#during the winter i always forget how nice it is to smell the flowers and cherry blossom scent in the air...
restinpeas · 1 year
SPRING!!!!! how i missed you
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mhbcaps · 6 months
I was tagged by @miss--river @pinkyjulien and @wraithsoutlaws and this time I'm actually doing the thing I was tagged in XD thank you! If anyone hasn't been tagged yet, do it and say I tagged you - I mean it!!!!
🟦🟪 David Lozano & Viggo Day
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"Can call me V."
"What about that adorable nickname Heiress has for you?"
"Oh, yeah. Old lady I used to train with, she calls me Big Blue. What, you think that's cute?"
"I do, I love it! I'd call you that too but it feels like a special thing just for her. Like how your mom sometimes calls you--"
"Yeah, and this is Gogo, 'cause they never know when to fuckin' stop."
"That's me!"
"Hell if I know! Just write down n/a. Or, no, write down "fun"! I'm not a boy or a girl, I'm fun."
"Could also write down "loud.""
"That too. And you're cis."
"Yeah. That's the one where you stuck with whatever they wrote on--yeah. Cis male."
"Oh, I like anyone who's got muscles and looks good doing manual labor. Like, all strong and sweaty. No, seriously! Not everyone looks good like that. Like, V does, but Sanctuary--our friend Sanctuary--wouldn't. They're hot too, though. Is it weird to say I'm attracted to anyone who looks like they can provide for me? Or like, kill someone for me. I wouldn't want them to, but... y'know."
"...Right. And I like men."
"Ah, shit, I always get confused by this."
"Nationality is your country, so we're both from the NUSA."
"Right, and ethnicity is like... your culture?"
"Yeah, without getting too complicated. So you're Mexican."
"Little bit of Italian, too. Had a Nonna when I was a kid. Been dead a long time, though."
"You're depressing them!"
"You're about to make it worse. Go on, kid, tell us about your family."
"They don't need to know the sordid details. My dad was Chinese, but my mom's family and the clan raised me, so I'm closer to Mexican. See? Not depressing at all!"
"My heels are deceiving you, I'm only five-two."
"Ooh, so close to six."
"And you're nowhere near it."
"Misty keeps tellin' me and I forget every time."
"You're a Capricorn, and I'm an Aries. You know both our symbols have horns? Oh, new tattoo idea!"
"I'm down."
"Have you ever even eaten a fruit? Like a real one?"
"Kerry gave me a mango, one time. It was okay. I like the fucked up little strawberries we have here more."
"Oh, I love those. Yeah, strawberries for both of us."
"I love summer, but the heat makes me really sick if I'm not careful. So spring, I guess. Before the temps get too high."
"Winter, I think. Quieter in winter."
"Poppies! Look, I even have them tattooed. I adore poppies."
"Roses. No reason, I just think they're pretty, I guess."
"That's a reason!"
"Hm. What's the scent you use, V?"
"Sandalwood. Dunno what that is, but it's what the lotion bottle says."
"Okay, then sandalwood."
"Well, I like a lot of smells, but you're what came to mind first."
"Man, now I don't wanna say mine. 'Cause it's not whatever you're wearing."
"You don't like my perfume?"
"It's not bad, it's just not my favorite. I like vanilla."
"Ooh, vanilla is good. Especially when it's all warm."
"This one roasts me all the time 'cause I like brown sugar in my coffee. Like they don't put syrup in theirs."
"Okay, I do not roast you. I just have to point out that it's weird. Every time."
"Oh, I sleep like a rock. Usually at least 6 hours, but I'll nap during the day, too. Especially when it's hot out."
"Not many."
"Cats. Glad they're starting to make a comeback."
"Me too. Some areas that my clan would camp in had a feral dog problem, so I've never liked them. I haven't met many cats, but they've all been chill."
"I'd love to visit somewhere tropical. Someplace with a clean beach and nice water. Or somewhere snowy. Doesn't Japan have both?"
"Fuck if I know. I'm not really into traveling these days. Seen enough of this planet."
"Oh, this is a funny story. V and I used to live together in this horrible little one-room apartment, and I had to get rid of my mattress because something chewed a hole in it, so V let me share his bed until I could get a new one."
"Couldn't let you sleep on the floor. Would've been eaten alive by the roaches."
"It was still really sweet of you. Anyway, I guess he got used to having me there, and after I got a new mattress and went back to my bed, he kept getting more pillows until there was a human sized pile under the blanket."
"How do you know it was 'cause of you? Maybe I just like havin' a lot of pillows to choose from."
"Okay, okay. Sure. If that helps you sleep at night."
"Nah, my sixteen pillows help me sleep at night."
"Wait, shit, they were asking about blankets, weren't they?"
"You say one about me, and I'll say one about you."
"Hm. Gogo has a degree in mechanical engineering. Or most of one, right?"
"Well, we don't really have degrees, but I was working on my specialization when Augie got registered and we went static to take care of him. So, yeah, close to a degree. I would've had a special patch on my jacket and eventually been part of the logistics team."
"You ever regret not finishing?"
"No, Augie's more important."
"Yeah. I get that."
"Now, a random fact I know about V, is his favorite meal ever is fried polenta and spicy sausage."
"Yep. I'll never turn that shit down."
"And I like it 'cause it reminds me of cooking in camp with my clan. It's good stuff."
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leebrontide · 2 years
Growing a tea garden?
Full disclosure, I once had an actual Camellia sinensis tree that I loved dearly and flowered for me and was such a joy. But I misunderstood some aspects of taking care of it, and after 2 years, I lost it, which was tragic. I've yet to find another one in an in-person shop near me, so I remain tea-less, technically.
BUT, last summer I found out that there's something called New Jersey Tea. Which, despite the English name, is native to a lot of northern North America, including my own area. And native planting is always a thrilling bonus for me.
Look at it! It's so pretty!
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Perfect for a combo native prairie/English cottage garden vibe that's going to go well with all our fruit plants. Being native it's not fussy and I can mostly plant it and forget it, which is ideal. Plus it's a pollinator favorite.
There's a sort of mostly-dug-up garden along the back porch because the previous owners took some apparently massive rhubarbs with them. It's a sunny spot with some decent soil, so a good spot for a garden, and plus then you'd be hanging out with these nice, aromatic plants.
Supposedly, when it's fresh the leaves have an almost wintergreen taste, but when dried it tastes like a spiced black tea. It has no caffeine. It was also supposedly a huge favorite during the US revolution, when tea imports were difficult.
So, then I started thinking about what OTHER plants I can use for making tea that will grow in my frigid home climate.
Canadian Ginger
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Just like now New Jersey Tea has no particular relation to Camelia, this is nothing to do with the tropical grown ginger, which is the ginger you probably think of. BUT, it has a deeper ginger taste.
Swamp Mallow Hibiscus
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So, again, you think of Hibiscus as being tropical. I only thought to check because one of my neighbors has a bigass deep red hibiscus that's been flowering away every summer for years. Apparently it's some kind of hybrid situation that lets them grow here.
I thought this sort of coloration would look better with the kind of garden I've got going, since I don't want to look tropical.
I adore hibiscus tea. It's tangy, it's colorful. It's refreshing. but I'll be honest, I haven't been able to find any reviews of what the flavor of these hybrids is. If you happen to know, please pass on your knowledge to me.
Fireball Bee Balm
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This may shock you, but bee balm is another very pollinator friendly plant. I'm looking to get the fireball type specifically because I like this crimson color. the more common colors are between lavender and hot pink, which are not so much my jam. Plus, it's another native plant to my area!
They have the added bonus of being on the short side, and bunnies don't really like them, so they can form a perimeter around my tea garden to protect the other plants. We have a serious lack of predators in my neighborhood and the rabbits are OUT OF CONTROL. Last winter they ate every one of my cherry shrubs and my entire raspberry bramble down to the ground at the old house. I don't know what we need to do to get some birds of prey over here but we could use them.
Bee balm flavor is a little mint, a little oregano, and a little bit citrus, so that's a natural for tea.
Rose Hips
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Apparently you CAN look up which kinds of roses have the tastiest rosehips! Rose hips are the seed of the rose, are in the same botanical family as apples. These are a few of the tastier heirloom varieties I've located. I likely won't plant all three of them. My porch isn't that big and I want to leave a lot of room for the new jersey tea.
Rosehips are lightly floral and tart/citrusy and are a fantastic source of vitamin C. You can of course also eat the flowers, but I don't plan to. My grandma always wore tea-rose perfume and I don't really want to drink a tea that feels like drinking how gramma smelled.
The two lefthand roses are both tree roses (from the middle ages!!), the one on the right is much more low-growing. So I suspect how I end up arranging these will determine which we get.
Anise Hyssop
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Proper anise (the flavor for licorice) also doesn't grow here, BUT, anise hyssop has a similar flavor from the mint family. Again, it's usually a purple or pink color, but I CAN find it in an apricot tone, which I love.
Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle
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Native to IA, not MN but still in the general right biome and so pretty resilient here. I only found out in researching tea gardens that the flowers make for tasty, very sweet, lightly floral tea! I knew you could drink the nectar out of them but this was news to me. And, of course, they make everything around them smell amazing.
I have 16 feet to work with, so plenty of room for plants.
A few other plants that wont be in the garden proper are raspberries, whose leaves have a milder and easy to store version of the fruit flavor, and mint. Both of these though are tremendously prone to conquering any area around them, and so they need some extra containment. We don't really do year-round container gardening here because the roots freeze and kill almost anything. But, the boulevard between the front sidewalk and the street, under the big maple tree, is slated for mint seeding in the spring, and the side garden already has raspberries I'll tell you about on another day.
Chamomile, lavender and echinacea all grow here and are thought to make tasty and healthful tea but...I don't like the flavor of any of them, so they aren't invited.
If you have other plants to suggest, let me know!
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Kyoya Ootori||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Here’s Kyoya 4 more to go!
Word Count: 1753
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kyoya shows affection very subtly. Honestly you might feel like you’re stuck in a Victorian novel especially at the beginning of your relationship. He’ll brush his hand along the back of yours and then smile at you like oh that was intentional, ok. He’s really trying his best, but he’s not very obvious with his affection, all of his love tends to be conveyed through words and actions of caring.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Kyoya is lowkey a gossip. He’s not going to tell everyone what information he has but if you come up to him complaining about how so and so was bothering you, he’s already got a journal full of secrets and he’s ready to ruin someone’s career.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kyoya likes to cuddle but he prefers to be the big spoon, this is solely because he doesn’t want to be woken up early just because you had to go to the bathroom or something. He only cuddles during night time and if you do wake up before him, he’s pretty easily fooled if you just replace your body with a pillow.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle own, not just because of his family and him feeling like he’s obligated to settle down, but also just because he’s a traditional person in the sense that he wants to marry the person he fell in love with. As for domestic skills, Kyoya can’t cook or clean for SHIT. The only skill he’s got is probably managing finances and things along those lines but if you asked him to cook, he’d somehow find a way to burn water, just a bad time for everyone involved.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Kyoya doesn’t break up with you via text message (or letter if he’s feeling fancy), he honestly probably just tells you upfront that he doesn’t view your relationship as something he has a vested interest in continuing. Ouch. 
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment for Kyoya has always ben somewhat of an obligation. He feels like he has to propose to you if you’re relationship is becoming serious. He’ll discuss it with you of course, but the man is very committed to those he loves and what better way to show that than marriage?
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not very physically gentle, again, he’s just not very physically affectionate. When he does initiate physical affection with you it’s always with a measure of unsureness and caution. Emotionally, he’s a bit more gentle. Kyoya looks for the type of person who can keep up with him especially intellectually, with him it’s like no words are needed, you both just get it.
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kyoya’s hugs kinda suck. He doesn’t give them often, let alone initiate them, and if you hug him, he’ll just stand there kinda surprised and at a loss for what to do. At least he’s nice to hug, he’s got this cologne that smells like a warm fireplace during a winter storm that smells so comforting.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
You definitely say ‘I love you’ before Kyoya. He expresses his love through tender gazes and lovesick smiles so he definitely assumes you get the message. However, if you express to Kyoya that you’d like to hear him say that he loves you, he’ll oblige.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Kyoya doesn’t really get jealous, it’s not a matter of arrogance, more like, he knows that you’re with him and he’s with you. He doesn’t act out either on the off chance that he does get jealous because he was raised to bottle things up. In fact, the most Kyoya’s ever been jealous was in the beginning of your relationship/before you were dating where he was sure someone was gonna come by and sweep you away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The way Kyoya kisses is by cradling your face and just kinda going for it. He prefers to kiss you on the lips but he doesn’t mind placing them elsewhere if things get more intimate.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Kyoya kind of sucks around children. He’s not rude to them or anything of that sort but he just doesn’t find himself having anything in common with them and doesn’t really care for the topics they find interesting.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kyoya depend on if he’s off or not. If he has work or an early morning obligation of some sort, you’ll probably have to wake him up. He sets alarms but he’ll just swat at his alarm and then go back to bed, can’t exactly do that with your s/o now can you? However, if he has the day off or doesn’t have to wake up early, he won’t let you leave the bed until he’s ready to wake up. He’s surprisingly hard to move when he’s dead asleep like that.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Kyoya, he tends to stay up late and then just pass out on the nearest surface. If you happen to be awake long enough or pass him on the way to the kitchen/bathroom/etc., please move him into your bed. He will complain about his back problems if you don’t, if you can’t move him (which fair tbh he does deadweight) please give him a blanket and pillow, when he wakes up, it means the world to him.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kyoya reveals things very gradually to you over time, he’s a very layered person and while certain aspects of his true personality may bubble up, you’re gonna have to put the full picture together on your own. Unless you’re like Tamaki and can just see through all his bs. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kyoya is actually pretty easy to anger. This is because of his no nonsense attitude as well as his general grumpiness with the world. Although, no anger can top Kyoya’s anger from being woken up early.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kyoya remembers every detail you’re willing to share with him. He writes most of it in his notebook but somethings he likes to keep to himself and surprise you with later on.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you suggested your next date be at a flower viewing. Kyoya initially thought it might just be like a boring “commoner” thing to do but as the date went on, he ended up really enjoying himself. The sight of you surrounded by flowers was also a plus
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Kyoya’s family has essentially a private police force, in addition he also has personal guards, best believe, you are protected. Don’t even worry about trying to protect him either, he has people on payroll for that
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kyoya puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. The man always knows when there’s a special occasion coming up and has already planned for every step of the day. As for dates in general, he likes to spoil you. He has absolutely no problem with flying you to somewhere like Okinawa for example, just because
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Kyoya has is that he tends to try and test people and their limits with no prompting. He’s very secretive in general so that plus his sudden decisions to test people can lead to some bad arguments. The worst argument you’ve gotten into to date is when he suddenly started flirting back with his guests during the regular day and you got jealous and snapped.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kyoya is concerned with his looks in the sense that he has a reputation to uphold. He’s not arrogant by any means but he does take pride in looking good. Plus Tamaki recommended a skin care routine to him once and now he’s hooked
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He views you as his better, he doesn’t feel incomplete without you but he can feel himself turning back into his sort of middle school self pre-Tamaki when you aren’t around.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has no previous relationship experience. He has experience flirting of course and he’s had crushes before but he’s new to this, please be gentle.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
Kyoya doesn’t like people with forceful personalities. He tolerates it for the sake of being polite and his image if nothing else but this man cannot stand when people are pushy and always have to get their way. He also hates boring people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Canonically Kyoya is a heavy sleeper, this can be kind of an issue at times. He’s a hard worker who stays up late on things he’s passionate about which means he might fall asleep on whatever’s closest. There’s been more than one occasion where you’ve walked over to him sound asleep on his laptop with a document covered in keysmash from where he slumped on the computer.
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illicit affairs
pairing: sheriff lee bodecker x younger! reader
warnings: smut (18+), cheating, age gap
a/n: i love perfumes which smell of daisies so i made the reader use something like that. i do imagine her going for a very much female appearance and aura despite her personality and i can see lee fancying that sort of fragile femininity look paired with her independency. this song is based of illicit affairs from taylor swift but i was also listening to all too well at some points so i think some of that passed onto the writing. hope you enjoy xx
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Leave the perfume on the self that you picked up just for him so you leave no trace behind like you don’t even exist. Take the words for what they are a dwindling, mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times ... And you wanna scream don’t call me “kid”, don’t call me “baby”, look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else. And you know damn well for you I would ruin myself a million little times ...
The snow settled onto the ground, a view she could see from her white window. Sprawled against her window pane, the blue soft fabric of her dress cascaded down her body as she watched the snow fall and become one with the mass of white covering the once green grass of her home. Her feet dangled in anticipation, hair cascading into hairdresser set curls, held away from her face with a pearl barrette. Her fingers dangled across her collarbones, feeling the cold matching pearls which unlike her barrette clip, had been offered to her by Lee on thanksgiving. “A pretty girl like you deserves her own pearls” his voice echoed in her mind whenever her feeling felt the smooth irregular circle shapes of the pearls laying against her collarbones. There was nothing more than she wanted than to wear those pearls to the police winter ball, to show up wearing something he had bought for her with what money he gathered from his fickle Captain position, but she couldn’t. Everyone knew what she had, what jewellery she had, it was all valued at the insurance centre downtown and the pearl necklace definitely wasn’t. Her own pearls rested inside her ivory jewellery box along with the ribbon she was wearing around her waist when she first kissed him, and the comb that held her hair in place whenever she met him during windy nights. 
Her grandmother had left before her, leaving with the grocery shop owner as her date for the ball but she had stayed behind. She had told her she’d rather go alone, blaming her loneliness on the fact all the boys her age were either engaged thus going with their wives and the single ones not wanting to do with her. Of course that was further from the truth and as she watched the snow fall, she imagined Lee’s cruiser driving through the snow, stopping in front of her home and knocking on her door to take her. But those were nothing but impossible scenarios created from the deepest part of her psyche. Looking over her shoulder, the clock on her bedside table shone 9PM into bold red letters. She should get going before her grandmother got worried. Her eyes lingered across her beauty parlour to the silver platter with her perfume, the one she’d picked just for him after hearing how much he loved the smell of daisies. She had to leave it, she couldn’t put any perfume on, she couldn’t take her pearls, she doesn’t exist. At least, she as Lee’s lover does not exist for all that everyone could know and nothing hurt more than the sound of her pearls returning to her ivory box. It was were they belonged, away from everyone, hidden, a mysterious sin secret. 
With her white fur wrapped around her arms, she entered her glossy yet dull red car, pulling the hood up despite the weather. She wanted to feel the cold, she wanted that numbness to hide what she had been feeling for the last months. It was all so exhilarating when it began; the summer walks, laying in the middle of the forest in an old towel as he feed her ripe strawberries, escaping from her grandmother’s house at night and meeting him up under the apple tree in light dresses. However, at time wind down, she started to crave the rest of a relationship, the holding of hands. Instead what she got was clandestine meetings in parking lots, behind the bars or in the middle of the forest when no one could see them. She constantly told herself it was going to eventually be her turn, he was gonna leave Jane for her. Yet, she seemed to constantly fall on the same error every mistress before her did, the mistake of forgetting her place. Stopping in front of the old town hall where the ball was being held, she could see the soft lights, hear the laughter and it made her sick. She didn’t want to go in, she didn’t want to see those happy couples but she had too. She had to put up a show, be the little pedestal trouble starter woman she was expected to be and so she would. 
Stepping into the hall, her eyes immediately found Lee in the corner speaking with the Sheriff, arm draped over Jane’s shoulder while the other hand held a clear cup probably with his favourite drink. Her heart sunk to the same place it always did as she got lost in the dance floor. She knew everyone in this town hall, from the first boy she ever kissed Jonah and his third wife Elizabeth to Billy whom had been prom king with her. There was nothing new anymore and what once felt new and true was now anchoring her inside a fishbowl of images of her own mistakes and unfulfilled life needs. 
      - Hey, Y/N. - Billy called out for her attention. She held onto the fur wrapped around her for comfort as she prepared her facade of a happy girl at a happy party. - Your grandma told me you ain’t gotta a partner for tonight. Could’ve told me, I would’ve taken you. 
      - It’s ok, ain’t like I need a man. - she replied, almost angrily although he deserved no anger from her. - What’s the stage for? We’re getting a band tonight?
      - No, the new sheriff candidates announcing themselves tonight. Prepare for the blood bath. 
      - Sounds interesting. - she spoke out, her voice getting mumbled out as the mic’s sound hurt her and everyone else’s ear. The police chief stood there in his best attire, holding a small piece of papers, his fat thumbs hitting the mic to gather everyone’s attention. He already had their attention merely by wearing a cowboy’s hat with a formal suit. 
       - Now folks, we all now how much we gonna miss our good old Sheriff but it’s time to elect a new one. - his southern accent was pronounced, too pronounced, cartoonish even. Y/N remembered laughing as a child when she first heard him speak only to immediately shut up when her grandmother looked her way with a look which left room for no questions. She herself had barely developed an accent, her grandmother still very keen on instilling in her the education she herself had gotten. However, the longer she spent with Lee, the more it would sometimes slip; one or two words, nothing major. - Of course, Leroy is running again.
     - I don’t know why he tries. - Y/N whispered to Billy, concealed laughing smile behind her hand. 
     - You gotta admit it’s a good thing to imagine. Damned Leroy and his prostitutes running the town? We’d be forgotten by God.
     - We’re already forgotten by God. We were banished from the garden of Eden, don’t you remember? - she teased, always enjoying to toy around with the religion Knockemstiff was so hang up on. - We’re probably direct descendants. 
     - You ought to keep that mouth shut if you don’t wanna get in trouble. - he warned yet it went through deaf ears. Y/N liked stirring it, specially when it came to things which were so analytically flawed. 
The regular list of candidates continued to go from officers to common folk who all believed they could make the town better. At least that was all they said they wanted to get some votes but at the end of the day, they just wanted to control the town with an iron fist. Do what they wanted without anyone question it. She couldn’t blame it, humans are hardwired to go crazy for power and let it consume them so she just let it pass. She knew all the candidates, they were always the same. Leroy, Matthew, Edwards ... all the common ones, she even wondered why they kept announcing it. Those three competing for the sheriff position was as certain as the sun coming up each morning. 
      - The last candidate is our cap’tain Bodecker. - her head snapped to the stage as every sound seemed to dim until she was surrounded by pure silence. All she could hear was the buzz from her ears as she watched him climb up the stairs to the stage, shaking the chief’s hands. 
Everything seemed to be stuck in slow motion yet her mind was running faster than a shot bullet. The clapping was slow, everything was silent yet she could see their hands slowly clap and their lips moving in whispers. Her eyes roamed the crowd finding Jane right in front of the stage, looking up at him with adoration at the possible place she could possible hold; the sheriff’s wife. The slow motion ended with a loud crash and suddenly everything seemed just too fast. She ignored Billy’s pleas for her attention and moved straight to the small plastic tables covered in burgundy towels to make it look fancier where all the drinks and food were being held. One of her only friends from high school Mary was the one in charge, happily serving food and drinks to anyone who asked.
     - Hi Y/N. - she always looked like the perfect housewife and that was always what she wanted to be. Beautiful, bountiful blonde hair with a few flowers matching her pink dress. Despite it all, she was always nice to her even with their different life goals. 
     - Hey Mary. How’s Paul? I heard from rumours you two had quite a nice honeymoon. St.Louis, right? 
     - Yes. He booked us a nice honeymoon suite, it had flowers and those heart shaped beds and chocolates. It was real nice, I’m hoping to be pregnant soon. What about you? Your grandmother said you came alone. You could’ve told me, my brother would’ve taken you.
    - That’s alright, Mary. I don’t intend to stay for long ... Uhm, can I have a drink?
    - Of course. Sidecar, as per usual? 
    - I think I’ll just have a double cognac, please. Or maybe some gin ... whatever can make me dizzy the fastest.
    - Everything, okay?
    - Just need to forget some stuff, it’ll be okay. - she forced a smile. At least half that phrase was true. Mary served her up with her best gin and she returned to the dance floor, trying to blend with the rest of the attendees, however her baby blue dress was much too different from anything else in town. 
Y/N thought she’d be best outside where no one could see her and so she left, avoiding Billy who kept asking for her. She leaned against the old wood of the town hall, mascara running down her cheeks, and gin glass on the other one. She looked like the perfect warning tale of why you should not mess her married men. She knew better, she knew so much better but she still did it, like the idiotic little fool she seemed to be. Y/N sighed, the air condensing in the air as she drank from the glass.
     - Pull yourself together, Y/N. - she looked to see side, her grandmother standing outside with the look she used to give her when Y/N embarrassed her as a little girl. - What did you expect?
     - I’m just not having a good day, nana.
     - You’re hanging around with Captain Bodecker that’s what you’re doing.
     - What?
     - Don’t play innocent with me, Y/N. You’re just like your mother and I’ve raised your mother so I’d know. I saw you leave in his car last week. Do you want to defend yourself?
     - Is it even worth it? - she took a sip out of her drink. - What do you want me to say? 
     - I want you to pull yourself together and go inside. You better have this finished off before those elections start. I will not have my granddaughter be a home wrecker.
Y/N ignored it. There was nothing her grandmother could say that hurt more than what she was already feeling. She watched the snow fall from the cover of the banner covering the town hall, cold and icy yet somehow warmer than her. The drink didn’t last forever and although it was much stronger than what she was used to, she didn’t feel the slightest bit dizzy. It was if the universe was punishing her for her choices. She shook her head, leaving the glass onto one of the windows. She’d be better off at home and she’d already made her appearance. If someone asked where she was, she could’ve blamed it on their drunkness. Opening her little clutch, she started fishing for her keys through a sea of change, makeup and receipts. 
    - You better not be thinking of driving after you just drank. - she turned her head to see Lee with his hands on his waist, playfully smiling at her. His smile faded as he noticed the streaks of mascara from her eyes to her jaw. - Did that shithead Billy say something? 
     - No ... Lee, I wanna go home okay. - she sighed. - Can you just pretend you didn’t see me drink?
     - I was hoping we could spend the night together. Rent a hotel room outside town. A real nice place, with a pool and some room service. My treat of course.
     - I ... We can’t, Lee. Your wife is inside as she’s gonna notice you’re not there and you’re not home. 
     - She’s going home early. Jane’s been taking a few sleeping pills. She’s down for the night, won’t even notice. - he took a few steps closer to her, knowing everyone was too drunk to even remember. - I was waiting for you to come greet me, congratulate me. I can’t believe my girl wanted to leave before showing me how pretty she looked. 
     - You didn’t tell me you were running for Sheriff. - he cupped her face, thumb caressing her cheek. - You said it was a silly position.
     - Yeah but ... it’s a Sheriff. I could become Mayor, ya know. The old sheriff thinks I’d be good for it. - he scratched the back of his neck, something he always did whenever he was nervous or was confronted by something he did not expect. Y/N had learned to read him and knew him better than her own favourite books. - C’mon, kid. It’s a night worth celebrating, don’t you think?
     - Don’t call me kid. - she shot her head his way, his word hitting a particular hurt spot which she didn’t realise she had. 
     - Hey, I’m not trying to mock ya. - he rose his hands. - What’s wrong, huh baby? Hm? Tell me sugar, I hate it when you’re upset. Besides, if it was that Billy kid I’ve been wanting to give him a good beating.
    - Don’t call me baby, either. - she sighed, throwing her purse inside the car, before turning to him. - Billy didn’t do anything I’m just ... tired.
    - I’ll drive you home, then.
    - I don’t wanna go home either. - she pushed her hair from her forehead, looking at the ground. The snow engulfed her feet and her shoes, yet it might as well have engulfed her entire being. Lee noticed her lip trembling and how her free hand was trying to stop tears from falling down. He looked behind him, the town hall door shut, before taking his jacket off, draping it over her shoulders, and opening the car door for her. 
 Y/N daren’t look him in the eye, instead sitting in the passenger seat as he pushed the hood of her car up. After all, most people did not enjoy driving in the snow with the hood up. She didn’t know where he was taking her and for all it mattered she didn’t want to know. If he was driving her to her killing location, it sounded much better than having to work out through the bubbling feelings in her tummy. Y/N didn’t even noticed how much she was crying until the tears started streaming so fast they were falling onto the palms of her hands like diamond daggers. She leaned her head against his shoulder, watching the road ahead through the blurry orbs of her own eyes, trying to find some warmth through him. The drive seemed endless and her mind rushed in an even more endless way as she considered all her choices til now. She found it unbearable how not guilty she didn’t feel about it. She could still remember the feeling of the cold water against her body and his lips against hers, being tangled in his bed sheets while he drank a beer, his grunts as he thrusted into her inside his patrol car. She remembered every detail either it being lust or romantic but most importantly she remembered how he looked at her. It was almost as through rose coloured glasses, most of the times agreeing with her pessimist view of the town she was in. Lee looked down on her, watching her perfect hair break through the gelled curls she had set down. He never liked the polished look anyway, he loved to see her walk in her white dresses and freshly washed hair flowing with the wind. This woman sat next to him was gorgeous but he preferred his Y/N, he preferred the woman who would poke fun of casualty and rush into the woods with her nightgown. This woman next to him was pretty yes but she seemed tainted by a sadness he could see yet couldn’t help. He didn’t want his Y/N to be the slightest bit sad. She did not deserve it. She was too pure, too young to be consumed by the loneliness, darkness and sadness that came with being an adult. Yet again, he had to start learning the young woman she was wouldn’t stay young forever. He wanted to know how to help. he wanted to be the man who wakes up next to her on summer mornings and winter evenings but life is not how we plan it out to be.
She watched the snow fall from her window as “You are my sunshine” played on the background from her radio. Looking up to him, his eyes were glued to the road, the sign of leaving Knockemstiff way past them and the hotel on the horizon. She called it the Heartbreak hotel, with its red walls and luxurious nature. A more fancy place for those who wanted to give a better night to their mistresses but that was not why she called it the heartbreak hotel. It was due to the fact she ended up crying every time she or he left. While inside those walls, she could pretend they were Mr. and Mrs. Bodecker, young couple moved out of Knockemstiff on a romantic getaway yet she wasn’t Mrs. Bodecker, Jane was. She had seen who the future sheriff’s wife was and it was not and it would never be her. He stopped the car in the parking lot, looking at her who was lost in thought, leaned against his shoulder.
   - Come on, sugar. What is it? - Lee kissed the top of her head. - The heck happened in that Town Hall?
    - Just being silly, Lee. - she shook her head, faking a smile. - Just don’t like parties one bit.
    - I hate ‘em too, sugar. All show no action. Besides no party is a party without my baby. - he hooked his ring finger under her chin, softly pulling it up. She tried not to look at the moonlight illuminating the silver band around his finger, a symbol he belonged to someone else and she knew it. She had seen the wedding photo on his secretary, a much younger Lee with a much younger Jane with the facade of a happy marriage. Thinking about it always made her sick and ever since seeing that picture she couldn’t bring herself to do so. - Come on, let’s get you a bubble bath, yeah?
She followed him into the hotel almost in a zombie like state until the reception. The talk was a dance she had danced before, it was all the same. Lee would present money in cash so it wouldn’t show up on his credit card statement. He would sign in with a fake address but with his own name and no one would question it. After all, the staff wanted money, they didn’t care if it was an illicit affair or not. To be honest, she didn’t care much anymore.
     - Mrs. Bodecker? Mrs. Bodecker? - the receptionist called out to her but it didn’t even register until she was looking her into the eyes. Mrs. Bodecker, she was definitely not. - Would you like a complementary tea? You look cold.
     - No, it’s okay. - she smiled while Lee grabbed the keys. His hand wrapped itself around hers, leading her over to the elevator.
God, she wanted him. She really did, he thought to himself. It was an unbelievable feeling to have someone who loved him back, someone who always had encouraging words to tell him, someone who would stay after a fight. He thought and imagine what it would’ve been like if she was born earlier, god he would’ve courted her and would’ve married her the second they were out of high school. Sadly, the woman he loved was born 10 years after and he met her when he was married. He led her to the 13th hotel room and closed the door behind them.
     - Things are gonna be different when I’m sheriff. No more sneaking around, no one will dare  say a word. I can move to Brewer Heights, heck, I can buy two houses, one just for you and me.
    - Lee ...
    - Where are your pearls, sugar? You know I love to see you with them, makes you look so pretty.
    - You know I can’t wear them in public, Lee. I am not your ... - she shouldn’t say that, she should not let those words out. - They’re not insured under my name, people would comment about it.
     - You worry too much. - he pushed the fur that covered her arms down, placing a small kiss on her elbow. - My little over-thinker.
     - One of us has too, Captain Bodecker.
     - How about some champagne? - he pointed towards the champagne bottle in the ice bucket by the dresser before walking towards it, raising it so he could inspect the brand. He longed for the finest things in life, no longer wanting to be that middle to low class man he’d been forced to be. Being Sheriff, Mayor someday was going to be really something, it’d be his chance.
    - I’m not 21 yet, Captain.
    - Only a month til you are, kid. - he filled two long crystal flutes, handing it over to them. - By then I should stop calling you kid, huh?
    - You shouldn’t call me kid, now. - she took a sip of the golden liquid, hoping it would take away her jealousy. Lee hummed, leaned over to kiss the crock of her neck, climbing up to her jaw in a move that was sure to leave marks. It was okay for him to leave marks on her, she was unmarried, young but on him? Sometimes she wanted to, sometimes she wanted to mark his pale plump skin as a possession, one that screamed Jane might have the wedding ring but she had the man. Yet, she couldn’t. - You look so handsome tonight.
    - You’re my worse critic. - he smirked, placing his glass on the bedside table before pulling her chin towards him, placing a soft kiss on her plump, painted lips. - God, you can’t even imagine how fucking hard I got when you walked in.
    - Such gentle behaviour. - she teased, fingers lightly tracing the skin of his face. He moaned, leaning in to kiss her again. - I wore it just for you. Blue. I knw you like it.
    - You’re always such a good girl for me. - he started to remove his jacket, pushing on her chest lightly so she laid against the luxurious bed.
The alcohol sure did a better job than her about making her forget what she was doing it. The alcohol and his kiss, his touch on her skin made her forget the clench in her heart when she saw Jane Bodecker clap once they said his name. It made her forget she couldn’t hear perfume around him unless he showered, it made her forget. Both of her moaned through the kiss, seemingly unconcerned with the fact that it was a sin. Maybe that’s why it taste so sweet, the sin, the thrill. None of them cared really and all he wanted to do now was hold her, touch her, look at her.
    - You are so beautiful. - he spoke, more to himself than to her specifically, leaning down on the bed as he spread her legs, taking his place in between them which was so familiar to him. Lee ran his knuckles through the middle of her folds, cold hands making her shiver. - Ev’ry darn day I wake up and I think, I got myself the most beautiful woman in the world.
Her eyes were glued to the ceiling, the white paint of it engulfing her as his hands caressed her thighs. All she could feel were his cold hands massaging the skin of her thighs, spreading them apart and giving him full access to her. His lips attacked her core, always chapped which made her feel so good, it made her know it was him giving her that pleasure. She moaned out loud as he dwelled in like a starved man, her head relaxing against the pillow. There was never any mercy with him, he teased her like he owned her, focusing on her clit while licking her folds. He had her exactly where he wanted her - starving for him.
   - You’re gonna see. - he mumbled out while he relentlessly ate her out. - When I’m sheriff there will be no more hidin’. No one gonna dare say anythin’ about it.
   - Lee, please ... no foreplay. - she whined, begged even as he stopped his motions. His eyes curiously searched for hers, hands pulling his body up as he stood on top of her. - I just want to feel you.
   - Weren’t you feelin’ me, sugar?
   - You know what I mean, Lee. - she wrapped her hands around his neck, head cocked to the side. - I don’t want any foreplay today.
    - Oh sugar ... - he chuckled leaning down to kiss her collarbone. - You’re just a cock slut for me, aren’t ya? Can’t just wait for me to treat ya right ain’t it, baby?
     - Lee, please. - she whined, hands wavering over his police issued chunky belt. Lee smirked, holding her hand before she could do anything. Y/N pouted, head leaning against her shoulder. - C’mon.
   - But baby, you look so pretty when you’re begging. - he returned to kiss her neck, leaving marks which were sure to become hickeys tomorrow but she didn’t care. No one was going to see it. - I was expecting you to come congratulate me in the way you always do, maybe in the back of the town hall. Hoping someone would catch us so they’d see you’re my girl.
    -  Lee ... -  she whined as he kept kissing her neck and collarbones. - Please.
    - Tell me what you want, baby. You know I do everything you want. - he rose from her neck, toothy grin as he leaned down to kiss her plump, pink painted lips. - Tell me you want my big fat cock. I know you do, baby. Tell me how much you need it. 
  - Lee ... please, need you.
  - You have me, baby, tell me what you need. Tell me what you want. - his knuckles ran through the middle of her folds again. - You’re so wet, baby. Just tell me what you want, c’mon
  -  Lee ... please. - she looked at him with those wide eyes that could get someone to commit murder for her, as he pushed down his trousers. - I want you to fuck me with your ... big fat cock, Capitain. 
  - Oh, baby ... - he leaned his forehead against hers as he pushed his cock past her entrance, eyes shut tight  as he tried to keep himself sane at the mere feeling of her walls contracting against him. His lips found hers as he shed himself fully into her. Her hand searched for his, as Lee slowly rolled his hips against hers, basking in the mere high that was being inside of her. - You okay, baby? 
  - Yeah. ... fuck, move. - she whined as he removed himself from her and pushed back in, slowly starting to rock into her as he always did. The little tease. Her hand clenched his as he speed up his thrusts, lips returning to hers in a messy, moaned filled kiss. All she could hear was the sound of skin against skin and interrupted breathing. - Lee, fuck.
  - I know, baby. - he laughed, returning to kiss her the way he liked as her walls started to clench more forcefully against his member, milking him for all he was worth. His free hand grabbed her hip as he further sped up against her, bruising her skin as his breaths got more raggedy. He bite onto her neck as he felt his control over his own orgasm disappear. 
  - Lee, fuck! - she moaned, almost raising off the bed as her own orgasm washed over her. Her head fell against the pillow, sluggish as he continued to thrust into her until ropes and ropes of cum painted her walls. He chuckled mid grunt, holding her against him as he turned around in bed. 
  - You all fucked up, aren’t ya, sugar? - he kissed the top of her head. - You’re gonna see, sugar. Things are gonna be so much better.
  - Right ... - she cuddled against his chest. - Hm ... Lee can you drive me back home early on?
  - Early shift?
  - Yeah.
  - Okay, sugar.
The morning was a harsh breaker of dreamy hazes and just like that she was back to the place where she always was, in her home, surrounded by the scent of the perfume she had bought just for him. She sat on her dress, taking the necklace he had given her from the little mother of pearl seashell shaped box and holding them against her chest. She loved him, she really did. Some people had their downfalls and hers was painted onto her neck and held by her hands. He was her downfall. 
The sun was high up on the snowy midday in Knockemstiff and once again Lee had been resigned to desk duty after the Sheriff not taking it too lightly he decided to run without his permission. Normally he would’ve been upset but he knew, he knew he was close to winning and then he could throw away those stupid hotels and just get her a little house close to him. God, he couldn’t fucking wait.
    - Captain Bodecker, someone here for you. - his secretary knocked on his door. - Mary Gillies, sir. 
    - Mary Gillies? - he knew her to be a friend of Y/N’s, perhaps her only friend other than that punk Billy. - Send her in.
    - Good afternoon, captain. - she said as she walked into his office. - I’m so sorry to be bothering but Y/N ...
    - Is she alright? - he interrupted her.
    - Yes, well ...  - she rummaged through her bag to find a cushioned envelope with his name on it. - She told me to give you this.
   - What is it?
   - I don’t know, captain. I must get going, my husband is waiting for me.
   - Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Gillies.
He waited for the woman to be out of his office and for the door to be shut for him to open the envelope. The minute he opened the envelope, pearls fell into his desk, the same pearls he had given Y/N followed by a small note in the dusty pink stationary that normally laid on her dresser. Turning it around, he saw the words he’d been dreading to read or hear ever since he met her. I’m sorry, Lee. He threw the letter on his desk before getting up from his desk as fast as he could, ignoring the calls from his colleagues as he got into his cruiser. Damned, Brewer Heights, why couldn’t it be closer?
He approached her home fast and closed the door as fastly as he ran up to the door. Her hag of a grandmother was possibly at church and he had learned where they kept the spare key; behind a violet pot. His heart was beating as fast as a deer on a hunt as he climbed up the stairs and found the once filled room was empty, with only a perfume bottle on her empty dresser. He observed the whole room as if he were in a nightmare, sitting on her bed as he clenched the pearls he had given her not so long ago, the smell of daisies in the air as some song played on the still turned on radio.
You never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away ...
taglist: @lookiamtrying​ 
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver ch.6
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Here we go with chapter 6. I edited but if you see any typos I am sorry I had a long day at work.
During the call they attend in the chapter they mention a substance called ANFO. Click here for more info. I did some research hopefully it makes sense. I am no an expert but I needed something for the scene.
Our two idiots... well, I hope you will be happy (for now) *evil laughter*
I hope you will enjoy the chapter
Three months later.
Rowan landed back at the airbase in the morning. The carrier had docked on the coast a few hours earlier on and then they had flown back to the base with their jets.
He got off his plane and smelled the air of home. Winter had given way to spring and he could smell flowers and wondered if the kingsflames were in bloom already.
“Damn it feels good to be back.” Shouted Gavriel getting off his jet and stretching his back “I am dying for a very long relaxing bath. And peace, without you idiots annoying me.”
“Oh yeah,” said Fenrys “Not having to hear Connall and Vaughan snore will be so good.” He turned to Rowan and Gavriel “Not everyone has the rank to get their own quarters.”
Rowan pretended not to hear the youngster and started walking around his aircraft to do his post-flight checks. He had enough of their bickering and of Fenrys moaning in general.
“Guys.” He bellowed “Less talking and do your post-flight checks.”
“Someone is grumpy.” Added Fenrys.
Connall slapped him on the back of his neck “don’t anger the man even further. Now shut up and do your job. I am so tired of your voice.”
Rowan silently thanked Connall for putting his twin in place.
Once he was done, Rowan grabbed his duffel bag and went to the changing room and took a shower. He would take a proper one at home, for now he just wanted to remove some dirt from him.  
The changing room was busy and he opened his locker with a sigh. He definitely needed peace and quiet and not to be in close quarters for a while.
“I am so looking forward to my month off.” Commented Gavriel “and decent food. I want to sit down for a meal for more than ten minutes.” Then he turned to Rowan “Any plans?”
“Not really.” He shrugged.
“Are you going to see your captain?”
“I don’t know.” He said quickly. He did his best to put her out of his mind during those months away. To ignore those pesky feeling that had been taking root in him even while far away from her. He had hated how he left her and throwing himself into work had been the best way to try and forget. But now he was back and he felt as if he was stuck.
He put his uniform back on and grabbed his stuff “Just stay out of trouble,” he told them before leaving the room.
While walking to his office he pulled his mobile out of the bag, switched it back on and a barrage of notifications hit him and two voicemails awaited him. The first one was from Aelin and she was mad at him. How could he blame her. He had disappeared without a word. How could he even begin to apologise? When he listened to the second and a glimmer of hope appeared in front of him. She wanted to talk. He grabbed his stuff and blitzed out of the airbase. The taxi he had called arrived ten minutes later and once at the station he paid the driver and got off, his duffel bag on his shoulder. An array of emotions passed through him while he moved the first step in the direction of the firehouse, panic being at the top of the list.
He lifted his sunglasses on his head and took in the scene in the distance. Two fire engines were parked in front of the yard. Aelin and the rest of the team were washing them, the day was sunny and mild so the perfect occasion. He chuckled and noticed that she was standing. She was walking normally and he sighed. Rowan found himself staring at her walking around the truck and shouting orders. She was just as stunning as he remembered her. He missed her. He realised in that instant looking at her from far away that somehow, although there was nothing but vitriol between the two, he just missed her. Was his heart actually racing?
Aelin lifted her gaze for one instant and in the distance on the pavement she noticed a tall figure with silver hair. She squeezed the sponge and threw it in the bucket, then stood and marched to him doing all her best to maintain her cool to try and pass as aloof and not minimally interested that he was back. A lie to herself she struggled to believe.
“I am back safely.” He said when she was close enough.
“Well, at least you can do your job well enough to stay alive.” Her tone was hard and unforgiving.
Of course she was still mad at him, what was he expecting?
“Follow me.” She turned around and began walking back inside the station and Rowan knew she was headed for her office. Better have some privacy, he had a feeling he was not going not enjoy the conversation.
“Sit,” she ordered, once inside her office and he complied like a good soldier.
She moved around the desk and plopped on her chair.
“Aelin I—“
“No, you don’t get to go first,” annoyance quite thick in her voice “You left.” She sat up straight “you left me at the hospital and left again three days later for your mission and neither time you bothered to tell me why. You left.” She searched for his gaze and looked at his pine green eyes “Do you have any idea how I felt when I fully woke up and found out you never got back?” She told him unleashing all the anger she had bottled up while he was away “I went to your airbase and I was told by one of the guards that you all had gone for a week already.” She was not shouting but her tone was full of annoyance toward him.
Rowan had thought over and over again how he could apologise to her, but doing so it would mean reveal his secret and he was not sure he could. He should expose his fears and come clean with her, she had lost, just like him, she would understand his struggle.
Eventually he stood and started pacing “I heard what you said in the hospital… about your feelings. And I panicked.” He stopped for a moment “I freaked out because…” he collapsed on the chair, his head in his hands and Aelin knew exactly why but she had to hear him say it.
He had to do it, be a little braver and tell her why he fled, it was his only chance if he even contemplated the idea of being with her or to have any kind of relationship.
“I am scared of getting involved again.” He sighed deeply and Aelin saw pain in his eyes “Over a year and a half ago I lost my wife.” He confessed and Aelin gripped her hands under the table to avoid crying. “She died in a car crash. It was winter and the roads were bad and she just… lost control of the car according to the police.” He looked away for a second “Lyria was also pregnant.” His voice trembled for a moment. “I was away. I was on the other side of the continent when it happened. I left my pregnant wife alone.”
Aelin’s eyes became wet all of a sudden.
“She was going to leave me.” He admitted painfully and Aelin almost gasped at the unexpected ammission “a few days before I left I was looking for something for her in her drawer and saw the papers. She had all the documents ready to file for divorce, my signature was the only thing missing. She had also a letter from her lawyer saying that she would win full custody of our child since, because of my job, I was not fit to look after a child. I would probably win to see my child from time to time.” He stood again “I never told her that I had found out. I left for my mission and she didn’t even come to the airbase with me as she used to do in the past.” He ran his hand through his hair “I loved her. But apparently not enough.” He stopped again as if to gather his thoughts “I got a short compassionate leave and when I got back I just threw myself into work. It kept my mind busy. Since then I haven’t been with anyone.”
“I know.” Aelin whispered and he look at her in a strange way”About the accident, I mean.” She said softly.
“One day I was curious and I looked you up.” She stood and went around the table and sat at the front, facing him. No barriers between them “I read about your wife. Then I read the article about her accident.” She hoped she was not to mess up this one “I recognised our engine in one of the photos from the article.
His gaze widened.
“My team and I attended the accident.” And stared at him but his expression was illegible “It was bad. Only one person survived that night. I had nightmares about it for a week. She… your wife… I think she did not suffer much. I know it’s not much consolation, but from the dynamics it was probably instantaneous.”
Rowan looked at her and she saw tears in his eyes.
“I still have the file.”
“No.” He said calmly “I don’t think I can.”
She took a step to him and took his hand in hers “I know the pain” it was time for her confession. It was only fair.
Rowan looked at her and remembered about the man she had lost.
“His name was Sam. He was a firefighter and a captain at west station. I lost him over a year ago. He attended a call. We could not assist straight away because we were busy on another one. Once we were done we ran in their help. I was too late.” She buried her face in her hands “when I got there they were just carrying his body outside the building.” She looked at him “he did not die a nice death. He suffered and I was not there. I was too late to help him.” She squeezed his hand “I know your pain and your fears because they are the same as mine.” She took another step toward him “losing Sam almost destroyed me. I can’t go through that a second time.”
“How do you get out of the abysm?” He asked tenderly, both with eyes moist.
“One step at a time.” She added and her body was now almost close to his.
Rowan hesitated for an instant then his arm reached out and pulled her closer “Together, then” he whispered, leaning his chin on her head “we can try together.”
“Yeah…” she whispered, her hands against his chest “I am sorry I was mad at you.”
“Shhh… I deserved it.”
She leaned closer and inhaled his scent of pine and snow. He always smelled of home.
“I am sorry I was always so mean to you. I think I was just trying to push you away and keep my distance.”
Aelin smiled and with her fingers brushed his name tag “I think we both did our best to show our unpleasant side.”
She felt him tighten his arms around her “Can we please not? I don’t mean not fighting because I have a feeling that we might get into a few fights from time to time. I mean stop being actually nasty to each other.” He admitted and she felt his thumb tracing circles on her back “whatever this is… I want to give it a go. If you are okay of course,”
She looked up at him and saw a faint smile that reached his eyes. Even with a small smile the man was stunning. She didn’t want to think about with a proper smile.
“Yeah. I want to. I am still terrified, though.”
“That makes two of us.”
“So, where do we start, captain?”
“You owe me two so what about we start with me taking you out for dinner and then we move from there?”
Aelin chuckled “Do you have your mortgage ready?”
He smiled. He gave her an actual real smile and Aelin had to restrain her instinct to slam him against the door and have her way with him.
“The bank apparently does not offer mortgages to pay for meals.” He pulled back a bit to look at her “are you free tomorrow night? I am on my month off so I am totally free.”
Aelin nodded “yes, we will be coming off night shift around 9am. I can go home, sleep and I will see you at night.”
“I still have your address. Can I pick you up at seven?”
“I think I will be alive again by that time.”
“What do we say to our friends if they ask?”
“None of their business.”
He looked down at her “I like it.”
They pulled apart and Aelin went back to sitting on the desk and him on the chair “So your knee is okay again?”
“Yes, physio was a bitch but it’s getting better. The guys, as a joke, gave me kneepads.”
She saw him smile and she realised she would say all sort of stupid things to see that reaction in him. The result left her breathless.
“And you performance review?”
She gave him the biggest grin ever “We crushed it. Absolutely nailed it and I am so proud of my team”
“I had no doubts.” He leaned back on the chair “and I see that you got another engine. That must be great news for you guys.”
She nodded “we got it two weeks ago. It was all thanks to the protest after the embankment fire. Dorian pushed and he got it.” She took a pen and tapped it on her knee “we still don’t have a full team, so at the moment we use it if  the situation requires it and we split our team and Aedion leads it. It’s not optimal but the team is coming,” she explained “west is giving us half of their experienced team in their second truck and they are taking half rookies so we’ll both have a truck of mixed crews. Again, not the best but we can’t have an engine with all newbies.”
“That is wonderful.”
“You interview helped as well. The one outside the hospital.”
He looked away for a moment “they made me so mad. Giving all the credit to us when we did very little. I had to.”
“Thank you.”
In that instant the dispatch alarm went off.
“Shit.” She jumped off the table “Don’t go anywhere. There’s a tv, a kitchen. Stay here.”
He nodded and grabbed her hand “Be safe, please.”
She nodded and ran outside.
“There you are. You are the last one here.” Joked Aedion while they were both getting ready.
“She was with her captain.” Added Ansel with a wicked smile.
“Uh, getting nasty in the office?” Added Brullo.
Aelin opened the door and jumped in the engine at her seat “stop behaving like children and jump in the bloody truck right now.”
“Aedion, you lead the second one. ”
Rowan noticed the two engines and the ambulance drive away and once they were away he wandered around the empty space.
He walked around the deserted station and tried to discover more about that interesting team. He walked back the same way as her office and found a corridor that lead to their beds. On a wall there were pictures of the whole team. He stared at Aelin’s picture. She had the most beautiful grin and it was so like her. He smiled at her and traced his step back to the resting area. He sat on the sofa and switched on the tv and on the news he saw a raging fire as breaking news and he guessed that’s where they were going. The headline quoted a fire in an explosive warehouse near a quarry. It looked terrifying.
“Aedion,” said Aelin over the radio “we are going to the warehouse near the quarry. Explosives. This is your kingdom.”
“I saw it.  Dispatch confirmed west is coming as well. It must be bad for four engines.”
They arrived at the site five minutes later.
Aelin jumped off the truck “Fuck.” Was her first reaction at the scene in front of them.
In the distance she heard the evacuation sirens for the quarry. West station arrived a moment later.
The fire was raging. Luckily the warehouse was near a quarry and away from inhabited areas, that at least was a start.
She saw a man with a high visibility jacket and ran to him.
“Captain Galathynius.” She introduced herself.
“Captain. I am the manager.” He explained “We evacuated the quarry in time as soon as we heard the first explosion. The warehouse team was loading a new load of explosives to be sent to the quarry. Something must have gone wrong. We lost contact with the team in the north wing where we store the explosives.”
Aedion arrived a moment later “what are we dealing with?”
“Mostly ANFO.” Replied the manager “it was meant to be moved.”
“Do you store any other agent or fuels?”
The manager nodded “but in a separate section. Something must have gone wrong while carrying it away. ANFO must have been in contact with any of the other fuels we use. ANFO is just an oxidiser” the manager explained and Aedion nodded aware of how ANFO worked.
“How many people do you have in the warehouse?’ Asked Aelin trying to assess the situation.
“About 60 and I have 40 accounted for.”
“We’ll get them out.” She said. Grabbed Aedion’s arm and walked away.
“Still twenty people inside. You are the expert. What are the chances I can send the team in and make it out alive?”
“Heat will cause ANFO to detonate. The fire is spreading qui—“
Another savage explosion ravaged the area. The blast so strong that the aftershock was felt quite a distance away. Aedion had pulled Aelin down on the ground and when they lifted their heads they noticed the rest of the team had done the same.
“Thomas,” she shouted while standing up “Connect to the water supply and get the water going and keep the temperature down as much as you can.”
He nodded and spurred his team into action.
“Aedion, you and I are going in.”
The man nodded.
“Luca, Brullo, keep the water going as well. We need to cool down the place as much as possible.” Then she walked to Thomas “Aedion and I are going in. There are still twenty people trapped. We’ll see if we can do something. Call dispatch and order all the units they can send in.”
“You can’t be serious.” The other captain protested “Dorian will not be happy.”
“I am.” she said finishing to don her gear fully “we’ll se you on the flip side. Keep the water coming.”
He stared at her and Aedion ran to the area less affected by the fire. It was a suicide mission and Dorian was not going to be happy.
Back at the station, Rowan was on the edge of his seat. He had felt the explosion, heard it mostly. He kept staring at the screen where he had seen Aelin and Aedion running into the building and his heart raced to the point of pain. There was no way there was anyone alive in that inferno. Why was she risking her life like that?
The four engines were woking hard channeling as much water as possible on the building but from his perspective it seemed like the fire was not yielding at all. He stood and started pacing.
In that moment Lorcan called him “Are you seeing the news about the fire?”
“Yeah.” Rowan replied not removing his eyes from the tv.
“They are there.”
“I know.” Rowan felt sick “Aelin just went in.”
“Are you at home?” The man on the line asked.
“No, at the station.”
“Let me know when they are back.”
Rowan hung up and resumed his pacing.
Dorian arrived on the scene and ran to Thomas as soon as he noticed the captain.
“Where are they?” He asked with panic in his voice.
Thomas inclined his head and indicated the building and Dorian swore savagely.
“How long? I got an update on my way here.”
“Five minutes.” Added the captain directing the water to another area of the building “I have called for more units. Two more are on their way.”
“That is not enough,” raged Dorian grabbing his phone. He walked away calling someone. When he came back he was slightly less furious “Being the chief has its perks. All the units available are coming in. This is not—“ another explosion.
Much stronger than the previous one. A mushroom of yellow fire went up in the sky and the blast rocked the ground all the way to Orynth.
“Chief to Captain. Aelin please come in.” No answer.
“Aelin, damn answer that bloody radio.” He started pacing nervously and a hand ran through his hair “Aedion, come in.”
“Fuck, fuck.”
In that instant the sound of sirens filled the air.
Dorian turned and saw a long line of engines filing down the main track.
He ran to the station captains and started shouting orders. The other engines deployed around the warehouse and started tackling the fire.
Thomas joined Dorian “I am going in. My men are manning the engine and the hoses. I am going to get them out.”
“No you are not.” The tone in Dorian’s word was harsh “I am not having another one of my captains in that building. They should not be inside in the first place.”
“We have still twenty civilians trapped inside.”
“Captain, you and I have done this job for a while. You know better than me that with three such explosions the chances someone inside is still alive are slim. We stop the fire and hope they are safe.”
“Do nothing?” Thomas shouted “How the fuck do you expect me to do nothing?”
“I am the chief, I am ordering.”
Thomas stormed away and resumed his position with the attack lines with the rest of his team.
“Aedion?” Aelin’s voice was faint. She removed the pile of debris from her body and tried to stand “Aedion?” She called again, panic rising. The smoke and fire were making visibility non existent “AEDION.” She shouted.
A moment later she heard a groan and noticed his bulking figure sprawled on the floor. She ran to him and saw he was awake “answer me for fuck’s sake.”
He removed his mask “my oxygen tank is bust.”
She removed hers and passed it to him “use mine, I still have some juice left.”
“We need to get out.”
“We haven’t found anyone.”
“Aelin,” he breathed removing the mask and giving it back to her “we need to get out. Another explosion like the last one and we are roast. And the fumes are bad. We don’t have long.”
“Fine.” She helped him stand. Slowly they tried to navigate their way through the fire and smoke.
The radio crackled static as they took a few steps deeper in the inferno.
“I heard something.” Aelin moved to the sound and Aedion followed. They found a heavy door and opened it slowly. Inside they found the twenty workers still missing.
“Is anyone injured?”
A woman nodded and showed her leg that clearly had a fracture and then pointed at at another man who lay unconscious.
“We’ll get you out of here.” She looked at their scared faces “pull up you clothes and cover mouth and noses” then she crouched down and offered the woman a piggyback. Aedion placed the unconscious man on his shoulder. She started to walk but one of the workers stopped her “This way.” They walked to a door that was locked.
“It’s a secondary route. It will take us to some tunnels underneath.”
Aelin looked at Aedion and the man nodded. It was their only option. They deposited their victims on the ground and with their axes they started knocking down the heavy door. Once through they recovered the people and walked on “stay behind us. Do not walk away form the big man behind me. Hold hands and form a line like at school.”
The civilians nodded and followed. The tunnels were full of smoke. They needed to be quick. The fumes from ANFO were toxic. Her oxygen tank started beeping and she knew she had ran out of juice as well.
“This way,” said the man who seemed to know about the tunnels “these were used in the olden days when we still used dynamite to blast the quarry. They would carry it under here. Apparently it was safer than outside were there were people everywhere. They never had any accident.”
Aelin followed the man with apprehension, everyone had started coughing quite badly.
“How far?”
“Not long. We are almost out. My dad was a worker here in the olden days. He told me everything about the tunnels.”
She heard Aedion cough behind her and she followed next.
Then she felt it. The breeze and a few minutes later the tunnel opened up right in front of the quarry. Everyone collapsed exhausted and took great gulps of air. Aelin looked up and saw the fire was diminishing and gasped when she noticed the crazy amount on fire engines.
“Captain, Thomas,” she croaked, while her chest spasmed in another fit of coughing.
“Chief, captain, where are you?”
Fuck, of course Dorian was there. Lovely, a dressing down from him was all she needed “In front of the quarry, we found some tunnels. We have all civilians with us.” And her coughing resumed savagely.
Dorian walked to the manager “my men saved your trapped civilians. They mentioned some tunnels.”
The manager nodded “follow me,” they reached some SUVs, Dorian jumped in and they started driving. Not long after they stopped in a car park and Dorian in the distance noticed two firefighters uniforms.
“You damn fools,” he shouted when he was in close range “that was definitely one of the most stupid thing you two have ever done.”
Aelin coughed “Glad to see you too, buddy.”
Aedion stood “ two of the civvies are injured, the other ones just need to be checked.”
“Load them in the SUVs,” said the manager “we’ll take you all back to the main area with the EMTs.”
“Civilians first, Aedion and I can wait.” The man helped carry the survivors and sat back beside Aelin waiting for their turn and breathing deeply.
Dorian stood in front of them glaring “The whole fire department in the region has been mobilised for this.” He looked away “how did you two survive the two explosions?”
“We have super power.” She joked but from Dorian’s reaction she realised she had gone too far. The man was pissed.
“I should be mad at both of you and suspend you for being reckless.” He growled “Instead I will just keep on venting my displeasure for a few days more and also thank you for saving the civilians. But I am still displeased with you two. You do your job, you do not play heroes. Do you both read me in this?”
The two nodded silently without adding any comments to avoid angering Dorian even more.
The SUVs came back and both Aelin and Aedion made their way to the vehicles after the chief ordered them to get their arses back to their teams.
When they got back to where their team was cheers erupted.
Thomas passed his hose to a team member and ran to hug Aelin “you idiot. You damn idiot.”
“Such sweet words.” She joked patting the man on the back.
Aedion was dragged away by Lysandra for some checks and now Elide was pulling her jacket “come on, you will smooch later. Now I need to check on you. It’s protocol and you inhaled enough shit for today.”
Rowan noticed the black SUVs bring back some civilians and his worry grew when neither Aelin nor Aedion appeared. The flames were now under control thanks to the effort of all the engines involved.
Then he spotted her, her dirty blonde hair popping out of one of the SUVs that had just come back, and Aedion followed.
He collapsed on the sofa and finally let out the breath he had no idea he had been holding. She looked a mess but she was walking. She was fine. He saw the west captain ran for her and hug her and for a very brief second a pang of jealousy hit him. The he realised it was just a colleague being relieved to see they were alive. 
Elide dragged Aelin away to the ambulance and he hoped Lorcan was following the news. Elide was petite but he had a feeling the woman had just as much fire as Aelin.
He relaxed and then he had an idea. He grabbed the phone and rang Gavriel “Hey man, listen I have an idea and I need your help.”
Aelin sat on a gurney in an ambulance, with an oxygen mask attached to her face.
“I am fine,” she complained, trying to remove it, but Elide slapped her hand.
“You are violent.”
“What were you two thinking? You and that idiot cousin of yours? Going inside that hell?” The woman complained checking again her blood pressure and oxygen levels.
“It’s our job.”
“Not when the bloody place is about to blow up. You scared the heck out of everyone.”
“How’s Aedion?”
“Probably getting beaten up by Lys.”
Aelin laughed and more coughing wrecked her body. When she reopened her eyes her entire team was in front of the ambulance “Don’t you two do that ever again. You crazy bastards.” Were the loving words coming from Ansel. Everyone nodded “Dorian had to call all the fire trucks in the area.” Explained Ress.
“I guess you two will soon receive another invite from the mayor.” Joked Nox and Aelin gasped.
Brullo looked at her with a grin “that’s what you get at playing damn heroes. Police has been stopping people coming any closer all night. There is a sea of reporters out there.”
“Don’t you have jobs to do?” Groaned Elide “let the woman recover.”
“I always forget how scary you can be Lochan.” Ren shouted back at her while walking away from them.
“How are you feeling? Can you breath better?”
Aelin nodded.
“Your oxygen levels are back to normal. Does it hurt when you breath?”
“No, I am fine.”
It was much, much later when they did manage to finally get back to the station. Aelin got off the truck and then a wall of muscles slammed into her and enveloped her in a fierce hug. She looked up and noticed a pair of green eyes staring at her. She leaned her head against his chest for a second and the smell of pine and snow hit her. His scent.
“Don’t do that ever again.” He whispered in her ear.
“Where you worried about me, captain?” Then she pulled back noticing her team staring at the two. Fuck, no one knew they had sort of reconciled.
“What is the arsehole doing here?” Shouted Aedion pulling Aelin away from Rowan.
“He was here before the call. I told him to wait for me. That’s why he is here. And his name is not arsehole.” She growled back at her cousin.
Then a few more people came out of the station and they recognised Rowan’s squadron.
“We made food. Gavriel is a great cook. We helped. I just thought that you might all be starving.”
“Damn he is good,” said Ansel looking at Rowan from top to bottom.
Lorcan looked at Elide and the woman smiled at him. He tried to smile back but he was nervous and instead walked back to the station with the rest of the group.
“They need domesticating,” commented Lysandra when she noticed her friend’s dejected expression “Let’s go, I hope the food is as good as last time.”
Rowan and Aelin were the only two left behind “Sorry I hugged you in public.”
She shook her head “It’s fine. It actually felt nice.” Then smiled “I just hope you are now ready for all the comments that are going to rain on us as soon as we get back in there.” She brushed his uniform “I covered you in soot.”
“I don’t care. I have never been more terrified in my life. And I had some hairy experiences in my job.”
“Sorry,” she looked down but she felt his fingers lift her chin.
“You were amazing. Totally insane, but I am in awe.”
He took her shoulder “come on, you need food and we got loads ready.”
Together they walked back and Aelin walked to the sink to wash her face. She wanted a shower but she wanted food more.
“Aedion you could have at least washed your face.” She sat beside Rowan and noticed her cousin’s state.
“I am hungry.”
“Lys, did you kiss him in that state?”
“Hell no,” said the woman taking a bite of her food “I gave him a pat on the back and told him to get his arse in the ambulance.”
“Uh, someone is not getting any tonight.” Chimed Ress and the group laughed.
“Probably more than you, boyo.”growled back Aedion without rising his gaze from his meal.
“Well, someone is definitely getting some,” added Fenrys and nodded to Aelin and Rowan who were just sitting normally eating their food, not even brushing against each other.
Rowan growled at the man and Aelin laughed.
“So what is it with you two?” Asked Elide curious.
Aelin and Rowan’s head popped up from their plates.
“You hugged, he did all of this, are you two dating and pretending to fight so we don’t annoy you?”
“We are just us for now.”explained Aelin “before the fire we talked.”
“We are figuring things out. No labels. No rush. One step at a time.” He grabbed Aelin’s hand under the table and turned to her “we will let things develop.”
“That’s boring.” Comment Aedion, mouth half full.
Aelin snorted out loud “You pined after Lysandra for two years. Two years of driving me crazy because you were head over heels for her but could not make up your mind.”
“Aelin.” Shouted the man.
“Two years?” Asked Lysandra “why you never told me?”
“You know him. He always tries to do the right thing. He kept telling himself that it was not proper since you worked together. I had to read him the regulations and tell him that EMTs are not under our chain of command so he was in the clear. Had it be Ansel, now that would have been an issue since he is her superior.” Explained Aelin who enjoyed the shift of the conversation moving away from her and Rowan.
“You are an idiot.”
She noticed Lorcan throwing glances at Elide and she elbowed Rowan but he had noticed as well.
Elide stared at Lorcan, then blushed savagely and went back to her food “this is amazing,” she said out loud.
“Lorcan made those.” Said Gavriel and Aelin was sure that the man had noticed the exchanges as well.
“So you are a good cook as well?”
Lorcan grunted but Connall elbowed him. A very brave manoeuvre considering that Lorcan was his boss.
“I live on my own. I need to know how to cook.” He managed, never looking at her.
Aelin texted Rowan is he always this bad at flirting?
She could hear Rowan silent laugh this is actually going well for his standards.
Aelin rolled her eyes “who has a house big enough with a garden that we can have a nice barbecue? All of us? Just to get to know each other?” Announced Aelin.
Gavriel raised his hand “I do. I have a big yard and I haven’t used my barbecue since last year.”
“Awesome. What about this Saturday?We are off and you guys are on your month off. So it’s perfect.”
“How do you know about our month off?” Asked Fenrys, staring at Rowan.
“Ro— Captain Whitethorn told me.”
“Oh, of course he did, didn’t he?”
She was going to slap Fenrys.
“Lieutenant, I don’t see why it might be any of your business what the captain and I talk about.” Rowan had put on his captain voice and Fenrys went back to his food.
“The barbecue sounds amazing, spring is in full swing.”
“Good,” said Aelin standing and going to the fridge “I think we all need it after tonight.” Then she brought a bottle of coke to the table “we  can’t have wine because we are still on shift.”
“It’s fine,” said Vaughan “we are used to stay dry.” And he pointed at Rowan and Lorcan “their no booze policy is outrageous. We can’t even drink when we are off shift.”
“Blame the twins,” replied Rowan “they are the ones who got drunk, brought two girls on a heavily secure aircraft carrier, got busted and are still on active duty just because Lorcan and I saved their arses.”
“Oh yeah, that was epic.”
“So after that, Rowan and I decided to tighten things and now they can only drink once their mission is over and their arses are back on Terrasen.” Explained Lorcan.
“That’s brutal,” commented Aedion.
The twins had gone silent all of a sudden.
“It must be hard keeping big kids in place,” Elide asked Lorcan and the man attempted a smile at the woman.
“That’s why Rowan is the one who deals with that. He is the babysitter. The perks of rank.”
Rowan gave Lorcan a rude gesture and Aelin burst out laughing.
“You are lucky we are off duty, Whitethorn.”
“Why? Are you going to spank me?”
The group burst into laughter. No one expected the stiff necked captain to come out with such a remark.
“No, because you might like it and it’s gross.”
Aelin was in stitches, her stomach in pain from too much laughing.
“Who is the kinkiest?” Asked Lysandra.
The fire station team pointed at Ansel and the woman stood and bowed happy to be the winner of such a title.
The pilots group pointed at Lorcan and Elide blushed savagely.
“I think he and Essar covered every place of their houses and tried every position known to the human race.” Commented Gavriel.
Elide stared at Aelin in disbelief and Aelin knew the woman’s fears. Elide was the opposite and had no experience and could see why Elide was now panicking.
After their meal, the fire station boys had been put on kitchen duty and were washing dishes and cleaning, while Ansel, Lys, Elide and Aelin were having their meeting in the ambulance.
“I can’t.” Said Elide.
“Why?” Asked Ansel.
“Did you hear Gavriel? Lorcan is basically a sex god and I am the opposite.”
“There is no need to freak out now. All you are doing is staring at each other. When the time comes you just have to talk to him.” Explained Lysandra calmly.
“And tell him what? Sorry Lorcan I do not know what to do with men?”
“Yes,” said Aelin “if he is a decent man he will understand.”
“If he is not, I‘ll deal with him.” Aelin liked Ansel a lot. The woman wan’t always easy to get along with but when it came to them four they had formed their tiny support group and Ansel would back them up at all times. She was loyal and quite an awesome firefighter.
“Yeah but he might want to do things I do not feel comfortable with.”
“Consent, Elide.” Said Ansel sternly “If you say no it’s no. If the bastard pushes, you dump his arse straight away because he is not worth it.”
“Ansel is right,” said Aelin, taking Elide’s hand “If you want to go slow, you tell him. If he says no, well he can fuck off.”
Rowan was helping in the kitchen when he noticed all the women had disappeared “where did they go?” He could not see them anywhere.
“Girls meeting in the ambulance.” Explained Aedion “Aelin, Lys, Elide and Ansel sit in the back of the ambulance and have their girls meetings. Probably to gossip or complain about us.”
“Oh.” Was Rowan’s only comment.
“But I think tonight you and I are in the clear.” He finished washing the dishes “I got a feeling they are talking about Elide and Lorcan.”
“So everyone noticed, eh?”
“They were definitely not being subtle.” Replied Aedion “you tell you CO to go easy on her. He breaks her heart, I break him.” Then he turned to Rowan “same goes to you. You break Aelin’s heart and you are a dead man. She has been through enough.”
Rowan leaned against the counter “I know about Sam.”
Aedion’s mouth fell open.
“She told me.” Rowan admitted quietly while drying some of the dishes “We are taking things slow.” Confessed Rowan. He felt like he could talk easily to the man, although he was positive Aedion was not his biggest fan “I lost my wife over a year and a half ago. I know how Aelin feels.”
“I am sorry, man.”
Rowan brushed him off “Aelin and I are trying. But I don’t want to hurt her anymore.”
“You’d better.”
In that instant the kitchen became populated again and the two stopped talking.
“We gave the guys the tour,” explained Ress, happily “are the girls still in their meeting?”
“Looks like,” said Aedion and patted Rowan on the shoulder “guys I am going for a shower.”
“Go and make yourself pretty for your woman.”
Eventually the women came back as well and Lysandra cheered when she was told Aedion had gone for a shower.
Aelin walked to Lorcan “can I talk to you?”
The man looked at her with a questioning look.
They walked outside in the yard “do you like Elide? Are you interested in her?”
The man looked away clearly not comfortable talking about his feelings.
“Elide likes you, for some obscure reason. She is wonderful and a dear friend of mine. She does not have the same… experience you have. You are free to try and date her if she is okay with it. But you break her heart, you hurt her and I swear you’ll be flying from Terrasen under false identity because Lys, Ansel and I will come after you.” The man was a giant but she was not scared “do you read me on that, sir?”
Lorcan nodded.
“Now you stop playing side glances and go ask her out for a coffee.”
“Are you planning on managing my relationship with her?” He asked annoyed.
“No, but I will be watching you.” And walked away.
With her eyes she followed the man going to talk to Elide and once he was done she saw her friend giving her the thumbs up.
Happy with her job she went to find Rowan and found him sitting hiding beside one of the engines.
“Hey,” she said sitting down beside him “what are you doing down here alone?”
He replied with a heavy sigh “Our two teams together get along a bit too much. I just needed peace and quiet. I landed only this morning. We haven’t slept in a while and jet lag and all. I am a bit wiped.”
“You should go home.”
He leaned his head against the vehicle ‘you should too… after the night you had.”
“Can’t, night shift remember? I will go and take a shower though, and collapse on my bunk. But I am stuck here until tomorrow and hope no more emergencies.”
“It’s not fair though. After that fire you should go home and have someone relieve you.”
“That’s not how it works, captain.” She stood “go home. Sleep, I believe you promised a lady to go out for a meal.”
“Yes, and hopefully this lady will find some time to relax as well.”
Rowan stood as well and stopped in front of her.
“Thank you for the meal. It was awesome.”
“You deserved it.”
She grabbed the tips of his fingers and held them gently “I will see you tonight at seven.”
“Hopefully with less dirt on you.”
She flipped him off and walked away. Rowan chuckled and in the end took his leave as well.
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silence-burns · 3 years
Please Hate Me //part 45
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on: “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​ Who would have thought that babysitting a god could be so much fun?
Genre: slow-burn, enemies to lovers, banter, smut in this chapter
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Loki, despite being raised in a royal family, was at heart a man of simple pleasures. What more could he want from life than what he already had? 
The Edge was a place of wonders, that much was indisputable. And even if not all of them were easy to enjoy, there were still moments worth living for. 
The stars above felt closer than the last time Loki paid attention to them. Galaxies swirled in their eternal dance, the stars bright and colorful. Here, at the edge of the known universe, one had to wonder what laid beyond it. Here, it didn't feel far at all.
But even though some part of him couldn't stop the curiosity, Loki was tired of adventures. Or at least the ones where he had to risk his life and others'. Years ago, he'd have been surprised any 'others' would choose to stick with him and stay by his side despite it all. It was still a strange, new concept that baffled him whenever he realised how comfortable he’d grown in his new life. How vastly different it was from what he had predicted his future to look like.
But it was okay, Loki concluded. If life wanted to surprise him in that way, he'd allow it. 
Loki closed his eyes. The wind gathered the sweet scent of flowers, blowing it through the lush gardens, overflowing with life. It was one of the many wonders of the Edge - how capable it was of change. How easy it was for the muddy creeks to turn into crystal-clear ponds. How the dry patches of grass could turn into fields of greenery and flowers. How the gnarled trees could turn into a forest thrumming with noise and movement. 
All of it for a price paid in blood and ash. 
Loki's hand brushed his throat, where he had still felt the ghosts of pain. 
It was over, Loki had to remind himself again. The mission was over and they were all leaving the Edge soon. There were other, better, things to focus on. He should think about how soft the grass was as he laid on the field. How warm you felt, pushed into his side and wrapped in his cape. How peaceful it was among the trees, with birds singing somewhere in the distance-
"Don't ya fucking LICK that frog, Peter, or I swear on your aunt, I'll-" 
"It smells like carrots!" 
"It doesn't mean you have to- oh my god… This is the last time I abduct you." 
Loki smiled. The birds were no longer singing, or at least not through the deafening ringing in his ear, but he didn't mind. He didn't mind that life at all. 
He heard rushed steps to his left moments before the boy reached him. Loki cracked one eye open. 
The fattest, most annoyed, orange frog he had ever seen flopped from the boy's hands, all six legs dangling loose. 
Peter's smile was brighter than the countless stars overhead. "Look what I found, Mr. Mischief! There were more of them, and in different colors too!" 
The frog burped. It indeed smelled of carrots. 
Loki closed his eye. "What does it taste like?" 
"Like a frog, unfortunately…"
"You should check out the other ones." 
And before he knew it, the boy was gone. The thicket shook. A few faeries rushed away, desperately flapping their translucent wings. 
"He's gonna lick all the frogs now," you grumbled from your cocoon. "He's gonna be sick." 
"I can heal him." 
"How nice of you. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." 
"What can I say, darling? I'm a generous god." 
"So in all your godly wisdom you told the boy to go lick some frogs?" 
"Let him have some fun." 
You turned your head to face him. Loki was looking at the stars overhead. Dark bruises peeked from under his collar. Magical aftershock, he had called them when he had explained why they didn't disappear despite his healing. They'd stay for a while, he said. A small price to pay. 
"I'm glad it's over," you said quietly. 
"So am I." 
"Do you think…," you licked your lips. "Is it okay for us to just lay here and enjoy this change?" 
The Edge took a shape that was so vastly different that it still seemed like a miracle. The balance was indeed a precarious thing there, no flicker of energy ever wasted. The land replenished, bringing to life things that made you admit that magic could be beautiful. 
Still, you couldn't forget where all this energy came from. How the Queen had delayed her own fading by killing so many others.
"We did what we could," Loki understood your worry too well. "It is beyond us to change the laws of these lands and their dwellers. Harsh as this might feel to us, this is what life looks like here. All this," he gestured to the shimmering forest around, "is what the Edge was always supposed to be like, if the order of things had been kept."
"Wise words coming from an outsider."
You unfurled from Loki's cape so fast you almost ripped it from beneath him. The Prince was standing at the edge of the clearing the three of you chose to spend your final hours at. He was wearing a robe in distinct shades of silver, the pattern covering the fine fabric meandering within the eye-catching lines. It was the most vivid thing you'd ever seen him wear, the shine of the metal pieces razor-sharp.
The Prince wasn't looking at you. "I have lived for so long I couldn’t remember how my own world was supposed to be. How strange it was to see it wither throughout the centuries despite the Queen's fading supposedly filling out the essence lacking. How strange it was for so many Rifts to form and plague our lands. How peaceful it had become now…"
Loki and you exchanged glances, but kept quiet. The Prince kept his hands clasped behind his back, but you couldn't forget them drenched in blood.
During the silence after the Prince's words, Peter came back from whatever he had occupied himself with and likely annoyed whatever creature he managed to find. He took one look at the visitor and disappeared between the trees again. He was a smart boy, after all. 
"We are glad this issue is resolved at last," Loki said carefully. 
"So am I." 
The Prince nodded to himself. His eyes were cold and distant. You wondered how long one had to live to forget their own past. 
And how long it'd take the Prince to vanish, now that the weight of fading had fallen to him. 
"The body of your ambassador is being prepared for the transport," he said at last before leaving the clearing. He did not take the path towards the palace, though. Loki and you watched him disappear between the trees, walking slowly among the flowers in full bloom. You couldn't help but wonder if he was reminiscing, or creating fresh memories. 
The air tasted like ash in your mouth. 
"I think I prefer spiders." 
Loki shushed you. "Don't bring bad luck. I want to leave this place in one piece." 
"Oh? And where would you rather be?" you asked as you laid back down on the soft grass. 
"Somewhere nice and quiet, but I'm open to suggestions," Loki purred into your ear, bringing you close to his chest. 
"Then I'm sure my little surprise will be to your liking."
Loki stilled. "A what?" 
"You'll have to be patient. We're here, so I'm not sure what's going on on Earth, but I think it should be ready when we're back."
Loki's mind was overflowing with all the possibilities and ideas. He went over your past conversations, trying to piece together whatever hints you might have given him. "Should I guess?"
"I'm not telling you anything. You have to wait." 
Loki did not want to wait, but his options were limited. 
By the time you were to leave the Edge, he was no closer to finding out what you had planned. The three of you waited patiently on the same balcony you had arrived on all those weeks ago. It hadn't felt that long, probably because of how much had happened since then. 
Roses climbed high over the stone walls of the palace, their flowers heavy and blooming. Petals rained down, picked off by the wind and taken away. 
The ambassador's body was wrapped in silk and bound tight, ready to be taken to his birthplace at last. 
"Do you think he found out what the Queen had been doing?" you asked quietly. 
"He might've been suspicious enough to look for all those ancient scrolls in the library and pieced together the facts," Loki said. 
"And the Queen didn't let him spill her secret." 
Peter frowned. "So… she was the bad guy, right?" 
If only things were so easy. 
"Often, there's no good or bad," Loki said, looking at the roses. "There are just things that'll hurt you more than the others, and the things that'll hurt others but save you the pain. Everything is a matter of choice. And values." 
The three of you watched the Bifrost open and swallow the remains of the ambassador. Only he would be allowed on the grounds of Asgard that day, at least officially. No hint of emotion could be noticed on Loki's face as he watched the flash of light disappear. You took his hand. 
Out of the shadows of one of the towers came the Prince, entering the balcony from the side of the river, shimmering far below. He was alone, no guards following his steps. You wondered how many of them were left. 
"Looks like this is farewell," he said in a deep voice. 
"We are glad we could help," Loki lied smoothly. 
There were no words left to exchange. It was clear that whatever would happen now to this place was way beyond either of your control. 
No amount of evidence could ever make you trust the Prince, though. 
The light surrounded you in a flash of colors, pulling on each and every fiber of your being. Loki tugged you into his side, Peter sticking himself to his other. 
The feeling of being ripped to atoms and then roughly put back into shape half a galaxy away was almost familiar by now. Still, it was no more bearable than the previous times and left you with a mild dizziness once your form materialized back on Earth. 
You'd never laugh at people clapping after plane landings again. 
The sudden change of the surroundings hit you with a cold blast of winter chill and sun, although its light was diluted through the clouds. It was strange not to see the galaxies in the reach of your hand. 
What was even stranger was seeing Thor calmly standing at the top of the Stark Tower, where the three of you had been transported to. 
"I think I prefer the bag," Peter mumbled, dangerously green on his face. 
Thor approached you with a frown that, Loki knew, had never led to anything good. At least not for him. Brotherly love could be rough at times. 
"So, you're back," he said, openly eyeing the kid. "How did it go? Are we at war?" 
"We're all good, thanks for your concern," you cooed sweetly. 
"The Edge was never more beautiful than when we left it," Loki smiled. 
Thor took a steadying breath. "...is it in ruin?" 
You thought back to the slightly devastated great hall of the palace. And the gardens still dealing with the aftermath of a spider infestation. 
"I just told you it's not! Why do you always accuse me of lying, brother? I'm deeply hurt by your lack of trust." 
"It's the safer option," Thor said. "As glad as I am to learn that the crisis is apparently solved, I dare ask what is the boy doing with you?" 
Peter blanched. 
Loki pushed him off the roof. "What boy?" 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw not-a-boy swinging off into the city as fast as his webs allowed him. 
The second steadying breath helped Thor even less than the first one. There was a tiny little vein pulsing at his temple, threatening to burst along with his temper. 
Loki patted Thor's arm on his way to the stairs. "Don't worry, brother. We took care of everything."
"That's precisely why I worry." 
You sent him a kiss as you followed Loki. It didn't seem to be appreciated enough. 
You couldn't believe you were back on Earth. The change that felt huge before, only grew with each step you took down the Tower's familiar corridors. The kitchens, the day rooms, training grounds - it all felt so strangely unreal after the weeks living among the shifting, feral magic of the Edge. 
"It's good to be back," you said at precisely the moment Bruce Banner appeared on the other end of the corridor leading through the labs. 
Bruce froze, his eyes growing wide. He, apparently, had a dramatically different opinion about your coming back. 
He shifted nervously on his feet, but there was no escape. "So, uh… How did it go?" 
Loki pretended to think. "Well, don't expect to see the real moon anytime soon." 
The look on Bruce's face was worth a pic, but your phone had been left in your room before the mission. 
"It really is good to be back," Loki repeated your earlier words sometime later, once the door to your room closed behind your back. 
Not much seemed to have changed, which was strangely reassuring. Loki wasn't sure what his feelings were towards the small figurine of his unnerving similarity were, but even its sight was not unwelcome. It still stood on the narrow and slightly dusty windowsill, covered in the snow on the other side of glass. 
But there was one thing out of order that immediately caught Loki's attention. As far as he was concerned, the neat stack of business cards on the bedside table was not there last time, as well as the not-so-neat single one, with hand painted spider and a set of what could be horns, if one squinted hard enough. 
'thought it would be cool' said the little note scribbled with a gel pen. 
"And what is that?" Loki asked, picking it up. 
"Part of the surprise." 
"'Professional mischief for an affordable price'," Loki read out loud. "Sounds like a catchphrase of some detective agency, like the ones from the shows you showed me."
Loki thought about what he just said. He looked at you with a frown. 
"Only if you want it to," you shrugged with a little smile ghosting over your lips. 
Loki blinked. "You're actually serious." 
"I thought it would be nice if we had something of our own. You know, outside of this mess," you pointed towards the door, currently being banged with a fist from the other side. Two voices demanded to know 'everything about that damn moon'. 
Loki looked back at the neat stack of cards. The thick paper was pleasant to the touch. 
"You said it was only part of the surprise?" 
"How glad I am you asked, love." 
Loki watched you pick up your coat and gloves. You opened the large window to the left, letting the alarmingly chill air inside. "Shall we?" 
One more voice joined the ones behind the door. Loki could not see into the future, but he had a feeling that door would be the most occupied place in the Tower soon. 
"That's a lovely idea," he said and picked you up. 
The burst of magic solidified under his feet as the two of you left the Tower and all the people looking for you. 
The sun was slowly setting. It was not late, but as always during the winter time, day hours were sparse. You were high enough in the air for the pedestrians not to notice you, but even then, what would they do? Tony had been flying around in his suit on a daily basis, and wouldn't hear anyone having a problem with that. 
The wind pushed rogue snowflakes into your faces. It felt refreshing to be back in the city you were so familiar with. Everything seemed new and wondrous, especially from such a perspective. Even plane flights couldn't do it justice, not when you couldn't feel the breeze in your face, and clouds passing by so closely you could almost reach out to them with a hand. 
Loki changed course when you directed him to the older part of the city. It was still relatively close to the centre, but no skyscrapers, and certainly no towers could be found in the neighborhood of old brick apartments; only buildings a few floors high, and narrow lawns separating their fronts and the road, both currently covered in snow. No one bothered to take care of it, at least since it last fell. 
Loki put you down in front of the one you pointed him to. 
"I must admit I'm surprised," Loki said. "I'd never expect to come to a place like this, for whatever reason." 
"You don't even know why we're here yet." You led him up the ice-covered stairs to the scarcely lit interior stairwell. 
You ignored the apartments on the lowest floor, and instead took him upstairs. With a set of keys you fished out of your jacket, and which Loki dimly remembered you grabbing before leaving the Tower, you opened the door with a number 13 on it. 
"You're not superstitious, right?" you laughed quietly. 
Feeling you observe him carefully, Loki stepped inside. The short hall led to a room that once upon a time could've been someone's office. But that was a long time and a few crises ago, when the furniture was free of the scratches, and the walls didn't shed old paint every time seasons changed. Still, it had its charm, Loki had to admit as he stepped further in. If cleaned, the large window could allow a lot of light onto the heavy desk in front of it, and to the sitting area with two couches and a coffee table. To the right, Loki noticed another set of stairs, leading upwards. 
"The upper part is connected. The previous owner used it as an apartment, with this here being his working area," you explained. 
Loki nodded. 
"What do you think?" you elbowed him in the side, too nervous to wait patiently. 
Loki sat on one of the couches. Oh, he could definitely feel the atmosphere of this place, so similar to the crime shows you had made him binge (and he didn't even whine about too much). He had never thought of himself as a detective, not like the ones on TV, but on the other hand - who on Earth could be better at solving any and all supernatural secrets this planet might still have? There certainly didn't seem to be a lot of competition in that area. 
He was still contemplating his future and, of course, possible fame, when you slipped onto his lap and cupped his face. 
"What. Do you. Think?," you asked clearly, looking him straight in the eye. "Don't make me wait, asshole."
A lazy, satisfied smile creeped on Loki's face - precisely the one he knew always drove you crazy. 
"I'm still unsure, darling," he drawled, leaning further back onto the couch and reveling in the feeling of having you pressed against him. "For some very strange reason, I can't make up my mind just yet…" 
The setting sun painted golden patterns on your face. Your hand wandered over Loki's chest, and stopped over his racing heart. However much he tried to stop it, his heart had always been the one to betray his every emotion. 
"That's such a shame," you leaned into his neck, pushing his head to the side. "I would do anything to make it easier for you…" 
Loki's hands slipped to your thighs, holding you steady against him. His fingers shook when he felt your lips follow the curve of his neck, right over his rapid pulse. He closed his eyes as you slowly worked on undoing his shirt. 
"Anything you do will be enough," his words were breathy and quiet.
"Are you sure?" 
"I can't think of a single thing I wouldn't let you do to me right now." 
You certainly were enjoying yourself just as much, given the smile ghosting over Loki's collarbone, and the trail of kisses going slowly down. Loki's grip tightened over your legs, his breath becoming shorter the further you went. He felt the heat rising deep inside his chest, just as his thoughts turned murkier with each small movement of your hips, brushing unnervingly close to where he had wanted them to, but still not-
A strangled sound escaped his throat. Loki pushed the coat off your shoulders and threw it to the side, not caring where it landed. He had other things on his mind, and one of them included his hands diving under your shirt, and roaming over your back, so wonderfully warm. 
Loki shivered when you brushed over his bulge, earning you a breathless moan as you worked on his belt. 
"I think I'm starting to warm up to this place," he muttered into your lips. His fingers tugged on your trousers, as impatient as yours. 
You drank in the sounds that came from him. You stroked his shaft gently, brushing your thumb over its underside. He shuddered in your grip, tense to the point of near pain. Loki's nails dug into the skin of your back as you rose and then sank onto him, taking him in an unnervingly slow pace. 
His heart thundered in his chest as you rode him gently, the sight engraving itself into Loki's memories - those deepest, most secretive ones, which he often came back to to relive and thoroughly enjoy. 
The couch kept creaking under the two of you, growing louder as your moves became sloppier and more desperate. Loki couldn't help his hips from grinding into yours every time you rose above him, chasing the pleasure and getting close to it. Loki's thrusts became erratic. His hands gripped your ass when you leaned closer, hitting just the right spot-
He came, shivering under your touch, waves of pleasure shooting through his body. 
"Sorry," he muttered, his voice hoarse. He could already feel the redness blooming over his cheeks. He didn't think he'd be done so soon, hadn't planned it…
You shut him up with a kiss, brushing the hair plastered to his forehead to the side. Your hips rolled over his a few more times, riding him into the couch and melting his bones as you extended the feeling. 
"It's okay," you said. "We have all the time in the world now." 
Loki nodded, words failing him. He brought you closer to his chest, his arms closing around you in a tight embrace as he burrowed his face into the crook of your neck. For a few moments, the only thing he could think about was that home wasn't always a planet, or a building. Sometimes, on those few rare, and incredibly lucky occasions, it could be a person. 
And it was more than enough. 
"I love this place," Loki admitted quietly. 
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Favourite things
Thank you @emerald-amidst-gold for the tag! <3
The only specific one that comes to mind is iris, because one of my favourite people is called that haha (also they're pretty). I like magnolias a lot too because my mum always points them out whenever we see them and they smell really nice. Other than that... idk, I do really like dandelions? I just think they're neat.
Edit: oh and!!! Robinia flowers!! We have robinias all along the street where I live, including right in front of my window, and when they are in bloom they just smell absolutely lovely. The humming from bees you can hear during that time when you walk down the street is insane, but i love that too. Also we always joke how the most snow we get is from robinia flower petals lol. Dunno how i could forget these haha
Ooh tough one! I love lots of fruits but I'd say some of my favourites got to be plums, mirabelles, pears, peaches and nectarines. Soo kinda juicy fruits that aren't too pungent and on the sweet side I guess? They got to be at least a little sour too though. Berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, currants... you name it) are great too, as well as apples. Sometimes I'll have a sudden craving for more tropical fruits like kiwi or papaya but other times I've no appetite for those.
uhh this is another tough one because scent for me is often tied to like. Very vague yet very specific memories/feelings/associations? Like most of the scents I love I couldn't describe or even quite pinpoint but they have, again, a very vague but specific association that makes me like them. For a more specific answer though the first scents that come to mind that I really like are the smell of wet asphalt or (deciduous) forests after rain, coffee (only fresh though! stale coffee smells awful), freshly mowed grass, fresh bread right from the oven... hm, now that I look at those there seems to be a theme there lmao
They've all got their appeal but I think I'll have to say either early spring or late autumn. I don't mind winter at all but I do love the shift to spring when everything starts greening again, and it's getting warm enough to go out without a jacket while still having some of that crispness from winter (absolute perfect weather imo). Also that seems to be the only time of the year we actually get some snow lmao.
Late autumn is great because it's warm but in a cozy way, not like the suffocating heat from late summer, and because autumn is very very hecking pretty. Also late autumn just has a very specific atmosphere that I love.
Ginger tea's gotta be my top fave, plain or ginger-lemon. I also really like fennel-anise-caraway, (fresh!) mint and chamomile though. I'm picky about fruit tea and not a big fan of black tea, but other than that I like most. Never sweetened though (with the exception of mint)
edit: oops forgot to tag folks x'D So uhh if anyone wants to do this consider yourself tagged!
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tumblinglringlring · 4 years
Hi hi! Allen here, I was coming over to request some Fili goodness!! Perhaps of him seeing his One for the first time in years since he set out from Ered Luin when the caravans with them and Dís arrive, and he finally gets to propose now that he has been crowned prince and he feels worthy. Fluff galore if I may ask, whether this includes smut is your choice!! And I don't particularly mind if it's an oc, or a ×reader thing! Thank you so much for reading this!! -Allen *˙︶˙*)ノ
This turned out longer than I planned.  Mostly fluff, some angst because apparently I can’t help myself.
Also people send me more requests!
Title: A Story in Beads
Relationship: Fili x reader
Rating: G
Summary: After the reclaiming of Erebor, Fili will finally see his One for the first time in years. During his travels, Fili got her a gift from each place he traveled to prove he would think on her always during his adventures.
The last time Fili saw his One had been back in the Blue Mountains shortly before he left to join Thorin’s quest and that had been years ago.  Now that Erebor had been reclaimed, the halls cleaned and infrastructure repaired enough for the first caravans to arrive, Dis had notified them that they would begin the long arduous journey to the Lonely Mountain.  He had been ecstatic when she had written Y/N and her family would be joining them in the journey.  Every chance he got, Fili would be out scanning the horizon for any sign of the caravan or combing through scouting reports to get an update on their progress.
 Just that very morning their scouts had arrived at the mountain signaling their approach and Fili had never been so nervous in his life.  Fighting orc, goblins, trolls and a battle of five armies had been much easier to process.
 Seeing his One and  finally  telling her his feelings? Giving her his bead? Pffft.  He was quaking in his boots.  Not that anyone could tell of course, Thorin and Balin had taught him how to school his features.  He was the heir to crown after all.  And he finally had something to offer to his One. In the Blue Mountains they had to take the work they could get to help support their people.  He’d been a blacksmith.  A mercenary escort.  Nothing he thought worthy of his One. 
 As much as Thorin and their mother tried to shelter him and his brother from the gossips, he knew what Men and Dwarf alike said about his uncle.  A pauper king, a beggar king.  And what did that make him? An heir of nothing? What did that make his One if they married? No, Fili knew he had to go on the quest with Thorin and take back his homeland - his heritage.
 Almost every one of their people thought their quest was doomed and that none of them would return.  But she had believed in them, in  him , and it had warmed his heart like no other.  He almost told her then and there, but in the end he had backed out.  It wouldn’t be fair to her to voice his love and then leave for an undetermined amount of time.  
 She wasn’t the daughter from a noble family, but of a baker.  Fili didn’t care though.  She had a kind heart (and a mischievous streak) and had an endearing habit of taking care of the stray cats and dogs on the streets.   Mahal  if he had a gold coin every time he spotted her splinting the leg of an injured animal -using cloth from her own skirt no less!- he’d have more gold than in all of Erebor.  In fact, she had been tending to a wounded rat when he had stopped by her house to say goodbye.  
 “Will you remember me when you are crowned prince of Erebor?” she had teased as she put a bandage on the rat’s injured tail.  Rolling up his sleeves, he had helped to hold the rat and make sure it didn’t bite them while she worked.
 “Of course, Y/N, I could never forget you,” he grimaced as he struggled to hold onto the rat and keep his fingers away from its teeth, “I’ll be thinking about you always.” 
 It took him a moment to realize what he said -and he nearly dropped the rat when he did!- and could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment, but Y/N didn’t seem to notice.
 “Oh Fili, don’t be silly,” she had laughed as she took the rat from his hands, quickly placing it back in its cage, “You’ll have more pressing things to think about than just a simple baker like me.”
 However he words had put a fire in his heart and he had taken her hand and vowed that he would think of her everyday that he was away. As proof he’d give her something from each place he went, to show that he thought of her.  Giving her a soft smile, he loved the way she blushed and looked up at him through her long lashes.
 “You promise you’ll come back? Alive?” she had asked him softly.
 “Of course,” he had smiled, “How else would I get you your trinkets?”
 At first he had no idea what to get her from each place.  It had to be small enough for him to carry, yet represent where he had been.  Surprisingly, it had been Bifur that gave him the idea, although indirectly.  He saw the dwarf whittling something in the hobbit’s home and was struck with the brilliant idea of making her a bead from the wood or stone of each place they visited.  From the Shire he had carved a bead from an acorn, Bifur showing him how to treat it so it would stay nice.  He carved a tree on one side and Bifur carved the rolling hills on the other for him.  She knew how much she’d enjoy running up the hills before rolling down them.  In winter he could picture them sledding down the snow covered hills and it made him smile.
 After battling the trolls who had turned to stone, Fili had knocked off a small piece of them and sanded and filed it down to bead shape.  On one side he etched a small bug - he knew she’d have gotten a kick out of Bilbo’s ‘parasite’ plan.  On the other, he carved a piece of bread.  When him and his brother were supposed to be watching the ponies, he had been lost in thought remembering the times he watched her bake.  As dwarflings, he and his brother had spent a lot of time with her family while Thorin and Dis were busy either working or ensuring their people had enough.  Her adad had let him stay during the day, setting up a nice area from them in the kitchen as they studied the tomes Balin had given them.  
 He remembered sneaking glances over to her while she worked, finding the way she stuck her tongue out when focused on a particularly difficult task endearing.  She’d often bring over her latest creation for them to taste test.  She’d be covered in splatters of flour, her cheeks slightly flushed from the exertion and heat of the ovens, but Fili thought she was beautiful.  In fact, it was after she had asked them to taste test her new honey cakes when he realized he loved her.  Perhaps it was the light, or the way she smiled at them as they enjoyed her efforts, but Fili had been completely awestruck.  He remembered the moment fondly and could still smell the warm honey cake from that day.  So lost in that memory, he hadn’t noticed the trolls stealing away the two ponies.
 At Rivendell, he had the hardest time finding something to craft a bead for her.  Scouring the plentiful gardens, he saw many flowers that he thought would look beautiful in her hair.  In his dreams, he could imagine the feel of his One’s (h/c) tresses slipping through his fingers as he interwove the flowers through them.  Kili was the one who saved him in the end.  Always fascinated with all things elf, he found a necklace that had clear beads with moss - real moss! - on the inside. Kili had even asked one of them how it was done and the elf had said it was made with a special resin, derived from a sap that grew in the trees nearby.  The elf even offered to craft him a piece, he just needed the moss or flower. However Fili already knew what he wanted.  There was a particular flower that only grew in Rivendell, it blossoms small enough to fit in a hair bead.  In no time Fili had found the perfect one and had given it to the elf.  By the next day he found the bead on his pillow and he had happily pocketed it.
 During their escapade in the goblin tunnels, Fili had been glad his One hadn’t been there for he would have surely been in a full on panic.  After fighting their way through the goblin invested mountain, they had brought a few goblin weapons out with them. But Fili didn’t want to make something from  that  and put it in his One’s hair.  However Bilbo had found several rocks in his pockets after the adventure and he had asked the hobbit for one before they were running from Azog.  All dwarrow had a connection with mountains and this bead would come from the depths of the Misty Mountains, from a goblin town no less! He was sure she would be impressed with his bravery, he thought as he carved the skyline of the mountains on one side, his ax on the other.
 On the carrock, there were plenty of feathers and he pocketed one for later.  On the ride on the great eagles back, he had at first been so focused on how utterly  terrifying  it was to be so far from the ground and watching his wounded uncle lying limply in the eagle's talons.  However, his brother had whooped and hollered as they soared in the sky and Fili couldn’t help but smile and think how his One would be doing the exact same.  In the Blue Mountains, they had climbed the highest peak once and thought they could see the whole of Arda from there.  The view on top of the eagle was beautiful, but would have been more breathtaking if he could watch his One smile at the view.  He cut the pocketed feather down to size and attached it to the Misty Mountains’ bead.
 Like the Shire, Beorn’s land was full of growing things and animals.  As a baker, he knew his One would have found all sorts of ingredients to make the tastiest of treats.  In particular, the tubs of various honeys he knew she would have enjoyed the most.  Beorn had passion for beekeeping and had honeys from different flowers and fauna - all with a slight difference in flavor.  They mostly tasted the same to Fili, but Bilbo assured him they all had a unique boutique and he was sure his One would have appreciated it as well. He had snagged a piece of honeycomb, carving it in the form of a bead, trying to figure out how to harden the wax as he cut the bead out of it.  Bofur had proved helpful and had made a lacquer that would preserve it.
 During their travels in Mirkwood, he had completely forgotten to find something bead worthy; his mind was so addled from the sickness that seemed to emanate from the forest.  Perhaps it had been for the best, who knew if anything from that dreadful forest was safe?  Instead he had broken a piece of the barrel he rode in as they escaped from the elven dungeons.  As terrifying as that experience had been, Fili had enjoyed the high speed ride through the rapids. He’d even wondered if he could do something similar in the waterfalls and rivers in and around Erebor.  He’d take her with him - once he’d make sure it was safe of course.  On one side of the bead he had carved a wine glass, on the other a barrel with two dwarves smiling.
 On the way to Laketown, he was in awe of how the water seemed to stretch all around him and he had wondered if that is what the sea looked like. Despite how close the Blue Mountains were to the Great Sea, he had only seen them from the tops of the mountains.  His One had seen it though and he loved to listen to her tell him how beautiful the sea was.  She had even been on a boat and sailed on it!  But he couldn’t smell the salt breeze of a sea she had described, he could only smell fish as it was dumped on him.  He knew his One would be bent over in laughter when he told her. Even then he could picture her face and hear her infectious laughter. Even in a barrel full of stinky fish, he had smiled at that thought.  Just wait until he told her about how they got into Bard’s house! When they had briefly snuck into the market, he found a blue bead - the same shade as the lake - and had quickly pocketed it. Only when his brother had been resting after the elf healed him had he taken it back out, carving a fish on one side.
 Inspiration for the other side came later, as they ran and dodged out of the way of Smaug’s fiery breathe.  Fili truly thought he would die that night and his only regret was that he never told his One that he loved her.  However in the morning, he realized hundreds of people wouldn’t see their loved ones again when the survivors of Laketown broke out in wails and cries.  He carved the dwarven runes for “Remember” for he vowed to remember the name of every lost man, woman and child of Laketown - their lives had been the cost of his home and title.  He would remember them, always.  Knowing how much the scene would have broken her heart, Fili offered what help he could to the towns folk.  Splinting limbs, wrapping wounds, he had used his own clothes in some cases.
 On his way up to the mountain, he was sure he would be able to find a suitable bead amongst all the golden and other treasure in Erebor.  But when he saw how the gold-sickness affected his uncle, he grew to detest anything related to the treasure horde.    He debated on searching for a loose dragon scale, it’d be the rarest of gifts, but worried that whatever sickness came from the dragon would rub off from the scale.  He would not risk his One with tainted treasures. Instead he chipped off a section of stone from the secret door the company had come in, this time shaping it into a heart.  On one side Erebor, the other the Blue Mountains, for he would never forget to cherish his One and the friends he made along the way to claiming his homeland.
 The last bead he had made from the pieces of armor that saved his, his brother’s and Thorin’s life.  Before they had headed to battle, their Uncle no longer under the gold-sickness, they had started to shed the ornate armor Thorin had them don previously - all of them sick of such ornate plating.  But Fili had remembered his promise to his One - the promise to come back alive.  He kept only the most vital sections of armor and begged his brother and uncle to do the same.  Reluctantly they agreed, and a good thing too, as Azog and Bolg would have skewered them without it.  While they had been severely injured, the armor had saved them from the worst of it.  His promise to her had saved them. During his convalescence he had forged the pieces of metal together and carved dwarvish runes symbolizing his unending thanks and vow to pay her back for the rest of his life.
 However now that he was looking at the beads laid out on his bed he doubted himself.  They were all different, from their material down to their style and together on a braid they would look bulky and ugly.   Mahal , they weren’t even the same color.  Rubbing his hands over his face, he heard a knock on the door and grumbled for them to come in - only members of the company knocked on his door.  However a gentle throat clearing caused his head to whip around towards the door and spot his One as he hastily tried to cover the beads with a pillow.
 “Hello Fili,” (Y/N) bowed, as she looked up at him through her long lashes.
 “Oh please, Y/N,” he sighed, “You really don’t need to do that.”  Catching her smirk, he groaned as he watched her bow comically deep, adding a ridiculous hand flourish.
 “As you wish,  your majesty ,” she teased, before righting herself, “What do you have there?”
 But the twinkle in her eye told Fili he was found out and soon she pounced on the bed, trying to remove the pillow.
 “Careful!” He laughed, “You’ll break them!”  But of course she wouldn’t.  They had survived trolls, goblins, rapids and dragons.  They’d survive a pillow fight.  Eventually he had pinned her down on the bed, the muscles he had put on during the journey still easily aiding him in the fight.  Smiling, he watched as his mustache braids tickled her face making her giggle and proceeded to lightly trail them over skin, causing her laughter to ring out in his room.  Her laugh was infectious and soon Fili joined in as he watched her laugh and struggle underneath him.
 Eventually he let her up, still lightly laughing from their shenanigans.
 “Will you tell me now?”
 “Alright, alright,” Fili sighed before taking a deep breath, “There is something I would speak with you about.”  Taking her hands, he saw her brow furrow in concern.  He knew he must look nervous.
 “During the journey, I kept my promise to you,” he began, “I made you something to show you that you were always on my mind - no matter where I was.”  He started backwards in his journey, first beginning with the most recent bead and began telling her the tale of his adventures.  As he continued he watched her eyes as they teared up during the saddest moments of their journey or brightened during the happiest.  Just as he predicted, she had been bent over in laughter at his description of the barrels of fish and climbing through the toilet.  She was amazed with each bead, looking at each one as if it was its own amazing treasure.  
 “These are beautiful, Fee,” she murmured as she looked at them all spread out on the bed.
 “I’m sorry they don’t match,” he blushed, rubbing the back of his head, “I understand if you don’t actually want them.”  However he was startled when she had looked at him with such seriousness before slapping him with a pillow.
 “Of  course  I want them!” she tutted, “It’s like a story I can wear as a necklace.”
 “Before you say that,” he hesitated,  boy  had he messed this up, “You should know they are part of a set.  I have one more to give you, but please don’t feel pressured to accept them.”
 “I’m sure I’ll love it, Fee.  You made it after all.”
 Taking a deep breath he produced the courting bead from his pocket, “I made this for you, Y/N.  Since we were young I’ve known that you were my One.  I’ve known for fifteen years and fifteen years ago I made this bead, hoping that one day you would take it.  I bought the metal with my first earnings, carving my family's crest on one side and the word for One on the other.”
 Then he began the story of his adventures anew (from the start this time) but now focusing on how each bead was a memory of his love for her during his journey.  How each step of the way he thought of her, loved her and thought only of her.  At the end, his voice was cracking, his emotions starting to overwhelm him as his tale finished.
 “I love you, Amralime,” he murmured.  For a moment all was silence as he stared into her eyes, watery now and he worried he had upset her.
 “Oh Fili, I love you too,” she smiled as from her pocket she produced her own bead.  Fili thought his heart would burst as with a shaking hand he picked it up.  Like his bead, the dwarven rune for One was carved on one side and her name carved on the other.
 As the two walked hand in hand, new beads and braids adorning their head, the new couple entered the dining hall.  Spying the new adornments, Kili smirked.
 “Of course my brother can’t simply use one courting bead but  ten ,” he snickered as they sat down next to him.
 “It’s because I love my One ten times more than any dwarf has ever loved a One,” Fili laughed as he pressed his forehead to hers.
 “Oh  Mahal ,” Kili groaned, “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
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Survey #410
“oh baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime for the drink that i’ma buy her, do you know just what she likes?
Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? Ye. Have you ever written/drawn/painted random stuff on your bedroom wall? No. What do you currently hear? A slowed w/ reverb version of "If U Seek Amy" by Britney Spears. Yes, I have a serious thing for these edits of childhood songs, ha ha. Actually, no shame, I still love Britney lmao. What's your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool Ranch. Do you like bagels? Yep. Do you ever worry about what the world will be like when you have kids? I ain't having any of those, so I don't have to worry about that. Have you ever seen a hippo in person? At a zoo, yes. Are you any good at HTML? Noooo. When was the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Recently, because I'm awful about downloading things illegally. What was the last thing you downloaded on your computer? A picture. Do you ever cry just to get your way? Hi, I'm 25. I at least have SOME adult traits. Have you ever been to any professional sports games? Yes. What's the most boring sport to watch? The only sport I enjoy watching is dance, so. I think golf has to take the cake for the absolute worst, though. Do you like lip rings on the opposite sex? UGH I just love lip rings on anybody. Do you have good or bad vision? Literally awful. Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot when you weren't supposed to? Hell no. That is so fucking inconsiderate and lazy. Have you ever been to a different country? No. When was the last time you finger-painted? Nooo idea. Probably not since I was a little kid. Do you say car-mel or car-A-mel? "Care-uh-mel." When you get out of the shower, do you use one or two towels? One. Are you uncomfortable with changing clothes in front of others? Absolutely yes. Hell, I don't think I ever really changed in front of Jason back in the day, so that says something about how self-conscious I was with a FIT body. Never mind this catastrophe I own now. Which is worse: Runny nose or stuffy nose? Both suck, but stuffy drives me absolutely INSANE. Who's been the most influential person in your life? My mom. Do you have any tan lines? Ha, yeah, no. How many different schools have you gone to? Six. Do you know how to slow dance? I mean, yes? It's not complicated. Have you ever taken The Impossible Quiz? (If not, you should Google it. :D) No, and I'll never waste my time doing that shit. I've watched people play and beat it, but it seems like such frustrating, pointless madness with zero rhyme or reason behind it. Has someone that you liked told you that you are a waste of their time? No. Who is the last person you were in a car with? Mom. In the next 6 months, what are you looking forward to most? Ummmm Christmas, maybe? That's always exciting. Is there anyone who hates you? Probably. Who were you with the last time you went out for food? Mom. If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care? Eh... I guess if it was for medicinal purposes, I would be okay with it. I'm not keen on dating a smoker of anything. Do you want to start over with anyone? Just Jason, at least sometimes. It'd be really, really nice if we could be friends again and just forget about who we were all those years ago, but I genuinely doubt my ability to be "just friends" with him. Even though I haven't spoken to this dude in over FOUR YEARS, and I'm sure he's changed a lot, just like I have. We might not even be compatible anymore. As much as I may want it, I think it's probably for the better we remain unassociated. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches? It's what I eat first. Are you completely over your last relationship? Not "completely," no. I still love her, but I'm in a headspace of accepting that now is not the right time with unfit conditions. What hoodie did you wear last? My Pikachu one, which is the one I pretty much always wear. Do you listen to Incubus? Probably surprisingly, no. I don't know if I've even heard a song. Do you wear flip-flops during the winter? More like always. Do you like the smell of Axe? If you don't use an obnoxious amount, yeah. What do you think of feminists? Absolutely necessary as pilots for change. HOWEVER, I do believe some can take the concept waaaay too far. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Dad, probably. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Oh my god, GUYS. It was my niece's birthday last month, and she did the CUTEST shit. She used to be very, very opposed to getting even slightly dirty (I mean like a speck of dirt on her would make her cry), and this kid decided to just C H O M P into her cupcake and get the frosting ALL over her face. She had two and got so messy, and that angel was just laughing hysterically about it. That girl is such a damn gift. Safe to say she was bouncing off the walls that night. Did you hug one of your parents today? No. Do you tan in the nude? I don't tan, period. Have you ever put a lot of thought and effort into a gift for somebody, only for them to act like it didn’t really matter to them? Oh god, no. That would really, really hurt, because I genuinely do try to be very thoughtful with my gifts. Do you follow the ‘five second rule’ when you drop food on the ground? NOOOOOOO. It's just a bullshit myth. I am NOT eating food that's been on the floor for a millisecond. If you had to describe yourself using a colour, which colour would you be? Maybe like... navy blue? Kinda dark and somber, but also has a calmness to it. Have you ever had to use another person’s toothbrush before? What were the circumstances? I WOULD FUCKING NEVER. Omg that is so gross. Have you ever crashed a car? No. Do you have a garden? Does it have flowers, vegetables, or both? No. Where do you want to raise your kids? I don't want kids, but if I did, absolutely surrounded by nature and animals. Have you ever been to Cracker Barrel? Yeah, I love it there. Damn, now I want some, lol. Have you ever seen a ghost? I sure as fuck saw something. As soon as you find out you are pregnant, who will you first tell? Who says I'm ever going to BE pregnant? 'Cuz it sure isn't in my plans. But hypothetically, the dad. Have you ever won a game of Minesweeper? Like ever? I've never played it. Who is your best guy friend(s)? Girt. I really should chat with him soon, it's been too long. If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? I'd keep it. Make me look more badass. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ What is your hair naturally like? Brown and kinda-sorta wavy. Have you ever stared at a stranger and they said something to you about it? No; I don't stare at people. Is your father very protective of you? I wouldn't say "very protective," no. What would you do if your hero died? ffffffUCK THIS QUESTION HOW ABOUT NO HE'S NOT ALLOWED THAT'S VERY ILLEGAL Where was your first date at with your current lover? I don't have one currently. Are you friendly in the morning, or are you barely awake? Depends on how much sleep I got, but I'm generally in my best mood in the morning. Did your parents force you to go to church? Mom did. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? It was the next book in the series I'm reading, Wings of Fire. When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? Hm. I dunno. Hypothetically and generally speaking, how would you go about breaking up with someone? Is there anything you would make sure to say, or perhaps not say? I mean it would really depend on WHY I was breaking up with them, but I guess in most situations I'd try to meet them face-to-face and explain why I wanted to cut things off. I think it'd be important for them to hear my tone of voice, and I think physically meeting somewhere would show that I care enough for them to cut time out of my day to see them and try to hurt them as least as possible, given the situation. What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? DO NOT in even a minor way ridicule mental illness or belittle victims as "weak" or pull the "it's just in their head" bullshit. The misuse of the term "retard(ed)" also genuinely offends me. I wouldn't say I'm easy to offend, either. What was the last chore you completed? Changing my cat's litter. When was the last time someone saw you naked? It's been a loooong time, and it would've only been my mom when I was like, going into a shower or something. If you could bring someone back from the dead and spend an hour with them, who would it be and what would you do/say? Probably Steve Irwin. I'd go on and on about how his family has carried his legacy so brilliantly, and show him aaaaaall the public pictures of Bindi and Grace, especially. God, that man would be so proud of them all. What is the greatest lost you’ve endured? My first "real" boyfriend. How would you describe your current mood? A mix of tired and anxious. I don't feel like going to bed yet, and the storm we've got passing through has me nervous about tornadoes 'n shit. Do you ever drink or get high alone? I've had some light drinks alone. What is the “worst” drug you’ve done? Are there any you will never try, or any you want to try? I've never done any illicit drugs, and I don't want to. What is the most personal thing you’re willing to reveal? Probably that I've had a pilonidal cyst. It's awkward to explain, but I'll share it anyway if there's a good reason to/I'm asked or something. What made you stop talking to the last person you cut out of your life? Her just being the most toxic, drama-filled person with the biggest victim complex of any human I've ever met. Who was the last person to yell at you? Did you yell back? Mom, and my voice was raised. Where do you like to be kissed? This depends on how serious we are. Can go from just the cheek to a lot of places. Which season is your least favorite and why? Summer, because it's too goddamn hot and humid. Who, if anyone, do you compare yourself to most? Probably my little sister. She's on such a successful path, and then there's like... me lmao. Do you have a night-light in your bedroom? If so, what does it look like? No. What is your favorite breakfast food? How often do you get to eat it? Cinnamon rollssssss. I have 'em very rarely, though. I'll eat too many of them, which I definitely don't need. What is your favorite thing about autumn? What about your least favorite thing? AHHHHHH EVERYTHING. I love Halloween and the decorations that come with it, the changing leaves, the crisp air... just all of it. :') Who was the last person you asked for help? Mom, I'm sure.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
Luminous Circus: Event Translation Epilogue
Finally, the epilogue~
I have nothing to say, but I guess I’m going to rest for a while after this~
Ch3-4 / / Ch5-6 / / Ch7-8 / / Ch9-10 / / Epilogue
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A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Translator’s Note: The guys are trying to compose a Haiku later on in this Epilogue. It’s impossible for it to not be lost in translation so I kept the actual Japanese sentence along with the general idea of what the Haiku means on the side. 575 refers to the syllables for each line which is the common formatting for Haiku. Seasonal word is a collection of words they used in the traditional Japanese poetry to represent the particular season, usually referring to the season they’re in now.
Epilogue: Day dream at night
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Thank you for coming!
Thank you, everyone! See you again!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much~!
<Shifts to Backstage>
(Even until the closing night, they were able to convey a fun and wonderful performance of a circus troupe to the audiences. I’m so glad!)
It’s a great closing night performance.
Yeah. Mixed Play really has a different atmosphere compared to the usual Winter Troupe performance.
It’s such a refreshing feel to look at something new.
…Arisu looks like his usual self.
The role has a similar feel to Arisugawa, but don’t you think he’s able to pull off being a leader better now.
You’re right.
Thank you for your help!
After this, are we going to have an afterparty?
If you’re going to do it, I’ll help with the preparation.
Ah, then--
Thank you, but I don’t need any help.
Ah, Homare-san! Thank you for your hard work!
You’re not going to hold an afterparty?
Not that, the venue has already been arranged and prepared.
<Shifts to Mansion’s Garden>
It’s really gorgeous.
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It’s like a noble garden party in the mansion, it’s so nice!
The inner courtyard can accommodate everyone from the troupe, it’s really quite big.
Then, please drink and eat as much as you like today!
Let’s eat!
I’m sorry for bringing in so many people.
Homare’s Grandmother:
That immature grandson of mine always bothers me anyway, don’t mind it.
I guess I’m still immersed in the lingering excitement from the closing night, the sake smells pretty fragrant…
A poetic inspiration swelled up inside me.
Food—The buzzing chronicle~, scramble bloo bloo blooming~
Wh, what is it, Ariel!
Homare’s Grandmother:
It actually sounds like her favourite call.
You too, why not read me a Haiku for once.
I like poem with freedom and no format though…
Akari kie (Having lost its light)
Hana no kaori nokoru (the flower leaves behind its fragrance)
Ita no ue (on top of everything else)
...How’s that.
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It’s actually proper…!
That’s very wonderful!
…It’s somehow weird when you actually understand what Alice means.
What do you mean by that!
So you can actually create a proper one after all.
Homare’s Grandmother:
Others who just finished their performance too, why not try making a phrase.
Eh!? Umm, a Haiku should be 575 right…
Things like…
Kankyaku no (The audience’s)
egao hajiketa (smile bursting out)
senshuraku. (on the closing night)
I’m sorry, there’re extra syllables and the seasonal word is missing!
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It’s alright as long as long as it sounds like Sakuya-kun!
Yes. It’s such a bright phrase.
Hey hey, I’m next!
Ame arare (The barrage of rain)
Ka-ten ko-ru (during curtain call)
Kimochi ii! (leaves behind a nice feeling!)
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You managed to include the seasonal word properly.
It’s rain, but it has such a bright feeling!
It’s not rainy season now though.
That’s the point!
How about Muku-kun.
Eh!? Me, me is it!?
Eh, umm…
Sa-kasu wa (In Circus)
Kyaku mo yakusha mo (the audience and the performers too)
Egao ni naru ne (will be full of smiles)
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So cute!
Feels like Mukkun!
It’s very interesting that you can see people’s character from their Haiku phrase.
I also want to make one~!
Sankaku no (Triangle)
Kado wa mittsu de (has 3 corners)
Sankaku da (that’s why it’s a triangle.)
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So triangular~!
THE triangle huh.
He’s so steady.
<Short Time Skip>
It’s going to be pretty late, we should call it a day soon.
Right~ Eh? Where’s Aririn?
Ah, I haven’t seen him for a while.
Homare-sama said that he was feeling a bit drunk, so he left his seat earlier.
I thought he was in the inner courtyard, should we search for him for you.
If that’s the case, we’ll go and search for him.
If we’re going to call it a day, it won’t be right if the leader’s not here!
<Shifts to Grandmother’s Study>
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(I was feeling a bit drunk, but why did I come to such place.
I have to get back soon--)
The watch is moving!
I thought it’s already broken…  It’s a miracle!
That… But, no way…
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Homare’s Grandfather:
Hmm? It’s you, Homare, what is it.
Grandmother said the tea is ready.
Homare’s Grandfather:
Thank you. I’ll be there soon.
That pocket watch, is it broken again?
Homare’s Grandfather:
Yeah. But it’s already repaired.
Recently, the number of parts has decreased, it’s getting harder and harder to maintain it.
My sight is getting worse too, this watch and me too, we’ve become old.
It’s been 30 years huh…
Homare’s Grandfather:
That painting was drawn around the same time that I bought this watch.
That painting, it’s an important memory of my time with grandmother.
What kind of memory is it?
Homare’s Grandfather:
When you grow up, when you finally found your important things, give it a thought.
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It disappeared…?
Just now it was—
(Do I start daydreaming too when I’m drunk.
The watch’s not moving...  When did the dream start I wonder?)
…As I thought, something that’s already broken cannot return to the past.
Arisu-san, so you’re here.
You’re spacing out, what happened?
Nothing, something strange happened just now.
I could see my grandfather and myself during my childhood.
That’s great isn’t it!
Woah, that sounds like what happened to George!
A real magic!
I see… Then maybe, that’s the magic of this pocket watch.
It still holds such a mysterious power even though you’ve had it for so long!
Maybe it’s your grandfather’s ability!
Umm… I guess Homare-san yourself has some magic in you.
Then, everything’s correct!
I’m sure, the feelings of the various people contained in this pocket watch are being manifested through magic, don’t you think so?
Hmm… That will be such a powerful magic.
From now on, let’s make a lot more memories.
Together with this watch--
You’re right.
I’m sure your grandfather will be happy too.
Then, let’s immediately make some memories right now!
Eh!? Now!?
It’s already late!?
What do you want to do?
Grandfather and grandmother will paint on days like this so they won’t forget!
Then, it’s a drawing meet!
D, drawing meet!?
Fufu, it sounds fun, a drawing meet!
And I thought we’re going to end the day soon…
Then, let’s get the art supplies ready.
If we’re painting we have to prepare the tables too!
…I don’t think I can stop them at this point.
Homare’s Grandmother:
What kind of commotion is this?
I’m sorry.
Can you lend us the courtyard for a little bit longer?
Homare’s Grandmother:
Well, I’m sure it’s because of something that child say right.
There’s no other choice.
Really sorry to bother you…
Homare’s Grandmother:
…Sakae-san, I’m glad I gave that pocket watch to Homare.
Homare’s Grandmother:
Nah, it’s nothing.
<End of Epilogue>
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pkmnclifford · 4 years
home. 5 (end)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
a/n: here’s the last part of home!! i had so much fun writing it. it’s probably not the best muke fic, but i’m proud of myself for trying and i’m happy of how it turned out. i’d like to thank every lovely mutual who has encouraged me to write this!! enjoy :-)
summary: michael used to be a rockstar in his hometown. but somehow he blacked out, and now he’s in an unknown city. he meets luke and his friends, and with ashton’s help, the boys finally arrive to greenfield.
word count: 3k
taglist: @cliiffords @babyoria @twilightmomentswithyou @lukeysdimples @calumspeachy @phantastic1daf​
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“I’m so lucky I found Luke” Michael said, looking down to his feet. He was sitting on the pavement next to Ashton, in front of their hotel, waiting for Calum and Luke to get ready. The dawn peaking through the tree branches hovering over the parking lot enlightened Michael’s face, warming up his cheeks. He closed his eyes for a minute, letting the warmth spread all over his body. He was so tired.
“Luke is a good guy” Ashton replied. “He gives a chance to everyone. He really has a heart of gold. Please don’t break it.”
Michael swallowed. Ashton didn’t know. He didn’t know how much Michael was going to hurt Luke. He wanted to scream, tell him how sorry he was. He wanted to shout it to the whole world, but he felt like no one would hear him.
“I know you just want to protect him. You’re a good friend, Ash.” Michael mumbled, confronting Ashton’s hazel eyes. “Will you promise me one thing?”
“Depends. What is it?” Ashton glanced at him with an intimidating look. Michael smiled.
“Will you take care of Luke after I go... home?” Michael’s voice broke. Ashton reached out his hand to shake Michael’s, as if they were having a pact.
“I will. Like I always have.” Michael’s eyes teared up again. He sighed.
“Thank you, Ashton.”
A few minutes later, they all got in the car, Luke throwing worried looks at Michael during the ride. It was a weird morning. They all stayed quiet, Calum not even making a joke, as he felt some kind of tension in the air. Michael thought about what would happen once they’d get to Greenfield. Would he know where to go? Or what to do? As all these questions went through his mind, his chest only got more painful, now accompanied by a headache. Michael knew he’d have to say goodbye to Luke at some point. Just thinking about it made him want to cry again. He wanted to hold Luke, so badly. He stared at him for so long during the ride, he didn’t even remember how they got into Greenfield. He was mesmerized by Luke’s soft features, his nose glowing in the morning light, and his gorgeous hair. He absent-mindedly took his hand, and Luke suddenly turned to him, as he felt the contact of Michael’s skin. He smiled so widely Michael wanted to melt, his stomach tied up in knots, the more he thought about what was going to happen. He wanted to get every bit of Luke’s face printed in his mind. He didn’t want to forget him. Never.
“Maybe Michael knows where to go now?”
Michael got caught off his daydreaming by Calum’s voice. The dark skinned boy had turned around on his seat, a questioning look on his face. Apparently, they got into Greenfield, small houses passing by the car’s windows. Michael sat up and tried to look outside.
“Maybe if you drive to the city center, I can guide you.”
Ashton nodded and took the direction of the city center. The second they got in the small streets surrounded by shops and hurried people on the sidewalk, Michael gasped as he saw a sign.
“Burkley road! That’s where I live!”
They followed the sign, ending up a few blocks away, in a suburb with small houses which looked a lot like Luke’s neighborhood. Luke looked very excited to get closer to Michael’s home, but Michael only felt worse. He didn’t know what to expect.
Ashton randomly turned in a small street, and somehow they immediatly knew which house was Michael’s. A small rustic house stood there, on the left corner, surrounded by a huge rose garden. All colors of roses were growing in front of the house, almost reaching the street, but red roses were all around the little fence leading to the door. They were all bathed in the sweet smell of the flowers already.
Silently stepping out of the car, Michael stared at the house, speechless. His home. He walked towards the fence and gently pushed it, knowing Luke, Cal and Ash were following him closely. The smell of roses was now taking over everything. Looking around, all Michael could see was his rose garden, thorn bushes almost hiding the familiar way to his door. As if he was following his faded memories of what felt like a previous life, his feet guided him towards the white door, surrounded by dark, red roses. He stepped on his small porch where he found the familiar little bench, which was also a swing. Michael could recall all of the memories on that swing, long evenings of writing on a hot summer, or the way it swung back and forth during the winter, when it was too cold to sit outside.
The door was unlocked. He pushed it, the door hinges loudly squeaking, disturbing the silence. Going in, he didn’t notice he was crying until he saw his collection of guitars hanging on the wall, and a tear left his left cheek. He heard Calum gasp behind him, impressed by Michael’s collection. Everything looked normal. Not abandoned for years, just... quiet. As though Michael had only left for a weekend. He brushed his fingers over the counter of his kitchen, over his guitar strings. He couldn’t stop crying. Because he knew he was home. And he knew that if he was home, it meant his journey was over.
He slowly turned around to face Luke, who was standing a few feet behind him, an emotional expression on his face. Michael stepped towards him and took both of his hands. The cold contact of Luke's rings on Michael's palm made him feel alive. And he needed it.  He needed to feel something else than the growing, almost unbearable pain in his chest. He couldn't stop staring at Luke's pretty hands. They were soft, slightly bigger than Michael's. Some nails still had hints of a very old nail polish layer. Michael didn't want to forget those hands, Luke's pretty hands. Calum and Ashton were silently standing by the living room’s door. Everything was quiet. Quiet as death.
Michael looked up to Luke and their eyes met each other. Luke's baby blue eyes sparkled as Michael's drowned into them. Luke was perfect. But it's always the prettiest things, you have to let go of first, Michael thought to himself as the pain in his heart violently beat again, and again.
"Luke, I ... I need to tell you something."
He was in pain and his voice squeaked. He didn't want Luke to see him as a weak person. He didn't want to hurt the only person he had truly loved in this short weird afterlife, despite not knowing him for that long. But Luke deserved the truth.
"I... I'm not... I needed to come home because..."
Luke smiled softly and gently brushed away Michael's fringe with the tip of his fingers.
"Shhhh." Luke shushed. "Calm down. It's okay. You're home now, Michael. Everything is going to be alright."
No it's not, Michael thought. It's fucking not going to be alright. He tried to say something, but he couldn't stop crying. His heart hurt so much. He was so out of breath, Luke worried he might have a panic attack again, and grabbed his shoulders to lead him outside, on his porch, leaving Calum and Ashton in the doorway.
Luke gently sat Michael down on the swing.
"You're going to be ok, we'll find out what happened, Mikey" Luke said, sitting next to him, gently putting a hand on Michael's knee. "We've found your home! It can only get better from now."
The more Luke talked, the more Michael felt bad. He wanted to scream, to hold on Luke forever. He leaned in and held the blonde boy in a tight, desperate hug, his hands grasping Luke's shirt. It probably was their last hug, and the poor boy had no idea. Michael hugged him harder, harder. He wanted to remember. The softness of his curls against Michael's nose. The pace of his heartbeats. He needed to remember.
A familiar melody came back to Michael. He started humming in Luke's neck.
And I chase it down With a shot of truth Dancing through our house With the ghost of you
"Such a pretty voice, rose boy" Luke whispered. "I'll miss it." A slight breeze brushing through the roses broke the silence, the smell of the flowers almost making Michael sick. "But I'll hear it again, on the phone. We'll see each other again, this isn't the end. We'll call each other, right?" Luke grinned. He looked so happy. If you only knew, Michael thought, not answering. How in the world would he find the strength to tell Luke they'd never meet again?
As Ashton and Calum stepped out of the doorway and joined them on the porch, Michael suddenly had an idea.
"Let's have a walk around my neighborhood, you guys. Before you leave." He said, standing up, taking Luke's hand again. He was terrified but he tried not to show it. Luke's presence reassured him, though.
Ashton and Calum followed them, talking about everything and nothing, following Michael and Luke who walked around the pretty streets. Luke’s enthusiasm warmed the fringed boy’s sore heart, as he looked around, squeezing Michael's hand everytime he noticed something.
"Look, Mikey!! A park!! Do you remember that park? It looks nice. Peaceful."
Michael smiled. On the other side of the street, a small fence led to a park, so green it almost seemed unreal, with the distant sound of birds singing in the trees. "I do. I used to play in that park sometimes in the summer. It was nice." Unable to move, his gaze fell on the gate they had almost reached, right after the park entrance. He was terrified. But the pain in his chest was excruciating. He couldn't go on like this any longer. Michael stepped forward and turned right through the tall metallic gate, his eyes focused on what he was looking for.
The others stood still in surprise.
"Uh, Michael? Why are you leading us in... a cemetery?" Calum’s voice raised hesitantly as he noticed the tombstones around them.
Michael didn't turn around and went on, Luke's hand still in his. All he was thinking of what his nightmare, and that morning at the hotel.
"Please follow me. I know what I'm doing."
The flashing lights dazzled Michael’s green eyes, his hands trying to grasp what he could find in front of him. A violent hiss hurt his ears. He wanted to put his hands on them to muffle the sound, but he couldn’t move. He was stuck in this position, forcing himself to look in front of him, all his senses overstimulated. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out. He was terrified.
Suddenly, a loud detonation. And darkness.
Michael opened his eyes, sat up, breathing heavily, sweat over his forehead, screaming his lungs out, his hands grasping the sheets. His chest felt like it was about to explode.
“Michael! Michael what’s going on? Are you okay?”
Michael couldn’t even process Luke’s words and immediatly ran to the bathroom of his hotel room to throw up, drops of sweat still running down his face. He lifted his head and watched his own reflection in the small mirror above the sink. He looked horrible. Dark bags under his eyes, messy, wet hair, drops of sweat running down his forehead. He let out a loud scream, his legs shaking under his own weight, and fell on the bathroom floor, holding his own body.
He knew what happened.
It wasn’t a nightmare. It was simply what had happened. Everything became clear in his mind now.
Michael was dead.
Michael was dead in a car accident.
That was why his chest hurt that much, that was why he was in pain. It was a hint of the shock which injured his body. How could he have forgotten. His nightmare was his own car accident.
He was dead. And somehow, the universe brought him to Luke. Why wasn’t he gone? Why wasn’t he... really dead?
He ignored the sound of Luke’s fists violently banging on the bathroom door. What was he supposed to do? He wanted to go home. Maybe he could find peace there. He stayed on the floor for a while. Suddenly noticing he didn’t hear anything from Luke anymore, he tried to get up, but the door got forced by Ashton’s shoulder, making Michael fall on the ground again.
Luke got in and rushed to him, kneeling down to hold his face. He looked so worried.
“Michael! Oh my god, Michael, are you okay? I heard you scream and I thought... I thought you...”
Luke’s eyes teared up and he held Michael’s face in his hands. Michael felt like he wanted to cry, to scream. But Luke would be devastated if he knew. He had to be strong, until they’d reach Greenfield.
“Don’t worry” Michael sobbed, now he was really crying. “I just had a nightmare again. It’s nothing. Soon they’ll be over, hopefully.”
Luke looked at him, confused, and brushed away his tears. Ashton was still standing there. Michael’s ears were buzzing, and he almost couldn’t hear what Ashton told him.
“Come on, Michael. Let’s get you cleaned up, and let’s leave. I’ll wait for you by the car.”
Michael was looking for something, something to hold on to. He needed to know, he needed proof this was real. Dozens of stranger’s names passed by. Flowers everywhere, dates, death surrounding them. His own feet guided him to the back of the cemetery, following an unknown path. Luke was walking behind him, holding his breath, curious as to why Michael had brought them in such a place. Maybe he was looking for a relative who passed away? Luke stayed silent, looking around, confused, until he bumped into Michael who had suddenly frozen.
“Ouch! What’s going on, Michael?” Luke whined, rubbing his forehead.
He looked up and saw the back of Michael’s head. The boy had seen something and couldn’t move. Luke skirted around his shoulders to see what he was seeing. He gasped loudly.
Michael had stopped in front of a simple, grey, gravestone, standing in silence. No flowers, no fancy decorations. Just a block of stone in a rounded shape, and capital letters graved on them.
“Michael, what does this mean?” Ashton suddenly appeared behind them, confused as to why in the hell they were in a graveyard. His gaze turned to Luke and his confused expression, and Ashton’s hazel eyes suddenly flashed in concern. He followed Michael’s gaze to the name which was graved on the stone they were standing in front of.
Michael stood there, staring at the proof he had been looking for, but not hoping for. A single tear rolled down his cheek. The pain in his chest had faded away, almost faded away. The sight of Luke next to him answered all of his questions.
“You’re... you’re...” Luke muttered, holding back his tears.
“I realized something this morning, Luke.” Michael whispered, taking both of Luke’s hands in his again. The contact made him shiver. He wanted to feel, he wanted to be alive. But he could already feel his body and his sensations got more and more transparent, and dull. “The reason why we met. The reason why I’m in pain. The reason why I’m having nightmares.”
Luke was really crying now. Maybe he already knew what Michael was about to tell him. Either way, he wouldn’t believe it.
“The reason why... I can’t stay by your side.” Michael’s voice broke. It was so, so hard. Luke angrily wiped away his own tears with the back of his hand.
“I don’t understand, Michael. What does this mean? What does this mean...” The blonde boy repeated, his eyes not leaving Michael’s through the tears.
“You remember what I said in the car? About how you meet your soulmate when you die?”
Luke nodded, encouraging him to continue, though he was sobbing uncontrollably.
“That’s what happened to me.”
Luke’s eyes widened.
“All my life, I was only concerned about my success, never about the fact I had never found someone who just... gets me. I got to meet you, Luke, because you’re my soulmate. I firmly believe it. The world sent me to you, as a last chance to meet you. Before we’ll meet again. In another life.”
Luke’s grip tightened on Michael’s fingers, so hard he could’ve broken them.
“I’m dead, Luke. This is my grave. I died in a car accident, last week. That’s why I have these bruises. That’s why I got this tattoo. That’s why I’m in pain. I am dead.”
“N-No” Luke whispered. “You’re lying.”
“I’m sorry. I need to go. I’m so sorry.”
Luke cried silently. Michael bent forward, his forehead touching Luke’s. He let go of Luke’s hands to cup his face, and then gently kissed Luke’s forehead. The whole world was quiet.
“I love you.”
Luke’s blue eyes sparkled through his tears as a response. Michael had enlightened his life. In only a few days, he had learned love, peaking through the loneliness of his life like a shooting star in the night sky. Michael really was his soulmate. But he had to live on, with the memory of him.
“I’ll never be able to forget you” Luke sobbed.
“That’s alright” Michael whispered, brushing his fingers on Luke’s wet cheek. “You don’t have to. I’ll always be by your side. Until we meet again.”
Luke pulled Michael in a hug, the kind of hug he would never forget. Breathing in Michael’s soft smell one last time, the way he felt in his arms, the contact of his skin, his laugh, his voice. He didn’t want to forget. Michael was right. He wouldn’t have to. Michael’s memory would linger with him as long as he was alive.
“Until we meet again” Luke breathed, letting go of Michael. They stared deeply in each other’s eyes one last time. The light in the boy’s green eyes was already fading. Michael turned to Calum and Ashton, who were standing there in absolute shock.
“Thank you. For everything.”
Though Calum looked confused, he smiled widely. Ashton nodded, but his eyes looked like they were thanking him back. For Luke, Michael thought as he saw Ashton’s emotional expression.
The sun shining right on Michael’s face, he suddenly realized his chest didn’t hurt anymore. He sighed deeply, turned around one last time to see Luke’s face, and then walked to the unknown, the image of what he used to be slowly fading away, like butterflies flying to the sky in a light breeze. He wasn’t afraid anymore. A last flash of the color of the sky reminded him of Luke’s eyes. He was in peace.
Luke kneeled in front of the gravestone, his eyes fixed on the point where Michael’s image had slowly disappeared only a few seconds before. He stayed like this for minutes, but it felt like hours. Time stood still. He heard Calum and Ashton moving towards him, each of them putting a hand on his shoulders. They didn’t say anything, until Luke slowly got up and turned around to see his friends, a peaceful smile appearing under his teary, sore eyes.
“Let’s go home.”
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The Rose
Summary: Aerin is free, but at a price.
Rating:  M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Explicit and/or non-graphic mentions of suicide, murder, inhumane punishments and dysfunctional relationships. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Notes: So, this is messed up. Like, really. I am a bit of an Edgelady when it comes to fanfiction, I have always defended that people can enjoy what they enjoy and forget everyone else. But this, this is messed up. God, I need a psychiatrist.
Anyways, despite my clear preference towards roses, the title is because I was inspired by this song.
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Love is a funny thing.
It is good, but it is bad. It heals and it hurts. It saves and it condemns. It is democratic, but a privilege.
Everyone pursues it, even, and perhaps especially, those who deny their desire to love and be loved. It seems like the very thing that keep societies together, a need to accept and be accepted in turn, to feel like you are dearly valued by someone. Be it a family member, a friend or a sexual partner.
All the races have their own way to express love. Marriage and the one true partner in a lifetime for the humans, the separation of sex and devotion for the elves, and the survivalist ritual of the orcs, they all just want to be loved by someone. Preferably forever.
My life taught me the importance of the social bonds. My family was slayed far away from their home and no-one knew them, nor they had any identifying characteristics, other than our race and the two young children that survived the attack. Kade and I.
I do not remember it very well. The first thing I remember is their burial, on a common grave. My hand gripped Kade’s, who seemed to be crying, but my eyes were dry. I think I cried too much already.
There was no way of knowing from where we came from, other than the general direction of Undermount. Since no elves passed through, there were no travelers or officials to talk to. I thank the gods every night for the kindness of the farmer that took us in, until his demise.
I depended on and was nurtured by my brother, and I knew it was the same for him. Our bond was what helped us to survive, and I protected and fought for that bond as much as I craved for another.
Perhaps it is due to my blood. Elves were known as people of loose sexual morals, what I came to learn it was due to their concepts of Kinvali e Divali, as well as the ethereal beauty of their never-fading youth, but the naturalist explanation was just as likely with my limited information.
I do not think it is, though. I would take it a step further. Perhaps it was due to my neediness and sense of abandonment. A strong presence by my side during the day and some bodily heat next to me on my bed at night seemed to silence the despair of my soul.
The fact of the matter was that I was hardly pure and inexperienced, my road had been longer and more tortuous than it perhaps should, and the wariness was apparent. I sook companionship, desperately so, and more often than not, I found it. Not with the stability I wanted, but I rarely gone by without someone to which I could use to that end since I entered puberty. Some of them, I even could see myself with them permanently, but my race or social standing often came in the way.
Then, there was him.
Him and I were alike in many aspects. He had a family, but one that ignored him on a good day, and abused him on a bad. He was as good as an orphan, forgotten and unloved, often starved and beaten, seduced by an evil and faceless force from infancy for a nefarious purpose.
I suppose I cannot excuse him completely, he eventually should know better, that he was sowing the kind of suffering that corrupted him in the first place, but perhaps there was wisdom in taking a spoonful of sugar before the bitter medicine.
He did not lie to me. I know he did not. He showed me what there was beneath the gray and barren permafrost of his corrupted face, and what I saw was enchantingly beautiful. He was handsome, if rather short and gaunt, with a sharp and excitingly witty mind, and extremely kind and empathetic.
My soul sang for him. I felt safe and seen by him, and for the two short nights we spent at Deadwood, my desires and needs were shaped in a hole that seemed that could only be filled by his presence. My heart longed to see him again, as soon as I possibly could.
Our sojourn at Undermount, so tantalizing when I first entered Deadwood, was still nice and enlightening, but my tongue was overwhelmed by the sweet honey that the tart mouthfeel of elfish society was that much more blatant. That was not my place, these were not my people, and I could only think that I would be happier in Whitetower.
I had my summer under his warmth that afternoon at the palace gardens and at the library with him, and then the night under his sheets, and I knew it was true love for me.
Then, the cold hit me and I was thrown on the harshest of winters. His face twisted in a grey frost, a clean cut was made and his brother’s life was taken, like it did not mean anything. The portal opened, he held onto the magic user and they vanished into the unknown.
I realize I was used, little more than a pawn, designed to gather the shards and protect a viable vessel for an evil force. He had used me, like he too had been used, and it really hurt me.
I had to stop him. No matter what he meant to me, no matter how it would hurt, I had to stop him with any means necessary. I could not let it move forward and let more lives to be destroyed.
So, I did just that. I captured him and killed his master.
Tonight, I go down the dungeon. To see him, to talk to him.
He was asleep, curled up at a thin cot of hay, likely trying to stave off the humid cold coming out from the stone walls and the wells of the castle. Without his disguise, his skin was gray and his aura was very dark. His constitution seemed thinner, more haunted.
It filled me with pity.
“Aerin! Wake up!” I whispered, breathily. I had bewitched the guard, but there was no need for alerting any reinforcements. “Aerin, wake up, please!”
His dark eyes shot open and he quickly rose to his feet. “Raine! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you.” I responded, downcast. “We don’t have much time.”
“What for? To gloat? To marvel at your doing?” He sneered.
I sighed. “Aerin, I am not going to apologize for stopping you. It had to be done. I am sorry, however, that I lied to you when we were at the Shadow Court.”
“I should have known better.” He mumbled, sadly. “I should have known to be stronger, to not let my sad human needs to get the best out of me. It was naïve to believe what you have told me.”
“That is not what I lied to you about it.” My eyes fill with tears. “Yes, I had no intention of joining you in the Shadow Court, and I still have none. Yet, I was sincere when I told you I would take you as you are.”
Aerin raised a doubtful eyebrow, so I placed my hands at the lock of his cell and whispered an enchantment. It opened softly for me to walk inside, before closing ominously behind my back.
Every step I moved forward, he took one backwards, until his back was pressed against the wall. Cornered, I pick up his hands and try to soothe him by caressing his fingers with mine.
“Your magic has improved.” He managed to let out.
“That was what was keeping me. Research, training and planning.” I smiled softly at him. “I love you, Aerin. With all my heart. My greatest regret is that I am twenty years too late to save you from corruption, from suffering.”
“It’s not your fault.” He finally responded. “The short time we had together was much more than I ever hoped to receive.”
Aerin kissed my tear-stained cheeks and wrapped me in his embrace. Without the stone, the smell on his skin was different. He smelled like blue moss and flowers that bloomed in the night, and that only made me cry harder.
“I am sorry, too.” I hear whispered on my ears. “I am sorry I cannot give you anything but a life of pain and suffering. I am sorry I was weak, greedy and stubborn. I am sorry I cannot be the man you love all the time.”
I break apart from his hug and face him. Wiping my tears with my left sleeve, I look him dead in the eyes and say, “I came here to free you.”
“What?” He did a double-take.
“I put you in here, I am getting you out.” I threw my satchel at him. “There is a map of the Shadow Realm in there, one that should take you through a route safe enough so you can open another portal, one to a land beyond the great desert. There is also some gold and supplies to help you on your voyage.”
“That… That is brilliant!” He smiled, genuinely happy. “I can’t believe… You are so ingenious!”
He picked me up by the waist and twirled me around, and I let myself giggle and bask on his excitedness.
Then, he laid me down and looked forlornly at me. “I can’t do magic anymore. My powers derived from the Dreadlord. With him gone, so are my powers. And you couldn’t corrupt yourself, so you can’t open a portal as well.”
“There is more than one way to enter the Shadow Realm, Aerin, and you know the price.”
“You don’t mean…”
I did not let him finish his sentence. The silver dagger reflected the moonlight as I raise it.
“No!” He screams and launches himself to stop me, but it was too late. I drove the cursed knife through my stomach.
As my cupric blue blood soaks my tunic, I lose strength on my legs. Luckily, Aerin grab me by my shoulders and supports me straight. My life force is being sucked dry to open a portal to the Shadow Realm.
Soon enough, it appears on the back of the cell and I smile. “I did it…”
“Raine! Gods!” He seemed frantic. To me, it seemed odd, as a sensation of peace was slowly taking ahold of me. “Why did you do this?!”
“I had to free you…” I verbalize with difficulty. “I couldn’t let you waste away in a dungeon… I needed to give you a chance of living…”
His eyes spill big tears. “Not like this. There was another way.”
“There would be no peace. A fugitive’s life is not worth living.” I smiled at him. He was so handsome. I felt glad to die looking at him. “If I die, if you move far away, no-one will ever touch you.”
“I want you to come with me. Please, Raine, there must be a way to heal you. Don’t die, please.”
“The blade is cursed. There is no coming back.” I whisper. “Hurry… The portal will only be open while I’m still alive… I used too much magic, it won’t remain open for long.”
Aerin looked momentarily conflicted, but picked up the satchel and headed to the portal.
“I’m sorry, Raine. I am so sorry.”
He jumps into the vortex and disappears. I feel it inside my soul he had managed to find his way to the Shadow Realm.
I am glad. I was able to help someone I love. Is it not the most we can expect of life?
Before I came down to the dungeons, I visited Deadwood for some important ingredients. Inside the bag, I left the dry moonflowers and the instructions to brew the purifying potion. I hope he takes it.
I feel my grip on consciousness slipping and the spells I casted tonight are fading away. It was the end for me.
In the winter, far beneath the bitter snows, lies the seed that, with the sun’s love, becomes the rose.
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A True Match | a destiel fanfic
Rating: General
written for the @deanandcasbingo
Castiel’s never actually seen his next-door neighbor. He’s heard weird sounds and smelled sage and all different kinds of herbs coming from the house, though. He’s starting to think his neighbor may be a witch or a Satanist, neither of which bodes well for Castiel.
Aside from that, he’s felt a pull toward that house since he moved in, nearly six months ago now. Cas has tried bringing dinners and baked goods over to introduce himself, but his knocks have never been answered.
He doesn’t do it often, but one night he shifts into his feline form and heads out for a walk in the nearby forest. It’s peaceful and warm outside, and Castiel stays out until well after the sun sets. He doesn’t head home until the evening chill starts to creep through his fur, chilling him to the bone.
It’s not a terribly long walk back to him home—he hadn’t wandered too far—but he finds a light on in the back of his neighbor’s house. It’s in a window he could easily leap to in his current form and curiosity gets the better of him. He leaps onto the windowsill, peering inside.
There are plants everywhere. There are two baskets hanging above the window, winding leaves trailing all the way down to the floor. There are flowering pots scattered around the room, along with a few succulents adorning the desk underneath the window, which seems to be the only furniture in the room.
There’s a man sitting in the middle of the room with his eyes closed and his hands resting loosely on his thighs. He’s shirtless and Castiel takes a moment to drink in the dark black lines of tattoos that cover nearly every inch of his arms, with a few more scattered across his chest and stomach. He can’t make out the man’s face with it bowed like it is, which is unfortunate. Castiel would guess that he’s beautiful.
A big, fat raindrop lands on Castiel’s head and startles him. He loses his footing and crashes to the ground with a dull thud. Meowing lamely, he gets to his feet and bats at the wet spot on his head just as it starts to pour.
The sliding glass door nearby slides open and the man Castiel had been spying on smiles at him. “Hey there, kitty. C’mon inside, get out of the rain.”
Castiel eyes the man warily, but eventually accepts the invitation. He doesn’t want to stay out in this storm, and he has felt a draw toward the house since he moved in.
The man slides the door closed behind him, grabbing a towel off the couch nearby and kneeling down near Castiel. The man holds up the towel, raising an eyebrow. “May I?”
Castiel watches him for a minute before taking a few steps closer. The man gently dries him off, petting down Castiel’s back slowly.
“There we go, all dry. You hungry? I don’t have cat food but I have a few cans of tuna.”
Castiel blinks up at the man, curling up next to him on the floor. The man smiles and pets Cas gently.
“No collar on you, hm? I wonder whose kitty you are, they must be missing you.”
If only, Cas laments. He doesn’t have anyone to go home to, just an empty, sparsely decorated house.
The man continues to sit there and pet him, much to Castiel’s enjoyment. He’s hardly ever around anyone in his feline form, he’d forgotten how nice it can be.
Eventually, once the rain stops, Castiel pushes himself up onto his paws and crosses to the sliding door, looking back at the man. He seems to take the hint, unlocking the door and letting Castiel outside.
“Be careful going home, bud.”
Castiel meows quietly, feet squishing the rain-soaked ground as he heads home.
He finally meets his neighbor in person the next day. He’s leaving for work when his handsome neighbor comes outside, clad in a gray bathrobe and slip-on shoes.
“Hey, man. Sorry we haven’t had the chance to meet yet. I’m Dean.” He extends a hand, which Castiel shakes.
“Castiel. Busy times?”
Dean smiles. “Winter’s my busiest time at work, things are finally starting to slow down now that it’s springtime.”
Castiel smiles politely. “Well, it was nice to finally meet you, Dean. I’d like to stay and chat but I need to get to work.”
“Yeah, man, by all means. I’ll see you around.”
Castiel turns to head to his car but Dean reaches out and grabs his forearm. “Hey, do you have a cat?”
Castiel freezes momentarily before turning back to Dean. “I do. Why?”
“I think he might’ve been over at my place last night, during the thunderstorm. Black cat with white paws?”
Castiel nods slowly. “That’s him, yes. I hope he didn’t bother you?”
“Nah, man, not at all. He get home okay?”
“He did, thank you. Have a good day.”
Dean smiles, releasing his arm. “Yeah, you too.”
Castiel smiles tightly, heading off for work.
He tells himself there won’t be a repeat of him snooping on Dean, but that only lasts a couple of days. The pull back to the house is too strong to resist, so he shifts to his feline form and makes his way to Dean’s house.
Dean’s in the living room this time and he looks over at the sliding glass door at the same time that Castiel steps in front of it, almost like Dean had been expecting him. He slides the door open and allows Cas inside.
“Met your owner the other day,” Dean says, sliding the glass door shut. “Bet he’s missing you. Sure you don’t want to go home?”
Castiel blinks up at him in response before hopping up onto the couch and curling up into a ball. Dean chuckles, sitting back down and petting down Cas’s back gently. “Guess you can hang out here for a while, but you gotta get home soon. Castiel will be worried.”
Dean scratches behind Cas’s ears and he can’t help the purr that rumbles through his chest. Dean chuckles quietly, but then falls silent.
He knows it’s creepy to trick Dean like this. Dean didn’t ask for this and Castiel is taking advantage of his hospitality. Still, he can’t bring himself to stop. Night after night, he returns to Dean’s home, almost like he’s being lured there by a siren song. He couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to.
It doesn’t help that Dean’s started to treat him like a pet, either. He’s taken to leaving the glass door cracked open enough that Castiel can come inside whenever he pleases, and there’s almost always a bowl of tuna fish waiting for him in Dean’s kitchen.
After about a month, Castiel lets himself explore Dean’s home. It’s a single-story, similar to Castiel’s, but bigger. Dean has two spare bedrooms, though one of them has been turned into an office with papers strewn on nearly every surface. There’s a bathroom off the hallway, with the kitchen and living room on the other end of the house.
There’s a door right next to the living room that’s closed. Castiel paws at the door, looking around to find Dean watching him. He paws at the door again, intensely curious about what’s behind it. Dean purses his lips but eventually crosses to the door and opens it, letting Castiel inside.
Castiel scrambles out of the room so quickly that he trips over his own paws and falls flat on his face. Everything slots into place and he bolts for the glass door, praying that it’s still open.
It’s the room Castiel had seen him in that night so many weeks ago. He hadn’t seen everything from that window, though. On the same wall as the window are two bookshelves full of witchcraft books, supplies, and a second desk set up as a workbench. His neighbor is a witch.
The sliding glass door is closed and locked when Castiel reaches it. He lets out a pathetic mewl as he looks for another way out.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, Cas,” Dean murmurs, standing across the room with his hands held up, palms out, no doubt in an attempt to ease Cas’s worries. It does no such thing, especially given that Dean knows he’s a familiar now. No point in hiding anymore, he supposes.
He shifts back to his human form, directing his icy glare at Dean. “Then let me go.”
Dean motions toward the door. “You’re free to leave whenever you’d like, but I was hoping you’d hear me out.”
“Why would I listen to anything you have to say, witch? Your kind has enslaved familiars for hundreds of years, why should I even slightly trust you?” Castiel spits, already backing up toward the door.
“Because I’ve known you were a familiar since I introduced myself. If I wanted to hurt you, I could’ve done it before now.”
Castiel doesn’t relax his stance, but Dean does have a point. “What do you want?”
Dean puts his hands down. “Your help.”
Castiel scoffs. “My help? What could you possibly want from me?”
“You can’t tell me you haven’t felt it, too,” Dean says, frowning. “That pull? I’ve never felt it before but it feels like all the explanations I’ve read about true matches.”
He frowns. Now that he thinks about it, that inexplicable pull he’s been feeling for months is exactly what he’s imagined a true match would feel like. “So what?”
Dean frowns. “I’ve been here for years, protecting the town, but it’s getting harder and harder. The weather’s getting more extreme and I can’t counter it on my own anymore. I don’t have the strength.”
Castiel wrinkles his nose. “Protecting the town? Yeah, right. Your kind doesn’t do anything for the benefit of others. Nice try, though.”
Dean’s frown deepens. “I get why you’d think that, but I really have been protecting the town. At least, I try to. People come to me for protection spells and charms. It’s not a huge income, but it pays the bills.”
Castiel scoffs. “So you take advantage of people in vulnerable situations.”
Dean sighs, running a hand through his own hair. “Fine, just… forget I said anything.”
“Gladly,” Cas bites out, unlocking the glass door and heading back to his own house.
He doesn’t think about Dean again for another few weeks. He’s determined to forget about the witch, despite the continuous pull to the house. He’s successful, at least for a little while.
Near the end of the summer, a storm settles over the town. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem, but this storm rapidly turns into a tornado that’s heading straight for their little town. This isn’t an area that typically gets tornados and it could be catastrophic if the town isn’t protected.
That’s why Cas isn’t shocked when Dean comes knocking on his door. He looks wild—his hair is disheveled like he’s been running his hands through it and he looks panicked.
“I know you hate the idea, but I can’t do it by myself, I’m not strong enough. Please, Cas.”
Truth be told, he hates the idea. But this is his town, too, so he grabs his keys and follows Dean back to his house.
“What do you need me to do?”
Dean lets him into his house, leading him to the room Castiel had seen the very first time he’d looked inside Dean’s house. “Just focus my magic. If you can do that, I should be able to make the storm dissipate.”
Castiel nods, shifting into his cat form and blinking up at Dean expectantly. Dean hesitates for a moment before sitting cross-legged on the floor and sinking a hand into Cas’s fur.
Dean’s magic is tingly and warm as it passes through Cas’s body. Despite never having worked with a witch before, it’s nearly effortless to focus Dean’s magic, and the room crackles with power. It’s intoxicating, having that much power coursing through his body, and it looks like Dean’s feeling the same way.
Cas glances up at the witch and nearly stumbles away in fear. Dean’s eyes are glazed over and glowing brightly. A crack of lightening lights up the sky and the thunder rumbles Dean’s house. They sky darkens and it starts to downpour, almost like Dean’s trying to accelerate the tornado, not stop it.
He thinks about moving away from Dean, but at this point, he has to trust the witch to do what he’d said he’d do. He watches out the window, nervously jumping when a particularly loud rumble of thunder makes the window rattle in its frame.
The storm clears just as quickly as it had started and the sun shines down again, lighting up the room. Dean looks particularly beautiful in this lighting, though Cas would never admit that.
Dean’s hand slips from his fur and he slumps to the ground. Cas springs to his feet, pawing at Dean’s cheek.
Eventually, Dean’s eyes flutter open and he smiles weakly at Castiel. “I’m fine, man. Jus’ tired. You can go, thank you for your help.”
Castiel shifts back to his human form, pulling Dean to his feet. “Come on, at least rest in bed and not on the hardwood floor.”
Dean acquiesces, letting Cas help him to his feet and lead him to his bedroom. Dean crawls into bed and is sound asleep before Cas can say anything else.
Cas thinks about going home, he really does, but his guilt stops him. He’s spent all this time hating Dean for being a witch when he really had been protecting the town. So, instead of going home, he makes his way to the kitchen and searches through the cabinets and fridge. He settles on making a simple dinner of chicken alfredo, quietly working in Dean’s kitchen as the other man rests.
“You’re making me dinner?” Dean’s voice comes from behind him, so Castiel glances at him quickly before setting the plates of food on the table.
“I figured I owed you an apology, and I thought I’d make sure you ate something. I hope you don’t mind.”
Dean smiles and shakes his head, taking a seat at the table. “Nah, man, I appreciate it.”
Castiel nods, sitting down and eating quietly.
Dean does the same, sighing happily after a moment. “Cas, this is delicious.”
Castiel smiles softly. “Thank you. Are you okay?”
Dean hums. “Better now. Just drained. What made you change your mind?”
Castiel shrugs. “It’s my town, too. Whether or not I trusted you, I had to try.”
Dean smiles. “You ever done that before? Focused someone’s magic?”
Castiel wrinkles his nose, shaking his head. “I’ve stayed as far away from witches as possible. Your kind tend to treat mine like crap.”
Dean frowns but nods. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry about that.”
“Not your fault. Besides, I may have been a little hasty in judging you.”
Dean raises an eyebrow, smirking. “That mean you trust me?”
Castiel shoots him a glare, though there’s no heat behind it. “Trust is a strong word. But yes, somewhat.”
Dean hums, finishing his dinner and leaning back in his chair. “Well, looks like I owe you dinner.”
Castiel smiles. “Technically, I owe you dinner, since you paid for all of this food, I just cooked it.”
Dean smirks. “Well, I ain’t gonna say no to a date.”
Castiel blinks at him. “A… date? You want to go on a date with me?”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “Uh, yes? Have you seen yourself? Not to mention you’re actually kind of nice when you don’t hate me.”
Castiel flushes, running a hand through his hair. “Well, I, um… I’m free Friday.”
Dean grins. “It’s a date.”
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acelucky · 4 years
At the end of a Pier
So this is super late as I’m unorganised and life has been really difficult/busy for me recently (being out of work, starting a new job but then quitting that for another, family stuff, health) But @radical-rad1986 and I have did a a private swap for the ESS 2019.  I really struggled with what to write, I had some great ideas over the holiday but then time has passed and I was thinking about the piece I wrote about the campfire. I wanted to write something that continued from that and Hitomi’s final day in Gaea. There’s a lot of reflections, some Merle & Hitomi chatting and a little sorrow in this piece. I hope you like it ^_^
Word Count -     1,815 
It was quieter down the far end of the dock, away from the markets and for that Hitomi was glad. The chaos of the past weeks, months, however long she’d been here had finally taken its toll. From the point of view of an adventurer or explorer it was nice to treat her final days in Gaea like a holiday, free to relax and enjoy everything Astoria had to offer. 
She sat at the end of a pier, her legs dangling off so she could swing them backwards and forwards. She tried for a moment to match the rhythm of the small waves underneath. But that was slow and so she allowed her feet to swing freely, matching her breaths instead to the ebb and flow of the water. 
 The only company she had was a silent fisherman and a large white and almost gold bird which circled above and reminded her of gulls at home. Come to think of it, she tilted her head to the side, a hand stretching out to follow the path of gull tracing in the air and following it’s flight path as it circled, then landed a few feet from her. The bird’s wings reminded her of Van’s wings, a feather fell from the bird and landed next to her. Her hand slowly dropped to meet it and stroked the soft down, she recalled a sleepover with Yukari where they’d ended up having a pillow fight. She knew it was such a cliche but they’d enjoyed it, numerous feathers similar to the one she now clutched had fallen round the room. Her brother teasing her endlessly about it the following day. 
As she held the feather she closed her eyes and thought of Van’s lips, his kiss as his wings wrapped round her comforting her in a soft cocoon. Then she thought of kissing Allen in the rain, the strange pull she felt in that moment almost magnetic and finally she thought of Amano. These were stepping stones to her reality which formed such a beautiful dream. Though her heart felt heavy at having to return home she knew that much like her grandmother she would be forever grateful for the adventure that the spirits had allowed her to have. 
Van’s kiss felt like rain, summer’s rain where you don’t mind if you get wet or if your clothes are drenched and make-up runs down your face like rivers. It’s too hot out and there’s cicadas in the trees and birds flying ahead, the sun just peaking on the horizon before it dips down behind sky-scrapers. The rumble of the metro but above the dark clouds have gathered and suddenly the heaven’s open and trapped in the rain storm it’s as if nothing else in the world matters or exists. 
“Hey whatcha doing?” Merle asked shrilly and begun scratching her ears.
Hitomi jumped and spun around to see the cat girl sat behind her, “Merle! Do you have to do that!” 
Merle barely paid any attention, “Why are you out here all on your own?” 
Hitomi angrily crossed her arms across her chest, annoyed that the peace had been broken. 
“I wanted to be alone.” She confessed. 
“Why do you always ask so many questions?”
Merle shrugged and sat down beside her, her tail swaying involuntarily back and forth. 
“I’m curious,” she licked her paw and begun to clean behind her ear. 
“Curiosity killed the cat didn’t you know that?”
Merle stopped cleaning her ear, her eyes were wide and when she didn’t blink Hitomi sighed and added, “It’s a saying back where I’m from.” 
Then Merle did something unexpected, she rest her head on Hitomi’s shoulder, “I get why you wanna sit here, it’s because it’s peaceful right?” She asked quietly. 
Hitomi placed a hand on Merle’s knee, “Yes Merle, because it’s quiet, because it gives me a place to both think and be free from thought at the same time.”
Merle sat up pondering what Hitomi had just said and then nodded, “I understand.”
Together they watched the swell of the water beneath them, the ocean looked so cool Hitomi could have easily jumped in but she knew it would be time for her to leave soon.
Dryden was also taking leave of Astoria, it seemed her ending was also the ending of the fellowship they had built and within a few hours she could be sat back in her bedroom listening to the radio. The thought of having to go back to a normal life scared her but she also felt excited and like all the things that had caused her concern at home, all the things that had frightened her, none of it seemed too much for her. What she had learnt and overcome during her time in Gaea meant she knew she could face the challenges that lay ahead. 
“Don’t tell Van but I’ve grown rather fond of you.”
Merle smiled, “Same.”
“I know when I get up and turn around, that I have to leave. I’m not sure I’m ready yet,” Hitomi admitted.
Merle nuzzled into her and held her hand in her paw, “Then let’s sit here for a while.”
And so they sat in silence not li
“Winter, what’s winter like here?” Hitomi asked suddenly remembering the snow up in the mountains and her breath hanging in the air. 
“Why’d you ask?”
Hitomi shrugged, “I like to enjoy places in all seasons, if I know what Gaea is like in Winter I can day dream about it when i’m home and it’ll give me something to look forward to for the next time i’m here.”
“Well,” Merle begun and looked thoughtful, “Winter is peaceful, here in Astoria it’s different but in land the snow falls heavy and covers the world in a glittery carpet. There’s all kinds of animals which have a winter camouflage and there’s red berries that taste so sweet. Winters can be long, daylight short, there’s purple flowers that come up all winter in the woodland and give off a sweet scent. There’s markets where there’s plenty of music and campfires, singing and dancing. People try to make the most of each season you know, Winter is a good time to be close to family and friends. People play on ice lakes, they dance…”
Hitomi was enchanted by Merle’s description of Winter, it reminded her so much of home, “Ice-skating?”
Merle raised her eyebrows, “Dancing on ice, we call it ice-skating.”
“Ice-skating,” Merle repeated.
“What’s your favourite part of Winter?”
“When the sunlight first touches fresh snow and the world is silent apart from the swoop of wings from an owl or the early morning birdsong. When there’s no prints in the snow so you know you’ll be the first to leave your mark. Those purple flowers are closed at night and when the sun touches them the warmth awakens them and with that the smell. It’s enchanting.”
Hitomi felt tears well in her eyes at the description Merle painted of Winter, suddenly she found herself missing home terribly and enjoying the build up to the holidays, Ice-skating with Yukari and good food with her family in restaurants with wide fire places. 
She closed her eyes and forgot where she was for a moment, she could have been home waiting for the train, the sound of gulls rocking her into a sense of security and familiarity. A sting of homesickness in her belly made her feel more certain she was doing the right thing in returning and helped to ease the pain of leaving. 
"Hitomi!" A voice called, she turned and saw Allen stood at the opposite end of the pier looking as gallant as he did the first day they met. Ever the perfect knight, she was sure Yukari would fall in love from the description alone. 
Allen had that same smile on his face, a smile that told her everything would be okay. It was warm like the taste of citrus fruit in May. 
He didn't have to say anything else, just the look on his face and the way he held his hand out to her told her it was time to go. 
The past 24 hours had been perfect, the stories they told round the fireplace last night would stay with her forever, a sense of calm and tranquillity washed over her now.
She took Allen's hand, as he helped lift her to her feet she smiled remembering their first encounter and how grateful she was for him. 
"Is Van not coming?" She asked suddenly. 
"Of course, they're all waiting to say goodbye."
Hitomi nodded knowing the action was more for her sake than his, it was an affirmation that she was doing the right thing.
Merle brushed up against her legs and then ran off ahead of the two of them and into the woods. 
"I know you'll want a few moments alone with Van, but I wanted to say goodbye without prying eyes too."
Allen brushed her hair, Hitomi, despite what had passed found it hard not to blush under his stare. But now she looked up at him with admiration, "Thank you Allen for everything.”
Allen bowed his head and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, he lingered for a moment and when he pulled away he said, “And thank you Hitomi for teaching me a valuable lesson.” 
They walked through the woods in silence listening to the birdsong which accompanied them, great flowers were in bloom, orange and red bright like the sun. Hitomi took everything in, the memories of blood shed slowly fading. 
Somewhere in the trees she heard chatter and laughter, the friends who had come to say goodbye and there ahead of them was Van leaning against a tree. Hitomi thought he gave the impression of a man trying to look casual but he could see in his eyes the deep sorrow and uncertainty. As the two reached him Allen passed her hand to his silently and then left them alone to join the others. 
There was a moment, several heartbeats where they stood in silence facing one another hand in hand just waiting for the other to speak. 
"I'll never forget you," she said as tears welled in her eyes. 
All Van could say was her name as he reached up to stroke her cheek, wiping a tear away as he did so.
He leant in to kiss her, when his lips met hers the fear melted away, she could smell grass in Spring and her heart felt light as she kissed him in return. 
When they parted their foreheads remained pressed together, both teary eyed but both smiling, almost laughing. 
“Even when I’m old, I won’t forget you, I’ll write every word of our tale down - once upon a time there was a girl and a Prince…”
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