#dx super sentai
steelajeeg · 2 years
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DX Kyutama Gattai DX KyurenOh
from Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger
by Bandai
Quick Shots
One of the late-Heisei Super Sentai seasons, and I must confess - one that I haven't seen. But all of the costume designs and the robots? Incredible.
It's high on my list to watch for that reason alone.
I saw this DX KyurenOh when the show premiered back in 2017 - and I picked it up soon after.
As much as I love them, I'm not usually so quick to buy DX Sentai toys - but this design just knocked me out.
Techy detail all over the figures, those clear plastic orbs, and big chunky proportions - all things that instantly appeal to me.
It's also a "Scramble City" style combiner - a Transformers term for combining robots whose limb pieces can be used for any arm or leg. This gives you a ton of possibilities for different robot configurations. Especially if you have any of the add-on robots - you could even have a whole robot with 4 of the same limb.
It's a great package. A modular robot than disassembles into five robotic animals, Kyutama orbs with interactive elements - and the robot itself cuts an incredible silhouette. Beautifully detailed sculpt, and vibrant colors.
I'm definitely going to keep my eyes out for more of the Kyutama robots. As long as they're on the discount end of pricing, and not collector aftermarket prices.
[Instagram link for this post]
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simeonscott · 1 year
NEW VIDEO! Was DX Don Onitaijin Worth the Hype?
Taking a look back at the biggest toy from Donbrothers before the series comes to an end this weekend.
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biomic · 2 years
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im so glad we can leave some space in between hero debuts and mech debuts now, it really helps the pacing of things
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bombermanga · 3 months
Open Call: Translating Bomberman Video Games
What up, bomberbutts! It sure has been a hot minute and a half. Unfortunately, I have no updates regarding any of Bombermanga's projects (except that nothing's abandoned, just backburnered). What I do have for y'all is a potential opportunity for folks to get involved in someone else's bombertranslation project — one in which translation skills aren't necessarily needed!
Legato at BombermanBoard (he of the SteamyJimmy YouTube channel, which got nuked after he posted subs for BMJ's Episode 53 drama CD and the entirety of the Bakugaiden IV anime) is looking to organize a group effort to translate several Bomberman games that never made it out of the land of the rising sun. This includes:
Super Bomberman: Panic Bomber W (SNES)
Super Bomberman 5 (SNES, incomplete)
Saturn Bomberman Fight!! (Saturn)
Bomberman Wars (Saturn)
BB-Daman Bakugaiden: Victory heno Michi (GBC)
BB-Daman Bakugaiden V: Final Mega Tune (GBC)
Bomberman Land (PSX)
Bomberman Land 2 (PS2, GC)
Bomberman Land 3 (PS2)
Bomberman Kart (PS2)
Bomberman Kart DX (PS2)
Bomberman Jetters: Legendary Bomberman (GBA)
Bomberman Jetters Game Collection (GBA)
Panic Bomber (PSP)
Bomberman: Bakufuu Sentai Bomberman (PSP)
Bomberman Blast JP (Wii)
The translator for BMJ Episode 53 and both Bakugaiden IV & V is open to working on these games as well, so what legato is primarily looking for are people who can:
Rip text from the games
Put any translated text back into a patch
Playtest for typos, corrections, etc.
Provide additional help checking translations for accuracy
For more information, check out the forum thread here. If you're interested in helping out, you can:
Make a BombermanBoard account and post in the thread about what you can do (which would probably be easier for legato to track but is possibly antithetical to the younger bombs in the fandom), or...
Message this account with a name, method of contact (an email address or otherwise some sort of social media with DM/PM capabilities), and what you can offer for the project so I can post in the thread in your stead
For the record, games that have already been translated (not by legato!) include:
Bomberman GB 3
Super Bomberman 4
Bomberman Warz (PSX)
Bomberman 64 Arcade Edition
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Weekly The Television, No. 47 (2002) "Super New Heroes, 7 Consecutive Shots" ft. Various Toku Alumni Short Interviews (translations below)
Publication: November 11, 2002 _
"Passion hidden within his cool gaze" Tetsuji Tamayama (GaoSilver)
"Whether it's TV dramas, movies, or photo books, Tetsuji Tamayama has become very popular. He is currently starring in "Bara no Jujika," playing the role of Kyosuke, a CM director who becomes popular after switching positions with his nephew, Togo. It's a difficult role for him, as he becomes troubled by his secret love for Sumiko, who is Togo's wife."
Tamayama: I'd like to express the depravity of humans when their position and situations change dramatically. I hope I can play out the relationship between Kyosuke and Togo in a way that men can sympathize with.
"In the film "Koi ni Utaeba," he plays the role of Satoru, the ex-boyfriend of Yumi, played by popular actress Yuka."
Tamayama: Everyone, including Takenaka Naoto-san, play such bizarre characters (laughs). I think I might be the only one playing a serious role. However, I wouldn't mind if I could act strangely too.
"Despite your smart appearance, your true colors are often showing."
Tamayama: I don't know if I'm impatient, or just not good at things. Like for example, traveling a long distance just to eat a meal. I'd rather go to a normal restaurant where everything is ready in 15 minutes, than to an Izakaya where the food comes out slowly. I don't want to spend time in places that I think are a wastes of time.
"He's also passionate about acting"
Tamayama: I want to be recognized as an actor. I'd like to challenge myself with a period drama if the opportunity ever arises. Like in Gaoranger, I'd like to experience that kind of world without any prior experience, like the Edo period or the Warring States period.
"A hot and reliable brotherly figure." Noboru Kaneko (GaoRed)
Kaneko: I try to add alot of variety to my performance, as to make sure I don't get bored.
"Noboru Kaneko-san said, describing the joys of acting in a lively manner. Since staring in Gaoranger, he has appeared in multiple dramas and variety shows. He's currently playing a detective in "You're Under Arrest."
Kaneko: I'm alittle worried if I have "the right look." At first, I wanted to portray my character as more of an obnoxious detective, but he's already become such a nice guy (laughs).
"With 7 years of experience as a tennis instructor, he's both athletic and versatile."
Kaneko: People always tell me that I "look like I work out," but I only do push ups at home, and only when I remember to. I'm not a member of any gym, but I sometimes go to my local ward's gym for 400 yen at a time (laughs).
"Fitness seems to be second nature to you."
Kaneko: When I play sports, the first thing I do is image training. I'll picture jumping over the vaulting box or hitting a ball successfully. Image training has also helped me with my acting.
"One of his strengths, is that he can apply his sense of sports into what he plays."
Kaneko: I want to be an actor with a unique style. I don't care if I don't play the leading role, I just want to be the one who will be the most "memorable" after the show ends.
"He's cute enough to want to keep to yourself" Taiyo Sugiura (Ultraman Cosmos)
"Taiyo Sugiura says his role as Musashi in Ultraman Cosmos was his starting point. Recently, he's been appearing on variety shows, including "Midnight Sentai Garinpero" where he serves as one of its MC's. He is active in a variety of works, and is scheduled to make his CD debut next month with his younger brother as a sibling unit."
Sugiura: At first, I didn't think variety was for me, but once you try it, it's alot of fun. I was so happy when I got together with Downtown for the first time on their show "Downtown DX" (laugh). Garinpero is a live show, so I think how it works is that the first person to speak up wins. When speaking live, I use Kansai dialect, because it's easier for me to speak normally than standard Japanese. After this program, I'd like to one day star in a drama with my co-hosts Toshiki Kashu-kun (Agito) and Shioya Shun-kun (HurricaneRed). And then there's the "Winter Special Event: Hot Springs Tour with Everyone" program. Maybe…it'd be alright to just enjoy by myself!?
"Next year, he'll try his hand with theater for the first time."
Sugiura: I came into this world aspiring to become an actor, so I think doing various works will lead me to becoming a successful one. In the future, I'd like to act in movies and play a variety of roles, including cool ones.
"A refreshingly beautiful man with pure eyes." Toshiki Kashu (Kamen Rider Agito)
"Toshiki Kashu-san is set to be an MC for the variety program "Midnight Sentai Garinpero." We can expect to see a different side of him compared to the heroic role he played in "Kamen Rider Agito," which was his breakthrough role."
Kashu: I can learn a lot of things that I have never experienced before, such as presenting in a studio and reporting on location. I used to stay away from anything that I didn't have any interest in. But things have started to change since I became an actor. It's a way of expanding my own world, so I'm looking forward to this program.
"As an actor, he says he is, "not the most distinctive."
Kashu: On the contrary, I've come to think it's probably better that way. I don't want to simply be, "Toshiki Kashyu playing any role," I want to be an actor who can be absorbed into the role. So for now, as I gain experience through various works, and depend on my own talents, one day I'd like to develop my own style. I want to become an actor who can wear any color, carrying around paints of various colors, while always remaining pure white.
"And with that, he showes his determination."
"An "active rider" with a beautiful figure that is a sight to behold!" Takamasa Suga (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Suga: After being accepted for the role, I told my father, whose response was, "I won't be able to see your face when you become Ryuki!," it was an incredible misunderstanding (laughs).
"Takamasa Suga-kun said. Currently starring in Kamen Rider Ryuki, he looks back on the days when he passed the audition with a nostalgic feeling."
Suga: From the start of filming up until now, things have gone by quick. In the beginning, I would go to the production site, then go home, sleep, and repeat that process every day. I wouldn't even pay attention to what was going on in the world, so I sometimes felt like a recluse. Some have said that the production site of Ryuki is like an all boys school. So from now on, I'm saying, "Let's do training camps and drink for days!" (laughs).
"If we were to compare his co-star, Satoshi Matsuda-kun, to an animal, he says, "A fox! That guy, he's very sharp and smart in almost every way." Suga-kun is also a good looking young man who speaks politely, but what type of woman does he like?
Suga: I'm…actually a really sloppy guy. I get my meals from convenience stores, and my room is always a mess. That's why I'd like to find a firm but caring woman.
"He's also a Kabuki enthusiast."
Suga: I've always loved it, and recently, I've been taking out books to study it more. It's precisely because Kabuki is so difficult that I'm fascinated by it. I hope I can reflect the feeling of Kabuki into my acting.
"A handsome face and smooth voice." Matsuda Satoshi (Kamen Rider Knight)
Matsuda: I'm actually 100 times more cheerful than Ren. When I'm on set, I act like an idiot and am always saying nonsense.
"Satoshi Matsuda-kun said while laughing, he plays the cool Akiyama Ren in Kamen Rider Ryuki. Both his co-stars and he himself admits that he's a lively mood maker. Comparing himself to his co-star Takamasa Suga-kun, he said, "I think we're like cat and dog." He explains, "Sugacchi, who is a very sweet person that is often spoiled, is a dog. I'm a cat because I tend to do things at my own pace."
Matsuda: I like black bass fishing, and on good days, I'll swing about 1,000 casts. During the middle of Winter, I once fished with snow building up on my head. While I'm fishing, I usually call a friend when I have a random though. "What are you up to? Ah, sorry, you see I'm catching fish right now and…" and that's when they'll hang up (laughs).
"At what moment did you feel glad that you became an actor?"
Matsuda: During the filming of the scene where I die in the TV Special, me, Sugacchi, and the rest of the staff were so overwhelmed, that we all started crying. In that moment, I experienced a feeling of unity and joy that I don't think I could experience anywhere else. In the future, I hope to develop a masculine style and atmosphere like that of Takakura Ken-san (famous Showa era actor).
"A gentle, healing "man" full of kindness" Masashi Goda (OhBlue)
With a gentle smile, the charming Masashi Goda-san is currently starring in the drama "Bara no Jujika," passionately playing the role of Junya, a young man who is in love with Aki, a single mother.
Goda: Junya is ready to say to Aki, "I'll take care of you, along with your child," but he really struggles to say it, doesn't he? Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong if the person you love already has children.
"Goda-sans true colors, which seem to overlap with Junya's, is an image that would warmly embrace any woman. When on the set, he's always there to play with the child actors."
Goda: However, if I spoil them too much, they'll say the names of card games and other things I don't know of (laughs). In the past, when I was on location for Ohranger, there was usually a large gathering of children, and as a hero, I couldn't be seen as a bad guy (laughs). I love children, so I'm comfortable playing this role.
"Behind his soft gaze, he reveals his passion for acting."
Goda: Actually, it's not so much "I'd like to play this kind of role," it's more about how much I can expand the role I'm asked to play. That's what I'm more interested in.
"With that, we felt the charm of an adult man in the expression on his face, as he spoke of his sincere thoughts.
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mofffun · 8 months
G-ROSSO Super Sentai stage show guide (7/2023)
Theatre G-Rosso is located within the theme park Tokyo Dome City. The theme park had a long history of Hero Shows running back to the 70s. The theatre was established in 2009 as a permanent indoor stage. There are 4 seasons each year with showings on weekends and holidays. Suidobashi station is a little closer than Korakuen/Kasuga subway. I visited it for the first time in July 2023.
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Post-show activities
G-rosso ticketing depends on which seasons really. Tickets should be plentiful for the first two seasons, especially S2/August when they show every day. S3 and S4 with the face actors might be harder but the show runs for 3 months too so it should be possible.
ticket types + availibility / show schedule
There are three classes of G-rosso tickets (single adult admission) :
Premium (¥2500): first 3 rows + special gift
General (¥1900): rest of the theatre
Free Seating (¥1500): same-day showings for the last 5 rows at the end of the theatre. cash only, vending machine at the door.
You can of course book online through a proxy (bypassing japanse phone verification) but I think you can save that fee especially if you're staying for more than a week in Japan. For S2, I was able to buy the last Premium ticket for the next day (Saturday), and there were enough general seats available. Can't say for sure the same applies to S3/4 with face actors. As a foreigner, the most convenient way is to buy a ticket is from the convenience store Family Mart. Find any store with the photocopier-looking machine and follow the instructions to choose the show times and pricing, pay with cash at the counter and the staff will print you a paper ticket. same go for photo ops and handshake.
(Free Seating vending machine, photo ops ticket)
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The theatre is two stories high and you can see the seating plan here. I was in the third row mid-right. What surprised me was how close to the stage the first rows are, barely an arm's distance. At one point Kuwagata Ohger leaned on the railing of the first row. The actors would also walk up to interact with the audience.
I think if you want to enjoy the whole stage and not aiming at the special gift, you can skip the Premium ticket and get a few rows further back. Another recommended seat is Row L just between the two blocks. That's where Spider Kumonos descends UPSIDE DOWN from the sky right in front of your eyes.
If for some reason you g-rosso on a whim / sneaked it into the schedule, the free entry ticket is available only at the vending machine on-site with cash. It's designated to the last rows but staff aren't strict on you moving if the theatre is not crowded.
(view from middle block)
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as you'd've seen in commercials, you can pay extra to take a photo (with red only!) (¥1100) and shake hands (with all six) of the heroes (¥600) after the show. The tickets for those are available prior online and in convenience stores too, but if you ask the staff, they'll let you buy one with cash on an old-fashioned vending machine. Since it's my first time attending G-rosso, I did the whole package with birthday perks (no id checked).
A new backstage tour is available since August. Lottery ticketing required.
(merch haul)
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The most iconic G-rosso exclusive merch is probably the hero hand light. I didn't really see a lot of kids holding it so I kinda forgot about it in the rush. the other true exclusive is a wooden plaque gashapon machine (¥300). There were booths for name badges for kids and you can get a bromide for ¥440. There was a cart selling DX toys and plushies. The special stuff is some toei online store acrylic stands, the muffler towel, cup and plate. Outside you'd find the food stall with collab items like popcorns and drinks with an original coaster.
(Collab menu with coasters, Exclusive wood plaque)
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(kids play area, past hero show posters)
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As a kid's show the japanese won't be too difficult but I was so captivated by the action I wasn't really listening to the words. The plot is easy enough to follow though, and the website says an English pamphlet is available for borrowing (but I forgot to ask). It feels so professional compared to park stage shows but so tangible compared to tv. They make good use of the space with an under-stage pit/trampoline and the high ceiling with platforms and wires. my eyes were busy darting when the action was in one corner and then next. childhood wonder!!
leaving the theatre is a row of gashapon machines and a kids' play area with all the DX toys (:( no adults) and when you go up the escalator, on the side of the theatre entrance is a wall of pass hero show posters!
(i barely have any coherent notes about this) the plot is there's a cicada MOTW and he is brainwashed to make the earth's temperature rise and make evil clones of the team. Rita, raised in the land of snow, is bad at heat and went to sit in a corner and covered their head with the mantle. When facing their/Gira's evil clone, they said 'i'll just cut down both of them'. My notes said 'someday Rita is even gonna plead innocence for the bugs'. six of them roll call together with jeramie!! i was watching papillon-sama's fight style the whole time. and there were trampolines and flips and cartwheels and white spider man falling from the sky while the digital background zooms in and out and legit tears when we started cheering for the heroes. it's an experience okay.
(outside the theatre)
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ginnyn · 1 year
Well, there's some more information about, behold!
The fact that the trailer has like a Zenkaiger part and a Donbrothers part is on purpose, this thing is apparently going to have 3 acts: A Zenkai ep, a Donbros ep and then the crossover part, because both parts are going to collapse into almost merging both worlds and creating an edge. Which, is going to be the 2nd time that happens to Zenkaitopia, so maybe now are going to explain why the Tojirou System failed capturing Zenkaitopia and instead merging it with Kikaitopia in the 1st episode of Zenkaiger. Who knows?!
The Zenkaiger part is about the Zenkaigers making it back from their 2nd travel in which, for some reason, Kachiwa mochi World is back and for some another reason, I guess mind control, has named Zocks as Kachiwa mochi King AND the King of Zenkaitopia. So, that's something to fix
Meanwhile, in the Donbros side, Tarou has gotten his memories back and he goes to Donbura to meet his teammates, who have been busy been the Donbrothers after a year while leading full filling private lifes and, while they are happy so see him, they ask him to disband the Donbrothers and go their separate ways instead. Then, the Kikai-ki attacks.
This thing it's co-written by Toshiki Inue (You know, main writer for Donbros) AND Junko Komura (Main writer for Zenkaiger!). This is SO COOL.
The collectibles are called the DX DonZenkai Blade and the Victory Super Gear, because of course. Those are going to come in the Special Edition of the Blu-Ray and the DVD.
Also, the poster!
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2 things:
Hakaizer is back there so, it really wasn't a surprise but I'm still so happy for it
Tarou's golden peach in his forehead has a number and is a 46, but the 6 its styled in a way that looks a lot like a 5. Someone put a lot of effort in it and I'm so grateful to them. I hope you get a raise.
My only problem? I cannot find Donbros!Kaito named anywhere :(. I'm not 100% worried because I don't think they are going to kick that plot point resolution to, I dunno, King-ohger vs Donbros, but still.
Anyway, I'm as hype for this as the Zenkaiger are meeting their senpais so I guess I got something from Donbros after all :D
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SMP Ninjaman announced
While a SHODO Super release for Kakuranger's sixth member had been announced to go alongside the rangers themselves, the official Bandai Candy Toy blog has revealed today that Ninjaman is to also see release in the SMP line, in full Sentai mech scale.
As the blog details, Ninjaman has multiple points of articulation that puts him above previous SMP releases -- as best shown through his ability to reach the Ninja Sword on his back. The figure features double-jointed elbows and an axis on the wrist to accomplish this, which opens up a much larger degree of articulation than usual. The knees also feature double joints, and despite the design; the shafts on the thighs are able to move down slightly (without activating transformation) to allow full thigh and leg movement. The skirt is also moveable for more articulation. The hole of the fists means the Ninja Sword can be held either forward or backward to recreate poses from the show, and can also be held with both hands.
Naturally, Ninjaman can transform into Samuraiman -- and while the simple transformation of the limbs is manual, a full recreation of the DX toy's flip-head gimmick has been included; with the back of the figure being able to be pulled to automatically activate it. This works both for transformation into Samuraiman and transforming back to Ninjaman. In this mode, Samuraiman's double jointed knees are notably hindered by the shape of the lower leg; but otherwise all functions remain the same. The Ninja Sword can be combined with its scabbard here to recreate the Samurai Javelin.
For accessories, Ninjaman includes the aforementioned Ninja Sword and scabbard which are combinable; a set of hands including fists/holding, open flat hands and ninpuu hands; and finally, a second visor -- this is to accomodate for Ninjaman including a sticker for the visor that recreates the 'burning eyes of anger' during his transformation. The visors can be swapped out easily.
As a final point, the blog notes that the peghole on Ninjaman's back for the scabbard is in fact the same size of peghole used to connect the previous Kakuranger mecha to Tsubasamaru -- meaning that the bird can be connected as wings for Ninjaman and even pull off the Furious Cannon attack despite Ninjaman never doing so in the show.
SMP Ninjaman releases as a Premium Bandai exclusive later next year, with pre-orders to begin tomorrow.
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What’s the difference between ultra replica/csm, memorial stuff, and dx releases
DX are the standard toys put out during the show and movies (and sometimes with some post-series media like the genm musuo gashat) which are made to be very solid and do everything you'd expect a roleplay toy to do -- transformation, finishers, attacks if it's a weapon, compatibility with all the gimmick toys etc. Sometimes if it's a Premium Bandai release they'll include voicelines or other extras to make it more appealing. It's difficult to really describe it because it's like the standard point of reference so it's hard to know what to compare it to if you don't know about the other stuff too
Memorial releases are generally done just after the show is over and can be thought of as an improved version for a higher pricepoint. Typically this consists of including BGM and voicelines from the cast, though can also do things like changing the items to be more show-accurate (such as Decker's cards removing the words), including exclusive items (like Live and Jeanne's final form items), fun bonuses (like the Kiramai Wheel including Juuru's sketchbook), or changing the device entirely through adding die-cast or in Zenkaiger's case greatly increasing the size. It's premium versions of previously released items, basically, to be more show-accurate and 'complete' for a higher price (usually double the amount of the DX). As an extra note, Memorial typically does Sentai and Ultra's transformation items as a whole; but generally only does Rider's transformation items -- for instance, the Revice releases did just the Vistamps of the main cast but Decker and Zenkaiger's releases were of the full transformation devices.
CSM/Ultra Replica is stupidly high prices for the most perfect rendition of a belt you could ever possibly expect; having all of Memorial's pluses and more. They're made specifically for adult collectors too and hence are sized for adults and to be worn by adults in the case of belts. Generally these lines cover older early 2000s series that are popular and whose DX items are super outdated, but they have also recently dabbled in being the way you get a roleplay item of an adult-aimed entry (BLACK SUN and Shin Kamen Rider for instance). In those cases they also dabble in new technology, such as the BLACK SUN belts being auto-transformations that are activated through a sensor detecting your movement. CSM items also feature very high-quality materials such as Die-Cast for that extra bit of quality
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sevrai · 10 months
I've been obsessed with Tokusatsu stuff for a few months now and haven't really wrapped my head around how I want to gush or ramble about it. I've probably posted random stuff on Twitter and just forgot but I need an excuse to post some pics here between comic updates and I don't see any Tumblr posts I've forgotten so HERE WE GO.
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I've always loved Godzilla and the old Power Rangers seasons, and have spent years trying to get more into actual Super Sentai and Kamen Rider stuff, but never quite committed fully to any of it. Yet something just clicked in my brain and rewired my DNA earlier this year and now I'm cripplingly addicted. (Shin Kamen Rider didn't quite spark this, but the hype leading up to seeing it in theaters definitely helped fan the flames.)
I dunno why it took me so long to get hooked. It's all so up my alley. For a while I also thought I'd only be interested in the stuff closer to the 90's and 2000's eras and thought that the modern Riders looked too goofy and "toyetic," but then another click went off in my head and I got hooked on Geats. It was like a blastwave went off in my mind, suddenly I understood the appeal of Reiwa and late Heisei Rider.
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I was enjoying it so much that I even impulse-bought a couple of DX Belt toys;
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(They're basically absurdly expensive fidget toys for me to giggle at and I don't regret it for a second.)
I've been sorta bouncing back and forth through different eras as I decide what to watch. I watched Kamen Rider Black with Hayley, watched a ton of Geats on my own, then burnt through Kuuga.
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And between Rider series I've been dabbling in Super Sentai, starting with Dairanger which had some fun doses of nostalgia, being the source of a bunch of footage from later episodes of MMPR. I also watched Shuriken Sentai Ninninger, which has a rep for being a weaker season but I still enjoyed it a lot.
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(Especially Kyuemon. Apparently my weakness for femboys and weird monster guys is not immune to a goofy rubber suit in a toku show, especially when the two are combined.)
I don't want this to be as long-winded as the Armored Core post, but I definitely want to share more Toku stuff as I move through the series. I hope I don't burn myself out but I can't stop watching them. I started Ultraman Tiga recently, too. While not as up my alley as the other two of the big three, I do love me some kaiju and exploding miniatures.
It's so rare I get into something that I can't articulate the appeal of without just bluntly saying "it's fun." It fires off the same neurons in my brain as pro wrestling. It's stupid and super fun. Pretty easy to find these shows around the internet, too. Shin Kamen Rider is on Amazon Prime, and a lot of the older stuff can be dug up on the Internet Archive or streamed on Tubi.
(Those just being the most accessible options for peeps who don't want to dawn their pirate hats and go sailing the seas of nyaa, of course.)
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steelajeeg · 1 year
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Chill Vibes
We recently got these little shelves - designed for putting small decorations over your TV.
Combined with the purple LED lights we have behind the bedroom furniture, and they strike some pretty cool silhouettes.
But all that said-- they were 15 bucks for 3 shelves. Not bad at all. And 9n the living room TV (which is newer, and much thinner) they hold with better grip. So your mileage may vary.
They were very cheap, so I don't feel that bad that they can't hold much weight. The shelves work well enough here. The legs are adjustable-- so they should fit any flat panel TV. But it seems like they were designed with slightly older (and thicker) models in mind.
The legs have detents and thumb screws, so on the best setting for me they lean ever so slightly forward. But the next setting backwards means way too far back.
[Instagram link for this post]
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reversemoon255 · 2 years
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I know everyone loves the GaoMachines, as they are some of the highest aftermarket prices of any Sentai Robo post-1990, but I don’t think they’re that great. I think they’re perfectly fine toys, but subpar Sentai toys, having finicky transformations, locked limb positions, and half the line is remolds and repaints. There are only 4 arms, 3 torsos, 2 legs, as well as a few miscellaneous things, which is not only the most, but staggeringly more redos than any other line Sentai has produced. However I do understand why people like them, having a large amount of diecast, heavy paintwork, and a higher level of posability than most other seasons in all modes. Those just aren’t things I personally care about, which is why I’ve been experiencing them through the cheaper model kits than tracking down the DXs like I usually do.
Thoughts: I was surprised by how GaoWolf and GaoHammerhead, despite being remolded versions of GaoTiger and GaoShark, were actually new sprews, and didn’t just reuse parts with a few extra tacked on. Hammerhead is essentially the same, but the face and handle holder are new without GaoShark’s being present (as well as the full sword), and many of GaoTIger’s sculpted stripes are missing from GaoWolf.
This is my first time handling GaoLigator (fantastic name, btw), and it’s not anything super interesting construction- or transformation-wise, but I do like the head, and the incorporation of all the additional jointage SMP added to it. 
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The Details: Mostly panel lining, but I did have to add a bit of black paint to some of the thicker areas, like the back of the sword. I also added the black stripe on GaoWolf’s stomach, and a bit of metallic green on the back of GaoLigator’s shoulders since the plastic was black.
Overall, I am glad I could experience the GaoLigator mold, and the fact that these are simpler kits made the repetitive aspects of this build a lot easier to deal with. Even if they are a bit expensive, I think I prefer building these cheaper kits to spending a ton of money on the DXs as I’m not that excited for them, and I look forward to experiencing the GaoIcarus molds.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Set of 8+ small toys and some parts.
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skyhighsuperben · 2 years
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I haven’t had a new Super Sentai Mecha since getting rid of 99% of my collection. I was talking to my friend @davidzhorvath about how the new DX Don Onitaijin looked pretty cool and he FedEx-ed me one of his extras. My son has since claimed it. #SuperSentai #donbrothers #Mecha https://www.instagram.com/p/CfHsWutPKeM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biomic · 3 years
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rise up my fellow hoehoe soldiers
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firebirdsdaughter · 3 years
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I think??? I may be really bad at gauging ages, but his costume def looks different?? his hair?? Maybe??? Like obviously I can’t read, but… I dunno. I’m glad to see something that might be a little background for him bc I’m curious. We may not necessarily need it for the character or the narrative, but I want it. ^^;
Although if that is a child actor… Once again, Toei at it w/ their clone factories, where do they find these kids that look so much like the adult versions?? also am I losing my mind, or is that the actor who played young Kairi???
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