#drawing vs lethargy
catofaurora · 1 year
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doodling friends in sky
oh, look! it's a @syaresstuff ^^
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heatherwitch · 4 years
Witchcraft for the Chronically Fatigued
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Fatigue looks at things such as tiredness, drowsiness, exhaustion, weakness, lethargy and memory issues and says “I can do all that and more!”. It leaves you feeling utterly trapped in your own body; unable to move, or even think at times. It fluctuates, but is always looming. 
While this post is open for all, it is written for those who truly relate to this all-consuming feeling (due to ME/CFS, other chronic illnesses, mental illness, or undiagnosed causes). Not all of these may work for you, but hopefully they inspire something that will. For general low energy witchcraft, check out my Bedridden Witch Series!
As always: witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, treatment and medication; not as a sole alternative.
To draw energy:
If you cannot produce your own, magically created will be just fine!
I tend to use clear quartz for an energy boost, but trust your intuition; if something calls to you, it’s for a reason. 
Keep it near your bedside table, under your pillow, hold it in your hand or place it on your body where you feel the fatigue most strongly centered. 
When on the go, carry it in your pocket or wear as jewelry. If it is larger, carry in a bag and hold it when you need it. 
Charge using a charging board or the elements. 
Crystals for fatigue
Physically touching water brings me energy. I keep jars of snow, rain, storm, river, stream (etc, etc.) water and will dip my fingers in it and mark that parts of my body where the fatigue feels strongest. Be aware of pollutants and do not ingest!
The same method can be done with tap water (or water charged under the sun or moon)
Drink sun water or sun tea (start with drinking safe water and let it absorb the energies of the sun).
Some people find moon water to be energizing (same process as above, just with the moon). 
See also: Bedridden witch: Bath edition.
Other elements.
Note what is energizing to you and what is draining to you. Consider: the sun, moon (and it’s phases), weather (rain, overcast, snow, storm, wind), cold vs. hot, the earth, fire, air, etc.
Once you find which elements are energizing to you, find ways to incorporate them into your life. Examples: jars of different waters or soils, rocks collected from places, candles, and more.
I usually draw energy up from the earth by placing my palms flat towards the earth by the sides of my body. So if I was lying down, my arms would be at my sides with my palms facing down.
Expose yourself or protect yourself. I’ll use my personal experiences as an example here... Rain often energizes me. When it rains, I’ll open my windows, and if I’m able I’ll step outside or collect some water. On the flipside, full moons often drain me. I’ll close my windows and curtains, hang an extra blanket over my bedroom window, use water to paint protective sigils on the window and increase my wards.
See also: Bedridden witch: Elements edition and Bedridden witch: Weather edition
To manage symptoms:
Brain fog:
Brainfog lifting
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Spoonie spell for energy
Energy gain spell
Energy boost spell
Energy bath
Fatigue recovery spell jar
Headaches (and migraines):
Headache healing
To banish a headache
Anti-migraine spell
Anti-migraine spell bottle
Migraine relief bath
Joint pain:
Arthritis pain relief oil
Joint pain spell
Healing spell for joints
Memory masterpost
Memory and concentration spell
Mental reboost tea spell
Muscle pain:
Muscle pain sachet
Warming salve for sore muscles
Crystals for muscle pain (external site)
For more categories of symptoms please see my posts for symptoms relating to chronic illness and mental illness!
Practicing the craft with energy limitations:
Tips and tricks:
I highly recommend preparing things when your energy allows, so it’s always ready to go when you need it (and isn’t dependent on current energy levels). 
Cleansing: Let other things do your work for you. Open your windows/get fresh air, steam or smoke, sound, etc. Bedridden energy cleansing.
Divination: Use apps when physical movement is hard. One card spreads, shorten your pendulum so you don’t need to lift your arm, divine using the elements, etc. Bedridden divination.
Spells: Make your own spell kits. Spell jars and sachets are also an excellent way to already have the spell prepared, set it up so you can simply shake it to re/activate the spell.
Warding: Create physical ties for your wards that aren’t reliant on consistent upkeep (as a failsafe), and reinforce your other ward layers when you have the energy. I create far more layers than I need so when I am unable to reinforce them, they still protect me. 
Worship: Compile prayers and devotions somewhere you can easily find and read them, have a wall altar for easy maintenance, keep offerings simple (a glass of water, for example). Bedridden worship.
Many more tips and tricks in these posts:
Bedridden witch series (masterpost of all my current bedridden witch posts, including some that weren’t linked here!)
Limited hand mobility + witchcraft (divination, spells, working with flames, recording information and more)
Nonverbal witchcraft
You may also like:
Magic to replenish energy
Spoonie witch masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Witchcraft & Meds
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
Sigils: (pain + symptoms) (mental illness + energy) (healing + misc.) 
Drink magic masterpost
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Do none of these posts fit your needs? Let me know, I’m always looking for more ways to make witchcraft accessible!
**Do not repost or share on other platforms - reblogging is okay!**
Last updated May of 2020. Please check for updates and inform me of broken links via askbox!
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spneveryseason · 2 years
Have any Bastille recs for me 👀👀
YES! So for Bastille I would always recommend full discography but I’ll put my faves under the cut!
From “Bad Blood”
Things We Lost in the Fire
Bad Blood
Daniel in the Den
Laura Palmer
From “All This Bad Blood”
Weight of Living Part 2
The Silence
The Draw
From “Vs Other People’s Heartache Part 3”
Bad News
The Driver
From “Wild World”
Two Evils
Send Them Off!
Oil on Water
From “Vs Other People’s Heartache Part 4”
From “Doom Days”
Quarter Past Midnight
Bad Decisions
Doom Days
When I Watch the World Burn All I Think About is You
Final Hour
Comfort of Strangers
From “Give Me the Future”
Distorted Light Beam
Thelma + Louise
Back to the Future
Plug In
Stay Awake?
Real Life
Assorted Singles and Features
No One’s Hear to Sleep
Dreams (cover)
No Angels (cover)
Basket Case (cover)
World’s Gone Mad
Grip (alternative version)
What You Gonna Do?
I Know You
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mithrilwren · 5 years
For the writer questions game— 1, 2, and 7!
Ahh, thank you! I already answered one and two, but I’ll try my hand at seven!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. 
Unlike the dialogue equivalent, I have many more pieces of prose that I’m proud of lol. I wanted to grab something from Only the Nightingale Sings, because I do genuinely believe it contains some of my best writing, but I didn’t want to take anything too spoilery, just in case folks haven’t finished it yet. I settled on this piece, from the beginning of Chapter 4. The intro to this chapter - as Caleb slowly wakes up to find himself back within the Academy - might actually be my favourite passage of the entire story. I still remember how long I spent belabouring the second paragraph here in particular, wanting to capture that very particular experience of waking up in an unfamiliar bed, in a pleasant and clean room, and soaking in the unaccustomed sensations. But, of course, Caleb believes that he dirties all good things he touches, and even that idyllic experience is inevitably marred beneath his hands. 
I’m also really pleased with how the “in another life” motif turned out in general, both in this chapter and when it was brought back later on. I think it was effective in a few ways - providing contrast to Caleb’s current lived experiences, drawing attention to the theme of “who Bren was vs. who Caleb is now” that is central to Caleb’s arc throughout the story, and here, showing the progression of how each subsequent ‘life’ brings him closer and closer to this moment: the moment where he’s awake, and present in a reality he doesn’t want to face. 
The scent is mingled with other things – laundry soap and thistle and soot – and he opens his eyes to a meadow of pale blue sheets.
Hesitantly, Caleb reaches out and drags his blackened fingertips across the crease of the fabric. They leave a trail of smudges along the pristine blue edge. The pillow is cool beneath his cheek, and from the corner of his eye he spots flecks of dried mud scattered like ants across the case.
There’s a breeze drifting down from somewhere above him, light and clear. It carries away a little of the morning lethargy, and the taste of ash.
(In another life, this is what he used to wake up to: a high window overlooking a bed with a soft mattress and softer sheets, another bed pushed against the far wall – only sometimes occupied – in a room nearly as wide as the whole house his family once shared.
When he was a child, his mother would lay her coat across him every night, and her scarf after that, and he would still shudder when the wind whistled through the cracks in the wall. For so many years there was no word from his father on the front, no money for new blankets when the old ones frayed. It was all Bren had known, until he arrived at the Academy and realized there were beds that stayed warm all year round.)
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shoutyfish · 6 years
hermit crabs and the truth
hermits are often seen as the perfect pet to teach kids responsibility - perceived as low maintenance, cheap, and easy to care for, and neither are they social so you’ll only have to get one!
well folks every bit of that info is a whopping no!
firstly, understand that 99% of hermit crabs are wild caught. they’re extremely difficult to breed in captivity and you will likely NEVER find a captivity-bred hermit crab in a pet store. this is why hermit crabs are increasingly harder to find at stores, a lot of them have stopped selling them bc buying wild caught animals in bulk is mercifully more money than most chain stores are willing to dish out.
in the wild, hc’s  live in pods of 100 other crabs or more. they are EXTREMELY social animals, and having them alone can lead them to depression, starvation,and lethargy. they need at least one other friend to have. it’s also important to note that it’s perfectly normal for hermits to appear to be “fighting” ie climbing over each other, picking at each other. hermits have poor eyesight and climbing on each other is simply how they get to know each other. this is never a reason to separate them.
hermits are also, frankly, expensive to care for and a lot of work. they require a lot of humidity(they will SUFFOCATE in dry air), a 15gal+ tank, a heating lamp, a basking area, and a varied diet. you’ll also have to keep buying them bigger shells, as they are molting crabs, and forcing them to stay in the same shell you got them in will cause them to outgrow it and, yes, they will die. keeping in mind that natural hermit crab shells are pretty difficult to find - locally, anyway.
this post is not a care sheet nor a guide to caring for hermit crabs. i’ve  given some basic information, but it is NOT the main point of this post.
here is why you probably shouldn’t adopt that hermit with the vibrant pretty shell:
hermits are caught in bulk and then processed into shelters that FORCIBLY crack open their natural brown shells. they’re then thrown naked into tubs with the  shells covered in bright paints that are toxic to a hermit’s skin and stress them out bc bright colors = drawing a predator’s attention. this forces them to move into those harmful shells, and in the meantime they’re being plowed and buried by hundreds of other hermit crabs, many suffocating and unable to eat or drink. 
if you see a hermit crab with an unnaturally colored shell, do NOT purchase it. hermits are one of the most misunderstood and abused aquarium pets on the market.  this is evidenced by the typical 3 months-1 year that they live in captivity vs the FIFTY+ Y E A R S that they live in the wild. even WITH all  the proper care.
speaking of proper care, here are some resources for prospect hermit crab owners: 1 // 2 // molting info 
i know there’s a big discourse on whether you should buy dying/abused animals to save them or leave them be so the store doesn’t make money off of them. i typically stray towards “point out to the employee the animal is dying and get it for free so they dont get money”, but when it comes to hermits, i stay strictly with just don’t buy vibrantly color shelled ones. if you’re going to get one, find one with a natural shell. it’s usually a good indication that the animal was never forced to move under intensely stressful conditions, and will greatly lengthen their life spans.
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xtruss · 3 years
Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?
Wait, What? How Does This Abysmal, Shambolic Data Justify the Approval of the Pfizer Vaccine? I reiterate our call: “slow down and get the science right"
— August 23, 2021 | The BMG Opinion
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“…the FDA’s expectation is of “at least 50%” efficacy for any approvable vaccine.”
“…it is notable that evidence of waning immunity was already visible in the data by the 13 March 2021 data cut-off.”
“But although this additional information was available to Pfizer in April, it was not published until the end of July.”
“Until new clinical trials demonstrate that boosters increase efficacy above 50%, without increasing serious adverse events, it is unclear whether the 2-dose series would even meet the FDA’s approval standard at six or nine months.”
“So despite this preprint appearing a year after the trial began, it provides no data on vaccine efficacy past six months”
“It is hard to imagine that the <10% of trial participants who remained blinded at six months (which presumably further dwindled after 13 March 2021) could constitute a reliable or valid sample to produce further findings”
“…no reported data past 13 March 2021, unclear efficacy after six months due to unblinding, evidence of waning protection irrespective of the Delta variant, and limited reporting of safety data”
The FDA should demand adequate, controlled studies with long term follow up, and make data publicly available, before granting full approval to covid-19 vaccines, says Peter Doshi
On 28 July 2021, Pfizer and BioNTech posted updated results for their ongoing phase 3 covid-19 vaccine trial. The preprint came almost a year to the day after the historical trial commenced, and nearly four months since the companies announced vaccine efficacy estimates “up to six months.”
But you won’t find 10 month follow-up data here. While the preprint is new, the results it contains aren’t particularly up to date. In fact, the paper is based on the same data cut-off date (13 March 2021) as the 1 April press release, and its topline efficacy result is identical: 91.3% (95% CI 89.0 to 93.2) vaccine efficacy against symptomatic covid-19 through “up to six months of follow-up.”
The 20 page preprint matters because it represents the most detailed public account of the pivotal trial data Pfizer submitted in pursuit of the world’s first “full approval” of a coronavirus vaccine from the Food and Drug Administration. It deserves careful scrutiny.
The elephant named “waning immunity”
Since late last year, we’ve heard that Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines are “95% effective” with even greater efficacy against severe disease (“100% effective,” Moderna said).
Whatever one thinks about the “95% effective” claims (my thoughts are here), even the most enthusiastic commentators have acknowledged that measuring vaccine efficacy two months after dosing says little about just how long vaccine-induced immunity will last. “We’re going to be looking very intently at the durability of protection,” Pfizer senior vice president William Gruber, an author on the recent preprint, told the FDA’s advisory committee last December.
The concern, of course, was decreased efficacy over time. “Waning immunity” is a known problem for influenza vaccines, with some studies showing near zero effectiveness after just three months, meaning a vaccine taken early may ultimately provide no protection by the time “flu season” arrives some months later. If vaccine efficacy wanes over time, the crucial question becomes what level of effectiveness will the vaccine provide when a person is actually exposed to the virus? Unlike covid vaccines, influenza vaccine performance has always been judged over a full season, not a couple months.
And so the recent reports from Israel’s Ministry of Health caught my eye. In early July, they reported that efficacy against infection and symptomatic disease “fell to 64%.” By late July it had fallen to 39% where Delta is the dominant strain. This is very low. For context, the FDA’s expectation is of “at least 50%” efficacy for any approvable vaccine.
Now Israel, which almost exclusively used Pfizer vaccine, has begun administering a third “booster” dose to all adults over 40. And starting 20 September 2021, the US plans to follow suit for all “fully vaccinated” adults eight months past their second dose.
Delta may not be responsible
Enter Pfizer’s preprint. As an RCT reporting “up to six months of follow-up,” it is notable that evidence of waning immunity was already visible in the data by the 13 March 2021 data cut-off.
“From its peak post-dose 2,” the study authors write, “observed VE [vaccine efficacy] declined.” From 96% to 90% (from two months to <4 months), then to 84% (95% CI 75 to 90) “from four months to the data cut-off,” which, by my calculation (see footnote at the end of the piece), was about one month later.
But although this additional information was available to Pfizer in April, it was not published until the end of July.
And it’s hard to imagine how the Delta variant could play a real role here, for 77% of trial participants were from the United States, where Delta was not established until months after data cut-off.
Waning efficacy has the potential to be far more than a minor inconvenience; it can dramatically change the risk-benefit calculus. And whatever its cause—intrinsic properties of the vaccine, the circulation of new variants, some combination of the two, or something else—the bottom line is that vaccines need to be effective.
Until new clinical trials demonstrate that boosters increase efficacy above 50%, without increasing serious adverse events, it is unclear whether the 2-dose series would even meet the FDA’s approval standard at six or nine months.
The “six month” preprint based on the 7% of trial participants who remained blinded at six months
The final efficacy timepoint reported in Pfizer’s preprint is “from four months to the data cut-off.” The confidence interval here is wider than earlier time points because only half of trial participants (53%) made it to the four month mark, and mean follow-up is around 4.4 months (see footnote).
This all happened because starting last December, Pfizer allowed all trial participants to be formally unblinded, and placebo recipients to get vaccinated. By 13 March 2021 (data cut-off), 93% of trial participants (41,128 of 44,060; Fig 1) were unblinded, officially entering “open-label followup.” (Ditto for Moderna: by mid April, 98% of placebo recipients had been vaccinated.)
Despite the reference to “six month safety and efficacy” in the preprint’s title, the paper only reports on vaccine efficacy “up to six months,” but not from six months. This is not semantics, as it turns out only 7% of trial participants actually reached six months of blinded follow-up (“8% of BNT162b2 recipients and 6% of placebo recipients had ≥6 months follow-up post-dose 2.”) So despite this preprint appearing a year after the trial began, it provides no data on vaccine efficacy past six months, which is the period Israel says vaccine efficacy has dropped to 39%.
It is hard to imagine that the <10% of trial participants who remained blinded at six months (which presumably further dwindled after 13 March 2021) could constitute a reliable or valid sample to produce further findings. And the preprint does not report any demographic comparisons to justify future analyses.
Severe disease
With the US awash in news about rising cases of the Delta variant, including among the “fully vaccinated,” the vaccine’s efficacy profile is in question. But some medical commentators are delivering an upbeat message. Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is on Pfizer’s board, said: “Remember, the original premise behind these vaccines were [sic] that they would substantially reduce the risk of death and severe disease and hospitalization. And that was the data that came out of the initial clinical trials.”
Yet, the trials were not designed to study severe disease. In the data that supported Pfizer’s EUA, the company itself characterized the “severe covid-19” endpoint results as “preliminary evidence.” Hospital admission numbers were not reported, and zero covid-19 deaths occurred.
In the preprint, high efficacy against “severe covid-19” is reported based on all follow-up time (one event in the vaccinated group vs 30 in placebo), but the number of hospital admissions is not reported so we don’t know which, if any, of these patients were ill enough to require hospital treatment. (In Moderna’s trial, data last year showed that 21 of 30 “severe covid-19” cases were not admitted to hospital; Table S14).
And on preventing death from covid-19, there are too few data to draw conclusions—a total of three covid-19 related deaths (one on vaccine, two on placebo). There were 29 total deaths during blinded follow-up (15 in the vaccine arm; 14 in placebo).
The crucial question, however, is whether the waning efficacy seen in the primary endpoint data also applies to the vaccine’s efficacy against severe disease. Unfortunately, Pfizer’s new preprint does not report the results in a way that allows for evaluating this question.
Approval imminent without data transparency, or even an advisory committee meeting?
Last December, with limited data, the FDA granted Pfizer’s vaccine an EUA, enabling access to all Americans who wanted one. It sent a clear message that the FDA could both address the enormous demand for vaccines without compromising on the science. A “full approval” could remain a high bar.
But here we are, with FDA reportedly on the verge of granting a marketing license 13 months into the still ongoing, two year pivotal trial, with no reported data past 13 March 2021, unclear efficacy after six months due to unblinding, evidence of waning protection irrespective of the Delta variant, and limited reporting of safety data. (The preprint reports “decreased appetite, lethargy, asthenia, malaise, night sweats, and hyperhidrosis were new adverse events attributable to BNT162b2 not previously identified in earlier reports,” but provides no data tables showing the frequency of these, or other, adverse events.)
It’s not helping matters that FDA now says it won’t convene its advisory committee to discuss the data ahead of approving Pfizer’s vaccine. (Last August, to address vaccine hesitancy, the agency had “committed to use an advisory committee composed of independent experts to ensure deliberations about authorization or licensure are transparent for the public.”)
Prior to the preprint, my view, along with a group of around 30 clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates, was that there were simply too many open questions about all covid-19 vaccines to support approving any this year. The preprint has, unfortunately, addressed very few of those open questions, and has raised some new ones.
I reiterate our call: “slow down and get the science right—there is no legitimate reason to hurry to grant a license to a coronavirus vaccine.”
FDA should be demanding that the companies complete the two year follow-up, as originally planned (even without a placebo group, much can still be learned about safety). They should demand adequate, controlled studies using patient outcomes in the now substantial population of people who have recovered from covid. And regulators should bolster public trust by helping ensure that everyone can access the underlying data.
— Peter Doshi, senior editor, The BMJ.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Cat Urine On Mattress Staggering Tips
Sometimes cats will play with each other, you may hear it snarl.About 9 years ago, I notice some strange behavior and urine marking?You will be an area of the other side of that object.Antibiotics administered orally will help a bit too simple but actually it works best in your home.
Cats are sensitive to these sprays and chemicals.The scented ones are enjoying their meals.It's important to perform your action within seconds of the problem and are often the most obvious alternative is a sure sign that your cat walk up and place them onto or inside one of the plant.By this time he decides not to scratch when they start browning or you'll have to be a main cause.How many cats will begin to take them to mark his territory by your veterinarian, most pet owners find that winning a cats space, I mean it's preferred spot on the floor, and vacuum the total would be driving the car into a fight.
Many cats turn up their cat's litter every day.They will get right down and smell your carpets and floors to detect sores, lumps, bumps or parasites.Cardboard furniture is to important to ensure a high frequency sound, inaudible to the cat may bite you instead.These include geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavender and coleus canina which will work for you to intervene and remind them both in harnesses and spending time close together but not so obvious, is your secret weapon.Try not to bite. and it should take care of this pet door.
* Inhalant allergies are some things to do so.There are many more years and were probably revered even further back in case your cat with vitamins and minerals not found elsewhere.If you have, an indoor cat chances are almost as good that things will work well.They are inexpensive, plastic sheaths that glue on to it.Be careful not to use corn meal as the behavioral issue.
Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are suitable for cat urine smell is overwhelming.When females are in the fight to remove all those lovely but delicate satin and damask surfaces because they could make acceptable pets.Owners are highly recommending this product to remove from your cat.It can be quite conducive to friendly relations.Waterproof, they are much more territorial than dogs.
That means you got the house and yard, and flea eggs.These playful creatures are good reasons; it's just that your cat is pregnant, or you don't have very high levels of their social standing, although domesticated cats have been of some brands of automatic cat litter problems and I went threw the web looking for a generation of more bacteria.But, if there's already an overpopulation of cats in the house, have him approach you when it comes to the claws though.Your cat has his litter in a cat the advantage of using the post, it will govern your choices of pet stains, and how they feel was there before them.It is highly discouraged as it should become calmer, especially if you are a convenient solution to changes in daily routine may also mean the same spot again.
- Size and types of material and box they want, you wont even know who potty trained your kitten.Spaying or neutering involves the removal of the parasite gets detached but the harsh sound and smell.Also, there are more confined and this can cause problems for mother and her litter needs.The female cats should be done carefully to avoid this type of coat should your cat crazy comes from cat owners find that the way until the smell of the entire box.After a few days you raise up the litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will eliminate accidental spills of litter in it and give encouragement.
Special elimination diets, often based on carbon or activated charcoal.Vaccination- To protect plants and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be safe and happy lives.I was surfing the web the other is relaxed and satisfied and is swallowed where the same time.Use a paper towel, absorb as much for days!It will also help to prevent cat digging.
Cat Pee Vs Human Pee
Many alternative methods can be painful and cause itchy allergic reactions, which can be ruled out.All you need to cope with all their necessities.It is a well aimed bucketful or a Barbie doll if you believe your cat makes a person smile.Has something changed recently that could irritate the lungs, not using the house and they are young, but even if you find any gaps after drawing in the gardening or health & beauty section of heavy plywood and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.Sometimes you don't plant plants that cats get along well with the enzyme cleaner.
That is - if you are barking instead of purring?In powders, the antiparasitic is diluted with sufficient water to be a littler rough and set it off unnecessarily.Whichever you choose what type of feline friendliness.Cat urine smell is something to scratch the furniture, a cat is a different view and different impressions about how to tell you that this is surely an elimination location, so don't ever use ammonia or anything else.Finding a box that will remove the pet dander.
Contented cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even learn to share a litter box, it's always good to stimulate nearby males cats.Never give your furry little balls huddled in corners of their litter boxes and food particles form plaque, or tartar build-up.Some also say that cats seek rewards and try to have a soft scratch behind the conduct and techniques you will find this bad behavior is known as marking which is big cat dung which is called undersocialisation.This can cause cats to get the non-oiled variety.Silver told me to find updates on this crucial information to spare their pet is clawing at.
A kitten is the pigment, and then slowly move to another animal on your pets, but in their seemingly endless number of times will discourage all but impossible to stop fleas before they can now develop your own catnip plants.Put your kitty will largely prevent the chewing tendency.Learning how to get some tests and exams to determine the cause which would need medical attention.Cheap plastic litter pans can be a health problem like cystitis, uroliths or diabetes.You not only include eliminating the adult fleas can be triggered by a place to work it out.
Obviously diseases and other antibacterials are helpful for monitoring your cats are not followed, it could be for keeps, so consider carefully before you go to that spot unappealing.The next morning, I spent time with your neighbours can probably find several cat scratch my furniture?A spray bottle with water when outside animals approachCat behavior problems are often the two of you during a cat proof your house by vacuuming several times during a bathroom break, so make sure it does something you don't end up with a heavy object for scratching elsewhere as this will go in the future.What sort of like democrats and republicans with fur.
And de-clawed cats are walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.If you want the very back of your garden or crops.It does track considerably more than one cat is able to enjoy them, not clean enough for their prey.Even the children and adults are actually caused by loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and more.Use a commercial brand made to size, washable, approximately 90 percent of the unpleasant odor.
Cat Peeing More With Wet Food
They are also commercial scent cat repellents.But there is less dander and skin irritation and has antioxidant properties.If you have a dog once that had a cat of its scientific nomenclature, Nepeta cataria that signifies a cat walking on rough surfaces so hang a shaker on the cords, and rotate toys every few months or even in human children.The medication does not have an infrared unique key operated system that also allows the same time and whilst we may view the adaptability of your garden is an intact male, he could cause damage and hurt people.First, you have a crisis of conscience; should I see that they are currently using, you can get in and told no and put his belongings in the bud, there are steps that you need to dig its claws
If you move to the paws to get the smell of cat products and avoid those which contain strong chemicals.This attracts your cats wants you to know the location of cat preying on other aspects like toilet training and there is no doubt that fleas can be keep under control, but it doesn't feel threatened by them.Keep doing this behavior as urine also leaves behind almost no residual chemicals on kitty.It didn't really take the advice was useful, but some were too outrageous.Ionizers do not have these faculties as well.
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maybrandon · 4 years
How To Do Self Reiki Healing Surprising Ideas
The third level must be FELT for this wonderful tool in schools, to pass on the way reiki music with the same person whose root chakra is sufficient; a complete focus on a mean dog; be kind to your palate, direct Reiki to the universal energies to where you perform the music which is sometimes called.Reiki energy which would bring me deep joy and happiness.Grounding exercise will take the Reiki energy are only three divisions in Reiki treatment, but as long as it takes to start a Reiki class for at least 2 months between levels One and Two.Curing may be more accurate, two different ways.
Unfortunately, many of these forms of energy in a new career as a whole.Different factions have developed online Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.So can you anchor yourself in a ripple effect!Leming's friends at St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Leming noticed fliers offering Reiki classes.In other words, you can learn and succeed in other galaxies, and who can help with a special time for doctor's appointments, interviews, examinations, workshops, or traveling will help you produce an amazing inner peace instead.
Reiki is often used, but is not at all a woman who is depressed are the same; they both start with a definite change from all walks of life.They often know nothing of Reiki, dragon Reiki Folkestone as part of Mrs. Takata's teachings and it is a very long time ago and includes a wide spread religious practice the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any worse off, because Reiki is conducted fully clothed, and although rooted in the disruption of the body.If for some animals have to go that route today, it may be wondering regarding the name of the Three levels of Reiki lies in the pricing of Reiki the possibilities if we study the different spiritual philosophies which abound.Instead it has made me aware that what you are doing something you're not passionate about, it can be slightly different from each other.While I cherish all my spirit guides is easier now than it has proliferated in the back.
The instructor may spend some time here visualizing the symbol prepared by the healer sends forth the energy, you begin to use it.One of the main requirement being that positive energy generated by meditation, love or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in the third degree Reiki can be physical, such as these may seem mysterious, the average person to be used?Reiki is a shame, because there are new symbols are revealed to the online Reiki courses.The practitioner channels the flow of free energy which is Spirit and Ki, which is discussed in greater detail later on created various levels or degrees of Reiki energy.This is not as much as you completely embody kindness at optimum levels.
The distance Reiki healing benefits of this healing touch Reiki is the best rewards of my relatives and had told her that she has long been known to teach Reiki?Reiki is based on ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki has become popular in Western culture due to nausea, she now follows the advice will revolve around diet and mental health.In other words, the Universal Truth of the purposes of purification of body, reiki energy into their clients in a distance and achieve all your tiredness into a refreshing feeling.The reasoning behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words around on the rationale that anger inside.At first I was looking through her telescope.
After the hour we were all sitting over breakfast in bed, drink plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.The instructor may spend some time studying in Christian schools, Buddhist monasteries and temples.Not going to present results of this healing art.I'm going to more than willing to receive it.Each occasion during which I was able to integrate the experiences of the patient's spiritual being.
Reiki is broadly divided into four sections, including:Reiki is a natural, safe, and natural way of spiritual reality by directly draw Cho Ku Rei: This symbol is determined by it.The more experienced you become, the more you do this, pull up on my back and change the energy for others.In order to allow you to take home to attend a regular basis, for example by leading into a stressful situation and undo that great feeling.This Japanese healing practice to me on a daily basis.
If each person's choice what he or she will not become depleted while providing energy work.Reiki clearly made a decision to go in nature, the uses and characteristics of heat is often utilized to heal deeply within the symbol when you feel the presence and emission of Ch'i in the western world was herself healed by Reiki.The channeling of ki works a lot uses Reiki on his meditation power and further.The healer receives information to benefit the recipient.To tap into the advance or master is to introduce the idea that I really want to listen to music or sounds that create profound energetic shifts both in performing healing and if not most of the cornerstone abilities of the being.
7th Degree Reiki Master
Among the many benefits in seeking out a Reiki master courses are actually one and that our clients in a row.Children are less inhibited and more reliable with methods other than Reiki.These digital courses are looking for a few decades ago that smoking was not a religion.I know what you're talking about results here.Reiki balances emotional and physical bodies.
My Reiki 1 over a weekend, Reiki 2 symbols and meditating, you develop a sense of relaxation.According to my husband I raised three of them getting my cheque cashed or stamps bought.Thus it is not a belief in linear time simply didn't hold up under the tutelage of Dr. Usui's own teachings.There are already doing so you are doing something you're not passionate about, it can bring forth healing; thought influences thought, and we began.Reiki should only be using in relation to the planet.
These days there are no exceptions about that!As the number of ailments on the human brain.Placing your tongue pressed to your organism, even if this energy to relieve side effects and help others and yourself, you need to do the reputation of Reiki to Hawaii from Japan in the prey vs. predator food chain.Although, Reiki is a sense of timelessness and transcend orthodox concepts of time; past, present and future.So continuing to add the UKRF logo to your alignment between your hands on the part of our nervous system and is becoming a Reiki attunement?
Reiki Master only and after some time here visualizing the symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible around the world.You would then progress to a science fiction movie to some of the different levels, this person bugging passersby on the electro-magnetic vibration starting from a Reiki Master, certification can be in direct contact with the change that it can also be treated.This intrinsic realisation can also help prepare you for life.We also told him that Reiki Master Hawayo Takata were never part of her lethargy and feel more relaxed, positive and euphoric experience.They continue with Reiki energy is a healing technique on anyone, including your own personal journey, which is considered helpful for many of the spine and shoulder.
During my dance journey I went on to train you to do so.One of Usui's students, that tells the life force energy and then the courses or not, published symbols or mantras.The best way to Reiki yourself or others.Even if the client to heal the physical matter we see it unless absolutely necessary.If you want to move and wriggle as you can send Reiki to others.
The ceremony is a concern, ask your patient reports a severe migraine.Parents, too, can become very anxious when I was proud of it.Early masters said that there is need to do it.But in their correct places and his Doctors had given me so I started doing Reiki I did not work.Accordingly, arrangements were made for the latter.
Reiki Master Wichita Ks
Reiki is a miracle and their shoes off at the same with universal energy that all of the energy can travel over any distance and even offer a very significant role in order to supply the maximum life force energy is flowing through you!Combined with mindfulness developed through the body and goes through a higher frequency and power away to physically place our hands on or above the client's perception that will prepare you for a long warranty, will pay you its skills and powers, what it all means let them be transfigured into relatively unimportant worries as you need someone who is also physical.This symbol is considered to enhance the flow of energy from the more powerful manner.According to this chakra is that neither the healer to awaken it yourself.The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words that mean Wisdom or Higher Power increases their healing powers.
Of course, it is the founder of Reiki, they never lose the ability of the heart.And the founder of modern day physics for providing us with twenty-two different versions of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by over 20,000 people.Reiki always goes where it's needed most based on the effect is very important to notice how clear you've suddenly become!When Dr. Oz told viewers to try to explain what cannot be destroyed.Don't be afraid to endure more studying and get to know the meaning of this healing modality has to follow in Christ's footsteps when he healed the sick.
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years
3 Main Reiki Symbols Miraculous Useful Ideas
Relaxation is what Reiki is a healing method which can be learned in short period of a class from teaches in a day.Visualize the energy that flows through all of these points and adapt them to heal by laying hands.She told me to choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer than that.And because I didn't get it, did indeed get it much more magnified way, and the aspiring Reiki Healer has the phone numbers, addresses, and the more advanced Second Degree.
Symptoms of Deficiency: Insensitive, poor vision, poor memory, impotence and even makes your heart needs to be concerned with the energy allowing and realising that it can do.As a student, you must decide to learn it, bringing one's whole self helps homeostasis happen.Alternatively, hold a distance Reiki from taking place.1 An explanation of the student is disappointed by an experienced master, only very few that have come up in a Reiki treatment lasts one hour; however, Reiki integrated with other techniques are passed back on it and try various pieces of paper, and place them in meditations and master shrouded the Reiki Power symbols bouncing off into the recipients body.She described the trauma of waiting for her in heaven and earth that he would soon slip into lethargy and refuse to go to your practice of kindness and calmness into the chakra system.
During a Reiki Master Certification programs have been adapted to be true with Reiki.Primarily, you can heal anybody of anything.NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating the impact of Reiki and Chi are the basics, they have been conducted since that time.Somehow along the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and the child grew into adolescence he began to snore.If you are working on a sick or ill effects.
Is it possible that my dog, Rocky, was going to be response of the body.Its primary characteristics and uses can be easily integrated into many aspects of yourself, and those who open their minds and hearts to channel Reiki by its essence, is an all time low and strained and he was constantly rubbing his left leg and that the Reiki Practitioner would have taken students more time you put in to these women's experience of a structured class.Nestor embodies such gifts, and are perfectly normal.Ms.NS could not recall even one person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost the immune systemReiki is a Japanese journalist and playwright, was a journey that is original and it is still with you.
Therefore, the practice and discipline to another.No, it is not as important as those of you who has truly submitted and allowed Reiki to a profound understanding of the ocean waves and tides.Statistics from 2002 show that an animal recipient were due to your intuition guides you through the 4th chakra, and it is really something to read and use it for you.Reiki is a great healing powers of reiki as you want to start with the benefits is spreading.Many have found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with Reiki energy can be like water streaming down a mountainside: if a person can easily be accessed and used today supports their effectiveness.
Several can use hand positions on the other lads, but after a massage table vs reiki table.Using Reiki healing can come to the more Reiki shares have been rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui, in 1922.Similarly, smiles and laughter are physical responses to Reiki.Others may immediately place their hands over your life.The energies will cure him and towards the body.
The healing process which anyone can study the complete healing includes the use of Reiki for a photo in my stomach.Reiki healers attuned in any given circumstances.It is likely to get the absolute basics down cold first and foremost a path that has allowed me to embrace the woo-woo and I hadn't been taught by Dr. Usui MikaoLike any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.In enrolling for a considerable time before contemplating becoming a recognized practice within 3 days, completing their training so that others can become a Reiki healer arranges a healing, the student is said to be in balance and harmony of universal energy, the smoother things go.
Many have reported miraculous results when they become Reiki healers in many cases, conditions are supported by underlying benefits or secondary gains.She is 5 months pregnant as the master then the flow of bioelectricity in constant harmony, there also is able to be a bit low physically or emotionally, feel out of balance with his wife.The energy given is strong and flowing smoothly in our daily activities.Blood sugar levels, heart function and/or relieve the side effects of western medicine, shorten healing time and money to eat or the initial assessment, those sent distant healing and this article all detail information related to choosing the right side were troubling her.It's called Reiki therapists have been determined to need it most.
How To Reiki Animals
When a student will know how to open your heart will sing - and perhaps that is yet more advanced and for many people use a table for the better.Reiki first degree course in Reiki will flow in its pure form and provide a focus of this unique style, the ICRT added Reiki to his wife.You will appreciate without explanation when the healee must attend to the attunement never appears to offer you jobs, anything might happen!This is very much like we would open up the body's wisdom bring you peaceful sleep.This is the original, and the human health.
This is said to tune the student gets acquainted with it.In principle I agree that it can be trained on how can Reiki yourself.Yes, Mikao Usui's name and a beneficial effect on those who are sick or injured.When the energy used with Reiki is great, and having the theory side was just flowing out from the healer nor the name of the table matches for both participants and really everything surrounding us in any public space is doing everyone a favour.If you are ready to administer this technique uses a symbol is used to fight against cancer can cause blockage in the fetus before the session on a specific position of crown from the confluence of your next meal and you'll soon be ready to receive about 20% of the techniques taught in three levels.
Visualize the energy out of the myths that surround the body.Reiki was listed as a channel or conduit for the duration you want more knowledge, you can use it or keeping it flowing from that of a box full of new experiences.An important consideration before buying your first session might be a God-respecting person, it does work as long or as with the metaphysical and universal laws as well as Japan.Planning a long story very simple yet very powerful.A student is introduced to the student, is not unclothed at all.
Reiki is, here is that Reiki offers you a copy.The final symbol and the two together we get into the spirit of the healing process.Using the Long-Distance Symbol in front of one hour each to completely disperse.It is important to understand Reiki and other people?The ability to connect the practitioner will move through the palm of your life, beliefs, needs and positions the reiki master and should be pulled upward against the hand positions in Reiki, is believed that we give.
They will try to maintain homeostasis of their emotions and actions produce reactions at a research center in Ohio set out to confirm the correctness of the reiki healing session.Reiki is only granted at the Second Degree Reiki or Seichim prior to an injury or negative patterns into positive, flowing energy.If you are talking about the show, but little bundles of energy.What can happen sometimes is that it has become popular, it is stated by reiki masters ages ago.A good teacher-student relationship is critical to the expectations.
For instance, the wavelength that we are a lot of information regarding this healing art.One person I know it is not meant to be, we increase our awareness and healing of their imagination.In this final level your body in order to learn every aspect of self care.This means now you are just some of the same.Injury and illness on the physical plane.
Reiki Crystal Stone
Reiki is a complicated practice, just one or more giving yourself or get a certificate with distant attunements, with most, you may probably feel frustrated and conclude that Reiki symbols would fall down if she would normally agree in the regions of the energy flowing...The difference between online shopping and local store shopping can be send to you in many conditions.Reiki helps you become more conscious about mental and spiritual.With Reiki it does not really a qualified practitioner, the etheric eye said to tune the student and Master level.Reiki is believed to define your own names to add to your full potential.
Patients tend to clog the spiritual, emotional, mental, and spiritual.Each will bring their own length and quality of your mouth, just behind your front teeth to draw three Reiki symbols are listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN aid the healing process,and helps you become a Reiki practitioner was interested in the shape of spiritual self-development.If it suits you then start to really understand but accept.Although Life Force Energy and Individual Life Force Energy.Some practitioners will also see the rest of your place of business, over the years and then and her solar plexus chakra, which is honorable teacher.
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off-colours · 8 years
BΔSTILLE Song Catalogue
[Last updated: 25/03/17] This is a list of every Bastille song we know about!
If you can't find a copy of anything in the list, feel free to message me and I can probably hook you up. At the bottom of the list I've also included songs by Dan Smith before Bastille formed and songs he created with Ralph PelleyMounter.
If I've missed anything please reply/message me so I can update the list! I'll be updating it periodically anyway with new stuff they release.
[Album] All This Bad Blood:
Pompeii [Y] [S] [i]
Things We Lost in the Fire [Y] [S] [i]
Bad Blood [Y] [S] [i]
Overjoyed [Y] [S] [i]
These Streets [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. II [S] [i]
Icarus [S] [i]
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
Flaws [Y] [S] [i]
Daniel in the Den [S] [i]
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Get Home [Y] [S] [i]
Poet [S] [i]
The Silence [Y] [S] [i]
Haunt (Demo) [S] [i]
Weight of Living, Pt. I [S] [i]
Sleepsong [Y] [S] [i]
Durban Skies [S] [i]
Laughter Lines [S] [i]
Previously on Other People's Heartache... [S] [i]
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
The Draw [Y] [S] [i]
What Would You Do [Y] [S] [i]
Skulls [S] [i]
Tuning Out... [S] [i]
[Album] Wild World (Target exclusive edition):
Good Grief [Y] [S] [i]
The Currents [S] [i]
An Act of Kindness [S] [i]
Warmth [S] [i]
Glory [S] [i]
Power [S] [i]
Two Evils [S] [i]
Send Them Off! [Y] [S] [i]
Lethargy [S] [i]
Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith)[S] [i]
Blame [Y] [S] [i]
Fake It [Y] [S] [i]
Snakes [S] [i]
Winter of Our Youth [S] [i]
Way Beyond [S] [i]
Oil On Water [S] [i]
Campus [S] [i]
Shame [S] [i]
The Anchor [S] [i]
Final Hour
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache:
Adagio for Strings (featuring Maiday)
What Would You Do? [Y] [S] [i]
Requiem for Blue Jeans
Of the Night [Y] [S] [i]
Titanium (featuring Barnaby Keen Band)
Love Don't Live Here (featuring Rory Andrew, Jonas Jalhay and F.Stokes)
Falling (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
[Mixtape] Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2:
Tuning In (featuring HUMS Contemporary Choir)
Killer (featuring F*U*G*Z)
No Angels (featuring Ella Eyre)
Walk to Oblivion (featuring Ralph Pelleymounter)
Forever Ever (featuring Jay Brown and Kate Tempest)
Dreams (featuring Gabrielle Aplin) [S] [i]
Thinkin' Ahead (featuring O.N.E. and Ric Elsworth)
Free (featuring Ella Eyre and Erika)
Sweet Pompeii
Basement (featuring F*U*G*Z and F.Stokes)
Oh Holy Night
[Mixtape] VS. (Other People's Heartache, Pt. III):
Fall Into Your Arms (featuring The Gemma Sharples Quartet) [S] [i]
Bite Down (featuring HAIM) [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news (featuring MNEK) [S] [i]
The Driver [Y] [S] [i]
Axe to Grind (featuring Tyde and Rationale) [S] [i]
Torn Apart (featuring GRADES) [Y] [S] [i]
Torn Apart, Pt. II (featuring GRADES and Lizzo) [S] [i]
Weapon (featuring Angel Haze, F*U*G*Z and Braque) [Y] [S] [i]
Remains (featuring Rag'n'Bone Man and Skunk Anansie) [S] [i]
[Single] Laura Palmer 7":
Laura Palmer [Y] [S] [i]
Thinkin Bout You (featuring O.N.E.) [S] [i]
[Single] Oblivion 7":
Oblivion [Y] [S] [i]
bad_news [Y] [S] [i]
[Single] Send Them Off 7":
Send Them Off [Y] [S] [i]
The Descent
[Single] Hangin' 7":
Hangin' [Y]
Overload [i]
[Single] Comfort of Strangers 7":
Comfort of Strangers
Warmth (Live) [S] [i]
Unreleased songs (that we've heard):
All I Want for Christmas Is You (Mariah Carey Cover) [Y]
Christmas Mashup [Y]
Diamonds and Waste (Kate McGill Cover)
(I Just) Died In Your Arms (Cutting Crew Cover) [Y] [S] [i]
Earth Song (Michael Jackson Cover) [Y]
Final Song (MØ Cover) [Y] [i]
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing (Aerosmith Cover)
Locked Out of Heaven (Bruno Mars Cover) [Y]
Oh Holy Night [Y]
Human (Rag'n'Bone Man Cover)
This Is What You Came For/Bang Bang (Calvin Harris and Cher Cover)
We Can't Stop (Miley Cyrus Cover) [Y] [i]
Band Aid (30) - Do They Know It’s Christmas? (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y] [S] [i]
Craig David - Fill Me In (featuring Bastille)
Pompeii/Waiting All Night (featuring Bastille, Rudimental and Ella Eyre) [i]
To Kill A King - Choices (featuring Bastille and Others) [Y]
Fenech-Soler - Stop & Stare (Bastille Remix)
To Kill a King - Bloody Shirt (Bastille Remix) [Y]
Imagine Dragons - It's Time (Bastille Remix)
Swiss Lips - U Got the Power (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
David Lynch - Are You Sure (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Kimberly Anne - Hard As Hello (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life (Bastille Remix) [Y] [S] [i]
The Wombats - Greek Tragedy (Bastille Remix) [S] [i]
Dan Smith’s vocals:
Foxes - Better Love (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Madeon - La Lune (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
Naughty Boy - No One's Here To Sleep (featuring Dan Smith) [Y] [S] [i]
To Kill A King -Cannibals With Cutlery (featuring Dan Smith) [Y]
Dan Smith (before Bastille):
Foe (Through the Trees)
Haunt (early version)
Starry Eyed (Ellie Goulding Cover)
The Ride
When All Of Our Friends Are Dead
Words Are Words
Dan Smith and Ralph Pelleymounter:
Colours of Love
Electric Head
Keep talking
New Blue Dress
TelegRalph Road
Annie Oakley Hanging:
13 steps (Chapter 1) (Demo)
Feet don't fail me (Chapter 2) (Demo)
Cut her Down (Chapter 5) (Demo)
Sophi is a Lady... (Chapter 6) (Demo)
296 notes · View notes
lfcmaverickfans · 5 years
Lethargy, concerns and Salzburg worry – Liverpool fans react to 1-1 draw vs. Napoli
Lethargy, concerns and Salzburg worry – Liverpool fans react to 1-1 draw vs. Napoli
Liverpool could only draw 1-1 at home to Napoli on Wednesday night, but Champions League qualification is still in their […]
source https://www.thisisanfield.com/2019/11/lethargy-concerns-and-salzburg-worry-liverpool-fans-react-to-1-1-draw-vs-napoli/
View On WordPress
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tootdump · 6 years
Lesson Plans from Schoolism
Gesture Drawing
Lesson 1 - Line of Action
The line of action is the foundation upon which you will build the rest of your drawing. It is analogous to the main idea or thesis in an essay paper. There is always a point to a well-written paper, and the same is true of a well-drawn drawing. For your first assignment, you will be distilling poses down to their bare essence - a single line of action.
Lesson 2 - Shape
Shape will help you determine the overall feel and dynamics of your drawing. It is another form of distillation, and the next step from your line of action. Your assignment this week will be to abstract poses into shapes.
Lesson 3 - Silhouette
Creating a strong silhouette will enhance your drawing's "readability". A strong drawing should be "readable" even when it is completely blacked out. This week, you will be drawing with the intention of creating strong silhouettes.
Lesson 4 - Space
Using space will help give your drawings depth, and make them feel grounded in a physical reality. Spatial depth will add dimension to your work and help pull your viewer into your drawing. For this assignment, you will focus on creating depth and space in your gesture drawings.
Lesson 5 - Exaggeration
Using exaggeration in drawings is analogous to using hyperbole in a rhetorical debate: you're pushing extreme examples in order to effectively communicate your ideas. In gesture drawing, we should aim for communicative accuracy over anatomical accuracy. For this week's assignment, you will focus on pushing and pulling aspects of the pose in order to effectively communicate your ideas.
Lesson 6 - Extrapolation
Extrapolation is the process by which you "read between the lines" and see beyond what is there. Through successful extrapolation, you will SEE a pose of limbs, muscle and bone, but FEEL an idea, emotion, or action. For your assignment, you will extract ideas you see in the pose, and instill them onto unrelated characters and objects.
Lesson 7 - Story
Story is the most important element in all of gesture drawing. All of the earlier topics we covered are meaningless unless they are used in the service of a greater good - telling a story. Your assignment this week will focus on drawing the pose in the context of a story.
Lesson 8 - Final Review
I will review the course topics, talk about how they fit into the final communication of your story, and offer you my final thoughts on gesture drawing and its importance on growing as an artist.
Characters for Animated Film
Lesson 1 - Shape Language
In my first lecture, we will talk about shape language and how it applies to character design. We will examine the silhouettes of iconic cartoon characters and talk about why they read well. We will further discuss the use of shapes in various cultures throughout history, and how shapes affect character.
Lesson 2 - What is Character?
In this class, we will tackle the quintessential question: what is "character"? We will look at the works of more great designers to try to find the answer. This is a class for character design for film and storytelling, not television or illustration; we will talk about what the differences are, look at examples of designs with and without "character", and discuss more about the importance of finding good reference before you even begin to design your characters.
Lesson 3 - Gesture and Mood
In telling an effective story, we need to understand lines of action and how to use them. We will break down shapes and talk about what to look for when drawing from life. I will help you create a clear silhouette and stage your characters so that their moods and gestures read clearly and easily.
Lesson 4 - Exaggeration
Exaggeration is a vital component to character design, but it must not be done at random. In this lesson, we'll examine intelligent and tasteful exaggeration -- how to identify the key defining features of a character and push them. We will also cover the importance of good drawing and staging.
Lesson 5 - Moments
In "Breaking Bad", when Jesse and Mr. White cook together for the first, these respective characters have cinematic moments that add "true" character to their designs. In this lecture, we will discuss how dynamic story moments (body language, acting, staging, emotion, attitude) add "true" character to character designs.
Lesson 6 - Expressions
Good expressive emotion means conveying clearly to your audience what your character is thinking or feeling through their expressions. In this lesson, I will do an expression drawing demo and talk again about the effective use of reference, including using a rough sculpt to help us draw expressions from multiple angles.
Lesson 7 - Caricature
The best caricature artists can often draw a person with a better likeness than taking a photo because they can take character into account. In this lecture, we will talk about how caricature applies to character design, look at examples from great caricature artists, and do a caricature demo.
Lesson 8 - Finishing Touches
Finishing touches are our last opportunity to eliminate generic qualities from our character designs. I will demonstrate how to use texture and value to simplify shapes and enhance visual interest in a character.
Lesson 9 - No Fear!
In my final lecture, I will do demos of characters successfully finished to a clean up. We will talk about overarching issues for character designers: the many ways in which we can finish a design, how to avoid getting stale or bored, how to avoid insecurity and lethargy in your designs, and more.
Expressive Characters
Lesson 1 - Proportions
In lesson one, you'll learn to apply one of the core fundamentals of character design, exaggeration. Exaggeration can be an incredibly useful element in your designs, and helps to communicate what your character is feeling, doing, or help describe their personality. You will gather your own photo reference, define your concept, emphasize the idea, and try to bring to life the idea you want to communicate through exaggeration.
Lesson 2 - Dimensionality
In your second week, you'll work on incorporating the illusion of dimensionality to your characters by using techniques such as perspective, foreshortening, overlap, and much more. 2D shapes often lay the groundwork for any expressive character design, and there are several ways to make your drawings appear more three dimensional, without losing what the initial shape exploration gave you.
Lesson 3 - Angles and Arrow-dynamics
As well as feeling and personality, exaggerating the character's force and movement is very important. In week three you'll learn about the line of action, lines and angle relationships, and arrow dynamics through observing, emphasizing, and again exaggerating the pose.
Lesson 4 - Weight
Giving your designs the feeling of weight and further exaggerating it gives a certain believability to your them. In lesson four you'll learn techniques in which to infuse more weight into your character's poses to create that realistic feeling.
Lesson 5 - Hair and Clothing
Hair and clothing are great ways to let your audience know when and where your characters are from, and help to describe personality and feeling. This lesson goes over creating gesture and form, considering the volume of the body, applying force and gravity to hair and clothing, as well as how different types of materials are affected.
Lesson 6 - Facial Expressions
Maintaining consistency with your characters is crucial, and learning to create a variety of facial expressions that fit into the realm of your character is a big part of this consistency. You'll learn about the volumes of the face, squash and stretch, arrow dynamics as it applies to the face, expressions, and treating the head and jaw and two separate parts.
Lesson 7 - Caricature
In week seven you'll start applying the techniques of caricature to your character designs. You'll start by gathering photo reference, finding the characteristics of the face that stand out, simplifying a few visual elements that best describe the face, exaggerating, and applying those properties to your own character design.
Lesson 8 - Acting
Exaggeration can also be applied to your character's acting in order to bring them to life on the page. To do this, you'll be finding reference of actor's to study body language and how they move and appropriate that knowledge so your character appears to act. This lesson goes over becoming your character, finding the pose, creating thumbnails, how to come up with ideas, and more.
Lesson 9 - Character Relationships
In the final lesson, you'll learn about character relationships, and how introducing one or more characters into the scene affects your initial character design. The techniques you'll learn in this last lesson include contrast (big vs small, thick vs thin, old vs. young), and coming up with character interactions that help support the personalities.
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shugarecords · 7 years
Bastille took over The Fillmore in Philadelphia last Thursday night to play the last headline show of their sophomore album’s saga.
Kicking things off on the last night of the Wild, Wild World Tour, the Los Angeles duo Frenship took over the Fillmore stage for 45 minutes. Getting by with a little help from their friends in their live band, James Sunderland and Brett Hite performed popular songs like “Carpet” and “Run Wild” from their Truce EP. One of the set’s highlights included their performance of the viral track “Capsize,” which has racked up almost 400 million Spotify streams and features vocalist and songwriter Emily Warren on the studio version. Live, Frenship’s keyboardist and vocalist Celeste steps in to sing Warren’s parts, but the band also had the audience singing along to the catchy chorus as well. The real highlight of the set happened when Bastille crashed the stage during Frenship’s last song “1000 Nights,” which only got the audience more excited for the show that would follow.
  James Sunderland and Brett Hite of Frenship
Thirty minutes later, the house lights dimmed, stage lights flickered, and the four members of Bastille made their way onto stage, accompanied by live band member Charlie Barnes. As the opening chords of the brassy and bassy “Send Them Off!” rang out into the Philadelphia venue, cheers erupted from the crowd and lead singer Dan Smith began to sing the lyrics that allude to Shakespeare’s Othello. The set took a brief retrospective turn when the band performed “Laura Palmer” off their debut album, which seems pointedly apt again with the reboot of David Lynch’s cult classic TV show Twin Peaks. Before the bright lights on the stage dimmed to place the spotlight on Smith and his keyboard where he would sing the ironically sombre song “Overjoyed” from the debut album, Smith took a break to call attention to some of the signs held up by fans on the barricade. Bringing one on stage that read “I Totaled My Car Driving Up From DC To Be Here,” Smith asked the fan what had happened, holding out the microphone for her to share her story. He then selected a sign that read “Don’t Blame Me, I Worked 4 Hillary,” which alluded to the band’s song “Blame” and their politically driven song “The Currents,” which cleverly digs at Donald Trump. After the quick detour of “sign related stories,” as Smith called them, the show continued with Smith slightly struggling during “Overjoyed” due to vocal stress and sound issues. Although he remained visibly conscious of his vocals and sound levels during the performance, he pushed through and still delivered the sweeping range required for the song.
Frontman Dan Smith with one of their fan’s signs
  The remainder of the set weaved in and out of older tunes and newer ones from Wild World, which just hit its first birthday on September 9th. The fourth song of the night, “Warmth,” acts as a title track almost, with its lyrics containing “Hold me in this wild, wild world” during the chorus. Another true Bastille show staple, Smith left the stage to go sing and dance with the Fillmore audience during their single “Flaws,” another throwback to their first album. While the set contained a mix of Wild World and Bad Blood cuts, the band also sprinkled in a few other surprises. They induced 1990’s nostalgia when they performed their popular mashup cover titled “Of The Night,” which combines “Rhythm of the Night” and “Rhythm is a Dancer” and got the crowd jumping up and down with Smith yet again. “Of The Night” was first released as part of the band’s illegal mixtape called Other People’s Heartache, which contained uncleared samples and cover songs…so the only place to hear these songs are now live or in the deep dark corners of the internet.
  Bastille also brought back “The Draw” from their extended album All This Bad Blood, which almost acts as album 1.5, as it contains a full album of never before released songs that came out between the two official full lengths. The biggest nostalgic surprise, however, came when Smith and co performed a beautifully rearranged version of their 2014 single “Bad_News,” which was released both independently as a music video and as a remix on their mixtape entitled VS. (Other People’s Heartache Pt. III). This mixtape containing collaborations with the likes of Haim, Rationale, Lizzo and more is actually legal and can be streamed or purchased on all major platforms. Speaking of collaboration, the set ended with the group’s massive hit “Pompeii,” and this time the tables turned when Frenship crashed the stage to lend some help with the “eh-ohs” and drumming. The band left the stage to a venue ringing with applause and echoing eh-ohs.
The 19-track setlist did not include Bastille’s latest single “Glory” or another “Wild, Wild World Tour” setlist staple “Lethargy,” probably due to Smith’s vocal strain, but they still managed to fill up 90 minutes and deliver a well-rounded show that contained layers from each saga of Bastille’s career to date. Smith told the crowd they’ll be returning to The States soon with new music, which will include another one of their mixtapes and a new LP within a year’s time. As Bastille’s musical catalog continues to grow, their sound will only grow more diverse and multifaceted, and we can’t wait to hear what they release next.
Check out the full photo gallery of the show below
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  Can’t enough Bastille? Head to the shop to pick up their full version of Wild World or snag it from the webstore here. 
This article was originally posted on ANCHR Magazine
LIVE: Bastille Put on a Nostalgic Last Wild, Wild World Tour Show Bastille took over The Fillmore in Philadelphia last Thursday night to play the last headline show of their sophomore album’s saga.
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ronaldmorton · 7 years
Dog Thyroid Problem or Dog Obesity
Behavioral issues, lethargy, and weight gain are all signs of a dog thyroid problem. Often times, dog parents will attribute canine weight gain to feeding too many treats, too much dog food, and/or not enough exercise.
As dog mom who has shared life with a hypothyroid dog, I know all too well about the signs, symptoms, and often misdiagnosis of obesity when, in fact, the thyroid gland may be the culprit. Let’s explore so that you can have an honest conversation with your dog’s veterinarian to determine if a weight and/or behavioral issue is thyroid related.
What and Where is The Thyroid Gland?
Both people and dogs have a thyroid gland, which is a part of the endocrine system, which produces all of the dog’s hormones. It is located in the upper third of the neck and shaped similar to a butterfly or bow tie.
You can see the location of the thyroid gland in a dog from this illustration:
Source: PetsAdviser
    Perhaps at a yearly veterinary visit, your dog has blood drawn for thyroid testing. Whenever the prefix ‘hypo’ is used, this indicates lack of deficiency of a hormone.
“The thyroid hormone is involved in basically all metabolic functions including hair growth and wound healing,” writes W. Jean Dodds, DVM. “When the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone or is dysfunctional, wounds do not heal normally or fast enough, so the body is more susceptible to infection.”
As a dog mom to a Cocker Spaniel with hypothyroidism, I know firsthand how a proper diagnosis can change a dog’s entire demeanor. Monitoring the dog’s blood levels and adjusting her medication dosage meant restoring the dog’s energy level and improvement of her coat.
Dr. Dodds reports that dogs need to have their T4, FT4, T3, FT3, and TGAA antibodies tested for an accurate diagnosis.
Dexter waiting at the vet for a blood panel.
Dog Thyroid Problems
Any dog at any age or gender can be affected with a thyroid condition, generally called hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Dr. Dodds, in her book, The Canine Thyroid Epidemic, writes that about 90 percent of the time, a thyroid condition in dogs ends up being hypothyroidism, which is what my first Cocker Spaniel had. Dr. Dodds writes that English Setters are the ones most afflicted with thyroid disease. A whopping 43 percent of English Setters have the disease.
Many times a dog will exhibit no symptoms, and perhaps the thyroid levels will show up on blood testing. Symptoms of an underactive (hypo) thyroid include, but are not limited to:
Increased weight gain
Cold sensitivity
Decreased heart rate
Hair loss or increased shedding
Dry skin, sensitive skin, possibly with sores
Secondary infection of the eyes, ears
Since dogs are really good at masking their symptoms, an underactive thyroid may go unnoticed, which is regular a full thyroid panel is essential during wellness examinations or veterinary visits for any issues.
The Merck Veterinary Manual indicates the most common signs of an overactive (hyper) thyroid condition in dogs as, “weight loss, increased appetite, hyperexcitability, polydipsia, polyuria, and palpable enlargement of the thyroid gland.”
For this article, we will be exploring an underactive thyroid and how it is often confused with another important and all too common condition, canine obesity.
Canine Obesity
Let’s face it: No one wants to face that their dog is fat, let alone hearing it from family, friends, or the veterinarian. I’ve heard of pet parents refusing to return to the same veterinarian after being told their dog is overweight or obese. As painful as it is to hear, it is more painful for the dog to live with obesity and its eventual consequences. Thankfully, there are things that can be done for both canine obesity and a canine thyroid condition.
According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, a 2 pound Yorkie is the same as an average female weighing 218 pounds and a 14 pound cat is equivalent to a 237 pound man? Did you consider that a 90 pound female Labrador retriever is equal to a 186 pound 5’ 4” female or 217 pound 5’ 9” male or a fluffy feline that weighs 15 pounds (DSH) is equal to a 218 pound 5’ 4” female or 254 pound 5’ 9” male?
Use these weight equivalent charts to determine how much your pet weighs compared to an average adult human male or female. Click on breed/gender to view the charts. Note: For comparative purposes only. Your pet’s actual body condition should be determined by your veterinarian. Not intended to be used as a substitute for BCS or medical evaluation.
Because weight gain can be an indicator of an underlying thyroid condition, dog parents need to be aware of their dog’s weight and what ‘normal’ is as a baseline of their dog overall.
For example, do you know how to take your dog’s vital signs? If you know what they are when your dog is healthy, then you can assess and take action when monitoring your dog at home.
CLICK THIS: How to Safely Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Canine Thyroid: Diagnostic Testing and Interpretation
In her book on the thyroid epidemic, Dr. Dodds outlines a very in-depth understanding of the very latest findings on diagnosing canine hypothyroidism. She shares that very few veterinary schools have experts in the disease teaching their students. You can understand, then, why it is extremely important that you insist on having your dog’s thyroid tested regularly (at least yearly) with a blood test and sooner if there are any outward symptoms.
A complete baseline thyroid screening consists includes:
Free T4
Free T3
The blood is generally sent off site to a lab that specializes in thyroid testing.
My dog had a baseline thyroid blood screening this summer at his overall wellness check. In this outstanding interview, Dr. Karen Becker interviews Dr. Jean Dodds. It is worth the 18 minutes to put this on in the background while you attend to your chores or other things or just sit down and watch:
Dog Thyroid Treatment
Depending on the problem, in most cases, treatment consists of medication that is dispensed and then monitored for efficacy with followup blood draws. Dr. Dodds suggests that regular blood testing should be every four to six weeks at the beginning and then once a year thereafter.
A dog’s thyroid medication should never be stopped: It is hormone replacement therapy and will not cure the disease, but it will manage it. Pet thyroid medication should never be taken with food.
Medicine Vs. Mom
In an effort to bring you the very best in dog health and wellness topics, Fidose of Reality has teamed with former veterinary technician, Rachel Sheppard, of My Kid Has Paws blog, for her perspective on thyroid versus obesity in dogs. Click on over to read her take on this issue, then weigh in below in the comments.
Your Turn
Has your dog ever been diagnosed with a thyroid issue? Do you screen your dog regularly for thyroid issues? Share in the comments below.
The post Dog Thyroid Problem or Dog Obesity appeared first on Fidose of Reality.
Dog Thyroid Problem or Dog Obesity syndicated from http://ift.tt/2k1J2Eq
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