#dragon x knight au
romanteacism · 3 months
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader mood board
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Masterlist: The Hunt ; Night Off ; Neglectful Jealousy ; Devious Forgiveness ; Innocent Touch ; Awkward After ; Please ; Missing ; Pretense ; Leave ; Lonely ; Fallen ; Run ; Gloomy ; Questions ; Particular Risk
Related Blog: @eraenaa (longer fics and one shots)
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Your knight, Aemond, who was always by your side, no matter how much you tried to bribe him, he will not fall for it. He was always trailing you, refusing you to be out of sight, not because of duty but because he simply needed to be around you.
You knight, Aemond, who will always savor your scent whenever you are near him. Who would always find an excuse to touch your skin, may it be him offering his hand as you walked down the stairs or him wrapping his arms around your frame whenever the measliest of threats arose, disguising his passion as protection.
Your knight, Aemond, who would always stare down and intimidate any suitor of yours. Trailing closely behind as you tried to get to know them, always quick to go in between and meddle when he felt you were warming up with any lord or prince. Unable to stomach seeing you grow agreeable with your courtships.
Your knight, Aemond, who was always there the second you called for him. It does not matter if he has barely rested or eaten; the moment you send for him, he will be rushing down the castle halls, tending to your needs, no matter how insignificant or even frivolous they are. 
Your knight, Aemond, who would always listen intently to your babbling. Nodding along as you tell him your encounters for the day though he already knew because he was always by your side. Occasionally indulging you with his silver-tongued quips as he would sometimes be the one to share with you the latest gossip in court. 
Your knight, Aemond, who had been growing quite obvious with his affection for you. Sending you small tokens and flowers. He would often utilize the lie that the gifts were sent by an unnamed lord when, in reality, they all came from him. 
Your knight Aemond, who knew fully well that yearning for you would make no difference because whatever love you two would have for each other would be a love that would be denied and could not be, for how could a knight ever deserve a princess? 
Your knight, Aemond, who would settle to just being your sworn protector just as long as he had you near. Because as dreadful it was to see you be bound to another, nothing would compare to not having you near him; at those moments when he stood by your side, he indulged himself with a fantasy and pretended that you were his. 
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eraenaa · 9 months
My Knight in Darkened Armor (Royalty AU)
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Knight Aemond Targaryen x Princess Reader Tag List
Synopsis: Ser Aemond Targaryen has been tasked to be the sworn protector of a princess who is overly curious about life beyond the castle walls and has bribed him to escort her to the city in exchange for anything he desires. She just did not know that what he desired was her.
Word Count: 4,373
Warnings: Mature, 18+, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, jealousy, possessive
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Carnival—your favorite time of the year. The only chance for you to leave the cushioned walls of the keep that your father was intent on keeping you in. Sheltered and stored— protected and preserved. You now marvel at the scene outside. Merriment in every corner, cheers and hollers everywhere your carriage passed. “Stay close to your knight… danger lurks even in the happiest of days,” your father warned. You mindlessly nod as you smile at the outside world that you were rarely given a taste of.
As you stepped out of the wheelhouse, your knight in his ever-dark armor waited for you. His hand led out to escort you toward a tent in the middle of the town square. The performers were ready to entertain you and your King father, as well as the others who merrily celebrated the day. “Enough scowling; it is the most joyous of days,” You said to your knight. Ever since he was assigned to you, he had been overly serious— overly protective. Entirely strict and hard to be rid of, never leaving you out of his sight, not even for a moment. His eye always trailed and followed your every move in case the danger you doubted would occur finally happened. “It is as well the most dangerous of days there is, princess.” He answered stoically. Eye passing through the crowd, searching for any threats. 
“You often speak of danger, but there is clearly none. Try to enjoy yourself… you are still a man who feels under all that armor, yes?” You asked, your gaze flying upwards to the knight who stood by your right. You gazed up at him, searching for his eye through visor. When you locked upon his unique lilac eye, you dare say you saw a hint of mirth in them. 
When the performances began, you lost yourself in the scenes before you. Actors that were so greatly gifted in their talents, for they have managed to sway your mind and made you believe that all the stories they told were true. However, at times, you would hear Aemond scoff his disagreement at a scene. You were glad of his annoyance and disagreement because it meant that he as well, did watch the performance. 
When it was time for your father to name the victorious performers who had the most believable presentation, the king stood, and Aemond, along with another knight, stood behind him in protection—leaving you to be faced with their backs, finally unattended. As all citizens had their gazes planted on their king, you, for the first time in your life, did something you were not supposed to do. You indulged yourself and escaped their almost suffocating hold disguised as protection and safety. You have lived in your kingdom for seven and ten years, but the extent of your knowledge of it was the mere castle walls— you intend to change that matter, and you intend to see the kingdom you were to inherit when the time comes. 
Aemond moved his head behind to look upon you once more, but he felt his stomach pit as the seat meant for you was now empty. The cloak you wore as you exited the wheelhouse was gone as well. Aemond turned to the king who now realized you were now gone. “Find her quickly.” The king gritted, hoping none notice your escape, fearing that his sheltered child would be made a prey by the small folk. “Now!” The king roared, and Aemond quickly ran to his steed and searched for you, the princess.
You walked the streets of your kingdom, your hood covering you from exposure. Everything was almost so unfamiliar to you, but you find your blood spiking in thrill for all the experiences you were yet to discover. You watched as a group gathered, and your curiosity led you to them. You felt your lips twitch as men used pots and mere objects to produce music. Your gaze went towards the young man in the middle, singing a different and new tune that had captured all’s attention and ears, even yours. His hazel eyes scanned the crowds that swayed upon his song. His hand moved to comb his brown locks, and he winked at a group of girls around your age, making them squeal and blush. You watched as others moved and gave them coins, appreciation for the music they performed. 
When their song ended, the group that surrounded them dissolved little by little, and that was when you decided to offer your appreciation as well. Bending down to offer two silver coins, hoping it would serve as motivation for them to continue to perform such a great song. You kept your head low and did not engage with anyone, but still, you were noticed. “Hello,” the young man with a melodious voice greeted. Your eyes moved to look upon him, who gazed at you, trying to make out what you covered under your hood. “Hello,” You said as well, un certain on what to do. “I… I hoped you liked our performance; if you did, we have another one tomorrow night,” he said, still trying to see your face clearly. “I did… it was quite good,” you answered and tried to back away, but a stray dog that passed behind you made you trip and start to lose balance. 
Luckily, the young man before you was quick to take hold of your arm and pull you steady. But in exchange for your balance was your cover, your hood falling back and revealing your face. You feel your cheeks heat as realization comes to the hazel orbs of the young man before you. “Your hi—“ You quickly shook your head and shushed him, “Please, don’t,” You said and raised your hood once more, warily looking around to see if anyone else saw you. “What are you doing here? Your hig—“ The young man whose hold still has not left yours tried to call you upon your title once more, but you gave him a pointed look that made his words die on his tongue, a look of sheepishness coming to his face. 
“What is your name?” You asked, “Jacaerys,” He answered. You smiled and gave a nod, “I wanted to see the city. They rarely let me outside castle walls,” You explained to the stranger; it was not smart of you, but there was something about him. Something warm and a sense of trustworthiness that made you tell him the truth. Jacaerys raised his brow, “You escaped your guards?” He asked, and you slowly nodded. Before either of you could speak again, you heard the furious gallops of a horse. And almost instantly, your body knew who was to approach. You and Jacaerys turned to see your sworn shield cutting through the crowds in search of you. You thought about running, still wanting to see more, but it was too late as you felt the familiar gaze of his lone eye upon you. 
“Remove your hold on the princess, Jacaerys,” You hear him call menacingly. You furrow your brow as to why he already knew the young man’s name. “Un—“ Aemond raised his hand and silenced the boy. Using his other hand to pull you to him. You had no room to argue or plea as you felt Ser Aemond’s hard and rough hold upon your waist, lifting you to mount his steed. You watched as your knight moved closer to Jacaerys, bending down to whisper something in his ear. You watched as the boy’s face grew pale, but you could not voice out your concern or ask if he was well because Aemond moved to mount his horse, sitting behind you and swiftly galloping away. You sat in silence and almost fear as Aemond had his arms around your waist, the two of you riding towards the castle where your father waited with a sermon. 
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“Is he angry?” You ask your knight as you neared the castle gates. Hoping he would slow his steed down so you would not be delivered to your punishment so soon. Aemond smirked at your question, taking a deep breath and savoring the smell of you. He let his horse gallop slower, wanting to prolong the time he had you in his arms for a while more. “You escaped during the most crowded day of the year— where all people from the entire kingdom… thieves, murderers, and criminals could go about in plain sight. What do you think, princess?” He asked and kept his smirk as he heard you puff and lean your back to his chest. “You’ll be fine; we both know your father is very lenient when it comes to you,” Aemond tried to console you as he saw the adorable pout on your pink lips. His mind filled with a thought he should never entertain. 
You stood before your father in his study. Head hung low in shame. He had not said a word yet, simply stewing in his anger, but you already feel tears welling in your eyes. You hear the creek of his chair as he stands, and that is when the first pearl tear escapes your eyes and lands on the floor. You hear your father sigh, “I have yet to say anything why then do you already cry?” He asked and made you lift your gaze. “I’m sorry!” You quickly said. You could not bear it when he was cross with you; just the slight tone of disappointment in his voice and the look in his eyes was enough for you to cry for forgiveness. “I just wanted to learn more about our kingdom— I wanted to see how our people live and what they do.” You reasoned. That was your main goal when you slipped away. You were only distracted by the song Jacaerys and his group performed. 
You looked upon your father, teary-eyed, watching him sigh and shake his head. “You will do no such thing again, do you understand?” He asked sternly, and you quickly nodded your head and left his study when he dismissed you. Outside in the hall, your knight waited for you, ready with a handkerchief to wipe away your tears. “Thank you,” You said quietly, and Aemond gave a nod. His helmet was finally removed, and you could see his straight silver hair gleaming in the evening light. You’ve always been jealous of his hair; you’ve always wanted to run your hands through it, but it was deemed inappropriate, so you never could. 
When he accompanied you to your chambers, you had a question in mind. “How do you know Jacaerys?” You asked and paused in your tracks, looking before the knight who had a forever serious look on his face. He stayed silent for a moment, but you kept your expecting gaze upon him. “He is a very distant relative,” He finally answered, and you gave a nod. “Why did you not say you are acquainted with a performer— a good one at that? I have been looking for entertainment. Perhaps Father could invite him and his group to sing a song of two here,” You mused and watched a scowl start to spread on his face. “It is best not to, princess.” Ser Aemond answered. You frowned at the animosity in his voice. “Why not?” You asked. Aemond clenched his jaw at your questions and intrigue upon his nephew. “Good night princess,” Aemond said as you were now before your chamber door. You frowned as he avoided your question but ultimately sighed and entered your room, knowing he would not answer it.
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The following day, as you broke your fast, you found yourself humming the tune you heard the day before. Your mind reminding you of the invitation said that Jacaerys and his group were to perform once more that night. You chewed on your lip as there was a part of you that wanted to watch and escape again. You stared at your knight, who stood still at his post, wondering how to escape him. 
Aemond gulped and urged himself not to waver as he felt your steady gaze upon him. He felt his knees grow weak with each passing moment you kept your brilliant eyes on his frame; he felt himself grow warm by the look of concentration on your pretty face. “Is there something you need, princess?” He finally asked. He watched you blink, plush lips parting before him, indecent thoughts plaguing his mind. “I…” You began. Watching as your sworn shield walked closer to you, his imposing demeanor enveloping you. You quite liked that about him— how petrifying he looked and acted, but with the year he was assigned to you, you saw through the cracks of his cold and hard armor, and it revealed softness and warmth. “Can you come with me to the city t—“ You could not even finish to word out your request as he was quick to shake his head. “No.” He said decisively. Aemond bit his tongue as a dejected look came to your eyes, and your lips formed the unconscious pout you always had when things did not go your way. “Please— I swear I’ll behave. I w—“ Aemond sighed and shook his head once more. “No. If your father ever heard about me sneaking you out of the castle— he will have my head.” He said, but you only disagreed. “He won’t! I swear of it!” You said, but your knight only scoffed and rolled his lone eye in disbelief. 
“Please! I’ll give you whatever you desire if you take me to the city tonight,” You tried to bribe him. Aemond clenched his jaw as your eyes widened, begging him to agree. His mind, as well, did not miss the bribe you clearly uttered without shame. But he was more shameless, for he agreed. He felt his heart stutter as you beamed at him, bouncing in your seat in joy; his eye caught as your ample chest heaved when you did the action. His mind running with thoughts, his body turning alight. Aemond cleared his throat and returned to his post and willed himself to be rid of such disgraceful thoughts.
Aemond swallowed hard as he had his hand clasped around yours. Him guiding you through the crowded streets of your kingdom. “Your hood,” Aemond warned, pulling you closer to him. He reluctantly brought you back to the street, where you watched his nephew perform. He felt enraged over the fact that the only reason you wanted to leave the castle walls and rebelled against your father’s wishes was to see his bastard nephew perform. He placed you and himself behind the crowd. You urged him to go closer, but you were refused. “I have told you we will not engage with anyone.” He sternly warned. 
You did not miss the animosity in his voice once again and how his scowl was deeper. The performance was starting, a folk song made by their group, but your attention was on the knight whose hold now traveled to your waist and held you close and tight to him. “Why are you angry?” You asked. His eye scanned around to see if there was danger. “I am not,” He answered. “You are,” you insisted. Aemond’s jaw clenched as he saw his nephew you spot you two, moving towards the princess in his grasp. You let out a sound surprise as your knight started to drag you through the streets once more, ignoring your call as he made furious steps that you could not quite match. 
“Aemond!” You called, and he finally halted, pulling you towards a dark and narrow alley. “Why did you want to watch him? Why did you want to see Jacaerys again?” He asked furiously. You stared wide eyed as you had never seen such fury in his eye. “I…I,” you stuttered in slight fear. “You were willing to endanger yourself— willing to let your father grow angry with you once more, all for him? All for Jacaerys?” He seethed, and you started to see a familiar yet foreign emotion in him. “Are you jealous?” You dare ask. His face was so close to you that your breathing started to mix, and you could see clearly the scar that ran down the left side of his face. “No,” He said unconvincingly after a moment. You raised your brow, “You were fine escorting me out of the castle walls earlier… but once you learned that  I wanted to watch their performance, you grew irritable… are you jealous, Ser Aemond?” You asked even though you knew the answer. 
Aemond narrowed his eye at the speck of amusement in your orbs. His face threaded closer, and only now did he grow aware of how flushed your bodies were against each other. He felt his eye flash dangerously as he caught you licking your lips as you gazed at him with your innocent eyes. Your plush pink lips parted again, and the thoughts he tried hard to suppress and ignore were now the only thing on his mind. “You owe me something, princess,” He instead said, pushing his body closer to your frame that was backed up on the alley wall. “I have taken you to the city… now you must give me something that I desire.” You swallowed at the deep tone of his voice, at the dark look in his eye, and how he trapped you to your place with arms. “And… and what is that do you desire? Coin? Something valuable and pretty like jewels, perhaps?” You asked. You watched him smirk and lightly shake his head. “Oh… it is very valuable— overly pretty as well, but no, not jewels, princess.” He whispered. You feel your heart stutter, your breathing caught in your throat as his face inched closer. “Then… then what is that you want?” You asked. You watch him smirk, his hold on your waist growing tighter. “You.” You whimper as his lips pressed against yours. His lips were warm, punishing, and soft. 
Aemond wanted to scream at himself— hinder himself, and declare himself mad for doing such actions. To kiss the princess that he had sworn an oath to protect. But as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening your kiss, he could not be bothered by his sensibilities. He could not be bothered by propriety as your lips danced against each other. Clinging and never wanting to part. “Oh, Aemond,” You called as you parted for air, but the knight would only let you take one breath before intertwining your lips again— to be lost in pleasure again. “Tell me you want me too,” Aemond almost begged as he parted your lips again. You gazed up at him, lilac eye hopeful and wanting. “I want you, A—“ You could not finish your sentence as he took hold of your hand again and started to pull you out of the alley. 
Your mind was dazed as you followed him, as you let him take you wherever it was. It took you longer to realize that you were inside castle walls once more, nearing your bed chambers. He turned to you; his wanting eye filled with lust slowly started to be filled with uncertainty, but you shook your head. He had managed to stir something within you, a burn, a coil inside that made you grow crazed. 
You pulled him to your chambers, “I did promise you that I’ll give you what you desired,” You whispered and stood to the tip of your toes to kiss his lips. Your hand searched for his and guided them to undo the laces of your gown. He called upon your name, uncertain as he reluctantly parted your lips, but you shook your head. “I want you.” You said. It was the truth; ever since he was made to be your sworn protector, you could not help but be attracted to him. Him and his handsome scowling face. Him and his cold and rough but gentle touch. Him and his unique platinum hair and alluring lilac eye. 
You heard him groan, and you feared he would leave, but you smirked as he placed his lips against yours once more and started to undo the laces of your dress. “On the bed, now.” He ordered, and you obeyed quickly. You were now only dressed in your shift— sheer and light. You were positive he could see every single trace of your being. 
You sat by the edge of the bed, anticipating what he was to do next. You blushed as he started to remove his clothing. “Have I ever told you how pretty you look when you blush?” He asked, and that only deepened the color in your cheeks, eliciting a chuckle from him. You feel your heartbeat spike as he walks closer to you, your knight now only dressed in his trousers—a prominent bulge in the middle called for your attention. You sighed as he kissed your lips again, his hand coming to take hold of yours, doing the same as you did, guiding your hand to rest upon the dent in his pants. “Do you feel what you do to me, princess?” He asked, his lips moving to kiss your neck, his hand guiding you to stroke his length. You could only let out a small moan in response. 
You took in a harsh breath as Aemond moved you to lie down, anticipation coursing through your veins. “Are you certain?” He asked as his lips hung above yours; you nodded and met his thin lips to be lost in his sweet kisses. You whimper as his hand moves to cup your tit, giving it a firm squeeze, the bud growing taut upon his touch. His other hand stopped guiding yours as it moved to your thigh, him caressing the limb and teasing you with every boring touch. 
“A—Aemond,” You called; you wanted more. He hummed and gazed upon your eyes. His right hand is palming your tit, and his left hand caressing your thigh. “Please,” was all you could say, but it was enough as you watched him sink to his knees. Hands are moving to part your legs, bringing more wetness to your cunt with every action he took. “Oh gods,” Aemond breathed as he was met with your cunt— needy and calling for his touch. He shoved away his hesitancy and fears and did what he knew he should have done long before— claim every single part of you. Ruin you for any man, prince, or king to come. 
You cried out his name as his lips met with your cunt. Licking, sucking, and nibbling the sensitive skin. Bringing pleasure in all he did. “More,” You called, your hands losing themselves in his hair, finally gliding your fingers upon the silky strands. “Aemond, please— I need more,” You pleaded and whined as he ignored your call, simply continuing his torment on your needing bud and his teasing fingers upon your entrance. “Beg harder, princess.” He hummed, smirking at your cunt as you shamelessly did what he said. 
“Please Aemond… I want you— I need you to-to fuck me. Claim my maidenhead; I’m all yours.” Aemond turned rigged upon your words— searing pleasure enveloped him upon your words. He had never heard you so foul, so lewd— so desperate. And it was all for him. You feel your heartbeat stop as he finally moves atop you. You gasped as he ripped away your shift, leaving you bare and perfectly positioned for him to take you. You feel your eyes water as his length, thick and long, starts to break its way through. Aemond closed his eyes tightly at how you felt. You were so tight and warm; the pleasure you provided was almost painful— completely overwhelming him. “Just a little more… you’ll be a good princess and take all of me, yes?” He murmured against your neck, feeling as the tears glide down your eyes. You could only nod and hope the pain would be quick to turn into pleasure. 
“So fucking tight—so pure… all for me to ruin,” He growled as his length was finally fully sheathed inside you, finally feeling every single inch of your body. Your breathing turned labor as he thrust slowly, the pain finally turning to the blinding pleasure you sought. Aemond let out an amused breath as he watched you roll your eyes back in complete pleasure; your bite on your lips was so harsh that Aemond feared you would draw blood. “Does my princess like that, hm? Do you like being fucked like a common whore?” He gritted through his own pleasures. Your moans were answer enough. “Louder— let the entire kingdom hear how your knight pleasures you,” Aemond smirked as you still did what he said; neither cared about being found. In reality, he would prefer it, for it will bind him to you. 
“Aemond— oh gods, I…I,” you could not find your words as you felt your insides painfully coil, wanting something you were not quite certain of. Aemond hummed and moved his thumb to draw circles upon your nubbin, letting the coil grow tighter. You writing against him, desperate for something you have no words for. “Are you to come, my princess? Are you to come by the pleasure of my hands and cock?” Aemond asked and smirked as you lost yourself, as you could only comprehend his pleasurable actions. He let out a groan as you clenched around him, painfully and pleasurably so. Your knight is on the verge of release as well. His rhythmic and savoring trusts turned sloppy and desperate. “Come and scream my name, princess.” He ordered with one long final thrust of his cock and flick of his thumb. You coming undone by his touch. His groans mixed with yours, neither of you weary as his seed filled your cunt. 
He collapsed atop you as both of you came down from the highs of your release. Five words leaving his lips, an oath that he will keep for the rest of his life. “You’re all mine now, princess.” 
837 notes · View notes
artnijna · 6 months
Violet flower kiss colored Knight au for JouKai
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269 notes · View notes
0m3n-0f-d3ath · 1 month
Kat and Lily
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They find each-other in every universe💥
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spotsandsocks · 2 months
Fuck it Friday/Throwback Thursday
Tagged by @tizniz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples
The 167k Buddie au you didn’t know you needed, now with fun visuals, sharing characters from Good Knight Sweet Prince that I made with one of the pic crews link here.
I wasted quite a lot of time on this but had so much fun with it. This is one of my favourite fics and I know it’s niche but trust me it’s got everything you want and more … give it a try.
Also just wanted to say thank you ❤️to everyone who sent congratulations and sweet messages to help me celebrate the million word milestone. I’m only here and still writing because you’re so supportive and fun to share my words with. Big hugs for everyone.
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A few more pictures under the cut (including Ravi and Lavana my oc in this fic who turned out pretty cool)
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Tagging for whatever you may want to share @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @dr-shortsighted-owl @the-likesofus @beyourownanchor6 @lonelychicago @bi-buckrights @fiona-fififi @rogerzsteven @bekkachaos @evanbi-ckley @thekristen999 @ronordmann @spaceprincessem @underwaterninja13 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @inell @stagefoureddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @elvensorceress @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @buffaluff @rainbow-nerdss @diazheartsbuckley @actualalligator @watchyourbuck @loveyouanyway @repressedqueen @disasterbuck @shipperqueen6 @theotherbuckley @caroandcats
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superiorsturgeon · 10 months
Dragon!Pyrrha: Guardian
Knight!Jaune: *skipping through a field of flowers* 🥰
Dragon!Pyrrha: *holding knight’s hand and skipping along* 🥰
Knight!Jaune: *pauses* 🫤
Dragon!Pyrrha: What’s wrong, beloved?
Knight!Jaune: I just feel as if I’m forgetting something important…😕
Dragon!Pyrrha: …that’s odd, I was thinking the same thing! 🤔
Back at Dragon!Pyrrha’s former lair…
Princess!Weiss: Hello? Brave knight? Dragon kidnapper? Is anyone there?
Next: Renora
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ilonar0 · 26 days
Made another little something for the Fairy Tale AU!
Law made a new friend :)
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Law: Hey Kid, I found something.
Kid: What is that?!
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Sketches below the cut
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
NGL, those RWBY X MK intros are amazing. How about the Rusted Knight and Dragon Barbarian, and maybe the Rusted Knight and Tarnished Spartan?
DB!Yang: *Lands on stage with her semblance active* You beat me, and you'll have the Knight of your life
RK!Jaune: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Sounds good, I always love to end my day with a Yang!
DB!Yang: Oh my god! I love you so much!
RK!Jaune: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* No... Pyrrha?
Tarnished Spartan: *Takes worn-out spear out of the ground* I'm afraid you have me confused for another, Sir Knight
RK!Jaune: This place has become my personal hell...
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just-an-ari · 2 years
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dragon & shapshifter wednesday/knight enid au that i have a lot more sketches for sdjfksdjf
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mynahx3 · 7 months
For Her, His Heart Yearns
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Hello everyone!  This is Part 1 out of 2 of my Knight! Nanami x Queen!Female! Reader at 4.2k words (0-0) This is done in collaboration with @kentopedia collab, Love Through the Ages Hope you like Part 1, Part 2 will be done shortly! I haven’t written in a bit so any feedback is welcomed. Enjoy lovelies <;3 Will have mature themes such as violence and death. Lowkey a slowburn x mutual pining. Different ruling structure cause it's fantasy lol. Reader is aged around 25-30 Nanami is aged around 30-35
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Chapter 1
In your life, duty was something you had to always uphold. Sacrifice anything and everything for it. This is what you were taught; the very essence of it is ingrained in your brain. Things were the way they were for hundreds of years, with the women in your position always completing what needed to be done. As the queen, you made it your purpose to be a person worthy of the throne. Nothing less than perfection was expected of you by your family and peers. The entire kingdom praises the very ground you stood upon. A heavy weight was on your shoulders, one you carried with dignity and grace. 
In spite of your attempts to delay it, it was time for marriage. One to build political relationships and strengthen the kingdom. Known across the land as a beauty, kind yet stern when needed, blessed with a brilliant mind along with your looks. It was no surprise you had many courting options, suitors from far and wide came to court you. You knew that your choice would have far-reaching consequences. The future of the kingdom rested on your decision and you were determined to choose wisely. Even so, every suitor had been rejected, much to the dismay of your father. From the elves to the dwarves, no one was deemed worthy, for your eye has already been caught by someone. 
Sitting on your throne next to your father, you frowned, looking at yet another asking for your hand. This one is old enough to be your grandfather. An expression of boredom is clear on your face; your eyes are looking over the court in front of you. Nobles looked upon the royal family with gleaming eyes, each interested in your decision. The grand halls of the throne room are littered with marble, gold, and paintings that line the walls. Paintings that depicted the history of your kingdom. 
Tales of the dragons who hoarded treasures and of knights saving the land. The most known tale of the white robed mage and first king at the center, the very start of your kingdom. The two had found the legendary Stone of Laztierite, a stone of which not much is known other than its ability to give powerful magic abilities. That was when humanity gained an upper hand over the evil magical beings that reigned over them. Together, with the mage’s magic and the king’s mighty army, they used the stone to effectively seal the evil beings into the dark world. This resulted in the stone disappearing to be found once more, as the rumor goes.
After the war, the white robed mage and first king married, founding the Aitrerus Kingdom, which has reigned over the land for centuries, unifying humanity and magical beings together. At times, the evil still escaped, but it was rare. When it did, it corrupted the minds of anyone it touched. The most affected were dragons and their worshippers, who still ruled over some lands. Lands to which no one ventured due to their heinous actions and beliefs. They were forsaken, no other kingdom interacted with them. Centuries later, humans and magical beings lived in peace, now only fighting over land and politics. The stone lost to time; not one soul knew of its whereabouts now.
Twirling a strand of your hair around your finger, a sigh came from your lips at your thoughts. Those tales were surely false, no magic pebble saved the day you thought with a yawn. Today was yet another day of failed proposals, and your father was equally frustrated. You couldn’t wait to end the day; your back was sore from sitting for so long. The plush, comfortable bed and sheets are calling to you, eager to be done with the uncomfortable corset digging into your ribs. While you no doubt looked exquisite, as your handmaidens always made sure you do, you yearned to be in your simple nightgown with your hair cleaned. Now you were dressed in the finest of silks, a deep blue dress with white lacing, and jewels around your neck and ears. An armored chest plate over your dress, dipped in silver and encrusted with more gems, is a good combination of fashion and protection. You couldn't wait to remove your heavy armor and relax in the comfort of your own room
As the suitors continued to plead their cases, you couldn't help but wonder if you would ever find someone who truly understood you. The weight of your father's expectations and the pressure of finding a suitable match weighed heavily on your shoulders. You couldn't shake the feeling that maybe true love was just a fairy tale. Getting lost in thought, you didn’t realize your father dismissed everyone early, seeing the exhaustion in you. Your father turns to you from his seat next to the throne, a sulk on his usually joyful face, footsteps sounding off as everyone left. 
"You need to start taking this seriously," he said sternly. "Your older brother is off in the gods'  know where, doing what he pleases. I won't be around forever to help make these decisions for you." The weight of his words settled in your chest, and you knew that the pressure to find a suitable match was only going to increase. He had only stepped down from the throne due to the sudden passing of your mother when you were fifthteen. It happened during the birth of their next daughter who was stillborn.  She was the love of his life, the grief of losing both at the same time caused him too much pain to continue ruling. 
"I understand, father." You replied, your voice meek, a far cry from the back talk you gave him constantly over the years. Reaching out, he lovingly rubs your hand, eyes just like yours but sadder, dimmer. His hands are slightly wrinkled now from his age, another reminder to you of the importance of your future marriage. 
"You are my only daughter, and I want to see you happy and successful," he said softly. "I will support you in finding the right partner, but ultimately, the decision is yours to make, my sweet flower." With a heavy heart, you nodded in agreement, knowing that the future of your family's legacy rested on your shoulders.
With that, he takes his leave, sending a warm smile to you. Alone in the vast room you lose yourself in your mind once more as you gaze off at nothing in particular. A light tap on your shoulder jolts you to attention. Looking to the side where it came from, you see your knight, Kento Nanami.
He is from a loyal noble family that guarded the royals for hundreds of years, sworn at your birth to protect you when he was only five years old. He stood broad and tall with blonde hair; it was styled neatly, framing his face with warm chocolate eyes, stern like always. It was a wonder he wasn't married yet. The stained glass windows behind him cast him in a soft, ethereal light, adding to his aura of strength and nobility.
"You're going to make your face stay like that, Sir Nanami." You smiled in a teasing tone at him, leaning up to poke his nose. The two of you are quite fond of each other.
He chuckled softly, a rare sight from the stoic knight. "I cannot help but be serious when it comes to your safety, my lady," he replied with a hint of warmth in his voice. The bond between you two was unbreakable, built on years of trust and companionship. 
Getting up, you pat your dress down, taming the wrinkles that have set into the fabric. Without a hitch, Nanami walks by your side, making your way to your room. Going through the many halls, the windows were open to let in the spring air. Smells of honeysuckle and jasmine were flowing with the light breeze. Your little cousins and other children of servants chasing each other with laughs of joy.
The castle was immaculate, with servants running around to maintain it. Each sent you a small smile as they ran by. Normally they would have to curtsey, but you didn’t care for the formalities all that much. Something you got from your father as he is a kind man—too kind at times. He always made sure the servants were treated with respect and fairness, setting an example for you to follow as you grew up. As you reached your room, Nanami waited at your door like normal. Rolling your eyes, you pull him by the collar of his chest plate and into your room. 
"Come have tea with me!" You demand, letting go of him, moving to sit at your table set on the balcony. The sunset casts a golden glow over your room, and the sky is painted in hues of blue, pink, and orange. “I had them bring your favorite tonight.”
Sitting across from you, he poured the drinks into the fine cups. The silence was enjoyed between the two of you with the calming tea. Your balcony gave a beautiful kingdom view from your room always gives you joy. Hills and valleys were filled with flowers that were blooming. The town within the walls is as lively as ever; sounds of laughter and happiness are normal occurrences. Your kingdom was a peaceful one for centuries. As the night grew darker, the sound of the crickets filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Nanami's presence always brought a sense of calm and comfort to your evenings.
“Your father was awfully restless today.” He broke the silence, looking over at you with soft eyes, recognizing the stress you had over today. 
“He wants grandbabies in his old age.” You laugh, finishing the tea, rubbing your temple. “He wants to go live off the coast, away from this drama, but it may be years before I find someone."
"You'll find someone you think is right when the time comes." He assured, leaning over to take your hand, squeezing it gently. Your smile growing at his kind action, squeezing his hand back; his soft moments were only for your eyes to see. “You deserve to find love, my lady. Be loved just as you give it . Everything you do is for your kingdom and loved ones. Is there a reason you think you do not deserve it?”
Your breath halts in your throat, and words stick as you try to speak. The look in his eyes clearly asks for more; it makes your stomach have butterflies. Looking at Nanami, you thought the moonlight made him look even more handsome. His chiseled jaw and cheekbones were accentuated. With a tint on your cheeks, you turn from his gaze. Taking your hand from his, you miss the way he winces a little. 
"Yes, yes. I'll surely find true love, just as my parents did." You laugh, dismissing his question with a wave of your hand, sarcasm dripping from your voice. Ignoring the pain in your own heart you felt at the action, the two of you knew there were feelings growing; neither of you felt it was right to confess. Teetering on the edge of something more each day but both of you were too scared to take the plunge into the unknown. Too scared to get hurt more than anything. 
“Your majesty. You are more than worthy; any man or woman would be lucky.” He tells you, taking his hand back, his eyes unwavering as he keeps eye contact. The tension between you two was palpable, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. It was clear that neither of you was ready to confront the truth of your feelings. You smile meekly, shaking your head to get up from your chair. 
“I appreciate your kind words, but I should head to bed. The hour is awfully late.” You dismiss, moving to ring the bell for your maids to help you change. 
“As you wish, please rest well tonight.” He gets up, taking your hand to kiss the back of it before he leaves. A twinkle in his dark eyes at your flushed face.
Now comfortable, you lay in your plush bed, free of the tight corset and suffocating layers. As tired as you were earlier, you couldn't help but stay awake, thoughts of him flooding your mind. The moonlight filtering through the curtains illuminated the room, casting a soft glow on your face. The weight of unspoken words lingered, creating a bittersweet ache in your chest. Sleep eventually comes to you as you drift off into dreams filled with his presence, a smile tugging at your lips. The night passes slowly, the memories of the evening replaying in your mind like a cherished melody.
Nanami retreats to his chambers after checking everything is in order, trying to stay busy while his mind races. Images of you run through his mind—how you admired the flowers in the gardens and when you sit upon the throne with your subjects. How you acted was like day and night at times: rigid with people you weren't fond of but then sweet to those you cherished. Your beauty glowed even when you didn't know someone was watching. He found it funny how you would puff your cheeks out in frustration when struggling with a new hobby or when your book turned sour. How kind and playful you were to your cousins and nephews, always playing with them when you could. Not caring when they dirtied your expensive dresses.
Changing for bed, he settled down, expressing a slight regret at his actions tonight with a sigh. His heart is torn between his duty to protect you and his own desires, unsure of how to navigate the complexities of his emotions. As he laid in bed, the soft glow of the moonlight illuminates his conflicted expression, a silent witness to the inner turmoil he grapples with.  
The peace of the night is broken by the sound of shrill screams that wakes you with a shock. The sound of fighting is going on outside your door. Sitting up in bed, you shake in fear, moving quickly for your sword displayed over your fireplace. You pause, listening intently for any clue as to what is happening outside. With a racing heart, you steel yourself for whatever danger may come your way. With your sword pointed at the door, you quickly slip on a pair of riding boots you happened to have out and prepare yourself for the fight to come. Breathe halted as the fighting died down and you heard footsteps approaching your door. 
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you brace yourself for the unknown threat that awaits on the other side, your hands shaking as you hold the blade. While trained, you were rarely put in real danger thanks to Nanami at your side constantly. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, ready to strike down whoever it may be, raising it up just as they open the door. Relief filled your veins as you recognized the blonde head of hair entering your room. Blood was painted across his white dress shirt, dripping down his own sword. He wore casual clothes, black slacks, and a white shirt with a ruffled collar, having just woken up as well.
"Kento?" You called out in confusion, stepping closer to him and pointing your sword down. He didn't respond, making his way to you with haste, looking over your form for any wounds. Seeing him seemed to have broken down any walls you made, the stress of the situation coming down. You dropped your sword, wrapping your arms around him in relief, feeling the tension leave your body as he held you close. 
"I'm here." His voice was smooth and calm. He hugged you tightly, minding his sword as he did. More screams come from the hallway, making him go back to attention. Letting you go, he grabbed your black cloak nearby from the coat post. Putting it over you, he cupped your shaking face gently with one warm, calloused hand, looking into your eyes with urgency. Thumb rubbing your cheekbone comfortingly, trying to ease the fear he saw in your teary eyes. His face was firm as always, with a level head on his shoulders from his experience. 
"We need to go. We don't have much time," Nanami urged. Without waiting for a response, he led you out of the room and into the night, his grip firm and reassuring. The seriousness in his eyes told you that whatever lay ahead was not to be taken lightly.
Going through the halls, you saw bodies of servants and knights alike, walls painted with their blood and viscera. Men who were not of your kingdom laid with them in black armor. This was clear from the red sigil on their chest, the sign of evil dragon worshipers. Hurriedly, he pulled you through the halls, passing the windows to the courtyard. Down below, it was pure disarray. Fires are going with more bodies on the ground. The knights of the kingdom were defending the castle with their lives. Luckily no one found you two as you made it to the stables safely. Tears welled in your eyes, stinging as they went down your face while he went to his horse. The smell of smoke and blood was overwhelming.
“Where’s my father?” You questioned him, pleading with him for answers. His silence only provided the answer you needed, knowing there was a slim chance of him making it. He was old and had his own faults, but he didn’t deserve this end. 
"I could only make it to you first. I'm sorry." He simply said, moving swiftly to get his white horse, helping you onto him. Getting on behind you, he grabbed the reins, snapping them sharply to ride off.
You both only made it over the hill before an arrow shot into his shoulder from behind. Making a grunt of pain, he looked over his shoulder at a group of men chasing on horseback. Ripping it out, he urged the horse to run faster. More arrows shot around before someone yelled at them to stop, saying they wanted the queen alive. Holding him tighter, you pressed your face against his back. He rode towards the dense forest ahead, wishing to lose them there. Just as you were near the forest line, a fireball was sent nearby, sending the horse flying. 
Coughing, you weakly propped yourself up on your hands, your vision blurry from hitting the ground so rough. Just over you was a dragon, smoke escaping from its sharp teeth, ruby-red eyes looking down. Its vast, inky black body blocks out the moon behind it. Worshippers move to surround you, whispering to each other in glee. Nanami lay nearby, attempting to stand. Blood came from his temple, dripping onto his face. His sword was on the ground in front of you. Grabbing it, you pointed it up with a sharp glare, ready to defend yourself to the last moment, standing in front of Nanami. The dragon looked down at you in interest, with more of its goons surrounding you two.
“Run!” Nanami commanded, barking your name with such a harsh tone. It would've made you shake if it was different circumstances. His hair falling over his face as his eyes scanned over everyone. 
Making the first move, you strike down the closest assailant. Knowing how to fight was a skill every royal was taught. Swiftly move between them, dodging their attacks while sending your own. It helped that they wanted you alive; most of them were trying to grab you over kill you. Standing, Nanami defended you, grabbing a sword from a fallen worshiper nearby. As you both continued to fight off the dragon's goons, you felt a surge of adrenaline fueling your movements. Each strike and parry was executed with precision and determination. The odds may have been against you, but you were not going down without a fight.
Exhaustion soon caught up to you. Being unused to fighting this long, you panted for air. A few bodies lay at your feet dead. One of them saw an opportunity, striking you over the head while taking your blade from you, tossing it away. Falling to the ground with a grunt, you see the dragon land before you. It's sulfur smelling breath hitting your form. The heat of it makes you squint, struggling to stay awake. Nanami screamed your name and tried to run to you but was quickly stabbed through in his distraction, blood seeping from his mouth at the gaping wound in his abdomen. They pulled the blade out, making him fall to his knees. He could only watch as they gathered around you. His vision filled with black dots before passing out, the gushing blood made a pool in the grass under him. 
"Sleep, little queen." It grumbles, its voice is deep and ominous. The last thing you see before succumbing to unconsciousness is the dragon's red glowing eyes, filled with a mix of curiosity and malice. The world fades to black as you drift into a dreamless slumber, unsure of what fate awaits you next.
Later on, you awaken in a plush bed. Still wearing the blood splattered clothes from before, thankfully. Daylight came through the barred windows nearby. The chambers are warm, filled with fur along the floor and silk sheets. Dark reddish stone with almost black hardwood floors. The room is opulently decorated, intricate tapestries adorning the walls and a flickering blue fire in the hearth. Your head had a sharp pain from being hit from behind, making you move idly to sit up. Getting off the bed, you walk towards the door tentatively. As you reach for the doorknob, someone new opens the door, making you jump back. They wore a red cloak, their hood obscuring their faces from view.
“Master is glad you’ve awoken, he hopes the room pleases you.” They say, voice with a slight rasp to it, hands clasped together.
Not giving them a chance to talk further, you try to run past them, only to be slammed into the stone wall by an unseen force. Pain spikes from your head at the impact as you drop to the floor. You struggle to regain your balance, realizing that there is something unnatural about the servant. They walk towards you, shaking their head at that attempt. 
“That’s awfully rude.” They laugh cruelly. "Master doesn't like it when his guests try to leave."
"What do you want, mage?" You ask, glaring at them harshly, anger rushing through you as you bare your teeth to them. Their eyes gleam down at you, laughing a bit at the sight. “Where’s my knight?”
"You'll know soon enough," they say, harshly pulling you up by the arm and dragging you towards the door. Their sharp nails are almost piercing your flesh from their grip. Moving through the dark halls, several red cloaked people roamed about, none sparing either of you a glance. Their snake-like language is foreign to your ears. Moving deeper into the fortress, you go down many stairs, the smell of sulfur and rotten eggs only getting worse. Opening a door, they throw you in which almost makes you fall over. Catching yourself, you turn to hit the door. Letting out a frustrated yell, you kick at it, pounding it with your fist.
"Little queen has a bite to her." A deep voice calls out, a deep laugh from its throat, a voice you knew. Turning, you stood still, the very dragon laying in a giant heap of gold before you. The treasures of the world surround the beast in the cave structure.
"Surprised to see me, little one?" The dragon's red eyes glinted mischievously as it slowly rose to its feet, towering over you with a smirk. You realized then that escaping this fortress would be much more difficult than you had anticipated.
"What do you want?" You ask, voice firm. Surprising yourself at how you acted put together. Your blood rushing in your ears from your heart pounding.
The dragon's smirk widened, revealing sharp teeth as it replied, "Nothing big, dear. I just want to rule the lands."
You felt a chill run down your spine at his words, a cruel laugh coming from them. It vibrated your entire being from his size. 
"You see, little queen, I require something to do that." He continues, moving closer. "The blood of a white robed mage, to be exact."
A laugh slipped from your lips, your hand covering it from the outburst. It was unexpected for the dragon to believe in such fables. The dragon's eyes narrowed at your reaction, sensing your disbelief.
"Believe what you will, but the power of the white robed mage is real inside you," he growled, his tone deadly serious. Your heart raced as you realized the gravity of the situation, knowing that you must find a way to stop him before it's too late.
"What do you plan to do with me, beast?" You asked, standing your ground as it wrapped a tail around you. Not yet squeezing, but the threat was apparent. Leaning closer, you felt the hot breath of the dragon breathe down on you, its red eyes watching you.
"To devour you, my dear little queen," he explained, closing its eyes and pausing to take a whiff of you. "With you, I'll have all the power needed. No one can stop me as I gorge down on humanity. The blood of innocents will run down my throat."
You shivered at the thought of being devoured by the dragon, but you refused to show fear. With a defiant glare, you whispered, "You may have power over others, but you will never have power over me." The dragon's eyes narrowed in response, a hint of respect in its gaze as it considered your words.
"Oh? No groveling? No begging for mercy?" He chuckled. "Careful now. I may like you, little queen."
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Hope you liked this! hehehehehe can't wait for the next chapter
ALSO dont fuck the dragon!!!!
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
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Knight Hob!
Sir Hob is a Knight of King Morpheus. It's his personal mission to keep the king safe. He also happens to be in love with you, who lives within the castle walls, but he can't let anyone know about that. A royal from a neighbouring kingdom has come to strike a bargain with King Morpheus. Though it seems a deeper ploy is in play here. Hob is put into a difficult situation when he has to choose between love and duty.
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romanteacism · 2 months
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader Awkward After
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Synopsis: Facing the embarrassing consequence after your foolish action toward your knight. Warnings: None (yet), Aemond and Reader coming some realizations, ¿infatuation?, Aemond Concerned, Slight Jealousy PREVIOUS PART / NEXT PART
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The following day was a tad awkward after you had unintentionally invaded the personal space of your sworn protector the night before. You did not mean to do such actions! But you had grown quite comfortable in his presence that propriety and simple manners had left your head. You stirred and stayed awake that night, blushing and cringing at your own actions. Your mind replayed the shocked look on Ser Aemond’s face and, dare you say, the ghost of a blush that crept on his cheeks as you did such actions. Your fingertips could still feel his skin, and you blushed further at the thought. 
“I’ll—I’ll take my meal here, Ser Adam; please tell my squire.” You called by the other side of the door as you heard the cling of his metal armor. Aemond furrowed his brows as you had addressed the newly arrived knight instead of him, and the fact that you would be taking your meal in your chambers. As Adam walked off, Aemond knocked upon your door. “Are you well, princess?” He asked in concern that an ailment came to you in the dead of night. “Yes!” You squeaked and felt a blush rise to your cheeks once more. What was this? This reaction was most peculiar and most unwelcomed, you thought. 
Aemond straightened his stance as Adam returned. “Does she often take her meals in her chambers?” The secondary knight questioned. “No,” Aemond replied, tone indifferent. “Hm, perhaps the princess is ill; I shall fetch the maester as well,” Adam announced, but before he could walk off, Aemond took hold of his shoulder, hindering him. “I’ll go. Guard the princess— do not let anyone but her maids, squire, or the royal family inside,” he gritted, and Adam rolled his eyes, “I know perfectly well how to do my job,” he scoffed, but Aemond was already walking towards the maester’s quarters. 
A knock sounded upon your chambers once more, and before you could answer, your door opened and revealed Ser Aemond and the castle’s head maester. “Ser Aemond, Maester Harold, wh—“ You questioned with furrowed brows as you stood. “I’ve come to check up on you, princess,” the Maester explained, and you glanced at your sworn protector, who only stared at you, assessing if you were truly well. “But I’m not ill,” You say, making the Maester frown as well as he turned to your knight. “But Ser Aemond made it out that you are taken with sickness,” He said slowly, and Aemond squared his shoulders as he had practically dragged away the maester from tending to a nobleman who had broken his leg as he fell off his horse. 
“I— I’m quite well, Maester; I apologize for the disturbance. You are dismissed,” You smiled apologetically. As the Maester left, you turned to Ser Aemond. “Wha— why?” You questioned, not even able to look him in the eye as you already felt an unreasonable blush creeping up to your cheeks. “You are having your meal here instead of in the gardens as usual,” Aemond said, stepping forward, trying to catch your gaze. “And you are quite… flushed, your Highness,” He added slowly, watching as you steadied yourself on your armchair and lowered your gaze to the floor. “I’m fine! I just… I want to stay in my chambers,” You reasoned, stepping backward as you scolded yourself that your knight had noticed your blush and your mind conjured up the scene in the hall last night. Aemond frowned, but he nodded, taking one last look at you before stepping out of your chambers and closing the door. You groaned quietly at your foolishness, but you could not help but feel touched by the concern of Ser Aemond. 
You did not leave your chambers the entire day, and Ser Aemond was consumed with confusion as to what had led you to such a state. Even your brother, the prince, had questioned him if there were any events that led you to lock yourself up in your chambers, but nothing of note came to mind. When night came, and Aemond was left alone at his station by your door, he rested his back upon the cool stone and let his hand stray to the spot between his brows where you had left your touch. It was odd, but he could still feel your fingertips against his skin. Aemond sighed as his mind was consumed by you the entire day; he would think that he would not have to think of you when he could not even see you, but it would prove that the thought of you was stronger when his eye could not rest upon your frame. 
“Ser Aemond?” You called quietly as you partly opened your door; Aemond straightened his stance and turned to the gap in your door. “Princess? What has happened?” he questioned, his voice on the verge of worry. “Nothing, I… I was just wondering if I could go to the kitchens,” you said and opened the door fully. “I shall escort you then,” He said, but he frowned as you shook your head. “No, I could go on ahead, alone.” You say and pick up Theodore, who tried to exit through the small gap of the door, growing bored as he has accompanied you in your chambers the entire day. You have tried to avoid your knight, but you realize it is inevitable. 
“No, princess, that is not a possibility,” Aemond said, questioning as to why you tried to be rid of him when you perfectly knew that you must always be escorted and guarded by him. You pursed your lips and nodded. Aemond walked behind you as you ventured towards the kitchen, finding it a bit odd since he was used to walking along side you, letting arms brush with each step you take. 
“Are you certain that you are well, princess?” Aemond’s voice cutting through the silence of the dark hallway. “Yes,” you say quietly, your responses to him short, which was a dead giveaway to Aemond that something was bothering you because you always babbled on. The knight pursed his lips as he followed you to the kitchens, where a kitchen maid had left a platter of berries along with another bowl of coarse sugar and cream by the counter as they had memorized your late-night cravings since you were a little girl. 
Aemond stood by the door as you placed your growing pet cat by the counter, the feline still glaring at Aemond. You leaned your frame upon the wooden structure as your finger dipped at the cream, and Aemond quickly looked away as you popped the digit between your lips. Aemond cleared his throat and looked upon the floor, trying not to memorize the way you licked off the cream from your finger. 
“I apologize,” You suddenly say, unable to stomach the tension between you and Ser Aemond. You toyed with the berries on the platter. “Pardon, princess?” Aemond questioned. “I… I apologize for my actions last night— I had forgotten my bounds, and I apologize for overstepping,” You say quietly, and it took Aemond a moment to understand what you were apologizing for. “Oh,” He said as he realized. “I…” he trailed, his silver tongue unable to find words. “Is that why you hid in your chambers the whole day?” He then questioned, and you felt the familiar blush creep upon your cheeks. You could not respond as your hand gripped tightly the counter. Aemond bit his lip at such revelations. You were embarrassed! And it was quite endearing. “Yes,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
You waited for your knight’s response, but you only heard a greatly stifled laugh. You turned to Ser Aemond and saw him staring at the floor and his hand in a fist that was raised to his lips to contain his laugh. “Stop laughing!” You whined as you felt your cheeks redden deeper; it was an odd scene you had not seen before. Ser Aemond was amused. “I command you to stop!” You say, feeling a smile twitch on your lips as well as you throw a berry in the direction of your sworn protector. “Ser Aemond!” You called with a stomp of your foot, frustrated that he was laughing at your expense. 
Aemond reigned in his laughter and amusement but could not be rid of the small smile on his lips as he straightened his back. “I—I apologize, princess; I was not laughing at you.” He said, amusement still heavy in his voice. You rolled your eyes as you knew what he uttered was a lie. There was a short moment of silence before you sighed. “So? Do you accept my apology?” You ask sheepishly. Aemond bit his lip, trying to catch your eyes once more, but they were downturned in embarrassment. “There is nothing to apologize for, princess,” He says, and finally then did his eyes meet yours. You smiled and assessed his eye to see if he was being truthful, and that is when you realized how… more comely he was when his face was not adorned by his usual scowl. You licked your lips and gave him a nod. 
Aemond took in a deep breath and tried to make his face return to its usual stoicism, but it was proven to be difficult that night. “Do you want some, Ser Aemond?” You called, and for the first time, your knight did not hesitate to decline your offer. Simply moving to stand next to you as you both enjoyed a late-night helping of cream and berries. 
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whorcruxes · 9 months
The Knight and the Dragon
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Claire goes on a quest, seeking vengeance for her husband Jamie’s death.
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artnijna · 6 months
Dragon Knights au
Kaiba is a high elf and a knight of the Dragon order, along with Joey who is a recent addition. JouKai rivalry ensues and eventually romantic feelings. With some prodding from Atem, a king of dragons and his court wizard and husband, Yugi.
Dragon knights in this au get companions, and when they join a dragon chose them by their souls and hatches. Kaiba was a watcher over the red eyes egg that hatched for Joey so he's over protective of the little dragon, as are Kaiba's 3 blue eyes.
Will finish this and also working on them with their dragons.
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 2 months
Local knight is enamored by the princess
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Fantasy au!Kat and Lily
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knuttydraws · 8 months
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College AU Rylavellan is always the best thing to start a year with ❤
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