#dynamic form builder
sensualnoiree · 1 month
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Key Themes: New Beginnings, Initiative & Action, Cardinal Fire Sign, Leadership, Vibrancy & Vitality, Boldness & Courage, Sudden Bursts of Power, Spontaneity, Quick Decision Making, Spark of Inspiration, Pioneering, Risk-Taking, Passion & Enthusiasm, Empowering Energy.
Symbolism & Archetype: Aries embodies the essence of the "pioneer" and "warrior." It signifies the spark of life and the birth of new cycles. The assertive and action-oriented nature of Aries is linked to its role as the first sign of the zodiac, where the journey begins. As a Cardinal Fire sign, Aries initiates action with a fiery zeal, often acting as a trailblazer in any situation.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I come forth, and from the Plane of Mind I rule" encapsulates Aries' journey of self-realization and mastery of will. Aries is where divine ideas are born, and its energy drives the manifestation of the divine will. The "Heart in the Head Lotus" represents the spiritual awakening and higher consciousness that Aries can achieve when aligned with its higher purpose.
Key Themes: Fixed Earth Sign, Venus Ruled, Grounded & Stable, Appreciation for Nature, Enduring, Stubbornness & Reliability, Cultivation of Taste, Value for Quality, Slow & Steady Rhythm, Resistance to Change.
Symbolism & Archetype: Taurus is the "builder" and "preserver," embodying the energy of stability and endurance. As the Fixed Earth sign, Taurus is connected to the physical realm, emphasizing the importance of security, material wealth, and sensual pleasures. The bull symbolizes strength, patience, and a deep connection to the earth.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined" reflects Taurus' journey toward spiritual illumination through the material world. Taurus is associated with desire, but this desire evolves into a drive for spiritual beauty and the synthesis of the divine within the physical form. The "penetrating Light of the Path" signifies Taurus' role in revealing the hidden mysteries of the heart.
Key Themes: Quick Learners, Social & Charming, Mercury Ruled, Communication, Intellect, Curiosity, Versatility, Adaptability, Dynamic & Changing Energy, Love of Learning.
Symbolism & Archetype: Gemini is the "communicator" and "trickster," representing the duality of mind and the flow of information. As a Mutable Air sign, Gemini is associated with the exchange of ideas, quick thinking, and adaptability. The twins symbolize the dual nature of Gemini, constantly exploring both sides of every situation.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow" speaks to Gemini's journey of integrating the higher and lower selves. Gemini's energy is about relating and connecting, overcoming the illusion of separation. It is linked to the heart of the Sun, symbolizing the central role of communication and connection in the sustenance of life.
Key Themes: The Crab, Intuitive & Sensitive, Moon Ruled, Emotional Sensitivity, Nurturing & Protective, Strong Attachment to Home & Family, Sentimental & Nostalgic.
Symbolism & Archetype: Cancer is the "nurturer" and "caretaker," embodying the energy of emotional depth and protection. As a Cardinal Water sign, Cancer is associated with the nurturing of life, whether it be through family, home, or emotional bonds. The crab symbolizes protection, retreat, and the cyclical nature of life.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I build a lighted house and therein dwell" reflects Cancer's journey of creating a safe and sacred space for the soul. Cancer is where the light of the soul begins to shine within the form, illuminating the path of life. The sign is associated with the breath of life, signifying the connection between spirit, soul, and form.
Key Themes: Fixed Fire Sign, The Sun, Leadership, Radiant Personality, Attention-Seeking, Bold, Creative, Passionate, Loyalty & Stability, Devoted in Relationships, Heart Chakra & Compassion.
Symbolism & Archetype: Leo is the "king" and "hero," representing the power of self-expression and leadership. As a Fixed Fire sign, Leo embodies the energy of creativity, confidence, and vitality. The lion symbolizes strength, nobility, and the desire to shine.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I am That, and That Am I" reflects Leo's journey toward self-realization and spiritual mastery. Leo's energy is about illuminating the self and others, leading with the heart, and achieving self-mastery. The "will-to-rule and to dominate" signifies Leo's potential for self-control and the conditioning of the environment in alignment with the divine plan.
Key Themes: Mutable Earth Sign, Mercury Ruled, Attention to Detail & Discernment, Analytical, Practical, Connection to Digestion & Assimilation, Preparation for Judgment & Equinox, Diligence & Service.
Symbolism & Archetype: Virgo is the "healer" and "analyst," embodying the energy of service, organization, and purification. As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgo is associated with the practical application of knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and the cultivation of order. The goddess Demeter symbolizes the nurturing and harvesting aspects of Virgo.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I Am the Mother and the Child; I God - I Matter, Am" reflects Virgo's journey of integrating the spiritual and material worlds. Virgo's energy is about nurturing the divine potential within the material world, preparing for the revelation of the hidden spiritual reality. The sign is associated with the nurturing force of substance itself.
Key Themes: Cardinal Air Sign, Venus Ruled, Balance & Weighing, Harmony & Fairness, Focus on Relationships & Social Harmony, Beauty, Art, & Aesthetics.
Symbolism & Archetype: Libra is the "diplomat" and "judge," embodying the energy of balance, harmony, and fairness. As a Cardinal Air sign, Libra is associated with the weighing of options, the pursuit of justice, and the importance of relationships. The scales symbolize equilibrium, duality, and the quest for fairness.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force" reflects Libra's journey of finding balance between opposing forces. Libra's energy is about achieving harmony between the soul and personality, creating a point of balance where spiritual opportunity arises. The sign is associated with the probationary path, where duality is known and choice is inevitable.
Key Themes: Fixed Water Sign, Ruled by Mars, Intense, Mysterious, Deep Emotional Connections, Passion & Intensity, Resourceful, Strong Intuition, Power of Self-Transformation.
Symbolism & Archetype: Scorpio is the "transformer" and "warrior," embodying the energy of deep emotional intensity and the power of transformation. As a Fixed Water sign, Scorpio is associated with the exploration of the depths of the psyche, the confrontation of fears, and the process of rebirth. The scorpion symbolizes resilience, defense, and the ability to regenerate.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "Warrior am I and from the Battle I emerge Triumphant" reflects Scorpio's journey of inner transformation and spiritual triumph. Scorpio's energy is about the merging of the light of form, soul, and life, leading to the liberation of the soul from the lower worlds. The sign is associated with the trials and tests of the soul's journey, ultimately leading to triumph and liberation.
Key Themes: Mutable Fire Sign, Ruled by Jupiter, Outspoken, Adventurous, Philosophical, Freedom-Loving, Idealistic, Generous, Wanderlust, Spiritual Aspiration.
Symbolism & Archetype: Sagittarius is the "seeker" and "philosopher," embodying the energy of exploration, truth-seeking, and spiritual aspiration. As a Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius is associated with the quest for knowledge, the pursuit of higher wisdom, and the desire for freedom. The archer symbolizes direction, focus, and the pursuit of lofty goals.
Esoteric Perspective: The mantra "I see the Goal. I reach that goal and then I see another" reflects Sagittarius' journey of continuous spiritual growth and expansion. Sagittarius' energy is about seeing the vision of the goal and directing one's course toward it, driven by an intuitive sense of direction. The sign is associated with idealism, spiritual aspiration, and the power to see beyond the present.
Key Themes: Cardinal Earth Sign, Ruled by Saturn, Ambition & Persistence, Practical Applications, Duties & Responsibilities, Focus on Building Secure Structures & Financial Security, Connection to History & Ancestry.
Symbolism & Archetype: Capricorn is the "builder" and "strategist," embodying the energy of discipline, responsibility, and long-term achievement. As a Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn is associated with the pursuit of goals, the importance of structure, and the mastery of the material world. The mountain goat symbolizes perseverance, ambition, and the climb to the top.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back" reflects Capricorn's journey of achieving spiritual enlightenment and the responsibility of turning back to serve humanity. Capricorn's energy is about balancing the light of the personality and the soul, leading to the experience of the mountain top, where spiritual initiation takes place. The sign is associated with the triumph of spiritual will over material limitations.
Key Themes: Fixed Air Sign, Ruled by Uranus, Humanitarianism, Idealism, Connection to Higher Thought & Collective Ideals, Social Reformer, Emphasis on Friendship & Community.
Symbolism & Archetype: Aquarius is the "visionary" and "reformer," embodying the energy of innovation, idealism, and the collective consciousness. As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarius is associated with the pursuit of knowledge, the importance of social connections, and the drive to create a better future for all. The water bearer symbolizes the pouring forth of knowledge and wisdom to humanity.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men" reflects Aquarius' journey of serving humanity through the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and the promotion of unity. Aquarius' energy is about the realization of the oneness of all life and the importance of the collective good. The sign is associated with the awakening of spiritual consciousness and the unfolding of the plan for humanity.
Key Themes: Mutable Water Sign, Ruled by Neptune, Compassion & Empathy, Connection to the Subconscious & Dreams, Intuition, Spiritual Awareness, Sacrifice & Service, Boundlessness & Unity.
Symbolism & Archetype: Pisces is the "mystic" and "dreamer," embodying the energy of compassion, empathy, and spiritual transcendence. As a Mutable Water sign, Pisces is associated with the dissolution of boundaries, the exploration of the subconscious, and the connection to the divine. The fish symbolizes fluidity, the connection to the ocean of consciousness, and the ability to navigate the depths of the soul.
Esoteric Perspective: The phrase "I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save" reflects Pisces' journey of self-sacrifice and spiritual service. Pisces' energy is about the realization of unity with all life and the willingness to serve the collective through selflessness and compassion. The sign is associated with the completion of the soul's journey, leading to spiritual liberation and the merging with the divine.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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give-grian-rights · 8 months
Hermitcraft - Basic History of Teams!
Alright. Buckle in.
Only a few days from now, and Hermitcraft 10 will begin! If you're new, I hope this helps!
Hermitcraft has existed for over ELEVEN YEARS now! While very few have been here for every single season, with the exception of our lovely Tumblr Resident, and official Tumblr Sexy Man Joe Hills, and our derp Xisumavoid.
You are under NO obligation to watch every season. There are probably few, if any, active users in this community who have. It's just not possible to watch it all. You don't need to watch the previous seasons to enjoy our community space! While there are a lot of back-references, for MOST people, it doesn't extend to lore and actions any older than season 6.
Most of the Hermits are associated with specific other members, despite ALL OF THEM taking turns collaborating, interacting, and sometimes building whole new dynamics and factions in the process. Some of the team-ups that you'll see referred to in fandom-spaces and the occasional one-off mention from our creators, include:
(Season 5) NHO, New Hermit Order - Docm77, Ethoslab, Bdoubleo100, and VintageBeef. Living in a jungle while having "fights" with others. Attempts to tax those who enter their jungle, had traps around it, and criticized the then-popular AFK Fishing Farms. Bdoubleo100, or Bdubs, especially enjoyed stealing from these. (Season 5-6) Convex, or ConCorp - GoodTimesWithScar and Cubfan135. One group I am the least familiar with unfortunately. They built a brand around the Vexes, with their business having pretty extreme low-morals that includes pollution and war profiteering.
(Season 6) ArciTects - Very close to be naming "BuildStone", it was proposed by and founded by Grian to Mumbo, later giving an invite to Iskall85. The purpose of this alliance was for builders to help redstoners, and redstoner to help builders. It accumulated in the ATTEMPT of founding the "greatest shop in the history of Hermitcraft", Sahara. It was, hilariously, a very large failure. Grian miraculously managed to entirely ruin the system with a single baked potato. No, I don't know how.
(Season 6) G-Team & Team STAR (Superior Tactical Alliance for Retaliation) - The Hermitcraft Civil War, consisted of a long list of minor conflicts in which various members of Hermitcraft blamed other people for pranks they committed, eventually spiraling into the confusion that was The Civil War! G-Team: Grian, TangoTek, Iskall85, Joe Hills, ZombieCleo, StressMonster101, and iJevin. Team STAR: Docm77, WelsKnight, FalseSymmetry, ImpulseSV Xisuma, RenDog
Mumbo Jumbo acted as a mole in Team Star, for the G-Team. He created this commercial for Team STAR. Team STAR made a very iconic diss track, which was soon remixed. It is a...Very iconic piece of Hermitcraft fandom. The result was Joe Hill's Response, in his short video also remixed by the same creator. Albeit missing the additions of the totally real voices of the other G-Team members
(Season 6) Area 77 & The Hippies - (I didn't finish Hippies POV and i didn't watch anything of Doc or Scar's POV of this unfortunately) Area 77 was founded by (unsurprisingly) Docm77, and GoodTimesWithScar, where they were doing experiments and studying abonomalies. SOmehow, this lead into Grian, once again, turning against them and forming The Hippies with the help of Ren, with Impulse soon joining. The conflict primarily consisted of them griefing Area 77 with flowers.
(Season 7) Boomers Demolition - Early game business formed by TangoTek, Bdoubleo100, and ImpulseSV which consistedo f almost exclusively non-duped TnT demolition, and was very fun!!
(Season 7) The Mycellium Resistance/HEP (Hermitcraft Environmental Protection) Hermicraft 7 saw Grian introduce the Hermitcraft Mayoral Election, created with the idea of putting Mumbo in as a puppet-government. If I had a nickel for every time Grian tried to start a puppet government (at this point) I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. Grian and Mumbo lost. In it's place was GoodTimesWIthScar. As Mayor, they had further control over the shopping district. Scar's promise was to replace the shopping district's Mycellium with grass. Despite very happily admitting that grass looked better, Grian, in a moment of nostalgia, decided to replace some Mycellium. Scar proceeded by putting caution tape around the area. This spiraled into The Turf War
Mycellium Resistance: Grian (Mother Spore), ImpulseSV, RenDog, XBCrafted, iJevin, Ethoslab, StressMonster101, Docm77, and Mumbo Jumbo HEP/Mayor Scar: Scar, Bdoubleo100, Keralis, Xisumavoid, TangoTek, Cubfan135, FalseSymmetry, Mumbo Jumbo, who joined due to them having the better vault. Etho had intended on being a double-agent, selling information to Scar. His information, however, was useless on purpose and decided to pledge full loyalty to The Resistance.
(Season 8) Boatem Hole - Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, GoodTimesWithScar, ImpulseSV and PearlescentMoon more or less stumbled and tripped into forming a group after innocently stacking boats and crafting tables and crystals on a pole, dubbed Boatem Poll. They then proceeded to create a hole down to bedrock, and eventually into the void, called the Boatem Hole. It was a large plains biome which was turned into varying mountain terraforming and the like from all of them and was connected in some small ways.
(Season 8) The Big Eyed Crew - Bdoubleo100, Keralis, and TangoTek. Tango did not, in fact, have big eyes and instead wore sunglasses to compensate. They had a town and shopping area and was occasionally dragged into pranks by the Boatem Crew.
(Season 8) Octogon/Goatem - Docm77 and RenDog! Main rivals with Boatem (thus the Goatem - pole of goats) had a mega business, game-breaking creations, and jaw-dropping spidery teal-and-deepslate creations. Weird Science!
(Season 9) Soup Crew - ImpulseSV, PearlescentMoon, GeminiTay. Made the CRAZIEST combo-base where all their different themes blended into a cohesive build
(Season 9) Buttercups - Grian, MumboJumbo, and GoodTimesWithScar. What's up, Buttercup? They formed after an incient where Scar and Grian blew up a massive, complex tunnel bomber in Doc's base. They could not understand how to repair it, and left a few diamond blocks before conflict started. They dragged Mumbo in, and had a robot fight with...
(Season 9) The Perimeter - Docm77 and RenDog. Doc's base, known as The Perimeter, teamed with Ren to attack the Buttercups using walking redstone creations to do a robot fight. Due to an issue with one of the server's plugins, they all re-logged, breaking one of the bots and ending with Buttercup's bot to do more harm to itself than the Perimeter's, but ultimately the destruction did prevent Doc and Ren from getting any further. Ren and Doc then launched flying TnT dupers, which looked like butterflies, towards all of the Buttercups' bases and camp. They stopped them both, with one butterfly destroying The Perimeter's own bot even further.
I am so sure that I'm missing some, but I am losing my mind with all this trying to remember them all!! I hope this could give people an idea of who they might enjoy watching!
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Copywrites reserved ©️Gemini Moon Madness
Like humans, animals have unique natal chart placements. This post is in regards to your pets sun sign, though if you are aware of their moon sign, you may see those traits come through as well.
Aries pets like to lead the way and be in charge, especially when on a walk! (They’re the dogs tugging on their leash) These pets will be harder to train than most and are known to not come when they’re called. Even though they have highly independent traits, they will still want to be the centre of your world. These pets may always be injuring themselves in accidents quite often and get to know the vet very well lol. They are confident & strong no matter what kind or size.
Taurus pets are extremely laid back. They love food to the point they’ll always check whatever you offer them out even if they’re not hungry or in the mood. They love to take regular naps! They appreciate affection but only when they’re in the mood. They can also be shy & don’t like be shown off to strangers. Loud noises and chaos stress them out so they need a peaceful environment.
I had a Taurus dog that was terrified of thunderstorms & lawn mowers. Even the noise of the builders 2 doors down was enough to force him out of his element.
Gemini pets can get moody. They can be passive and agreesive, have their good and bad days, sometimes they are outgoing, sometimes they’ll be reserved and distant. They are a quick learner as they are quite smart. They prefer to form a bond with more than one person rather than following the “ownership” dynamic. These pets are prone to separation anxiety/nervousness, they can be indecisive in their eating habits, love going for walks and are affectionate. They also love social environments and being spoken to.
Cancer pets are loving and may need continuous attention and reassurance. They are such sweet pets, very sensitive. They like to comfort eat & can become overweight/unhealthy easily. They make friends with other pets, as if they were a companion to them also. Moving home or visiting new and unfamiliar places can make these pets uncomfortable and a lil annoyed with you - They may not seem like themselves for a while until they settle in or get over it.
Leo pets have a pride about them, they’re warm, generous and the most loyal pets out there. They have energy to burn and will always be up for an outdoor adventure (their favourite!!) They love being heard and are known to regularly bark, even for no reason lol. This pet will enjoy to be the centre of attention wherever you take them, whether you’re at home, a friends house or the park, this pet is happy in the spotlight. Other pets may bully your Leo pet due to jealousy & feeling the need to assert dominance.
Virgo is the calm and quiet pet. They love routine and don’t like change, though these pets can handle stressful situations quite well. They like to follow you around, they will be a loyal travelling buddy as they tend to stick by your side when they are outdoors. Very intelligent and analytical which makes them easier to train than most pets. They enjoy it when you talk to them throughout the day, they may even try respond with their voice.
Libra pets are indecisive, one day they may like a treat, the next they will turn their head up at it. They will usually eat when they want to. They need structure and going with the flow won’t work for these pets. They also may suffer from a short attention span, (similar to ADD) which makes them slightly harder to train. These pets are extremely loving and need gentle discipline to feel safe & secure.
Scorpio pets are highly emotional but also strong willed. They usually get what they want and tend to stand over other pets, maybe even people! They require structure, because without it they will take advantage of everyone and everything they come in contact with. These pets would benefit from daily exercise/activity to relieve stress and built up tension (dog: walks, bird: let out of cage, cat: backyard time, toys). These pets love being groomed and in your company. They know what’s bad company and don’t forget when they’re wronged, they may make it known when they dislike someone.
Sagittarius pets love a challenge. These pets have such a happy go lucky vibe to them, they’re very outgoing and kind. They radiate positivity, maybe even with a visible smile on their face. These pets have a tendency to be picked on by other pets, so keep an eye on them. They believe you’re their one true love and will adore your affection. They are very loyal and will want to be with you at all times, this sometimes turns into separation anxiety with some Sagittarius pets. They love to have another companion in the house, they like company so the more pets the merrier for them.
Capricorn are the clean pets, they are extremely grounded and will act the way as you’d typically expect the species/breed of pet to act. Very easy to train though they do have a mind of their own. They always want to be working as they enjoy keeping busy. They love to run around! These pets don’t sleep as much as other pets do and they also suffer from anxiety in stressful situations. Capricorn pets may not like having a companion and will take their time to get used to any new pets or people.
Aquarius pets are highly intelligent and intuitive. They are unpredictable and can go from 0 to 100 real quick! They like to do what they want and when they want. They make for extremely loving and friendly pets. These pets will befriend another companion despite what it is whether you get a dog, cat or chicken. (They’re the pets you see in those cute videos where a pig and cat are besties or dog and duck, etc 🥹) Aquarius pets need their space and enjoy alone time to plot their next surprise for when you least expect it!
Pisces pets are the most sensitive out of the lot. They are very sweet and need a tranquil atmosphere to flourish as they can get stressed out easily. These pets usually get bullied by other pets for their non-aggressive nature. They are independent in the way that they do what they want without attracting attention. Pisces pets are sensitive to your emotions and may require gentle training and when they become afraid they want you to be there comforting them. They know what you want and will have YOU well trained 😉
꧁꧂ That was fun to create, how was it to read!? Who wants to see more Pet Astrology?
ღ I appreciate all interactions & feedback ღ
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semidecentpoet · 2 months
I keep thinking about Peter Sqloint (spoilers for JRWI Apotheosis)
(This is expanding a wee bit on this post I made a while ago lol)
Apotheosis: "the perfect form or example of something;" "elevation to divine status"
Rumi and Thanatos were destined for great things—or "destined," depending on how you look at things given that the whole thing was just Zuen and Exandroth deciding to Fuck Shit Up because Zuen was just fuckin bored. The whole shtick was a divine ploy from the very beginning. Zuen gave Rumi visions, setting them on the path to ascend to godhood. Exandroth helped to create Thanatos, forging his path to end godhood.
From the start, it's all divine intervention. Rumi is supposed to become a god. Thanatos is supposed to kill all the gods. This is how it's supposed to go.
Really, from the standpoint of Zuen, it's meant to be Rumi, Thanatos, and Exandroth, not Rumi, Thanatos, and Peter. Peter isn't supposed to be anything. He's just some loser nobody Exandroth found, a throwaway vessel. There are no divine plans for Peter except to be an archangel's meat puppet. Peter's purpose is to be a vessel for Exandroth's purpose. Peter is just some human.
But there's the kicker: Peter is human. Part of what makes Apotheosis such a beautiful campaign is this juxtaposition of godhood and humanity and the powers of both: the grand versus the humble, the mighty versus the meek. Zuen and Exandroth don't think twice about Peter because he's human and what could a human do? As far as they know, they have set Rumi and Thanatos' paths in stone.
They didn't account for the one stone that upset everything.
To be clear, all three of them helped to change each other. Another part of what makes Apotheosis a beautiful campaign is the character dynamics and the way they influence each other's development; they all change each other so intrinsically. But it's Peter in particular who changes everything.
Rumi is obsessed with their visions and their notion of perfection, their goal of becoming a god. But it's Peter, just by being Peter, who reminds them of what the gods' hubris has blinded them to, of what traits are truly powerful and most important.
Thanatos is tunnelvisioned on destroying all the gods, a bloodthirsty machine. But it's Peter, just by being Peter, who shows him how to live, who shows him there's more to life than his purpose; through Peter, Thanatos finds there's more to himself.
Rumi and Thanatos are naturally destined—or "destined"—to be at each other's throats with their conflicting goals, and we see them debate and even full-on argue multiple times throughout the campaign. But it's Peter who keeps them together. It's Peter who asks questions and who makes them question their own beliefs. It's Peter's humanity that irreversibly transforms them.
It starts as an apotheosis of godhood. It becomes an apotheosis of humanity.
Zuen's plan, by all means, should have been foolproof. He's got a killing machine and a person driven by vision-fueled vanity, plus an archangel to make sure things stay on track. But he failed to consider all the variables. He underestimated humanity.
Peter's humanity defied Zuen's divine intervention. Humanity defied the divine.
I just find it fascinating that in the middle of all the action and the speeches, the magic and the power, the mission and the visions, and the overall grandeur of godhood, the thing that changed everything—the catalyst of this transformation from what they were supposed to be to who they became—was what and who everyone least expected.
In the words of Rumi: "It is because you are just Peter Sqloint. That is what makes you more, and you need not be anything else."
What's more, the stone that the builders rejected ultimately becomes the cornerstone of a new and godless world. A world by and for humanity. A world that isn't perfect, but it is theirs.
I wanna hear others' thoughts on this bc I am just so fucking in love with this campaign, you have no idea ;PPPPPP
(Also, if you want to respond with moments from the campaign that have to do with this discussion, by all means do so bc I wrote this all from my not-exact recollection of the campaign and the perfectionist writer in me is a little irked by the lack of evidence to my claims lol)
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shamandrummer · 8 months
Healing with Acoustic Resonance
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Drumming is a profound way to promote healing. Through acoustic resonance, drumming helps restore the vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit. Acoustic resonance is the ability of a sound wave to impart its energy to a substance such as air, wood, metal, or the human body, making it vibrate in sympathy. For example, when you tap a tuning fork in proximity to another one of the same tone, both will vibrate. Acoustic resonance is an important consideration for instrument builders, as most acoustic instruments use resonators, such as the strings and body of a violin, the length of tube in a flute, and the shape of a drum membrane. A single-headed frame or hoop drum works best for acoustic resonance healing--the larger the drum, the greater the resonance.
The drum is a powerful tool for healing. As we play the drum, the drum then plays our bodies. The various frequencies of the drum interact with our own resonant frequencies, forming new harmonic alignments. Through the natural law of resonance, the sound waves produced by the drum impart their energy to the resonating systems of the body, mind and spirit, making them vibrate in sympathy. When we drum, our living flesh, brainwaves and spiritual energy centers entrain or synchronize to the sound waves and rhythms. This sympathetic resonance has the following key effects:
It produces deeper self-awareness by inducing synchronous brain activity. Research has demonstrated that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain synchronizes the two cerebral hemispheres. When the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere begin to pulsate in harmony, the inner guidance of intuitive knowing can then flow unimpeded into conscious awareness. The ability to access unconscious information through symbols and imagery facilitates psychological integration and a reintegration of self. Drumming also synchronizes the frontal and lower areas of the brain, integrating nonverbal information from lower brain structures into the frontal cortex, producing feelings of insight, understanding, integration, certainty, conviction, and truth, which surpass ordinary understandings and tend to persist long after the experience, often providing foundational insights for religious and cultural traditions.
It releases negative feelings, blockages, and emotional trauma. Drumming can help people express and address emotional issues. Unexpressed feelings and emotions can form energy blockages. The physical stimulation of drumming removes blockages and produces emotional release. Sound vibrations resonate through every cell in the body, stimulating the release of negative cellular memories.
It accesses the entire brain. The reason rhythm is such a powerful tool is that it permeates the entire brain. Vision for example is in one part of the brain, speech another, but acoustic resonance penetrates the whole brain. The sound of drumming generates dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain even where there is significant damage or impairment such as in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). According to Michael Thaut, director of Colorado State University's Center for Biomedical Research in Music, "Rhythmic cues can help retrain the brain after a stroke or other neurological impairment, as with Parkinson’s patients…." The more connections that can be made within the brain, the more integrated our experiences become.
It induces natural altered states of consciousness. Rhythmic drumming induces altered states, which have a wide range of therapeutic applications. A landmark study by Barry Quinn, Ph.D. demonstrates that even a brief drumming session can double alpha brain wave activity, dramatically reducing stress. The brain changes from Beta waves (focused concentration and activity) to Alpha waves (calm and relaxed), producing feelings of euphoria and well-being. Alpha activity is associated with meditation, shamanic trance, and integrative modes of consciousness.
It helps us to experience being in resonance with the natural rhythms of life. Rhythm and resonance order the natural world. Dissonance and disharmony arise only when we limit our capacity to resonate totally and completely with the rhythms of life. The origin of the word rhythm is Greek meaning "to flow." We can learn to flow with the rhythms of life by simply learning to feel the beat, pulse, or groove while drumming. When drummers feel this rhythmic flow, especially at a slower, steady beat, they can shift into a state of deep relaxation and expanded awareness. It is a way of bringing the essential self into accord with the flow of a dynamic, interrelated universe, helping us feel connected rather than isolated and estranged.
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themotherofrevelation · 8 months
The Shakti-womban is the personified pagoda of Magna Mater. The creatrix (crux of the Lord) is unapologetic in her wise, ever-unfurling wombanhood. As life-bearer/life-taker, she moves from her womb-tomb (the cuore of her anima). As rooted wisdom, she is allegiant to her elegant cyclic nature and to her wholeness/holiness. Womban initiates gentleman into Christhood. Her ever-orgasmic form of mater matter is the ingress to the Divine. The Shiva-gentleman is the synagogue of Christ the Sun. Gentleman is the builder of heaven on Earth; his hands sculpt equilibrium. He is womban’s safe haven/seventh heaven. Gentleman is womban’s ever-devout prioritizer, provider, and protector. He is deliberate and dynamic in his worshipful allegiance to the Divine Mother. Womban is gentleman’s Holy Spirit; her will is the driving force of his life (animus/animation) on Earth. Womban is the omniscient Kali-Magdalene; gentleman is the omnipresent Shiva-Christ.
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executables-sims · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Thank you so much for the tag, @goatskickin! :D I am ill rn, so please excuse the rambling. x) Long post ahead!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Maybe fright? I've only ever had it happen once via ghost, the anim is pretty funny. :)
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? My Simblr probably says otherwise, but I don’t have a preference! I’ve had nearly every possible CC style under the sun throughout my years of playing, and I constantly think about reviving my 'semi-realism' folder (living vicariously through you, other simmers!). I didn't play with CC until early 2006 though, so MM is a little bit more nostalgic. :)
Do you cheat your sims weight? Hell no! I'm still in awe of Nysha's townie body diversity mod finally letting townies be fat. :D I wish the game had a better way of managing bodyshapes so I could add more variety that way.
Do you move objects? Of course!
Favorite Mod? Of all time? Impossible! My continued interest in gameplay is always because of new mods. :)
I did gain a new outlook thanks to a mod recently, though! My wild romance sim Blaze Biermann ended up 'mood swinging' to fortune before he went to uni, and instead of reverting, it got stuck.
He had a few flings still (pleasure secondary), but after he returned home and met his daughter (for the first time since her birth), he started cringing whenever I directed him to romance his dates. It felt like he had grown as a person, and I loved it!
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TL;DR: Randomly change your sims' original aspiration/s to give them interesting character arcs! First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I mean, not my decision, but our first TS1 EP was Hot Date. I'm pretty sure I got TS2 EPs/SPs in order of release (miss those days of unwrapping a new one every birthday/christmas!).
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? We're LIVE, baby! 🎥
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't usually get very attached to my first-generation sims, but maybe Evonne Milos, from the gameplay/story hood I accidentally destroyed in four days? Never actually played her, but I had a lot of ideas for a corrupt 'sexpot' politician. x)
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Have you made a simself? Lots! 99% of the fun I had playing TS2 as a kid was me and my best friend making ourselves and our respective crushes of the week, and we'd always live in one of those Veronaville lots that was two houses connected by a balcony. I can't even tell you the amount of times she got me pregnant against my wishes whilst I went to the bathroom, lmao.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? For colour consistency, probably brown? But there are a lot of brunettes in Brunwick (must be the name!), so I enjoy the recessives popping up in gameplay. :)
Favorite EA hair? Does an EA download count? Jeanette is lovely.
Favorite life stage? Ohhh dude, that's so difficult to answer. They all bring different challenges and dynamics to the household! I feel like I've started to appreciate the child lifestage more since Brunwick has grown large enough to have multiple friendship groups. It's fun watching them goof around with each other and be actual kids, instead of sitting indoors skilling. I really need to build a park! :)
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
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Are you a CC creator? Yes, I really love how this game has led me to so many creative hobbies! Would like to tackle BHAVs one day. :)
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Yeah! I consider us all friends over our shared enjoyment of the game really, but as a chronic lurker I'm not the best at cultivating connections. x) Does anyone wanna make a secret club? xD
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I do have a bunch of rad sims memories. 👉😎👉
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I watched plenty of sim music videos back in the day! Found a lot of songs that way. :) Some formative memories here: One / Two
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I sadly don't have screenshots of my oldest saves thanks to a combo of no external HD and no screenshot program, but here's one example:
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But gameplay-wise, a lot! My early years were probably based around creating stories more than actively playing, but when I did I would just emulate perfect families, attempt legacies, and restart BG hoods over and over. x)
Now I'm all about wants-based gameplay; witnessing and interpreting a story, as opposed to creating one from scratch. But I will add drama if I find my interest waning! x)
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Again, super-duper impossible to answer because everyone's CC makes the game fun, but my most recent CC shopping spree was Honeywell and HugeLunatic! :) 🛒
How long have you had Simblr? Technically 2011, officially 2013, but if we're being pedantic, I finally made a dedicated Simblr (this) in 2016. x)
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How do you edit your pictures? These days, just sharpen and shrink! CC previews aren't too complicated either- a blurred out screenshot for the BG and a shadow.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? Ooh… maybe Nightlife, by a smidgen? I feel like it gave us a lot of new features and items, and the subhood was nice (as a non-builder at the time!).
Tagging: @daman19942 @aondaneedles @eulaliasims @profesionalpartyguest @tvickiesims @and everyone else, I love reading these! :D
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
For a one-off movie to get a fannish following, it seems to require chemistry between people that are sexy to fans, and a really strong or uniquely flavored emotional dynamic with a story that leans on that connection. I'm thinking of Inception, Pacific Rim (yes there was another one but I don't think people knew that at the time), Man From Uncle, The Old Guard. These aren't really buddy cop movies with the exception of maybe MFU - what would you call this type?
Okay... but... I was in MFU fandom, and it had the standard movie fandom shape: It peaked a little while after the movie came out, had activity for maybe a year, and then, in many ways, fell off a cliff.
It's also a more than usually popular reboot of a classic fandom that's still going. Granted, plenty of MFU TV fans hated it, but plenty more (like me) loved it.
If you're not aware, the original MFU was a mega-hit of 60s Spy-Fi. It didn't burst on the zine scene quite how Star Trek did, but when the show reran on cable in the 80s, the fandom really picked up. Its got its own extant fic archives and discord servers, yadda yadda. A one-off movie tied to something like that is a bit different from a completely standalone movie that's not part of a franchise.
Pacific Rim and Inception are probably better examples.
I think it's probably partly chance: there are a lot of people who write fanfic now, and small fandoms are findable on AO3 or even FFN because of how the sites are structured. Even if most movies don't have much of a fandom, sometimes enough people like the same thing at the same time to make a community happen.
And it's probably also partly about some infrastructure builder/organizer type falling for the fandom at the right moment. I know someone who threw a Pacific Rim con. The right BNF writer writing an ongoing epic can attract people to a ship or a fandom.
TOG is getting a bit of a boost from canon gay, but I doubt it will remain that active that long unless further movies have good iddy stuff to reinvigorate the fandom.
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Hmm... Less cliff-like than I remember from other movie fandoms but still not that enduring compared to really big fandoms.
I think the relationships in these movies have some bearing on why fandom latched onto them, but I don't know if I'd really form a unified theory around that. I think I'd point more to them being big, mainstream movies lots of people saw and being in genres fandom often likes (sff-y stuff, though the MFU movie really toned down the spy-fi gadgets). Their settings have unexplored aspects and lots of fun world building. MFU ends with massive sequel bait that we'll probably never get the resolution of.
The Losers is another movie that ends with the story half-told, that has a relationship of interest to fans, and that overlaps, genre-wise, with other things with big fic fandoms. I think it benefited heavily from some organizer fans and from people who like Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, or Idris Elba repeatedly discovering it after the fact.
I think a steady trickle of new fans may be the most important thing, and that can come from actors who go on to be popular or a long-running and widely-recced WIP, among other things.
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icy-saturday · 9 months
"The Copper Trawler" (continued)
Concept by Battlestation Four
Social Dynamics
Group Structure: Within a Copper Trawler group, there is a loose hierarchy based on age and experience. Older, more experienced lanterns often take on leadership roles, guiding the group's movements and decisions. Younger lanterns may be more playful and energetic, contributing to the overall vitality of the group.
Leadership Roles: The leader of a Copper Trawler group, often the oldest and most experienced male or female, is responsible for making decisions related to the group's movements, nesting sites, and safety. They also play a crucial role in coordinating group singing sessions, which are essential for bonding and communication.
Task Distribution: Copper Trawlers exhibit cooperative behavior when it comes to tasks such as nest-building, foraging, and protecting the group. While there might not be strictly assigned roles, individual lanterns naturally gravitate towards tasks they are more skilled at or enjoy, contributing to the overall well-being of the group.
Communication: Copper Trawlers communicate through a combination of vocalizations, light patterns, and body language. The leader often sets the tone for group activities through specific melodies, and different lanterns may have unique roles in the group's musical ensemble.
Conflict Resolution: Conflicts within the group are typically resolved through vocalizations and expressive displays rather than physical altercations. The social structure encourages cooperation, and disputes are settled through negotiation and mutual understanding.
Mating Rituals: During the breeding season, males may engage in elaborate singing displays and light shows to attract females. However, it's not a competitive process; rather, it's a collaborative effort where the entire group participates in creating a vibrant and harmonious environment.
Family Bonds: While there might not be a strict nuclear family structure, Copper Trawlers form strong bonds with their young. Older members of the group often take on mentorship roles, guiding the younger lanterns in various aspects of life, from foraging techniques to intricate singing patterns.
Breeding and Family Structure
Mating Season: Copper Trawlers have a distinct mating season marked by environmental cues such as changes in temperature and light. During this time, the air is filled with the melodies of males and the soft glow of their lights as they engage in elaborate displays to attract potential mates.
Courtship Rituals: Males play a prominent role in courtship, showcasing their singing and lighting abilities. They may create intricate patterns in the air with their glowing bodies, synchronized with their melodies. Females, in turn, respond with their own unique songs, and the collaborative display becomes a communal event involving the entire group.
Pair Formation: While the courtship displays are collective, individual pairs may form within the larger group. These pairs are not exclusive, and the communal nature of the Copper Trawler society means that parenting responsibilities are often shared among several individuals.
Nesting Practices: Once a female is ready to lay eggs, the pair, with the assistance of other group members, selects a suitable nesting site. Copper Trawlers are meticulous nest builders, combining twigs, leaves, and other materials to create sturdy and well-insulated nests either in trees or underground dens.
Egg Incubation: Both males and females take turns incubating the eggs, ensuring a balanced approach to parenting. The entire group contributes to protecting the nesting site, creating a cooperative and secure environment for the upcoming generation.
Rearing Young: Upon hatching, the young Copper Trawlers are cared for collectively by the group. Older members take on mentorship roles, guiding the young lanterns in various skills such as foraging, singing, and nest-building. This communal approach to parenting strengthens the bonds within the group.
Transition to Independence: As the young Copper Trawlers grow, they gradually become more independent. The communal structure allows for a smooth transition, with the older members continuing to provide guidance and support until the young lanterns are fully integrated into the group.
Continued Communal Living: Even as Copper Trawlers mature, they continue to live within the larger group. This communal living arrangement promotes cooperation and ensures the well-being of all members, regardless of age.
Interaction with Humans
Domestication and Bonding: Copper Trawlers, when kept in human households, have the capacity to form strong bonds with their owners. This bonding process often begins when the lanterns are young and continues throughout their lives. Regular interaction, feeding, and positive reinforcement contribute to the development of a trusting relationship.
Affectionate Displays: Copper Trawlers express affection towards their human companions through a combination of vocalizations, glowing displays, and physical gestures. They may perch on their owner's shoulder or lap, emitting soft melodies as a sign of contentment and companionship.
Shared Singing Sessions: Humans and Copper Trawlers can engage in shared singing sessions, creating a harmonious blend of human and lantern melodies. This activity not only deepens the bond between them but also provides a unique and delightful form of entertainment.
Feeding and Care: Human owners are responsible for providing a balanced diet for their Copper Trawlers, including a mix of grains, proteins, and greens. Establishing a consistent feeding schedule and providing a stimulating environment contribute to the lanterns' well-being.
Nighttime Activity: Given the semi-nocturnal nature of Copper Trawlers, humans who keep them as pets should be prepared for nighttime activities. This includes the lanterns engaging in lively singing, chattering, and glowing displays during the late hours. Owners who are night owls may find this behavior endearing, creating a unique bond during the quiet hours of the night.
Training and Enrichment: Copper Trawlers are intelligent beings, and they respond well to positive reinforcement-based training. Owners can teach them new tunes, tricks, or even simple commands. Providing a variety of toys and perches within their living space enhances their mental and physical stimulation.
Integration with Other Pets: If there are other pets in the household, Copper Trawlers can adapt well to their presence. Proper introductions and supervision are essential, and over time, these lanterns may form interesting interactions with other animals, fostering a diverse and harmonious environment.
Cultural Significance: In some human societies within your AU, Copper Trawlers may hold cultural significance. Their melodies and glowing displays might be incorporated into rituals, ceremonies, or artistic performances, deepening the connection between humans and these enchanting lanterns.
Cultural Significance
Symbol of Harmony: Copper Trawlers are seen as symbols of harmony and cooperation in many human societies. Their communal living and collaborative behaviors serve as inspirations for human communities to work together for the greater good.
Ceremonial Performances: The unique melodies and glowing displays of Copper Trawlers play a central role in various ceremonies and celebrations. Humans may incorporate the lanterns into festivals, weddings, and other significant events, enhancing the cultural experience with the enchanting presence of these creatures.
Art and Creativity: Copper Trawlers inspire artists, musicians, and writers within your AU. Their melodies become the basis for musical compositions, their glowing patterns inspire visual art, and their communal living influences narratives that celebrate unity and diversity.
Spiritual Connections: In some cultures, Copper Trawlers are believed to have spiritual significance. People may attribute mystical qualities to these lanterns, seeing them as messengers of positive energy, guardians of the night, or symbols of interconnectedness between the natural and spiritual realms.
Storytelling and Folklore: Folktales and legends featuring Copper Trawlers are passed down through generations. These stories often emphasize the importance of cooperation, kindness, and the beauty found in the diversity of talents and voices.
Educational Tool: Copper Trawlers become educational tools for teaching principles of teamwork and communication. Schools and educational programs may use these lanterns as metaphors to instill values of collaboration and mutual support among students.
Conservation Efforts: Due to their cultural significance, Copper Trawlers may become the focus of conservation efforts. Human societies might establish protected areas and initiatives to ensure the well-being of these lanterns and their habitats.
Economic Impact: The popularity of Copper Trawlers in cultural events, art, and education may contribute to economic activities. People may engage in the production of lantern-themed merchandise, performances, and experiences, creating a unique industry around these enchanting creatures.
Adaptations to Different Environments
Urban Environments:
In urban settings, Copper Trawlers may adapt to cityscapes by perching on buildings and streetlights.
Their vocalizations might incorporate urban sounds, creating a unique blend of city noises and enchanting melodies.
City-dwelling Copper Trawlers may develop a tolerance for artificial light and adjust their nocturnal activities accordingly.
Desert Environments:
In desert regions, Copper Trawlers may build nests within cacti or find shelter in rocky formations.
Their diet could include a variety of seeds and plants adapted to arid conditions, showcasing their ability to thrive in different ecosystems.
Adaptations to conserve water, such as specialized water-storing vegetation, may be observed in desert-dwelling Copper Trawlers.
Mountainous Environments:
Copper Trawlers in mountainous areas may build nests on high cliffs and rocky outcrops.
Their melodies might resonate through mountain valleys, creating a unique acoustic experience influenced by the surrounding landscape.
These lanterns may have adaptations for colder temperatures, such as thicker fur or feathers for insulation.
Forest Environments:
In dense forests, Copper Trawlers may construct elaborate nests high in the trees to avoid ground predators.
Their diet could include a variety of forest fruits, nuts, and insects, showcasing adaptability to the local flora and fauna.
Forest-dwelling Copper Trawlers may exhibit more intricate camouflage patterns to blend in with their surroundings.
Aquatic Environments:
In coastal regions, Copper Trawlers might adapt to aquatic life, using their glowing lights to attract prey in the water.
They may build nests on cliffs overlooking the ocean or even float on buoyant vegetation, creating floating nests.
Their diet might include a variety of seafood, and they could exhibit specialized adaptations for swimming and diving.
Subterranean Environments:
In regions with extensive underground spaces, Copper Trawlers may develop adaptations for digging and creating elaborate tunnel systems.
Their glowing lights could serve as a form of communication in the darkness of subterranean environments.
These lanterns might have unique adaptations for sensing vibrations and echoes in the underground world.
Tundra Environments:
In cold tundra regions, Copper Trawlers may have adaptations for surviving freezing temperatures, such as thicker fur or feathers.
Their vocalizations might carry over long distances in the crisp, open air of the tundra.
Nests could be built in low-lying vegetation, providing protection from the wind.
NOTE: *I will update all my Copper Trawler posts as soon as i provide concept artwork (whether traditional, digital, or AI generated)*
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precisereflections · 20 days
Navigating Fatherhood
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Standing at the threshold of fatherhood, holding my baby girl in my arms, I am struck by the immense responsibility and joy this duty carries. As a 32-year-old righteous man, born in a city rich with history and a mix of challenges, my path has been inspired by the duty to teach and uplift, rooted in the knowledge of self. I stand as a civilized man, a builder of communities, dedicated to mental elevation and understanding the science of everything in life. This forms the foundation for how I approach fatherhood in a world that’s often blind, deaf, and dumb.
Growing up in the D.C. Metro area, I witnessed the power dynamics of this world, from political structures to the economic struggles we face as Original people. The city, with all its contradictions, taught me resilience and the science of creation—how to build a nation within a nation. My duty now is to ensure my daughter walks on a firm foundation of love, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, the pillars of Supreme Mathematics.
First, understanding the systemic challenges we face as Black people is what drives me to teach her her worth from the jump. She is born from the seed of the original man, with the mind of God. I’ve navigated through trials and tribulations that will allow me to show her the way when this world tries to make her doubt her power. I’ll teach her to see through the illusions and to stand upright as an Asiatic Queen, fully capable of conquering any trial laid in her path. By sharing my wisdom, I equip her with the strength and armor to handle any storm.
Second, love is the law of our cipher, and community is essential. My daughter will know that her power is multiplied by those around her who reflect that love, support, and knowledge. The lessons of self and community go hand in hand. As she grows and steps out into the world, I want her to know that even as she makes her own decisions, she’s backed by a village that will catch her when she stumbles and lift her when she shines. This is how we cultivate security, strength, and the freedom to be bold in the face of adversity.
Third, the pressure of society won’t define her. I will instill the lessons of God in her—teaching her to always seek knowledge, always ask the questions that lead to wisdom, and to never take things at face value. Our people have always been creators, innovators, and teachers, and I want her to carry on that legacy with pride. My goal is to equip her with the tools to master her mind, so she can navigate this life with clarity and power. Her mind will be her compass, her heart the anchor, and her spirit the force that pushes her forward.
Mental well-being, too, is critical in this cipher. I’ve seen firsthand how neglect of the mind can bring destruction, especially in our communities. I’ll teach her that her mental health is her responsibility, but it's okay to lean on others for strength. Whether it's celebrating the small victories or seeking help when it’s needed, I want her to know she has the tools within her to elevate. She will know that her peace, both mental and emotional, is sacred and never to be compromised. My role is to be a reflection of that stability, love, and wisdom, guiding her along the righteous path.
Transcendence in fatherhood is more than just providing. It’s about rising above the ordinary, bringing divine energy into everything I do. It means seeing beyond the physical to understand the deeper connection between me, my daughter, and the universe. It’s about showing her that she is not bound by the limits of this material world but is connected to a higher purpose, a force that can shape reality. Through meditation, reflection, and the practice of the Supreme Alphabet, I will help her recognize the divine within herself and embrace her full potential.
When I look into my daughter's eyes, I see infinite possibilities. Every lesson, every word, every action is a brick in the foundation of her understanding. I want to instill in her the knowledge that she is God—creator, controller, and master of her destiny. By building a home filled with peace, purpose, and understanding, I will ensure that her mind and spirit grow without limits.
Fatherhood is a never-ending process of growth and refinement. Each day brings new lessons, new opportunities to improve and build. My daughter's laughter and curiosity remind me of the beauty of life, the importance of staying grounded in the moment, and the significance of showing up every day with strength and love. There’s no playbook, but as long as I lead with divine wisdom, resilience, and an open heart, I know we will build something righteous together. At the end of the day, fatherhood is about teaching her to stand on her square and walk through life with power and purpose, always knowing she is loved, always knowing she is supreme.
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mykreatecube · 7 months
10 Essential Steps in Architectural Design Processes
Entering the architectural design process is like crossing the threshold into a domain where creativity and precision intertwine, sculpting the tangible tapestry of our surroundings. Architects, as the orchestrators of this transformative journey, navigate through a symphony of ideas, analyses, and meticulous planning to mold abstract concepts into tangible structures. This exploration invites us to peer into the intricacies of architectural creation, where every stroke of the design process unfolds a narrative, weaving together the aspirations of visionaries with the pragmatism of builders.
Ideation: Nurturing Creative Seeds
The journey commences with ideation, where architects nurture creative seeds. Brainstorming sessions and conceptual refinements lay the groundwork for the unique identity and purpose of the project.
Site Analysis: The Canvas of Creation
Before pen meets paper, architects conduct a comprehensive site analysis. Understanding topography, climate, and surroundings provides the canvas upon which the architectural narrative unfolds.
Preliminary Design: Sketching the Blueprint
Sketching transforms abstract ideas into tangible forms. Architects translate concepts into preliminary designs, exploring spatial arrangements, aesthetics, and functional elements that define the project's essence.
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Design Development: Refining the Blueprint
Building upon preliminary designs, architects enter the design development phase. Details are fine-tuned, functional requirements are addressed, and client feedback is incorporated to create a comprehensive blueprint guiding the project.
Building Information Modeling (BIM): The Digital Prototype
Leveraging technology, architects utilize Building Information Modeling (BIM) for detailed 3D models. BIM acts as a digital prototype, facilitating virtual exploration, enhancing collaboration, and providing a comprehensive understanding of spatial dynamics.
Regulatory Compliance: Navigating Codes and Regulations
Architects navigate through a complex web of building codes and zoning regulations. Ensuring compliance is pivotal for obtaining necessary permits and approvals, requiring an understanding of legal requirements that shape the design.
Material Selection: Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality
The selection of materials is an art. Architects consider aesthetic preferences, durability, sustainability, and budget constraints when choosing materials, striking a delicate balance between visual appeal and functional robustness.
Construction Documents: Blueprint for Builders
Detailed construction documents serve as a comprehensive guide for builders. Architects meticulously prepare technical specifications, plans, and essential details, ensuring the accurate execution of the design during the construction phase.
Collaboration with Engineers and Contractors: Synergy in Construction
Close collaboration with structural engineers and contractors is paramount. Architects bridge the gap between design and construction, ensuring the envisioned design is translated accurately into the physical structure.
Realization and Beyond: Witnessing the Vision Materialize
The culmination of the architectural design process is the realization of the project. Architects oversee construction, address challenges, and witness the transformation of conceptualized visions into physical realities. Post-occupancy evaluations often follow, ensuring continued success in meeting user needs.
Must Read: The Essential Guide To Architectural Design Processes
The architectural design process unfolds as a dynamic symphony, where architects seamlessly blend creativity, technical expertise, and collaboration. From inception to realization, architects navigate meticulous stages that shape the built environment, leaving an indelible mark on the world we inhabit.
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cosmicgesture · 10 months
I opened it blind with no idea what it was about after getting it free on Epic Games a while back. I expected another boring city builder in space. IT IS VERY MUCH NOT THAT!!!!!
I could wax on about the character dynamics, but my favorite part is that YOU GET TO FLIP SWITCHES!! I know this sounds simple but!!!! You get to do a rocket launch!!! Idk how true to form it is because I gave up on my astronaut dreams super early and don't know the real ins and outs, but it feels a lot like you'd at least imagine a launch would be, and you get to flip the switches and dials and DO THINGS!!!
Space lovers: GO PLAY THIS GAME!!
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sinsinewave · 9 months
it's game design thoughts time again
so it's that time of the <unit_of_time> again, where i have opinions on city builder games this time, i think there should be a C:S like city builder but with a distinct time progression that unlocks certain abilities like, it'd start out with only building placement and such like Ostriv, with a key feature being dynamic NPC pathing, forming roads where the people go then as the game progresses and you unlock new features you can start formalising those paths into roads which are preferred by the NPCs, and sort of gradually adjust that towards C:S style road building with only slight dynamic paths around corners, like you'd see in real cities a similar progression could be applied to other things, like people slowly gaining vehicles first in the form of horses and then later cars, which require different infrastructure, and the demands for resources and services also changing the whole point behind all this is to make city growth more organic, since it's generally very *weird* how C:S just plops you at a highway intersection in like 2016, and you just build a city out of nothing the old medieval-y and such eras would help establish the origins of the city and create a kind of emergent story too the whole idea could kinda be called the Spore of city builders i guess also, Anno 1800 does sort of do this but in a very short timespan, i quite like how it works but it isn't perfect; the first era never really goes away and the new ones are just kinda stacked on top
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artorojo · 11 months
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Announcing the LEGO Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter set!
– 1,369 Pieces
– $164.99 / €164.99 / £149.99
– Available now
What do you think? Let us know in the comments! Full set description below.
Prepare to soar above Arakkis in the new LEGO Icons Atreides Royal Ornithopter
The LEGO Group has today announced its first ever build experience from the Dune universe, from Legendary Entertainment based on Denis Villeneuve's film adaptation of Frank Herbert's masterpiece, with the LEGO Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter, bringing one of the most iconic aircraft from the Spice-filled sci-fi epic to life in LEGO brick form.
As part of the new 1,369-piece build experience, fans of Dune will be able to recreate the dynamic dragonfly-inspired design of an Ornithopter like never before, with functional blades on the aircraft that can flap and retract with a 180-degree rotation.
Measuring 9 inches (23 cm) high, 22 inches (57 cm) long and 31 inches (79 cm) wide, the LEGO Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter features a foldable landing gear – and the set also comes with eight all-new LEGO Minifigures of key characters from Dune, including Paul Atreides, Lady Jessica, Gurney Halleck, Chani, Leto Atreides, Liet Kynes, Duncan Idaho and Baron Harkonnen in his long robe.
The LEGO Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter creates an amazing toy or display piece for fans of Frank Herbert’s original Dune novels or Denis Villeneuve’s recent hit film franchise, with Dune: Part Two set to arrive in cinemas from March 15th 2024.
“Like fans across the world, we were fully enraptured by the epic Dune when it released – so our return to Arakkis in Dune: Part Two was the perfect opportunity to bring this iconic craft to life in LEGO brick form,” said Michael Psiaki, Design Master at the LEGO Group. “Builders can now recreate this impressive ship with amazing detail, whether to proudly display or recreate their favourite scenes from the epic Dune saga at home.”
“Turning a beloved Dune icon into a LEGO masterpiece has always been our dream. The unique and creative design of this product perfectly aligns with both the Dune and LEGO spirit, and we're excited for fans of all ages to enjoy the experience," said Amber Sheppo, Vice President, Consumer Products and Partnerships, Legendary Entertainment.
The LEGO Icons Dune Atreides Royal Ornithopter is available to pre-order from 24th October, and on-sale from the 1st February 2024, with the set available to buy in-stores and online for 164.99 USD / EUR and 149.99 GBP.
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onlineshwe · 1 year
The7 WordPress Theme Exposed: Uncover the Must-Have Features That Will Take Your Website to the Next Level - Don't Miss Out!
WordPress has long been the go-to platform for creating stunning websites, and with its vast array of themes, it offers countless opportunities for customization. Among the plethora of options available, The7 WordPress theme stands out as a versatile and powerful choice. In this blog post, we will delve into the features, customization options, and overall flexibility that The7 theme brings to the table, making it an excellent choice for creating professional websites.
Aesthetically Pleasing Design Options: The7 theme boasts a collection of 1000+ professional and customizable website designs, providing a wide range of options to suit various niches and industries. These designs are visually appealing, modern, and fully responsive, ensuring that your website looks stunning on any device or screen size. With a single click, you can import a pre-built website template and customize it to match your brand or personal style.
Advanced Customization Options: The7 theme takes customization to a whole new level, offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface for modifying various aspects of your website. It comes with a powerful theme options panel that allows you to tweak layouts, colors, fonts, headers, footers, and more without any coding knowledge. You can easily create a unique website that perfectly aligns with your vision, making The7 suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.
Dynamic Page Builder: One of the standout features of The7 theme is its integration with WPBakery Page Builder (formerly known as Visual Composer), a popular drag-and-drop page builder plugin. This seamless integration allows you to effortlessly create custom page layouts, add elements, and rearrange content blocks with ease. The intuitive interface empowers you to build complex pages in a matter of minutes, saving you time and effort.
Enhanced WooCommerce Integration: For those planning to set up an online store, The7 theme offers comprehensive integration with WooCommerce, the leading e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It provides pre-styled templates and elements specifically designed for online shops, ensuring a cohesive and professional look throughout your store. With The7, you can create stunning product pages, shopping carts, and checkout processes that are both visually appealing and optimized for conversion.
Stellar Performance and SEO Optimization: Website performance and search engine optimization (SEO) are crucial for online success. The7 theme is optimized for speed, ensuring fast loading times and an excellent user experience. It also implements clean code and follows the best SEO practices, helping your website rank higher in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.
Extensive Plugin Compatibility: The7 theme seamlessly integrates with a wide range of popular WordPress plugins, expanding its functionality and allowing you to add extra features to your website. Whether you need to incorporate a slider, a contact form, a portfolio gallery, or social media sharing buttons, The7 has you covered. The theme is designed to work harmoniously with plugins such as Slider Revolution, Contact Form 7, Yoast SEO, and many more.
Conclusion: The7 WordPress theme is a highly versatile and powerful option for anyone seeking to create a stunning website. With its extensive collection of pre-built designs, advanced customization options, seamless integration with WPBakery Page Builder, enhanced WooCommerce compatibility, stellar performance, and extensive plugin compatibility, The7 offers everything you need to build a professional and visually appealing website. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, The7 empowers you to create a unique online presence that stands out from the crowd.
Get The7 WordPress Theme Click Here
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pentition · 1 year
Besides Pen, who are your favourites? Don't have be to romance wise btw.
HMM... You'll be lucky if I don't just list everyone, lmfao.
Yan is always going to be a personal favorite. Same with Unsuur, tbh. Unsuur's love for rocks rivals mine but he also has a personality that hits my sense of humor almost perfectly.
I'm really soft on Heidi. My original playthrough it was her character my builder ended up accidentally befriending first, mostly just due to the commission board. But she was just so great every step of the way. I can't get enough of her. SO SOFT.
Rocky and just his whole family in general I adore - Krystal is lovely, Pebbles is precious. I didn't think I would by his intro, since my irl self has known one too many people like him. But he actively is trying to not be angry and is often succeeding in it, is generally open and doesn't really hesitate to tell the builder his thoughts and feelings.
Sort of in the same vein, I like Pablo a lot similar reasons as I do Rocky. I like hearing more and more of his dialogue as you befriend him. He's just so pleasant all around. I like his confidence, too. I just want more content with him.
And Burgess, too. Do I even need to say what I love about Burgs?
I always thought Grace was fun but she grew even more on me. Early on I felt like I was supposed to like her but something always felt like it was missing? Guess we know why now. Similarly, Mi-an and Nia did too. I kinda put Mi-an and Nia in a similar box, the kind bff but then I thought more and more on character roles and dynamics with their personalities and it just made me love them more.
Miguel always interested me. I still can't fully put into words how I regard him but from the start he was high up on my list. He still is, don't think just because he's here on this makeshift list that I don't consider him highly. I think about him. A lot.
I do like Fang and X a lot, too. I can't say I've always loved how he is written but I do love his general concept and how he regards the builder as they befriend one another. I like that he needs time and patience and tbh, for my builder, they are sorta peas in a pod. Which worked out perfectly. Tbh I think out of all the friendships, Fang and my builder's was the most natural.
I think Logan, Haru and Andy I've adopted. There's more I want to see of them, especially when it comes to forming my opinion. But I am very fond of them. I will say I just love Andy's spunk, Haru's ambition and I think it's super fun that Logan enjoys a fight. His laughs during combat are top tier.
Trudy and Vivi are underrated and I want to have brunch with them both. I do like Amirah but I don't really know what to say beyond that. Same with Owen. They are just likable. I think because they are so easy going and know what they are about, they sort of just settle into that 'pleasant' place like Rocky (and fam). Just cozy.
OKAY CUTTING IT OFF HERE! These are the people I will immediately stop for. Which is like, half the cast by now. sdgfhgfj
Thanks for inquiring!! I can. Talk forever on this game, lmao. <3
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