#drawing them getting ice cream bc i also wanna do that
okay scenario. somewhere mid s3 the Carte Blanche ends up working with some of Buddy's criminal contacts/acquaintances who also take something of a specific and possibly impertinent interest in the Unnatural Disaster. their guy clocks Nureyev as 1.) the shady sixth ranger with the least amount of rapport with Jet, and 2.) a gossipy bitch (bc that was the gender he put on when he left the house that day) so they get him aside and try to get him to talk
nureyev’s is like. hmm. (juno is being mouthy to try to draw attention to himself. buddy has been a very particular kind of polite and pointed, and vespa is. playing with a knife and glaring. which to be fair she Does That but she's watching this guy and only lightly heckling juno and if nureyev is starting to suspect that they're maybe playing off each other a bit? and jet seems like he's just trying to vibe but he's definitely sticking even closer to rita than usual.
and then. oh he can tell the guy's trying to get him to talk about Jet, and sure he could just dissemble without a fuss but… he could also dissemble and make the other guy feel awkward about it)
nureyev: listen. i know what you're after. and i understand, truly. you want to know if it's true what they say about him, but you're too intimidated to ask outright.
contact: *shifts nervously*
nureyev: and of course, who could blame you? he's even more compelling in person, isn't he? the gravitas, the self-possession, the shoulders.
their contact: uhh. i mean you're not wrong.
nureyev: and he can cook.
contact: ...wait really? huh. you know he seems like a really good listener too.
nureyev: oh, absolutely. but i think it's only fair to warn you that you ought not to get your hopes up. because it's entirely true - he's just not interested. in anybody. devoted in his friendships, to be sure, but when it comes to all other affairs, you'll find him completely impervious. nothing personal. you could have just asked him, there'd be no harm in it, and i'm sure he'd let you down gently -
juno (wandering over to see what's up): could go either way, really. he put me in a dumpster and threatened to crush my head with the lid.
their contact: ...
nureyev (dear i am trying to make them feel bad about their assumptions about our friend and you are undermining the bit): compared to what other people have followed through on after meeting you, i'd say that only proves that he's a very paragon of restraint and circumspection. you do have a way about you, dearest beloved.
juno: you know if i had a cred for every time I had a crush on a master thief who put me in the garbage, i'd have... two creds, i guess.
nureyev (nostalgically): we both ended up in that garbage chute, didn't we?
juno: and I hated every second of it.
nureyev: I know dear you complained about it vociferously
their contact: ohh well that's a shame thanks for the heads up im just gonna - i think my hovercraft is on fire
nureyev (absentminded, still gazing into juno's eyes): bye-bye now
juno: i can cook too you know
nureyev: i know dear but we mustn’t let it get around, the last thing i need is another crime ring trying to sweep you off your feet
juno: i mean. wouldn’t they look at you first?
nureyev: my love. I can’t cook.
juno: oh yeah
(their contact's boss, later: so did you find anything out about what the Unnatural Disaster's up to now that he's back on the scene?
their contact: im sorry he's never gonna go out with you. the rumors are true he's like. completely aro-ace.
boss: oh.
contact: yeah
boss: are you sure
contact: no yeah. i thought maybe aurinko's son was just talking out his ass but their hacker backed it up.
contact: she was really nice actually. gave me a coupon for her favorite ice cream place.
contact: do. uh. do you wanna get ice cream with me.
boss: ...yeah that'd be nice.
boss: (later over ice cream) wait aurinko has a son??
contact: or whatever he’s adopted idk but he's super obnoxious
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ohgodimafraud · 1 year
hello I come with 'anythings' if you'd like them <3 - What TYPE of dessert is your favourite? (follow up) what kind from that type? (as specific as you wanna get!) - Do you have a favourite place to hang out when you wanna do nothing? Or a favourite place to people watch? - If you need to get studying done, what helps you? What makes it worse? - If you were a bird for a day, what would you be excited to do? What would you not wanna do? - Is there a song stuck in your head? More than one? (follow up) If so, which one(s)? - Do you have anything you need so you can sleep? Is there anything that you can't stand while sleeping? - If you could have any meal free for the rest of your life, (every time you get it, it's free) what meal would you choose, and why? - What meal always makes you feel happy? Do you know why that is, and if you do, want to share the reason~? this is so long, so feel free to pick and choose, or answer all if you want!! Just a lil variety~ <3)
Tysm for asking these omg 🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet fjdjdhjfj
Ahhh I can’t choose honestly. Maybe like puddingy types? Like I love getting rice pudding and flan and bread pudding at restaurants. Also love good ice cream in the summer
For hangout places I love the weeby stores by me!!!! There’s a spot I love that has rlly good ramen and snacks. I also love going to a specific mall and the barcade w friends. Always love GameStop too.
Omg studying 😭 thank god I’m done w college. If I wanted to get a masters tho 💀 omg. Ok hm. Def practicing. For some types of studying music can help. Other times it doesn’t. Having a specific area helped me like sometimes going to the library or sitting on the floor rather than my bed or in the living room. Having snacks or set goals for myself. Setting a timer could help. Working w ppl who would hold me accountable vs ppl who just wanna chill (less helpful)
Having the tv on is def a distraction or like trying to study passively. I don’t remember all the tools I used honestly. I probably would rewrite the info and give myself practice questions. I definitely struggled to pay attention looking back. Lots of my note docs would be almost blank bc I’d just start writing fanfic. I also attended zoom university for a bit so it was a wash. I sucked at studying in high school. My senior year was full of bs classes that I was actually interested in. I probably should get screened for adhd but my therapist was like you’re fine so 🤷🏼 w/e. I almost failed math sophomore year of hs bc I could not focus I would just draw mermaids in the corners of my notebook. My parents’ friend/a dif teacher tutored me and the one on one help is def the only way I passed. I took an easier class next year that I could bs my way thru and same for my senior year.
In college I’d be like bitch u don’t EAT until u do this math. U get NO free ice cream if u don’t do it >:(. U don’t get to do xyz until after. I will order DOMINOS if u actually try
I am v lucky to have a job I care about and can plan for. It’s like the fine dining and breathing SpongeBob thing. If I don’t care about it it’s thrown out and everything is on fire.
If I were a bird I’d be like omfg write that down WRITE THAT DOWN it’s going in the next h//awks fanfic. I would wanna fly. I’d maybe wanna visit ppl I care about. Like not to do anything creepy tho idek. I probs wouldn’t wanna eat bugs.
I found a way from drake and Josh and also flowers - Miley Cyrus
Haha I used to need the tv on to sleep at my parents’ house. I also used to have a much easier time w melatonin, weed, or alcohol bc I was constantly anxious there. 🥲 now I can lit sleep in absolute dark and w silence and don’t need any sleep aides. I love the lil fan I have blowing on my face and I love sleeping in the ac. I love my blankets I have some special ones and then a weighted one that is such a game changer. I hate when it’s too hot to sleep or too cold like I don’t like having to bundle. When I lived w my roommates they liked it really cold and I’d basically shiver until I finally crashed. W like a sweatshirt and sweatpants and socks and multiple blankets.
A burrito or burrito bowl bc whenever I was hella sad I’d go to qdoba and it would make me so much happier immediately. And whenever it was free it was an extra boost. I loved being able to choose everything too and like a lot of the staff knew what I was gonna say bc I was there a lot 💀💀💀
also my moms cooking is so good. like it’s soooo fucking fire it’s worth the drama just to come eat.
also I love sushi. I think I tried it for the first time w friends and it’s always a comforting food. same w ramen. if im like s*** or depressed it’s another go to. I used to get it a lot when I was working at this one job I hated
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
"how dare you indulge me talking about ocs" WELL I WANT TO KNOW I like talking about and learning about ocs NOW GIVE ME 10 FACTS ON ALLIE AND MOLLY OR I WILL do nothing
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FINE you've FORCED me u meanie
(5 for molly 5 for allie)
Molly and Allie first meet on some beach Molly always walks down on her way to the college she teaches at. Everybody in the area knows to avoid it cause reasons so she's trying to explain to Allie, this apparent tourist (which they haven't had in like 50 years what the hell is going oN) that they should maybe definitely not be here while trying to not be late bc she'd already been like 5 other times that week cause she easily gets sidetracked and doesn't wanna lose her job lol
She has a huge family (also plot reasons) and since she has so many younger siblings/nephews/nieces she's much more willing to put up with Allie's constant cold shoulders
As she's trying to get to know Allie she eventually starts wearing hoodies and stuff he might wear to sorta fit in better so to speak (it doesn't work sadge)
She needs so much therapy, so much fucking therapy oh my gods
I'd never make a comic about it cause that'd be wayyy too much work and I can't draw but I like to think if I did there'd be a little counter above her, always somewhere on the page, counting down till the flood (it's its whole thing and even I don't know how it works)
Allie almost exclusively wears sneakers just cause
He has that atrocious haircut (at least at the beginning of the timeline) cause back a couple years he tried cutting his own hair since he wanted it to be short but his mom found out and um. There was a certain incident with scissors.
He was friends with a ghost as a (younger) kid, pretty sure I mentioned this cause it's plot-relevant but said ghost lived under the stairs at his apartment
He was friends with some other teens in universe A (or is it B?? I have them mixed up at this point) who essentially abandoned them the moment they disappeared. He rlly needs to get better at choosing friends 😭
He is (or was, again depending on where he is on the timeline) the son or rather "daughter" (hate misgendering him but he doesn't figure out all that till later) of a top government official who may or may not be incredibly corrupt
Bonus fact: Molly makes incredibly good homemade sea salt ice cream
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candiedapplez · 1 year
I ask you all of the questions from that one reblog. Good luck/nf/j
Omg ok this will be a while then tehehehehehehhe im not complaining though!!!! Heres the questions so u can look at the questions and the answers!
1.this one is OBVIOUS!!! A-90 and Opheebop!!! DUUUUUUUH!
2.lighter. Ive never used a match before
3.ew no!!! I don't want buggies crawling in my room while im sleeping!!!! However i have before!
4. Aaaaaa ive never really gotten into that stuff so i cant really give an answer-
5. A really dark brown!!
6. Oops i did that again???
7. Well idk ive used both and they are both work really well! however i do think scrunchies are safer for your hair, i use normal hair ties more often because scrunchies are more bulky and yeah i dont prefer that, but both are great!
8. Six. I have six.
10. Ofc!!
11. Does drawing count?
12. Good day!!!!! I havent cried yet so-
13. Not too long ago, like an hour ago actually. I had pizza! (Incase u were wondering)
14. HELL YEAH!!!
15. Nope and i never want to be 😗
16. NoooooOoOoO-
17. Nope i have perfect vision muah
19. Yea ofc!!! But they probably wont turn out good…
20. Soda…. Ive never seen or heard anyone say pop before….
21. Plushies!!!! I have a unicorn plush my old friend (we dont talk anymore since she moved) gave me for my 7th bday!!!! Yes i remember when, yes i still have it! And its in perferct condition!!! Also there was this one kid who ig had a crush on my and he gave me a basket full of stuff for valentines day and i still have said basket-
22. I have no clue what this means? I guess sensitive?
23. Love it!!!!!
24. Eating :] (and joking abt pushing each other off probably/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE)
25. Aaaa i use all of them but i use lotion most so ig lotion?
26. Idk what to say for this one aaaaaagh
27. Like 5 i think? Ive been getting better with my sleep time!!!!
28. Not anymore, our school last year said we could take them off, however i was SO insecure about my face (still am, but not as much as before) so i would wear it every single day. If i showed up to school without one people got surprised. I stopped wearing them this year, however.
29. Hot????
31. Theres a lot, i dont wanna get into it 😵‍💫
32…… is that a thing? People have favorite towels??
33. Hm my school took us on a field trip to a high school so we can see animals if that counts… (i have pictures btw if u wanna see them! We saw pigs, sheep, cows and bunny! I didnt take pic of bunny tho 😢)
34. LITERALLY EVERY SIX THE MUSICAL SONG HOLY SHIT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS (the only ones i might mess up on are aywd and idnyl bc aywd is long and i dont listen to idnyl often)
35. Pst!!
36. Only once! My username used to have a 0 between the words (Candied0applez) but i changed it bc it made it sound like i candied no apples… but i was originally going to be called caramelapplez but i thought candied sounded better heheh)
37. The friend i mentioned earlier i met first day of kindergarden, her name is Alana, and this other girl Maya i met before kinder! We met eachother at a park and when we walked home we found out we were neighbors so we instantly became besties! (We still are to this day but she lives 30 mins away so i dont see her often-(
38. All…?
39. Sometimes!
40. Ice cream!!!
41. Empty. Coffee is gross
42. Hahahah yt, roblox and occasionally twitter!
44. Myself/j fucking donald trump 🤮👈🖕
45. NO ☺️
46. Oh god i dont watch any 🫢
47. | v
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this actually was to the other girl i mentioned earlier! Maya! I found baby pictures of us when we were in 2nd-3rd grade and i showed her today!!!
48. Never and i dont plan on ever!
49. Never tried
omg that took forever!!! Gosh i dont mind though!!! These were fun questions! Aaaaaaaa i enjoyed that tyty!
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
#okay im a sucker for dave and karkat enemys to friends and im imagining how it might happen in my highschool au
#so my thoughts are that they do not like eachother and theyre very grumpy and then prom or whatever dance for your sophomore year comes
Dave walks into class and TZ strikes up a conversation, Karkat overhears them talking about prom and automatically assumes they’re going to go together because TZ and DV have always had a good rapport but like then the day of the dance comes and Karkat finds out that TZ is with VK and dave is alone apparently? No matter how much he’s constantly ranting about being super cool n shit? 
#theyre sitting there against the wall w punch bc neither of them had anyone to go with and they also dont really like dances nd r b o r e d
Rose went with Kanaya, Terezi with Vriska, June with Jade, Feferi-Nepeta-Equius-Aradia-Sollux-Eridan multi date, Gamzee with Tavros, and that’s all of them accounted for, so they’re alone. Dave is drawing Karkat’s outfit when Karkat comes up to him and asks what he’s doing nervously and says he thought that Dave was going with Terezi, and weren’t they like a thing for a while? Dave says that no, they’ve always just been friends, and you look pretty cool, wanna chat?
#so they like. chat. and surprisingly they kinda get along. then daves like 'hey you wanna like. blow this place'
So they talk. They talk cinema, they talk drawings, they talk romance, they talk music. Eventually, Karkat’s actually having fun, so when Dave’s like, “you wanna blow this popsicle stand” he goes with it.
#nd karkats like 'YEAH WHY TF NOT' and probably makes a quip abt how if he was gonna get murdered itd be better than this shit
“HONESTLY, WHY THE FUCK NOT. IT’S NOT LIKE ANYONE HERE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO US ANYWAY, AND I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO, SO IF I GO WITH YOU, AT LEAST I’M NOT GETTING MURDERED.” and so they get in the car - daves got like a tinier car and it’s filled with hoodies and snacks because. Like. bro cant get into his car if its locked. And karkat sees the mess and is like “ACTUALLY, NO, BEING MURDERED MIGHT BE BETTER THAN RIDING IN THIS SHIT EXCUSE FOR AN AUTOMOBILE.” and dave just laughs it off because who says automobile anymore? Karkat, that’s who.
#and okay so dave should probably actually be 16 bc im imagining him driving anyway so theyre on the road karkats like
#'WHERE TF ARE WE GOING' and daves like 'wanna go to dairy queen i work there i can get us a discount'
So they’re driving down the highway and dave notices an exit sign and turns, and karkat asks, WHERE IN THE FIERY HELL THAT IS THIS STATE ARE WE GOING and dave laughs and asks a bit nervous “ok so do you wanna get dairy queen i work there i can get us a discount
#nd karkats secretly like hell yes i love ice cream but hes like 'whatever' because he wants to seem cool and collected anyway
And so karkat just like leans back in his seat and inwardly he’s like immediately i know what i want but he just says “SURE, WHY NOT” but inwardly he’s super ecstatic that this person could just. Tell. that he likes that so much even though he doesn’t explicitly know. 
#they get to dairy queen. they get lots and lots of ice cream. they r stiff and awkward at first but like the night goes on nd they losen up
So they go to dairy queen and they take a corner booth with a terrible view, but the ice cream is really good and the workers keep bringing them free ice cream and making insinuations and dave blushes every time and laughs it off but karkat is like. Ok. what if that was true. Haha jk. Unless. 
#karkat says something and dave riffs of it and ends up making himself laugh really hard at it. karkat is like 'oh shit.
Karkat makes a joke about the government which starts Dave going on Obama which eventually turns into Dave just being like a stand up comedian and then laughing to himself about it and getting KK to smile for the first time all night and Karkat’s just like ok i actually kinda like dave. Like. not like that. But as a friend maybe? Yeah. Totally just as a friend.
#this douchbag is a person.' anyway comments insue like 'ive literally never seen you laugh before do it more often please' and then like
Dave is like, holy shit, I never knew you could be not annoying, guess ive gotta kidnap people and take them to dq more often huh, and then they joke for a while and dave goes silent. Karkat asks what it is and dave’s just like i’ve… never actually seen you smile before, it’s really sweet
#this parts a little blank but one of them probably kk suggests they like. go stargazing bc theres a really good park for that close 2 here
Eventually they get bored and start making up random designs in the little stains on the table, and Karkat is just like ok this is fun but wanna go somewhere with actual stars?
#nd they go stargazing and they make up shitty constellations together. turns out the sky is full of penises if you look hard enough.
So they go to this park that’s close to Karkat’s neighborhood and then they lay on the ground and count stars and make up the most random constellations, which eventually turns into dave just finding dicks in the sky. 
#the phalluses enrage karkat. but playfully
The dick jokes piss off karkat, but he’s gotta admit it’s not actual annoyance more like a playful hatred
#they r. friends now. they eventually have to go home but neither of their guardians really care how late they are.
They exchange pesterchums and when they do they see the time. It’s like twelve o clock. And dave is just like ok we should probably go home now, want me to drop you off? But karkat lives nearby so he waves off the offer but then dave insists on at least walking him to the door. Then dave goes home, and dirk gives him a questioning look but when he sees dave’s dorky smile he doesn’t ask, but rose does, so he and rose stay up all night swapping stories about their gay -ships. I think sometime in the middle karkat messages dave, and so they just like video call instead and karkat is like holy shit is that rose and realizes dave is her twin. And rose has apparently been friends with karkat for a while and dave is just like why didn’t you introduce me sooner???
#u can read it as a friendship or as the start to a romance. i was picturing the latter personally
The next month they talk a lot, text a lot, and then eventually dave realizes he has a crush on karkat and goes to rose for help, and rose tells him if he actually likes karkat he should just tell him, because *wink wink nudge nudge* im not going to reveal a friends secrets but it definitely wont ruin your relationship. So the next day dave asks karkat out to dairy queen, and there’s like this whole thing he’s got set up with his coworkers and they get free ice cream and then they go out to the park again. It’s like nine o clock so the stars are finally out and there’s not much light pollution. And karkat’s like what’s this for? And then dave asks him out and karkat’s like “oh hell yeah” and then they make out on a playground slide until like ten o clock.
my outline for the davekat au i found from you <3
i love this omg!!!
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rodbei · 2 days
Lemon muffins
ok ok poookies long one because i forgot to do it the entire weekend and now its monday.
I got home saturday after the party, the train went fine even tho I HAD TO RUN TROUGH ANOTHER FUCKING BANEGÅRD CAUSE DSB FUCKING SUCKS and they changed the platform when i already moved to the wrong one and then i was late but i got home.. enentually they me and my dad went shopping for a new comforter for my bed and i also got a bluey bed sheet.. for reasons IT WAS RIGHT THERE I COULDEN TJUST NOT GET IT. i also had a ot of fun finding tounge twisters online like holy shit i annoyed the fuck out my dad, we also got groceries aaand went home. it was a very lazy weekend both my brother and sister were home me and my brother bought ice cream i watched twisted by starkid and made a movie watch list me and my brother also watched the fox and the hound, it was soo adorable and we baked lemon muffins and screamed to steven universe lyrics cause my brother is obbsessed with steven universe rn.
today i woke up at 5:30 bc me and my dad had to rive me up to schoo in viborg it was avery long boring ride cause my headset was dad also its rly rly foggy but i made it to school just in time like holy fuck. AND THEN RED WASENT THERE his bike had broken down both the tires were fuuucked anyway we had history wich was a movie i couldent see half the time like ffs it starred both REMUS LUPIN AND LEGOLAS LIKE TF, i had an muffin and random snack then we had math and that sucked major ass especially cause i wasent next to red so i was just soooo bored i did draw fanatr of bluet and my oc. and yapped with my bf's class mate.. that was intresting cause my bf told them i was a cis guy and made a joke about me having a small peen wich is funny and all BUT THIS DUDE SYMPHATISED WITH ME AND I CANT TELL IF IT WAS SARCASM?? that was a weird weird conversation especially cause i couldent resort back to my normal dumb girl thing online so i was so confuseed.
then we had english it was fine we had about fucking heart stopper and i was trying to not act like i obbsessed over the books and the soundtrack has me in a chokehold ITS BAD liek everyone was complaining its cringe and im just there midly freaking out CAUSE THE SOUNDTRACK RAAH
then me and red too the bus home cause now BOTH our bikes are fucked like comeon wtf his tires definety got fucked by some prick trying to steal his electric bike ffs. but we took the bus back or weel missed the first one took the next one cause stupid.
i helped him get their bike also got some dream cake from them cause their birthday is coming up and i wanna get them a lil gift.
then i finally got home forgot all about the film klub meeting and made dinner after a lot procrastination and watched st with my bf and yapped for so so long i fucking love that idiot the longer we spend toghter the goofier i get im cooked chat.
anyway i really need to sleep i properly missed some details.
Song of today: "first sight" - Adiescar Chase from heartstopper I CANT.
-Borei 23/09 - 2024 22:21
Also i love my brother and i hope he never changes
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carpisuns · 3 years
New anon, but I saw the last one and I have some thoughts. Specifically, I have been obsessing over ml for the last month or so, and I’ve only seen three episodes, and they were the three released before crocoduel. And you know what? I wasn’t that into it, it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t half as engaging as fanon and fanworks have been for me.
I’ve also done this with the Magicians, Supernatural, and a couple others. I think the reason that this works, for some people, is because it is a more familiar and in many ways, easier way to discover and become attached to new material and new characters. Fan writers and artists are coming from a place of love for their source material (no matter what issues they may have with it) and that bleeds out into their work. Time is spent developing the characters and their feelings, their relationships, in ways that canon so often can’t or isn’t allowed to, and reading that, it’s very easy to fall in love with new characters very quickly. There’s also common AUs and dynamics that make it much easier to start something new.
And also: comfort characters. So many fans find common ground with characters and further project onto them, particularly in fanfic. And because of that it’s often easier to identify with a fan’s interpretation of a character than it is to identify with the canon’s, since you have these more deeply explored feelings and relationships based on a combination of canon and the personal experiences of the fan writer. Also, with these kinds of fics it’s extremely emotionally affirming since for someone who doesn’t have much of any connection with the source material, it feels like the original, even if you’re reading a large body of work by a lot of different people. And I’m so used to fanfic as a substitute for the emotional work and character development that shows/movies/books don’t have room for or aren’t willing to get into, that approaching a fandom as it’s own original piece of media in a way, feels very comforting.
That’s my perspective on it anyways, and why I do this. I do think it is a good thing to engage with the canon to an extent, even if it’s just watching a few clips (how I found ml) but I also don’t think you need any real connection or knowledge of it to be deeply invested in the fandom. Sorry, this got very long.
you know, i totally get being on, like, the fringe of fandoms and interacting with fanon to an extent without a proper investment in canon (I have a couple fandoms like that), but i honestly just can't imagine becoming super invested in a fandom when I am not invested in the source material...maybe that's just a difference between you and me, idk.
but also, i gotta admit that i'm struggling a bit to understand the reason. you yourself pointed out that fan work is enjoyable because the creator's love for canon bleeds into it. and isn't that the reason that you would want to give canon a real chance? obviously there is fan content made out of spite lol (and sadly a fair amount in this fandom), but to me most fan content is like a love letter to canon. like, "i adore this thing so much that it inspired me to create and share with other people who adore it." and what better recommendation is there than that?? i would think people would wanna familiarize themselves with canon in order to better enjoy fanon(?)
i completely understand your point about fan content delving further into characterization and relationships where canon hasn't/can't, and that is such a big appeal of fanfic/fanart. but i don't feel like that's a reason to not engage with canon? on the contrary, i feel like you are missing something important in your understanding and appreciation of that wonderful exploration if you haven't experienced firsthand the foundation that canon set. and maybe that missing thing is just your personal interpretation of a character/dynamic.
for example, i could say, "adrien agreste is this, this, and this and he would do this but not this." and of course i will think im right because my characterization is always perfect 😌sakjdfaldjks but someone else might have a slightly different interpretation, and someone else will have another interpretation, and when you mush all those individual takes on a character together, you will get a good sense of who they are, but you still don't have the Original™️ to draw your own interpretation from. idk, to me it sounds like basing your opinion of chocolate ice cream on what other people are saying about it without ever trying it yourself? ajsldakljf maybe that's an oversimplification but i do think that without experiencing it for yourself, your understanding will always be kind of incomplete.
idk, i big agree with everything you said about why fan content is special, but everything that is a point in fanon's favor is not a knock on canon. to me fan content feels pretty inseparable from canon, so it just doesn't compute to me to take canon out of the equation? then we would have nothing.
i feel like it's almost kinda trendy nowadays to be like, "oh this show actually sucks lmao but the fanon and AUs are good." like it's shameful to actually...enjoy source material? 😭 i mean i completely understand that miraculous ladybug is not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! but if you truly enjoy the fan content that much i encourage you to give canon a real shot. it's not that surprising to me that you watched 3 recent episodes and didn't vibe that much, since you haven't seen the 3 seasons of buildup that lead to them. miraculous has a neat way of tying a bunch of things together so if you aren't familiar with all of it, you're probably missing out.
personally my love for miraculous was kind of a slowburn at first. i only started watching the show because my sister and i made a deal that forced me to watch the first few eps lol. and i didn't really vibe either. but there must have been enough of a spark there for me to keep watching bc for some reason i did and the more i watched the more i fell in love with it until it became the thing that occupies my brain more than anything else. i started with canon and then got into fanon, but it could easily go the other way too. and if you're already invested in the story and characters, i have to imagine it would be much easier to push past the initial cringe of "this is a show about a couple of teen furries rated TV-Y7 on netflix" lol and give anything you don't vibe with the benefit of the doubt.
again, to be clear, i'm not trying to judge or gatekeep here! i'm just saying this because i genuinely LOVE miraculous. it's my favorite show. that's why i make things for it. that's why i have this blog. i want people to watch it. so maybe, pwetty pwease, try watching the show you like so much? 🥺👉👈
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(source bc i was too lazy to make my own so i stole this from twitter)
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flames-tstuff · 3 years
Okay so, um, I hope you don’t mind me requesting something! ^.^ 💕 You always support me and I wanna support you too!
So, Uraraka and Ojiro. Fluff & Tickles. The idea is that Uraraka is stressed out and one way she copes is by coloring, and Bakugou or whoever sees her and teases her, then Ojiro defends her and says like, it’s fine to be a kid sometimes, bc they’ve grown up pretty fast. And so like, the next day they go to a park and swing, he gets her ice cream, then they go back to the dorm and color while watching cartoons, and then a tickle scene happens on the cartoon, and then it leads to him tickling her and hugs and cuddles and friendship. Aaaaa 🙈
To Be a Kid Again (BNHA)
Ojiro wants to show Uraraka that it’s okay to be a kid again sometimes.
Pairings: Platonic Uraraka and Ojiro
Warnings: Bakugou being a jerk, some light angst
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: Omg this is such a cute pairing!! I've never even considered them together, either as friends or as partners. What would their ship name be? Ojiraka? Also, I've never written for either of them, so I hope this is okay!
Uraraka was tired. It had been a long day at school, and despite the fact that it was only Wednesday, she was more than ready for the weekend.
After changing out of her uniform and grabbing a couple items from her room, Uraraka flopped down onto one of the couches of the commons with a heavy sigh. She really didn’t have anything to do now that classes were over for the day. She’d already finished her homework and dinner wasn’t for another or hour or so. Despite how exhausted she was, she had just enough energy left to do one of her favorite activities to pass the time: coloring.
She didn’t know why exactly, but something about sitting down and letting herself get lost in the mindlessness of coloring had always been soothing to her. So there she was, sitting on the couch crisscross, using her knee as a table and getting to work. After a few minutes, the brain fog that had been plaguing Uraraka the last couple of hours began to disappear, and her mind was back as ease.
That was, until Bakugou came into the room. Looking just as tired and grumpy as she felt, Bakugou was about to head up to his room when Uraraka accidentally caught his eye.
“What are you looking at, Round Face?”
She quickly looked back down at her lap in alarm. “N-Nothing. Sorry.”
Bakugou continued to glare her way when he noticed the book in her lap and the pile of markers next to her. He came a few feet closer, eyeing it suspiciously.
“Tch. What are you, five years old?”
“Wh… what do you mean?”
At this time, Ojiro had just entered the commons and was just about to step into the elevator when the other students’ conversation caught his attention.
“Coloring books? Seriously? That shit’s for babies.”
Uraraka felt her cheeks start to burn.
“Hey, hey!” Ojiro jogged over to see what the commotion was about. Bakugou tended to pick fights pretty easily. “What’s going on here?”
Bakugou just crossed his arms and scowled at him.
Ojiro looked down at Uraraka, whose ears and cheeks were painted red. He then noticed the art supplies surrounding her. “Is he giving you a hard time?”
Uraraka just looked back and forth between the two of them, not daring to say anything.
“I heard you say something was ‘for babies,’” Ojiro turned to Bakugou with a stern look on his face. “You weren’t talking about coloring, were you?”
Again, silence.
“It’s really not, you know. People draw and color all the time! Besides, even if it was, what’s wrong with that? Everyone should be allowed to do things they enjoy, especially something as harmless as coloring. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“The problem is that we’re trying to be heroes!” Bakugou shot back. “Heroes shouldn’t be doing childish shit like that! If you really wanted to be a hero you’d be out training!”
Ojiro sighed, a little exasperated. “Of course training is important. But rest is important too. Doing things you love is important. If you don’t take the time to be a kid and let loose a little, you’re going to burn out. No pun intended, in your case, Bakugou.” Ojiro smiled, a little teasingly.
“Ugh, whatever,” Bakugou relented and headed back towards the elevator. “Whatever it’ll take for you to shut up and stop lecturing me.”
Uraraka and Ojiro both snickered at that, and in a few moments, it was just the two of them.
“Sorry about that,” Ojiro said apologetically. “Bakugou can be a real pain sometimes.”
“No kidding,” she agreed. “Um… thanks. You really didn’t have to do that. I’m sure I would’ve been okay on my own.”
“Of course you would have! But what are friends for?” Ojiro smiled brightly, holding out his hand. Uraraka smiled back and accepted the hand up. “You hungry? I think it’s about time for dinner.”
The next day was just as hard, though Uraraka did feel a little better after a good night’s sleep.
After dinner the previous night, Ojiro had asked if she’d want to hang out the next day after classes, in attempt to keep tabs on her since her fight with Bakugou. She assured him she was fine, but he insisted that it was his treat, so she obliged.
“So where are we going?” Uraraka asked walking next to Ojiro on the sidewalk.
“I’m taking you to one of my favorite places.” The two entered a chain link-fenced area.
“…a playground?”
“Yep! This was one of my favorite places in the world as a kid, and it still is. Come on! Let’s swing!”
And before she could argue, Ojiro grabbed her hand and tugged her along towards the swing set. Thankfully there wasn’t anyone else around, so they had the place to themselves.
“So,” Uraraka started, swinging her legs a little. “Why are we doing this exactly? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out! But where is this coming from?”
Ojiro laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. “I was thinking, well… I wanted to show you that’s it’s okay to be a kid. To let loose a little. You seemed like you needed it, especially after what happened yesterday.”
Uraraka’s heart warmed at that. She really couldn’t ask for better classmates as friends.
Ojiro’s expression dropped to something a little more serious. “I’ve realized that we’ve all had to grow up so fast in these last few years. It makes me kind of sad.”
“Why is that?” Uraraka questioned.
“Don’t you miss this kind of stuff?” He gestured to the rest of the play set. “As much as I hate it, I think you and I both know there’s some truth to what Bakugou said yesterday. Heroes are supposed to be constantly training, constantly trying to grow and improve their skills. All that’s great, but it leaves no room to be what we actually are… teens. Kids. Don’t you ever feel like you grew up too fast?”
Uraraka couldn’t help but think about her parents. How, as just a little girl, barely old enough to go to school, she committed to helping them make money in any way she could. All the experiences she’d missed out on when she was younger due to her family’s financial situation. “Yeah… I guess I do.”
Ojiro offered a sympathetic smile. “That’s why it’s times like these, in the little spare moments we have to ourselves, that we can take the time to indulge that inner child.”
Uraraka took a moment to digest his words. “I think I understand now.” Then, in a small, hopeful voice: “Maybe... a-after we’re done here, we could... um... get some ice cream?”
Ojiro grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” He hopped off his swing. “Race ya!”
“Hey, no fair!” Uraraka laughed and chased after him.
After getting their ice cream—strawberry for Uraraka and vanilla for Ojiro—the two friends happily walked back to the dorms together.
“By the way,” Ojiro said, “I never got the chance to tell you, but I saw your coloring book, and well… it looks really good!”
“Oh!” Uraraka looked down, a little embarrassed. “Hah, thanks…”
He could tell she did believe him. “I’m being serious! I think it’s really cool that you’re into that kind of stuff. Have you always liked coloring? You seem to be good at it.”
“Yeah, but I really can’t take much credit. I mean, it’s just filling in the shapes. It’s not like I drew it,” she reasoned, licking her ice cream.
“Hey, I can hardly stay in the lines, so it’s impressive to me.”
Uraraka laughed, knowing he was probably just saying that to make her feel good, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
“Thank you,” she said, speaking as sincere as possible. They had made it back to the common area of the dorms where they stood, waiting to depart to their own rooms. “For everything.”
Ojiro realized she thought he had brought her back here to say goodbye. “Hey, if you want, you can hang in my room.”
“Yeah! We could watch TV, or if you have homework to work on, I won’t bother you.”
She smiled. “I’d love that. Thanks again, Ojiro, you’re the best.” She threw her arms around him in a tight hug. Ojiro was a little taken aback, but quickly returned the gesture.
The two friends sat comfortably on his bed with their backs against the wall. The TV droned on in the background, mostly forgotten, as they chatted about school and their weekend plans.
Once the conversation died out, they settled down to watch what was playing on the screen, falling into comfortable silence. One of the characters poked the other, making them jump back and laugh. Ojiro smiled at the scene and stole a quick glance at Uraraka to see how she was doing, just in time to see her blush a little at the sight. It was so brief, if he hadn’t looked at just the right moment he would’ve missed it.
Suddenly feeling mischievous, Ojiro darted his hands to Uraraka’s sides and began squeezing, making her squeal and fall back on the bed in a fit of happy giggles.
“Ohohjiroho! Eeeep! Whaha—Why? Hahaha!”
“Because! I wanna hear you laugh! Didn’t I tell you to start letting loose?”
Uraraka was too weak and giddy to respond or do much more than weakly bat his hands in a half-hearted attempt.
Ojiro made the mistake of coming closer to get better purchase on her ribs, and Uraraka pushed through the tickly feeling just enough to be able to reach a hand up and scratch at the base of his spine, making him yelp and jerk away. This gave Uraraka just enough time to gain the upper hand by pushing him down and straddling his waist with her knees.
“Uraraka, wa-HAHAHAIT!” he burst into loud belly laughter as she began kneading up and down his torso the same way he had done to her.
“Maybe you should start taking your own advice, Ojiro!” she laughed with him. “Come on, you shouldn’t be afraid of being a kid again, right? Tickle tickle!”
This made his cheeks turn bright red and his laugh go a few pitches higher.
Uraraka was feeling all-powerful with Ojiro now at her mercy. That was, until she felt a soft, feathery feeling against her neck and under her chin, making her flinch and snort.
“Ohohoh my gohohosh, you snohorted!” Ojrio teased through his own laughter.
“N-no fahahair!” Uraraka stammered out as best she could. “You shohouldn’t be allowed t-to use your tahahail!”
“Wehehell too bahad! I’m using it!”
The two stayed like that, trying to out-tickle each other—Uraraka going at his ribs and belly, and Ojiro trying his best to throw her off using his tail to brush all over her neck and sides, both laughing hysterically. Eventually Uraraka was weakened just enough for Ojiro to get her back one last time before they both collapsed in exhaustion.
“Jeez, you don’t give up easy, do you?” Uraraka panted, a big smile still on her face.
“No,” Ojiro agreed. “But you held out pretty long too, I’m impressed.”
After finally catching their breath, Uraraka opened her arms in offering. “Cuddles?”
Ojiro couldn’t have refused the offer if he tried. “Heh. Yeah, cuddles.”
He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her torso, leaning his head into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him in return, resting her head atop his.
And there they stayed for the rest of the evening.
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adhdsix · 4 years
i gotta sleep soon so ive decided i will finally dump a buncha my headcanons here aswell adfhsf theyre all in here but im gonna copy paste them as a post as well because i wanna ill be updating the doc a lot but i probably wont edit the post much notes slight spoilers but not much? i dont think? mono is written to be the tallest because rcg is more like a bonus i guess? but she is the tallest + oldest (this goes for other similar things written abt six, mono and/or rk) some of these are more like what-if scenarios (ex. modern stuff mentioned like cars) that could fit maybe in an au of sorts rather than entirely canon all links are safe
Tasteblind, but sensitive to certain food textures
Shortest by a lot, youngest but not by much Zero sense of time
Likes lullabies, gets Mono to sing them to her (likes to make up her own versions sometimes) Short attention span, unless she’s insanely invested in something
Definitely bites ice cream Uses Mono like a cat tree, climbs all over him, loves to sit up on his shoulders or just literally drape herself around his neck like a scarf (Mono eventually gets used to it, but she still can’t stay there for long or it starts to hurt) (possibly a little random but think like .. them + )
Likes most toys but hates dolls, usually tears them apart/messes with them for fun Not a huge fan of rain, but the sound is calming, and she loves the aftermath, which includes the smell, dew on grass, just how everything looks, worms and snails coming out of hiding, and splashing in puddles
Likes teddy bears (big and cuddly, plus, reminds her of Mono)
You are not immune to her puppy eyes. Raincoat Girl is probably the only person who is
Collects things a lot, gets attached to certain items for a random amount of time When she learns a new phrase or word, she loves to repeat it to herself ( not really in the “ look at me i learned a new word and i'm gonna use it all the time “ type way, she just finds it entertaining, kinda like vocal stimming ) Does a similar thing when she finds something that someone else said funny, mocks them by repeating it and giggling
Likes making "nests" out of her stuff
Definitely occasionally runs on all fours, it's usually not for too long though.
Most of the time it’s momentarily while she's already in the middle of sprinting, to give herself a boost with a bound or two, or if she trips or feels herself falling forward while running she'll shift onto all fours which is is how she originally developed that "reflex", to prevent herself from falling while running, but eventually she started using it a little more often 
She can also just walk normally on all fours too but she usually only uses it while running 
She likes to show off her object collections to Mono, he’s very supportive :] Loves long car rides, as well as Runaway
Brings mono gifts (usually dead rats, birds, etc. or bizzare objects from her collection that reminded her of him for whatever reason)
Hates drinks like soda or sparkling water, anything fizzy is a no-no
Likes shiny things Her pupils widen (that cat thing) when she sees something interesting, or something/someone she likes Plus her eyes shine in the dark / in photos sometimes, they usually look red
Mono gave Six their lighter
Heterochromia, their right eye is a dark, reddish brown, the other is milky white
Always chewing on stuff
Fidgets lots, stim buddies with Mono Six stims by rocking on her feet, bouncing, cracking her fingers and shaking fists most often She also vocal stims lots, mostly by repeating animal noises
It’s got tons of freckles
She likes to sing, and is very good at it but doesnt get to very often
it’s favorite things to sing are hypno and sunshine ( 11:11 hypno, sunshine )
Not super into arts, but loves to draw, and is very fascinated by origami
Often refers to Mono as a nerd (affectionate) (also sometimes dork)
Purrs, growls, hisses etc. Because she doesn't talk much, she adapts more animal-like ways of communication, not only vocally but also physical stuff (slow blinking, headbutting stuff, mostly cat-like traits and reflexes. also she likes to drop stuff off of shelves and tables just bc its fun)
Doesn't know her own strength a lot of the time
Very touch starved (they all are) even if she doesn't realise it
Flinches and/or swats others away when touched Eventually they get used to Mono, he's the only person that can touch her at all, but she still has limits
No sense of others personal space though
She’s great at tracking things, mostly small animals
Super ticklish, not very happy that Mono found out 
Very visual memory
She really loves all types of music, ranges from things like 100 gecs type stuff, to calm instrumental kinda things, literally anything with maybe a few exceptions Shark teeth, very sharp, loves making dents in stuff with them
Cat-like claws too (retractable maybe?? why not.. it usually has them out though) Love-hate relationship with snow, they find it weird and kind of icky, but Mono teaches her how to make snow angels, forts and snowmen, and she loves snowball fights (Mono regrets teaching them about those though), plus she adores going back inside and just drinking hot chocolate with Mono and sometimes other friends :]  Mono he/she Tallest of the three, oldest as well  Colorblind He has vitiligo Loves all sorts if arts and crafts, often drags Six into making stuff with him Her hair is very soft, even if it doesn't look like it Very touchy-feely, with others and with objects Knows and respects others boundaries. Six does not He will often push his own boundaries though He’s very protective, usually feels the need to put others safety and health in front of her own A little naive, will protect even if she isn’t getting anything in return from the person(s) Likes skirts! Mono loves to learn about his friends and their personalities, strengths, weaknesses etc. to use for their own benefit! For example, he has a different way to cheer up each friend, and does his best to include them in stuff he thinks they'll also like Loves any happy sounding music the most, but listens to lots of other stuff too (a few songs that remind me of him not lyric-wise but like, sounds like he'd listen to them, are She Wants Me (to be loved), Dancing in my Room, Sunday Best and Sunkissed type stuff, I don’t know music genres so) Favorite drink is probably coffee Loves all sorts of soup!! Has lots of nicknames for Six! Mostly uses kitty and shortcake (it hates them but gets used to them, only from Mono though; some of the other kids use them to get on her nerves, doesn’t end well for them) Love loves bugs! Six likes them too, but isn't as interested as Mono and Runaway (she likes to eat them) Runaway he/they Almost as tall as Mono, noticable difference though He loves chocolate milk and tea Probably the most reasonable out of the three Despite this, he still likes to annoy them (mostly Six) Similarly to Six, he sucks at keeping track of the time Likes goldfish snacks a lot His nomes are always nearby when he is Really likes coloring books and puzzles They love the sound of pianos, not the best at playing it but likes messing with them in his free time with Six (their rare bonding moments) Loves any instruments really, pianos are just his favorite Has the biggest sweet tooth Also loves bugs!! Mono and him are bug buddies His favorite bugs are caterpillars and butterflies, he isn’t a very big fan of spiders though (Mono didn’t used to mind them, but after the hand incidents in the hospital, he finds them icky; too similar) Bonus; RCG  she/they Tallest as well as oldest (again, not oldest by much though) Big sister vibes Super supportive Usually in charge of keeping others in line, doesn’t mind a little chaos here and there though (even if it doesn’t usually end well) Also has a few freckles, not nearly as much as Six Lots of energy that often rubs off on the others when she’s around Probably the most responsible, great with kids younger than her Loves teaching the others how to do stuff, has the longest attention span which makes it easier Very playful and teasing, but still knows and respects boundaries when it comes to that kinda stuff Gets easily stressed out and nervous when she doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she always has to be responsible aaaand thats all 4 now! i might do more characters like comic kids if i get enough ideas but thatll be in the doc if i ever do pleas share with me ur hcs and ideas too!!!! if u wanna i would love 2 see them!!
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spencersawkward · 4 years
not to go full fluff central but omg can you write a one shot about matthew hanging out with his kids?? i see him as a girl dad and he would 100% play dress up with them and they would be wrapped around his finger and itd be so sweet it could cause cavities lmao i just want that man to have children so bad
ugh yes i want him to have kids so bad and YES he 100% is a girl dad i definitely agree. this was super interesting to write tbh bc i did it from his perspective but i'm glad i did and i'm glad you asked for it bc we love a saccharine one-shot! also i'm so bad at names for characters i'm sorry lol.
summary: Matthew has a day off with his two daughters!
content warnings: none! literally just fluffy fluff with a side of fluff.
word count: 2.1k
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when Matthew wakes up to the press of a crayon on his forearm, he nearly startles. his head jerks up to see his daughter, Juniper, trying to draw on him. her hair is neatly braided and the other side of the bed is empty, indicating that his wife has already gotten up.
"good morning, sweetpea." he says to Juniper with a tired smile, wincing when she tries in vain to draw on him. wax on skin doesn't work that way.
"it isn't working, Dad." she pouts. she throws the purple crayon onto the bed and stares at him. she's got dark lashes framing huge, beautiful eyes, and a gap between her front teeth. she pried out the baby tooth a week ago-- seven years old and already determined to take it out herself-- and has been showing it around the house like a trophy.
"maybe we can try with markers after I get up." he suggests. she peers at him with an impatient expression.
"fine." although the word is venomous, she crawls up the bed until she's tucked beneath his arm and he kisses the top of her head. Matthew smiles to himself as he holds her, happy to have the whole day to spend with his kids. he hasn't had a day off in forever.
"should we make breakfast for you and your sister?" he asks cheerfully.
"yes!" she leaps up to stand on the bed, jumps around a little bit on the cushy mattress. "come on!"
"okay, okay," he chuckles, throwing off the covers. "let me brush my teeth first, sweetheart."
"I'm coming with." Juniper is insistent as she follows him. he takes out his toothbrush and toothpaste while she paws through her mother's makeup drawers and skincare. she grabs a bottle of perfume and examines it carefully. "what is this?"
"let's be careful with that." Matthew turns from the mirror, where he can see the rat's nest of hair on his head while he brushes his teeth, and gently puts the glass bottle back on the counter. Juniper crosses her arms.
"what is it?" she repeats. her father finishes up, then lifts her into his arms like she's a sack of potatoes.
"it's your mom's favorite smell." he clarifies. after kissing her little cheek, he walks into the kitchen with Juniper's arms wrapped around his neck. she clings to him like he is everything in the world, and he realizes that this is one of his favorite parts of the day. whenever he holds his daughters, he feels the kind of joy that simply can't be replicated. his heart overflows for them.  
"morning, sleepyhead." Y/N looks up from the counter, where she's biting into a piece of toast and talking excitedly to their other child, Autumn. Matthew grins at the sight of her, so beautiful when she's laughing with her daughter.
"morning." he's smitten.
"I have to go in a minute, but I figured you'd be able to handle a day with them?" she comes over to him and kisses his lips, saying the last part softly. Juniper leans her head on her father's chest, staring at her mother with those enormous eyes.
"with these two devils?" Matthew nods to the girls. "of course."
Y/N shakes her head with a laugh and gives each of her daughter's foreheads before grabbing her purse.
"bye, Mama!" Juniper and Autumn say in unison.
"bye, my angels. I love you very much." she smiles warmly, ruffling Autumn's silky curls before touching Matthew's arm tenderly and heading out of the kitchen. he watches her go, waits for the sound of the lock clicking into place, before he looks conspiratorially between the remaining household.
"who wants pancakes?" he smirks. their ensuing squeals are affirmation enough.  
"Dad, can I show you my ballet tutu?" Autumn surprises Matthew by grabbing onto his leg while he's making pancakes. Juniper is standing on a stool beside him, watching and helping to flip the flapjacks.
"nobody wants to see that, Autumn." Juniper scowls impatiently at her younger sister. Matthew turns to his little one and smiles.
"I would love to see your new tutu, sweetheart." he says. Autumn gives the other girl a triumphant look before running off to her room. when Matthew looks at Juniper, she blushes. "be nicer to your sister, Juni." he says gently.
the little scolded creature crosses her arms over her chest and turns her gaze to the pancakes. she knows she's not supposed to be mean, but sometimes Autumn is just so annoying. Matthew can't even pretend to stay mad for long, however, and offers the spatula to her.
"do you wanna flip it?" he smiles.
"yep!" Juniper quickly slides the utensil under the pancake, her father's hand guiding hers to make sure she doesn't accidentally burn herself. she's a smart girl, but she's inherited his lack of coordination (and his nose). they giggle together at the sound of the batter slapping the pan.
"dad, look!" Autumn tugs on the leg of his pants and he glances down to see her wearing a bright pink tutu over her leggings. his jaw drops open in wonderment, tinged with a smile.
"oh my goodness!" he gasps, hoisting her into his arms and burying his face in her curls. "you look just like a princess!"
she giggles. Matthew turns off the stove for a moment to spin her around in his arms before setting her down again and crouching to look at her. "can we see your dance routine after breakfast?"
Autumn nods shyly. he holds her tiny hand in his and kisses the back of it before standing back up. Juniper waits for him on her stool. they get back to cooking, both girls chatting about anything and everything while their father listens intently.
once they set the plates out on the table, Juniper volunteers to distribute forks and knives, and soon they've got a whole spread of golden brown pancakes, whipped cream, and fruit. they heap their dishes with food. the girls have a tendency to take more than they can actually eat, but that's okay. he loves the look of excitement in their eyes when they drizzle syrup over everything.
"nice job, kiddos." he nods, impressed, like they've made the whole meal themselves. both siblings grin back at him proudly. "let's dig in!"
he's hungry. Matthew cracks a couple jokes while they eat, pokes Autumn's stomach when she gets full halfway through her third pancake, and then both he and Juniper watch her do her ballet routine for them. she spins, twirls, smiles as she finishes the dance by throwing both arms into the air like she's won an Olympic gold medal. in his eyes, she has.
even Juniper is supportive and claps with a smile at her sister's achievement. although she teases and can be a bit too harsh with her younger sibling at times, the truth is that she's proud of her. it's evident in the way they play together in the summer, running around beneath the sun while Matthew and his wife sip on glasses of iced tea.  
"brava!" he cheers when she skips back to her seat at the table. "a royal performance!"
"dad, can we have more whipped cream?" Juniper eyes the canister on the table with hungry eyes. he mulls this over for a second, enamored with the fact that she is so clearly his daughter. down to her features and mannerisms, her tendency to crawl onto the couch and watch the scary movies with him that she probably shouldn't be watching at her age. Autumn looks more like her mother, sweet and optimistic. a dreamy expression on her face.
he grabs the canister from the middle of the spread and pops the cap off the top.
"only if you don't tell your mother." he laughs. Juniper shakes her head vehemently like a half promise and opens her mouth as he puts a pile of whipped cream in it. he does it to Autumn next, then himself. they lean back in their chairs, rubbing their bellies with satisfaction.
"yummy." Juniper grins.
"whipped cream is the best topping in the world," Matthew says matter-of-factly, passing down a pearl of knowledge that will stay with them forever. "don't ever let anyone tell you different."
the three of them clean the dishes together, blowing suds all over the room while they listen to Sam Cooke and dance. the house rings with their laughter and the sounds of feet hitting the ground in rhythmic elation, the kitchen their personal concert hall.
if he could only bestow a few life lessons on them, one of them would be the importance of listening to old music.
Matthew wishes that he could spend all his days with them, making breakfast and hearing their crazy ideas. the world is so full and open to them, he sometimes finds himself thinking about how they're going to conquer it. they've got a grittiness to them that they could only get from their mother-- an absolute sureness that stiffens their little spines-- and an imagination that could fill books with stories. he wants to paint for them, do everything for them.
but for today, they head to Autumn's room and play dress-up with the enormous chest of costumes by her bed. should he work on not spoiling her so much? maybe. he doesn't care. she's absolutely adorable when she hauls out princess dresses, doctors' jackets and stethoscopes, other disguises. he thinks she's going to be an actress; she loves to take on different jobs and throw herself into them, walking around the house ordering that her next patient be brought in or for someone to prepare her microscope. her mind is full of ideas.
Juniper pretends to be disinterested in dressing up, but she gives up the act once Autumn hands her a tiara to wear and pours her imaginary tea.
"what flavor is this?" Matthew takes a sip from his miniature cup, fanning his mouth like it's hot. "it's divine."
"it's normal tea, you cuckoo bird." Autumn giggles. she sets the teapot down on the plastic table.
"I'm a cuckoo bird?" he pretends to be offended. "you're a cuckoo bird!"
"no I'm not!" Autumn protests, but Matthew is already wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his lap. he tickles her sides.
"you're the cuckoo bird!" he repeats through her fits of laughter. she squeals and kicks with joy until he sets her back on her feet.
"your hair is crazy." Juniper scolds. Matthew sighs and runs a hand through the unruly curls. they always tease him about it, and somehow it never gets old.
"probably because this one messed it up with her claws." he pokes Autumn's side and he suppresses a gleeful smile.
"Dad, you need a tiara, too." Juniper points to the empty spot on his head. "Autumn, get him one."
the younger sister looks like she's going to defy her sister's bossy demand, but decides against it and runs off to grab another bejeweled piece to place on her father's head. it's comical, the way the tiny thing sits.
"thank you, sweetpea." he smiles at his youngest, pinching her cheek before glancing between the two of them seriously. "how do I look?"
"silly." Juniper giggles. she straightens it out on his head and he wrinkles his nose.
"hey! boys can wear tiaras, too," he defends with mock attitude. "now, can I have more tea, please? I finished mine already."
"of course." Autumn stands diplomatically and pours him a new cup while they pretend to snack on baked goods. Matthew tells them about the new movie he's directing, dipping into his storyteller voice and wiggling his fingers with every mention of a spooky plot point. the girls sit at rapt attention, hanging on his every word, despite the fact that he's got a miniature tiara on his head.
they adore him, and every second he's there, they revel in it. they love their mother, too, of course. but days with their dad are just... different. he lets them eat whipped cream by themselves and tells them stories, kisses their foreheads and dances in the kitchen with them. they always have fun together, no matter how dreary the day is. and those feelings won't change as they get older; he's their rock, their security. he always will be.
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unbury-the-gays · 2 years
Hi hello I come to you with....a shortened list for the ask meme but not really since all of these are meant to be about Kiyan and Adrien (so double of course :3)
So I noted down numbers 16 (kinda want to go strongest to second strongest memory since we already know about witcher trials and a bit about Adriens family...stuff-unless you wanna go more into that then please do feel free to go off!!), 17 (I know Kiyan draws but how is it in general? Does he only draw from reference? Can he just draw out whatever he wants to without having to see it irl? Etc in that specific meaning but I am also curious about that in general for both of them since that isn't something I really considered aside from maybe tactics during a fight?), 54 (both may be smart but also emotional so I am curious if one aspect is more at the forefront when making decisions aside from specific situations or if it's rather even and/or it's more a thing of 'whatever fits the moment') and 63 (I may have my own thoughts that came up reading that question when thinking about them considering all we have from your fic+Adriens letters in game but I am curious what you think)
...I'd also just like to throw the first couple questions to basically every character as in I am wondering if you have any details aside from a couple of physical traits you imagine for the rest of the characters or is it more a 'Here are the 3 important things about how they look and the rest can be filled in freely' (of course also feel free to add in any details about Kiyan and/or Adrien that we may not have seen via fic of art yet if there are any coming to mind~)
(also rip to the last two favourites questions bc A does ice cream even exist in this world and B do dinosaurs??? how could you even decide on that if the characers live in a world without them? Who knows-not me; this is not relevant to the ask meme at all really but I needed to let someone know what my brain decided to focus on for too long before deciding what to ask other than „I'll take everything for Kiyan and Adrien (as per usual) please~“
this also got way longer than intended anyway....oops?
Thanks for the wonderful ask, we had great fun brainstorming from these questions! Getting way longer than intended is apparently the running theme because when we typed up the notes from our brainstorming we ended up with six pages of thoughts. So, um, enjoy? Also Advena made art for the dinosaurs and ice cream! All of that under a readmore because like I said, six pages.
16. What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted them?
So it probably tells you something that our first thought about this was tragic. We tried to come up with some happy ones too though! 
Adrien’s strongest childhood memory is his mother’s death when he was six. While his mother was alive, she didn't allow the senior prince to be too harsh on Adrien, and probably Adrien's father himself was generally a gentler person thanks to her. After her death, everything got worse.
His strongest not-tragic childhood memory is also of his mother. His mother played an Ofieri instrument (we’re picturing a veena) and she would sing him Ofieri folk songs about their gods and heroes. He’s taken out and polished and retold to himself the memories of singing with her over and over until he's not entirely sure if he actually remembers them or just the story he tells himself. He has a collection of Ofieri instruments, the only one of which he ever actually plays is his mother’s veena. He still remembers one of the songs she sang with him, even though he had to look up the words as an adult to be able to sing the whole thing. 
Adrien’s relationship with his mother, and later with Gisbert’s mother, who taught him to fight with the saber and told him stories of his mother and her homeland, is foundational to the concept of himself and his culture that he’s constructed.
For reference, the folk song probably sounds something like this: https://youtu.be/deyk5b7ggcQ
And his mom would sing to him in the traditional style, like this, though Adrien never learned the technique: https://youtu.be/s5a3pthL_tU 
So the combination of childhood memories and witcher training is… not great. Every formative childhood experience we thought of was basically a variation on “we shook a witcher and intergenerational trauma fell out.” We brainstormed a tragic scenario, which Gav then got inspired to write so you can read it here: Still Here
His memories of all the dead trainees are part of why he is very soft toward children. Also, he has a major case of survivor’s guilt. He asks himself why he is the one who survived when so many good trainees didn’t, and that is the reason why Kiyan doesn’t want to die. He, unlike his brothers, was given a chance to live. So on the one hand he wants to prove that he deserves it, that as a survivor he has a duty to keep going; and on the other hand, he lives for those who died then. He believes he owes them.
17. What is your OC’s imagination like?
Kiyan draws a lot, from reference for practical witcher purposes and from memory to preserve his memories (e.g. he draws his witcher brothers to help him remember them). He doesn’t really do abstract drawing or create things from his imagination when drawing, he’s very focused on references and capturing reality accurately. The witcher trainers noticed his talent for drawing and encouraged it, but only for practical applications. From childhood, his dreams and fantasies were nipped in the bud.
Kiyan reads lots of practical witchering tomes, but he hasn’t sought out fiction books. He’s too pragmatic and doesn’t allow himself to indulge in “frivolous” things when he needs to devote his attention to skills that will help him stay alive as a witcher. 
With music, Kiyan has a good ear and a good sense of rhythm. He can recreate melodies by ear and has an excellent memory. In his travels searching for his heritage, he has encountered many songs, and he remembers them because he’s trained his memory so much. He hasn’t ever taken the time to fully learn an instrument, and he doesn’t have much time or use for singing, so he doesn’t share them often, but he knows them. Some anthropologist would be absolutely thrilled to find him and transcribe all the songs and stories he’s picked up some day.
Kiyan’s relationship to his imagination changes some after his trauma because he uses his imagination to help him cope during his torture and then to process and recover, both on his own and with Adrien. He gets more comfortable with creative expression that doesn’t have a concrete practical benefit, and his art starts to have more abstract and imaginary elements.
Adrien loves to lie. He has a vivid imagination and uses it to come up with complex and believable stories. Often he lies just because it’s fun. When he was a child, his mother and then his nanny told him Ofieri legends, and they encouraged his imagination. He spent a lot of time as a young kid playing at being an Ofieri prince instead of a Redanian one. Even once he outgrew the childhood games, a lot of the way he puts on the persona of being Ofieri is based in imagination. He’s never been to Ofier, only speaks bits of the language, and he builds on his treasured and worn memories of his mother’s stories to create his sense of meaning and culture. 
Adrien reads a lot of adventure novels. He has an idea of what Kiyan’s witchering adventures must be like that is more informed by tropes than reality, and Kiyan finds it exasperating (and adorable, but he doesn’t admit to that part) when he has to correct some outlandish imagination of Adrien’s. Adrien’s fantasies took one look at Kiyan and latched on hard. He’s the perfect adventure hero, of course Adrien fell head over heels.
Adrien really likes art and music, something he got from both his parents. He loves that Kiyan is artistically talented. When Kiyan lets him, he loves to watch him draw, and when he eventually finds out that Kiyan can sing, he badgers him into doing it all the time. 
Adrien loves beautiful things, but he cannot create. He can’t draw well, and he isn’t musically gifted. He struggles with his mom’s veena, not helped by not having any proper lessons, and he desperately wants to be able to play like she did. His imagination allows him to appreciate beautiful things and feel their beauty deeply, but he lacks the talent to express it and create his own art. At least, he hasn't figured out how to do it yet, but writing a novel might work for him.
Bonus (for both of them):
One way that they end up using imagination in bed is roleplay. Adrien loves it, of course, is into it from the start and gets very into the role. Kiyan is skeptical, thinking he’s too practical for games like that, but after Ireneus, he finds it helpful to distance himself from reality. He has to reinvent himself in a lot of ways, and roleplay helps him find new paths to satisfaction after trauma cut off many of the things he once enjoyed.
TL;DR: Kiyan turns his imagination into practical and analytical use, suppressing the more creative part, though that changes a bit after his trauma. Adrien can be very creative and devoted to his fantasy, but he uses it mainly to lie and manipulate people. He loves to experience art and beauty, and Kiyan’s creativity is one of the things that draws Adrien to him.
54: Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
At first it may seem that Kiyan thinks with his head and Adrien with his heart, and in most cases that's true, but!
Kiyan is, firstly, a witcher from the cat school and, secondly, later, a person who has survived kidnapping, torture and demon possession. That's enough to break the toughest, so Kiyan has a lot of triggers. That makes thinking with his head not as easy as he would have liked.
His analytical thinking, planning, and commitment to control and order come from the way he was raised. Guxart, not wanting to have another crazy ward, placed great emphasis on following head, not heart. Kiyan also knew that the overabundance of emotions was what resulted in the death of many of his brothers, so he was motivated to stick to the imposed rules of control and logical, cold thinking.
How did he go about it in practice? Well if Kiyan only thought with his head he'd have left Adrien by now. 
Kiyan definitely gets hit hard by the fact that “witchers don’t have emotions” is fundamentally a lie. Witchers learn to suppress their emotions, but no one teaches them how to manage them when they finally explode. Kiyan likes to pretend he’s cold and calculating, but of course, his heart is strong and stubborn and has a strong influence on his decisions. He rationalizes and makes excuses to himself, but he does things by emotion all the time. Case in point, Adrien’s entire everything.
Like most witchers, Kiyan struggles to identify and process his emotions. Cat witchers are notorious for their volatile anger, and Kiyan struggles to act rationally and not vent his rage when he’s angry. When he’s sad or in pain or struggling with other emotions, he defaults to anger as the safest form of expression. When he’s afraid, he tries to rationalize his fear and create options that give him control. If he can’t, he suppresses it. Witchers aren’t allowed to be truly afraid. Suppressed emotions tend to come out in violently angry outbursts. 
When it comes to positive feelings, Kiyan tries not to show them, because he thinks of it as showing weakness. If you care about something, something that makes you happy and feel good, it can be taken away from you. It’s a vulnerability, and vulnerabilities get you killed. He tries to reduce all these feelings into something logical that he can analyze and act on rationally, and then his whole system has a big error, because you just can't do it that way. Especially when as a witcher, he has never been taught what these emotions actually are.
This is why Kiyan is perpetually "annoyed" at Adrien. That's a safe, easily processed emotion. Surely, all of this feeling is annoyance. He’s annoyed at Adrien because that’s the easiest outlet for all the confusing feelings Adrien makes him feel, and then he’s annoyed at himself for being so illogically caught up in all these emotions.
In order to be able to think effectively with your head, you must have things sorted with your heart. Kiyan doesn't have it sorted, so he aspires to think with his head, but ultimately his confused heart makes the decisions.
Adrien obviously thinks mostly with his heart. He succumbs very easily to impulses and desires without thinking about the consequences. He doesn't analyze what he's feeling, he just follows the first impulse, which often makes him make the wrong decisions. 
So when we were describing Adrien we realized we kind of gave him ADHD with the impulsivity, fixations (Kiyan), special interests (horses, Ofieri culture), and general intensity level. Add in the distorted emotional intelligence from difficult family relationships and the fact that as a nobleman he could indulge his whims and mood swings, and basically all of his coping mechanisms are negative. As we are fond of saying, Adrien needs to be hit with a “be a better person” mallet a lot. But there are reasons he’s like this. 
It’s not that Adrien can’t be logical. He’s a good businessman, and he’s good at planning and organizing things. He falls asleep in meetings, though. Not because he's trying to, but because his brain just shuts down. When he has a task that doesn’t involve him emotionally (or if it involves only positive emotions that make him feel good) and it is closed in a short time frame, Adrien can be really brilliant.
Adrien also likes to do things to spite others, even if it doesn't have any tangible benefits for him, or even can harm him. It doesn't count as long as it allows him to get under the skin of his enemies. It is because of his impulsiveness that Adrien may seem unwise, if not stupid, at times. 
Adrien has a high emotional intelligence and strong empathy, but he often uses it in cynical and cruel ways. Adrien knows when he is dealing with a false person who is trying to trick him, and he can likewise read good intentions or naivete. Unfortunately, he doesn't usually use this knowledge for good purposes. Adrien knows how to put pressure on people, knows how to provoke them, knows how to manipulate them. 
When it comes to purely strategic issues like combat, Adrien is able to use gained experience and predict the moves of the opponent, but unfortunately he is also prone to risk. When adrenaline begins to take control of him, Adrien has no hesitation to reach for the most risky solutions, just for the thrill. He’s an adrenaline junkie and it drives Kiyan crazy because he can’t protect him well if he’s going to take risks just for the sake of them.
Interestingly, his propensity to risk drops drastically when the lives of the people he cares about are at stake. This is an interesting contrast because with Kiyan it works completely the opposite - Kiyan usually sees red in such moments and will choose the most instinctive solution - like covering a loved one with his own body to protect them, while Adrien will engage maximum focus to get his loved ones out of a dangerous situation.
All this put together shows how Kiyan and Adrien complement each other and learn from each other. Thanks to Kiyan, Adrien learns patience, and Kiyan forces him to actually think before doing things. Adrien, in turn, helps Kiyan to open up, express his thoughts verbally, and talk about the emotions that torment him. Ultimately, we want to believe that it is possible for two broken people full of bad habits to teach each other how to become better.
63 How does your OC display love?
The whole fic is kind of a thesis on how fucked up Adrien's expression of love is, to be honest, but let’s break some of it down.
Adrien is generous. He likes to give, and he is ready to throw the whole world at the feet of his loved one. And you don’t even have to ask - he will do it on his own initiative. So gifts, presents and gifts again, and generally providing a loved one with all the comfort and safety.
Unfortunately, the gifts also come with possessiveness and a desire to own another person. Adrien can be intense and not take no as an answer. He’d never force anything physical, but attention and gifts, definitely. He's selfish, which is odd to say with all the gifts. But he's selfish as a self-defense mechanism. It's a trauma response, not innate. So the emotion is genuine, but the expression is a collection of red flags. Kiyan catches glimpses of genuine emotion and can't tear himself away, right up until Adrien goes all in on the possession and Kiyan finally hits NOPE (this is basically canon and I love that). He's so intense about everything. Everything is always at maximum for Adrien. The part he's missing is that he can't just make the person he's currently latched onto want him back.
In terms of non-romantic love, Adrien adopts. He sees outcasts and relates to them and gives them everything he can if they'll just stay and love him. He habitually adopts anyone who shows him loyalty and acceptance. You see his guard full of well paid former outlaws and you think he's buying loyalty, but it's more genuine than that. Once you care, you're family. He went very hard on the "my family was horrible so I will make my own." (Insert “he’s a little confused but he got the spirit” meme)
Kiyan doesn't know how to express feelings, how to show someone that he loves them, because he doesn't fully understand these feelings. He doesn't know the right gestures and words. Also, expressing his feelings verbally is awkward and he feels that he is doing it wrong and that it is not good enough, so he tries to avoid doing it at all. He has to be backed into a corner to get a verbal expression of emotion out of him, and usually these are life and death situations.
He tries to approach love in a practical way like everything else. So he gives gifts too, but of a completely different kind. It’s not so much an expression of generosity or a romantic show of feelings, as providing a loved one with something that they need. Yes, this is a bit of a cat stereotype, dead things on the doorstep, but it’s not wise to make that joke with someone holding that many knives. It can also extend to generally doing things for the other person. No matter how angry or tired he is, he will not leave his loved one in need, and he will do absolutely anything to help and protect them. 
He's bad at expressing his emotions and would much prefer to demonstrate loyalty. Which would actually work great for Adrien, who desperately wants to be cared for, if Adrien could just trust him to do it on his own terms.
Kiyan expresses his feelings through touch without even realizing it. Kiyan likes to touch him not only for the sake of desire, but for intimacy. It's like "I don't know how to tell you this, I don't know how to show it, but I want to be close to you, I want to take care of you." And Kiyan instinctively expresses his love with the way he touches him. When they finally get their shit together they do so much cuddling. And Kiyan wants to run his hands through Adrien's hair so badly. (This comes out as annoyance at his hair for being so curly and soft and ugh because Kiyan is bad at emotions.)
Kiyan has this stupid reflex of shielding his loved ones with his body. Not because he wants to sacrifice himself but because he instinctively perceives Adrien as fragile (for witchers, any human is undoubtedly fragile) and he wants to protect him. If something happens to him, it will seriously threaten his life while Kiyan as a witcher has incomparably higher chances of survival. His wounds heal quickly, he's used to the pain, and he already has many scars, so another one won't make a difference.
Also if you hurt his loved ones, even minimally, he'll kill you. Brutally and painfully.
Do not damage one of the murder husbands; the other one will make you regret that decision extremely thoroughly. Adrien will destroy their life and do a Leverage gloat about it. Kiyan will kill or maim them messily and painfully.
Dinosaurs and ice cream
You're right that they don't work in canon, but they're fun to imagine anyway so have some art!
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Adrien would choose the largest and strongest dinosaur, while Kiyan would probably like the ones that he could kill quickly and efficiently.
Ice cream:
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Adrien's favorite ice cream is mint and Kiyan's is strawberry. And of course Adrien introduced Kiyan to ice cream. And Kiyan loves it. 
Oh, almost forgot, on the physical characteristics - we actually have slightly different ideas about how some of the characters look, ourselves, as we discovered when Advena drew Gisbert! So aside from "don't picture the POC as white," we prefer to leave a lot of detail to the reader's imagination.
Thanks so much for the ask, we had a great time playing with all these questions. Sorry for the absolutely ridiculous length of this, but I suppose you knew what you were getting into with us and these characters lol
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myherokatsuki · 3 years
my ask deleted help 💔💔 but for the event!! my self ship is w kirishima! (ofc) we met first year of college! we have the friends to lovers trope bc we did pine after each other for a bit. we are also the extrovert bf x introvert gf type. we often watch movies and cuddle together bc he’s busy and i’m more of a stay at home type person so when we’re together it’s mostly relaxing or if neither of us are too busy we’ll go out on adventures (usually not planned) and do whatever. or late night drives while we listen to music and go get ice cream or something. i hope this was enough! i cant wait and congrats again bb!! 🥺🖤
Thank you Jupiter!!  Hhhh you and Kirishima are so dang cute together.  >w<  I hope you enjoy <3
Event Status: Closed
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“You really wanna watch this movie again?” Eijirou asked, collapsing back against the couch, a hint of a whine to his deep voice as you changed the channel to the same movie you’d been playing the other day.
“What, it’s a comfort movie!” you insisted, poking him in the side to make him jump, laughing as he threw you the most petulant look.
“Alright fine, what would you rather do?” you asked instead, leaning your head against his shoulder and looking up at him.
A grin stretched across his face at your question and he twisted to press his lips against your forehead.  “Let’s go on an adventure!” he exclaimed, and you found yourself hauled to your feet as soon as you laughed your agreement.
Despite the chill in the air, Eijirou’s hand engulfing yours was nice and warm, and you walked as close to him as you possibly could without climbing into his coat.  “C’mon, let’s get some snacks,” he suggested, pulling you into the convenience store near your apartment.  The door chimed as it opened and you grabbed a basket, following your giant giddy boyfriend around the small store.
“Ooo, I’ve wanted to try this, and we gotta get some of these, they’re your favourite!” he exclaimed, tossing the treats into your basket.
If Kirishima was a dog, he’d be a golden retriever, easily distracted, and you would have sighed every time he stopped to point something new out if it weren’t so damned endearing. 
“What do you think, huh?  Aren’t these sunglasses cool?  Do they make me look badass?” he asked, poking his head out from behind the display, a pair of thick red rimmed glasses perched on his nose.
“Yeah, you look great,” you replied, giggling at the tag that hung over his nose.  “But isn’t it a little dark for sunglasses?”
“Only cool kids wear sunglasses at night!” he teased, his grin stretching playfully.  “C’mere, we need to pick some out for you too, babe!” he insisted, holding out an oversized pair for you, gently placing them on your face as you shuffled closer.
“What d’ya think?” he asked as you studied your reflection in the tiny mirror in front of you.
“Hmm, I like them.  Do you think they fit my face though?” you murmured, turning back to Eijirou.
“You look great!  But of course, you always do,” he exclaimed, his bright toothy grin filling you with affection.
“Alright, alright, we’ll get them.”
Once you were back outside, you looked up and down the street.  “Where to next?”
Kirishima pondered for a moment, his short brows drawing together in thought before he grinned.  “Let’s go to the arcade!” 
Slipping his hand back in yours, ridiculous sunglasses still perched on his nose, he took off down the street, pulling you along with him.
At this time of night the arcade was relatively empty and Eijirou pushed the dark tinted glasses up into his hair so he could see in the dim room, only lit by the neon lights of the games.  
Hanging back, he let you pick the game, unsurprised that you’d gravitated to the Dance Dance Revolution machine.  No matter how bad both of you were at it, you never failed to want to play at least one round.
“Hey,” Kiri said as you waited for the countdown, turning to grin at you, a softness in his ruby eyes.
“Hmm?” you asked, glancing over at him.
“I love you,” he said, leaning in to steal a kiss, his warm lips moving tantalizingly against yours.
Three, two, one, dance!
Taken off guard by his sudden kiss, it took you a moment to realize he’d already started, leaving you behind, missing several of the arrows already.
“You did that on purpose, Eiji!” you cried, though there was no heat to your exclamation, laughter taking over as you hurried to hit your marks.
“It’s not manly to cheat!  I just wanted a good luck kiss!” he gasped, and you couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not, though honestly he was probably being completely earnest and you loved that about him.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
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Thanks for the compliments anon! I hope this is what you wanted! I ended up just doing it in reaction style and ran with the dad/uncle idea to show how they’d interact with their kids and the other boys’ kids! Feel free to request more! (Sorry it took so long, I had a bunch of extra long shifts at work)
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To Cheol, his kids are his whole world
Obsessed with just gathering them up in his arms and hugging them tight
Definitely a cool dad
His kids trust him and feel comfortable around him 
He literally can’t say no to them
The other boys’ kids realize this as well
So everyone goes to Uncle Coups to ask for stuff
“Seungcheol, why would you let my kid eat three ice cream cones?”
“I don’t know, Jihoon, she just looked at me with those big eyes and I couldn’t say no”
But honestly Coups would do anything to see his kids smile and just cares about them so so much
Just the weakest sweetest dad/uncle ever
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Jeonghan thought he was clever and cunning
His kids are 10x more so
Like Cheol’s kids, they get whatever they want
But it’s not bc Jeonghan just lets them have it
It’s bc they’re really good at arguing or sneaking their way into getting the things they want
He adores them for it tbh
Like so proud
“Jeonghan, your son managed to sneak my kids out of our house to have a sleepover at yours”
“Wow! He really did that???”
“Right, right, I’ll get onto him for that”
Is really excited when his kids and everyone else’s are teens and older bc he’s really good at giving advice and enjoys having genuine conversations with them
But honestly just adores his kids and is always so proud of them and fascinated by every little thing they accomplish
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Joshua’s kids have perfectly packed lunch boxes and cute little matching outfits and the best manners of the kids in their classes
He treats his kids with respect and teaches them patiently and his love for them is immense and obvious
The kind of dad who is always looking over at his kids during parties and get-togethers to just watch them and smile at how they’re interacting with others
He always pins all of their best grades up on the fridge and makes them feel so special anytime they accomplish anything
Really just a cookie-cutter perfect dad 
The other boys are jealous lol
“Can your kids hang out with mine more? They need a better influence than Jeonghan’s son”
“Hannie, please, we all know your kids get all of ours into trouble”
But seriously, perfect dad with perfect family
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More of a friend than a dad tbh lol
His kids get to do whatever they want as long as Jun gets to come along
“So you were with all of our kids when they snuck out?”
“Yeah, that’s why it’s fine, I was there”
“Jun, I think you might be missing the bigger picture”
He’s the chillest dad
His kids and all of the other boys’ kids like to hang out with him bc they know that means a day of playing video games, eating snacks, and taking naps
His kids adore him for it tho and never feel scared to tell him anything
He makes sure they solve everything together so they never feel like they have to handle anything alone
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Excited to pass his talents onto his kids
Like from the moment they start to walk he tries to teach them dance moves 
And his Significant Other is like “Soonyoung pls”
And he’s like “They have to learn to dance”
Devastated when one of his kids mentions they want to learn songwriting from Uncle Jihoon
“Soonyoung, you’re overreacting”
“No I’m not, if she’d rather write songs with Jihoon then she can be his daughter, she is no longer mine”
But seriously, he loves his kids 
And he’s going to support them whether they want to be dancers or singers or doctors or artists or anything
And he’s gonna do whatever he can to help them get there
But he likes to get them involved in his every day life to show them how important it is to have them around and how much he enjoys including them 
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Just imagining Wonwoo and all the little baby Wonwoos with their matching glasses
Also has incredibly polite kids
Like Wonwoo, some of his kids are more introverted so they’ll spend their time entertaining themselves
He does, however, get stuck with some extroverted kids
And he like...
Does not know how to handle their endless social energy
He’ll spend so much time trying to entertain them and spend time with them
But then sometimes he’ll just be like 
“Ok, we’re going to take a trip to Uncle Joshua’s house so you can all play with your cousins!!!”
But he seriously adores his kids
Like Jeonghan, he’s fascinated just watching them grow up and make their way through the developing phases of life 
He’s just so immensely proud of them always
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Everyday Woozi is like “who tf let me have kids”
He just gets so confused by them and the things they do
“What- what even went through your mind that you thought this was a good idea?”
But at the end of the day, no matter what they do
His overall reaction is just like 
“Cheers, I’ll drink to that bro”
Really just kind of goes with the flow
I can def see him going to the studio with little ones on his lap
They kind of just become little extensions of him that follow him everywhere and do whatever he does
They all wanna be just like him
And he doesn’t understand bc he’s not sure he’s even a good dad so he doesn’t get why these little beings think he’s the greatest person on earth
But he’s happy to have them around and feels so grateful for his kids
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Guess who is raising his kids to have the exact same cheesy sense of humor he has
It’s Seokmin!!!
As a result he thinks his kids are the funniest people on earth
They make him laugh all the time
His family are always the loudest people at any party
But it’s cause he lets his kids be kids and never gets upset at them for things kids do
Like talking really loud lol
As a result his kids feel free to explore any endeavors that they’re interested in
Seokmin’s schedule fills up pretty quickly bc of this
One kid has art class at one and another has volleyball at two and then another has science camp at three
But he just wants his kids to explore all of their interests and he’s happy to do whatever we can to help them do that
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Sweetest, cutest, most precious kids in the whole world
Just a bunch of cuddly kids that are EXACTLY like Mingyu
And Mingyu is just so excited??? To just see them???? Every single day???
Definitely the overly clingy dad that just wants to be around his kids 24/7
And the super embarrassing one too
Always peaks his head in when his kids have friends over 
“You guys want any snacks?”
“Oh my god dad, get out!”
But he’s also a super fun dad and his kids are really grateful to have him
And the other boys’ kids love to come over bc he makes the best snacks
(Don’t tell Jun or DK that, they’ll get jealous)
But just such a cute sweet family
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Also more like a friend than a dad
Like seriously
Unless you explicitly knew Minghao was his kids’ dad, you’d assume he was their older brother or cousin
They just kind of always chill
Like Hoshi, there are interests of his that he is so so so excited to teach to his children 
Especially art!!!
He can’t wait to see how his kids express themselves in a creative aspect
They’re all in an art class with DK’s kids 
Which leads DK and Minghao to spend more time together as they wait outside the class for their kids to be done
And then give each other looks as their kids show off their art work
But Minghao is super proud of them bc he can tell that that’s all they really want: to make him proud
Sometimes he feels more like a spectator in his kids life but he doesn’t really mind
Because they’ve always been independent and he lets them decide what they want and is happy to give advice when they come to him
But really just wants them to succeed in whatever they want to succeed in and trusts them with making their own decisions
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You know he has the cutest kids in the world
Seungkwan only realizes how sassy he is when his kids take after him and make sassy remarks to him 
And then he makes that offended face lol
Like Joshua, his kids have really cute matching outfits
But the cuteness factor is multiplied by like ten-thousand lol
Bc Seungkwan has a habit of singing all the time
His kids gain that habit too
And they get really into certain songs
Another dad that feels betrayed bc when his kids learn that Uncle Jihoon writes songs, all they wanna do is spend time with him
Jihoon doesn’t understand how he just has this growing posse of little children that just watch fascinated as he’s sitting in the studio working on new music
Along with, of course, Hoshi walking in to ask if anyone wants to watch him dance, and Seungkwan and Mingyu coming in to offer everyone snacks
But Seungkwan’s kids are kind of fascinated with everything and Seungkwan just has fun exploring the world with them
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Vernon’s kids see a side to him that no one else gets to see
They unlock a really deeply emotional part of him and he adores his kids
He really really loves the quiet moments with his kids
When they’re falling asleep watching cartoons
When they’re super concentrated on drawing in a coloring book
When they’re happily stuffing their faces full of food
He just lives for the moments where he can watch them enjoying life or figuring things out for the first time or really just existing 
He gets really really nervous about being a father bc he doesn’t want to mess anything up
But he knows that as long as he keeps his mind open to learning and keeps his kids’ best interests as his first priority, they should all be ok
Occasionally gets overwhelmed with how much he loves them and will just grab them and kiss all over the top of their heads 
Just a cute dad who really really loves his kids
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Since he’s been babied by the other boys for so long, he loves being able to baby his kids
They are SPOILED beyond belief omg
He’ll buy them anything or do anything with them or cook anything for them just to see them smile and show them the love he has for them
Convinces his kids to take little dancing lessons from Uncle Hoshi, since Hoshi is jealous that everyone’s kids want to learn about song writing from Uncle Jihoon
Aside from Coups, Dino is probably the most excited that him and all the boys are still good friends even well into their fatherhood days bc it means his kids grow up with extra Uncles and tons of cousins
It’s also a relief to know that his kids have so many other people besides him they can trust to ask for help or advice
To him it’s just like SVT kept growing bigger and bigger
 They’re all one giant family and he wants to keep it that way bc he wants his kids to feel safe and supported their whole lives
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
ORAITYY! HELOO DEAR! I hope you are doing fine <3. I was excited to see that ur request for match-ups are open :] I would like to ask for creepypasta match-up please!
I am A Campaigner (ENFP) and The Adorner (EFVL) and 7w6. In depth i am book smart but gullible as well as dense. My sister calls me "idiot" sometimes when I am dense for somethings…hah. I like to study until at one point i would just stay up until 3 am. I also would even drink coffee after 12 am. I have a RBF and i act like I have apathy. But if I dont tbh haha. If anyone i love is in trouble or something similar, I would help them. You wanna argue? Ok sure.I will definetely debate my thoughts lol. I will stand up for myself and what i am fighting for. I am the eldest child therefore i am very independent. To a point that, even if i really need help i dont try to get it. That's the problem with me :P
Height: 159 cm
I have Generalized Anxiety and Body Dismorphia (more to my face actually). So basically, i get anxious a lot about some things and my looks. My personality, uhhh mostly people find me complicated. But to me, I am neutral chaotic, book smart, stubborn, very curious, brutally honest and I have a bit of a anger issue but I am chill tho. I like to study, draw, listen to mucic, watch Youtube and Twitch! Also, I like anime and a fan of BTS. I go to boarding school and i can speak Japanese and Malay. I play Archery. What do I where?? At home i would just where a T-shirt and a blue jacket and some cozy pants.
Stuff that i like: + tall pepol
+ foooood (homemade at shop-made lmao)
+ drinks (favs are coffe and colaa)
+ people who like to spend time with me in any sort if way
+ art
+ M U S I C (anyy) + my favourite colors are black, midnight blue and gold
Stuff that i dont like: + slow people
+ annoying people that waste my time (if they are annoying in a fun way then thats fine)
+ bugs
Appearence? @ brown eyes (dark hazel-ish?) @ dark brown hair (it looks like brunette-ish under sun). My hair is short and it looks like Lee Joo Young's haircut.
Zodiac: Aries, moon is Taurus, Rising is Aquarius. And i am straight.
Aesthetic? Dark academia, Grunge (modern and 90s- ish, E-Girl) RIGHT, thats all from meee. Thank you for your Time <3 TAKE YOUR TIMEE i dont mind :D
Your matchup is... Masky!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
In General
I'm choking bc I read this last night and in my hazy mind said "heh, Egirls are ruining Masky's life" and well, here we are. I never fight my intuition when it comes to these things and uh-
Things He Likes About You
I feel Tim actually really likes your aesthetic style, hence the e-girl thing. Dark academia too!! Also, Aries. Yes. Your dark hair and dark eyes make him really happy, I think Masky likes people with dark hair and dark eyes, making him smile. The things that you like are things he's really into minus the cola, but like, everything else yeah. You're book smart which is something he admires, curious and your honesty makes him weak in a good way. But, the section I really want to go off in is down below.
You Two As a Couple
Coffee dates are a thing between the two of you. 100%, it's undeniable. You being gullible makes him want to protect you tbh. He does worry that you stay up late but like, hey he stays up late too tf. I think Tim likes debating too - but like, about stupid things like if mint if a valid ice cream flavor or is bacon belongs with pancakes not genuinely important things. He'll have witty conversations with you. He doesn't mind that you're independent but he's a bit of a worrywart himself, so, you might get smothered by him once and a blue moon. I think Tim has body dismorphia as well, so he understands how to help you get through the night. He's good at taking care of people he loves, especially you. Tim has a pretty good limit on his patience, so he'll get to know you just fine, but like, be kind with him too. The honesty thing might need to be softened every now and then?? Tim has a slight ego and it gets bruised EASILY. Likes listening to music with you and will absolutely help you study. He doesn't get anime or BTS, but probably likes BTS songs and just won't admit it. Will give you his clothes and stuff. He's not like - tall tall, but he's tall enough. Will make you food from time to time.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, I read boarding school and I'm - I'm going to hope you're an adult/over 18,,,,,, bc otherwise- please not the hashing out again- I digress, hope you enjoy <3
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decayandcremate · 4 years
more (poly-)bakusquad things bc apparently this is something im Doing now (even more headcanons below the cut because oops this got rlly long)
anyone: is mean to kaminari
bakugou and shinsou, immediately, quirks ready: would you like to say that again please?
bakugou makes them dinner regularly. in return they say nothing about the fact that he immediately falls asleep during movie nights if they start later than 9pm, especially if he ends up cuddled between kaminari and kirishima
jirou makes not only a spotify playlist for each and every one of them, but also burned seven (7) copies of a group-playlist CD so they can each have one
sero and shinsou using their tape/capture weapon to stop their idiot significant others from doing anything Too Idiotic
(you’d be surprised at how often their target is kirishima)
mina is the first to start using given names. bakugou is second. eijirou and hanta cry the first couple times.
bakugou definitely still calls them all by his terrible nicknames for them tho. given names are for Special Occasions, such as: being sleepy, being Soft, and You Are In So Much Fucking Trouble
denki has convinced each of them, on separate occasions, to use their quirks for the absolute Wildest Shit, usually involving “hey wanna see how our quirks combined <do a thing>”
they all are constantly encouraging shinsou about his quirk. he’s allowed to use it in order to make them take care of themselves, which is a bit unfair considering he refuses to take care of himself
game nights are no longer allowed to include uno. or monopoly. or scrabble. or-- actually they generally don’t do many game nights.
bakugou refuses to tutor more than one of them at a time. otherwise they’ll team up on him and be distracting
denki likes surprise kissing them all on the cheek/forehead/knuckles/shoulders, especially when he can give them lil shocks when he does it >:3
bakugou still gets sweaty palms whenever he holds hands with any of them. it’s really endearing
once they made a giant blanket fort in the common room and left it up for a week. much to bakugou’s displeasure, the entire class shinsou has obviously replaced mineta end up sleeping in it at some point or another
i cannot resist: jirou and momo are dating outside the poly group, but obviously none of the bakusquad care
it was v cute when jirou/momo approached them about it (i cannot decide which of the two made the first move but there was definitely some pining and the bakusquad teased jirou about this relentlessly)
kaminari may be bad at general school stuff but he draws+makes his boyfriends/girlfriends things all the time bc he likes showing them how much he loves them by doing personal things like that
bakugou keeps them all in meticulous plastic folders so that they don’t get bent
kirishima and sero both hang theirs up all over their walls (sero has them in neat lines but kirishima’s are just. anywhere he has space for them)
mina frames them
jirou keeps them on her bedside table
shinsou keeps them in his school binder/folders so that he can look at them throughout the day
having six significant others has honestly kept bakugou from having so much energy to pick fights with midoriya and now there is significantly less property damage to the school each week
whenever red riot is on tv they all watch together
this tradition continues as each of them get work studies
helping bakugou make lists of possible hero names (kirishima still thinks explodo boy is a good one, which is fucking tragic and they tell him so every time he tries to argue for it)
ice cream dates!!! bowling dates!! ice skating dates!!! parkour dates!!!!!
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stvpidinlove · 3 years
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[ OLIVIA HOLT, SHE/HER, CIS WOMAN ]  —  [ REGAN MORGAN ]  is a child of  [ MORPHEUS ]  with the power of  [ PRECOGNITIVE DREAMING ] .  they were born in  [ 1995 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2019 ] .  with the change, they  [ ARE TRAINING IN ]  the  [ AMBASSADOR ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ SCROLLING HER CURSED TIKTOK FYP & CONFUSING HER FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ MOON ]  building .
tl;dr she’s a deranged menace to society
hometown: milford, pennsylvania
eye color: brown
hair color:  blonde
height: 5′3
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: january 19, 1995 ( capricorn )
regan’s mother was never the type to settle down. before meeting morpheus, her longest relationship had been three months. so when the guy seemed commitment-phobic, that was perfect for her. until, of course, she found out she was pregnant. she didn’t want to get married but she was at an age where the idea of motherhood...didn’t repulse her. so she wanted to keep the baby, at which point the father of her child didn’t get down on one knee, he started to explain the kinds of responsibilities she’d face as the mother of his child.
having the child of a god in her womb inflated her ego, which was pretty impressive considering how big it already was. see, regan’s mother was a southern belle without any of the class or manners. she’d breezed through the pageant circuit as a teen, winning a number of titles with minimal effort. her talent was essentially crying on demand and looking pretty while doing it. knowing she’d slept with a god, like an honest to...god felt sort of fitting. like, duh, who else would she have her first child with?
this also led to a brief but intense fixation with shakespeare, who name dropped gods like it was his job, which led to her choosing the name regan from king lear.
she moved to pennsylvania with regan when her daughter was only four years old, because some guy practically begged her to let him take care of her, and she had nowhere better to go. until, eventually, she did, thanks to the world of avon. her mother started selling out of boredom but then it turned out she was good at it, so good that she could easily buy a place once she got bored of her rich boyfriend, and move out with regan.
thankfully, her mother got out of the pyramid scheme before she got in too deep. she was hired by an actual, reputable cosmetics company and given a desk job to work in sales, which she was still a natural at. because she had a full time job now, regan spent a lot of time with nannies...and that’s nannies plural because regan was one of those kids who drove her caretakers to quit on a regular basis.
but not because she was a handful. she was pretty self-sufficient, actually, and totally well-behaved, she was just kind of...weird. she’d leave her room for dinner with all of her clothes suddenly on backwards and say nothing as if it was normal and act confused when her nanny asked about it. she’d stare at the tv when it was off, she’d spend one day only speaking in whispers, she’d write vaguely threatening messages on the mirror with her mother’s red lipstick.
all of this was because regan knew it was scary to adults, which made it fun for her. she wasn’t, like, actually disturbed. well, aside from the dreams she had sometimes. she’d have a dream about a baby bird falling from a nest, she’d watch its chest move for minutes before it died, then she’d wake up the next day and find a dead bird outside the sliding glass doors to the backyard.
for a while she thought they were coincidences. then she thought she was making things happen in her sleep, and that it was her job to stop bad things from happening, to save every baby bird that asked for help in her dreams. it took her a few years to accept that just because she sometimes saw the future didn’t mean she had any power to change it. she was warned so she could prepare herself, which only made her feel more powerless.
but being regan, she chose to cope with this aspect of her life with avoidance and humor. she doesn’t want to pick and choose what she worries about and what she doesn’t, so she decided a long time ago not to take anything seriously.
for reasons unknown, regan’s mother actually decided to have another child after regan. but she was unconventional, too, hence regan being...the way she is, so she never actually married the father of regan’s half-brother, but they have been together for the past 15 years, so.
her brother is eleven years younger than she is, so in regan’s mind, a baby. whenever left with the task of babysitting him while the two were growing up, it would be regan who suggested ice cream for breakfast and sock sliding around the living room at dangerous speeds.
i want to v*mit saying this but.....she’s kind of like........the female version of stevesuptic. except for she’s cute <3
her entire twitch account is kind of satirical, like it’s very hard to gauge what her actual personality is. i don’t think her viewers bully her the way they bully steve bc she would bully them back LMAO but they ask her a lot of random ass super weird sometimes borderline disturbing questions and she answers them like it���s normal
she def has weird/creepy drawings whenever playing gartic phone tho /:
ig you could say her channel is like shit posting but make it a streamer. she has a really nice set up and she always looks made up in her streams but then the content is her playing like a cat dating sim for four hours
she’s actually pretty shit at most games that require any level of skill and her following comes entirely from her personality and her Brand ig, she’s just entertaining to watch bc she says and does the most ??? things. like she’s not a gamer girl and doesn’t say she is she just has a twitch and plays games for the attention
also she has a cat named muffintop (best part of the muffin, not the offensive term for a woman’s stomach, though she will say that’s what it means if someone asks) who she regularly posts memes of and like most of her twitch emotes are her cat. you can find examples on her pinterest board lmao
i think it’s pretty hard to get an actual vision out of regan? she mostly keeps those to herself and just lies about her dreams. she’ll just be like, “yeah actually i had a dream you were gonna choke on some oatmeal so stay safe out there.” she’s also only partially sure when a dream is actually about the future.
her like <3 symbol that represents her is butterflies, she has a ton of butterfly shit
idk if i am requesting a roommate for once, idk if i wanna subject anyone to that
someone naive who believes her any time she says something is Going To Happen, no matter how stupid it is and no matter how many times things simply do not happen??
a bestie because...............................i just feel like she wormed her way into someone’s inner circle and they’re just stuck with her now
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