#droma tag
karda · 6 months
boop doesnt even lok like a word anymore LOL
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cross-d-a · 3 months
Fandom: Star Wars, Prequel Trilogy, Jedi Apprentice Series, The Wrath of Darth Maul, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi
Chapter: 27/?
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Xanatos, Qui-Gon JInn & Feemor, Feemor & Bruck Chun, Xanatos & Qui-Gon Jinn
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor, Bruck Chun, Bant Eerin, Tahl, Quinlan Vos, Ahsoka Tano, Orykan Tamarik, Cay Qel-Droma
Additional Tags:  Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst, Fluff, Liberal Use of the Force, Found Family, Secret Identity, Yoda's Disaster Lineage, Redemption, Psychological Trauma, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Slavery, Minor Character Death, Graphic Death, Body Horror, Force Ghosts, Minor OCs, BAMF Obi-Wan Kenobi
“Young Bant Eerin is having…difficulties.”
Feemor frowns. “Master, we have no way of knowing what she is truly seeing. It could be past, present or future— and we do not even know if the future she sees will come to pass.”
Even so, Bant’s visions are troubling, full of shadow and violence. At the centre of it all is one person. Sometimes man. Sometimes boy. Sometimes something else entirely. But it is always Kenobi, there is no denying that. His essence is the same, no matter how it twists and warps and crumbles.
“If we could only find him—” Qui-Gon interrupts himself, gaze far-off. “In another life, maybe, he could have been my- my padawan, but now…”
Feemor worries for his former Master. And for this strange youngling he's never even met, and likely never will.
In which Obi-Wan acts in the only way he knows how after a lifetime of regret and self-sacrifice.
But the thing with that is this: Obi-Wan has thought himself to be alone for far, far too long. And he is not the only player on the field.
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megarywrites · 1 year
10 lines challenge
I was tagged by @thewriteflame and I think the rules are 10 first lines from 10 chapters but I wanna change it up a it and do 10 lines of the different character introductions (aka the initial times when Thala interacts directly with them)? let's go
All from Seafoam, and yes i'm aware that none of them are single lines, sue me (pls don't)
I'll tag (no pressure): @aninkwellofnectar @isherwoodj @pinespittinink @daisywords
1 - Mitapi
“Thala! Where—” But her question was answered before she could ask it as I burst out of the thick hedge surrounding our home, clutching at my sides as I slowed to a staggering walk. “What took you so long?” She asked, her stern tone belied by the smile in her dark eyes.  “Watching...for Pa,” I managed to say between great gulps of breath. “Almost home.”
2 - Zeno
Someone was waving, and I perked up, only to realize that it was Zeno, not Pa. Still, I waved back, smiling at my best friend.
3 - Omero
Omero cleared his throat. “Is Mitapi with you?”  Ma? Why would she be here? I shook my head. “Just me.”  He sighed, then clapped his hand roughly on my shoulder, nearly making me drop one of the kretse. “I don’t know how else to say this, but…” The pause was long enough for my gaze to flick between Zeno and his father again. “Your father is dead.”
4 - Sosta
I stopped in my tracks, eyes widening slightly, as I stepped around the wall to find Ma sitting at the hearth with none other than Sosta Diakos, the Droma of Psari’s latridom. They both looked up at me, Ma’s expression barely visible behind the sheer black mourning veil. The Droma inspected me with a small smile visible through his beard, his gaze lingering on my chest until I crossed my arms over myself and started to back away.  “Kolette and Rodi lent us their mourning garments, and I put yours in your bedroom,” she said, taking my attention away from the Droma.
5 - Kolette
Kolette glanced my way as I approached, her voice faltering as she looked again, eyes wide. The baker’s wife looked at me, too, but I only had eyes for Kolette, now. “Mitapi?” she asked, her voice softly sad. “What are you doing out—” I shook my head hard enough that my veil shifted back and forth. “It’s Thala. I was wondering…” I gulped, glancing at the baker’s wife as I tried to catch my breath. “I was wondering if you could stay with Ma? Just for a little while. Just until the funeral.”
6 - Geros
I pried Zeno’s hand off my arm and threw the mourning veil off my face as I stood, redirecting my gaze to meet the Diamo’s. We stared at each other for several agonizingly long seconds. Then, he lifted his hand, beckoning to me. “Come here, my child.” I lightly kicked at Zeno’s shin until he moved, and I slipped past him into the aisle.  I had no idea I could walk this well, when I was trembling this much.
7 - Solera
Ma begrudgingly sat, and the Diamo did as well as the Stoli moved between us all, passing around the warm clay mugs. I clutched mine, looking up and meeting the honeyed gaze of the one with short-cropped curly hair. Faint freckles dotted her dark russet cheeks, and she blinked a little harder when a lock of hair fell into her lashes. I smiled my thanks, my gaze trailing after her for a second until the Diamo leaned forward, his attention trained on Ma.
8 - Cilia
The double doors boomed open, the soot-grey lady—Cilia, if I remembered her name correctly—met my gaze before looking down, watching her step as she made her way to us.  Her robes were a dark, royal blue today and unadorned with embroidery. They rippled around her ankles as she hurried, then stopped a few steps above the cobblestone. Her night-dark eyes locked with mine, her expression carved as if from granite. “Thala.” I nodded, lost for words. “A pleasure to meet again.”  “Yeah,” I muttered lamely, and Ma unlatched the back of the cart, letting it down so we could slip out.
9 - Calio
Calio set the plate on the tiny table, then hobbled over to where the chair sat, dragging it back over to it.  “Hungry?”  I shook my head.  “Don’t worry, child. I ain’t gonna touch you.” I gulped, watching him sit in the chair. “What’s yer name?”  “Th-thala.”  “Arteras’ girl?” I nodded, and he pursed his lips, nodding too. “Sorry for yer loss. Good man, that.” He inspected me for a moment, without the hunger in his eyes that the other men had. Rather, with concern. Fatherly concern. “You should eat, you know. Long journey ahead.” 
10 - Mitha
But…wait…something accompanied the monster. A human. No, a fish? Both?  It—no, she, I could see that now—swam up to me, her hair like mine, swirling around her face and shoulders. There was something familiar in her air, something I could not place. Not until she brushed her hair back to look at me properly.  Ma. Relief; pure, sweet, and unadulterated. Relief as I had never known. It flooded me, filled me, warmed me. She was here, she was really here, after days, weeks…ages, it felt like, of wishing I could see her. But…how? Her hands cupped my face, her golden-brown eyes searching mine, my expression. “You are safe now. You have nothing to fear here.” The lines of concern etched in her brow and around her eyes and mouth soon sketched a smile. “What is your name, my child?” Ah. Not Ma.
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azems-familiar · 1 year
🦅 🥺 ❌ ✅ 💔 for the ask game.
Thank you!
🥺 is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
hmmmm. this one is hard to answer because it's so... like, vague? like i generally write character interactions to spark feelings of some kind, so it's hard to... idk, define any specific ones without a what feeling it sparks. probably some of my most emotional ones involve my Revan and writing her recovery arcs - same with Illitha, and a couple other of my characters who get really fucked up. so i guess the themes of recovery and healing that i really like to write at the end of character arcs tend to hit me the most.
❌ what's a trope you will never write?
a/b/o and mpreg are MAJOR squicks for me. i don't read them and i don't write them. i also am not generally a fan of bodyswapping at all, for reasons i cannot articulate, and i dislike bodysharing unless done in a specific way.
✅ what's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean it to?
oh god. uh. well my most used tag is Mutual Pining, and something i often write a lot of, sometimes without meaning to, is symbolism - i know that's vague but it can range from masks to names to lightsabers to clothes to [gestures vaguely]. surprisingly though i haven't actually written much of my favorite tropes? .... i do keep accidentally making my OCs autistic, does that count? OH! themes of healing! i like to destroy my characters emotionally (and sometimes physically too), but i never feel satisfied ending an arc on that note, so there are a lot of redemption arcs after corruption arcs and notes of recovery and healing and moving forward. half of these aren't written but they are In My Head.
🦅 do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
weird mix of both, tbh. i used to be entirely a pantser, and full on planning has never worked for me, i don't write up entire outlines - but my writing process works best if i have someone to bounce ideas off where i can establish a direction for the fic through conversation and then develop the fic off that as i write. this is actually why my big mdzs fic stalled; despite the fact that i know where i'm going with it, i couldn't find a beta reader to help with fleshing out the details in between the major plot events, and so i've gotten... somewhat stuck.
💔 is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
yes, but it's old enough i won't rec it here because i'm no longer happy with any of it - but at the time i wrote it it was very, very painful. of my more recent stuff... hm. i was absolutely sobbing while writing up this fic, which the first half of focuses on Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma's big confrontation on Ossus (yes, it says it's a WIP and it is, but the first chapter can be read as a standalone). i've also cried several times over the hp au, knowing where it's going to go and discussing some of the characters in it, but very little of the actual relevant stuff to that has been actually written and posted yet!
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brideofkylosolo · 2 years
Writer Wednesday Week 31
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Writer Wednesday Week 31
Tagging @writer-wednesday
Fate of the Cards
Ben Solo (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)
Ben gets his fortune read while on a mission.
*Just a short piece with no pairing, although I mention my OC Aria
     “We should get our fortunes read.”
     Ben gave his friend Poe a confused look.  While it was no secret that Ben believed in the Force, what with growing up and learning about it from not only his Uncle Luke but his mother and father, when it came to other types of magick, however, now that was a different story.
     “I dunno,” he said as he looked at the shop they had stopped in front of, a brick building in some alley on some planet with neon signs that stated “Palm Readings”.
     “Come on, it’ll be fun.”  Poe headed through the beaded curtain and inside the building.
     Ben followed his friend inside.   The interior of the shop was dark, lit only by a few candles and lanterns.  The walls were covered in various symbols and pictures of temples Ben didn’t recognize.  Several statues of gods he didn’t know dotted the area as well as the sweet smell of flowers permeated the air.  Ben tried to read the vibe in the place but he couldn’t really get a good feel of the place.  It made him slightly uneasy.
     As the two men looked around, a small Ryn woman walked out from behind the curtain.  “Come to get your fortunes read, have you?”
     Poe nodded while for once, Ben kept silent.  He tried to read the women but once again, got nothing really.  He knew that Ryn’s were skilled fortune tellers, using mostly Sabacc cards.  He also knew that they weren’t the most trustworthy of species in the galaxy.  Or course according to his father, Droma, one of his father’s former co-pilots was trustworthy.  Then again, Han Solo wasn’t exactly known for keeping the best company.  Ben was the same way so he couldn’t really talk.
     The women gave them a nod and they followed her into the back room.  She motioned for them to take one of the seats at the round wooden table in small room.   They sat down as she pulled out a box of Sabacc cards.  She shuffled them then laid the cards out in a pattern on the table.
     “I see love in your future,” she said.  “Both of you.”
     Poe whacked Ben’s shoulder with the back of his hand.
     She pointed at Poe.  You will find love when you least expect it with someone you have a deep bond with.”
     “Like a Force Bond?” asked Poe.
     The women studied the cards.  “The is no Force Bond but the Force is present with your lover, very strong as well.”  She pointed to a card.  “They are struggling with something, something only you can help them with.”
     That seemed to perk Poe’s interest.  “Do you, can you see who it is?”
     The woman shook her head.  “I cannot, at least not at the moment.  But this person is there, and you know them at present.”
     Poe seemed satisfied with that.  The woman reshuffled the cards, laying them out in a new formation.  She looked up at Ben, a knowing smile on her lips.  “There’s love in your future as well.  Much love.  You have someone special.”
     That was true.  Ben and his longtime bondmate Aria were in a very serious relationship and had been for quite some time.  Everyone knew that.
     “There’s children as well in your future.  Three in fact,” the women continued.
     Ben liked hearing that.  “When will they be born?”
     “I cannot see a time but they will be born from hope.  You will experience a great trial that will push you to limits unlike any you have ever faced.”  She placed her hand on one of the cards.  “You will overcome this and from this, you will have children.  How many?  That I cannot say.”
     Ben smiled.  That was good news indeed.
     Hope.  He liked the sound of that.
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V looks anywhere but Goro’s eyes.
“…thanks, Goro. For – for everything, I guess.”
Goro huffs indignantly.
“V, now is hardly the time to –“
V cuts him off.
“No, this is definitely the time. I’m dying, Goro. I’m living on borrowed time, anytime I fall asleep could be my last. At any fucking moment, I could keel over and when I get back up, my body belongs to a shitty rock musician turned terrorist from the 20’s, cause there’s tiny little fucking robots in my head turning my brain into literal soup - that is, the part of my brain that wasn’t torn away by a small calibre bullet. So you know what, yeah, this is absolutely the time.”
When V rescues Takemura from the collapsing hideout after their meeting with Hanako Arasaka takes a disastrous turn for the worst, he refuses to let the injured ronin run off by himself, instead taking him out far into the Badlands. Under the flickering neon light of a dingy motel bathroom, they wrench stray bullets and reluctant confessions out of each other – and perhaps the old dog can be taught some new tricks, after all.
(So, even if it’s very rare, I do actually write fanfic every now and again. I have a few fairly popular KotOR ones and some for my favourite obscure pairing Exar Kun/Ulic Qel-Droma (and a few Victor/Reed ones we don’t talk about lol), but I’ve been itching to write for my boys, so here it is. Tagged appropriately. Give it a read if you have the time, I’m kinda happy with the result and excited to share it lol) The amazing screenshot I'm using as a cover here was made by @vos-videmus and I love it very much<3
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inqorporeal · 3 years
Chapters: 18/?
Series: A Ripple in the Force
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Original Character(s), Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi,  Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Boba Fett & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin  Skywalker & Qui-Gon Jinn
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Ulic Qel-Droma, Boba Fett, Like a million OCs
Additional Tags:  Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Qui-Gon Lives, Bounty Hunter  Obi-Wan, Dark Obi-Wan Kenobi, Found Family, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn,  Not A Fix-It, Space Politics, Sith Shenanigans, Breaking the law  creatively, Citrus scale: lime
Chapter Summary:
The fallout from the Ylesia operation continues...
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
i was tagged by Lee My Beloved (@revanchxst), this looks like a ton of fun!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
19 total
2) what's your total AO3 word count?
277,051. It's not a ton, esp not compared to others, but it'll increase a lot over my next couple of series.
3) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in order: The Bond Between, oneshot, tcw, gen (ahsoka & obi-wan)
we'll hold each other soon (in the darkest of rooms), oneshot, kotor, cassus fett/mandalore the ultimate. important caveat - this fic got hit with that kudos bot right after it was posted, so though it's listed as my second highest fic, i have no way to gauge its real kudos count
Dragon's Rise, wip, asoiaf, jon snow/daenerys targaryen
Wasteland, oneshot, tcw/ot, gen (obi-wan & anakin)
How Far We've Come, oneshot, lockwood & co, gen - focused on quill kipps
4) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to, yes! i've fallen a little behind for general chaotic life reasons, but assuming the comment isn't an outright hate comment, i will try to respond as much as possible.
5) what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i never actually got around to writing it, and i unpublished it a couple months ago because i knew i'd never finish it, but it was a lockwood & co. backstory fic for kipps. and it essentially ended with all of his friends and the girl he loved dying in various ways to ghosts; the final scene was him standing over the girl's grave.
6) what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhhhh i don't actually tend to write fics with happy endings? at least the traditional flavor of them. ultimately, it'll end up being start a war, but that is still in its very early stages, and to get a happy ending, it's got a lot of trauma for everyone to get through first.
7) do you write crossovers?
i... used to, with my own ocs, and sometimes i still write them in my head because it's fun to make my horrible ocs from different works meet each other. but in terms of actual writing i'd post, no, though i do love fusions; my biggest project to date is a swtor/kotor/hp fusion, and i have a swtor/mass effect fusion floating around with @revanchxst
8) have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes. usually i laugh because it never manages to be coherently thought-out, but occasionally it's just... someone being rude. then i just tend to move on.
9) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
oh god. fuck. yes, and it is almost universally intensely Loyalty Kink. there is always a Dynamic there, and for a weird amount of them there's an incredibly strong dom/sub dynamic, for others it's a loyalty kink. in one case it is. weird loyalty, an intense amount of dissociation, horrible decisions, blood magic, a mental bond, ill-advised ritual knives, and more dissociation. also internalized homophobia and weird amounts of dysphoria, for a cis character. and active withdrawal from what is essentially a magic addiction. i don't know how it fits in one doc either.
10) have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of, no
12) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! several, actually, with @revanchxst, and we've got several in the works too.
13) what's your all time favorite ship?
oh god i can't pick one. frankly Scourge/Jedi Knight ends up being one of my absolute favorites for the angst potential, the loyalty, all of it. Exar Kun/Ulic Qel-Droma has given me terminal brainrot and they're never going to leave. Revalek is an old classic, they're so awful and i adore them. i am also immensely, immensely fond of Theon/Robb from asoiaf for incredibly horribly crunchy loyalty reasons. also the i should have been with him. where was i? i should have died with him kills me Every God Damned Time.
14) what's a WIP that you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
anything from a fandom i'm no longer really part of tbh, which includes my lockwood & co stuff.
15) what are your writing strengths?
i like to think i'm good at putting a lot of emotion into darker stuff, and frankly i'm very fond of how i write Force/magic/whatever visions and powers. it's always been a favorite of mine.
16) what are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue. i hate dialogue so much. if it's not a big dramatic speech, it's awful. i hate having to write characters' reactions and movements in, and the whole thing always feels stiff and awful.
17) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it depends! i think that if you're doing more than a phrase or something that's very significant for some. idk, ritual or ceremony or something then it's better to simply indicate via italics or something else that the dialogue isn't in english (or whatever language the fic is in, but i write in english). but i love seeing bits of other languages thrown in there, be they real or conlangs, and i think a lot of readers also like little things like that, as long as they have an easy way to translate it!
18) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
uhhhh honestly i think it was Sherlock? that was certainly the first real fic i posted that i remember. naturally, it was about my oc, Sherlock's secret younger sister. i was like... 12
19) what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet, but want to?
frankly, if i have any ideas, they get at least partially written immediately. so in my docs i basically have all the stuff i currently want to write for. however, i want to write more cassus/mandalore the ultimate and exar/ulic.
20) what's your favorite fic you've written?
start a war, without hesitation. i am in love with this fic and the characters, and the entire series is going to be incredibly fun to write. the hp au is a very, very close second, especially any parts with my favorite horrible rat bastard (not that many, but i love him).
and i will tag. hm. @sith-shenanigans when you have brain, @comradevo, @tarrevizsla, and anyone else who wants to do this
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spectraspecs-writes · 4 years
Tatooine - Chapter 80 (Bastila)
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 79. Chapter 81.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
We have to spend the night on Tatooine, because when we get there it’s pretty late. The Czerka office is closed, the only thing open is the cantina. I saw Carth and Canderous head off in that direction. I told Carth I’d lock the ship down for the night. I know how to do that, at least, even if I can’t actually fly the thing.
I closed the engine vents almost as soon as we landed. I don’t want to be grounded here for an hour trying to clean them like last time. I want to get Griff the tach glands and go. No idea which planet I want to go to next. Manaan or Korriban. I don’t really know anything about either planet. I’d been on Tatooine before - not for long, but I’d been. And everyone’s heard of Wookiees and knows they’re from Kashyyyk. But Korriban is in the opposite direction from the planets I did my scouting on, and Manaan’s closer to the core than I’ve ever been. (I know, it’s hard to believe I never went to Coruscant. I never needed to. It wouldn’t have been cost effective to the Republic to bring us in that far just to send us back out to the Outer Rim. No, our orders got transmitted.) I don’t know much about either planet. If I didn’t know about the Star Maps, I wouldn’t know anything about them.
I reach into my back pocket for my datapad - maybe there’s some information in there that I didn’t pay attention to - and I find a second datapad. There’s mine, which all things considered is in pretty good shape. And the other, which has moss growing on it, a cracked screen - I forgot I’d picked it up on Kashyyyk when we fought the Great Beast. This, a circlet, and a lightsaber. Right.
Well, I’m not doing anything right now, and it’s too early to go to bed. So I curl up in the engine room. Might as well read it.
It’s a personal journal, belonging to one Guun Han Saresh. It goes back a long time, at least twenty years before the final entry. From what I read, I know Guun Han was a prideful man. Which isn’t surprising, because there’s a number of references to his wealthy Tarisian family. Even Jedi training can’t quell the ego of little rich kids, it would seem. His father commissioned the circlet for him. It has benefits, so says Guun Han, but no Dark Jedi could ever take advantage of those benefits. If nothing else, it’s cute, the circlet. Modest, but sort of fashionable? I mean, what would I know about fashion, I’m usually happily covered in dirt, but I think it’s cute. I’ll give it a shot when I face Malak. I think I’m a light side Jedi. I’m a nice person, if that means anything.
Guun Han’s journal also talks about the war with Exar Kun. Exar Kun was well before my time, I was just a kid when the war ended, it didn’t really concern me. But Guun Han was living it. He talks about friends and fellow Padawans leaving the Order, following Exar Kun to the Dark Side. Guun Han fought in the war, and helped to rebuild when it ended. The journal starts to get interesting when it talks about an animal called the terentatek. He doesn’t say much about what they are, or much of anything about them. Only that they killed Jedi and the Jedi set out to kill them in turn. I have no idea when they stopped or how many they killed when they sent Guun Han to look for more. 
Not just Guun Han, though. He mentions a bunch of times before the terentatek even comes up, his two best friends, Duran Qel-Droma and Shaela Nur. The Council sent the three of them off together, apparently on the grounds of their devotion to the light. Which didn’t do anything to help Guun Han’s ego.
But he also mentions a bond between the three of them, a lot like the bond Bastila and I have, I guess. He talks about knowing what the others thought, felt, dreamt about, and that they knew the same about him.
And from there it sort of… devolves. As the entries go on, Guun Han starts to sound angrier, and he’s a lot less verbose. He also starts to sound a tad paranoid. He acts like he was the leader of the group but I get the feeling Duran and Shaela felt differently. 
The last entry feels quite derailed and angry: “Duran and Shaela have given in to their passion for each other, and are doomed to fall to the dark side. I tried to warn them against expressing their love, but they called me arrogant and accused me - ME! - of being the one on the dark path. I left the fools on Korriban.” His first mistake. “But I am not about to abandon the mandate given me by the Jedi Council. I will destroy the terentatek wherever I find them. I have heard rumors such a beast may exist in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk.” Must be the Great Beast. “I shall go there and slay the beast, proving that I do not need either Duran or Shaela with me to defeat these creatures!” And his last mistake.
I don’t know anything about terentateks, but I know the one we apparently took out was not a one-person job. Guun Han was an idiot for thinking he could take one out on his own. But my thoughts keep drifting to Duran and Shaela. I don’t know why, I have only third-person information about them. Maybe I’m just getting anxious about the whole love thing. Who do I trust about this? Out of the four people I’ve talked to about it, three of them are very vehemently against Jedi love. Master Zhar wasn’t vocally vehement about it, but he tried to steer me away from it. Bastila’s… well, been Bastila about it. And Guun Han felt strongly enough about it to leave his friends behind. Jolee’s the only one who’s been cool about it. And I don’t know what his motivations are or where his views come from for sure. I just have hunches. I don’t think he would actively try to mislead me or hurt me, but I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about him. I don’t know. I just don’t know. I don’t like not knowing. And the first thing I want to know is more about these terentatek things. I just killed something that maybe wasn’t a natural predator, not if there’s also one on Korriban and they’re still the same animal.
“Rena?” Bastila comes in. I didn’t even hear her. “Are you all right?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah,” I say, “Just got a lot going on in my head. I’m okay.”
She looks sideways at Guun Han’s datapad. “What are you reading?”
I put it away. “Nothing. Just a datapad I picked up.” She’s got a feeling coming off her, that wasn’t the only question she came in here with. “You’re curious about something?”
She sighs shortly. “Am I so transparent?” she says, coming further into the engine room. I stand up and lean against the engine. “I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, considering our bond. Yes, there is something I would like to ask, if you'll permit it.”
“Yeah, sure, go for it,” I shrug.
“In our time together I've been watching you.” Oh, really, because I’m--? “No, not because I’m attracted to you, honestly, Rena, and I would prefer not to joke at the moment.” Okay, no problem. “You are a true servant of the light, you follow the tenets of the Jedi Order despite the lure of the Dark Side. And with so little training. For me it has always been a constant battle. Don't you find it difficult at all? You make it seem so easy. Or is that only an illusion?”
I shrug again. “I don’t know, I guess I don’t think about it much.”
“You don't?” she repeats, “Sometimes I find that it is nearly all I can think of. I have never found the Jedi training easy to master.” She sighs and leans on the wall. “I've always struggled for control over my passions. I've always been too quick to anger, too quick to get involved.” I can believe that. “My instructors constantly berated me for it. I've often dreamed that I might be able to confront Darth Malak myself. I dream I can use all this power I have to kill him and stop all the death and destruction. I just think about all the evil that the Sith have caused and I... I get so furious! Yet we are told that these feelings are the path to the Dark Side.”
“Well, we might disagree on the love thing, but we definitely agree there. Anger leads to hate, hate is definitely the Dark Side,” I say, “But, I don’t know, if that’s what it would take to take out Malak, then maybe it would be worth it. That kind of evil…”
“But what comes next?” she interrupts, “After using all that power, would you decide to impose your own view on the universe? The Dark Side corrupts your very thoughts! The very thought that I could become as evil as Malak… I just can't fathom it. It just doesn't seem possible! How could I…?” Then she stops. Completely changes her train of thought. “No, wait.” What? “I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be asking you this. The Jedi teachings are clear - who am I to question them? And even worse, who am I to try and make you question them?” She shakes her head and starts to leave. “These are dangerous thoughts, the indulgence of a vain mind.” She turns now to the entrance, before briefly turning back. “Please, forget I ever mentioned this. I’m sorry.” And she leaves.
Well, that was very confusing. Sounds like Bastila’s got her own demons in her head to deal with. Weird as it sounds it makes me think of Guun Han. He thought he could use all the power of the Force to take out the terentatek himself, and look where it got him. Dead on a world far from home. All that pride gone to waste. It just killed him.
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thedragonaspect · 5 years
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Knights of the Old Republic 2: Light Armor
1: Light Combat Suit, Combat Suit, Heavy Combat Suit
2: Mandalorian Combat Suit, Zabrak Combat Suit, Bonadon Alloy Heavy Suit
3: Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor, Mandalorian Heavy Suit
4: Zabrak Battle Armor, Ubese Environmental Suit, Echani Shield Suit
5: Reinforced Fiber Armor, Zabrak Field Armor, Ulic Qel Droma’s Mesh Suit
6: Electromesh Suit, (Medium) Military Suit, (Medium) Light Battle Armor
Cheat codes to acquire armor (must have EnableCheats=1 entered under [Game Options] in the swkotor2.ini file): https://www.ign.com/faqs/2005/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii-the-sith-lords-give-item-cheat-listfaq-586931
Armor stats: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords/Light_armor
Will tag the rest of this series under #kotorarmor
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karda · 2 months
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🔥small joys saturday🔥 im boutta go to bed but i played cowboy music til i couldnt feel my fingers. also had ice cream. lets goo
NICEEEE i haven't touched my guitar in so long,😭 we r all having ice cream this is awesome
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cross-d-a · 3 months
Fandom: Star Wars, Prequel Trilogy, Jedi Apprentice Series, The Wrath of Darth Maul, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi
Chapter: 28/?
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Xanatos, Qui-Gon JInn & Feemor, Feemor & Bruck Chun, Xanatos & Qui-Gon Jinn
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor, Bruck Chun, Bant Eerin, Tahl, Quinlan Vos, Ahsoka Tano, Orykan Tamarik, Cay Qel-Droma
Additional Tags:  Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Liberal Use of the Force, It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better, Found Family, Secret Identity, Yoda’s Disaster Lineage, Redemption, Psychological Trauma, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Slavery, Minor Character Death, Graphic Death, Graphic Injury, Body Horror, Force Ghosts, Minor OCs, BAMF Obi-Wan Kenobi, Everyone Needs a Hug, Everyone Gets a Hug, Xanatos is a little shit but we love him, Protective Feemor, Bruck Chun gets some character development :)
“Young Bant Eerin is having…difficulties.”
Feemor frowns. “Master, we have no way of knowing what she is truly seeing. It could be past, present or future— and we do not even know if the future she sees will come to pass.”
Even so, Bant’s visions are troubling, full of shadow and violence. At the centre of it all is one person. Sometimes man. Sometimes boy. Sometimes something else entirely. But it is always Kenobi, there is no denying that. His essence is the same, no matter how it twists and warps and crumbles.
“If we could only find him—” Qui-Gon interrupts himself, gaze far-off. “In another life, maybe, he could have been my- my padawan, but now…”
Feemor worries for his former Master. And for this strange youngling he’s never even met, and likely never will.
In which Obi-Wan acts in the only way he knows how after a lifetime of regret and self-sacrifice.
But the thing with that is this: Obi-Wan has thought himself to be alone for far, far too long. And he is not the only player on the field.
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megarywrites · 1 year
find the word
tagged by @thewriteflame (thanks!) and my words were: early, froze, grave, and hull (it's almost like you knew I just finished a chapter with the title "Haunted Hull" lol)
I'll tag: @isherwoodj @pinespittinink @daisywords and @aether-wasteland-s, and your words will be: dawn, morning, afternoon, evening, twilight (or dusk), and midnight (no pressure ofc!)
early (this made me realize how many times i have nearly in my manuscript, but that's a problem for rewrite draft me lol)
The all too familiar pounding of Cilia’s fist on our door thudded heavily through the small room. I gave a feeble attempt to open my eyes, but the most I could manage was the thinnest squint. But Solera, of course, was already up. Puttering around. Probably folding her clothes or mine…or sketching. My squint narrowed further as I listened hard for a hint of what she was doing.  But it was a bit too quiet.  Had she slipped out again to see the sunrise?  I ripped my blanket off my head, looking over at her bed, expecting to find it empty, only… She looked over at me, her smile a bright, sweet assault. It was too early for anyone to be so cheerful, especially here. Even if it did suit her a bit too well.  Groaning, I flipped the blanket back over my head and rolled over, earning a laugh from her. Alright, well, I couldn’t not smile at that.
A smile split the Droma’s beard, my mouth going dry as he reached for the hem of Ma’s veil. Kolette reached for my hand again, squeezing tightly as Ma’s identity was slowly revealed. The Droma’s eyes widened as the veil slipped through his fingers. Gasps filled the latridom, and the Diamo, who had been smiling, froze, his gaze darting around at the adverse reaction.  The Stoli, as ever, remained calm. The soot-grey lady stood, took a step toward Ma, but halted at a look from the Diamo.  The Droma stepped away from Ma, shaking his head. Even from here, his anger was palpable. I shrank back, sinking further into my seat, holding Ma’s mourning veil taut over my face.  “What happened?” the Diamo asked, his voice much more reserved than it had been before. The Droma stepped toward Ma, fists clenched. “Sosta.” The Droma stopped, glaring at Ma as she lifted her chin, but did not look away. “Remember your position.” He backed away again, his chest heaving.
“Where is he?” Ma asked as she looked down, surveying the carved stones. The Droma turned at the sound of her voice. He glanced between us, offering a sad yet kind smile and holding his hands out to take ours. Or, rather, just mine in both of his. My hand twitched as I fought the urge to jerk it out of his grasp, but then he pulled me closer and linked our arms.  “Come, let me show you.”  I sent a pleading glance at Ma, but the veil made it worthless, as he led us to the furthest stone. Ma sank to the grass once we reached it, and I freed myself of the Droma’s grasp to join her on the ground, wrapping my arms around her as I stared at the stone.  Arteras Galanis 921 N.H. – 977 N.H.  My grip around Ma tightened as she started rocking slightly, her hand escaping the confines of her veil to caress the carving of Pa’s name with the tips of her fingers. I pursed my lips as my throat grew increasingly tight, staving off the tears for now. She escaped my hold, her hands reaching out to brace herself as she pressed her forehead against the ground, right up against his gravestone.  She was murmuring something. Something I couldn't catch. But then, the words weren’t for me.  I placed my hand on her back, rubbing as gently as I could as I surveyed the sea. Could he hear her now, wherever he was?  Hopefully, he could.
I looked up, finding the stern sinking amidst the debris. The faded red [ship's name] painted onto the side of the hull was glaring back at me in the dimly lit waters.  I was trembling again.  Not with fear, but with an unbridled rage.   I changed my grip on the dagger, holding it like I had the shard of the plate that I slain [the captain] with and surged toward the surface. Sputtering, I took in great gasps of the frigid, salty air and whirled around, torrents of rain pelting my face.  It was coming down in sheets, mingling with the blooming pools of blood surrounding the cleft ship. The [ship's crew] were pouring out of the hull, into the waiting daggers and swords brandished by the mermaids.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
with this new "tales of the jedi" show coming out that has absolutely nothing to do with the old comics series, i'm foreseeing all of the totj comics tags on tumblr being completely swamped by baby Ahsoka and young Dooku and whatever else content, making it impossible to find anything related to Exar, Ulic, and the others. so, totj fandom, i am proposing a maintag swap - from #totj and #tales of the jedi to #totj comics and #tales of the jedi comics. it's a bit longer and more unwieldy, but at least it makes it so we can still find our content easily - if anyone else has other suggestions, i'm listening!
hopefully people will see this, lol. i'd like to start this discussion BEFORE the new show comes out and messes everything up.
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MasterPost :D
(Updated 06/28/2021, exactly two years after the first one haha!)
I never really made an introductory post, I kind of just existed. So...
Hi! My name is Amara, but you can call me Confetti Veda. I’m 19, going on 20 in August, fairly chill, and ready to nap. I am an actor, singer, writer, artist, musician, and an absolute lovebug, according to my mum. This blog is where I post mostly my art and WIPs with the occasional meme or ten. I know the amount of WIPs that I have at the moment is ridiculous, but it’s what’s on my mind right now. So bear with me, please?
Kick up your feet, grab your favorite drink, and enjoy the playhouse that is theresconfettieverywherehelp.
If you want to see more of something specific, anything with content is clickable. I had to be super specific with the links to give everyone the easiest and most fun experience :D
Completed Works
None :’D
Our Place:
Our Place is a one book story following the lives of Partillia Anderson, Mike Rain, and Lily Pond; three friends that swore to marry each other when they grew up. It’s an overall slice of life story about three dorks just being polyamorous and happy.
Partillia Anderson- A down-to-earth musician that set a pool on fire once. Mike Rain- A very nice dude, but will fight you right here right now if you keep talkin’ that MESS! Lily Pond- Your run-of-the-mill minimalist that has a soft spot for being the most dramatic person in the room around her friends.
It Took a Day Series:
It Took a Day is a three book series following the stories of different survivors in a zombie apocalypse. This takes place in dystopic America, where it had been decided that the government would rip a page or two from the big red book of “This is How You Create a Dystopia; Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Do”. The government thought that kneecaps were overrated and divided America into different working factions, creating America, but Objectively Worse.
Lillian Pondala- The military trained powerhouse who gets drop-kicked into a leader position. Partillion Bloodlocke- A musician who just wanted to do his first concert, but the zombie apocalypse just HAD to happen specifically today! Simon Hax- The science district technology major that’s down to sell his soul for a rock at this point.
I Know Series:
I Know is an approximately 14 book series varying in genre and style (novels, picture books, diaries, etc.) that proceeds the events of It Took a Day. The series has multiple protagonists, but all contain reoccurring characters from different stories. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and music wrapped in a worn blanket.
Lilly Pond- A literal ball of sunshine that’s getting tired of this constant sense of déjà vu . Amelia Smallentine- Need an assassin? Gotcha! Need a good one? Eh, call later. Droma Pathos- Hasn’t slept for three days and is on his fifth trip to the coffee house. He is having none of your shtick today. Queen Alexis- A fire elemental with serious daddy issues. Opal&Fantasia- Listen to the song of the siren twins, they swear they’ll give you your deepest desire. Veda Teal- “Walking in a winter wonderland”? Uh, yeah. Have fun with that. Liraz Madison- Mob boss, shapeshifter, who exactly cares? They’e still got a century of vacation days left. Tiombe- Script-keeper with about fifty pets. Yoshi L- You average ghost kid from your local abandoned children’s experimental hospital. Fun. Issaiah Clef- Literally the most boring person in this whole series. Aislin Shores- Egyptian monster that really didn’t have to get out of bed today. Partillia Anderson- A music teacher that needs to realize that just because her eyes are purple doesn’t mean that wearing 3-D glasses constantly is good for her. Micheal Anderson- Won “Best Smile” in the yearbook senior year and is still salty about it. Angela- White Diamond was her favorite character in Steven Universe until they did that snapshot redemption. S- Reenacts scenes from the Matrix and Pokemon because that’s basically his life at this point.
Lions and Huskies:
Lions and Huskies is the love story between Mike Septim and Partillion Bloodlocke. In this world, magical beings are a part of every day life from the smallest fae descendant to the biggest dragon. Partillion is no exception as a third generation Succubus of the early 22nd Century. Follow him and Mike as they learn how love can be shown in ways that are more than just... hunger.
Mike Septim- A hitman that really can’t catch a break. Partillion Bloodlocke- A purple demon that really can’t get why so many people like him, but also isn’t gonna fight anyone about it.
Little Things Around My Blog
Tags that I use on my blog that should make things easier to find.
My Tag: #theresconfettieverywherehelp
General Tags: #requests are welcome #ask #my ocs #reblob #request
Writing Tags: #it took a day series #i know series #our place #writeblr #spilled words #i present words
Art Tags: #ms paint kicking my ass again #i present art #my art #sketch #lined sketch #full color #shaded color #black and white
Song Tags: #i present song #songblr
Mermaid Tags: #mermaid #merinan #SWIMSWIM
If you have anything I should add or remove, please message me! Let’s all enjoy our time together!
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inqorporeal · 3 years
Chapters: 19/?
Series: A Ripple in the Force
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Original Character(s), Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi,  Boba Fett & Jango Fett, Boba Fett & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin  Skywalker & Qui-Gon Jinn
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Ulic Qel-Droma, Boba Fett, Like a million OCs
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Qui-Gon Lives, Bounty Hunter  Obi-Wan, Dark Obi-Wan Kenobi, Found Family, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn,  Not A Fix-It, Space Politics, Sith Shenanigans, Breaking the law  creatively, Citrus scale: lime
Bo-Katan breaks into Tovari's office in Sundari, looking for information on the mercenary who bested Pre Vizsla in Keldabe.
Hondo Ohnaka discovers an uninvited passenger aboard his ship. What to do?
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