#dragon gods
krn02-12 · 3 months
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Dragon Gods 🐉
Color by [KRN]
Manga: Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 months
Your AU has dragon gods?
I am very interested. Tell me more please ^_^
ive talked about them very briefly before and they are a little more involved in claws and calls. but I love them so! I'll link the first post for record keeping but ill cover that and more here
Basically the dragons have three main gods with each species having personal deities that were once normal dragons that achieved godhood through some feat or through their nature, like gaining sainthood or legendary status.
but back to the main three.
Fyrwynd, Erthabyrth, and Monewaeg
Im going to ramble so heres a cut for the scroller. Feel free to ask about any part of this!!
None of these have a set species or gender or size. they shift as needed for dragons. worship mostly consists of piling bones a certain way and shooting off venom, fire, or what ever projectiles they can, and asking them for aid and giving thanks
Fyrwynd- god of fire, flying, life, day, sun, wind, storms, joy and fear.
This dragon will normally look like a long snakish dragon with hundreds of wings (but can have fewer) they normally are made of fire or storm clouds when visiting. Nightfurys, skrills, and most speedy flying trick dragons tend to worship fyrwynd the most.
Erthabyrth- god of earth/rock/land, nesting, defense, ice, stars, volcanoes, death and birth
She normally appears as made of stone, or exploding lava, or dense ice. Their body typically has two wings and four legs. dragons with thick armor and dragons about to lay eggs worship them. especially gronckles.
Monewaeg- god of the sea/ocean/water, moon, swimming, fighting, venom, pain and healing
This dragon normally appears made of water or moonlight or both. they have two legs and two wings when they arrive, with acid/venom dripping from their mouth. Changewings and Nadders typically hold them as their main god.
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Okay! onto creation myth as told by hiccup in claws and calls in chapter 54.
As he begins to sing, the dragons around him still their constant sounds, adults, and fledglings both settling to listen to the tale.
It is one of the first that Toothless had told him after Hiccup had gained an understanding of dragonese. It took place at dawn as they flew high above the clouds, golds and oranges chasing the purples and blues of the night and the stars winked out one by one.
“~There once was nothing. No ground, sky, or water. Darkness could not exist because fire did not provide light to see it.~”
Hiccup begins to pet the two small dragons in his arms, comforted by their rumbling. The song is a rolling tune with no true beat. It rolls with growls and chirps.
“~There was a great breath from the Unnameable in that shade and light burst forth, creating light and dark. Three layers could be seen, presses tight like the layers of rock. The sky, the water, and the land. Fyrwynd fell from the light and flapped her wings, forcing the sky to rise from the water. Erthabryth awoke and pushed up from the depths of the water to form the lands. Monewaeg churned up the water and spat the moon into the sky to light the night as Fyrwynd slept.~”
He goes into details of each of the three god’s attempts to form life on their own. But only by joining together did dragon-kind form. He mentions the sneezes of the Unnameable forming other gods and letting humans and other creatures form but keeps the focus on the three main dragon gods.
then there is my own silly story for the subspecies of nadder told by Silverbreath in chapter 54
His eyes widen as Silverbreath lifts her head from Duskclaw’s back and responds with her own tale, dragons all silently and respectfully listening.
“~Monewaeg grew weary of seeing dragons only breathe fire and lava and gas and turned to Erthabyrth to create a new dragon. They consulted the first Nadder, admiring her spines and tail, and asked that she let her newest eggs be touched.~”
The Frost Nadder whispers out a tale in which the first Nadder got the gods to gift her children all sorts of powers, with Duster crooning along with the tune. Other Nadders chirp along. Hiccup listens closely trying to memorize each line. Stories are important. History is important. When she finishes the song, Hiccup softly speaks.
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dm-tuz · 1 year
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Old Dragon Gods - Ragnaxxa, The Eternal Night
While all of the dragon gods of old could be considered enemies of humanity, the majority simply looked at them as tools or ants beneath their feet. Ragnaxxa, however, truly despised humanity.
Under her rule, humanity suffered greatly. Even death was not an escape, as Ragnaxxa had mastery over necromantic energies. Deceased subjects would continue to serve in her undead forces, whether they wanted to or not.
Pieces of her wretched legacy still loom over the land, even in the present day...
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karoubrugarou · 6 months
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Dragon Knight of Magic (Beta)
The last Tomo pic that I had sketched a while back. This one I wanted to sketch him as the Dragon Knight (Champion)of Magic of Grandor the Caster. However with the recent reviews with the previous Dragon Gods (minus Gongo and the other two I haven't got to), I have to go back and give them a proper visual update before I get to the last two dragons and their champions.
Tomo © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi Brugarou
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dragonmythfandom · 1 year
Mermaidkin related to Dragonkin
Only reply if you believe in higher realms like I do. I think that the Dragon Gods in higher realm MADE elementals. Because they are the elements and they made and became the elements. You got also another Dimension/Realm wich has only the Dragons themselfs: The Dragon Realm/Dimension. Waterelementals for example a mermaid can not exist without a Water DragonGod. soooo... mermaids are made by dragons. Mermaids can not exist without water and water canot exist without a watergod/dragongod of water. Faeries are made by dragons. I like the idea of the Elemental Realm/Dimension with dragons and elementals like mermaids, faeries, syphs and salamanders. That the Elemental Realm/Dimension is different than the Angelic Realm/Dimension with its unicorns and other angelic beings including other dragons (aka Angel Dragons) Do you agree?
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moosemechanic · 2 years
We come into a living room with Tiamat lounging on the couch. Her red head is eating steak, the green head a salad, the black head chugging ketchup, the blue head gnawing on a wheel of cheese, and the white head ripping apart a loaf of bread.
In the back, Bahumut sits with his head in his heads, mumbling, "That's not how making a hamburger works..."
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metallicdragon31 · 1 year
You may have heard about the tale of the twin dragon gods
But they aren't the only dragon gods
First of all we should cover the term and understand more about it
Let's start with dragons
They're simple magical creatures like gryphons, drakes, sea serpents, hounds, kitsunes, the list goes on
Then there's half dragons
They're like a mix of humans and dragons therefore they're more powerful than the both of them, they cannot be created by the union of a dragon and a human, that's just another specie. They can be considered as demigods
And then there's dragon gods
Immortal beings responsible for many things such as the weather, good luck, bad luck, happiness, wealth, diseases, sadness, death, life....
We already know two
Ciésmok: the fallen god of darkness and all the related negative emotions
Bahaghari: the god of Light and all the related positive emotions
They lived in a small village
These two... Are nothing compared to the stronger dragon gods
The strongest ones are usually stable with their emotions
But the weaker ones tend to fall and get blinded by their feelings
We already said that dragon gods are immortal.. well that's not entirely true
Another God can kill them
whenever it's a dragon or not that doesn't matter
But only their physical body can die
Their soul never does, they can reincarnate themselves
When they do they will usually have no control over the body
They may be able to influence the vessel psychologically but that's about It.
H o w e v e r
The vessel.. host... We can call them the choosen one
May be able to manifest some of the dragon God's Powers
This leads to many unique possibilities
The explanation ends here
But don't worry
We will surely meet again
For now just watch
I'm sure that something intresting will surely happen.
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senpai-fish · 2 years
The Union of Ardor and Ennui
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Another stained glass styled piece, this time for one of my homebrew D&D settings.  This one depicts the creation of the dragon gods, depicted here as eggs, by the deities Ardor and Ennui after the Material Plane was sealed behind the Divine Gate.  While the setting is a work in progress, this part of the story is actually pretty hammered out already, and ties into murals the players discovered in an ancient ruin.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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suiheisen · 3 months
my negative rizz loser boy who you’d think was combatting the sirens’ song by completely killing the vibe but was actually just trying to sing along with them because he’s a ✨fanboy✨
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damonedward518 · 5 months
Preview the Exciting New Dragon Gods and Gameplay in Teamfight Tactics Season 7.5
<h1>Major Updates Coming to Teamfight Tactics</h1> <p>Big changes are coming to the mobile game Teamfight Tactics (TFT) with the launch of Season 7.5 tomorrow! Here's a quick look at some of the new Dragon Gods (super powerful characters) and gameplay features you can expect:</p> <h2>Swain, the Shadow Isles Dragon God</h2> <p>Swain used to be a student of magic in Noxus. For years, he searched the Dragon Realms for forbidden spells. As Swain got stronger, he wanted more power. Eventually, he became a demon dragon who could do dark sorcery. After breaking some important rules, Swain flew to the Shadow Isles. To most people, the Isles seem nice. But to Swain, they are the start of his own empire.</p> <p>In TFT, Swain and his Shadow Isles followers will put up an altar during battles. At the start, they sacrifice a "Dragon Chow" on the altar. This gives each of their characters a random copy of one item and some extra health. Putting special items like a Spirit Visage or Frozen Heart on the Chow could have strange effects!</p> <h2>Nautilus, the Tidecaller Dragon God</h2> <p>Nautilus is the protector of the ocean waves. In the Dragon Realms, he made huge coral reefs for his fish friends to play and live in peace. Like the other Dragon Gods, Nautilus took a long nap. But when he woke up, the reefs were gone! Using his powers, Nautilus restored the beautiful reefs so the home could thrive again with life and happiness.</p> <p>When Nautilus joins a TFT battle, he'll call forth a "Sea Rock." The more abilities his characters cast, the more treasures the Sea Rock will give. Nautilus' characters will also get stronger attacks and magic powers.</p> <h2>Nami, the Dragonkind Prodigy</h2> <p>Everyone in the Dragon Realms says Nami is a great student. As the class pet at the Storm Dragon Academy, she worked really hard in her training. Now the cute graduate has grown up and become even more powerful! She's excited to try out what she learned in real battles.</p> <p>In TFT, Nami will start each match with a random "Bond." She can summon an ex-Dragon Trainer to help in battles. This Trainer will also get help from the Bond. Some familiar Dragon Trainers like Hecarim, Trundle and Lulu may return in Season 7.5!</p> <p>I hope this gives you an idea of some of the cool new stuff coming to TFT tomorrow. Let me know if you have any other questions!</p>
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hermesserpent-stuff · 4 months
You mentioned dragon gods in your fic?
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okay so this is a quick set of details. there are three main dragon 'gods' that all dragons share. but there are infinitely more like in greek and egyptian religions.
the symbols beside each sketch is what dragon's carve to represent them.
None of these have a set species or gender or size. they shift as needed for dragons. worship mostly consists of piling bones a certain way and shooting off venom, fire, or what ever projectiles they can, and asking them for aid and giving thanks
Fyrwynd- god of fire, flying, life, day, sun, wind, storms, joy and fear.
Erthabyrth- god of earth/rock/land, nesting, defense, ice, stars, volcanoes, death and birth
Monewaeg- god of the sea/ocean/water, moon, swimming, fighting, venom, pain and healing
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thetinyscald-blog · 8 months
she do be hitting that yoinky sploinky
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 10 months
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yellowistheraddest · 3 months
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honestly i dont know what to say except that i probably didnt use a single braincell to even come up with something this stupid
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themetalhiro · 4 months
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Switch up
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