#dw abt answering all the questions :D
sugar-omi · 1 year
I need to know… for science… if when merman!Cove turns human, does he end up naked like Ariel in the Little mermaid?
ANON.... THE GASP I JUST GASPED pls i immediately started imagining it and i had to stifle a laugh 🙈🤭<3 anyway this spiraled but i hope this answers your question 🫶🫶 somehow i think i contributed more to your research than you asked for but were thinking (projecting much naeomi? LMAO /lh)
i got another ask before this one for (innocent) mer!cove hc's, it can be found here: ["merman cove headcanons"] related: ["D&D headcanons for OL1+2"]
tags : Suggestive + crack, drabble
+ NSFW under the cut, monster dick? jfc i never thought i'd type that out....., monster fucking (implied/ment)
synopsis : merman cove when he turns into a human. and a bit on what's under his clothes/scales.
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well... i would like to tell you no but yeah yeah he is
cove keeps a "sash" around him, so when he wants to shift, he just ties it around his waist until he puts some pants on
(i imagine he has some fins around his hips perhaps? so he keeps it across his chest. at least keeps it there so it doesn't interrupt his swimming)
omg, imagine you plan to meet one day, and cove thinks he has enough time to run into the beach house and put on some pants before you arrive
so he shifts and starts going to the beach house but then, in the corner of his eye he sees a figure clad in your favorite color and-
it's you. wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and you're so obviously flustered
cove is frozen (a mistake)
and when you glance down, blinking owlishly, does cove yelp and dives back into the ocean....
well... needless to say i think you might need to reschedule n cove will see you in like 7 to 8 business days 😬😬
ofc it's before you're dating so cove is freaking the fuck out
for a bit after that, you meet at whatever location you've decided on until cove can stomach seeing you at the beach again <3 poor baby
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i had no intention of talking abt his dick but... I must. and someone will ask anyway right? (im projecting n justifying myself LMAO)
+ in his mer form:
of course we got the typical slit in the tail whatever blah blah if you've read mermaid smut before you alrdy know
(im realizing how many.... interesting. fics i've read... no one say ANYTHING<//3)
his dick is so pretty like this but also so intimidating
because cove is so much bigger in merman form than he is in human form, although he's still impressive then.
anyway, cove's dick has the same gradient as his ears
the base is a deep blue-purple color, the tip of his dick is the same flesh tone of his tan but it has more of a purple undertone <3
now the shape
oh lord...
it's fat.
but to start light... his dick has a nice curve, and don't worry! its not a fight to put in kind of fat, but he has a knot of sorts though...
i wouldn't say it grows n you're stuck together like in a/b/o fics, but it is a small feat to pull out (this is the moment I realized imma end up writing a mer!cove smut fic 💀)
i was going to say he has a piercing down there, but i take that back. he does have ridges though on the underside of his dick
they smooth out the closer you get to the tip, and honestly, they are most prominent around the base
+ in his human form
it's normal!
well... if you ignore the way he's a bit thicker than the average man
(especially at the base, although it's not as prominent as his 'knot')
also that he still has the ridges on the underside of his dick...
other than that it's basically the same as a humans!
at least it's not as girthy as in his mer form
your finger tips can't even touch in his mer form, at least in his human form you're...
well you're closer than before <3
of course, he still has that sweet curve. and if anything, it's a bit more prominent since you aren't being stretched out n overpowered by this huge merman 🧜‍♂️
length is this the same 6-6.5 inches though <3
actually i take that back... I think in mer form, he's around 7 inches
if you're worried abt where all that dick is gonna go, dw a good couple inches is his 'knot' so just don't catch him during mating season and you're okay<3
speaking of mating season....
oh man i didn't even think abt it but he's feral
i think mermaids/sirens release a pheromone during sex, no matter what, but during mating season it's stronger
it's just to calm their partner and make them more relaxed. during mating season, though, it also becomes more like an aphrodisiac
and he's releasing more of these pheromones during this time, a more subconscious thing that otherwise he could control normally.
and ofc, unless you're not worried abt it bc you can't get preg, take some type of birth control potion, or want it. cove's one goal is to breed or mate you
if you're unmated, full expect cove to claim you during this time. now i'm not gonna say smth about biting your scent gland or some shit, but i do think it's like some kind of ritual shit
i imagine its something like cove adding a drop of your fluids (spit, blood, cum) into the special ritual juice and drinking it, then when you wake up next you find a matching "tattoo" on you and cove
or if you're basic (or a masochist) then yeah we'll go w the biting thing
besides that need to claim you, he wants you so bad
to fill you up, to fuck you dumb on his cock, and please you...
he just needs you. but he really does try to hold back, especially since if you're not a mer-person than you probably couldn't handle how rough mer-people can be during heat.
okay i...i think i'm done
excuse me while I reevaluate my existence after wtf i just wrote🫡
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squalchinglobotomy · 2 days
Two people asked about my AU and because I want to ramble I’m gonna answer them!!!!!!!
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(Pic isn’t related I just wanted to add it <3)
This is jst about certain characters and what little lore I gave them:,D like I said!!! Still trying to figure out the character and their stories
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OK!!! Starting off with Ignacio because @cupcake-catastrophe11 blew me to all the way to Texas with their drawing!
Ignacio always wanted to be a star, specifically in acting, and he definitely had the face for it. Dare I say he was a pretty young lad before getting his face and (nearly) entire body burned due to a stunt! Because you couldn’t get a place in acting with a face like his, the freak show is where he had to go!
Ignacio has been in the circus for the longest. He’s even picked up some extra talents besides charming the guest, like fire breathing and sword swallowing!
But Atlas (skids dad) and Lila see so much more in him because of how long he’s stayed with them. They gave him a role in preaching to the others; every Sunday when’s it’s time to learn about the one and only god!
Now 4 @eyedrateanatomy little questions !!!
Roy and skid are like brothers! Since Roy was abandoned and Skid is an only child, they needed some “family” comfort that wasn’t from someone decades older than them!
Though they aren’t “glued together” close, they do like chatting from time to time and messing around. Sadly, Roy can’t hang out with skid too much, as he has to practice most days and has very little free time.
And Bob just has a gut of steel! He can eat nearly everything you throw at him… seriously! That’s an actual bit he does for guest, lots of wood and metal have perished in his tummy <:D! He was also meant to be the most tatted but I’m not drawing allat. X((
Radford looked mischievous in my drawing becauseee… idk !!! Let’s just say he was being mega homo to Kevin and blew his mind bc Kevin didn’t know gay people existed !!!!
This wasn’t asked by anyone but whatever’!!
I wish I could’ve drawn more of the people that were in the circus! But I couldn’t bc I had no more room and I had to save some characters so they could be citizens/workers outside of the carnival.
The chars I didn’t draw (and will dw!!) are:
Actress/Millie(4 legged woman), Rick (ticket taker), Streber(4 pegged pirate), Frank(sells sweets), Lila + Atlas(show runners), and I’ve been thinking about adding these two in bc they would literally have no other purpose in this universe - thin thief & fat thief(can “read each others minds”(they can’t))
OK OK I’m gonna shut up now but I wanna talk abt their relationships so baddd!! BUT TAHTS 4LATER
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lingy910y · 7 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks @creepkinginc and @mybrainismelted for the tag 😎
how is your day going?
better than the other days so far this week. received good news (will expand on below), got senior merch, and conquered my fear of making two phone calls to a college office
are you okay?
fine, but drained and lonely T_T
what is your favorite shade of your favorite color?
are you single?
are you happy about that?
no bc loneliness like i said and i'm very much a hopeless romantic, but dw it's not the right time :D
what age do you feel in your brain?
this mental age quiz diagnosed me with 26 so let's go with that
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?
behind, but i do think there's going to be good times!
do you have a best friend?
no, refer to above answers
did you have a childhood pet?
i told this story for an earlier tag game but basically, i had turtles but my mom gave them away to a friend because they got too loud against the glass when they grew older and apparently made us not sleep well even if the tank is placed in the bathtub. but i have no idea how they're doing rn...they're prob dead
do you sing or whistle around the house?
do you light candles or incense?
are you busy friday night?
if you were a circus performer which act would you perform in?
maybe asking trivia questions if that's a thing
what is your favorite outfit?
light green thin blouse with pink cotton shorts and sandals (def not an outfit for rn tho)
what's the last thing you created?
i randomly doodle but the last "formal" art were the matching gallavich wedding pieces
what is your favorite fic or book of all time?
fic is fragile little fate: the portrait of a marriage by siriusmickey (hi jade), it'll prob change if i get into another fandom (oh god i don't want to think abt that)
book is dorothy must die by danielle paige
what are you looking forward to?
remember i said my art is entered into a competition? i got into the semi-finals so i'm looking forward to winning 😳 the winner's art gets to be displayed in the MET...i also want to watch the eras tour movie (def not uploaded onto youtube with a sus title) with my sis. we agreed for it to be tmr but idk if she'll even show bc she's not even sure when she's free
what can put you immediately in a better mood?
gallavich content that hits different
do you like hugs?
the rare times that i get a hug i melt.............i still need hug 😔
what is something you wish people understood about you? (edit: i forgot abt this question)
i worry too much
tagging @heymrspatel, @michellemisfit, @deedala, @jademickian, @lupeloto, @mmmichyyy, @juliakayyy, @gallawitchxx, @doshiart, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @iansw0rld, @energievie, and @krysmiss
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iamtheoneandonlyever · 3 months
2, 6, 23, 34, 63, and 69 (noice)
for the questions game thingy
2. Who did you say your last "i love you" to?
Definitely @totheidiot before i went to sleep, a couple days ago. HI ARI :D
6. How do you want to die?
OH I LOVE THIS ONE! okay so i know most people want to die in their sleep or painlessly, and i want to die peacefully too, but i just want to know that im dying when im dying, bc i dont want to die thinking i have another day yknow? Really want to revisit my favorite memories and such right before i die
23. Do you have piercings? How many?
I do not have piercings! Sorry to dissapoint you anon lol <3
34. Who/what was your last dream about?
I only half remember my dream from last night so I'll tell you abt the one i vividly remember (dw its recent) so there were some terrorists at a school where my schoolmates gave an exam? It wasnt our own school tho. Anyway, it was nighttime and there was shooting everywhere, so later, me, some other people, the principal, mike wheeler, a guy from a show i watched with my parents, we all go to the terrorist leader and he asks us for 5 million, but the principal says NO we will gove you 5 billion :D bc apparently there were a billion people on campus so everyone just had to give 5 bucks lmao. Its one of my favorite dreams
63. Would you change your name?
Yes, actually. You see, my name has never truly felt like my own. And also its a religious name while i myself am atheist so thats a big *nervous laughter* right there. I do already have a chosen name (Jay) but i dont know if i will ever legally change my name 🤔
69. (Noice) Do you believe in soulmates?
I do not! I think that you cant just have someone who is ✨️the perfect person for you✨️ because the perfect person for you is the person you have a very strong bond with, and you cant just do that with everyone. But now that im typing this, i guess i have two answers, no, if its pre-destined for two people to be soulmates, and yes, if you choose your soulmate, as in you establish a bond strong enough that nothing can pull you apart :D
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
commissions are closed (slots: 2/2)
Hehe time to work ♡♡♡
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Kofi link
Most information is in the picture!!! Here's some additional things I can't list in one PNG so please do read it!!!:
Commissioned works: (you'll notice why I said 1.5k+... Why do I keep writing much longer lol)
Saudade (Dimitri Blaiddyd/Reader)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader)
Q: How do I give you a plot description??? Help-
A: Doesn't have to be so specific. Honestly I love vague AF prompts. Just tell me what you want to see in a fic and go "ansy i want a yandere dainsleif fic so bad where he's a king and he falls in love with you amidst a battle" like first off anon, "same bestie", and also my friend you should play Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Also, fair warning: I'd proooobably add some spices to your prompts. I got an anon request before that just asked for Ei taking away a reader's vision and I made it into a Shoguji fox!reader with Khaenri'ah plot elements.
Just like how Alhaitham values research autonomy, I have a thing for creative freedom too <3
Q: "Oh shucks I want to change the plot-"
A: As long as I haven't already started writing, do notify me. And as much as possible PLEASE give me all the details you want added and NOT added from the start. WARN ME IF YOU DON'T WANT A SUDDEN CANNIBAL!YANDERE PLOT TWIST- /hj
Q: Are you going to automatically post commissioned works on Tumblr & AO3?
A: Hmm hmm, sorry but I really want to post all the writings I do there… Dw, you can remain anonymous if you want. I just feel incredibly miserable whenever I don't post my works, especially if its finished ;;--;;. (I get sad whenever I remember my old enemies-to-lovers diluc x merc!reader fic who will never see the light of day.)
Q: Is it possible that you'd say "no" to my request?
A: Pats your shoulder It do be like that sometimes in life. If I feel like it's a super massive project, then yep. You'd get ur money back lmao
Q: Hey, can I make you write for a Canon Character x OC?
A: If you'd let me send you an Canon Character x OC copy then post a Reader Insert version, then sure!!!
Q: Is female/male reader okay?
A: Comrade I've always written things in "they/them" pronouns. At this point I believe I don't have a gender but for you bby I'd use whatever pronouns you identify with <33
Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Depends!!! Tell me what ship it is and let's see if I'm game!!!
Q: Is fluff allowed?
A: Are you sure… you trust me with fluff? Haha… Hahaha… It's allowed but are you sure you trust me wit- (if you make me write fluff, trust me, crack will somehow be added.)
Q: How about angst-
A: Y e s.
Q: How long would you take writing?
A: Depends if I'm busy with college or my health is acting up (I'd notify you right away abt this), my friend says "2 weeks to 4 months" is the most reasonable thing to say to this lmao but don't be surprised if its earlier than that.
Q: damm ansy this is expensive. $4 for a 1.5k yandere fic?
A: im sorry i just desperately want my husband dainsleif to come home some day… i need the welkin...
Q: You're new to this, aren't you? Why did you only list two fandoms?
A: Yep. And I only listed 2 cause Three Houses and Genshin are the only games I'm somewhat confident with my lore knowledge on lmao
Q: There's a question I didn't see answered in this description, Ansy.
A: Whoops, then please message my @throwaway-yandere account on tumblr!! I don't bite :D (or send anon asks at @faceless-ayato if you want to talk to the deranged yashiro commissioner. PS: he definitely bites.)
Q: "What am I, Mx. Ansy? Your mascot?"
A: You're… not? C'mon My Lord. You know you love talking to my anons.
Q: "…"
A: H-Hey hold on why are you holding the sereniteapot again-
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nightfallsystem · 4 months
Hi! idk if you’re still doing these questions and also I’m not sure if you wanted just systems to respond or not so I don’t know if I’m like allowed to do this BUT ANYWAYS! the questions I have are:
8: what's your favorite food?
9: do you look the same as your source? if not, what's different?
13: what's your favorite animal?
YAY no immmstill doingh thejm im still here (i front for way too long anyway) also i dont mind singlets sendning fun ask games im 99% sure no systems mind singlets sending ask games to tjem ^_^ so dw
my favourite food auuhm ieve never thought about that actually 😭bbut i had a really good cake today so maybe cake ?? it was fun thho
i look basically hthe same as mmy source (atleast . to me. in headspace (??) (in my mind at least.) hwhic h is cool
mmy favourite animal is tigers and i really want to pet thhem but they wont let me which is really mean ithink i should eb allwoed to bcuz they look really fluffy an i like them
mmy answers and spelling r bad bcuz i cant spell an d im confused all thhet ime bbut i hope u dont midn that...... sorry if its unreadable... thnanks alot for the ask i like talking abt myself iget an excuse to be using this blog even though its not mine and i proabbllyyyy shouldnt be here
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slytherinshua · 7 months
omg zanna!!!
firstly omg babe congrats on 1.5k!!!! youre growing so fast :( secondly the fics you rec-d had me dying (ftom cuteness ofc) amd just omg :( ty and thirdly youre really adorable!!! ofc i look up to you have you seen your blog???? babe your writing has me crying into my pillow at (exactly) 4:02 am. But genuinely the way you write is just so <3!!!! Its really really comforting. Im really envious because anything i write sounds like a first grader write it (in a happy im proud of you way!!) and ofc dw abt it that was def my fault shouldve thought that through but yeah ofc you can call me sprout!!! Also again omg zanna 1.5k!!!! and for the event how many groups do you like (this includes casually stanning too) and omg tws!!!! ( My children :( ](so idk but whenever i stan a new group automatically four positions form in my head: (idk im weird) of theres the two basic, bias and bias wrecker/s and then theres emotionally closest to and special place in my heart so ig my question is for like all or any of your fav kpop groups whod you put where?) Happy valentines day!! Happy carat day!!
SPROUT!! i get so happy when i see you in my inbox eskdjks
omg i'm glad you enjoyed them 🥹 i wish i could've gotten some more but my tumblr is always dry except for moot fics and i don't read much nowadays 💔 except for real books damn...
WHAT NO WAY MY WRITING MADE YOU CRY??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 but thank you :(
i'm sure its much better than you think sprout :( and believe it or not, everyone starts out writing like a first grader, but the more you practice the better you become!!! and you can also put in effort to try to learn techniques and stuff but i'm too lazy for that tho i do def want to improve my writing style so we'll see :D
aww it's okay tho we're on good terms now!!! so don't worry abt that <33
okay how many groups do i like?
okay so txt, verivery, onf, victon, seventeen, astro, skz, the rose, enhypen, mcnd, newjeans, lucy, billlie, sf9, &team, red velvet, ive, bts, the boyz, viviz, n.flying, xdinary heroes, xg, boynextdoor, le sserafim, mamamoo, p1harmony, riize, wei are kinda the groups i can say i stan
got7, ateez, shinee, pentagon, nct (all units), are groups i casually enjoy and know the first 3 esp pretty well for members as well!!
im enjoy a lot of soloists and i would love to get into some other groups that i listen to occasionally as well (cix, oneus, cravity, ace, e'last etc)
i'm also familiar w gidle, itzy, twice, oh my girl, akmu, blackpink, monsta x, aespa, nmixx, exo, zerobaseone, and some more but don't consider them to be on my stanlist yet
so i think i stan 29 groups, 15(ish) soloists, and know 16ish other groups rly well !!
who would you put in the positions bias, bias wrecker, emotionally closest to, and special place in your heart?
ooo that's a rly interesting question!! i'm gonna do it just for my ult groups i think... and maybe svt too skdjks since they were ults
so for txt
bias - taehyun bias wrecker - hueningkai emotionally closest to - soobin or taehyun special place - taehyun... KSJDKS
for onf
bias - yuto, minkyun bias wrecker - seungjun emotionally closest to - minkyun (he rly likes cats what can i say) special place - etion :( i love him so much
for verivery
bias - gyehyeon bias wrecker - yongseung emotionally closest to - hoyoung maybe? special place - minchan
and for svt bonus yayayay
bias - joshua, dk bias wrecker - wonwoo emotionally closest to - woozi special place - jun
happy valentines and carat day to you as well <33 sry i didn't get to answering this yesterday cause i was BUSY WITHOUT DEVICES RIP BUT WE'RE HERE NOW <33
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naffeclipse · 2 years
(Saying first that I'm sending this now but I don't expect you to answer rn, you go rest <3)
I have 2 quick and completely unrelated questions that I wasn't gonna ask but idk, also hi, Naff! *waves*
First, for the au of detective!Y/N, police chief!Eclipse and mafia boss Sun and Moon, I asked you some time ago abt the ribbon and bell, Y/N wearing Eclipse's as a necklace tucked inside their shirt, but for that scenario I brought up a while ago where Sun and Moon kidnapped Y/N like mafia boss!Eclipse did originally, I was wondering if they'd end up with their ribbon and bells as well? And if it'd be tied to their hair like regular Y/N's or some other placement? 👀
Second, shjscdsnsvsbsvcs this is silly but, do you have a location/locations in mind for your mer oc's story? Like an specific ocean or smth? And if you don't, do you imagine an specific type of fauna? I kinda wanna draw fish 👉👈 hsjsvsnsvdjsvsnsvssb dw if not tho!
Thnx, Naff! <3
Hi, Cero! *waves*
OH, yes! I think the boys would tie their bells in their hair, much more visible than where Y/N wears Eclipse's. They want Y/N to be theirs, and they want everyone to see it.
That's not silly at all! The setting occurs off the coast of California, so the pacific ocean! It has a lot of kelp, sea weed, sea grass, and sargassum! :D Draw some fishies, babe!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Just sending in the asks before i forget my thoughts but please answer them only when you're comfortable! Take care of yourself💜
Sooo Librarian Ranboo, does his clothes shift with him? Otherwise i imagine Tommy could sew him smt, ya know for fluff, maybe Tubbo hacks the computer to chat or mess with him😁😁
Hmmm and the Spy bedrock bros au, what important person are they spying on and what are they stealing, mayne Techno mentions something and Tommy, living in the walls for frekkin ever is like oh! You mean this thing this guy did? Or doc? That drawer, some insider knowhow not borrower related 😋
Hope you feel beter soon!
dw i usually do make sure to take breaks in between answering asks :]
alriiiight i loove this au tysm for asking abt it :>
while i like the shrinking out of clothes trope i'm going to say that for this au, mainly because he can also shrink inanimate objects, his clothes are touching him therefore they shrink or grow with him. HOWEVER, i think that tommy making ranboo clothes is indeed an adorable thought, and i will be making it canon that for halloween ranboo dresses up as a borrower >:D
and absolutely tubbo would try and contact ranboo during after-school hours through computers & other technology C:
ooh okay spy au
this is not because this au is SEVERELY underdeveloped (it totally is) but this information is classified :o)
buuuut yes techno does totally use the fact that tommy lives with his target to his advantage. but tommy's a bit pissy and quite the child and tries to keep the information from tech. somehow techno does get the info out of tommy and that's when tommy finally gets lowkey interested in what techno does for work,, asking too many questions and completely losing interest in trying to be all secretive and 'cool'
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t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
hi hi koha!!! SO SORRY I'M ASKING YOU SO MANY QUESTIONS YOURE THE ONLY ONE I KNOW WAAA (silly) but!!! as the #1 himeru fan, do you think you could tell me more abojt them? :] (/NF :D TY LOVE YOU)
HIIIII LUMIMI AND DW FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANYTHING!!!!!!!! AND OFC I CAN TELL U STUFF ABT HIMERU U DON'T EVEN HAVE TO ASK :DDD glad to know i'm himeru's #1 fan hehehe <3 spoilers under cut :]
OK SO THE ONE AND ONLY HIMERURU!!!!!!!! the most mature and seductive guy ever <3 BUT they aren't the real himeru!! SURPRISEEEEE the real himeru is their little brother kaname! SO his lil bro went to a school called reimei and there he met tatsumi kazehaya slash me AND jun sazanami :D this was a very special school btw: it was divided between the special students and the normal students! so me/tatsu and kaname were special students (altho kaname was sent to live w the normal students at some point i think? i need to read obbligato sobs) and jun was a normal student! OK SO i/tatsumi has a cult! that's right! i wanted to start a revolution in the school bc it was shit and all and kaname was also part of the school and so well! things happened and got out of control and kaname was hospitalized :') and he's been hospitalized ever since cries and wails. and what does this have to do w himeru u might ask? well i have the answer! u see kaname was an idol during his years in reimei and guess what idol he was? himeru!! and so when himeru realized that kaname wldn't be able to keep being an idol they took over the role so when kaname was better he wld have a place in the world as an idol! which means that at some point in the story kaname will wake up and himeru will have to leave crazy:b and um. i-it'll be a good event <- crying uncontrollably ANYWAYS himeru's personality is. pretty silly! they're mysterious and seductive and make homophobic dog faces fkdhjsks they're also super good at deducting! they also rlly like hats and coffee :D they also LOVE make up sm....... OH and sweets! they go to the sweets fab club w me/kohaku, mayoi and tsukasa <3 ALSO at the beginning of the story they weren't rlly fond of crazy:b but thruout the stories they've grown fond of all of us hehehe <3 plus they have a big brother complex for me? like. they're always nicer to me and helps me w silly stuff that idk how to do like when in the main story i didn't know how to put on the crazy:b uniform and they helped me w it :] or in the spider event when i was too scared to go to the bathroom alone and i asked them to go w me....... i think they're like. trying to be the older brother they couldn't be w kaname bc they're half brothers and well yeah....... himeru the one and only big bro and bestie ever 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and i think that's basically all u need to know! i rlly recommend reading stories like ariadne and obbligato and maybe their idol stories too :] i hope this helped hehe!!
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Hello! 💕
I have 6 questions for you:
Q1: Is your request box is still opening for Detective Conan x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q2: Do you have request rules for x female reader headcanons and oneshots?
Q3: Can you accept prompts and songfics for request too?
Q4: Can you accept yandere moments for request too?
Q5: Can you accept suggestive moments like neck kisses, makeouts and hickey for request? I am sorry for asking an awkward question. 😅
Q5: What are your favorite Detective Conan characters you admire? Mine are Shinichi Kudo, Kaito Kuroba/Kaito Kid and Heiji Hattori!!!! 🥰💕
Q6: What are your least favorite Detective Conan characters you hate?
Hi there!! :D
Ok here's my answers on your questions:
#1: Yes my request box is open for Detective Conan x female reader headcanons and oneshots(and also for other fandoms that I listed in my masterlist)
#2: I don't really have any rules besides the obvious stuff like no nsfw for minors and other things. Though the one thing I can't do is pregnancy/family scenario since I'm a bit uncomfortable abt it, sorry TvT
#3: For prompts, I can do that. But if it's songfics, I can't really do it since I never wrote those :')
#4: I never wrote a yandere fic, but I have been planning on writing those so sure ^^ although it may be dry as hell since I never wrote it qwq
#5: I can do some suggestive moments like the things you mention, though same as the yandere fic, I never written one so it may be awkward af :') And dw it's fine! It's not really an awkward question to ask :D
#5(2): My favorites are the same as yours! If it's female characters, my fav is Kazuha bcs her constant bickering with Heiji is just too funny to miss out XD Though If you're talking on who I'm simping for, it's mostly Kaito, Shinichi and Heiji -///-
#6: This took me a while to think on bcs I don't really hate any of the characters there, but if you're talking abt the ones besides the villains like the Black organization, then it's usually Genta or Sonoko. I don't hate them all the time, I just find them annoying sometimes :')
Glad to know there's a fellow Detective Conan fan out there XD it was rather lonely/quiet in this fandom so I was serious when I tell you I'm ecstatic to know someone knows abt it lmao
Here's some green tea for u :D
༼ つ 🍵◕ v ◕ ༽つ🍵
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captainaikus · 2 years
Hi belle! Anyways I've come here to be honest because it's been bothering me lately. So uh you know the anon with the blue heart that said they never done something like this before you know the ask...? (The one you were able to tell a difference with) Ahaha well that was me. So uhm I was planning to cheer you up with that and when I already send the ask I realized there was someone else with the blue heart and I PANICKED because like I feel like I did a crime for some reason...ahaha so because I panicked I decided to do another one and this time not anon..so uhm IM SO SORRY. I just didn't know what to do that time—i should've been honest but yeah I wasn't ಥ‿ಥ
(╥﹏╥) I was too scared to admit it and I panicked. So uhm yeah that's all. Btw love the new theme <3 hope you're doing okay. And uh I forgot to answer that one question if you could call me aryssa, uh yeah you may but if you'd like you can call me Hasinah :D anyways have a good day or evening. AND IM SO SO SORRY (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Hi Hasinah! ꒰ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ꒱
Oh yeah i knew it was mistake- cause even prior on the blog Mino had taken Aki's emoji when they were still anonymous it kinda surprised me and made me laugh cause it was twice in a day that that happened, but i could tell the difference cause even if Blue is under anon, i can tell the difference in a person- cause i've spent a lot of asks with blue to know how familiar they are - despite never meeting or seeing them; guess you call it as 'feeling right' or not with a person ig (and me being an empath -its not even a joke atp smh)
and you texted after, the tones of the messages seemed similiar so i could tell that that was you-
Please don't apologize, it was an honest mistake ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ - but its alright
And i'm proud of you for telling me that cause a lot of the times people are scared- can't imagine the amount you were panicking cause ik that feeling when you mess up in a writer/ author's box. but dw i'm a pretty chill person and i don't get mad unless ppl push for a part 2 without feedbacks or send hate- unnecessarily "૮₍ •⤙•˶
Thanks abt the new theme! i was wondering if it looked a lil too boring- but eh its Oliver he is a nerd and don't sweat it! i hope you're doing okay and have good day/ evening yourself! <3
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ghostyclay · 3 months
hey dude
you said your requests are still open? (i know i saw a post but im paranoid abt it fdiuhvu)
Yep they r very much open! I might end up taking a bit to finsih them, since i got a lot of other stuff to do rn, but i try to do all of them at some point!
And dw about asking for clarification, i get being anxious about accidentally misunderstanding things!!! Idm answering questions :D
My requests r probably gona be open for a while, i just do them whenever i have some free time
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yuan4i · 1 year
hiiii! was bored and came here to see how things are goinggg
I have like LOTS OF THINGS to say, BUT i have to control myself and not tell all my ultra happy stuff rn (prefer to ask first other persons how their life's are going instead of talking abt myself immediately 👍)
like omg, i'm so fxcking curious abt others ppls lifes
[🦤 ⁠☆]
HII!! i've been soso busyyyy uwahh </3 shshs feel free to tell me, dw! i don't mind you rambling :3 and OMG IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ABOUT THE OTHER GUY!! okok so, i get his insta last week, and we've been talking a lot. i went from calling his "bro" and "dude" to "bbg" 😭 not sure if that's a good thing LMFAO
he's been really nice to me and been like flirting back and shitttt likeeee yeah <33 but every time i say something like "we should totally date each other" or like "you should totally go out with me!!" in a joking-ish way but like I MEAN IT, he'd reply with "LOL" which im glad but like?? AYO ANSWER THE QUESTION YKYK
ANOTHER THING!! he's really close friends with his girl, and i'm scared that girl likes him :c like if she does then i personally don't really want to like him yk,,, i don't wanna ruin it for the girl who's known him for like 2 whole ass years </3 IDK WHAT TO DO AND I CAN'T ASK HER EITHER D: her and i aren't close, we've only said hi a few times... anyways, i am SO SORRY for rambling to you ☆ 🦤 ⁠ anon, shsshshhs 😖 HOW HAS YOUR DAY BEEENNNN 💕💕
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 years
Hello my dear friends and followers, the wiggles mutual and/or follower survey is here :D 
thank you @cupsmp for the idea and permission to copy it :DD ur a gem :D
the only questions required are at the end, have fun and dont be a weirdo :D
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kae-karo · 3 years
Can you give commentary on and p.s. if this is kaeya... ? :D
dw anon i saw your note about the chennett fic! i'm just selfish and want to do both of them :) lmaoooo
for context - send me a fic you want director’s commentary on!
and p.s. if this is kaeya... - kaeluc
okay critically important if u have never heard the song that this is based on, check it out (x) vaguely this was inspired by sitting in the car with my fam a few months back and hearing this song on the radio (my dad exclusively listens to 2000s country, jimmy buffett, and queen) and my sister, who is an aggressively supportive ally, going 'every time i hear this song i imagine that it's about a guy named austin and i just change the pronouns when i sing it to make it gay'
so obviously, i had to make it abt kaeluc
(He wants to call Diluc.)
rose was my first exposure to people using parentheses in fic which sounds very strange as a comment to make but i do always associate it with her now lmaoooo. i rarely if ever do it in my fics (actually this might be the first one genshin-wise that i've done it in?) but it felt appropriate as a way to let kaeya express his emotions without expressing them
Do I remember that you were planning to propose to me?
okay so my biggest struggle in suiting this to kaeluc aside from the obvious 'they are not the stereotypical men portrayed in a country song' was figuring out what the hell would separate them. bc of the nature of the song, i didn't want to make it a messy/angsty breakup, but it had to be Big Enough that kaeya would just straight up not want to go near diluc for a long time
i did actually consider flipping their roles here, but i do often write a pining kaeya and a distant diluc, so it was fun to swap the typical dynamic a little bit. and ofc, diluc pre-crepus-death always strikes me as a i know what i want and i'm not afraid to go after it kind of vibe, so it fit well with the idea that he'd want to propose to kaeya
Voicemail, he chides, half in relief and half disappointment.
absolutely wild that this song was made in an era of answering machines cause i was like 'an-answering machine??? tf???' lsdfjljsklfsdjkl and had to very intentionally go fix all the times i said that without realizing it lmao
“If you’re calling with the intent to sell me something, please do not bother with a message, I have no interest in buying.”
okay there was a lot of adjusting of the actual voicemails from the song ofc, namely to make sure they fit diluc's voice, but i tried to keep the spirit of them, to let kaeya build diluc's character accordingly (and flesh out the idea of his relationship with him - and what they no longer have)
He won’t say a word, Diluc deserves that.
the other piece of this ofc was building out the way kaeya left, the reasons behind it - namely, his fears that he wasn't ever going to be good enough for diluc (hence his fight-or-flight making him run). this piece didn't come naturally at first but once i tracked it down, it fit well, esp considering how inclined i am to write kaeya as self-deprecating and self-sabotaging
“Advice? Tell me what to do?”
i love love LOVE bffs rosaria and kaeya and this only compounded after the bartender event. but i love rosaria's line abt how kaeya just basically talks about everything when he's drunk and love putting that to good use in fics
“You love him.”
“I know.”
ahhh the good ol' accidental admission. which, for him is like the world-ending type of admission in spite of the fact that rosaria's just chillin like 'babe u got it bad u never stopped loving him and he obviously never stopped loving u suck it up and call him' lksdfkjld. i love her being a force for calm in the midst of kaeya's dramatics
That’s too big a question for three years and a ring he’d never been brave enough to admit he wanted.
ngl something abt this line really made me 😭😭 to write,,,,,everything summed up about his departure in one sentence, more or less. everything about how he feels now, too
(But Diluc always deserved better than that, didn’t he?)
yeah okay this is the turning point for kaeya, ultimately. where he stops lamenting 'diluc deserves better' and starts using it as a motivation - and he gets there in words eventually, that diluc deserves better so he will be better, but this is the first point at which it shifts in the other direction (and the first point at which i realized how i wanted to resolve the issue, or what feels like an issue for kaeya at least)
“Will you come home, Kae?”
diluc, who never stopped loving kaeya. i actually struggle a LOT with prescribed lines of dialogue or events (which maybe isn't a bad thing exactly but it does hinder me a bit when it comes to stuff like this) so this was actually a little weird to write all the voicemail lines basically identically to what was originally in the song, but it ended up working out well to give kaeya these intense emotions between lines, in the breaks, and i hope it didn't end up sounding too clunky lmao
Kaeya shies away from the idea that he is someone worth rushing for.
i love fragile kaeya. broken, unsteady, shattered. terrified. at his least composed, least prepared. i think this is where he shines as a character, where we see some really interesting pieces of him that aren't hidden behind witty lines and deflecting answers, and i love to write him this way
(And this time, he intends to keep that promise.)
yes, they do get married (after a bit of a relearning of each other, but it's not hard to fall back into old habits). yes, they do get the house on the lake. klee loves visiting and kaeya's teaching her how to throw a softball with deadly accuracy. kaeya is very bad at bowling but he makes an effort to get better because diluc enjoys it and he wants to share in the things diluc enjoys. diluc and rosaria meet (rosaria actually says 'FINALLY' upon meeting him, which confuses diluc and embarrasses kaeya to no end) and they get along...weirdly well, to kaeya's relief. things are good. they get their well-deserved happy ending
send me a fic you want director’s commentary on!
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