#dw pan ppl i still love u
lolbutjustabit · 3 months
her regular design is a margherrita and pepperoni pizza roll (you can find this design on my profile..somewhere) and she was created by accident in a lab located in pennsylvania. long story short, two of the lab's employees were eating lunch next to the cloning vats that were still in the workings, they accidentally drop their food there aaand wow boom margarett and her "sister" were created, w humanoid ish features bc the vat took some of the dna from the employee who was holding the her yk (that's why she has a bite on her head, she was bitten by one of the employees before becoming alive)
all these facts Imma say are applied to both the designs, as a regular and as a gijinka, is the same story for both so dw.
she's rlly chill, has a nice relationship w almost everyone she meets bc of that, she's rlly sweet specially w shake, but she can also be pretty assertive when she needs to, also specially w shake.
she's a stoner lol she has a hello kitty bong and frequently smokes w shake.
margarett is often losing jobs and finding new ones, also never having a stable routine, so she has the responsability to find a job, but not to mantain one lmao
her fellow creation/sister is called popcarmen, who doesn't like shake that much since he's whiny, annoying, stupid, lazy, messy....I could go on all day.
margarett had a lot of relationships w a ton of people (fun fact shes pan) before meeting shake, but she never actually wanted something serious or commitment, it was all for fun and games yk, specially bc no one actually wanted commitment w her, so she never knew what it was actually like, until she met shake ofc, clingy the way he is he prolly asked her to marry him in like the first week of knowing her lol. Took her some time to finally be his girlfriend officially, but now they're happy in a commited relationship, but still they don't think ab future, getting married and having children, they just love each other and thats it yk..
she's rlly lazy and messy, she lives in an appartment w popcarmen and she hates how destroyed margarett's room looks lol. She also has the habit of leaving junk food around the house, which pisses of popcarmen even more. And ofc, her habit is worse when shake is around, since they usually smoke together, watch movies and eat junk food, then they sleep and dont clean their mess most of the time.
margarett is rlly stupid (not as much as shake tho) and slow, so when shake tells her a joke she usually doesn't get it for HOURS, until when she finally gets it she laughs wherever she is, frequently startling ppl around her loll.
shes also pretty impulsive and can say stuff she regrets right after, she doesn't think too much before she acts.
margarett is rlly scared of being lonely and having the same feeling she felt when she was all alone in the lab when she first woke up from being created, shes rlly scared of losing ppl the loves.
most of the time she denies being wrong, not bc she knows shes wrong but doesnt admit it, but bc she ACTUALLY think shes right cus she dummmmb
she has a plutonian friend called jarvis, he helped her and her sister when they escaped from the lab. He owns a bar located in pennsylvania
hmmm theres prolly some more stuff but I cant remember it rn.. SOOO HERE U GO hope u guys like her as much as I do ^.^ AND SRRY if any of those are confusing to read, wrote this all pretty fast lol
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iloveyouw · 2 years
"the thoughts will go away but regrets stay forever with every actions come consequence it may not hit you right away, but you’ll feel it at the end of the day"
"I hope you find better coping mechanisms in life jo, one that isn’t so self destructive.
I hope you find that meaningful validation such as “im proud of you for coming this far despite all the challenges you’ve faced in life” grants you more satisfaction than the meaningless ones you get from disgusting men who have ulterior motives just to get into bed.
I hope that you see despite your past, there will still be someone who will love you for who you are and puts you first over anything in the world & I hope you never ever let them down.
I hope that you find the strength in your new found purpose in life to make good all the wrongs you have made in the past, and be the best version of yourself.
I hope that in spite of everything, that you still love yourself."
"i love u too much. and i will never stop. and i really cant see u be this hurt anymore. esp when i thought im trying to help. or my ways of helping is not enough. im sorry. im sorry as the past me and im sorry as the me that fucked u up. i want u in my life forever but i dont think i can do that if u just hurt everyday. i didnt think i was being selfish. i thought in fact i was being "generous", give u pure love, putting u first. but if it hurts u and i still cant let u go. i am being selfish. and i dont want to anymore.
i would love to love u even when ure not mine, i would love to love u when ure mine. but i think its time i stop being unfair for u. i hope we can talk things out in person 1 last time. and i will muster to strength to let u go by then."
"Ive been thinking
Wbile candy drushing like
The qns u ask jn
Do u think meth then can forget u
I give meth too much credit
But i still think yes
Meth is that powerful
Negating what we had
But w that said
I dont want easy
I want u
I dont want meth
Even if ure gone
I dont want to forget u
But its not bcos of that
But if ure worried if u rly go
Then i will just resort to meth
I dw
Idw to forget u like
How i forget my exes
I rly
Dont have any recollection
Of memories i had w those ppl
Recency bias
If ur memories is all i have left
Ill savor it till i die"
I just wna say regarding ur worry if i wont want u. If i can choose u over meth i will always choose u. U can say w jacob i didnt choose meth. I tell u how it will pan out. We hook up at most at most 2 more times. (Im being generous) And meth will always triumph at the end. And my horrible cycle continues. No one could take its spot. let that be very very clear. NO. ONE. NO👏🏻ONE👏🏻
What i want to add(edited): Im saying anyone could take jacobs spot. But no one could ever take the place meth has in my heart. U did.
I dont need u to be clear for me. I need u to be clear that u want me to be in this ride with u. In the long run, thru ups thru downs. I need u to be clear when u trust that i know better now. I need u to be clear that theres no turning back from here. And i need u to be clear that i WILL be here despite the odds, through and through, notwithstanding, everyday and with no lament, no complains and no duress(?)."
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pookyspooky2000 · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pride build #2!
~gay church~
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
1) Hope u are ok, i will let you this one here. Bakugou coming out as asexual-aromanitc, and having to explain to everyone what is it. (And if you want angst, people not believing him, that he's not grown enough to know, all that bullshit) Sorry is a little bit of proyection.
I’m doing well, thank you!!! And dw, I project HARDCORE and I also LOVE aroace Katsuki so it’s all good!! (i’m actually gonna project a bit in this one lol)
When the other kids were busy talking about crushes and who they were dating, Katsuki was focused on becoming a hero.
He had no time for romance, especially that sappy type he always sees on tv.
No, Katsuki was gonna become the greatest hero, and he would do that alone.
He never thought much of it. It didn’t seem unusual to him that he never had an interest in anyone else, that he couldn’t join in on conversations where the topic was romantic love or sexual attraction.
In fact, he felt smug when all the other extras were held down by girlfriends and boyfriends and datemates while he was forging on ahead. Seeing the confusion and awe on their faces when he told them that he had never been attracted to anyone was enough to erase the slight embarrassment he felt at not being able to relate to them.
Katsuki was invincible, unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction, and he needs to let everybody know it.
(A few years later, at the tender age of 13, Katsuki finds he isn’t a superior being, he’s just aroace...
Well... okay then.)
He is aroace and still unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction!
He didn’t really have friends to share his epiphany with, and the extras that followed him around were too dense to know what he was talking about to care. Besides, they’d probably just hear that he wasn’t attracted to girls and throw a fit.
Anyway, it’s not like he really wants to share this. No, this information is for Katsuki and Katsuki only.
But when he gets into UA, starts building a, admittedly reluctant at first, relationship with his classmates, the desire to tell them something he’s kept locked away grows.
It all comes to a head one night at the dorms. It’s a rare night of him hanging out in the common room with most of his other classmates.
Katsuki doesn’t know how the conversation steers this way, but the topic is now crushes. Some people are coming out, some people are just observing. Katsuki is becoming bored, and just as he gets up to leave, he’s noticed and asked, “Who do you have a crush on?”
He’s tempted to ignore the question, but surrounded by this open group of people that showed their support whenever someone revealed themself to be gay or bisexual or pan, he has the urge to let them know this part of him as well.
So he replies. “I don’t have one.”
“So who did you have a crush on?”
“Never had one either, Earjacks.”
Everyone becomes interested now.
Jirou looks skeptical, “It’s not weak to have a crush, yknow. If you don’t wanna tell us, fine, but to lie—”
“I ain’t lying, I’m aroace.”
There’s silent confusion, and Katsuki’s heartbeat thunders in his chest.
Someone asks what that is and, huffing, Katsuki tells them, “It means I don’t experience romantic, aro, or sexual, ace, attraction.”
They ignore his muttered “dumbasses” in favor of questioning him with a “You don’t, or you haven’t?”
“I just said I don’t. What are you on about?”
Kaminari then decides to speak up. “Dude, just give it time! You don’t know who you’re gonna meet that’ll knock you right off those stubborn feet of yours.” And he punctuates it with a wink.
Katsuki is getting annoyed.
“Okay, whatever. If that happens, that happens, but right now, it hasn’t. Therefore, I’m choosing the label aroace.”
Momo, with a finger on her chin and a contemplative expression on her face decides to voice, “But aren’t you acting a little hasty, Bakugou-kun? You shouldn’t use such a definitive label when you’re so young.”
Some people are voicing their agreement, and Katsuki feels like screaming, but he’s too busy being frozen in shock, looking at Momo with with the most incredulous look he could muster.
“What the actual fuck? How is me calling myself aroace any more ‘definitive’ than y’all calling yourself gay?” He can’t help the crack in his voice as he continues, “I’m genuinely confused.”
Before they could reply, Katsuki asks his own question with the most deadpan look he could offer:
“Do you ever wanna date a cat?”
There are exclamations of “No” and looks of bewilderment, but Katsuki continues, crossing his arms.
“Well I don’t think you should act so certain. I mean, maybe you haven’t met the right cat, yet.”
They’re telling him that that’s different, shouldn’t be used as an argument.
But then Kirishima perks up, and Katsuki feels dread consume him.
“Love, or don’t love I guess, who you... don’t... love, bro!”
And Katsuki feels hope bloom in his chest.
Only to have it crushed with his best friend’s next words.
“But we’re just trying to help you! We don’t want you to feel like you’re moving too fa—“
“Not only did I not ask for any help, but how is any of this helping me?!” Katsuki throws his arms in the air. “I came out to you guys, something we’ve been doing all evening, and you have the audacity to tell me I’m wrong?!”
He’s pacing now.
“Why the hell are you acting like I’m signing a death wish with my identity! You guys are the biggest fucking hypocrites, holy hell.”
Katsuki shakes his head and storms off, unwilling to be in that toxic situation any longer.
The next few days are met with guilt-ridden eyes from his classmates and the cold shoulder from him.
They don’t try to approach him, and for that, Katsuki is grateful, because he doesn’t know what he’d do if the people that rejected who he is tried to act like they did nothing wrong.
Yeah, maybe they weren’t being malicious, maybe it was just ignorance, but Katsuki is by no means obligated to forgive nor teach them. Until they pull their heads out of their asses and realize there’s a plus after LGBTQ for a reason, he’s perfectly fine with the distance.
1) The class that was there does their research and apologizes and are forgiven and whatnot (happy ending)
2) The class doesn’t do their research and just assumes that Katsuki doesn’t want to have sex or kiss anyone. They apologize, but the relationship is still tense with their ignorant comments and jokes. Katsuki is still hurt, especially when they start dating each other or other students, and he’s left to be the only one that values a strong friendship over romance. He feels left behind. (Angsty ending)
3) The class doesn’t apologize or do their research, because they think Katsuki was making a big deal out of nothing. After those few weeks of the silent treatment, they try to approach him and act like everything is great.
Katsuki is angry and hurt, but eventually he finds comfort and very close friendships with Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shinsou, and Shoji. Not all of them are aroace, but they’re on the spectrum for one or both (bittersweet ending)
IM DONE!!! This honestly didn’t go the way I was thinking it would go, but I ain’t upset so it’s all good.
So ofc I projected with the being annoyed when people act like my sexuality isn’t a real thing (which is lots of ppl online and the classmates I told when they asked)
Also, that part about telling people that you’ve never had a crush and being smug when they’re like :0? Yeah, I used to do that until I was 13 when my older sib was like “yeah, you’re aroace” and I was like :0 “i saw that term in one fanfiction years back but i genuinely didn’t think abt it when i looked up to see what ‘ace’ meant but it fits perfectly”
So anyway, my sib also told me that what I was is Agender (which I knew abt but thought “that’s not me,,, right?” wrong) and I realized when they asked me if they could tell their friend my gender identity. I was confused like sure?? and then they said i was agender and their friend asked for my pronouns and i said i didn’t care
like,, i thought i was nb, but i wasn’t sure exactly what “type”(?) idk, but after that, i looked at the definition for agender that i didn’t understand before and was like :0 yep that’s me
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Hello i realized i havent dropped by these past few days 💀 i'll go reply to your ask game first (i realized i havent replied to your previous messages too 😰)
you 🤝 me caring about the meaning of the flowers more (but ngl i would be choosy in the appearance of it too 😭)
humble and shy ein 🧐 we want to see that💪 i might mistake you for another person if i were to witness that tbh 😭 therapist and mom friend ein 😳
me too i am so interested in psychology but then why everything involves math 😔💔 im literally guessing the answers in my math test dont do this to me 💔💔💔
Ein with dimples 😳 idk but that's cute 💪 (ok dw about not having to say smth about phys appearance i have a friend who i did this ask game with and they answered thighs for this xD while i just filled in the last spot with my other moles in other parts of my body 💀 if that's counted lmao) Loving the failure hime cut yass 😍😍😍
Baker ein 😳😳😳 maam lets go kitchen date now even tho i have no idea how to turn the stove on for my life— diluc move away im taking your spot setting things aside you literally just gave me an idea about painting dates with them. Just imagine Diluc trying his very best to draw but he's not really... Creative xD
Ok this is no offense but your comment abt me is so funny like 😭😭😭 why is it so awkward 🤨🤔 is this u 🤨 yeah this is u 😍 no cuz i can visualize you frozen on the spot like a tsundere spitting these words out it's like i forced you to say them 😭🤣 im glad it made u feel nice tho <33 cuz man throwing up is so concerning it aint a daily thing to happen 😟😰
Shoujo girls 💀 be that "villainess" and girlboss instead of being the lame ass main character who turns out to be the actual antagonist which caused me to have trust issues with angel looking bitches tbh 😭 i'm with u in this money loving personality 💗💗💗 we just happen to be luxurious and it's not our fault <3
the fact that you rlly want puppies gives so much wanting to adopt thoma vibes 💪 you can do it 💪💪💪
ALSO I DONT MIND LONG ANSWERS look at me doing asks that are so dam long but i still push it 😍😍😍 i also enjoy your enjoys so why not
— 🍰.
you dont have to reply to everything😭😭 its fine👹👹
nah bc i would care abt the appearance of the flower too😭😭
ofc i am humble and shy duh 🙄🙄 why do u sound offending🤬🤬⁉️i have to step up since i am the oldest in us😔😔 a single mom and a therapist 😔💔
ikr😭😭 why does it have those evil numbers and symbols 😭😭 i decided that ill take psychology bc i want to avoid those numbers but they wont just leave me alone😢😢 im really bad at math💔💔 i feel like im offended when ppl say math is easier than english like🤨🤨 you really gonna chose those wicked numbers over words?? not me though, i prefer english😩😩
idk but im starting to dislike my dimples bc they dont look good when i smile??😭😭 naurr bc even though i cant cut my hair for the hime cut, after a few days im starting loving it 🤨🤨⁉️⁉️
why did u think i can cook and bake😢😢 for the safety of everyone do not let me handle the kitchen, i am warning you😔😔 there was one time i was planning to cook fried rice so i open the stove, placed the pan and put the oil. so u have to wait for the oil to start working (?) right?? but i was impatient. what i did was i set the fire in the highest for the oil to work faster. i left the kitchen to grab my phone. but since i was bitch, the moment i held my phone, i forgot the pan, everything. so i continued using my phone but then minutes later, i smell something burning and my mom went out of her room to check what was that. she went to the kitchen and we saw the pan burning😭😭 like the fire was on its highest and it reached the oil inside the pan so the fire was really high😭😭 im just glad that the fire didn't reach the bulb on the ceiling or else😩😩 when my mom turned off the stove she faced me and was angry, she was scolding me but like she has the rights since i almost set our house on fire😭😭 then after she scolded me, she left and i didn't cook fried rice bc i was scared😗😗 i think she almost disowned me that day😔😔 but i understand 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
damn why dont u believe me😭😭 am i that unbelievable 😔😔💔💔 maybe i was forced🤨🤨 who knows 🧐🧐 ikr😩😩 i hate the taste of throwing up🤧🤧 till this day i still remember what it taste like bc throwing up really traumatized me🤧🤧
nah bc why does those shoujo girls pull these fine men😭😭 and im like, suree??? please i dont plan to be those angel looking girls😭😭 bc i dont look like an angel, im more like a demon babes😭😭 maybe ill be just the iconic best friend or side character who pulls the finest man??😍😍 money would solve almost all of my problems tbh🙄⁉️
i am inlove with puppies 🤧🤧 i just really want to have one again but like mom wont allow since she had enough when my childhood dog died who i had since since i was maybe 3-4 years old😩😩 ive been with that dog for more than ten years so yeah😢😢 mom doesn't want to have a dog maybe bc she's scared that the dog will die soon👹👹 she got traumatized with my dog please 😭🙏
one of the reasons why i love thoma sm is bc he is close with pets which is a very very green flag to me. and he even knits them clothes?? thoma be real challenge go!🤧🤧
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lilhwahwa · 3 years
DAMN BITCH THATS ONE STRONG ARM UVE GOT THERE 😭 remind me to not have a play fight w u im literally tiny so one tiny accidental punch will take me to the hospital (which reminds me how's ur ankle?)
OMG U GO ON DATES??? ive never been to an actual irl date before the only ppl ive dated are ones i met on the internet (*!$#@#%^
HELLO??? I LOVE WHIPPED CREAM ITS SO GOOD AT COMPLEMENTING DESERTS MMMM , we r making a bakery for faeries and other mystical creatures of the forest pls remember that !!
okay, its not murder if u dont get caught right - S2
PLS U TINY BEING ILL USE MY STRONG ARM TO PROTECC YOU DW (and the ankle is hurting still idk why it even feels like it’s getting worse and I have a big ass bruise on it still)
Ok dates as in a few unofficial ones and 1 official one Idk if that counts 💀 the other ppl I just reject bc I hate 99% of men they scary and cringe. As for the internet- my ass got ghosted once a few years ago so I do not trust in internet ppl-
OK THANK GOd BC SO MANY PPL I KNOW HATE IT AND IM LIKE ??? ITS DELICIOUS. Alright hopefully Peter Pan flies by I used to have a crush on him🤪
No face no case.
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