#duke is such a fucking good character he deserves more solo runs
qcomicsy · 1 year
Duke was Robin. He had an entire 12issue comic about it! :D
Hey! Thanks for telling me, could you tell me which issues was?
I was pretty sure he was only Robin in the Future's end timeline, I did some research but couldn't find anything on it. But, tbh Duke as robin is definitely something I would like to read it (his dynamic with Bruce is just 🤌🤌)
I do prefer him as Signal though, is where the boy shines (pun intended)
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deadletterpoets · 2 years
If you had a chance to write for cass cain, what would you write and what would you do with her character? :D
Wow that is a big question that frankly as many answers so I'm just gonna stick with one as to not have this go on forever. Answer under the cut cause this got long lol
I'd really just want to explore her drive that makes her want to be a hero. What motivates her? Why does wearing the symbol matter to her? Does she feel like she deserves it? Like those would be the types of questions I'd want to ask throughout my whole run.
I'd make her panromantic asexual. I'd find someone to cowrite or consult, but that is definitely a journey she'd go on. I always felt like romance and sex would be such unique experiences for her and intimacy for her would be more about kisses and touching and just being around the person more than sex, but I know not everyone agrees with that (and I'm not saying this cause she's Asian or cause I'm trying to woobify her cause Asians can't have sex or whatever. Just throwing that out there cause ppl seem to think that these days. This is specific for Cass not a comment on all Asian characters.)
I'd have her make a LOT more friends outside the batfam. Bring back Brenda from her OG Batgirl run. Bring back Christine from the League of Shadows arc. Let her meet other heroes like Kenan and Baixi, and the whole of the JLC cause seriously she should. Have her go on adventures with Connor, Emiko, and Rose (Damian shouldn't get all the fun with the cool assassin characters). Have her meet Vic Sage (I think he's alive again idk) and Richard Dragon and learn more about her mother's past so she can learn more about her heritage.
And yes I would do something with Shiva as well, though it wouldn't be them fighting (each other at least). I want them to build a respect for each other. Cass doesn't like that Shiva doesn't see the value of life in the way she does, and Shiva doesn't like that Cass is comfortable wearing a Bat symbol and living by such strict morals, but they agree the other won't change and instead just agree to not get in the other's way. But if they ever need the other, they are there for each other as well. (Hopefully this could lead to solo Shiva stories and just fucking stop making everything she does about Cass, please.)
Though I wouldn't ignore the batfam. I've said before I think Cass and Steph, if both are gonna be Batgirl, should be used like how Marvel used Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers. They have separate books, but are basically supporting characters in each others books. That way neither characters story is compromised for the other, but they also aren't Batgirl2009 where one just has to disappear to make the other relevant. Remind ppl that Cass and Tim have a great sibling dynamic. Continue to build on the Cass/Duke sibling dynamic. Bring back Harper into her life ON PANEL. Refocus on her and Kate, they made up off panel, but I'd show the tension still exist and show them working through that. Obviously rebuild her and Babs MOTHER/DAUGHTER dynamic. None of this "older sister" crap. And of course build on her and Bruce and strongly hint that she wants to be Batman.
The types of stories I'd do would have a very wide range. I'd do everything from street level detective stories to cosmic space journeys to fighting tournaments to one shot romance date nights to team ups to whatever else I think of. I want Cass to be given as much range as a character as everyone else (which is something I feel is really missing for her right now). And she'd go up against all types of villains as well. I'm not gonna list a ton of villains cause that'd take forever, but classic and originals for sure.
In the end what drives her as a hero is more than her guilt, but her want to do good. Simple as that. She is the type of character that sees injustice or bad people doing bad and will step in to intervene. Her moral compass and compassion rivals Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and that would be on full display. Why does she wear the symbol? Again simply because she believes in what it is meant too represent not only to Gotham but the universe. It strikes fear in the criminals and brings hope to the innocent. Whether she feels she deserves it is the question she might never answer, but she'll work forever until she gets there.
That's just a small idea of what I'd do and it's not a perfect idea, nor is it the only idea of a way to do a Cass run. Just one of the ways I'd do it.
Thanks for the question
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concrete-tiddy · 6 years
You know who irritates me to no end (and this will give a A LOT of hate but I honestly don’t care, some of you clearly need to hear this) is how fucking privileged Batfamily fans are.
This whole fucking week I had to hear from Nightwing fans how DC doesn’t respect him. Like what?
Excuse me?
He has his ongoing own solo book. Has had this ongoing solo for years now. For a sidekick, street level hero, that’s plenty of respect. DC likes him just fine.
You know who doesn’t have their own solo book? Wally West, any secondary Wonder Woman character. Hell Nightwing is in more books than Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter, would you gather that? We got one(1) short Mera spinoff out of Aquaman thankfully, but a shit ton of other main stay characters/legacy characters that can carry their book who haven’t had nearly the amount of opportunity Nightwing, Batman, or Red Hood books to be good, or gain traction, surprisingly don’t have such privileges. And yet you don’t hear their fans bitch nearly as much as Nightwing fans over how “unfair DC is being” to their favorite character.
Jason Todd? Whose fans whine how he “didn’t deserve” what DC gave him? Has his own fucking team. Yes, that’s right. He is the weakest fucking character on his own goddamn team and he still headlines it--hell he even gets his own personal sex Amazon out of it. Because if it can’t be Bruce fucking Diana, we gotta have some Bat kid fuck an Amazon somewhere, right DC? We can’t have those pesky strong female Wonder Woman characters have any semblance of independence from the Superfamily or Batfamily, right? Outside of that all the development goes to Jason emo-edge-lord Todd and I still have to hear his fans piss and moan how “DC just isn’t fair to poor ol Jason.” Yeah, trust me, DC is less fair to Artemis in that same goddamn book.
Damian? Fuck you. Just fuck you. If you for one think this shithead is getting the short end of any stick, let me introduce you to EVERY OTHER DC CHARACTER EVER CREATED. I had to hear people whine about how OP and unrelatable Superman is for years only to hear people defend the logic behind a fucking 10 year old human boy just being practically asshole jesus superspy ninja assassin that is the center of the universe? Give me a goddamn break. What’s more is this character is in EVERYTHING. So please, Damian fans, you can go ahead and burn those “but DC hates my character the most” cards.
Even Tim Drake, who I actually do understand why people feel he’s been shafted, hasn’t had it nearly as bad as EVERY OTHER DC CHARACTER EVER CREATED. He has more appearances in comics than some main members of the Justice League. So once again, get in the back of the goddamn line.
Barbara Gordan/Oracle, okay, maybe you guys have an excuse...................................................way back in the 80s with the Killing Joke. And maybe when Bruce Timm animated an adaptation of that. But beyond that, for a character who was originally a sidekick/girlfriend to a sidekick, I’d say between all her appearances in media to comics, she’s doing very very well. Compare that to someone like Power Girl or Donna Troy. Yeah...she’s fine.
Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, etc? Honestly most of these characters shafting problems stem from the overexposure of the characters above. So fans of these need to take it up with your fellow Batfam fans, because it sure isn’t Doctor Fate that’s taking up a potential Cassandra Cain solo spot. I don’t know, compromise. Demand for some mix and match. Instead of a solo Nightwing run where the walking STD gets into a love triangle for the 728394th time, make it a Nightwing/Cassandra Cain teamup. Instead of making a Damian Wayne solo where---I guess judging by patterns here initiated by Tom King and then Scott Lobdell---Hippolyta turns into his personal sex Amazon, make it a Damian Wayne/Duke Thomas teamup. I mean, you guys call it a BATFAMILY. Why not make those books reflect that? Combine the character interactions to free up some funds and authors for some spots to actually develop DC characters who need it.
Basically, if you’re a Batfam fan (specifically those who don’t recognize how good they have it), and am tempted to post and gripe about “how DC just hates Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Damian Morrison/Tim Drake” just take a deep breath, pause, and take a moment to realize DC and Dan Didio doesn’t hate them nearly as much as they hate the entirety of the rest of their characters.
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