#i realize i forgot the pan flag
threepoint14art · 20 days
HELLOOOO for pride month i wanted to share our headcanons for fnafhs!!!!! coupled with some edits with our designs!!
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Under the cut there's individual commentary about all of em!
Freddys afab, and only goes by he/him with the animatronics. He didnt tell them he's male or anything. What happeend was they they were all talking to eachothet, getting to know eachother, when chica realized she forgot to ask his name. Meanwhile freddy had though he heard Fred, so he wss on his own little world and asked to the air ‘Fred?’ so they took that as his name and he hasnt ‘corrected them’. (This is my (loop’s) work around for those twins basicallly having the same name.) Hes called Freddy and not Fred bc Chica gives them all nicknanes , Freddy, Foxy, Goldy, instead of Fred, Fox, and Golden. ( Bonnie… you bastard you already fit…. cannot change his name to Bon without nuking Bons actual name). He hasn't thought about his sexuality because he thinks he's undatable, Dysphoria levels are very high, hes contantly ‘out of it’ in his own body. feels like hes just, piloting it, distant from himself and the now. whenever he does come back doen it feels awful fir a bilion reasons 👍 this makes it hard for him to identify the feelings he has about himself since its all so fuzzy and distant. hes not thinking about his sexuality, he doesn’t think anyone would really date him so, fuck if he knows! Bonnie is cis demironantic and unlabled. Goes by he/him. One of his names is María (Bonnie María) so that plus his longer hair means he gets misgendered as a CIS guy and I think its rlly funny. He's not thinking about romance because "no one would go out with him", enter Bon with a nuke Chica is cis and Bisexual. Goes by She/her. Her bisexual awakening was magnet hatsune miku lmao Fox is afab trans guy, stealth about it, and bisexual. Goes by he/him. He figured out he was trans PRETTY early on so no one but his family really even knows, he practically has no dysphoria. Golden is amab nonbinary and pan (they/them). Being famous is the worst thing ever you could do to them, people know their dead name and sorta treat them as a gay man rather than someone nonbinary and it's really bad!!! Sort of wishes they fell into some binary so something about them would "change" and so that people would realize they have changed, there is no way to "pass" as nonbinary and it drives them a lil crazy Fred has not been born (sorry low blow), but if they were they'd be amab, nonbinary and bisexual. Still figuring stuff out but eventually he will settle for going by He/they Meg is amab, genderfluid and pan, goes by any pronouns, idek what else to say <3 Bon is afab trans guy and gay, goes by he/him. He and Malva (usagi) are twins and just switched names and lives and gender! so he's stealth to everyone EXCEPT his sister, this includes their father! who is awful!! and this makes him super repressed and ill about being gay, yeah. Both he and Malva lied on legal documents to look cis since they exchanged identities and all that joy is amab trans girl and bisexual, goes by she/her, also famous so people also know her deadname </3
Toddy is afab and cis, she's NOT aware of either of her flags, comphet queen, "dating" bon because it helps them both feel so normal but its not working out and it never will! Seeing the nigthmares all date eachother made her think "oh wow not being monogamous is a thing" and if she thinks of malva and joy thats HER BUSINESS and her business only. Also fun fact her parents are divorced not because they hate eachother but because they realized they were both aroace, epic. Goes by she/her Deuz is amab bigender gay and poly, the nightmares are a polycule. She is not that dysphoric most of the time and goes by He/she Maggie is afab trans guy, bi and poly, Femenine trans guy are epic and he is one, gets misgendered a lot because he doesn't bind and wears makeup and croptops and all that. Goes by he/him Onnie is amab agender, gay and poly, it used to be forced to have really short hair because it's dad is awful (also bon's dad, yay siblings), so when he ran away he grew it out a lot, goes be he/it Onyx (oxy) is afab trans guy, bi and poly, he got kicked out when he came out as trans, he's super happy now tho. Pup(pet) afab demi-boy, his legal name is puppilo i know it sounds dumb thats why they go by pup. He's queer in some way but its impossible to find out given how he experiences feelings and all that (lore tm) so, fuck if i know. Goes by he/they Mai afab demi-girl and sapphic, yay for twins, her legal name is marinette but they go by mai only, she really wants to date but due to how she and pup operate thats kinda impossible and shes super hung up on it. Goes by she/they Lily is afab cis aroace!!! Eak is afab trans guy and gay, he does not really pass that well so he's misgendered quite a bit at school. Goes by he/him Tony is amab cis guy and gay, he's dating Eak, he used to question if he was REALLY gay before eak came out and was super confused about it and then he found out hes a guy and all is well lol Cami is afab aromantic bisexual and nonbinary, though she has not thought about the whole nonbinary thing that deeply at all. Eventually she will use all pronouns but currently she goes by She/her Loon is amab bigender bisexual and poly, is super dysphoric and hates dressing too femenine because it "doesn't fit her", "not cute enough to be a girl and not handsome enough to be a guy", goes by loon when masc and jj when fem. Goes by he/she Malva is trans and lesbian! Unlike Bon she's normal about being lesbian, mostly because their dad thinks she "doesn't look like one" and because generally girls just get an easier pass to be mushy and close to eachother (eugh), goes by she/her Owynn is afab trans guy, demiromantic, ace and poly. Damn share some flags dude you are hogging them. Stealth at school but percieved as a femenine guy and therefore called gay (as an insult) a lot, lied in legal documents to be seen as a guy! he's dysphoric despite passing really well because of very minor things people don't really notice, female scorpions are taller than male ones and he's tall, female scorpions have bigger hands than male ones and his hands are big, etc etc. He goes by he/him Background character jumpscare! Mesero who is named Vincent here, Owynn's older brother who is amab cis pan and poly, he thought he was straight for a LONG while and hated people calling him gay as an insult because he had long hair, sorry to burst your bubble but you are not straight, he eventually became normal about it but it did hurt that people were "right about him" Spring!!! Is amab cis unlabeled and poly, he never thought about labels or anything for the longest time because he thought he was undatable and also was busy with ten trillion jobs, fly low, goes by he/him Bg character again! Novia (ghghg) who is named Leticia here! She is afab cis straight and poly!
Also sorry for not having any of the funtimes, we haven't really thought about them aside from lily, so we have nothing ToT. Any funtime lovers please share what you think about them we really need it
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vancilocs · 22 days
1-1 for radu and mateo?
i went with the assumption this meant 1-11 instead
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
Radu's a man, and quite comfortable in it
Mateo's a man, comfortable like that, hasn't paid it much thought
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
Gay, and he will mention it liberally (sees hot man? "Wow I'm gay." Has to do something but he's tired? "No I'm gay I can't")
Pansexual, just vibing, gender/sex has no bearing he will attract everyone. Also polyamorous who favors having 2 partners
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
He kinda always knew, stared at pics of male models at clothing stores for too long as a kid, googled "two boys kissing" at like 11, got a painful gay crush on a straight friend as a teen, realized in ballet class that it was doing things to him etc.
He's always kept his options open because looks don't do anything to him, so when he realized a masculine voice did it for him too he was kinda like huh. Okay I can work with this. Got into polyamory through other people/being a third in a relationship, found out it suit him too
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Mariya was very supportive, after all they're very close, Val laughed abt the google results Radu forgot to delete but he's bi himself so it would never have been a problem
Very supportive. Mateo has a lot of foster and adopted siblings who come from all walks of life and all that is accepted
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Started off with it
It's almost like the default but also he was meant for a guy and a nb person so
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Uses gay liberally, has no issue with labels
Doesn't really label himself, just says that everything goes. If someone really wants to know he will say pan, no problem
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
He knows very well what he wants and likes, even when he had his worst issues with his own body he still wanted things, just didn't want others to see
He's so fluid and cool with it, so no. Even if he's comfortable in a monogamous relationship it won't make him question himself being poly
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
Not particularly
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
With how far we are into the future I don't apply the kind of homophobia Slavic or South American Catholic cultures would have
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
Doesn't go over the top but a rainbow flag can be at his home year round
Not particularly
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
General social anxiety stops him from talking abt it to strangers but friends do know
He's very casual about it but will do stuff like mention having ex-boyfriends if it applies
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skaruresonic · 9 months
The reason I get excited at being able to implement even small functions in RenPy is because whenever I try to follow a cookbook or tutorial: = The information is outdated, and I don't realize this until I get errors trying to execute the code. Much of the documentation that exists is obsolete by now, and RenPy is always updating the syntax it will accept. So you can have code that works for version 7.1.1 if you "word" the code right, but not work for version 8.1.1 because the newer version changed how you express the function. = The tutorial-maker made a mistake or neglected to establish an important variable early on, and you only realize it 5 forum thread posts later when they're like "teehee disregard what I just said, this is the correct code" = The code is poorly-written. Nobody in this Chili's fucking indents their shit. Also y'all need to comment out code with TWO pound signs, not one.
= I keep getting syntax errors because it's like 3 AM and I don't realize I forgot a single quotation mark. = It turns out the function I need to manipulate is a piece of code in screens.rpy or gui.rpy, or both, or neither, or it needs to be defined in the script as well. Nobody tells you where to put init:, for example, everyone assumes you already know you put it in the script. And like I said, because RenPy changes what syntax it will accept with each version of the program, you need to place code in specific places in order for it to work. But some other stuff like changing the text, font, and size of the notify box but not the notification box without also changing all of your game's GUI can be tricky.
= After much banging of head against wall, you realize the way you're implementing something is contradictory and causes a crash because you're trying to make RenPy read something in the wrong order (putting cart before horse) or you're trying to make it read something you haven't defined, or which doesn't exist. The computer can only read variables you have defined. = Didn't indent. = Indented too much. = RenPy decides nah, it doesn't wanna run the code.
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That being said, I am now unreasonably excited about finally being able to use object classes in Python. The problem I kept running into in OaS was that, for whatever reason, I couldn't get persistent variables to stick, meaning the flags for triggers that were not as complex as I may have liked. But object classes seem to work around that constraint just fine, and the best part is I don't have to define a million individual variables with easily-breakable if/else statements.
So now instead of the narrative being based on one binary choice while feigning the illusion of divergence in the others, I can craft a more complex narrative that actually takes your choices into account and assigns variables to them that will influence the ending you get or which routes you see.
Implementation is going to be a shit ton of work as usual, but I'm actually really excited to see how this will pan out.
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turkeysandwich · 2 years
Ian Duncan x Original Male Character
Read here on ao3
Chapter 2/?
Read chapter 1 here
“Fuck.. it’s monday right?” Alex groaned out, his voice groggy and clouded with sleepiness, he knew it was monday but he just needed confirmation.
“That it is, you want coffee?” Ian replied confusingly chipper compared to Alex.
“No, I hate coffee.” Alex got up, it was a monday, his usual testosterone injection day, so he grabbed the small black box that held his clean needles, alcohol wipes, and bottle of testosterone.
He walked over to the small end table and inched up his shorts to a clean space on his middle thigh, ripping open a packet of alcohol wipes and rubbing his planned injection sight. He opened a fresh needle and inserted it into the testosterone, getting his perfect amount.
Alex looked over and realized he forgot to grab the colorful bandaids he threw into a cabinet in the kitchen.
“Hey, would you grab the bandaids? I think they’re in the cabinet above the oven.” Alex said almost the second he pricked himself with the needle, cringing a bit at the spike of pain.
“Sure, would you want any…” Ian stopped, seeing a very much out of context scene that first struck confusion, then fear. “Dear lord! What the fuck do you think your doing!? You’re a teacher for Christ's sake!”
“I’m taking testosterone? … Because I’m trans? Did you think I was doing fucking heroin!?” Alex could almost laugh at the absurdity of this situation, but he quickly got back to trying to explain the situation, of course he forgot he wasn’t yet out to Ian.
“Well, evidently yeah!” Ian almost shouted, heart still racing from the initial shock “Why didn’t you warn me about this?”
“I’ll be honest I forgot to warn you, I’m just that tired.” Alex took the needle out and winced. “Those bandages?”
Ian threw him the pack of bandaids and went back to brewing his coffee, Alex stepped into the bathroom with a bundle of clothes and got ready for the day ahead. He stepped back out with a simple outfit of converse, jeans, and a button up shirt over a black long-sleeve shirt, he had left the majority of his very few hoodies and sweaters in texas.
“Well.” Ian broke the silence that filled the apartment. “I guess since we’re both coming out I figure I should say I’m bisexual.”
“Oh, cool.” He stuttered a bit over his words. “I’m pan myself.”
Another few seconds of silence where they simply stood doing whatever they were preoccupied with. “You wanna help me put up my flags later?”
He noticed it had been just before the time he regularly left so all he did was grab a protein bar and figured he would dip into the stash of snacks he kept in his classroom. He met Ian at the door, apparently the two had classes and lunch break at about the same time, the only reason they hadn’t met before was that Alex ate lunch in his classroom with a group of students and a few teachers he was friends with.
Alex opened the door, stepped out, and was met with a surprise, see, the apartment complex had been built so it had an open hallway, meaning it was open to the outdoors almost entirely. Thing is it was almost freezing that day, two celsius to be exact.
“Fucking christ.” he cussed, slamming the door back in and turned over to Ian. “Damn, it is cold out there.” 
“Oh yeah, Isn’t it about two or three degrees?” Ian replied, being met with a very confused face from Alex. “Right, America, That would be about 35 fahrenheit?” 
“I think, it's just way too cold for me, Left all my warm clothes in texas.” He groaned, looking down at his pathetic excuse for winter clothing. “Well the walk to fine arts hall is going to be hell.”
“Here.” Ian grabbed a tan trenchcoat off a hanger by the door, he was already wearing a sweater over his button up with a tie, over that was a simple windbreaker. “Take this until you get a new jacket.”
“Thanks.” Alex blushed a bit and threw the jacket on, the sleeves hung just over his hands and it felt roomy on his chest. “Let's go, I think the fine arts hall is fairly close to the psych hall.”
The two stepped out the door together, keeping up easy conversation while they tried their very hardest to not look at each other too much. 
“You know, I think I just realized something.” Ian said. “You’re the only person I know who actually calls me Ian, everyone else calls me Duncan.”
“Why do they call you Duncan?” Alex asked, somewhat confused, why would they call him by his last name?
“I think it’s because I started calling Jeff Winger ‘Winger’ and he called me ‘Duncan’ and it stuck I guess.” He explained.
“Well.” Alex shrugged. “I think Ian suits you well.”
“Then Alex suits you well too,” Ian smirked. “Luna.” Alex looked over and rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname.
“Don't call me Luna and I won't call you Duncan.” He retorted. “Do we have a deal?”
“I can’t make any promises.” Ian laughed as Alex shook his head. “But I’ll restrain myself from nicknaming you.” 
“Cheeky British fuck.” Alex held himself from pushing the taller man into a puddle of slush and dirt.
They eventually parted ways and Alex reached the classroom, the second he entered, he turned on the heater. He set up a few easels and pallets, it was more of a painting class after all, the first few students arrived at around eight thirty, and the last arrived just after the bell rang at nine.
His first period was always the most popular, he put his own music on shuffle and most of the students at Greendale liked starting their day in a relaxing atmosphere. His favorite few students walked in, all trailing behind each other; Abed, Troy, and Annie, to be exact. He liked all of them for different reasons though.
Annie, he liked for the fact she always turned in assignments on time, and would sometimes stay and help Alex clean the messy art room. Troy had a great sense of humor, and was a funny addition to the class. Abed was definitely the best artist of the friend group, mainly focusing his abstract skills into his paintings, although any time Alex quoted a movie, Abed took it as an invitation to reenact the whole scene.
He started the class easy and he ended the class easy, he started with a short lecture about lighting and an instruction, the rest was spent painting and totally not Alex passing the time by playing solitaire on his computer.
The bell rang and all students started walking out the classroom, all except for three, his three favorites.
“Hey Mr. Luna, me, Annie and Troy have been talking, and we’ve come to the conclusion that we all recognize that jacket.” Abed pointed at what Alex was wearing as Alex looked down and back up again. “Ian Duncan right? I would say that's a tv trope and we’ve entered a romantic arc but I think we’ve got a fanfic on our hands.”
Alex paused, and turned to Troy and Annie, apparently Abed’s best friends. “Is there maybe a therapist of his I should be calling?”
“Last time he did this, we got Duncan but it didn’t go very well.” Annie explained.
“Professor Duncan to you Annie, you're still a student.” Alex corrected. “And Ian and I are not dating, sorry to let you down, now get to class.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, sir” Abed said, already half out the door. “But just know, if I did predict you two, you owe me.” 
Alex shrugged and chuckled at Abed’s antics, he grabbed one of the bags of chips he kept in a hidden compartment under his desk and started munching, and thinking.
Maybe Ian wasn't so hard on the eyes anyways.
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me
thanks for tagging me @someguywife
an excuse to talk about the shows I like? sign me the fuck up!
1) what we do in the shadows- I mean considering how much I post about it and the fact it got me to write my first ever fanfic no shit I love this show! I mean it's got gay people, causal murder, people who have no idea wtf they're doing, vampires, weird ass CGI baby for a season, emotional devastation, did I say gay people? I will admit when I first watched the show I honestly thought it was just ok (may have to do with the fact that halfway through watching it I got sick which is funny cause when I watched the OG film I was also sick and I'm sick now while working on my fic- AM I CURSED!?) but after showing my friends the 2014 film decided to rewatch the show before showing it to them and got fucking OBSESSED. Never been a huge fan of vampire shit but now whatever vampire media I consume next HAS to have gay people in it thanks to this show. It still feels weird to have a character I like and relate to that I can kinda actually see myself in like Guillermo and while we're not 100 the same I still kinda feel seen which is fucking weird ngl. HIS COMING OUT SCENE MADE ME CRY THE SECOND TIME I WATCHED IT. (probably cause that's roughly how coming out to my parents as trans and pan went just without the whole working for vampires thing) Low key scared for what the fuck season 5 has in store :D
2) our flag means death- I fucking LOVE this show! shout out to my friend for showing it to me cause I never would have thought that a show about gay pirates would be for me. Our flag means death has just this vibe to it that has me addicted to it and the love story that I'm STILL surprised a year later they actually went through with just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The fact that a show that does what our flag means death does AND GET RENEWED FOR A SECOND SEASON brings a big fat smile to my face! Stede going in head first with an obsession while having no idea what he's doing is a fucking mood. can't wait for season 2 hopefully it won't leave me screaming at my screen like last season! OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT I'm SO glad they portrayed Mary the way they did! like they could have easily made her into an unforgivable bitch or homophobic as fuck but no I mean sure she's upset for what Stede did (if you were in her shoes you would be too) but after attempted murder and a bunch of shenanigans beforehand they talk it out and find a compromise that they both like and the fact that she's happy for him for finding love even if it's a guy and she isn't secretly jealous or disgusted by it is just *chef's kiss* so good.
3) moral orel- well let's go from modern live-action shows with gay people to a stop-motion adult cartoon from the mid 2000s! I can still remember watching this show for the first time since I binged it all in one night (by the time I finished it it was like 5am WOOPS) and I don't fucking regret it this show is just fucking fantastic. I HATE THAT IT WAS PULLED FOR BEING "TOO DARK" THE MORE I READ ABOUT WHAT THEY HAD PLANNED THAT THEY HAD TO CANCEL DUE TO THE SHOW'S CANCELLATION THE MORE PISSED OFF I GET! Like it's the darker episodes that make the show SO DAMN GOOD and memorable. HELL the episode that got the show canceled (I think it's called alone) IS ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES. The way it portrayed people handling trauma is fucking fascinating and it's a shame the episode is what got the show pulled. The season two finale two-parter I also up there as one of the greatest episodes in the show. The way the tone shifts as Clay gets more and more drunk and what went from a thing mainly played for laughs turns into a painful moment for Orel as he realizes just how awful his dad is especially when he's drunk. This isn't to say the less serious episodes aren't good. The show can be really funny when it wants to but it's just the more serious episode that leaves an impact on you. When hopping into the show for the first time I heard it was a satire show that was a parody of christian shows I was expecting every other joke to be bible bad (not a christian so I wouldn't have gotten offended but still it would have gotten tiring) but god I was relieved when I found out it was more making fun of those who use faith for all the wrong reasons then pointing the blame to an old ass book. overall 10/10 show that might not be everyone's cup of tea but I personally LOVE it. It's been a while since I last watched it but talking about it makes me wanna watch the entire show again. TL;DR: I fucking love this show and the reason it got canceled is the reason why I love it.
4) invader zim- OK time to move on to something less serious. It's also been a bit since I've last seen this show but it still has a close place in my heart. Invader zim aka the reason I have a tumblr account in the first place (though it wasn't until later when I started to actually use it. when I first made this account it was to lurk) is a nice little show I can watch and not over analyze the shit out of. (I do that a lot with shows I like) I watched this show at a very interesting time in my life. I had recently realized I was trans and had no idea how I was going to tell anyone and funnily enough a couple of days after I realized I was trans quarantine hit so needless to say it was an interesting time for me. This show and the fan stuff on tumblr for the show kept me sane. Dib was one of the first characters I ever related to and as you can tell by me still using him as my profile pic I still do. another show that the more I learn about what they had to cancel due to the show being canceled the more pissed off I get. I forget this is a kid's show half the time.
5) hannibal- I feel bad for my friends cause when I finished this show I WOULDN'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT. This show is the reason I actually use my tumblr account. (cause I paused it and it looked like Will and Hannibal were about to kiss and I needed to share it with someone and none of my friends have seen the show so I threw it onto here and the rest was history) I don't remember why I watched this show but I'm glad I did cause it's fucking great the mystery the first time you watch it and the set up of the answer the second time you watch it is just *chef's kiss* 10/10. The way they portrayed Will and Hannibal's relationship is so fascinating like it's so complex AND GAY. I WANT ANOTHER SEASON DAMN IT THAT CLIFF HANGER (hehe cliff) HAD BEEN KILLING ME EVER SINCE THE FIRST WATCH!!!!!!
6) the last of us- Ok so confession: I haven't finished the show (I have one episode left but I'm watching it with friends so it's probably going to be a bit before I watch it) BUT FUCK DO I LIKE THIS SHOW. I haven't played the games but from what I heard this is a rare video game adaptation that ISN'T dogshit so I might watch a let's play of the game after we finish it since I like the show so much. This has to be one of the most realistic representations of a zombie apocalypse I've ever seen. (granted I haven't consumed much zombie media and it could be the fact that before this the same friend is showing us the walking dead which granted CAN be good at times the way characters act most of the time at least at the point we were at before taking a break where annoying and frustrating) EPISODE 3 WAS THE FIRST TIME I EVER SOBBED AT A SHOW. Fun(?) fact: that date on the letter at the end of that episode august 29 IS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY 😭. I'm afraid of what episode 9 has in store.
7) south park- despite having a dad who quotes this show and would watch episodes in the living room growing up it wasn't until after watching the last of us one time with friends did I ever end up watching a full episode of the show. (I forgot what episode we watched before watching south park but we all decided we needed a pick me up after it) While I'm not obsessed with this show and I haven't seen all of it (if it was possible to watch that much south park without going insane) I still like this show. Another one of those shows I can watch casually without overanalyzing it. Whenever I need a break from writing my fic or whenever I just feel like it I just pick an episode I heard was good and just watch it. The history behind this show and behind certain episodes I've always found interesting. Though I'm going to be honest for now I'm going to avoid most modern episodes cause I've heard mixed things about newer seasons. Butter's own episode, Cartman sucks, and Butters's bottom bitch has to be some of my favorite episodes. if you can't tell by my fav episodes Butters is my favorite character.
8) the owl house - FUCK YOU DISNEY THIS SHOW DESERVED BETTER!!!! Another kid's show I forget is a kid's show. the way the boiling isles are drawn hell the overall art of the show is just so fucking fantastic. THERE'S GAY IN IT!!!! LIKE ACTUAL CANONICAL GAY IN A DISNEY SHOW!!!!! I never thought I would see the day BUT HERE I AM AND AAAAAAA LUZ AND AMITY ARE SOOOO CUTE TOGETHER! KING OMFG KINGGGGGGGGGGG HE'S MY LITTLE BABY AND THE SEASON TWO FINALE MADE ME STRESS EAT FOR THE FIRST TIME. So sad that season three was cut down to three episodes. The idea that something you put a bunch of hard work into can be cut short cause someone didn't like the vibe is fucking BULLSHIT!
I would tag other people here but in the wise words of Laszlo
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
(all characters are from dimension 20 fantasy high)
adaine abernant is a genderfae, genderqueer, transneutral, fluidflux, demiaromantic, demisexual, lesbian with autism and canonical anxiety. she uses she/they/omen pronouns.
fig faeth is a edgecute, deathcute, devilgender, villaingender, hypersexualian, purplefiregender, bisexual trans girl with bpd, adhd, autism, impostor syndrome, daddy issues, and depression. they use she/they/fire/flame/burn/poison/death pronouns.
kristen applebees is a nonbinary questiongender magiskyvine lesbian with adhd and cptsd. she uses she/they/night pronouns.
riz gukgak is a gay trans man who has anxiety and uses he/him pronouns. he is dating fabian and gorgug.
fabian seacaster is a pan xenogender demiboy with cptsd. he uses he/they pronouns. he is dating riz and gorgug.
gorgug thistlespring is a bi, angergender, cadensgender, audiogender, autigender, autistic trans man with anxiety, rage issues, and depression. he uses he/ve pronouns. he is dating fabian and riz.
fig is dating ayda aguefort, a phoenixgender lesbian who is canonically autistic. ayda uses she/fire pronouns.
kristen is dating tracker o'shaughnessey, a bisexual demigirl with lycanthropy and bpd who uses she/they pronouns.
fabian and gorgug are both dating ragh barkrock, a canonically gay intersex guy. he uses he/him pronouns.
fantasy high anon here, i forgot someone lol
zelda donovan is a floragenderfluid ramgender panfaunagender trans girl who uses she/🌿 pronouns. 🌿 is dating gorgug!
fantasy high anon here, i promise this is the last part. these characters are specifically from The Seven, which is a part of fantasy high.
zelda is in a platonic relationship with katja, is autistic, and has anxiety.
zelda is also in an adventuring party with antiope jones, katja cleaver, ostentatia wallace, penny luckstone, sam nightingale, and danielle barkstock.
antiope is genderfae, bluegender, and bisexual. she uses she/they/blue pronouns. she has adhd, bpd, and depression and is dating penny.
katja is lunettian, femigender, horsetix, horsegender, autigender, and taegender. she is autistic and uses she/horse pronouns, and is in a platonic relationship with zelda.
ostentatia is a pan opalic gemgender gemcoric rosequartzcoric aesthetigirl lesbian with pcos, and bpd. she's also autistic, uses she/bling pronouns, and is dating sam. in addition to the bpd and lesbian flags can you use the bpd lesbian flag, please?
penny is a gendercute, lunaroxygender, genderfluff, pinkgender queer girl who has anxiety, uses she/!! pronouns, and is dating antiope.
sam is a watergender, bluegender, tealgender, bi, canonically trans girl. she has bpd, uses she/her pronouns, and is dating ostentatia.
danielle barkstock is a floragenderfluid, panfaunagender, frobloomgender, plantgender, genderdandi, sporegender genderqueer pansexual. they are autistic and have adhd and bpd. they use they/plant/leaf pronouns.
edit: i Just realized i forgot to mention this - i have no clue which bpd lesbian flag is the most popular, so i didn't use one, but if you send me a link/username/etc. so i can find the one you had in mind, i'll get it added!
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ragamuffin-ponies · 2 months
Oh same genderfluid anon, forgot to say love the term genderqueer it was my main label before I realized I was fluid and I still love being genderqueer! (My con for it though is though I like the flag, some t/er/fs use the same or similar colors to signal to each other 😬) (and a lot of people don't like "queer" which I now realize I've said a lot, honestly sorry if it bothers you, I honestly forgot it can bother people until this second ask) It's an umbrella term like non-binary but it's not that specific! If someone's gender feels different from "the norm" (whether trans or cis gender nonconforming) I personally feel like they can be genderqueer if they want to be!
Hi again. I prefer the term queer in most things. Especially my sexuality recently. Although bi works too and pan is technically the correct one. Regardless I like queer bc it comes with fewer expectations and preconceived notions, yfm?
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This flag is a billion times better tho omg
I think it's really cool that a big part of queer culture is making flags and picking pretty colors.
I'll look into genderqueer, I think it was a term I used in my original post(?). I think it fits more than GNC for sure, but I'm not quite ready to commit to genderfluid. I guess this is a good place to try to baby step to, assuming this is the path that's right for me
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pookyspooky2000 · 3 years
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pride build #2!
~gay church~
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vanillaviolet111 · 4 years
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@jade-week day four, crossover! take 2 because i kept forgetting details. she’s a slime rancher! where’s her vacpack? don’t even worry about it, it definitely not because i took one look and thought ‘nope’. ;,33
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curetapwater · 3 years
I think I off-hand said before but I occasionally think about an Earth au for Power of Rock where they're all humans but still in a band and now I'm thinking about their drawing their human selves attending a pride parade together I think that'd be cute.
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getosgf · 2 years
Cooking without a recipe
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Fandom: tokyo revengers
Characters: mikey, draken, chifuyu, baji, mitsuya
My headcanons on how cooking without a recipe with them would go
Cw: some curse words
An: aaaaaaaa I’m so sorry for not posting for some time, life’s been kinda hectic these days and I’m still trying to finish some of the requests😭 also it’s my birthday today :) (Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes)
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He had been craving chicken nuggets for a while now, so you offered to make some homemade ones with him
You found a good recipe online but he insisted following a recipe wasn’t needed
“It’s literally just chicken and breadcrumbs, we can just wing it” pun not intended
Oh boy
It had already gone wrong when you went shopping for ingredients
Instead of buying chicken cutlets, mf bought a whole ass grilled chicken
“Since it’s already grilled we can’t get salmon vanilla😁”
Cutting the chicken into bite sized pieces was a disaster
He somehow nearly stabbed you
You told him you’d take over the cutting from him and he could toss the chicken chunks into some egg and breadcrumbs
Literally the easiest task, right?
When I tell you this mf licked his fingers EVERYTIME he dipped a chicken piece into the beaten egg
You went on to frying the chicken after you banned him from the kitchen
He was kinda sad about it
But it was the right thing to do
To cheer him up a bit you put a flag on the top chicken nugget on the plate
After taking your first bite you realized you forgot the seasoning because of the chaos💀
He fought for his life on the toilet that night (don’t eat raw egg kids!)
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You were incredibly hungry after getting back from driving through the countryside on the back of Draken’s motorcycle
He offered to make his special hot curry for the both of you
Since you were absolutely famished, of course you couldn’t reject his generous offer
You watched him get all the ingredients he needed
You asked if he needed a recipe, to which he replied that he’d already made it so many times, he knew the recipe by heart
Growing up without parents made him a fairly good cook
He began with cooking the rice
Then he cut the chicken and vegetables into bite-sized chunks à la gordon ramsey or so he tried
You offered your help, but he refused to let you lift a single finger
A true gentleman
He cooked onion and garlic in a pan until they became fragrant
He added the chicken and vegetables to the pan
While he was preparing the grated apple and honey for the curry roux in a pot with water, the smell of something burning began to fill the kitchen
“What’s that funky smell, did you just fart- SHIT THE PAN”
He RAN to his vegetables and tried to save them from completely burning to a crisp
He successfully saved them after turning down the heat and burning his fingers trying to toss out some black pieces of carrot
He was so focused on flexing his cooking skills on you, he totally forgot he was, indeed, cooking
You helped him pour ice cold water on his burned finger tips to ease the pain, which he secretly really appreciated even though he tried to act chill about it
“You’re always so overly worried, it doesn’t even hurt” ow ow ow ow ow ow
He went on to add the curry roux with the chicken and vegetables and turned off the heat
When the curry roux pieces were completely dissolved, he served the curry with the rice on the fanciest plates he owned aka not made out of paper
Even after some trouble, the dish was absolutely delicious
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He wanted to make a Swiss roll with you for a long time and you guys finally found the time to do it
At first you were really working together as a team
But later on he wanted to play dumb
“Can you please show me how to make the filling? I don’t know how to do it :(“
He does, he knows how to do it, he just likes to see you mix all the ingredients and explain everything carefully to him
It’s when he started to throw compliments your way mid-explanation that you knew what he was doing
So you told him that it was his turn to put everything you just told him into practice :)
Boy was dumbfounded, flabbergasted even
He was CONVINCED that he could just let you do all the work
Didn’t try to play dumb after tho, he was already caught once, chances of him getting caught twice were too big
But he was actually useful after you put him in his place
Some mistakes were made here and there like adding too much red food colouring, making the cake batter red instead of pink
Rolling up the Swiss roll almost failed miserably, the cake nearly broke
But everything turned out fine after a lot of screaming and panicking from both of you
The time had come for the cake to rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours
Guess what
Mf couldn’t wait and ate half of it by the time the Swiss roll was actually done resting💀
He didn’t help you clean up either, said he was too sick to move
Never baked anything with him after
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Just like most days, he was realllyyyyyy craving some peyoung yakisoba
One problem tho
He didn’t have any at home, nor did he have any money, nor did he know how to make it with the ingredients he had
So he texted you to come over and buy some yakisoba for him
Since you know that him trying to cook on his own would result in the kitchen being on fire, you accepted his demand request
You showed up to his home with a backpack filled with peyoung yakisoba
He tried to reach for the packets in your backpack but you flicked his hand away before he could manage to grab them
Not even a thank you? Tch
Anyway, you prepared some boiling water for the instant noodles before he tried to eat them raw
“They’re crispy that way! What’s wrong with crispy noodles?!”
Of course this mf doesn’t even know how to prepare instant noodles, so you had to do everything on your own
It was for the best tbh, he’d probably manage to screw up the most simple steps
But you let him empty the sachets with seasoning into the noodles, since banning him from the kitchen would be useless
He’d just keep coming back
However, you were right about him screwing up simple things
Instead of first opening the sachets, he just tossed them in, unopened
You didn’t have the energy to get mad at him tbh😐
You chased him out of the kitchen with a dough roller and fished out the seasoning sachets
He finally left you alone, so you were able to finish preparing the yakisoba
You insisted on just ordering takeout pizza for him next time
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It was your birthday and so he decided to bake you a cake
He turned to pinterest for some inspiration to bake the most aesthetic cake you’ve ever seen
After scrolling for hours in search for the perfect cake, he decided on baking a matcha white chocolate cake with green frosting and decorated with edible flowers
He got the ingredients and got straight to work
First he made the batter with utmost precision, even without a recipe to follow along
Not even a tiny piece of egg shell in the batter, what a professional
Has this cooking playlist that he hums to while baking your cake
This man has incredibly steady hands, meaning that when he poured the batter into the heart shaped cake form, no batter was spilled
Like when he finished baking, he didn’t even need to do any cleaning up, the kitchen was still clean af
When the cake was done baking, he put on those cute lil oven mitts and successfully got the cake out of the oven
Even while his little sisters were dangling from his legs, he managed to decorate the cake with an inhuman precision
To top it off he wrote a sweet happy birthday message on the cake :)
Delivered the cake personally to you in a cute green box, matching the cake
Possibly the best cake you ever had, period
. · ✵ ✷        . .   . + *·   .   ✵     ✧    * ·      ˚ ˚ .   *    . ˚   ·   + ·      ✫   . ✫   · *   ⊹   . · · +     ·    ⋆ ·  . ˚   ·  ✧ · .     ⊹    ˚   *        *     · .    ✦ ·.   ·   ⋆ * ˚ ✫ ⊹     ˚   · . . · ✵        . ⊹ ˚        ✵   ✧ * * .    .   ⋆           . ˚ * . ˚   · . · · . . ˚   ·  ·    * . . * ⊹
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rainbowsans · 3 years
can you make icons with the pan flag?
i got confused over this upon realizing i forgot to add in the og pan flag icons...........*slaps self* i edited them in the post but here ya go!
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4dtk · 3 years
“32, 37 hand holding and 3, 26 kissing with rookie actor mark and experienced actor s/o on their first drama together?” yes sure!!! excuse me but i don’t watch that much k-dramas so i’m doing this purely from youtube videos LOL + if it mirrors any other k-drama or is similar then it’s purely coincidence!! just conjuring something up in my mind lol
hand-holding, 32 & 37: not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands / not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out
kisses, 3 & 26: smiling while kissing, giggling while kissing
“what’s that supposed to mean?” mark glances down at you in the field, saying his line that he’s practiced with you countless times. the poor boy was so worried about the outcome of it, having only acted as side or filler characters for the past year. although, with every gig he gets, you’re there to help him reach his fullest potential: practicing his lines with him, going through the different variations of how he could’ve executed it, accompanying him to sets.
even the staff couldn’t mask their shock when they see you walking together with a boy who was sweating his ass off, the familiar murmur of his few lines said under his breath as someone led you two to a common break room.
“don’t mind me,” you raise a hand, used to the starstruck faces that looked your way once the door opened. patting mark’s arm, you said something about supporting your boyfriend before settling beside him to work on hair and make-up. you conversed with him easily, briefly stopping at times to entertain autographs or pictures from the other side actors in the room.
it’s been like that since mark made his debut a year ago, taking up many gigs that you always supported. mark struck jackpot when he lucky to have someone to catch onto his talent, running an audition by him that got him the job (with a bit of persuasion on your side).
a job with you, where your embraces and kisses were not just reserved for the two of you in the comfort of your home, or where your affection was held back due to the intrusive cameras. this was an entirely new variation: of moments taken in private mixed with the recognisable traits of korean drama.
the touch of your skin is familiar to mark, but the words that come out of his mouth feel foreign instead. it’s not often that he spouts something so poetic written by the hand of skilled scriptwriters, but at least now he has more words to tell you when he can’t do it in his normal, unique way.
“exactly what i said. why do you need an explanation?” you giggle, hand wiggling out of the expensive coat that your stylist put on you for this scene.
you can tell mark’s arms are struggling to hold himself up, with a teasing glint in your eye that suggests you’re making fun of his strength. your laugh deepens when you realise he’s waiting for you to say your line, pleading with his eyes. he's not used to it yet.
you wait for dramatic effect. “after all, my love for you needs no explanation,” you swear you see mark release a sigh of relief, able to finally lower himself to you while he rests half of his body weight onto your person. his character’s kisses are soft, not much different from your own boyfriend’s as he deepens the kiss.
“remember how i wondered about how you taste like?” he pulls away to ask, the line referencing an interaction from one of the earlier episodes where his character said the same thing.
“what do i taste like, han jiwoo?” the foreign name rolls off your tongue easily now.
“hm… if i’m being honest, i forgot. i might have to kiss you again to find out,” mark delivers the line perfectly and doesn’t hesitate to lean again for another kiss. you’re sure he’s not acting now.
your mouths do a great job of hiding things, before his tongue swipes across your lips. there’s a squeeze from your hand when he does that, but you grant him access either way, melting into it with a cheeky smile that grows and a heart that feels full.
you can taste the incoming snort from mark but he manages to hold it in with a mere giggle. your kisses start and stop, struggling to get in even a bit of contact from how much you’re laughing. like always, you two hold your kisses to make sure there’s sufficient footage, but you have to admit that it was partially indulgent, too.
the scene was almost over, and when mark brings you to your feet you’re able to breath easier, both from your boyfriend’s weight on you and the released tension in having laid in wet grass for the past fifteen minutes.
his hand twines around yours, dragging you along the field as you run off into the distance, shoving and pulling playfully while the camera prepares to pan up. the last shot is of the two of you holding hands, swinging it like a pendulum before the green of the field disappears and the blue of the sky appear. soon, it fades to black.
“and that’s a wrap! thank you, everyone!” the director shouts. claps are heard and you’re dragging mark by then, stripping off the coat that’s overheating your body. it drapes over your elbow easily, responding to the other’s searching hand as you take it in yours. all the way to the dressing room you head seemed to permanently stay down, continuously bowing to directors, producers, staff members.
all you’re focused on is getting to your next schedule, promising to the cast that you’ll treat them to a meal soon as your shout resonates throughout the space. everyone cheers and you reply with a grin, slipping into the dressing room.
as you remove the hairdo with one hand, you ask randomly, “so? what do you think of han jiwoo?”
mark looks up from his phone, pulling a face while he thinks of an answer.
"well, for one, i'm jealous of him for kissing you." that elicits a laugh out of you, giving him a squeeze with your hand before he goes back to his social media with a smile, "but he's a cool kid. i'm glad i got the chance to portray h..."
a thud from the doorframe snaps you out of the moment.
"ah! s-sorry, mark-sunbaenim, (y/n)-sunbaenim," they bow immediately.
"i hope you don't mind b-but, i just came over to tell you how much i loved your chemistry on screen! it's such an honour to be on set with the both of you, especially you, mark-sunbaenim."
you grin as the other flushes at the compliment, but the side actor continues. you don't mind.
"i'm hoping to get a big role like you too, mark-sunbaenim! i've been watching your other shows, too. the way you give life to a character is always very refreshing," your boyfriend takes refuge in your connected hands.
"and i can't help but notice the love you have off-screen too! it's endearing, (y/n)-sunbaenim. i hope i'll have a love as strong as your hands are held right now!" mark barely manages a thank you as the actor excitedly bows again before making his leave.
once he's out of earshot, you giggle at the scrunched up expression, face warm from the comment about him to your interlocked hands and your relationship.
"that was unexpected," similarly, you packed your things again with a single hand when mark reluctantly stands up, overwhelmed.
"y'know, i didn't even know our hands were connected for that long until he said something." mark groans. you laugh.
"please stop talking, i might actually explode," your lover calmly says, letting you drag him out the back door with your hand in his.
with a small peck, your lips meet the back of his hand, "well before i do, i need to tell you that i vouch for every little thing that guy earlier mentioned. talent in every bone in your body, mark lee."
you flag down your manager's car too fast to see the smile on mark's face, but he's grateful for your heartfelt words as he thanks you with kisses and cuddles later in the night.
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crazy-walls · 2 years
10, 11, 22, 26, 29 & 35 for the pride asks? 💕🌈
10 When did you realize you weren’t cishet? - I definitely remember questioning if I might be a lesbian around 14 because I didn't like boys the way other people apparently do so to me that was the logical conclusion (cause ace representation who?) but then I just. kinda forgot about it. 😅 had lots of suspicion reappear at around 17-19 and actually realised it when i was 19 (literal lightbulb moment while at uni waiting for the next class xD)
11 Do you like your flag(s)? - I think the ace flag is really pretty, those colours really are a vibe (and fun to dress in together ^^), and the aro one is neat too :) also I kinda feel like bi is also somewhat accurate and that's also a very cute flag!
22 Favorite LGBT+ celebrity or historical figure? - rn I gotta go with Gerard Way here, it just makes me happy to see what they’re up to now and how much better they seem to be. Also Lil Nas X, barely know anything about him but his Vibes.
26 Some characters you headcanon as LGBT+? - all of them okay definitely at least 80% of the drei ??? characters (Justus? aspec. Peter? bi. Bob? pan. Skinny? bi. Cotta? gay. the girls? all wlw. even Brittany, the only straight she is is a straight up bitch.). Veronica Mars and her friend Mac. Elle Woods.
29 Any fictional crushes? - oh. SO MANY but I’ll make a choice here. I will honestly never get over Norris Marshall from the Bone Garden. then there’s Benny Lafitte from SPN. Kat *and* Patrick from 10 Things I Hate About You. Constance Fairchild and (even more so) her half-sister Izzy from James Oswald’s book series. Shego from Kim Possible. Bucky Barnes. Skinny Norris (duh.)
35 If you’re not straight, who was your first same-gender crush? - if we’re talking real people here, either P!nk or Avril Lavigne - P!nk was earlier but I so wanted to be like in hinsight definitely date Avril a lot more so yeah xD
Pride asks
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dickwheelie · 3 years
by popular demand on the discord server, a jonsasha fic! this incorporates a few different requests from the discord buds, but it boils down to: jon and sasha are on a "stakeout" for a statement and jon thinks it's purely for work but sasha is treating it like a date without him realizing.
this was my first time writing jonsasha and I gotta say it was super fun! I'll have to do more with these two in the future. please enjoy!
"Anything yet?" Sasha asked.
Jon's leg had begun to fall asleep, and so he shifted his weight, leaning closer to the windshield. He squinted through the darkness at the doorway across the street, but it was as empty as before. "No, nothing," he said with a sigh.
Sasha shrugged. "Time to dig into the sandwiches, then." She reached into the backseat and retrieved the cooler she'd brought along for their overnight stakeout. It was two in the morning and they'd already gone through a packet of crisps and a candy bar each, as well as a handful of oranges, because Sasha thought they should try to be at least somewhat healthy. Now she pulled out two wrapped sandwiches, which looked like they'd come from Tesco's. She handed Jon the tuna one.
"So you can keep kosher," she said as she unwrapped her ham and cheese.
Jon looked at her in surprise. "Oh, er," he said, "thank you." Usually people forgot.
"Course." Sasha flashed him a smile. She'd been smiling a lot that night; Jon had no idea Sasha enjoyed stakeouts so much. He'd have to invite her to investigate statements more often in the future. He liked seeing her smile; she would scrunch up her nose slightly and it was very cute.
Almost as though she were reading his mind, Sasha said, "Thanks for inviting me out tonight, Jon. This has been fun." She craned her neck towards the passenger's side window. "Even if we're not having much luck. It's nice just to spend time together."
"O-Of course," Jon said. "Thank you for joining me. And for bringing the food." He paused. "And the car."
Sasha laughed. "Least I could do, really."
The truth was, Jon had asked her to join him mostly because Sasha was the best researcher he knew at the Institute, definitely better than himself. It didn't hurt that she was also a good friend, and one of the few people at work who seemed to like Jon. The only other one he could think of was Tim. But Sasha was . . . she was just different, somehow. She understood him, in a way very few people did. Now that he thought about it, not since Georgie had he so thoroughly clicked with someone. He was unaccountably relieved when she'd agreed to join him on what would have been a very lonely and very dull stakeout. Then again, Sasha had never shied away from a chance to do more thorough research.
The passenger's side window nearest to Jon was cracked open, and a sudden draft of night air blew in, making him shiver.
"Oh, are you cold?" Sasha said, and before Jon could answer, she removed the wool jacket she was wearing and placed it around his shoulders. Sasha was about the same height as him, perhaps an inch or two taller, but she was much broader-shouldered, and her jacket was large on him, encompassing him in its sudden warmth. He couldn't help but notice it smelled like her perfume. "Better?" Sasha asked.
Jon felt heat rise to his face, and drew the jacket a bit tighter around him. "Er, yes, much better." He definitely wasn't cold anymore, at least. He looked down at the jacket, running his finger along one of its many tiny enamel pins. He'd never tried to get close enough to look at them all. Now he could see, among others, a trans flag, a pan flag, an anarchist symbol, a pin with a drawing of the globe that said "Give Earth a Chance," and one that just said "int elligent;". He didn't understand that one but he supposed it meant something to somebody.
"I wonder how legal this is," Sasha was saying. "Staking out someone's flat like this. I mean, technically we're not breaking any laws, just sitting here in the car . . ."
Jon nodded. "Considering the kind of stuff I usually do, this is on the lower end of the legally dubious spectrum."
Sasha laughed. "How many carparks have you jumped the fence of again?"
"I believe the last count was six," Jon said, allowing himself a satisfied grin.
"Next time I expect you to invite me along to one of those 'research outings.' "
"Deal," said Jon, and they shook on it.
"Either way," Sasha said, settling back in her seat, "this has definitely been one of the more interesting dates I've been on."
Jon froze in his seat. Date? He had invited her out to help with investigating a statement, not for a date. His mind flashed back over the last three hours. Had he been on a date with Sasha this whole time, without realizing it? Had she not realized that this was a work thing? Oh god, what had he said to her when he'd asked? Had he made it sound like he was asking her out?
"Sasha," he said slowly, mind racing to figure out how best to break the news to her, "I . . . I'm so sorry, but I didn't--"
"Didn't know this was a date?" Sasha didn't seem angry. In fact, she was grinning at him. "I know. When you asked me to join you tonight, I said to myself, Sasha, this is the closest Jon is gonna get to asking you out. You better make it easy for him." She shrugged. "So, I made it a date. Assuming you're okay with that. If not, then it doesn't have to be one. Simple as that."
Jon stared at her, with her bright eyes and expectant smile. She really was very beautiful. He didn't ordinarily notice things like that, about anyone, but now that he was looking for it . . . And what an efficient way to go about things. It would be so much simpler if all dates could be arranged so easily. "Yes," he said, surprising himself at his own words. "That's . . . that's okay. A date is okay."
"You're sure?"
There was a spark of anticipation in his chest. "Yes."
Sasha's face lit up. "Brilliant." She leaned a little closer to him, resting an elbow up on the dashboard. "Is this alright?"
"Is what alright?"
"This." Sasha leaned across the gearshift and kissed him on the cheek.
Jon sat there for a moment, his heart racing. "I--um." He didn't have to give it much thought. "Yes." He leaned towards her. "Do it again?"
Sasha grinned, and pressed her lips to his. They were very soft. He could taste her chapstick, which was coconut flavored. It was wonderful. Her mouth shook under his for a second, as she tried to stifle a laugh. He pulled away, indignant, but Sasha was shaking her head. "I'm not laughing at you. It's just--you're so gentle. You don't have to be all careful with me." She pointed at herself. "It's Sash, remember?"
"I'm sorry," Jon said. "It's . . . been a while."
"Ah, same here. But I don't accept your apology."
Jon cracked a smile. "Can't get anything past you, James."
"No," Sasha said, faux-primly. "You can't." And then she kissed him again, and despite her insistence that he needn't be gentle, Jon melted anyway. Even with the both of them sitting down, Sasha's couple of inches on him were evident, and Jon gladly let her tower over him. He had always been a little self-conscious about his height, and having a partner that was taller than him was extremely welcome.
When they finally pulled apart, Jon said, "You're a genius."
Sasha looked puzzled. "I didn't know I was that good of a kisser."
"Oh, no, that's not--You're a really good kisser, yes, but I meant about the date thing."
"Ohh. That makes more sense. Yes, I am a genius. And a great kisser. Thank you for noticing," said Sasha, and Jon laughed.
The rest of the stakeout was, unfortunately, a bit of a wash. Neither of them spent much time watching the doorway, and they fell asleep on one another's shoulders around three in the morning. As a date, though, Jon would have to say it was a complete success.
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carmeloffie · 3 years
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A case in suburbia, domestic dynamics, and a forever home. What could go wrong?
the moment i’ve been waiting for! chapter one is up now! read here or under the cut.
Cas and Dean were searching for a forever house. They had been pretty much since Cas got back from the empty. They were ready to distance themselves from hunting. Dean had always wanted a sort of suburban, white picket fence life, even if he didn’t admit it to anyone. And since he already admitted how he truly felt to Cas, why not throw his need for a domestic lifestyle into the mix. Cas was all for it. Ever since Jack had given up most of his powers to Amara, thus causing her to take his place as God and him almost human, Cas had been hoping for a place to raise him like a normal child. The bunker was great for hunting and a place for Cas, Dean, and Sam, but not so much for raising a 5-year-old kid.
House hunting had been a burden to bear, but they were making out alright. Up till this, they’d looked at about 3 other houses. They were all a no for different reasons. The first one Cas decided was in a school district that wouldn’t be good for Jack, the second didn’t have a big enough garage or backyard, and the third didn’t have enough bedrooms for all of their family to stay. With the whole credit card scam they’d been running for as long as they remember, budget wasn’t really a problem, but they didn’t want something extravagant.
There it was, 538 Chapel Street in Pine River Crossings. It wasn’t too far out of Lawrence, only a few hours' drive, and all the houses looked nice. Very cookie cutter, but that was sort of the appeal. They couldn’t guarantee that they would fit in with the traditional, upper middle-class people, but what the hell, if they could kill god they could take suburbia.
A few days passed, and they were set up to look at the home. They drove the hour and a half to the next medium-sized town with the belief in their minds that this was the one. It had all they needed, a two-car garage, a respectable school district, and two guest bedrooms. They were so caught up in this concept they made the mistake of not checking the news for the nearby areas. Once they arrived, a realtor who showed them around the dwelling greeted them. It was all they could ask for and more practically too good to be true, especially for people like them. The actual presentation of the house went over without too many problems. The person exhibiting the residence commented on how it had been on display for almost a month now, which was the first red flag. A house as nice as this, in a densely populated area, would usually not be on the market for that long in weeks unless there was some hidden con.
They signed on it not a day after seeing the house in person. It was all set up and they could officially start moving stuff in the next week. They officially shared the good news with everyone the day after they signed. Sam was beyond happy for them. Not only would he finally have a space to himself, he was proud of his brother for living the life he’d always wanted. Jack was thrilled that he would get to go to actual school and have friends that were his age and not cosmic entities. In the meantime, Cas did more research into the neighborhood. There was their hidden con. The newspaper Cas had pulled up on his phone said, “Local Couple Murdered in Own Home.”
“Dean, look at this.”
Okay, that was a setback. A murderer on the loose in the neighborhood they were moving into was not exactly what he had planned, but he had delt with worse. “Alright, that could be a problem.”
“I think it’s a little bigger than a problem,” Cas retorted.
“Is it our type of thing or just something local law enforcement could deal with?”
Cas read on in the article, “the couple was stabbed, there was no sign of forced entry, neighbors reported nothing amiss besides lights flickering before the murder. The weapon, as well as the perpetrator, was never found. No official suspects have been labeled, everyone has seemed to have an alibi.”
“It definitely sounds like our thing. Lights flickering, no breaking and entering, and all.”
They decided they could pose as residents, as it seemed perfectly normal for the newcomers to be concerned about the literal murderer on the loose. Since Cas was newly human, and Jack was, well, 5, Dean thought they might need outside help. Being out of practice to spend more time with your husband and child really had its fallbacks. Sam was off the table as backup. He was out of town and Dean didn't want to interrupt his first weekend without him in god knows how long. Plus, they needed someone who wouldn't draw too much attention to their family dynamic.
“Hey, Cas, what do you think about calling in Claire to help us with this one? You think she’d do it?”
“Calling her in for help is a good idea, whether or not shed actually do it is another question.”
“I’ll call and ask, and if she wants to help, and if not then I can think of something else.”
He kept his promise and called Claire not an hour later. He decided it might be best not to tell her it was undercover work, or that it was taking place in a white picket fence neighborhood, as that might turn her off from it almost immediately.
“Hey Claire, its been too long since we’ve talked,” he started.
“Hi Dean. what do you want, there’s no way you’re just calling to catch up if you’re starting with ‘its been too long.’”
“You got me there. I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me and Cas on a hunt. Its not too far from the bunker and we’d have you back home in a week.”
“Sure, that works. When do we start?” She hadnt seen Dean and Cas since they rescued Cas. That was over a month ago, she’d been meaning to visit, but she’d been so busy with hunting, and getting to know Kaia again now that she was finally back. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to reconnect and not miss out on anything too big back at home.
“If you could come down here by Wednesday, that’d be great.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.” She was tempted to sign off with an ‘I love you’ but she was never a lovey-dovey person in that way.
On tuesday she promised Jody she’d be extra careful and would be back in under a week. Kaia told her to make sure to call every day and update her on what was happening. Claire agreed, promising to keep in touch. She spent the rest of the day driving down to Kansas.
Back on Dean and Cas’s end, they were trying to get the house set up for 4 people when they had no furniture prior to this. Cas had always loved furniture shopping even before he had a use for it. When he worked at the Gas-and-Sip, he would browse the home improvement magazines in his spare time. Dean was pretty much the opposite. He had never had reason to care for it, so he didn't. Maybe his hatred for Swedish furniture was rooted in his deep-seated commitment issues. It didn't matter much why he hated it, he just left most of the choices up to Cas. there was then the issue of appliances and such you couldn't find in a furniture store. That was left up to him. Cas sent him out to Walmart to get things for the kitchen. That was something he could do. He picked out a mixer, some silverware, and a pioneer woman kitchenware set. It came with pots and pans, mixing bowls, and a few normal sized plates. That was enough for him to consider it an absolute steal. He brought his finds home to the bunker, setting them on the table designated for things that were to go in the new house. Jack was sitting on Cas’s lap, pointing at things on the computer.
“What’re you guys finding?” Dean asked, hovering behind Cas’s shoulder.
“Djungelskog!” Jack exclaimed, showing Dean a photo of a large stuffed brown bear.
“I thought you were looking for furniture?” Dean directed the question more at Cas, but he was still looking at Jack.
“We are. Jack just got us a bit sidetracked. We found the majority of what we need. Among other things not of as grave importance.”
Dean looked over the shopping cart and then gave the go ahead. Not before adding the stuffed bear to the cart, though.
The next day Claire arrived. Everyone was thrilled to see her. Jack ran up and threw himself around one of her legs and Cas gave her an awkward dad side hug. Dean wondered when he would tell her what the hunt would actually consist of, but he didn't want to interrupt the moment.
A few hours later, Dean fixed everyone a real dinner and had them sit down at the kitchen table. The realization dawned on him that this was going to be his last sit down meal officially living in the bunker. Everyone sort of just sat in silence for a beat. Perhaps reflecting on their own lasts of officially living there. “Claire, I sorta forgot to add this when I called you, but the case is a lot of undercover work. Also its in a suburban area.”
“And why didn't you tell me this sooner?”
“Well to speak freely, I wanted you on this case and I was worried it would make you not want to come.”
“It almost does, but i'm already here now, and i wouldn't want to waste a days driving on something i'm not actually going to do.” She guessed this would probably take longer than a week. “And i'm guessing this isn't just something you decided to do out of the goodness of your hearts?”
“We bought a house in the area, and we just wanted to make sure it was safe,” Cas explained.
“Hang on, you bought a house for real and you didnt even think to tell me? You didn't think that that was valuable information?”
“It didn't come up in our phone call,” Dean said.
“And? That’s no excuse to leave your daughter out of major life events!” The ‘daughter’ part just sort of came out without her noticing, but seconds after she said it she regretted it. God, how embarrassing.
“You’re right. We should’ve told you sooner. It was kind of a recent decision, though, so you haven’t been out of the loop for too long,” Cas said.
The next day was moving day. Dean loaded the appliances into the back of Claire’s car, since the back of the Impala was already full. Claire took her own car, while Dean, Cas, and Jack rode in Baby. Their real furniture was being delivered as they spoke. Cas offered to ride with Claire, but she assured him she’d be fine by herself. The drive wasn’t even that long, especially compared to the distance she drove yesterday.
Dean was silently nervous. He wouldn’t admit it out loud but it was written all over his face. His first real stable house, with the man he loved, and his two kids, he could only hope that he didn’t mess it up. Cas put a hand on his shoulder showing he saw how Dean was feeling.
They turned onto Chapel Street and pulled up into the driveway of the house. It somehow looked bigger and more daunting than it had during the walkthrough. Claire arrived almost ten minutes later. Everyone just sort of paused in front of the house for a minute, reveling in the stability most of them had never had.
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