#dyslexic gang. am i right
thecubes · 8 months
national trust told me i didnt fail their test biut they have yet to confirm interview but at least they didnt just immediately bin it i guess ????
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Hi! I'm new to the TSSW and BTM fandoms and can I just say how addicted I am to these games! Your writing style is so captivating and endlessly funny. I can reread the pages for hours. Also the characters have such complexity and the ANGST. I love. All my heart.
Anyway! The ask: yes! Okay let me explain: my dyslexic brain had a dyslexic moment where i ended up calling Manerkol Macaroon and now I-... (How would the Mutinty-Mule Gang and BtM react to the MC slipping up and getting caught in a situation like this cause I'm laughing myself a cuteness river?)
Morkai = Muffin ❤
Straasa = Strudel 💚
Daelynn = Date 🤍
Eledwen = Elderberry 💙
Manerkol = Macaroon🖤
Cy = (Cutie) Pie 💛
Zach = Zoni 🧡
Morkai: pauses, scrunches up his nose, thinks about it for a second, then shrugs and rolls with it. "If I'm a muffin, it has to be a blueberry one. No, I'm not comprising on this."
Straasa: his eyes widen for a second, then he laughs out loud. He tenderly cups your jaw, kisses your cheek, and asks oh so sweetly, "Yes, my meringue?"
Daelynn: is constantly trying to think up new pet names, so she lights up with delight and goes, "YES, I am your date 😍 Oooh, I'd love some dates right now!"
Eledwen: smiles shyly, and her cheeks redden with an embarrassed but pleased blush. She doesn't comment, but she goes out of her way to find elderberries and bring them to you the bext day.
Manerkol: blinks slowly for a second, like his brain is rebooting, and he has a moment of wondering if this is you asking for macaroons. He will order the chef to make some.
Cy: smiles beatifically and slides up to you, gathers you close, and starts peppering kisses all over your face. "Sweet things are good, yes? Kissing you is the sweetest of all."
Zach: pauses, then smirks as they start teasing you. "Who is Zoni? It's a person, yes? No, no, it must be a person. Should I be jealous? I'm jealous, pumpkin pie. Make it up to me."
Thanks for the lovely ask and the even lovelier praise, friend!
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So sososososo, as a plant mother of 6, can you do headcannons of the gang with a s/o who loves plants and has like a ton that they constantly take care of?
If not no worries Ik it’s a kind of strange request love u (platonically) 🫶
A/N: For sure bro! I am the proud owner of 9 little potted plants, they sit in my kitchen windowsills and I dote over them with all of the love in my heart. I'm a huge fan of succulents and cacti, and I hope you're a big fan of these headcanons!
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Darry is amused by your love of plants, thinks it’s cute how excited you get whenever you talk about them or whenever you get a new one
He’s not against your love for them at all and will offer up the windowsills in the kitchen for you to house all of your plants if you need the space
I have a feeling his Mom had a bunch of plants? Like flowers in the flowerbed outside, small plants in the windows and vases on the table so having plants back in the house is something special to Dare
Not that it’s not special to the other Curtis boys, I just think Darry sort of resonates with that sort of thing more? I don’t know, it just works okay? Trust me?
But also trust me on this, you do not want him anywhere near your plants and I mean anywhere at all
He’s bad at remembering to water them and definitely doesn’t have any sort of a green thumb so do yourself a favor, and your plants too, and don’t let Darry take care of them at all
Sodapop Curtis kills every plant he touches so for the love of God, don’t entrust your lovely little plants babies to him, they will not survive
He doesn’t mean to kill them! He just never remembers to water them or waters them too much or leaves them in the sun too long or moves them out of the sun or-
Soda does like giving you plants and flowers though! He’ll do flowers more often than anything else, just cause they’re easier to come by, but expect a few small houseplants every now and then
Yes, the flowers do come from the flowerbeds in the neighborhood, and yes, the flowers are often times just various weeds and wildflowers that he thought were pretty and figured you’d like
He tries to remember the names of all the plants? But you and I both know that Sodapop is wayyyy dyslexic and wayyyy forgetful so sometimes the names come out wrong
But that’s okay because he’s trying and you can tell and he’s just so adorable when he messes it up because once you correct him, he’ll repeat the word a few times just so he can try to remember it 
This boy is surprisingly good at taking care of plants? And he’s very good about giving them the exact amount of sunlight and water that they needed and making sure that they’re growing the right way
Side headcanon that tacks onto Mrs. Curtis having plants, but Ponyboy was definitely the one who helped his mama water all the plants because he just would, ya know, it’s a Ponyboy activity
Pone likes to check out books from the library about plants, specifically flowers and their meanings, and sometimes the two of you will pour over them together, looking at all the pictures
He checks out even more books when you leave him in charge of watering your plants because heaven forbid anything go wrong with your babies-
Ponyboy likes to call the plants by their proper names, boy’s practically a plant identification app after he starts dating you, I swear to everything-
You show him a plant once and the next time you bring that plant up Pony will have at least three facts about it, the symbolism of the plant, and it’s directions for care 
If you have plants and you care about them at all, do not leave them in the care of our Mr. Winston, you will not have plants anymore
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t keep plants alive and it’s literally the funniest thing ever because he does all the same things you do and still kills them- he thinks the plants have something against him
But, there is one plant he has that has managed to survive, a hearty little succulent in his room at Buck’s that has somehow not died yet
Of course, that little plant came from you and Dally loves that thing a whole lot but he will not allow himself to water it, for fear of killing it off, so he makes Buck water it and gets really upset if Buck doesn’t water the little plant on time
No matter what you name your plants or what the plants actually are officially titled, Dally will call them by the most obnoxious names because he doesn’t want to be bothered to remember what they are
He knows all the names, don’t let him fool you on that, but he’d much rather call them names like floppy green leaf and spiky bush  
Johnnycake loves that you love plants, he thinks it’s sweet and cute how much you care for the little plants you’ve potted so carefully-
He’s very gentle if you leave him in charge of your babies, following any direction you leave him down to the exact letter, he will not mess anything up and everything must be done perfectly
Dallas likes to mess him up and bother him while Johnny’s watering your plants, saying things like “You weren’t supposed to do that one, ya know.” and “You sure you haven’t already watered that one, Johnnykid?”, and my personal favorite, “You think they’d notice if we swapped out a plant?”
Johnny very quickly stops involving Dally when you leave him charge of plant care
He likes learning about the plants too, he’s like a little sponge when it comes to the care information
Johnny’s really good about remembering which plants are which, even with the ones that look really similar and have similar names, he likes to ask you about them just to see you get all excited <3 
Two-Bit Mathews is a forgetful person and for that reason, I strongly advise against letting him take care of your plants, he will not remember them until they’re already wilting
That being said, he does think your plants are super cool and will constantly point out new plants to you and ask if you know what they are
It doesn’t matter if you know what they are or not, he trusts you completely when it comes to plants and you could flat-out lie to him about the plant and he would just nod like he understand exactly what you’re saying
Two-Bit really likes cacti I think, the spikier the better, and will always try to poke yours if you’ve got any, no matter how many times he ends up stabbing himself on the points
If you were to give him a plant, I think he’d actually cradle the pot like it was a real baby, super psyched on having his own plant and being just like you! (Give him one of those ones that are like nearly impossible to kill because if his plant dies, he will be very, very sad)
He keeps the plant you gave him in his room, perched precariously in his bedroom windowsill and makes it very clear that no one is to touch it because he’s afraid someone’s going to to kill it
THIS BOY. Loves to shower you with flowers and I mean all the flowers he can get his hands on, he gives ‘em to you whenever he sees you
Steve gives you small bouquets from the corner store, gives you the wildflowers growing on the edges of the lot, gives you the hearty little weeds that poke up between the sidewalk cracks
Do not let him take care of the plants. I will only say that once. Do not do it.
He can help you pot and move them if you need to move your plants, but he is way too heavy-handed when it comes to watering them and will drown your plants, it’s not at all, I swear-
You can tell when he messes with them too cause he’ll leave grease smudges on the pots and we all know, Steve doesn’t wash his hands nearly as much as he should, and to be honest, with his interest in cars, he’s constantly covered in oil and grease
It’s cool though, he’s way into cars, and you’re way into plants, it’s kinda cute when the two of you go on tangents about your interests and the other one just kinda looks at the first with hearts in their eyes 
There is one (1) plant, one singular plant, in the whole Shepard household and you are the only reason behind its presence-
It’s in the kitchen, tucked behind the sink and seated right under the window, probably the best spot for a plant to be and it stays there proudly, vibrant and leafy and green
Tim pretends like he’s indifferent about your love for plants, not really having an official opinion on the plants you cherish so dearly, but he’d be lying if he said that his heart didn’t pitter patter at least a little bit faster whenever he sees that plant in the kitchen
Tim likes the plants that are easy to take care of, that only require weekly or bi-weekly waterings and absolutely no pruning, he just wants to dump some water and move on
He doesn’t have a green thumb and he doesn’t have the patience to deal with the plants that require a lot of effort-
He’s bad at remembering the names too and will just wave his hand vaguely when he’s trying to talk about one until you describe the plant in a way that he recognizes
I can see Curls really digging plants? And just gently cupping a plant in his hands, those scarred fingers wrapped around a pot with the tiniest sprout poking up through the dirt
Imagine for a moment, if you will, tucking a flower behind his ear- something bright and colorful against those inky black curls while he rolls his eyes fondly and bows his head to give you a kiss-
He likes planting things with you, messing around the dirt and planting your various flowers and other greeneries in pots and flowerbeds 
Curly will get bored with it though, very fast, especially if you’ve got to plant a lot or you’re working with boring plants, and he’ll try to get you to do something else instead
When you’re watering plants too, he’ll try and nudge your hand so you end up dumping more water than you needed to because he’s a mischievous little somebody who likes to mess with you
Expect a lot of flowers from him too! Little bunches of flowers from the sidewalk and from the yards he passes, clutched tightly in his hands and presented to you with the widest smile 
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How to Survive Picture day
oc story warnings: swearing, bullying (nothing to harsh), Patricks in here so he's your warning I'm dyslexic so sorry for the horrid grammar
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ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ring *wake up* ring ring ri- The normal sudden ringing that fills Bethany's room before she wakes up is silenced causing her to stir and roll onto her back. She wipes her hands over her face before groggily opening her eyes only to be jump scared by her moms face hanging over her. "morning sunshine, its picture day.~" Those words made a chill go down her spine, Bethany hated picture day. she was always forced into some stupid preppy outfit and pressured to smile into some dumb camera just so her parents could PAY for a photo of their own daughter. how stupid. What she hated most was the fact her brother Belch could wear whatever he wanted but she had to dress up. "come on honey you've got to see the outfit me and your father picked out its adorable" with that Bethany sits up. her eyes searching for todays tool of torture….. the collard shirt. She dramatically groans as she sees the outfit, all laid out on her messy desk she never uses. Its a white button up with a grey and blue sweater vest that looks like it belongs to some nerd her and the rest of the gang make fun of at school.paired with a blue plaid skirt and knee high grey socks. "god what a drag" she thinks to herself.
"are you going to get up or am I going to have to dress you myself" Bethany rolls her eyes. "yes mom I'm up now go bother reggie" After some blabbering about respect from her mom she eventually leaves and Bethany begrudgingly puts on the outfit, and does her own hair and makeup. if she's gonna have to look like a nerd she's gonna do it her way. she walks over to her desk, looking into the mirror propped up against her wall with a sigh. "could be worse-" is all that she gets out before a yell comes from downstairs. "Beth get your ass down here we gotta go!" The gruff voice of her brother yells out.
"COMING!" She yells out annoyed before grabbing her bag and headphones and jogging downstairs. After some goodbyes to her parents as a response to all the "oh my precious little angel"s from her dad she jogs outside after sliding on her converse.
A whistle comes from her brothers blue trans AM. "wow looking good short stack"Henry chirps sarcastically.
"where'd ya pick that getup from?" vic joins in. Bethany flips them all off before sliding into the back as she always does because Patrick refuses to get out to let her in (he always sits on the side she has to get in so she has no choice but to slide against him) any other way.
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after a long torturous ride to school because of the boys teasing they all spill out and enter the school, although she isn't really sure why they bother coming its not like they stick around for classes. as she walks through the hallway she gets a few looks from the other kids but none dare to say anything because they know they'll get a right beating from her "big brother". she makes it to her locker and opens the door before it slams shut infant of her. "why isn't it Bethany bitch face" the annoying voice of Greta Keene drawls. "haha real original Greta" Bethany says sarcastically knowing greta can't do anything but cuss her put cause of she touched her one of the boys would fuck her up. "nice outfit whore, your mommy buy it"Greta laughs as her little goons join in. "better than all that" Bethany snickers motioning to the entirety of Greta. Greta huffs and is about to retort until she see's your brothers little crew walk over. "hey hot stuff, wanna skip 3rd period with us" Patrick practically purs out. "can't that's when I'm getting pictures done" Bethany groans as she grabs some stuff from her locker, her back towards the group of boys. "oh come on just do it on the redo day stop being a pussy" Henry says. "love to, but can't my mom would kill me, bowers" "oh what would you do if you ever disobeyed mommy~" Henry says teasingly. "I mean just look at this outfit." Patrick chimes in with a laugh"I think its nice. just look at these hips~" he drawls as his hands rest on her hips before sliding his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. "ugh fuck off Patrick im not in the mood" Beth barks out. "you were in the mood back in 8th grade~" Patrick protests. "that was ONE TIME get over it" she wriggles out of his grasp as he frowns, but before he gets a chance to say anything belch chimes in. "better get to class shrimp" he adds before tussling her hair and walking off with his friends.
After they walk off she sighs and closes her locker before turning only to become face to face with possibly the worst (or best) person to run into in this situation Honey Wilson The schools resident crybaby. "HEY BETH!" she yells out as she smiles sweetly. "thought I told you not to call me that" "well yeah but I saw you and Patrick and how Patrick grabbed you so thought id come over. I mean yeah he's a bit of a perv and sometimes a bit grabby but im sure at heart he's a kind soul who's just lonely. he comes on a little strong but- blah blah blah" Thats all Bethany hears as she tunes Honey out, walking through the halls as Honey goes on and on. "yeah I know what pats like I've known him for years, but he's just so hung up about that little makeout sesh. I mean like dude you PAYED me to do that and like yeah I shouldn't sell myself out like that but 25 bucks is 25 bucks" Beth grumbles.
"… why would he pay for kisses, shouldn't kisses be free?"Honey says confused.
suddenly a familiar chuckle comes from behind them…. its Pat. "oh they defiantly should be~ why don't you give me a little kiss right now to heal my cold heart, crybaby~" He purs in her ear as he circles around her stopping infant of her and leaning over. "OF COURSE! everyone deserves kisses." "Honey no. that's not what he mea-"Beth gets cut off by honeys sweet voice. "hope you feel better Patrick" she smiles before kissing his cheek. "anyway I better be off to class bye bye Beth!" she says before waving and prancing down the hall while humming. "that's…. not exactly what I meant" Patrick says slightly annoyed slightly amused. "that's what you get for being a perv" Beth glares. "you know you love me, sugar tits~" Patrick laughs.
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after third period and after the photos Bethany sits outside of the school smoking and listening to music oh the walkman belch bought her for her birthday when she hears a familiar voice yell out. "BETH!" Honey yells out before running over. a worried look on her face. "you shouldn't be out here class is still going on! and smokings bad for you!" she yammers on about danger and health shit before bath cuts her off.
"ive had a boring, shitty day I need some me time" She hums before sitting up. "oh well….. ya know I think you look nice today" Honey smiles as she speaks…. god she always smiles. unless she's sobbing that is. "yeah yeah I know it sucks don't have to rub it in" "no really. you look pretty today Beth"Honeys voice is just like her name… like honey. "yeah whatever fuck off" Beth reply before standing up and throwing her cig at Honeys feet before walking off. doing her best to hide the smile growing on her face.
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hopex4 · 4 months
Tinky headcanons finally‼️
Excited for this I project on Tinky a lot-
• Tinky 100,000% has ADHD (this is a large hc and I love it so much)
• Tinky is a workaholic and will often go days- sometimes weeks in his room building stuff and utterly zoned out of his mind until he snaps because he dropped something. He'll yell at his snniggles and blame them for stuff happening and have a breakdown over it. Once he's calmed down he apologizes to them all through tears.
• Weird headcanon that started off as source memories- his tongue is like freakishly long and is used as a tape measurer and to hold stuff. (tools, cogs, wheels, lights etc.)
• Tinky's party made of machinery (like Killgore a bit) because he wanted to modify himself to appear more like Webby in certain ways, which in the long run just fucked him up. That's why he's extra bonkers than everyone else. Yes he's hyperactive from ADHD, but he's constantly ADHD with too much sugar right before you crash.
• He's obsessed with the Spankofski's for a multitude of reasons- though the main reason he fucks with them is because one of Ted's family members screwed Tinky over and he's just not over it.
• Tinky's favorite snniggle (who is an OC I made his name is Snallottes and I love him) is actually a version of a Spankofski that Tinky turned into a snniggle cause either he was bored or it was the one that screwed him over.
• Tinky refuses to use modern technology and sticks to cogs and gears and wheels and springs n' shit. The only modern technology he uses is a phone for communication with his brothers. Besides that, Tinky doesn't interact with technology.
• I don't think his teeth are necessarily just- fucked up? I think they're more of jambled with gaps. He has teeth where they shouldn't be and teeth where they should be. Like two of his front teeth are molars. Idk how to put that into my art (yet) but it's there!
• He's dyslexic to a pretty wicked degree.
• He usually speaks in a different language (the 'lost language' mentioned in Honey Queen [stands in 'I haven't seen Daddy or Killer Track' if it's in there I'm gonna kill off an OC in my 9 year story]) instead of English, only speaking English to talk with humans and mortals.
• He cannot sleep without background noise and a nightlight. He has LED's (WHEN I SAID MODERN TECHNOLOGY I SPECIFICALLY MEAN COMMUNICATION DEVICES AND ENTERTAINMENT PIECES) in his room lined out in a maze pattern. Bastards box pattern ^_^
There's more probably but I cannot keep my eyes open gang. If there's mistakes in here I apologize I am NOT Looking back on this until tomorrow henajbsbB
Probably gonna do Pokey next
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66sharkteeth · 1 year
Hello! Idk if you are still faking asks but of so thank you in advance if this gets answered!
I'm not gonna lie, it's a bit disturbing how the majority is cheering on Rex and the side he's taken. Though that side might have some points, I just can not see them as people I'd like to ever support or think they are doing it with good intentions in mind. But anyway, I apologize if I just can't understand or root for this gang. I know things aren't black or white but i just see more bad than good. And I hope that's ok.
The only think I dint understand and kind of made me not like Rex so much anymore is that when he is fighting Desmond he mentions something along the lines of "you already met my scyon" and that just raised more questions for me. One of the mane reasons Rex felt hurt and betrayed and thought it was all Desmon and Lys's fault for "betraying him" was because he couldn't under why they would turn on him (it was when he still didn't know about the other part of himself). But now he knows, he knows its the Scyon that hurt and attacked them. Hence why they had such a reaction. I've seen people stating that yes, Rex was betrayed! And I just...I don't see it at all especially when the og gang had every right to react the way they did.
This monnet kind of just made me distance myself from Rex I guess. Because he knew the scyon was the one to hurt the gang, the reason why they reacted the way they did and yet that does nothing for him. I don't think this is bad writing, nit even the slightest. Cause I know some people in real life would have such a reaction. We are flawed beings and some weren't thought or leaned how act to know their actions or way of thinking is flawed etc or self centered. It's a process everyone can go threw in different ways. So I hope maybe Rex one day can learn more as he goes.
But yeah, was there something behind the scenes we didn't see for Rex to not even question that the Scyon hurt Desmond or for him to not even care about that fact?
I still love the comic a lot and its one of 2 other webtoons I follow religiously and have given money for passes! The art and world building I feel like is really good and has made me so inspired to make a fan art and fic for this world (I'm just too afraid and shy to share I guess but I'd love to one day!).
I hope you have a good day and I apologize for any speaking or grammar mistakes I've made. English isn't my first language and I'm also dyslexic 😅
Tbh, I think the only people who are 100% wrong are the ones who think one side is 100% right.
Like you said, the situation isn't black and white (heck, it's even one of the major themes of the story), and both sides have points and flaws, some bigger than others. I know people are having fun cheering for Rex's "corruption arc" (I even love to tease about it), but that's exactly what it is- a corruption arc.
Rex has points and fair criticism, but it's important to also remember the environment he's in. He's Blan Corp's prized pig that they need to keep happy until they get that memory. Other than Bag Girl, Rex is basically surrounded in an echo chamber of yes-men. So no, you didn't really miss anything. Rex is just currently in an environment where everyone is telling him "Yeah! It WAS abusive of Desmond to make you do all those chores!! What a jerk! >:(" and Rex going "yeah, you're right!! I am the victim here! Tell me more."
He's with the villains now and there is a lot of manipulation* going on.(*Side note: Mostly from Jericho and his Scion, to be clear. You could argue Nia as well, but I kind of maintain that she is just as manipulated and in a kind of equally tough position. Remember, Blan Corp is the ticket to getting her mom back and she's kind of in just as big of an echo chamber of "human bad, blank superior" as Rex)
That said, please don't give up hope on him haha. Rex can get a really sharp tongue when he's pissed (as seen in the latest episode with his encounter with Lyss), but he's still the same Rex at heart. He could never take the steps that Jericho is willing to take, and I... Tried to make that clear in ep 133 with Desmond's criticism of Rex's changes. Desmond asked if he really has it in his (half-human) heart to follow in Jericho's foot steps, and I like to think (most of us) know he doesn't- At least not as far as Jericho. Desmond planted the seed of doubt in ep 133 and I don't intend to just...ignore that seed in my writing of what's coming up.
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TLDR: Yeah! Rex is being a jerk right now after a lot of manipulation, gaslighting, and just all around anxiety. But that's what a corruption arc is. Only time will tell if he starts to realize what a jerk he's being, but I certainly didn't show him hesitating after what Desmond said because it went in one ear and out the other. That's definitely going to be living rent free in the back of his mind for now.
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🦾 📓 😺 😶 for Elmer, Spot, Crutchie, and/or Jack for Metaruu's Headcanon Ask Game?
Gonna pop this one under the cut I have a feeling it's gonna be long-
🦾 A disability headcanon
Elmer - I am continuing to champion my dyspraxic Elmer headcanon. The kid has very little spatial awareness, he throws himself onto his bunk or into a chair to make sure he's definitely absolutely sat down, he grips things far too tight or not tight enough.
Spot - I don't think Spot himself is disabled, but he's probably the biggest advocate for disability rights in New York. He cottoned on quickly that Elmer had additional needs when they were kids, and he educates himself on the conditions some of his gang members have so he knows best how to help should they ask him.
Crutchie - Aside from the post-polio syndrome, Crutchie also has an auditory processing disorder. Sometimes it takes a few repeats for him to take in what someone's said, or his ears will hone in on the sound of a carriage halfway down the street instead of the customer talking to him.
Jack - Jack is dyslexic. He ain't dumb, he knows he's not- but the words don't always make sense to him. It's part of why he adopted his tactic of "improving the truth", as well as his love of art. Painting doesn't involve words that won't make sense.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
Elmer - He runs dice games in the evenings, and privately he likes to draw. He's not confident enough to ask Jack for lessons, and his art is very simplistic, but he has fun with it.
Spot - Spot likes boxing. He's small but that makes him quick, and he can hit hard. A lot of grownups in Brooklyn respect him for it, even though he's so young.
Crutchie - He loves sports. A lot of activities are tough as he tires easily and most of his limbs don't work well (or at all), but he loves to stay active. He loves stickball, he wrestles with the younger kids, he even races on his good days. The guy's full of energy.
Jack - Jack was taught how to paint by his mother. Most of his old brushes are actually hers, and whilst he's had chances to replace them he can't bring himself to.
😺 An animal related headcanon
Elmer - Absolutely loves cats, tries to pet every stray he comes across. And of course, he has Pierogi.
Spot - Chief spider-catcher at the lodging house. He finds them fascinating, and doesn't have any problems catching them (as long as they aren't too fast)
Crutchie - He likes rats and feral pigeons. He says it's because he admires how resilient they are.
Jack - Scared of dogs. As a child he was knocked down and cut on the neck by one, and even though it was simply a case of an overly excitable dog that didn't mean any harm it (understandably) instilled an intense discomfort around dogs in him.
😶 A random headcanon!
Elmer - Taught some of the other newsies how to play the spoons when he first arrived, it helped endear him to them very quickly.
Spot - The pressures of being considered Brooklyn's leader get to him sometimes. Logically he knows it's not a real title, he only has status amongst the lowest of the low- but it's stressful being fourteen and having so many people looking to him.
Crutchie - He's afraid of heights. For a long time he refused to go anywhere near the roof, and even now he only stays up there if he's had a bad day or night. Even then he hates getting anywhere near the edge unless someone's with him, it makes him feel sick.
Jack - He gets up at least once or twice every night to check everyone's still in bed and safe, especially after the strike. Even though the lodging house has a superintendent, Jack still feels like everyone is his responsibility.
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blonderedwhiteshirt · 7 months
HELLO YOU AMAZING MOTHERCUCKERS. Only if you are one of the BRWS (pronounced bros), a part of the Blond(e) Red+White Shirt gang. We are the best /vvvvpos.
This is a blog for introjects (but not only) that are blond(e) and have a strange love for a red and white shirt.
Mod (aka the main BRWS) intros under the cut!!
🌟: Hey bitches im Vega, red is a great colour and i have blonde hair. i use she/her or fa/fax/faxer, either work :D. i will likely have the most typos because i type waaay too fast. im on the left side of the icon, amd made the icon and logo! :DD Im not really active thoughhhh.
📒: EYYOOO IM TOM,Z!! I LOVE RED! I use HE/IT pronouns! I'm on the right side of the icon, and I made the blog banner! I'm a spiritual tommyinnit fictive and it's awesome, please ask me about our lord and savior prime.
🦆: HELLO. I'm tol!!!!!! I use he/him pronouns, I like ducks and I uhhh yeah :D I'm bunny, I'm in the top right of the icon
🟥: WHOOP WHOOP I GET THE RED SQUARE!- Anyways hi, Im Tom, and shirt is best colour out there mate. uh he/him, im bottom right, im a tommy factive, not from mcyt just yt but im here fuck yeah. i also fixed the logo and banner and icon since vega is dyslexic and spelt brws wrong.
🕹️: yoo!! what’s up, i’m damian. use he/dae/it pronouns for me or perish. i’m a dave strider fictive in the @goldstar-sys and i am the bottom center of the icon. the art credit for that is here.
🍓: HELLo!! i’m theseus, fhe biggest man ever and i use he/moth/shiny/fuck/stardust BECAUSe im the BEST!! im at the TOP center of the icon and i have no clue what’s happening!!! what is this!!!!
🌷: ayup i’m talon!! i use she/they pronouns!! i am top left, which so rudely covered my amazing face (/lh) until i changed it to square. i don’t front as often as theseus or damian so i likely won’t be around as much but im still cooler than BOTh of them
🎗: Hey, I'm Zackary. I dont know why I am a part of this, Vega (🌟) saw my icon and her and Tom (🟥) decided to force me into this. I think im the most relaxed of us all. I use he/him pronouns, and dont front as much as the others in our system (@irrelevantcollective), but I suppose I am a part of this now. My icon is on the bottom left of the profile picture. Stay safe out there on the internet.
💿: Hi hungry, I'm dad. I'm the coolest one here, trust. I'm post scratch dave strider 💪
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valeskawhore · 2 years
“Nothing compared to me.”
Written by: @valeskawhore
Characters/parings: Jeremiah Valeska x Villain! Female! Reader! x Jerome Valeska
Words: 1.6k(?)
Summary: Reader is a bad ass villain and believes the Valeska twin’s way of handling Gotham is messy and chaotic. So why not take matter into her own hands?
Warnings: Profanity, creepy obsessive brothers, Jerome and Jeremiah have formed a “somewhat?” Alliance.
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“Your all so FUCKING STUPID!” I screamed, smacking one of my henchman upside his head. “FIX IT!”
“Y-yes! Ma’am!” He screeched, running off with the rest of his troop. I sighed loudly and gripped my hair out of frustration as they hurriedly ran out the door, shutting it with a click.
“Fucking idiots!” I started to rant, “IF GORDON catches THE SLIGHTEST FUCKING WHIFF OF MY PLANS THEN EVERYTHING IS FUCKING RUINED!” I slammed my hands down on my desk, turning my head down to face my blueprints I had spread across the wooden surface.
I breathed deeply in through my nose. Everything is fine, it’s fine! Everything is fine-
“Calm down, hot stuff-“ My eyes snapped open at the new voice. I grasped my dagger and threw it towards my attacker in a flash.
Jerome caught it with ease, smirking like the smug bastard he was. “WoAh- didn’t know you were so excited to see me babes, I wouldn’t come sooner if only I knew.” He hopped down from my dining table, striding towards me.
“How the FUCK did you get in, and WHY are you here?” I threatened, blowing the loose strand of hair from out of my vision. I straighten my posture, trying to look presentable.
Wordlessly, He pointed towards the open window. I sighed. “Just because that’s open, doesn’t mean you can just invite your self in!?l
“Oh no doll, I was pointing towards your guards out by the front gate. They let me i-well.. ‘let’ is a strong word? They didn’t wanna die so… I’m sure you already how that went down, dont’cha?” He asked, rhetorically.
“I’m also here.”
I stopped and groaned loudly, turning to face the other twin’s calm and cool demeanor. He arched an eyebrow, tightening his tie. “What? You didn’t think I’d let my idiot of a brother get all the pleasure of being in your presence, did you?”
“Why the fuck are you both here?” I asked.
“We’ll doll.. it’s a long story but ya see, we’ve formed a -somewhat-alliance? If that’s the right word to use.” Jerome spoke up. I bust out laughing.
“Hah? Both of you!?” I glanced at both of them, scoffing slightly. “That’s Rich! Your both morons on you own and now you wanna rub two brain cells together?? That’ll start a fire boys.”
“You both really are fucking insane.”
Jeremiah growled, taking offense to my comment. “I am NOT insane, you, my dearest, are dead. Fucking. Wrong. If you think I’m ANYTHING like these psychotic maniacs.”
“Um, excuse you, four eyes. It’s ‘Maniax’s. If you’re gunna insult me then do it right for once.“ Jerome shot back, stepping up to jeremiah.
“Oh please. You and your gang of rejects are so damn dyslexic it HURTS-“ “HOW ABOUT YOU WATCH YOUR FUCKI-“
“BOTH OF YOU! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I screamed. The twins snapped their heads towards me. “This is why you both won’t work out! You both bicker like an old married couple!”
They two remained silent. Jeremiah stopping quickly to adjust his glasses and Jerome relaxing his posture, pulling both hands out of his pockets.
I went to continue my rant but stopped Abruptly when my phone began to rang. The twins cocked an eyebrow as I walked over to my desk and checked the caller ID. I groaned and answered the phone. “Make it quick, bitch. I’m in the middle of a lecture.”
“M-ma’am…” One of my goons called out.
“Yessss…???” I emphasized the word, showing my impatience. I tapped my foot, growing annoyed by every passing second without a response.
“Tell her- No! You tell her-“
Voices and whispered echoed in the background. “What? Tell me what?” I picked back up the conversation.
“Ma’am.. the plan it-“
“Let me guess,” I cut them off. “It fucking failed right?”
One of my goons mumbled out a quick and trailed ‘yes’ in the background. I breathed deeply in through my nose and hung up the phone, Slamming it back down on the table with a loud thud.
The twins eyes still trained on me, curiosity and amusement swirled in their eyes. “See doll, if we would just work together! None of this-“
“Shut up Jerome, it’s time for plan B.” I tore my hands away from my head and picked back up my phone, dialing a certain number. “Dearest?” Jeremiah asked, “what’s plan B?”
“I don’t know, but I have a feeling, she’s not talking about the pill.” Jerome cut in.
Soon enough, Oswald picked up the phone with a breathless chuckle, I turned him on speaking phone. “Y/n! You called!,” he leaned into the phone with an excited giggle. “Is it time?” He asked eagerly.
“I’m sick of playing games with these people, Ozzie.” I laughed, “blow it, blow it the fuck up right now. I wanna see!”
“You got it!!“ he hung up the phone. I walked out to my balcony and stared at the breathtaking scene before me. Cool crisp wind blew through my air and tickled my nose, I wrapped myself in my own arms, preparing myself.
Gotham city was always so beautiful during this time of night, so peaceful, so quiet. It’s amazing how the city remained awake even during this time of hour.
The twins walked up from behind me, Jerome leaning in close behind my shoulder and whispering in my ear. “What’s going to happened, doll?”
“Plan B.” I smiled. I held up all ten fingers and began counting backwards to dooms day. “Ten, nine, eight,”
“Dearest?” Jeremiah interjected, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, “you can’t be serious..”
“Oh but I am.” I scoffed, “This city needs to learn who the hell their messing with.”
I continued to count, “Three, two one..” I smiled widely.
Within seconds, explosions and flashing lights tore through the crashing city before us. The sounds of screams and cries of innocent civilians rippled through the air like battle alarms on the day of war.
Building were falling to the ground like janga blocks. Ashes feel from above as the sky lit up a bright orange from the burning flames.
Gotham had finally learned its lesson. After all,
Y/n l/n was not someone to be fucked with.
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swordbreakerz · 3 years
for the headcanon game: dealers choice on whichever ff14 character u want, but if u can’t choose i giv u mr g’raha or miss alisaie or both who give a shit
I am kissing u on the forehead I love u I'm gonna do the twins and g'raha bc I do not know moderation
-realistic: trans. I am correct
-funny: absolute baby about strong flavors. mild seasoning king, his palate is so boring and lark teases the shit out of him for it
-heartwrenching: on the first, since it was just his soul made manifest and not his physical body, he had a flat chest and didn't have to bind. yes I made myself sad thinking about him getting used to it and then having to bind again when he gets back to his body on the source
-my city now: apprentices as a tattoo artist in his spare time! It's canon he's a great artist, and I've decided jessie (cids vice pres) has a fantasy tattoo gun and after lark asks her to tattoo him alphinaud starts learning how, and after he gains some skill and confidence he becomes larks exclusive tattoo artist he refuses to let anyone else do it
-realistic: ripped. absolutely shredded. strongest teenager you've ever met. could bench press a kobold, also she's a lesbian
-funny: meticulous about keeping her hair nice, I don't think she gives a shit about being 'pretty' or 'ladylike' but keeping her hair healthy is a point of pride and she likes it when it looks nice even if the rest of her is scruffy
-heartwrenching: has chronic nightmares. I won't lie this piggybacks off a fic I once read, but I think after her grandfather leaves (who she was rly close to) she starts getting bad nightmares every now and then. at first they were about him getting hurt or dying, and then they were about alphinaud leaving her for awhile. They mellowed out for a bit but then returned tenfold after the calamity when her grandfather sacrificed himself to save eorzea. over the course of her adventures when she strikes out on her adventures they come and go, and they get better again when she reunites with alphinaud and joins the scions. they never really go away and some nights are worse than others, even driving her to force herself not to sleep, but her friends and family help best they can
-my city now: mildly dyslexic. she can normally read stuff like signs and menus if the text is big and clear, but struggles with small text and complicated/academic language and she prefers to be read to. a lot of how she survived school was alphinaud reading to her and helping her with notes and written assignments
-realistic: adhd/autistic king. this bitch has the biggest allagan/history special interest I've ever seen and he nervous stims by rubbing his arm
-funny: during his time as the crystal exarch he expanded his skillset to include magic and he's a pretty good black mage, but his application is SO clinical and academic it's almost funny. a lot of how he learned was from books and didn't get to practice irl much, or if he did he made sure to do it Just Right, this means he's rly well versed in theory but that lark could spellcast circles around him bc he's much more practical in how he uses magic and works in any and all street tricks he picks up from people he meets. lark teases him about this but can't actually offer much advice bc he primarily uses arcanima and elemental magic confuses the shit out of him
-heartwrenching: didn't have a lot of real friends before meeting the gang. he was the Weird Kid back home and was bullied or ignored a lot, and he had colleagues and stuff when he became a scholar and a historian but wasn't rly Friends with any of them, and once he met lark murleth and grestle during the crystal tower arc he's all 'oh huh, this is what friendship feels like' and has to lie down about it for awhile
-my city now: biggest case of city kid syndrome you've ever seen. couldn't set up a tent or make a fire if his life literally depended on it, lark takes him camping once and forces him to sit there and look pretty bc his wilderness survival skills don't span beyond telling the time by the sun, lark does manage to teach him some about edible flora tho and considers it a success
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nicomrade · 3 years
😳 charlie my friend charlie if you have thoughts on him
I LOVE charlie so much hes everything and hes sooo transmasc. like .. . .... ok i talked about it forever ago on twitter but basically theres this rob mcelhenny quote that goes like "True inclusion is bring the LGBTQ down into the gutter with us." about mac coming out as gay and the logical next step from there is canon trans charlie he is quite literally already in the sewer <3 gender euphoria from charlie high pitch yelling
and.. ok so ive been rewatching iasip w my friend whos never seen it before which is like an incredible experience i keep apologizing on behalf of the show BUT anyway so rewatching the early seasons its kinda like... charlie is waay more evil in those early seasons right... or am i making that up. like doesnt he straight up attack dennis in season 1 or something.... and its not to say charlie doesnt attack people in later seasons but its portrayed as him being Unhinged rather than having a real malicious intent or something.. OH and he schemes the the gang gets held hostage episode is just charlie scheming and i love that for him so much. esp since hes also dyslexic/gets called the r slur a lot its like... charlie is still fucking smart u know. he hatches these plans and theres a reason to his madness and thats really important cause its ALL coping mechanisms AND hes very self aware he just doesnt care. he KNOWS half the shit he does is weird/socially unacceptable but he gave up on fitting in a while ago. i forgot the lore of his highschool and younger days exactly but ye.... hes always been ostracized. at one point u just accept thats ur fate, but u never stop being able to tell what is and isnt Weird u just learn to disregard it.
AND hes all in all really genuine (vs mac having that Tough Cool Guy persona, dennis ... being dennis, frank roleplaying as a poor, and well dee literally wants to be an actress) and that makes him especially vulnerable to the gangs ridicule but he still fits in with them! without having to pretend to be anyone he isnt! and a lot of his traits are just normal charlie things to them so its not like him just Existing is weird, and his weirdness gets celebrated at times! like when hes assigned wildcard, thats his volatile nature being recognized and validated in some way! and thats not something he could get from Outside Society like the gang truly sticks together cause no one else would put up w their awful shit but like.. theres still comfort in someone who knows and sees you as you really are even though theyre making ur life a living hell. a little bit. maybe. idk!
a while back i was thinking bout how he grew up being macs only friend and vice versa and i was getting emotional about it but i forgot why specifically i think its really about how theyve always had each other in their lives and they have so much shared history they intuitively understand each other a lot and they also know theyre friends 4ever basically. theyre bffs.... and charlie genuinely enjoys macs project badass stuff like theyre not... theyre not GREAT friends cause the whole gang is awful but compared to whatever the hell the reynolds have going on charlie/mac friendship is sort of sweet you know.... but its still very important that charlie acts mean and fucked up to mac and dennis sometime because its not like any of them is getting proper therapy so bullying others to cope works just as well actually 🤗
also hes so talented i just wanna say it really quick his music ! his drawings ! we love and support an artist charlie kelly u are everything ♥ ALSO ALSO charlie/dennis friendship underrated... that is all
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talpup · 4 years
Crossroads: 1
Don’t know if it’s the way my brain is wired, me being dyslexic, or what; but I just can’t write straight up reader inserts. That said, my work is meant to be self insert. It’s just that you’ll be putting your name in place of my OC’s name instead of putting your name place of a y/n.
PLEASE be mindful of the tags!!!
Summary: Loss will make a person do terrible things they never thought themselves capable of doing. Things like wanting the mobsters responsible for your little brothers death to pay so badly you’ll summon a Demon to make it happen.
Maya did just that, but little did she know that the Demon would ask for her soul as the price. Or that when she refused give it to him, he would put her in the path of someone possibly much worse.
Kai is offering to help her but what he wants is so much more than her soul. He wants her everything.
This fic is rated explicit and has warnings of sex, violence, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23565748
A special thanks and shout out to @inorganicone2230 for their encouragement and friendship.  This fic started as an idea back in January when they said they’d like to see me write a Kai centered fic.  Through their questions and inspiration Crossroads became a fleshed out story.  They even came up with the title and female insert/oc’s name.  I might be the one writing this fic; but it’s as much theirs as it is mine.  It probably wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for them.  It certainly wouldn’t be happening this soon if it weren’t for them.
It started with screams and the roar of Tommy guns.
Maya shook her head trying to block out the remembered sounds.
It started with bullets and blood.
She closed her eyes trying to forget the horrid images.
It started with a trip to the city and her little brothers death.
Why had she taken him on the day long trip?  She should've left him in their rural little town with the neighbors.  She should've left him with friend's.  She should've left him at home.  Anything would've been better.  Safer. Than the hailstorm she had taken him into.  But she hadn’t known.
She hadn’t known that a deal between mobsters would be going down and end in a shoot out.  She hadn’t known that giving in and treating her brother with a visit to the sweets shop would find them caught in the cross fire.  She hadn’t known that his entire side would be riddled with so many bullets that it would be practically missing.  Or that his last words would be made unintelligible by gurgled blood spewing from his mouth and the thunderous bang of gun fire that would never end.
Even now the resounding bang of gun fire echoed in her head.  It might diminish over time like her friends had said but it would be ever present; just like her brothers blood, staining her hand.
Her eyes squeezed shut again.
The blood.  There had been so much blood. How much blood could one preteen boy have?  His blood had stained the street, her hands and clothes.  They had never even made it to the sweets shop.  He had never gotten his treat.
It was a funny thing to focus on.  But in the beginning, it had been the one bitter thought that helped keep the others at bay.  Far worse thoughts that had led her here.
“So your little brother’s dead and you want revenge.  Couldn’t you be a bit more interesting?  I mean you’re pretty enough to look at, but revenge?  It’s so common and boring. Come on, Dollface.  Can’t you be a bit more creative for me.”  The Demon grinned at her, turquoise eyes shining with unnatural light.
Facing north at the mouth of two intersecting streets, Maya simmered. “I didn’t call you here to entertain.  And I’m not asking for revenge.  I am telling you to give me a means of justice.”
“Justice.” The Demon scoffed.
“Listen here, you--”
The Demon stepped out of the heart of the dirt crossroads and closer to her.  “My name is Dabi.  Say it.”
The woman that gave her the summoning spell, a Witch that lived in a run down house outside of town, had told her not to give her name or say the demons.
Maya took a step back.  “No.”
“Come on, Maya.  Give me somethin’ here.  Pretty little dame like you...”
Her head spun.  How did he know her name?  She was certain she hadn’t given it.
Dabi took another step closer.  “Didn’t your po-lice make their arrests?”
“Y—yes. But they were let go.”
Dabi spread his hands and, in the glint of the moonlight, Maya noticed the same patchwork stitching at his face was along his wrists.
“So, justice was served.”
“No! It wasn’t.  They walked free.”  Maya said, fiercely.
“Just because it wasn’t the outcome you wanted doesn’t mean justice wasn’t met out.”
“They bought their way out of the cooler! The cops were dirty!  Those goons killed my brother in their stupid war of alcohol and--”
She stopped at his sharp tone.
He gave a toothy smile, sly easiness returning.  “You’ve obviously never had booze. If you had, you’d known those boys are doing gods work.”
“More like the devils.”
“Oh? You’re one of those temperance prudes.  No wonder you’re not interesting and won’t give me your name.  What a waste for such a looker.” He finished, muttering to himself.
“I’m not part of any movement other than that of seeing my brothers killers get what they deserve.”
“And tell me, Doll.  What do you think they deserve?”
“To die.”
Dabi chuckled. “I like it.  But is that justice?”
“An eye for an eye.  Life for a life.”
“Lives.” Dabi corrected. “Unless you know the goon that killed your brother.”
“I saw their faces.”  Softer, she muttered. “I’ll never forget them.”
“But not all those fine men shot the gun whose bullets--”
“I don’t care!”  Maya hollered. “I don’t care!  Their war killed my brother.  They deserve to die.”
“So several lives for the single life of your beloved little brother. Is that what justice looks like to you?”
“None of those men are innocent.”
Dabi looked her over.  “None of us are innocent, Doll.”
“Are you going to help?  If not, I’ll send you back.”  She moved to do just that.
Dabi held out of staying hand.  “Hold up there, Darling.  Let’s not be too hasty.  Of course I’m gonna help.  Pretty little dame like you. Who wouldn’t?”
Maya scowled, clutching at the collar of the high buttoned blouse.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you that if you make ugly faces you’ll get stuck that way?”
“No.” Maya frowned.  She looked away.  “My mother wasn’t around much. I raised myself and my brother.”
“And a mighty fine job you did of it.”  Dabi said, turquoise eyes skimming her again.
Her head snapped back to him.
“I’m serious, Doll! You’ve turned out alright there, Darlin’.  Your brother… Well, he probably would've grown to be a fine fellow.  If he hadn’t been killed by those goons that is.  And at such a young age.”  Dabi shook his head and sighed.  “What a waste.  The lad had his whole life in front of--”
“Stop it!”  Maya’s hands trembled, clenching so tight her knuckles turned white.
Dabi was suddenly right beside her, murmuring in her ear. “Give me your soul and I’ll end all the bad men that hurt you.”
“What! No!”  She turned her head to him, leaning away.
“Is justice for your brother not worth your soul, Darlin’? And you call yourself a loving sister.”
“I’m not giving you my soul.”
“Why?” Dabi smiled, wickedly. “We could have so much fun together you and I.”
“There has to be another way.”
“There is.” Dabi admitted. “But I doubt you’ll like it more than being mine.”
“Whatever it is, it’s bound to be better than giving up my soul.”
“Fine.” Dabi sighed. “Since you like judging things so much.  I’ll give you your second option and let you be the judge.  See you in three months for your verdict, Dollface.”
“This is where it happened.”  Hari said.
The mans words were needless when his Boss could clearly see the scores of boarded up windows.
Kai’s gold eyes scanned the street.  Many of the shops had reopened.  Some even had their store fronts fully repaired.  But there were others that were dark and vacant.
In the war against the depraved and indecent there would be casualties of innocence.  Kai and his men had long since payed the price themselves; losing most of what made them good, moral men in order to meet violence with violence.  But they had signed up for it.  These people hadn’t.
Kai didn’t much care what innocent lives were lost in the battles so long as the war was won.  But that didn’t mean their lives and unknowing sacrifice wouldn’t go unrecognized, especially when the Shie Hassaikai had been part of this particular battle.
“The envelopes?  They’ve gone out?”  Kai questioned, voice unmuffled by the black dust mask he wore.
“All but one.”
Kai turned to his Lieutenant.
Hari need not have known Kai since childhood to know that the young boss was frowning beneath his mask.
At the single word Hari did just that.  “Joi and his team were able to learn the names of all the families who lost someone in the fire fight.  But their addresses were a different matter.  Apparently one woman who lost her young brother didn’t give her address.”
Kai raised an eyebrow.
“Seems the woman found out the gangs sprung their men with bribes and refused to cooperate further.  She made such a fuss they even attempted to hold her overnight, but ultimately released her before nights end with no bail posted.”
Kai smirked at that.  “Someone who sees the filthy corruption that plagues this city and won’t suffer quietly.  She should be commended.”
Hari didn’t find it odd that his Boss scorned the cops corruption when it was their very corruption that allowed the Shie Hassaikai to work with little reprisal from the law. Even in this simple case, if it weren’t for the law accepting bribes, Joi wouldn’t have been able to learn the names and addresses of the innocent dead.
Hari found it honorable that Kai insisted on finding out the names of every innocent that died in a battle the Shie Hassaikai was involved. It was one of the first things Kai had ordered Joi to do when the man had come on; to set a separate budget so they could send an unmarked envelope of money to those mourning families.  That policy alone had won the young boss several new followers and made those already sworn to him all the more loyal.  Kai’s men would die for him and his cause without thought or question, and Hari considered himself chief among them.
Kai looked about the quiet street.
To think that just one week ago this place had been a battle scene.  Filled with shopkeepers and pedestrians, it couldn’t have gone down at a worse time of day.  It happened in the middle of the afternoon.  Innocent people going about their daily lives when violence and mayhem spilled out of a nearby warehouse and into the street.
It wasn’t his fault, and Kai felt no guilt over what had happened here.  But it was his aspirations for a clean and wholesome society that had seen his men involved.  He had already killed his man for the mistake.  Only three quarters of the illegal booze should've been replaced with their poisoned copies. But the man had either been stupid or overeager.  He had exchange all of the crates.  So when the buyer, wise to the Shie Hassaikai’s doings, had tested a bottle from the top crate, it had led to a shoot out between buyer and supplier.
Kai cursed the temperance movement.
While he agreed their reasoning, they were going about it the wrong way.  Smashing bottles and barrels did nothing to fix the problem.  Neither did arresting brewers and smugglers, little as that actually happened.  So long as there were people out there wanting and drinking booze, there would always be those who made and sold it. That was the free market.  Supply would always respond to demand.  But if there was no longer a demand.  If the licentious, debased people who drank were no more, then the demand for alcohol would be no more.
He would have to make sure and tell Joi to find this upstanding woman that had been brave enough to call out the corruption of the cops.  No matter what or how long it took she, more than any of the other families, should be given some sort of recompense for her loss.
“Mind it we stop by the sweets shop?”  Hari asked.
Kai looked at his Lieutenant out of the corner of his eye.
“Tabe likes sweets.”  Hari explained.
Kai continued to stare.
Tabe liked food.  Joi had to up their food budget after they had brought the man on.  But Tabe came with Hojo, and Hojo was the best counterfeiter they had.  Granted he had specialized in fake gems before Prohibition.  Good as the man had been at it, he obviously hadn’t been that good because Kai had found him beaten to an inch of his life after getting caught. But wax seals, labels, and inscriptions were far easier forge than precious gems, and Hojo was a master at it.
“He did an exceptional job with procuring the additive that better masks the poisons taste.”
The young Boss looked across the street at the sweets shop.  Though the window was boarded up, the place was still open.  A testament to the shopkeepers resilience.  Kai could appreciate such will and drive.
“Fine.” He allowed.  Thinking that a larger sale would do the candy maker good, he went on.  “Buy enough for everyone.  I’ll wait here.”
Hari nodded and left.
A laughing couple passed, arms linked.
Kai sniffed behind his dust mask and turned away.  Filth.  Such open affection.  Not me mention the woman’s dress…   He began walking down the sidewalk, back to the car, and bumped into a woman that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
“Kai!” Hari rushed across the street.  He grabbed the fallen woman and pulled her to her feet.
Maya stumbled in the angry mans hold.  What happened?  Where was she?  One second she was standing at a dark, deserted crossroads outside of town and now…
She looked about ears taking in city sounds when once there were frogs and crickets.  Her heart began to race, breath shortening.
No. No.  No!  She couldn’t be here!  She couldn’t be back here!  Her eyes fell on the spot where her brother had fallen and died.  Tears welled in her eyes.
“Watch where you’re going lady.” Hari shook her.
Suddenly Maya came to life.  She lashed out at the angry man, not with nails or a flat slapping hand, but a fist.
Hari dodged the punch easily.  He grabbed her flying wrist and twisted it.
“Let me go!”
Watching, Kai noticed how the woman’s voice didn’t tremble but commanded with surety and strength.
“Settle down!”  Hari ordered.
Maya stomped on the mans foot.
Hari cursed, hand letting go of her and lifting.
Kai’s gloved hand wrapped around Hari’s arm, surprising the both of them.
Hari stopped immediately.
Kai released his Lieutenant.  Fingers wiping against his thumb as if to clean them, he lowered his hand.
“I bumped into her.”
Maya looked at the man that she appeared in front of.
Gold eyes watched her, waiting for her reaction to his appearance. Most people stared at his dust mask or did their best not to look at it; but this woman did neither.  After an initial look of puzzlement she met his eyes with no further reaction to the protected cover on his face.
“I apologize Miss.  I didn’t see you.  You appeared out of nowhere.” Kai frowned behind his mask.
She had appeared out of nowhere.  There was no side street or walkway.  There wasn’t even a door she could have passed through.  There was nothing but brick wall on one side, and open street on the other.
“There’s no need to apologize, Sir.  I should've…”  She stopped.
What was she to say?  That she shouldn’t have been making deals with Demons?
She glanced at Hari.  “I’m sorry I kicked and tried to hit your friend.”
Kai’s scrutinizing gaze lightened at that.  “He--”
He had been about to say Hari was protective but that was unnecessary information.  More than that, he didn’t want this fierce but sweet woman to think he needed protection.
“He should be more gentlemanly toward ladies.  Especially lovely ones such as yourself.” Remembering he had his hat on, Kai smoothly took off his fedora.
Maya felt her cheeks heat.  She could only see the mans eyes but they were more stunning than the finest gold karts; not that she had seen much gold in her life, let alone fine gold.
Remembering the plain clothes she wore, she dusted herself off trying to appear more presentable.
Kai took the opportunity to get a better look at her.  She was a pretty little thing that wore simple clothes.  They were clearly well worn, but neat.  There wasn’t even any fraying at the blouses cuff, as if she trimmed the loose threads before they became raggedy.  Her blouse and skirt were pressed and modestly covered her, unlike the dress most of the women around here wore.  His eyes lowered further taking in the small bit of leg that wasn’t covered by her skirt.
“Your stockings are torn.”
Maya blushed all the harder at the masked mans mention of such an intimate accessory.
“There’s a ladies store just across the street. Please, let me escort and buy you a new pair.”
Kai could have just as easily offered her money to replace the ruined hosiery but found he didn’t want to leave her presence just yet. Just these few moments with her had intrigued him.
Before Hari had laid hands on her, she had looked lost.  That lost expression had quickly turned to utter fear and torment. Before she had lashed out at Hari, Kai had thought she had feared them; and rightful so.  But that proved not to be the case.
The woman had gone from lost, to fearful, to fighting, and then polite all in the space of less than a minute.  Most men might've run, finding her sudden changes too much; but Kai wasn’t most men.  Where others might've seen erratic, Kai saw something rare.  A person who didn’t hide her thoughts and emotions.  It made him find her instantly wholesome and virtuous.  Everything he wanted the world to be.
She was polite, and clearly capable of fear.  But strong and sure enough to stand up for herself when the need arose. She was no damsel, but the earlier hurt and fear he saw in her told him that she was clearly in distress.  For some reason Kai found himself wanting to help her.
Maya shook her head.  “That’s not necessary.”
“I insist.”
Her eyes hardened, jaw tightening.
Kai’s lips thinned at her look of defiance.  As much as he liked the open, clear honesty of what she was feeling, he didn’t like that expression. He wasn’t use to being told no.
Hat in hand he made a small gesture to the line of stores. “There was a shoot out on this street not long ago.  The business are suffering.  If not for my account, let me do this for theirs.”
Maya’s eyes grew distant at the mention of the shoot out.  She didn’t want to be here, let alone go shopping here.  Why had the Demon sent her here?  Her eyes watered as the never ending echo of gun fire and screams rose in her ears.
Seeing her change Kai assured.  “It’s perfectly safe now.  Nothing will harm you so long as you’re with me.”
She shook the images out of her head, the ring of that day dying down in her ears. “I’m not afraid.  Well…  I am.  It’s just… My brother died in that shoot out.”
Kai’s eyes widened ever so slightly.  This pure, beautiful, wholesome woman had lost someone here.  He understood the look of fear he had seen in her right before Hari had grabbed her.  His hand closed into a fist at the thought of Hari’s rough treatment.  No one should hurt this beautiful creature.  No one should touch her.
“Come.” Kai turned away from the ladies shop, walking.
He smirked underneath his mask.  He had thought she would follow, but it was always nice to be proved right.  He glanced over his shoulder giving Hari a silent order.
When Maya caught up to him he told.  “You don’t need to be around here.  There’s a place two blocks down.  I’ll get you something to eat and drink.  We can talk.”
Maya turned back to the angry man that had almost hit her, he was headed in the other direction towards a fine looking car. “Talk? About what?”
“I’m Kai by the way.  You are?”
Kai smiled.  It was a pretty name.
“Maya. You’re not from around here are you?”
Maya bristled.  Was he making fun?  Sure, she didn’t have fine tailored clothes and a fancy automobile; but she wasn’t some stupid, unkempt country bumpkin.
“No. I’m not.  Where I’m from we have morals and respect for innocent life. There’s no shoot outs in the streets, or cops taking bribes and letting criminals and murderers walk free.  We’re good, clean, upstanding people.”
“Sounds like a nice place.  If only we could all live there.”
The man sounded almost wistful.  The tension in her shoulders eased.
“Sorry. It’s just…  His death and the law not doing anything. It’s been hard.”
“You have no need to apologize.  You have every reason to be angry about what happened, and be proud of your principled decency.  But I will ask you to be mindful.  I’m a principled man myself, and I demand respect.  Understood.”
Maya shivered at the slight darkening of his deep voice.
She nodded.
“Answer me properly, Maya.  Like the good girl you say you are.”
Her response was more mumbled than spoken but Kai let it slide, he couldn’t expect perfect obedience straight away.
That thought gave him pause; but he didn’t get to examine it because Maya stopped in her tracks.
“I can’t go in there.”
Kai halted and turned to her. “Of course you can.”
“A place like that…  It probably charges you for water.  I don’t have--” She moved to touch her purse only to find it missing.
Her heart skipped a beat for a moment thinking she had lost it; but remember she had left it at home when she had gone out to summon the demon.
“What does that matter?  I’m paying.”  Kai said, breaking into her thoughts.
She blinked at that.  Even if she accepted his kind offer…
She shook her head.  “Look at me.”
Kai’s eyes raked over her finding her modest clothes less praise worthy than he initially had.  “I am.”
“They won’t let me in there.”
“They will.  You’re with me.”
“People will stare.”
Kai had to agree with that though they wouldn’t be staring for the reasons she thought.  “Don’t make me tell you again.”
She looked at him and his ushering arm, hesitating for only a moment.
Fine, she thought.  He’ll see for himself.
She let him guide her to the entrance.
The Host recognized Kai immediately, and showed them to a private dining room.
Maya looked about, taking in the simple luxury in awe.
The Waiter came and Kai ordered for her.
When the Waiter left Maya told.  “A couple years back my brother saved up his pay from selling papers to bring me here.  He probably only had enough for us to share a lunch, but it was his way of thanking me and showing that he cared.”  Her eyes hardened, lips pulling tight. “They wouldn’t even let us in.”  She shrugged, a lightening of acceptance taking over. “We had a nice lunch at the diner a few blocks over and likely got twice the food for half the price.”
“Fools. They can’t even recognize true grace and esteem when it’s at their doorstep.”
“Well I don’t know about all that.”  She blushed.
“Don’t contradict me.”
Maya’s mumble sound more like a query than an apology.  “Sorry.”
Kai nearly told her to speak up but decided there were more important things to focus on.  “Tell me about yourself.”
The Waiter brought her food.
Maya felt strange eating when Kai wasn’t.  But the man assured her he wasn’t hungry, and she was starving so when he declined her offer to share she didn’t ask again.
She had set her utensils down, meal finished when Kai finally asked the burning question.  “Why are you here?”
“You brought me.”
Unamused by her smart remarked Kai laced his fingers, waiting.
She cleared her throat and wiped her mouth.  “I didn’t want-- intend to be.  It just sort of happened.”
Kai thought about how she had appeared out of nowhere, and he was sure that’s what happened.
“I want justice for my brother.”  Maya went on.
She didn’t know why told a complete stranger that.  Other than his name and a few tidbits, she didn’t know a thing about him.  Sure he seemed nice enough.  But nice people wouldn’t understand.  They would shake their heads and sympathize at her story, asking what can you do.  They would be horrified to hear what that she wanted the killers dead.  That she wanted everyone involved dead. But somehow telling him had felt right.  As if she could trust this man with the ugly truth of her desires.
“Justice?” Kai echoed.
“I want to see the men who killed him dead.”
He might've questioned his sudden and growing desire for this woman if she hadn’t had said that.  With those words Maya sealed her fate.
Kai’s fingers unlaced.  He tapped an index finger on the tabletop, deciding the best way to go about getting what he wanted.
Maya lost her nerve under his unblinking gaze.  What had she done?  She didn’t know this man.  Why had she told him that?
“I—I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have--”
“I can help you.”
Maya froze.  “Pardon?”
Kai’s knuckles rapped against the table, decided. “I can see to it that men who killed you brother get what they deserve.”
Maya’s mouth fell open.
“Would you like that?”  Kai asked.
He looked her over wondering what she would give for him to do such a thing.  He already knew what he would take.
“Da--” She stopped before finishing the Demons name.
She thought about Dabi and what he had said before rudely sending her here without warning. ’I’ll give you your second option...’
Was this it?  The Demon had literally placed her in Kai’s path.  She remembered his other words.
‘...I doubt you’ll like it more than being mine.’ He had said when she had demanded another way.
“Wha—what do you want in return?”
Everything, Kai thought golden eyes piercing hers. His men would certainly wonder when he brought this woman back and set her up in his rooms at the compound; but none would dare ask or question him.
He took out his billfold, leaving cash on the table, and got to his feet, pulling out her chair. “We can discuss the details of that when we get you home.”
If you enjoyed reading this at all please comment and let me know. Since I post for free, think of it as nice way of leaving a tip.  And since comments are the only thing that encourages me to keep editing and posting, it’s also a benefit for you.
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macklives · 5 years
session 39 end
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oh-KAY cool page 1000 is finished and i am proud to end up here, we have much more to go but i feel ACCOMPLISHED :D
now lets talk about whatever the fuck becquerel harley is
hes a dog, that eats radioactive steak therefore is probably radioactive himself but for some reason can travel through space and teleport to different places but is overall a good dog just a little weird.
then jade who can control her dreams?? i guess thats for next time, huh, bc im still a little confused about that but itll probably get explained. im just ready for terminator homestuck at this point.
and then there’s 11 more characters to meet! which is fun but theyre all probably mean or CG in different colors, bc im pretty sure each account has a different color, right? thats why jade is green, rose is purple (i thought it was pink but no), dave is red and john is blue. so to “pretend” hes someone else, just change the color of his texts but nobody is believing his shit. they know its him. hes predictable. he probably starts off all of his convos with “hi again, idiot” whoops, sorry “HI AGAIN, IDIOT” and thinks hes sly. anyways, his gang isnt much but its more than the main 4 kids so i hope they dont all gang up on them, id be upset :(
uhhh i also think i found out im dyslexic today, probably should check that out
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kiramxchis · 6 years
Seido Female Manager Headcanons
I want a Daiya no A spin-off focusing on the managers. We’ll call it Daiya no Queens (Queens of the Diamond in English officially)
The managers for Act II are also included, and they will be put under a cut for anyone who doesn’t want spoilers (I’m sorry mobile users). I also might end up writing about some of these, so keep an eye out for those if I ever do
One, overall Headcanon (I didn’t know who to put this under):
Sawamura can not for the life of him remember any of the managers names outside of Haruno, so to hide the fact that he can’t remember (despite being told several times by his team mates), he refers to them with nobility titles, such as “My Lady” “Your Highness” and “Princess” (since Takako’s the head manager, she and Rei are refereed to as “My Queen”). This catches on with the others, and soon every girl is called by such names, even the new mangers
Fujiwara Takako
Takako is Biromantic Bisexual, but has more of preference for boys
Because she is considered the prettiest girl in school, she gets lots of confessions, from both boys and girls alike, but she always politely rejects them.
It’s not that she wouldn’t love to be in a relationship (she has a lot of love with no where to go), but taking care of the team is usually her top priority, so she doesn’t have time to (she keeps telling herself it would be much more easier to date a member of the team, but a good majority of potential partners face the same problem as her with the sport being more important to them) (I’ll date you Takako)
She adores cute phone charms. For her 18th birthday, Chris gave her a My Melody charm for her phone and a matching case. She still uses them to this day
All the boys in her year are very protective of her, and ever since her first year it’s not unusual to see some of the boys (both on and off the bench) glaring and chasing off anyone who gets to close (Especially Jun. You might as well prepare to die if Jun catches you so much as breathing in her general direction)
Her best subject is English, and acts as a tutor for those on the team who suck at English and don’t wanna ask Rei for help
She still visits the other managers after graduating. It’s pretty common to see her, Yui, Sachiko and Haruno at a cafe near her school, drinking their coffee (hot cocoa for Haruno) and talking about the shenanigans their teams are up to
Natsukawa Yui:
Yui is Panromantic Asexual with more of a preference for girls (yet I always write her with boys)
She’s known Sachiko since middle school, they attended the same school as Chris and Shirakawa, so their route to school is longer and the have to take the train
One time, during their first year, everyone in her year got curious to see what Yui looked like without her bang covering her eye. Zono volunteered for the job (aka: everyone was too chicken shit to do it and they forced him to), and to this day when someone asks him what she looks like, his only response is “It’s like the physical manifest of what a choir of angels sound like” (Kuramochi did it once as well, and he can confirm Zono is right. Yui’s just getting tired of people pulling her bangs back, standing there for five minutes as their face turns red and then run off)
She’s one of those girls who bring the tall bottles of Bath and Body Works perfume to school. She never uses it during school hours (unless someone stunk up the bathroom), only after school in the girls locker room after a long day of practice. Her favorite scent is Dark Kiss
While it’s not mandatory the managers help out during morning practice during the summer and winter camps, they do anyway. Meaning they get up earlier than the boys, and sometimes they’re not fully awake when they get there. Sawamura had to learn the hard way not to talk to Yui unless your a faculty member until she finished the coffee she brings with her (she brings like, three of those Starbucks frappuccino bottles). She is a demon before she has had her coffee
Her family owns two Doberman's, one with and without docked and cropped ears and tail. They are the sweetest dogs in the world, and love to play with their owners
She is the only manager to not be refereed to by nobility titles. She is instead refereed to as “Heiress” or “Mistress” because Sawamura originally confused her father to being a member of the Yakuza (her family owning two Dobermans did not help in the slightest either)
Umemoto Sachiko:
Sachiko is Aromantic Asexual
Commonly refereed to as the Kuramochi of the managers, Sachiko is very protective of her friends, especially her fellow managers
You dared to hit on Takako? You’re gonna get ambushed by both her and Jun. Made fun of Haruno? Sorry honey, only she’s allowed to do that. Breathed in Yui’s general direction? She’s gonna leave you black and blue
Remember how in the 3rd ODA “Boys Be...” Sachiko joked about her fans ganging up on Nori if he got a crush on her? She wasn’t lying about having fans. Of course there are no where near as many as Takako and Yui have, but a good majority of her fans are usually range from shy and sweet to total sports geek. There is no one who doesn’t fall for Sachiko’s charm (like me)
A total gamer, she loves to play First Person Shooters (she can totally kick Kuramochi’s ass in them), but she has a secret weak spot for games like Animal Crossing and literally any Kirby game
She’s listed at number 3 in the Skillful Singers list in the Seido Baseball Club Secret Rankings ( [x] ) and is secretly referred to as Seido’s Lorelei among both her class and teammates. The choir kids want to steal her from the team
She has a collection of baseball caps she’s collected over the years of teams in both the NPB and the MLB. She has to order her MLB caps online, but it’s money well spent in her opinon
Yoshikawa Haruno:
Haruno is Biromantic Demisexual with no set preference
Because of her clumsy nature, she always carries band-aids with her. Usually cute band-aids with Sanrio characters on them. Furuya secretly adores them and whenever he gets a cut and needs a band-aid, he asks Haruno for one
It’s also not unusual for whenever she does trip and fall and scrapes her knee that all of the members of the First String in her year drop whatever they’re doing and rush over to her to make sure she’s okay. Sawamura and Kanemaru look like overprotective mothers, acting like she’s dying, Toujou and Haruichi go to get the first aid kit while Furuya is standing about a foot away with this aura flaring, not sure what to do (imagine what would happen she actually got seriously injured)
She’s a KPop fan, and her favorite groups are EXO and Pristin (yes I know the series canonly takes place in 2006-2007 leave me alone)
Another sucker for cute things, Haruno’s whole room is practically overflowing with stuffed animals
She’s the youngest of four older brothers who put the babying of the First String First Years to shame. She’s not even allowed to hold a butter knife
Another gamer, Haruno loves to play relaxing and collecting games like Pokemon and Neko Atsume
Kuroki Anna (Tall, long black hair):
Anna is a Lesbian
She has a habit of unintentionally putting small things in her mouth and chewing on them, things like earring backings and sometimes even the earring itself. As a kid, she would sometimes chew all of the shoes of her Barbie dolls
Yet, for some reason, she always swollows gum
She is the only member of the current team to be able to watch horror movies with a straight face (fssh just imagine Ryo and Anna watching horror movies together and booing at it)
There is a current bet going around at who has the best dead eyes, her, Mogami or Okumura (currently, Okumura is winning)
She currently has no interest in dating, but has expressed she would date Haruno if given the opportunity too (honey wait until you meet Wakana)
There is a member of Yakushi in her year with the same family name as her and I am fully convinced they are twins
Oda Akane (Short, blonde hair):
Akane is Demiromantic Demisexual
She’s the chubbiest manager out of the current ones, but it’s okay because there’s just more of her to love. It also contrasts Anna’s body type, which is thin and lanky (they’re just like Popuko and Pipimi)
She and Anna have known each other since childhood. The reason Anna holds no romantic interest in Akane is because she cherishes their friendship more than anything in the world and thinks a relationship would ruin it. Akane on the other hand, has a giant crush on Anna that she does not act upon (think of it like Chinatsu and Akira’s relationship, only more stable and less hostile)
When her bangs are down, the fall very similarly to Sawamura’s. She keeps them tied up because she thinks they get in the way, but doesn’t want to cut them
She has to wear glasses, but usually wears contacts because she hates how they look on her (baby girl show me your glasses)
A gigantic anime fan, she loves Magical Girl and Sports Anime the most
She is both asthmatic, and dyslexic. Probably not a very good combination set for a manager
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lovebugcody · 4 years
Y’all I’m fleshing out a couple of OC’s, and can I just say that I love my 4 children. So, I’m going to tell you some of the bare minimum that I know about them (so far!)
Sophie Tends to go by Soph, is a short-stack at 5′2 (though I may bring it up to 5′4 bc I feel like 5′2 is just too short), but will still try to kick your ass. Had her first sexuality revelation at 7 when she saw Azula for the first time while watching Avatar (she a lesbian). Definitely came home from school one day and declared to her parental figure that boys were gross and that she had come to this decision after she watched one of the boys accidentally trip over a “very pretty girl from a different grade”. Probably a Hufflepuff with the justification of “I bake to make friends”. Dark blonde hair, probably has blue eyes. Probably wears platform shoes to make herself taller than the next-shortest in their friend group. Dresses like an egirl, but subtle. Also probably has a septum piercing and definitely shops on etsy for funky earrings. Probably also makes them, but all the ones she makes are Lego minifigures. I don’t have a birthday for her yet, but she’s 19. 
Ness A 5′11, gender non-conforming royalty. They dress androgynous, leaning more towards masculine, but loves a long twirly skirt. Generally keeps their hair in a short to mid-length afro. The oldest of the group at 21, but only just. Honestly, I see them as looking similar to fatraco0n on tiktok. Says and thinks they are the brains of the group, but is generally the chaotic dumbass. Always has the best eyeliner, to the point where the rest of the group often ask them for help. I feel like their catchphrase (or like, bio on instagram) is “binary is the language of computers, not people. and definitely not me”, which also makes me think they may be dyslexic. 
Clara The second-shortest of the group at 5′6. Soph calls them CeCe, but Ness and J call her Clay. She is an ace, but I haven’t decided if they are going to be biromantic or aro. She is Latina/Latinx, and a plus-size babe. I struggled thinking of what they’re style would be, but I got a video on my FYP on tiktok that was perfect. Her style is 40′s/50′s vintage inspired and loves petticoats.They are the youngest of the group, but only maybe a couple of months younger than Soph. I don’t know if I am going to give Clara a specific gender right now, but I do know she uses she/her and they/them pronouns. 
Josh Joshua, who usually goes by Josh or J, is the most recent of my OC’s. He is the tallest of the gang at 6′3, and is so grateful for that, because it helps him feel like he passes better. His hair is currently cotton-candy pink and blue (bleached and dyed by Soph, recorded by Ness, and under the supervision of Clara). I haven’t got as much for Josh, but I do know that he is the actual brains of the group. He also is definitely a tired dad-friend. Sexuality TBD, but I am leaning towards demi (with no decision yet as to whether he is gay, bi or pan). I haven’t decided on whether he has had top surgery or not either, we’ll see. 
all-in-all, I created this gang so that I had constant characters to draw and help me practice drawing. Soph was the first one I created, and Josh the most recent (if you couldn’t tell by the varying levels of detail asdlkfjsa). I have a single sketch of Soph, Ness and Clara (like, just their faces. though I do have a sketch of Soph and Clara’s main outfits), but other than that, I am at the very beginning of creating them. i also made this post to keep track of the info i have because a lot of this i came up with while typing lmao
their ages may yet change but idk. oh and if anyone knows anything about astrology, and has suggestions star signs based on these current descriptions, feel free to let me know! i haven’t got any birthdays for them yet, and that may help me in coming up with some. (or even just give me a crash-course on star-signs and personality)
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misc-oneshots · 7 years
Yellow tinted glasses
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Dyslexic!Holtzmann x Fem!Reader Words: 1,713
For @emojicait who has been super patient with me – thank you!!
Reader is the newest member of the Ghost Busting gang. The reader is their PR guru, research Queen and Holtzmann’s crush and their relationship is blossoming until Holtzmann loses her googles and breaks her glasses.
A/N: I’m basing my knowledge on using coloured overlays and coloured glasses purely on my brother’s experiences growing up. I am more than willing to edit details if it is wrong and if it is I mean no offence or generalisation.
“A wise woman once said: Always carry a knife.” Holtzmann announced as she sauntered around the back of your desk, leaned herself over the back of your chair and held a Swiss Army knife in front of your face. You didn’t look up from the press release you were tweaking, “Wasn’t it you who said that Holtz?” “Yes and we all agree that it was fabulous advice,” She gestured around the empty lab to an invisible audience, “So why did I find your knife abandoned on Kevin’s desk? You know we don’t let him have knives.”
You turned your swivel chair around to face Holtzmann, her grinning face inches from yours, “I’m surprised you trust me with knife Holtzy. Maybe I felt it lying around so that you’d have to come and find me?” You teased softly and resisted the urge to grin with pride when a blush dusted over her cheeks. “Well then, it’s your lucky day.” She smirked and dropped the closed knife into the front pocket of your shirt before taking your hands and pulling you up out of your chair. Shaking your head you half-heartedly tried to pull away from her, “Holtz I need to finish this press release.” She gently pulled you back towards her doing a weird angular dance with her elbows, “C’mon dance with me. You can finish that festival of yawns anytime.” With that she pulled pen-sized device from behind her ear and pressed the top of it until the CD player turned up louder and blasted out the Saint Trinian’s Chant. You grinned at her and took your hands from hers long enough to tuck one of her wild curls behind her ear; how she invented these little devices you’d never know.
“You know, I wouldn’t have to do this press release at all if you hadn’t let the ghost that we were chasing slime that guy.” You chastised slightly as she twirled you around. “He was harassing you, you’re welcome.” She said rocking her head in time with the song. “He was warning me that we were going to get a car parking ticket.” You replied and laughed as she pouted at you. Holtzmann had thought he was flirting with you and lead the ghost over to him to slime him, you knew that and honestly it was so adorable and just so Holtzmann. She’d smashed her goggles on that particular adventure and you were waiting for her replacement pair to arrive. You danced together in a world all your own with a rhythm that no one else could follow.  
The pair of you did this regularly, your dances becoming more frequent and closer. You’d both realised your feelings for one another but both of you were waiting for the other to make a move. Not because you were afraid of rejection but you knew that Erin and Abi had a bet on who would break first and you’d decided to take sides.
Holtzmann looped her arm around your waist and you guided you until you were flush against her. She nodded her head to the song and brought her other hand up to her mouth in a fist like it was a microphone and she was singing the words to you, “Victorious. Rebellious. We do as we damn well please. Until the end, St Trinians! Defenders of anarchy!”
“Well that sounds like you Hol-” Your teasing was cut off by the realisation that you and Holtzmann were so close that her nose banged into yours. You swallowed hard and let a shaky breath dance across her lips, “I’m willing to lose the bet if you’re okay with that.” Holtzmann’s grin made her lips even more tantalisingly close, “You’re lucky I’m not socially skilled enough to be bothered that you’d have just ruined a moment.” “Stop putting yourself down.” You managed to get the words out before your lips followed and you finally got to run your hands through her beautiful hair. Romantic as always, her hands found your backside instantly, like she’s been waiting for permission to grab hold of you for weeks, and pulled you against her as you kissed. When the need to breathe again pushed you apart Holtzmann gave you a cheeky grin and hurried to pull the scarf that she was wearing over her head so that she could rush back to you without being strangled by the accessory. She whipped the scarf up over her head with a dramatic flair but her face fell when you heard glass smash.
Her glasses had gotten caught in her scarf and been thrown to the floor and had smashed on the floor. “No, no no no no.” Holtzmann put her hands to her head, her expression full of stress, “I’m still waiting for my replacement goggles. Oh shit.” “Holtz it’s okay, we’ll order you knew glasses too. They’ll come the same time as your goggles I’m sure.” You tried to calm her, surprised by the sudden shift. It didn’t work. “No that won’t work.” She snapped before snatching her scarf from the table and storming off leaving you staring at where her glasses and your romantic moment lay smashed on the floor.
The next day you and Holtzmann dodged each other, you avoided eye contact and she instead spent the day glaring at her blueprints and swearing under her breath. Patty and Erin, wanting an excuse to escape the atmosphere, went out to fetch dinner for you all. You were downstairs digging through your stacks of books looking for one that you knew you had somewhere that would help with your current job when Abi caught you. “Hey Y/N.” She said softly when you’d triumphantly yanked the book free from the stack. “What’s up Abi?” You asked and blew the dust off of the book. Abi looked around awkwardly, “I wanted to talk to you about you and Holtz.” “I don’t think there is a me and Holtz right now.” You replied and tried to keep the hurt from your voice. Abi held her hands out, “No, no. Look she’s just frustrated at the minute and she’s being stubborn and not asking for help because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself in front of you. C’mon, you guys are crazy about each other.”
“Asking for help with what Abi?” You asked. She bit her lip, “I’m sorry but I can’t tell you. I promised that I wouldn’t but please don’t take Holtz’s mood as her giving up on the idea of you two.” You nodded and she took that as agreement and left you to your thoughts.
A few hours later you sat to your laptop with your notepad on your knee. You read your scrawled notes and went over what you’d just learned in your mind again. In the end you’d resorted to various Google searches about coloured glasses and had come to the conclusion that Holtzmann was Dyslexic and the yellow glass in her glasses helped the words to be clearer to read. You wanted to whack yourself with your notepad for not realising it sooner; your friend in childhood had used coloured overlays to lay on their paper to help with their reading. It was the same principle. Now you knew what you had to do to help Holtzmann.
“I’m going to work on the packs this morning; I don’t want to bother with blueprints today.” Holtzmann told Abi, Erin and Patty as they wandered into the office, she offered it as an offhand remark but Abi could hear the stress laced into it.
Kevin greeted them at the door, “Hi guys, glad you’re here, the printers broken.” “How many times have we got to tell you Kevin? Do not open the printer while carrying coffee.” Patty shook her head at their assistant, Abi joined her and Erin… well Erin drooled.
“I didn’t touch it,” He held his hand up in defence, “I think the papers gone off.” “Off?” Holtzmann mouthed to Abi who pulled a face. They followed him into the office and to his desk which was covered in reams of yellow paper. “I’ve checked it all, it’s all gone off.” Kevin gestured to the papers. “No, Kevin honey, that’s not off. It’s just yellow paper.” Abi tried to explain.
Kevin didn’t buy it, “No it’s like milk.” “Yeah, yeah it’s like milk.” Erin mumbled, her eyes never leaving Kevin. “You need to stop that.” Abi warned Erin and Patty agreed.
Holtzmann ignored them and she gently ran her hands along the packs of paper as she made her way to her desk where you were stood with your back to her replacing her papers that you’d reprinted onto the yellow paper. “Caught you.” Holtzmann shouted in your ear. With a squeal you tried to scramble onto her desk in fright but her soft hands on your hips kept you rooted to earth. You turned and slapped her arm before putting your hand to your beating heart. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” You told her but you couldn’t stop your smile at your closeness again. “Thank you.” She said softly, “For the paper.” “What are you talking about? I just wanted to brighten up the office.” You said innocently and balanced your arms on her shoulders. “You don’t have to be coy.” She said and nudged your nose with hers. “Sorry, it just seemed like you didn’t want to talk about it.” You told her, “And I wanted to make it easier for you until your glasses get delivered.” “I don’t want to talk about it.” She answered truthfully, “Why talk when you can make out?” “You’re such a dork.” You teased. “I’m your dork.” She corrected and leaned into you so that she could nip at the tip of your nose before pouring her gratitude into kissing you.
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