crowbone · 2 months
Some guy at Crowdstrike today:
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jaythelay · 2 months
Build an audience.
Raise prices.
There's enough that stay for the price increase to only result in profit.
Repeat for several decades
Now only rich people pay for the product and the company is making bank, while you are kept from art on the premise of being poor.
You. Should. Cancel. Every. Subscription.
Pirate. Because art is never for the rich. It is for all. As it stands, you're enabling yourself to never see any again. If not you, your children and their children.
Do not trust companies. Do not give them any BoD. Do not enable or defend companies. They have a team for that, that they substantially underpay.
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emilnikos · 9 months
I need non autistic people to realise meltdowns are a real debilitating thing that has a serious effect on your mental and physical health NOWWWWW!!! The way its been trivialized and lessened pisses me the fuck off. It's not a tantrum and it doesn't come from "being too weak-willed" it's painful and it's embarrassing AND MOST OF ALL IT'S INVOLUNTARY!! Don't claim to be an ally to autistic or disabled people and then make fun of people who have meltdowns. Literally get the hell out of my sight
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stxr-crossxd · 10 months
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i don’t like anything about me
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four-pointed-leaf · 3 months
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tags on this post made me laugh so. yeah
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marlowe1-blog · 2 years
The Book of Job chapter 6
Job offers a rebuttal
So Job is not nearly as angry with Eliphaz as I was. I guess Job is too tired to be angry. Instead he disputes the notion that G-d will punish him for what he's saying. He's already destroyed. What is G-d going to do to him? Killing him would be a mercy at this point.
I would be much less poetic to the "happy is the man who God reproves". Certainly I wouldn't be talking about calamity heavier than the sands on the sea and arrows of the Almighty in me.
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This might prove more difficult than I thought. There's a LOT of great poetry in this book (even in the not terribly poetic JPS translation). I am reminded of my Theater History class in college where we got to Hamlet and everyone just started talking about how much they loved the poetry. Like every other work we could talk about themes, characters, staging, etc. But Hamlet just hypnotized everyone and the professor noted that almost every class has very little to say about Hamlet when they are first introduced. Which is weird since there is way MORE to say about Hamlet than Oedipus Rex or the Revenger's Tale.
His words go from general to specific. He notes that only the suffering cry out. Then goes back to the "If only God would destroy me" before pointing out that his friends are useless. Worse than useless. Sure first he compares them to melting ice, but then he goes "do you devise words of reproof but count a hopeless man's words as wind? You would even cast lots over an opran, or barter away your friend."
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But continually he is going "tell me that I'm wrong"
So this is getting long, but today I was reminded of a particular noxious individual that I considered a friend before Obama won and then still considered a friend until the fact that every time I said hello he just glared at me. I later learned that he told mutual friends about how much he hated me. He was always a creepy dude so I wasn't terribly concerned about him cutting ties with me, but he founded a publishing company and his family still runs it so it's annoying that he publishes some cool Jewish books that I would love to buy if I wasn't giving that mamzer money.
Anyhow on the way home, I looked him up to see what he's been doing. Jumping from job to job. Had a time as a pulpit rabbi (left after a year so probably molesting some congregants) and a lot of articles about how abortion is murder complete with taking that Project Veritas "abortion" video at face value.
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I found his LinkedIn account (I swear it only took 10 minutes to look all this stuff up) and saw that he responded to a post about how "Man, that's tough" being a good thing to say to someone being overwhelmed with a bitchy self-aggrandizing post about how he needs PRACTICAL ADVICE when he's feeling overhwhelmed. He even said that he's playing devil's advocate.
So I told him that he sounds like Eliphaz the Temanite (he's a rabbi so he should get the reference) and that I have advice for him, stop being a noxious lying little shit.
I'm not proud of myself for that.
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But it's fascinating to see that this guy (who also used to post articles on Facebook about how you should be EMOTIONALLY STRONG) is still about as knowledgeable about human emotions as he was back when he was the glaring asshole of Washington Heights.
Oh shit. It's not even about him. It's about another friend who just sent me an email inviting me to her philosophy group at Columbia. We haven't talked since she went off the deep end stanning for the CCP.
Oh. Damn.
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Anyhow. Job is wondering why his friends have nothing to help him beyond reproof and bullshit statements like "happy is the man who God reproves" And as a reader, I'm wondering why these guys are acting that way.
But I miss a friend and because I can't really talk to her and there's really no way I see us ever being friends again, I look up a shitty dude that I never liked that much in the first place.
Can you believe I write term papers for a living? One thing I have over ChatGPT is the fact that I'll never start throwing in these personal asides.
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artcalledpourbrush · 2 years
Once connections get snapped in synapses
Offense or praise will occur
Ask a mom
And their teachings
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artcalledtattoo · 2 years
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Human Roaches Far better than War! I say Any hear, hears' Yay or Nay?
Eight months of Putin stoopid Test him for drugs What does he get high on? Only killing children To say the least, collapsing buildings upon Moms and Dads too or is it also A fiasco of obliteration 8 months in Just new children as TARGETS (remember building marked for Children) He {Putin, dumb fucks, himself and you needing clarification still doing nothing .|. [That’s my symbol for fuck you to all Prunts (that’s my word including all human bodies a combo of prick and cunt)]}, woah wow, cringe, lemoned face, I smell something bad, etc....; such dipshits ruling things Opps forgot the little . His focus since beginning No one in World Not acting fast enough He’s stomping out children like roaches And it’s worldly Okay I-watch-a-sad-made me-cry-broadcast Broadcast of Tyranny And it makes me mad A worry in my present state of mind in breathing,!living on this world
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j-l-kepler · 4 months
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hi i can't help myself. if you ask me to help myself, i will cry
my tav + durge + hireling no companion run has welcomed halsin into camp for guidance because someone needs to be a responsible adult around here.
dvyen's got great insight so briar's blossoming crush on halsin was obvious from moment one. unfortunately my guy's got disadvantage when it comes to tact rolls and is as stupid as he is weirdly paternal. withers has a no-return policy on this one. durge is learning he has a sense of humor and a horrific laugh. what an educational weekend for the group!
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mourninglamby · 2 years
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til next season :J x
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slavhew · 3 months
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i want to replay disco elysium but i dont have the time so this is what i do with it instead
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alright ii fans i think it's time we go outside and touch grass and maybe find like a hobby or something that isn't hyperfixiating over a bunch of objects that may or may not be a phone's ocs maybe we find another show to live laugh love maybe we make more aus where ever1 is happy and real and has parents and pickle is okay and oj and nickel are okay and and taco and pickle made up and she's mentally okay and either stayed or left the showgrounds at peace mmm may maye maybe we just take a break from ii and cry I'm not okay /j/ns/silly
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isilwhore · 1 month
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With every reread of the Silmarillion, I’m always amused at how in of Beren and Luthien, Celegorm and Curufin have gone full villain mode.
I mean, what were they doing up until this? They’ve all been pretty quiet, mostly just talk. And now these two are kidnapping, usurping, and other wicked shenanigans. It’s like why are you doing this, you idiots? Calm down.
Anyway, I drew a quick thing of the aftermath of that incident and Celegorm crying over his dog because why not.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 3 months
We recently hired an older woman truck driver and today she complimented my hair and asked me, "So are you family, or like an ally?" and I answered, "Oh, family 😊" and she got such a happy look and started talking about how glad it made her to have a new job somewhere where people could be openly queer and that she'd never worked somewhere with as high of a percentage of non-cishet people and how good it felt. It was just a really lovely little interaction.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
aegon the uncrowned is so stupid if he would have just followed rhaena’s advice and gone to the free cities for a few years, maegor would have imploded on his own, and then he could have had his crown and not died. the men in this series are collectively so stupid.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
every time im reminded of the "50/50 human/kryptonian" retcon im filled with righteous fury. thats not what the word "clone" fucking MEANS geoffrey im going to GET you
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