#draal the destroyer
rupertholmes · 10 months
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my old boyfriend
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chequeredwhitpost · 1 year
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They put spotlights on that dork and everything.
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winter-leftovers · 1 year
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter three: Win Lose or Draal (3/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim wins a new ally.
Word count: 1046
Warnings: nop
(Season 1 Episode 6)
Song?: Glory And Gore by Lorde
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Trollmarket was beautiful. The underground city was full of colorful lights, even with the market empty the place looked alive. Immediately, Y/n’s eyes found the heartstone. The gigantic cristal and it’s warmth light left her completely speechless, even made her forget, for a moment, the possibility of her brother dying.
“Where’s everyone?” Y/n asked. She was excited to meet Jim’s new friends and the creatures his book depicted.
“Probably waiting for the fight” explained Toby.
“Oh, right” she took her eyes from the heartstone and looked at her brother “Don’t worry if you die I’ll bring you back” she joked.
Jim gave her a half smile. They were both terrible at hiding their fear.
“Master Jim! Welco-ah! Witch” Blinky stopped mid greeting.
“Blinky! This is my sister Y/n!”
“Oh! My apologies, I must've confused her with someone else!”
“You know a lot of humans?” Y/n lifted her eyebrow confused.
“Oh…well” Blinky’s arms fell down to his side but he put them back up fast “Come on, master Jim. A…great warrior always…shows up in time…” he started pushing Jim to the hero’s forge.
At the forge all the trolls were already excited, filled with the rush of battle.
“Hey, I… I want you to have this” Jim gave a letter to Y/n and another to Toby.
“What’s this?” Asked Toby.
“It says everything I want to say”
“You promised me tacos”
“Now is not the time for lunch, Tobes” Jim scoffed.
“Last week, the three of us went for tacos. I paid. You said, ‘Next time on me’ You’re going to get this letter back unopened after the fight, and when you get back, we’ll get tacos”
“He’s right, Jim. You owe him tacos” Y/n smiled.
“Tacos sound good” Jim laughed.
“Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar, Draal “the destroyer”, come forth.” Vendel, the white troll announced.
A spiky blue rock started rolling down a path, jumping in the air transforming into a big blue troll with six horns.
“That’s Draal?” Y/n whispered to Toby “He’s huge”
“Yeah” he sounded as worried as her.
“And now, Draal’s combatant, James Lake Jr, son of…Bar-bu-rah. Come forth human trollhunter”
The crowd started booig the second they saw Jim.
“Fight from your heart, Master Jim. It’s strong, stronger than any rock” screamed Blinky.
They close the arena and Blinky said quietly to himself “And certainly, stronger than mine”
But Y/n heard him.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” she reassured “He has to”
Y/n could hear Toby, Aaaarrrgghh and Blinky speak but she couldn’t pay attention to anything they were saying, only the troll trying to kill his brother.
“And, I am Jim, son of Barbara and the amulet choose me”
The flying axes send Draal over the edge of the arena.
“Yes! He did it!” Celebrated Toby.
“It’s not over yet” explained Blinky.
“He has to finish the fight” completed Y/n without taking her eyes off her brother. She had studied the book all night alongside Jim. She knew what her brother had to do next, what the crowd was asking him to do next, they were screaming for death.
Jim grabbed his sword and Y/n closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at her brother killing someone.
Suddenly the crowd was booing again. Y/n opened her eyes and saw her brother standing next to Draal.
“Look, I may not have followed your rules, but neither did the amulet when it chose me. Right now, over our heads, changelings are in Arcadia..”
Fear and confusion filled the room.
Blinky and Toby ran to Jim before he could unveal the secret.
“What is he talking about?” Screamed Vendel.
“You’ll need a Trollhunter who doesn’t have to live in the shadows. This is a time to work together. They’re building the Killahead—“
“STOP! Say no more! We must leave this instant!” Blinky grabbed Jim by the arm.
“Killahead” Y/n repeated. The word left a metallic taste in her mouth.
“Oh, praise! You’re alive!” Toby hugged Jim like he would disappear
“And sore. Ease up” Jim chuckled
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were called by Vendel before they could celebrate the trollhunter’s victory.
“He opened the letter” Y/n laughed.
“I can tell”
“I didn’t” Y/n smiled and gave Jim back the envelope “You can tell what you wrote if you want but I can’t read the words you thought would be your last message to me”
Jim took the letter and smiled back at her.
Y/n turned and started walking. The tears were escaping from her eyes and she didn’t want to be seen like that, especially now, when they were celebrating.
“Remember just a normal teenager and his older sister and their normal life” Jim said more to himself than to Y/n.
“Hi, mom. We’re back!" said Y/n while she took her jacket off. A shiver ran through her spine.
‘Strickler?’ She thought. The same uneasiness she felt when she met him was running through her spine again.
She walked behind her brother and saw that it wasn’t Strickler with her mother but a woman.
“In here. Jim, guess who brought tea?”
Jim stopped in front of the woman that was accompanying her mother. Y/n recognised fear flashing in her brother’s eyes but his face suddenly shifted back and started kicking Nomura out. Y/n wanted to stop his brother but Barbara passed out before she could do anything.
“Mom?” She ran to her mother.
“That speech was very moving” The woman left the table “Too bad she won’t remember it when she wakes up and find your body”
She grabbed Jim and threw him to the kitchen.
Y/n hug her mother trying to protect her from the fight.
“What’s going on?” She screamed.
“Go upstairs!” Jim told her sister.
“Jim I won’t …”
“Go!” He screamed while grabbing his backpack looking for the amulet.
She went and hid in the bathroom, her brother quickly joined her.
The troll whistled a song letting them know she was close.
“Not creepy at all” whispered Y/n.
“Yes! Thank you!” Jim grabbed the amulet from behind the mirror.
Before the troll could open the bathroom door someone grabbed her. Y/n and Jim shared a look and went out to investigate. In their backyard, Draal was fighting the troll.
“What are you doing here?” Screamed at the woman-troll.
“Delivering you pain again, Nomura” Draal answered, shielding Y/n and Jim “Do not touch the Trollhunter”
“Suddenly you’re honorable? Sorry to hear about daddy. Bular always liked the way he screamed”
The fight started again and quickly finished when Draal threw Nomura through the air.
“You were right”
“So, you’re not here to kill me?” Jim asked with his sword in his hand.
“Not kill. Protect” Draal looked at Y/n. She smiled at him.
Jim thanked the troll.
Draal quickly started to walk around the house looking for a place to stay.
“Since I can’t go back to trollmarker I’ll stay here, guard your home”
“I don’t think my mom would be down for that” said Jim.
Draal went downstairs to the basement. Eating a piece of coal and taking a couple more out of the heater he said “This is nice. Here I shall protect you, your witch and your fleshbag mother, Bar-bu-rah”
“What did you call me?” Y/n started walking up to him half confused and half offended. Why were the trolls calling her a witch?
Jim stopped his sister from fighting his new protector “Mmmh close enough” he laughed.
“Your mother will awaken soon. I protect. I don’t clean”
Y/n rolled her eyes and went upstairs along side Jim.
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Thinking about...him
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vidarrsaber · 7 years
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I decided to draw my fav.
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ranminfan · 7 years
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Man Is Draal hard to draw or what? Anyway, yeah, Trolls, I like them now. And this guy is by far my favorite character.
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creed-of-cats · 4 years
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loosescrewslefty · 8 years
Watching Trollhunters the second time through, and I just realized that it's implied that Draal and Nomura have romantic history. They obviously knew one another, as their interactions in Win, Lose or Draal show, but in Young Atlas when talking about Claire, Drall tells Jim that he 'once had similar stirrings for an Impure.' And now I'm smacking myself for missing this on my first watch.
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arcadian-socks · 3 years
Toby: What if we switched our initials, like instead of Tobias Domzalski, it’s now Dobias Tomzalski.
Jim: Lim Jake
Blinky: Glinkous Baladrigal
Claire: Nlaire Cuñez
Draal: Draal the Destroyer
Draal: I don’t like this game
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talesofargante · 2 years
The Guardian of Trollhunters Episode 6: Part 3 - Rematch
Pairing: Jim Lake Jr. x Liz Walker (OFC)
Episode Summary: With trouble brewing on the horizon for Arcadia, Liz helps Jim prepare for a high-stakes rematch against Draal for the amulet. However, their animosity gives way to a surprising partnership.
Words: 3.2k
Warning: none (if I miss any warnings please lmk)
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Liz Walker POV
Liz could only stare after Jim as he walked away.
"Promise, Lizzie." 
His words echoed in her ears, a sense of deja vu washing over her. Those two words sound so familiar. She's heard of it before once but cannot remember when.
Standing perplexed, Liz looks down at the white envelope in her hand, curious about the words inside. Answers that may hold to her lost memories. 
Running her finger across her name in Jim's handwriting, she then reluctantly pockets it inside the inner pocket of her denim jacket, reminding herself that she would rather wait for Jim to share it with her face to face. If Jim can make it through this match, that is. She shakes her head of the negative thought. No, he will. She believes in him.
Again, Vendel's voice boomed, disturbing her thoughts. "Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar, Draal the Destroyer, come forth."
Looking back out between the teeth of the wooden gate, Liz watches a rolling form appear from the opposite entrance, spotlights catching him as he ends his rolling, flipping madly in the air, and lands after his incredible little stunt. He roars and laughs at the crowd, throwing up his hands as his people cheer. Liz shakes her head, rolling her eyes. Always a show-off, that one.
Walking over to the gang, she stops nearby Jim and AAARRRGGHH as the Krubera troll places a heavy hand on Jim's shoulder, none too gently, but Jim seems to appreciate it, grinning at his troll friend. Then, Blinky steps in. "It's time to put everything we've ever said to you to practice. With a little luck, he'll trip and fall. Now, tell me: rule one."
"Always be afraid," Jim answered.
"Rule two."
"Always finish a fight."
"Rule three?"
"About that. I was reading, when the Venerable Bedehilde fought the Hydrabeast, there were no gronk-nuks, but there was a weakness under its scales." Jim explained.
"You read the book?" Blinky asked quickly, a look of surprise spread across his face.
"So that got me thinking of looking into other weaknesses that trolls may have besides gronk-nuks. Plus, Liz helped me in understanding Draal's weaknesses last night." Jim turns to Liz, giving her an appreciative grin.
"He read the book. He read the book!" Blinky hugged Jim tightly before lifting him off the ground.
"Books tasty," AAARRRGGHH added.
Vendel once again resumes his announcement. "And now, Draal's combatant, James Lake Jr., son of...Ba-bu-rah. Come forth, human Trollhunter."
With a steady whir, the wooden gate receded, opening the entry into the arena. Jim took a deep breath and entered, ignoring the crowd's harsh booing sounds.
"Fight from your heart, Master Jim! It's strong, stronger than any rock!" Blinky shouted to Jim, hoping that it would reach him. Suddenly, the wooden gate slammed closed, separating them away from Jim. Blinky then began to whisper to himself. "And certainly, stronger than mine."
Liz glances at Blinky sadly before turning her eyes toward the arena.
"Prepare for battle," Vendel announced. Draal smashed his fists into the ground, letting out a loud roar. Saying the incantation, Jim held up the amulet, activating his armor and sword appearing in his hand.
"Here we go. I am doing this." Jim said to himself, taking a fighting stance.
"Begin!" Vendel shouted at last as the crowd cheered with renewed vigor.
Jim Lake Jr. POV
Suddenly, the floor let out a rumble before it lifted, startling Jim. Blood rushing through his ears, he watched the platform lift higher than the crowd and glanced below, noticing no barriers to stop him from falling off. Then, he felt the gears roughly stop, stilling the platform beneath him. A mere second later, the platform begins to split, dropping section by section. Jim let out a yelp as he ran to another, but before he could, the remaining section he had run for dropped as well.
Hearing a yell, Jim looks up in time to see Draal charging at him from the air. With panic running through his veins, Jim jumps onto the closest platform below him. He landed with a groan, but upon hearing Draal's growls, he quickly gathered himself before rolling to the side as Draal's fists that were meant for him cracked the ground instead. Before Jim could do anything, Draal grabbed his leg, throwing him in a circle as he screamed before letting him fly into a wall. The wall cracked on impact, and he fell. 
Landing on the ground, Jim stumbles on his feet until he finds himself at the edge of a platform, swinging his arms for balance to keep himself from dropping down into nothing but gears and possible death. Catching his breath, Jim turned his blue eyes to see Draal posing for the crowd, but as soon as they made eye contact, Draal jumped and rolled down the arena wall. Jim barely misses him as the troll rolls past, but it isn't over as Draal does a lap around the arena.
With only a few seconds to spare, Jim remembered Liz teaching him a particular move.
Standing a few feet away from Liz, Jim feels her eyes on him as a huge round boulder comes towards him. Once the boulder reaches a certain distance, Liz cues him. "Do it now!"
Jim threw his sword at the boulder as if throwing a baseball. The sword landed on the ground, and as soon as the boulder impacted the metal blade, a bright flash of blue light appeared, causing Liz and Jim to turn away before looking back to see the boulder stop in its tracks. Jaw-dropping, Jim raised his arms in the air and shouted with glee. "Woohoo! Did you see that?!"
"Sure did! Great job, Jim! You got a good swing." Liz grinned at the Trollhunter. "Bet you didn't know that you could toss your blade at your opponent, huh? And the best part is –"
Jim summoned the Sword of Daylight back into his hand with a smile. " – I can always summon it back!"
Instinctively, Jim tosses his sword in the path of Draal, the metal embedding into the rock, stopping Draal's "twist of doom" - as Liz would call it. The blue light and smoke filled the area as Draal hit it, causing Jim to flinch back just in case. Blinking a couple of times, Draal looked down at the sword, stunned, the audience gasping at what occurred. The sword appeared back within Jim's hand as a confident smile spread across his face.
He got this.
Liz Walker POV
Liz smiled proudly at what she saw. He did it! 
"I never taught him that," Blinky said in complete confusion. Then, he glances at Liz. "Did you?"
Liz merely shrugs, but the beaming smile she had said it for her as Toby shouted happily. "He's a natural!"
She could only nod in agreement as she continued to watch the match. Earlier, Liz was worried for Jim despite their last-minute training. In fact, she felt as if her heart was lodged in her throat when Jim swung off the platform above and almost fell to his death below, but after seeing Jim toss his sword, she felt her worries start to wane. He got this. He got this.
Silently repeating the words to herself, Liz watched Jim swinging his sword, now ready to finally put his fighting skills to use. Again, he chucked his sword at the now angry Draal, but this time, the large blue troll easily blocked it with his arm, the blade disintegrating from the pierced ground. Liz winced. Or maybe not.
She tightens her grip on the wooden gate as she watches Jim make a run for it as Draal roars before beginning to roll once more.
"Ten whole seconds. He's not dead! That's a fortuitous sign." Blinky said optimistically. Liz could only wince as Jim ran past them, screaming bloody murder as Draal chases after him.
"Don't jinx," AAARRRGGHH said as Liz instinctively tapped on the wooden gate. "Knock on wood."
Collectively, the other three repeated her action and continued watching the match. Jim ran as Draal rolled on the wall, moving ahead of him. The troll stopped his roll, running at the Trollhunter with a raised fist as he jumped in the air, Jim protecting his head with his arms. Feeling her heart stop in her chest, she painfully watches Draal's fist collide with Jim, pushing the boy to the ground as blue smoke pours from his armor, covering his body like a barrier. The crowd cheered as Vendel watched with utter shock while Blinky and AAARRRGGHH cringed at the sight.
"Jim!" Toby called out from beside Liz, his eyes wide with shock.
"Look away! We will not remember him like this." Blinky covered his eyes, AAARRRGGHH already covering his own and Toby's. Not wanting to look away like the rest, Liz chooses to lean forward between the wooden gates, grasping her pendant as she silently prays for Jim, her eyes watchful on the scene in front of her.
Jim Lake Jr. POV
The blue orbit dissipated as Jim lay helplessly on the cracked pavement until Draal took hold of his leg once again and tossed him into the air. He punched Jim in the stomach, the force pushing Jim higher into the air before falling back down to Draal. Another fist sent Jim twisting through the air and landing painfully on the higher platform, making him grunt. Laughing, Draal caught a ride on one as Jim stood shakily, holding his pained stomach as each platform flipped. Jim screamed as his platform was the last to flip, tightly holding onto the ledge. Draal gave another fist to the air, drawing cheers from the crowd, and smugly headed to Jim, who tried to pull himself up but grew weaker, his muscles burning.
Draal laughed before stepping onto his fingers, causing Jim to fall with a scream. Jim slides down the side of the platform, flipping his body mid-way, and lands on his stomach, his breath taken from him.
Jim couldn't even push himself up. Glancing under the arm holding him up, he notices the arena shifting back to its original state. Hearing Draal's laugh behind him, Jim senses the troll's approach and raises his head with a glare as he looks back and twists his body. "Rule number three."
Jim sent his foot towards Draal's private area, causing the larger troll to groan in pain as he screams, the crowd gasping and wincing at the familiar feeling. As Draal dropped to the floor in pain, Jim used the opportunity to sneak behind the large blue troll as he remembered Liz's words. "If things get out of hand, just kick him in the gronk-nuks and get behind him."
Holding his stomach, Jim watches Draal twist and turn in search of him as he limps quickly to stay behind him. Jim backs up, still maintaining to stay behind the vast body. Draal yelled in frustration, a creaking noise alerting Jim to find a large ax appearing from a slit in the wall, swinging forward then back into its hiding spot. Then Liz's voice echoes in his mind. "Now that we know Draal's strengths and weaknesses, it's time that you learn how to use them and your surroundings to your advantage. After all, this training ground is where you'll be fighting tomorrow."
Use your surroundings to your advantage—the swinging ax!
"You cannot be the Trollhunter! You're a boy! I am the son of Kanjigar!" Draal shouted as Jim managed to limp over to the opening, leaning his arm onto the wall for support before finally speaking and coming out of hiding. "And I am Jim, son of Barbara. And the amulet chose me!"
Draal roared in fury. Closing his eyes, Jim waits for the familiar releasing noise. Once the sound met Jim's ears, his eyes pops open and he dodges the large ax at the last minute. Draal's eyes grew in size as the gigantic blade knocked him off his feet, his body thrown up in the air, then fell over the edge of the arena, inciting a collective gasp from the crowd. 
Grimacing in pain, Jim pulls himself up from the ground and stumbles his way across the arena towards the edge, where he watches Draal grunt, unable to pull himself up as he hangs over the abyss, his fingers gripping onto the ledge. Jim can hear the crowd chanting above and around him. "Finish the fight! Finish the fight!"
An unpleasant feeling settles over Jim as those words echo in his ears. Suddenly, as if sensing the inevitable, the Sword of Daylight manifested into his hand. Jim stares at the blade as he raises it, then points it at Draal, his face being overrun by many emotions as multiple voices echo in his mind.
"Rule number two: Always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy."
"The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death."
"This fight – the match between Draal and me – only one of us can live. To survive, I would have to – I don't want to – you know."
"If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to finish a fight, just remember that true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one."
"It is said that a true hero is measured not by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart. That is why you were chosen, Trollhunter. Not because of your strength, but because of your heart, Jim. That is the difference between you and Draal. That is your key to winning."
Raising his sword to strike, Jim yelled and brought the blade down. The crowd gasped aloud but was stunned to find the sword hadn't struck Draal at all but the ground instead. Crouching closer towards the edge with one hand on the pommel, Jim held out his hand to the troll hanging below.
"The fight is to the death," Draal exhales. Jim shakes his head. "House rules, not mine."
Then, Jim offers a smile, repeating words said to him once before. "Come on, man. Don't make it weird."
Draal used his free hand to grab onto Jim's, the armor giving him the strength to pull Draal up as the crowd booed at the action. Jim looks onward at the crowd when he hears Draal mumble. "You should have killed me."
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Glancing over his shoulder at Draal, Jim replies. "If I did, it would have upset Liz. She wants us both to live."
Then, he walked off to the center of the arena to address the crowd, looking down at him. "Look, I may not have followed your rules, but neither did the amulet when it chose me."
More booing continued among the trolls as Jim kept speaking. "Right now, over our heads, changelings are in Arcadia."
The crowd gasps as Vendel leans forward, his face in a deep frown. "What is he talking about?"
"You'll need a Trollhunter who doesn't have to live in the shadows. This is a time to work together. They're building the Killahead –" Suddenly, a heavy hand drags Jim down, interrupting him. Looking up, it was Blinky. "Stop! Say no more! We must leave this instant!"
The troll then pulled him from the crowd's view as the trolls booed. The rest of the gang was walking ahead through the narrow cliff-like pathway.
"They have a right to know," Jim said with a frown. 
"And you have a right to listen!" Blinky scolded. Liz slows down from ahead of them to walk in step beside Jim. "They are an ancient race, Jim. It will take time to win hearts and minds."
Jim turned to find them throwing random items and garbage at Draal, who exited through the wooden gate, mostly in sadness and defeat. "Why are they treating him that way?"
Expecting an answer, he glances at Liz but notices her gazing sympathetically at Draal. From behind them, Blinky replies. "You spared his life but destroyed his honor. He will never be able to show his face in Trollmarket again."
Jim glances back sadly at Draal once more when a hand settles on his shoulder, the touch sending a light wave of comforting warmth through his body. For a split moment, he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Turning his head, he notices Liz smiling next to him. "Congrats on your win, Trollhunter. You handled yourself well out there."
"Thanks to you. And Blinky, of course." Jim grinned. She chuckled. "How modest of you."
They continued walking after the others. Once they completely exited the Hero's Forge, Toby jumps happily and tackles Jim into a hug, laughing in joy. "Oh, praise! You're alive!"
"And–" Jim was about to say he was sore when he realized that he felt no pain. How is that possible? He felt as if he had been run over by a bus earlier, but now he feels normal. That's weird. Must be the magic from the armor or something. "Ease up, Tobes. You're crushing my organs."
"Just one more minute," Toby added, but then a voice pulled them from their happy moment, calling out to them as the five turned around to see Vendel standing in the tunnel.  "AAARRRGGHH, Blinky... a word. Even you, Elizabeth."
"Good fight." AAARRRGGHH patted Jim's head as he left, Blinky saying a few words as well as he walked away. "Yes! Very good fight, Master Jim. I'll handle Vendel. You get home and rest. Tomorrow, we shall join you for these...What do you call them? Ah, yes, "tacos."
Before following after the two trolls, Liz pulls out the enclosed white envelope from her inner jacket pocket and places it in Jim's hand. "You can have this back, Jim. Anything that you wanted to say, I would rather hear it directly from you."
Before Jim could say anything, Liz continues. "Anyways, I'll see if I can convince Vendel about the changeling and Killahead bridge. See you guys later."
Waving her hand, Liz jogs after the other two trolls, leaving behind Jim and Toby staring after her.
"I guess only one of you read their letters," Jim mumbles to himself, staring down at the envelope in his hand. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed.
"When I read I was your best friend, it took our relationship to just a whole new level." Toby sighs with contentment, releasing an arm around Jim and resting against his tall friend. Jim smiled down at his best friend but couldn't help but keep glancing at the unopened letter in his left hand. "Wish it did the same with Liz, though."
The redhead perked up at that. "What do you mean, buddy?"
"It's nothing," Jim quickly responds, sliding the envelope into his jacket pocket, but Toby didn't miss a thing. "Doesn't sound like 'nothing' to me. Come on, Jimbo, I'm your best friend. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Of course, Tobes. It's just — it's a long story," Jim sighs. Quick to understand, Toby nodded, patting Jim on the shoulder. 
"Well, we skipped school today, so we got plenty of time. Come on, let's go to my place."
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Hello there!
I hope you enjoyed the third part of Episode 6! If you are interested in reading more, click on the links provided below!
This fanfiction story will be posted on Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, and Tumblr. However, Wattpad will serve as the original site for this story, so the latest updates will be there.
While reading, feel free to leave a comment [keep it negative-free, would you? thanks :)] or critique. I appreciate the feedback. And along the way, if you like the journey so far, leave a star, a kudos, or/and heart to vote! If you have any questions, feel free to ask as well and I’ll do my best to answer without giving any spoilers ;)
Again, thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
Happy reading!
- Miss_Nightingale
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rupertholmes · 1 year
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she'll pinch the nerves in all the necks
when she turns those heads around
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margoteve · 3 years
Raising Atlas Chapter 5: Fight for their lives
Rating: T
Summary: The fated battle with Draal is upon us. But Jim isn't the only one who will need to face an enemy sooner than he'd like.
A/N: Thank you my lovely Beta and partner for going over it as quickly as ze did. Please, reblog/comment if you enjoyed!
“Gather Trollkind!” he called upon the gathered trolls. “The Trollhunter has laid a challenge before the son of his predecessor and you all shall bear witness to the ensuing battle, which will be one for the ages!” His voice boomed through the Forge. Fortunately for Jim, he didn’t hear what Vendel muttered under his breath about it most likely ending up being unremarkably painful and short.
The boys approached the wooden gate as Vendel started introducing Draal.
“Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tariga! Draal the Destroyer, come forth!” he called and the blue troll rolled into the arena, roaring triumphantly, greeted by the cheers of the crowd.
“At least he knows how to make an entrance,” Toby noted and Jim chuckled nervously.
Aaarrrgghh placed a comforting hand on Jim’s shoulder, getting an anxious smile from the boy.
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Maybe a pirate au 👁👁
800 Follower Challenge (O.C QnA)
For the first 10 people who send in O.C questions I will draw a response. Out of the 10 three posts will get a prize. They can chose to comission a free short story (2-5 pages) or ask for a sketch from the T.O.A show of their choice.
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Anon asked for pirate a.u
~~ In this world GumGums are Sea pirates fighting against the Kings naval ships that keep trying to take their land.
Trolls are semi aquatic creatures that live deep underwater away from the sun or on land in wet bogs and marshlands. They kept to themselves leaving humans be but due to Camelot furthering their borders Gunmar rose up saying trolls had to take action. Siding with Changelings halfling creatures similar to sirens, the changelings man the ships during the day while the Gum Gums hide underneath the deck or follow their ship from under the waves away from the danger of the sun.
Wizards and mages in this world are beings able to use magic similar to changelings and sirens. The sea flows through them and with their magic, they can bend water to their will. Their magic also allows them to control the tides of the sea and the weather.
Camelots Navy is comprised of soldiers with advanced sea training. Arthur dislikes trolls but a few trusted troll families have been picked as Captains or soldiers to be used for his boats protection. With these "good trolls" there have been less casualties fighting the GumGums. Trolls can also smell a Changeling or mage making them invaluable in the fight against Gunmar and his GumGum pirates. ~~
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Meet Dawna the Destroyer, Scourge of the Seven Seas and Captain of the Skullcrusher Ship while Gunmars away.
Dawna Annabel Walthomew Nobel was once Princess of Camelot and meant to ascend the throne. However after her mother Morgana a talented sea captain and witch was put in jail without trail, Dawn realized she could no longer follow her uncle King Arthur.
Running away from the Kingdom stealing the legendary Heart of Camelot a bounty of 100,000 golden coins is put on her head.
Dawn on the run joins Arthurs enimies and follows Gunmar and his pirates. They not only associate with mages but welcome them into their ranks. As she furthers her knowledge of magic to become more powerful and steals gold from the king she saves for her mothers bail while giving back to her people.
Chasing Dawn and fighting the GumGums along the way is the Trollhunters ship. Lead by Merlin Morganas old teacher, they wish to capture Dawn and take the princess home by Arthur's Order. Dawna clever as ever remains elusive as she works on how to save her mother and overthrow the King.
The Skullcrushers Ship Crew
Dawna: Captain of the Ship and Powerful Sea Sorceress
Bular: First Mate to Dawna/ Warrior
Strickler: Navigator/Map Maker and Tutor of the ship
Otto: Ships Medic/ Interrogator
Nomura: Ships spy/ Warrior
About 10 nameless changelings and five nameless GumGums who follow Orders and keep their heads down.
The Trollhunter's Ship
Merlin: Captain
Hisirdoux "Douxie": Ship Apprentice/Mage in Training
Jim: First Mate/ Warrior
Claire: Nobel Sorceress
Toby: Warrior in Training
Blinkous: Scholar/ Navigator
Aarrrgh: Warrior/Guard
Draal: Warrior
( I still have like 10 of these asks open. Please send some in to get the chance to win a prize :D )
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drax-is-inthefandom · 4 years
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Ok I needed a ref of how Imah actually looks now, specially for her carvings. Her first reference was outdated by now. 
As you can see on those little expression I did for her, IMAH HAS EYEBROWS, but these are behind her eyelashes-like-horns (Yes, those things stay on their place, Imah’s superior eyelids simply drag them a little bit)
Also, did you know Draal has two titles? Destroyer and Deadly? Well, Imah now has both Determined and Inventive as her titles, using whichever is needed depending of the point she wants to make or the situation she is in.
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ranminfan · 7 years
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Still practicing on Draal’s horn kay! It’s very difficult ya know.
Expression meme: http://patricklemorse.tumblr.com/image/159787320581
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