scaryskinny · 2 months
july 16, 2024
back from the dead again.....
i think for now on, when i go to my little hiatus, ill stop saying"im going back to posting daily" because i never live up to that promise.
But i think the universe just hates me.
I have been 142 lbs..... forever.
I have done everything in between to try to loose this weight and. nothing is working.
people keep telling me, "just give it timeand your body will lose the weight in seconds."
But nothing has changed....
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scaryskinny · 3 months
July 5, 2024
Hey yall, im back from the dead :3
long time since i posted, but i have finished all my summer classes, and i have been bedridden for about 3 days because i am very ill, it might be covid or just a cold, who knows.
But i haven't eaten anything for the past 3 days besides gataraide and popsicles, so in my mind, this is the universe giving me a second chance to restart my ed
i still weigh 142, and my goal weight hasn't changed, so starting today, I'll be back to posting daily on my journey of losing weight
see in on the next post :3
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scaryskinny · 3 months
people = food .
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scaryskinny · 3 months
June 18, 2024 (5-day hiatus)
weigh in: 142 lbs
Im in a constant loop of being depressed and hunger
A side note, im taking summer classes so i can get my degree early, and it;s not been easy.
So mixing in not eating and studying.... is not a good mix.
Iv been so dizzy and so angry, that later turn into depression.
But i need to get over this hurdle to become skinny.
I haven't lost any weight, nor have i gained any weight. But i also haven't been fully committed to fasting.
lets try this again, fasting full starting now.
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scaryskinny · 3 months
How to lose 20kg in a week no glue no borax
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scaryskinny · 3 months
i broke my fast.... here we go again. Why does pizza have to be so good :|
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scaryskinny · 3 months
June 13, 2024
weight: 142lbs/ 64.4 kg
went to bed hungry for nothing, still the same weight :0
I woke up HELLA earlly today and was starving, workin on about 3 hrs of sleep rn
I broke my fast (about 19 hrs) with a pretty heavy breakfast, at least for me, about 430-500 calories, and now im ready for eep, but can't cause i have a lot of stuff to do :)
Will knock out EARLY today and hopefully will fast for 36hrs< starting now, will weight/eat/ report my weight at around 9 pm tmr
hopefully weight is 142>, but at least i didn't gain any weight.
see yall then :3
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scaryskinny · 3 months
post that got removed part 2, enjoy with cation :0
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scaryskinny · 3 months
oddly specific couple thinspo that keeps me away from food, enjoy with caution :0
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scaryskinny · 3 months
June 12, 2024
Weight, 142lbs / 64.4 kg
*doing a little happy dance*
I have been fasting for about 36 hrs, and I'm so happy with the results. I don't recommend anyone to fast for this long truly.
But every time i eat i feel so nauseous, and I've been told that i need to be eating sugar to keep my body regulated, but still when i eat small amounts of fruit, i feel like I'm gonna puke.
Im gonna break my fast after i post this, put I'm only allowing myself 1 small thing to eat, and then its back to water and fasting.
wish me luck :)
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scaryskinny · 3 months
And it was one of my most popular ones! I don't know if i should be mad or concerned.
I haven't gone a notification on anything about the issue, but maybe yall can help me out
Thanks yall :)
Btw thanks for all the likes,reposts,follwers, i really appreciate it, its my first time doing anything like this so the support on this is incredible !
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scaryskinny · 3 months
June 11, 2024
Well, last night my plan was to fast till this morning, but instead, i shared a sandwich with my mother.
I wanna jump over a cliff.
Now i am back to 144 lbs / 65 kg and i was doing so well.
Took yet another "yummy chocolate" and hopefully the scale will say 143lbs>
I truly can not imagine the scale saying 143lbs>, but i want to be skinny so bad, i need to the scale to say 115lbs-120lbs
Maybe i doing it on purpose, unconsciously.
Ive been fasting for about 22 hrs, and HOPING my pig self goes to sleep hungry and wake up skinner.
We'll see .
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scaryskinny · 4 months
June 10, 2024
Morning weight, 143.2lbs / 64.8 kg
So close to 142 lbs / 64.4 kg , i can feel it, I'm planning on fasting all day today till the scale says 142, then ill treat myself to some fruit
Yesterday i ate 5 olives (20 cals) 3 lychees (18 cals) and a diet coke (0 cals) and a little croissant sandwich, which I'm not proud of...(about 400 calories)= 438 calories
Im so mad at myself for first, making the sandwich, and then my pig self eating it... i opened the fridge and there i go again.
Ive been craving soda for a while and miss drinking Dr.Pepper, and the zero sugar ones never taste quite the same
But once i reach my goal weight, i can drink all the Dr.Pepper i want, i am a Dr.Pepper girly tho and tho.
Planning and bed rotting and studying all day so not much different
This summer blows :3
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scaryskinny · 4 months
June 9, 2024
my weight for today... 144.1lbs/65.36
I think the world is playing with me.... couldn't let me enjoy the scale saying 143lbs / 64.86, no no no no no, instead, it gave me 144.1lbs.
How great.
I havent eaten anything for about 20 hrs and was going to eat 6 lychees (60 calories) as a little treat, but now am thinking of waiting till tomorrow.
Go to bed hungry and awake even skinner.
Maybe the scale will say 143 tomorrow morning, even dare i say 142
But again, we shall see.
Maybe when i come back from my errands, the scale will say 143>
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scaryskinny · 4 months
june 8, 2024
i have made the executive decision to not weigh myself today, and do it tmr morning, why? Cause I'm too scared to know what the scale says today.
This morning my bf made me breakfast and i ate every.single.bite.
im not proud, and im too scared to weigh myself because in know its gonna read me back "you failed you pig."
So here i go again, "yummy chocolate", water, and hopes and prayers that tmr morning the scale says 143>
BTW! I found a new discovery, Lychees (a type of fruit) only have 6 calories, each! So you can eat 4 and only eat 24 calories! thats insaine so of course i bought some, just some piece of knowledge i thought i should share :)
Report my weight tmr..... well see if tmr is gonna be a good day or bad .
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scaryskinny · 4 months
I want legs like these, skinny and so cute
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scaryskinny · 4 months
june 7, 2024
part 2/2
143 lbs / 64.86 kg
Thank the lucky stars, i was terrified at the moment.
Now, i am the lightest i am starting this process, which means I have only 23 - 28 pounds left to get rid of.
As of now, im tryna to figure out what i can eat that wont make me bloat/ gain weight
im giving myself only 320 calories to eat, hopefully, that's not gonna affect my weight in any shape or form.
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