robbiesblogdotcom · 9 months
The $50,000 Domain Dilemma
The $50,000 Domain Dilemma: A Guide for Domain Investors and End Users In the dynamic realm of startups and online businesses, the significance of acquiring the right domain name cannot be overstated. Zalmi Duchman, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, shares his journey through the intricate process of domain acquisition in search of the perfect brand identity. For both domain investors and startups…
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mental-mona · 2 years
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diaryofasugarfiend · 9 months
You think any of the Duchman crew are pissed about being human again after Will takes over? I mean maybe not the ones with coral growing out of their mouths and eye sockets, but Maccus was a fuckin shark-man and now he's just a guy.
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sunevial · 9 months
A Third Sampling of Shops
The Very Suspicious Supermarket (Faded Dreams): Named after a hilarious mistranslation, the Very Suspicious Supermarket sells all kinds of herbs, spices, and various traditional Chinese medicine ingredients… along with a number of plants, fungi, and animal parts that certainly are much more magical in nature. The shop is run by the Liao family; Min Liao (she/her), a Chinese woman from Earth, currently runs the shop most days and is an excellent healer.
Spirit and Spirits (Duchman's Docks): A ghost ship that has hauled onto land and been turned into the rowdiest bar in the dock ward. Games of chance and bets are gathered at the tables while some of the best alcohol in all the multiverse flows freely from taps and bottles alike. Known for having draughts of liquor so strong it can turn even the heartiest man into a ghost.
Dead Ringer (Shadow Puppets): A concert hall run by a group of Banishers, or necromantic bards specializing in controlling animated undead. They primarily play large concert works, with the necromancers on strings and the rest of the animated skeletons filling in with percussive beats. The Banishers also serve as a partial defense force for the district, as there are few necromancers who can command such a sheer quantity of undead in a pinch. Their lead performer is Echo (she/her), a human woman from a world named Eto, who also serves as the world’s ambassador to the Torn Veil.
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cwgames · 3 months
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We got Fred home (The guy that always "My Leg"), and found Flying Duchman treasures.
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smallerdelusions · 5 months
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April Sketchbook Dump 4/5
Spring wildflowers from my neck of the woods, from bottom left to top right:
Slender Speedwell (Veronica filiformis - non-native) Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virgincia - native) Yellow Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum - native) Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis - native) Sweet Violet (Viola odorata - non-native) Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta - non-native) Duchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria - native) Dandelion (Taraxacum sp. - native/non-native)
...plus a Mourning Cloak Butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa). I do plan on coloring this eventually!
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drawingpad-studios · 11 months
Got another final design for As Thin As Paper Bosses.
Just one because of the funny photos I ended up with while designing.
TW for Blood of course
So here's Base Cleph's, the 5th chapter final boss
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Attacking(didn't have room for his eye hallucinations, and also I changed my eye style a bit and idk if it would fit this. The hallucinations pretty much are the same as the concept art):
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I'mma be real. There are aspects of this design that were inspired by the drawings @theothergueck did for this version of Base Cleph. I liked the idea of Base Cleph being a robot spider, more than his original completely organic body and grasshopper(his wings were to make noise like a grasshopper when attacking) inspiration. Honestly I'm glad I came to like this version of this version of Base Cleph, because now I can possibly have a part of the chapter be where he knocks you out, ties you up, monologues, and you have to escape.
I still kept his inside flesh organic for a grilled cheese-like blood pull, whenever his body goes full "demogorgon", and his head completely organic so that he could physically do the whole wide as fuck smile and eye stretching. Basically his body(and technically joints, but the sprite covers most of his joints) is the only thing robotic. So I guess he's technically a cyborg spider now.
Now with what the fuck happened to him:
As the game became unplayable, Base Cleph was left alone with his thoughts. Especially his thoughts of his screentime compared to how useful he thinks he is. Getting more and more upset and angry at how useless he is presented. With this strong insecurity, it attracted the glitches and bugs like moths to a lamp. The glitches and bugs twisting this insecurity to the point where he got so made that he started attacking those that he deams useless and/or have more screentime(with the screentime being excused if the character deemed useful). He has once attacked two characters in particular that have more screentime; an orange haired girl and a white haired guy. He done this to try to get more screentime by being a villain. One character in particular he is hunting down is Protagonist, because he sees them/you as the least useful while they/you have the most screentime.
With Chapter 5 being his chapter, and his name being "Detect Evaluate Attack Feast" and his demeanor is of the above, his chapter gimmick is to run and escape. With the chases and such being easier if you end up keeping Otempus after his chapter(because Base Cleph still respects that man and sees him as useful, no demeanor change will change that).
Though I think I already said run of a gimmick for another character, but I can change that character's chapter gimmick because it fits Base Cleph's more.
Anyways here's some bonus content. The photos that made me laugh while making his final design to where I couldn't continue making the other final designs for now:
I was trying to use the Extract Line Filter but I was in the wrong category and used the fisheye lens, and I just kept it because I just thought of the meme and finished the mistake.
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*bad Duchman impression* "And stop staring at me with those big ol' eyes"
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The next characters I'm gonna do are: Tretone, Antagon, Lanter, and Rozanda. So stay tuned to see what I do with their final designs.
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dzcool3 · 1 year
the duchmans skull yearns for pavement. its all they live for, apparently
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the-indie-owl · 2 years
A Christmas Krab
Mr Krabs as Ebeneezer Scrooge
Squidward as Bob Crachet
Plankton as Jacob Marley
Spongebob as the ghost of Christmas past
Patrick as the ghost of Christmas present
The Flying Duchman as the ghost of Christmas future
Gary as Tiny Tim
Fred the fish as Fred Scrooge
Mrs Puff as Belle
That is a very Good AU Cast you got there ^^
Though I actually have done a Christmas Carol AU on my own if you like to see.
Anyways, Merry Christmas! 🎄
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sykhan048 · 2 years
Your beloved...(Chapter 8)
The Island,
Soudamini's POV
I need to understand the meaning of this sentence. Getting this ring, saving the lord, all this can't be a coincidence. Surely there is a reason behind this. I have to understand it.
POV Ends
soudamini went to the house. she look at cutler.
soudamini: I am a doctor. it's my duty to treat my patients without thinking who is he. I can't ignore my responsibility. now he is my patient and I should treat him honestly. I should give him medicines. But I hadn't bring my modern medicines. It would better if I found any alcohol. But now if I want to treat my patient I have to use Ayurveda medicine. let's go Soudamini...
Soudamini went inside the jungle to search of trees or plant which can help to treat him.
In cave,
Tia dalma: Oh my dear jones. you came back.
Jones: Calypso, you helped me to came back.
(Tia dalma is Calypso)
Calypso: Now our wait is over. The wait of so many years will now end.(emotionally)
Jones: Now no one can separate us. No one...you are mine Calypso...Forever. (emotionally)
Calypso: yes forever...(wiping her tears)
Soudamini came back with some Manjistadi ( Rubia cordifolia ) she went to see Cutler. As soon as step into the room, it is clear that something wrong. She ran to cutlers bed. He is shivering very badly. Mini touched his forehead. he jerked his head to feel it cold. Mini checked his leg and got scared. The place is red and swollen. His leg is infected.
Mini's POV
Oh god...As I feared. His leg is infected. How can I treat him now? I haven't take proper equipment with me. He need a proper treatment. (in frustration) why did I forget to bring Tetanus injections. He is shivering in fever. His wound is infected. No Mini you can't defeat...No...I Will do every possible thing to save him...
POV ends.
Mini drift a cloth into cold water and press it on his forehead. She crushed Manjistadi and make powder of them. Then She pour some water and gently apply some paste after cleaning his leg.
Mini: I don't know it will work or not. but I can't give up.
almost 5 hours passed his fever still remain same. Mini feed him medicine which dissolved in water. He is terribly shivering. Mini covered him with a duvet properly. She hear Cutler is  mumbling something like...pirates....pirates are...monster....they....they...I hate.........I am....ss...strong...I...am...not...cc...coward....sparrow.....I...I...hhate...pp...pirates.....the..ee...ee...endvaur...pa..pirates...
He is keep babbling...his body temperature is dangerously increasing.
Black pearl
Barbosa: aye...Gibs...where is sparrow?
Gibs: I don't know. He just told me to look after the ship so that you couldn't stole it.
Will arrived with his Flying Duchman ship.
Will: Mr. gibs, Where is jack?
Barbosa: Escaped again.Here in the Bretherine court (The parliament of pirates) they are not ready to listening. He is went to enjoy...huhhh....(fully Irritated with jack)
Will: Your highness...
Everyone Stand straight with bow their head. Cause the pirate king of Bretherine Court Captin Elizabeth Swan Turner as Captin Swan.
Elizabeth: Gentlemen, I meet the pirate lord. but they are still unconvinced. We wanted to freedom that's why we defeated the kingsmen, nevy force and the lord of Company. But they misunderstood aur victory. Now they are misguide, distract from the path.
Will: Don't worry your highness. Everything will fine.
Barbosa: But your highness, the mystery of misguiding the pirate lords and the defect of sparrows compass is indicating upcoming trouble.
Elizabeth worried.
In Island
Mini's POV
Nothing is helping....not the temperature nor his infected leg. I wish I could shift him to a hospital...Oh wait....maybe the ring can help me... I find a hope and round the ring but nothing is happened again do the same but nothing is happening...I am felt that ring is mocking me.
POV Ends
their are some letter is flashed...
"you can't go back until you complete this mission"
IN cave
Calypso: You are a spirit now jones. But you need to increase your power. You can't go afterlife without fulfill your last wish.
Jones: I just want my life, my heart back. To get my life I will snatch others soul and heart.
Calypso: The soul you took they are not that much powerful. you should get his soul to increase your power. The power of ruthless soul.
They devilishly smiled. 
Again some letter flashed.
"you defeat that much fast??? is it that much easy to defeat you? you lost your hope? Are you a coward?" (taunt)
Mini: no...I can't lose hope...I have to save him...I believe that god is always with them who never gives up...I will not give up...I am not a coward...(determind) She keep applying the paste on his wound.
Mini: Oh...no...his temperature in increasing...I have to do something.
Without thinking anything Mini bring a bucket of cold water, unbutton his shirt, drip a cloth and put that wet cloth on his body to cool his rising temperature. She sponge his body until the temperature reduce. She keep applying the medicines. She sat by his side all day. After 2 days, Cutler open his eyes.
"Doctor" he called in faint voice. She immediately response 
Mini: "I am here. do you need anything?" said in concern.
Cutler: no...I am fine...(long pause) thank you doctor...for saving my.....
"don't thank me until you alright." Mini interrupt.
Cutler only nod and again closed his eyes.
Mini POV
Today he open his eyes...I hope he will be fine.
POV ends.
================================================@ladybluebellbeckett, @isabellekenway, @bilal2104990 , @fandom-imaginees, @imaginepirates, @luciadiosa.
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drama-glob · 3 months
in the spongebob squarepants episode born again krabs, do you think the flying duchman going after mr krabs is more punishment for him? or not?
I thought it was punishment enough for Mr. Krabs to be scared by the Flying Dutchman since I still don't think he deserved to die. :/
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academy13 · 1 year
Doctor Who needs to do a story using the Lost Dutchman Mine story as the basis of it because if there were ever fodder for a Doctor Who story, its the Lost Duchman mine. 
Like I cannot begin to explain how perfect the broad strokes of the story would work into doing a Doctor Who story because like... there’s so much weird shit around this mine that may or may not exist that you can just go crazy. Plus like, the mountain range that features in the legend that’s Arizona specific is literally called the Superstition Mountains. I can’t find a meaning for the Native name (or well, one of the Native names for the range, there’s a few tribes in the area and the Wikipedia article supplies the Yavapai name, but not a meaning. And I know there’s likely an Apache name attached to as some Apache believe, to use terminology familiar to us white folks, that there’s a hole to hell in the mountains and that’s the cause of the dust storms) but I assume it’s generally befitting of the range and epic. There’s also the entire connection it has to the Peralta family and the so called Baron of Arizona (seriously, look up James Reavis, I cannot make up the brass this guy had in the fraud he pulled until the government went ‘Yo we need to take a closer look’. He nearly had control of most of the land in the goddamn territory).
And lest I forget, the reason this entire thing isn’t some little footnote in AZ state history, in 1931 someone went looking for the mine and then went missing. Six months later the body was found, and the skull had what was identified as two bullet holes in it. Since then many other people have gone missing looking for the mine, that again, may or may not exist at all. We’ve got a lot of stories of lost mines out here, the Lost Dutchman story may just be putting a few different stories together, but it also might not.  But really, you could just play with the whole thing in general because if there’s one thing I know, it doesn’t matter what’s out there in the desert, if you’re not prepared the desert will get you before you find anything that may or may not exist (there’s even a trail out there that when I looked at the website, it basically said that you don’t hike this trail during the summer and if you start this trail, you finish this trail. And in the cooler time of year, they recommend taking like two gallons of water with you. Because you’re getting into some remote areas, as in the trail is marked by cairns). 
The desert is a goddamn spooky ass place and you ought to respect her
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troyonhudson · 2 years
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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Places to visit in Driftwood Texas
If you're trying to find an area to go to in Hays Area, Texas, you may wish to visit Driftwood. Driftwood is a census-designated place and unincorporated area. Its population is 106, according to the 2020 demographics. It's a popular destination for family members, with plenty of tasks and also destinations.
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The midtown area is full of stores, cafes, and museums. The town additionally has a theater and plenty of dining establishments. You can walk the primary road to explore the community on foot. You can additionally check out some smaller shops and also galleries to locate the perfect keepsake. You can likewise check out the Driftwood Cemetery, which is still being used today. Other locations to see as well as carry out in Driftwood consist of the Radha Madhav Dham Hindu temple, which is one of the biggest in the USA.
There are additionally a number of breweries in the community. Desert Door Distillery is one more place to visit. The distillery remains in the process of including sotol, a non-agave spirit, right into their items.
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Driftwood has several vineyards that are close to community and function magnificent Hillside Nation sights. If you're seeking a place to sample red wine, think about going to Driftwood Estate Winery, Fall Creek Vineyards, or the Duchman Family Winery. There are additionally several breweries in the area, consisting of Panorama Brewing as well as Jester King Brewery. Both deal ranch excursions and also beer tastings. Visitors can likewise fulfill friendly goats and see a historical Texaco station. The Driftwood Valley Winery is a great location to visit, particularly if you like a glass of wine. You can take pleasure in live music on the outside balcony or consume wood-fired pizzas in a relaxing setting among the trees.
While in Driftwood, Texas, you should take some time to visit the Salt Lick BBQ. It lies close by. The dining establishment is a prominent destination, as well as you can quit there for a delicious barbecue meal. It's a short repel as well as is a fantastic means to spend a day outdoors.
The community of Driftwood is located in between Austin and also Dripping Springs, that makes it an easy excursion for capital Nation. It's additionally just 40 mins far from Austin and less than 2 hrs from San Antonio. It's a charming location with distinct points to do. If you're looking for an unique location to see, Driftwood is a fantastic choice.
Visitors to Driftwood can additionally visit the Girl Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. This location is an exterior heaven, and also its trails are simple to navigate. It is dog-friendly as well as supplies many tasks. The center additionally has a bar as well as food vehicles. While you're right here, make certain to look into the Fortlandia exhibition. This exhibit is arranged to run up until January 31, 2021. Driftwood is residence to a few historic sites. Hamilton Pool, a 234-acre nature preserve, is a preferred swimming area. It has a small beach location, as well as trails that enable you to discover wildlife in the bordering location. The water is amazing during springtime, so you can go swimming without cold.
Around you can count on Blingle Premier Lighting, they have years of experience developing eye-catching, creative exterior illumination. You can choose from many different lights designs as well as shades. No matter what you desire, you can trust Blingle Premier Lighting to bring your suggestions to life.
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Blingle Premier Lighting 18281 FM150 W, Driftwood, TX 78619 512-846-6481 https://blingle.com/greater-austin
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fixiegirls · 4 years
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Repost: • @la_kafla_hernandez Puedo ser tu bro, tu amor o tu cardio... 🍭 . . . . . . . Por los dioses del olimpo, bendito sea el ratoneo bélico... Amén. ⚡ . . . #fixie #fixiegrils #fixiegirl #fixedgear #trackbike #fixiegearbogota #fixiegearcolombia #poloandbike #comander #cmndr #cromoly #urban #city #summer #hot #duchman #mekhacycles #fixieporn #bike #biker #bicycle #goodday #instagril #fixielife #fixiebike #dropbars #jeans #discoverportrait #portraitphotography #jurassicpark @poloandbike @fixedgirlsbogota https://www.instagram.com/p/CEBf3expYfG/?igshid=1ui8k0xx3w2o
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