#kurth shirt
vellatra · 4 months
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FE ArtScuffle attack on @kurthsleftboot !
He's all that's left... king of an empty country.... ToT
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
His attendance of the ball was one that took much deliberation.
On the one hand, the joy of nights like these rarely touched him, and to say he would ever wish to attend one pure of heart would be far too kind to one such as himself.
On the other, he had a feeling he would know at least a few of the faces present—and if such were the case, he would certainly enjoy being a bother.
(This is an occasion to dress nicely; you don’t like going without armor.)
It’s a back and forth of ideas, motivations, determinations to be had, but at last, he decides. He would attend the Ethereal Ball.
A part of him wonders what would’ve occurred if he had stayed, but the ball is not in Garreg Mach—rather it is an open roof affair, with puppeteers watching, not too unlike the dollhouse deed with Kurthnaga. He looks up at the five watching, getting the innate sense that somehow, he was bound to the last of Air, Water, Lightning, Fire, and Earth. His gaze narrows in their direction, before embracing the dance floor as another battlefield where he could not be restrained.
Week 1: ‘Getting Acquainted’: No longer accepting.
Week 2: ‘Schmoovin’ and Groovin’’: No longer accepting.
Week 3: ‘Of Magic’: No longer accepting.
Air: Sigurd, Maria, Anankos
Earth: Kurth
Fire: Freyja, Cadros
Lightning: Altena
Water: Forysth
Valter will mostly be wandering about, not really dwelling in one spot for too long—if he does stay still for a while, it’d likely be to bother someone in particular, or it’d be in a spot far from prying eyes. I won’t say he’s open to interaction, but if someone approached him (and he doesn’t already have an unfavorable opinion of them), he’s not gonna be a huge problem. Probably.
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Certainly the most extravagant of the three. While normally I lean towards green for his outfits (especially in picrews), I had the sense to give him his purple back for this—he’s an intimidating lad after all! Also, I have a billion ideas about this rolling through my head, so here’s the finer details that are harder to make out/are obscured:
Much of the outfit has wyvern motifs. The pattern on his shirt is of a wyvern mid-flight, with little wavy designs around it to make it look cooler :sparkles:. The pins(? idk what to call them) on his jacket are also designed to look like wyverns, where the claws hold the chains in place.
The red marks on the jacket are meant to imitate claw marks, with a set over his left shoulder and another set on his right cutting into the lower torso. The shoulders of the dress shirt also have similar marks, albeit not as colorful. The back of the dress shirt has a pupil-less eye on it, just for the heck of it.
The jacket is also purposefully over-sized. I initially had the thought to make it properly sized so he could wear it if he wanted to, but that’d look sort of strange with the next detail + over-sized jackets make neat capes y’know?
He’s wearing metal bracers on his forearms. It definitely does not protect his vitals, but it does help if he gets into a fight where his arms would risk being damaged. It’s not likely (<--- false), but it’s always best to be prepared.
Yeah he’s got knives in his shoes. They sit underneath the sole such that he can easily pull them out, but they aren’t too obvious to on-lookers. Shout-out to Oro for giving me the idea months ago! Valter is a boot wearer and that’s how it came out.
Those are about all the details present that aren’t super visible/aren’t shown at all, so yeah! Smth smth rich people smh
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thoughtsniteodoro · 2 years
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This was one of the lengthy trips my friends and I took. Lengthy because of the distance but not because of the time this day took. Despite having no idea how to get there, Eugene helped us arrive safely. We wanted to travel and eat to celebrate Kurth's birthday, so we picked this location since it was a bit far away and had lots of interesting attributes. He bought us lunch from BonChon, which turned out to be a fiasco because there weren't any fast food chains around and it was becoming hot. Also, we ate outside the restaurant without air conditioning, and some of the iced teas even spilled across the table. I find it difficult to eat well because I feel uncomfortable because we also met Luke, our internet friend, for the first time there. It was a real disaster, however, the food was a bomb: 8/10.
Following that, we divided into 3 groups: first, Luke, Issa, and I went looking for Goldilocks since we were going to buy Kurth a cake as a surprise; secondly, Kurth wished to go shopping alone for a moment; so thirdly, Eugene, Ritche, and the other boys proceeded to the seaside area. Naturally, the MOA was large and spacious without any people inside but people continued flooding in and we couldn't locate any bakeries, so we gave up. Not knowing what to do, Luke suggested that we visit the enormous IKEA store because it has peculiar features not found in other grocery stores. As Luke had been there before, he helped the two of us manage our brief time there. He was older and taller than the both of us, so he led the way like a Kuya. After that, we headed to the shore where the boys were.
When we all got there, Kurth showed us the shirt that he bought for himself and we told them how we enjoyed going to IKEA and that we weren't able to buy a cake for him. We rented bikes after Luke and Issa noticed them nearby and suggested that we do the same. We only rented one bike for the three of us because it was too expensive but it was fun. They also bought drinks, Zagu, and shared it with everybody. We took a lot of photos, especially because Issa brought her cute little camera.
It was already 5pm when we decided to go home. Our feet really got exhausted because we kept on walking and walking and walking as the mall was too large so we looked like zombies. Anyway, it was a date to remember and I will treasure it until I can. I learned a lot of things such as: the next time I go to the MOA, bring a car; it's fun to meet new people; earn money to enjoy things; and lastly, quality time with friends is a must!
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ghfan1122 · 7 years
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Robert gives fans a thank you message!!! (x)
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wish-spinner · 3 years
by now, you're the kurthnaga expert. i want to know about your kurth-related opinions <3
the greatest honour of my life is being the Kurth Guy. i am the lesbian he is my little dude
Send Me A Character and I'll List:
- Favourite thing about them: GOD LIKE... EVERYTHING.... i think hes just. so so good and hes sweet and nice but also his role in the Narrative Drama of goldoa is excellent...... i have. a fic wip rn that goes into it but. i think there is such Tragedy in kurths loved ones just leaving one after another when he feels bound to his home and his father,,, i just think hes scared and full of love
- Least favourite thing about him: not enough screentime </3 (also i dont like using him in rd bc my playstyle is hit things with shinon and haar until they die)
- Favorite Line: the part where he asks ike if rajaion died peacefully.... augh
- brOTP: Da Siblings and also ena!! but i think there are lots of good cute potential friend moments in general. mist needs to be friends with everyone or else i will die. i also Care for his relationship with gareth
- OTP: i dont rlly ship him with anyone!! let it be known that he Is gay however
- NOTP: i dont think ive ever actually. seen him shipped w anyone?? if ppl ship kurth and ena then probably that
- Random Headcanon: asd kurth is vital for my prolonged health. also in modern au he collects random ass t-shirts that say shit like "this baby knows how to wiffle ball" and "clam digging tournament 2004" he likes to have fun
- Unpopular Opinion: im sorry i cant think of anything fkhdg hes not exactly Controversial
- Song I Associate with Them: denial by new order,,, its just a v fitting Loss song for him i think. plus the very first line (here i am in a house full of doors but no exits) is just. wrow
- Favorite Picture of Them: honestly its probably the cipher card thats my icon rn!! hes got such good cipher cards,,,, however to switch it up, have a level 1 beorc pilgrim kurth :]
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netflixandchillman · 5 years
Netflix & Chillman #1: BABYLON BERLIN
It’s fitting that I start this series with the show about which I’ve been most vocally annoying on Facebook: Babylon Berlin. There are two 8-episode seasons on Netflix, and it offers one-and-a-half of the most compelling seasons of TV I’ve seen (more on that half later). It was co-created by Tom Tykwer, who filmgoers of a certain age might remember from Run Lola Run (it was 20 years ago you guys!). It’s apparently the most expensive show in German history, and it looks it; the production values top any show that I can think of.
Babylon Berlin is a noirish crime procedural and political thriller set in Weimar Germany, which as you can imagine is a pregnant time for noirish crime and political thrills. A lot of the show’s tension and poignancy come from the setting: most of the characters are struggling to overcome the trauma of the Great War and to find their place in a stable society, oblivious to their small roles in a much darker history to come. I’ll concede that 2019 is a tough time to watch a futile jockeying for power among competing sociopolitical factions, knowing the outcome in advance, but the show’s strength is in making the struggle seem vital and uncertain.
The show has sprawling and potentially confusing cast (there are two actors who look kind of similar who for several episodes I thought were one character, leaving me puzzled why the Soviet ambassador was working with the pro-Kaiser industrialists), who are for the most part great. Volker Bruch as the main protagonist, a vice cop and PTSD-afflicted vet, gives a performance that’s sensitive and internal without lapsing into what I’d call brooding. But the standouts for me are Peter Kurth as his cynical, corrupt partner and especially Liv Lisa Fries as a desperately poor social butterfly hoping to become a detective. Her charm can be seen from space, and I’m hoping she becomes an international star in time for my LIV FRIES OR DIE t-shirts to hit the market.
While it helps to have at least cursory knowledge of early 20th century European history, I don’t want to make the show sound like homework. It’s definitely not that. The pace is snappy, and while the plots within plots sometimes get a little convoluted, it’s never dull or overwhelming. In fact, my sole complaint about Babylon Berlin is that toward the back half of season two it gets all Renny Harlin and starts to go quite literally off the rails. There is an actual chase on top of an actual moving train, and it’s not even the silliest thing to happen — the season ends with a Shocking Reveal that would be at home in late-series Melrose Place. None of what happens was show-ruining for me, but the last few episodes did strike me as discordant on an otherwise relatively grounded series.
I’ll end each of these recommendations with three random things I loved, and one that confounded me:
• The elevator depicted in Berlin’s police headquarters is the most terrifying bit of steampunk ingenuity I can imagine. Just google “paternoster” and marvel.
• Speaking of terror, my favorite action set piece was a fairly simple scene of two detectives getting a ride on a military plane for a reconnaissance mission. They demonstrated how viscerally frightening flight was in its early days, even for hardened WWI vets.
• Councilor Benda’s gorgeous Vienna Secession-style house, perfectly depicted as appropriately tasteful but just a couple decades past being super-modern.
• Confounding: Why must aquarium fish always be the innocent victims of shootouts in fancy clubs?
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nemnuoc · 5 years
Top Shirts on Nowfashionshirtsshop on 22 July 2019
Top Shirts on Nowfashionshirtsshop on 22 July 2019
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Is anyone else having trouble making sense of the photo? I feel like I am looking at one of those optical illusions . . . and everyone around me is exclaiming “Oh! I see it!”. Shanna Kurth it’s a hand w a white rubber glove on kinda sqeezing him, holding him closer to the tail than face. His face looks more like a whale than shark. I was having trouble too.
Top Shirts on Nowfashionshirtsshop on 22…
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acdbengal · 7 years
U.S. students protest over gun laws, Trump considers arming teachers
WASHINGTON/TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) – Students galvanized by the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school confronted lawmakers on Wednesday with demands to restrict sales of assault rifles, while President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers as a way to stop more U.S. rampages.
The unprecedented lobbying effort by groups of teenagers and parents at the White House and at the Florida statehouse in Tallahassee played out as fellow students staged classroom walkouts and rallies in cities across the country.
Trump held an emotional, hour-long meeting with students who survived the Florida shooting and a parent whose child did not. He said arming teachers and other school staff could help prevent future mass shootings, voicing support for an idea backed by the powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby.
The Republican president, who has championed gun rights and was endorsed by the NRA during the 2016 campaign, said he would move quickly to tighten background checks for gun buyers and would consider raising the age for buying certain types of guns.
The attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 students and educators were killed on Feb. 14 in the second-deadliest shooting at a U.S. public school, has revived the long-running U.S. debate over gun rights.
Investigators said the assault was carried out by 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student Nikolas Cruz, who purchased an AR-15-style assault weapon nearly a year ago.
“Nikolas Cruz was able to purchase an assault rifle before he was able to buy a beer,” said Stoneman Douglas student Laurenzo Prado, referring to a Florida law that allows people as young as 18 to buy assault weapons.
“The laws of the country have failed,” he told reporters at the Florida state capital.
Lawmakers in Tallahassee said they would consider raising the age limit to 21, the same standard for handguns and alcohol, although the state Senate opted on Wednesday not to take up a gun control measure.
The U.S. Constitution protects the right of Americans to bear arms, a measure fiercely defended by Republicans. However, Trump has come under pressure to act.
Trump spoke at length during the televised White House“listening session”, attended by students, parents and people affected by other U.S. school shootings, about how armed teachers and security guards could frighten off potential shooters and prevent more deaths.
“If you had a teacher … who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly,” he said, while acknowledging the proposal was controversial. Some of the meeting participants indicated support. Others were opposed.
Mark Barden, whose son was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, said his wife, Jackie, a teacher“will tell you that school teachers have more than enough responsibilities right now than to have to have the awesome responsibility of lethal force to take a life.”
A task force backed by the NRA recommended more armed guards and teachers in schools after the Sandy Hook shooting.
Trump listened intently to ideas from about 40 people, including those from six students who survived the Florida shooting.
U.S. President Donald Trump bows his head during a prayer as he sits between Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors and students Jonathan Blank, his mother Melissa Blank, Julia Cordover and Carson Abt (R), as the president hosts a listening session with high school students and teachers to discuss school safety at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 21, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
“I don’t understand why I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war,” said Sam Zeif, 18, sobbing after he described texting his family members during the attack.“Let’s never let this happen again, please, please.”
Trump sat in the middle of a semi-circle in the White House State Dining Room. Photographers captured images of his handwritten note card with questions and responses such as:“What would you most want me to know about your experience?” and“I hear you.”
In Tallahassee, students demanded that lawmakers restrict sales of assault rifles. Some wore T-shirts and carried signs reading:“We call B.S.,” one of the slogans of the movement started by the survivors.
Trump also said he was open to looking at age limits, among other measures, and lamented the closure of many mental institutions that helped assess violent people.
“There’s no … middle ground of having that institution where you had trained people that could handle it and do something about it,” Trump said.
Slideshow (20 Images) ‘PATHETICALLY WEAK’
Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was killed at Stoneman Douglas, told Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida at a town hall program televised on CNN on Wednesday night his comments and those of the president’s in the past week had been“pathetically weak.”
Rubio, under fire for saying the problems could not be solved by gun laws alone, said he would support a law that would prevent 18-year-olds from buying a rifle as well as a ban on“bump stocks,” an accessory that enables a rifle to shoot hundreds of rounds a minute.
Ashley Kurth, a Republican teacher who protected more than 60 people in her classroom, questioned Rubio about Trump’s proposal to arm teachers.
“Am I supposed to get extra training now to serve and protect? … Am I supposed to get a Kevlar vest? Am I supposed to strap it (the gun) to my leg or put it in my desk?”
Rubio responded that the idea of arming teacher was wrong.
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch told the crowd of several thousand people the gun lobby wanted to prevent people with mental illness that make them a danger to themselves and others from getting firearms, and that authorities needed to do a better job of following up on warning signs.
“I don’t believe that this insane monster should have ever been able to obtain a firearm. This individual was nuts,” she said of the suspected school shooter.
Trump directed the Justice Department on Tuesday to work on a regulation that would effectively ban bump stocks.
Last October, a retired real estate investor used multiple assault rifles equipped with bump stocks to kill 58 people at a Las Vegas outdoor concert, the deadliest attack by a single gunman in U.S. history. Bump stocks have not played a prominent role in other recent U.S. mass shootings.
The NRA opposes an outright ban on bump stocks but has said it would be open to restrictions on them.
Additional reporting by Katanga Johnson in Parkland, Fla., Bernie Woodall in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jon Herskovitz in Austin, Texas, Keith Coffman in Denver and Roberta Rampton, Richard Cowan, Susan Heavey, Doina Chiacu, Mohammad Zargham and Eric Beech in Washington; Writing by Scott Malone, Roberta Rampton and Jeff Mason; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe, Peter Cooney and Paul Tait
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More Info At:: http://www.acdbengal.com/u-s-students-protest-over-gun-laws-trump-considers-arming-teachers/
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U.S. students protest over gun laws, Trump considers arming teachers
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U.S. students protest over gun laws, Trump considers arming teachers
WASHINGTON/TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) – Students galvanized by the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school confronted lawmakers on Wednesday with demands to restrict sales of assault rifles, while President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers as a way to stop more U.S. rampages.
The unprecedented lobbying effort by groups of teenagers and parents at the White House and at the Florida statehouse in Tallahassee played out as fellow students staged classroom walkouts and rallies in cities across the country.
Trump held an emotional, hour-long meeting with students who survived the Florida shooting and a parent whose child did not. He said arming teachers and other school staff could help prevent future mass shootings, voicing support for an idea backed by the powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby.
The Republican president, who has championed gun rights and was endorsed by the NRA during the 2016 campaign, said he would move quickly to tighten background checks for gun buyers and would consider raising the age for buying certain types of guns.
The attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 students and educators were killed on Feb. 14 in the second-deadliest shooting at a U.S. public school, has revived the long-running U.S. debate over gun rights.
Investigators said the assault was carried out by 19-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student Nikolas Cruz, who purchased an AR-15-style assault weapon nearly a year ago.
“Nikolas Cruz was able to purchase an assault rifle before he was able to buy a beer,” said Stoneman Douglas student Laurenzo Prado, referring to a Florida law that allows people as young as 18 to buy assault weapons.
“The laws of the country have failed,” he told reporters at the Florida state capital.
Lawmakers in Tallahassee said they would consider raising the age limit to 21, the same standard for handguns and alcohol, although the state Senate opted on Wednesday not to take up a gun control measure.
The U.S. Constitution protects the right of Americans to bear arms, a measure fiercely defended by Republicans. However, Trump has come under pressure to act.
Trump spoke at length during the televised White House “listening session”, attended by students, parents and people affected by other U.S. school shootings, about how armed teachers and security guards could frighten off potential shooters and prevent more deaths.
“If you had a teacher … who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly,” he said, while acknowledging the proposal was controversial. Some of the meeting participants indicated support. Others were opposed.
Mark Barden, whose son was killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, said his wife, Jackie, a teacher “will tell you that school teachers have more than enough responsibilities right now than to have to have the awesome responsibility of lethal force to take a life.”
A task force backed by the NRA recommended more armed guards and teachers in schools after the Sandy Hook shooting.
U.S. President Donald Trump bows his head during a prayer as he sits between Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors and students Jonathan Blank, his mother Melissa Blank, Julia Cordover and Carson Abt (R), as the president hosts a listening session with high school students and teachers to discuss school safety at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 21, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Trump listened intently to ideas from about 40 people, including those from six students who survived the Florida shooting.
“I don’t understand why I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war,” said Sam Zeif, 18, sobbing after he described texting his family members during the attack. “Let’s never let this happen again, please, please.”
Trump sat in the middle of a semi-circle in the White House State Dining Room. Photographers captured images of his handwritten note card with questions and responses such as: “What would you most want me to know about your experience?” and “I hear you.”
In Tallahassee, students demanded that lawmakers restrict sales of assault rifles. Some wore T-shirts and carried signs reading: “We call B.S.,” one of the slogans of the movement started by the survivors.
Trump also said he was open to looking at age limits, among other measures, and lamented the closure of many mental institutions that helped assess violent people.
“There’s no … middle ground of having that institution where you had trained people that could handle it and do something about it,” Trump said.
Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter was killed at Stoneman Douglas, told Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida at a town hall program televised on CNN on Wednesday night his comments and those of the president’s in the past week had been “pathetically weak.”
Rubio, under fire for saying the problems could not be solved by gun laws alone, said he would support a law that would prevent 18-year-olds from buying a rifle as well as a ban on “bump stocks,” an accessory that enables a rifle to shoot hundreds of rounds a minute.
Ashley Kurth, a Republican teacher who protected more than 60 people in her classroom, questioned Rubio about Trump’s proposal to arm teachers.
“Am I supposed to get extra training now to serve and protect? … Am I supposed to get a Kevlar vest? Am I supposed to strap it (the gun) to my leg or put it in my desk?”
Rubio responded that the idea of arming teacher was wrong.
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch told the crowd of several thousand people the gun lobby wanted to prevent people with mental illness that make them a danger to themselves and others from getting firearms, and that authorities needed to do a better job of following up on warning signs.
“I don’t believe that this insane monster should have ever been able to obtain a firearm. This individual was nuts,” she said of the suspected school shooter.
Trump directed the Justice Department on Tuesday to work on a regulation that would effectively ban bump stocks.
Last October, a retired real estate investor used multiple assault rifles equipped with bump stocks to kill 58 people at a Las Vegas outdoor concert, the deadliest attack by a single gunman in U.S. history. Bump stocks have not played a prominent role in other recent U.S. mass shootings.
The NRA opposes an outright ban on bump stocks but has said it would be open to restrictions on them.
Additional reporting by Katanga Johnson in Parkland, Fla., Bernie Woodall in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Jon Herskovitz in Austin, Texas, Keith Coffman in Denver and Roberta Rampton, Richard Cowan, Susan Heavey, Doina Chiacu, Mohammad Zargham and Eric Beech in Washington; Writing by Scott Malone, Roberta Rampton and Jeff Mason; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe, Peter Cooney and Paul Tait
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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vellatra · 4 months
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FE ArtScuffle attack on funeill9961 from Twitter!
It's a beautiful summer day and Grandpa Nasir is going fishing. Ena - and her best friends - get to come along!
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proven-paradox · 7 years
The Lesser Evil Side Sessions: Neera takes care of some loose Ends
<DM_Dox> ---
<DM_Dox> The next day dawns, and apparently people are beginning to prepare for another day of festivities. The previous night was a long and loud one, whether celebrating in the common room or trying fruitlessly to get some sleep above.
<Neera> Neera awakens even earlier than usual, performs their morning prayers, and takes a quick breakfast downstairs before heading into town. Recalling the relative haste with which they were able to have their armor refitted earlier, they seek out Toragrin's shop once again.
<DM_Dox> The door to Toragrin's shop is closed when Neera arrives.
<Neera> They're anxious to have this task dealt with, and knock at the door. It might not be polite, but it's better than repeating the events of yesterday and searching in vain for a working blacksmith.
<DM_Dox> There's a pause before Toragrin's voice shouts out from inside, something in Kanish. Another few moments and the door opens a crack, Toragrin peering out bleerily. "Oh, ah, mornin' lass...?" He smells of ale.
<Neera> Neera lets out a stunted sigh of relief. "I'm sorry to bother you so early," they offer a quick half-bow. "I have some work I need done as soon as possible. It can't wait. I can pay whatever you want."
<DM_Dox> The man nods and rubs his eyes blearily. "Arrigh', arrigh'... Give me five minutes ta put on some coffeh an' a shirt, t'an we'll talk, aye?" He opens the door fully to allow Neera in.
<Neera> "You have my gratitude," they assure the smith as they step inside. Neera stands and patiently waits for the dwarf to make himself ready.
<DM_Dox> The inside is slightly less cluttered as Neera would remember from their previous visit; possibly due to the army purchasing a lot before the fight. The man is indeed shirtless and the inside is dimly lit. "Jus' have a seat wharever for th' moment, lass. Be right back." He practically drags himself into a back room.
<Neera> They nod, and, not wanting to spurn his hospitality, take a seat.
<DM_Dox> A few moments later the smell of coffee drifts from that doorway, and the dwarven smith returns with a simple green shirt and carrying a bottle of water. He takes a long drink before nodding to Neera. "So, ah, while th' coffeh simmers. Care tae tell me th' short version?"
<Neera> They grunt an affirmative, and gesture vaguely to the pack they've set down beside them. "I need more armor resized. Two suits this time. The first is the same one you worked on before, which I just need returned to its original dimensions. I have it here. The second I need scaled down, and I can bring to you when I come to pick this one up."
<DM_Dox> He gives Neera an odd look. "'Tween th' 'angover an' me old age, 'tain' sure I heard y' right lass. Y' want th' armor I worked on not even a week ago undone?"
<Neera> "That's correct." They aren't about to explain further than that unless pressed to do so. "And a second suit re-fit for my person once you're done."
<DM_Dox> He sighs and shrugs. "'Syer gold, lass, I'll not tell ye 'ow t' spend it. 'At said, if I'm also scalin' down anudder piece, be more efficient t' 'ave 'em both." He shrugs. "Take material from one t' use on th' ot'er."
<DM_Dox> "'Ow 'bout 'is, aye? I need a good t'irty minute 'r so t' heat up tae forge an' finish wakin' up." He rubs his eyes again to accent this. "You go get th' second suit, bring 'er 'ere."
<Neera> "Not a problem," they reply. "I'll return shortly, and we can discuss your payment once you've had a chance to appraise your work."
<DM_Dox> "Sounds good, lass." He waves her out of the shop.
<DM_Dox> Some time later, Neera returns with Crimson's armor. Toragrin is sipping on a large cup of coffee with a powerful smell. The forge is starting to glow with gentle heat, and he has laid the armor already delivered out on a table (with a small pile of clutter at the end where he wiped it off into the floor).
<DM_Dox> "Welcome back, lass!" He seems much more sociable with some coffee in his system. He points to a table next to the one he'd laid the armor out on. "Set it there, let me see what we've got..."
<Neera> Upon returning, Neera begins setting the second suit as directed. It still seems to be in impeccable condition despite the battle it recently survived.
<DM_Dox> The dwarf perks up a bit as he sees the armor set out. "Someone's gone an' sheened it! Very important tae someone, this suit..." He starts examining it closely.
<DM_Dox> "Howed y' come across t'is'n, lass?"
<Neera> "It belonged to a..." They struggle for the exact words for a moment. "To another proud warrior. My allies and I faced him down during the battle with the gnollish horde..."
<DM_Dox> As Neera speaks, the dwarf starts lifting up plates on the armor and examining what's underneath the red sheen on the armor's surface. His eyes grow wide with shock as he examines the suit.
<Neera> "...Is something wrong?"
<DM_Dox> He looks to Neera and lowers his voice to nearly a whisper. "Lass... d'ye understand what t'is is 'fore y' brought it tae me?"
<Neera> The crusader looks at him in utter confusion. "Should I have?"
<DM_Dox> "I... 'Tis Defender's Steel!" He peers at the armor in wonder. "Th' sheen hides it from tae outside, but peer under it... Genuine adamantium!"
<Neera> "Adamantium?" they step forward to observe for themself. "No wonder he was able to handle so much punishment..."
<DM_Dox> "Tae make such a fine armor from such a difficult material..." He shakes his head. "Lass, adamantium is traditionally only handled by tae finest dwarven smiths, masters whose art makes all of dwarvenkind proud and envious all at once!" He continues lifting pieces of the armor to observe joints and connections. "A master smith may hammer at such a treasure wi'out a single break and still take five years to complete the work."
<Neera> Neera's stomach sinks. "Do you mean you can't do anything with it?"
<DM_Dox> He shakes his head. "I di'n' say 'at, lass. Gimme a moment."
<DM_Dox> He does a meticulous examination of the armor. It's unclear whether he's actually trying to figure out how to work with it or just admiring the thing.
<DM_Dox> A few awkward moments pass before he replies, "I can do it. 'Tain' a master meself, but I'm better 'n anyone else you'll find in 'is town."
<DM_Dox> "Twill have to call in a favor 'ough. Me forge won't get even half as hot as we need it."
<Neera> "Whatever resources you need," Neera assures him. "I can make sure you're supplied."
<DM_Dox> He steps back from the armor, fiddling with his beard-braid thoughtfully. "Let's talk price, lass."
<DM_Dox> "Tae other armor, 50 gold an' I can be done in three hours." He shrugs.
<Neera> "Done," they agree. "How much will you need for the Crimson suit?"
<DM_Dox> "Tae red one... I must find a magewright what can give me the fire I need. I 'ave a few ideas. Once 'at's done, should be fast to get it small 'nuff for you to don, and 'en magic in th' suit will shift it tae fit you well."
<DM_Dox> "Price: 800 gold. If I do 'is'n first, 'twill be done tonight 'fore I hang up me tools."
<Neera> "Perfect." Neera begins digging out the payment. "850 gold, then. How does half now and half when it's all finished sound?"
<DM_Dox> He nods and replies, "Sounds far tae me."
<Neera> "The Builder guide your hands." They offer up the payment with apparent satisfaction. "I'm sure you'll do me an excellent service."
<DM_Dox> The dwarf takes the coin with a nod and a grin. "My thanks for bringin' such fine work into me shop. 'Twill be an honor to work on it."
<Neera> "And I shall be sure to praise the smith who worked it after battles to come," they grin back. "Now, I have a few other errands to attend to. I will see you again tonight."
<DM_Dox> "Aye. See you 'en."
<Neera> Their next destination is the mayor's office. Neera makes for town hall without delay.
<DM_Dox> There's a lot of hustle around town hall; most of the populace has time to celebrate, but the various city workers who manage the town's business apparently still have a lot to do.
<DM_Dox> Neera is able to make it into the building without a problem. Inside a secretary is busily doing paperwork. He looks up to Neera as they approach. "Can I help  you?"
<Neera> The orc nods respectfully. "I need to speak with Mayor Tanisk as soon as possible. Tell her... Tell her that Kurth has asked for her."
<DM_Dox> The secretary raises an eyebrow at the name but nods. "I'll go ask. She's been very busy and keeping to herself. Prepare to wait for a while." He stands and motions to a seat near the opposite wall.
<Neera> "Thank you," Neera replies, before sitting down as instructed.
<DM_Dox> The man nods and moves to the door to the mayor's office. He comes back momentarily, looking perplexed. "She said she'd see you immediately. Head on in."
<Neera> They rise, a bit tense, and enter.
<DM_Dox> Inside is Elvira, her desk littered with paperwork. If there is a method to her work's madness, it is not immediately evident. She looks up to Neera, her face making it clear that she has not had much sleep recently. She is silent.
<Neera> There's an awkward moment as Neera attempts to find the appropriate words. They settle with, "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I... hope you've been well?"
<DM_Dox> She sighs. "The city's freed from the gnoll siege and thanks to Calther and Terril there weren't even many casualties. All said, this was a better ending than I could could have asked for, I suppose. Just... very busy."
<Neera> "I understand. Both captains did commendable jobs, your man Calther especially." They seem to contemplate before continuing. "I'm sorry to burden you further, but I need a favor, one I wish I did not have to ask of you."
<DM_Dox> "Go on..." She seems nervous.
<Neera> "I need to ask you to lie," Neera explains. "I understand if you feel that you cannot do this, but I need you to tell my clan that my-- That Kurth's body was recovered in the battle, and that it will be sent to them for proper respects to be paid."
<Neera> "And then, well, I need you to send the body to them."
<DM_Dox> She is quiet for a long moment, eyes closed, looking thoughtful.
<DM_Dox> "Kurth... You just accept this then? You're not even going to try to explain to your family?"
<Neera> "When I was dealing with Tasha, the Toad, trying to bargain for her assistance in repairing the breaches in your sewers, she knew who I was. I was forced to make an enemy of her to secure her aid. My people might have paid grievously for my own error. Then, during the battle..."
<DM_Dox> Elvira looks like she's about to say something, but closes her mouth.
<Neera> "Crimson, one of the enemy leaders, he recognized my armor as well. Now he is dead, and his body will serve as a worthy substitute to my former flesh. It is better if I am dead, Elvira."
<DM_Dox> "Better for who, Kurth?"
<Neera> "For my people," they reply, almost instantaneously. "This way, I can do them no more harm with my failings."
<DM_Dox> "So... what, you think that your successes have been completely erased now?"
<Neera> "It was easy to succeed with a brother and an army at my side," they respond solemnly, eyes downcast. "Those victories still belong to Clan Stone-Sun. Let them have that honor, and be unburdened by what is to come. This is not about me; if I cannot protect them, I refuse to endanger them."
<DM_Dox> "You can still protect them though!" She slaps her desk loudly. "Calther told me of your fight out there. Getting the sewers repaired, helping the druids, all of it. You're still a capable warrior. You can still be who you were before."
<Neera> "Not with that abomination--" Neera starts to match the rise in tone, but stops, suddenly, and drops into a low whisper. "What we uncovered in that ruin, Elvira... Northwall is safe from it, but myself and my companions are now part of something that I cannot subject my clan to. I wish I could tell you, but you would not believe me if I did. Believe only that there is no going back, however desperately I want to."
<DM_Dox> She seems taken aback by this, clearly unsure how to respond. After a moment to consider, she finally replies, "After seeing what the druids' spell has done with you, you really think I would not believe you?"
<Neera> They seem to consider something, mournfully. "Anything I tell you runs the risk of putting you in danger as well. Please, know that your city is safe and leave it at that. I expect we will be departing soon, and then neither you nor my clan are like to hear from me again. This is the way it must be."
<DM_Dox> "Kurth. You're still standing here. At this point I don't even care about what kind of body you're in! You don't have to walk away from everything! You don't have to face whatever's coming alone!" She seems desperate.
<Neera> "I must," Neera professes, conviction stalwart as stone in their voice. "Do not doubt that I appreciate your sentiment, but there is no other way. Please, I need you to assist me with this one final thing."
<DM_Dox> She puts her head in her hands, defeated and dejected. "If... If that's really what you want, Kurth..."
<Neera> "It is." The Dal looks exhausted, as if the years of their past life have somehow manifested upon their new flesh. "Thank you, Elvira. For everything."
<DM_Dox> "Just... Just go." She doesn't take her head out of her hands.
<Neera> Neera bows, a bit less gracefully than they would like. "The body will be ready by tomorrow."
<Neera> They move to exit.
<DM_Dox> As they leave the building, Neera hears Marohi, seemingly coming out of a yawn. <Sooooo, ah, done cuttin' ties yet?>
<Neera> <Done,> they respond, sounding none too pleased. <Nothing left but to pick up the armor from Toragrin when it's finished.>
<DM_Dox> <So what's the plan for the rest've the day?>
<Neera> <To get away from this damnable crowd, mostly. Why the interest?>
<DM_Dox> <If you got time to mope, you got time to train. You think I'mma just let you swing me around next fight? I got higher standards than that.>
<DM_Dox> <You're gonna take me to the nearest spot where we don't gotta worry 'bout collateral damage. Preferably sand or some other soft floor.>
<Neera> <The barracks has a room that will serve,> they suggest. <And I had no intention of moping, I'll have you know.>
<DM_Dox> <Uh-huh, sure. Either way, take me there. Before we do any real fightin', you gotta get t' know me, an' I gotta get t' know you. So let's get to it.>
<Neera> <Fair enough. Let's make this count, then, shall we? I have a lot of steam to burn.>
<DM_Dox> ---
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vellatra · 11 months
Path of Radiance - Alternate Outcome Fic
I was plumbing the depths of my old, often unfinished, Tellius fanfics (may or may not have to do with the Tellius Big Bang event!), and found this one... enjoy! Or don't. :P ;)
– Almedha –
Crickets were chirping in the distance as I stood in the courtyard, counting the constellations. I thought of my son. Did anyone teach him the constellations? I might never know....
I started and looked round. “Who's that?!”
Clinkety-clink-clank. The hedges at the edge of the courtyard rustled and gave way as a dark shape appeared within them. Something jingled as the figure shuffled out onto the flagstones, clutching his stomach with one hand. The breeze picked up. Suddenly I knew a lot about my visitor. He was a man of my country, he hadn't washed in several days, and his whole aura was rank with fear. And I knew exactly who he was.
“How did you get here?” I gasped, coming to meet him. “Are you ill? What's the matter? Say something!”
My brother shivered, and hugged me. I could feel a broken chain hanging off his wrists. He brought his lips to my ear and hissed – a low, trembling whisper.
“I came to... f-find you. You need to escape. It's v-very... bad. You're in d-danger. Unngh!” He convulsed in pain, and gripped his stomach again.
“I can't leave my son here,” I said. “What's wrong with you? Why are you chained?”
“H-have... to go,” he groaned, leaning against me. “Ashnard's... hurting us. K-killing us. He's got me. Y-you have to run... while you can....”
“What are you talking about? ...Rajaion!!” for he had crumpled to the ground and lay there, moaning.
“G-g-go,” he whimpered, writhing a little. “Hurry... May....” The shifting began.
“Rajaion?!” I said again. He growled and reverted.
“Leave me,” he hissed. “I'm l-losing my mind. I might... hurt you....” He groaned and shifted again, clawing at the flagstones in anguish.
“What have they done to you?!”
My brother fixed me with a hard, fierce stare. A low rumble started deep in his chest, then burst out in a roar as he snapped at me. I sprang back, trembling. He reverted and sank to his knees, clutching his head.
“S-sorry,” he whimpered. “You... you have to go. Find Soren. R-run away. Before... they get you....” He writhed and shifted.
“I heard him!” someone shouted, not very far away. “He's in that courtyard!”
“Be careful,” I heard a nasally voice say. “He should be changing by now.”
Rajaion reverted again, panting and shaking.
“I won't leave you,” I said. “We'll get away together.”
“C-can't,” Rajaion whined. He looked up at me, eyes filled with tears. “T-too late... for me. Agghh!” And he shifted again.
“There he is,” called a soldier, entering the far side of the courtyard.
A short, gaunt, greasy man appeared at his elbow. “He's going,” he said. “Catch him! Tie him down before he hurts somebody.” Dozens of soldiers ran toward us. I expected them to overwhelm us immediately, but Rajaion suddenly lashed out. Before I knew what was happening, people were thrown to the ground, winded, wounded, dying, or scrambling away in terror. I knew my brother was strong, but this... this was unnatural.
“Stop him! Stop him!” the greasy man was screaming.
“Hang on, Rajaion,” I said, vaulting up onto his back. “I'll get you out.” He bucked and writhed, but I held on. He reached up to brush me off, but I shimmied into the niche between his wings – he never could reach back there. “I don't care if you want to be left behind,” I said. “We're going together.” Rajaion spread his wings and took off as the next wave of soldiers came at us. “Okay,” I said, “I know where to go. Just let me guide you....” I leaned forward and he flew into the night.
– Kurthnaga –
“I'm surprised at how well the garden's been doing this summer,” I said, picking a basil leaf and nibbling it. “Gareth has truly outdone himself.”
“He's full of surprises,” said Ena, giving the garden a surveying look. “Did you know he grew special herbs just for the queen, when...” she trailed off, looking at the horizon. I followed her gaze.
There, soaring over the mountains, was the unmistakable form of a dragon.
“You don't suppose it's-”
“Rajaion!” Ena gasped. She immediately ran her hands through her hair. “Do I look alright?” she said, turning to me.
“To him, you always do,” I said, grinning. “Come on, let's go to meet him.” We hurried out to the front lawn, and down the path toward the woods beyond, where Rajaion seemed to be landing.
“Why's he coming down there?” said Ena. “It's so much harder to land in the trees.”
“You know him,” I said as we hit the tree line. “Sometimes he likes a dramatic entrance.” Ena laughed.
“St-stay back!” said a shrill voice from deeper in. We both froze.
“That's...” said Ena.
“...Almedha?” I called.
“Is that Kurth?”
“Yeah,” I said. Ena and I rounded a thicket and came into a clearing. My brother, in dragon form, was crouched on the forest floor, breathing hard.
“You're safe!” I said, hurrying toward him.
“Don't come any closer!”
We skidded to a halt. Looking up, we saw Almedha perched between his wings. Her hair was coming undone and her eyes were shadowy. There was a bundled cloak clutched tightly to her chest.
“Stay clear,” she said as my brother gave a throaty growl. “He's not safe.”
“What do you mean?” said Ena, nervously looking first at Rajaion, then at Almedha, then back again.
Almedha slowly swung her legs over to one side, then slid to the ground, still holding the bundle. She leaned wearily against Rajaion. “He's... mad,” she said, barely above a whisper.
“What! Mad?” Ena yelped. She stepped closer to her mate, who snarled menacingly.
“Steady,” said Almedha, putting her hand on Rajaion's snout. He kept growling. “Be careful, Ena,” she murmured. “I can't keep him... from hurting you.”
“Hurting me?”
“He's already... killed people,” Almedha whispered.
“What!?” I said, but she couldn't go on. She slid down and collapsed underneath Rajaion. He hunkered over her and eyed us warily, a deep rumble still going in his chest.
But Ena had had enough. “Rajaion! Don't you know me?” she cried, edging closer still.
Rajaion reverted, still snarling. Almedha was right, he was mad – I could see it in his eyes. But Ena was heedless. She sank to her knees beside her husband and embraced him. He stiffened... and stopped growling.
Father closed his eyes, letting it all sink in. “So... the king is dead, then.”
Almedha sighed. “Yes. I just wanted to run, but when he tried to stop me...” she shuddered.
“It seems he was meddling with powers too strong for him,” he said quietly. “You think Rajaion wasn't the only one?”
“Well, when he tried to warn me, he said something about Ashnard hurting and killing us. I don't know if he was already... being strange at that point?”
“I doubt it, from what you've told me,” he said, pressing his forehead with his fingers. He did this a lot when he was thinking. “It's likely that other laguz were captured.”
“Well then, shouldn't we send a warning to the other tribes?” I said. “I'm sure they'd be interested in reclaiming their people, too.”
“Perhaps, but it would be dangerous for them,” said my father, finally opening his eyes again. “Even with Ashnard defeated, Daein is still full of his underlings. That, and without a cure, anyone rescued is a disaster waiting to happen.”
“...Was I wrong?” said Almedha. “To bring him back?”
“No,” he said. “Between you and Ena, he seems to be relatively docile. Only we must be careful. If he's riled up, there could be trouble. From what you've said, even I might not be able to hold him down.” He paused as a strange noise came out of Almedha's bundle, which she was still holding. “What is that?”
Almedha blushed and looked down at it. “This... is my son, Soren,” she said, pulling the cloak down a little. A thin little face framed in black hair looked out at us.
Father sat in stunned silence. “...Your son.” He held out his arms. “May I?” Almedha gently surrendered the boy. Father looked him over, and noticed one rounded ear. “...You were with a beorc,” he said softly. He looked up at Almedha, who was avoiding his gaze. “Then you cannot shift anymore?”
“How did you know?” she said, glancing up in surprise.
It was Father's turn to look away. “That was Lehran's curse, also.”
There was a moment's silence.
“How hard would it be to go back for his father?” I finally asked.
“His father is dead,” said Almedha. “But... I already told you that.”
We both tensed. “No,” I whispered. “Not... him?”
Almedha hung her head. “Yes.”
Father rose up... and embraced her.
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vellatra · 8 months
Have a little romantic fluff to start your day
If that's your bag, of course ;)
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vellatra · 6 months
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Don't think too hard about this crossover. It won't withstand much thinking before it falls apart. I just think this part would be funny okay? XD
Also Jethro!Dheginsea would be an international treasure and I stand by that opinion.
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ghfan1122 · 8 years
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General Hospital Convention!!!
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
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