#dsmp yogurt the fox
shitfucksheadcanons · 2 years
Shroud and Yogurt are like Tumblr User VS. Walmart on November 1st. Shroud will be playing halloween music until it’s the end of November, but Yogurt makes sure Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You is queued to start at exactly midnight on November 1st. Meanwhile, MICHEAL AND CLEMENTINE ARE GETTING READY TO BLAST SHIT YOU’D HEAR AT A SCHOOL DANCE ON VALENTINE’S DAY, AND FINLEY HAS SAINT PATTIES DAY MUSIC QUEUED AND THE ONLY REAL WAR IS FOUGHT OVER HOLIDAY MUSIC.
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trademarkdraws · 1 year
ctommy sketches‼️‼️
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unhonest-iago · 1 year
Or my fist will put you out
(The Bursona in this is Revivedbur but will still refer to him as Wilbur)
Fundy woke up for the 5th time in the last hour to his adopted kid Yogurt screaming. Having gone through the last 10 days on little to no sleep, he really wanted to punch the kid. Wasn’t the kid, Fundy just didn’t know what to do. He racked his brain, trying to think of who could help him. Phil? No, the bird brain would help but not without relentless mockery. Dad? No, that bridge was burned when he ‘supported’ Schlatt, even if he was acting as a spy. But that was Wilbur before he died. Surely this revived version would view him as his son, wouldn’t he?
A rather loud cry brought Fundy from his second guessing. All he knew was that he and Yogurt both needed sleep. Grabbing a pair of slippers and coat, he picked Yogurt up, dressing him in clothes warm enough for the weather outside. Walking to Revivedbur’s house in the woods, Fundy knocked on the door with Yogurt propped up on his hip. Wilbur quickly opened the door, eyebrow raised. ‘Son?’
‘What’s up Wannabe Apollo?’ Panicking when he saw his dad’s door start closing, planted his foot so the door would shut on it. ‘Dad, I need your help.’ Wilbur noticing the bags under his son’s eyes & the clothed lump on his hip, opened the door. Walking over to the fire, Wilbur added more kindling. ‘So who’s this little guy?’ offering to take Yogurt from Fundy. ‘Yogurt, I found him outside Las Nevadas, I couldn’t leave him there.’
‘So now you have a champion of your own?’
Nodding, Fundy tugged on his hair, ‘Thing is, I can’t get him to sleep and I didn’t know if I could come here or—‘
‘Look at me, it’s alright. Plus this time, I can be of use. Now, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. Sit down.’ Returning Yogurt to Fundy, noticing the young snow fox was already sleeping from Wilbur’s humming. An old song that he would hum to Fundy, I Wanna Be In The Cavalry. One that his uncles would join in singing late at night when things were still peaceful.
Returning back w/ a little cup of what looked to be milk. Sheepishly, ‘I didn’t have any sippy cups…it’s angels milk.’ Fundy quickly helped, sitting Yogurt up to feed him. ‘It’s fine, what’s angel’s milk?’
‘Just steamed milk, little bit of vanilla and sugar. Works like a charm apparently. Phil taught me and now me to you.’ Wilbur’s humming along with Fundy burping Yogurt quickly put the snow fox to sleep. The two caught up, not bringing up any touchy subjects, both genuinely wanting to patch up their relationship.
Wilbur looking over to the duo, smiled when he heard Fundy’s snores. His chest rising and falling, Yogurt laying on top, burrowing his head into Fundy’s scruff. Getting up to head to bed himself, pulled a patchwork quilt over the two, kissing Fundy’s forehead. ‘I love you, my little champion.’
‘I know right now you can’t do much, but take care of my boy Yogurt, as he does you.’
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stim-odds · 2 months
Realized I forgot to add this, but for the yogurt(the Arctic fox from dsmp) I want themes of snow, dark oceans and maybe lonley. Again even if you don’t make it, thank you!! :))
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[ 🌊 ;; snow ; [ C YOGURT ] ; dark ocean ]
[ 🌨️ ;; request made by ; anonymous ; ]
[ ❄️ ;; requests ; OPEN & SLOWED,!! ; ]
[ 🛁 ;; I hope you enjoy! three lovely lads<3 ]
[ 🕷️ ;; x x x - x x x - x x x ]
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delicehm · 1 year
I want to see Yogurt growing up into a villain because "Self-harm" and "Harm others" switchs between generations
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the-fandom-queenxox · 2 years
Wait I just thought of something, since the nuke killed everyone but everyone is still very much alive(cause of some revive book bs I'm assuming)with a full server reboot does this mean that all the npc kids (+the pets) are dead? Cause if that's the case I'll actually stop watching dsmp
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passions-and-pupils · 2 years
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The cast of my dsmp fanfic Michaels adventures in daycare from tallest (Michael) to shortest (Finley)
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calicofoxxed · 1 month
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chat I'm back on my dsmp designs shit
some design notes/headcanons below the cut !
both her wings and hair are graying. their wings used to be much brighter (close to a bright yellow/gold) but have dulled over time mostly due to stress :]
the most important feathers on her wings are clipped so they cannot fly more than a foot off the ground and glide (not v gracefully) down from something
the scar on her stomach is from when Schlatt swiped at her with a pickaxe.
you cant see it too clearly (because he uses his hair to cover it as much as possible) but the scar on her face from techno goes over their nose as well.
they switch out their fake eye every now and then. they have more casual ones like the 8 ball and more fancy ones like eyes w star/heart pupils and shit like that.
scars from the execution are a little more faded in comparison to her hand/arm burns
she keeps the casino key on him at all times. its on one of those extendable lanyard thingys.
his septum is pierced!! i considered making her bellybutton pierced but decided against it
the stickers on their cane are from various Las Nevadas members, the fox is from fundy ofc, the card is an actual card that slime glued on, the chip is one she added himself and theres a creeper sticker from sam on the other side
star pin was handmade by yogurt and she wears it with pride, even though it doesn't match
the outfit here is more of a casual outfit of hers. for off days around las nevadas, prison visits, etc.
the ring on her necklace is actually from Eret, its the only ring from his engagements that he kept and didn't throw away in rage/upset. because she was never angry at Eret for their relationship failing, not like with Sap and Karl, and definitely not like with Schlatt.
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mcytchildbracket · 7 months
round 2, quarter 3, match 1
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info and propaganga under cut
He inspires so much creativity in fans. I just think Foxes are cute. He was a leash child. Kept trying to escape. I just loved him.
Nicknames: none
Parent: Fundy
theres some debate as to if hes a pet or a son, but in my heart hes just a babey boy snd hes so fuzzy and little guy coded. Fundy just wants to do his best and take care of his son
Grian and Mumbo literally build the original Grumbot together, they name him after them!! That's their son!! Soon he starts calling them 'dads' instead of 'creators'. At the end of season 7 Grian and Mumbo say "let's go say bye to our son." THAT IS THERE SON In season 9 Emperor Grumbot throws a fit when hes activated and threatens to destroy the server when told Mumbo isnt there. That's just a little baby guy wanting his dad! All babies do that minus the capacity to destroy the world with their tantrums!
Nicknames: Grumbot Prime, Emperor Grumbot
Smp: Hermitcraft s7,9 , The Other Timeline™️, empires s2
Aww the silly <3 double tap if the homocidal scrunkly
He is so innocent and just wants to be happy with his parent lol. Kinda tragic but still awesome.
I just think it’s funny that Grian and Mumbo tried to create an AI to win a mayoral race and accidentally made a son and then that son came back in a later season as an (implied) murderer and then Grian remade that son and he attempted murder. Something is up with that guy
He’s evil, he loves his dads, he’s dead, he’s alive, he’s a interworld treasure, he’s a sweetie, he’s a marketing ploy, he’s big, he’s a robot, he is Grumbot.
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shitfucksheadcanons · 2 years
HEADCANON TIME! NextGen SMP (Dream SMP children: ex: Shroud, Yogurt, Michael) all grow up to be little gay disasters and Yogurt is mental illness. Not has mental illness, IS mental illness. I feel like being the child of Fundy will do that to you. Anyways, nobody is evil, just really fucking stupid, and they just be gay do crime all year round. 
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I love your ideas for fundy they are so goooddddbdjrjdndnjf
But I want to ask some questions if thats ok, you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t want to
If risingfox was to lead his own clan, would any other dsmp characters turned cats join him
Like Niki or eret
Also what is his relationship whit dream?
Did the wedding happen?
Also would he have yogurt (his adopted fox son)?
Again you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want
Have a good day :]
Thank you for the complements!
Probably, although I would fill up the clan with some other cats, with the cast of the DSMP being too small. I can definitely see Eret joining, I'm unsure about Niki but either way they would be close friends.
Hmm.....that's very interesting question. I think it's the same as the wiki, neutral/negative. Risingfox would prefer to stay away from WC Dream.
I don't think the wedding happened, as it would be tough to work it into a warrior cats universe, and it's non-canon.
Yes. Absolutely. All the DSMP pets are actually now adopted children. Yogurt is now Swiftfoot (placeholder, might decide to use it).
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unhonest-iago · 11 months
Only in the Photographs
… If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I ran my fingers along the edge of a dresser, collecting dust, brushing it off on my pants. I was in an abandoned area, having discovered it, wandering after waking up from a nightmare. Picking up a picture frame from its face-down position, I wiped the cobwebs away with my fingerless gloves. White and pink. One dressed in sailor’s garb and the other in an apron. They looked happy, a picnic between them, set near the sea. Niki and Puffy, his brain registered.
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Placing it back, upright this time, I continued my search, passing by discarded polaroids.
One such polaroid showed 3 men. 3 sets of matching rings between them. The smallest wearing a bright color blocked hoodie. Karl was the only one protected from the rain seen pelting them. They were all laughing, running towards shelter. Sapnap holding Quackity’s blue jacket above his head, the duckling in the back with his head tilted towards the sky, holding his beanie so it stayed on. I assumed George took the picture. Way before Kinoko Kingdom or Las Nevadas was ever built. When it was still El Rapids, and Karl's memory wasn't as deteriorated.
… When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
Now in the halls, I saw more pictures hanging from the walls. I stopped to correct a titled one. It was one of those frames that held 3 photos. The first being a zombie pigman sitting in the lap of a half-enderman. I assumed from the pajamas Michael wore that Ranboo was reading to him so he’d fall asleep. Ranboo in the second photo, sitting across from Tubbo who’s hair obscured his eyes like always, no matter how many times Philza offered him a haircut. They were both eating pasta, Ranboo having told Tubbo he had something on his face. Almost out of frame, you could them holding hands. The last being of Tubbo pushing Tommy on a swing, just toddlers at the time. It all reminded me of my own son and how I’d possibly get to see all of those milestones; having a first best friend, a first date & eventually having a family of his own.
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
I found it odd how every relationship shown in those photos, they were happy and now those bonds are gone. Some drifted apart with time, not seeing each other since & others destroyed beyond repair. Slowly closing the door, I made my way back home. My son was bound to wake up and I’d make sure I was there when he did.
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off anon cause I want people to know who wrote this, it's me and my autism and I must be known for it. -drunk former anon (FYI I have dyslexia and write the way I speak so if I repeat myself its not on purpose.)
Why C!Philza and C!Techno are the old man duo. As to not go into my own hc’s i will be using canon or widespread accepted hc’s in this post.
Lets start with the easier, C!Techno. During his birthday stream on the dsmp he has a conversation with C!Quackity.
Quackity: Hey, it's your birthday? Techno: Ya, I’m old now. … Quackity: How old are you now…? Techno: Uhhhhh… I don’t know. Quackity: Huh? Techno: Yeah, I’m not quite sure… Quackity: You don't know how old you are? It's your birthday, you know the date but you don't know how old you are? Techno: It’s been so long.
While there are other lore conversations that would imply he's younger than an old man (ie Ghostbur’s book saying Wilbur and Techno used to spar when they were kids. And in a stream, Wilbur says Techno is in his late 20's.) Techno’s own more recent account counteracts this making it more canon. Also, the fact that Techno has stated that he and Phil are “longtime friends” as it makes more sense for the lore. With Phil canonically being immortal and an old man this does imply a similar lifespan to Philza.
Techno had canonized the fact that he only had one life (called hardcore mode) “Where I come from, people don't have multiple lives.” now while in the dsmp canon people have multiple lives, the implication that smplive is canon backing this up even. If smp live is canon the fact that while he was on the server he didn't die would help to back up the fact that he has one life and has lived for a while. Now does this mess a little with the ages of the characters? Yes, but if anything it makes some characters a few years older than implied in the series, not enough for any of them to be old.
Now on the fact that he can and will kill people in canon, the whole “Technoblade never dies” bit is real, he won't die and he will kill. He could crush any old bag of bones to mush with his bare hands. I will go more in depths with the duo part of this paper. On the server, Techno has one of the highest kill counts at 5 without suffering from a single death and has maimed, scared, or terrorized the other characters so many times it's hard to count. Quackity canonically had a fear of techno and was hunted down by him at least once, Techno used that fear against Quackity to scare him just for fun
Now the more complicated, C!Philza minecraft. In canon, he is old, old as shit. He's called old in canon and is considered the oldest character in the canon, the wiki even notes on C!Schlatts page “If Schlatt were to be revived in early July 2022, he would be more than 69 years old, assuming that he died in his 20s. This makes him the oldest character on the SMP, besides Philza.” Phil is old, old. Phil is also canonically a father, a grandfather, and a great-grandfather. As his son (C!Wilbur), who has a son (C!Fundy) who has a son (Yogurt a fox npc)
In the lore stream ‘awesamdude and Boomer NA lore finale Ft. Philza’ It mentions at the beginning “A very long time ago” Phil mentions his wife (who at this point was known as ‘Her’.) implying that he is under the moniker of The Angel of Death, C!Sam also mentions how “Hes the only person that can hang around you now” “I can be there” and that Phil was “Looking for someone you could be friends with for a long time” Phil also mentions in that same conversation “I could die… just because I’ve lived a long time doesn't mean I’m not invincible” implying Phil is old and won't die of old age. Now the time point in where this happens is very vague and not stated at all but it can be assumed Phil has been alive for a while at this point.
At one point in the canon, it was stated that for Phil he was in isolation for like 500 years in his hard-core world. While this was de-canonized some time ago this is still the accepted canon, putting the old bird man at a minimum of 501, it's assumed to be longer because his other hard-core worlds have been mentioned in the canon. Most importantly the baby zombie incident (tm) in where CC!Philza lost his 5-year-long hard-core world to a baby zombie and spider. Techno multiple times keeps up with the bit and goes “Philza lookout” while screaming every time a baby zombie appears. So it's likely that Phil is older than 600 and had a near-death experience with a baby zombie, an event that techno is aware of and feels the need to be protective of his friend over.
Phil is also popularly hced to be so old time doesn't work the same way for him, to explain the reasons why he set off an enderpearl stasis chamber 3 months and not 3 days after techno went to prison. (that or he can not read as he is so old he doesn't remember how to read in modern languages because when he learned to read it was a different language system.)
now while this is less canon and more the fandom part of Phil's character (cause man, is the fandom wild sometimes) ill mainly be bringing up the Tumblr side as it's the more fun side. For a while we had Phil being called Dilfza and at some point had also been called Gilfza when people pointed out that in canon Phil is a grandpa, so on occasion, Phil will be called Dilfza or Gilfza. The Gilfza part was mainly used by a handful of people starting in april 2021 but was first mentioned on Tumblr on january 2021
Onto if Phil could win and crush the other old people? Yes, yes he could. In canon, he is the angel of death, a name given to him originally on smpEarth a server where the Antarctic Empire took over the world and committed various amounts of war crimes. Phil also in the dsmp has participated in doomsday willingly and took revenge on the country that was responsible for his son's insanity and took great joy in taking out his anger on the people, setting off withers and bombs to do so. Phil has little regard for life when he feels it is ok to snuff it out adding on to his angel of death name.
Now time for the duo part and why you should not separate them.
There are multiple times during the canon where Phil and Techno show they are ride or die for the other. When Phil was questioned about Techno's location by the Butcher army he says “Where do you think this loyalty I have for this country exists? I'm not loyal to this country at all. I'm pretty new here, if anything you guys need to prove to me that I should care." Phil does not tell them anything about Techno’s location and goes on to say how close he and Techno are and that their friendship means more to him than New L’manburg does to him and how “We do not rat out each other.”. In fact, it only gets revealed to them about once they trash Phil’s house and find a compass that's connected to a lodestone which then gets Phil put under house arrested for being non-compliant. When Techno gets captured and sees the state Phil was left in he shoats “Phil what did they do to you.” and “You guys leave Phil alone, just take me.” showing how much care they have for each other, to the point where they would risk their own health and safety for the other to be ok.
Some of the most famous quotes in the fandom in fact come from the two of them and their show of Camaraderie,
Techno: "Phil, I have to tell you something." Philza: "Yeah? What's up?" Techno: "You're the only friend I have left in this world, Phil. The only friend I have left- which is why. I want you to have this compass. If you ever need me, Phil, I'm going into retirement right now. I'm giving up on my violent ways, but if you ever need me, Phil, I will fight for you. I will do whatever it takes… to help you"
And the ever-popular "You know what, Phil? For you- For you the world, Phil. All right?” Along with the fact that Techno trusted Phil enough to tell him about his chat that made up the voices in his head telling him to do violence (where it is also restated the fact they have known each other for a long time and at one point his violent tendency were worse). Later on in the story they even go as far as to make a secret group to discuss and dismantle governments together with the other being their most trusted person in the group.
Techno at some point gives Phil his will when he leaves to go into the prison, inside the book having parts of his actual will and the instructions for Phil to use the Enderpearl stasis chamber to bring him back from the prison after 3 days (as mentioned earlier.) What does ensue is playful banter about how Phil can't read but over all this doesn't even touch on their friendship.
These old men care so much about each other they are basically a package deal and you just can't separate them, where one goes the other will at least try to follow because they know they are stronger together and because they had spent at least 20 years together (the age of Phil’s son Wilbur, as Wilbur does remember sparing with Techno when he was a kid.) and what could be at least a couple century's together as allies and putting their lives in the hand of the other to keep them safe. Its also a popular hc that Phil was Techno’s mentor (as there was at some point some canon evidence that Phil knew Techno when he was a kid.) so to follow with the fact they are both much older this is even more of a reason why they should not be separated. thank you for coming to my ted talk ^^
Oh the power of autism. (This was indeed the duo I thought you were talking about)
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your-fav-rocks · 1 year
Dsmp Fundy?! ^_^
Fundy - DSMP
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Fundy’s rocks are:
Snowflake obsidian, crazy lace agate, and yellow jasper!
Requested by: jrwiyuri
Posted by: Mod Amethyst
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Snowflake obsidian: Partially synesthesia, but also the snowflake pattern in the stone reminds me a little bit of the white parts of his fur, as well as the snowy fox he named Yogurt
Crazy lace agate: This is fully a synesthesia assignment. The pattern just makes sense to me.
Yellow jasper: I don’t know when Fundy’s canonical birthday is, but he’s always seemed pretty summer-y to me, and yellow jasper is a pretty summer-y rock imo. The way it’s almost a solid color makes me think of how his character is designed too, with the blocks of color on his jacket and the sections of orange vs white in his fur. There’s a lot less gradients or slight variations of color on the mc skin as well, further contributing to the correlation.
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delicehm · 1 year
My eyes hurt and I tired of drawing but I just can't stop brain just keep generating ideas and I must draw them all help
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Btw he didn't leave he stayed right there keep watching after Yogurt(he can't entrust him to anyone), just refused to talk in such an extreme way
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Dsmp! Quackity & Fundy Fic (Not a Ship/Platonic)
"Two of the most tragic ex-fiances have a somewhat drunken conversation about love and loss of love at a Las Nevadas club"
By: Maple_Fair (aka Me!)
Tags: Alexis | Quackity & Fundy, Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity & Noah Brown & Charlie Dalgleish & Floris | Fundy & Grayson | Purpled, Fundy & Liam | HBomb94 & Yogurt the Fox (Dream SMP), Alexis | Quackity, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Dream SMP Ensemble, Mentioned Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Karl Jacobs, Mentioned Sam | Awesamdude, Mentioned Wilbur Soot, Mentioned Noah Brown, Mentioned Liam | HBomb94, Mentioned Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Floris | Fundy Has A Child Named Yogurt, Mentioned Yogurt the Fox (Dream SMP), Duck Hybrid Alexis | Quackity, Winged Alexis | Quackity, Sad Alexis | Quackity, Alexis | Quackity Needs a Hug, Alexis | Quackity-centric, Fox Hybrid Floris | Fundy, Floris | Fundy-centric, Floris | Fundy Needs A Hug, Sad Floris | Fundy, Floris | Fundy Has Abandonment Issues, Floris | Fundy Angst, Alexis | Quackity Angst, Soft Alexis | Quackity, Wilbur Soot is Floris | Fundy's Parent, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Male/Male Relationships, Past Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, One-Sided Clay | Dream/Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy's Wedding, Engaged Clay | Dream/Floris | Fundy, Past Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap Angst, Engaged Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Drinking, Drinking & Talking, Drinking to Cope, Alcohol, Mentioned Charlie Dalgleish, Mentioned Grayson | Purpled, Talking, Feelings, Feelings Realization, Wedding Rings, Friendship/Love, Past Alexis | Quackity/Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Past Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Past Relationship(s), Promises, Broken Promises, Manipulative Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), manipulative but not at the same time
Note: Some parts might be a little ooc, but I wanted it to be more of healing arc direction . This is my first time post a oneshot of mine here (it's an old one from like December 11, 2022)
The day was coming to an end as orange hues began to bleed over the blue sky. The sun lowered itself in the horizon, leaving those of the world to flee or embrace the growing darkness. One who seemed to embrace it was a dark haired avian who stood in the large windows of a building. It was uncommon for him to indulge in such simple behaviors but he had grown to appreciate them. Especially since he's always thought big for himself. After a harrowing incident had brought him down from his high horse, he searched to better himself and live the life he had left out in peace. Taking small moments to appreciate the little things. He had been leaving his office when he stopped to enjoy the sunset. After what seemed like forever, the large light had flicked out as smaller ones switched on. The orange hue let a darker blue take over, along with its little suns to decorate the sky. The golden winged avian exhaled softly before continuing down the hall. He might as well leave for the day since there was no reason to stay in the vacant building any longer. Maybe he'll go see if he could find any of his crew to spend time with since he was attempting to make amends to people. He already spent many days with the certain totem demi-god and creeper hybrid since they had been re-building the nation's highlight builds after they had been destroyed in the "incident" together but the two had dismissed themselves for other affairs. A traitor had been snuffed out and was probably no longer an option. Said traitor had taken another member of the crew with him and basically disappeared without much of a trace.
Which left one person left.
As the avian exited out the front doors of the building, he pulled out his communicator. He scrolled through his contact icons until a pixel fox icon popped up. He clicked on the call icon and awaited for a response. The device ring echoed through as he made his way down the concrete path. Since the sun had disappeared, the streets were light with artificial light from lamps and lanterns. The once busy streets were seemingly deserted as the darkness settled in. His communicator stopped ringing, so he tried again to call the person. He allowed it to ring in his hand as he took in his surroundings more. Though lamps were evenly spaced out on the path, they were dull enough to bring the other forms of illumination to life. Such as a bright sign with a very provocative figure of a woman on it hanging above a double door entrance building. The sign read: “The Drunk Ram Club '', while red & white lights surrounded it. The golden winged avian has spent a lot of time in that club for the sake of a change in atmosphere. The energy was upbeat and the drinks were intoxicating, so much that you would forget most of one's sorrows. A temptation began to grow on him as he felt attracted to the entire building. Yet not for the reason who would normally be. The upbeat music that would usually be playing had softened to slow jazz and the lines at the entrance were nowhere in sight. It was calmingly inviting and what was in a docile state. He looked both ways on the path before crossing the road towards the building. Just a few drinks wouldn’t hurt, since he needed a way to relieve some stress.
He pushed the doors open since the guard at the door was long gone. The area was light with fainting and flashing blue lights as the jazz music reverberated off the enclosed space. The sweet smell of flowers entangled with the bitter scent of alcohol and sweat. The population of the club was very little, leaving what seemed like two or three drunkards blacked out at tables, a lone pole dancer who was preparing to leave, and the bartender watching over someone at the bar. He squinted his eyes at the person before realizing who it was. A ginger & white haired fox man slumped over the countertop. His bushy tail sweeped gently across the dark floor as he swirled his finger around the tip of his glass.
It was just the person he was looking for.
The dark haired man placed his communicator back into his pocket as he made his way over to the fox man. He sat in the bar stool on the fox man's right before asking for a hangman's blood in old fashioned glass. The bartender nodded before walking away. It was only then when the ginger acknowledged his presents.
"Quackity?" muttered the fox man, looking up from his glass.
"Hey Fundy, didn't expect to find you here at the club. Thought you would have gone home to that your kid by now" greeted the avian, as he turned to face him.
"Yogurt? Oh, Hbomb is babysitting him right now. I needed some time to myself" replied Fundy, as looked down at his glass once more.
"So you came to the Drunk Ram?" uttered Quackity.
"Yeah, I need something to keep my mind distracted for a while" nodded Fundy, as picked his glass to take a drink from.
As he did so, Quackity took in the ginger's appearances. The familiar white freckles danced across his nose, though his face looked a bit puffy as if he had been crying. Eye bags sat loyally under his eyes while what looked like light mascara smudged against his face in a tear like direction. The white streaks amongst the orange hairs were a bit more prominent and some fell into his face. His large black tipped ears were almost constantly pinned down to his head. Instead of the common white work top with tie, a familiar black jacket was across his body as his matching hat sat on the countertop. His posture was far from straight up and all confidence the fox man had was gone. Overall, two words that came to Quackity’s mind as he looked at him.
And Sad.
Fundy was sad right now and gave him a pathetic look.
Yet it was something the avian could empathize with. Because he, himself, was a pathetic and sad man.
The bartender returned with his order and placed it in front of him before he started to speak.
"Has something happened?" asked Quackity, as he accepted the glass.
"A Lot of things happen, Q. Be more specific" remarked Fundy, holding his glass out for a refill.
"To you then. What has happened to you? I know you aren't much of a drink since you tried avoiding becoming like the people you hate"' restated Quackity, pointing to his glass as the bartender.
"So I must ask you. What drink have you had while you've been here?" He inquired.
The fox man furrowed his brows as he looked away from the dark haired man. Though he wasn't dismissing his question, more of sitting on it. Like one would sit on sweet glass.
"Well, I had the hard stuff earlier. Such as whiskey and vodka. Really wasn't in the best state" informed Fundy, as he tapped his clawed finger on the table.
"Did you have another nightmare?" questioned Quackity.
"Well yes but that was after I blacked out here. Something happened earlier today." claimed Fundy, as his tail curled around his stool.
"I got a letter from Slime, or Charlie as you've named him. I thought it was odd until it was who the letter was written" he explained, resting his head on his hand.
There was a pause in the conversation. It seemed Fundy was trying to keep his composure. Quackity wasn't much of an emotional comforter but he hesitantly placed a hand on the fox man's shoulder.
"The letter was from Dream, shockingly. I never expected to get a letter from his sorry ass but here I am." sighed Fundy, as he reached his hand into his pocket.
A crumpled piece of paper was revealed from the pocket and was unrolled to reveal sloppily written words in dark green ink.
"It's basically a shitty celebratory letter because today was, or would have been, our wedding anniversary. A pathetic apology for something that happened two years ago and an awful way of showing his 'devotion' " the ginger reported, as he handed the letter to avian.
"It shouldn't have upset me as much as it did but it already hasn't been a good week" he added, watching as the bartender returned his glass.
"So you tried drinking your sorrows away?" questioned Quackity, as his eyes landed on the poorly drawn heart.
"Yes, but it only made things worse considering my life before I started working for you in Nevadas" sighed Fundy.
A silence hung between the two of them after that statement. The jazz music was still playing around them but it seemed to slow the world down as the duo were losing themselves in the conversation. Quackity swirled around the cubes of ice in his glass while Fundy slowly sipped from his. They both were very aware of how shitty things were before Las Nevadas was even an idea. The fox man was raised in a time of warfare, lived under a tyrant rule, went through the grief of losing his mother & later his father, was basically abandoned by his family, was forgotten by all his friends after their country was destroyed and just became the butt of everyone else's joke for entertainment. To throw a romance that was treated as joke into the mix, can really fuck somebody up. At Least with the aftermath it felt like a joke. The letter in hand wasn't really concrete evidence that the fox man's ex partner really cared for him. Though Quackity’s life has led a different road than Fundy's, they shared many experiences. Especially when it comes to love.
"I'll have to agree with you on that one. Life was shitty after Doomsday" remarked Quackity, as he took a swig from his glass.
"No one really could agree on anything and blame was being thrown at every one. People went their different ways and found their places somewhere else or with others that they could somewhat agree with" he uttered, as he shook out his tensing feathers.
"When there is no place to call home, you are just forced to either find a new one or make one. Which is one of the reasons I built Las Nevadas." he proclaimed.
"Especially that garden venue over by the hotel. A wedding venue, actually" he added, with a slight scoff.
"You said you were going to marry Sapnap and Karl there, right?" inquired Fundy, one ear twitching upwards.
"Was going to marry" corrected Quackity.
"From all the relationships I have been in, I thought the one I had with them would be the one to last. Last long enough to prepare a life for them here" he expressed, as he reached for the hanging rings on his neck.
"But I still haven't learned my lesson. Some things don't last with some people" he remarked, dryly.
"Sapnap visited one day and brought me to the kingdom that he and Karl ruled over, along with George. Everything was so pretty and huge. Better than anything I could have provided them." Quackity stated.
"When I was able to speak with Karl, he was different. He seemed more hostile compared to the last time we spoke and more skeptically. That led to a big argument with him and how everything we ever had meant nothing. As if we had no history at all" he uttered, his voice quivering.
Another patch of silence. Quackity stared into the ice in his glass, seeing his reflection in it. He could tell Fundy was giving a look of empathy but also curiosity. The avian cleared his throat as he tried to get his thoughts back in order.
"What I'm trying to say is, I feel your pain. Your feelings have been played with for so long. To the point where the one time you feel validated and you are being acknowledged, you put all your emotions into this one thing. Just to find out it meant nothing to them." explained Quackity.
"And when you react to it, you are turned into a joke once more. It didn't matter to them yet it was everything to you" he included, his voice growing shake.
"So to me, and I'm being as honest as I can right now, that your feelings matter to me. I know how you feel and I would go and try to beat Dream' teletubby looking ass" proclaimed Quackity, as he placed his hands on the fox man's shoulder.
Silence accumulated the two for a short moment. Then Fundy lifted his hand and placed his hand on Quackity's ,as his dark amber eyes grew shiny with tears.
"Thank you Q. I accept that your feelings matter as well and I wish I could say the same thing in return for trying to get revenge on those who hurt you" replied Fundy, as his brows wilted.
"Then instead of seeking acts of revenge, since we are both very vulnerable at the moment, let us do something else" remarked Quackity, as he reached over for his glass.
"What are you having right now?" he asked, gesturing to the ginger's glass.
"Hm? Oh, Arise My Love. It was one of the cocktails I had at the failed wedding" hummed Fundy.
"Then I shall have one too" claimed Quackity, looking towards the bartender.
They nodded in response before going off to create the drink. The duo watched patiently as they watched the skilled drink maker shake and pour ingredients into the drink mixer. Once finished and freshly poured into the glass, Quackity shakily stood to his feet and lifted his glass into their air.
"I am, Quackity HQ. A man who has been doomed to eternally failed love and being a horrible person. Tonight I shall be taking you, Fundy Soot, as a companion of forlorn life and to attempt to stay at each other's for as long as well both shall live" declared Quackity.
"And I am Fundy Soot. A man who lives as a forgotten child and the victim of every sick mockery. I accept you, Quackity HQ, as a companion of a shared forlorn life" replied Fundy, with a weak smile.
"To the Never-Weds" spoke Quackity.
"To the Never Weds" nodded Fundy.
With that, the two hooked their arms together and drank from their respective glasses. A promise yet a not promise made in the middle of a nightclub. As soft jazz music began to drown the drunken duo laughter as they talked about everything to nothing into the night.
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