#dsmp anti
barzfrommarz · 29 days
psa to the ppl who still have dsmp fans in their dni list: Ever since dsmp ended there has been imo a big divide between creators and lore. If you don’t want people who like certain creators on your page please specify that. Cause when you say “dsmp fans dni” you’re talking about everyone not just ppl who like the creators. I promise you most ppl who call themselves dsmp fans saying it because they like the lore or characters and most of us can recognize the line between fiction and reality
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yulsbabymama · 2 years
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thisis-juststuff · 2 years
ive already kinda mentioned this but i'm seeing more and more of it and i need to say it again before i throw something bc this is making me so unbelievably angry.
the attitude of some of the dsmp antis on the internet right now regarding techno's death is honestly fucking disgusting- i cannot even express how sick it makes me. they're treating it like a fucking joke.
i know i said it once but i'm gonna say it again: if any of you are laughing at this, making disrespectful jokes about this, calling people who are grieving 'over the top' or bragging about how you aren't gonna respect his death or his family or about how you're "glad he died", stay the actual fuck away from me. like block me right fucking now. this isn't a joke, or a meme, or banter, or discourse, this is a real life person who passed away and you are seriously disgusting istfg i cannot believe this shit.
i legitimately just cannot fucking believe that people actually genuinely think this is okay in anyway shape or form im so fucking angry right now.
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georgelovesseals · 2 years
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Just realised I never made an about me post lol
So here it is!!! C:
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Hi my name is George! And here are some things about me!
I type really fast so sorry if I misspell some things!
My favourite colour is yellow! . My special interests are: MarbleHornets webkinz my little pony (preferably fim) . My favourite animals (atm) are seals fox's sharks and cats! .
I mainly post about my special interests and animals if you have any questions about me ask me in my inbox!! :V♡ .
My dni is hereee :3
Proshipers comshipers dsmp fans pedophiles necrophiles toxic fans racist people homaphobes transphobes nazis anti neopronouns anti xenogenders abelists nsfw blogs transmeds transcums ppl who defend groomers radfems rapists kink blogs/nsfw blogs terfs. I might add on later but that's my dni for now!
Have a good day/afternoon/night goodbye!!! :D
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verlierer-is-lost · 2 years
Mcyt antis talk about Dream more than Dream stans talk about Dream
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grvyrd-drms · 2 years
its so bad. its so bad. guys i know tumblr isnt really big on him but yall gotta fuckin see this
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airyes · 2 years
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
now why does a literal misogynistic and lesbophobic straight man get a girlfriend, but i as a bisexual young woman cannot...?? least of all when my bi sisters and siblings always get accused of being misogynistic just for being attracted to women and dating men (or even not dating men) and not anything they actually said or did?? the world is actually so unfair what the fuck lmao!!
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nastygunboats · 2 years
so dream did a face reveal today
i can now say that i, a trans man who hasnt gone on testosterone yet, look more masculine than a grown-ass cisgender man person.
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Another DSMP anti video- Yeah, it’s just fucking ableism and weird girl cringe.
Honestly, when they have words like, “Merp 😵‍💫” and, “what the potato,” in a parody best to run. What stereotype are you running off of other than neurodivergent people or just people you find “strange.”
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maddielovesu · 2 years
Okay thats it. Who hacked into my acc and looked at dmsp shit bc its all over my fucking feed 🙁.
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tales-from-syscord · 2 months
one of our alters is technically from the dsmp but he's so far separated from his source he barely looks like the guy and doesn't use the same name anymore - hasn't in almost two years
and yet. we were still told to leave the server. because he existing at all was 'scaring people'. mind you none of them even met him, we just casually introduced him in the intro post.
(we barely mentioned his source, but we mentioned it the same way you'd introduce someone, ie 'this is max, he's from new york')
Dude what? That's fucking wild, I swear people only preach that alters aren't source when it suits them. Hypocrites.
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wolfyaphroowo · 3 months
Something that makes me upset is that the fact the DSMP fandom has gotten so much shit and hate over the past few years. I understand that there are some bad apples in the fandom but that’s every fandom. Idk, it feels pretty pointless to hate on us now though in my opinion at least. (Like let me like a damn minecraft sever)
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crow-collective15 · 8 months
*offers any Tubbo or ranboo introjects some cookie*
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sysboxes · 6 months
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[Text: These DSMP fictives don't condone their CC's actions.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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sovereignsystem · 1 month
I think MCYT introjects should be treated with respect.
Yes, even if they're attached to the source.
Yes, even if they go by their source name.
Yes, even if you personally do not like their source.
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