#drunk nancy trying to hit on girls is so funny to me
surferboyzaza · 2 years
once nancy’s realized she’s not as straight as she thought she was, eddie insists on taking her to chicago for the weekend so they can hit ever gay club in existence
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
To the Moon and to Saturn (Eddie/Steve)
Summary: Steve and Eddie are...something. Oh, and Steve knows how to braid hair, for some reason, and decides to show off his skills on Eddie. (Commission for the lovely @happyandticklish!! Thank you so much!! Also, the title is from the Taylor Swift song, “seven” - hope y’all enjoy!!)
Eddie Munson knew he liked boys by the time he hit high school, but that didn’t make crushing on one any easier. He already sat at the bottom in the food chain of popularity, so the last thing he needed was for people to discover one more reason to label him as a freak.
So, when Steve Harrington got drunk off of a cheap six-pack, sidled up beside him, and knocked their knees together gently, it was almost too much for Eddie to deal with. They were outside of Eddie’s trailer that evening, joined by Robin, Vickie, and Nancy, who were all sitting on a blanket in the grass, engrossed in some conversation about something Eddie couldn’t be bothered to listen in on.
“Your hair is really long,” Steve said, stating the obvious.
“And you’re really drunk,” Eddie replied, hoping the nervous lilt in his voice came across as teasing instead.
So, yeah, he found Steve hot, but who fucking didn’t? He was all strong, square jaw and fabulous hair and that goddamn smile, how was he supposed to resist? But guys like Steve Harrington were off limits, he told himself. Steve seemed like a nice guy overall, but there was no telling how he’d react to being genuinely hit on by another guy, and Eddie sure as hell wasn’t going to take that chance.
Steve reached out, wrapping his fingers around a few of Eddie’s curls, examining them for whatever reason made logical sense in his intoxicated brain. “Do you do anything to it, or does it just, like, come out of the shower like this?”
“Pretty much,” he replied. “I assume you spend hours getting your hair to sit like that, all perfect and fluffy and shit.”
Great job, Eddie. Totally not gay to call his hair perfect.
Steve gave a little pout, letting go of Eddie’s hair. “Yeah, it’s like a whole process. I’m jealous. Your hair is just…naturally pretty.”
“Pretty?” Eddie asked, feeling his face flush.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, pretty.”
The moment was promptly interrupted by Robin’s cackling laughter at some joke that Nancy had made, pulling both of their eyes over to the girls.
“I feel very left out of the joke,” Eddie said, trying to break the tension.
Steve snorted. “Robin laughs at everything when she’s drunk, I doubt it’s even funny.”
He staggered a few steps over to the cooler, and let out a childish whine at the discovery that there was no more beer left.
“Trust me, you don’t need any more alcohol,” Eddie said.
“Okay, mom,” Steve replied, rolling his eyes.
God, he was adorable even when he was being insufferable, Eddie thought. Then, he promptly tripped over the cooler and nearly face-planted into the dirt.
The girls all turned at the sound, and Robin shrieked with laughter again at her best friend’s plight.
Eddie rushed over to help Steve to his feet, trying to ignore the flutter in his chest as their hands clasped together. “Yeah, you’re definitely cut off, dude. Come inside,” he said, ushering a stumbling, giggling Steve through the door of the trailer.
Steve plopped onto the couch, looking at his scraped palms with a sigh. “Why do I always end up bleeding every time we hang out, huh?”
Eddie snorted. “Because you love to put yourself in danger. I’m just waiting on the sidelines to save your ass.”
He walked over with a glass of water and a towel to press to the surface-level wounds, nothing compared to what he had seen Steve endure, but still worthy of care regardless.
“Thanks,” Steve muttered, taking a few generous gulps of water before allowing Eddie to look at his hands, patting away the dirt and the tiny bit of blood.
“Don’t mention it,” Eddie replied, before sitting down on the couch beside him.
Steve immediately scooted closer, his face so close that Eddie could smell the beer on his breath.
“I don’t just think your hair is pretty, you know,” Steve said.
“Oh?” Eddie asked, voice cracking ever-so-slightly.
Steve nodded. “I think you’re pretty. Like, really fuckin’ pretty.”
“You’re not thinking straight.”
Steve barked out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m thinking quite the opposite, which is ironic considering I thought I was pretty damn straight. But then you came along and all of a sudden I can’t stop thinking about your stupid smile, or your goddamn hair—”
Eddie shut his drunken rambling up with a kiss.
It was quick, nervous, and messy, but it didn’t last long. Their friends were just outside the trailer door, and they were drunk, and the early morning hours were flying by faster than Eddie wanted them to.
As they pulled away, Steve looked happy. Almost at peace. And then Eddie was helping Steve get into his bed, ushering the girls inside and providing them with every blanket and pillow he could find, giving them free reign to sleep wherever suited them best.
Nancy took the couch, and Robin and Vickie took the floor of the living room, all whispering giggly goodnights to each other and Eddie, who chuckled fondly at his friends (which was still a word that felt foreign on his tongue, but he was getting used to it) before shutting the door to his room.Then, he crawled into his bed next to Steve, who had already fallen asleep, and put an arm around his waist, careful not to wake him.
And so, the rest was history.
They hadn’t really spoken about that night since it happened. They just continued to spend time together, and occasionally that led to making out, but there was no label for whatever they were.
Eddie was fine with that. Dating in the traditional sense wasn’t really on the table for them. He wasn’t sure if the mental image of Steve bringing him home to meet the parents was hilarious or severely depressing. Perhaps it was a perfect mix of both.
All he knew was that he really liked Steve, and Steve seemed to like him.
Speaking of Steve’s parents, they were out of town for the weekend, and so Eddie had come around for a movie marathon in the basement. He had expected it to be a group, perhaps Robin or Dustin or anyone else, but no. It was just the two of them, and Eddie’s stomach did somersaults at the realization.
He had brought a few pre-rolled joints, with Steve’s permission, and it didn’t take long for them to be pulled out and lit.
“Won’t your parents freak out if they smell this?” Eddie asked.
Steve shrugged. “Who cares?” he replied, giving a grin.
Be still his beating fucking heart. That twinkle of mischief in Steve’s brown eyes, the stupid grin, the way his lips wrapped around the end of the joint…Eddie was completely and utterly doomed.
They passed the joint back and forth until it was short enough to burn their fingertips, and while Eddie’s tolerance was quite high, he felt sufficiently light and airy, although he suspected that the weed was not the only reason for it.
After bickering about which film to watch, a neck and neck battle between Footloose (Steve’s pick) and Cujo (Eddie’s choice) which ended in a game of rock-paper-scissors, which left Steve victorious, and Eddie pouting.
Barely ten minutes into the movie, however, the two of them were cuddled up and barely paying attention to Kevin Bacon’s face on the screen. Eddie’s heart was beating far too fast for someone who had smoked a depressant, but Steve’s touch was a whole other type of drug. Whatever the opposite of a depressant was. Stimulant? He didn’t know, because he had failed biology, chemistry, and health throughout his high school career. All he knew was that he was sort of falling for Steve Harrington, and no class he’d flunked in school could have taught him how to deal with that.
Especially when Steve began running his fingers through Eddie’s hair, making him practically melt into the couch. It was a fact that very few people knew, but having his hair played with was pretty high up on the list of things that left Eddie Munson completely weak.
“This okay?” Steve asked.
Eddie could barely muster up the ability to nod. “Feels good. Like, really good.”
Steve chuckled and continued, scratching at his scalp as his eyes returned to the movie.
But just as Eddie felt his eyes beginning to droop, sleepy from the relaxing sensation, Steve stopped. He couldn’t contain the little whine that left his mouth as it ceased, and was met with a laugh.
“Can I braid your hair?”
Eddie looked at him in confusion. “You know how to braid?”
Steve flushed. “Yeah, uh, Robin taught me. Her hair is a little too short for it now, but Max let me practice on her. I’m not very good, but it’s fun. I like to do stuff with my hands, it helps me focus. Besides, you seem to like it when I play with your hair.”
Eddie could have cried at how adorable Steve was. Of course he would learn how to braid hair, especially since he apparently wanted children: 3 boys, 3 girls, which was a bit excessive in Eddie’s opinion, but whatever. The mental image of Max making snarky comments as Steve fumbled with her long, ginger hair was simultaneously precious and hilarious.
“Yeah, go for it,” he said, smiling like a fool.
He didn’t mention the way Steve’s eyes lit up when he was given permission, and his fingers quickly got to work separating Eddie’s hair into three pretty uneven sections of unruly curls. And it felt really nice, but there was just one little problem that was keeping him from relaxing.
Steve kept accidentally touching his neck and ears, and another thing that very few people knew about Eddie Munson was that he was extremely ticklish. Or, well, he was when he was younger, and assumed that was something he would grow out of eventually, but years later, the slightest nudge of Steve’s knuckles against the shell of his ear made goosebumps spread over his skin.
He was sort of dreading the day that Steve discovered it, but now that it was so close to occurring, he felt a buzz of excited anticipation in his belly. There was something oddly alluring about the idea of Steve pinning him against the couch and pulling laughter from his lips with some well-placed touches. Still, he wasn’t gonna make it easy for Steve to find out, because it was just more fun that way.
It was quiet, other than the television, although the movie had long since lost their attention. Steve’s tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration as he crossed strands of hair over one another, forming some sort of messy attempt at a braid.
Eddie was about to give himself a metaphorical pat on the back for his composure when Steve lost a piece of hair, swore softly under his breath at being thrown off track, and went to grab the hair again, and ran his fingertips over the side of Eddie’s neck in the process.
Taken off guard, Eddie’s shoulder flew up as he gave a quick shout of laughter.
The basement seemed to freeze that way, Eddie’s shoulder pressed to his ear and Steve’s hands hovering mid-air.
“Are you ticklish?” Steve finally asked.
“Nope,” Eddie replied, a little too quickly. “Not at all, I just, uh…This movie’s funny.”
Steve glanced at the screen, deeming that nothing amusing was happening, and then back at Eddie, leaning in to look at his face.
“I think you’re lying,” Steve said, a smirk spreading across his face. The braiding was suddenly forgotten as he brought a hand to Eddie’s neck and deliberately wiggled his fingers.
Eddie’s reaction was immediate; a stream of uncharacteristically high-pitched giggles poured from his lips, and he tried to squirm away from the touch very unsuccessfully.
Steve just followed, using both hands to tickle his neck, making Eddie scrunch up like a turtle.
“Not ticklish, huh?” he asked, and Eddie could hear the grin in his voice.
“Nohot at all!” Eddie replied.
Steve snorted and let his fingers wander upwards, fluttering over Eddie’s ears. Since when the fuck were people ticklish on their ears? Well, all Eddie knew was that it really tickled, if the squeal that left his mouth was any indication. He folded forward at the hips, which only prompted Steve to scribble his fingers down his back, which felt just as torturous.
Well, it wasn’t really torture. Sure, his nervous system was going crazy, but it was sort of fun. Plus, any excuse for Steve to be touching him was a good thing in Eddie’s book.
“How am I just finding this out?” Steve asked. “You save the world with a guy and he doesn’t even tell you he’s ticklish?”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” Eddie cried. “Irrelevant information!”
Steve wrapped his arms around his middle, pulling him back against his own chest, kneading his fingers into the softness of his stomach. “I think that’s totally relevant.”
Eddie giggled, grabbing at a pillow instead of pushing at Steve’s hands, and tried to not read into that too much. “I doubt the Upside Down has t-tickle monsters!”
That made Steve laugh, too. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But still, I wish I knew this sooner. You’re fun to mess with.”
He felt his cheeks turn red, partly from breathlessness, but mostly from Steve’s words. He leaned back into Steve’s arms, letting his head flop back onto his shoulder, and covered his blushing face with his hands.
Clearly, that was a mistake, because Steve just took the opportunity to tickle beneath his arms, making Eddie’s laughter reach a new octave, elbows shooting down to his sides.
“You trapped my hands,” Steve said, his lips too close to Eddie’s ear, the sensation of his breath enough to tickle. “I guess I’ll just have to tickle you until you let me go.”
God, where did he learn to tease like that? It was really fucking with Eddie’s head, in the best way. It somehow made him feel twice as sensitive, which would have been overwhelming if it weren’t so fun.
“I can’t!” Eddie said.
“Can’t what?”
“Let go!” To demonstrate his point, Eddie tried to lift his arms and immediately snapped them back to his sides as Steve’s fingers wiggled, laughter growing more frantic.
Steve laughed too, and Eddie couldn’t help but think that their laughs sounded quite nice together. Almost like music.
“Come on, I won’t tickle, I promise. Just pick ‘em up a little bit,” he said.
For some reason, Eddie trusted him, stomach doing flips as he slowly lifted his elbows, and Steve surprisingly kept true to his word, pulling his hands away from Eddie’s underarms.
He gave a sigh of relief, flopping his arms back down.
The relief was short lived though, because Steve only gave him a moment to catch his breath before latching onto his hips and squeezing, causing Eddie’s entire body to spasm. Loud, hysterical belly-laughter rang through the basement. It seemed as though Steve had hit the jackpot of tickle spots, and Eddie was sure it was how he’d die: Stoned, in love, and tickled to death. What a fucking way to go, especially considering all he’d been through.
“Woah!” Steve said. “Don’t buck me off the couch, dude.”
Eddie couldn’t even grace that with a reply, too busy giggling his head off. His hands gripped at the couch cushions, desperate for something to ground him, and not really wanting to push Steve away. Sure, the laughing was sort of making his post-smoking dry-mouth worse, but he was having fun!
It wasn’t until Steve kneaded his thumbs into the divots of his hips that he grabbed onto his wrists, a newfound strength overcoming him as he pushed the offending hands away.
“Sorry, did I take it too far?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Just needed to breathe,” he said. “That was…Shit, man, I didn’t know I could laugh that hard.”
Steve grinned. “Yeah, I’m surprised you didn’t shake the whole house.”
Eddie gave him a little shove, and Steve squeezed his knee in response, making him giggle.
“You are cruel, Harrington,” Eddie said, but his tone held nothing but fondness.
“And you’re adorable, Munson,” Steve replied, leaning in to kiss him.
Adorable? Fuck, how was Eddie supposed to deal with being called adorable? He was already flustered and giddy beyond belief, but Steve referring to him as adorable had him ready to start skipping around the room like an excited child. But instead, he just kissed back.
Neither of them had noticed that the television was rolling the film’s credits, but it didn’t matter.
“You messed up my half-finished braid with all your squirming,” Steve said when they pulled back from the kiss.
“That’s completely your fault,” Eddie replied. “Now my hair’s probably a tangled mess.”
Steve looked him over, head tilted. He reached out and started fixing the aforementioned tangled mess upon Eddie’s head, his fingers gentle as he returned each strand to its proper place. “There. It’s still messy, but at least now it looks intentional.”
Eddie grinned. “Perfect.”
“So, do you wanna watch another movie? You know, since we paid so much attention to the last one,” Steve suggested, sarcasm lacing his voice.
Eddie gave a snort before a metaphorical light bulb went off above his head. “I have a better idea.”
Steve smirked. “What’s that?”
Eddie pushed Steve back against the couch cushions, clambering on top of him. Steve clearly thought it was going in a more saucy direction, so his shock was obvious when Eddie began tickling his stomach in earnest.
“Revenge!” Eddie cried, triumphant.
Steve’s laughter quickly filled the room, and Eddie knew then and there that he had fallen fucking hard. Suddenly, a boy that was once off-limits had become his…well, something. They would talk about that later, after Eddie was finished getting some well-deserved payback, and maybe another joint. Regardless, Eddie was just happy. Doomed wasn’t the right word for how he felt. Perhaps ‘in love’ would be a better way to describe it. Yeah, that sounded about right.
When he was younger, Eddie never thought he would be able to feel and express love for another boy, especially not to that boy’s face. And then Steve Harrington came around, and changed everything for the better. 
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Stranger things incorrect quote generator (feat. Max and her Moms, ✨the girls✨, random shit again)
Pt 2.
Max and her moms
Robin: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night.
Max: You were flirting with Nancy .
Robin: So what? They're my partner.
Max: You asked them if they were single.
Max: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
(well that started good already)
Robin: I told Max their ears flush when they lie.
Nancy : Why?
Robin: Look.
Robin: Hey Max! Do you love us?
Max, covering their ears: No.
Nancy :
(This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen🥺)
[Ronance adopted Max, it's in the future so they are older]
Robin, pointing a camera at Max: There she are, our sweet baby.
Max, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
Nancy: We need a distraction.
Max: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Robin, whispering: My time has come
(I love Robin very much)
Nancy: You bought a taco?
Max: Yes.
Nancy: From the same truck that hit Robin?!
Max, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help them.
[+plus the Es]
Nancy: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.
El, Erica, Max, and Robin: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
(erica also has them.. Idk if she would do this but also I feel like she would)
Nancy: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Robin: ...Your what?
Nancy: My friends.
El: Are they saying “friends”?
Max: I think they're being sarcastic.
Erica: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Nancy! All of your friends are in this room.
Nancy: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task.I complete tasks.
(I just love Erica saying that and also accurate.. What other friends?)
Nancy: Where's Robin, El, and Max?
Erica: They're playing hide and seek.
Nancy: Where?
Erica: I don't think you get how this game works.
(sassy queen)
Nancy: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Robin: Tubular AF!
El: Mood to the max!
Max, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Erica, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she's a square.
Nancy: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
El: It was Robin.
Max: It was Robin.
Erica: Robin broke it.
(welp- it was great having you Robin)
(also El being the first is funny, she really said "Friends don't lie")
El, trying to convince Robin to join the group: You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really... strong!
Max: And loud!
Erica: And grumpy!
Nancy: And oblivious to reality!
(big oof, we love her tho ofc)
El: What do rainbows mean to you?
Robin: Gay rights.
Max: There's money.
Erica: The sign of God's promise to never destroy the whole Earth with a flood.
Nancy: It is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops.
(gay rights 👍)
Nancy: Okay! Let's play Kiss Marry Kill!
Nancy: First who would you kill?
*Erica points at Robin*
*El points at Robin*
*Max points at Robin*
Robin: * shrugs * I would kill me too.
(well Damn)
[the random shit]
[Eddie in the Upside Down being alive again]
Eddie: My life is a mess.
Venca: Eddie relax, go get a beer.
Eddie: I don’t want a beer.
Venca Who said it was for you?
*Eddie rushes by with an armful of water bottles*
Argyle: What's going on?
Robin: Eddie wouldn't drink water.
Argyle: ...And?
Robin: And I asked them how fast they could chug an entire bottle.
(this trio would have been too powerful)
Robin: *sees Jonathan and Argyle together*
Robin: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Dustin: You mean... you ship them?
Steve: Say no to drugs.
Argyle: Say yes to drugs.
Robin: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
(the accuracy... I feel like it's very accurate)
Steve: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Dustin.
Steve: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for.
Steve: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it.
Dustin: Hmm... I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either.
Steve: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though.
Dustin: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it.
Steve: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
(it's them 100%)
Steve: I think I'm falling for you.
Nancy: Then get up.
(Stancy S4/#AntiStancy)
Will: *sees Nancy and Robin together*
Will: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Mike: You mean... you ship them?
(Will, you have good taste in ships)
Max: Slash gamemode creative.
Mike: Dude, this isn't Min-
Max: *starts levitating*
(and I oop-)
Robin: You're violent.
Nancy: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
(short queen)
Jonathan: Mike, fuck off.
Jonathan: And by "fuck off" I mean "fuck off right back here and listen", you insufferable prick.
(omg yes, this is canon ✨)
Dustin: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Robin: Mike, probably.
(Oof, Robin would say that tho, after hearing what he said to Will)
[Neighbour Bonding]
Eddie: What do I get?
Max: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Eddie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Max: It won't be you.
Eddie: I'll get my coat.
Dustin: You disgust me.
Eddie: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
(I feel like he would do that)
Erica: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
(self aware queen)
[Eddie and Argyle in Eddie's trailor smoking some weed and then Dustin appears]
Argyle: How did you even get in here?
Dustin: Eddie's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Dustin's door"!
Eddie: I’m closing the window.
Nancy: Hey Dustin.
Dustin: *punches Nancy in the stomach*
Nancy: What the fuck?
Dustin: You are one of my very best friends. And I cannot stand by and watch you throw away your life like this. You're too young....YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL!
Nancy: What the fuck are you talking about?
Dustin: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now.
Jonathan: See ya! *leaves*
Nancy: I'm not pregnant!
Dustin: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking muay thai classes.
Nancy: I was never pregnant, Dustin!
Dustin: Are... you sure?
Nancy: Yes I'm fucking sure!
Will: I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
Dustin: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test and—
Will: *punches Nancy in the stomach*
(I just find it funny... Also that Jonathan was there and left 😂👀 sus)
[Elmax(as a ship) + Mike(not as a ship)]
El: Well, remember when Max made a romantic dinner for me?
Mike: El, they microwaved you a pizza.
El: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night.
Mike: You were flirting with Max.
El: So what? They're my partner.
Mike: You asked them if they were single.
Mike: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
(Lesbian/gay solidarity)
Max: Awwww, you're so adorable! Give me a hug~
Mike, recording: This is so cute.
(She tried, she's just too precious 🥺)
El: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity?
Mike: * turning to Max* How tall are you?
(ah yes, frenemies)
Another example:
El: If you had to choose between Mike and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Max: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Mike: Max!
El: 63 cents.
Max: I'll take the money.
Mike: Max!!!
( I love this 😂✨)
Karen: You're giving me a sticker?
Joyce: Not just a sticker.That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me- wow!”
Karen: I'm not a preschooler.
Joyce: Fine, I'll take it back
Karen: I earned this, back off!
(a given name was Karen and then I just felt like adding Joyce and here we are)
I don't have any rn but if you want more, you can like or smth so I see that you enjoy them, lots of love ✨❤️✨
Also comment what other characters or with combination you wanna see.
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
The Upcoming Tides (1)
this is a prequel to this story 
Chapter Warnings :language , smutty talk mentions of underage drinking 
A/N: let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list , please do not plagiarize my work. Stay safe and feedback is apricated , Thanks - Meg
October 25th 1984
"Y/n , Y/n , Y/n wake up I've called for you three times" I rolled over before seeing my stepmother Jill who had my six and a half month old brother Peter on her hip , I sat up before saying "what time is it". Jill responded saying "Matthew already left so now I have to drive you , let's go" she walked out of my bedroom before slamming the door to my bedroom , now I know what your thinking what a shitty way to wake up in the morning but this wasn't uncommon for me. Before my dad married Jill life was a lot more different , my mom Emily was the absolute perfect mother , made everyday and every holiday special that was until she got sick. When I was eight my mom passed away which sent me practically spiraling , I didn't talk to anyone , I stayed in my room and just wanted to be alone until more recently in the past couple of year when I was slowly starting to break out of my shell. When It was just my dad and my brother Matt and I everything was different without mom but we had each other until my dad brought a friend of my mothers over for dinner and told Matt and I they were going to get married , Jill my stepmother had known since I was a little girl. I never really liked her but she was okay , she worked with my mother and would babysit us from time to time but that was all now she was my stepmother who treated me more like cinderella , I did most of the cleaning , I was practically raising Peter who was my father and hers son they had a year after being married and I was exhausted. I was up with Peter in the night , I had school and didn't go to bed till late meaning I was getting maybe three or four hours of sleep. I was tying my shoes when Jill walked into my bedroom , she spoke saying "Y/n lets go now please" I responded saying "I'm ready now Jill" she shook her head saying "what have we talked about you can't call me that it'll confuse your brother". I spoke again saying "I'm ready now mom" she nodded saying "good let's go" I hated when she did that , make me call her mom that isn't fair I have a mom and if she was here she wouldn't stand for this. Jill pulled up in front of the school before she spoke saying "come home strait away I need you to watch Peter this afternoon I'm busy" I rolled my eyes not being shocked before mumbling something under my breath. Jill of course caught me since she spoke saying "what was that" I shook my head as she added "Y/n what was that you said" I looked at the clock above the radio before saying "I uh I have to go or I'll be late and I have a biology test" she huffed before I got out of the car.
I walked into the school and quickly speed to my locker before bumping into someone and knocking whatever was in their hands , I spoke saying "I'm sorry I wasn't looking-" I cut myself off once I saw who exactly I ran into. Steve Harrington , most girls would've have just loved this and would've jumped up and down and squealed like a pig in mud but I was not like most girls. I hated Steve Harrington , a long time ago before my brain fully developed  I had a major crush on him up until I went to a party and woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and a passed out Steve next to me. I quickly dropped his books I was handing back to him before walking to my locker , after grabbing what I needed I finally made it to my first class. I walked in to Mr. Andrews History class to be greeted by the sight of my brother Matthew or Matt and his girlfriend of almost five years seated on his lap. I knew he and Colleen were affectionate (I sadly had walked in on that a couple times) but this was almost embarrassing , I shrugged that off and took my seat before Mr. Andrews walked in saying "Ms. Thomas could you find a seat other then on Mr. Paterson" everyone in the class chuckled except me since I didn't think that was funny before he started the lesson.
My lunch tray had just been filled with what appeared to be mixed vegetables , mash potato's and what they were trying to pass as meatloaf when I walked over and took a seat with my friends as well as bandmates. Yes you heard me I'm in a band , I play drums and sometimes sing backup it was what was getting me through high school and losing my mom and the only thing that was really helping besides art. I took the seat across from our guitarist Ross who was your typical bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks he was seated next to Francine or Franny who  was our lead singer and Ross's on again off again girlfriend. Oh and of course next to me was our keyboard player Brenda Sinclair who also wrote songs from time to time but never let any of us see or hear them since she was so shy. Ross spoke saying "Fran I'm not telling you again I'm not wearing a costume to Tina's party I'll look like an ass" she frowned saying "come on Ross it's Halloween and besides Nancy Wheller in my biology was talking and her and her boyfriend are dressing up , please Ross". He shook his head saying "no way and besides who cares I mean isn't she with the freaks sister" Brenda spoke saying "knock it off Ross he isn't a freak and besides she's with Steve Harrington" I gaged at the mention n of her name before Franny turned to me and spoke saying. "are you going Y/n" I shrugged as she added "you all are so lame come on Halloween of are senior year lets do something fun". Ross spoke again saying "we can do what we did last year" Franny rolled her eyes saying "if you mean getting drunk and going cow tipping then you can go alone" he nodded saying "sounds like fun Brenda you gonna join me" she shook her head saying. "Can't have to stay and watch my sister and wait up for my brother" Ross sighed before saying "Y/n my favorite drummer in the whole wide world" I shook my head as he scoffed saying "you know what you all suck" he got no response before a voice spoke up "Y/n" I looked up to see my brother's girlfriend Colleen standing there . She then added "can we sit with you guys or-" she was cut off by Ross saying "sorry no ex cheerleader allowed" that was low , even for Ross she then nodded before walking away from the table "what in the hell is wrong with you" Brenda said before Ross chuckled and looked at me saying. "What is wrong with you Colleen Thomas seriously you think little miss prim and proper thinks she can belong with us cause she's screwing your brother" I rolled my eyes before Brenda said. "You just think your so great don't you" he nodded saying "I'm the greatest thing that's happened besides that chick kicking Harrington's ass a couple years back" Brenda scoffed before he added "what you don't agree". I huffed saying "first jackass she broke his nose and second that was really shitty what you did to Colleen". Ross responded saying "oh whatever are you gonna do that Paterson thing and storm off or-" Ross was cut off by another voice "hey guys so what's going on" I looked up to see Jeffrey he took the seat next to Brenda before saying "so I got us a gig" we all nodded before he said "so Tina's idiot brother spilt a beer on the speakers so she's looking for a band and I may or may not have told her that the Pinheads are available that night and we have a gig she's paying us two hundred dollars so between the five of us that's forty each". We nodded again before he added "oh and we have to wear costumes" Ross of course rolled his eyes before Nathan continued to tell us about our upcoming gig.
I grabbed the final books I needed before walking out into the parking lot to see Jill's car , I got into the passenger seat before she spoke saying, "I need you to sit in the back" I rolled my yes saying "why" Jill responded saying "Peter fussed the whole time and I don't feel like running my errands with a fussy baby now get in the back". I rolled my eyes before picking up my backpack and sitting in the back seat , I hadn't sat in the back seat since I was ten and now I had to sit because of Peter. I loved Peter don't get me wrong but after the day I had I didn't want to sit in the back seat , I buckled my seatbelt before looking over to see Peter was fast asleep. Jill chuckled to herself before pulling out of the school , on the drive to who knows were I pulled out my Walkman before sliding a tape into it.
When we got to the register at the grocery store and the cashier began to scan the groceries Peter dropped his pacifier and began to fuss , thankfully I caught it before it could hit the germ infested ground and gave it back to him before he calmed himself down. The cashier spoke saying "adorable baby" Jill nodded since anytime someone had something nice to say about peter she agreed but when it came to Matt and I she completely disagreed and had something bad to say. The cashier spoke to Jill again saying "oh so are you grandma" Jill's face dropped before she spoke saying "I beg your pardon" the cashier then added "oh I just saw a young girl with a baby so I assumed-" Jill interrupted the women saying "no we aren't that charity case family trust me , we sadly live across from them , what a tragedy" I shook my head saying "mom really that's Matt's friend-" she cut me off saying "oh please you mean his side peice". I sighed before saying "mom can we just go your being really embarrassing" she shook her head before looking at the cashier saying "sorry about her it's probably her time of the month" my jaw feel before Jill paid for the groceries and we left.
We were sitting at the dinning room table my dad spoke saying "how was practice Mathew" he nodded saying "good we got a game Saturday" dad nodded before saying "how about you Y/n make anyone cry" I rolled my eyes before saying "fine". He nodded again before adding "how are your grades" I responded saying "their good dad" he sighed saying "good grades don't get you in to college great grades get you in , Matt's lucky cause he'll get an athletic scholarship but you need to focus on those grades do you understand". I nodded before Jill spoke saying "well you'll never guess what I heard today" Dad nodded to seem interested in whatever she was saying she then spoke again saying "I heard that the Buckley's are getting a divorce". Dad gasped saying "no kidding" I sighed before she added " I bet she's leaving him , I know I would" I shook my head before she spoke again saying "I'm sorry do you have a problem with that Y/n" I shook my head before saying. "Yeah I got a problem that's none of your damn business" she scoffed saying "young lady you won't talk to me like that , I am your mother". I shook my head saying "no you aren't my mother is Emily Paterson and your will never come close to her" I yelled , I had never yelled at Jill. Sure I've dreamed of it but I never really did it and it appeared Peter didn't like my yelling cause he began to fuss , Jill stood up and picked him up before walking out of the dinning room before my father spoke saying "Mathew get a head start on that homework , Y/n young lady you'll do these dishes" I sighed before beginning to take the dishes off the table.
I had just finished the dishes when I saw Jill standing in the doorway of the living room , she spoke saying. "Y/n your father want to talk to you" I nodded before following Jill in the family , Jill took a seat on the couch next to my father , he looked angry almost disappointed. I took a seat in the chair across before seeing there was an object on the table , it was a red flask. Dad finally spoke saying "Y/n is there something you'd like to tell me , maybe about were this came from". He then gestured to the flask , I shook my head before Jill spoke saying "Y/n honey I found this in your laundry hamper honey you can tell us , did somebody sleep over last night" I shook my head before she added "Y/n Matthew already told us he bumped into somebody coming downstairs , you don't need to be embarrassed okay your at an age where your going to start being interested in those things but you need to be carful". What in the actual hell was she talking about , I didn't have anyone over last night , dad spoke up saying "tell her what else you found Jill" Jill frowned before putting another object on the coffee table , I knew by the foiled wrapper exactly what it was. dad frowned before saying "your grounded for a month , I won't tolerate this in my house and your will start helping your mother with Peter" I sighed before saying "dad I-" he cut me off saying "your too young to drink and your too young to be doing any of that , doesn't that girl down the street scare you she's got a baby there is no way she'll have a future and I don't want that to be you". I scoffed saying "Matt has Colleen over all the time" dad shook his head saying "well that's different , now I want you to apologize to your mother and go upstairs do you understand" I huffed saying "no I'm not apologizing to her , she went through my stuff and she treats me like I'm a maid or her nanny I'm not doing it" I went upstairs before hearing my dad call for me a couple of times , I continued to walk upstairs and ignore his calls before beginning to knock on Matt's door. A moment later the door opened and before he could say anything I spoke saying "what the hell is wrong with you , you told dad so guy came out of my room this morning seriously" Matt shook his head saying "no I didn't okay dad asked me if I've ever seen some guy leaving here and I was honest and I told him the truth" I rolled my eyes saying "did you tell him it happened two years ago when he and Jill were on their honeymoon". Matt sighed saying "no I didn't actually cause he didn't ask" I rolled my eyes saying "well now I'm grounded for a month" he responded saying "well that's what happens when you sleep around I guess-" he cut himself off by saying "Y/n I didn't mean that I " I walked away before entering my bedroom and shutting the door.
I was seated on my bed looking through the box I kept under my bed , it was filled with pictures of my mom , Matt and I , some of just her and few other things one of them being a locket I had remembered her wearing when I was kid. For some reason something came over me and I felt the need to try it on , to wear it and maybe just maybe wearing it would make me feel something , realize something. I pushed my hair aside before putting the necklace around my neck and fixed the clasp on it before putting my hair back and began to feel like it was that cold winter night when I was six years old again. It felt like my mom was their , watching over me but if she was then why was she then why would she let this happen , I felt like cinderella but at the end of her story she got a prince and their no way that'll happen any time soon right ?
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cherrybracelets · 5 years
call out my name [b. hargrove x reader]
song inspo | masterlist | smut playlist
word count: 4.2k / warnings: 18+, smut! alcohol mention
an: y’all i didn’t mean to go awf this hard but like. i did. i haven’t written in a while so i guess i came back with a bang (literally lmao)! pls leave feedback and reblog if you like!!!! and check out my masterlist for my other writing!!!
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“You know how much I hate going to stupid shit like this,” you groaned, leaning back in the passenger seat of Billy’s car. You were staring out the window, moping and frowning.
“Oh c’mon, you’re always so negative. Can you try and have a little fun for once in your life?” Billy turned to you, rolling his eyes. This was a usual argument between the two of you- but somehow he always ended up winning and dragging you to whatever party he was excited for that weekend. And he was wrong- you never had fun.
You were great as Billy’s wing-woman, always talking him up to whatever conquest he was on that night. He would offer to do the same for you, but you were never interested in any of the boys that were at these types of events. You’ve tried it, and it’s never... well... satisfied you.
“Thank you for coming, really. I know you hate it... but I couldn’t do it without you,” Billy said, smiling at you.
“I’m glad I can help you get laid, kid. That’s all I’ve ever wanted out of life.” You jokingly gave him a slight shove on the shoulder, laughing as he rolled his eyes and groaned at your comment.
“I don’t want you to think that’s all you’re good for. You’re my best friend... honestly, my only friend. You’re more to me than that...” Billy sounded serious, and put a hand on your knee to reassure you that he cared about you. It was honestly the first time Billy had ever showed you any kind of affection, other than getting drunk and flirting with you.
“Thanks, B. That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said,” you responded, placing your hand on top of Billy’s and squeezing it. You had always been attracted to him, but you knew everything about him, and it scared you a bit to get too close. But every time he touched you, even in a friendly way, it sent shock waves through your body.
You and Billy finally arrived at the party, fashionably late as always. Most people were already pretty drunk by then, and Billy did not hesitate to catch up, taking a few shots immediately upon arrival. You grabbed a beer from one of your friends, not wanting to get obliterated tonight, figuring you’d have to drive Billy home.
“We’re starting a game of truth or dare, you guys wanna join?” Steve asked you, downing a shot and gagging as the liquor hit his stomach.
“Seems a little childish, Steve,” you teased, taking a long swing of beer and letting the alcohol run through you.
“Oh, fuck off. You know you want to play,” he responded, shoving a bottle of vodka in your face and forcing you to take a sip. You took a small swig, feeling the liquid burn your throat as it went down. You felt more alive immediately, deciding to agree to whatever antics your friends were getting up to tonight.
“C’mon, everyone’s in the living room!” Steve lead you and Billy into the room, where everyone was sitting around and chatting amongst themselves. You took a seat next to Nancy and Jonathan, who were all over each other, sloppily kissing between sips of tequila. You rolled your eyes at the duo, but deep down longing for someone to love you the way they loved each other.
Steve plopped down on the couch next to you, causing a little bit of your drink to spill on you. You yelled at him, pushing him away jokingly as you dumped a little of your drink on his lap to make him angry. He put his arm around you and kissed the side of your head. Billy was staring daggers at the both of you, flinching every time Steve put his hands on you.
“(Y/N), you wanna come sit by me?” He asked calmly, trying his best to not punch Steve right then and there. He didn’t know why he got so angry when another guy touched you- you watched girls touch him all the time and never said a thing. But his blood was boiling, and he couldn’t take another second of it.
“I’m fine, B. I don’t feel like moving,” you responded, not picking up on Billy’s anger.
“Yeah, B! You heard her, she’s fine right here with me,” Steve teased, clearly way too drunk since he thought it would be funny to make Billy angry. Steve brought his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You didn’t mind it, although you both knew the two of you would never do anything in a million years. He wasn’t your type, and you weren’t his. Steve was just trying to see how mad he could make Billy before he blew up. It was just a stupid dick measuring contest that they had ever week, but this was the first time you’d ever been in the middle of it.
“Okay, but let me know if he starts bothering you at all. I promise I’ll take care of it.” Billy didn’t take his eyes off Steve’s arm, his nails digging into his skin to stop him from yelling. Billy was trying to be a lot better when it came to his anger- especially around you. He knew what he was capable of, unfortunately, and never wanted you to see that side of him.
You caught a glimpse of his face for just a moment, his eyes dark with rage and jealousy. You’d never seen him look at anyone like that- especially you. You just chalked it down to him being angry at Steve, because they were always fighting, but something in the back of your mind kept telling you it was you. He was mad because it was you.
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, are we ready to get started?” Steve clapped, finally removing his arm from you to officiate the game. You immediately watched Billy loosen up as Steve let go of you.
“Ready as ever,” Robin responded, taking a drag of a cigarette and winking at Steve.
“Well, I’ll start us off then.” Steve searched the room, looking for his target. His eyes locked on you for a moment, making your heart stop as you thought about whatever he was going to throw at you.
“(Y/N),” he said, deviously. He grinned at you, a chaotic and devilish sort of grin that made you extremely nervous.
“Oh god. Why me? I’ve barely had half a drink!” You laughed nervously, trying to avoid eye contact with Steve.
“Truth or dare, babe,” he flirted, eyes wide as he waited for your response.
“I’ll stick with truth, I think.” You took another large swig of your beer, trying to numb your anxiety over this stupid game.
“Who in this room would you have sex with?” Steve smiled at you, eagerly awaiting a response. You glanced around the room quickly, not sure how to respond.
“Well, it’s definitely not you Steve, sorry to break it to you,” you responded, hoping your funny answer would shine away from the actual question. The whole room burst out laughing, including Steve.
“Yikes, Harrington. That’s gotta hurt, doesn’t it?” Billy responded, feeling relieved at your answer. “How many girls in this room have rejected you now? Three?” Nancy and Robin looked at each other and laughed awkwardly, and Steve just threw back another mouthful of vodka.
“Hey, she didn’t say she’d fuck you either, alright. Don’t get too cocky,” Steve said, darting his eyes between you and Billy. “So who would it be then, (Y/N)? If it’s not me?”
Your eyes glanced around the room again, momentarily catching Billy’s. You didn’t want to say it, you didn’t even want to feel it, but it was him. You’d been wanting him to touch you for so long, to feel his lips on your skin, his hands tracing up and down your body. But you couldn’t say it- not here, not ever. He was Billy Hargrove, he fucked models and milfs and pageant queens. He didn’t fuck girls like you.
“I guess I’d fuck Robin. Only girls know how to please girls,” you responded, raising your eyebrows and winking at Steve.
“Anytime, gorgeous,” Robin responded, blowing you a kiss and giggling. Billy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the thought of you being touched by her, being kissed by her, turning him on a lot. He tried to shake the thought of his head, but couldn’t get it to go away. He was staring at you, wondering what you looked like under that stupid shirt that was covering way too much.
“I wanna go next.” Billy said, his eyes locked on you, almost as if no one in the room was there except for you and him.
“Alright... have at it,” Steve answered.
“(Y/N), truth or dare?” Billy was leaning over now, inching closer to you as he awaited your response.
“Jesus, can you guys leave me alone?” You laughed, rolling your eyes at the group. You were watching Billy, though- the way he was so focused on you. You were a little curious at what exactly he had to ask you. “I’m going truth again. I don’t trust you guys.”
“What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?” Billy stared at you, and the whole group was staring at you as well, eager for whatever story you were going to tell. It wasn’t exactly the question you had planned for him to ask, and you didn’t understand the point. Why would he want to know that?
“Um... I don’t really know,” you responded quietly, racking your brain for something to say.
“C’mon, just think! Who’s given you the best orgasm?” Nancy asked, leaning in towards you. You still didn’t understand why anyone was as curious as they were. Who gave a shit about your sex life?
“Honestly... I haven’t actually...” you trailed off, your words only coming out jumbled and confused.
“Wait... are you a virgin?” Steve asked, looking at you shocked.
“No! No... I just haven’t had a guy... do that for me, I guess?” You looked around awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact with anyone for too long. You felt extremely uncomfortable, even though this wasn’t your fault, you still felt embarrassed.
“Shit. That’s unfortunate. Well, if you ever want to see what a real man is like... I know what I’m doing. I think Nancy can attest for that,” Steve laughed, giving Nancy a little shove and taking a drink.
“I am absolutely not getting in the middle of this, thanks,” Nancy answered, rolling her eyes at Steve and moving closer to Jonathan.
“Oh please, if anyone can show her a good time you know it’s me. And she already said she wanted it,” Robin responded, sticking her tongue out at you and Steve and winking.
“I’m gonna grab some water, I’ll be back,” you said, standing up quickly and walking away from everyone. They quickly moved on from you and continued their game, laughing away at whoever else they could poke fun of. You walked into the kitchen, unaware Billy had followed you in.
“Hey...” he said, making you jump a bit as his voice broke through your thoughts.
“Hey, what’s up?” You folded your arms and turned towards him, a little annoyed at him for asking that question in the first place.
“I’m sorry I asked that. I honestly didn’t mean to make you upset.” He genuinely looked sorry, his eyes avoiding yours as he stared at the ground.
“It’s fine, it’s just a little embarrassing...”
“How is it embarrassing? I guarantee you that you made all of those guys finish. It’s on them for not being good enough.”
“But what if it’s me? What if there’s something wrong?”
“Well... have you ever... on your own?” Billy was shaking, the thought of you touching himself sending rushes of hormones through his body.
“So then it’s clearly nothing wrong with you. You’re just not with the right guys.”
“Well who is the right guy?” You almost immediately regretted saying that, knowing exactly what you were implying when you said it. You knew it was him, you knew what he was capable of, what he could do. You wanted him to take you so badly, to show you what it felt like to have a real man fuck you.
“I could think of a few people.” Billy responded quietly, his mind racing. The thought of making you cum for the very first time was already making him hard. He was digging his nails into his palms to keep his composure, but it wasn’t working very well.
“What are you trying to say, Billy?” You looked him over, seeing the tension building in his body.
“Nothing... I mean... why don’t we go home. I want to go home.” Billy turned around quickly and grabbed his keys from his pocket, heading for the door. You followed without saying a word, worried that whatever you did upset him. You felt a nervousness grow in your stomach as you trailed behind him, his steps angry and fast as he headed outside.
You didn’t even say bye to your friends, sure they have already drank enough to forget you existed all together. Your mind was only focused on Billy, trying to figure out what was going through his.
“Billy can you slow down!” You yelled to him, walking faster and faster to keep up as he sped towards his car.
“What do you want (Y/N)?” He snapped, turning around towards you and gritting his teeth.
“Why are you mad at me?” You pouted, feeling your heart sink as his eyes were dark with anger. But what you thought was anger was actually lust.
“I’m not... mad at you,” he responded, his voice softening as he realized he had hurt you. “I just... it’s complicated. You’re my best friend... the way I’m feeling about you right now... it could mess everything up.”
“How are you feeling about me right now?”
“Like I want to make you fucking cum.” His eyes were staring at your lips, his body shaking.
“You think you’re the guy to do that?” You teased, placing your hand on his face and rubbing your thumb across his cheek.
“I fucking know I can.” He was tense now, not used to be talked back to in the context. He didn’t like it.
“Then show me, Billy. Fucking show me.” Billy walked away from you and into the drivers seat of his car, without saying a word.
“Get in.” He commanded, starting the ignition of his car. You quickly slid in the passengers seat and he started driving before you could even close the door.
“Don’t say a word. I’m taking you home, okay?”
“Yes, sir.” You turned towards him, focusing on the way his jaw shifted as you called him ‘Sir’. He wasn’t sure he could make it all the way home. He had never wanted- or needed- anyone this bad.
He sped quickly down the back roads to get home, ignoring speed limit signs urging him to slow down. You were soaked, never having a guy treat you like this before. He was on a mission, and he wouldn’t stop until you were screaming his name.
He pulled in the driveway of his house and turned his car off quickly. He got out of the car and slammed his door shut without saying a word. You knew you were supposed to follow him, he didn’t have time to tell you what to do. He was saving all of his energy for what was about to come.
The moment you walked through his front door, he had your back against the wall and his tongue shoved down your throat. Kissing him was just how you imagined- perfect. His lips still held the subtle taste of tequila and the chocolate cupcakes you had shared earlier.
“Billy... your parents... Max...” you tried to whisper, urging Billy to move you to his room before someone caught you.
“Fuck everyone except for me and you.” He looked in your eyes for a moment, his body pressed against yours. You felt him growing in his pants, wanting desperately to feel him inside of you right then and there.
“Yeah. Fuck everyone. But also, fuck me. Please, B. Fuck me,” you said, giggling as Billy sloppily kissed down your neck, leaving little bite marks to mark his territory.
“C’mon, lets go.” Billy took your hand and led you to his bedroom, the two of you quietly sneaking down the hallway.
Once you got in the bedroom, he had you back against the door again, kissing you. He bit down on your bottom lip, making you squeal and giggle a bit. You felt Billy smiling through kisses- he loved your laugh, nothing made him smile more than hearing it. Especially now, knowing you were happy made him happy.
“Get down on the bed. Clothes off!” He ordered, turning away from you and pulling his own shirt off. You nodded at him and did as you were told, taking off your shirt and shorts quickly. You were hoping to get some action tonight anyways, and were wearing one of your favorite lacey black bra and thong.
“God damn...” Billy whispered, letting his eyes trail up and down your body. He hand instinctively reached down to his dick, where he started slowly rubbing himself over his boxers.
“Come over here, B... let me take care of that...” you flirted, getting on your knees and begging for him to come over to you.
“No, not tonight. I’m gonna take care of you, princess.” Billy grinned devilishly at you, licking his lips as he thought about his plane to devour you. “Have you ever had a guy go down on you?”
“No, honestly.” You laughed, your whole body shaking as you imagined Billy’s tongue playing with you.
“What a shame. Can’t say I’m upset about being your first, though. Just know no guy will ever compare to me,” he winked, walking over to you and pushing you down on your back.
Billy started kissing your lower stomach, his lips tickling your flesh and making you giggle. He moved onto your inner thigh, sloppily kissing and licking you, making you squirm as he slowly trailed to your cunt.
He toyed with the edge of your thong, pulling at his as he continued to kiss around you. You bucked your hips towards him, trying to non verbally tell him you wanted more. He got your message, and pulled down your panties completely. The room was cold, and made you shiver a bit as your icy air hit your bare skin.
Billy finally moved his lips to your sweet spot, kissing you lightly before flicking his tongue quickly. He moved rhythmically, each movement planned out perfectly. He had a routine, he knew what worked. And it was working. You were dripping, your whole body filling with pleasure with each second of Billy devouring you.
He started moving his tongue quicker on your clit, making it unbearable for you to stay quiet. You let out a small moan, throwing your head back to the ceiling as you felt yourself get closer. Billy stopped for a second to look up and smile at you, enjoying every minute of this.
“Don’t stop, B. I was close!” You yelled, running your hair through his curls and brushing it out of his face.
“Shit... already? I guess I am pretty good,” Billy responded, winking at you and giggling.
“Oh fuck off, pretty boy. Don’t get too full of yourself, it’s unattractive.”
“Are you saying you don’t find me attractive?” He pouted, jokingly.
“I’m saying if you don’t make me cum soon I’m gonna find someone else who will.” You winked at him and crossed your arms, trying to be serious.
“Damn... whatever (Y/N) wants (Y/N) gets, I guess...” he responded, before biting his lips and going back down on you. He moved faster this time, and a bit sloppier. His tongue seemed to be focusing everywhere, not just your clit. You grabbed onto his hair and ran your fingers through it, gripping his head as he worked his magic.
You felt a wave of pleasure come over you, your whole body shaking in delight as it knew what was about to happen. Billy knew, too, and started moving rhythmically around your clit again.
“Holy shit, Billy,” you moaned, reaching your climax intensely as he continued to taste you. You felt it through your whole body, something you had never experienced before. You were shaking, coming down from the best high of your life. Billy sat back from you, licking his lips to get one last taste.
“Now it’s time for the real show,” he teased, blowing you a little kiss before digging into his drawer and pulling out a condom.
“I don’t know if anything can top that,” you responded, taking off your bra and throwing it to the ground.
“Just wait, baby doll.” Billy took off his boxers and you saw him for the first time- all of him. He was hung, unlike anyone you’d ever been with before. You were a little intimidated, but you had never wanted anything so badly.
Billy tore open the condom and slid it on, slowly pumping himself a few times as he looked at you. He positioned himself at your center, toying with your clit with his tip. You moved your body towards him, not liking all this teasing. Billy just smiled at you, before slowly sliding himself in.
It took a minute to get adjusted to him, feeling a little uncomfortable at first when he had his full length inside of you.
“You okay?” He asked, noticing you flinch.
“Yes. Just not used to... well...” you giggled, running your hand over Billy’s face as he laid above you.
“I’m huge, you can say it,” he winked, kissing you lightly on the lips as he started to move slowly inside of you.
“I’m sure you’d love for me to tell you how big and hot you are, huh?” You kissed him again, bringing his face closer to yours.
“And I’m sure you’d love for me to tell you how fucking hot you are and how much I love your body?” He was moving quicker now, his pumps rhythmic. He grabbed underneath your thigh and brought your leg up over his shoulder, letting him pump deeper and faster in you.
“F-fuck,” you muttered, throwing your head back in pleasure as Billy fucking you deep enough to hit your special spot with every thrust.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he muttered, fucking you faster and harder. His other hand was holding your face, his thumb running over your chin and lips.
“You’re gonna make me cum again, you’re so fucking good Billy. Holy shit,” you whispered into his ear, knowing how much he loved to be praised. He was smiling flirtatiously, loving the way you sounded when you moaned his name.
“Cum for me, baby. Show me how good I fuck you.” He got on his knees and pulled your waist up towards him, continuing to thrust deep and fast into you. You knew you were close again, the warmth and excitement growing through you again.
You couldn’t seem to get any words out at this point, just small moans and nodding to let Billy know to keep doing what he was doing. Billy understood, and didn’t stop or slow down. He brought his hand over to your clit and started rubbing lightly, just enough pleasure to bring you over the edge.
You moaned loudly this time, your vocals of pleasure echoing through the quiet room. Billy just laughed, continuing to pump, getting close himself. He slowed down a little bit, knowing you were probably exhausted and ready to tap out.
“Billy... you’re literally so fucking good... and so fucking pretty,” you said to him, bringing your hand up to his face and holding it in your hand. He smiled at you, but not the lustful smile you were used to seeing. A small, warm smile, his brain flooding with happiness at the sound of you calling him pretty.
You felt Billy getting a little sloppier with his movements, and speeding up just a bit. He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and let out a low groan, cumming inside of you, filling you with warmth. He pulled out quickly, discarding the condom in the trash and laying back on the bed next to you.
The two of you sat for a few moments in silence, his hand holding onto yours tightly. You were staring around his room, a room you’d been in a thousand times before- but things looked different now. You didn’t exactly know what different, maybe it was yourself.
Billy turned towards you, his hair messy and sweat still layered on his forehead. He smiled at you, bringing his lips to your cheek and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“So, I have to ask... am I the best you’ve ever had?” You asked, kissing his neck and tickling him with your lips.
“Well, I know I’m yours,” he responded, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Whatever, don’t flatter yourself,” you said, rolling your eyes and pushing at Billy’s chest playfully.
“You might be my best, though.” He looked at you, a small grin forming.
“I’ll take that.”
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3mmafr0st · 5 years
Truth or Dare
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader Requests: 39 for Steve from Stranger Things? and Steve Harrington for 34?Word Count: 2679 Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex (Please don’t do this, wrap it up people), Oral (female receiving)
Take a look at my MASTERLIST
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Everything changed when he decided to try for a job here. The- rental store was my safe haven for the longest time, a place away from the pain of school and home life. But everything changed when the former king of Hawkins High decided that my place of work would now also be his. Ever since I had that one math class with him in junior year, I had the biggest burning hatred of this guy, with his perfect hair and the cocky attitude. He walked into the store with Robin, which was very surprising, I didn’t even know they were friends. Robin was more part of my crowd, the overzealous drama geek who wanted to make it big, so Steve “The Hair” Harrington hanging out with her was a shock for everyone involved. The two of them walked in and somehow got the job. 
Then something changed. Maybe it was something over the summer, or this new found friendship with Robin Buckley, but he wasn’t Steve “The Hair” Harrington anymore. He was just Steve, the funny goofball that was extremely clumsy, that got food in his hair. He always knew how to make you laugh, with his corny jokes and bits that he came up with on the spot. 
Slowly, I fell for the guy that I once hated so much. He was always so sweet and kind, with that hint of sass.We became friends, well, work friends, and it was nice. For a while I thought I lost my favorite place, but really, it just made it better. 
“Hey Y/N, a few friends of mine are having a little party, and I was wondering if maybe, you would want to come with me?” Steve said. I turned around and looked at him funny.
“Really, you want me, Y/N Y/L/N, to go with you, Steve Harrington, to a party?” I asked. Honestly it was so strange, because I didn’t really think that I was that important to him. “I mean, wouldn’t I like, embarrass you in front of your friends or something?”
‘That is so untrue that it hurts, Y/N. Please come? I really want you to be there, and hey, it could be fun.” He looked so sincere, so perfectly kind, that I just couldn’t say no. 
“Ok, Steve, I’ll go,” I said. His face lit up as I said that, and my heart melted. I hated that I felt like this, and yet loved it at the same time. 
“Yes! I’ll pick you up after your shift, ok?” I nodded and we both got back to work, cataloging the new shipment of VCR tapes and figuring out what I was going to wear. 
I was lucky enough that my friend was free, so she delivered me a good change of clothes, a nice shirt that I had bought and a pretty black pleated skirt, like a schoolgirl would wear. 
Steve pulled up in his car, which was yellow, and the licence plate said todfather for some reason. It was a beautiful car, but I couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the license plate.
“Todfather, huh?”
“Hey! I got this car from Chief Hopper himself before he went missing!” He said, and I looked at him, he was a bit squirmy when he said that, like he knew something that I didn’t.  I ignored it and got into the passenger seat of the car.  Steve looked me up and down before making his way to my face. 
“You look really nice.” I blushed in response, and I tried to think of something witty to respond with, but my brain could only come up with absolute garbage.
“You too, “ I said, and then immediately mentally smacked myself in the face. 
The two of us drove out to a house near the woods.  It was small but I liked it a lot. Steve stopped the car and got out of the car. I tried to open the door, but it was closed abruptly, before he went around the car quickly and opened the door for me. I giggled a bit at how hard he was trying to be sweet. Then it hit me. Was this a date? Like, were we going together, together, or just as friends. It’s not like I could ask him anyway, that would just be way too weird. We both walked up to the door of the house, and he knocked on the door. The door opened and we were met with Jonathan Byers of all people. 
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right? Steve’s told us about you,” He said, and let the two of us in. 
“Didn’t you get beaten by him in your junior year?” I whispered into Steve’s ear. 
“Yeah, that was like two years ago, we’re friends now.”
We walked into the living room to see Nancy Wheeler, Robin, and a girl that I didn’t recognize, probably someone that Robin brought with her. I smiled and waved, and Steve went into the kitchen to grab some beers. I chatted a little bit, trying to talk about something, anything, really, until Steve came back from the other room with Jonathan, each of them holding a six pack of beer in each hand. Steve took two out of the case in his left hand and gave me one. I cracked it open and took a long sip. It tasted like garbage but it would do, and at least let me get through tonight. 
After everyone had finished off the beers, we were all passing around a bottle of whiskey that we found, talking and laughing, until Robin had this so called brilliant idea. 
“Hey! Everyone get in here, we’re playing truth or dare,” she yelled, waving her arms around. We all sat ourselves in a circle, with me in between Steve and Robin. 
The game was slow, and weird, with drunken confessions of giant psychic powers made of exploded human, and fighting this thing off with fireworks in the old Starcourt mall. After all those weird lies, it took a weird turn. At this point in the game, it was my turn to answer, and I was absolutely terrified. 
“Dare” I told Nancy, and she rubbed her hands together menacingly like a cartoon villain. 
“You have to sit on Steve’s lap for the rest of the game.” Steve shot death glares at Nancy, but I was honestly too drunk to care about anything anymore, but not like, so drunk that I couldn’t understand what was going on. I knew that this was going to be a little weird, but after the beers, nothing could really make me embarrassed. I moved over and sat myself down on his lap, wiggling a bit to make myself comfortable. I threw it over to Jonathan and watched as he had to pretend he was a chicken, which was severely entertaining. Then it went back to Steve, and, like a wimp, chose truth. 
“If you had to choose anyone in Hawkins to sleep with right now, who would it be?” Jonathan asked, giving him a look. Steve was so visibly uncomfortable that I wanted to just hug him and tell him that it was all ok, but I didn’t think that that was appropriate at the time. His face was bright red and he was so nervous.
“Well come on, Steve, no one’s going to make fun of you”
“Don’t be so sure of that, Y/N. I am always going to make fun of Daddy Steve no matter what,” Robin said, laughing her ass off. 
“Daddy?” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him. 
“It’s a thing I called myself once and now Robin can’t let it go,” He said, his face getting red hot yet again. I giggled in response. Jonathan quickly changed the subject though, back to the question at hand.
“Steve, stop avoiding the question,” He said, shaming him. 
“Can’t I, like, get another question or something? Please?” 
“What’s wrong, too scared?” I said, teasing him further.
“No, it’s just that my answer would make everything more awkward,” He said, scratching the back of his neck. 
That’s when the idea came into my head. What if he was talking about me? What if he liked me? My face grew red as well and everyone saw. 
“You know what, I’ll let you do something else, but you have no choice in what it is. You have to do it, you here me?”
“Yep, please, I will literally do anything,” Steve said, with a relieved look on his face. Jonathan’s eyes had this mischevious look in them, 
“As the actual teenagers that we are, I say that a little round of seven minutes in heaven is in order, specifically, you and Y/N,” Jonathan said. Steve’s face looked like he was going to explode.
“Fine, let’s go, Steve-o,” I said, and pulled him off the ground. I took his hand in mine and dragged him off to a closet in the house. Steve set the timer for seven minutes, and I closed the closet door.
“So, will you answer it now?”
“Answer what?” he said. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world, like I was the only one who was important. In that moment, I already knew the answer to my question. It was me. I was that special girl in all of Hawkins.
“You know what, just show me instead,” I said, grabbing either side of his jacket and pulling him into a kiss. The kiss was slow, passionate and hungry, the perfect first kiss. His hand cupped my cheek, as mine moved to his hair. I was desperate, so very desperate for him. He was there, the boy, no, the man that I had had a crush on for so long, right there on top of me. We were so lost into eachother that we barely heard the watch go off.  Steve broke the kiss, and looked at me with disappointed eyes.
“I guess we have to leave,” he said, a hint of sadness in his voice mixing with the absolute lust. My hand goes for the doorhandle, and I began to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Guess we have more time than we thought,” I said, pulling my shirt off in one fluid motion. His eyes wandered over my chest, as he did the same. “Steve, there’s something else I have to tell you though.” His lips grazed over my collerbone, before planting kisses up and down my neck.His lips trailed upto my ear and whispered to me. 
“What is it? You can tell me anything.”
“I’ve never really done this before,” and with that he immediately pulled away from me. 
“If you don’t want to do this, just tell me,” he said, eyes full of concern.
“No, Steve, please, I want this so bad. Steve, I want you.”
He slowly kissed his way down me teasingly, not letting a single inch of me untouched. His hand snaked around me to undo my bra, unclasping it and then pulling it off. His lips made their way to my breasts, kissing them before taking my nipple in his mouth and sucking. I cried out softly, and Steve put his finger to my lips, shushing me.
“Babygirl, if you keep being so loud, everyone else is going to be able to here you,” he told me. I nodded, as he trailed lower and lower down me until he reached the apex of my thighs, unbuttoning my jeans and throwing them away from the two of us. His mouth hovered over my clothed core, before sucking my clit through the fabric of my panties. I bit my lip so hard that I could taste blood, trying to make sure I was doing what Steve told me. I felt his hands pull the thin fabric down my legs, and my eyes screwed shut in anticiopation. His lips ghosted over me, before making their way to my inner thigh, sucking and biting, leaving bruises in his wake. My hands fell to his hair, and tangled into this locks. Finally, he licked one long stripe up me, and then began to suck on my clit. In a feeble attempt to silence myself, I folded Steve’s belt and put it in my mouth to bite down. His mouth was driving me absolutely crazy, taking time to suck on my clit before delving into me. After a little bit, he replaced his tongue with his fingers, slipping one inside of me. It felt different than when I did it to myself, his fingers were so much bigger than mine, thicker and longer than my petite ones. It felt strange, and Steve let me get used to the feeling.
He looked up to me for confirmation, and I nodded, telling him that I was ok. He began to move his finger in and out of me, slowly, before picking up the pace.
He added a second, and I moaned out into the belt, the stretch burning, but feeling really good. He went slow again, letting me get used to it, and sucking on my clit once more to distract me from the burn. I couldn’t handle it, everything felt way too good. I came hard around his fingers, my walls clenching around him. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as moans hit the belt in my mouth. Steve continued to suck and lick at me, cleaning up my orgasm. 
Steve pulled the belt from my mouth, and replaced it with his own. The kiss was soft and delicate, like he was scared if he kissed me too hard, I would shatter in his arms. 
“Steve, I’ll be ok, please,” I begged, and he understood. He began to line himself up with me, and before he once again made sure I was ok. I nodded, and he slowly sunk into me. It burned inside of me, stretching me out and making my eyes water a little bit. Steve stopped, and looked at me with worry
“Y/N, I can stop if you want me too, “ he said, but I shook my head. 
“No, no, Steve, I’m ok, keep going,” I said, and he continued to push into me, until he was all the way in. He waited for me to get used to the feeling, rubbing at my clit to help with the pain. His lips attacked mine, kissing me deep, trying to distract me from it.
I broke the kiss, and looked him in the eye, and nodded once again, and he started to move. His thrusts were slow and deep, careful and caring. I moaned out in response and he saw that as encouragement. He picked up the pace, pushing in and out of me.
His lips captured mine once again, soft and sweet, and I melted into it, my legs wrapping around Steve’s waist, making his thrusts even deeper than before. He swallowed my loud moans into kisses, his hand going down once again to draw fast and tight circles on my clit. 
“Steve please, I’m going to again,” I panted out, and he kept going, and my vision blurred as I came hard around him. He quickly pulled out of me and came onto my stomach, his head falling back, and eyes squeezed shut. We were both tired, but nonetheless, Steve cleaned up my stomach with some napkins that were in the closet. He helped get me dressed, and got himself dressed as well. We both tried the door handle again but it wouldn’t budge, so Steve lied down, and I cuddled myself into his chest, with his arms curled around me. My eyes fluttered shut and my breathing slowed, just sitting there listening to his heartbeat. He must have thought I was asleep because I heard a voice, Steve trying not to wake me up.
“I love you so damn much, Y/N,” He muttered, and I turned my head to face him.
“I love you too, Steve, so damn much.”
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unknownauthor · 5 years
Not My Boyfriend (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Warnings: partying, underage drinking, fighting, slight smut
Summary: He’s not her boyfriend, she’s not his girlfriend.....but nobody else is either.
A/N: this didn’t turn out how I wanted and I’m a little disappointed. It’s poorly written. If you like it I’ll be grateful, thank you all for your love and support💕
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With pride comes a certain amount of prejudice. You hate the things in others that you hate in yourself. For the two of them, it was the same.
Billy swore she was the most self centered, egocentric person he had ever met. The biggest bitch. And she swore he was full of himself and thought his shit didn’t stink. They put on the front of total loathing, but underneath that, the sexual tension was always palpable.
“So are you coming to the party tonight?” Nancy smiled, leaning against Y/N’s locker. Y/N smirked as she put away her books.
o“Maybe. Not sure I’m in the mood for more show boating and eye fucking from you know who.” nancy chuckled, shaking her head.
“You two just need to really fuck and get it over with.” Y/N made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes.
“Please. I’m one conquest he’ll never have.” Just as she was saying that Billy was walking down the hall, a girl on each of his arms. He winked at Y/N, who casually flipped him off. He grinned. He loved how feisty she was, even if she was a bitch.
“You should come with. Please. I need you.” Y/n grinned at Nancy’s puppy dog sad eyes.
“I can never say no to you when you look at me like that.” Nancy clapped her hands together and kissed Y/N on the cheek.
“It’s gonna be great!”
Billy couldn’t remember how many beers he’d had at this point. He’d hit the keg even harder tonight than normal. Kept glancing around, searching the crowd of high schoolers.
He would never admit he was looking for her.
Of course she was annoying. The mouth on that girl drove him crazy and he knew he could put it to good use, if she just would let him. There was no way she didn’t feel the shit that he did every time they bickered. They acted like an old married couple sometimes.
“Somethin’ botherin’ you baby?” Vicky Smith was perched on his lap, playing with his mullet, running her fingers through it softly. He tilted his head back, and took a hit off of his cigarette. He grabbed her ass playfully.
“Nah, I’m good babe.” she grinned, leaning down to kiss him. Billy closed his eyes and imagined it was Y/N’s mouth moving against his. She reached down, rubbing her palm against his crotch.
Y/N arrived after 8pm. She didn’t feel much like dressing up tonight. She wore ripped jeans, a faded AC/DC concert shirt and faded converse. Nancy thought she looked good, Y/N didn’t really care.
“Hey, glad you guys could make it!” Steve grinned, he came out of the crowded hallway, two frothy beers in hand. The girls took one each, Y/N took a sip while Nancy began to flirt with Steve. She looked around the party, the house was packed to the gills, music pulsing through every nook and cranny. She excused herself from Steve and Nancy, making her way towards the living room.
Y/N scoffed, turning her nose as she came into the equally crowded room. Billy sat in a recliner, leaned back, beer in hand, legs spread and some chick sprawled out all over him. She rolled her eyes, turning away to take a place on the couch.
“Hey.” she looked up, Jonathan Byers smiled shyly down at her. She had seen him around school, shy and quiet, he always kept to himself.
“You can sit down if you want.”she motioned for him to sit beside her, it was awkward, as he positioned his arm around her shoulders, but it was sweet in a way. She leaned against him slightly, to speak into his ear so he could hear her over the pulsing music. “How come I’ve never seen you out before Byers?” he shrugged.
“It’s never really been my thing ...Nancy suggested I try getting out more.” Y/N chuckled. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that Jonathan had a major crush on her friend. It was sweet and adorable.
“Well...I’m glad you came out.” she stood up, reaching her hand out to him. “Dance with me?” she mouthed with a grin. Jonathan chugged the rest of his beer, before tossing his solo cup down and taking her hand.
Billy was buzzed, and feeling really damn good. Vicky had gotten up to go to the bathroom, he adjusted himself, cracking another beer and observing his surroundings. He wasn’t worried about getting laid tonight.
But then he saw them. And he began to feel something hot and heavy settle in the pit of his stomach, his nostrils flared as he clenched his beer tightly in his hand.
Jonathan was an awkward dancer. He had two left feet and no sense of rhythm. But it was cute.
“Here.” Y/N reached out, taking his hands and placing them on her hips. She pushed herself as close to him as she could, fingers playing in his hair as he followed her lead. “There ya go.” It wasn’t romantic or sexy in the least, but they were having fun.
When the song ended Y/N leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips, thanking him for the dance. Jonathan blushes and grinned before heading back into the crowd.
“Savin’ the last dance for me?’ A low voice whispered in her ear, Y/N fought the urge to shiver, turning around to face the unwanted presence behind her. Billy grinned down at her, he wasn’t drunk but she could tell he had a buzz.
“Absolutely not.” She said, trying to move past him. He stood in her path, unflinching when she tried pushing past. “Please move.” She asked exasperated. He looked down at her, there was a glint in his eye that made her uneasy. He reached up, tracing her lips with the tip of his finger.
“When will you and I stop fucking around and just admit this shit.” Y/N’s eyes widened but before she could ask anymore he was walking away, back through the crowd the way he came. The ghost of his fingers still on her lips.
“Hey,” Y/N tapped nancy on the shoulder, her friend was clearly tipsy and giggling with her boyfriend, Steve. “I’m going home.” Nancy pulled away from him for a moment, looking at her with concern.
“You sure?” Y/N nodded.
“Yeah. It’s just not my night.”
“Be careful.” Y/N waved, walking back towards the front door. Once outside she sighed heavily, stretching her arms above her head. It was still early, maybe she’d rent a movie and eat some food with her mom. That’d be nice.
She had just started walking when she heard the rumble of a car behind her. She looked over to see the familiar shape of the Camero, slowing down to be close to her, the passenger window rolled down.
“Can’t you leave me alone?” Y/N asked, annoyance clear in her voice.
“Why’d you leave?” Billy seemed to be sobering up as he carefully trolled the street beside her. Y/N pulled up the hood of her jacket.
“Just wasn’t my scene.”
“Do you want a ride?” he asked. She was surprised. He had driven right past her before in the pouring rain, and never offered a ride to her. “Come on. It’s late, you shouldn’t be walking home alone.” she sighed, turning towards the car. Billy parked, waiting for her response.
“You’ll take me straight home?”
“Wherever you wanna go. Just get in the damn car….please,” he added the please after a moment. It was a nice touch though.
Y/N walked forward, hesitantly opening the passenger side door and climbing in. Billy put the car in drive and off they went. He held out a pack of marlboro reds to her.
“Cig?” he asked. She shook her head. “Mind if I?”
“If slow death is what you want by all means.” Billy chuckled, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
“You’re funny. You know that?” he grinned at her. It was hard not to smile back, the usual cocky atmosphere around him was gone. She was almost comfortable.
“I’ve been told that a time or two.” he licked his lips and nodded.
“I bet. Nancy is always laughing around you.”
“How do you know she does?” Billy sucked in his breath for a moment, thanking every God in the universe she couldn’t see the embarrassment on his cheeks. “You never seemed to give a damn...You watch me?”
“Not exactly…” they fell into an almost awkward silence, Billy made a right turn and the familiar neighborhood Y/n grew up in came into view. “Which is yours?” Billy asked.
“Right there?” she pointed at a yellow house with a red door. The lawn was freshly mowed, flower beds manicured, the perfect little house on the street. Billy pulled into the driveway and turned his car off. Y/N knew she should get out, but as she went for the door, she felt the light brush of his hand on her shoulder, brushing her hair back.
When she turned back round Billy had moved over, face merely inches from hers. His eyes were wide and that same glint from earlier was there. Y/N swallowed as best she could, but her mouth was dry.
“Can I…” he licked his lips again, and loved the way Y/N’s eyes flickered down at the movement. “Can I say good bye?” the tension was thick, and every fiber of her body was amped up as if ready to start a race.
“You’re...You’re not my boyfriend.” she tried to smirk and act coy, but it came out almost like a whimper.
“So?” his retort came swiftly. Y/N leaned forward, gently pressing her lips to his. He wouldn’t be her boyfriend. They would go back to hating each other tomorrow. But for now she was here, in his camaro, wrapped in his arms as his tongue slithered into her mouth and soaked up every bit of her he could. It became rough and full of panting, biting and sucking, Y/n’s heart pounded in her ears.
Fifteen minutes later she entered her house, closing the door behind herself she leaned against it, breathing deeply, body still shaking. A clearing throat from the living room startled her and her father emerged, looking at her warily.
“Hi daddy.” she said, trying to smile and calm her racing heart. Her father crossed his arms over his chest.
“You never told us you had a boyfriend.” Y/N smiled, walking up to her dad and kissing him on the cheek. He was still watching her closely as she took her shoes off and set them in the hall.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
A/N: Prequel to KIWI. I just loved writing them so much and this damn good song is stuck in my head. ~1000 words of angst until it’s fluffier than cotton candy. More in my masterlist :) Art is by the talented @jorrisy​!! - J xx. TPWK.
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i. nightmare on the dance floor
Kiwi was an atrocious dancer. He didn’t even need to be drunk. Puppy stood uncomfortably off to the side with the rest of his friend group, watching his former schoolmate whom he hadn’t seen in years repeatedly attempt a body roll. He was cute, sure, but not that cute that people wouldn’t stare in a very judgemental way.
“Hey, you’ve known this guy since sixth form, righ’?” Cake breathed smoke into Puppy’s face as he tried to talk over the music, “Can’t ya get ‘im to stop? Personally, I don’t care what he does, but he’s kinda ruining our chances if y’know wha’ I mean?”
“Shit, that sounds a lot like caring tuh me, Cakes,” despite his internal monologue, Puppy cut a perfectly nonchalant figure, tapping his cigarette lightly before taking it between his pink lips.
“Well, if ya don’t ‘ave a word wiv ‘im, Icing will sooner or later. And y’know ‘ow he gets -”
“Awrigh’, awrigh’,” he shoved himself off the wall he’d been leaning on and adjusted his red and black bomber jacket, “Hey, Ki!”
“Hey!” Kiwi spun around less than elegantly, teetering on his long legs that were almost deer-like, shapely, toned - no, Puppy, focus!
“Righ’, wha’ d’ya say we get us and the lads a couple drinks, yeah?” 
The drinks made it worse. As far as Puppy could remember, alcohol always slowed Kiwi down, not hyped him up, but of course as luck would have it, tonight was the exception.
Kiwi was throwing himself to-and-fro with abandon on the dance floor, always within arms-length of Puppy, who sought the safety of his normal friend group and stood stoically by Cake and Icing, who were trying to chat up two girl friends while growing increasingly annoyed at the distraction that was long-haired and loud Kiwi.
Suddenly, Kiwi was grinding on Puppy, who was at a loss for what to do other than laugh nervously and gently nudge his shoulders to try to get him to back off. Puppy wasn’t exactly… out to his friends yet and he couldn’t stand the funny looks they and their dates were giving him. 
“Oi! Cut it out, will ya?” he shoved Kiwi harder, so he stumbled around a bit before finally righting himself, “Come with me, I think ya need tuh take a walk and sober up, yeh?”
Kiwi let himself be guided out into the empty two-a.m. street in a city he’d just moved into and that didn’t feel quite like home yet. That’s why he was so happy to see a familiar face. A very nice face, at that, but now his old friend’s jaw was clenched and he was cracking his knuckles like he used to when they were losing a footie game, which was usually Kiwi’s fault if he was being honest. He’d never been a great player.
“Wha’ was tha’?” Puppy asked quietly.
“Wha’ was wha’?”
“Tha’! In front of me mates!”
That boiling anger made Kiwi stand very still on the roadside while Puppy glared at him from where he stood up on the sidewalk so they were a little closer to eye-level. Then he realized he hadn’t given him an answer and managed a stiff shrug. 
“Bollocks, y’know what your problem is, Ki? You never talk unless you feel like it, well, that’s rather selfish, innit? Sometimes people need some kind of explanation, don’t ya think?”
“Well... unlike some people,” he spoke slower and lower than usual, “I’d rather not lie.” 
Puppy watched him leave in the general direction of the tube station and swallowed the urge to say more. 
ii. devil in my brain
“How’d you find out where I live?” Kiwi huffed.
“You left your locator on that night,” Puppy waved his iPhone carelessly before stepping across the threshold.
“You watched me on my way home?”
“You were drunk, but you wanted to be alone. I found a compromise.”
Kiwi gestured vaguely at his kitchen, “Can I get you something to -”
“I just need to get one thing straight with you,” Puppy was cracking his knuckles again, “I’m not a liar. I’m just careful.”
“You care too much about what people think -”
“Yes, and so wha’?” he challenged, “Maybe you could stand to live in that… that stupid little town longer than you had to, but I couldn’t! Go ahead, be the better person, bloody good for y-”
Kiwi was cupping his cheeks in his large, warm hands. Kiwi was pressing his lips to his. Kiwi was… was… a rather good kisser - focus, Puppy, dammit!
“Wha’ was tha’?” that came out quieter than he would’ve liked.
“Me not lyin’,” the whispered confession rumbled through both their bodies, “Puppy… say something? You’re tremblin’...”
“Ya can’t just… fuck, ya can’t just… lodge yourself in me brain and start… start… killin’ me with all your… your...” he grabbed Kiwi’s hands and chucked them off his face, “You’ve forgotten how much it… how much it hurts to get… get a little… just a little from someone and have them take it away because you’re… you’re too gay or your too straight - like what the fuck?” Puppy buried his face in his lithe hands.
“... And then... you start to hear this voice in your head,” Kiwi continued for him, “tellin’ yeh how to be and what to do before yeh even know what yeh actually want… It’s not something you can forget… no matter how many people you’ve told… Look, I just… I like you… but you don’t have to do anything with that if you don’t want -”
“I don’t want to,” Puppy said quickly and left just as fast.
iii. what i’d do without you
“Why, do I keep sayin’ shit like that, Jackie?” Puppy addressed his schlumbergera cactus, “Oh, don’t start, Alice - you too, Barb,” he pouted at the older cacti on his shelf, “He just kinda came outta nowhere with tha’, y’know? Wha’ was I supposed tuh do? … Well, if yeh must know, Nosy-Nancy… yes, he is a good kisser, but tha’ doesn’t mean I’m doin’ it again! … Yeah, and you’d know all about leaving pasts behind, wouldn’t ya, George? … Alrigh’! Alrigh’, yeh lot, I’ll call ‘im!”
Puppy mumbled to the dial tone, “Takin’ advice from cacti. You’ve really hit the bottom of the -”
“Yeah… hey.”
“I’m sorry,” they said in unison, “Wha’ are you sorry for?”
“I shouldn’t say things I don’t mean,” said Puppy.
“I shouldn’t say things like tha’ too soo - wait, wha’?”
“You know what.”
“Mm, maybe, but while we’re getting practice sayin’ things -”
“Oh, up yours, Ki-ki.”
“Yes, please.”
“Nothing. Go on.”
Puppy paced, “No, it’s not proper doin’ this over the phone. I’ll come see ya -”
The doorbell rang.
Puppy stopped mid-step, “Are you -”
“Okay,” he opened the door, “I like you too.”
Kiwi smiled widely, still holding his phone to his ear, “Did you know your voice sounds deeper on the phone than in person?” 
Puppy shook his head, “You. You are killin’ me,” and then he kissed him.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [a box of stuff of his that got messed up in with Nancy's in the move 'cos your sister ain't talking to you either] Rio: [just like there you go] Buster: [thrilled about it] Buster: [takes it upstairs to the flat over said pub because he's staying there in protest fuck all of y'all] Rio: Lucky they've not got lodgers Buster: What can I say? Charmed life Rio: No doubt Rio: 'cos spare bedroom at theirs ain't so spare now Buster: Unlucky them Rio: Not really where my pity's going Rio: sure they'll find space for the punching bag Buster: No doubt Buster: It's as much a member of the fam as any of us at this point Rio: Sod Nance then Rio: stay on the sofa 'til Uni, like Buster: Not like she'd put up a fight Rio: Not like anyone's gonna bring another one to her Buster: Yeah that's the point Rio: Is it? Buster: Here 'cause she's down & out now Buster: Spent fucking ages on the ropes like Buster: No stamina left, is there? Rio: Sooo kick her whilst she's down/kick her out of the spare room Rio: Interesting idea Buster: Necessary more like Buster: But whatever Rio: Your solution Rio: Reckon it'll toughen her up Buster: Probably too late for that but when the alternative becomes walking on eggshells for the foreseeable future Buster: Have to try Rio: It's summer Rio: everyone's having a break, yeah Buster: So I should give her one, yeah? Buster: Way ahead of you Rio: Not just you Buster: If everyone else gives her any more of one we can just call this her party Rio: Nah Rio: she'd hate that Rio: heaven forbid Buster: Yeah well Buster: [back & hitting up the 18 year old hot barmaid like Rio: [when you're rolling your eyes so hard they gonna get stuck at the back of your head] Rio: be useful and get him another drink Buster: [When the girl loves it tho] Buster: Do you want one? Rio: Are you offering Buster: What was that just then if not? Rio: No telling Rio: go on then Buster: How many have you already had if you can't tell what 'do you want a drink' means? Buster: & Am I meant to guess what, like? Rio: It don't matter if it's wet and alcoholic Buster: 😂 Buster: Alright, brandy it is then Rio: See Rio: this is why I can't tell Rio: pisstake Buster: I'm always serious about getting pissed at fam functions Buster: You know that Rio: then don't get me fucking brandy or I've got no chance Buster: Then tell me what you want & stop trying to make me mind read Rio: You mean you can't? Rio: Disappointing Buster: You mean you want me to? Buster: Alright Rio: Don't take your time Rio: know what he's like if he actually finishes one before having the next lined up Buster: [Brings her the exact right drink obvs cos ofc he knows] Rio: [does cheers motion when she takes it] Buster: [& we back on our barmaid bullshit again cos gonna take her outside or upstairs at some point & need to put in that work] Rio: Does she know you're a child, like Buster: Firstly, I ain't & secondly, mind your own Rio: You are and how Rio: your attempts are blatant Buster: Care more about the birthday boy or my sister the other guest of honour Buster: That'd do for a start Rio: Take your own advice Buster: My distraction is sorted, cheers Buster: You're the one asking me how to get one Rio: I'm not, I'm asking if she knows she's down for some kiddie fiddling or what Buster: Ask her if you're so concerned, like Rio: Ha don't dare me Buster: We can play if you want Buster: Been a while Rio: Your distraction is sorted Buster: Not if you ruin it Rio: What I do best Buster: Yeah Rio: She's not going to fuck her employers grandson Rio: get a grip Buster: You wish she wouldn't Rio: You're dellusional Rio: at least if I do it you'll have someone to blame Buster: Nah, it's a summer job & summer ain't lasting much longer Buster: Her words not mine Rio: I asked for her life story less than you did Buster: Gotta get your fun while you can, babe Rio: That's what she's counting fucking a virgin kid Rio: you reckon Dublin's a smalltown but it ain't that small Buster: I'm not a virgin or a kid Buster: Try again Rio: You're both Buster: Not for ages now Buster: The past's gone, stop living there Rio: 😂 Rio: the big boy act is not convincing Rio: let's hope she is noncy or you have 0 chance Buster: 😂 Buster: I'd have sent you more frequent updates if I'd known you were this invested Rio: No need Rio: can see the show from here Buster: & I can see the colour of your eyes from here Buster: If it makes you this jealous, don't watch, babe Rio: Not meant to be looking Rio: or at least pretending you ain't Rio: remember Buster: Take your own advice Rio: I don't have to Rio: you said you would Buster: Ain't that the world's biggest cop out Buster: But fine Rio: I didn't want to stop Rio: it was for your benefit so act like it Buster: Get a grip Buster: I haven't done anything but act like it Rio: Keep it up Buster: You're the one watching me reap the benefits Rio: You could call it that Buster: I just did Rio: I thought you was trying to sound mature here Rio: probably calm down Buster: I don't have to try Buster: At anything Rio: 😂 Rio: don't lead with that whatever you do Rio: napoleon complex got you sounded younger than you are, kiddo Buster: I don't need your advice, you already did me a really big favour, like Rio: You need so much more help than I'm willing to give Rio: not got that samaritans gig yet Buster: That's the thing, I don't 'cause I fucked a girl when you left & haven't wanted to stop since Buster: Haven't needed to either so like I said, cheers Rio: [audibly lols] Rio: yep, bragging on numbers Rio: PEAK mature big boy moves Rio: Oh my God, McKenna Rio: [walking away from view once she's downed what's left of her drink] Buster: That is how it normally goes, yeah. Could almost be a direct quote Rio: I'm as impressed as they are, I guarantee it Buster: Nah, but you don't get to be Buster: Have to keep to my word Rio: Hardly Rio: at best you're on a promise here Rio: aren't married Rio: unless you're really committed to pretending you're grown Rio: very first school, it's sweet Buster: 😂 Rio: Still dramatic Buster: Says you Rio: Yeah Rio: focus Rio: know it's like a dream but keep up Buster: Talking to you ain't that much of a nightmare, don't do yourself down, babe Buster: & Well done for not openly crying or begging, like Buster: Maybe you do possess some self control in spite of everything Rio: Night's still young Rio: but nah, keep dreaming Rio: if there was anyone else here Buster: I will Buster: & If there was nobody else here, yeah? Rio: Exactly Buster: Exactly Rio: Exactly Rio: what are we talking about Buster: You're about to analyze my dreams, aren't you? Rio: Can Rio: so easy but hit me with it Buster: Only easy when you're in 'em babe, but that is often Rio: Good one Buster: They are good, yeah Rio: You're welcome for all the inspiration Buster: You don't get to take credit for my imagination Rio: Yeah I do Rio: you're a boy, it's a well-known fact you have none Buster: Bullshit Rio: It's true! Rio: they've done studies and everything Buster: Not on me Rio: Special, are you Buster: You know it Rio: You're funny Buster: & Imaginative Buster: Everything fun we ever did was my idea Rio: Bullshit 😂 Buster: True you mean Rio: Nope, definitely not Buster: Name one thing you thought of Rio: Getting drunk was my idea Rio: as was calling the adults when you when green literal so you owe me your life, actually Buster: Nah, you just agreed with me Buster: & that don't count as fun Rio: No way Rio: don't misremember Rio: woulda been if you did it right Buster: Don't you Buster: Just 'cause it suits you now Rio: I ain't Rio: cheek Buster: You are Rio: You aren't the only one who has fun, or can, I'm not gonna say that Buster: Don't then Rio: Don't say I ain't fun Rio: you know I am Buster: No I don't Buster: I told you, that kid's dead & buried Rio: You know I am now Rio: whoever you are Buster: Again, no I don't Rio: Shut up Buster: Maybe if I asked Miles he'd vouch for you, but we don't talk Rio: Still? Buster: What, there's meant to be a time limit on it? Buster: I beat him up & he ain't over it Buster: I can't say I'm gutted Rio: Worse than girls Rio: well, not at your school, obviously Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: What, you reckon you ain't? Buster: I don't care enough to reckon about it Rio: You are Rio: listen to me, no need to wonder Buster: Like I said, whatever you say Rio: You're so cute Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: But shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: Yawn Buster: Big surprise, you're bored & boring Buster: Again Rio: That's your bit Buster: Where? Buster: When? Rio: Here and now, baby Buster: Nah Rio: Mhmm Buster: Have another drink, you're bound to change your mind Rio: Jesus you sound like your dad Rio: that makes sense Rio: the whole act Buster: Glad you reckon you've made sense of something Buster: Must be a relief Rio: Not really but what can you do Rio: nothing, apparently Buster: You'll get over it Rio: You wish Buster: Not really, but what can you do Rio: Plenty Rio: if you'd let me Buster: Come on then Buster: Do something Rio: [Comes up and gets a drink from barmaid and is like come on then, to Buster, not her lmao] Buster: [Gives her an amused look but doesn't move yet cos not making it that easy] Rio: [is like 'how am I meant to do anything here?'] Buster: ['You're not meant to do anything, full stop. Figure it out'] Rio: [just a look like 'why not?' and then chatting to the barmaid in a way she can 'cos friendly bitch and making her come dance with her 'cos power move] Buster: [a look back that means you know why not but then a lol at the antics that he lets happen before cutting in & kissing the barmaid cos of course] Rio: [probably not a good idea boy your fam gon cockblock now] Buster: [better take her away quick before they realize, off you go outside you two, gods speed] Rio: Fuck you Buster: You can't Rio: Fuck you Buster: Fuck you just as hard, babe Rio: Yeah right Buster: Yeah right Rio: I'm going Buster: Alright Buster: See you around, Cavante Rio: No Buster: Like or not, I'm here for a while Buster: So probably Rio: Fuck off Rio: seriously Rio: stay to yourself like you want to Buster: Feel free to convince my parents I should Buster: Been there, tried it myself Rio: Feel free to drop dead Rio: not doing anything for you Buster: You should've let me if you feel that strongly Rio: That boys already dead and burried Rio: how many times have you dramatically spewed that Buster: Maybe two Rio: Enough you don't need to chat it now Buster: I'm not, you are Rio: Yeah you are Buster: Nah, I'm saying, I bet you wish you didn't save me back then Buster: If only you could see the future, yeah? Rio: You wish Rio: You want everyone to hate you so bad Rio: have to wait 'til you're grown to fuck off and leave everyone behind Buster: Nah, Nance has fucked off already, that's one down Buster: My odds are good on not having to wait Rio: make you feel better when they forced you on the plane yeah Rio: diddums Rio: how 'bout you fuck her and get onto smack Rio: that's it, or death Buster: All the better for seeing you, obviously Buster: Very inconsiderate of her to turn out gay, like Buster: I'll have to kill myself, I guess Rio: Yeah you'd never Buster: Why not? Rio: Love yourself too much Rio: sadly Buster: All the more reason to do it myself, make it worthy of me Buster: & Really dramatic, of course Rio: You're all chat Rio: and you'd stay alive just to spite me Rio: twat Buster: You ain't that special, remember? Rio: Neither are you but doesn't stop you reckoning Rio: so leave it out Rio: you're a shit liar for someone who does it all the time Buster: So are you Rio: I'm not lying Rio: you 2 for 2 now Buster: Tell me again how I'm not special or you hate me Buster: It's a lie Rio: I do hate you right now Rio: and you aren't special I just fucking Rio: I don't know Rio: it's a me issue, you've said it enough Rio: it's not about you Buster: You do know & it is about me Rio: Why are you doing this now Buster: Why are you? Rio: Because I fucking wanted to Rio: you don't so stop Buster: I'm giving you exactly what I said I would Buster: What you asked me to Rio: How is that what I asked Buster: You said stop this Rio: I said come on Rio: and now you're fucking taunting me 'cos why Rio: it's fun Rio: you want me to hate you Buster: You wanna hate me Rio: Bullshit Buster: Every time you say it, I can feel you fucking hoping it'll cancel out how much you want me Buster: Well, now you don't want me anymore Buster: You're welcome Rio: You're an idiot Buster: I'm too sober for your stupidity is what I am Rio: Don't you dare Buster: I do dare, deal with it Rio: Again Rio: 2 for 2 so no you fucking don't Buster: Again, whatever you say babe Rio: It's known Rio: was right Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: pussy Buster: You ain't been right about anything other than how shit our kiss was Buster: I learned my lesson then, that's all Rio: You're full of shit Rio: why keep talking Rio: I don't believe you or anything you say Buster: Then we finally agree about something 'cause that's exactly how I've felt about you since you ruined my birthday Rio: Yeah, why would I make myself look insane just to be lying Rio: Fucking good one Sherlock Rio: you're gonna be a shit lawyer with that intuition Buster: All I need is the ability to bullshit & I have that Rio: You don't even need that Rio: plenty of second-rate rich boys playing dress up Rio: swap the badge for a robe, yeah Buster: Good thing too, at least it'll take you a while to be done fucking them all Buster: You're already so bored, like Rio: Oh my God, you still care about that Rio: like I ain't been whoring around my own postcode for a year since then Buster: Such a dramatic pussy so obviously Buster: You fucking hurt me Rio: I know Rio: You hurt me right back Rio: and still are Buster: What did you expect? Rio: Not you to keep this up forever Buster: All I've kept up is the distance you all but fucking begged me for Rio: I don't want it Buster: You think I want it? Rio: yeah Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Don't Buster: Fuck you Rio: what Buster: You can say what you want, fucking throw yourself at me in there & I can't tell you what you already know Rio: I don't know that at all Rio: and even if I accept it now and try and believe you, you'll take it back later and Buster: Don't ask me to & I won't Rio: Okay Rio: promise Rio: don't need to cut our palms but I swear Buster: I ain't fucking doing that my dad's scar is really ugly from when he & Joe did & for what? Rio: 😂 Rio: I said we don't need to Rio: can still be a hand model if you want, not gonna take that from you Buster: Cheers Rio: alright but is that a deal or no Buster: It sounds like you want blood to me babe Buster: Hold on, I'll break this glass, like Rio: Do not Rio: and I don't want you to kill yourself either Rio: or die just in general Rio: btw Buster: I don't want you to whore around your postcode, but things happen Rio: Mixed messages because you definitely told me to but Buster: You told me to drop dead Buster: At least I gave you an easier one Rio: Well alright, if we're changing our minds here Rio: though rude that's the only thing you wanna take back, just saying Buster: I never said that Rio: you said I should go whore round, now you're saying nah so Rio: yeah Buster: What I mean is, there's loads of shit I wanna take back Buster: Not just that Rio: Oh Rio: me too Buster: But I can't & neither can you Buster: Only thing I can't do, but still Rio: Sure you can Rio: people do and say shit all the time and take it back Rio: easy Rio: what's hard is not doing and saying it again Buster: Yeah Buster: Alright Rio: I'll expect it in writing Rio: take your time Buster: Fuck off Buster: Just 'cause I'm capable of an essay unlike my sister, don't mean you're getting one Rio: Just adding to your workload here Rio: be nice whilst you're Rio: not ahead Buster: Fuck that it's summer Buster: Give me a break Rio: Then see me Rio: have fun with me Rio: you're stuck here anyway Buster: Rio don't Rio: Why not Buster: Come on Buster: You're gonna make it even harder for me, really? Rio: I just Rio: I really don't want to hate you, okay Rio: don't make me, that's hard Buster: It's easier than not Buster: Harder to be around each other if we don't Rio: Barely Rio: I nearly just bottled you Rio: how is that better Buster: That pain is piss easy to handle compared to what you could do Rio: It don't feel any easier to me Rio: feels the same Buster: 'Cause I can't bottle you Rio: well, I can't actually you, to be fair Rio: or random girls just 'cos Buster: 'Course you could Buster: You'd have to stretch if you wanna get me over the head, like Rio: 😂 Rio: Shh Rio: it's very much illegal, even when you're asking for it Buster: Or stand on a barstool Buster: Or the bar itself Rio: not that you're thinking about it Rio: weirdo 😜 Buster: I think about you loads, get over it Rio: don't wanna Buster: If I have to, then you do Rio: I never said you have to Buster: I'm saying it, I have too much shit to do to be distracted by you constantly Rio: okay but Rio: little bit Rio: all work no play Rio: come on Buster: I play as hard and you know it Buster: Even when you are there trying to fuck everything up Rio: Exactly Rio: so don't try saying you've got no time for me Buster: I never said none, I said not as much as how often I think about you & then my thoughts want me to give you Rio: I know Rio: I get it too, I mean Buster: Of course, I got really hot Buster: I was a cute kid but Rio: Alright Rio: 😏 Buster: Alright what? Rio: We don't need to talk about how hot you are Buster: It won't be a two way convo, just tell me Rio: You know already shh Buster: Come on Rio: You're gonna be mean Rio: I can feel it Buster: Just say it for me once Buster: You never got me a birthday present Rio: Fine but if you're really annoying about it you're getting muted okay Buster: Or bottled Rio: Yeah you really are wishing now Rio: but you're hot Rio: really hot Rio: you know you are Buster: Fuck Buster: I know you are Rio: ha Rio: I've thought about you saying that loads Buster: What else do I say? Rio: Lots of things Rio: but don't waste loads of time talking, wouldn't be very true to character would it Buster: 😂 Buster: Obviously not Rio: Jesus Rio: I'm glad I left Buster: I'm not Rio: You left too Buster: Well, I ain't proud of that, am I Rio: Yeah Rio: it is what it is Buster: Nah Buster: It ain't that passive, it's what I made it into, deliberately Rio: I know Rio: I mean, obviously within your rights to do it Rio: shitty or otherwise Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Yeah Rio: thanks Rio: it's alright Rio: well it weren't but apology accepted, basically Buster: Where are you? Rio: Omw home Rio: nearly back Buster: Well, that deserves another apology Buster: Nearly Rio: it's okay Rio: gave him his present so won't be as gutted, like Buster: You can still be 👑 Buster: Thank Christ Rio: Honestly Rio: can ruin my night but not my rep, like Buster: I'm being sent home. Home home, not holiday home so no danger to your rep, just mine Rio: Why Rio: I mean Rio: you've been on worst behaviour all round, apparently but what was the final straw Buster: Mum's on one about the barmaid Rio: How mad will you be if I say told you so Rio: just wondering Buster: How mad would you be if I tell you I told her it was worth it Rio: you've actually got a death wish Rio: you know that's gonna make her mad, that kind of thing Buster: Why else do you think I announced it at perfect everybody overhear this volume? Rio: Why are you so mad at them? Buster: How far back do you want me to go? Rio: Alright Rio: over Nancy moving then Buster: They're letting her, ain't that enough? Rio: You'll miss her Buster: I won't Rio: What then Rio: isn't it a good thing for you, you won't have to worry about people talking shit on her, having to smack lads for her Buster: Don't mean I'm not angry she gets to move countries but I can't stay home alone, 'cause that's bullshit when I can take care of myself & she can't Rio: She's living with nan and granddad Rio: they're not just leaving her to do what she wants, like Buster: As good as Buster: How long before she's at ours, I'm calling it Rio: Nah Rio: they'll be more involved than your parents are, no offense Rio: so you still come off better Buster: We'll see Rio: You can be angry still Rio: and miss her, even a bit Buster: Cheers for the permission, like Rio: Any time Buster: How do these parties get more shit with every passing year, have a word Granddad, fuck's sake Rio: 'cos we get older but still get treated like kids Rio: and you're moodier, somehow Buster: You were calling me a kid not long ago, now you're gonna call 'em out for doing it, yeah? Rio: Not saying they shouldn't or that you ain't Rio: just why it's shit Buster: Very diplomatic Rio: mhmm Rio: you don't deserve me being mean about it, soz Buster: So you're only gonna be nice from now? Rio: Diplomatic Rio: you don't wanna be friends Buster: I don't wanna disfigure my hand with a blade Buster: If you wanna make me a better offer Rio: Did that too Rio: but seriously Rio: it was weird not talking for all that time Rio: barely talking anyway Buster: Yeah Rio: just don't stay away that hard yeah Buster: How hard then? Rio: as hard as you wanna Rio: but actually Rio: don't pretend Buster: What if I actually don't wanna? Rio: then don't Rio: it's just talking Rio: nothing wrong with that Buster: Okay Rio: Good Rio: I missed you Rio: sometimes Buster: Only when you were awake Rio: 😂 Rio: not dreaming about you, no? Rio: basically #humble for you Buster: That's what I was saying, those hours when you can't dream about me must have been the absolute worst, babe Rio: Oh god Rio: keep chatting, might cure me 😏 Buster: You know what the cure is Rio: Yeah? Buster: Eat cheese before you go to bed & have nightmares instead Buster: That or drink brandy til you can't dream Buster: Might die but Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm sure we don't have any of that filth Rio: 'less you can cook with it, hmm Rio: I'll see Buster: You can Rio: Get you Buster: Crêpes Suzette being the classic Rio: You're funny Rio: don't think I'm gonna go to that trouble when I could just stay up Buster: I'll come make them for you, call it a peace offering Rio: Party's gone that downhill 'cos I left, yeah? Buster: To be honest Rio: Guess your friend left when you embarrassed her along with your ma? Buster: She's not my friend Buster: But obviously Rio: well you know what I mean Rio: at least its a summer job Buster: I wouldn't have gone there otherwise, don't need to run into her every time I get dragged back here Rio: 🙄 Rio: how you getting 'round that at home then Buster: By being upfront about it Buster: No big words though Rio: Brilliant Buster: It does work brilliantly, yeah Rio: even if we're friends, not one of your mates, boy Rio: don't be bragging Buster: You asked & I answered Rio: Mhmm Buster: Not like I was offering you a spreadsheet with the figures Rio: Shh are you coming or not Buster: Do you want me to? Rio: Yes Rio: I'm hungry Buster: Then yeah Rio: Good Buster: I won't say a word about how much faster it'd be for you to just feed yourself Rio: Better not Rio: know you have hired help Buster: Not a cook Rio: you offered Rio: I'll be grateful Buster: When you've tasted it, you'll be more than grateful Buster: But I gotta get there first Rio: You can do it Rio: I believe in you Buster: Don't run out of compliments before this cab has even set off Rio: Better to do it now Rio: less risky Buster: No risk, no reward, babe Rio: I'm paying for crepes in compliments, am I Rio: sure that's what you want? Buster: The more praise I get the better I perform, it's up to you how good you want this meal, like Rio: That doesn't surprise me even a little, babe Rio: keep it in mind Buster: Why should it? It's true of everyone Buster: I also happen to thrive against the odds too but I'm just that good Buster: Keep that in mind Rio: Most people, even more most blokes Rio: What odds? You're gonna have that kitchen all to yourself Rio: and all the fancy ingredients you need Buster: Are you trying to bullshit me that you don't love encouragement as much as anyone, don't make me laugh Buster: The odds that the smell of brandy could make me wanna puke, for one thing Rio: I dunno Rio: can be a bit much Rio: depends Rio: I'll hold your nose for you Buster: In the wrong hands, anything can be a bit much Buster: You just wanna use yours to hurt me Buster: If I leave with a broken nose, we ain't friends no more Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: that's why I'm done with schoolboys Rio: Promise Rio: you're too pretty Buster: I ain't leaving school for you, my mum would do more than break my nose Rio: 😂 Rio: Enough of a reason not to Rio: Maybe Buster: Until you give me a more worthwhile reason to do it Rio: Like I need to Buster: Like you want to Rio: You still reckon it's me stopping us Buster: I'm stopping us 'cause you asked me to, so technically yeah Rio: Ugh Buster: Tell me not to Buster: Take it all back Rio: You already said I can't Buster: When I said that, I was angry Rio: so was I Rio: and a whole clusterfuck of other emotions Rio: when I did it and all the shit I've said since Rio: including when I told you to stop and leave Buster: And now? What do you feel like Rio: Happy that we're talking Rio: that's all I know Buster: I've missed you, do miss you Rio: I know we never saw each other loads but Rio: not being able to talk to you was Rio: shit Rio: and knowing if I did you'd just say I was drunk or desperate or whatever the fuck Buster: I know I ain't easy to talk to Buster: So I'm happy too, that you wanna Rio: You aren't that bad Rio: give it a good shot, like but you know Buster: Come on Buster: I'm as much of a cunt as I can be Rio: Yeah well I'm tough Rio: don't take it personal Rio: sure loads of people hate you, babe Buster: Nah, they love me Rio: 😂 Rio: Okay Rio: you're an idiot Buster: I'm serious, being a cunt in Chelsea is like being a pub owner in Dublin Buster: Well loved Rio: Whatever works Buster: Like I said, it all does, brilliantly Rio: On them Rio: but that's not what really matters, like Buster: Of course on them, this is where I live & these are my people Buster: That's what matters, there's no point thriving in Dublin for the few weeks I'm there & not being able to hack it here Rio: Not what I mean either, really Rio: but least it makes sense Buster: What do you mean then? Rio: What about you, is what I mean Rio: not just playing to whatever crowd you have to Buster: What about me? That's what success is Rio: and that makes you happy Buster: It makes me successful Rio: What's that then Rio: if not happiness Rio: and money, obviously Buster: It's an assurance that whatever passing bullshit, happy, sad, pissed off, whatever I've got going on, I'll still be at the top of my game Rio: Hmm Rio: okay Rio: I get it Buster: It ain't a difficult concept Buster: Obviously you understand it Rio: Nah Rio: I just don't understand how everything you think is success brings that Rio: actual, definitely Rio: but surrounding yourself with cunts so you can be top cunt? Rio: that's just bullshit init Buster: If you can adapt & endure you'll thrive. Anywhere, under any circumstances, over any cunt Rio: Suppose that's true Buster: It don't matter who I'm surrounded by, I'll be top Buster: These are just the present cunts Rio: What about really nice people Rio: I know you ain't going that hard the other way Buster: Nice people don't run the world, babe Buster: They get shit on by it Rio: Nah Buster: Ask Nance Rio: That's not nice Rio: that's insecure and not able to stand up for yourself Rio: no offense, Nance Buster: You're the one who called her the nice twin Buster: I could happily slag her off all day Rio: Mostly to highlight your evilness Rio: but not gonna sit here and call her a bitch, obvs Buster: 😈 Rio: 😏 Rio: I wish Buster: What are you wasting a wish for? Rio: when you're such an 😇 wishes grow on trees Buster: Nah Rio: Which part of that are you doubting? Buster: The part that gives you a halo Rio: Oh, so you were being that rude Buster: Being that honest more like Buster: I know you Rio: Earlier I was no fun and now I'm hellbound Rio: which is it to be, babe? Buster: Depends Rio: On you Buster: On you Buster: I told you before, I ain't gonna be your scapegoat Rio: I just know that if I end up in hell, I'm blaming you Rio: 🤷 Buster: If you wanna go to hell, I'll take you there, babe Buster: But I could just as easy take you to heaven Rio: You are such a tease, McKenna Buster: That depends too Rio: Nah Rio: but that's okay Rio: I don't not like it Buster: I know Rio: Partially Rio: I don't think you know just how much I really don't not like it Buster: You reckon? Rio: All you've got is that famous imagination of yours Buster: Give me more then Buster: If you think you can Rio: I know I could Rio: question is should I Buster: I already said yes Rio: Not exactly asking nicely but Rio: like that too Buster: That I really do know Rio: It's pretty obvious Rio: why I like you Buster: Tell me something that isn't Rio: Alright Rio: Hmm Buster: & If its gonna take you this long, let me in Rio: you can't let yourself in? Rio: talk about poor service Buster: You invited me, let me in Rio: Fine, fine Rio: coming Buster: [when you just standing there at the door looking fresh to death] Rio: [when you're obviously admiring but playing it cool like kitchen this way] Buster: [when you 'brush past' her to get there not cos you wanna get there 1st but cos you want your bodies to touch] Rio: [when you've got all bowls and shit out like a nerd] Buster: [when you sit her on the counter so she can watch this masterpiece come together & you shamelessly wanna touch her as much as you can] Rio: [just dying slowly over here and 😳 but you can pretend it's hot in kitchen 'cos always is] Buster: [okay but teasing her with the brandy cos big mood so they have to basically playfight about not smelling/drinking it] Rio: [so innocent but the tension lawd] Buster: [when the only reason you don't kiss is because sauce on the stove about to burn or whatever & reminds you what you're meant to be doing] Rio: [#seriouschef] Buster: [gotta impress the bae which is why you also swig some brandy from the bottle like look] Rio: ['if you're sick it's really gonna put me off all the effort you've put in, like'] Buster: [is 😏 cos cocky bitch getting back to serious chef-ing] Rio: ['I'm gonna go get changed' 'cos still in party tings and just giving that mental image to him tah] Buster: [helps her down not cos he needs to but cos he wants to & the eye contact as he do because] Rio: [now you get to be 😏 but go 'cos we cockblocking you chef boy] Buster: [when you watching her go & then thinking about those mental images so hard that its a miracle the kitchen isn't on fire] Rio: [ha awkward like soz cali] Buster: [when you tell her to hurry back & you can pretend its cos this don't take long cos it don't but also we know] Rio: [pretend there are 'fit options here 'cos even your comfies are hot that's just the life she's forever living] Rio: 1 or 2 Buster: If you reckoned 1 was good enough you wouldn't have shown me 2 Rio: Numbers were randomized but 2 it is Rio: One sec Buster: You don't leave anything to chance Rio: Gotta go out there and make shit happen or it never will Rio: yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: anyway, was accounting for your bad taste rearing its head 😉 Buster: Expensive taste is only bad taste if you're poor & jealous Rio: and I'm neither Buster: So you've got nothing to worry about Rio: doesn't mean you don't have to sell me on this meal still Buster: It'll sell itself Buster: One taste Rio: Let's see Rio: [coming back down] Buster: [Such a LOOK at her] Rio: [Sitting back on the counter 'cos mood always casually maintaining eye contact forever oh you two] Buster: [Asks her if she wants to do the bit when you light the brandy at the end cos literally asking if she wants to play with fire the SYMBOLISM bye] Rio: ['Obviously' cos] Buster: [hands her a match cos what a fucking mood] Rio: [when you're just having a moment over the flames like] Buster: [and then its time to serve this shit so he'd do all the gentlemanly shit of pulling her chair out etc] Rio: [when you're loling but also loving it and just open your mouth like ok feed me] Buster: [when you know he will & does] Rio: [casual food porn happening here lmao] Buster: [probably don't come back that exact second cali fam] Rio: [caleb so sad like food is MY love language] Buster: [when you're waiting for a review tho] Rio: [when you've been making noises to not even be a tease about it so you're like 'okay, it's good'] Buster: [smug af but also so into her everything rn] Rio: [holding out a forkful like you want some] Buster: [a look cos we both know what he wants some of lol 'yeah'] Rio: [just feeding each other, getting this out the way or whoever walks in would KNOW honey] Buster: [sharing a chair because he weren't sitting down to have any & CLOSENESS] Rio: [y'all gonna jump a foot in the air when the fam roll in, at least a screaming child would give you chance to get off each other] Buster: [literally she's gonna be on his lap if they don't hurry up] Rio: [when you're like 'you've got some there' as a blatant excuse for more touching] Buster: [kill me now tbh] Rio: [gotta bring 'em in, so mad, never mind how mad y'all are gonna be] Buster: [how is it not obvs to cali how turned on these two are rn like hello I know you've got your hands full but] Rio: [also know she's fuming 'cos usually a helpful bitch but she's just there like hell no, also looking at him like what you gonna do] Buster: [when you just leave cos there's no way to explain gotta use the chaos to your advantage & make her answer questions if they get asked such a prick move] Rio: 😒 Buster: That better not be directed at me Rio: Nah Rio: stick it in the family groupchat but might be a bit blatant Buster: More blatant than what they walked in on? Buster: Unlikely Rio: They aren't all that observant Rio: well, 'less they wanna be but should be fine Rio: didn't say anything, still haven't so Buster: Good Rio: Yeah Rio: I think so Rio: still 😒 Buster: At least you ain't gotta catch a plane tomorrow with a 'disappointed' dad Buster: I did him the favour of not having to unpack all my sister's shit but instead of thanking me, it's a lecture I'll get Rio: That'll be fun Rio: 'least it ain't a long flight Buster: Just enough time to say don't fuck 18 year olds til you're at least 16 Rio: Probably doesn't warrant the whole flight but you know Rio: 6/10 parenting Buster: Gotta factor in all the time spent in silence before & after though Rio: You're too alike Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm younger, hotter & better Rio: Save it for your rebuttal Buster: It packs more of a punch if I hit him with a fresh take, he's been aware of all that for years Rio: Lemme know when you come up with a zinger, like Buster: 'Course Rio: I'd help but gotta silently come for my own now, obviously so Buster: I don't need any, don't worry Buster: Besides, it'd piss him off more if I hadn't learned my lesson so I'll probably just join the mile high club Rio: 😂 Yeah unless there's a closeted horny businessman doing his commute too, I highly doubt that Rio: that flight's a glorified bus trip Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🙄 Buster: 😏 Rio: Shut up Buster: Make me Rio: That was the plan Rio: more or less Buster: So make a new one Rio: You should've stayed Rio: could've Rio: they're busy they never notice what I'm doing Buster: If I was thinking, yeah Buster: I would've Rio: Annoyed at you Rio: might bust out the face, actually Buster: It's your own fault Buster: Be annoyed at yourself, like Rio: You're not annoyed about that Buster: Annoyed ain't the word, you're right Rio: Got lots of time and brainpower to think of the word now, ain't ya Buster: Yeah Rio: you back home yet? Buster: Nearly Rio: Shame Buster: It doesn't have to be Rio: How? Rio: You're going back tomorrow Buster: I'm here now Buster: I know I've got more imagination but use yours Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: Finish what we started Buster: So come on Buster: Take me through it, how would it have gone? Rio: Well I was about to sit on your lap Rio: and you were about to feel how much I wasn't ready for you to go Buster: You'd have felt how ready to go I was Buster: Shame I had to leave instead Rio: It really is Rio: Still one last mouthful I wanted you to feed me Buster: I know Rio: and really could've put the worktop to more use Buster: & the table, barely used that Rio: Well now I'm gonna be thinking about you tomorrow morning when I'm getting breakfast too Buster: You're welcome Rio: It's not fair Buster: I told you, I don't play fair Buster: Just hard Rio: I'll just have to make sure you're thinking about me too Buster: How will you ever compete with my family's riveting breakfast conversation though? Buster: We're all so chatty, like Rio: Didn't know if you were on the first flight out in disgrace Rio: got your own plans then, like Buster: I don't reckon we sit down for breakfast at the same time as your lot Buster: Somehow Rio: how else you gonna fit in brunch and high tea Buster: 😂 Rio: you reckon imma get up for you Buster: Yeah Buster: Even if you also stayed up all night for me Rio: You're so fucking Rio: cocky Buster: Is that meant to insult me? Confident in a bold way, yeah, I am Buster: 'Cause I can be Rio: No Rio: just facts Rio: I've not said how I feel about it Buster: You don't need to Buster: You're so obvious Rio: So? Rio: You think you ain't Rio: I wanna be Buster: It's not a bad thing either Buster: I ain't saying it is Rio: You've said it is before Buster: So? Buster: We're both said worse before Rio: Yeah but did you mean that or do you mean this Buster: You really need to ask? Rio: Yeah Rio: this don't need to be a headfuck does it Rio: that's the whole point Buster: Making it known what you want is only bullshit if you then don't go after it Buster: Be as obvious as you want if that ain't all you do Rio: or when I go after one of your mates, obviously Buster: Shut up Rio: What Buster: Not a headfuck you just said Rio: It ain't Buster: Don't Buster: That's not what I wanna be thinking about Rio: Me either Buster: Then stop Rio: Alright Rio: I'm not thinking about it Buster: Good Rio: do you really have to go tomorrow Rio: can't you just behave Buster: It don't matter if I do, what's done is already done Rio: I know Rio: 😒 Buster: They gotta lay the law down while they still can, time's running out for it Rio: Know the feeling Rio: you made a mess Rio: guess who's gotta clean it up Rio: washing up is definitely what I wanna be doing rn Buster: I know you'd rather I made more mess & cleaned it up but that'll have to wait Buster: You can shower without me later though, I won't be that mad about it Rio: 😩 ugh Rio: please come back, won't complain about the washing up once if you just Buster: Come here Buster: It's your turn Rio: have you gone back to the pub Buster: The flat yeah Rio: I can't just show up at the party again can I Buster: Why not? Rio: 'cos they'll be expecting me to stay not race up to the flat to see you Buster: I'll come down, I didn't get changed, just you Rio: but I wanna sit on your lap again Buster: There's places we can go to do that Rio: Fuck it Rio: alright Buster: Hurry up Rio: there's a bus in 10 minutes so Rio: faster than getting back here Buster: Anything's faster than getting to yours Buster: It's a pisstake Rio: I know, I have to live there Rio: need to drive asap Buster: I reckon you could, if you work out a way to reach the pedals, like Rio: Piss off 😂 Rio: just 'cos I'm not gonna look like I'm in a clown car don't be salty Buster: I ain't getting a smart car, I'll be fine Rio: Neither am I Rio: but sadly you'd be waiting 2 years over the 20 this'll take so deal and have a drink waiting for me yeah Buster: You can have a tall glass of brandy if you don't behave Rio: 🤢 stop Rio: you just want an excuse to not go near me Rio: I see you Buster: I wanna be near you Rio: Yeah but how near Buster: You'll see Rio: if there's brandy I know you don't wanna go that far Buster: Do you? Rio: You know I wanna go all the way Rio: or what's the point starting Buster: The point is not being able to stop Buster: You think we'll just do this once? Rio: How are we gonna know if we don't try Rio: why not, because we're not meant to? Buster: I already know I'm that good Rio: then find out how good I am Rio: I'm not going to fall in love with you like calm down, it's fine Buster: You already did Buster: Glad you're finally over it now, babe Rio: 🙄 Boy please Rio: I was not Rio: we were kids you aren't even capable Buster: Tell it to my parents Rio: If I get drunk enough, I might Rio: though they're already pissed at you, might actually murder me Buster: You're not here to get drunk Rio: You're hot when you're serious Buster: I'm always hot Rio: 😏 Buster: You never told me that thing, you know, you just let me in Rio: Oh Rio: I forgot Rio: who knows why Buster: So come on, I'm waiting Buster: Tell me Rio: Something you don't know? Buster: Yeah Rio: Trouble is, I think you know as much as you wanna know Rio: you're not trying to know any more than that Buster: Bullshit, when have I wanted less than everything since you've known me Rio: You gonna give me everything in return? Buster: You can have it all, you just have to want it Rio: What's wrong with us Rio: do you reckon Buster: Depends who you ask Buster: If you're asking me, nothing Buster: You're flawless & I obviously am Rio: It's not our fault we're hot Rio: I bet loads of people think it but just don't do anything about it, right Rio: they just lie to save face, don't wanna put it out there to have it shot down Buster: Exactly Rio: Yeah Rio: we just ain't afraid to take what we want Buster: My parents didn't give a fuck & neither do I Buster: They have their uses Rio: really good excuse if we got caught Rio: but we won't, obviously Buster: Not that I've thought about it loads or anything Buster: Obviously Rio: Yeah right Rio: start thinking then boy you've got a lot of catching up to do Buster: Keep up with my sarcasm, babe Rio: I am, babe Rio: but I can't be thinking about you thinking about me right now Rio: this bus is kinda packed Buster: What happened to not afraid? Rio: I'm not afraid, that's the issue, I'm too turned on to be not with you right now Buster: It's not an issue & there's no such thing as too turned on, not when you're on your way to see me Rio: sadly the rest of the fam is gonna be there too but that's life Buster: Nah, I'm getting you alone as soon as you get here Buster: They don't need to even know you are Rio: let's try Rio: I am hard to miss Buster: Yeah but I'm at the bus stop Buster: None of them are Rio: Really Buster: Why would I wait for you in there instead of here? Rio: Always thinking Rio: I can't right now, your fault Buster: But you are, about me Rio: yes Rio: a lot Buster: I'm thinking about you too Rio: Good Rio: I want to do exactly what you're thinking about so make it good Buster: It's always good Rio: It better be Rio: still gonna top it Buster: You better Rio: bet on it Buster: High stakes, babe Buster: Good thing you ain't afraid Rio: What other stakes are there? Rio: no guts no glory Buster: You could be bluffing Rio: You want proof? Rio: That is risky Buster: I like risk Buster: Don't you? Rio: [as sexy a selfie you're gonna manage on a bus lbr it's mostly about the 'fit and facial expression here] Buster: Good answer Rio: Thanks 😏 Buster: [As sexy a selfie as you can manage alone at a bus stop, which is very when you don't give a fuck anyway] Buster: You're welcome Rio: JESUS Buster: Like I said, heaven's as easy as hell Rio: is it Rio: I feel like I'll never get there now but I don't even care Rio: fuck Buster: I'll get you there Rio: Please Buster: It's been ages since you tried politeness on me, I thought you'd given up Rio: I said, I wanna do whatever you want Rio: politeness included Buster: Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do Rio: How did you know Buster: Like I said, being obvious ain't a bad thing Rio: Why don't most other lads get it then Buster: They don't care what you want Rio: Hmm Rio: probably true Buster: They want what they want, that's it Rio: but if that's me they should do it right Buster: They probably think they are Buster: Or they don't care as long as it's right for them Rio: 😒 schoolboys, I'm telling you Buster: Excuse you Rio: be the exception Rio: giving you a chance to show me otherwise Buster: I am Buster: You think you're the first girl to issue that to me Rio: 🙄 alright Buster: Your eyes will be rolling back in your head by the time we're done, yeah Rio: believe it when it happens Rio: happy to be proven wrong Buster: Happy ain't the word Rio: Have you thought of the word yet? Buster: I'm thinking you might as well go back to begging 'cause that's what's gonna be coming most naturally to you, like Buster: Please is as good a word as any for you right now Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You cannot say my name after saying all that I'm Buster: I could say sorry but I'm not Rio: don't say sorry Rio: not for this Rio: ever, alright Buster: I won't Buster: But you're gonna need to if you keep making me wait Rio: Trust, I've never been more sorry Rio: I hate the fucking bus Buster: How far away are you? Rio: 3 stops Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Jesus Rio: I know Rio: why do you think I'm so fucking desperate Buster: I know why, but tell me how desperate you are since we've got so much time to kill Rio: I just keep looking at your picture Rio: It's really hard to keep my hands to myself Buster: [sends her an even better one cos just that bitch] Rio: You're only going to touch me once and I'm going to explode Buster: Yeah but then I get to do it all again Rio: How many times can we fit in before you go Buster: How much stamina do you have? Rio: Buster, I want you for as long as you're here Rio: fuck that, I want you longer but I need that Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay Rio: It's been too long Buster: Yeah Rio: I've wanted this for so long Rio: you know Buster: Me too Rio: I know Rio: we just need to cross the line Buster: We need to fucking erase it Buster: No going back Rio: I want that too Buster: I need that Rio: There's so much I wanna tell you Rio: show you Buster: Do it Rio: Maybe I'm a bit scared Rio: about that Buster: Don't be Rio: Do my best Buster: Seriously, you can trust me Rio: Yeah Rio: more worried about myself Rio: but I can see you, finally Rio: [so maybe a kiss is unavoidable but one of the kids should come out 'cos they're young enough to be highkey and annoying maybe pablo or janis 'cos they'd like buster and if one of the adults is like oh he's outside somewhere] Buster: Yeah? How do I look? Rio: Better than you did earlier, and your pictures Rio: somehow Buster: You can have some credit Rio: [getting off the bus like 😏 'say that again'] Buster: [does obvs oh the eye contact oh the tension] Rio: [not gonna be able to leave it long 'fore initiating this like been building forever so enjoy the view bus people] Buster: [literally tho] Rio: [don't enjoy the view hopefully janis eek] Buster: [when there's nothing chaste about this kiss so good luck styling that out if she does] Rio: [ahh the trust issues begin, 'cos Rio is this fam's star child still lmao okay] Buster: [this fam makes me die] Rio: [when you've got to come back in the party now you can't just bolt like] Rio: fuck Buster: Go Rio: I can't Buster: You fucking have to Rio: I will as soon as I can Rio: how is she being Rio: does she seem normal Buster: I don't know Rio: Jesus Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Just be your normal self Buster: Who the fuck is that? Buster: Christ Rio: Yeah, like that Rio: I don't know Rio: she couldn't have seen Rio: she would be Buster: You don't know that Rio: No I don't but Rio: can't ask her, can we Rio: we have to run with best possible outcome or we could fuck it needlessly Buster: You have to say something Rio: What can I say? Rio: how do I explain that away Buster: It's about what she can say Rio: she's only 8 Rio: they'll probably think she's making it up or that it was just like a goodbye kiss or Rio: something Buster: Fuck that Rio: She won't say anything Rio: I'll make sure if I have to Buster: Make sure then Rio: Not unless I have to Buster: You do have to Rio: just stop Rio: I need to go Rio: think or puke or both Buster: You need to prioritise Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Don't have a go at me when you're not offering or are going to do ANYTHING about it alright Buster: What the hell can I do? I barely know her Rio: what can I do Rio: no one's so close to their younger siblings they can just chat about shit like this Rio: it's not a normal situation Buster: Threaten, bribe, whatever the fuck Rio: I'm thinking Rio: that was so stupid we're so fucking stupid Buster: I'll do it if you won't Rio: I'll do it Rio: like you said, you don't know her Buster: Don't wait too long Rio: I'm not going to Rio: trust me, she is not that kid Rio: she wouldn't just drop it now Rio: I'll work out what she saw Rio: then what she wants Buster: I'm gonna have to trust you, aren't I Buster: Not like I have a load of other options Rio: we don't have any Rio: that's what it is Buster: Shut up & delete everything Buster: It's her word against ours if it needs to be Rio: Right Rio: she can't use this, even if she wanted Rio: if she even kept going, I'll say I'm blackout, or you, everyone saw us both drinking Buster: Everyone saw me in your kitchen too Rio: not everyone Rio: she wasn't there, I'm 100% she stayed Rio: they were just bringing back the two little ones and then mum was going back Buster: I can't fucking remember Rio: I can Rio: I know who was there Rio: I had to talk to them after you bolted Rio: I know she wasn't Buster: Alright Buster: & Nance can back up how it was when we last saw each other Rio: Yeah Rio: as far as everyone knows we still just tolerate each other at functions Rio: if my parents want a reason why you came over, we can think of one, easy Buster: Yeah Buster: & I'm going home in the morning Rio: Right Rio: out of sight out of mind Buster: School starts soon, I won't be dragged back for months Buster: I can do loads more bad shit than this in that time Buster: Deflect Rio: you already have today Rio: everyone would think it was a joke Buster: Exactly Buster: I can pull hot older women, why would I bother with you Rio: Okay Buster: Okay then Rio: Don't delete everything Rio: that will look weird Rio: tolerate each other or not there can't be nothing Buster: I'll keep you saying you hate me Rio: Bit intense Buster: Still believable Buster: Ask Nance Rio: I ain't her Buster: I can be as mean to you as I am to her Buster: Easy Rio: Again, too much Rio: this is how we got here Rio: ambivalence Buster: Calm down Buster: I can do that too Buster: As easily Rio: Sure Buster: Worry about yourself Rio: I am, don't worry Buster: I ain't, you've got more to lose than me Buster: You'll keep it together Rio: No one's losing anything Buster: Just Janis & her innocence Rio: Don't joke Rio: omg Buster: I'm not Rio: Then shut up Buster: Fine Buster: We're done anyway Rio: just delete the messages after Rio: don't lie Buster: I'm not lying either Buster: What else is there to say? Rio: Seriously Buster: Seriously Rio: Fine Buster: Don't lie Rio: What else is there for me to say? Buster: You tell me Buster: There's clearly something else you wanna Rio: I told you, there was loads I wanted to say Rio: and you said I could trust you Rio: shit's gotta change but now you ain't saying nothing and you don't trust me Buster: You also said we wouldn't get caught Buster: Shit has changed Rio: And you don't even know if we did Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Fine then Buster: Get a grip, Cavante Buster: For your own sake Rio: Fuck off Rio: you're freaking out here Buster: Fuck you Buster: It was a kiss, we've been there before Rio: Exactly Rio: you want me to make it into this whole huge thing Buster: I want you to stop being a pussy & handle it Rio: Worry 'bout yourself Rio: if you're so concerned, you do something about it Buster: Alright, I will Rio: Cool Buster: [when you bribe Janis with boxing related shit like lessons or something idk] Rio: [hitting the drink] Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not an idiot, Buster Rio: I'm not gonna get wasted and spill all Buster: Says you Buster: Using my name's too intimate for what we're supposed to be, don't you reckon Rio: What else would you like me to call you Buster: Use your imagination Rio: I have Buster: Good Rio: Are you done lecturing me Buster: [does a cheers at her with his drink] Rio: [does it back and downs it] Buster: [downs his too] Rio: [just on your phone hitting up new options 'cos gotta go] Buster: [likewise sexting some girl cos need the distraction but if you bring her to the flat your mum will actually kill you] Rio: [when the other kids keep trying to hit you up and you're like nah] Buster: [getting them nudes you don't really want] Rio: [when you hear that boy racer pulling up before she's even out, when your mum is like umm but you gone] Buster: [when you have to pretend you don't notice/care]
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hollands-poppet · 6 years
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Summary: you’re studying abroad with school when you suddenly find yourself at the hands of one of London’s most powerful mobsters.
Word count: 2.3 K 💛
So I’ve actually been quite nervous to post this but so many amazing writers on here inspired me to start my own fic. I hope you guys truly enjoy this, I’m so excited to unfold the rest of the story for you guys. Also shout out to my best friend for helping me with this moodboard..💛
warnings: there is cussing but future parts will have tons of smut fluff angst death all that other good shit
“But [Y/N] this is the first night we actually have free..” I’m listening to my friend on speaker on my phone as I am pouring almond milk into my Special K cereal.
“Alex, I’m tired.. This studying abroad shit is harder than I thought. I don’t know how you guys even convinced me to study out here in London.” I grab my bowl of cereal, I walked from the kitchen to the living room. I plaster myself in the couch and pull up Stranger Things on our shitty TV. Our apartment was small but cozy, one bedroom. I slept on the couch.
“That is even more of a reason to go out dude, we didn’t come here to sit on our asses.” She says through the phone, I roll my eyes and let her blab on while I put her on mute. I zone out until I hear, “ [Y/N] ? [ Y/N] !?!” I quickly unmute her, “ Oh, uh yeahh..sure.” I hear her gasp, “Oh my god, you’re down!? Yaaass! Okay, I’m gonna pick up Cesar and we’ll head over to the apartment in a bit.” She hangs up before I could say even bye.
I wasn’t too sure what I had agreed on but I’m pretty sure I just said yes to going out. I put my feet on the table in front of me and press play on the current show. Drunk Nancy comes up on my screen, “We’re bull-shiitt..” The character Steve responds, “You don’t love me?” I scoff, I can’t believe he actually thought that Nancy was in love with him. We’d been out here for two weeks from LA, and I hadn’t met one anyone out here. Not that I was looking of course but I wanted to live out my fantasy of dating an English guy but that wasn’t happening.
It’s been about 20 minutes since I had gotten off the phone, and I hear the front door open and its Alex and Cesar, they’re laughing so loud I’m so eager to know what they’re laughing about. “Hey [Y/N]!” Cesar says as he drops his bag on the floor and takes a seat on the couch. Alex and Cesar were my best friends from school, I’ve known them since I was 16, I’m 22 now. We just happened to go to the same college, and they both convinced me to study out here for 2 months, I mean it was paid for by my scholarship so that was just another reason I came out here.
“Hey, what are you guys laughing at?” I ask as I take a sip of my water.
Alex and Cesar glance at each other before she answers, “Oh, just how you’re gonna die when we’re at that strip club tonight.” I cough and lightly spit up some of my drink, “Strip club?!” Alex plops herself in between Cesar and I, “And you can’t back out [Y/N]! You said you would come!” I bring myself to my knees on the couch, and before I speak I think to myself, “Shit, I can’t let her know I wasn’t listening..”
She puts her hands on my shoulders, “Besides, it’ll be funny dude! Getting a little strip tease from a girl and besides I read reviews about the club and it has good music.”
Wow, even a better reason to go I guess.. I just roll my eyes at her remark and sink into the couch. I don’t know what to expect later tonight.
I really don’t know what to wear, I brought so much clothes but I swore I didn’t have anything for tonight. I looked through my luggage, and I remembered I had packed one dress that was meant for a “night out on the town.” Although when I packed it, I didn’t intend to wear it to a strip club, shaking my fucking head. Alex also told me to dress boujee, she said it was a hella fancy club so I guess the dress I had was perfect.
It was an long sleeve rose gold bodycon dress, with sequin detailing that really made the dress look expensive. It wasn’t but nobody had to know that. I sprayed glitter on my body, adding a nice glare to my skin. FUCK. I didn’t pack any heels, I ran to Alex’s luggage and pulled out a pair of nude heels, what a life saver. I curled my [Y/H/C] hair and did a really natural make-up look tonight. I highlighted my face to the gods, and threw on some falsies and a nude lip that really brought out my [Y/E/C] eyes.
Alex walked into the bathroom, and her draw dropped, “oh my god, you look expensive [Y/N]!”
I pop my hands into my hair creating more volume, “well you said to dress boujee Alex, I’m just trying to look the part!” I look back at her and she looks just as expensive as me, and knowing Alex she is probably wearing an expensive Chanel dress. We hear Cesar from the living room, “Let’s go before they play all the good music!!” I give Alex a quick hug and start to walk out of the restroom before she grabs my wrist, “are those my heels?”
The fact that Alex even found this place on Yelp is weird because our taxi literally dropped us off at the most sketchiest place. It was literally an alley that was 30 minutes away from our apartment and the alley only had one light on and it felt like we were about to get mugged at any second. We followed the light that was centered in the alley and we saw a black door that read “knock twice.”
“Well knock, this was your idea Einstein.” I push Alex forward as she knocks, she’s shaking. The door opens and a man in a suit opens it and immediately looks at us, “Password?”
Cesar and I turn to each other and our eyes widen, we were definitely not in the right location. Before any of us say anything, Alex responds “Wise Guy.”
The man nods his head and moves out of the way so that we enter. Alex steps in first and Cesar and I follow.
I catch up to her side and nudge her “What was that about? What password?” As we keep walking, cigarette smell hits my nose and it reeks of alcohol. She hangs on to Cesar’s arm and starts dancing while walking towards the inside of the club, I stop her before we pass into the next room.
“Alex! What’s going on? Why did he need a password?”
She turned and has a guilty smile, “Uh, I forgot to mention that… this is a strip club that…”
I shake my head waiting for more in her response.
She bites her lip, “It’s basically a place where mobsters hang out. No biggie [Y/N]”
My mouth drops, “Are you fucking kidding?!”
Cesar is starting to get anxious.
“They’re playing good music, can we go inside please?”he asks while tugging on Alex’s arm.
She adds, “Yeah, we’re never gonna see these people again [Y/N], so chill. You can take a taxi back if you want but it’s best if we stick together.” Cesar pulls her arm and they both head through the door without me. I could tell they were annoyed with me. Anyway, I was not walking in that alley alone, so I decided to walk up to the door and take a deep breath, not knowing what to expect to see when they open.
As I open the door, all I could think was that Alex was right.. the club looked totally boujee. Everyone except for the strippers looked like they had loads of cash. I see Alex and Cesar getting down on the dance floor. It’s not a big place, you can see everyone in there, I try not to make eye contact with anyone. I go straight to my friends who are dancing their lives away. I touch their shoulders, “I’m gonna go get a drink.” They nod, they don’t request anything, I have a feeling they’re butthurt because I was making such a big deal. Whatever. I start making my way towards the bar.
I’m inspecting the whole club while making my way to get a drink, the booths and tables were so extra, black leather and all. Each table had a strip pole, practically naked women are all pole dancing. I was surprised when I made it to the bar, it was pure marble, damn thank god I got dolled up today. I feel a hand grab my ass, and quickly remove the hand. I look to see a gentleman in about his late 40’s looking at my body so thirstily, he says “You’ve got a nice arse, sweetheart.”
I literally make a gagging face, “If you ever touch me again, I swear to God, I’ll punch you.”
He laughs in my face, the bartender sets his drinks down and he walks away.
The bartender throws his rag over his shoulder, “You sure are brave enough to be talking to the men in here like that.” I roll my eyes.
“Fuck that. There are a bunch of naked women in here and he has the audacity to grab my ass? No sir.” He laughs, and asks “What are you having sweetheart?” I start tapping my acrylic nails on the marble, and think for a second “Mmm, a tequila sunrise would be nice.”
He smiles, “You got it.” He walks away from me, and I decide to take a seat. I pull out my phone from my purse, and see a text from my mom “I miss you, hope you’re having a great time!” I smile, ahh how I missed that lady.
I’m start scrolling through instagram when I see a shot of vodka get set down in front of me. I’m confused, “I didn’t order that.” The bartender looks at me while still making my drink, “Ah, that shot was sent to you by that gentleman over there, at the VIP booth.”
I follow his pointed finger and find myself staring at the largest booth in the club. I see two gentlemen sitting watching me stare back at them.
In the distance, I can only make out a blonde with blue eyes. My vision is blurry, I have shitty eyesight, I forgot to get a new prescription in LA before heading to London. I squint my eyes, and see the other gentleman next to the blonde raise his glass at me, I look back and pick up my shot and raise it back at him. He nods slightly and drinks his shot, and I follow. I turn back to towards the bartender who sets down my drink in front of me, he looks at me worried, “Be careful with that one. He’s dangerous. I can tell you’re not from around here.” I take my drink, “What do you mean?” Before he could answer he is interrupted by a voice I don’t recognize.
“I couldn’t help but to notice you from across the bar darling.” My eyes widen and I turn my back to see a brunette with slicked back hair and his left eyebrow combed up. His suit is a dark burgundy, he’s so polished and I could smell his cologne. So hot. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, he looks up at me and says “I seen how you handled that man who grabbed your arse..impressive.” I’m pretty sure I’m blushing.
I tug my hand away and set it back on my lap, “Well thank you. By the way, thanks for the drink.” I keep eye contact with him while my tequila sunrise finds its way to my mouth. He responds, “Why don’t you come join me and my mate Harrison at our table? I can buy you more of those drinks.” He smirks, waiting for my response, I pull away from my drink,“You can’t buy me sir, I can buy my own drinks, thank you very much.” I stand up and begin to walk away until I feel him grab my wrist, “I’m not trying to buy you darling, I just want to talk to you..”
Fuck, he was charming. I’ll give him that but the bartender literally just told me that he was dangerous. He brought my wrist up and hecradles my hand, both of his hands are holding it now while my left hand is holding my drink. I see Alex staring at me while she is dancing with Cesar, she mouths the words “GO WITH HIM!” I look back at him and smile. My first thought is what the bartender had said: 
 “Don’t go with him. He’s dangerous.” 
But then I start to think about what Alex said earlier,
 “You’re never going to see these people again.”
She was right, fuck it. I mean, I’m probably never going to talk to this guy ever again after tonight. I make eye contact with him, I pull my hand away from his and take the cherry out of my drink. I bite into the cherry and watch him smirk as he rubs his thumb across his bottom lip. I take another sip, “Fine, I’ll hang out with you at your table.” He grins, “Perfect,” he takes my hand again and puts it on his shoulder. 
He starts to lead the way back to his booth, the stranger turns around and the first thing I see are his lips “Sorry poppet, I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Tom. Tom Holland.”
Well that was super exciting, please leave me some feedback! The next part should be out in a couple of days! Much Love, -Amy 💛
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alluringholland · 6 years
the good die young, but so did this #3 | t.h.
WARNINGS: angst, smut, alcoholism, drug abuse, manipulation, an all around bad time
part 3: alone (previous)
"I know you're dying to meet me"
5 years ago.
New house. New location. Same city. Must fill with people I don't know.
I had connections all over the place. I just had to drop an invite in one of my abandoned group chats to get the word out. I had been making more friends than I had been in my life. I just had to provide music and booze for them to be there.
My publicist, Nancy, suggested that I try to at least be seen with some big shot celebrity. I said I would, hung up the phone, and drank myself into oblivion.
The house was full of people by the time it got dark outside. People were on the sundeck, at the pool, and probably christening all the bedrooms. No one seemed to care who was hosting.
I did make one acquaintance, though. Went by Nessa. She was also a model on the rise, and she liked to crash parties for the booze. We got along like a house on fire, and that wasn't just because of the alcohol.
“Wait, Nancy works for you too?” she asked after our third tequila shot.
“Yeah, isn't she cool?” I said back. “Where you from, by the way?”
“Chicago! I bet we have the same manager too! Mine is-”
I don't remember what she said, but later I found out we did not have the same manager. Anyway, Nessa and I made a couple more friends that night. I met a guy named Tom, and he brought his friend, Harrison. There was one for each of us.
That's how it started. How many people can say they don't remember meeting the love of their life because of how hammered they were? Well, maybe a lot here in Los Angeles. I guess that should have been a sign for me.
It wasn't until I was alone with Tom in the bathroom did I realize that he was British. Had I been sober, I would have recognized who he was, and maybe I wouldn't have started off by going down on him. But it was late into the night and my noisy head was screaming about the hot, British guy taking his shirt off and pulling me back to my feet.
“Why don't you model your pretty body for me?” he asked lustfully.
Then he pushed me up onto the counter, lips at my neck, and then...
I woke up alone in my bedroom. My mind was a blank slate during the time it took me to get to the bathroom and hack up all the liquor. I also discovered a straggler in the bathtub. A random blonde girl jumped at the sound of my retching and got the fuck out.
When I was done there, I decided to scope out the rest of the house and make sure everyone was gone. I found my phone in the only vase that hadn't been damaged last night, and I had texts from my manager, Charlotte, and my new friend Nessa.
Charlotte wasn't exactly pleased by the things that went down last night. Then again, hardly anything made her not act as cold as stone. She was like a strict school teacher, or an even stricter mother. She called for a meeting in the next two hours. Apparently, my party made the news.
Nessa told me she put her number in my phone in case I needed anything. She also took that guy Harrison back to her place. That brought my mind back to-
“Oh!” I yelped when I saw a naked guy raiding my fridge.
He quickly shielded himself with the door of the fridge and stuck his head out from the side, curly hair falling to one side. “Hi, hello!”
“Why are you still here?” I asked, clutching my chest. Wow, what a nice way to greet the person you slept with.
“I was hungry,” he replied. “Your fridge is empty.”
“That's what happens when you fill the house with strangers,” I paused, looking down momentarily. “You don't have to hide, by the way. Nothing I haven't seen already.”
His cheeks flushed. Hesitantly, he stepped back and closed the fridge and covered himself with his hands. “Well, hi. I'm Tom. I'm, uh, I'm a fan… o-of your work...” He looked down sheepishly.
“Same,” I replied in a similar tone. “I kinda got excited when you followed me on Instagram.”
We exchanged goofy grins. Then Tom spoke again, like it wasn't the most obvious thing in the room,
“I can't find my underwear.”
I tried to think back to where we were last night. Then I gestured for him to follow me to my room.
“I'm actually shocked at how many people left clothing behind,” I told him, looking at my messy bedroom.
“You sure they're not yours?” Tom asked as he picked up a pair of black jeans. “You don't remember, uh, modeling for me?”
My heart fluttered as some of it came back to me. Another look at the clothes on the floor made me realize that they were all mine. I can't trust my drunk self.
“It's gonna take more than showing off my clothes for me to remember,” I told him with a smirk.
His eyes lit up, like he was pleasantly surprised. He was in the middle of doing up his jeans, but then he paused and tugged them down slightly. “Oh, alright. Remember this?”
He exposed his hip bone to me, which wasn't at all what I was expecting. There was a small but noticeable hickey on the skin, and that memory hit like a tidal wave. I got on my knees on the first date.
“Oh…” I blushed deeply. “There's more going down, right?”
Tom nodded, a sultry look in his eyes.
That was all it took. Next thing I knew, he had me up against the wall by the door. Now that we were in our right minds, I could properly enjoy the feeling of his lips, and his strong biceps under my fingertips. His soft hand grazed my thigh before he picked it up and hitched it around his waist.
I felt the heat forming between us. My hands greedily felt around his shoulders and his hair. If I had stayed there any longer I would have just melted into the palm of his hands.
But alas, I had to get back into the real world.
“I have things to do,” I told him as he nipped at my neck.
“I'm one of them,” he mumbled.
I giggled, but gently pushed him back. “We'll do this another time, okay? How long are you in LA for?”
“About a week or so,” he replied, still gripping my waist. “I'll come and see you again.”
And he did. We went on an actual date a couple of days later. I had more parties at my house, which he attended with his friend Harrison, who was very taken with my new friend, Nessa. Tom and I usually just ditched my house and went to a bar or a nightclub.
Then Tom was extending his stay in Los Angeles. I was telling the closest things I had to friends about him. Then, Tom and I were “caught” in public, thanks to our publicists working together.
That was when I learned that most celebrities call the paps to follow them around, and 90% of the time, it wasn't a choice by the celebrity. Exposure and publicity was always needed to stay relevant. Tom didn't particularly enjoy that aspect, and neither did I. It didn't matter, though, because we had each other. Everything seemed to go away when I was with him.
I fell hard and I fell fast and I didn't care who knew it.
Our little time period of dates and spending time between the sheets only lasted so long. Tom had to go back to London after his press tour, and I had to get back to booking photoshoots. We said our goodbyes at my house and then went our separate ways.
I now had paparazzi on my tail wherever I went, and that wasn't on my publicist’s doing. My follower count on every social media platform went up too, and that only led to “She's using Tom” comments. I didn't really care, though. It was best not to comment on anything. It was several months into the relationship already, so why get petty and angry now?
On the plus side, I was booking plenty of shoots. I even got to do one with Nessa. We were dressed in these fancy, black and gold jumpsuits by Versace and we were being photographed by some dude with a beard.
My favorite thing was that we had to be serious for the camera, but Nessa would say something inappropriately funny before we got our pictures taken. Pretty soon, I had a case of the giggles and we had to take a break, much to the photographer's disdain.
“At least someone appreciates my comedy!” Nessa said as she went to her chair.
I went to mine as well, where I had left my phone. The screen was lit up with a new text, and my heart pounded. I was already smiling because of Nessa’s innuendos, so it was easy to hide my excitement.
“this is the real love of my life, you're only my side piece✌”
He attached a photo of himself with his dog Tessa. My heart melted.
“I'm only dating you to get closer to Tessa so jokes on you :^)” I sent back.
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notsoupsidedown · 7 years
Smartass (part two)
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word count: 2,680
Warning: swearing, underage drinking
part one
Walking back out to the party you decided to live your best life and let go a little. You walked to the kitchen to find a bowl of punch, just as you were putting it in your cup, Nancy walked up and told you to go a little light handed on that stuff because it was pure-full. She laughed a little, then asked if you were okay. 
“I’m fine Nancy everybody was just staring at me and I needed to get away for a minute.”
“I was just checking on you, y/n. Me and Johnathan are going to be out back if you need us. Steve is in the living room making his move” she said with a light laugh. 
You just stood in the kitchen drinking “pure-full” it was easier to do than paying attention to anyone at this meaningless party. The whole time you were drinking you felt as if someone was watching you from afar. You started to feel the buzz hitting you and the alcohol taking over your body. You need some fresh air so you went to go find Nancy and Johnathan out back, on your way to the door you started to fall suddenly you felt two arms catch you and bring you back to reality. Your balance was shot you really should have kept it light handed when drinking but you didn’t know it would hit you this hard all at once. The arms didn’t waver and you heard someone from behind say that they had you. you looked up to see none other than Billy. He wrapped one arm around your back to support you, and you made your way outside. 
“You don’t have to help me, Billy”
“Yeah because you weren’t about to eat shit just two seconds ago”
“Thank’s and all but if you could just leave me alone now that would be great”
“I’m not leaving some girl alone who can’t handle her liquor and would most likely be taking advantage of, if I wasn’t with her right now”
“Like you care, I don’t need a hero Billy. Even if I did I don’t want it to be you.”
“What is your problem? I’m just trying to help”
“What’s my problem, I’m at some party where I would much rather be at home. Everyone keeps staring at me like I’m from another plant because I’m wearing a skirt, I’m drunk, and now the biggest asshole in Hawkins has to come to my fucking rescue. That’s my problem, and you're probably only helping to annoy me.”
“Actually I was on my way outside to leave and you started to fall and I not that big of an asshole where I would just let some annoying piece of shit get hurt. Who did you come here with?”
Billy and you are walking around and he can’t seem to find Nancy, Johnathan, and Steve anywhere. he sits you down and tells you to stay right there. you then see Billy go back into the house. It has been a few minutes since Billy went back inside you start to feel a wave of nausea hit you hard you get up and stand behind some trees a couple of hundred of feet away from the party you lean up against the tree and let it all trying your best to hold your hair back. Your struggling to keep it together because you are throwing up the whole contents of your stomach up. You suddenly hear a voice mumble.
“Goddammit I told her to stay right here, where the fuck is she”
Suddenly your whole body lets go of what was left in you, you feel a hand grab your hair and the other hand rub you back.
“Well now that your getting all the alcohol out of your system you should feel better,” said Billy his voice was soft and reassuring. You stood up taking the sleeve of your sweater and wiping your mouth. you look up at him he is looking at you with a weird look.
“What are you staring at Hargrove?”
“There she is, she’s back with us. No longer tripping over her self barely able to stand.”
“Yeah whatever Billy, did you find Nancy and the guys?”
“Someone said they saw them leave not to long ago” 
“That's just fucking fantastic” you couldn't really blame them you are the type to just walk home once you had enough, Unfortunately, this time you drank too much and needed assistance. 
“Do you want me to take you home?” 
“No, it’s fine Billy I will just walk home.”
“Are you dumb, I’m not going to let you walk home at like 1 in the morning when it’s freezing and you're not wearing any clothes”
“As much as I hate this, but I guess your right can but can you drop me off at Nancy’s. I can’t have my mom see me like this”
“I can drop you off wherever, but did you just say that I was right? This is fucking groundbreaking”
“Don’t get used to it, Hargrove” he looks up at you with his cocky ass smirk and you just roll your eye and walk towards his car. You get in and buckle your seatbelt, billy goes from 0 to 60 in two seconds and you instantly feel uncomfortable. You are gripping the armrest so hard your knuckles are turning white. Billy looks over at you and just starts laughing and shaking his head. You just look over at him with a hateful stare, he starts to slow down a little bit so you can relax. All your mind keeps doing is going back to the Billy you saw leaving the bathroom when you got to the party, and you want to ask him but you are scared to. you just keep quite deep and thought the car comes to a stop at a red light and he just looks at you looking a little concerned by your concentration.  
“What are you thinking about y/l/n”
“I don’t want to make you mad so I will just keep my thoughts to myself.”
“Well you are annoying me by not telling me what is going through your head”
“Well..umm...earlier at the party you passed me coming out of the bathroom and you looked a little off, I’m not trying to be nosey I swear. I honestly don’t know why I care because you’re a dick twenty-four seven, but if you need to talk I’m here, I guess” you were scared to look at him seeing that Billy has a temper, you were regretting your statement as soon as it left your mouth. the car grew silent and you finally looked at Billy. He looked frustrated and annoyed he was gripping the steering wheel so hard. He pulled up to Nancy’s house as you were getting out you looked over and he was already looking at you.
“Well, thanks for the ride Billy”
“Yeah, no problem just handle your liquor next time” he said completely disregarding my last statement. You could see that the frustration leave his face.  
“No promises” you said with a laugh. You take one last glance at Billy who is just smiling and you just say without thinking “Billy, seriously if you ever need someone to talk I’m here”
“I’m good y/n” he said in a stern voice and with that billy rolls up the window and zooms down the block. You go up to nancy’s window and tap lightly and a very sleepy Nancy comes to the window. She looks surprised to see you and immediately opens the window to let you in. 
“Where did you guys go?”
“Oh my god, we left you at the party, we looked around and we couldn’t find you so we just figured you went home. How did you get here”
“Funny story, Billy Hargrove gave me a ride”
“What the hell are you talking about,” Nancy said a little too loud she looked stunned. You were now sitting on the corner of her bed while she was getting you PJs for you. You stayed up for an hour or so telling her the events of the night.
“I can’t believe Billy saved you, that is so interesting. how do you think he will act like on Monday?”
“I don’t know I’m just not looking forward to it” 
Authors Notes: I’m new at this so let me know what you think, I plan on writing a part three and posting it soon. 
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raveofsix · 6 years
Bathroom Tiles
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader.
Summary: You and Billy get ‘sheet-faced’ in a bathroom.
Warning: Cursing, drinking.
You observed yourself in the mirror. You should be ashamed of yourself.  
It’s the moment when you go to the bathroom by yourself that realization hits about how drunk you actually are; all because you ignored the big number of red flags that piled up throughout the night, like the mascara smudged around your eyes, how your hair wasn’t in the same place it was when you arrived and how there’s a huge stain of ‘pure fuel’ covering your shirt.  
You take off your shirt and grab a tissue of paper, trying to get as much mascara out of your eyebags as possible.  
Your mind was stuck in a stupid drunken fight. In hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have acted that way, but you weren’t the only one in the wrong.
Steve was sensitive about Nancy when he had searched for you a few minutes ago. “Can we talk?” He grabbed you by the arm and got you out of the “dancefloor” (it was just a carpet with no furniture on).  
“What’s wrong?” You asked, raising and eyebrow, never letting go of your red cup.
He sighed. “It’s Nance… She-”
You frowned, taking a sip of your drink. “You literally came here to talk to me about her?”
“I know! I know! It’s just that this is for real…”
“Just like the last time? When you got jealous when you though she was flirting with the slimy dude from the arcade? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“God, why do you have to be like that?! I’m being serious.” He ran a hand through his perfect hair.
“Be like what? This is literally the first conversation we had tonight and you don’t even say hi! You expect me to be there for you at all times, even though you’re not here for me!” Your voice got louder.  
“Get over yourself, you’re drunk,” he let out, his hand signaling your body and face, as if it were proof of it.  
You threw him a glare. “Wow, thanks. Just get the fuck out, alright?”  
You sigh as you try to wash your shirt. Yeah, maybe you overreacted, but what? He left you hanging for months, you can leave him hanging for one night.  
You hung your shirt over the sink and sat on the toilet waiting for it to dry a little.  
Suddenly, you were awakened from your daydream when you heard somebody enter the bathroom. It was that mullet-wearing new kid, William was his name, you think.
“Hey! Have you ever heard of knocking?” You exclaim.  
He makes a shushing motion with his finger and you get thrown aback. Suddenly, he takes out an expensive bottle of tequila that was hid under his leather jacket.  
You squint, then react. “Wait, wait, wait! You need to get out.” You point to the door pronouncedly. You always exaggerated things when you were drunk, clearly; even if it was the way you talked or moved.
He huffs. “Calm down, I can’t or I’ll get caught by Tommy’s girl.” He thinks. “Claire?”
You scoff. “Oh, Carol, right. Well, not my problem.”
“Look, (Y/N), we can share, just let me take a few shots in peace and I’ll go.” He shakes the bottle in front of your face.
“How do you know my name?” You ask, definitely surprised by this because how else could you ignore free booze.
He chuckles. “Please, how could I not? You’re one of king Steve’s lackeys.” He lays on the floor in front of you, his back pressed against the bathroom tiles, he opens the bottle and takes a swig, you cringe. “Though, out of all them, you’re the one I like the best. You’re the funny one, I can tell by the way everyone laughs at your jokes in the cafeteria.”
You frown. “So, you’ve been watching? That’s creepy.”
He passes you the bottle, you observe it before deciding to chug a little.  
William stares at you. “Nah, just everyone really, I’m from Cali so I’m trying to figure out stuff.” He puts his hands inside his leather jacket. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re smokin’, but if I was just merely observing you I would do more than just small talk, this considering the fact that you’re literally in just your bra right now.”
You stare down at yourself and keep the urge to slap your own forehead. Whatever, he is shirtless too.  
“I know you’re the new kid, your name is William.” You state.  
Now you can recall where you first heard of him; it was the afternoon Steve called you complaining about this new jackass named William Hargrove that took Tommy from his basketball team.
He sighs drearily. “You can call me Billy, I hate William.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Why not Will? You’d be like that Zombie boy.” You joked as you examined your nails. “Must be pretty cool to come back from the dead.”
He took the bottle from you. “Come on, this town is so boring I’m pretty sure he ran away or something.”
“If you say so.” You shook your head and smiled at him. “Can I at least call you Bills? It’s edgier. Billy sounds like a nickname you give to a fat kid who eats his own boogers.”
He deadpans. “Nope.”
“Ugh, fine.” You roll your eyes. “But what’s cooler about Cali anyways? Other than you know… having a mall and the ability to get a natural tan.”  
Billy ponders retrospectively into the ground, you can tell. He gazes up and you can see his face change slightly. “Everything.”
You grimace in empathy. Maybe you would act the same way if you moved to Cali from Indiana, even if it had a mall and everything. “Maybe drinking to forget isn’t the best option,” you advise.
“Do you believe so?” His stare burns you.  
“No,” you answer honestly, “but I’m not good at giving advice.”
He chuckles slightly at you, you smile back with ease.  
The next few minutes turned into a few hours, you learned a shit ton of stuff about him: how he got laid back in first grade; about his half-sister, Max, who won’t stop doing skate tricks, ruining their front yard; and how he got his Camaro on a bet with one of his ex’s brother.  
You’re pretty sure he learned a few stuff about you too: like how you almost burned your tongue off for eating the spiciest chili of all time in a trip to Mexico by accident; how you planned an entire basketball themed prom after party at your house just to appease your idiot-now-ex who was going away to college; and how you are afraid of cars so you won’t learn how to drive.
He observes the watch on his wrist. “Umm… hey I got to go or my father will kill me.”
You shrug. “I get it, I have parents too.” The look on his face made it seem as if he didn’t relate but you chose to ignore it, maybe you were just overthinking.
“Yeah, well…” He stands up and places the bottle next to the sink. “Take it as a gift. Though, hide it from Claire.”
“Carol,” you correct as you smile from below. “And thanks, I’ll cherish it from the rest of the night.”
His tongue darts out slightly while he smiles back at you. You think he’s about to leave but unexpectedly he grabs your face from above and closes the space between the two of you with a kiss.
You don’t know why you kissed him back; whether it was because of his hard rock abs, the ability to follow your stupid questions without getting annoyed, or the fact that you were drunken out of you mind (poor liver, you think).  
He stands back, his hands still in your face, and you look him in the eyes; they’re blue with the thickest eyelashes you’ve seen. He grins proudly, probably at himself. “I knew why I liked you the best.”  
He turns to leave and you stay still in the toilet.
He gives you one last grin, taking the shirt on the sink and throwing it at you. The booze stain is gone. “Maybe next time, you should lock the door,” He says.  
You roll your eyes at him in a lighthearted way. “Whatever, goodbye Bills.”
He laughs. “Goodbye, princess.” He closes the door behind, finally leaving you by yourself.
You stare at the tiles of the bathroom, dumbfounded about the whole situation that just happened in a cramped bathroom with this California boy named William, who goes by the nickname of Billy.
You put on your shirt and accommodate the tequila bottle on your small bag. You should definitely call it a night too before it gets any weirder.
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 52
“Has anyone told you how happy everyone is that Dave finally got the balls to meet you?” Ally giggled a little and leaned into Liz as they walked down the hallway leading to Liz’s room.
Liz put her arm around Ally to steady her, “No?” she laughed awkwardly.
“McCartney hounded him for months,” Ally stopped short and made sure Dave and Taylor were too far ahead of them to hear before continuing. “Taylor said there were all these dinners and parties that Paul would invite Dave to, but he turned them all down. We had a feeling you were invited to them, too.”
Liz thought about all the dinners she sat through with Paul, Nancy and Johnny and wondered if maybe Johnny was called as a last minute replacement for Dave. “I didn’t realize there was a coup involved,” she shrugged. 
“He just...,” Ally turned to look at Dave before linking her arm with Liz’s and continuing down the hallway, “He’s back to him again. Two weeks ago you wouldn’t have recognized him.”
“He was kinda moody when I met him, but he seemed fine at Silva’s party,” Liz remembered. 
Ally laughed loudly at that, causing Dave and Taylor look back at them for a moment, “Taylor came home so drunk that night,” she whispered, “He wouldn’t shut up about Dave finally getting laid.”
“Oh my god, Ally. I didn’t even sleep with him that night,” Liz giggled. They bit back their laughter once they caught up with Dave and Taylor at the end of the hallway.
“What the hell is so funny?” Taylor asked.
“None of your business, Hawkins,” Ally tried to sound stern, but her and Liz were both giggling too much to seem angry. “Where’s our room? My feet are killing me.”
Taylor pointed to a door just a few feet away just as Dave unlocked the door to Liz’s room. “Oh did I book the room right next to yours? How weird is that?” Taylor put his hands on his hips and shook his head, a sarcastic smile on his face.
“Great!” Ally chirped and pulled Liz past Dave and into Liz’s room, “We’ll see you boys in the morning!” She looked back at Dave and Taylor still in the hallway. “I can’t tell if they’re surprised or if they’re imagining us together in bed,” she muttered.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a healthy mixture of both,” Liz headed into the bedroom, jumping when Ally laid a loud smack on her ass. They both laughed when Taylor made a pained groaning sound as the door shut behind them.
“Hey, do you think I should tell Dave about what happened earlier? With the banshee in the bathroom?” Liz called out to Ally from the closet. She had been debating telling him all night, but then his ex showed up and things just got too weird.
“I would probably not tell him that, ever,” Ally laughed. “The poor guy needs therapy every time she pops up.”
“So I have a tshirt and boy shorts or… boy shorts and a sports bra,” Liz stepped out of the closet holding Ally’s pajama options, feeling a little bad that she didn’t have more to offer.
“The shirt’s fine,” Ally smiled, “Thanks for letting me borrow them. So did he tell you about Melissa?” Liz handed them over and sat on the bed next to her.
“Melissa?” Liz asked, leaning forward to pull off her heels.
“His ex? The one that literally threw herself into our table tonight to get his attention?”
“Oh, yeah he said she was a little aggressive,” Liz muttered. She felt a little bad discussing this with Ally, like it was gossip that Dave wouldn’t want her to know.
“A little? Taylor said she bit his neck!”
“I think she just kissed him, but it totally freaked him out,” she shook her head, trying to forget the look on Dave’s face. “So anyways…”
“I’m just happy he’s with you now,” Ally swayed a little on the bed next to Liz. “Taylor and I haven’t had a night alone in, god I can’t even remember! Between the kids and the tour, it’s impossible to fit in a marriage.” She paused for a moment, thinking something over before jumping a little, “Oh! Not that… not that it couldn’t work, you know… just that-“
Liz threw her arm around Ally’s shoulders and squeezed, “It’s okay, I know what you mean.” She stood up from the bed and began to pull off her jewelry, laying them out neatly on the nightstand next to her.
“He wants another baby,” Ally said so quietly that Liz had to take a minute to make sure she heard her correctly.
“Are you on board with that?” she asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable. She really liked Ally and was sure they could be close friends, but they had only met a couple times before.
“Absolutely,” she insisted, “It’s just proving a bit more difficult than the other attempts.”
Something in her voice made Liz hurry back to her side and Ally looked up at her, a little embarrassed that her eyes were full of tears, “Now it’s all doctors and shots and scheduled sex,” she forced a little laugh, “not exactly the most romantic way to make a baby.”
“Oh… Ally,” Liz took her hand and squeezed it, hoping it helped just a little, “I’m so sorry…”
“It’s fine. Maybe we’re only meant to have the three, you know?” she brushed the tears off her cheeks, “Fuck! Sorry, I didn’t mean to get so heavy on you.”
“No, that’s okay,” Liz replied, her head swimming a little with the new information and alcohol, “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
Ally’s eyes went wide for a moment, “Well…,” she started, but then apparently changed her mind and forced a giggle, “Oh I’m sure Taylor would love if you helped out!”
They both fell back onto the bed in a fit of laughter, but were startled when the bedroom door flew open and Taylor bolted into the room followed quickly by Dave.
“Goddamnit, you said they were kissing!” Taylor whined and punched Dave’s shoulder.
“I said giggling, asshole!” Dave punched him back and Taylor threw his shoulder into him, sending them tumbling back out into the sitting room.
“Out of all the guys in that ballroom tonight, we ended up with Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber,” Ally sighed.
Liz stared up at the bedroom ceiling for a second before losing herself to laughter again.
Dave slammed the bedroom door behind Ally and Taylor and shrugged off his suit jacket, throwing it onto the makeup chair while Liz pulled her hair up off of her neck.
“Travis gave me he phone number in case there’s an emergency,” he said, watching her carefully, “Should I be concerned?”
Liz’s eyes flashed to his in surprise, “I don’t know. How jealous would Taylor be if he knew another man was after you?”
“Wait-,” he looked between Liz and the bedroom door where Travis was probably sound asleep in the opposite bedroom. “He’s-?”
Liz laughed and shook her head, “No, but sometimes I wonder. He just likes to have a second line of communication if I make him leave me alone for more than an hour. It’s a military thing. So tell me again why we mixed alcohol?” she muttered, quickly changing the subject. She made a face and headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
“Because Tom Waits said ‘You can learn a lot about a woman by getting smashed with her’,” he replied and fell backwards onto her bed.
“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria,” Liz returned to the doorway with her toothbrush and jammed it in her mouth, trying to scrub away the taste of jaeger and cheap energy drink.
“Who said that?” Dave picked his head up off the sheets and looked up at her.
“Ben Franklin, but most likely not,” she shrugged and went to rinse her mouth out, jumping when the bathroom wall next to her began to shake with a rhythmic pounding. Her eyes wide, she poked her head out of the bathroom and looked at Dave, who had tilted his head up to watch the painting above her bed bounce against the pounding wall.
“God damn, Taylor,” he laughed, “Ally’s going to need crutches tomorrow.”
“Oh my god! They just got in their room!” Liz giggled, returning to throw her toothbrush in her makeup bag and figure out the best way to peel off her fake eyelashes.
Dave dragged himself off the bed to join her, leaning back against the bathroom counter to watch her transformation from Hollywood Liz to his favorite version of her.
“So what did getting smashed teach you about me?” she said over noise of the thumping wall.
“That you’ll waste a good ten minutes of your life trying to get at a fucking cherry,” he teased.
Liz snorted, still focused on peeling her eyelashes off, “A trait I share with most men, I’m sure.”
“That you’re a killer shot with a champagne cork,” he pushed off the counter, “And that thanks to your parents, you have some pretty lofty goals when it comes to romance.”
Liz dropped the fake eyelashes on the counter and looked back at him in surprise, “Lofty?”
“Do you honestly expect me to sing Clapton to you every night for the rest of our lives?” he teased, slowly walking towards her until her shoulders were against the thumping wall.
Rest of our what? she thought and began to loosen his black tie from his neck. “He also rubs her feet every night and buys her diamonds for every special occasion,” she whispered.
He tilted her chin up with his fingers and brushed his nose against hers, “You were the only woman not wearing diamonds tonight.”
“I don’t like diamonds,” she countered, pulling his tie free and dropping it at her feet. “I’m not my mother.”
Dave stared down at her, her green eyes almost daring him to say or do something when the wall behind her suddenly silenced and a shadow of a smile spread across her face.
“Oh dear,” she sighed and checked her imaginary watch, making Dave laugh.
 “There’s my girl!” Dave threw back the covers when Liz finally emerged after struggling to remove her makeup.
“It went from bad to Alice Cooper to worse in there,” she smiled at the thought of him referring to her as his more frequently and climbed into bed next to him. “I think Josie used actual spackle at some point.”
“I’d still hit it,” Dave said, distracted by the TV in front of them as he flipped through the channels.
“Hang on,” Liz leaned across him to grab her phone from the nightstand on his side of the bed, “I’ll call Vince.”
“Nope,” he tossed the remote to the floor and threw her sideways across bed. He wasn’t about to tell her that Depp had called her no less than six times while she was scrubbing her face raw and that he smugly laughed each time her screen lit up with Wind Chime. He felt even more smug now that she was pinned underneath him, her arms and legs wrapping around him to bring him closer. “Why did you even put on clothes?” he grumbled into her shoulder and pushed her shirt up around her neck.
“Because despite the pastiche of alcohol I ingested, not one drop was the slut-inspiring tequila.”
Dave looked up from kissing her collarbone and shook his head at her phrasing, “You’re such a fucking nerd, Liz.”
“Hey! I happened to really like college!”
“Then why the hell aren’t you Dr. Liz?” he kept his eyes on her, but managed to shove her shorts down her thighs.
“Because a doctorate seemed too nerdy,” she giggled.
He shook his head at her, but dropped the subject to focus on other things. Working his way down her body, he vaguely wondered how she could be the girl on the rail at his shows, getting his band’s name as a tattoo in the front seat of someone’s car and be working her ass off towards a master’s degree at the same time. And how did he manage to get her into bed? Fuck, maybe he should have gone to college at some point. Tossing the rest of her clothes over his shoulder, he held her hips to the bed and ran a trail of kisses up her thigh, anticipating the giggle she always gave him when he did it. Her breathing hitched a little, but she didn’t arch her back, tense her legs or hold him to her… she was silent. He picked his head up and found her staring blankly up at the ceiling. “You okay up there?”
“Sorry, just thinking about how much more it would take to get the doctorate,” she whispered.
Sensing she wasn’t going to be any fun until she got this out of her head, he crawled back up her body and lay next to her. “In what?”
“I don’t know… Musical Composition?” she said softly, still staring at the ceiling, “I struggled in the end with English, plus the grad robes are way cooler.”
He furrowed his brow a little, thinking that he had only seen her touch an instrument three times since he had met her two weeks ago. She was obviously a natural, but he had never known a musician to go longer than a day or two without at least humming a tune.
“I could get back into it, right?” she asked, more to herself than to him. They were silent for a beat when she resolutely nodded her head and turned sharply to him, shoving him onto his back and throwing her leg over him. She pressed her hands into the blankets beside his head and kissed him, just as the loud thumping from Taylor and Ally’s room resumed.
“We can go in the other bedroom,” Liz whispered, as if someone could overhear them through all the noise. Travis would be willing to trade rooms… maybe.
Dave locked his arms around her waist and shook his head, “I’ve been thinking about you in this exact bed since the first night we spent together.”
Liz glanced at the shaking wall and rolled her eyes when Taylor’s swearing joined in, “Alright, fine. But you’d think that a hotel that’s damn near a thousand bucks a night could afford some fucking insulation.”
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Locker Neighbor (Billy Hargrove x Plus Sized!Reader Part 1)
Summary:You live a very mundane life in Hawkins with only one good friend until a very attractive boy moves in.The new boy so happens to be your locker buddy and seems to be interested in becoming friends with you.You’re hesitant though because of his reputation that he holds.
Your name: submit What is this?
You stood at your locker you put your books inside.You looked at the mirror in your locker.You huffed after looking at your hair.You wanted so desperately to cut it short like Molly Ringwald but your hair would stick out more than ever.You adjusted your glasses than shut your locker.You jumped seeing an unfamiliar boy leaning on the locker beside yours.He smirked at you.
"The name's Billy,I'm new here."
You opened your mouth to say something but turned around and walked away.He went after you.
"Normally this would be the time where you introduce yourself to me."He stated.
You looked at him."Y/N"
He smirked again."Well Y/N,wanna give me a tour of the school?"
You looked confused then shook your head."I have to get to class."
You walked away quickly and went to your friend Nora."What the hell was that all about?"
"The hot new guy talks to you and you walk away like some pansy."She stated clearly sounding frustrated.
You shook your head."Trust me,he just wants to make fun of me."
"You don't know that."She argued.
You rolled your eyes."Of course he would he has jackass written all over his face,why wouldn't he make fun of me?"You asked.
Nora nudged me."Because your like totally tubular."She mocked.
You made a face."You know I hate that word."
"What word?Tubular?"She asked pretending not know.
You laughed and went to your math class.You sat and thought about Billy.He was very attractive you had to admit,but you could tell he would be trouble.After school you went your locker and grabbed your books then went to leave.You were in the parking lot getting ready to walk home when you grabbed by your wrist.You turned around quickly with your fist up.
"Whoa,chill out."It was Billy.
You pulled away."Why are you trying to talk to me?"You asked.
He shrugged pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.You made a face.
"Want a smoke?"
"No I don't want a smoke.That stuff can kill you."You stated.
He burst put laughing."You really believe that?"
"I believe in science."
He laughed again.You shook your head and began to walk away.He grabbed your wrist again.
"Why are you in a rush?"He asked.
"I need a reason for wanting to go home after a few hours of what felt like prison?"I asked.
He smirked."You're funny."
"I'm just honest."You stated while shrugging.You looked around and saw some popular girls whispering to each other while looking at you.Some popular guys were pointing and laughing too.
"I uh...have to go."
"Already?I thought we were having a nice chat."
You didn't respond just walked away.You pulled out your walkerman from your bag and started listening to music as you walked home.You hummed and sang along.
"Hello daddy,hello mom.I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb.Hello world I'm your wild girl I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb."You bobbed your head around till you got home.
Your parents were out.You went upstairs and put your stuff down.You took off your over sized sweater and put on your work uniform.You were a waitress at the local diner.You grabbed your coat and purse and walked out.You got to the diner and got to work.Some customers looked irritated that you were listening to music while they ordered but calmed down when everything came out perfect.You had a rhythm for each order and it helped you concentrate.You got some pretty good tips every once and a while.You were saving up for your own car.It was a normal day for you.However your day seemed to get ruined some girls walked in.The pops you called them,short for popular.
"If it isn't fat ass Y/N.How's work twerp?"Regina the most popular asked.
You sighed."May I take your order?"I asked.
She fake smiled."Sure hon,stay away from the new boy."
"Billy?I barely even talked to him,and I couldn't care less about him.Don't worry, hon you don't have to feel threatened by me."You stated crossing your arms.
Her eyes widened in shock.
"Now are you going to order something off of our menu?We have a strict rule,you wanna wine here,you gotta dine here."You stated.
They all left without saying a word.
You finished your shift and went home.
A few days later it was Halloween.You had no idea what you were going to be dressed as.You were at your locker and were humming.
"What cha humming there?"Billy asked leaning on the other side if your locker.
You slammed it shut."I don't think you'd know it."
"Try me."He smirked.
"If you knew you'd laugh."
"Well then that's even better."
You took a deep breath."You Drive Me Wild by The Runaways."
His smirk grew wider."So you're rocker?You don't look like the type."
You shrugged.
"You going to that Halloween party tonight?Everyone's talking about it."
I shook my head."I wasn't invited."
"Sure you did,by me."He stood straight and crossed his arms.
You thought for a bit then shook your head."I can't my parents would kill me if I went to a party with alcohol."
He raised an eyebrow."Those are the best kinds of parties."
You shook your head."It's not my kind of party.Besides I hate the taste of alcohol."You stated.
Now he looked at you like you grew a second head."I swear its like you're not even human.So if you won't even drink,why can't you go?"He asked.
You shook your head disappointed he didn't understand."My parents trust me,its everyone else who is going to be drunk they don't trust."
"So sneak out."
You stood quietly pondering on whether or not you should follow Billy's advice."I'm just gonna stay home it's not my scene.I should get to class."You turned around and walked to class.
After school you went home.When your parents got home they told you that they were going go out on a date for dinner.They invited you to tag along but you decided to stay home.You got bored out of your mind and decided to go to the party.You just didn't know what to dress up as.Then it hit you.
You were going to dress up as Nancy from A Nightmare on Elm Street.You grabbed some white pajamas and put them on.You took off your glasses and scrunchy letting your hair go wild.You walked out and went to the party.You looked around.You smiled seeing punch.You took a sip and then spit it out realizing it was spiked.
You were looking for any signs of Billy.You saw him out side drinking from the keg like a maniac.You bumped into Nancy Wheeler who looked emotionally gone.Some random drunk boy came up to you.
"Who are you supposed to be?"He asked.
"N-Nancy Thompson."
He looked confused and so he just walked away.Of course no one knew who you were the movie wasn't out just yet.You got the outfit from the commercials you had seen.
You ended up walking out,regretting ever coming."Hey Y/N!"You turned to see Billy.
He smirked at you."You showed up."
"Yeah I was just gonna go."
"What?You just got here."He protested.
"I know I shouldn't have come."
He shook his head."You need to live a little."
You sighed and nodded.
"Who are you supposed to be?"Billy asked.
You looked down at your lame costume."Nancy from those Nightmare on Elm Street commercials."
He nodded."Yeah,the one with the floating girl in her underwear right?"He asked.
Of course thats what he remembered from the commercial."Yeah."
"So you like scary movies?"He asked.
You nodded.
"Don't you get scared?"
You shrugged."I don't see why I should be.It's not real."
"You're tough you know that?"
"Hey Billy come on!"
He shut his eyes for a sec in annoyance."I have to go.Don't leave,just try to have fun."
He walked away.You saw no one you cared to socialize with so you ignored what Billy said and decided to leave.You went home and went to bed.
The next morning you got up and got dressed.You brushed your teeth and ate breakfast.You walked out the house and started walking to school.
The song of the day for you was Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.You danced around a bit and bobbed your head.
You got school and went to your locker putting your walkerman inside with your stuff.You grabbed your vogue magazine and stuffed it in your bag.You shut your locker.
"What you got there?"Billy said looking right at you as you shut the locker.
"Son of a-Jesus you scared me.You gotta knock that off I don't wanna die early from heart attack."You stated."It's just a magazine."
He crossed his arms.You showed him the magazine.
"I like looking at the magazines."I stated and put it back in my bag.
"You left the party early."He stated and crossed his arms.
"I didn't know anyone there.I wasn't comfortable."You replied.
Regina walked over and stood by Billy putting her hand on his partially bare chest."I had a lot of fun last night Billy.We should do it again sometime."She kissed his cheek.
You started walking away."See you around Billy."
You still had no clue why Billy kept talking to you,or why you actually kept talking to him too.You didn't mind much by this point.You kind of enjoyed the small locker chats. However you don't think you'll ever have a real friendship.You don't like the reputation he holds and the things you've seen him do.With all the things you've seen and heard,you're still surprised he hasn't made fun of your weight and how you dress.You just liked being comfortable.You wanna dress pretty sometimes but you were afraid you'd look weird.However you just smiled at the thought of Billy being friendly to you.
You shook it off and met up with Nora.”You like him,you really like him.”She stated.
You scrunched your eyebrows together.”What are you talking about?”I asked.
“Oh come on,don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”You gave her a blank face.”Billy,I’m talking about Billy.”You shook your head.
“I don’t like Billy,sure he’s nice to me,but he’s mean to a lot of people and I don’t appreciate that.Besides how in the hell would I expect anything in return when I look like a homeless person.”You replied.
She just turned her head to you and smirked widely.Your eyes widened.”When you smile like that it scares me.”
“Have faith in me Y/N.”
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The Summer in Georgia
Chapter 23. They Kept Comin’ Back for More
Isabella woke up with Daryl pressed up against her back. His arm was around her and his head was nuzzled into the back of her neck. He was snoring, but it didn’t bother her. She’d just spent the night with the man of her dreams, nothing at this point could bother her. She needed to move, but didn’t want to wake him up, so she carefully lifted his arm and rolled away from him, but he woke up anyway. Daryl opened his eyes and looked at her sleepily. She smiled at him and said, ‘good morning, sleepyhead.’ He yawned and smiled, then looked at the time on his phone. It was 9:30. He couldn’t believe they’d slept so late. He got up and stretched. Isabella noticed the bulge in his pants and wondered if guys just woke up like that. She liked it, it was intimate, something she’d never witnessed before. She knew it was stupid, but she liked that he wasn’t embarrassed to let her see him like that, it made her feel closer to him. Isabella wondered if what she saw was all him or just his clothes. She’d never seen one in person, but she’d seen pictures, seen porn in passing and she’d read Cosmo enough times to know the four sizes; small, average, big and holy fuck. It didn’t look small, that’s for sure. She watched Daryl adjust himself, it seemed to be all him. She smiled to herself and raised her eyebrows. ‘Interesting’, she thought. He caught her looking, laughed and winked at her, then grabbed his cigarettes and lit one up.
“Ya’ sleep okay?” He asked yawning.
“Yes, did you?” She answered.
“Yep! Ain’t never slept with a woman before. Hope I didn’t suffocate you or nothin’. I probably snored though, huh?”
“You’ve never slept with a woman before, but I thought you said…”
“Ain’t never slept with a girl or stayed the night with one before. We just took care of business and that was it. I never even took a girl back to my house, even when I was livin’ at the motel or Rick’s. I didn’t wanna’ deal with the after part.” Daryl explained.
“Does that mean I’m special?” Isabella asked flirtatiously.
“Guess so.” He answered with a smile. “Ya’ want coffee?”
“Yes, please. I guess it’s kind of nice to know that you still have ‘firsts’. I don’t mean that in a bad way, you just said that you’ve been with a lot of women, so I figured you’d probably done it all. Did that come out right?”
“I know what ya’ mean. There’s a lot a shit I ain’t done yet, just cuz I been with a lotta’ girls, don’t mean I did it all. Like, I ain’t never took someone up to the hill with me before, I never told no one the shit I told ya’ last night. I never… I never made out with a girl without bein’ drunk or without it endin’ in sex. Only known ya’ a week and ya’ already got half a dozen firsts from me right there.” He winked at her and headed to the kitchen to make coffee.
Isabella liked that he still had ‘firsts’ and she hoped that he’d share them all with her. She wondered what else he hadn’t done, but decided not to ask just then. Daryl made her breakfast, bacon and burnt toast with strawberry jam. Then Daryl went to take a shower, while she cleaned up the kitchen.
When they arrived at Rick’s, Rick had both garage doors opened and was pulling a tarp over an old vehicle. Daryl told Isabella it was a 1967 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 that he and Rick were going to restore. She didn’t know much about cars, but he assured her it was a badass car and when he was finished rebuilding the motor it was gonna’ tear up the streets. They waved at Rick and went inside. Isabella then excused herself to take a bath.
Rick came in the back and he and Daryl started talking about the car. He told Daryl that he found an aluminum intake manifold in Ashville, North Carolina and was going to drive up the next day and get it. He asked him if he and Isabella wanted to come along. Daryl said he had a few things to take care of at work in the morning, but after that he was free. That led him to tell Rick he was going to take some vacation time to take Isabella camping. Rick was glad that Daryl was finally taking some time off, he told him he deserved a little R & R. He then asked Daryl what was going on with him and Isabella.
He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “I dunno. I guess we’re like datin’ or somethin’. We ain’t really defined it, we’re just hangin’ out, I guess.”
“I think it’s great Daryl, she’s beautiful, she’s sweet and she’s smart. Ohh and she can cook. Just be careful.” Rick said.
“Be careful about what?” Daryl asked.
“You know, she’s young and inexperienced and your… well, you’re you. I’m just saying, don’t hurt her. Okay? Just be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Yeah.” Daryl said. “I mean NO. No, I ain’t gonna’ hurt her, I mean we’re just friends, we’re just hangin’ out. We ain’t gettin’ married.” He said defensively.
Isabella was coming down the hall and heard Daryl say this. He said, they were just friends. She wondered if he meant that, like maybe last night had been a mistake or maybe he was just trying to play his feelings down for her in front of Rick. Either way, it bothered her. She began to feel a little scared, she’d been so happy, what if things weren’t as she thought they were. What if he didn’t care for her that way, her heart would be broken. Isabella shook her head, she wasn’t going to dwell on it, she was going to enjoy the rest of her perfect weekend.
“Hey, what are you guys talking about?” Isabella asked cheerfully.
“Uh, nothin’.” Daryl said, looking a Rick. He hoped she hadn’t heard their conversation. “We was just talkin’ about the Mustang. Me and Rick are gonna’ drive ta’ North Carolina tomorrow ta’ pick up a part. Ya’ wanna’ come? Ya’ ain’t never been in that state before.”
“Absolutely!” She cheered. “Oh my gosh, this is going to be so much fun. I’ve never been on a road trip before. Yay!” She said, pumping her fists. Both men laughed.
“Daryl’s got a little work he needs to take care of in the morning, so we’ll leave whenever he’s through. You’re going to like the drive. It’s beautiful.” Rick told her.
That night, Daryl took Isabella to the diner for chicken fried steak. James and Nancy were thrilled to see her with him again. They made a big fuss over her, James told Daryl that if he was 40 years younger Daryl would have some serious competition. Nancy said, it was true because James had been a real ladies man in his day. He was a real looker and he could charm the dew off the honeysuckle vine, as she put it. Isabella got a big kick out of that. When they were done eating and ready to leave, James came out and kissed Isabella’s hand again. He told Daryl that he’d hit the lottery and he better not do anything to screw it up. That just made Daryl think of all the ways he could actually screw it up. Between that comment and Rick’s earlier, he was beginning to doubt himself. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this relationship stuff, maybe he would end up hurting her. This thought weighed on him heavily. Things were good when it was just he and Isabella alone, but when other people got into the mix and started offering advice, meddling and making a big deal out of their relationship, it ruined things. Daryl didn’t like all the attention, he liked to live his life quietly, without anyone butting in to his business. He liked it better when it was just the two of them, no distractions, no body trying to put a label on their relationship or making cute little comments and no body teasing him. He concluded that it didn’t matter whether the girl was good or bad, she was still a girl and girls came with grief. Different kinds of course, but it was still grief.
When they got back to Rick’s, he was gone. Then Daryl got a text that said, “Stay with Isabella, don’t know what time I’ll be home. I have a date.” And then a winky face emoji and a red balloon.
Daryl laughed. “He must be hooking up with Jessie, the lady from the bank.” He told Isabella. “He needs ta’ get laid.” He laughed again. Isabella just smiled and shook her head.
Daryl got himself a beer out of the fridge when they came in and headed out back, so he could smoke a cigarette. Isabella followed him with a ginger ale and a straw. They sat on a padded, double lounge chair, so they could be close. The air was thick, but there was a small breeze blowing, so it was comfortable. The moon was bigger and brighter than it was the night before and Isabella looked twice as beautiful too. Daryl stared at her the whole time he was smoking. ‘Grief! But it was worth it.’ Was all he thought.
Isabella felt alive. She sipped her ginger ale through her straw, thinking about the night before. The two of them together at the top of that hill, cuddling and telling each other their secrets. Then afterward at Daryl’s house, them making out on his makeshift bed, him touching her breasts, her feeling his erection against her. The marks he left on her neck, that she was sure Rick and James and Nancy had noticed. She giggled to herself, but Daryl was watching her and asked what was so funny. She lied and told him she was thinking about Rick’s text and hoped that he was having fun. Daryl laughed and agreed.
“Ya’ smell good again.” He told her.
“Thank you. I love this perfume. It’s always been my very favorite. Sometimes I would go to Macy’s downtown and put some on at the perfume counter, but now I have my very own.” Isabella giggled.
“I know I told ya’ this last night, but it suits ya’. When ya’ run out, tell me and I’ll get ya’ some more. Ya’ need ta smell like that all the time. Around me, I mean. Maybe ya’ shouldn’t wear it around no one else.” He laughed. “Don’t want no one else smellin’ ya’. Isabella giggled, took his arm and put it around her shoulders.
“Tell me some ‘firsts’ you still have. What hasn’t the great Daryl Dixon done? The people want to know.” She said jokingly.
“I dunno. There’s a bunch a shit.” He said, thinking hard. “Uh, here’s one. I ain’t never been a date.” He said.
“What do you call last night?”
“I mean a real date, like ta’ dinner and a movie or some shit like that.” He said.
“But you took me to dinner tonight. Ohhh… you mean like you come and pick me up and I’m dressed up a little and we go to a nice restaurant? Like that kind of date?” She asked.
“Yeah. Like that.” He answered.
“What else?” Isabella asked.
“Uh… I ain’t never took a shower with a girl or a bath.” He added. Isabella thought about them showering together. ‘HOT!’ was what came to mind. Definitely on her to do list. “Ya’ ain’t gonna’ believe me, but I ain’t never been with a girl totally naked before, her or me. There was never no time.” Isabella thought about them totally naked together. Another ‘HOT!’ came to mind. “Uh, well I ain’t never… um, I ain’t never went down on a girl before. There was never no time for that either. Guess I was always in a rush or somethin’. Ya’ probably think I’m an asshole, huh?” He asked.
“No, why would you say that? I like it that you haven’t done any of these things. It makes me feel better about being a virgin.” She answered. Suddenly she felt bold. “Do you want to do those things with someone? I mean, have you thought about it?” She asked.
“I guess I never really thought about it. I mean, they crossed my mind and all, but I never cared about nothin’ except… uh… nothin’.” He said, changing his mind about finishing his sentence.
“Except what? Tell me, it’s ok.” Isabella reassured him. Daryl didn’t want her to think he was asshole, he thought about making something up, but he decided just say it.
“I never cared about nothin’ ‘cept gettin’ off.” He said, looking in the other direction. “I didn’t even care if they did, but nobody never complained. They kept buyin’ me drinks, they kept comin’ around, they kept comin’ back for more, so I never thought twice about it. Pretty shitty, huh? I was a real dick. I was drunk every time, I know that ain’t no excuse, but whiskey fucks me up and I do all kinds a shit without thinkin’ straight. I hardly ever drink whiskey now and when I do, it’s just one or two. I’m a dick when I’m drunk. Drunk on whiskey that is.”
Isabella reassured him that she didn’t think he was a dick or an asshole. She said, that at least he recognized his bad behavior and what caused it and decided to changed it. She thought about the ‘they kept buyin’ me drinks, they kept comin’ around, comin’ back for more’ part and then she remembered what Charlie told her. That Daryl had a reputation and that women were upset because they’d never had a turn with him and still sought his company. ‘Is it that he’s good in bed?’ She wondered. Could that be the reputation that Charlie was talking about? Obviously, there was something about him that did keep them coming back. Isabella felt bold again.
“So, you never pursued them or bought them drinks? They always came to you?” She asked.
“Nah, I wasn’t spendin’ no money on some slutty chick, if she wanted me, she could buy me a drink and no, I never went after no one, they always came after me.” Daryl said, shaking his head. “Why do ya’ wanna’ know all this shit for? I told ya’ I ain’t like that no more.” He added, defensively.
“I’m just trying to get to know you, I know you’re not like that anymore.” She assured him. “Do you still see those girls?”
“Whatta’ ya’ mean, see ‘em? Like do I run into ‘em around town and shit?” Daryl asked.
“Yes, are you still friendly with them?” Isabella answered.
“I dunno. I guess I run into a couple every now and then, but I ain’t friendly with ‘em. They say ‘hi’, but I don’t say shit. Sometimes one will ask me ta’ go out, but I’m like ‘fuck no!’ and walk off. They don’t get the hint, cuz next time I see ‘em, they do the same shit. It bugs the shit outta’ me.”
Daryl didn’t realize it sounded like he was bragging. He was being honest, but being tactful and honest was something he’d never had to do. Isabella was quiet. She didn’t like the fact that these girls had already had a piece of him and still kept propositioning him, even after he said, ‘no’.  Although, the thought of him being a good lover was amazing. It still burned her. She was jealous. Finally, she spoke.
“Oh.” Was all she said.
“What? Now yer pissed at me or somethin’? Ya’ asked, so I told ya’. I knew this was a bad idea, I shoulda’ kept my mouth shut.” He growled.
“I’m not mad at you. I guess… I’m a little bit jealous. That’s all.” She said, quietly.
Daryl was floored. He’d never thought about her being jealous. He was too worried about her thinking he was some kind of heartless man whore. Why would she be jealous? Those girls were trash, they used him as much as he used them. Isabella was good and pure and clean. She was special. Not one of those other girls could ever come close to her, she was different. Isabella deserved a man to buy her a drink, to pursue her, to care whether she was satisfied or not. To spend the night with her and want to take the time to get completely undressed. There’s no reason she should ever be jealous of any girl, let alone those girls. So, he told her exactly that.
“… and I ain’t sayin’ I’ll always say and do the right thing, cuz I know I’ll fuck up. A lot! But ya’ don’t ever have to be jealous of anyone, I would never treat ya’ like them girls. I didn’t like them. I like ya’ and I respect ya’. So, if we was to ever to… you know… do it, have sex, it wouldn’t be like that. It’d be done right, cuz you ain’t like them.” He explained.
Isabella sat there listening with a thoughtful smile on her face. He’d grabbed her hand and was nervously playing with her fingers. She was so touched that he was going out of his way to make her feel special, even though she could tell he was squirming and completely uncomfortable. He just kept reassuring her that she didn’t have to worry, he’d said the same thing in about a million different ways, but he just kept going. Finally, she put her finger up to his lips to shoosh him. When he stopped talking, she cupped his face and kissed him hard on the mouth. He moaned into the kiss and grabbed a hand full of hair and lightly pulled. She loved when he did this. They parted, but she kept her hand on his cheek, lightly brushing the hair out of his face. Isabella just sat there and smiled at him. He moved his face into her hand and kissed it then added one more thing.
“If we ever… ya’ know. You ain’t gotta’ worry about nothin’. I won’t be fuckin’ ya’, it’ll be makin’ love. I guess ya’ probably want yer first time ta’ be real special, huh? Like candles and wine and music and shit?” He asked as he was taking a drink of his beer.
“Nope! I pretty much wanna’ be plowed like an Iowa cornfield.” She said boldly with a huge smile on her face. Beer came spewing out of Daryl’s mouth, between the beer and his laughter, he almost choked. Isabella had never seen him laugh outright like that, he even let his teeth show. She just sat there with a satisfied look on her face and watched him crack up.
He finally got his breath back and said, “I can’t believe ya’ just fuckin’ said that! I ain’t never laughed that hard, beer went up my nose. You were kiddin’ weren’t ya’ or were ya’ serious?”
Isabella laughed. “A little of both.” She said, running her fingers lightly up his arm. “When it happens, I don’t want it to be planned. I want it to just happen. Hot and fast or slow and easy, whatever seems right at the time. How does that sound?”
“Sounds pretty good.” Daryl said, thinking about what their first time would be like. “I still can’t believe ya’ fuckin’ said that. That’s the funniest shit I ever heard.” He said, pulling her into his arms. “Yer pretty cool. I like ya’, I like ya’ a lot!”
Isabella was thinking about what he’d said, about fucking and making love.
“You know you can do both and still respect the person, right? At least I think you can.” She said.
“Both what?” he asked.
“What you said about f-ing and making love. I think different moods and different situations call for different ways of having sex. Don’t you? I mean both can be good, if you’re with the right person or in the case of my last roommate, any person.” She laughed. “She’d do it with anybody, but that’s another story. Anyway, that’s how I feel. Both are good!!”
“Ya’ think? I guess I never thought about it like that, but yer right. Different moods… both are good. I guess ya’ gotta change it up every once in a while, anyway. Least that’s what I hear.” He laughed, raising his eyebrows. “And ya’ don’t ever have ta feel bad about bein’ a virgin. I like that !Now c’mere.” Daryl said, as he began to kiss her passionately.
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