#druid monkey things
thorn-the-silly-druid · 4 months
i don't really get species dysphoria. my frustration about being physically human is never the same horror and disgust that gender dysphoria brings. but sometimes, i get these random pangs of frustration and longing, where i wish i had animal parts. and i think to myself, "i want my tail back" or "i wish i had a tail again". as if i ever did.
funny thing, i don't think i was a monkey in a past life. or a wolf. i don't think of myself as having had past lives. i just kind of am. i was born nonhuman. there was never a time when i had an animal body.
i think i might know why i have that thought of wanting those parts "back", despite never having had any past lives where i really did.
it feels so right for me to have animal parts. not just right, it's innate to my body and mind. i feel my tail just as much as i do my human legs, i feel it swish and curl and wag and wrap itself around chair legs and reach out to grab things.
so when i notice that i don't, that there's nothing there, it feels like something that was taken from me rather than something i want but never had. something that gets taken from me every time i go to pick something up in my tail to keep my paws free, and then -
oh. right.
no strong prehensile tail, nothing reaching behind me to mess with the drawstrings on my backpack, it was all my imagination. and no big monkey ears either, and there's no soft coat of pale tan fur hidden under my jacket.
those animal parts, they exist in my mind just as much as my arms and legs do. but then i look back at my own body and there's nothing there. and i've lost them all over again.
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honourablejester · 1 year
Huh. Since my reblog of the other post appears to have vanished? Not sure what happened there? Have a random set of opinions on the relative sexiness of D&D 5e classes:
Rogues have the dual allures of competence and the forbidden tryst. Warlocks are beautiful disasters that you know will be bad for you but can’t help wanting anyway. Sorcerers have power humming in their blood, a tangible electricity in your hands. Druids are the ones who shyly court you by leaving their favourite flowers and mushrooms and weird animals on your doorstep. Wizards are a different flavour of disaster to warlocks, those idiots who are simultaneously highly competent and dumb as a box of rocks, and they make you simultaneously want to strangle them and kiss them stupid. Rangers are that beau who are just there when you need them, a thousand little tiny practical things that just lighten your day. Barbarians are passion and power and that person strong enough to scoop you into their arms, even if they’re technically smaller than you. Fighters are all about precision, taking the time to learn something right, and then replicate it time after time. Monks are about the dance, weaving around you and grinning when they get the cheap shot, leaving you half livid and half delighted. Artificers are about the act of creation, sometimes mad, sometimes stupid, sometimes inspired, that crook of the finger and twist of the wrist. Clerics are the islands in the stream, that rush of power and illumination, that glimpse of something bigger and more beautiful. Paladins are the oath, the promise kept, the ‘til death do us part’. Bards are the romance, the right words at the right time, the background knowledge of support, the clever fingers playing chords across your skin.
It’s dealer’s choice, honestly. There’s something there for just about everyone.
But for the record I would personally take artificer (blacksmith, mechanic, grease monkey, strong, clever hands, that know how to heal and how to create), barbarian, and certain flavours of cleric (tempest, for vibrancy and electricity, forge, because see artificer previously, and twilight, because I will make for you a twilight bower where we can both be safe, and love you under the starlight) for my top three. No offense to Liam O’Brien, but I don’t have the patience for wizards. I would take a gothic romance with a weary paladin, though.
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non-neutoniangender · 6 months
Welp its a halloween episode, and right on time too, we had an emotional moment to get through. Anyway, I'm not familiar enough with the x men to know what these costumes are, besides cool.
Holy fucking shit FCG you're trying to FORCE Laudna back???
I'm so glad the dice decided to say no, thats so poetic lmao
Laura freaking Bailey ladies and gentlemen, and you tell me she didn't realize she had feelings for Laudna? Leaving her the choice, saying she would be there.... such fantastic roleplaying
okay So here I took a several month long break from watching CR for various reasons and I come back to remember that. I stopped watching IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RESURECTION. and I had forgotten it was halloween
oh noooooo not a 7 :(
(I cannot take matt seriously in these contacts)
(or taliesin as a vampire(?) for that matter)
I love that Marisha dressed up for this episode
Oh my god poor Laudna she's so traumatized
Whitestone!!! its thriving
The pinky promise 😭😭😭😟😟😟
I really adore the cast letting Laudna have a moment with the sun tree. What a lovely connection
Not ashley trying to steal the holy symbol from her own character
The implication that fcg sneezes is gold. thank you marisha lmao
Find Familiar!!!!
oh my god he has a voice!!!!
I love the voice that Matt has given Paté, amazing moment for everyone!
Oh I love that Percy gives the monkey a gun, such a percy move glad the monkey now has a gun to use.
Wow Sam. Just wow. These drink things are getting much more elaborate. Honestly the wack picures of the cast were better imo
The DREAMS!?!?! Not Eshteross, thats an awful thought...
I love Frearne chatting to the Sun Tree like a good friend. Rite of passage for the druids.
Love how proud of Taliesin is of Percy's stuff.
GILMORE!!!!!!!! ya love to see it.
Damn the dreaming that someone died is going to become important in this campaign huh.
Also the wills are super cool
I can't wait to find out what the Hells do with the letters not addressed to them.
Anyway, I'm very happy to have finally finished an episode for the first time in months, and hopefully this is the start of some good momentum? I'm really curious about the solstice and such, so.
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Okay, since my Bells Hells Pokémon Teams were more popular than I expected:
More Bells Hells Pokémon
Pokémon that didn't make the six slot team cut (or possibly didn't occur to me at the time. There's 1,000+ Pokémon now, so it's harder to remember them all) but I think makes sense for Bells Hells to have. Except Legendaries. That will be a different post.
Cubchoo/Beartic- another that Chet would have picked up in the Icelost years, or maybe up near Uthodurn. Cubchoo was a cute little kid Chet took in, and Beartic is kind of werewolf-shaped for a bear
Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry- tree Pokémon, need I say more? Might be shiny for that redder wood coloration
Delibird- for the Santa theme. Also, it can just cart around all the toys Chetney carves in its bag tail
Wyrdeer- more Chirstmas theme, but also just majestic old man vibes too
Drampa- old man vibes and it likes kids, so good for an old toymaker
Stufful- it's kind of a toy. I mean, the Pokémon Go version has a tag on its butt
Bonsly/Sudowoodo- thought it was a tree, was disappointed to find out it was rock, but since it wasn't metal, Chetney decided to keep it
Poochyena/Mightyena- more wolf Pokémon
Falinks (Shiny)- little soldier guys for the little soldier man. Shiny for less gold, more down to earth colors
Rufflet/Braviary- tough bird Pokémon for a tough little Air Ashari. Might be a Hisuian Braviary if Orym's deal with Nana Morri makes him a warlock
Deerling/Sawsbuck (Spring Form) OR Cherubi/Cherrim- for the cherry blossom aesthetic of Zephrah
Petilil/Liligant (Hisuian)- for the dancing fighter from druid town vibes
Pawniard/Bisharp- more soldier vibes. Does not evolve up to Kingambit unless Orym finally feels like a leader instead of a soldier
Treeko/Grovyle/Sceptile- guys with grass blades and Treeko's a little climber too
Shieldon/Bastiodon- shield Pokémon for our boy with a shield
Buneary/Lopunny- bouncing bunnies for a man who bounces and feels he'd be a were-bunny if he got to choose a were-critter
Growlithe/Arcanine- fluffy fire "wolves." All things Fearne loves
Purrloin/Liepard- thieving cats for our thieving faun
Klefki- a Fairy-type that's a bit of a collector, just like Fearne, if more focused than her
Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape- more fire monkeys for Fearne
Pansear/Simisear (Shiny)- more fire monkeys for Fearne. Shiny for Pansear's orange coloration
Sprigatito/Floragato/Meowscrada- tricky grass cats with some fluff
Shroomish/Breloom- for her disregard for the danger of mushrooms and because they're cute
Teddiursa/Ursaring/Ursaluna (Shiny)- Teddiursais small cute and fluffy, and up at Ursaluna there's a moon connection for being lightly Ruidusborn. Shiny for the moss-covered look of Teddiursa and Ursaring. Also Sweet Pea reference?
Budew/Roselia/Roserade- more pretty, poisonous flowers
Salazzle- hot fire mama Pokémon for a hot fire druid with a baby boy/fire monkey
Ponyta/Rapidash- more horses for Imogen. Also, Kantonian Rapidash looks better than Galarian (in my opinion)
Raichu (Alolan)- Psychic and Electric-type, need I say more?
Espurr/Meowstic (Female, Shiny)- a Pokémon with psychic control issues as Espurr and a ruthless streak as Meowstic. Shiny for a more pinkish Espurr and yellow-scarfed Meowstic
Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable- moon Pokémon with psychic powers
Lunatone- more psychic moon Pokémon
Mareep/Flaffy/Ampharos- more Electric-types for Imogen, and also sort of farm-related to reflect her roots
Munna/Munsharna- psychic dream Pokémon with a better aesthetic for Imogen than Drowzee/Hypno
Psyduck- psychic headaches, just like Imogen
Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle- another Psychic-type, except this one's aesthetic reminds Imogen of Laudna
Zorua/Zoroak (Hisuian)- ghostly Pokémon of the north, fitting for a ghost of Whitestone. Also the cuddliness of Zorua calls to Laudna
Froslass- more northern ice ghosts. And a little witchy too
Vullaby/Mandibuzz- wears bones and Mandibuzz takes care of little vullaby babies/kids
Cubone/Marowak (Alolan)- Cubone mourn their lost mother, like Laudna (maybe?) misses hers. And set it on fire as Marowak for the Fireball spell. Also, bone Pokémon
Sinistea/Polteageist OR Polchageist/Sinistcha- Sinistea line definitely has that Ladies of Whitestone vibe, but Polchageist has the fix-it folklore. Definitely lean more toward Sinsitea line though
Joltik/Galvantula- spiders for Mis Creepy and a little Shocking Grasp electricity
Spinarak/Ariados- more creepy spiders
Phantump/Trevenant (Shiny)- for the tree-like Form of Dread. Shiny for pale wood and red leaves which are Laudna colors
Paras/Parasect- for the mindcontrol by something parasitizing off of them mushrooms, much like how Delilah parasitizes her
Greavard/Houndstone- ghost doggo!
Absol- a "hound" of ill omen, it probably warns Laudna to skip town before the mobs come
Rotom- ghost in the machine for a soul in a machine. Also, can you imagine it possessing FCG's oven? And the pun for Mow Rotom
Raltz/Kirlia/Gardevoir (Shiny)- empath Pokémon with psychic powers who dislikes conflict. Shiny to match FCG's coat being blue
Klink/Klang/Klinklang- gear Pokémon for the little machine boi
Audino- another Pokémon center helper and healer from the anime
Indeedee (Male)- another empath Pokémon
Bronzor- it's a coin! From the Changebringer!
Iron Valient- robot-like Gardevoir/Gallade mix for a robit that has a Gardevoir
Morpeko- it's cute and switches to a rage mode if it doesn't take care of itself (disregarding game mechanic of constant switch for flavor text of only when not properly fed)
Meltan- little metal buddies for the little metal boi
Roggenrola/Boldore/Gigalith- rocks and crystals Pokémon for the rocks and crystals boi
Grotle/Torterra- would receive as a child in Hishari. Turtwig being a Grass-type is a nod to the druidic leanings of Hishari, while Torterra's "tortise with the world on its back" leans a bit more titans as rulers/guardians/makers of the world
Nacli/Naclstack/Garganacl (Shiny)- salty, as Ashton's attitude is sometimes. Also very sandstone strata in looks as a shiny
Sableye- attracted to Ashton's crystal hair and they just never could get rid of it. At least it's good for helping with stealing stuff
Obstagoon- it's one of the punk-est Pokémon aesthetically
Gible/Gabite/Garchomp- bitey dragon landshark, especially now that Ashton can Earth Glide
Great Tusk- ancient, a little earthy, and the predecessor to rolling wheel Pokémon Donphan, which is probably a not unpopular Pokémon in Bassuras
Rhyhorn/Rhydon/Rhyperior- mostly for Rhyhorn's "keep charging forward" attitude that Ashton tries to do emotionally
Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon (Shiny)- another angry rampager Pokémon. Shiny so it's green like Ashton
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
What dnd class would each character play as? I can just see Monkey telling the rest of the MM that they can't all be barbarians when they played for the first time 🤣
What D&D Class are the Metal Maniacs?
Firstly, thank you for asking because after the game night post I low key was having brain rot about this lmao!!
Secondly, you are so right. The way that Tork was 100% the first one to be like “I’ll play a barbarian” and then everyone just jumps on the rage bandwagon until a very exasperated Monkey is like YOU CANT ALL BE BARBARIANS!!! That being said- here’s what I think everyone else would play as!
Taro Kitano - I feel like for obvious reasons Taro would want to play a Samurai Fighter. He already follows Bushidō in real life, so being able to play as a Samurai would be the easiest thing to get into character for him. After like two or three sessions, Taro actually gets absurdly attached to his character too. He’d never show it, but Monkey 100% has fudged a roll or two to keep his Samurai alive if Taro starts rolling bad.
Tork Maddox - Like I mentioned before, Tork claimed Barbarian first so he’s the only one who actually gets to play the class. Specifically, he would be a Path of the Giant Barbarian. He basically just makes his character a giant ass beating machine so that he can protect the rest of the party. An evil wizard can’t cast spells if he’s too busy choking down a knuckle sandwich.
Monkey McClurg - Monkey, despite being the forever DM of this group, would play a Battle Smith Artificer if he had the chance. I mean come on! He’s basically one already! Look at Sparky!!! He loves to tinker and that what artificers are all about baby! He settles for making his theoretical character an NPC in a shop the part passes through until he can actually play them.
Porkchop Riggs - Circle of the Shepherd Druid. It’s a great support class, AND HE GETS TO SHAPE SHIFT INTO A BEAR??? Uh yeah sign him up for that!!! It also gives him an excuse to have a pig companion. Plus, with Porkchop having the Speech of the Woods feat, it makes it way easier for Monkey to sneak exposition and plot hooks into the game play just by having Porkchop’s Druid overhear woodland creatures gossiping.
Mark Wylde - I see Mark as an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Especially, if it’s before he makes amends with Kurt. Monkey would help him write him a ‘terrible and nondescript sibling character’ into his characters back story that he could have fictional beef with to work through some of that trauma. Cause that what D&D is all about folks. Catharsis. After him and Kurt start talking things out though, I think it might be fun for him to possibly develop into an Oath of Devotion Paladin - his devotion being to keep his party safe.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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My 2nd Tav/Durge/Dark Urge, Fee. I
shot myself in the foot making her, because I was so damn attracted to her it made it hard playing the game at times. I would have to read back the dialogue because I would catch myself staring at her.
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Fee is a Dark Urge Moon/ Druid Tiefling. The best way to describe her is a vertin Nurse who has seen it all and has major burn out. Fee is not only curse with the Dark urge, but with giving a crap. She will try to say "not my circus, not my monkeys" knowing damn well by the end of the day, she will be the one to rangle the apes.
I had so much fun with her character. She is more neutral with a few strong moral codes on a few things. My head cannon is that she was raised in a druid family with a bunch of adopted siblings , who all tried to help her deal with her growing urges. When she blacked out and ended up taking out her adopted parents, she fled knowing her siblings would hunt her. Before BG3, she was a nomad , wondering from place to place trying to do good in between her urges taking over. When she fell into the Dead 3 concericy, she had kind of numbed herself to everything. Ironically, loosing her memories gave her a chance to start anew and be the person she always wanted to be.
Like many of my OC's, she ended up with Astraion. Being a Druid she didn't mind him feeding on her. After what she did to Alfira (who she had a crush on), she got with Astraion that first night with the small hope he would drain her.
After the nether brain, Fee is already experienced enough to travel the world with Astraion by her side, to see the world and possibly find a cure for him. Be it the cure for him to walk in the sun, or for him to be mortal again, hells, even to find a way for her to become a spwan like him so they can live forever as equals.
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I got something for you to chew on: what would the counselors DnD classes and race be? Bonus points for subclasses
oml i love this 😭 thank you. i miss my dnd group every day
Dylan's easy, he plays a half-elf bard/artificer. best of both worlds; he gets to be a charming dope & flash his knowledge at the same time. he's one of those players that's obnoxious but also so, so funny & ends up saving an encounter from going south more than once. his artificer subclass is definitely gravity arcanist - drawing the fire to protect his teammates sounds like his kind of thing
Emma strikes me as an elf girl & originally i wanted to make her a bard also, but i actually think she would play a ranger. after a lot of thought, i like to imagine to chooses celestial archer as her subclass & now i can't stop picturing Emma with a magic bow
i don't know why but Nick strikes me as a satyr. i'm not going to clown on him this time, it just seems like it fits. i also think he would play a monk - there's too many subclasses, my eyes hurt - & carries around a slingshot & a bunch of sharp stones. weird ass
Kaitlyn wants to be BIG. she plays a bloody orc with a massive warhammer that towers over the other players. with everyone else's insistence, she finally started doing A Voice. she plays a fighter & she went with the classic destroyer subclass to unleash her pent-up rage
since he's new to the game, Jacob picks dragonborn & assumes he's cheesed the system before figuring out how it works. he gets insanely attached to his character tho. he chose to be a barbarian & he's still deciding on a subclass :) he's either going to take the magical girl route or the way of the monkey king
Abi gets overwhelmed by all the choices & ends up playing a human in a panic, but she's not too disappointed, especially when she chooses to be a druid & then she gets VERY into the game. i think it would be cool if she picked the circle of the dragonshifter, but i do think she would take a stronger liking to the circle of the stars
Ryan prolly DMs, if we're being honest, but he would prolly play an earth genasi - he seems the type. steadfast and smart, able to blend with the world. he's a warlock on the outsider path & i had to resist the urge to pick so many things based purely on jokes
bonus - Laura plays a rogue tiefling & Max plays her dedicated sorceror satyr bf that tossing healing spells her way whenever they fight
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snicklesnek · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite magician characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be of any class or variety of magic-user (wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, healer, druid, etc.), of any race or species, so long as using magic is *primarily* their thing in the story. Not just something they do occasionally, but something that is a major element of their role and their identity.
This is a tough one purely because of how much fantasy media I consume. There's anime, video games, movies, books, I could even say a character that I myself made up for the sake of a DnD campaign. I could say Sparrowhawk from Earthsea because I like the magic system, the player character from Morrowind due to the absolute insanity they can get up to by grinding and crafting custom spells, Lute the Kobold bard npc that our party pretty much adopted in a DnD campaign who rolls absurdly high performance every time he plays something, etc.
Tbh I'm absolutely going to have to go with Lute since he's the party's pathetic but surprisingly talented son. Sips the angry monkey from Dingo Doodles' Fools Gold is also great, especially with the rest of their party to counter the angst of the wrathful monkey, which makes two DnD characters... So for my third and final choice I choose BURER from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
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shadowmonkstone · 9 months
Tell you what, I needed that rest. Thought so at the time and then it proved a bloody sensible idea a little while later too because we ran into some goblins.
…I fucking hate goblins.
Turns out Gale, Shadowheart and Lae’zel (Astarion stayed at camp reading, thank fuck - having Gale spouting his namby-pamby verbal diarrhea in my ear the whole time is already too much) fucking hate goblins just as much as I do and we made short work of a group attacking some humans trying to get let into a tiefling village. Had the help of an bloody wizard, or maybe he’s a sorcerer, I dunno. Doesn’t matter, chap could handle himself with a sword and sling a few spells too, and who am I to complain if there’s some extra muscle wanting to wade in and get stabby with the goblins.
Trust me, it gets stranger…
Turns out the humans had gone adventuring with the chief Druid, but they ran into goblins and came back without the Druid. Now this is a problem because the Druid was happy to look after the tieflings, but with him gone, the junior druids are pissed off and kicking the tieflings out.
No I don’t know why either.
Anyways. There was an argument about bringing goblins to the camp, druids being dickheads but not as big dickheads as the humans until Big Zev, the tief-chief, lamped one of the humans square on the jaw. You would’ve loved it, Boss. Proper right hook it was, and it left the bloke flat on his arse! Mag-bloody-nificent.
So I agreed to try and help the tieflings with their Druid problem. Lae’zel did NOT approve of this but I don’t give a monkey’s because this is the right thing to do and I’m going to do it until I’ve got tentacles for a face.
Lucky for me, the others agreed and Lae’zel dragged her grumpy arse along too because she needed to find the tiefling who had seen her crèche.
We’ll track that bugger down first I think, just to keep her happy. Or at the very least, keep her disinclined to stab us all with her spear.
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ifarted-yourewelcome · 10 months
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Hunnee(Fire Emoji)
Uhmmm I’ll eventually post a ref sheet for them but they’re my main oc for Bloons so like?3?3! I made them as a joke at first that’s why they’re an alien and not a monkey,,, but I got too interested
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The druids are like a fan club like the super monkey fan club but like, it’s one of Hunnees little power things they get when they reach level 10/17
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abomination-nation · 1 year
Bloons td6 glue Gunner paragon :)
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I've been playing a lot recently and i thought to myself. I want a rainbow glue gunner paragon. So i drew one. Most of my thoughts are included in the image itself, along with my signature (BootlegSeraphim is my username pretty much everywhere except Tumblr, I may change my username here sometime. I don't know.) If you want to repost the image on another website, link back to this post somewhere in your post, Please and Thankies. Sorry to Redditors but I'm scared of that website.
Top Path Glue Gunners are one of my favorite Towers for some ungodly reason, right up there with Middle Path Druids and Bottom Path Dartling Gunners. So that was my main inspiration here. It's maybe a little less Complex and Epic than the other Paragons we have actually in the game, but I don't know! I think having the rainbows in there kindof makes up for it, in a way.. I really do think that this Monkey should be Uber Colorful. If you look at all the other glue gunners, their suits are all so eyecatching, and their Glues are so bright too! I think a Gluey Paragon should amp that up!
secret message for Developers under the Readmore 🤫Just In Case they somehow see this!
I know the sneaky sausages over at NinjaKiwi do take inspirations from their communities, so hey. If you're a Kiwi and you're reading this, 1) 👍yaaay!! Hii :) 2) I don't really need to say such a thing, but I feel inclined, Do whatever you might need to To make this design more Intricate and Intense and whatnot. There's plenty of opportunity for big sploshes of Glue everywhere 3) I think the mixed Glue Splatters should be rainbow as well. I know logically if the different Glues are mixing then they should be. Well. Probably Brown? And Gross. But with the power of Video Games don't have to conform perfectly to real life, We can have the prettiest Glue ever :) Rainbows of Pure Popping Power sounds Delightful!
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thorn-the-silly-druid · 7 months
hello! welcome to my account. you can just call me thorn :3
i use only it/its pronouns on this account. my username was formerly @wandering--cryptid, so if you remember that name, that was me.
🌱 🍌 🐛
im level 1 autistic, have adhd, and am physically & mentally disabled. i dont log on here a huge ton, just when i have something nonhuman to say and dont want to broadcast it to my main acc.
i am a 0-0-0 druid & 2-0-2 mermonkey from bloons td 6, as well as being a cryptid wolf thingy (hard to describe :P). i am pretty much constantly shifted to a degree, and do not consider myself human at all.
i've been active off and on in otherkin spaces since like 2022, but never actually had an account dedicated to my nonhumanity before.
dni: anti recovery or pro contact towards harmful paras (zoo/pedo), pro/comshippers, zionists, pro endo, transmed/queer exclus of any kind, anti kin (obviously) :<
please interact: bloons fans, fictotherians, any rare/underrepresented kins (especially primates!!)
🌧️ 🐾 🥝
icon credit: it's from btd6 but idk exactly who drew it
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dailycharacteroption · 11 months
Retrograde Revision 2: Ape Shaman
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(art by Poly3it on DeviantArt)
We’re back with another revision special, where I go through and rewrite my oldest archetype entries to be up to my modern standards, and today we’re looking at our first of what would be really the only true “series” of archetypes in the system.
Animal shamans, existing before the shaman class became a thing, are a variety of druid that are devoted to the totem of a single animal, all gaining similar abilities with only a small amount of variance, but each demonstrating how that focus can be applied.
In modern times, I feel like this sort of archetype would probably all be one archetype with a variety of different options, but the outliers of the group, specifically dragon shaman and saurian shaman, would lose some of their nuance in the process.
In any case, the Ape Shaman!
Primates as a whole are clever and agile creatures, most built for tree life, but their opposable thumbs, and evolution towards brain complexity makes them unique to many other broad categories of beasts. After all, we ourselves are primates! However, while they are associated with smarts, pranks, and community, they can also be extremely ferocious, and creative in that ferocity.
With that in mind, these druids can be wise and cerebral, but also deadly defenders, but they may also bide their time, plotting insidious revenge against their foes as well. They may serve as a bridge between humans and apes in their land, or they may focus on shepherding communities. After all, there is much more variety in primate-kind than most give credit, and with it comes many different sorts of communities and behaviors.
The nature bond of an animal shaman must be either with an animal associated with their totem or with domains associated with them. As such, they must either have an ape companion, or have the Animal, Community, Destruction, or Strength domains, with the option for the Family and Rage subdomains.
They can also befriend or influence apes much faster and with greater success than other animals, demonstrating a special empathy with them.
One of the iconic ability of animal shamans is a partial wild shape that briefly grants access to abilities commonly associated with their totem. In this case, they can become expert climbers, improve their senses, strike hard with their limbs, or grow thick fur to cushion incoming blows.
Another such ability lets them summon their totem animal at greater speed and flexibility. All of their summoned primates are tougher, and they can summon younger ones at lower spell levels, and bigger and stronger ones at higher levels, which helps fill out spell slots where they can still summon apes. For Ape shamans, this gives them a range of a young ape as a second level summoning, or an advanced giant dire ape as a 6th level (or a advanced giant girallon at 7th if you count that), which is not a bad range overall. Heck, if your GM allows you to homebrew in megaprimatus, you can go even further. Apes in particular are interesting summons because they can also make use of improvised thrown and wielded weaponry, though obviously you can’t train summoned creatures to do so.
Finally, the last iconic ability of animal shamans is that they get wild shape slightly later than other druids, but gain the advantage that any primate forms they might take treat their druid level as higher for the purposes of what effective spell and duration they have to work with, giving them stronger and more accurate forms at earlier levels. While megaprimatus is too big, and girallon is too magical to replicate, this does give them stronger and earlier access to plenty of primate forms, including the devil monkey form. Plus, unlike summons, you can make full use of those opposable digits while in wild shape.
The ape shaman offers a decent spread of abilities, and it’s summons and shapes cover a surprisingly wide area though they lack some variety. As such, I’d still recommend it. Personally, I would build them as a mostly support built with an edge of melee when needed, but you can go fully melee if you want.
A lot of the time, there’s a tendency to assume that druids prefer animals to people, which isn’t unwarranted a lot of the time, and it may very well be true in the case of today’s subject too, but a lot of what makes primates appealing is that they are so very much like us. Indeed, if these shamans value apes as a totem, exemplifying their strong suits, then their cleverness and ability to show kindness to not just their own species but others as well, are reflected in most sapient species too, giving even the most misanthropic ape shamans at least an understanding of civilized peoples.
Recent rumors from the colonies of the empire of Mrex have spoken of apes that walk with no trouble on their hind limbs, wielding tools and weapons, and even speaking eloquently with colonists. Some may assume this is a very unflattering report of native peoples, but the colonists insist that it was in fact an ape, one that demonstrated powerful magic as well.
For as long as anyone can remember, the villages of the Calu jungle have been completely nomadic, never staying in one place long enough for the local kech tribes to plan out ambushes and raids. However, something has changed, the kech are beginning to pick off villages one by one, aided by mighty apes who normally spurn the wicked race. Has one of the shaman elders gone rogue?
A brave party of adventurers seeks the Crown of the Sky, an artifact said to dwell on the highest peaks. However, only the yeti are said to know where exactly it is hidden. They will have to beware, however, for the hidden grottos of the snowmen are guarded by elite mystics surrounded by bands of snow apes. Only by suitably impressing these guardians will they be given audience with the grand elder.
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youlooksogoodinblue · 2 months
Soo i have dnd brain rot and i havent been able to play in a while(like for years :[ ) so here r the fob albums as dnd classes and subclasses(not including eowyg and eps and stuff). this is honestly for a niche audience of just me.
Tttyg is an arcane trickster rogue. Tttyg is teen angst perfectly captured in an album in my humble opinion(and what suits that edge better than a rogue!) Tttyg registers as more of a martial class than a magic user but could utilize both, and definitely something more agility/dexterity based than pure strength.
Futct is a bard through and through, an edgy bard but a bard nonetheless. I think college of eloquence subclass. The lyrics in this album are a major highlight and the way they r delivered is just so good(its my fav album so i may be biased). The lyrics of futct is some of the most biting and/or horny of all of fobs discography.
Definitely a druid, idk if its too derivative but maybe circle of stars? Of the pre-hiatus albums it feels the most grounded and like grown to me, which gives more druidic healer energy than anything else. This is mostly vibes based lol
Folie à deux
WARLOCK. FIEND PATRON. This is the one i feel the strongest about. Like the themes of fame and like disillusionment with it gives total deals with a devil/ monkeys paw kind of vibe that a warlock pact brings. And also vibes are right, argue with the wall
Okay im not super certain for this one but as soon as the thought came in my brain it felt right, originally i thought barbarian, a specifically tanky one but the vibes were off bc this album feels very light, adaptive, and nimble while also feeling like sturdy. Way of the long death monk just fits the vibes in my brain so much better. Like it still can be used more defensively and the temp hp touch of death and the ki to hp thing gives off reborn/ not broken up just on break/ rise from the ashes come back vibes.
This is definitely a barbarian to me. Berserker or giant? Just this feels like a big strong person who can tank and deal alot of damage, and also while this album doesnt really have that much rage compared to other albums the angry harsher songs hit harder bc of that reason, you feel me? Also no disrespect this album would mainly thrive in battle is the vibe i get.
Wild magic sorcerer. Yeah. Of all the albums this feels like a magic user, simultaneously innate/natural yet unpredictable/uncontrollable. Fits the vibe of the reception of the album, a tone that felt out of left field yet still them.
Once again maybe too derivative but twilight domain cleric? This album is the most healed in my brain so its definitely more of a healer and defender in my brain. Just the vibes, if this were a party, smfs would definitely be the parent figure and being a cleric fits that sort of energy sometimes.
I could also see this album as a divination wizard.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
😇 would love to know about ashton’s whole deal with the beacon at the key in the accidental ascension au and maybe what happens with mister after everything goes down! Does The Monkey Become More Powerful
AND. 📚 anything about orym in secret library! i love that au it’s so fun. somehow it gives me hellboy vibes if you’ve ever seen that movie or read the comics?
😇 Honestly, it's mostly plot convenience with reasonable justification hiding under the hood.
Beacons are wells of dunamancy, the magic of potential and possibility. And potential and possibility sound like just the right ingredients for ascension. Especially when you add the power of a leyline nexus to boost effects.
But Bells Hells knows nothing about the Beacons, to the point Ashley wouldn't justify Fearne using her Stonky's Ring to pull the Beacon, even though it was a shiny artifact in the Key revealed by Liliana's actions for Ludinus and they knew shiny artifacts in a Malleus Key act as a core that can be removed to stop them.
BH's lack of knowledge is ironic, though, when Ashton is his own personal Beacon.
The other thing going on is that, by Kryn Dynasty lore, the Luxon wants to be reassembled. So I feel that it makes sense for someone as deeply marked by the Luxon as Ashton to feel drawn to the Beacons, to feel a little connected to them. And it’s Ashton’s first time getting in close to a Beacon, plus they're a barbarian used to listening to their instincts, so he didn't really think too hard about going after that feeling and grabbing the shiny artifact.
The the rest is just a resonance between the Beacon and Ashton’s Beacon-like galaxy brain.
😇 Seeing as familiars exist in a form of symbiosis with their summoner: Yes, the Monkey does Become More Powerful. Especially since wildfire spirits in particular get stronger/offer more boosts the higher the druid's level
📚 I have seen the movies (it's been awhile~) but not read the comics. Though I can kinda see your point. Supernatural protection committee hidden in a public services building.
As a normal human, Orym can’t druidcraft (sad, I know😢). So instead he's got the greenest thumb.
Like, the original reason Orym transferred to the Jrusar branch of the Secret Library was to take over tending their greenhouse of magical plants. He ended up also taking Bertrand's Field Leader position after Bert passed because he was qualified and did mainly fieldwork in pretty much every other branch he's worked in.
Furthermore, Orym will cover any flat surface that is his to decorate with potted flowers/plants. So his room/home is covered in green. So is his office. He's added potted herbs to the Library kitchen and scattered succulents around the study areas. He even recruited Fearne and Ashton's help to stick a few low-maintenance plants in Eshteross's office to liven things up.
Orym's just a "plants and flowers are love" kind of guy
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titanrpg · 1 year
Do you have a document you can share with your Animal Crossing Oneshot, Monkeys Paw? I want to run it with my friends!
ah! i do! i'm so glad someone remembers thattt
Animal Crossing: Monkey’s Paw
A new villager comes to town, Wukong. Peppy. Meteor shower the night before. What do you all wish for? Wukong shows up and grants wishes but twisted. 
First act, Isabelle announces there’s a meteor shower forecast for tonight. How does everyone spend their day? What do u wish for during the shower?
Second act: Wukong shows up the next day asking for the star pieces. He twists your wishes around, then no one can find him. Go to different areas on the island (portals?) to investigate. Maybe island hopping.
Third act: What do y’all do about it?
Lux - Island Representative is a Peppy Minor Patron Sorcerer (my self-insert lol)
Coco - Normal Shadow Sorcerer
Tiffany - Snooty Assassin Rogue
Drago - Lazy Ascendant Dragon Monk
Marina - Normal Fathomless Warlock
Julian - Smug Circle of Stars Druid
Kabuki - Cranky Sharingan Sorcerer
ALSO here are some pics of the locations that were available to check out (based on my real acnh island!)
in my head, honeydew island was built on the ruins of an ancient library, on an island where magical, eldritch, and weird things happen. enjoy!
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