#dracula daily may 5
widdendreams · 5 months
literally every single person in town as soon as they learn where jonathan is going:
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stillbubbles · 5 months
The more I participate in Dracula Daily the more I’m filled with the burning desire to make the proper film adaptation that Hollywood dudebros would despise. This time because, after reading the May 5th entry again, I need to see the literal day and night difference in the landscape. You feel the beauty and comfort of the region while the sun is up, but once the sun goes down, the unsettling dread sets in immediately.
Like I just came back from a roadtrip and I took a back highway coming and going. Doing it in the daytime was fine, pleasant, enjoying the nature around me. At night I was like “I’m either gonna be abducted by aliens or a cryptid is gonna jump out in front of my car, this SUCKS.”
So I need a new movie that encapsulates that feeling.
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Man, each year I get to it, I love the May 5th entry and what it means. I take something new from it each time. Like last year I noticed the sacrifices and efforts the Driver and the other passengers made to try and save Jonathan, a stranger to them, by showing up early, by giving him gifts, by blessing him, despite the danger that puts them in. Especially when Dracula, as the driver, points it out to the Driver of the first coach, what he was trying to do, and scares him by pointing out what he said (despite it being heard far out of normal earshot and over the sound of horses galloping).
This year though, I notice that, but I see some of the smaller details too. Like how the mountains are full of blooming fruit trees, and how we are so used to the “gothic” aesthetic we almost forget it’s Spring. How Jonathan takes notice and comfort in the view, despite the growing unease he feels because of the people around him. He is trying to distract himself from how scared he’s getting based on their warnings. Warding him from the Evil Eye.
"No, no," he said; "you must not walk here; the dogs are too fierce"; and then he added, with what he evidently meant for grim pleasantry—for he looked round to catch the approving smile of the rest—"and you may have enough of such matters before you go to sleep."
I also take notice of this from the driver, as it’s almost a morbid gallows humor that he clearly knows to expect the wolves, and knowing what happens later, I’m sure the people here have a horrible fear of them, knowing what Dracula can do…and what he does to that poor mother later.
There were dark, rolling clouds overhead, and in the air the heavy, oppressive sense of thunder. It seemed as though the mountain range had separated two atmospheres, and that now we had got into the thunderous one.
We also get here what might be our first indication that the Count can control the weather to an extent.
They were driven by a tall man, with a long brown beard and a great black hat, which seemed to hide his face from us.
All I can imagine is Dracula in a fake beard now lol.
"You are early to-night, my friend." The man stammered in reply:—
"The English Herr was in a hurry," to which the stranger replied:—
"That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bukovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend; I know too much, and my horses are swift."
But God, this must have been terrifying for the driver and the passengers. What would Dracula do to punish them for trying to escape him? Would he dare make an example in front of the Englishman right now, or would he grant them mercy to say nothing else as Jonathan is unsuspectingly led to his doom, so they think.
"Denn die Todten reiten schnell"— ("For the dead travel fast.")
The strange driver evidently heard the words, for he looked up with a gleaming smile.
It feels like they’re all in on some sick joke that they know the punchline to, but Jonathan doesn’t, so with the dramatic irony, it feels like we the readers are the same peasants, trying to do anything to save or warn Jonathan but it’s already too late.
I also notice how quickly Dracula tries to shift the power dynamic with Jonathan, and have him doubt his sanity so soon, and he’s not even in the castle yet.
He drives him in circles to try and disorient Jonathan and make him feel even more lost, also keeping him out for far later and making Jonathan question if he’s dreaming or if what he’s seeing is real. I’d also bet more than anything that wine he offer Jonathan on the coach that Jonathan didn’t end up taking was drugged. Because it’s far easier to disorient an unconscious passenger in the dark than it is to disorient a conscious passenger. But he still does a pretty darn good job.
Then there’s the blue flames, which Jonathan doesn’t know how to react to as they seem supernatural and he doesn’t know how to rationalize it yet, so he takes it as if he’s dreaming.
This gave me a sort of shock, for I suppose the general superstition about midnight was increased by my recent experiences. I waited with a sick feeling of suspense.
Jonathan also has already felt the fear and nerves associated with the supernatural and superstition after what all of the townsfolk have told him, and later he tries to brush this off and rationalize again, try not to get too scared, but a part of him already realizes something is wrong.
Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farmhouse far down the road—a long, agonised wailing, as if from fear.
I also want to point this out, as it’s right before the wolves surround the coach, but it’s the second time a “dog” has been mentioned howling in the night, and with this evidence, I bet Dracula uses the wolves as a threat to keep the peasants and townsfolk in line, as he can’t munch down on everyone. But it shows how powerful he is and what a threat he poses. I wonder who the wolves kill in the night.
Also how Jonathan, as an Englishman where there were no more native wolves, can’t even imagine that’s what they were and thinks they are dogs.
And it makes sense now that earlier when Jonathan was getting out his good ol’ polyglot dictionary, how the two words mean the same thing.
"vrolok" and "vlkoslak"—both of which mean the same thing, one being Slovak and the other Servian for something that is either were-wolf or vampire.
As Dracula, as we see later, can transform into a wolf himself, and so there is probably less distinction between the two in this culture than we have tried to establish in the modern day.
Once there appeared a strange optical effect: when he stood between me and the flame he did not obstruct it, for I could see its ghostly flicker all the same.
Ah, I wonder if this is an early indication that Dracula cannot be depicted through traditional means? Like how he can’t be seen in the mirror. Certain lights just, pass through him.
I shouted and beat the side of the calèche, hoping by the noise to scare the wolves from that side, so as to give him a chance of reaching the trap.
We also see Jonathan taking an active and proactive approach, in this manner trying to be helpful and aid his (what he assumes human) driver. With these sorts of actions already, I can see signs of the man who will pick up a shovel to try and do what needs to be done. Who takes a knife and vows action, not hesitating.
He is polite right now, he’s on business. He doesn’t know what’s coming. But regardless, that person is still in him, and he’s capable of taking great action and doing great things for the sake of survival and doing what he thinks is right.
And Dracula commanding the wolves to stop as the driver, and the cloud passing overhead, I feel is like a subtle display of power and threat to Jonathan. He’s still playing pretend, but when Jonathan does figure out he was the coach the whole time, and he plays coy, the Count knows Jonathan will remember this threat, and it feels that much more sinister.
Jonathan still questions and thinks he fell asleep, as he doesn’t see how he’d have missed the approach of the castle otherwise, but I think he was awake because it was dark, and the count was intentionally taking him a winding and confusing path under a lot of fear. Though if he did fall asleep, I’m that much more terrified about how Dracula was driving him about, now secure in the knowledge that Jonathan would be thoroughly isolated and lost.
And the thing that nearly gives Dracula away twice as the driver is the strength of his grip on Jonathan’s hand, also lacing a subtle threat.
through these frowning walls and dark window openings it was not likely that my voice could penetrate.
Well this is just scary knowing how trapped Jonathan becomes later, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear the outside world, and how the outside world might not be able to hear him, and how he’s already acknowledging that.
The time I waited seemed endless, and I felt doubts and fears crowding upon me. What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of people? What sort of grim adventure was it on which I had embarked?
He already is expressing doubts and fears, he isn’t ignorant of what situation he might be in, and it’s only later when he tries to rationalize with the count and is given the comforts manipulation of food and sleep, that he tries to dismiss these fears and take the Count at his word.
Was this a customary incident in the life of a solicitor's clerk sent out to explain the purchase of a London estate to a foreigner? Solicitor's clerk! Mina would not like that. Solicitor—for just before leaving London I got word that my examination was successful; and I am now a full-blown solicitor!
Okay, this is just really cute. Mina said You passed the Bar, you Deserve to call yourself a Solicitor Jonathan <3
Also explains a lot that Jonathan is a fresh faced baby lawyer who just passed the bar and needs this assignment. He’s probably hoping that after this pay day he can marry Mina and have enough for them to start making a life together. Also says a lot for Dracula’s strategy to him to get someone young, inexperienced, and unfamiliar with the area, who might be seen as “expendable” so that Jonathan’s sudden “disappearance” might go unremarked by those in charge (though Mina would notice).
I began to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if I were awake. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare to me, and I expected that I should suddenly awake, and find myself at home, with the dawn struggling in through the windows, as I had now and again felt in the morning after a day of overwork. But my flesh answered the pinching test, and my eyes were not to be deceived. I was indeed awake and among the Carpathians. All I could do now was to be patient, and to wait the coming of the morning.
Again, those early signs of doubt and fear from Jonathan, showing his unease already at the situation. We did not deserve to be clowning on him so much when this book club first started. It’s not his fault he’s not genre aware 😔 I’m sorry Jonathan.
And when Drac does show up to open the door:
"Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own will!" He made no motion of stepping to meet me, but stood like a statue, as though his gesture of welcome had fixed him into stone.
I wonder if he’s like that because he needs to be invited into places to be there, so if it’s almost like a supernatural hold of importance for him to offer the same thing. Almost like a subtle joke or curse with the knowledge that after Jonathan enters, he won’t be allowed to leave of his own will
holding out his hand grasped mine with a strength which made me wince, an effect which was not lessened by the fact that it seemed as cold as ice—more like the hand of a dead than a living man.
I also like how all the clues are there, and since Jonathan has written them down and taken note of them, the expression on them must be some of the things he’s piercing together about his own fears as well that he’s afraid to voice aloud or in his journal, because if he voices his suspicions, they might become more real to him.
The strength of the handshake was so much akin to that which I had noticed in the driver, whose face I had not seen, that for a moment I doubted if it were not the same person to whom I was speaking
See? He knows what’s up, he’s just afraid to say it.
I also didn’t pick up that Jonathan’s room is octagonal for some reason. I wonder if there’s any reason for that or symbolism with the 8 sides?
Also the letter from Mr. Hawkin’s feels very ominous in retrospect knowing what’s coming and how Dracula will treat Jonathan:
"I must regret that an attack of gout, from which malady I am a constant sufferer, forbids absolutely any travelling on my part for some time to come; but I am happy to say I can send a sufficient substitute, one in whom I have every possible confidence. He is a young man, full of energy and talent in his own way, and of a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service. He shall be ready to attend on you when you will during his stay, and shall take your instructions in all matters."
I feel like Dracula knew to take advantage of that, and also this feels like him basically reading the menu for an ideal victim once his business is said and done, so I get shivers, brrrrr.
Hitherto I had noticed the backs of his hands as they lay on his knees in the firelight, and they had seemed rather white and fine; but seeing them now close to me, I could not but notice that they were rather coarse—broad, with squat fingers. Strange to say, there were hairs in the centre of the palm. The nails were long and fine, and cut to a sharp point. As the Count leaned over me and his hands touched me, I could not repress a shudder. It may have been that his breath was rank, but a horrible feeling of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal.
I also like that while Jonathan is describing Dracula, he notice his hands. And I am also struck with how little it is brought up that he has hair on his palms, and I can see the more wolf-like nature of this vampire mythology. I wonder if Bram Stoker intended for werewolves and vampires to be the same thing in his novel? They are certainly compared and have similar powers and weaknesses, so it’s possible I guess.
Also Dracula has corpse-breath lol. Nasty.
I saw the first dim streak of the coming dawn. There seemed a strange stillness over everything; but as I listened I heard as if from down below in the valley the howling of many wolves.
Ah ha! Also the first foreshadowing we get for the importance of dawn and dusk in the novel, as we know later how important timing becomes for our protagonists, so seeing its affects already make me smile at the recognition of the signs so early.
"Listen to them—the children of the night. What music they make!" Seeing, I suppose, some expression in my face strange to him, he added:—
"Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."
And ah, an iconic line. Though I just get second hand angry and uncomfortable at Dracula’s insistence that he’s a “hunter” 🤢. God I just hate him haha.
I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!
And literally Day 1 of being in the castle and Jonathan is already questioning his sanity and piecing things together he’s afraid to even voice in his journal. This is the second time in as many days he has already wished that those around him find this journal and laments should anything bad happen to him. It creates the impression of one who knows they’re walking into danger but must go on anyway.
But I love Jonathan so much, and I definitely really like the May 5th entry, and it does so much work to set up what happens later.
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amateurist-sketches · 5 months
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"For your mother's sake."
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clockwork-stars · 5 months
"What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of people? What sort of grim adventure was it on which I had embarked? Was this a customary incident in the life of a solicitor's clerk sent out to explain the purchase of a London estate to a foreigner?"
Our poor man looks so confused
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beacedocrime · 5 months
Welcome to
Artemis reads:
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I could hear a lot of words often repeated, queer words, for there were many nationalities in the crowd; so I quietly got my polyglot dictionary from my bag and looked them out. I must say they were not cheering to me, for amongst them were "Ordog"—Satan, "pokol"—hell, "stregoica"—witch, "vrolok" and "vlkoslak"—both of which mean the same thing, one being Slovak and the other Servian for something that is either were-wolf or vampire. (Mem., I must ask the Count about these superstitions)
Imagine being like "hmmm I wonder what these people are talking about, let me look through my dictionary" and this is what you find, geez.
Also "I must ask the Count about these superstitions". No actually. You mustn't.
When we started, the crowd round the inn door, which had by this time swelled to a considerable size, all made the sign of the cross and pointed two fingers towards me. With some difficulty I got a fellow-passenger to tell me what they meant; [...] he explained that it was a charm or guard against the evil eye. This was not very pleasant for me, just starting for an unknown place to meet an unknown man;
Yeah, definitely not terrifying. At all. Don't worry though I'm sure he'll be perfectly safe guys.
but I noticed that goitre was painfully prevalent.
Someone else has pointed this out, but I figured I'd also mention it just in case. People with goitre would often wear bandages around their neck, either to heal from the removal or to hide the symptoms, as back then the only known way to heal from it was to remove the thyroid. (Please tell me if I got smth wrong here so I can correct it)
However, we as the reader are well aware of Dracula's nature, and the fact that so many people were wearing bandages around their neck makes one wonder.
The road was rugged, but still we seemed to fly over it with a feverish haste. I could not understand then what the haste meant, but the driver was evidently bent on losing no time in reaching Borgo Prund. [...]
and they kept speaking to him, one after the other, as though urging him to further speed. He lashed the horses unmercifully with his long whip, and with wild cries of encouragement urged them on to further exertions. [...]
The excitement of the passengers grew greater; the crazy coach rocked on its great leather springs, and swayed like a boat tossed on a stormy sea. I had to hold on. [...]
One by one several of the passengers offered me gifts, which they pressed upon me with an earnestness which would take no denial; these were certainly of an odd and varied kind, but each was given in simple good faith, with a kindly word, and a blessing, and that strange mixture of fear-meaning movements which I had seen outside the hotel at Bistritz—the sign of the cross and the guard against the evil eye. [...]
We could see now the sandy road lying white before us, but there was on it no sign of a vehicle. The passengers drew back with a sigh of gladness, which seemed to mock my own disappointment. [...]
said to the others something which I could hardly hear, it was spoken so quietly and in so low a tone; I thought it was "An hour less than the time." [...]
"There is no carriage here. The Herr is not expected after all. He will now come on to Bukovina, and return to-morrow or the next day; better the next day."
Just... all of this. Them trying so hard to save Jonathan, to stall, to get him not to go there. All that anxiety built up over the sheer speed of the carriage, how everyone seemed to urge the driver on, only to find out that it was all for some hope that maybe it would save him. The passengers giving him all sorts of gifts (protection), things that they had to protect themselves.
It's just so... they don't know him, and yet here they are, doing all this.
Then, amongst a chorus of screams from the peasants and a universal crossing of themselves, a calèche, with four horses, drove up behind us, overtook us, and drew up beside the coach.
And then this happens, and all their hope, all their efforts, for nothing.
It seemed to me that we were simply going over and over the same ground again; and so I took note of some salient point, and found that this was so. [...]
By-and-by, however, as I was curious to know how time was passing, I struck a match, and by its flame looked at my watch; it was within a few minutes of midnight. This gave me a sort of shock, for I suppose the general superstition about midnight was increased by my recent experiences.
I figure that them going in circles is just Dracula biding time for whatever is to happen once midnight strikes, with the added benefit of maybe disorienting Jonathan too.
I must have been asleep, for certainly if I had been fully awake I must have noticed the approach of such a remarkable place.
Now, I'm aware that Dracula has the ability to lull people into a sleep-like trance (or smth like that) and I am wholly convinced that this is what happened here. Who knows how much of the road Jonathan lost before becoming aware once again?
What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of people? What sort of grim adventure was it on which I had embarked?
Oh Jonny boy you have no idea
Solicitor's clerk! Mina would not like that. Solicitor—for just before leaving London I got word that my examination was successful; and I am now a full-blown solicitor!
And more mentions of Mina! I can't wait to actually meet her. What I know of her and her and Jonathan's relationship is really fun, and smth very exciting to look to.
"Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own will!" [...]
"Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring!" [...]
"I am Dracula; and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house. Come in; the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest."
Ah, yes, totally normal welcomes. And three of them too. Nothing that stands out at all, no siree (though "and leave something of the happiness you bring" is actually a very good way to welcome someone. I'd love to hear those words when entering someone's home)
The strength of the handshake was so much akin to that which I had noticed in the driver, whose face I had not seen, that for a moment I doubted if it were not the same person to whom I was speaking;
No, Jonathan, whatever could you mean? The carriage rider and the Count being the same person? Preposterous!
"Nay, sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my people are not available. Let me see to your comfort myself."
Ah, yes. Your people. Your staff. The staff that definitely exist. That staff. Of course.
I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!
This poor man just wants to do a good job in his business trip. But the HORRORS. THE HORRORS WONT LET HIM
May 4 / May 7
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reallucywestenra · 5 months
I must say the description of the count today contrasted with the landscape surprised me. When I met him, even in sleep, he was tall and handsome. Poor Jonathan, he did not even have that infatuation to console him.
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Jonathan: The townspeople keep saying a word that means “vampire.” I should ask the Count about this 🤔
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Everyone shouting at Jonathan to just leave Castle Dracula has got to remember you're talking about this guy:
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"I have had a long journey with many train delays and this is my first job and I have no money and my fiancée is waiting for me to come home after a job well done and I am very smol so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under"
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thethirdromana · 1 year
More travels with Jonathan Harker, in pictures
Here's the route that Jonathan travels by the public coach today:
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I've tried to find copyright-free photos from the actual route, but I've not had much success. So this tour is going to be a lot more vibes-based than reflective of the actual sights out of the stagecoach window. Think of it like Jonathan's Transylvanian Pinterest board.
(Scenery photos are all of Transylvania, assuming I can trust the sites where I found them, but not necessarily the right time of year or the right bit of Transylvania. It's a big place.)
"Before us lay a green sloping land full of forests and woods, with here and there steep hills, crowned with clumps of trees or with farmhouses, the blank gable end to the road."
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"There was everywhere a bewildering mass of fruit blossom—apple, plum, pear, cherry; and as we drove by I could see the green grass under the trees spangled with the fallen petals."
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"In and out amongst these green hills of what they call here the "Mittel Land" ran the road, losing itself as it swept round the grassy curve, or was shut out by the straggling ends of pine woods, which here and there ran down the hillsides like tongues of flame."
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"Beyond the green swelling hills of the Mittel Land rose mighty slopes of forest up to the lofty steeps of the Carpathians themselves. Right and left of us they towered, with the afternoon sun falling full upon them and bringing out all the glorious colours of this beautiful range, deep blue and purple in the shadows of the peaks, green and brown where grass and rock mingled, and an endless perspective of jagged rock and pointed crags, till these were themselves lost in the distance, where the snowy peaks rose grandly."
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"As we wound on our endless way, and the sun sank lower and lower behind us, the shadows of the evening began to creep round us. This was emphasised by the fact that the snowy mountain-top still held the sunset, and seemed to glow out with a delicate cool pink."
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"By the roadside were many crosses, and as we swept by, my companions all crossed themselves."
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"Sometimes, as the road was cut through the pine woods that seemed in the darkness to be closing down upon us, great masses of greyness, which here and there bestrewed the trees, produced a peculiarly weird and solemn effect, which carried on the thoughts and grim fancies engendered earlier in the evening, when the falling sunset threw into strange relief the ghost-like clouds which amongst the Carpathians seem to wind ceaselessly through the valleys."
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And a bonus: Bran Castle is marked as 'Dracula's Castle' despite being even further away from the locations in the book than most of my vibes-based photography choices. It also doesn't resemble Bram Stoker's descriptions of the castle.
But more importantly, it looks really cool. So here it is:
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akasanata · 1 year
Today's Dracula manga highlights:
Jonathan writing his diary in bed like a 13 year old
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Everyone wants to protecc the cinnamon roll
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More cute Jonathan
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widdendreams · 5 months
jonathan meeting the count for the first time:
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Holy shit the May 5th entry hits so different because I’m sitting here marking all the things Dracula does that are simply bad vibes
First of all, hats off to that first driver trying so hard to speed Jonathan through so he would miss his appointment and then lying to the Count’s face about it, we Stan a man who tried
Second off, Dracula-as-Driver immediately packing all Jonathan’s things into his carriage and “helping” Jonathan in with a death grip on his arm so Jonathan knows exactly how strong he is and how easily he could crush him
And then the thing that made me extremely uneasy was Dracula offering Jonathan that wine for the road (knowing how he drugs the Brandy later for the housemaids at Lucy’s house) and then driving deliberately in circles just rubbed me all the wrong way because I know and you know and Dracula knows, that that’s so Jonathan (if he were to escape) wouldn’t know where he was and would have an even harder time fleeing from the Castle, or finding it again, and ooo I am so uncomfy just thinking about it
And I bet Dracula summoned those Wolves just to freak Jonathan out and show he has control over them when he dismissed them (that motherfucker)
Layers of subtle power imbalances and manipulations, again with the vice-grip of when Jonathan first gets to the Castle
Of deliberately keeping Jonathan up late, so he’s on Drac’s schedule and then later blaming Jonathan for being too interesting and making them talk until morning, shifting the blame to Jonathan and not the Count
It’s so odd, but the scariest things about the Count in these early chapters are not the supernatural elements of his nature, but his role as a manipulative abuser with power over his captive. It’s very unsettling how accurate and menacingly Stoker portrays it and it only becomes more oblique as the days draw on and Jonathan can no longer excuse to himself that he’s imagining things 😰
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Forever mad that Vincent Price never had a chance to play Dracula in none of the countless adpatations made throughout the course of his life. I mean look at him!!!! He has the moustache and everything!!
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Sir why are you so Dracula
(screenshot from a gif by @ilovemesomevincentprice from Tales of Terror (1962))
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Jonathan: heya count, right before I got a ride to your place, i heard the locals saying "stregoica" over and over - what's that mean?
Dracula: it means, like, a really chill dude
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draculadaily-memes · 5 months
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