#dust x self insert
delusional-mishaps · 9 months
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boxed in a kabedon.. mwahaha punching him punching him punching him punching him punching him
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liliallowed · 8 months
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leafwateraddict · 3 months
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Couldn’t stop thinking about Dust being able to pass as Classic. So I had an idea where Dust replaces Classic in a timeline and steals(?) his partner.
He gets conflicted when he starts actually caring about you… But denial is an easy road to take when there’s seemingly no consequences to your actions.
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The reveal i guess. Most normal reaction to learning your partners been replaced for god knows how long and you have no clue where he is.
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Now that I think about it I might’ve gotten some inspiration from that one chapter of IJAG by @htsan (iykyk) only a lil bit tho
(Full rambling of the idea + extra sketch cuz i liked the expression) ↓↓
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I originally wanted y/n to notice the differences instantly but i think it would be angstier if they didn’t and only noticed like months later >:3
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phantomialie · 7 months
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jazzmasternot · 9 months
She Hotel on my Hazbin till I’m redeemed..
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pokegalla · 4 months
Haven’t watched this in awhile but I hope I do this some justice!
Request/trade from @neko-rose888
How do the bad sanses (+ Dream) deal with an S/o just like Yor Forger?
* You two are literally the quiet duo. You would think that’s a bad thing right? Nah. Introverts just have their own way of communicating. So he actually understands you best. Which much to your relief helps you a lot.
* Now seeing you in battle is a whole ‘nother story. He didn’t think you had it in you. Even under the hoodie you can see his eyes go wide as you easily take down a group of strong men easily- you just earned this man’s instant affection-
* But if there’s one thing he’s more terrified of, it’s your cooking. He doesn’t panic but he’s pretty creative on getting rid of the evidence. Thank god he can teleport this away. No offense to you…he just can’t do it. But at least he’s discreet so he doesn’t hurt your feelings.
* To him you are a beautiful strong and independent woman…and he’ll protect you even in the shadows.
* He thought you were the cutest damn thing ever. Teasing you with sweet words and gentle gestures to flirt and see your face turn red. Stars he can never get over that sight.
* But man seeing you in action just makes him fall in more love. Fighting side by side as people drop down to the floor as you dance together with your blades? Can he really think of anything more romantic than this?
* Your cooking is one thing he’s a little….scared of. He still eats it. He loves you that much! But man his nonexistent stomach hurts so much- worth it-🥲
* He still loves you though. His perfect thorn princess…he’ll be sure to dance again with you
* Ironically both of you are pretty similar: both of you are absolutely precious but a little terrifying if necessary- Horror is like a big ol teddy bear who likes to tail you around to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and you make sure he’s ok too!
* But man both of you are RELENTLESS in battles. Downright chilling to the bone (pun intended-) with your cold glares and shocking strength. The switch up even makes the others nervous-
* But nothing more terrifying then Horror actually eating your cooking without any hesitation and even asking for seconds- thanks to him, you strive to do better in your cooking!
* He can’t help but have a soft spot for you. Just please do be careful. He worries a lot….
* Don’t let this tsundere act bullshit you- he finds you annoying but speaks up for you instantly? That man will glare anyone down if they try to take advantage of you-
* And despite being a little surprised at how capable you are in battle, he does still watch over you and assists you anyway he can. What? He knows you’re still a klutz. He’s not wanting to have to swoop in and save you because YOU aren’t paying attention- (he was being a worrywart-)
* He doesn’t really eat anything other than his chocolate bars but you swear someone has been tampering with your cooking….oh well. It does seem to taste better now!
* He might be a little jackass but that’s only because that’s what he wants you to see. He’s no softie dammit-!
* He hired you for your services as your reputation exceeded you. But he was…not expecting someone so…well soft. He thought it was a facade but nope- purely that is your true character. Which was odd to him….could someone this innocent really do anything useful?
* Oh man but you shut him up with your actions. Your speed, your elegant skills, your raw power, he was mesmerized by it all. Could you really be the same gullible quiet girl….? Well you’ve earned his respect.
* With cooking, he actually helps you. At first you spoon feed him a taste and instead of panicking at the taste, he gives you an honest opinion, some advice, and even a cook book for you to follow. He does linger longer than he should have….
* He can’t help the soft spot that’s grown so fond of you. He’s hesitant but he can’t ignore how nice it feels to be with you….
* He heard rumors of your deeds and wanted to put a stop to you. But when he first saw you…well he didn’t expect you to be so reserved. And kind. And sweet….he actually heard your story and you gained his empathy as he understood how you would feel the need to work hard for your sibling’s sake.
* He doesn’t agree with your work but he doesn’t stop you. Because he knows how important this is for you. But expect him to constantly make sure you’re ok and ready to heal you if necessary.
* As for cooking, he usually ends up cooking with you. Mostly because he smelled your cooking and was a little…concerned. But he decided to make this kinda like a fun dating activity while he teaches you! And oh how fun it was. You both couldn’t stop giggling.
* He really cherishes you and despite living different lives, you both make it work….
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fandomartist1273 · 10 days
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She under my tale until I determination
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desktopdinosaur · 4 months
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I loveeeee these types of situations
Anyways jump scare, self insert with sans? It’s more likely than you think
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mega-punani · 2 years
imagine the bad boys just gaining the sweetest cuteest chubby curvy little human and they cook for them and sometimes use whole grain mustard or freshly made ketchup. and they make the best pot pies and love to sing to them when they're angry, they have an angelic soothing voice. pls have utmost fluff. all the good vybes. i want the most wholesome.
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joonebugg · 3 months
Happy last day of pride month guys
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Self-indulgent yaoi...
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delusional-mishaps · 8 months
so basically. i died. anyway days 10–14 of badsansuary :3 only more doodles and little blurbs of writing because, again, I Died :(
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day 10: vibe check
this is like his love language or smth idk. bashing someone in the back of the head with a baseball bat <3333 (also whoa full body picture of my sona... yea their feet are paws mwahahha :3c)
day 11: rival
"stop!" jet screeches, kicking at dust defensively.
"stop—stop kickin' me!" he shouts back, leaning away from their kicking paws.
"not unless you stop beating my ass!"
dust growls, kicking back at jet while clutching his controller tighter, trying to focus on the tv screen despite the assault.
"not my fault you suck at smash," he spits, glaring over at them before his character hits jet's off the map once more.
jet cries out dramatically, wailing as the round ends and, once again, dust comes out the winner.
"i know you said you suck, but you really suck," killer quips from his seat across the living room, snacking on a chocolate bar. jet scowls, tossing the controller at his head. he easily catches it.
"let's see you do better." they roll their eyes, slumping in their seat.
as expected, dust wins once again. it seems to be his one skill, being good at this particular game. it's maddening.
day 12: haunted
ik papyrus is actually a hallucination but i think its funny if hes a ghost sometimes and its convenient for this little silly scenario so. anyway smth smth dogs can see ghosts whatever
"can you tell your brother to shut up?"
dust jolts, glancing up at jet where they sit, thrown over the armchair across the room.
"i... uh..." he stutters. the hallucination of his brother falls silent beside him.
"i mean, all he's been doing is, like, complain about you and complain about me and it's really annoying," they continue when dust doesn't say anything.
"you can... see him?" dust asks slowly.
jet scoffs, rolling their eyes and looking up at dust.
"and hear him. tell him to fuck off or something."
dust turns to the... ghost?? of his brother. ghost? he's not a hallucination?
"... could you always see him?" he asks quietly, if not a little annoyed. he thought this was a hallucination all this time, and it's actually a ghost of the brother he killed...
"i mean, he pops in and out, but generally," jet answers with a shrug. "he's really mean."
dust snorts humourlessly. yeah, like he didn't know that. he's the one papyrus has been cussing out for killing him.
as if to add salt i to the wound, papyrus decides to pipe up then, "I TOLD YOU, SANS."
"fuck off, paps."
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day 13: shadow
i think its silly when hes like literally an eldrich abomination beneath his hood LMFAOOOOO
day 14: tears
just a coupla losers being goobers <33
"hm?" dust grumbles as he rouses from his nap, glancing over at jet. they're surrounded by a pile of half-folded laundry. laundry day...
"look." they hold up one of his t-shirts. dust looks it over before looking at them again.
"what?" he asks with a yawn, stretching lazily.
"look!" they emphasize, sticking their finger through a tear in the fabric. dust sighs, sitting up.
"you woke me because there's a hole in my clothing."
"yes!" jet replies proudly.
"cause, like, all of your clothing i've folded so far has been torn. to shreds!" they cry playfully.
"to shreds, you say?" he repeats.
"to! shreds!" they confirm, wiggling their finger through the hole for emphasis.
"so what'll we do?" dust asks, rolling onto his stomach and pillowing his skull on his folded arms.
"well, i guess you'll wear shredded clothing until you get more." jet shrugs.
dust shrugs as well, moving a little closer to burrow his face in their legs.
"'kay. can i go back to sleep now?" he rumbles.
jet huffs, patting dust's skull.
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4ndr3ax10 · 3 months
Perhaps what i needed was some of you
Angel dust x Male reader one shot with a lotta angst.
Word count: 576
Some days Hell was not as bad as it seemed; sure, you had the constant company of the worst people ever—the fire, the crime, the exterminations, and whatnot.
This was not one of those days. In fact, you had been living like shit for quite a while now; getting kicked out of your ratty apartment, getting beat up left and right for numerous debts, and the gang of cannibals that tried to eat you like 2 days ago were indeed not fun at all.
At your wits end, you tried the last of your options, the Hazbin Hotel. You always thought it was a lost cause and most likely a scam, but oh well, it's not like you had any money to get scammed in the first place, so you gave it a try, already expecting the worst. Plus, you heard that there was a famous porn star staying there or something.
A few weeks go by.
Man, trying to be a better person is hard. All the fun stuff is now off the limits, for fuck's sake: no street fights, no drugs, no stealing, no throwing turds at people passing by.
And yet you stayed there; could it be for the free housing? Yeah, somewhat, but what really kept you there was angel dust. You two were practically best buddies at this point; it felt as if you both were made from the same cloth. You bonded right away, be it when trying to get off of Charlie's incessant group exercises, when clubbing, when one of you felt vulnerable, or when trying to smuggle some coke in the hotel.
Your room was adjacent to his; you heard him crying so much late at night when he thought no one could listen, and in truth, you were ashamed of yourself. One of the only people in this god-forgotten place that cares about you, that you care about, is behind a wall crying themselves to sleep every night, and you did nothing.
This guilt in yourself was heavy; each night out with him, you could not let your mind abandon thoughts that made your heart sink. How the most resilient person you knew could be so broken made you feel pity for him because you knew you couldn't understand his pain.
Over time, as you grew closer together, you recognized that you had feelings for him a long time ago, and now you were tired of him crying in the night looking for something—anything—to make this stop. So you started to talk to him when he cried in the middle of the night, to let him spill himself open. At first, he was strongly against this, as this was the only thing he knew to do when he was hurt. struggle
But slowly, bit by bit, his mask came undone. You felt a sense of relief like no other, a feeling warmer than heroin now that Angel had someone to talk to, someone who could be there at his lowest, someone to whom he could show his beaten and humiliated but still alive real self.
And so one day, right after dinner, you said it, loud and clear, "I love you." As you looked him in the eyes, you took a gamble: will Angel Dust or will Anthony reply? You were caught in a wave of gentle but potent euphoria as Anthony hugged you with tears in his eyes and laid arms on your back, one stroking your hair. "I love you too.".
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dtdrawz · 9 months
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BADSANSUARY prompt 10: vibe check PREV // NEXT
impending forehead kiss? Maybe
dust/murder - ask-dusttale badsansuary hosted by owl-bones
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phantomialie · 6 months
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There was meant to be a lot more pages but I never finished this so :,)
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snailsnips · 3 months
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\\ umm wip or somth i dunno ┑(。・・)┍
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pokegalla · 1 year
Bestie- I need this ok?!
Bad sanses with an S/O that absolutely DEVOURS energy drinks, like, 3+ a day- and they are still tired-
(I just described me fr-)
Ok gotchu✨
Sorry about late response! I thought I had finished your request…..
Then I look at drafts 🙃
I hope you enjoy!!!
The Bad Sanses (+ Cross) with an tired S/o who always drinks energy drinks!
* How are you alive man? Like not radioactive and shit-? That is a LOT of energy drinks. And you can’t fool this guy. He’s very observant so he’ll immediately notice that you still get tired.
* He honestly might just teach you the bad causes of drinking too many. Nah really he will sit you down with all the research he did to explain everything. (Quite endearing really. He really wants to make sure you’re ok❤️)
* Now he’s not gonna force you to stop. It’s really up to you in the end. But he will still be making sure you are ok. And he suggests healthier options too! See? Now you can enjoy what you love but in a much healthier way!
* He’s not very talkative but the way he shows how much he cares for you is very sweet. Don’t worry your skellie too much! He’s quite the Worrywart!
* Boyo is always trying to take a sip from your can. He’s just curious on why you love it so much. So much that he is literally giving you puppy eyes so that you’ll give him a sip (which I know you succumbed to the cuteness-). He found it pretty cool!
* And yet…..you still cannot get away with saying “Oh I’m not tired! Just waiting for it to kick in! 👀💦” yeah sweetie Horror is also very observant. He’ll make you get sleep. And you can ONLY get an energy drink if you get proper sleep in!
* He knows you love the drinks but he’d rather you get proper sleep first! Then you can have any you like! Why drink to get energy when you can just sleep Y’know? That’s what he thinks anyway. But he wants you happy too so you always wake up with an energy drink ready for you! ☺️
* He just wants you to be happy and healthy!
* Bruh. You know DAMN well he’s probably the one supplying you the damn drinks- if you thought you was bad? Think again- he literally has an unlimited supply in god knows where in that room of his…..
* Let’s be honest: He drinks WITH you. Both of you happily drinking together on the couch watching anime or playing games. But he’ll drop a few hints about “Heh might wanna slow down…”
* Now just because he kind of (is) a bad influence, doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye on you. If he sees how it affects you, he’ll try to moderate how much to give you. Because he may be a lil shit….but he cares about you a lot.
* You can always be guaranteed to have fun with this guy but also taken care of no matter what!
* Glitchy boi would be a straight up dick talking about you have an addiction meanwhile he’s on his 15th chocolate bar himself- I’m pretty sure he steals your drinks too-
* And you can bet he’s taking those drinks away if you’re overdoing it. He’ll have multiple excuses for keeping it from you…..but really he just wuvs you and doesn’t want you feeling all sluggish because he worries for you 🥺. Will he admit that? HA! No-
* Though he will easily give in with a little….convincing. Puppy eyes and promising more chocolates? He’ll eventually give in. But he also makes you promise to at least take it easy with the drinks.
* Grumpy hobo man may be a lil sassy but he means well!
* He’s probably the only one who doesn’t see why the hell you like these drinks. It tastes like battery acid…..(says the guy drinking black coffee-). He didn’t really care at first but the MOMENT he sees how groggy you get? Oh you fucked up-
* He’s immediately hiding your stash and you WILL be scolded if you ask about it. And he’s dragging your ass to bed to make sure you get proper sleep. Right after he makes sure you are properly hydrated first.
* I can imagine even as his S/o, these moments can be quite unexpected but he was like…..mother henning you. And the way he stays by your side to make sure you’re ok makes your heart melt❤️
* Even the king of negativity can have a sweet side!
Cross (Lil bonus boi✨):
* Well he does like a few energy drinks himself especially for a game night or during morning training. He can drink as much as you without really realizing it then feels guilty about it but laughs it off.
* But it’s definitely a different story when he notices how sleepy you still are especially after the amount you drank. He gets a little concerned and asks if you’re okay. When he learns the energy drinks don’t work on you, he thought of a few ideas…..
* He looked for alternatives that could help you wake up much better. Like working out with him and eating a few healthier meals! But you both do have days to splurge on your favorite drink. It’s only fair!
* He didn’t want you to miss out on what you loved! So he helped you find a balance! He just loves you so!❤️
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