instead opting to chase Gary for revenge - a revenge that remains unsatisfied when we realise we’ve been set up to fight Russel. I think it would’ve been much more elaborate while still retaining the element of betrayal bc as it stands, Jimmy just. Ignores these kids filtering in during Gary’s dialogue?? Jimmy being punished for wanting revenge, his core value, would be a more interesting narrative. Gary should exploit his hotheaded, impulsive nature and anticipate Jimmy will chase him to lead him to the Hole for public humiliation.
Second, if the decision is that Jimmy will not be encountering Gary for the rest of the story until the climax then his absence should've been enforced. For most parts of the story, we do forget about Gary because the story explores each clique, the only other times we notice him is maybe in two mini cutscenes but after that, it boils down to what Gary's already done/said (Like when Dr Crabblesnitch says he's been saying some "interesting things" about him, or when Pinky tells Jimmy she's told he's "sexually confused"). despite the choice to design him as a 'sneaking puppeteer', it makes for a severely passive antagonist until chapter 5. NPC Gary could've been spawned into certain locations close to or in correlation to the story mission's location to remedy that and it's up to the player to pay close attention to what's going on around them. It would make him an active character without diverting too much from the deliberately under-wraps role that R* assigned him because it's Jimmy's perception that Gary's not an immediate concern but the players themselves can see something is brewing. It would also exempt Petey from having to remind us about Gary throughout the playthrough.
And as an extension to that last point, Gary's word against Jimmy's should not have been as one-sided as the story let itself be. We're informed pretty early that the school consensus is Gary is sadistic, sociopathic and scares the rest of the students so it should have very little weight that his manipulation works. I understand the idea that leading by fear over love is a motto integrated heavily into the game, but it's also extremely complex and not touched upon at all. Jocks are tight-knit and acknowledge they're the reigning clique (until Jimmy slapboxed them too) so it makes sense to think that Gary mindgamed them because that's their weakness, the same idea that bribery might've yielded better with the preps for their materialism. I don't see that making Gary exclusively spread gossip is as sufficient as the game makes it out to be. The point is that we should've been shown how Gary managed to turn the cliques against him, using what he's observed from Jimmy, along with what he knows best: Violence and Apathy.
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mintys-corner · 2 years
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confusedbyinterface · 14 days
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frchillingrn · 1 year
hii are you taking requests orr.... bc i really really love your tad and your peanut???? soooo idk if you might wanna draw them next????
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Here’s the aftermath of the fight!! They’re about to see Dr Crabblesnitch uh ohhhh 🤯
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
Could you do some headcanons for Gary or Trent, and my oc, Suki? Thanks if U do!
Yesss ofccccc Gary and Trent will be posted now and ill give suki her own special post ^v^
Gary…. Gary Gary Gary oh how you were so so so wasted by not being in free roam. I guess if i strain i can kinda see why he wasn’t around because, naturally people would incessantly kick the shit out of him
Biggest gossiper in the school, knocks Christy out of the park. He’s really really good at starting rumours because he knows just the right amount of ludicrous bullshit that needs to be added in order to make people want to spread it, while not having it die off by making it completely and utterly bonkers.
The slouch is definitely purposeful, he thought that standing up too straight would make him look too nerdy so he defaulted to this sort of weird grinch/ dr doom pose, he pays for this decision with really bad neck and upper back cramps but he’s simply too cool for meds of any kind including pain meds. Often what he does to get a kick out of Petey is to crack his neck really close to his ear ans laugh as poor Pete squirms in discomfort.
Got stuck in the Regina George headgear/back brace combo after jimmy threw them both of the roof into crabblesnitch’s office after the final showdown. He was in the hospital for a good long while, recuperating and making up for lost time on his meds before he was carted off to happy volts
Wrote down every single aspect of his plan for total bullworth domination in excruciating detail in a notebook that he kept tucked under his mattress, the first page was entitled “GARY’S EVIL PLAN” in all caps, in a heavy metal font, in red sharpie that bled through the next few pages. He would add to it nightly, and check stuff off when he was done with it. Insanely stupid and equally, insanely funny.
Doesn’t actually talk that way, like at all, its very much an act that he uses to make himself seem all cool and mysterious. He’s only ever slipped once or twice, and then instantly got on the defensive and gaslit whoever heard him (most likely poor Pete) its commitment to the bit that most could only dream of obtaining.
Got in so much shit for his special little bullworth vest, its technically not in violation of any uniform policies, a fact that he valiantly defended against the prefects, the faculty and everyone else that questioned it until they eventually just let him off with it.
Definitely a promising young politician if they decide he’s stable enough to leave happy volts, he’s charismatic, not terrible with words, and just generally immoral. He’s the perfect politician for the modern age.
Trent Trent Trent,i know a theatre kid when i see one. Definitely big on the more modern stuff compared the the older musicals, he just prefers the style of singing a little better, he finds it more expressive. However, he’ll take west side story over hamilton any day, dont get it twisted.
He saves money as best he can and goes to voice lessons pretty regularly, as well as intermittent dance lessons. He knows to make it in Hollywood you’ve got to be a triple threat and he certainly does plan to be a triple threat when he eventually runs off into the sunset to pursue his dream of going to audition after audition until he eventually lands himself a starring role in an allergy medicine commercial
Takes pride in his appearance, every few weeks he bleaches his roots and trims his own hair. He’s the only one that knows how to do it the way he likes, and it saves a lot of money for his voice lessons
Trent is a very thoughtful friend, he acts all aloof to save face but he likes to remember the little things about his friends, birthdays, favourite foods, so on and so forth. Enough to make him look good but not enough to make it look creepy or obsessive. He’s got a reputation to uphold damn it! But also he just wants to do right by his friends
He wants to let people know that he’s a man of many emotions, that’s why acting is such a good outlet for him, its not really acting, its his true self that’s simply being read as an act
Such a big sentimentalist, Trent is a scrapbooker, he keeps everything, no matter how small or insignificant seeming, dates it and sticks it in his scrapbook. He figures once he gets some sort of neurological condition from all the head trauma he’ll be able to look back on his high school years, lovingly documented by his teenage self
He was kinda bummed when Kirby dragged him out of line during movie tickets, he was all for going to see that movie, in fact he’d already found a leaked version of it online so he could look really tough during the scary parts and maybe hold Kirby’s hand if and i mean IF the smaller jock had gotten scared. It’s not a huge deal though, after Kirby had calmed down a little, they went and threw rocks into open windows at Harrington House
Of all the kissable boys, i think Trent is hard to beat in terms of accepting his sexuality. Trent is pretty vocal about his bisexuality, and doesnt really give two shits if people are offended by it. This is a kid who really knows himself, and the Trentman never claimed to be a man of the people, he strives to be his true, authentic self as far as the parameters of a high school bully in 2006 will allow, and for that i salute him.
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