#dynamic instability
whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
These γ-tubulin ring complexes are present in the cortical cytoplasm, sometimes associated with the microtubule branches (Figure 1.26A-C), similar to how Arp 2/3 is present at branches of microfilaments. (...) Next, the protofilaments (the number varies with species) associate laterally to form a flat sheet (see Figure 1.26A). The sheet curls into a cylindrical microtubule as GTP is hydrolyzed (see Figure 1.26B). (...) The hydrolysis of GTP to GDP on the β-tubulin subunit causes the dimer to bend slightly, and if the rate of GTP hydrolysis "catches up" with the rate of addition of new heterodimers, the GTP-charged cap of tubulin vanishes and the protofilaments come apart from each other, initiating a catastrophic depolymerization that is much more rapid than the rate of polymerization (see Figure 1.26C). (...) This process is called dynamic instability (see Figure 1.26A-C).
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However, plant microtubules can be released from γ-tubulin ring complexes by an ATPase, katanin (from the Japanese word katana, "samurai sword"), which severs the microtubule at the point where the growing microtubule branches off another (see Figure 1.26D). (...) During treadmilling, tubulin heterodimers are added to the growing plus end at about the same rate that they are removed from the shrinking minus end (see Figure 1.26D). The actual tubulin subunits do not move relative to the cell once they are polymerized into the microtubule (see shaded region in Figure 1.26D), because the microtubule is usually bound to a membrane through a variety of MAPs.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 5 months
Supernova Rings
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Some 20,000 years ago, a massive star blew off a ring of dust and gas that expanded into the surrounding interstellar medium. Later, in 1987, the star exploded as supernova 1987A. That explosion lit the surrounding area, revealing a clumpy ring astronomers have struggled to explain. But a new team believes they have a fluid dynamical answer: the Crow instability. (Image credits: NASA/ESA/CSA/M. Matsuura/R. Arendt/C. Fransson and NASA/ESA/A. Angelich + M. Wadas et al.; research credit: M. Wadas et al.; via APS Physics) Read the full article
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gunstellations · 1 year
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rk800 💙 rk900
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slaughterlocked · 2 months
[ deck ] your muse decking mine in the face. ( from henry for Reasons You Can Probably Guess lmao / @ladyseidr )
WILLIAM HAS TO LAUGH OR HE THINKS HE’LL GO MAD. HENRY LOOKS GOOD FROM THE FLOOR, TOWERING OVER HIM — wrong thoughts to have when Henry is so blatantly, ridiculously unable to understand his intentions, but William admires his old best friend ( is that what they’d been? ) as he wipes his bloody nose. Violent with anger, oh, what a team they could have made: if only Henry hadn’t been quite so moral, quite so cowardly. How can someone so brilliant be so afraid of progress? William doesn’t think he’ll ever understand.
Not that he has the time to, either: he props himself up on his elbows, scrambling back from the furious figure of Henry. “Easy now, easy,” he says, like trying to soothe a wild animal, half - scornful, derisive, and half - appealing. Hoping, deep down, that Henry will come to his senses, realizes the great work William is doing. In the name of science, in the name of eternity. Doesn’t Henry love him enough to want that? A forever with him? “Listen to me, Henry, just a moment—”
Heaving himself to his feet, head reeling from his sudden blow to the face, William gingerly smiles, touching across his cheek and jaw to ensure no breakage. It hurts like hell, sure to leave a bruise or two, but it doesn’t feel broken. He takes this as a positive: Henry cares enough not to damage him properly. His smile grows, appealing, earnest. Manic. “I understand that my experiments come as a, erm, as a shock to you. But if you hear me out, I can fix it. Fix everything. Henry—” And here William laughs once more, almost childishly enthused about his next sentence. “I can bring our families back again. Don’t you see how incredible my studies are?”
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virtualmosshroom · 2 months
Anyone else get a loud whooshing in their head when they bend or twist their spine ?? 😵‍💫
It’s one of those days where my head is too heavy and my spine is so rigid and my heart rate is too high and I’m stuck in bed 🥲
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currentlyonstandbi · 3 months
can't believe i didn't watch hannibal when it first came out. will graham was written to be the specific kind of miserable little man that would've fundamentally altered my brain chemistry
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
rip for my one and only over-animated fight scene that I will eventually have to cleanup and do the shading of u_u
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runelocked · 11 months
HER  GUN  WOBBLES,  LIKE  HE’D  KNOWN  IT  WOULD.  THE  WORST  PART  ABOUT  AGE  IS  HOW  HORRIBLY  PREDICTABLE  IT  MAKES  THE  YOUTH.  William pushes and she pushes too but the gun is telling of every single inch of pressure bearing down on her back.  We are not the same. I chose this. ————  And  hadn’t  he  chosen  this  too ?  Isn’t  this  his  design,  the  one  he’d  spent  years  perfecting ?
He’s only been living this for ten years and he is so terribly tired already.  For a flicker of a second, faster than the lightning outside and faster than the wavering motion of her gun,  he wonders just how he expects to do this for eternity.  Shoot  me.  Something  dark  in  him  urges,  pushes,  not  stepping  but  leaning  closer  to  her,  end  it  before  this  ruins  you  further.
THERE’S THEIR DIFFERENCE.  She  hadn’t  wanted  this.  He can only stare lifelessly, cracked lips parting soundless.  A modern day martyr.  Chosen for purposes bigger than she can ever conceive, forced to carry the consequences of them anyway.  At least,  in a sense,  he understands part of the agony.  Knows the pain of the ones she avenges,  because it runs through him,  literally.  If he lies awake at night as he so often does it’s almost tangible inside him, that excruciation, that fear.  He bleeds red and purple to carry them. She bears their scars.  They  are  different,  then.  He  cuts  them  down,  severs  strings;  she  cradles  them,  lifts  them  up.  Gives  them  life  –  reminds  him  of  his  Charlie,  his  niece,  his  girl.   Puppet. Drunken mistake, stupid spiteful grief: I'll take from Henry what was taken from me. Make him hurt. At  that  thought,  his  hand,  slowly,  lifts.  Tugs  at  his  collar,  tugs  at  the  unforgiving  fabric.  The  only  admission  of  sorrow  he  is  still human  enough  to  show  her.  The  only  sign  he  knows  exactly  how  this  will  end.  
❝ It’s  alright, ❞  William  says,  inexplicably,  ❝ it’s  alright. ❞  Bizarrely  tries  to  comfort  the  girl   staring  him  down,  gun  in  hand:  it’s alright,  you’ve come so far.  You’ve done enough.  ❝ There  is  no  ending  here,  Charlotte.  Happy  or  otherwise.  This  does  not  end. ❞   Repeating  himself,  like  sheer  force  of  emphasis  he  can  get  her  to  understand.  ❝ Not  for  them.  Not  for  anyone. ❞  DO  YOU  UNDERSTAND  WHAT  YOU’VE  MADE  YOURSELF  PART  OF ?  ❝ No  matter  how  many  you  try  to  save,  there  will  always  be  more. ❞
We  are  not  the  same,  but  you  have  made  yourself  my  parallel.  Part  of  the  same  machine.  He  is  so  aware  of  the  yellow  rabbit  suit  behind  him,  a  grounding  force,  a  soothing  presence.  Over  the  years  it  really  has  become  part  of  him.  It’s  alright.  The  words  turn  to  self - calming.  You’ve  come  so  far.  You’ve  not  done  enough  yet.  
His  turn  to  parrot  her  words  back  in  her  face,  half  a  smile  not  necessarily  malicious  seizing  hold  of  his  voice:
❝  You  can’t  tell  me  you  didn’t  figure  that  out. ❞
CONTINUED. / @cantfixyou
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sirenaceae · 1 year
His sister's absence isn't unusual, but John has never much cared for her ways, her entrance into their family, a sister found in faith - the irony isn't lost on him, even if that isn't the sole reason for Joseph naming her that - rather than blood. But where John finds that blood brings the sins out of people, Faith uses her drugs. The Bliss. It feels stupid to use something of the sort, but Joseph doesn't listen. Faith is their sister because he commands it, and John has learned not to bring it up any longer.
But Joseph isn't here, and John doesn't care if most don't find her absence unusual. He doesn't trust it. So he leans his back against the table, crosses his arms over his chest, appraises her with a cold stare offset by a practiced smile that can feign warmth. He's sure she sees right through it. "So, where have you been? Had nothing but fun, I'm sure." He could say something if she left Hope County, but she's too smart, wouldn't admit to that even if she did. "The family missed you."
(and I've missed writing my FC5 muses, please take John being a little shit. I'll send Joseph and maybe my girl December her way too sometime soon)
It had been almost a fortnight. Enough time to get clean, sure, but no where near enough to be rehabilitated. Truth was, Faith had started to hear the whispers again, whispers from a teenage girl who had no where else to go and who had her own hopes and plans for the future fucked away.
Needless to say John was the last brother she wished to face fresh out of her drug cleanse. Joseph could make her feel loved. Jacob didn't a flying fuck so long as she kept supplying his men with barrels of Bliss, so if Jacob were here, she had a reason to be angry with the men in charge of production.
But John was here. And John hated her, told in how he constantly had his foot out ready to trip her up. His smile never reached his eyes — Faith flashed a shit eating grin of her own. "I found your latest fling and I pegged 'em legless." she claimed. "Someone had to give 'em a good fucking."
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It was the childish kind of remark that Faith knew itched John the wrong way. Like siblings poking at each other's sore spots. But she was sober and in a petty kind of mood.
"I've been busy, John. Can you refine Bliss? Stabalise the formula so it retains its golden ratio of hallucinogenic and truth-serum properties while minimising the pesky little seizures and damage to the nervous system?" Perhaps she wasn't telling the whole truth. But in order to remain useful, she had to get clean. "I'd love a little fun. Fuck, am I finally going to be invited to a family barbeque? I'll bring the salad."
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tmarshconnors · 6 months
Iran launches drones at Israel
As tensions escalate in the Middle East, reports emerge of Iran launching a barrage of drones towards Israel, further intensifying the volatile situation in the region. The incident has triggered widespread concern and condemnation from global leaders, raising fears of a potential escalation in hostilities.
The drone attack represents a dangerous escalation in Iran's ongoing confrontations with Israel and its allies. Such actions not only threaten the security and stability of the region but also undermine efforts for peaceful resolution and dialogue.
In response to the attack, Israel is likely to deploy its advanced defence systems and may retaliate, raising the specter of further violence and instability. The international community must urgently engage to de-escalate tensions and prevent a dangerous spiral of conflict.
Efforts to address the root causes of the tensions between Iran and Israel, including regional rivalries and geopolitical ambitions, remain essential for long-term peace and stability. Diplomatic channels must be utilised to find peaceful solutions to the underlying issues driving these conflicts.
As the situation continues to unfold, it is imperative for all parties involved to exercise restraint and prioritize dialogue over confrontation. The consequences of further escalation are grave, with the potential to destabilize the entire region and inflict untold suffering on innocent civilians.
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 8 months
The Miscible Faraday Instability
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Vibrate a pool of water in air and the interface will form a distinctive pattern of waves called the Faraday instability. But what happens when you vibrate the interface between two fluids that can mix?  (Video, image, and research credit: G. Louis et al.) Read the full article
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
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accurate depiction of my mental state as i try to study for finals
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slaughterlocked · 6 months
ON JAN 3RD, @bravevolunteer SENT: I hope you die. I hope we both die.
REALLY, MICHAEL? IS WHAT HE WANTS TO SIGH. BEFORE WE'VE FINISHED BREAKFAST? Not that he can blame the boy. 1985 has been an awful year for both of them. The scrutiny, the suspicion, the sense of displacement - it's all enough to drive anyone mad. If he's feeling charitable, he can almost sympathise.
So, in a rare display of mercy, he bites back an eye roll. Doesn't let his temper rise like it's so prone to do these days. Instead, William takes another sip from his (irritatingly lukewarm) mug, and appraises Michael over its rim. "Don't let the locals hear you saying that. Do you hear me?" He says. His stiff-necked collar feels cool against his throat when he swivels his head to eye the partially-opened window, antsy, adding: "That's all we'd need. Another accusation to lob at you." Keep your mouth shut. Itching for something to smoke, or drink, or break, William wraps both hands around his mug, holding it close like its pathetically delicate make can ward off the possibility of further scrutiny from the neighbours coming their way.
He continues, as if Michael is the unreasonable, unstable one ( alright, actually, unstable is a label Michael owns just as much as William does ), as if Michael's words aren't echoing William's own burning blistering thoughts he can't quite shake. Contrasting to Michael, though, William's mantra is near hysterics, bordering on manic. I HOPE YOU LIVE FOREVER. I HOPE WE BOTH LIVE FOREVER. AND I HOPE YOU OWE THAT TO ME FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
His eye twitches. Too early for those sort of thoughts. Instead, he tries to sound placating. (Is certain he sounds condescending instead.)
"If you're ready to stop whining like you're ten years old, I need your help in the study today. Are you up to that, or will you snap and kill us both with a wrench instead?"
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yuveenti-blog · 29 days
Astrology Observations: 😯😬😵‍💫Your Insecurities Based on Your Rising Sign 😥🫣🫤
Disclaimer: I recognize that there are individuals who may not concur with my posts, and I appreciate that perspective. I, too, do not always align with certain astrology content. However, if the information does not resonate with you, feel free to disregard it. My approach to astrology is intuitive, and I do not adhere strictly to conventional guidelines. I extend my gratitude to those who find value in my posts. 💘
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Pisces Rising: Individuals with Pisces Rising often experience insecurities regarding their sexual performance, perpetually seeking ways to enhance their abilities. This drive for improvement can lead to feelings of inadequacy, particularly when their partners do not reciprocate their high levels of desire. Additionally, the yearning for a romantic relationship may be concealed, stemming from the belief that no one can truly match their emotional intensity, which can result in an apparent avoidance of love despite a deep longing for it. There may be a tendency to suppress one's true self or to hold back, even when the desire to express oneself fully is strong. Furthermore, these individuals might grapple with insecurities related to their achievements, feeling compelled to outperform others to validate their worth. This can create a cycle of self-criticism, as they may believe they should be achieving more or operating at a higher level. In social contexts, they might feel the need to associate with those they perceive as weaker, fearing that being around more powerful individuals diminishes their own strength. This dynamic can lead to insecurities regarding power relations and their role within various social groups. Consequently, they may strive to stand out, which can sometimes result in conflicts with others, further complicating their relationships and fostering a sense of instability that threatens to undermine their connections.
Aries Rising: You may experience feelings of insecurity regarding your desired form of affection. Your self-imposed standards are exceptionally high, leading you to believe that you must conform to a specific image in order to be worthy of love or the finer aspects of life. Additionally, there may be significant concerns about your physical appearance and how others perceive you, which can result in a strong tendency to please others. Despite being in a satisfactory position, you often find yourself feeling inadequate about your status, and you may overanalyze your financial situation due to a fear of scarcity. Furthermore, you might struggle with feelings of insecurity related to your organizational skills. Your meticulous nature may cause frustration when you realize that your methods differ from those of others, leading you to feel as though you complicate matters or operate at a slower pace. You may also grapple with insecurities regarding your intellectual capabilities, particularly in terms of how quickly you grasp new information. Additionally, there may be deep-seated wounds related to rejection that hinder your ability to initiate communication with others, making it challenging to establish connections. This tendency to take considerable time to make decisions can be exhausting for those around you, potentially leading to insecurities about how you are perceived by others.
Taurus Rising: Your insecurities are primarily linked to your professional life and career trajectory. You often find the process of job hunting or establishing a stable career to be challenging, leading to concerns about job security, a lack of consistency in your career path, and not receiving the job offers you desire. Additionally, there may be insecurities related to your academic performance, as you might have faced difficulties in achieving the grades you aspired to. Beyond your career, you may experience a sense of instability in your life, which contributes to feelings of insecurity regarding stability. Furthermore, you might feel more at ease around strangers than with acquaintances, indicating a lack of confidence in familiar social settings. There may also be an internal struggle regarding how you allocate your energy, as you might feel compelled to transform your hobbies into professional endeavors, leaving little room for leisure. This internal pressure to excel can hinder your ability to dedicate the necessary time to develop skills in a craft or hobby, as you are constantly driven by the need to perform at a high level. Additionally, there may be insecurities surrounding love; you might grapple with uncertainty about identifying your soulmate due to your fluctuating feelings. This can lead to doubts about your partner, as you may feel that someone better suited for you exists, resulting in insecurities in your dating experiences. You may find yourself questioning the adequacy of your partner or feeling that they are too exceptional for you, contributing to an overall sense of insecurity in your romantic life.
Gemini Rising: Your feelings of insecurity are closely tied to your interpersonal relationships. You may struggle to connect deeply with others, making it challenging to lower your defenses and cultivate the social circle and relationships you desire. Additionally, you might feel uneasy about others perceiving your emotions, which can lead to discomfort. Insecurities may also arise concerning your family dynamics; you might perceive your parents, siblings, or relatives as sources of embarrassment, or you may find yourself comparing your life to theirs, whether favorably or unfavorably. Furthermore, you may experience insecurity regarding your sense of stability, as your thoughts and sense of self often seem to shift, making it difficult to establish a solid place in the world.
Cancer Rising: Individuals with Cancer Rising may experience feelings of insecurity regarding their appearance. While there is a desire to stand out, there is also a tendency to adhere to trends and conventional standards of attractiveness, leading to a reluctance to deviate from the norm. Additionally, there may be concerns about personal image, resulting in a need to be perceived positively, which can sometimes lead to inauthenticity. This individual may also grapple with a desire to excel in all endeavors, often engaging in comparisons with others that can foster negative self-perception. Furthermore, there may be apprehensions related to financial status, as there is a strong inclination to project an image of financial stability, which can become a source of insecurity if one's bank account does not reflect that ideal.
Leo Rising: Individuals with Leo Rising often experience insecurity that stems from their self-image and self-perception. They may find it challenging to break free from the expectations of a particular persona, leading to difficulties in expressing themselves authentically. This internal struggle can create a mental confinement, as they grapple with the notion of who they believe they should be. Frequently, they may feel insecure about their communication skills, believing they do not articulate their thoughts as intended, or they may dwell on perceived mistakes, leading to self-criticism. Additionally, they might exhibit frugality, restricting their financial freedom, which can heighten feelings of insecurity when in the presence of those who are more financially secure. Concerns about their physical appearance, particularly regarding body image and weight, may also contribute to their overall sense of insecurity, as they tend to focus on attributes that others may consider normal.
Virgo Rising: Your challenges primarily stem from decision-making. You often experience uncertainty regarding past choices, leading to feelings of regret and self-reproach for outcomes that did not meet your expectations. This hesitation can manifest as an inability to make decisions, resulting in prolonged periods of inaction due to a persistent fear of making mistakes or facing unfavorable results. Additionally, there is a notable insecurity in your interpersonal connections; you may find yourself overthinking situations, particularly when you have feelings for someone, which hinders your ability to engage with them. Furthermore, you may feel a compulsion to maintain a fashionable and youthful appearance, leading to moments of self-doubt regarding your looks if you do not adhere to a specific aesthetic. This can complicate your search for a life partner, as the fear of making an incorrect choice weighs heavily on you, compounded by your sensitivity. Your insecurities are also deeply intertwined with your fears.
Libra Rising: Individuals with Libra Rising often experience insecurities rooted in the fear of not achieving the success they aspire to. They tend to be overly critical of themselves, believing that their sincere efforts are insufficient or inadequate for reaching their goals. Additionally, they may find it challenging to navigate their lives and the underlying issues, leading to insecurities that remain unaddressed, akin to an unspoken problem. A desire for control may also contribute to feelings of insecurity, particularly in relation to others who exhibit strong personalities or egos. Furthermore, emotional insecurities may arise, prompting them to suppress their feelings, which can result in a sense of aloofness and detachment, leaving them feeling misunderstood by others. There is also a sexual insecurity present, characterized by apprehension towards exploration or tension surrounding intimacy, which can hinder their ability to connect with their partner.
Scorpio Rising: Your feelings of insecurity are closely linked to your lifestyle choices. You frequently find yourself comparing your life to that of others, leading you to believe that you ought to be achieving more or approaching life differently. There is also a sense of insecurity regarding your productivity; you may perceive that you are not accomplishing enough. Despite your efforts, you often wish for greater energy, similar to what you observe in others, and this can leave you feeling as though there is always more to be done. This perpetual dissatisfaction may stem from a desire for something beyond your current circumstances. Additionally, you might experience insecurity regarding your tastes, feeling that you should possess a more refined and diverse appreciation for various items and styles. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy if you believe your preferences do not measure up. Finally, you may grapple with the notion that many aspects of your life are transient. You long for joyful moments to remain constant, which can intensify feelings of insecurity during challenging times, as you feel pressured to maintain a cheerful demeanor.
Sagittarius Rising: It appears that you may often grapple with feelings of inadequacy. Your underlying insecurity stems from a persistent sense that you will never achieve true contentment with what you possess. This may be attributed to your exceptionally high standards, which often lead you to become your own harshest critic. Consequently, you may find yourself excessively critical of your own actions, amplifying your feelings of insecurity. Additionally, you might perceive yourself as overly serious about life, contrasting with a desire to project a more carefree demeanor. This ambition can sometimes feel burdensome. Furthermore, you may experience insecurity related to your responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed by the demands placed upon you, which can exacerbate your self-doubt. A lack of self-discipline may also contribute to feelings of being out of control. Lastly, financial concerns may weigh heavily on your mind, leading to a constant worry about not having enough resources.
Capricorn Rising : Individuals with Capricorn Rising may experience feelings of insecurity regarding their interests, often grappling with a sense of being out of place and a desire to fit in. This can lead to a perception of standing out in a negative way. There may be a multitude of ideas swirling in their minds, yet doubts about the practicality and feasibility of these ideas can create a sense of frustration. Such individuals often possess a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, feeling as though their true selves are not fully understood by others. Additionally, there exists a profound yearning for an alternative lifestyle, making it challenging to accept the constraints of reality and the limitations it imposes. Intellectual pursuits may also be a source of insecurity, as they may feel inadequate in their knowledge and continuously seek to learn more, driven by a desire for empowerment. This can manifest in feelings of inadequacy in academic settings or in comparison to those perceived as more knowledgeable. Furthermore, there may be difficulties in forming genuine connections with others, leading to a sense of isolation. Some may find solace in online friendships, yet still harbor doubts about the authenticity of their relationships in the physical world, questioning whether their real-life connections are meaningful or fulfilling.
Aquarius Rising: Individuals with Aquarius Rising may experience feelings of insecurity related to a sense of not belonging in various environments, leading to doubts about their place in the world. In a professional setting, one might feel out of sync with colleagues, perceiving themselves as underperforming in comparison. This can result in persistent self-doubt regarding their capabilities, fostering a belief that they are slower or less competent than others. Such feelings may culminate in an inferiority complex, where one believes that everyone else excels while they fall short, leading to a pervasive sense of inadequacy. Additionally, there may be insecurities regarding one's life path, often feeling misguided or misunderstood. This can manifest in a struggle with self-identity, as individuals may feel that others do not truly understand them. While they possess the ability to make others feel at ease, they may grapple with their own discomfort in social situations. Furthermore, insecurities may arise from the perception that the energy they invest in relationships is not reciprocated, leading to concerns about whether others are as supportive as they are.
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celestialtarot11 · 10 days
Astro observations 🤍🐚
back with another astro post part 1000 (i dont remember how much its been) 😭 anyways yall, please enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts always! I had to go in deep with this one 👀 you know, its astrology
divider creds: @fairytopea
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Venus conj. Saturn has been the biggest lesson for me in love. In the connection often with this placement, the venus person clings to affection and love in a codependent way. The saturn person may withdraw & avoid romance altogether, creating an unstable dynamic. Venus person eventually learns their self worth is much more than having to convince someone why they should stay with them :/
That being said so much has been learned from this synastry. I truly became a better person and decided who was right for me, and who wasn’t. It broke my heart but fixed my vision! 
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Someone I know has someone else’s mars in her 12h. This manifested as instant attraction even though she was repulsed by him. She couldn’t explain why she felt this way. Its possible mars 12h can bring out what we feel interest in, despite our shame and guilt towards it. It often has to do with our trauma and being drawn to things we know initially aren’t good for us. Which begs the question: why? And thats where the healing begins.
To also add she had her Lilith conj his sun, which definitely brought out an impulse to explore what she thought was off putting. Lilith can make us go deep into our trauma and transform our beliefs from then to now. With the sun it makes sense her beliefs are shifting especially in relationships. Her source of power was repressed due to her trauma, but now this synastry could be a way to regain it.
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So random but are Taurus/Libra males more likely to be uncircumcised 😭 #sorry just had to put the thought out there
Jupiter in virgo male can be great listeners and conversationalists. It can also make them cunning, sly and manipulative with their word. With what kind of information they choose to let out at the time.
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Chiron in the 4h and not living with stable parents 🤝 trauma. This guy I know has this placement and does not live with his parents, he lives with his grandparents due to the instability in his home life. His mother currently has a boyfriend. Chiron in the 4h can make an individual experience lack of stable family connections at a young age. It can also represent a separation or divorce in the family, or even the native being kicked out or homeless at some point in their lives.
Mercury in Aries and either going from being super blunt and dry, to spilling everything on their mind no shame. A guy with this placement was very dry, enunciating every word he could to be “masculine.” This was his attempt at projecting a dominant figure, as he lacked for it physically (#this is an astro post sorry i gotta get in there) I feel like mercury in Aries could manifest as sounding boastful, arrogant and pretentious. Especially if they don’t have a high self esteem. But the other side of it: mercury in aries can spill everything personal of themselves lacking boundaries.
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Gemini Lilith natives know exactly what to say and how to say it. They are efficient with their word and thoughts. Precise and intelligent. Once empowered they acknowledge the importance of words and communication, but if not they can manipulate, lie to their benefit, and distort information to hide the truth. Empowered Lilith knows to honor all perspectives and feelings.
Also gemini lilith is multifaceted. Bring up a topic and gemini lilith can easily talk about it, even if you didn’t expect to know of it. They are tenacious individuals who love to learn more, and question everything presented to them!
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Depending on other aspects and placements but women with Capricorn placements and plutonian aspects in their chart are more likely to have a grunge, dark moody vibe to their outfits. Even their vibe is unmatched. There’s a woodsy, whimsical yet dark vibe to them you can’t fully describe or place. Especially if they have venus touching pluto those women tend to go for a moody, gloomy yet striking appearance! They may also prefer whimsical softer styles, and one day switch to a darker vibe to change things up. Venus=fashion. As a result of pluto cap women may go through many different styles and changes in order to find what suits them. And even then, cap women love to explore with their look! They shed their old skin to make room for more.
Taurus Venus men & Libra men I notice tend to be extreme in their looks. Some prefer their real body, not altered by surgery. This can go extreme in one way: do everything naturally to their body but expect crazy results. High expectations. And some of them prefer perfection as well and go for surgery. They want to be symmetrical, flawless, and yet convey this, “effortless,” look. Not overdone but just right. And it can manifest into something unhealthy by wanting to look perfect all of the time. Taurus/libra men can be hard on themselves physically to fit a standard or stereotype.
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Meanwhile Capricorn men want to convey this minimalistic, daddy energy. 😭. Not sorry. Some of ya’ll actually dress like dads though. Capricorn men always try to look put together, simple, yet there’s a sense of luxury to them. Depending on their other aspects/placements to Venus, they can give off a warm vibe. For example someone who was my childhood bestie dresses like a dad but gives off dork energy, because he has Aquarius stellium and Sagittarius placements as well. So it really depends on the venus aspects!
Libra dominant men are the type to go from couch potato to hot millennial business dad for an event. The type to get you drooling. The type to catch you off guard when you least expect it. The type you’d probably roll your eyes at when they say they’ll actually dress up, and when they do you’re stuck for words.
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Capricorn women and their playlist 🤝 comfort. The only thing that truly understands them deeply. The only thing they find themselves getting lost in rather than getting lost in a person. Because losing themselves to a person is much more disgraceful to them, than getting lost in something they put together themselves.
“I’d rather lose myself in the hands of something I made, flesh and bone than to give you my dignity, my vulnerability, my guilt.” -me, a cap moon probably.
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Something I really appreciate about @gb-patch is the consistency of their character writing. The cast of Our Life changes as the characters get older, but they never lose the core of who they are. This is especially notable in Now and Forever, where both Qiu and Tamarack have pretty dramatic shifts in personality on the surface. Step 2 absolutely smacked me in the face with how different Qiu and Tamarack were the first time I played the demo.
There are, of course, some remnants of who they were in Step 1 (e.g., Qiu's notes and their mischievous response to a request for a hug, Tamarack trying to save a frog and giving the best hugs) but what I think is more impressive is the subtle hints of who they are in Step 2 visible in Step 1.
After another playthrough, I realized that the closed-down, detached teen that is Qiu is present in their 10yo self. I think it's most obvious so far in the prologue when Mrs. Murray calls Franky and Tamarack aside and Franky catches them frowning, or when they pout about being separated from their new friends, before packing it away the moment they notice someone else is watching. I also found it interesting when Mrs. Murray explains that Franky and Tamarack can't sit next to Qiu because there are other students who wanted to sit with them and it's their turn. While I get that she is likely doing this as classroom management and to avoid suggesting favoritism, I still thought it was interesting. It almost places Qiu as a commodity, and perhaps hints that Qiu is under pressure from the adults in their life to perform a certain role.
Tamarack's anxiety is also visible in Step 1. While she appears on the surface to live in a world of whimsy, there is a definite tragedy about her. She has been dumped on her grandparents while her actual parents are God-knows-where, which is not an uncommon dynamic in Appalachia (where I'm from). I have worked with children like Tamarack enough to wonder how much is whimsy and how much is maladaptive coping. She's disinhibited and lacks a certain level of social awareness and understanding of relationships that speaks to her upbringing. Step 2 spells out the instability that is her life, but I have to wonder how often her parents left her with various caregivers and for how long? How can a 10yo be expected to understand and adhere to boundaries (e.g., following Ren, asking invasive questions, making insensitive comments) if she's passed around like a hot potato by her caregivers? We see her reaction of shame and guilt every time she is informed that she's put her foot in her mouth. Repeatedly failing in social interactions would kill anyone's desire to keep trying.
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