#dragon au lore
sinful-sketches · 2 years
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Marvin hides his markings because they [REDACTED]
"The following is public knowledge as King [REDACTED] has allowed to be about our world and it's natural order."
"In our world, there exists two varieties of Mage. The Born Mage and the Trained Mage. Born Mages are of the Royal Family. There are, of course, a few born outside the Royal Bloodline but these are rare and far between. These Born Mages have personalized markings that seem to symbolize something of the Mage as magic is considered to be interwined to these Mages' very souls. They have a baseline of magic that they are born with. Trained Mages have no such baseline nor markings. They are average people who have to train to use magic and often have to use artifacts and spellbooks opposed to the Born Mage's magic. Additionally, a Born Mage's magic is strongest when tied to their emotions whereas a Trained Mage's magic is strongest with logic and concentration."
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alexxuun · 4 months
Trigun DnD AU
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Oh, you think I’m being normal about this? Do you think a normal person could make this?? (Drop lore and run)
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shirecorn · 1 year
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Dragons are one of the most variable creatures in the world. Individuals are shaped not by genetics, but by their environment and what they want out of life.
Baby dragons can remain in their young form for decades, if the environment isn't right for them to mature. Intense competition, lack of resources, or uncertain emotional development are all reasons for a baby dragon to delay their adult molt.
Once circumstances are right, an intense period of growth begins, and a dragon can multiply its size and sprout new features such as wings in just a few short years.
Pubescent dragons need a huge amount of food (including gem minerals) to sustain their growth. In the dragon lands, this can lead to competition, toughening up a young dragon to face a world of challenges.
Not everything is about fighting tooth and nail. Dragons raised in more cooperative societies are often softer, with less need to develop armor and weaponry. However, if their society faces constant threats, even the softest, kindest dragons will bulk up into formidable creatures in order to defend the ones they love. These individuals are difficult to provoke, easy to make peace with, but impossible to beat once you've threatened their family.
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cuttlekiss-mlp · 2 months
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thought i might attempt to start off strong with my mlp infection au
this is still a pretty big WIP, especially with all of the characters. i've been very thorough with how i want things to go, so i've been taking my time with it.
stuck with a sketchier style bc it fit the vibe of what i wanted so well
!!!TW: DESCRIPTIONS OF GORE!!! "Dear Princess Celestia, I have made a grave mistake, and my judgement is no longer sound. I have ruined everything. I am in search of a cure for what I have created. It cannot be destroyed. Normal magic cannot undo what I have done. He is gone, but maybe I can save the others. I am sorry that this letter has not been sent to you in a timely fashion. He is gone. I had to send this letter via pony mail. Please forgive me for all I have done. Friendship is not strong enough to save us. My friends have abandoned me. They know what I have done. Your faithful student, your failure, Twilight Sparkle."
Between all of the commotion of Sombra's defeat and Twilight's ascension as an alicorn, no one was quick to notice a very important missing person. As soon as Twilight realized her favorite baby dragon was not there to greet her and celebrate, she felt sick to her stomach. Where was he? Spike was found by Cadence. He was delivered to Twilight wrapped in her large pink wings, wounded beyond what could be saved. He was already dead when he was found. Her baby dragon was gone.
No amount of friendship or comfort could console the new princess. She laid with her body curled around Spike, and her cries filled the courtyard for hours. It took two days for her to move from that spot and head home towards Ponyville, where Spike would be buried in front of her home. But she could not bare the thought. Spike could not be gone, not forever.
When she returned home, she holed up in her tree house. The doors locked, the curtains covered the windows, and there was nothing but silence. Twilight worked tirelessly for hours, using magic to preserve her baby dragon's body long enough to find a spell that would erase what happened. Spike would not be dead for much longer. The power of friendship and love would bring him back to life. It had to.
She explained to her friends that if they used the Elements of Harmony, theoretically, he could be revived. They had their reservations. No one thought it was a good idea...but Rainbow Dash talked them into trying. Twilight was hurting, she needed her friends to be there for her. However, their attempts were in vein. Spike was not revived.
Despite their failed attempts, Twilight remained stubborn and persistent. She could not let this happen. Spike could not be gone. Everyone was starting to worry about her, but no amount of convincing could change her mind. They refused to continue trying. They did not believe in her and that made her very angry.
Returning into hiding, Twilight's determination became concrete. She did not sleep, she barely ate. Dash visited frequently, while the others had resolved that Twilight needed time and space. She was the only reason the princess ate anything at all. Twilight soon caught reference to a spell in one of her books. This spell was in a particular book in Canterlot's library...and that is where she would go. She packed up and she made her way swiftly to Canterlot. Unfortunately, the book was locked away, for it's magic was forbidden and dangerous. But this did not matter to her. Twilight broke into the library, stole the book, and rushed off to Ponyville. She would not allow anything to stand in her way. Spike could not be gone.
The spell required an intense amount of magic. Twilight would need help to cast the spell, to bring Spike back. But, none of the other elements would help her. They insisted she lay Spike to rest. She refused. How could they ever say such a thing? How could they give up on Spike? How could they not believe in her?
Twilight took it upon herself to cast the spell. She took the Elements of Harmony and she wielded them herself. Bright beams of pink light flooded out of her curtains...
"Twilight. . ." A soft, exhausted voice called from the explosion that was her living room. Twilight could barely hear it's faintness, but his voice was unmistakable. She blindly stumbled towards the voice, to find Spike. When she found him, she was first overjoyed. Spike was getting up! Spike was alive!! Bright pink and sparkling ooze spilled from his chest as he rose from his bed. "Twilight?" His voice was louder and sounded panicked? "What is happening-" his voice cut off with a sickening gurgle. Pink bursted from his mouth, and he coughed and wheezed, trying desperately to regain his breath. His eyes were bleeding, or were they rotting? Twilight couldn't tell. She rushed to his side and she held him. Spike choked and convulsed, pink ooze spilling all over his bed and onto the floor and onto her. And then...he stopped. Unsure of what happened, of what to do, Twilight stared in disbelief, in heartbreak. Had she revived him only to suffer yet another painful death? Tears welled in her eyes and she cried out with unbearable pain.
Between her cries and uncontrollable sobbing, she didn't hear Dash break through one of her windows. She held Spike and cried and cried. The house was a mess and Twilight was a mess and covered in pink ooze and Spike was a mess and pink ooze was still coming out of him. Despite her best efforts, Twilight would not let go of Spike. She snapped at Dash to leave her alone, and that is what Dash did. She didn't want to, but what was there to do?
Twilight fell asleep in the midst of her crying, holding her baby dragon close and covering him with her wings.
She woke to a gurgling growl and a terrifying creature standing above her, with pink, sparkling drool dripping from it's mouth. It's eyes were dark and lifeless but little pink glowing orbs betrayed it's gaze. It stared and growled and breathed raspy, shallow breaths. Twilight pushed it away in fear, scrambling up from Spike's bed. That is when she realized what the creature was. It was Spike...but it wasn't truly. He twitched and groaned and dripped pink ooze.
Before she knew it, a knock came at her door. Spike's head snapped towards the sound.
The door opened.
Spike lunged.
Screams and Spike's growls erupted.
What had she done?
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zondearts · 6 months
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mmj WoF au desings+ doodles
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mlpgr0undzer0 · 4 months
Character File #2
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skiaskai · 1 year
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you asked for it, a whole post dedicated to the rainbow space dragon au
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bardicblast · 4 months
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Van der Linde Isaac - "CoS is actually a western" is such a concept ever since i saw somebody pointing that out i kept thinking about it
i rant about the redesign a bit:
so i went ahead and redesigned him to fit the rdr2 setting entirely, i cant give him a full on wolf arm, so i gave him burn scars on his face, that he hides all the time with a scarf or a bandana. hat in the back to replace the hoodie's shape. he is most comfortable using the rolling block rifle plus a knife. he would probably play a lot of five finger fillet.
plus, he gets his arm blown off at one point (not from finger fillet!! i swear), probably during the saint denis robbery, then dies during the guarma chapter, bc there is no way he would survive longer than that
also i cant have him choose sides at chapter 6 when i know he has blind loyalty
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rykundsz-art · 7 months
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Uuhm I've been into splatoon lately so...
Octoling Goges?
(Full doodle sheets below!)
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
Dear Eclipse! What a nice thing to finally see you and being able to speak to you!
Flames are very pretty,but do you have any fav type of fire? Cuz you probably know they can be different colors at least-
"I am very partial to my own abilities~
But, I have seen dragon fire before~ Quite a spectacle, that is~"
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sinn-bee · 3 months
Hi I'm very fascinated by your dragon svsss au and I got a question if you're still open for them! It's regard SY!SQQ, bc in the first pic that you uploaded of the au he's noticeably more clothed than LQG and in the last comic you made the joke that he's wondering where his clothes are. Now to my question: is this different to how Shen Jiu used to dress because Shen Yuan had some modesty concerns from his former life or did he always cover up more? Or is Liu Qingge just unusually exposed in comparison to the other dragon Peak Lords? Anyway I hope you have a good day!
First of all sorry it took so long to answer your ask oTL (Got busy and distracted)
To answer your first question, SY!Sqq wears the same kind of clothing that SJ!Sqq did, he does feel kinda weird about being so exposed for a while but gets to learn Very Quickly that most everyone dresses like this. So yeah he has modesty concerns but learns to hide his embarrassment very quick because if everyone else is doing it, it isn’t as weird!
Lqg is more exposed than the other peak lords 😂 I’ll get back to that in a second.
SO. Some worldbuilding lore~
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“Dragon fashion is designed to transition easily between forms and allow a tail to move freely, and dragons don’t care much about nudity or exposure-
Clothes expand at the waist and are slit at the sides to accommodate a larger, more serpentine form, and come off quickly and easily if you want to get really big.”
-excerpt taken from a dragon au fic my friend Corrin (/ partner in crime for making this au) wrote (it’s not posted yet, it’s Moshang, and it’s part of a zine coming soon)
Draconic peak lords, having ascended to full dragon hood, can shift between forms easily and so as mentioned above prefer to have less clothing that is easier to move around in. Normal draconic cultivators mimic those styles to some degree despite not being capable of shifting forms fully.
So less clothing = Shifts into other draconic forms more often. Lqg likes to hunt and travel and be in a draconic form a lot so he…doesn’t care much for clothing.
Yqy you’ll notice is very clothed and that’s because he just doesn’t ever shift to other draconic forms for sad reasons, and also to cover up as much of his scales as possible.
The other fun clothing headcannons (is it headcannons for an au??) I have are that the style and complexity of clothing also depends on the ranking of the peak and draconic hierarchy. Like Sqq has more jewelry and gems and Sqh has much simpler clothing and no gems. Lqg has gems because they’re a gift from Sqq.
The other reason for being so scantily clad is that draconic cultivation takes a Lot of time and effort, some more so than others, so people who have beaten their way to the top and ascended to dragonhood like to show off their scales and draconic features. Ahem Sj cough cough
Thank you so much for your curiosity! I like being able to infodump about my au especially since posting the comic and art for it takes a while 😅
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poisonouspastels · 3 months
I haven't really gotten to talk about the Ender Dragon yet in the Minecraft AU, and you guys really liked the worldbuilding of oreposting for whatever reason, so we're talking about her now.
To clarify first and foremost: Jean (the dragon) is an intelligent and fully sentient creature. She knows and can speak every spoken language of this world, knows your name, knows every little thing about you, being seemingly omniscient despite having never met prior. That being said, she is not an unfair fighter and is not malicious in nature.
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Dragons existed in much greater numbers long ago, though now the only ones you can find are in Ender. The Endermen are direct evolutionary descendants of these other dragons spread through the infinite realm - but not of Jean specifically. Despite this, historical writings would often (inaccurately) refer to her as "The mother of a thousand children." She is not capable of reproduction and is a fully sexless being.
Her relations to the Endermen are begrudging, serving only to have a brutal mutualistic relationship. The Ender dragons (not just Jean) allow them to eat from the chorus fruit trees within their territory so they may not starve, as well as spawn their own young, and the Ender dragons gets their fair share of food in return... by eating some of the Endermen. The Endermen are rather intelligent creatures in their own way, and they often escape to other dimensions to attempt to live a different life that isn't under the "rule" of the dragons, but quite a few are set in their ways because it's what they know. It's the circle of life they've become familiar with as they subject themselves to it for the sake of survival. Jean is unique in that she is "manufactured" in a way. Not to say that she is artificial, far from it, but that she's not a naturally made dragon. She's to the Universe what Cerberus is to the gates of hell, only existing and serving to guard and provide a challenge if necessary. She knows the rules and is respectful of them, and will never be afraid to die again. Much like a phoenix, with each death she is reborn. Upon being slain, she retreats back to the egg from whence she came many times before, only to re-emerge 10,000 years later.
When Jean finds her way back into the world, the knowledge of the return manages to find its way into the minds of everyone as a call to action. Though slaying the beast right away is not necessary per say, its better not to delay, as the longer one waits, often the more the idea will eat away at them.
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Much like how the Wither represents the concept of inevitability, Jean represents the repeating cycle of the world - whether it be the persistence in humanity to come back time and time again, the cycle of her own return and inevitable death, or the tendency this world has to repeat itself over and over.
The Universe works in mysterious ways, and she is no exception to its design.
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luna-mad-talks · 2 months
Eliatropes as Angels AU
That's it. That's the post
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quotidianish · 5 months
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New and updated reference sheet I’ll probably just redraw again a few months later. For the old one and more of this nonsense here’s the previous compilation of my human au!
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laughterfixs · 6 months
TW: This gets a bit heavy in the first half! Lots of angst! @afloofwithmultipleinterests helped me with a tease uwu
Moon’s having thoughts about himself. Does he really matter? Is he special? Why do people prefer Sun over him? As he sits alone in the dark with nothing but his thoughts, Ana comes to find him and talk to him. To help her pup’s mind out of the dark. 
Silence. Darkness. 
Not a single noise disrupted this night. 
One would almost consider it peaceful. But Moondrop considered it…lonely. Silence could be deafening. Moon’s mind was pounding. 
He sat on the back of a bunny cart, the carousel absolutely still for the night. Not broken, it was just fixed. 
Moon had come out to the daycare playground. The carousel was the main attraction, which made everyone want to visit. 
Moon wanted to sit and stare at the stars. It was the only time and only way he would be able to. But it was a cloudy night, the stars and the actual moon were hidden behind them. 
Moon sighed and raised his arms behind his head, trying to ignore the inner voice berating him in his head. But it just seemed to get louder and louder the longer the silence went on. 
Sitting out here when you have patrols. 
It’s the only thing you can do right and here you are! Staff is right, you are useless. 
Can’t even do naptime right. Look at yourself! What kind of caretaker looks like THIS?! Moon flinched, his hand going up to his faceplate to feel it. The wide smile on his face, sharp shark like teeth, he could see the light from his red eyes glowing against his arm. Moon growled a bit and pulled his nightcap over his face. 
Oh yes! Growling like that is perfect…for scaring the kids, for making them hate you. For making them run straight to Sun. 
What good are you?! You can’t protect anyone, you can’t keep anyone safe, look how easily you were infected by that DAMN virus! Everyone either thinks you’re creepy or dangerous. You. Are. Nothing. 
Moon curled up on the bunny cart, bringing his knees up to his chest and hiding his face in his arms. 
“Moonberry?” Moon flinched at the voice calling his nickname. He peeked over his arms, seeing the familiar sea green eyes of his mother glowing slightly in the dark. She couldn’t fit inside to get to him, but her long neck snaked past a few bars and characters to get as close as possible. “Whatcha doin out here by yerself?” Ana asked, gently tilting her head. Moon was quiet for a moment. He swallowed down the imaginary lump in his imaginary throat. 
“I just…needed to be alone for a bit…” 
“...Do you still want to be alone..?” Ana asked carefully. Moon looked off to the side. After a moment, he shook his head, face still buried in his arms. “Think you can come a lil closer then..?” 
Moon nodded and then slowly slid off where he was seated and moved to a chicken cart closer to his mom. Ana watched him as he went into his previous position. Her ears lowered in worry. “Alright…what’s wrong Moonberry?” “....” Moon sighed again. “I’m useless…” 
Ana blinked, taken back by that. “What? Where did that thought come from?” 
Moon gave a shrug. “Moon…” the dragon hound gently warned. “Come on, you can tell me anything…”
The starry daycare attendant quickly wiped the tears he felt threatening to spill. Unlike Sunny who would cry when he was alone, Moon didn’t cry at all. He tried not to. Monsters didn’t cry…right? “Everyone just sees me as a monster. The kids are scared of me, the staff thinks I’m dangerous. I’m just…I’m so tired of it…” 
Ana lowered her ears. That had seemed to hit her pretty hard as well. Moon continued on. 
“On top of that I just…I don’t think I can really do anything around here. I was supposed to be a protector and a caretaker, but once I got infected I…I couldn’t even do that…so many kids lost and it was all MY fault! I let Carlyle down!” 
“Maybe Sun would be better off without me…” “Now you stop that right there, mister!”  
Moon jolted a bit at the sudden firmness to Ana’s voice. “I ain’t gonna have that. You know just as well as I do, Sun would be devastated without you. And so would I.”
“...But I’m just a monster…” Ana shook her head, using her paw to lift Moon’s head toward her gently. “No, yer my Moonberry. Yer Sunny’s brother and best friend. You may act like a mischievous lil gremlin but ya ain’t a monster hun.” 
Moon averted his gaze. He knew she was trying to help but…it was hard to believe her words. Ana sighed, seeing her affirmations weren’t working too well…
“Moon, sugarstar, I know it hurts…but I also know you. You are a protector. You do yer absolute best to make sure Sun feels safe and happy. Just as you do with everyone.” “But…but all those kids…” “It wasn’t yer fault. It never was. You had no control, remember? You weren’t yerself and I know it didn’t leave you yerself…you had no control of that glitch honey…” “But… the staff…” “Know literally nothing. Not the Moon I know. Not the Moon who I’ve seen do anything for those he cares about.” Moon stared at his mother. He held her paw against his faceplate. She waited for him to say something but he was quiet. So she went on, all while gently stroking his cheek with a finger. “Moon…Do you remember the day we met?” Moon froze a moment and looked up at her in question. He wasn’t sure where she was going with that but…his curiosity peaked. “Y-yes…It was after I chased Marie when I thought she stole some kids…I found you two under the pizzaplex, hiding and just…trying to eat and survive.” Ana nodded. “And do you remember what you did? Every day during yerr patrols?” “...I brought you leftovers from the concession stands and snacks that Sun made for you…just so you had something, anything to eat.” “Exactly. Would a monster do that?” Moon’s eyes widened. He looked down…and shook his head. “You not only did that, but you kept us a secret. As best as you could at least, until Sunny found out later.” She chuckled lightly. “You didn’t have to do any of that. You were mine and Marie’s savior for a while…You boys are definitely my savior.” “Huh…?” The night time animatronic questioned, looking back up at her. “What…What do you mean?” Ana smiled at him, lowering her head to lightly bonk foreheads with him. “Before I met you boys, I was a very bitter person. I wasn’t happy when I was human. I lost my life to those men and…that angel turned me into this all because I said I hated my kind. Once Najada found me and I became friends with Marie…I was appreciative, sure. But you saw how I was when you came down that vent…” “Hehehe…” Moon chuckled, looking down. “Yeah…you took months to open up…” “And I wish I had a lot sooner.” Ana chuffed, booping noses with him. “But when I finally got to know you boys, and I adopted you, every moment I’ve spent with you has been the best moments of my life, between both of them, I wouldn’t give up what I have now for the world. And that’s after being treated like a monster, being labeled a beast of wrath and vengeance.” “You’re not any of that though! You’re sweet and kind and strong, you keep us safe and happy and-” “Yer the same way.” 
Moon stopped at the interruption, he looked up at his smirking mother and squinted at her. “...You told me that so you could turn compliments on me huh?” “See? Yer so clever you figured that out right quick!” Moon snorted, chuckling as Ana licked his faceplate. He gently pushed her muzzle away. 
“I’m serious though, I’m better because of you and Sun. You boys pulled my heart out of the cold and dark. I think that’s pretty special.” Moon smiled at that, hugging his mother’s face as they touched foreheads again. He still felt something eating at him. “But Sun…” 
“Everyone likes Sun so much better and I…” Moon felt horrible for saying it. “...Are you jealous…?” Ana asked gently. 
Moon’s breath hitched as the tears finally fell. He hiccuped and sobbed softly, not looking at Ana. The dragon lowered her ears, she sat up on her haunches and gently scooped Moon into her arms and held him close to her chest. Moon buried his face into her fur, sobbing against her. “I-I’m sorry…! I don’t mean to feel this way but I can’t help it…! Everyone praises Sun! Staff doesn’t like either of us but-but they still prefer him over me! They’re all so scared of me! What makes him so special?! What makes ME special?!” Ana’s eyes softened on her pup and his angry hurt words. She hummed. “What makes you special? I could make a list millions of miles long…and it still wouldn’t be enough to describe everything I love about you, Moonberry…” Moon sniffed, pulling away to wipe his eyes. “You-you’re just saying that cause you can’t actually think of anything…” Ana raised a brow at him and smirked. “Actually I was trying to spare you but if you really want me to start listing things off…” she moved him in her arms and cradled him, starting to kiss and lick his face as she spoke. “Yer sweet.” A kiss. “Yer clever.” A lick. “Yer able to stay calm in intense situations.” A nuzzle to the nose. “Quick on yer feet, more flexible than a rubber hose, and don’t think I haven’t seen you dancing on yer wire. Yer damn good at that.” She attacked his cheek with a barrage of kisses, hamming up a few “Mwah!”s 
Moon couldn’t stop the giggles that bubbled up out of his voice box. 
“Ohhh that’s right! The lil rasp to your voice and giggles just makes you sound extra cute and bringin em out just makes you so much more adorable~!” Ana cooed, nuzzling his cheek now. Moon giggled more, feeling her whiskers teasing his crescent. 
“Okahahay! Mahahahaaaam! I gehehet ihihit!”
Ana chuckled as he placed his hands on her muzzle but didn’t even try to really push her away. 
“What? But I haven’t even scratched the surface!” 
Moon snickered, hugging her muzzle. The love from his mother started to warm him up…At least a little. As he rubbed under his mother’s chin, he sighed. 
“I still feel bad for being jealous of Sun…”
Ana hummed with a nod. “Well sugarstar, maybe that’s something you both need to sit down and talk about.” Moon nodded sadly. “I know…I’m just…scared…” 
Ana flicked her ears back, tilting her head lightly. “Has he heard any of this?” Moon shook his head. “No…I’ve blocked him from hearing or seeing anything for now. Pretty sure he’s still sound asleep…I didn’t want to hurt him or scare him…I wish it was easier to tell him but…” 
“Scared of his reaction?” Ana asked gently, earning a nod from Moon. “Well, I know it’s a real fear, hun, but…Sun loves you. Yer best friends, twins, a team. Ain’t a thing that can truly come between you two. You just need to talk. Both of ya…yer yin and yang. One can’t be without the other.” “...Will you be there?” 
Ana lowered her ears a bit. “I can be nearby…but don’t think I can do much else while y’all are talkin to each other in yer head.” Moon sighed and nodded. He knew she was right. He just wished this was easier.  “Okay…Thanks mom.” 
“Anytime honey. Do you wanna head back?” Moon looked up at her then lowered his gaze, he cuddled into her fur and nodded. “I guess so…” Ana firmed her lips as she moved Moon to sit on her back. “Tell you what, let’s get back to the loft and then, we’ll put a smile back on that handsome face of yers.” 
Moon snorted lightly at the comment. His mother being a mother…it still got to him. “Sure mom…” he agreed, not quite catching onto her plan. 
Ana hadn’t wasted a moment. She carried Moon back to the daycare. As she moved closer to the ballpit, she turned her head to look over her shoulder. “Hang on tight, sugastar.” Moon nodded, gripping onto her mane as she crouched down like a cat preparing a pounce. Then she leaped up into the air and onto the balcony, tail dangling off of it as she ducked her head and strolled the rest of the way in. The dragon proceeded to fix up the little nest she had of blankets and pillows and an old small air mattress Marie had dragged in so the boys would have somewhat of a bed. Sun patched it up, and they were surprised yet glad to see the pump still worked.
 Ana hummed at the nest in approval, she looked to the arcade machine in the corner and rubbed her head against it as if to greet it before moving her neck to pick Moon up in her jaws by his middle. She went to place him on the nest but held him over it for a moment. Moon blinked and turned his head to look up at his mother. “Mom-?ACK!” She gently dropped him safely into the nest, the extra padding keeping the bot from making much of a thud or harming him. He couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Hehehey!” Ana chuckled, plopping herself down beside him. “There’s a bit of a laugh. Let’s see if we can keep it going.” Moon stiffened at those words. Keep it going…? Uh oh. “Wh-wh-what do you mean?” Moon asked nervously, watching his mother’s arms move to either side of him. 
“Oh as if you don’t know~” Ana cooed. “How do I always cheer up my boys?” The nap attendant gulped, more nervous giggles bubbling out of him. “M-mahaham, come ahahan!” “What is it, Moonberry? Yer gonna tell me you don’t want it?” Moon shifted his eyes back and forth, he whined and pulled his cap down over his face. “That’s not faaaair!” Ana chuckled, lowering her head to nuzzle the pointy nose still poking out. “Does my Moonpie want tickles or not~” She got another whine. “Mmmm…please…” 
Ana hummed a chuckle as she made sure he was comfortable. Moon giggled from anticipation alone. 
“So giggly already, my sweet lil Moonberry loves this game huh?” 
“Shhuhuhuhut uhup! Dohohon’t tehehease!” 
“I’m not doing anything gigglebot~!” 
But she was and she knew it. Sun loved when she got silly, playful, whenever tickles were made into a game. Moon? Moon loved when someone got him going with a stream of sweet teases, kind words and affirmations. Paired with actual tickles, it was the perfect way to melt the seemingly stoic night time animatronic. 
Moon snickered, kicking his feet and hiding his face so she couldn’t see the purple glow that dusted his cheeks. Though that didn’t mean she didn’t know it was there. 
Ana then proceeded to gently wiggle her fingers against Moon’s sides. The nap attendant immediately squawked and squirmed. 
“Kkhkhkhkhkh! Mahahahahaaam! No! Nonohohohoho! Nohoho fahahair!”
“Yer the one leaving yerself open, sugastar!” 
She trailed her paws upward toward his arms. 
“W-wahahait! What are-ahare you DOHOHOHOING?! GYEEEHEHEHEEE! N-nahahat thehehehere!!” 
Ana chuckled as she teased the ball joints and wires that poked out from under his arms. Moon tried to lock his arms down on reflex but Ana’s paws weren’t budging.
“Tiiiickle tickle tickle~” Ana purred. “My sweet giggly lil bat~” 
“Pfft! I-ihihi’m nyaahahaat a bahahaat!” 
“Really? Are you sure? Yer as squeaky as a bat. I’ve seen ya hanging upside down like one. You love the night, and I know I’ve watched you eat a bug like it was a piece of chocolate.” 
Moon shook his head. “N-nyooohohoho…”
He finally peeked out from under his hat. Only to see his momma lift his left arm and nuzzle the paneling under his upper arm. Moon screeched and cackled. He twisted his body a bit and kicked his legs. 
“That sounds like a bat screeching to me, sugar.” Ana teased, releasing his arm and letting him lock them down and hug himself around his chest. 
“Srnkhkhkhkh…you…you buhuhuhully.” Moon giggled, his smile only growing goofier as Ana cupped his cheeks. She kissed his nose and trailed one finger along his chin, the bottom of the crescent and booping a couple craters. Moon let out a barrage of squeaks and giggles with a few loud squawks here and there when her claw wiggled in a crater. 
“Listen to you~! My big bad night guardian squeaking like the cutest lil bat in the starry sky~!” Moon giggle-whined, trying his best not to curl up. His family knew how to make him feel small, precious, special…they were able to melt away any bad thoughts and let him know just how good he was. “M-mahahamahahaaa!” “Yes Moonberry?” “Khkhkhkheehehehee! S-Sohohohomewhere ehehehelse!” 
Ana smiled down at him as she pulled her paws away. She easily recognized that as a plea for more tickles. She knew her boys after all. 
“Alright hun, where next?” Moon whined. “Dohohon’t make me sahahay!” Ana laughed a bit. “Alright alright, I won’t. How about…” She rested her paw over his belly. “This a good spot?” 
Moon flinched, squeaky raspy giggles flooding out of him. He nodded quickly, twitching underneath his mother’s paw. “Ready?” “Nyooohohohoo…?” “No? So I absolutely shouldn’t do this, yea?” She wriggled her claws lightly. Moon let out a yip and broke into laughter, wiggling under the claws which only seemed to help the tickles. Ana laughed with him, more than happy to see her quieter pup having so much fun. “Geez Moonie, I don’t have to do anything do I? I can just keep my claws curled like this and yer squirming will tickle you enough huh?” 
“I-I cahahahan’t hehelp ihihit! Gyah! Mahahaham! Tstststststsss!” Moon hissed through his teeth, the sprinkler laugh only getting Ana to join him again in the joyful laughter. “Well how about I try this?” She asked, taking both her paws and gently scritching at his lower belly on either side. Moon sputtered, throwing his head back to release a loud squeal followed by cackling. He kicked his legs, hands on his mother’s paws though making no effort to push them away. 
“AAAHAHAHAHAAA MAAAHAHAHAHAAAAM OHOHOHO NYAAAHAHAHAHAAOOO!! THAHAHATS SOHOHO BAHAHAAAAD!” “Is it? Funny, yer not really trying to stop me, Moonberry.” She smirked at him. She let out a playful gasp. “Oooh! Are you having fun~?” “SHUHUHUHUUUSHSHSHSHSHSHH!!” Moon reached right back up to pull his hat back up over his head. Ana hummed a chuckle. She kept one paw crawling and skittering like a spider around his belly, leaving Moon a giggling mess. “Tickle tickle little star~” Moon flinched when he recognized that tune. “W-Wahahait! Mom! Mahaham dohohohon’t!” Ana grinned at him. One thing neither of her boys could stand were the nursery rhymes. Ironic for some daycare attendants eh? “Moooon~ It’s rude to interrupt,baby. Let me try that again. Ahem..
Tickle tickle little star~ 
How I wonder where yer giggles are
Up yer sides, across yer ribs,
Up yer belly, and top yer shins
Tickle tickle little star,
I know where yer giggles are~” Moon squealed and cackled, pulling himself in a sitting position and flopping back down. He curled onto his side hugging himself as Ana pulled her paws away to let him take a moment to calm down. “You okay Moonberry?” Moon nodded, still giggling. “You-Yohohou are sohohoho mehehehean…” Ana chuckled, leaning her head down to nuzzle his cheek. “Sorry honey, do you want me to stop? Didn’t know that would get you so bad.” Moon peaked up at her and shook his head. “N-No…” Ana smiled in amusement, brow raised at her baby. “No? You boys are such gluttons ya know that?” Moon huffed. “Am not…” “Whatever you say, sugarstar~” Ana chuffed, nuzzling his belly, right over the dent. Moon squeaked, melting into more giggles as he sat up again and hugged his mother’s face.
“This lil dent gets you boys so bad huh?” “Snrkhkhkhkh! M-Mahahahaybehehe…” the night animatronic tittered. Ana smirked and flicked her tongue out just as a snake would. Moon let out a squeal, kicking his legs and pushing at her nose. “Pffftheheheheheee! Khkhkheheh, thahahat’s cheheheatihihihing!”
 Ana chuckled lovingly, letting him release her as he laid back down. “Want me to try the same thing I did with Sunny?” She asked. Moon looked off to the side in thought and nodded shyly. He kicked off his slippers, watching her fluffy tail snake around and coil around his ankles. Moon squeaked and scrunched his toes. The anticipation was bubbling in his belly. “Nervous Moonberry?” “A-A little…” Moon admitted, never taking his eyes off that fluffy tip. He knew how Sun reacted. Moon’s feet were just as bad if not worse. “You know what to do if it gets too much.” Ana assured, kissing above his nose and between his eyes. Moon nodded and took a breath. “I’m ready…” Ana nodded, dusting her tail over the bottoms. Moon yipped and immediately tried to yank his feet back. “WAIT WAIT WAHAHAHAHAIT!! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHKHKHKHKHKHHHH MAHAHAHAAAAM!!” He tried to kick his legs out but Ana had him in a good hold while the fluff danced over his blue starry sparkle paw pads. He turned his torso to hug a pillow and laugh into it. Ana chuckled with him. “Alright honey…get ready!” She flossed the fur through his toes, catching Moon entirely off guard despite the warning. “NYAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! OHOHOHO MY GAHAHAHAHAAASH! NONONOOOHOHOHOOO THAHAHATS AHAHAHAHAHAWFUHUHUHUHUUUL!! GYAHAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEHEEE!” Ana shook her head with a smile at her pup cackling his head off. She kept it up though, despite how much he squirmed and screamed. He still hadn’t given the sign to stop. Just as she had done to Sun, she released his ankles and skittered her claws gently across the pads and little toe beans. Moon squawked loud enough to put a screaming seagull to shame. He let go of the pillow he hugged onto and wrapped his arms around himself. “MAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAM!! PFFTKHKHKHKHKHEEEHEHEHEHE! YOUR-YOUR CLAHAHAHAHAHAHAAWS! EEEEEHEHEHEHEEE!! NYAHAHAHAHAHAOOOO!” She started scratching between his toes and finally, Moon fully broke. “BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! NONONONONO!! NYAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAOOOO!! OKOKOKOKAHAHAHAHAY!! RED! REHEHED MAHAHAM REHEHEHEHEHEEEED!” And just like that, it ended. Moon gulped down breath after breath, even if he technically didn’t need it. His giggles slowly died back down until he was simply making happy tired murps. His fans turned on high making it sound like he was purring, especially as Ana gathered her sprawled out pup and held him to her. “Better Moonpie?” “B-behehetter…hehehe…l-lohohove you mahahamahaha..” “I love you too, sugarstar.” She smiled, licking his nose. She gathered a few blankets, wrapping them around him like a cocoon. Moon nuzzled into the coziness. “Moondrop.” “Yea mom..?” Moon yawned. “You know yer my special lil moonberry yea?” Moon blinked and looked up at her. “And you know nothing would ever change that?” Moon felt himself tremble from her words. He giggled a little, he wasn’t sure if it was phantom tickles or if he was just…really happy and comfy. “I do…but, I think I need to be reminded sometimes…” Ana hummed and nodded. “I would be more than happy to do that…and I’m sure Sun would be happy to remind you how much you mean to him.” Moon snickered. He laid his head back down, he and Sun would certainly have to talk later…a lot happened tonight. But for now, Moon was tired. Soon the lights would come on and Sun would be out. He yawned again. “Mom..?” “Yes hun?” “Stay with me?” Ana softened her eyes on him. She curled her body around the both of them. “I wouldn’t leave you for anything in the world…either of you.” 
Moon smiled at her promise and finally, he felt safe enough to doze off and rest. He had everything he ever needed…
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chocolatepudinpie · 1 month
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Ok so here's the Dash family tree for my mlp au (my little dragon)
(as you can see I made some changes in rainbow dash's design, I still don't have a full body drawing but I call it an improvement 👍)
Anyway, one day while flying Rainbow Dash found hurt Scootaloo laying on the ground. She took her home and her parents immediately feel in love with her. When they found out that her parents had died (for unknown reasons) they were quick to adopt her.
If you have any questions about my au, ask away!
Bellow are some close ups ⬇️
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