qyq7hdy0s · 1 year
Edit do nillysin PA goza Gracie Chacon meth sex LA VAGINA GRANDE Ashlyn Molly, une rouquine sexy qui aime le sexe hard Extremely hot girl sucks off a guy and gets a facial reward Pov teen sucks stepbro Amateur Latina cream session Hot Russian Babe Fucked Herself With Her Dildo Hand job for hubby bbc freak thick booty banged cant handle monster dick
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lumosatnight · 12 days
Day 17 Worthy or Alt 3 Idle with Droyle would be so awesome 🫶
(Honestly most of the options would send me on cloud nine w/ Droyle lmao)
Runaway Groom
@microficmay alt 3 ‘idle’ Best man!Greg/Groom!Draco, 50 words, for @the-houseryn
“Let’s run away,” said Greg, idling in the doorway to the church. “We could go. Right now.”
“I can’t. Mother…”
“Wants you to be happy.”
“Screw him. He’s an arse.”
Draco sighed. “Astoria…”
“Already ran off with the bridesmaid.”
Greg winked. “Why should she have all the fun?”
💙 Read more microfics on AO3 & Tumblr 💙
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
Last line tag
Rules: Post the last line you wrote in your current WIP and tag as many people as there are words
@caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad tagged me a million years ago and I didn't have any WIPs, but now I do!
Draco doesn’t know what hit the box in his hand, he just knows he’s clutching Gregory before his scream has even fully left his mouth, and Gregory’s arm instantly wraps itself around him.
That's too many words, I'll just tag: @turanga4 @artemisia-black @the-paper-monkey @somesunlitdays @merlins-sequined-hotpants @startanewdream @whinlatter
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the-houseryn · 2 months
M and W for the ask game please!
*wiggling all over the place in happiness to get an ask* lol
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
My weirdest au scenario resides in a Drarry omegaverse fic that I have indeed written (WIP) and posted in anon 🫣 my other posted omegaverse fic isn’t common by any means either lmao but I, for some reason, am more willing to publicly put my name to that one. (I do admit to it when people find it tho)
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
Alrighty this is a toughie cuz I go in cycles. But whatever is my favorite to read is my favorite to write, these two states are usually in sync. (I’m ignoring my loves for other fandoms cuz that makes things more complicated.) So in HP, I started with Drarry, then Dron, and am currently jonesing for Droyle.
This goes slightly beyond the ask question but there’s an underlying vibe that makes them my favorite and so my favorite is usually whatever vibe I’m craving and these are the vibes.
Harry is I love you down to every distracting detail about you, which can make me anywhere from gentle and whipped to volatile and obsessive.
Ron is I love you to my greatest dismay but your dramatics delight me now that they can no longer phase me cuz I know what you look like with pillow creases, bedhead, and dried drool on your face. (Or I’m delighted because your dramatics now include me instead of are against me.)
Goyle is I love you with devotion and protection, whatever I have to give is yours for the taking. You do not distract me or phase me because I already know you like breathing.
Thanks so much for the ask!!!! 🫶
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lukasmcsbr · 2 years
Hello, stranger, just wanted to say that as of a few hours ago, I too ship Droyle :)
This is like super late but omg I'm so glad I ain't alone in this 💚
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sitp-recs · 5 months
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AO3 Wrapped - 15 rare pair recs
God bless the rare pairs! I haven’t read much in 2023 but what I’ve read definitely left a lasting impression on me. The @dronarryfest stole the show alongside some delicious Kinkuary treats, but I’m happy that I found time to explore wlw and one or two new ships. A massive shoutout to these incredible creators for sharing brilliant works with us. Please give them some love! Here's to a wonderful 2024 with more rare pair galore 🥂
💍 Something Old, Something New by @indigo-scarf (T, 3k) - Droyle
queerplatonic relationship | weddings | fluff
Draco said he would marry Goyle if they ended up single.
⚖️ One or the Other by @sleepstxtic (E, 3k) - Dorcas/Narcissa, Dorcas/Marlene
war fic | spy Dorcas | infidelity
Dorcas becomes a murderer at eight o’clock on a Friday night.
🛏️ The Roommates by @citrusses (E, 3.6k) - Sirius/Draco, endgame Drarry
rough sex | voyeurism | light D/s
Harry would later wonder if, that first time it happened, he hadn’t been meant to find out all along.
📷 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (E, 4k) - Ginsy
non-binary Ginny | UST | Daddy kink
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🪢 As We Tremble and We Bleed by @lqtraintracks (E, 6k) - Hardy
angst with a happy ending | infidelity (Hinny) | family dynamics
Or: Everybody commits angsty-hot adultery, is mostly miserable, and then finds happiness.
💧Boy Wonder by @maesterchill (E, 6k) - Dronarry
getting together | threesome | dacryphilia
Ron Weasley is a people guy. Gets on well with others, loves to socialise. Despite that, he can never figure people out. When Hermione reveals a very intimate secret about Harry, Ron begins to wonder about a few things.
♟️ Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark by @writcraft (E, 8k) - Rarry
friends to lovers | jealousy | first time (Ron)
It’s getting harder to hear about Harry’s casual one-night stands, but Ron can’t work out why. He meets plenty of women, he wants his friend to be happy and it can’t be jealousy, because Ron is straight. Isn’t he?
🪶 Let Be, Let Be by @tackytigerfic (M, 10k) - Dronarry
established Drarry | Veela!Ron | jealousy | magical theory
Ron's never had a place to really call his own, so when the deeds to an ancient magical house in Bulgaria appear in his Gringotts vault, he ropes in his Curse-Breaker best friend (and his Curse-Breaker best friend's Field Healer boyfriend) to come and check the place out with him.
🐺 Stopper & Reeve by @vdoshu (E, 10k) - Tedrarry
established Drarry | knotting | breeding kink | sex toys
Teddy gets his very first knot stuck in his fleshlight. And somehow that’s not the worst part of his day.
🐉 The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss (E, 14k) - Dronarry
dragon tamers Drarry | hurt/comfort | D/s undertones
Since joining up with the dragontamers, Draco counts his days in nights. Nights spent drinking in the commune mess, making poor choices he doesn't regret, for once. Nights he doesn't remember, and nights he wishes he could stop remembering.
🪴 Silhouettes by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 17k) - Dronarry
established Rarry | sentient houses | grief | gardening
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway? A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate.
🧩 Things Remembered by avioleta (E, 17k) - Harry/Snape
memory loss | murder boyfriends | first time
Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar hotel room, and with absolutely no idea who he is. The man he’s in bed with has no memories either. But they think, maybe, they’re assassins, because they seem to be very good at killing people.
🌶️ 🪙 Kinkuary collection by @sorrybutblog (E, 20k) - multiple ships & kinks
A collection of smutty ficlets written for HP Kinkuary 2023. Tags will be updated as chapters are added. Pairings are in chapter headings!
📻 empire builders by shecrows (E, 25k) - James/Sirius
friends to lovers | power dynamics | coming of age
James, Sirius, and a summer in the south of Devon.
🌶️ 🐺 Kinkuary collection by @wolfpants (E, 42k) - multiple ships & kinks
A collection of 28 short fics spanning different pairings and inspired by the Kinkuary 2023 prompts! A mix of M and E ratings. Expect rare pairs, Drarry, crossgen, group sex, dirtyhotwrong... you name it!
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
Hii! Can I get 11, 22 and 23 for the Ask game? I love when you do this cause yes you're always right ✅️
Thank you friend!!
11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered
anti remus lupin, bambibelle, bellamione, blackinnon, charmione, draco and astoria, drastoria, dramione, dransy, dreomione, drinny, druna, droyle, fremione, fred weasley x reader, draco malfoy x reader, draco x hermione, draco x astoria, draco x ginny, draco x luna, draco x pansy, germione, george weasley x reader, hansy, harmony, harry potter x reader, harrymort, harry x hermione, hinny, hogwarts legacy, hp rp, james potter x reader, lovenott, lupin x tonks, remus x tonks, remadora, nevmione, narcissa x sirius, regulus black x reader, snarry, snily, snack hp, snape x sirius, remus lupin x reader, snupin, reverus, snegulus, ron weasley x reader, severus snape x reader, severus x sirius, sirimione, remione, sirius x hermione, snaco, snames, snamione, theodore nott x reader, tomione, tom riddle x reader, tonks x remus, tonks x lupin, thuna, wolfbucks
You can go to war with my filter list
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I wouldn’t say everyone else, but the complexity of Draco and Lucius’ relationship does get disregarded. Especially the fact that Lucius loves Draco even though he deeply injures his self-esteem and sense of identity
23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
Dramione. There are massively popular fics that I would read but I can’t. My mind rejects Draco not being with Harry and Draco being with women. :’)
choose violence ask game
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pandemonshq · 4 years
does Draco's player have preferred ships?
We’ve asked the player, and:
I'm not looking for anything in particular, just happy to see what (if anything) develops and run with it! But since you're asking, let me share my thoughts on some relationships that might have shippy potential:
1. GOYLE - they used to be bffs. Now they're both doting dads with a boatload of survivor's guilt between them. Have they spent time together in the past twenty years? Or did Crabbe's death leave them estranged and wounded? Is it time for them to reconcile, and will shared childhood trauma lead to more? Whether romantic or platonic, what will the power dynamic look like -- will it be Hogwarts all over again, with Draco taking the lead? Will the shoe be on the other foot now? Will they find a way to balance without Crabbe there? Honestly, Draco's relationship with Goyle is one of the things I’m most interested in exploring out of any, whether it's a ship or not!
2. HARRY - I know this is a favorite of people’s and while I didn’t pick-up on any romance in the books, they were certainly obsessed with each other -- so what might that develop into now? They're both married, but that's no obstacle for Draco -- what is Harry's situation with Ginny? Now that their kids are bffs, have they been forced to find a way to co-exist or have they managed to avoid each other since the trials? Has Harry noticed the vampirism yet, or just noticed that "Malfoy is up to something" again? What kind of miscommunication and misunderstandings might that lead to, since Draco is definitely "dabbling in the Dark Arts" again...but for a "good cause" this time?
3. DAPHNE - He’s married to her little sister, but Astoria didn’t marry Draco because she wanted to sleep with him -- how does Daphne feel about the concept? She probably spent most of her time in Hogwarts trailing behind Pansy as one of her “gang of Slytherin girls” but did she follow Pansy’s lead in her schoolgirl crushes too? And now that Astoria’s not exactly herself, has Daphne stepped-in to help out? Draco would probably have appreciated another pair of hands, especially when Scorpius was little; could bonding over concern for Astoria and Scorpius have led to more? And does Daphne feel guilty about it, if so? Astoria probably wouldn’t object -- but would that make Daphne feel better or worse for “stealing” her sister’s husband?
4. PANSY - they "dated" in school...at least if you ask Pansy, and probably 3/4 of the student body. Draco was unaware, though -- and how awkward must that conversation have been? (Did they ever even have a conversation, or just let things crash and burn?) Did their friendship survive the "break-up" and if it did, what about the trials? Pansy might have been too clever to stay close enough to let herself be tarred with the same brush as Draco Malfoy, Death Eater...but now that the hounds have stopped baying, did she come back around? How did she feel about him marrying someone else, was she even still interested in him? Or did his "fall from grace" negate her interest? (Or did she just tell herself it did?) There's a lot of options for where the two of them could have gone in the intervening years -- and yes, one of them could well involve Pansy deciding to actually ship with him this time around!
5. RON - they hate each other but now their kids are bffs, what kind of struggle has that caused for them? The Malfoy/Weasley feud goes back at least one generation, possibly more, and family means a LOT to both of them so there's a lot of blood under the bridge there...but if it means protecting their children, they're both the kind of people to suck it up and do what they have to. Could the tension of having to work together lead to more (or will they just fight again?) and what is Hermione's part in all this? Ron's too loyal to be a cheater! But Draco Malfoy has never been a good influence in his life, either.
6. BLAISE - I feel like if there's any character whom Draco is likely to have ended up in bed with before, it's probably Blaise. Not as a romance, of course not -- Blaise Zabini is far too poised for romance! But a friends-with-benefits situation? A hey-I'm-bored irregular booty-floo-call? I can see it...
Perhaps the only downside to ships with Draco is that Astoria is a little lonely and might not know she’s walked in on something private—but what’s a little more interpersonal drama in the mix? And for that matter, who says it has to be something private anyway? Polyshipping for all, folks!
tl;dr - pretty much anything that seems to have chemistry and fit the characters is going to be cool with me! The only notp I can think of for Draco off the top of my head is dramione -- I know it's popular, sorry! But there's just too much mudblood under that bridge for me to see that happening. Anything else though, random or not, drop me a line and we'll see where things go!
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 years
Hey Nerd,do u like Harry Potter???have any favorite shipp???mine is Droyle(Draco x Goyle)
Unfortunately, I am not a fan of Harry Potter
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kittypotter16 · 7 years
Hermione: Give me one good reason why I should go out with you. Draco: Well… you know Bellatrix’s penis? Hermione: …. Draco: Well, mine is about 5 times the size. Hermione: So, the size of a mountain troll, or an Ent from Lord of the Rings. Goyle: I can vouch for that. Ron: Bloody hell. Didn’t see that ship coming. Goyle: Whoa! We are not a ship! I was trying to get a ferret out of his trousers in movie 4! Harry: That’s what they all say. Ron: Didn’t see that coming at all. That ship just totally rammed into me from behind. Goyle: We are not a ship! We are not even a kayak! Draco: There you go Hermione – a good, serious reason to go out with me. The Droyle ship must be sunk before it leaves the dock. Hermione: That kayak is going down, baby.
Another silly headcannon :) (if anyone starts shipping Droyle because of this I will kill myself.)
@hooked-onabook @ioanaaurica @imfeellin-hellacooltonight @moussa03 @snuffles-puff @storyquipster @hello----1 
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
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A rec list for one of my favourite rare pairs: Draco/Goyle. Out of the few fics written about them, an impressive number have exactly what I like to read: humour, gentleness, and Draco being a little shit. Enjoy! 🐍
One Night by Indigo_Scarf (E, 1.8k) - Self-rec! Draco hates himself and everyone else, but Goyle just wants to love him.
Evening Field by vulcunt (M, 3.7k) - Bitter post-war Draco and Goyle trying to help. Immaculate dusk vibes + watching a frog with your crush, how cottagecore.
hangover/hang under by orphan_account (7.2k) - More immaculate dusk vibes + dark academia style. Goyle is the weighted blanket to Draco's anxiety.
misbegotten by Anonymous (M, 1k) - More of Draco's anxiety and Goyle's soothing, grounding touch.
Best Friends Forever by frogslayr (anno_Hreog) (M, 2.7k) - Goyle enjoys getting turned into a girl, while Draco is going mad. Hilarious lines, Draco being terrible, Goyle giving him the comfort he secretly craves.
Daddy's Little Goyle by foreword (G, 887) - Goyle's conflicted reflections on turning into a girl, wishing Draco would notice him, and taking pride in helping him with his mission.
Good Girl, Goyle by MalihiniMoon (2.8k) - Another one exploring Goyle's turning into a girl. Goyle's voice in this is delightfully comical and crass.
He Dare Not Speak Its Name by musikurt (G, 321) - Goyle is swooning and daydreaming about Draco, while Draco just sees him as comic relief.
Healing the Hole by Alisanne (514) - Draco and Goyle use sex, drugs, and each other to cope with Crabbe's death. I love how this handled Goyle's thoughts on seeing himself as the giant protector.
Circle by orphan_account (M, 600) - The Slytherin boys use sex and one another to cope with post-war loneliness. Also: "They were always the bread to Draco’s meat, which is a silly thing to think, but Greg has never really been one for metaphor."
Scholarly Choice by orphan_account (E, 770) - Goyle tries to look like Harry to make Draco like him more, then Draco acts like a bossy dom to poorly hide that he's a sub. Both beautiful concepts.
a little bit over my head by SkyRose (E, 1k) - Clumsy, bratty, virgin Draco is a mood + some neck action.
Though The Night Yield No Glimmer by scoradh (M, 5.3k) - They're poor and work at a restaurant. I'm not usually a fan of riches to rags, but this is too deliciously whumpy, and very well-written.
Out in the Octagon by Vaysh (M, 1.2k) - Draco watches Goyle's Muggle boxing match and it's very hot. I like the idea of Draco deigning to go to a filthy Muggle place for Goyle.
La Mue by Westyversionfrench (K+, 3.7k) - I love how Draco starts shit with Harry then gets upset. I love the wisdom in simplicity with which Goyle sees right through him.
Desde las sombras by Siniestra Malfoy (K+, 905) - Unrequited Goyle/Draco + Draco/Harry. Irresistible sickfic vibes.
Like Father, Like Son by Alley_Skywalker (G, 760) - I'd rate it M. Unrequited Goyle/Draco + Goyle/Scorpius. I love this devious, seductive characterisation of Scorpius.
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
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look at these 3 pixels and tell me you don't ship it
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
🖤🤍💜Assumptions (M)
Draco thinks he has to have sex with his boyfriend.
Or, a Drarry fic about them coming out as asexual to each other. By far my most popular fic ever, which makes me happy to be of service to my fellow aces. It was also largely based on my own experiences, so it's nice to see that resonate with so many people. And it was important for me to allow myself an indulgent ace/ace pairing.
💕🛀💅 Care (T)
After the war, Draco and Pansy find little ways to cope with life, as well as strengthen their relationship.
Basically a Dransy manifesto. I imagine Draco taking her for granted for most of their school years, and Pansy actually being pretty closed off too for fear of rejection, but this fic shows them trying to do better after the war. Also Pansy being the girly girl who helps you with self-care.
🐍🐍🔞 One Night (E)
When Gregory finally confesses his feelings to Malfoy, Malfoy offers him one pity shag.
My first foray into smut, with a rare pair I had never seriously considered, but which I really liked writing. The idea was that while Crabbe might have been in it for the status, Goyle genuinely cared about Draco, and Draco is well, a mess. Writing from Goyle's POV was very fun and gave me a new appreciation for him. Plus I had a blast writing the turbulent dynamic between them.
I tag @broomsticks, @turanga4, @ashesandhackles and @nv-md :)
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lumosatnight · 1 year
how about draco/goyle for a microfic 👀
@microficmay day 15 ‘silver & gold’. Greg/Draco, 50 words. Also on AO3.
Silver. Draco’s ring, gaudy and huge on his eleven-year-old hand. Willingly, you join his collection.
Silver. Draco’s hair, sauntering ahead. Leading. You, as always, following.
Silver. Draco’s eyes, flashing with Fiendfyre. Save him! Potter dives.
Gold. Draco’s laugh, years later, no longer in front but beside you. 
Finally lovers. Equals.
@indigo-scarf Droyle!!! Yes, yes, I agree. But here me out, next time Draco/Greg/Vince 👀
← Previous: No Escape | Next: Want →
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
♦ I wish to know if Draco enjoys, like, knitting or potted plants.
I usually imagine him taking up cooking:
1 - It's similar enough to Potions
2 - But you can do it as often as you want just for yourself/your family (with potions I think you'd have to attract a clientele or end up with a pile of random unused vials)
3 - You can get extremely pretentious about it
4 - It's something that used to be literally handed to him on an impersonal platter, so it can teach him that doing things yourself can be fun and fulfilling, rather than demeaning
And this works differently depending on the ship:
With Pansy: as some may know, I hc Pansy with an eating disorder, so it could either be really wholesome where it helps her fix her relationship with food, or really terrible where it's a trigger so Draco feels unappreciated and they fight all the time.
With Harry: I like the idea that cooking is important to both of them — but they have different cooking styles and get in some friendly competition about it. To Harry, cooking was be part of his abuse by the Dursleys, so reclaiming it for his own pleasure is part of overcoming his trauma. Plus, desi Harry could learn Indian recipes and that's also a way to reclaim a connection with his family that the Dursleys used to censor. (You didn't ask about Harry, but there you go, two for the price of one.)
With Theodore: Draco moves in with Theodore after Nott Sr dies, but Theodore spends too much time shut away in the library surviving on tea and digestibles or something, so Draco finds a solution to both boredom and hunger.
With Goyle: the chef and the foodie, perfect. With apple: many fascinating possibilities 🍏 HOWEVER I have yet to figure out how this would work in an 18th/19th style house like the ones purebloods live in. The kitchens were separated from everything to keep servants/elves in their place, but did no rich people ever cook at home back then? Something to research.
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thanks for the tag @leogichidaa!
Refuge - Draco/Scabior. Cottagecore. Cockney rhyming slang. Wizarding rhyming slang I made up.
One Night - Draco/Goyle. Goyle's POV was very fun to write.
Longest Night - Draco/Narcissa. Incest but make it soft and cute.
Care - Draco/Pansy. Boyfriend redemption arc. Magical nail paint.
Assumptions - Draco/Harry. Asexual disaster Draco. Asexual sweetheart Harry. I just wanted to make them both asexual.
Tagging @annabtg, @pebblysand, @hsvh-hp, @nv-md, @startanewdream if you haven't been yet!
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