#dumbass alternate
dakotameh · 2 years
More dumbass alternate au doodles
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
This was it, the moment of truth. The plan was going flawlessly, and in a few minutes, Lena would have what she needed to complete and launch Non Nocere. She was about to save the world.
(You mean your master plan, Lex’s voice snickered in her head)
Lena shook it away, as she had so many times already. When Kara glanced at her, Lena played it off as the cold. She was, after all, standing outside in the actual Arctic, brutally aware of how underdressed she was even in a heavy woolen coat and doubled up leggings.
Even here at the roof of the world, Kara was gorgeous. The sunlight glared off the ice and yet it only seemed to make her more radiant, her sun kissed skin practically glowing, blue eyes the color of the sea darkened by a distant storm.
“I’ll never understand why your cousin built this place here,” said Lena.
“He didn’t. There was an ancient Kryptonian outpost here from long, long ago, when my people were more expansionist. They abandoned any plans to colonize other solar systems thousands of years ago.”
Lena looked at her, damning her own curiosity. Kara, for her part, looked far away.
“Why?” said Lena.
“They decided they’d done enough damage to their own world.”
Lena blinked. Turning away, Kara inserted the key into the locking mechanism and unleashed a series of heavy grinding sounds as the doors parted.
Within, it was warmer.
(At last I walk these hallowed halls, a conquerer)
Not by much, though.
Lena drew in a breath and looked around, allowing herself a moment of unrepentant awe. The ceiling arched high overhead where the crystalline walls joined to form a peak, giving the Fortress of Solitude the air of a great cathedral. This gave a reference to the statue of a handsome man and beautiful woman, pressed side by side with joined hands and expressions of fear and hope as they gazed off into some distant star.
“That’s Jor-El and Lara, my aunt and uncle.”
Superman’s parents, Lena thought.
“Don’t your family have statues?”
“Kal-El created the memorial,” said Kara. “He didn’t know about my family until I told him.”
Lena huffed.
“I have a hologram of my mother,” said Kara. “It’s really just a computer interface. She doesn’t… I remember them in my own way.”
Kara cleared her throat, and Lena saw tears welling up in her eyes. A twist of pain turned in her stomach and her hand fell on Kara’s shoulder.
(That’s it. Play to her emotions. Use them like she used yours.)
“I hate this place,” Kara whispered.
Lena pulled her hand back.
“I thought I’d be excited to show you. There’s just so much I’ve always wanted to share, but this place is a tomb. When I’m in here, it’s like home, but not. It’s just a reminder of everything I’ve lost, and it makes me feel sick how much I want to go back.”
“Of course you want to go back,” said Lena. “It was your home.”
Kara let out a low, shuddering breath.
“It was, but it’s not anymore. I’ve lived on Earth now longer than I did on Krypton.”
She was looking up at the statues, or past them, perhaps. Lena couldn’t help but study her profile, the curve of her jaw and the soft lines of her face. How could someone who could crush coal into diamonds with her hands and kill with a glance be so angelic?
(Such an innocent face to hide such betrayal)
Lena swallowed, trying to still herself and tamp down the sympathy she felt.
“I envy him.”
“Superman. My cousin. He’s so lucky. He only gets the good part, the blessing from my uncle and the special heritage. For him, this place is joyful. It’s the answer to all his questions and full of strange wonders and joys. He tries to mourn them but how can he mourn something he’s never known?”
“I’m sure it must be sad for him, wondering what they were like.”
“He never knew them to disappoint him, either. It want his father that created Medusa. Sometimes I just wish I could forget it all. This place reminds me I don’t really have a home.”
Lena turned to her sharply.
Kara sighed. “My home is still out there. Argo, I mean. It’s basically a new Krypton. I could go if I wanted. Kal is there with…” she trailed off.
“Lois,” Lena added. “I pieced it together pretty quickly after you told me your identity. He’s Clark Kent, isn’t he?”
“You’ve always been too smart,” said Kara, and she sounded so genuine, so admiring, that it made Lena briefly wish she didn’t have to do this. That it had been real.
“I can’t go back there. I can’t be part of that society anymore, where people don’t get any choices in what they do, or…” Kara looked directly at Lena, dragging out the pause a beat too long. “Who they love.”
“What do you mean?”
“On Krypton, we had what I guess you’d call arranged marriages.”
“So you’d never have been able to be with Mon-El.”
“I wouldn’t have been allowed to choose him, no,” said Kara, “though thinking back, really thinking about it, I don’t think I would have in the end.”
Lena looked at Kara, who still stared up.
“We were only together because…” she let out a long sigh. “Because I don’t have a home anymore, not really. I can’t go back to my own people and I don’t belong here.”
“Of course you have a home, Kara,” said Lena, lightly touching Kara’s arm.
“You’d don’t know what it’s like,” said Kara, choking back a small sob. “No matter what path I take I have to kill part of myself. I can’t be Kryptonian and human, no matter how hard I try. The Kryptonian side keeps taking things away from me. I can never be my whole self with someone.”
Lena swallowed.
“Just look what it did to us,” said Kara, turning to Lena. “I almost lost you because of it, because of the lies I let myself tell.”
“Kara,” Lena lied, “I’ve forgiven you. We don’t have to re-litigate this.”
“Maybe you have, but I’ve never apologized to you properly. I’ve just been trying to smooth it over and fill in the cracks and I know how hard you’ve tried but it’s not enough for me to just let you do all the work.”
“I was such an asshole,” Kara said, and Lena blinked. In any other circumstances, she’d have made a joke and chided Kara for her unusual profanity.
“I mean about the Kryptonite, but about other things, too. I shouldn’t have treated you one way while I was in the suit and another way when I wasn’t.”
“I’m still not sure which one was real,” Lena blurted.
(No! No, what are you doing? You have to make her think all is forgiven so she’ll take you to the armory!)
“They both were,” said Kara. “I was angry about the Kryptonite, and I was scared. I admit it, Lena. As much as I trusted you then and I trust you now, I didn’t know what to think. My best friend was making a poison that only hurts me.”
“I didn’t know it was you,” said Lena. “If I’d known…”
Kara swallowed.
“I know.”
“If I’d known, I would have come to you about Sam. I would have come to you about a lot of things, Kara.”
Kara tried to blink back tears and failed. Something about seeing her cry openly while wearing the suit made her seem so small and delicate.
“I wish I could be human,” said Kara. “I wish I could just be the person you thought I was and we could just be us.”
(Us? Lex snarled. You’re nothing more than a dog to her, that can be put down when she’s done with you!)
Lena’s throat tightened and tears stung her eyes.
“You know, when I was fighting Red Daugher, Lex’s clone of me…”
Lena looked at her sharply.
“I… I couldn’t beat her. I was losing. She… she killed me. My heart stopped. I was gone.”
Lena choked out a soft sob, unable to restrain it.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I knew I couldn’t go. I had so much to stay for. I don’t know how I did it but I dragged myself back from the other side, I just… I thought of Alex and J’onn and all my friends and everything I have to live for, everything here, on Earth, my home. Even that wasn’t enough.”
“What was?”
“You,” said Kara. “I couldn’t go without making amends with you, or at least trying. You’re my lodestar. I’ll always come back to you eventually.”
(She’s just trying to keep you in line. It’s a lie. It’s always a lie, she’s all lies!)
“I’m glad. I need someone around to safe me from assassination attempt number 547,” said Lena. The joke turned to sand in her throat, her voice on the edge of breaking.
“I’ve spent weeks trying to think of a magic combination of words that will make it better, but there isn’t one, is there? I can only tell you how sorry I am that I did what I did and promise I never will again. I’m so sorry I hurt you. It’s the worse thing I’ve ever done.”
(Just let her trust you. You’re almost here. Myriad is here. The answer is here. Fuck her sentimental bullshit. She-)
Kara slowly reached out and caressed the back of her fingers against Lena’s tear-stained cheek.
“It’s crazy how dying made me realize so many things.”
“Like what?”
“All the things I never knew I wanted to do, until I knew I’d never do them.”
Lena swallowed, hard, fighting the urge to lean into her hand and press the warm skin to her own.
“Like what?”
Kara leaned in, filling Lena’a space, and Lena was acutely aware that she was the only warmth in this frozen place. Kara’s other arm swept around her, Kara’s fingers spread wide across Lena’s back.
“Is this okay?”
(No! NO NO NO!)
(You can’t do this! You killed me, Lena! You killed your only brother for her and she’s a liar and a-)
Kara kissed Lena the way she did everything: Fully and completely. As Kara drew them together, Lena tipped back just a touch, as Kara seemed to tower over her, surrounding her in a warm embrace. Their lips met softly, chastely. Lena felt like she was in middle school again. It was as if she’d been rewound back to before her first clumsy, lip-pinching kiss in a boarding school bathroom.
She wasn’t sure whether it was Kara who deeepened the kiss, or her. In the end, it didn’t matter. Kara escalated by degrees, pausing as if to murmur an apology at any moment. Lena grasped her like was the only solace in a raging storm, feeling those steel cable muscles flexing beneath her suit.
Then she squeaked in Lena’s mouth when Lena grabbed a handful of ass, and Lena giggled.
“Do you want this too?” said Kara.
(You killed me!)
Yes, Lex, and I would again.
“Yes,” Lena admitted, and it was as if some great heavy weight had fallen from her shoulders.
She threw herself into Kara, shivering.
“It’s cold in here.”
Kara pulled Lena tight, wrapping them both in her cape.
“Let’s get what we came for and go home.”
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woah-i-am-here · 9 months
Role Swap!AU Doodles for a fanfic I want to write later. Basically World Tour but Alejandro and Noah have their roles and part of their upbringing swapped. Noah is the youngest of his siblings who are famous and recognized in areas and he's the ignored genius who's in the show for the first time trying to get recognition from his family, and Alejandro is a capable guy who got unfairly eliminated in season one and came back for another shot at the million.
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Remind me to never pick up digital drawing again. It is p a i n f u l. I want to lie in the floor, ty very much.
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mispatchedgreens · 10 months
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more from the reincarnated band au in the form of: sometimes you're just a girl who wants to have a nice lunch date w your partner, but then her incredibly rude coworker stalks in (bc he stalks everywhere) and then you realise you've miscalculated bc the shop is one block away from the gym and his appearance makes sense, he does leave the gym at this hour (you're annoyed that you know ouyang's routine). Some random jockman is trailing after him and ouyang appears as pleased as he is desperate to evade him, and they both sit down with you and you end up eating your noodles next to some sweaty guy you just met, while zhu and ouyang bicker gleefully at each other about music.
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dailydegurechaff · 4 months
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Today’s Daily Degurechaff is… Regular Tanya is on vacation day 3 - Mermaid AU
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leapinglaelaps · 1 year
Its funny how I've lurked in the ofmd fandom ever since season one, and yet I've never actually seen a single person who insists that woobifying izzy hands is the only correct way to characterise him, but people keep screaming in the tags about how neither side will allow nuance to exist.
In fact, it's mostly Izzy Hands enjoyers who are willing to permit the character even a crumb of nuance, while the people who dislike him are screaming about how you're only supposed to tolerate him as a one dimensional hate sink, and that seeing nuance in him is just the result of fandom brain rot.
Like, lol, I don't have a horse in this race, but I know which side of the Izzy Issue I've personally seen trying to police people's enjoyment, and it ain't the fans. Dont get me wrong, Ive seen plenty of people woobify the guy, and yeah some of that characterisation is painful, but lol someone's cringe fanfic and headcanons ain't infringing on your enjoyment of the show unless you let it. Curate your experience.
And yeah, stop posting your izzy/izzy fan hate in the main tags, you knobs.
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
They're cutting off their belos induced mullets
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(click image for better quality) (damn you tumblr image quality)
[ID: A digital illustration of Hunter and Raine from the Owl House. They stand beside each other in front of a mirror. Hunter uses a pair of scissors to cut a strand of his hair. He glances over at Raine who stands beside him. Raine runs a razor through their hair with a tired expression. They also have scars from Belos. End ID]
Plain text: (click image for better quality) (damn you tumblr image quality)
Image id by: @aromanticreigen
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flamingfalcon3 · 7 months
He’s Nina’s chosen protector ❤️
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dakotameh · 2 years
Cookies? Nah, we ran out if those
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God it would be so funny if the only thing Henry said in the upcoming page was
That obviously won't happen but let's all take a minute and just imagine all that beautiful tension built up over the last 3 pages culminating in. "Ow."
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ofswordsandpens · 9 months
annabeth and grover when percy pulls out zeus's master bolt from his backpack...
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 2 months
The Hazbin Hotel has one of those fancy rectangular dining room tables. Charlie makes them all eat dinner together every night and every night Charlie sits on one end while Alastor sits on the other. Everything is going fine until Lucifer shows up. They all sit down for dinner, Charlie sitting on one end and LUCIFER on the other. No one really notices at first because it's just a seat (except Husk who KNOWS that this isn't going to end well). Then Alastor shows up. Everyone except Lucifer realizes immediately what's going to happen. Alastor and Lucifer get into their usual dick measuring contest. "It's literally just a seat" "Okay then move" "NO FUCK YOU". Charlie obviously offers up her seat but both of them refuse and agree that she deserves to sit there. They will NOT stop arguing and talk like adults so Charlie treats them like children. She takes the chair and neither of them sits at the end. They all finish their dinner in silence.
The next night when everyone goes to eat dinner the regular table is replaced by a huge round one so nobody sits on the end and they're all "equals".
Charlie knights of the round tables her fucking hotel
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lost-in-derry · 11 months
The plot of my unhinged Game of Thrones style Kalluzeb AU:
Queen of Lasan: Lord Hessian, you’ve proposed an alliance between our lands through marriage. You’re not royalty so you can’t marry anyone in my royal family but the head of my Honor Guard agreed and his family is essentially royalty but to the left.
Lord Hessian: Great, here’s my 12 year old granddaughter.
Queen of Lasan: *almost vomits* uhhhh what about him? *points at Kallus* Isn’t he your grandson?
Lord Hessian: My daughter married a lowborn in secret who ran off when she got pregnant, so when he was born I declared him a bastard.
Queen of Lasan: Well you better undeclare it fast cause that’s who’s getting married.
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
Chosen: why are you like this
Alan: *sobbing* I don't know
YEAH. chosen realizes after a minute he's already going 'god i'm an idiot' and just smacks him upside the head instead
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antigonenikk · 5 months
I hate that feyd died but im glad he never had see marie being forced to endure the same type of dehumanizing abuse he was subjected to…..
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Idiot (affectionate)
The Librarians S04E07 And the Disenchanted Forest.
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