#two gays hit the road
a-weird-writer · 1 year
Hi :)
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading all of your asks that you answer for tensura, even if requests aren’t open
I really like how you characterise Guy Crimson and Leon Cromwell,  I think it’s really accurate and the ask about an SO trying to seduce Leon (via boob power lmao) and getting compared to Guy is so funny
…Shut down.. 😔😭
Leon Cromwell is closed off from human society as a whole it seems since becoming a Demon Lord and regularly meets up with Guy Crimson outside of Walpurgis, much to Leon's obvious distain and Guy's personal enjoyment.
Seeing the real irritation Guy causes Leon, I don't see how using Guy as a comparison is above Leon, especially since Leon canonly insulted other Demon Lords out in open air. Guy himself included.
It made decent sense to me XD.
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Okay but picture this a couple of eps into s8 Eddie shows up at bucks all happy I mean downright giddy and just BLABBING but we the audience can see buck looks sad but we don’t know what about (and Eddie doesn’t notice at first cos yapping) then Eddie reveals the reason he’s so happy is cos Chris wants to come back and basically being like pack your bags we are driving to Texas (according to Google it’s an 11hr and 49 minute drive and also Eddie canonically just assumes buck would be involved cos why wouldn’t he) and obviously when he says the Chris coming back thing we see buck instantly brighten up
But then Eddie’s brain catches up and he’s like wait a minute what was up with his vibe before I said that and he looks around realising the loft is in ‘buck is sad’ mode and then buck drops that him and Tommy just broke up and before he asks that he doesn’t wanna talk about it (and we the audience hadn’t seen this so we spend the ep as much in the dark as Eddie is) so Eddie (while concealing his conflicted happy bt are done but concerned for buck emotions) is like even better we’ll take your mind off it with the road trip! 🤩
Maybe Buck tries to be like oh I’m not gonna be good company or oh I don’t wanna impose and Eddie’s just looking at him like he grew two heads and is like what are you on about you dumbass (affectionate) I literally always want your company and you never impose
And boom it’s a Texas road trip episode
Shenanigans ensue on the way to get there maybe, flat tires, people needing help,etc
Maybe they stop at motel on the way cos it’s a long drive or cos of one of the little things that happen (and there is only one bed <- damn who said that???) and they go to a bar (preferably cowboy bar for cowboy hat Eddie reasons- and when I say cowboy bar I use that loosely because the vibes we want is save a horse, ride a cowboy not be gay, get shot - we are a pink pony club not republican club) and buck is acting weird the whole trip but they’re still their drunk affectionate selves but there is a vibe that we and Eddie are both meant to think is cos of the breakup, maybe buck even gets hit on and drunk buck is a yapper and starts talking abt loving a guy who’s never gonna love him, etc, etc and Eddie overhears and thinks it’s tommy and hello complicated feelings again
As the trip goes on buck starts getting more at ease
Eddie is still concerned tho
Buckley Diaz family reunion and all the feels
And this is when you guys get to choose your story:
Either once buck and Eddie go home and they have a moment that’s like their usual ones (very romantic but gaslighting is saying it’s platonic) and when buck is alone we get a flashback to the bt breakup and its revealed that buck has feelings for Eddie (whether that is realised during the breakup or he broke up with tommy cos he realised etc)
Diaz parents being dickheads, we get a will mention AND an Eddie confession that is overheard by buck, (then either buck acts on it before the ep is over or we are left on a question mark) AND THEN we get the flashback
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perlukafarinn · 2 months
Usually when Claire works the closing shift at Rocky's, she and Dean will wind down with a couple of beers at the end of the night. It's a nice little ritual Claire looks forward to every time she comes around, though she'd never admit as much out loud.
Tonight, Dean has mixed up a batch of one of his specialty cocktails - The Queen of Moondoor. It's bright, a sort of red-orange color, and has a sweet and sour taste that makes Claire's jaw ache.
"Do you like it?" Dean asks, like Claire's opinion really matters.
She nods. "It's good."
She's not lying. Dean isn't really a cocktails kind of guy but he's put a lot of effort into every detail of Rocky's. From the various pride flags carefully hung behind the bar, to the salt painted into the windowsills, every inch of the place is meticulously planned out. Rocky's isn't officially a hunter's bar - though it is explicitly a gay bar - but it's become an unofficial gathering place of queer hunters across the continental US.
Even the cocktails on the menu are Dean's own invention. All of them have a backstory, some of which Claire isn't privy to. She knows enough to understand why the Queen of Moondoor is Dean's personal favorite, though.
It also packs a surprising punch. Two drinks in, and Claire already feels herself tilting from tipsy into full-on drunk. She slows down her pace.
"How long are you planning on sticking around now?" Dean asks, because free booze is never just free booze with him. There's always the interrogation. He's almost as much of a mom as Jody is.
"A few days," Claire answers vaguely. "Maybe longer, who knows. I don't have any hunts lined up right now and you pay pretty well."
She knows for a fact he pays her double what he does his other bartenders. Neither one of them ever mentions it, though.
"Weren't you heading back to Jody's?"
Claire shrugs, uncomfortable. She had been, before last night's call with Kaia. They're good most days, even with the strain of Claire being on the road half the time, but sometimes when they talk, they'll hit on a sore topic for one of them and things will get stilted.
The anniversary of Mom's death is coming up in a couple of weeks. Kaia wanted to join Claire for her visit to the cemetery.
"What's on your mind, Strawberry Shortcake?"
Claire is supposed to roll her eyes now. Tell Dean to fuck off and mind his own business.
She doesn't really want to do that. But she doesn't know how to explain to Dean what she's feeling, either.
"It's stupid," she says. "I'm being dramatic."
"You? Never."
Claire scoffs, and Dean's eyes soften.
"You can talk to me, you know."
"Yeah," Claire says, because she does. He gets her, weirdly enough. They get each other. It probably doesn't say great things about either of them. "I just... I feel like I'm making up problems."
Dean takes a sip of his drink. It's difficult to look dignified, drinking out of a straw, and he does not remotely manage it. "Let me be the judge of that."
"Kaia wants-" Claire stops herself, because that's not the point of it. "I - we're good. Me and Kaia. I don't feel ashamed about it."
Dean waits for her continue.
"I'm a lesbian," Claire adds, even though, duh.
"Congrats," Dean says, and it feels like it could be sarcastic but it's not. He means it.
"I don't think -" no, that's not right. "I know my parents wouldn't be okay with that."
The statement lands heavily between them. It feels bitter on Claire's tongue, an ugly truth held at bay for far too long. She feels awful saying it, like she's failing her parents. Speaking ill of the dead. But it's the truth.
Mom and Dad would make these... comments. And Claire remembers each one with perfect clarity, because she's known something was different about her for a very long time. She knew those comments were aimed at her, even if her parents didn't.
They were wonderful parents in every other aspect. Up until they abandoned her, that is. Claire still can't help but feel like she's failing them, sometimes, being who she is.
"They might have changed their minds," Dean offers. "If they'd known. It's different when it's your own kid."
Claire eyes him, curious. "Was it different for your parents?"
Something crosses over Dean's expression, too quickly for Claire to catch it.
"No," he admits after a beat. He runs his hand over his face. "Maybe - Mom might have been fine with it. She didn't know."
Claire swallows. "But your dad did. And it wasn't different."
She feels cruel, pushing the topic. But there's some perverse part of her that needs the confirmation. Dean reminds her of herself, in a lot of ways. He'd say it was the other way around. If he experienced the rejection that Claire feared as a kid, the one that still scares her even if it's purely theoretical now, then that proves something.
"It wasn't," Dean admits. "But Jimmy Novak was no John Winchester."
Claire's chest aches. There's some hollow triumph at the abstract confirmation of her worst fears. Mostly, she just feels like shit.
"For what it's worth," Dean adds, "I think you're perfect. No notes."
Embarrassingly, Claire's lower lip wobbles. She clears her throat, looking off to the side as she tries to regain her composure.
"You think you're my dad or something?" she asks, voice rough.
Dean shrugs, looking embarrassed himself. "I kind of think of you as my kid, yeah. If that's okay."
Claire crosses her arms, feeling warm and aching and off-kilter. "I - yeah. Yeah, that's fine."
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it till you make it | Part 11
“Be careful, Eddie” were Wayne’s words as he hugged his nephew goodbye, knowing he wouldn’t see him for a whole week and honestly still being a little worried about it “if you think even for one minute that something’s off, just… just get out of there, alright?”
“I know, I know, I’ll bolt through the woods and hitchhike my way home, I know the way, Wayne, I got this.” He could read a compass, he’d be able to get a map from any gas station and head home, he was resourceful, an adult, he could handle himself.
“Damn right you got this, son. But… be careful in other ways too, alright? Steve’s a charmin boy, but… remember this ain’t real.” Eddie had bitten his bottom lip at that one, brows furrowed in thought, those big brown eyes of his swirling in emotion, he never did hide his feelings well, it’d always be a little real for him. “Protect this” Wayne poked his chest with a gentle prod, right over Eddie’s heart “okay?”
“Mhm, I will…” he’d try to anyway. Steve really was… charming. An his kisses? God his kisses… but also... it really was the closest he’d ever been to what romance ought to be, what a relationship ought to be, he never thought he’d have that.
The world didn’t appear to be moving fast enough for him to truly experience romance as most people did.
He had to remember that he didn’t have that.
“Eddie! C’mon you’re in the back with me!” Steve called from the garage door, behind which the car was rumbling, their bags packed into the back, Steve’s parents already inside, ready to go. The longest Eddie had ever been away from Wayne since arriving in Hawkins, was three days during a weekend trip to Indy with the band to play at a slightly bigger venue than the Hideout as a one off.
A favour for his favourite gay bar when a live act they’d scheduled pulled out last minute. It hadn’t gotten them a lot of exposure, but it’d been a fun and enlightening night for the band.
“Best get on, son, I’ll see you in a week. Call when you can alright? Don’t care if you wake me up or about no damn time zones, just call, I’ll answer, an if I don’t, you know the plant’s number.” Tight lipped, strained smile, Eddie nodded quickly then turned on his heel and graced Steve with a brilliant smile, game on.
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“I don’t wish to alarm anyone, but... did we miss a turning?” Eddie may have been unusually quiet for the first leg of their journey, nerves having hit him like a truck the second they pulled out of Loch Nora, but he was paying attention to his surroundings.
And those surroundings, were all too quickly, Fort Wayne International Airport.
“You don’t honestly expect rich people to drive the whole way to Canada do you?” Steve’s voice was amused and came from so very close to his ear that he actually jumped, quickly turning in his seat, back plastered against his side of the back seat, eyes wide as he took in and processed what Steve said. “Plus, what would you rather do, spend nearly two days in a car with my parents—”
“We’d make wonderful road trip companions, don’t be rude Steven” came his mother’s interruption
Steve ignored it in favour of continuing his point “—orr… around ten hours in one of those with a brief stop off in Chicago.” Steve leaned inward, uncaring of personal space as he pointed to a plane, ascending into the heavens from the runway.
“I don’t—” he didn’t know. He’d never been on a plane before. Trips like that, across country, they were the stuff of road trip legend, but Steve had a point…
Two whole days of a trip stuck in a car. Or just ten hours. Eddie’s eyes skipped to the window again, to the plane now disappearing beyond the overcast cloud cover.
“It’ll be okay, Eds, I’ll sit right next to you the whole time, you’ll be okay.”
“What if we crash? What if it falls out of the sky? What’ll you do?”
“My best to keep you safe.” It was so earnest, coupled with Steve gently taking his hands and giving them a squeeze, eyes so full of raw honesty, of understanding, it hit Eddie directly in all his soft gooey bits. “I’ll hold your hand through the whole ten hours if you want.”
“Even during the stop in Chicago?”
“Hah, yeah baby, even during the stop in Chicago.”
“They’re a lot more openminded in Chicago too!” Lynda spoke up without turning her head, allowing Eddie to not get stuck on baby for too long “might get a few looks from people passing through the airport but nobody will say anything, and if they do, they deal with us.”
“If we had enough time during the stop we’d have taken a trip around the city, let you boys see some of the sights we’ve seen, but alas, our connection gives us an hour at most depending on everything being on time, and that’s just enough time to get us from one gate to the next.” John added as he pulled into the long stay parking lot. “Maybe some other time, some other family trip, eh Eddie?”
Eddie’s wide eyes turned to the front of the car, then back to Steve again, lips parted ever so slightly in surprise. Not surprise over the words used, but the feeling those words caused. Family trip. They were including him on future family trips.
Steve’s eyes quickly snapped from him to the front of the car and back again, then a warm smile blossomed on his lips. He lifted his hand and ever so carefully brushed a stray curl back behind Eddie’s ear, and asked so softly as his thumb lowered to brush along his jawline. “Right, Eddie?”
“Y-yeah… yeah I’d… I’d love that.” He turned his head fully toward the drivers seat, he’d never been too good at hiding his emotions, so maybe he was just a little choked up when he accepted the offer “I’d really love that.”
“Great!” The car came to a stop in one of the many parking bays, ignition off, driver side door opened “It’s settled then.” Settled. Eddie would privately mourn the knowledge that it’d never come to fruition, but… on the surface he could pretend he was excited for a future trip for the sake of the ruse. “Now boys if you could get the bigger bags out the trunk that’d be a big help! This back of mine isn’t as sturdy as it used to be.”
“You’re forty-six and go jogging almost every morning, don’t be stupid John.” Lynda whapped her husband with her handbag in gentle, semi-amused admonishment before getting out of the car.
Followed by her husband who, in a hushed tone replied with “don’t tell them that, Lynda, save us the work.” Leaving the two boys to breathe soft laughs between themselves before they too joined the older couple out in the parking lot.
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“Steve...” Eddie hissed as they neared check-in.
“I have weed” said through his teeth.
“What?” Steve paused.
“I have weed… I have weed in my suitcase.”
“You have what?!” Steve rounded on him, sentence ended with a pointed hiss
“I didn’t know we’d be flying to Canada, Steve, maybe you should tell people when you’re planning on launching them into the troposphere in a death tube!”
“Why would you bring weed on a holiday with my parents, Eddie?!”
“SHHHH, be quiet. I thought I might need it to chill out if I was freaking out at some point during the week like right now, I could really do with it right now.”
“Oh my god.”
“Steven? Is something wrong?” Lynda’s voice had them both snapping to attention, eyes wide, caught in the act. Luckily she had no idea what that ‘act’ was.
“Nope! No, uh, Eddie’s just gotta… use the bathroom real quick.”
“Well, there’s bathrooms in the business class lounge he can—"
“No! It’s uhm, it’s urgent, can’t wait, he’s uh…”
“Nerves, it’s uh, it’s nerves, I think imma hurl” she looked between them with a small frown on her face, assessing them both, it seemed like whatever she found wasn’t worth arguing about though, because she waved them off with a quick flick of her wrist.
“Alright fine, hurry up. Steven you know where the closest ones are go on now quickly before we’re late for check in, we’ll double check everything here.” John was already pausing to check through all their documents like a regular airport dad, it was the third time he’d done it since entering the airport.
“Alright let’s go, Eds, lets deal with your little problem.” At least he was soft-handed when he manhandled Eddie to the nearest bathroom, patchy suitcase with a squeaky wheel wobbling away behind them. Once inside, he checked each stall individually, before quickly turning on a wide eyed Eddie. “Where is it?” Eddie pointed down at the suitcase, and Steve snapped to action, lifting, and placing Eddie’s suitcase down on the slightly damp row of sinks. “Did you pack any liquid soaps?”
“Uhhh…” Eddie was too busy staring at the flex of Steve’s arms as he just. Lifted that whole very packed suitcase in one hoist. Fuck.
“Any shampoo? Conditioner?”
“I—I feel like my answer is going to make you mad so I’m just not going to answer.” Which on its own, was a pretty damning answer, and Steve’s expression told him as such “I don’t have a twelve step hair care routine like you do, Steve! I just… I have drug store shampoo and conditioner and that’s really only when it’s on a two for one sale! Usually I just—"
“If you say you water it down to make it last longer I’m going to throw the first thing I find in this suitcase at you.”
“Shutting up. I just thought I’d buy it there if I needed it, or just borrow yours, I know you brought some, right?”
“Well then, I figured that… if I borrowed yours it’d make it seem like I just… wanted… to smell like you?”
“You just made that up.” Eddie just smiled, all teeth and dimples, scrunching his shoulders inwards in an unfairly cute display of mischief. “You’re a menace, Munson. Get your stuff out of there for me. Don’t ever put weed in checked luggage.”
“TSA does random checks on checked luggage all the time, an while they’re not usually looking for weed, it’ll get launched and you might get fined. Whereas you can hide weed in just about anything in a carry on, just shows up as vague blurred shit on the x-ray scanners. Just be cool when you shove it through.” Steve was rummaging in the front of his own bag now, “be cool, and act natural.”
“You sound like you’ve done this before.”
“Mn once or twice, Tommy was a dick, but his cousin worked for the TSA for a few years, gave us all kinds’a neat tricks to get things through the airport.” Tommy’s cousin had gotten fired and a year inside for attempting to smuggle narcotics out of the confiscated items lock up, but that was neither here nor there. “Gimmie what you have.” Hand outstretched, Steve waited until Eddie placed the single baggie containing three roll ups and a few loose buds “Christ Eddie.”
“I knew I’d be nervous! Stop being mean to me!” Steve rolled his eyes before taking the three roll ups out of the baggie
“Your smokes, give em.” Plenty of room in the pack to slot the three roll ups, and as for the buds, Steve emptied out his travel sized bottle of hand lotion into the sink and stuffed the whole plastic bag into the little bottle, then screwed the lid on tight. Nobody would look twice at a rich kids hand lotion. “Now wet the ends of your hair.”
“Your hair butthead! Wet it, we told my mother you’d be in here hurling your guts up, so… you got some in your hair, it’s a good extra to add to the ruse, now do it.”
“So my own boyfriend wouldn’t even hold my hair back if I threw up? Where’s the romance, where’s the commitment, where’s the care and—”
“Dude you have a lot of hair, I doubt I could get it all in my hand at once.” Although now that thought was in his head… could he? Could he get a good fistful and hold it there? Not important. “I’d drop bits.” A flimsy argument, he wouldn’t drop anything.
“Uh-huh, sure you would, big boy.” Eddie quickly dampened the tips of his hair, and ran a wet hand through his bangs quickly in a bid to fake flop sweat, theatrics over and done with. “Zipper-up, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
Part 13
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fourmula1 · 6 months
so what about a nashville gay bar full of wannabe cowboys in western shirts but with the sleeves cut off of course. its all boots and belt buckles, hats and bolo ties. 
and there’s country music and line dancing. there’s a mechanical bull in the back. daniel’s taken it for a ride already and he knows how to move - both to hold on to the bull and keep all eyes on him. the bull is always a shoe-in for nabbing him a hot cowboy for the night to dance with under the  dive bar neon and he’s got more than a couple of boys flashing their belt buckles and offering to buy him a drink. daniel’s spent most weekends here and he’s fucked most cowboys here but it never gets old. 
but what is new is the boy in the corner - wrangler jeans tighter than all get out, pulled over his boots, tight around his thick thighs. his pendleton print denim shirt doesn't have the sleeves cut off and his top few buttons are actually done right up. he’s not showing off for anyone. the boys in here are mostly playing the part of country boy but daniel can tell this guy is a real one. a bit of an awkward standout in a place like this but he probably fits in just fine on a ranch, tossing bales to the cows with well-worn leather gloves.
daniel nudges his way past the guy trying to chat him up and crosses the bar to the new stranger trying to hide in the dark corner. 
never seen you here before, he says; tips his hat and grins at the immediate pink blush dusting the guy’s cheeks. daniel can’t see his eyes beneath the brim of his hat, pulled down low. he’s shy. maybe scared. daniel leans up against the pillar at the edge of the dancefloor and crosses his arms over his chest. his is on show - three buttons undone, smooth waxed skin glistening under the lights of the dancefloor.
never been here before, the guy tells him and lifts his head and daniel’s heart stutters in his chest at the shine of the guy’s pretty blue eyes. the dimly lit dancefloor doesn’t hide anything. blue blue blue. 
he has a little twang of a country accent, and he shrugs a little, and daniel feels hungry. the guy is stocky and muscular in the way a man gets from actual hard work, not from hitting the gym just to look pretty. daniel wants to be under him immediately.
but first:
well, you wanna take me for a twirl or what? he asks, signature cheeky grin shining through. he knows he’s irresistible.
you know how to two-step? blue eyes asks and daniel’s knees would have buckled had he not been leaning up against that pillar.
most of the boys in these parts are Rainey Street wannabes who buy a cheap cowboy hat and call it a night. they know some line dances but that’s about it.
daniel smiles and stands up straight, holds his hand out to blue eyes and shivers when he takes it. 
and then he’s being pulled in close with a big hand at the small of his back, and pressed against blue eyes’ chest and oh, he is good. they flow together perfectly and daniel’s never danced with a stranger and had it go this well. the guy leads, and daniel goes easy, and it’s when he does indeed get twirled and pulled back into the pretty boy’s arms for a dip that he’s sure he’s a bit in love.
and they two-step the night away and daniel gets them drinks and learns that blue eyes’ name is max and he works on a ranch a few miles down the road and later daniel gets to learn for real how strong max’s hard-work muscular body is and how max’s hat looks hanging from daniel’s bedpost and how max’s roughed up hands feel pressing him into the sheets and how after tonight he never has a reason to go out dancing alone ever again because their life together is a real life country song. 
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nightwriter357 · 3 months
Smosh summer games: Ships
This is the first part of a Damien Haas x reader series called, you guessed it, Smosh summer games: Ships. This first part is mainly setup and doesn't contain any smut but is still 18+ and the next parts will be very smutty.
Hope you enjoy!
Part 1 - and they were roommates?
Exitment filled the air as you packed the last of your things into your suitcase. Smosh Summer Games is making a comeback and it's shaping up to be one for the books, especially since it's the first one since Anthony's return, and the first one ever for you and many of the other cast members. You felt incredibly lucky to be part of a team where you genuinely enjoyed the company of your colleagues. Not many people could say they looked forward to spending this much time with their coworkers, but for you, it was like a dream come true. If you were honest though, there was one coworker who you were a bit extra excited to see more of.
As you zipped up your bag, you couldn't help but think about him, Damien. Over the past few months, you'd found yourself increasingly attracted to him. He was funny, kind, and always made you feel appreciated even on the days when you weren't feeling good about yourself. The thought of spending time with him, in a more relaxed and domestic setting, made your pulse quicken. Maybe this trip would be the perfect opportunity to see if there was something more between you two. You have a hard time imagining him making the first move, but you can't really see yourself doing it either. Maybe you just need to start dropping some big hints.
You all stood at the office parking lot, the cars were packed, and the cast was ready to hit the road. You hopped into the car with Courtney, Amanda, Angela, Olivia, Chanse, and Tommy. Courtney took charge of the playlist, and soon the car was filled with the nostalgic sounds of the early 2000s.
Courtney pulled out a camera and started vlogging. "Welcome to the 'Gays and Girls' car! We've got Amanda, Angela, Arasha, Olivia, Chanse, Tommy, and y/n. We're on our way to the Smosh Summer Games, and it's going to be epic!"
Amanda turned in her seat, grinning. "So, Court, tell us what we can expect. This is our first time."
Courtney smirked at the camera. "Oh, you're in for a treat. There's always something crazy happening. And, somehow, things always get a bit sexual or spicy," she pushed her hair behind her ear
Arasha raised an eyebrow at the camera. "Sexual? Like how?"
Courtney laughed. "Well like, on the car ride to the first winter games a no-fap rule was introduced. So I can imagine they're already starting to say some wild stuff in the boys' car. It was hilarious watching everyone struggle with it."
Chanse snorted. "Please, those guys have no self-control. I give them two days."
You leaned forward, "but we are going to be sharing rooms right?"
Olivia chimed in, " that's not going to stop those demons, they are nuts."
Tommy raised an eyebrow, "right Olivia, they're nuts.."
You laughed along with the others, your mind drifting back to Damien. You wondered if he would struggle with that. The thought made you blush, and you quickly looked out the window to hide your face.
The vlog cut to the boys' car. Shayne took control of the camera, turning it to face himself, Damien, Spencer, Keith, Noah, and Trevor.
"Welcome to the 'Boner Mobile'!" Shayne announced with a laugh. "We are definitely the cooler car. Right, guys?"
"Absolutely," Damien agreed, leaning in to the shot. "We're on our way to the Smosh Summer Games, and we're going to crush it."
Keith laughed. "Yeah, especially with Anthony back. This is going to be wild."
Spencer, who was driving, glanced at the camera. "You guys better be ready. This year's gonna be intense."
" Why are you so sure about that?" Trevor questioned
Spencer gave a sly smile, " Oh, you will soon see".
Shayne smirked at the camera. "Do you think anyone's gonna stick to the no-fap rule this time?"
The car burst into laughter.
Noah looked at the camera, " It did not work out that well the first time."
Damien chuckled. "Oh man, I can't believe you guys actually did that."
Keith nodded. "Yeah, it was total chaos."
Trevor chimed in, "I'm just excited to see who cracks first."
Damien let out a big sigh, " I'm scared to find out which one of you I'm rooming with."
Spencer laughed, " ooh, I think you're going to be on board"
Shayne leaned back, grinning at the camera. "So anyway, Do you guys remember the wet t-shirt contest we had one year?"
Spencer's eyes lit up. "Oh man, really? That sounds awesome!"
Shayne laughed. "Yeah, except it was the guys who got wet, and the girls were the ones spraying us."
Spencer looked directly in to the camera lens, "you know, I wouldn't mind getting sprayed by a woman."
The car erupted in laughter again, the mood light and full of camaraderie as they continued their journey.
When you finally arrived, you felt a rush of excitement. The air was filled with the scent of the ocean and a cool breeze hit you as you jumped out of the car. You caught sight of Damien getting out of the boys' car, your eyes met briefly, and he flashed you a grin that made your heart skip a beat.
Damien wiped some sweat from his brow, his arm flexing slightly as he did. His silver hair was a bit disheveled, and you found him incredibly sexy in that moment. You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks heat up. As you grabbed your bag, you couldn't help but steal another glance at him. This time, you noticed the way his shirt clung to his back, highlighting his muscles. You bit your lip, trying to focus on anything else.
As the group gathered on the dock, the anticipation was palpable. You could feel the excitement bubbling over. Everyone was eager to find out what surprises lay ahead.
Spencer stepped forward, a big grin on his face and a whistle hanging around his neck, He looked at the camera, "Welcome, everyone, to the return of the Smosh Summer Games!" he announced, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "And this year, we have a special surprise for you."
With that, Spencer blew the whistle, and from behind a curtain, Anthony and Ian emerged in their costumes. Anthony was dressed as a sailor, complete with a white and blue sailor hat and a striped shirt, while Ian sported a full pirate getup, complete with an eye patch and a plastic parrot on his shoulder.
The cast burst into laughter and applause.
Ian stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear. "That's rrrr-right! This year's theme is 'Ships!' And we're taking it literally."
Anthony nodded. "We'll be living on this massive boat for the duration of the games."
You could feel the excitement and surprise ripple through the group. Chanse raised an eyebrow. "Wait, did you say we're staying on a boat?"
"That's right," Spencer confirmed. "And I'll be your judge this year, making sure everything runs smoothly and fairly."
Courtney couldn't contain her laughter. "This is going to be amazing. I can't believe we're actually doing this."
Tommy added, "I've never even been on a boat this big before. This is going to be wild."
"Let's get started with the team names," Anthony said, stepping forward. "I'll be leading 'The seamen.'"
Ian, with a mischievous glint in his eye, announced, "And I'll be leading 'The leg peggers.'"
The cast erupted into laughter again. Shayne wiped a tear from his eye. "You guys really went all out with the themes this year."
The group erupted in cheers and surprised exclamations. You glanced at the massive boat docked nearby, this was going to be amazing.
"Now, before we pick our teams, let's explore our home for the next few weeks," Ian suggested
Everyone hurried to the boat, eager to explore. As you climbed aboard, you couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of it. The boat was equipped with everything you could possibly need: a large deck for sunbathing, a cozy common room with couches and beanbags, and a kitchen stocked with snacks and drinks.
You and Courtney found your room, a cozy cabin with bunk beds. "Looks like we're bunking together," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, this is going to be fun," you replied, trying to keep your excitement in check. The room was small but charming, with nautical-themed decor and a porthole window that offered a view of the ocean.
Noah poked his head into your room. "Check out this place! It's like we're on an actual pirate ship."
Keith laughed from down the hall. "I call top bunk in our room!"
Courtney quickly called out. "I call top bunk!", tossing her bag onto the bed.
"Fine by me," you said, setting your bag on the bottom bunk. The room was small but cozy, with just enough space for your things.
After unpacking a few essentials, you and Courtney joined the others to explore the rest of the boat. You passed by Amanda and Angela's' room, where they were already bantering about who got the better bed.
Shayne and Damien were in the kitchen, rummaging through the snack supplies. "This is going to be awesome," Shayne said, holding up a bag of chips.
Damien nodded, "Definitely. This boat is incredible."
Everyone explored the boat some more, checking out the various rooms and common areas. The ship had a large dining hall, a deck with lounge chairs, and even a hot tub.
After a while, Ian and Anthony gathered everyone on the deck. The view of the ocean was breathtaking, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. The cameras were rolling.
Ian clapped his hands, "Alright, now that you've seen the boat, it's time to reveal the twist for this year. In addition to the usual team based games, we'll be competing in pairs for many of the challenges. These pairs have been voted on by the fans, and it's pretty obvious they went with their favorite ships."
Amanda gasped, " Oh my good, so that's why the theme is ships?"
Ian smiled, "exactly, people being shipped on a ship", he winked at the camera
The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone waited to hear who they would be paired with. You couldn't help but glance at Damien, wondering if you would be paired with him. It would make sense, every time you were in a video together someone would comment about the way you were looking at each other. There were countless compilation videos of you too, but then again, there were for many of the other cast as well. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, but you knew that no matter what, this was going to be an unforgettable summer.
Anthony continued, "After our judge announces the ships, Ian and I will pick our teams from those pairs. So take it away Spencer!"
You just noticed Spencer wasn't there. A door swung open and he emerged, dressed in a formal robe, a white wig that could have belonged to a founding father, already sweating.
"Why are you dressed like that man? It's so fucking hot out here" Angela exclaimed upon seeing him.
Spencer proudly declared, "I am the judge" he raised his eye brow "Also did somebody just say I looked hot?"
Chanse squinted his eyes at him, "no".
Trevor put him arm on Spencers shoulder, "I don't think you're supposed to be this kind of judge"
Spencer looked back at him, "Objection."
You tilted your head at him, " I don't think that's.."
Spencer waved his arm around, "overruled."
"Alright everyone, it's time for one of the most anticipated moments: the announcement of the pairs for this year's Smosh Summer Games!" Spencer declared, a grin spreading across his face. "This year, we've taken your favorite ships and made them a reality. Let's see who we got"
You felt a buzz of excitement and curiosity ripple through the group as Spencer began reading the pairs from his list.
"First up," Spencer said, "Courtney and Shayne!"
Courtney let out a cheer and high-fived Shayne. "We're going to crush this!"
Shayne chuckled, putting his arm around her. "Dream team, baby!"
Angelas eyes widened, "that IS so shocking "
"Next, Keith and Noah!"
Keith and Noah grinned at each other, clearly pleased with the pairing. "The dynamic duo is back!" Noah announced, and Keith gave him a playful nudge.
"Amanda and Angela!"
Amanda and Angela exchanged a hug, laughing. "Let's do this girl!" Amanda said, and Angela nodded enthusiastically.
"Tommy and Chanse!"
Tommy and Chanse glanced at each other, smiling. "This is going to be so gay!" Tommy exclaimed.
"And hot" Chanse chimed in.
"And last but not least, Damien and y/n!"
Your heart skipped a beat as Spencer called out your name alongside Damien's. You turned to see Damien smiling at you, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Looks like you drew the short stick," he said, stepping closer.
You smiled back, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. "Oh yeah, I was rooting for Shaymien."
He leaned in and whispered in a playfully tone, "I wasn't."
As the ships were announced, the cast mates all seemed pretty pleased with their pairings. Olivia didn't get a partner since it was an uneven number so instead she was going to be like a cheerleader for the games, which she seemed pleased with
"Perfect pairs!" Keith shouted, giving a thumbs-up.
"Can't wait to see how this plays out," Noah added with a grin.
The group gathered around as Ian and Anthony stepped forward in their costumes, ready to pick their teams. Spencer held up his whistle and blew it once more to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, everyone, it's time for our fearless leaders to pick their teams!" Spencer announced. "Ian and Anthony will take turns choosing pairs. Ian, you get first pick."
Ian looked at the assembled pairs, stroking his fake pirate beard for dramatic effect. "For the first pick of the 2024 Smosh Summer Games, Team 'The Leg Peggers' selects... Shayne and Courtney!"
Courtney laughed and nudged Shayne before catching the shirt Ian had thrown to her. "Called it."
Shayne smirked. "Of course I'd be in the peg team. It's destiny."
The group burst into laughter, and Anthony stepped forward, a mock-serious expression on his face. "And for Team 'The Seamen,' I choose two veterans... Keith and Noah!" He tossed them their shirts.
Keith and Noah high-fived each other. "Let's do this!" Keith shouted.
Noah nodded. "We are gonna KILL you guys!"
Keith scrunched his face, "okay, chill man"
Ian surveyed the remaining pairs and made his next choice. "Alright, Team 'The Leg Peggers' selects... Damien and y/n!"
Damien shook Ian's hand, "so happy to be here."
Your heart skipped a beat again as you stepped forward with Damien. You exchanged a glance, both of you smiling and you took each other's hands and held them up proudly. You looked at the shirt that was just handed to you, A cartoon pirate putting his wooden leg into the ass of another pirate, fitting.
Anthony followed up quickly, holding up the shirt for 'the Seamen'. It was a cartoon Sperm with a sailor hat and ascot on, also fitting."'The Seamen' picks, our queens... Amanda and Angela!"
Amanda and Angela cheered and hugged each other. "Yes! I knew I would get semen" Angela exclaimed.
"Angela" Chanse quickly said in response to Angelas comment.
Ian grinned and looked at the final pairs. "And last but not least for 'The Leg Peggers'... Tommy and Chanse!"
Tommy and Chanse stepped forward. "Let's go!" Chanse said.
Anthony finished up with the remaining pair. "And that means Arasha and Trevor are on 'The Seamen'!"
Arasha and Trevor exchanged a fist bump. "I always am" Trevor announced.
With the teams chosen, Spencer blew his whistle again. "Alright, everyone, the teams are set! Get ready for the first challenge of the Smosh Summer Games!"
The crew came in to set up the first game, as the teams gathered on the deck of the boat, the excitement palpable in the air. Ian and Anthony stood at the front, each holding a water balloon. Spencer, still dressed in his formal robe, completely out of sync with the ship theme, stepped up and blew his whistle to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, everyone! Welcome to the return of the Smosh Summer Games!" Spencer announced with a flourish. "And for our first game, we're bringing back a classic with a twist: the Water Balloon Toss Challenge!"
The cast erupted in cheers and laughter, the atmosphere buzzing with energy.
Spencer continued, adjusting his wig, "Here's how it works. You and your partner will stand opposite each other and toss the water balloon back and forth. But there's a twist this year! The contestants are coated in a special lube that you might also remember from a previous summer game, making it slippery and challenging to catch and hold onto those balloons. After each successful catch, you take a step back. If your balloon falls to the ground or breaks, you're out! The last pair standing wins points for their team."
Everyone nodded, as two big barrels of lube got carried in. You dipped your hands in one of them watching the lube drip in between your fingers. You dragged your hands over your arms coating them in lube.
Damien came up behind you, his breath warm against your ear. " Do you really think we need to be that thorough?"
You looked over your shoulder, "oh yeah, you can't just go in dry"
He reached into the bucket from behind you, lube running from his hands to your sides as he pulled his arms back.
"Hey" you turned around " bopping him on the nose with your lubricated finger, " you spilled".
He grabbed your wrists, " can't let you go in dry, y/n" he smiled at you. You felt yourself go a little weak in the knees.
Ian clapped his hands, gathering his team. "Alright, Leg Peggers! Let's show them how we handle slippery situations!"
You turned around to face them. Everyone was lubed up and already strategizing with their partner. Damien let go of your wrists.
Anthony smirked, turning to his team. "Seamen, let's keep those balloons intact!"
You and Damien took your positions, your heart racing with excitement. Damien flashed you a confident grin. "Ready to show them how it's done?"
You smiled back, feeling a flutter in your chest. "Oh, I was born ready."
Shayne and Courtney, Keith and Noah, Amanda and Angela, and the rest of the pairs lined up, ready to start.
"Order in the court. On your mark... get set... toss!" Spencer shouted, blowing his whistle.
The air was soon filled with shouts and laughter as balloons flew back and forth. The first few rounds were easy, but as the pairs stepped further apart and tried to maintain their grip on the slippery balloons, the challenge intensified. Spencer's commentary added to the fun, making everyone laugh with his witty remarks.
Trevor and Arasha were the first to be eliminated, their balloon bursting in a spectacular splash as Trevor slipped and came crashing down on it.
Spencer grinned, "Well, there goes Trevor and Arasha, making a splash in all the wrong ways! Careful, Trevor, or you might slip your way into the ocean next!"
Arasha gave Spencer a look, "was that a threat?"
You and Damien managed to keep your balloon intact, but the lube made it challenging. Each catch required careful coordination, Damien's large hands deftly maneuvering the slippery surface. You admired the way he handled the balloon, his fingers tracing the surface with surprising gentleness despite the slippery surface.
Ian, who was getting increasingly sweaty in his pirate getup, called out, "Come on, Leg Peggers! Don't you dare peg those balloons!"
Anthony, not missing a beat, shouted, "Seamen, keep it together! We can't afford any premature bursts!"
Shayne and Courtney's balloon slipped through Shayne's fingers, drenching him. Spencer laughed, "Looks like Shayne's all wet! Courtney, maybe you should have aimed a little lower!"
Spencer's comments kept flowing. "Remember, folks, it's not about the size of the balloon, it's about not dropping it!"
You and Damien moved further apart, the tension rising. "You're pretty good at this," you called to him, struggling to keep your grip on the balloon.
Damien chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Big talk, let's see if you can back it up."
Amanda and Angela's coordination was impressive, and it was clear they were in the zone. When you and Damien stepped back for another toss, the balloon slipped through your fingers, breaking upon impact. Splashing you straight in the face.
Spencer blew the whistle, "And there goes y/n and Damien! So close! Looks like y/n's all wet now too!", you rolled your eyes at him and he smiled in response.
Amanda and Angela were the last pair standing, their balloon still intact. They screamed in excitement and hugged each other tightly, water and lube dripping down their arms.
Spencer approched them, "any finishing statements?"
"Slap the bag" Angela said as she slapped the lube covered balloon with her free hand, making lube spay everywhere.
"Angela" Chance said as he wiped his eyes.
Spencer blew the final whistle. "We have our winners! Amanda and Angela for Team Seamen!"
"Great job, Amanda and Angela!" Anthony cheered, clapping for his team.
Damien smiled at you, slightly breathless. "Not bad for our first game."
"Right? the fans did good," you replied, feeling the chemistry between you two intensify.
"Definitely," Damien agreed, his eyes twinkling.
Anthony gathered his team, giving encouraging words and high-fives. "Seamen, we took the first win! Let's keep this momentum going!"
Ian, not to be outdone, rallied his team. "Leg Peggers, we were close! Let's come back and really peg those legs the next game!"
Anthony gave on last look to the camera as he delivered the final line, " That's 'seamen' one, 'Leg peggers' ZERO.
As the excitement from the game began to die down, Spencer, still in his black robe, shouted, "Alright everyone, you're all covered in lube and water. What better way to clean off than to jump into the ocean?"
The suggestion was met with enthusiastic cheers.
"Last one in is a munge!" Shayne yelled, sprinting towards the edge of the deck and leaping into the water with a loud splash.
You laughed, grabbing Damien's hand. "Come on, let's go!"
He grinned, squeezing your hand gently before you both ran and jumped into the cool, refreshing water. The sensation of the ocean washing away the lube was invigorating. You surfaced with a laugh, wiping the water from your eyes.
Damien surfaced beside you, his wet silver hair clinging to his forehead. "That was awesome!"
You splashed him playfully. "I told you we'd have fun!"
Around you, the rest of the cast joined in, jumping off the boat and into the water. Courtney and Shayne were already splashing each other, their playful banter echoing across the waves.
"Take that!" Courtney laughed, splashing Shayne directly in the face.
Shayne retaliated by dunking her briefly under the water. "Gotcha!"
Keith and Noah were trying to wash the stickiness off, but it quickly turned into a water fight.
"Noah, you missed a spot," Keith said, pretending to help but then splashing water all over Noah's face.
Noah laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, it's on now!"
Amanda and Angela were swimming gracefully, occasionally flicking water at each other but mostly just enjoying the coolness of the ocean.
"This feels amazing after being all sticky," Chanse said, floating on her back. Tommy nodded, agreeing.
Trevor and Arasha were trying to clean each other's backs, but their efforts kept resulting in more laughter as they slipped and splashed.
"Hold still!" Arasha giggled, trying to scrub Trevor's shoulder.
"I can't when you're tickling me!" Trevor protested, laughing.
Damien turned to you, his eyes sparkling. "Looks like everyone's having a blast."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the sun. "Yeah, this is perfect."
He reached out, gently wiping a strand of wet hair from your face. "You know, I think I got the best partner."
You felt your whole body tingling at the soft touch of his hand. "I think so too." You scrunched your face in realization of what you just said. " I mean I think you..you know"
He smirked at you, he seemed to enjoy watching you squirm. "Yeah, I think I do"
Anthony and Ian, watching from the deck, exchanged a look. Anthony grinned, "Well, we can't let them have all the fun."
Ian nodded, already removing his pirate hat. "Alright, let's do this!"
The two of them ran towards the edge and jumped in with a synchronized splash, joining the rest of the cast in the water.
Spencer stood at the edge, shaking his head. "I can't go in while wearing this!"
Without missing a beat, Olivia grinned mischievously and gave Spencer a gentle push, sending him tumbling into the water with a surprised yelp.
The entire group erupted into laughter as Spencer surfaced, his robe soaked. "Olivia!" he yelled, but even he couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation as his wig started to float away.
The rest of the cast continued to mess with each other, Shayne had gotten a hold of Spencers wig and started throwing it around. Spencer flashed a playfull pout before joining in. Later the cast climbed back onto the boat, dripping wet and still laughing from their swim. Towels were handed out, and everyone began drying off, sharing jokes and stories about the day's events.
Keith shook his head, chuckling as he dried off his hair. "I can't believe Olivia just pushed Spencer in. That was legendary!"
Spencer, now towel-drying his wig, laughed along. "I guess I had it coming. Should have known better than to stand so close to the edge in my beautiful ensamble!"
Olivia blurted out, " you look like a wet tablecloth".
Chanse laughed, shaking his head. "I'm definitely investing in a waterproof wardrobe next time."
Tommy, grinning, looked at Chanse. "Lubeproof too?"
Angela, bouncing with energy, grabbed you and Amanda by your neck. "Did you see the look on Spencer's face? Priceless!"
Amanda, with a flirty smile, replied, "Yeah, but I think he secretly enjoyed it."
You smiled at Amanda, " Yeah, he's such a munge"
Shayne began cackling, Damien soon followed.
Tommy looked at you questioning, " What the hell is a munge?"
You mouthed at him while shaking your head, " I HAVE NO IDEA."
Courtney wrapped a towel around herself. "You know, like, this was so much fun, and also, the water was so refreshing, and I can't wait for tomorrow because I bet it's going to be even crazier!"
Shayne, drying off with a loud laugh, pointed to Trevor. "Trevor, I swear, you slipping on that deck was the funniest thing I've seen all day."
Trevor flashed a mischievous grin, and shot back, "Hey, at least I didn't belly flop like you did!"
Arasha added, "I can't believe you didn't break the boat, Shayne. Daddy Ian would've been so mad." She gestured to Ian.
Ian chuckled, playing along. "Well, you all survived, so I guess I won't have to ground anyone."
Damien, carefully toweling off, smiled at you. "So, any plans for taking down the competition tomorrow?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Honestly? I was just trying to keep up with you out there."
He grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Well, you did more than just keep up. We might just be the dark horses in this competition."
Olivia, suddenly chiming in, said with her usual randomness, "Do you think mermaids exist? Like, what if one just showed up right now?"
The group burst into laughter, Noah patted Olivia on the head. "Only you, Olivia, only you."
The group went to their cabins to change before gathering for a casual dinner on the deck. The sunset created a beautiful backdrop as they enjoyed their meal together.
Courtney, seated between Shayne and Olivia, animatedly recounted a previous Smosh Summer Games challenge. "And then, we had to walk on like a million mouse traps. It was so bad, but hilarious!"
Amanda laughed, shaking her head. "I can't wait to see what other crazy games they have planned for us."
Anthony stood up. "Alright, everyone, just a heads-up about tomorrow. We've got some awesome games lined up, and trust me, you won't want to miss them."
Ian nodded, adding, "Also some other shows from back in the day might make a return!" The teams cheered in response.
After dinner, the cast slowly dispersed, making their way back to their rooms. You walked alongside Courtney, feeling the cool night breeze against your skin. Angela and Amanda were chatting animatedly about the day's events, while Shayne and Damien were laughing loudly, recounting the funniest moments.
Courtney nudged you with her elbow, a playful smile on her face. "You know, I think today went pretty well. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."
You smiled back, nodding. "Yeah, it was a lot of fun."
As you walked through the narrow corridors of the boat, you overheard Olivia talking to Ian, her voice full of wonder. "Ian, do you think if a dolphin and a shark had a baby, it would be able to talk?"
Ian chuckled, shaking his head. "You never know, Olivia."
Olivia noded back at him, "I think so too"
Finally, you and Courtney reached your shared room. The cozy space only had the bunk beds, a small desk, and a porthole that offered a view of the now dark ocean.
Courtney sat on the lower bunk, smiled and then hesitated for a moment. "Sooo, I was thinking it would be nice to actually sleep in the same room as Shayne while we're here. I thought I would be fine with it, but I don't like sleeping without him. Do you think you'd be okay if we like swapped rooms? and you shared with Damien instead? I'll still be here when the cameras are on since we haven't gone public with our relationship yet."
The request didn't really take you by surprise, but you couldn't deny the flutter of excitement at the thought of spending more time with Damien, just the two of you. You smiled, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, I don't mind. That sounds fine."
Courtney's face lit up with relief and gratitude. "Thanks, y/n! You're the best." She quickly gathered her things and gave you a quick hug before heading out the door. "I'll let Damien know."
You sat on the bunk for a moment, your heart racing. The idea of sharing a room with Damien made you both nervous and excited. What should you wear? It should be something a little bit cute but it couldn't look like you were trying to hard, it was also still very warm. After spending some time deliberating, you choose a big t-shirt.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. You opened it to find Damien standing there, looking a bit sheepish.
"Hey, y/n. Courtney said it was cool if I crashed here?" he asked, his eyes meeting yours with a warm, hopeful expression.
You nodded, stepping aside to let him in. "Yeah, no problem at all. Come on in."
Damien entered, carrying his bag. He set it down by the door and looked around the room before his eyes settled back on you. His eyes did a quick scan over your body before he seemed like he tried to blink to get the control of them back. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then smiled shyly. "I hope this isn't too weird for you. If you're uncomfortable at all, just let me know."
You shook your head, smiling. "It's fine, really. Besides, I think you'll do your best to not make me to uncomfortable."
Damien smiled back, his eyes softening. "Yeah, I think so too."
"I ," you said, sitting down on your bed and leaning back against your pillow. " I have faith you'll be a good roommate."
Damien grinned. "I think you'll at least be a better roommate than Shayne. You know, he demands to be tucked in every night and insists on having his forehead stroked while I sing him a lullaby"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Oh my god, that sounds absolutly horrible! Also, did you know that Courtney burps the alphabet in her sleep. It's impressive but not exactly relaxing."
Damien laughed loudly. "Wow, that sounds challenging, you are such a trooper. What's wrong with those two?"
"Right?" You removed your socks and threw them in you open suitcase. " And we are such good people. Like, we should be treated better"
He nodded along" Oh yeah, absolutely, I bet you're the kind of roommate who gives nighttime foot rubs."
You grinned. "Of course, and I bet you're the type who makes midnight snacks for everyone."
"Obviously, and I bet we both iron our roommates t-shirts every morning" Damien said, still smiling as he opened up his bag.
Just as you were about to respond, Damien pulled off his shirt, revealing his naked chest. You couldn't help but stare for a moment, admiring the way the light played off his muscles. His pale skin contrasting with his dark tattoos. Your thoughts drifted, imagining the feel of his soft skin under your fingers.
Damien noticed your gaze and looked at you with a curious expression. "Hey, you okay?"
You snapped out of it, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "Yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought."
Damien smiled softly. "No worries. Just making sure you're comfortable."
You smiled back, still feeling a bit flustered. "Very".
You both settled into your beds, the room quieting down as the initial excitement of the day faded. You stared up at the bottom of Damien's bunk, feeling the urge to keep the conversation going.
"So, what's your guilty pleasure?" you asked, breaking the silence.
Damien laughed. “Oh wow, hmm... Probably birds.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “What? like girls?"
He burst out laughing, " Oh Jesus, No. Like bird, birds. Do you really think I would call women birds?
You giggled, "Okay thank God" you paused for a moment"  I think mine’s just Phil Collins. Specifically because of the Tarzan soundtrack.”
Damien's eyes widened in amusement. "Phil Collins, huh? That's pretty awesome. That soundtrack does go hard, like way harder than it should."
You nodded enthusiastically. "Right? I used to watch Tarzan with my dad all the time. That movie and Shrek. Shrek was like one of the few movies we would watch together. Because, it needed to be like a movie that he would still enjoy, or I would just feel bad but it also had to be one without any awkward sex scenes."
Damien chuckled. "oh yeah, I hated when that happened. I usually tried to make some awkward joke to break the tension."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? What kind of joke would you make during a sex scene to make it less awkward?"
Damien laughed, thinking for a moment. "Okay, so imagine the scene is getting super steamy, and I just lean over and say, 'Well, this escalated quickly. Do you think they practiced this beforehand?'"
You burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that would definitely break the tension."
His head popped out from above "You don't think so?"
You shook your head at his, still laughing. " With my dad?"
Damien grinned. "Hey, okay maybe not. What would you say?"
You thought for a moment, then smirked. "I'd probably go with something like, 'I wonder if they have a safe word.'"
Damien laughed loudly. "Nice one! You know, you are much more of a freak than you seem at first glance."
You smirked to yourself, "Oh really, so what was your first impression of me?"
Damien thought for a moment, then smiled. "I remember you making me laugh straight away, and you seemed very confident. And I remember exactly what you were wearing—a yellow sundress with daisies on it."
You blinked in surprise. "You remember what I was wearing? I can't believe you remember that much detail."
Damien chuckled softly. "How could I forget? You looked amazing and made such a strong impression."
You blushed slightly, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. "That's actually really sweet." You felt yourself blush again, happy that he couldn't see your face right now. "That's so many hair colors ago for you"
His voice was soft but filled with sarcasm, "that is how I measure time"
You continued" .. and you were wearing stupid pants"
"You know, I actually remember thinking you were the confident one. You seemed so sure of yourself and very calm."
He laughed, shaking his head. "Trust me, I didn't feel confident at all. I am also still overthinking that first handshake. Like was it wet? Did I make you wet"
You playfully kicked his mattress from below, giggling. "Yes Damien, you make all the ladies wet with your handshakes"
Damien grinned, once again poking his head back out from the top bunk. "Yeah, you know, that's exactly what I meant" He smiled down at you, " I'm glad we're roommates. This feels like one of those sleepovers you used to go to as a kid. Where you just talk about like, anything, for hours."
You laughed, nodding. "Yeah, it does. Like any minute now, my mom's going to burst in and tell us to shut the fuck up."
Damien laughed, the sound comforting and familiar. "It's nice though. I like talking to you."
You smiled, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "I like talking to you too, Damien."
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theodorecanaryhood · 8 months
Stages in life
Arkham Knight / Red Hood / Jason Todd x Male reader
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Relationships are filled with differences for each people in them, yours and Jason’s was quite different in many ways.
You were Black Bird while Jason was Robin, you were friends and then all of a sudden, he was gone.
Then Arkham Knight came and took you away to teach Bruce a lesson, once you realised Jason was the Arkham Knight. The love you both felt and never admitted came flooding back.
The Arkham Knight had you in his room as you touched his face, Jason looked confused as you lifted the visor up.
‘Jason’ you whispered as you tiptoed and greeted Jason’s lips.
You couldn’t turn your back on Bruce, but you also couldn’t turn your back on Jason. So you decided to step away from both as they figured out what they wanted.
Of course, the grand finale did not go as to plan for either Jason nor Bruce. Jason took his time and realised he wanted to do the right thing for a change.
Jason became Red Hood and was a threat to everyone, he had no problem taking enemies out. Black Mask being no exception of course.
Violent, angry, menacing and dangerous, Red Hood kept the streets safe and was a thunder of force that no one dared to cross.
Only you however, only you had the power to turn Jason into a puppy who was clinging to you all the time.
Jason looked off into the distance as he mentally aimed up the ball with the hole, the golf club swung nicely as the ball flew to the hole in the ground.
You both found this stage particularly interesting as you were both oblivious, Jason stood tall in his white muscle tee.
Two women stood to the side as they took in your form, both debating on which one saw you first and who can shoot their shot. Jason chuckled as he saw this, and you didn’t.
Jason walked over and gave your ass a nice slap, putting arm around you as the two women looked in realisation.
The golf date finished as Jason drove you both home quickly, in order for you both to change into something a little more comfortable.
Jason took you to a romantic dinner, music, wine and a three course meal.
Jason looked so irresistible in his black shirt and trousers, you felt thankful everyday that you woke up next to Jason, a man of this quality.
The two of you held hands over the table as you talked and laughed, the waitress came over with a smile as she looked at you both admiring each other.
This stage was perfect for Jason, he could sit and stare at you all he wanted, watching as your face lit up when you’d speak of things you loved. Jason admired you, loved you.
Jason stood at the bar as he ordered drinks for the two of you, one last drink before you both headed home.
A quick Cosmo before hitting the road as Jason began a conversation with a random bunch of women at the bar. Guess they liked the fact a gay guy was noticing their outfits. You joined for a while before the two of you left.
The next day was filled with relaxing and the two of you enjoying some time together, you both decided the gym was a better addition than staying in all day.
Of course, Jason asked for a different kind of cardio session as he offered to take you to bed and use you. You promised that tonight, but right now wanted a pump session.
Jason isn’t one for showing off, but you love his physique as much as you love him as a person, Jason’s ripped body was on show as he sent you a spicy pic from the other side of the gym.
A nearby woman stared at Jason as he snapped the shot, Jason threw his tank top back on as you appeared.
Jason sat in the bench press as you straddled his lap, assisting him with his lifts. You leant down to give Jason a kiss as he lifted you up.
Jason gave you a piggy back as he did squats with you on his back, your smaller frame helped Jason build some growth to his back and butt as he lifted you each time.
This stage was great for Jason, as he had someone to just simply accompany him. He had his earphones on, as did you, so there wasn’t much of a conversation, but just being in your presence was enough.
Jason had many stages in his life, from Robin to Arkham Knight, to Red Hood. But his favourite stage, was you being his boyfriend. The moments with you were Jason’s favourite.
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mmmichyyy · 9 months
🌸 gallavich fic rec list 🌸
welcome to my 2023 fic rec list! i went through my ao3 bookmarks and my tumblr tags from this year so here's some (not all, or else this post would go on forever) of my fave (new & older) one-shots, completed multi-chaps, wips & ficlets <3
make sure to check out my 2021 list & my 2022 list ! since i'm not going to include fics i've mentioned before in this year's list :)
& don't forget to check out @gallavichfanficlibrary @gallavich-fic-club @gallavichthings @thegallavault for more recs plus @galladrabbles & @gallavichmeta too ✨ let's go!
doesn't matter where we go by @heymacy (The boys take a road trip.)
to think that we could stay the same by teatrolley (post-breakup au, but Mickey gets out of prison, Caleb doesn't exist, and we get really into their past and Ian’s (struggling) head)
of going home by @lalazeewrites (Valiant has taken the greatest fall from grace the superhero world has witnessed in years. The Shrike is an unregistered vigilante who doesn't even ping the radar of Chicago's crime fighting scene. Ian is forcibly put on leave from his job and returns to the Gallagher house, a failure all over again. Not only does he not know what Mickey does when the world goes dark, he doesn't know that Mickey is still living southside at all. Not since the events of eight years ago.)
quiet by @babygirlmickey (In the quiet of a perceived absence of scrutiny, Mickey can be incontrovertibly tender. Or: 5 times Mickey lets his guard down, as observed by various third parties.)
all i need in this life of sin (is me and my husband) by literatii (As embarrassing as it might be, Ian is not only his husband but also his best friend, and Mickey is pretty damn okay with that. Why the fuck would he find other people to do the exact same shit with that he already does with Ian, minus the fucking, when he can just do that shit with Ian plus the fucking? It makes no sense. Or: Ian wants the two of them to have more friends. Mickey doesn’t.)
thirteen hours by @crossmydna (Ian has known for thirteen hours that he’s not crossing the border with Mickey, so he makes the most of the time he has left with him.)
queen of decatur by jaxington (“How’d you know that?” Ian asks, smelling chum in the water, the observant little fuck. “Not like your brothers are getting sent to lady prison all that often.” Mickey thumbs at his lip, trying to find a way out of this conversation. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to distract Ian just by taking of his pants, but he is trying this new thing where he actually tells Ian what’s going on in his head. “No.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “It’s my mom.”)
like strings of fire by @gardenerian (mickey finds a safe and colorful way for ian to indulge himself when hypersexuality rears its ugly head.)
the needle and the burning body by squash (jesuisgourde) (Mickey had two burning torches for hands but he knew what to do with them. Ian's head was on fire and all he knew was how to run and keep running. How to find a cliff and jump off. How to make Mickey chase after him, again and again. And in a cold cell in prison, Mickey catches him.)
some fucked up romcom by godisthedice (Two years after they locked him up, Mickey told himself that he was done with Ian fucking Gallagher for good. Two years as a free man and he's marrying him for all the wrong reasons.)
when the sun goes down by @sam-loves-seb (super cute and fluffy lifeguard au!)
lava java by @stocious (He's being really unprofessional. Mickey might not even be gay. He might be hitting on a straight man through takeout cups.)
here's to hoping i'm not what kills you by @crestfallercanyon (After a confrontation gone bad, Mickey and the Gallaghers get Ian to the hospital. And look, Mickey always knew that if the Gallaghers had a will they'd find a way, but being roped into their schemes himself wasn't something he'd planned on signing on for. All the Gallaghers need to know is Mickey's helping out because he's not pure fucking evil. They don't need to know Mickey was scared shitless when Ian got knocked unconscious, Jesus, he can barely admit that to himself. Once Mickey knows Ian's not dead and not dying, he's out of there. Except he can't bring himself to leave.)
to the thawing wind by @gardenerian (Living and working in the icy chill of an endless winter, Ian and his family are assigned to work the farms to bolster food supply. They live quietly enough, following the rules, until Mickey and Mandy Milkovich (with all their secrets) are moved in across the road.)
i'll come meet you where you are by @crestfallercanyon (Mickey comes back from prison with a ring of vicious bruises around his neck and an edge to him Ian doesn't recognize. But he came back. He came back, and now it's time for Ian to meet him halfway.
closing in walls and ticking clocks by c_cups_bitch_u_wish (So, this is happening. Mickey is sitting in the corner of the bedroom on the comfiest fucking chair he’s ever sat in, and his adult self and adult Ian are about to fuck. And he’s going to watch. What's most odd is that this doesn't even feel like the weirdest thing to happen to him today.)
a spark of fire by @lingy910y (“You wanted us to finally have some time alone. You wanted to keep me safe, but you didn’t really care as long as we were together. You didn’t want it to end.” Mickey swallows a lump in his throat. “I…I don’t fuckin’ know.” “But can I, uh, ask you something else?” Ian rubs his thumbs together. “You like me, Mick. You fucking like me.”)
flip fuck? by @gallawitchxx (Mickey’s always thought that Valentine’s Day was fucking gay. But then some dramatic, ginger fuckhead had to move into the room next to his, and steal his hole, his heart, and the attention of his tumblr mutuals. Mickey decides to keep it lowkey when he asks Ian to spend the evening together: You wanna hang out on Tuesday? Ian’s response is quick and gives absolutely nothing away: Sure thing! That big-dicked idiot better remember it’s fucking Valentine’s Day.)
prelude motel by @whatthebodygraspsnot (When Mickey’s secret spot is infiltrated by an intriguing stranger, all the warning signs are there. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him to disengage, he can’t help but bite off more than he can chew, running straight back to the spot and the stranger when a job leaves him injured. Enter: the Prelude Motel - where, for the next three days, Mickey finds himself hiding from more than just his pursuers.)
garden song (series) by @gardenerian (two gorgeous fics about ian's bipolar, about hope, healing, and tomatoes)
better by anomalously (It's been ten years since Ian's seen Mickey.)
in your love by @sgtmickeyslaughter (Mickey had been out of prison for 2 years and Ian never would have known until they ran into one another on a random night in May. Ian fights for the love they shared while Mickey fights for the life he built, as they both struggle with shame and guilt from their shared past it becomes clear that they cannot help but be drawn to what is bright and beautiful between them.)
whumptober 2023 (series) by @sam-loves-seb (21 beautiful fics of angst & hurt/comfort)
out of nowhere by @suzy-queued (Ian should have never offered to hide his father's stash of gold. Now he's stuck living on a deserted piece of land in the woods, alone, losing his sanity. Mickey wants nothing more than to disappear — from prison, from his family, from the entire world. If only he knew where to get his hands on a cool million. The Gallagher gold. Mickey wants it. Ian will do anything to protect it. Who will cave first?)
all these things i have left to say to you by @crestfallercanyon (After all this time that Ian's been missing, he leaves a tape recorder on Mickey's pillow. And on it? An hour of pure, unfiltered, Ian audio that is all, apparently, dedicated to him.)
keys to my heart by @milkovichrules (Ian finds his stable college life getting difficult when a new neighbour moves into the dorms.)
intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar (another college au) (one of my fave fics of all time!!)
the ink is a witness to this by @palepinkgoat (six chapters about the stories tattoos can hold and hide.)
order up by @heymacy (Ian and Mickey work together at a Chicago diner. They like to push each other's buttons - all their buttons. How long until the dam finally breaks?)
second chapters by @squidyyy23 (When Mickey’s PO assigns him a job at the local library, he’s pleasantly surprised—not that he’d ever admit it. Practically lived in the prison library, and what better way to start his new life than with a career he might actually enjoy. And when he meets the charming, clever, utterly fuckable, redheaded children’s librarian, well, shit just keeps getting better and better. Mickey’s definitely not interested in anything serious right now, but what’s the harm in a little fun?)
electric blue by @goodkwuestion (Paramedic Ian Gallagher knows true love exists. He's not going to settle until he finds it either, no matter how much his friends and family roll their eyes at him. Mickey Milkovich, on the other hand, isn't sure about all that stuff. He's an engineer with a long to-do list, and chasing rainbows isn't on it. He'll never say no to a good time and a pretty face though. When they meet, it will feel like kismet, something inevitable that neither of them can shake. Honestly though, who would want to? Falling in love can be the easiest thing in the world, especially when the whole universe is rooting for you... That's if the whole universe is rooting for you.)
all of @heymrspatel's drabbles, especially this one of ian being self-conscious about his body
docks scene & birthday suit gardening ficlets by @metalheadmickey
all of @lupeloto's sweet & domestic ficlets
@sam-loves-seb's meta about ian being the moon and mickey being the sun
ian's birthday ficlet & 31 ways we never meet (a.u.gust 2023 ficlets) by @callivich
airport confessions by @dynamic-power
gallavich drabbles by @whatthebodygraspsnot
all of @howlinchickhowl's a.u.gust 2023 ficlets!
(if you made it this far, i also write fics occasionally too so here's a self-promo lol)
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haley-harrison · 4 months
tbh the main cause of shipping wars is that jackles is too good at his job. Man has convincing chemistry with most of his coworkers, so depending on which scenes you focus on, you can gather a convincing argument for your ship of choice.
like if you look just at the first three seasons, j2 have such insane chemistry you have to be blind not to notice. (case in point, even my mother, who is otherwise a normal 62-y-o was like 'well that's not a normal brother relationship'). add the lack of significant alternative options, and it's clear why the early days had so many wincest shippers. Like, duh. You see two hot guys who look at each other with adoration (and lip-licking), brain's gonna ship. Fiction isn't reality anyway.
However, then comes s4. Now, I think Misha is awesome and funny and great, and obviously he and Jensen hit it off. Enough that it shows on screen. That said, the script was still written as Kripke intended, which is that Sam and Dean are obsessed with each other.
Because it's a fact, that Kripke read Siken's Crush, and also On the Road, and wrote Sam and Dean very much under that influence. And if you read either of those, you know they're about gay lovers.
So. There's a conflict between the script (which is samdean coded), and the acting (where jenmish actually gets more and more intense with time).
And the thing is, both sides of the fandom have solid 'evidence' on why their ship is (practically) canon. And it sucks to see people actually fight and insult each other.
I am a multishipper: I have an OTP but I see the appeal of other pairings and occasionally read those too. And I wish we could all see that plurality of opinions is good. Fiction is meant to be discussed, there isn't one correct answer.
At the end of the day, we're here to have fun with this trash show (affectionate), so maybe let's do that without judging?
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Here’s a master list yall I hope I’m linking them correctly idek y’all if they don’t open lmk 💋 cause a bitch is 🎀stupid 🎀
Things I won’t write-
~Big age gaps - I will only write about shit that I legal mk
~Weird kinks like piss and stuff cause that’s disgusting
~incest for obvious reasons
~ not story’s about Nick cause I ain’t a man and idk shit about gay sex 🤘🏼
😈= smutt
🥰=fluff and cute no smutt
😼=really fucking slutty and read at your own risk
😃- Kinda slow burn take a couple parts to really get into the smut .
One shots ~
😈Boots with the fur -Chris Sturniolo x y/n fic
😈😼Concert love- Chris and Matt x y/n fic
😼😈Hallowseve- Matt sturniolo x y/n fix
🥰Linger- Matt sturniolo x y/n fic
😈😼Hit me I dare you- Matt sturniolo x y/n
😈😼Need it
😼😈 Study session
😈😼Impromptu trip- chris & matt x y/n
😈😼 Lets get horny
😈😼 Here for a good time not a long time
😼😃🤷🏻‍♀️white mustang
😼😈Vibe drive
😈😼powers out
Multiple parts story’s~
😼😈part 1-Rave- chris sturniolo x fem reader
Part 2- Rave
😈😼Road trip part one and two-Matt sturniolo x y/n fic
Part 1
Part 2
😼😈Trip series-Chris sturniolo x y/n
Trip pt1
Trip pt.2
Trip pt3
trip pt4
😈😼Dinner party 2 parts series ~ Matt and Chris x y/n
part 1
part 2
😼😼😈neon red 2 parts- matt sturniolo x y/n
neon red part 1
neon red pt 2
😈😼Finally - Chris sturniolo x y/n ~two part series
part 1
😈😼Therapy - matt sturniolo x Fem reader/y/n
Therapy pt.1
Therapy pt.2
therapy pt.3
therapy pt 4
therapy pt.5
😈😼So wrong yet so right
part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Final part
Part one
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5-final part
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
😈😼💋😃Taken in ... New series coming soon
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sweetstars-posts · 6 months
✶ roadtrip
sturniolos x fem!sister!reader
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(lowercase intended)
summary — the sturniolo’s little sister goes on a road trip with them
you and the triplets are in the car, going on a road trip. matt and chris are in the front, you sit behind matt while nick sits behind chris.
so far the trip consisted of matt and chris arguing in the front, and you and nick watching random movies in the back.
"i'm bored! let's stop for something to eat." nick said as he stopped editing a video for their channel.
“the only place near is the gas station” matt gestured with his hand.
you let out gasp from that, “i love the gas station! they have such good snacks”
“agreed and i really want a pepsi” chris stated putting his feet on the dashboard.
“get your feet off” matt exclaimed, shoving his feet off.
Matt drives up to the gas station, and he parks the car. he turns off the engine, “hurry up let’s go”.
As you guys head into the gas station, matt and chris go straight to the soda, nick starts looking at random chip flavours, and you start looking at all the little candies.
the candies ranged from smarties — to skittles.
you grabbed a pack of skittles waiting for everyone else to be done.
“y/n!” you hear nick call out for you from across the isle.
“look at what i found!” nick exclaims, holding a lollipop pack that you and the triplets used to love as children.
you take them from his hands excited, “c’mon lets go!”
as you all pay for the items, you all get into the car.
nick grabs a handful of skittles and he pops some into his mouth, “oh man, these are the best skittles i've had.”
chris pops open his pepsi, but of course, him being chris, he spilt some.
“what the fuck?” matt said to chris with a disgusted look on his face.
you and nick are giggling in the back, eating skittles.
“napkins, napkins” chris slapped your knee, gesturing towards the napkins beside you.
“okay okay, jeez” you pass him the napkins before speaking again, “the red skittles are the best”.
“i agree, but greens are definitely second.” matt laughs as he pops some skittles into his mouth (him getting a pack himself).
as the trip goes on and light chatter continues amongst the small group, you snuggle deeper into the big blanket wrapped around you.
matt glances in your direction, then goes back to the road.
nick keeps a close eye on you too, and speaks up, “are you cold?”
“a little” you shrug as the ac is on full blast, curtesy of chris saying he was boiling.
nick grins, and pulls the blanket over a bit more on you, “there,” he says, his hand still on the blanket on your shoulder. he turns his head back to his phone.
you smile and continue to watch ‘smurfs’ on your phone.
nick chuckles, “you still watch the smurfs? man, you gotta grow up,” he says playfully.
you shove him in response.
he laughs louder, “what? you like the smurfs.” he grins as he teases you.
“shut up, you do too,” i laugh at nicks expression.
“shut up, i don't,” he says as he fakes an insult. he covers his chest, like he's going to “cry.”
you laugh, hugging him and patting his shoulder.
nick just laughs as you pull him into a hug. he sighs, then speaks up, “fine, okay, i like the smurfs, but not as much as you do.” he says jokingly.
matt glances at the two of you, then smiles at the playful teasing. he then glances back at the road, and starts driving again.
chris on the other hand, throws his empty pepsi bottle at the two of you, “stop bickering about smurfs”
nick hits it back causing chaos on the right side of the car.
as the chaos dies down, chris decides to speak up, “so nick where’s your girlfriend?” poking fun at him because obviously he’s gay.
nick hits chris repeatedly, matt is making sure they don’t spill anymore drinks, you are eating skittles and recording them.
you put on your headphones knowing that it was gonna be like this the entire car ride.
white ferrari by frank ocean drifts through your ears.
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tag — @sillyfreakfanparty
comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated !!
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goblinratman101 · 2 years
Trigun Stampede Incorrect quotes compilation
Nicholas walking in on you and Vash cuddling: Hey have you seen the thing? You know the thingy
Nicholas: Ah. Never-mind you have it (pointing at Vash)
Y/N: You mean our boyfriend!?
Nicholas getting offended: I don’t want to be Vash and Y/N’s boyfriend!!
Meryl getting fed up with Nicholas being in denial: Then what do you want?
Nicholas: I don't know. I just want to be with them all the time. I want to hear about their day and tell them about mine. I want to hold their hands. But I don't want to be their stupid boyfriend!
Nicholas to Vash after he refuses to kill someone again: Aren’t you tired of being nice?! Don’t you just wanna go ape shit?!
Meryl, walking into Nicholas room: Why are you still asleep? It’s 2 in the afternoon!
Nicholas: Sorry. I was up all night doing work.
Vash and Y/N, getting up from under the blankets on either side of Nicholas, completely naked: We’re work.
Nicholas looking at Vash and Male Y/N having a one handed push up contest: I’m not gay but DAMN!!!
Meryl: You don’t have to be gay to appreciate some good looking guys
Nicholas: Nah I’d fuck them
Meryl: Well ok then!
Vash: What did you two do…
[Nicholas and Y/N looking at each other thinking they’re in trouble]
Vash: You’re not in trouble. I just need to know if I have to lie to Meryl or Roberto again.
Nicholas: my future partner must be intelligent, unfazed by even the most of disturbing things, and capable in every way possible——
Vash: [trips and falls with a tray of cupcakes in his hands and then proceeds to sob for thirty minutes]
Y/N: [goes to comfort Vash but also trips over then proceeds to eat all the cupcakes while hugging Vash and giving him pats on the back]
Nicholas: [pointing at Vash and Y/N] Those two. I want them.
Meryl: Okay, your driving and Vash and Y/N walk on the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Nicholas: Oh, I would definitely flip the car. I would rather kill myself than cause Vash and Y/N harm.
Meryl with her head in her hands: The brakes. You hit the brakes.
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keirawantstocry · 5 months
okay i asked you about dilf!pac and teacher!tubbo before
may i introduce dilf fitpac and bartender tubbo, he would be fumbling making their drinks and giving them discounts, the would convince him to drink with them, and tubbo gets so drunk that they end up bringing him home in an unverified or something and they let him crash on his couch. one in the morning he gets asked out by these two ridiculously hot men
Tubbo didn’t expect much from the trip his friends encouraged him to take to the bar. Tina and Foolish had been encouraging him to get out of the house, to let Tina and Bagi take a turn watching Sunny with their daughter. Foolish took him by the arm and dragged him out of the house and to a gay bar close to his house. 
“You’re straight,” Tubbo complained as he dragged his feet down the road, Foolish ahead of him. 
“I can still go to a gay bar! They aren’t gonna stop me at the door and ask me if I can prove I’m gay!” 
“Maybe they will,” Tubbo said, trying not to roll his eyes. “Will you be willing to suck a dick to get inside?” “Only if it’s yours.” 
“Fuck you.” 
Tubbo nearly ran into Foolish as he stopped straight in front of the club. The city lights were beginning to light up the streets as the darkness of the evening began to settle. The bouncer was a buff man with a forgettable face who let them in after only a glance. 
The club was loud, rainbow lights flashing over the dance floor as the bass boomed. Their DJ was whooping and hollering from behind the stand, as gorgeous people jumped up-and-down in front of him. 
“I don't wanna do this,” Tubbo whined. 
“LET'S GET YOU DRUNK THEN!” Foolish grabbed him by the arm again, dragging him over to the surprisingly quiet bar. “Vodka shot for him, Jagerbomb for me,” he shot at the bartender closest with his most charming smile. 
The man smiled back at him before shouting back behind him with a clipped accented voice, “Hear that Fitch?” 
The man currently pulling down a bottle of vodka to dip into one of the two glasses he had already gotten out called back to him. “Yes sir.” 
Tubbo's eyes were drawn to the flex of the bartender's muscles as he poured out the drink. He leaned into Foolish and tilted his head towards it. “Oh, that's unfair.” 
Foolish followed his gaze and whistled under his breath. “Damn. If I wasn't basically married, I'd tap that.” 
Tubbo shoved against his arm as he realized the younger bartender was listening to them with an amused smile. “Shut up.” 
The bald guy with the shocking muscles slid their drinks across the bar. “Just these? Or are we starting a tab?” 
Tubbo grabbed the shot and downed it, slamming it back down on the counter. “Start a tab.” 
“Oh and I bet you expect me to pay,” Foolish complained with a smile as he picked up his own shot. 
“This was your idea so yes.” 
Foolish slammed his shot down. “You're lucky I love you. Another?” he asked, directed at the bartender who nodded then looked over at Tubbo. 
Tubbo nodded. “Yeah sure why not.” To Foolish, he said, “Cause of the blow jobs, right?” 
Foolish snorted and out of the corner of his eye, Tubbo noticed the younger bartender, the one with a gorgeous face, was still eavesdropping. “One of these days my boyfriend is gonna hear you say that and he is gonna beat your ass.”
“Suck my dick,” Tubbo shot back, barely paying attention to what he was saying. He had made contact with the incredibly strong bartender who was sliding his next shot across the table with a stupidly good-looking smile. “Thank you.” 
The man's smile grew and to Tubbo's shock, his eyes glided easily over what he could see of Tubbo before meeting his eyes again. “You're welcome.” 
As soon as he looked away, Tubbo glanced towards Foolish in a panic who was looking at him with an encouraging expression. 
“I think I'll hit the dance floor,” he proclaimed, way louder than necessary. With a wink at the bartenders he said, “You'll watch after my friend won't you?” 
“Absolutely,” the one purred in that accented voice and Tubbo could feel every inhibition draining from his body at the sound of that voice. He would do anything to hear that voice purring in his ear like that. 
“I can take care of myself,” Tubbo protested weakly. 
“I’m sure you can,” the dark haired bartender leaned over the bar, resting his elbows on the counter. “I’m Pac. What’s your name, baby?” His voice was clipped on the word baby. It was beautiful. 
“Tubbo,” he said, sliding his hand across the bar to shake his hand. 
Pac shook it with ease, smiling fondly at him already. “This is Fit.” He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. Fit smiled, putting together another drink for a different patron at the bar. “What brings you here tonight?” 
Tubbo laughed. “ My friends said I needed to get out of the house. Can I get another vodka shot?”
“Of course.” Pac turned to make the shot himself. He did it with a practiced ease that was mesmerizing before sliding the newly made shot across the bar.
Tubbo downed it, slamming it down with a practiced ease that he was faking. He was starting to feel tipsy. 
“Why do your friends think you need to get out of the house?” Pac asked, swinging open the swinging door that let people behind the bar. He swung himself up on the barstool beside Tubbo. 
“They think I spend too much time at home with my daughter. Which is ridiculous. Yeah sure I'm only 20 but she's my daughter and I'm gonna do everything to make her life as good as possible.”
Pac nodded in understanding. “Yeah, I'd do anything for my son.” 
“You have a kid?” Tubbo so stupid. Of course he had a kid and probably a really hot wife and he would never be interested in some 20-year-old dude he met in the bar. 
Pac nodded. “But it's good to get out and have fun as well.” 
“Well yeah but you can go out while your wife watches your kid. As a single father I don't have the same uhhh freedom.” 
“I don't have a wife,” Pac said with a laugh and Tubbo flushed an embarrassed shade of red.
“Oh shit I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed.” 
Pac waved him off. “It's okay, it's okay. I don't have a wife or husband but I do have co parents so you were right about that.” 
Tubbo relaxed ever so slightly. “Oh. Yeah okay. Um sorry if this is too invasive but is it like a dating thing or divorced or…” he trailed off awkwardly. “I'm sorry that's an insane question to ask a stranger.” 
“How else will we stop being strangers hm?” 
Tubbo opened his mouth then closed it considering his statement. “Huh. Guess you're right.” 
Pac nodded. “It's kind of an awkward story actually. We're all close friends and were then as well. We were all messing around.” He shrugged. “And uh accidental pregnancy. We decided to keep it and raise him all together as a group. We decided not to get a paternity test. Just makes things easier. So he doesn't feel less loved by any of his parents.” 
Tubbo was nodding along to the story. At some point some kind of drink had been pushed into his hand. He sipped it before speaking. “Funny enough I got in a slightly similar situation. One night stand with this couple and I ended up with the kid. Wouldn't trade her for the fucking world though. She's the light of my life.” 
Pac smiled sweetly as he motioned for Fit to bring him another drink. “Kids will do that to you.” 
Fit joined them, leaning his arms against the countertop of the bar, making his biceps bulge nicely. Tubbo couldn’t help it when his eyes zeroed in on his arms. 
They both noticed, glancing at each other with matching smiles. 
“Nice muscles,” Tubbo blurted out. God, it felt awkward that they noticed him looking, he just had to say something to break the tension. 
“Thank you,” Fit said with a laugh. “Made ‘em myself.” 
Tubbo giggled, feeling even drunker as he took a long swig from his drink. “My friend uh,” he gestured wildly in the direction he thought he remembered Foolish going into. “He’s uh. Yeah he does weight lifting and stuff.” 
“Is that why you hang out with him?” Fit asked. “His muscles? Are you guys a thing?” 
“Nahhh,” Tubbo drawled, just starting to slur his words. “He’s got a boyfriend. Ough, I have tapped that before though. If you’re even half as good as he was,” he took another long sip, motioning at Fit with his drink. 
The man laughed, beginning to flush. “Oh? Are you propositioning me now? You’re tryna hit on me? That what you’re doing?” 
“Maybe,” Tubbo said, shrugging his shoulders up as he widened his eyes. “Would you, uh, be all good with that?” 
Fit glanced towards Pac. “You’d have to ask my boyfriend.” 
Tubbo froze, quickly glancing between them. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“No, no, no,” Pac rushed to say, his words mixing together. “Don’t worry, I’ve always been into, uh, polyamory and I think my boyfriend deserves to dip into it if he wants.” 
Fit shrugged, throwing a towel over his shoulder after wiping off the countertop once again. “We could share him.” 
Bolts of electricity shot through Tubbo’s spine. “Okay,” he slurred. “Two hot older men at the bar, that works. Even better than just one.” 
They both laughed and it sounded even more beautiful than the blasting club music the DJ was blasting. 
Tubbo finished off his drink with a long swig. “Let me take you two out.” 
“I think we’ll be the one taking you out,” Fit teased. “Pac.” 
The man perked up. “Sim?” 
“Go find Tubbo’s friend and tell him that we can take care of him tonight.” 
Pac giggled, joyously, bouncing off the barstool. “Yes, sir.” 
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wanderingcas · 1 year
since ao3 is down and we're all suffering here's chapter 1 of my destiel lighthouse keepers fic (not the prologue. that's a secret)
title: where there is darkness pairing: dean/cas summary, written badly, because i did this in 2 minutes: Cas is trying to escape his past by taking a job as a lighthouse keeper. Little does he know the love of his life is waiting for him there. Historical au. Gay sex later. Just read it.
Chapter 1
 1949. Autumn.
The bus drops Castiel off on the outskirts of Kittery, just over the bridge connecting Maine and New Hampshire’s borders over the water. He watches the bus as it hisses, lifting its aching joints and meandering down the windy highway 101. 
Castiel decides to stand for a long moment, staring out into the empty field.
Behind him is Kittery Foreside, the center of town: beyond it, the harbor, with the lighthouse just a speck in the distance. It’s a clear afternoon, not quite twilight, so he was able to track the dot through the window as they crossed the bridge. 
But now, he’d rather stare at the field and the deep blue of the sky as the sun sets. 
In his left hand is the official letter detailing his new job. In his right, a leather suitcase containing everything he now owns (three outfits, one wool sweater, a toothbrush—and a stack of letters, stained in the left corners where he dropped them accidentally into a puddle). 
He watches a seagull’s trajectory as it lands on the fence post, scratching at a wing with its beak.
A lighthouse keeper—arguably an insane job to take, considering he has no experience. But the sailing portion on his resume (from a handful of times he sailed at his family’s lake house as a boy) seemed to set him apart from the rest of the applicants. And the job was going to put him exactly where he wanted to be: away from society. Away from people.
Taking a sharp breath, he turns on his heel, and follows the road to the town center, street lights illuminating the pavement in the twilight. 
There’s only one hotel that took his reservation at such short notice; as he fills out the registration form, the bellhop eyes his lack of luggage suspiciously. 
Swallowing a nervous lump in his throat, Castiel takes the key from the woman at the front desk. “Do you have any recommendations for somewhere to eat this time of night?”
“Only thing open on a Wednesday night is the Roadhouse, sir,” the woman says as she files his paperwork behind the desk. She shoots him a smile. “It’s good food, though. Place is almost as old as the town itself. I recommend the lobster rolls, personally.”
“Thank you, uh…”
“Bela,” she replies. 
“Bela,” Castiel repeats. “Can you tell me which direction to go?”
Pulling out a map, Bela splays it on the counter, uncapping a pen. 
The Roadhouse is clear on the other side of town, across yet another bridge. The amount of islands that the area is divided into baffles Castiel. It’s well past dark when he arrives, pushing the door into the warm embrace of the diner. 
A rush of nostalgia hits him as he realizes it’s similar to the one in Boston that he frequented, just a couple of blocks from the parish—their similarities extend even to the paraphernalia on the wall. Whoever owns this diner seems to have an obsession with John Wayne, just like the ones in Boston. 
“Be one sec!” a waitress calls as she flies past him, a tray of drinks balanced on her shoulder. “Just pick an empty one!” 
Dutifully, Castiel slides into a chair by the window, setting his cold hands on the table. He glances around at the buzzing diner; there are more people than he expected, considering that the town seemed to already close its eyelids as the sun went down. A family with two whining toddlers are crammed into a booth in the corner, another taking up multiple tables shoved together, kids running around and chasing each other as their parents snap at them to sit down and eat. Other tables are filled with men in fishermen’s overalls and boots, a group of women poking at their plates of food, babies in their arms. 
One baby, held by a woman in a plaid dress, coos and holds out his hands towards the plate. The woman smiles down at the baby, kissing the top of his blonde head.
Castiel’s heart constricts and he looks away before the familiar tears can prick at his eyes.
“Whaddaya havin’?” 
Castiel whips up his head at the same waitress from before, blinking. “Oh. I don’t have—”
“Ah, damn it, I didn’t give you a menu did I?” she says with a roll of her eyes, pulling out a plastic one from underneath her arm and setting it on the table. “Sorry, the dinner rush is crazy on Wednesdays. You wouldn’t think it, my brother had the big idea to make Wednesday the day we offer crab at market price, so everyone’s goin’ nuts.” 
Castiel stares down at the menu, feeling a little shell-shocked, and realizing he hasn’t had a proper conversation with someone for weeks—especially not someone so energetic. “Should I not order the crab, then?” he asks, solemnly. 
“Not order the—?” She lets out something closer to a snort than a laugh, smacking his arm. “Oh, you’re yanking my chain, huh? No, order the crab if you want, damage is already done. I’ll just give you a minute, okay? Oh, and name’s Jo, if you need to yell at me across the room.”
Before Castiel can reply, she’s already walking away at a quick pace, ponytail swinging. 
He orders the lobster roll when she finally comes back around to his table twenty minutes later; when he explains it was on Bela’s recommendation, Jo scoffs, “And you trust her?” She waves a hand at his raised eyebrows. “Whatever, she’s right, actually. Lobster was fresh caught this morning, too. Any fries with that roll to keep it company?”
Castiel nods, handing the menu back to her. “And an iced tea.” 
She takes the menu, narrowing her eyes. “Say… if Bela gave you the recommendation, does that mean you’re staying at the inn?” 
Castiel sucks in a breath. The lines he rehearsed are already slamming into his head like a film playing too quickly. “Yes. I just got into town.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, welcome! What brings you to Kittery?”
“A job.”
When Castiel doesn’t elaborate, Jo leans in, smile conspiratorial. “And what job would that be?”
Castiel considers lying. But he already has enough lies to keep track of. “Second assistant keeper at Whaleback Lighthouse.” 
Jo’s eyebrows shoot up her brow, and she says, emphatically, “Oh. The stag light, out on the harbor? Really?”
“I don’t seem the type?” Castiel jokes weakly. 
Jo doesn’t even try to hide the way her eyes scrape up and down his suit and trench coat, more tax accountant than sailor. “No, actually. Not at all.” 
“I’m trying a career change.”
“I have sailing experience.”
Jo purses her lips. “Oh. Yeah. Sure.”
It was beginning to feel like he was interviewing for the job all over again. Castiel crosses his arms on the table and stares her down as intimidatingly as he can: the same stare he gave the children when they forgot lines of their catechisms. “Is that all?”
“Hey,” Jo says, hands raised, “just making conversation. I’ll go put in your order.” 
Castiel watches as she makes her way to the kitchen, glancing over her shoulder at him as she goes. There’s a small window where the orders are passed between the kitchen and whoever is at the counter: Castiel can see Jo talking to another man through it as they glance intermittently at Castiel. 
He scrubs a hand over his face and curses under his breath. Lying would have been the better option.
The news spreads like wildfire: from Jo to the cook to other patrons in the diner to an older woman at the till. They all stare at him with curious glances, sizing him up. When Jo delivers his lobster roll, Castiel can barely eat it, his stomach is so twisted up in knots.
Someone is going to ask questions; investigate. Or, worse, someone is going to recognize him from the papers. His suitcase is still at the hotel; he could run back to his room, grab it, get out of town. He could just ditch the suitcase altogether if it weren’t for the damn letters. He curses himself again for not putting them in his pocket. He begins to fish out his wallet, fingers shaking as he pulls out a few bills because he can’t just add dine and dash to his list of offenses, but the walls are also closing in and everyone’s looking at him and—
A man appears beside the table. Castiel stares up at him, eyes wide, hands hidden under the table.
He’s wearing waterproof overalls and gumboots, like the rest of the fishermen types at the adjacent table. He scratches his beard and narrows his eyes as he sizes up Castiel. 
Castiel wonders if he could take him in a fight. Based on Castiel’s lack of fitness and the size of this man’s arm, his guess is a resounding no.
“You the new keeper at Whaleback, huh?” he asks. 
Castiel wills his voice not to shake. “Yes.”
The man stares at him for another long moment, frowning, scratching at the dark beard peppering his jawline. Finally, he sits down at the chair across from Castiel, leaning toward him. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Castiel asks, frowning. 
The man shakes his head. “Just… watch yourself out there. Okay? Place isn’t exactly… normal.”
Something akin to cold water rushes down Castiel’s spine, extinguishing the fire of anxiety freezing his limbs—people aren’t wary of him. They’re wary of his new place of occupation. He almost laughs with relief. 
“I can manage,” he says, placing the bills back into his wallet. “Thank you.”
“No, see, there’s—” The man blows out a gust of air. “The Principal Keeper, you see. He ain’t right in the head.” 
“I’m sorry, who even are you?” Castiel snaps.
Both Castiel and the man turn their heads in time to see the older woman from the register approach and cuff Cole over the back of the head. “Spreading rumors again, huh? Got nothin’ better to do?” 
Cole crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair with a scowl. “Not rumors if they’re true, Ellen,” he mumbles.
“Then the next thing you can gab about is how I kicked your ass across this diner and out onto the street,” Ellen snaps, smacking at his shoulder. “Go on, get up and join your buddies, you good-for-nothin’.” 
With a roll of his eyes, Cole rises, then points his finger at Castiel. “I mean it, okay, guy? Just watch yourself around that psycho.”
“That’s enough out of you,” Ellen growls, shoving his back as he goes. She hooks a thumb over to the table of fishermen. “Ignore those superstitious idiots. They latch onto a Jonah in town and don’t stop talking about it.”
“A Jonah?” Castiel asks.
“That’s what they call anyone who’s bad luck enough to stop them from getting a catch.” Ellen shrugs a shoulder. “But they’ve had the best fishing around here in decades since Dean Winchester rolled back into town from the war, so it’s just prejudice.” She nods down at Castiel’s plate. “Lobster roll no good?”
Castiel blinks down at it; he’d forgotten the food in front of him. “Just haven’t had the chance to try it yet.”
Smile sympathetic, Ellen nods over to the counter. “If you want, we can move you over there. Then the eyes of the town will be on your back. Easier to ignore.”
Despite himself, Castiel’s lips quirk up into a grin. “I like that idea.”
With a wink, Ellen scoops up his plate for him, holding it aloft as she weaves through the tables. “Sorry about them,” she says over her shoulder to Castiel as he follows. “You’re not exactly the first keeper this year to come into town for the job, so they’re just a little excitable.”
Castiel slides onto the stool at the counter, frowning. “I thought the job just opened up last month?”
“Oh, it did.” Ellen rounds the corner to the other side of the counter, depositing Castiel’s plate. She quirks her lips, thinking for a moment. “You’re the fourth, I think.”
Castiel gapes. “Fourth?”
“This year, at least.”
“I…” Castiel works his jaw to find the words. “Did they—are they…” He doesn’t finish the sentence, too absorbed in the image of his body splayed out onto the rocks as an ending to this story.
“Oh—no,” Ellen scoffs, waving a hand. “They didn’t die. It’s a dangerous job, but people don’t die… often. No, these men quit after a few months. One didn’t even last a week.” 
Because she keeps glancing at his plate, Castiel picks up the lobster roll and takes a bite. Perfectly salted lobster and toasted bun explodes flavor in his mouth. He makes a mental note to thank Bela profusely for the recommendation. 
He realizes, two bites into his food, that he forgot to pray.
He frowns, wiping his face with a napkin, inwardly chastising himself. That kind of thing doesn’t matter anymore.
Jo skips up to stand beside Ellen, placing her empty tray down on the counter. “What are we talking about?”
“Don’t listen to her about it, either,” Ellen tells Castiel firmly, taking the tray. “Jo’s got fanciful notions about the sea.”
“Oh, we talking about Whaleback?” Jo’s eyes glint mischievously as she leans forward to say to Castiel in a lowered voice, “It’s haunted, you know. That’s why all those keepers quit. Only the Winchesters stay there ‘cause they got used to the ghosts by now.”
“I see,” Castiel says slowly. 
“But, hey, kudos to you for trying it out,” another voice says, patting him on the shoulder. Castiel balks at the man who’s suddenly appeared next to him, a hand offered in greeting. “I’m Ash, Jo’s brother, Ellen’s reluctant son. Nice to meet ya.”
Castiel rubs his temples and sighs. “This is beginning to feel like a circus.”
“Let me give you the skinny,” Ash says, pushing back his hair that’s somehow short in the front and long in the back—something Castiel can barely get his mind around. “Lighthouse used to be totally normal, right? Besides the normal rumors that lighthouses just always have. Daddy John Winchester and little brother Sam Winchester looked after it while older brother Dean Winchester was off fighting the Nazis—he came back and that’s when things started getting weird.” 
Weary from traveling and the overall conversation, Castiel decides to tuck into his lobster roll, hoping that if he doesn’t reply, they’ll all go away. 
“Tell him what happened with his uh, uh—what do you call it?” Jo asks, snapping her fingers.
“Oh, yeah! Dean’s agoraphobia,” Ash says. “Shifts at the lighthouse are usually 25 days on, 4 days off, right? Well, Dean stopped going to shore more and more, until he just stopped leaving the lighthouse altogether. Don’t think that kid’s been out since—what? ’47?”
“Of course he has,” Jo says with a roll of her eyes. “He stopped coming to the mainland when his dad died last year, remember?”
Castiel lifts his head at that one. “He died?”
“Yeah,” Ash says, shaking his head. “John Winchester—he was the Principal Keeper for, what, twenty years at least. Fell over the railing on a clear day. Since then, people keep sayin’ they see weird things—like a woman in a white dress walking up and down the landing, lights flickering on and off during a power outage… Weird things like that. But people are jumpy after the war, they need something to talk about. Get their minds distracted.”
Castiel sipped at his water, mulling over the information. “Who was on shift with Mr. Winchester when he fell?”
Jo grimaces, exchanging a look with Ash. “Dean was in the kitchen when it happened. Saw his dad falling past the window.” 
“He’s Principal Keeper now,” Ash adds. “So you’ll be serving under him. Sam Winchester is the first assistant. And Adam, their half brother, still in high school—he helps out from time to time, picks up shifts if Sam needs it. But now, with you here…” Ash lets out a chuckle. “Well, as long as you last, anyway.”
Castiel takes another long gulp of water, wishing it was beer so he could calm his jangling nerves. “The Coast Guard didn’t tell me I was walking into a situation.” 
Ellen, who stayed on the sideline of their conversation, comes back to lean against the counter. “Officially? You’re not.” She points her finger at Castiel. “Loyalty runs deep in this town. No matter how weird Dean gets, he still fought for this country and he’s done a lot of good for the town since. So any sideways look or word against him, and people will sooner run you out of here than take your side. Got it?”
Castiel sets down his iced tea. He nods. “I got it.”
“Good.” Ellen leans back, arms crossed. “That all being said—if you last after a shift, be sure to visit here while you’re on shore, okay?” 
“Yeah,” Ash chimes in, “we’re placing bets. So last at least two shifts so I can stay low, okay?”
“Or at least three,” Jo adds. She nudges his elbow on the counter with her own. “Don’t worry, champ, I got faith in ya.” 
Incredulous, Castiel scoffs into his water. “Yeah. Right.”
The bell to the diner door rings, heralding a group of sweaty children in baseball uniforms and their parents. The sudden flood of people distracts Ash and Jo long enough for Castiel to finish his lobster roll in peace. When he’s done, he places a ten dollar bill, enough to cover the meal and then some, beside his plate as he shrugs on his coat, winding around the crowd clamoring for a seat to sit.
He hunches his shoulders against the damp shock of cold, blowing warm air into his hands. Living in Boston was cold, but not like this: here, the very air feels hostile, stealing your breath to toss into the harbor’s winds. Castiel paces down the main street, past the dark windows of a flower shop, antique store, and a movie palace. At the end of the road, nudged up a slight hill, is a drug store—and a payphone tucked in beside it. 
It’s a bad idea. He knows it’s a bad idea. But then he thinks of the letters in his suitcase, and the answer is made for him. 
Picking the phone off its cradle, he dials for the operator and asks to make a collect call to Boston, fighting the tremor in his voice. 
The line trills once. Twice. Castiel’s palms spring sweat despite the cold. On the fourth ring, the receiver is picked up. 
Hearing his sister’s voice releases the vise that’s constricting his chest. “Anna,” he chokes out.
There’s a long silence on the other end. Then: “You have to be kidding me.” 
“I know I shouldn’t be calling—”
“I told you not to. I’m hanging up.”
“Just—” Castiel clutches the phone tight to his ear, his body a taut string. He can hear forks clinking in the background on Anna’s end. They’re probably having dinner. “How is she?” he asks, unable to hold the words back. “Her and—”
“They’re fine,” Anna says with a sharp sigh. “Listen, someone could be listening in. It was stupid to call. Don’t do it again.” She pauses. “You get in okay?”
“Yes.” Castiel closes his eyes against the sudden tears that spring into his eyes. “I start the job tomorrow.”
“Good.” Anna’s voice is gentler as she adds, “They’re fine, little brother. Just—don’t call again. Okay?”
“Okay.” Castiel can hear a familiar laugh over the line. He quickly slams the phone back into the cradle; an instinctual reaction. 
Panic, fear, sorrow—it all mounts in his chest as he stumbles away from the payphone, blindly down the road. His feet find their path away from the downtown, toward a cluster of trees and green overlooking the harbor. 
The lighthouse is on now, its lens bright and twirling across the water like a ballerina suspended on a string. Castiel follows the movement as he breathes unsteadily, desperate to catch his racing heart.
Eventually, as it always does, his pulse slows. The fear, the panic—it all leaves his body like water trickling off a ledge. Regret and shame remains, pooling sourly in his gut. 
The water below is dark, murky. It would be so easy to get lost in, with one step in the wrong direction. 
He stares at the lighthouse for a moment longer. Then, with a straight back, he turns away and walks back toward the town.
As with most things in his life, Dean has a love-hate (but mostly hate) relationship with this lighthouse. 
It’s easy to take care of on sunny days and clear nights, but it’s grueling during a storm or fog. Sun shines through the window in the midday, providing warmth, but it’s ever-loving cold the rest of the time. 
It provides him with shelter from the outside world. 
But it traps him in, like a caged animal. 
Love, hate—day in and day out. And right now, standing against the railing of the balcony with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips and the wind whipping at his back, it’s hate.
The light’s ready for the dusk that’s beginning to settle on the harbor. Dean’s cleaned the lens and brewed the meths. He turned on the tap, set a match to the mantle. The routine is so familiar, he could do it in his sleep. The light rotates behind him, illuminating his back briefly before turning its watchful eye to the rest of the harbor. 
Bright, dark. Bright, dark. Around and around like a carousel. 
Him and this lighthouse go way back, like a bad relationship that he can’t quit. When John moved him and Sam to Kittery and started work on this light, Bobby would bring Sam and Dean to visit during the fortnightly supply runs. Every visit was like a further punch to the gut to remind him of what he’d lost. It wasn’t like the light they’d all lived at when Dean’s mom was alive, with a cozy house that always smelled like freshly baked bread. This was a cold, sterile environment that smelled like three guys living in close quarters. And John—
He could barely look Dean and Sam in the eye when they visited. 
After a few months at Whaleback, John seemed to relax into the work and his smile came more easily, but Dean would smell the whiskey on his breath.  
After a while, Bobby stopped taking Sam and Dean at all.
The lighthouse took John and swallowed him whole. During his brief few days of shore leave, he’d just sit with a bottle at the table. Dean came to dread it, since it meant that the money he’d squirreled away in the coffee can on top of the cupboard would inevitably be pilfered for booze money.
Dean doesn’t know why he’s thinking about all of this, or about John. Maybe it’s because of where he’s currently standing. 
Muttering a curse, Dean pulls the zippo out of his pocket and lights the cigarette.
“Got you.”
Dean turns as his brother comes onto the walkway, collar popped and hands deep into his coat pockets. His cheeks are already pinched red from the cold. 
Dean adopts an easy posture, arms settling on the railing as he leans back with a grin. It hides the bitter taste of nostalgia still on his tongue. “I said I wanted to quit, not that I was going to quit.”
Sam rolls his eyes, then joins Dean at the railing. “Light all set?”
“Yup. Everything’s good. Go get some shut-eye.” 
“I thought it was my shift tonight.”
Dean shrugs a shoulder. “Not tired. I can take the whole night.”
“You took the whole shift last night, too,” Sam says with a frown. “What about that chamomile tea Bobby brought last week? Did you try that?”
“Not drinkin’ a flower. I’ll sleep the old-fashioned way.”
“Clearly that’s not working.”
“I’ll take the shift tonight.” Dean levels his brother with a stare. “Okay?”
Lips twisted into a frown, wind sweeping at his hair, Sam suddenly looks like a younger snot-nosed version that had that same miserable look when Dean tried to tell him that Dad volunteered himself for a double shift that month. Before the Coast Guard took over during the war, things were more relaxed—less regulated. John was able to take all the double, triple shifts as he pleased, drinking himself stupid with all the bootlegged liquor in the cellar. 
It always upset Sam, when their dad didn’t come home. He was a sensitive kid. 
Just like all those years ago, Dean’s heart is punched out with a desire to make that frown leave Sam’s face.
“You wanna sneak back with Bobby tomorrow when he comes for the supply run? Go see Eileen? I can cover things here.”
Sam rolls his eyes with a scoffed laugh. “That’s a pretty terrible first impression to make on the new keeper Bobby’s bringing in.”
Fuck. Dean had forgotten about that. “That’s tomorrow?” he asks with a wince. 
“Yes, and we need him to last more than a week, unlike the last guy. Otherwise the Coast Guard is not going to let us have a say in who comes or stays anymore.”
“Last guy was a pansy,” Dean grumbles around his cigarette. 
“You punched him in the face, Dean.” 
Dean glares out at the thin line of the distant shore and doesn’t reply.
“Since you’re a vet, they’re taking it easy on us,” Sam continues, “but Bobby was talking to someone up in a higher rank the other day and—I think this is our last chance.” He clears his throat. “Your last chance.”
“The hell you mean?” Dean asks, drawing up to a straight back. “They’re gonna sack me?”
“Move you, I think. To a solo light on the shore.”
Dean throws up a hand. “Well, fine. Let them. What’s the problem?”
There’s that miserable look again. Sam won’t raise his head as the unspoken words hang between them. Dean stays silent, challenging Sam to say it. 
“You know what the problem is, Dean,” Sam quietly says. 
Yeah. Dean knows. He knows that without Sam, Dean at a solo light would probably end with him hanging from the rafters. 
Blowing out a drag of smoke into the wind, Dean hunches back over the railing. “I’ll try,” he concedes. “But if he’s a dumbass—”
“Then I’ll train him,” Sam interjects. “You don’t even have to be in the same room as him. We’ll put him on the early morning shifts, make him sleep in the afternoons.”
Dean huffs out a laugh. “Make him stay in the service room listening to the radio.”
A grin forming on Sam’s face, he adds, “Tell him that shore leave is ten days instead of four so he stays off the lighthouse for longer.” 
“Yeah, the Coast Guard won’t notice that.”
“Whatever it takes for you to cohabitate with this guy, I say we do it,” Sam says with a shrug. “Get creative.” 
Dean makes a move to flick the stub of his cigarette away; Sam grabs his arm to stop him. “I just cleaned the gallery, Dean.” With a scowl, Dean tosses it into the ocean instead.
Sam runs a hand through his messy hair and sighs, the disapproval evident in his frown. “Need anything before I go down to the bunks?”
“Nah. Get some sleep, Sammy.” Dean gives his brother a smack on the chest in dismissal. “I’ll wake you for the morning shift.”
“Okay, but actually wake me this time. Don’t let me sleep in until nine.”
Dean taps out another cigarette from the carton he fishes out of his pocket. “No promises.” 
“And let me actually make breakfast tomorrow, too!” Sam calls before he disappears through the door.
“I would if your eggs weren’t shit!” Dean barks back. His words are snatched up by the wind. He turns back toward the ocean, clicking the lighter as he holds it up to the cigarette butt. “Seriously, who raised you?”
Blowing out another puff of smoke, the cigarette still caught between his teeth, Dean eyes the shoreline. Their new keeper is probably staying at Bela’s place, if it’s still even running. The inn nearly went under last year after her parents declared bankruptcy. He ran with her a few times in high school before he cut town—she was sharp around the edges. Misunderstood. Just like him. 
He remembers the new guy’s resume. It had stood out to him among the rest, mainly because he seemed the least qualified. Didn’t make sense at all why the Coast Guard chose him as the new rookie, when five men before him—way more experienced, to boot—didn’t last.
No family, no money. Maybe that’s why they took him. That’s better, for these stag lights—bunch of single men with no families means there’s a better chance of them staying. It’s why the Coast Guard is itching to get a new keeper for the light, what with them eyeing recently married Sam, and Eileen, who’s in the family way.
It would make more sense for Sam to leave, get a position at a light with a house. Where he could see his family every night. 
What Sam and Dean used to have, before Mary died.
Dean runs a hand down his face, letting out a curse. Whatever the word is for wishing for a time that he can’t get back to, ever—that’s what tonight is. Memories he didn’t ask for turning around and around in his head like a wheel. That’s what the sea does when you look out into it: shimmers back at you, showing you what you want to see. And sometimes what you don’t. 
The door behind him creaks open again. With a grumble, Dean lets out a breath of smoke, a reprimand on his tongue for Sam to get the hell to bed. 
A bang echoes through the air. 
Dean drops his cigarette in surprise, whipping around to face the door. It yawns open, mercilessly blowing in the wind, banging against the side. Dean strides over to it and pulls it firmly closed before it breaks one of the windows. 
The lens, green and opaque, flashes across his eyes; he squints as the light rotates away. Turning back to the railing, spots dotting his vision, he sees a shadow. 
One taller than him, broader; stumbling toward the railing with a groan. 
Dean closes his eyes, briefly; chest constricting. A trick of the light. It happens.
“It’s haunted!” one of the failed keepers had shouted as he stuffed his clothes into a carpetbag, stumbling down the stairs. “This place is fucking haunted!” 
But that keeper had got it wrong—it wasn’t the lighthouse doing the haunting.
It was the person inside of it.
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i have a request for adult lottie x reader if u want?
something about reader also being part of the survivors, besties with nat <3, lottie and reader having dated in the past, then reader going almost no contact with the rest of the last yellowjackets because of everything that went down there and was too much to bear so reader left and went off to god knows where to travel the world or whatever,
ANYGAYS reader and lotties love never withered even after all that time SO THEN they reunite and its super heartwarming romantic bla bla with a bit of sadness and hurt because lottie really needed reader but they just up and left without telling a soul bla bla u can choose what u do with it or how it ends but thank u nonetheless
pairing: adult lottie matthews x reader
word count: 1870
notes: not proofread. also i am so obsessed w the gif of her beneath this AHH inhale gay exhale gay inhale gay exhale gay live the gay taste the rainbow
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Against the pull of any sort of sound judgment, you’d reconnected with Natalie after she'd gotten out of rehab. It was the only contact you’d had with any of the other Yellowjackets since the wilderness, and while you knew Natalie was still in contact with some of them you couldn’t face any of them but her.
The two of you had reconnected, by chance, at a time when both of you were in terrible states of mind and neither of you should have been under the influence of the other. You had just gotten fired from your job, and with Natalie out of rehab with no place to go you’d traveled to meet her and had ended up staying in the motel with her. All of it was a mess, but in your mind it was the best option.
But one day, Natalie told you everything she’d been doing with the other Yellowjackets, tried to get you involved — she told you about the blackmailer, about Shauna’s dead boyfriend, about Taissa almost killing her wife in the car wreck caused by whatever alter ego was supposedly possessing her.
You had snapped. You weren’t ready to face any of the other girls, not after all that had happened, and not after so many years. It was best to leave it all be. The past wasn’t worth reliving, and the things all of you did… you didn’t trust yourself anymore.
So you left. Without warning you left Natalie at the motel, gathering what little things you had and hitting the road. It was shitty of you, and you knew it, but you’d done it before to the other girls, and this was no different.
But Natalie had never tried to contact you. You didn’t receive a single text, a single call, and it had you worried, which is why when a New York number you didn’t recognize kept trying to call you, you apprehensively picked up.
“Who is this?” You asked tiredly, sitting in your car at a rest stop.
The line was quiet for a moment.
“Hello?” You tried again, and you were about to hang up when she spoke.
“I almost didn’t recognize your voice, it’s been so long.”
You paused, a sharp sense of shock flooding through you, and for a moment you deeply considered hanging up, but you knew if you did she would keep calling. She always had.
“Lottie,” you breathed, your tone neutral, somewhere between regret and rejoicing. “Lottie, how did you get my number?”
She cleared her throat awkwardly on the other end. “I have Natalie.”
“You have her? What, did you kidnap her or something?” You tried joking, but you became a bit concerned when she didn’t respond for a few moments. “Lottie, holy fuck, you didn’t kidnap her did you?”
“An intervention was required. It wasn’t a kidnapping.”
You resisted the urge to laugh. She sounded so serious, insisting upon the fact that it wasn’t a kidnapping. But then her words fully digested, and a quick flash of fear ran through you. “What happened to Natalie? Why did you have to take her, is she okay? And why are you calling me about it?”
“Listen, I don’t know what happened between the two of you,” she said, “if you were just friends, or if there was more—”
“No,” you said quickly. “That’s all it was.”
“Well, in any case, Natalie… She tried to shoot herself. About a day after you left. We’ve been watching the two of you to make sure you’re okay, but if we hadn’t been…”
You were silent. You had nothing to say as guilt crashed over you in waves, cold and heavy, leaving you empty.
“Come to Camp Green Pine,” Lottie said, interrupting your montage of self-blame. “We can help you here, and you can see her. You can see me.”
“You run the weird hippie cult with the purple people?”
“It’s heliotrope,” she said rather sharply, “it’s not purple.”
“Pardon me.”
“Follow the gray car parked across the parking lot from you. I’ll meet you at the entrance in an hour.”
She hung up.
A bit disturbed, you turned, and looking out the back window of the car you saw that indeed there was a gray car, and you shook your head, smirking slightly.
“Weird bitch,” you murmured to yourself.
But upon reflecting on your conversation, your heart dropped a bit. It was an oddly professional phone call, considering it was between two people who had dated in high school and during what happened in the wilderness, and you hadn’t spoken in at least 15 years or so. Then there was the way you’d left things between the two of you, not really bad but not really good. You’d just left, with no way for her to contact you.
The gray car began to pull out of the parking lot, and after a moment of hesitation you followed it. Part of you wanted to turn around, keep running, but you knew Lottie had probably prepared for that, and trying to leave would only make things worse.
You arrived at Camp Green Pine within an hour. As it turned out, you weren’t too far from it at all, your subconscious having guided you already to where you needed to be.
The gray car stopped in front of the entrance to the commune, and two people wearing purple sweaters jumped out, approaching your car to greet you. You stayed inside, a bit apprehensive about joining them.
One of them gestured for you to roll down your window, and when you did, he smiled gratefully.
“If you follow us,” he said, “we will take you to Charlotte. She has instructed us to lead you to the lake, and from there she will give you a tour of the place herself. She also told us to let you know Natalie is under sedation, but she is healthy and should be waking up soon.”
You followed the two through the forested path at the entrance to the commune, a heavy silence settling among you. It must have been blatantly obvious how much you didn’t want to be there, and you made no effort to disprove that.
Whatever entity or insanity had plagued you in the wilderness, you could feel it here too, just as strong as it had always been. As you approached the wooden dock of the lake that surrounded half of the commune, you were brought briefly back to the past, all those days you spent with Lottie and Lara Lee in the lake in the wilderness, the baptism, the readings, the plane. The heavy weight of grief settled like an unshakable rock in your chest, and you stood completely still, unable to move. For a moment you could see it all so clearly, and when you looked into the sky the only view you had was of Lara Lee in the fire of the exploded plain, falling into the water, Lottie’s screams.
“The view is what sold me on this place,” a voice said from behind you. Her voice, smooth and soothing in a way you didn’t want to admit, in the way it always had been.
Lottie stood at your side, and after a moment of hesitation you turned, taking her in, changed so completely by the years but somehow bearing a sameness about her that could never be replaced.
You weren’t entirely sure why, but your throat began to close and you were fighting off tears.
You couldn’t cry in front of her. You had been the one to leave, it was your guilt to bear, your burden to apologize for, but you couldn’t even speak.
Tentatively you reached for her, as if upon touching her she would disappear, a goddess of the wilderness existing solely in myth – but then again she may not have minded that, to give her mind and body and soul to that perpetually untouchable thing that spoke to her and her alone so clearly.
She took your hand, meeting your gaze, analyzing your expression carefully but at the same time so unbelievably calm.
“Come with me,” Lottie said softly, and with your hand still in hers you allowed her to lead you to a nearby cabin, cushions and a small coffee table on the floor. You vaguely noticed anything, however, but her, and that finally you were alone together.
“I missed you,” Lottie said quietly after a moment. “You never called. After I got back from Switzerland I never heard from you again. We were doing so well and then you just… disappeared.”
You nodded. It was a conversation you didn’t want to have, one you weren’t proud that you had to have, but there was no avoiding it. “I couldn’t handle it anymore. The way people would look at me or ask me about getting stuck there. The other girls were coping in their own ways, and after a few years… when you got sent to Switzerland… I didn’t think you were ever getting out of there, Lottie, and without you there was no reason for me to stay.”
“But after I got out–”
“I knew how pissed you would be. I had no excuses, I still don’t, not really. I don’t know how to apologize, and I can’t make things better. I thought it would be best if I just left you alone.”
She nodded thoughtfully, and both of you were at a loss of words, though so much had been left unsaid.
“I’m sorry,” you said at last. “I shouldn’t have left without an explanation. I shouldn’t have left at all.”
“Then stay now,” she suggested, as if that was her plan all along, to lure you here and trap you in her love. “Make up for lost time, yeah?”
“You’d want me to stay?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you said, though really all you wanted was to stay with her and never leave. “I already fucked up before, and I don’t want to—”
Her lips crashed against yours, one of her hands sliding to the back of your beck, grounding you both, and you allowed yourself to get lost in the rhythm of the two of you together, the feeling of her lips on yours, her love bringing you home. It had been so long since you’d kissed her, and a thousand emotions flooded you but the one that stood out the most was that, undeniably, this was right.
“I never stopped loving you,” she said once you’d pulled away for air, “even after you left.”
You nodded, hardly able to respond. “I’ve missed you for years.”
You allowed yourself another moment of indulgence, another kiss, and you could feel her longing, the hunger that had never left. You wanted to explore it, exploit it, make it yours in her arms.
“Stay with me,” Lottie said, and this time it wasn’t a question, it was a command.
A goddess of the wilderness, divinity personified and standing before you. The failures of the past were forgiven, and all was new. You allowed love to guide you, home found at last in her touch, and though years of fault had passed, in her presence you were eternal.
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themlemever · 2 months
I'm sorry, but I have to yap about this Sam & Max Fullmetal Alchemist AU (Freelance Alchemists I guess) or I'll die <3
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Essentially it's Sam & Max characters in the FMA universe, so everything takes place in Amestris.
Instead of them being brothers who fucked up because they wanted their mother back (they have to be gay married in every universe I don't make the rules.) they're in their twenties and depressed as fuck. Basically, they were raising their daughter, Darla, (She probably wouldn't go by the Geek in this au but maybe I'll change my mind later.) but eventually she became ill like Ed and Al's mother.
Then she died. Sorry Geek fans but it's for character development.
Sam and Max are obviously grief-stricken and turn to Alchemy. Human transmutation happens and badabing badaboom Max is left with two missing limbs and a dead husband bound to a suit of armor with his blood. Romantic? Now they get to travel to find a Philosopher's Stone because they can't live without each other.
Girl Stinky and Grandpa Stinky take the place of Winry and Granny, I enjoy the concept of Sam having to watch his husband argue with his automail engineer because he fights like a feral animal.
Sybil would take Izumi's place, I think her learning/teaching alchemy with them would be cute. Until it's not and she dabbles in human transmutation to bring her kid back too. (Have you learned nothing?) Idk about Abe though, I might replace him with Superball because no one likes Abe.
Flint Paper could take Maes Hughes' place, two silly guys that get along with the main characters. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to him :)
The Commissioner would be Roy Mustang, it just feels right. That would also mean he'd be the Flame Alchemist and I don't know how to feel about that.
The short Ed jokes becoming short Max jokes and Sam being mistaken for the state alchemist between the too, it makes too much sense.
Some of the FMA cast would still stick around, they'd just be a bit more unhinged. (Not too much tho.)
I think they would both feel guilty about what happened but Max more so. He'd end up trying to cover that up by acting more cynical/sassy, (think of his Hit the Road characterization) and he'd be a bit smarter than normal due to having to be good enough at alchemy to become state-certified.
Sam would be somewhat the same, mainly to keep Max under control otherwise he'd wreak havoc with the ability to transmute without a circle. I say only somewhat because he'd be more protective of Max after the incident, touch the bnnuy and you'll get hell from both of them. He'd also be the one to convince Max to wear clothes, the state wouldn't let him be an official state alchemist if he just paraded around naked. ("Facist oppressors."/ref)
And yes, Sam would take great offense to the term; "Dog of the military."
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Thank you for coming to my yapping session, I'll add more if I feel like it.
Give me suggestions too and I'll judge/insult them./j
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