#dyson ido fanfiction
watchingbehindtheeyes · 2 months
Chiren is back fanfiction idea/prompt
I remembered that years ago I had this idea but I'm sure I'll never write it, so I can just as well share it so someone else does.
The premise:
Alita failed to retrieve Chiren’s brain, it got sent to Zalem for Nova’s experiments. Of course they aren’t happy about it.
One day though, when exploring Scrapyard, Ido finds a capsule that had to fell from Zalem. To his shock, after opening it, he sees unconscious Chiren.
He takes her somehow to the clinic but when she wakes up it turns out she has amnesia.
(he probably would make scans of her to determine if this really is Chiren in rebuild body etc)
Dyson and Alita, while dealing with various feelings and challenges due to Chiren’s amnesia, wonder how and why she got there, suspicious and stressed this could be a trap. If Chiren gains her memories, maybe that will answer their questions.
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
Upgrade Pt. 8
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Ch. 8: Elisa comes home. 
There is some angst and nsfw bits in this chapter. 
Alita battle angel is not mine. 
Elisa is passed out for two whole days as Ido keeps checking her over and over again. He looks at the data on the screen but nanotech is far out of his expertise unfortunately. He looks over a small blood sample he took, but he still can’t make much of it. Ido is asleep in an awkward position of leaning on the desk with one arm up and slumped over. Elisa slowly starts to open her eyes with a soft groan. He doesn’t hear the sound as she sits up in bed. She hisses in pain as she feels as if she’s being stabbed with way too many needles all over her body. The nanotech is adjusting to her movements, overwhelming her senses. She crumbles back into bed trying not to shake as even that hurts. Her whimpers wake up Ido and he’s over her in an instant.
“Elisa?!” He says looking her over. She’s still shaking as she looks up at him.
“Ido…” She whispers. He gently caresses her face and smiles at her.
“What is it? Are you in pain?” He asks.
“The…the…things…inside me…”
“The nanotech…you’re body has to get used to it. I’m sorry I don’t know much about it. It’s technology that’s far to advance for me.” He explains. “I could give you some pain medication if you want.” He says. Personally, he wouldn’t advise it, but he doesn’t want her to be in anymore pain than she already is.
“No thank you.” She whispers. “It feels like something is crawling inside me…I’m so scared.”
“I’m sorry Elisa. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t find you in time.” He rasps.
“No….Ido don’t be sorry…I don’t blame you…” She says. She thinks back to her time in the lab and tears of shame come to her eyes. She was so quick to try and go back to Nova while Ido was looking for her. “If anything…I should be sorry.” She admits.
“For what?” He asks surprised.
“I saw Nova…on the computer…and I begged him to take me back…and he…he...” Her voice falters as tears of shame roll down her face. “He told me that he purposely sent me to Iron City…to see how I faired in the wild as he put it.” She sighs. She buries her head in her hands as she starts to sob softly. Her shoulders shake as Ido rubs her comfort. “I wanted to go back to him and you were out there looking for me.” She says completely ashamed of herself. “I’m so sorry Ido.” She cries. He gently pulls her hands away from her face and wipes her tears away.
“It wasn’t your fault. Nova is all you’ve ever known. It’s only natural that you would want to go back to him really.” He says. “You shouldn’t feel ashamed. Just by admitting this to me means you’ve changed so much.” He says encouragingly.
“You’re being honesty with me…and honesty goes a long way.” He smiles. She looks at him and doesn’t see any anger in him instead she sees forgiveness and understanding. She reaches out and touches his face. He feels warm and comforting.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” She asks.
“No…you scared Hugo, but we’re alright.” He chuckles.
“I remembered you’re aurora…that golden color.” She says waving her fingers in the air around him. His energy was far different from Nova’s; in fact they were basically opposites. Not to mention Nova’s energy changed colored which meant he was extremely powerful. Nova’s energy was cold and black most of the time, like a halo of darkness that surrounded him. She knew things were going to get much worse when it turned blood red and hot. The first time she saw that happen she did everything she could to make sure it didn’t happen again. Most of the time it didn’t, but sometimes he came to her with his energy like that and knew nothing good would come of it. Ido’s energy was warm and comforting in gold. She’s hasn’t seen it change since she met him, even when he kicked her out in anger. He takes her hand and kisses her palm bringing her out of her thoughts.
“Are you hungry? Do you need…blood?” He asks quietly.
“No thank you…I don’t feel hungry…even for that.” She says shaking her head. She nearly gags as she remembers Chase shoving blue blood down her throat. She looks around and she instantly wants to get out of the clinic bed so she gets up again.
“What is it?” Ido asks.
“I want to get out of this bed.” She says. Ido helps her up and supports her but she doesn’t feel weak…more like…heavy, she decides. Ido helps her to the bedroom that they shared before she was caught. He helps her back into bed and she sighs as the feeling of the soft mattress. She remembers how she would be on her best behavior so that Nova could let her sleep on a mattress. Eventually, he put one in her cell finally. She thanked him profusely for it…in more ways than one. She brushes the thought out of her head as Ido climbs into bed with her. Ido would never hurt her and she knows that for a fact. She curls up next to Ido as he too feels soft and comfortable. “Is Alita ok?” She asks.
“Alita is fine. She’s been worried about you too. She’ll be happy to see you in the morning.” He smiles. He holds her close as she rests her head on his chest. He kisses her temple gently and rubs her back to help lull her to a peaceful sleep. He holds her close and soon he’s asleep too.
He’s walking around in the lab in his dreams. He wanders arounds when he hears whispers and soft laughter off in the distance. He walks in that direction before he comes into the room and sees two figures. They’re whispering still, but then they go silent and look at him. It’s Elisa and she’s pressed against Nova! He chuckles darkly as he wraps an arm around her.
“Ahhh Ido my old friend.” Nova mocks. Ido grits his teeth as he gets closer to them. “I see you found my latest creation…Elisa.” He says rubbing her shoulder. She doesn’t look to be frightened of him at all. In fact she’s clinging to him. “Isn’t she beautiful?” Nova asks. “She’ll be so strong when I’m done with her. She’ll be able to transform into whatever she wants. That’s why I gave her the nanotech.” He says proudly.
“Let her go!” Ido snaps, reaching for her, but she pulls away as if she’s…disgusted by him.
“Did you really think she could want you?” Nova chuckles. “You, who cause your own daughter’s death?��
“Leave Alita out of this!” Ido shouts in fury. He growls as his appearance shifts into his bounty-hunting clothes with his sturdy hammer in his hands. “Elisa get away from him.” Ido pleads.
“What?!” He gasps.
“I said no. Nova is my master…I love him.” She says a little too sweetly to Nova. His jaw drops as she leans up and kisses him while Nova just stares at Ido…like the fight is over already.
“You see…you mean nothing to her. I won.” Nova grins. Ido is frozen in shock when Nova snarls and a blade is shoved into his chest.
Ido wakes up with a yelp and covered in sweat. He glances at Elisa and she’s facing him with her hand placed over his own. He wipes his forehead before he gets up and changes as the sun is up and he has to get to work for his patients for the day. Thankfully, Alita isn’t up yet either as he makes himself some coffee and looks over his notes on Elisa. There’s not much for him to learn. It isn’t long before he hears footsteps and Alita has woken up. She yawns as she comes up to him with her black hair looking a little poofy.
“Morning.” She mumbles giving him a hug.
“Good morning.” He smiles kissing her cheek.
“Is Elisa ok?” She asks.
“Yes she’s still asleep.” He says.
“How is she?”
“Still shaky, trying to process everything.” He explains.
“Ido?” A small voice calls out. They both look to see Elisa is now awake too.
“Elisa!” Alita cheers, before she basically tackles her into a bear hug. Elisa is caught off guard at first but she quickly returns the hug.
“Hi.” Elisa mumbles softly. It’s at least a good minute before Alita lets her go.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need something?” Alita says talking a mile a minute.
“I think I’m ok…I just feel off.” Elisa shrugs.
“It’s the nanotechnology.” Ido adds.
“So…that stuff is permanent?” Alita asks. Elisa holds out her hand that turns into metal claws.
“Yes it is.” She says sadly. Ido catches her tone, far from the girl he saw in his dream. He should let that go. It was only a dream and Elisa was being honest with him. Still…he can’t shake the thought from the back of his mind for the moment. Her hand returns to normal and it takes a few seconds for the tingling sensation to stop.
“Why don’t we make some breakfast? You should eat something.” Alita suggests. Elisa nods as Ido watches the two girls and he can’t help but smile. They both need a female friend for each other. Ido hopes it will last a life time.
Elisa does her best to adjust back to her life with Ido and Alita. She helps when she can, but she notice’s Ido is being distant from her. The thought makes her upset but she hides it well, of course. She figures it was probably because of what she told him, of how she wanted to go back to Nova just like that. She feels so ashamed of herself for it. Now she wishes she had never told him. She tries to think of something that will distract from that.
“Ido…do you…do you to go hunting tonight?” She asks like a frightened child.
“No.” He says firmly as she hides her flinch. “No, hunting. Not after what happened.” He says looking at her.
“But don’t you need the money?” She asks.
“The clinic is fine right now and some patients have actually paid with credits instead of fruit.” He chuckles. She only nods before she leaves him alone. She goes off to hide in the basement. Ido has other parts that he has built and saved for emergences only. He even has another bot body ready for a total replacement surgery. It’s nothing like Alita’s beautiful body but it’s not all junk either. Elisa knows Ido put it together with the best parts he could find. Elisa envies him in some ways. She wishes she could create and save like Ido does instead of destroying and killing like Nova made her do. She huddles down in a corner with her knees up to her chest as tears brim her eyes. She can’t help but wish she never met Ido and Alita, and then she wouldn’t have caused all this misery and pain for them. Maybe Ido doesn’t want her here anymore…not that he’s seen her true nature…how she’s nothing but a monster. She bows her head and starts to softly sob.
This scene isn’t unfamiliar to her. She remembers how she curled up in the corner of her cell and softly cried after she made her first kill. How tears of hunger ran down her cheek when Nova starved her for days on end as punishment. Tears of sadness escaped the corner of her eyes when he shouted and beat her as she didn’t want to disappoint him. Now she’s crying tears of shame as she’s disappointed Ido instead. She tries desperately not to think about it as she wipes her eyes. Instead, she focuses on her hand. Again, she turns it to metal, but she lets the metal grow. It goes further down her arm, past her elbow, and up to her shoulder. She repeats the process with the other arm. She closes her eyes and thinks of certain details in her mind. She feels the tingle again, but it stops quickly. When she opens her eyes she gasps with smile. Her arms look just like Alita’s. Her arms are silver though instead of the pale, porcelain white color and she doesn’t have the gold either. Instead the flowers are a soft blue to match the color of her unnatural eyes, but the embroidery matches perfectly to what she saw on Alita. She takes a deep breath and focuses again. Her legs tingle, starting at her toes and it makes her giggle for a moment as the feeling goes up her body, all the way up to her neck. She jumps up excitedly when she sees that her body is all covered in metal and flowers.
“Ido!” She calls out, running back upstairs. “Ido! Ido look! Look what I did!” She says excitedly. He looks up and stares at her in shock. He gets up and looks at her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get the colors right, but it matches Alita’s body perfectly right?” She says.
“Yes it does.” He says softly as he lifts her hand up. Her hand even feels like Alita’s as he looks her over.
“Do you like it?” She asks.
“Why did you do this?” He asks.
“I wanted to try something different. I wanted to see what I could do. I wanted to be…to be like you and create something.” She answers.
“It’s beautiful.” He rasps. She got every detail right, down to the last flower petal. Her eye for detail is truly spectacular.
“Would you like me better this way?” She asks him. He stares at her caught off guard.
“What? No. Why would you think that?” He says confused. Her eyes drift down to the floor.
“I don’t know. I thought…maybe it would make you happy.” She whispers. Slowly the metal fades away to reveal her completely organic skin again.
“You don’t have to change yourself for me. You’re fine just the way you are.” He says sincerely. She only nods her head in silence. “You have an amazing eye for detail.” He chuckles.
“Thank you Ido.” She nods. “Did you like it thought?” She asks.
“I don’t know…it was fine.” He says quickly. “I need to make dinner.” Ido says brushing past her. Elisa stares at her hands as tears run down her cheeks. He didn’t like it at all. He seemed almost repulsed by it. She looks at him as he starts fiddling around in the kitchen. She retreats back down to the basement and back to her corner just feeling numb all over. What was she thinking? She’ll never make him happy. She just stares at the floor as she hears Alita come in just in time for dinner. She asks Ido where Elisa and they call out for her.
“I’m not hungry.” She shouts to make them stop. The night goes on and Alita goes off to bed. It hurts even more when Ido doesn’t look for her and goes to sleep later.
Alita could tell something was up between Ido and Elisa. She was very quiet and kept out of his way while Ido was…polite…for lack of a better word that she could think of. She’s very confused by this as she knows Ido cares for Elisa very much. So why is he pushing her away? All Elisa knows is how to be a servant and that’s just how she was acting now. Why wasn’t he correcting her? She had to think of something and fast because the tension in the air was driving her insane. It was easier to talk to Elisa first as she took her out for ice cream. Alita got them both big chocolate sundaes before they sat down. Elisa was slow in eating hers.
“Is something wrong?” Alita asked.
“No…I don’t think so.” Elisa lied.
“You don’t have to lie to me. I won’t get angry with you I swear. I’m just worried about you and Ido.” Alita says honestly.
“Because I know my dad really likes you, but ever since we brought you back you two barely speak to each other anymore.” She says.
“I’m sorry.” Elisa says quietly.
“Don’t be sorry, just tell me what’s going on, please.” Alita begs. Elisa keeps eating in silence and fear. She doesn’t want to make things worse, but Alita’s big pleading eyes make her give in.
“I think Ido doesn’t like me anymore.” Elisa whispers.
“What?! Why?” Alita gasps.
“I told Ido that…when I saw Nova I begged him to take me back…that I wanted to go back home to Zalem even though you two were out looking for me. I had to tell him the truth. I just wanted to be honest with him because…because I was so ashamed of myself.” Elisa whimpers. “I felt like I didn’t deserve your help after what I did and I just wanted to apologize.”
”Hey, hey, it’s ok.” Alita says rubbing her arm. “Being honest is a good thing. It really is and it was very brave of you to admit that.  You can’t blame yourself for wanting to go back. I mean…he…controlled your whole life. He…is all you’ve known. He trained you to be loyal to him and that’s all you were doing.” Alita says, carefully avoiding Nova’s name.
“The other I showed Ido something.” Elisa says. She looks around to make sure no one is looking before she turns her hand into what she had done before.
“That’s beautiful.” Alita gasps. “Hey it matches me.” She adds with a smile as Elisa turns her hand back to normal.
“I thought Ido would like it. I thought it would make him happy. Instead he was…repulsed by me.” She says sadly. “I thought maybe he would like me better that way but he said I didn’t need to change for him. I don’t think he liked it at all.”
“Well, he’s right, you don’t need to change for anyone.” Alita nods.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I think I should leave…permanently.”
“No way!” Alita says firmly.
“I’ve caused nothing but misery for you both. It will be better this way.”
“Elisa don’t say that. I want you here with us. I like you a lot!” Alita says. “Just let me talk to Dad and we can figure this out.” She adds.
“Oh…ok…” Elisa nods. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For liking me.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s what friends do.” Alita smiles.
Getting Ido alone was a little tricky but she managed to stay up long enough to sneak back downstairs when his insomnia was acting up.
“Alita what are you doing up?” He asks glancing at her.
“I can’t sleep.” She mumbles pretending to be tired as she sits across from him.
“Are you alright? Do you feel sick?” He asks touching her forehead.
“I’m fine dad.” She smiles. “I…I wanted to talk to you about something.” She says.
“What’s that?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“What’s going on between you and Elisa?” He almost frowns but his face manages to stay neutral.
“Nothing.” He says quickly glancing at his desk.
“Ever since we brought her back you barely speak to her.”
“It’s none of your business Alita. Just go back to bed.” He says.
“It is my business because I care for her too.” Alita pleads. Now he’s frowning as he looks at her.
“Did she put you up to this?”
“No! I put me up to this. You and I both know she’s terrified of making us angry.” She insists. “What’s going on?”
“She told me she wanted to go back to Nova. After all I’ve done for her all she can think about is going back to that…that…thing…” He mutters angrily.
“She doesn’t know any better! You and I both know he practically tortured her for her loyalty and that’s all she was doing.” Alita argues. Ido just keeps frowning.
“I thought she would have known better by now.” He sighs.
“That stuff just doesn’t go away overnight. Not to mention that we don’t know how old she is. She could be centuries older than us and all those centuries she spent under his thumb, being tortured by any means. A few weeks doesn’t just make that all go away and you know that!” Ido sighs as he rubs his temple. “She also told me how she changed into metal once.” Alita adds.
“She told you that too huh?” He huffs. “I don’t know what she was thinking. That was disturbing to say the least.” He states.
“I think she wanted to look pretty for you. She wanted to look nice…for you!” She says poking him at the last two words.
“I don’t care!” Ido snaps. “She’s already messed up as it is. I don’t need her turning into some type of…pleasure bot for me.” He mutters.
“She wants to make you happy Ido!” Alita nearly shouts.
“Yeah well look where that’s gotten us…nothing but misery!” Ido shouts.
“Stop! Stop! Just stop!” Elisa cries running up from the basement. Ido glares are her, un-sympathetic to her tears. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry…that’s all I can is I’m sorry.” She whimpers looking at Ido. “Alita is right. I just wanted to make you happy. You made Alita’s body…and I…I just thought you would like that’s all.” She rasps, her voice cracking. “I’m sorry about what I said about Nova. I wanted to be honest with you. I should have never said anything.” She says.
“Oh so you would just rather lie to me instead!” Ido snaps at her, getting up into her.
“No! You are my friend! I didn’t want to hurt you with more lies.” Elisa cries. “I wanted to make you happy because you are my friend.” Elisa whispers. Ido stares at her, his own feelings all over the place. “You and your daughter are my only friends. I’m sorry I hurt you so much. I just wanted to be good for you.” She whimpers. “I didn’t mean to cause any of this. You’re right, I have brought you nothing but misery. You both deserve better than this.” Her lip trembles as she looks Ido in the eye. “I will go and I will never come back so you can be happy again.” Alita bites her lip to hold back her whimpers as she starts crying.
“No…” Ido says grabbing her arm. Elisa looks up at him, almost trembling. “I don’t want you to go. You told me the truth…I shouldn’t be angry at you for that.” He whispers wiping the tears away from her eyes. “I am sorry Elisa.” He says caressing her face. His touch is gentle and warm. “I just…I don’t you to see me as new master. I don’t want you to change for me like I said before…back at the church. You never need to change for me because honestly I already think you’re beautiful.” Alita smiles brightly.
“You really think so?” Elisa whispers.
“Yes.” He nods. She smiles and wraps her arms around him in a hug. Ido holds her tightly. Alita joins in and they have a happy group hug. Elisa is still leaning into Ido as Alita goes back upstairs to really go to sleep now. Ido takes her hand and takes her back to his bedroom. “I was having these dreams. You were with Nova…you kept saying you loved him.” Ido says trying to explain himself. “It made me see you differently and I’m sorry.” He says.
“It’s alright. I understand.” She nods. They sit down on the bed and Ido pulls her into his arms. He kisses the top of her head.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispers.
“I’ve missed you too Dyson.” She whispers back. She closed her eyes to listen to his heartbeat. She opens her eyes again when he tilts her head up. He caresses her face again as she stares into his eyes. His hazel eyes that seemed to shift colors right in front of her. She felt her heart racing and she felt confused. She wasn’t afraid, but this was something else. He leans in closer and closer until finally their lips touch. Again, it’s very different than from what she’s experienced. His kiss is gentle, waiting to see what she will do and she finds herself wanting more as she leans into him. She thinks she hears him whimper as they kiss. She starts to caress his face with a shaky hand and now he’s the one leaning into her. When they finally pull away they’re both looking at each other unsure of what to do next.
“Was that…was that ok?” Ido finally speaks.
“Yes…it felt different, but in a good way.” She nods.
“Can I kiss you again?” He whispers. She looks at him startled for a moment. Nova never asked for permission, but she is touched by his gesture.
“Yes…I would like that.” She smiles. Ido leans in and kisses her again, still caressing her face with his fingers moving gently through her hair. She lets out a soft moan against his lips. She feels his tongue press gently, again silently asking for permission. She lets him in and they both moan. She can taste the coffee he had earlier as it was his constant companion for insomnia. Her hands run through his soft hair and start to go down to his shoulders. He pulls away for a moment with a sigh.
“Don’t be afraid. You can touch me.” He encourages as they’re back at it with the kissing. One of his hands rubs the back of her neck and shoulder as she starts rubbing at his chest. He groans into her mouth being touch starved for so long, but he needs to control himself. His kisses start to carefully go lower, down to her neck and shoulders but no further. He waits a moment every time he hears a whimper from her to make sure she’s not in pain before he kisses her skin again. He finally stops to just hold her, appreciate her warmth, before he starts to unbutton his shirt. His fingers fumble nervously for a moment before he gets a hold of himself and gets the infernal plaid shirt off. She looks at his skin, slightly pale as he doesn’t get enough sunlight. She reaches up and her hand is still shaking, so Ido takes it and kisses her palm before pressing her against his skin. He doesn’t have any bruises, but she can see and feel traces of scars along his chest and shoulders.
He watches as she sits up to look at him, now touching him with both hands. He hums softly and he stares as she leans in and kisses his shoulders and collar bone. He groans as she starts to kiss all the scars she sees as if her kiss could magically make them disappear. He smiles to himself at the tender gesture.
“Should I…take my shirt off now?” She asks him.
“Only if you want to.”
“I want to.” She nods and she lifts her t-shirt above her head and tosses it to the floor. Something tells her to cover herself that she is a traitor to Nova for exposing herself to Ido, but she doesn’t listen. She knows that she wants Ido to see her. She has a soft tan as she’s been outside a lot these past few weeks. He can still see some of the needle work that was done to her, but her scars are fading…healing.
“May I?” He asks her. She nods with a smile as he kisses down her neck and starts to touch her.  His hands graze her sides as they slowly go up to her breasts. He cups them gently as he kisses her skin and he feels her shudder. He feels her arms wrap around him as he kisses and licks her breasts before carefully suckling on her nipple. She moans softly as he licks and suckles softly from one breast to the other. He guides her down onto the bed and she stares at the ceiling in bliss. She feels like she’s floating almost at how gentle he is to her. She rarely felt such kindness before. He hums every now and then as her fingers graze over his back or run through his hair. He sits up to catch his breath. “I should take these off.” He says with a chuckle as he takes off his glasses. She giggles softly as he puts them on the nightstand and he’s back to kissing her again. She would honestly be content with just kissing him all night if that’s how it went…but she wanted more.
“Dyson…” She whispers so softly she thinks he doesn’t hear her.
“Yes?” He answers, proving her wrong. She tries to speak, but she doesn’t know the right words. Thankfully, he does it for her. “Can I take this off?” He says pointing to her shorts. She nods and again she is surprised at how he takes her shorts off, but not her panties. He leans down and kisses her hips and thighs, but never touching in between her legs. He wants her to be relaxed and comfortable. She’s still nervous when he finally asks. “May I touch you?” He whispers. Again that voice tells her to say no, but Ido waits patiently.
“Yes.” She answers. He takes her panties off and she blushes nervously as she is finally naked in front of him.
“I won’t you. If you want me to stop just tell me.” He says, holding her hand. She nods as his hand reaches and starts to touch her folds. She shudders and grips the sheets nervously. He’s careful with her, studying her reaction for any sign of pain even as her arousal grows. She gasps when he starts to rub gentle circles on her clit. She moans as she realizes he knows very well what he’s doing. He lets her catch her breath as he lays down in between her legs. She nearly yelps when he feels his tongue on her, moving carefully, exploring her. Her moans get louder as he licks her all over. She twitches when he licks at her clit. He pays special attention to that and she whimpers with her hips shaking. He rubs her hips as he continues. She cries out again when he thrusts his tongue inside her. They both are groaning now. He laps up as much of her as he can as he can’t get enough of her taste. Elisa moans as she stares at the ceiling, her fingers gently rubbing the back of Ido’s head. His tongue rolls around inside her making her moan more and more.
“Dyson…please…” She gasps. He pulls away when he hears her. He kisses her stomach before looking up at her.
“What is it?”
“I…I…I want more…” She says.
“More what? Just tell and I’ll give it to you.” He says caressing her face.
“I want you…I want to feel you…inside me.” She says. He nods and kisses her cheek before he gets up and completely undresses. She sits up and looks at him and they both are blushing. They stare at each other before they both start to laugh. “May I touch you?” She asks.
“If you want to.” He says. He nearly jumps when she starts to gently stroke his cock. He groans and rolls his head back with his eyes closed. She takes the moment to get on her knees and start licking at his shaft. Ido nearly jumps ten feet in the air. “Aaahhhh…Elisa…” He groans. She takes him into his mouth and he gasps, gritting his teeth to keep his legs from shaking obnoxiously. He’s breathing hard as her mouth keeps moving and he doesn’t dare touch her. She moves back and forth along his length while her tongue swirls around his shaft working wonders on him. She eventually moves away to catch her breath.
“Was that ok?” She asks.
“Hmmm?” He says in a daze.
“Was that ok?” She repeats standing up this time.
“That felt amazing.” He says finally getting back to his senses. “You didn’t have to do that though.” He says.
“So that was bad?” She asks confused.
“No, no…I’m just saying I want you to be comfortable, no matter how I feel.” He explains.
“Oh…” She says slowly understanding it. “But I wanted to…really.” She adds. He nods as they get back up on the bed and he gets in between her legs again. He looks up at her again and she nods. He slowly starts to thrust his cock inside her. She whines softly at the stretch, looking up at the ceiling. Ido stops feeling her tense up.
“It’s alright…I’m not going to hurt you…do you want me to stop?” He whispers.
“No…just nervous…” Ido won’t press for details, as he waits for her. “Ok…” She finally speaks. He starts moving again and she gasps when he’s finally inside her clutching his shoulders while Ido is panting softly. They both stare into each other’s eyes in anticipation. Ido moves his hips carefully and she starts to whimper. He leans down and kisses her again making them both moan.
“Ooohhh…Dyson…Dyson…” She whispers into his neck. He gasps and groans as he manages to take one of her hands and intertwine their fingers. He starts to move faster, getting a steady pace that makes they sweet and pant.
“Mmmm…Elisa…haa…Elisa…” Ido pants. She starts to move her hips as well, matching his pace as their bodies slap together. They get lost in each other’s eyes as the bed creeks softly. The tension is building in their bodies and they can both feel it, but Elisa can feel Ido with far more intensity than Ido can with her.
“I know…
He picks her up into his lap and she gasps as her arms wrap around him. They move almost frantically, gasping in each other’s ear. They’re so close now. Ido’s energy is absolutely radiant and it makes Elisa start to cry. He sneaks his hand down and when he rubs her clit she nearly shouts her release. Elisa holds him tightly with her mouth wide in silent gasp as she feels her body tremble. Ido stops to let her enjoy the moment. When he feels her start to relax and slump against him, he starts thrusting again. She whimpers and rubs at his skin, trying to help him like he did with her and before he knows it he grunts as he cumming as well. She holds him as they fall back down on the bed and they are both panting and content to just stay there. Neither one of them is in a rush to move. Elisa is nearly dozing before Ido starts to get up. He mumbles as he gets up carefully and puts his shorts on.
“I’ll be right back.” He says with a quick kiss. She’s half asleep as he cleans her up with a warm wash cloth. “Do you need anything?” He whispers in her ear.
“Mmm…some water please.” She answers with her eyes half closed. Ido comes back with a glass for her. She’s debating if she wants to get dressed again, but decides not to as they get back into bed and hold each other.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Amazing…I…I don’t know how to describe it…but I know it’s good.” She answers. Ido smiles as that’s all he needs to her.
“As do I.”
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
all this Ido and Blofeld stuff is making me hot.
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movieexpert1978 · 6 years
Upgrade Pt. 5
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Pt. 5: Elisa is separated from Ido and Alita. 
Alita Battle Angel and it’s characters are not mine. 
The first morning was hard. Elisa woke up, wondering where she was and then she remembered what happened the night before. She starts to cry all over again with her knees up to her chest.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I promise I’ll be good.” Elisa sobs into her arms. She often pleaded that to Nova to avoid punishment, but often it never worked. She always cowered away the next time she saw Nova, but he would always be gentle and explain that this was just part of the process to make her better. She saw the fear in Ido’s eyes. She didn’t want him to be afraid of her because everyone else was. She sighed as she stared up at the sky. Maybe if she didn’t drink anymore blood then she could come back. She wouldn’t drink blood anymore. She wanted to change. She would prove to Ido that she didn’t need it, maybe then he would let her come back.
Ido knew Alita would be mad at him, so he braced himself for her to be distant for a while. He hoped she would understand some day. He just wanted to keep her safe. Drinking blood was something he had ever seen before from cyborg or human. Maybe it could turn into an addiction and he wasn’t going to feeds someone habit…not again. Alita was quiet when they ate together. When he asked her about her day she gave him short answers, which he expected. He did miss Elisa, but he knew her absence was for the best. A few days went by like this. He opened the clinic up for the day and found a package by the front door. He picked it up and went inside, opening it on the table and credits came out.
“What?” He gasps staring at it confused.
“What’s that?” Alita asks.
“I don’t know. Someone dropped off all these credits.” He says as he counts them. There were a few thousand credits here. Alita had an idea of who might have dropped off the credits. She hoped it was Elisa who did it to help support the clinic. “Well…it helps.” Ido shrugs as he tucks them away. Another two days went by and another donation was put in front of the clinic. Ido had his suspicions, but he was in denial of the fact that it might be Elisa who was giving them the money. Still, the money meant that he didn’t need to go out hunting as much, something he was grateful for.
Three weeks and she was still going strong. She wasn’t craving blood at all and she felt…proud of herself. She decided to go to the Kansas bar and get a drink. When she got her glass she went to the corner to keep quiet…but someone else had other plans.
“What’s up with you sweets?” Zapan smirks.
“Go away.” Elisa states.
“Awwww, what the doc finally kick you out? Too much of a freak for him huh?” He laughs. She nearly shatters her glass, but she manages to keep cool.
“I said go away.”
“Or what? You gonna have a go at me?” He says challenging her. Elisa immediately slams her pal into his face, making him help. His lip is bleeding a bit. “You bitch!” He snaps as he pulls out his blade and starts swinging at her. She dodges each swing and kicks him to the ground as a few others laugh. Getting aggravate, he charges at her. On the first swing she catches his blade. She doesn’t even flinch as it slices into her palm while she stares up at Zapan. His eyes go wide again as she glares at him. She yanks the blade out of his hands before she kicks him hard again, sending him flying. She ignores the looks the others give her as she goes out the door. She looks down and sees her hand is slowly healing. She goes to a monitor and finds a mark to hunt for the night. Needless to say, her hands took some more damage as she beat the mark to death with her bare hands.
Aside from the donations every now and then, things were getting back to normal at the clinic. Alita was warming up to him again and thankfully she wasn’t asking about Elisa. Ido kept trying to forget her, but he still kept thinking about her from time to time. He really wished he didn’t. He often thought about going out to look for her, but he looked down at his wrist and saw her bite marks and that thought vanished quickly.
Alita was still worried about Elisa too. It had been over three weeks now since she left. She often hoped she would walk downstairs and Elisa would be asleep on the couch, but it never happened. She often looked around when she went out to see if she would catch Elisa, but she hadn’t had any luck there either. All she could do was hope that she was ok.
Elisa felt herself getting tired more often. She was aggravated more in the day time because everyone’s heart beat just seemed to echo in her ears, edging her craving, but she refused to give in. Her body hurt more in the morning when she woke up and she was feeling less hungry as well. She wasn’t going to drink any blood. She had to change for Ido. Her stomach growled and she sighed as she got up and tried to decide on what to eat.
“You’re alone.” A familiar voice called out. Elisa looked and frowned as Chiren came up to her. She was surprised at how tired Elisa looked.
“What do you want?”
“Have you reconsidered my offer?” Chiren asks.
“I’m not joining motorball.” Elisa snaps. Chiren looks her over and sees her wounded hand.
“You’re hurt.”
“I’ll be fine.” Elisa states.
“I’m sorry Vector attacked you like that.”
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Elisa says. Chiren stays silent and Elisa is tempted to charge at her again, but decides not to.
“Are you hungry?” Chiren asks.
“I’m fine.” Elisa says to her before walking away. Chiren watches her go. She knows about Elisa’s blood habit. She’s looked over every file Nova gave her. Chiren was tempted to capture her and study Elisa herself, but she was busy with the motorball players. Maybe if she gave the project to someone else…she would have to talk that over with Vector.
Elisa stayed in the church for two straight days, sleeping on and off as her body was getting weaker. She felt the hunger pains from both not eating food and drinking blood.
“No…I have to change for Ido.” She kept saying to herself over and over again. On the third day she forced herself to get up and get some food, but she could barely take a bite out of it. So instead she bought a few more pieces of food and gave them to people who were asking for money. She decided to go hunting tonight and checked over the monitor. There were a few small bounties that she could go look for tonight. So for the rest of the day she went searching for a trail. She hung out until it got dark before she made a move, but the mark was already on her.
“You really shouldn’t make yourself so obvious.” She says to Elisa. She swings around a bat with these giant heels that are pointed like a knife. Elisa’s body is slow but she manages to dodge a few swings before she gets kicked by those pointed heels. Elisa yelps in pain before she get hits in the head hard with the bat. Elisa falls over and curls up, covering her head as she keeps getting hit all over with the bat. She’s coughing up blood by the time the woman leaves. Her body is shaking as she gets up and goes back to the church. She crumbles to the ground and wraps herself up in a blanket as she tries to sleep.
When she’s up and limping around she finds that she’s been passed out for another three days. She’s in miserable pain as she walks the streets. Her head is throbbing and her rib cage is in agony. She feels that faint craving for blood, but she ignores it. She has to ignore it. When it gets dark out she stumbles back to church.
“Get her!” Someone shouts. Someone punches her and she stumbles back. A few punks jump her and add even more to her wounds as they laugh at her pain. The final touch is when one of them stabs her hard in the gut.
“You better stay off the streets you hunter warrior bitch!” The attacker hisses before they run off. Lighting and thunder rumble as she stumbled inside. She felt blood against her palm as she curled up on her side. She could hear the rain fall as she drifted off.
Everyone became miserable when it was raining constantly and Ido was no exception. He sighed as he stared out the window and it was raining for the third night straight, but that wasn’t the thing that was bothering him. He couldn’t take it anymore so he put on his coat and hat, took his case, and went out the door. It had been far too long since he heard anything from Elisa and the donations had stopped coming too. He couldn’t hold back his feelings any longer. He was worried…no, he was scared to death for Elisa. He shouldn’t have kicked her out like that. He felt horrible at how he treated her. Alita was right, she needed his help, and he had thrown her away too. He could only hope that she was alright.
He walked up and down the streets, asking people if they had seen her around. Most of them told him to get lost, but some who knew Ido apologized as they didn’t see her, but would keep an eye out for her. He finally caught a break when someone said she had given them some food a few days ago and said she was heading back in the direction of the old church. Ido hurried over there, but put his hammer together as people, including himself, had gotten jumped here in the past. He swung around ready for a fight, but no one was there. He carefully opened the door and looked around. He didn’t see anyone as he heard the rain water leak in from holes in the broken off ceiling.
“Elisa?” He calls out. He doesn’t get an answer as he walks around. He’s satisfied that there isn’t a threat so he tucks his hammer to the side to look around. He stops when he hears rasping breathing coming from a corner. He gets closer and his eyes go wide when he sees that it is Elisa. “Oh no, no, no, no.” He says frantically as he hurries over to her. “Elisa…Elisa.” He keeps saying her name as he gently picks her up. She’s pale and bruised all over. She’s covered in dry blood and she’s cold. “Elisa…please…please…open your eyes.” He begs, brushing some hair from her eyes. That’s the only noticeable difference to her as light brown hair has grown a little past her ears. He touches her neck and he feels her pulse. She moans as her eyes flutter open and their red. She gasps when she sees him and shoves herself away from him, whimpering in fear and pain.
“No…not you…not you.” She whimpers.
“Elisa it’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He says. She shakes her head as she pants.
“Elisa please. I need to get you back to the clinic. You need medical attention.” He pleads. She keeps shaking her head as she starts to cry.
“I didn’t drink any blood. I’m trying to change. I wanted to change for you.” She says. The guilt racks at his heart as he hears her.
“Elisa, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things. You don’t have to change for me.” He says sincerely.
“But you were right…I am a monster.”
“No! No, no, no, no. You’re not a monster. I’m so sorry I called you that. You’re not a monster.” He says. He nearly starts to cry himself as he feels so ashamed of himself. If anything he was the monster for how he treated her. He inches closer to her and she doesn’t pull away this time. He’s able to wrap his arms around her as she starts crying. He carefully rubs her back and rocks her back and forth as she sobs.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” She sobs.
“Don’t be sorry. If anything I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should never have treated you like that.” He says gently, wiping a few tears away. “I want you to come back with me.”
“You do?”
“Yes I do. Alita misses you and so do I.”
“You really mean that?” She gasps.
“Yes, I really mean that.” He nods. She gives him the best smile she can muster. “Hold onto me.” He says as he starts to pick her up. She wraps her arms around his neck. “I’ll send Alita to get your stuff in the morning.” He says as he walks out of the church. She only nods as she rests her head on his shoulder. He moves as fast as he can back to the clinic. He’s glad Alita is asleep when he gets back inside and puts Elisa on the medical bed. It’s like deja vu all as Ido changes into medical clothes and looks over Elisa’s clothing. It’s torn and dirty and he can see some cuts and bruises. He lifts her shirt up and sees the stab wound in her gut is bad. She whimpers loudly and shakes at his actions. He can see her eyes are red again. He knows what she needs. He goes and gets a bag out of one the small refrigerators he has in the back. He helps her sit up and she grunts in pain. “Here…take it.” Ido says. She looks at the bag and sees that it’s filled with human blood.
“No…I can’t…I can’t.” she says turning away.
“Elisa you need it. Just take it.” Ido pleads.
“No…no…” She whispers.
“Drink the blood damn it!” He snaps making her jump.
“I don’t want you to be afraid of me.” She whimpers. He puts the bag aside as he caresses her again.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to snap like that.” He whispers, kissing her temple. “I’m not afraid of you Elisa. I promise. I want you to get better. You’re my friend.”
“Yes, friend. I think of you as a friend.” He says giving her smile. “I want to help…you have to drink the blood. It’s ok.” He says gently caressing her face. She nods and takes the bag as he hands it to her. She bites into a corner of the bag and starts to drink it slowly. Ido watches and occasionally rubs her back as she finishes the bag. She gasps, leaning back into his arms as she takes deep breaths. She cries out in pain as her body starts to heal. She clutches at Ido as her wounds fade away and Ido thinks he hears bones snapping into place. When it finally stops she slumps over panting. He checks the screens quickly and finds that her body has indeed healed perfectly. He discards the empty bag before he helps her stand up. “Come on…let’s get you cleaned up.” He says. He supports her, just in case, and he leads her to the bathroom and shows her how to use the shower. He is slightly tempted to run her a hot bath, but decides against it as he wants to give Elisa her privacy. He puts some extra clothes for her to change into as well. When she comes out after her shower in the clothes she finds Ido dozing on the bed.
“Doctor…” She calls out, gently shaking his hand.
“I told you not to call me that.” He says waking up. He takes the towel she’s hold and dries off her short hair a little more.
“Is it ok I grow it out?” She asks.
“Of course it’s ok.” He nods. She’s been through so much. He won’t add any more to it. “Come on.” He says taking her hand. He leads her to his bedroom as he puts the towel aside. “I want you to stay with us.” He says gently.
“I will.” She nods.
“Can you…can you stay with me tonight?” He asks carefully.
“What do you mean?”
“Can you sleep next to me?” He asks, hoping that might help. She stares at the bed and then back at him before she gets it.
“Oh…yeah sure.” She nods. He helps her get into bed before he lays down next to her. She’s about to turn her back to him, when he pulls her into his arms around holding her tightly. She feels…safe…and warm. She likes being in his arms. “This is feels…good. Is that ok?” She asks him.
“Yes, it’s ok.” He nods rubbing her back. She stares at him for a bit, but she slowly starts to fall asleep. Ido kisses the top of her forehead before he falls asleep as well.
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
Upgrade Pt. 6
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Pt 6: Elisa comes homes 
Alita Battle Angel and it’s characters are not mine. 
Ido is the first to wake up the next morning. Elisa looked so calm and peaceful, with no evidence of the fact that she was nearly bleeding to death the night before. She really was incredible. He caresses her face and tucks a few random strands of hair behind her ears. He stays in bed for a little while longer, just not wanting to do anything but hold her all day. He really does care for her. Unfortunately, she does shift a bit and wake up. Her eyes flutter open and she stares at the ceiling for a moment. She’s processing where she is again. She turns and sees Ido and she smiles at him.
“Good morning.” He nods, leaning in close to her again. “How are you feeling?” He asks.
“I’m alright.” She nods. He starts to rub her shoulder gently as he presses his forehead against her own.
“I’m so sorry Elisa. Please forgive me.” He whispers in shame. When she doesn’t answer he continues. “I was so wrong to kick you out like that…to call you a monster…all of it. You didn’t deserve any of it. As much as Alita and I want you to stay, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’m not going to force you into anything.” He says as sincerely as he can.
“But I thought you wanted me here?” She says confused as she sits up.
“We do…I do, but you’re your own person and you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” He explains.
“But I…I want to stay here…is that ok?”
“Of course it is. You are always welcome here.” He smiles.
“Thank you…for your apology. No one has done that for me in a long time.” She says as her fingers graze over his hand. He takes her hand and kisses her palm. The tender gesture makes her blush a bit. “Did you get the money I left here?” She asks after a moment.
“So that really was you.”
“I didn’t really know what to do with all that money. I knew you could use it more than I could have.” She shrugs.
“Yes, I did get the money and thank you for your help. Thanks to you the clinic is in good shape for a bit.” He says proudly. “Come on.” He says taking her hand. They go downstairs and he starts to make breakfast.
“Elisa!” Alita shouts with joy when she sees her friend and bolts over to her. She nearly tackles Elisa to the floor with the big hug she gives her.
“Ooofff…thanks…hi Alita.” Elisa grunts out.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” She says smiling from ear to ear. “So she’s back now?” Alita says to Ido.
“Yes she is.” He answers. “You need to take her out shopping. She needs some new clothes, not to mention her other things are at the church and so is my hammer.” He adds.
“Oh great lets…”
“But after breakfast.” He interrupts.
“Ok.” She sighs. Ido chuckles every now and then as Alita is practically hugging Elisa the whole time they are eating. She compliments her a lot on her hair as well, trying to help her be more confident in her appearance. The dishes are barely put into the sink when Alita takes her hand and nearly bolts out the door, but Ido catches them and gives them his case before they leave and he’s left to work on the patients for the day as Nurse Gerhad comes in.
Chiren looks over Elisa’s files in the empty lab. She’s looked over the notes several times, but there are a few videos she hasn’t watched yet. Some are clips of her training and others are of her physical, but one stands out to her. It’s the final video of Elisa. At this stage, according to the notes and Nova, a few pieces of Elisa’s DNA had been altered to give her more of a beast like quality, as Chiren put it. This new serum was going to mutate more than a few pieces but basically half of her DNA strand would be altered. She watched the screen as they injected her and she barely flinches as the scientists pull away and watch her on the table.
There is no sound, thankfully, but Chiren doesn’t need to be a genius to know that the serum makes Elisa scream in pain. She withers and screams on the table, curling up into a ball as the others watch. The moment is over quickly when she kneels on the table. Her eyes are completely black and her teeth are a mouth full of fangs as she roars at them. They panic and run for the exit but it is too late as she leaps in front of the scientist who injected her. She literally rips his throat out as her hands are shaking…no…shifting. Her fingers are growing longer and sharper…and was that metal? Elisa lets out another scream of pain, bending over and vomiting something before she goes after the other men. She doesn’t want to watch, but she needs to study Elisa, who rips the men to shreds, eating their flesh and drinking their blood, before she vomits it all back up and collapses in a corner of the room. In the notes, after the video was taken, it shows that, yes her DNA did change, but not as much as they thought it would and it just made her completely unstable. Her DNA was unstable permanently. Chiren understood now. She was damaged goods and she had to go.
Just like….no! She wasn’t going to think about that.
“Been looking over those files again?” Vector asks as he comes up to her. Just as she looks up at him, he stills and his eyes change color.
“You’re planning something?” Nova says to her curiously.
“I saw from the videos that her DNA is now permanently unstable. What if I could fix that?” She says.
“My scientists already tried what they could to fix it, but they couldn’t get it re-stabilized.” He says.
“I could try and go at it.” She suggests.
“Give it to Chase.”
“You can’t be serious!?” She gasps.
“If you want to get back to Zalem you can’t be getting hurt down here can you?” He says darkly making her tense up. “Besides, he’s been on the out for a while a now. If he does something to make her go wild again, she’ll kill him and that’s that.” He shrugs. “You can help him, guide him along, but I wouldn’t recommend being there when he starts poking around in her. It will get messy…and I like seeing you work down here. You come up with so many fascinating players.” He smirks. She doesn’t know if she should be flattered or insulted, but she keeps the thought to herself. “I have a few more files I will send to you. Give copies to Chase and when it’s done make sure his copies are destroyed.” He orders. She nods and Vector falls over, holding his head.
“Now what?” He mumbles.
“I need you to get Chase here.”
“But he’s a washout?!” Vector says confused.
“I have an assignment I need to give him.” She says.
“Whatever. I don’t see what the point of this girl is. She’s not in the games and she’s not making me money.” He grumbles as he walks away. He’s not a scientist, but Chiren understands what Elisa could be in terms of epic breakthrough in the study of DNA, but she also knows that if she does this, then it’s one less favor she has to do once she’s on Zalem.
Chase arrived a few hours later.
“You wanted to see me Dr. Chiren?” He asks in an almost annoyed tone. She frowned as she looked up at him. He was wearing a ragged green jacket with black pants and boots on with safety glasses that adjusted to the light. He was an older man, tall, with messy brown hair.  
“I have a project for you.” She says giving him a flashdrive.
“For me?” He says much more surprised this time.
“A woman was exiled from Zalem. She’s here in Iron City. Apparently, Nova wants you to take a look at her.” She says.
“Why me?”
“I’m busy with the motorball games and besides it might get you back into a proper lab again.” She says to entice him.
“I’ll look over the files and contact you.” He says before he leaves.  
Chase looks over the files during the next few hours. Apparently the girl’s DNA was permanently unstable. This could be his chance, his big breakthrough to make the perfect weapon for Nova. Rumor was he was experimenting with nanotechnology now. Chase wished he could get his hands on it. He had his own experiments in his own run down shack of a lab, trying to work with a machine in creative ways. It had been a while since he got his hands on anything organic. Once he was done taking notes he contacted Chiren.
“I take it you know where she is?” He asks.
“She’s with Ido.” She answered.
“Figures, he always looks out for the runts.” Chase smirks.
“She’s a registered hunter warrior. You could try and lure her away from them with a mark or something.” She shrugs.
“What does Nova want with her exactly?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe if you tried to stabilize her DNA that might help for starters.”
“Why would I want to do that? It’s because her DNA is unstable that she’s able to have these abilities.” He argues.
“I don’t know, just figure something out. I’m sure Nova will contact you somehow.” She mutters and hangs up. Chase frowns at her tone. He had an idea all right. Apparently, a little less than half of her DNA had been altered. If he could alter all of it then who knows what could happen?! He could put in different codes of DNA so that she could absorb it and use the right properties to adapt and become stronger. She could turn into metal or anything she wanted to. The possibilities were endless.
“Already getting ahead of yourself I see.” A voice said through the computer. Chase jumped as the screen flickered and a familiar face appeared…or rather eyes as the figure was mostly covered in darkness.
“Nova…” Chase gasped.
“Hello Chase. Dr. Chiren has given you the details on project ten E.” He says and Chase only nods. “Good, you see Elisa is a personal favorite of mine and I need you to take good care of my pet.” He smirks.
“You want me to stabilize her?” Chase asked confused.
“Oh no, stabilization is pointless. I want you to improve her, make her stronger.” Nova grins. “I’ll be sending you some things that will arrive in a day or two. I’m sure you will greatly enjoy them.” He says with a small chuckle.
“Why did you drop her to Iron city when you could do it yourself?”
“I have my reasons Chase and it’s costly to know them, so watch your tongue.” Nova growls making Chase squirm a bit. “When you have the materials I will contact you again.” He finishes before the screen cuts out. He waits for a few moments worried his screen might explode or something, but thankfully nothing happens. He looks around the lab and decides to get it in order, since he’ll be having a ‘guest’ here soon enough.
She wakes up in a familiar dark room. Equipment beeping away as it works endlessly. She feels puzzled though…as if she really shouldn’t be here. She slowly gets up and looks around. Something is off…something is wrong. She walks over to a door and is surprised that it opens for her. She walks down a white hallway before she goes into another room and screams. There are body parts everywhere. Some are moving as if they’re alive. Others are covered in blood. Some experiments somewhat resemble humans but others look more machine than man. They moan and reach out to her as if she is their savior.
She yelps and turns around.
“Nova…Nova!” She gasps in fear, confusion, and relief.
“You stupid girl. You’re not supposed to be in here.” He snaps as he grabs and takes her out.
“I’m sorry Nova…I ..I…I didn’t mean to.” She pleads as he keeps a firm grip on her wrist. He takes her into another room she recognizes as his main office. Once inside he turns around and slaps her making her yelp.
“You know better than to go looking around.” He snaps. His expression is more frightening thanks to those special goggles he always wears. For a long time she thought they were part of him, until one day he approached her with them off. She didn’t recognized him and it made him laugh.
“Nova I’m sorry. Please…I’ll make it up to you.” She begs. He chuckles darkly as he takes her to a lab table and shoves her on it.
“I know you will.” He rasps, leaning in way too close. He’s scaring her. She knows when he’s angry and right now he’s not. He’s doing something else. “You want to be good for me don’t you?” He says as his hands start to trace over her body.
“Y-yes Nova.” She says.
“Good girl.” He says so darkly that it nearly makes her whimper. His hand traces over her face, running through her hair. “Hmmm…you’ve grown so much.” He says as he looks over her. She doesn’t notice his other hand take something out. “I should never have let you go.” He whispers.
“What did I do? I’ll do better. I promise Nova.” She pleads.
“That’s my girl, my favorite ten E.” He says almost proudly. She looks up at him with hopeful eyes when the door opens. They both look and it’s Ido…but he’s in his hunter warrior gear and is holding his hammer.
“Get away from her!” He shouts.
“Doctor?” Elisa whispers confused. Nova suddenly slams a scalpel into her heart and she screams in pain.
“Did you really think I would bring you back?” He snarls at her. His goggles glow a deep red that makes her shake. She cries out as he twists the blade and she coughs up blood. “You’re nothing to me! You’re nothing but a failure!” He shouts in her face.
She screams as someone calls out her name and she wakes up.
“Elisa, it’s alright. It was just a nightmare.” Ido says. She manages to focus and sees that it is indeed Ido and not Nova hoovering over her.
“Doctor…” She whispers touching his arm.
“You don’t have to call me that.” He chuckles as it’s now like an inside joke to them. She smiles weakly before her hand starts to shake. “It’s alright. You’re safe.” Ido says as he takes her into his arms.
“Hey, you guys ok? I thought I heard screaming.” Alita says rushing in.
“Elisa had a nightmare.” Ido says as she crawls up on the bed.
“What happened?” Alita asks her.
“Nova…I was dreaming about Nova.” She whispers tiredly. The other two remain quiet knowing it’s a touchy subject for her. “He was trying to kill me…but…but Ido! You were there too and you were trying to save me.” She says as she looks up at him. Alita smiles, maybe things are turning around. “Thanks for waking me up too.” Elisa says as she gets out of bed.
“You’re welcome.” He nods. “Breakfast is almost ready.” He announces. Alita heads downstairs as he looks over Elisa. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, I think so. I’m sorry about that. I thought I was doing better.” She says sadly.
“You don’t have to be sorry. Nightmares happen. Adjusting to a new life is a slow, but stead process. You don’t have to rush yourself.” He says kindly. She nods and he leaves so that she can get changed. It isn’t long after breakfast that Alita dashes off to hang out with Hugo and Ido gets to work. Elisa stays around and helps when she can.
“Can you teach me?” Elisa asks Ido during a quiet moment.
“Teach you what?” He asks.
“I don’t know…anything…what it means to be human.” She says.
“You can’t teach someone to be human. That’s just part of life.” He chuckles. “I can teach you other things like history, anatomy, science…” He says trailing off.
“History…what’s that?”
“Stuff that happened long before you and I were born, before the fall or the war.” He explains. There aren’t too many patients today so he decides to take Elisa out.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He chuckles. When they arrive the building is old and inside is mostly quiet with not many people around. “This is called a library my dear.” He says showing her around in a low voice. “You have to be quiet though because people like to read here.” He explains. They go to a section called History and Ido takes out a few datapads. He checks them out before they head back to the clinic. “Read these, they talk about the past. It’s another way you can learn.” He smiles kindly to her.
“Thank you Ido.” She smiles back. She’s quiet the rest of the day as she reads, trying to learn everything she can. She talks all about it, excitedly at dinner. They all have good fun with it. Over the next few days, when his insomnia hits, Ido reads with Elisa instead of going hunting. It calms him down and he can’t get enough of Elisa’s bright smile. He’s so glad to see that she is finally accepting her emotions and trying to adapt to life in Iron City. When she’s done reading she goes back to the library and returns the datapads. She thinks about getting more when she sees a flyer on the front desk. It shows a new hunter warrior bounty of fifty thousand credits has been listed. That could last the clinic for a little while, so she grabs the flyer and returns home.
“Fifty thousand credits huh?” Ido says as he looks over the sheet.
“That could help the clinic for a bit right?” She says eagerly.
“I take it you want to go hunting tonight.” He says, trying to hide his disappointment.
“Well of course.” She nods.
“Very well, just don’t show Alita. I don’t want her joining in on this. The higher the bounty the more dangerous the mark is.” Ido says as he tucks the paper away.
“Of course.”
Thankfully, Alita didn’t know about the bounty so Elisa and Ido were able to go off quickly once she went to bed. They start a search in previous spots but so far no luck.
“Do you think we should split up to cover more ground?” Elisa suggests.
“No, that’s a horrible idea.” Ido says firmly. She nods as they look around. Two cans are thrown at them out of nowhere and they both dive out of the way in separate directions as the cans burst into flame.
“Ido! Ido are you alright!?” Elisa calls out, looking for him with her advance eyesight.
“I’m fine.” He waves as he coughs, trying to get out the mouthful of smoke he took in. More cans are thrown and the fire spreads. The glare from the fire hurts Elisa’s eyes as she reverts back to normal.
“Ido! Ido, I can’t see you!” She shouts frantically. She tries to find a way to him, but the flames are blocking her completely. She walks back a few feet and her eyes change color again as she plans on gaining some speed to leap over the fire. Just as she’s about to run someone grabs her and she feels the familiar pinch of a needle in her neck. “Hey!” She snarls turning around, only to promptly pass out.
Elisa moans as she wakes up. She hasn’t forgotten the feeling of being drugged. She never liked waking up from it because she always felt like she slept for way too long.
“Ido…Dyson…Dyson…” She mumbles as she remembers the fire and Ido.
“Relax, you precious Doctor Ido is fine.” An unfamiliar voice says sarcastically. She turns in the direction of the voice and she sees an unfamiliar man in a green jacket and work goggles staring at her.
“Who are you?” She says.
“My name is Doctor Jeffery Chase.” He answers.
“And you are my test subject.”
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
Upgrade Pt. 7
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Pt. 7: Elisa is experimented on. 
Alita Battle Angel and it’s characters are not mine. 
there is some gore and torture in this chapter
Ido flinches as Alita applies ointment to a burn on his arm.
“So you didn’t see who threw the cans?” She asked.
“No, it happened way too fast. Just shot after shot after shot.” He sighs. His coat had caught fire when the second round came and Ido had to fall back to get the fire off of his arm. “I can’t believe I lost her like that….so stupid.” He mutters bitterly to himself.
“Hey it’s ok. We’ll find her.” Alita says gently.
“I have to go see Vector. He might have something to do it.” Ido frowns.
“I’m coming with you.” Alita says. He knows that he shouldn’t argue, but he doesn’t want to leave Alita alone just in case anyway. “What would Vector want with her?”
“He might try and get her to fight for motorball.” Ido says.
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“No…unless he blackmails her or something.” Ido says as Alita finishes.
“You should have let me come with you.” She adds. Ido thinks for a moment before he gets up.
“I need to check something.” He says, waving Alita to follow him. He goes to a bounty station and looks over the marks. After a few moments Ido pounds his fist on the keyboard. “Damn it!” He hisses.
“What is it?” Alita asks worried.
“We were looking for a mark that was fifty thousand credits. It’s already gone so the mark was fake.” He grumbles. “Come on.” He says going forward. They head over to the factory and Alita stays behind Ido. The centurions follow them but they hardly make a step forward as they have no weapons.
“State your business.” The robot head says.
“I need to see Vector. Now.” Ido all but growls. They wait for what seems like an eternity before Vector finally appeared and Ido was only slightly surprised to see Chiren follow behind him.
“What did you do to her?” Ido snaps, getting right to the point.
“Who’s her?” Vector asks.
“Elisa! What did you do with her?” Ido shouts. Alita pulls him back as she remembers Vector burned Elisa and he could do the same the Ido.
“I didn’t do anything to her.” Vector says coldly.
“You know something!” Ido snaps. “There was a mark for fifty thousand just this morning and now that she’s missing it’s gone. How do you explain that?” He demands.
“Must have been a glitch in the system.” Vector shrugs casually.
“A glitch!? You son of a….” Ido growls, but Alita holds him back. She looks when she hears the familiar stomps of a centurion approaching them.
“Ido…calm down.” She says quietly, trying to make him calm down before he gets shot to pieces.
“We don’t have Elisa.” Chiren says calmly. “What happened exactly?”
“We were ambushed. I didn’t even see who did it, but they were throwing fire bombs at us and we got separated. By the time the flames died down she was gone.” He says.
“And you think I had something to do with it?” Vector smirks.
“You can bribe anyone you want in this city to attack anyone. I’m not ruling out the possibility that you could have taken her because you want her in motorball. Take out the completion and make yourself more money. Not to mention she’s not a cyborg, so you don’t have to take a hit in equipment for her.” Ido says plainly.
“You’re very observant Doctor, but she turned down my offer to play the games. I don’t waste my time with wasted talent.” Vector states frowning.
“I know you’re not beyond the use of blackmail.” Ido counters back. Vector only chuckles.
“True, but she’s got nothing here in Iron city.”
“Except you two and you can take care of yourselves.” Chiren adds.
“You know something Chiren…and I’m going to find out what it is.” Ido states. He takes Alita and walks out knowing he won’t get anything from them. She might not be in the factory, but she was somewhere and he was going to find her.
Chase had poked and prodded at her for a little before he drugged her back to sleep so he could examine her blood without any disruptions, but someone else had other plans.
“So you have her?” Nova says on the computer screen, making Chase jump.
“Damn it Nova!” He snaps, making Nova chuckle. “Yes I have her.” He grumbles.
“Good.” He glances in Elisa’s direction and is silent for a few moments. Her hair has grown a bit, but other than that she hasn’t changed. “Wake her up.”
“I said wake her up!” He snaps. Chase grumbles as he grabs a needle and injects it into Elisa. He backs away as she slowly wakes up again.
“Someone wants to talk to you.” He says as he turns the screen towards her. She blinks a few times to clear her vision as she stares at the screen.
“Nova!” She gasps.
“Hello Elisa.” He says kindly.
“What…what happened? What did I do?” She says pleading.
“I’m sorry Elisa. Things happened and I had to let you go.” He says almost sadly, but Chase isn’t buying it.
“I’ll do better…I promise.” She begs.
“I know you will. You always do better. Even now you’re thriving.” He says proudly. “But I can’t do that anymore.” He says. His tone seems off to her and she remembers her dream, how he stabbed her in the heart and how Ido…Ido! She had to find Ido and make sure he was ok. “I see you’ve made a few friends too.” Nova says as if reading her mind. “You behave for Chase and you can see your friends again.” He tells her.
“So Ido and Alita are ok?” She says.
“I suppose so.” He shrugs.
“Why can’t I go home? I thought you wanted me to protect Zalem.” She says.
“That’s a conversation for another time. Behave for Chase and we’ll talk soon.” He says before the screen cuts out.
“Nova…” She rasps sadly.
“You really think he cares for you?” Chase smirks. She turns and growls at him, showing her fangs. He’s not intimated at all as he presses a button and she shouts as she’s electrocuted. “Nova doesn’t care about anyone but himself and there’s more where that came from unless you behave like Nova told you to!” He snaps. She slumps against the table, breathing hard and looking up at the ceiling in a daze. Chase uses the moment to wrap her head in a vice with a metal strap around her neck. He shoves a brace into her mouth to keep it open as he puts a tube down her throat. “I’ve seen that you have a thirst for blood. Let’s test that shall we?” He says darkly. Her eyes go wide as he attaches a small bag of blood to the tube and it slowly drips down her throat. As much as she doesn’t want to drink it, she has no choice but to swallow so she doesn’t choke. The blood heightens her senses as her eyes change color. Chase makes a few notes as he watches her.
She flinches as all of her senses overwhelm her again, like she is back in Iron city for the first time again. She hears all the people and the machines around her and outside for miles. Their pounding heart beats, the shifting of gears, the steps of their feet all make her head hurt. She tries to move her head but the vice only gets tighter as she tries to move. The stench of the lab makes her want to vomit, not to mention that Chase didn’t smell too much better, but thankfully some secondhand cologne covered it up. The table she was on felt freezing to her along with all the metal that was touching her body. Even though she mostly tasted blood, the plastic brace tasted dirty in her mouth and she wanted to spit it out. She had to close her eyes as she so way too many colors. Energy always drifted around, it was everywhere and she could see all of it in her enhanced form. Her nails dug into her palms as they started to bleed. She flexed her fingers and they grew long and sharp with a hint of silver to show the metal mixed in with them. Chase lifts up her fingers carefully, looking them over. He tries to poke a needle into one of her fingers and it breaks.
“So it is metal.” He comments. She wants to stab him, but she can’t focus right now with the blood still dripping down her throat. Chase makes a few more notes a short distance away as she tries to get out of the straps. Her muscles strain against her clothes, but she flinches again as she is shocked. Chase takes a scalpel and runs the blade down her arm. She doesn’t even feel it as the wound closes right up instantly. Chase makes some more notes before she feels him cut away at the bottom of her shirt to reveal her stomach. He pokes at her tense muscles and she doesn’t even move. Her eyes go wide as she sees him take the scalpel and starts to stab her in the gut. She thought it would hurt more but each stab feels like a little pinch instead of horrible wound that would cripple a human being. Each stab heals just as fast as the wound is made. He stabs her until he is satisfied and again, makes a few notes. “You’re healing abilities are just fascinating.” He says. He takes a few vials of her blood and scrapes off a few pieces of her skin, which heal quickly before any blood stains the table. The blood has finally stopped so Chase takes out the vice and tube allowing Elisa to breath normally. Chase chuckles darkly at her panting.
“Don’t get too comfortable.” He says. He goes to get something and Elisa tries again to get out of the straps. The instant she pulls up she gets shocked but she tries to work through it. Chase increases the voltage as she continues to struggle. Her wrists, ankles, and neck start to get burned as she keeps moving. When he cracks the voltage way too high she starts to scream and slumps back on the table. Her body is steaming as she’s breathing hard. She lets out a dull moan as Chase moves around to retrieve something. “I thought I told you to stay still.” He mutters as he picks up a small vial. It’s blue cyborg blood. The vial contains barely a fourth of a cup of it, but he wants to see just how small of an amount will hurt her. While she’s trying to recover from the shock he grabs her chin and pours the vial quickly down her throat. She doesn’t know what it is but the liquid tastes disgusting as she coughs hard.
“What was that?” She asks.
“Cyborg blood.”
“What?! No! I can’t drink that!” She says before she moans in pain. She stomach is in knots and she feels sick. “I’m going to throw up.” She grimaces. Chase takes the head vice off and the strap around her neck. A few moments later Elisa starts coughing as she vomits the blood she just drank. Her body is sweating and shaking hard as pain runs through her. The blood spills onto the floor and even when she’s done throwing up blood and bile; she’s still dry heaving so hard her ribs hurt. A half hour goes by before she can finally catch her breath. Tears from gagging so much wet her face as her throat burns and her body aches. Chase keeps an eye on her as he takes notes on her reactions. An hour after she drank the cyborg blood she passes out.
Ido and Alita were not having any luck finding Elisa. They tried looking in places she knew about before trying everywhere else. No one had seen her in anyway. After three days of on and off searching Alita and Ido found themselves at the Kansas bar, sitting in silence. Most of the hunter warriors respected their space and didn’t bother them or offered a few encouraging words before moving on. When Zepan tried to walk up to them one glare from Ido and a flash of his hammer made him walk away quickly as Ido knew he had nothing good to say to them. He never really had anything good to say to most people anyway unless they had a pretty face.
“Do you think we can go to the factory and make a report of her missing or something?” Alita asked quietly.
“The factory doesn’t care about missing people Alita. As long as it’s up and running for Zalem that’s all the factory has to worry about.” Ido sighs sadly. “All we can do is keep looking.” He says. He gets up slowly as his body is aching badly from all their searching. A small little dog comes up to Alita, pawing at her leg for attention.
“Hello there.” She smiles patting his head.
“Hey Doc.” McTeague rasped coming up to them with his pack of dogs both organic and with robotic parts. Another hunter warrior with a unique western style and his hell hounds to do most of the dirty work for him. Everyone always said his problem was having enough left of a mark to collect the bounty. One of the hounds came up and licked at Ido’s fingers having been a patient of his himself.
“Hello McTeague.” Ido nods. He puts his cigar out on the ashtray on the table.
“I heard you lost that other girl. I wanted to see if I could help.” He says.
“That would be much appreciated.” Ido says. “I have an idea but we have to go back to the clinic real quick.” He adds. McTeague nods as Alita picks up her furry friend.
“I think he likes you.” McTeague says to Alita as the dog licks her face.
“He’s so cute.” She nods as they walk back to the clinic. Ido grabs one of Elisa’s old shirts and shows it to the hounds.
“Do you think they could catch a scent?” Ido asks McTeague.
“I’m pretty sure. You should take us to where she was taken from. It might help if the trail is still good.” He adds. Ido nods in agreement and they hurried back out again. Ido was thankful that it hadn’t rain in the past few days either as that would certainly wash away any scent left behind. They got to the ally and if you looked hard you could still see faint traces of the singe marks from the temporary fireballs. Ido held out the shirt to the hounds and Alita’s dog took off quickly. Ido figured she might have a unique scent given…what she was. The other hounds followed close behind sniffing away and moving fast. They ended up in yet another ally before the hounds stopped and looked around confused. Alita’s dog came up to her and looked up at her sadly. “Damn…there’s no more trail.” McTeague says. Ido looks around and it’s not an area they’ve searched yet.
“Well this helps a little bit as we haven’t searched this area yet.” Ido says trying to be optimistic. He suspects she might have been taken here and then put in a truck and taken off somewhere else. They have to start somewhere. They search the area for a bit and asking anyone willing to talk to them. Some say they always see trucks picking up people who never come back. No one had seen Elisa though; at least that’s what they told them. Dawn was gradually approaching and Ido decided to call it a night. He tried to give McTeague some credits for helping but he refused as Ido helped him and his dogs out without pay plenty of times. Ido and Alita walked back home in silence. He changes into his doctor clothes before he sits down on the couch. Alita curls up next to him.
“At least we’ve got a starting point…right?” Alita says, hopeful.
“She could be anywhere in the city now.” Ido says tiredly as he wraps an arm around her.
“We’ll find her. I’ve been talking to Hugo about it too. He says he’s looking around too.” She says.
“Just…just be careful with what you tell him ok?”
They close their eyes and get a little bit of sleep before Ido has to help patients for the day.
“If got something.” Chase says talking to Chiren.
“What’s that?” She says unamused.
“Nova sent me something.” He says showing her two vials. “Nova sent me a strong serum that would change her DNA completely.” He says pointing to one vial. The other vial looked almost like it was full of glitter as she looked at it. “This is nanotech.” He says excitedly.
“Nanotech…but that hasn’t been around since before The Fall.” She says confused.
“Nova didn’t give me much detail as usual, but he said it was part of another project he’s working on. Not much surprise there, but the nanotech will merge with her DNA and give her all kinds of abilities. Just imagine the possibilities!” He grins.
“Don’t do anything until I get there.” She states.
“Yeah…he told me that too.” Chase says annoyed.
“Good, I’ll get there as soon as I can.” She says before the screen goes black. Vector isn’t around so she’s able to change into a black outfit with comfortable boots instead of those damn stilettos he always wants her to wear. She also has some extra instructions for when she gets there but she’ll worry about that when the time comes. She arrives less than an hour later and she does her best to hide her disgust at the condition of the lab. Elisa is on a table strapped down far too tightly. Her clothes are torn and her body is bruised from all of the torture Chase gave her. Chiren sees that her eyes are red and tired. While Chase was prepping things up, Chiren plugged in a drive that would destroy all the information he collected at the touch of a button on the burner phone Nova gave her. She also sent a message before she looked up at Chase. “Are you done yet?” Chiren grumbles.
“Nearly there.” He huffs as he works. “Maybe if you helped I could finish faster.” He snaps.
“I’m not touching a damn thing in this disgusting place.” She says coldly. He doesn’t argue as he finishes up.
Ido is checking out some maps of Iron city when a message appears on the screen. It contains an address and something else.
Alita is out with Hugo as he grabs his leatherjacket and a backup knife as he knew either carrying the case or his hammer would only slow him down as he started running. He dialed her as he kept moving.
“Alita…don’t talk…just listen…” He pants out of breath.
Chiren and Chase are a good distance away as he turns the machine on. He had to inject the nanotech first according to Nova’s instructions. It would only activate when her DNA was changed. Chiren felt slightly sorry for Elisa as he put on more straps to keep her in place. Chiren thought she saw her crying as he started up the machine. He flipped a switch and the nanotech flowed down into Elisa’s vein. She blinked at the feeling as it felt like a steady pressure was applied to her arm and it got heavier and heavier until there was no more material left. She shivered at the sound of the machines as another switched was flipped and the serum went into her veins. She gasped as she felt a steady burn inside her body. She felt it once before and she didn’t want to go through that again.
“No! No please! Turn it off! Turn it off!” She screams. Her cries are ignored as the whole serum is injected into her. She screams in agony as it feels like her bones are shifting, her muscles spasm and contort, and she feels like she melting from the inside out. Her claws emerge and sink right through the metal table as her body seizes. She doesn’t know if she’s screaming anymore as her ears are ringing while her eyes turn black.
Then it stops.
It feels like something is moving inside her as if to put everything back into place. It frightens her as it feels like millions of insects are inside her and they’ll pool out of her mouth any second. The ringing stops and she hears two heartbeats. Her head turns toward the sound as they sound like drums right next to her. Chiren gasps as Elisa’s eyes look silver now. She bares her teeth in a hungry growl and she has two sets of fangs now on her up and bottom jaw. She lets out an angry roar that sounds way too loud for her. The straps easily snap off, but she falls to the ground as her body is still adjusting to the nanotech. She focuses on standing and she feels that shift again going down to her legs and she looks to see that her skin in hardening. Metal is forming around her like armor as she watches in fascination.
“It’s working!” Chase gasps. Chiren nearly slaps him as Elisa looks up at them and roars again. She charges at them in a blur of motion that is far too fast for even a motorball player to achieve on the track. Dirt kicks up under her metal as Chiren and Chase try to leap out of the way going in different directions. Chiren knows that she’ll go after Chase first. He screams as she grabs him and throws him into the wall. “No don’t!” He pleads, but she only growls as she lifts her hand up. Chiren watches as her fingers turn into knives and she slices through him like he’s a piece of paper. She turns away as Elisa drinks his blood. Chiren presses the button on her phone and the machines hiss and smoke comes up from their vents. She looks up at them before glancing at Chiren. Elisa growls at her when one of the monitor screens flashes and an image appears.
“Elisa.” Nova speaks. She blinks in surprise before she stands up and stares at the screen.
“Master…” She whispers longingly.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel so…different…I feel like my body isn’t my own anymore.” She admits.
“It’s the nanotech. I know it’s different but you’ll get used to it. It feels like all these creepy-crawlies are inside right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Don’t worry, that feeling will pass I promise.”
“Can I come back to Zalem…please master.” She begs with tears in her eyes.
“In time my dear…in time.” He says assuring her. “I want to see how you adjust down here. That’s why I put you in Iron city. I want to see how you grow and thrive.”
“You…put me here? You did it on purpose?” She whimpers.
“I had to Elisa. It was another stage in my experiment of you.”
“But…but I want to be with you Nova.” She cries falling to her knees. Chiren watches as tears run down her face. She understands her want…her need.
“Ooooh…my dear Elisa.” He says too sweetly. “You’ll be in good hands.” He nods. She bows her head trying to calm her soft sobs. “I know it hurts my little Elisa, but you will see me soon, I promise. Not to mention that nanotech is very special.” He says.
“Special?” She says looking up. Her cheeks are wet with tears.
“I gave you the nanotech that is infused inside me. So we’ll always be connected. I knew you would be the perfect one for this fusion. Can you lift your hand for me?” He asks. She does so. “Turn your index finger into a knife for me.” She concentrates and the finger shifts into a blade. “Good…good, now make a knife in your hand.”
“I don’t understand.”
“The nanotech can move both inside and outside of your body. It will always come back to you, now make a knife for me.” He says. She focuses again and slowly a knife emerges out of her palm and she grips the handle. “Perfect.” Nova grins. “With time you can control it and make it turn into anything you want.” The knife sinks away with the nanotech going back into her body. “I have to go Elisa. You will see me again soon…but do one thing for me.” He says.
“Yes Master…anything.” She says.
“Ask Ido about his daughter.” She looks at him confused. Ido doesn’t have a daughter, just Alita. “Goodbye Elisa.” Nova says before the screen goes black.
“No! Nova please come back!” She screams at the screen. It’s too late as he’s already gone. “NOOOOO!” She screams. She lets out a scream of both emotional and physical agony as her hands shift into metal claws as she starts tearing the lab apart. Chiren is quick to escape and she gets a glance of Ido, Alita, and some boy with them, entering the lab.
“Elisa! Elisa!” Ido calls out. She freezes as she looks at them. She still has blood on her and her claws have stains of oil on them as well.
“Holy shit!” Hugo gasps. She growls at them and charges at Hugo. There is an orange glow around him…almost like…fire! She grabs him only to yelp as something hits her. She looks to see Ido holding his hammer, which Alita brought before meeting up with Ido at the lab.
“Elisa…I don’t want to hurt you.” He says firmly. She growls at Ido, but a golden glow around him calms her and she remembers that it’s his aurora.
“Doctor…” She whispers. The nanotech disappears into her body as she returns to ‘normal’ in a sense. She’s left in tattered clothes and a weak body. Ido quickly hands Alita his hammer as he wraps his arms around her. She moans into his shoulder as he lays her down for a moment before wrapping his jacket around her. She looks up as he picks her up into his arms and they go outside to a truck Hugo has. Alita makes sure he’s ok as Ido goes to the back, still holding Elisa. He’s shaken, but ok as they drive back to the clinic.   
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movieexpert1978 · 6 years
Upgrade Pt. 1
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so thank you everyone who commented about my previous post about my Alita story. It’s basically an AU but it’s based around the movie. I’ve just started reading the magna it’s based and it’s really good too. Of course Christoph as Ido is a lovely gem as well. So I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think about it. 
Alita Battle Angel is not mine. 
Ido found himself back in the scrap yard again as usual. They always needed parts no matter what, especially servos. He told Alita to stay at the clinic as he would be back before dark. His case wasn’t too far away as a precaution. He kept watch over the shoot that came from the bottom of the floating city of Zalem. He didn’t want to get crushed by falling debris but he was a far enough distance away that he was safe. He also didn’t think much of it as he constantly heard garbage shifting around. He found a few items that would prove useful. As his bag was getting full he debated on if he should go back to the clinic when he heard a growl. Instinctively, he froze and was very puzzled at the sound. Machines don’t growl at you, unless it’s most likely a mechanical dog. He started to move when he heard the growl again. To his right he heard debris shift again and he thought he saw a blur of movement. The growl sounded again as it was moving, circling him. He decided to make the first move and bolt when something leaped out at him. He grunted as he fell into a nearby garbage pile and looked up.
A young woman was staring at him. Her eyes were an unnatural light blue. Her head was shaved but there was a small layer of hair around her skull. She bared her teeth and growled at him again. He quickly noticed her teeth were more like fangs and her fingers shifted into claws. If she was a cyborg, he had never seen one like her before, but he also noticed something else. She was wearing all black but her clothes were torn and her head was bleeding. She charged at him with a snarl. He grabbed the first thing he could and swung it at her. The pipe hit her head and she yelped as she fell back. Ido was quick to scramble to his case and started putting the rocket hammer together. He heard a rumble and he knew another load of garbage was coming, but that didn’t break his concentration. What did was when he heard a scream. He looked up and saw the woman was clutching her ears and shouting in pain. Maybe something was wrong with her hearing preceptors. Still, that bought him enough time to finish the hammer and approach her again. She saw him and shouted as she charged at him, stumbling through the garbage.
“Wait!” He said holding out his hand. She was close enough to see that her ears were bleeding too. “I can help you.” He said, but then became puzzled all over again when he saw she wasn’t bleeding the cyborg blue blood but rather the human red blood. She leaped at him with her fangs bared and Ido had no choice but to swing the hammer. She let out a high-pitch scream as it hit her in the side and he heard a crunch as she hit the garbage pile hard. She moaned and shook with pain…and fear that Ido saw in her eyes as he came closer. She whimpered as she looked at his hammer before she passed out. A quick scan showed that she was completely human.
“What are you?”
“Do you think she’s from Zalem too?” Alita asked as they looked over their new patient.
“I don’t think so. She doesn’t have the mark.” He says as his machines tell him the extent of her injuries. Several ribs were broken along with plenty of fractures all over her body, a lot of which were in her spine as if she had taken a bad fall. Ido tried to stitch up any cuts she had but they were healing right before his eyes. Her tattered clothes revealed at tattoo on her wrist that said 10E. As a safety measure he put restraints on her wrists and ankles in case she woke up and didn’t like what she saw.
“And she just attacked you?” Alita asked.
“Yes, unfortunately.” He sighed. “She’s human…but not like me. The screen says she’s healing her wounds both internal and external. She has traces of metal in her fingers but they’re organic like mine.” He says. Alita poked at her arm, but Ido pulled her away. “Let her wake up on her own. I don’t know what she’ll do in here.” He says.
“Maybe she just got lost.” Alita suggests.
“Perhaps.” He nods. They both look at the woman when she moans and her eyes flutter open. She stares into the overhead light as if it’s an almost comforting sight to her. Ido gestures for Alita to be quiet as he approaches her. “Hello.” He says gently. The woman stares at him. He doesn’t fail to notice that her eyes are now a more human shade of blue. “My name is Doctor Dyson Ido.”
“Doctor?” She says, speaking for the first time.
“Yes, I’m a doctor.” He nods.
“I am ready.” She mumbles.
“Ready…ready for what?”
“Injections…I don’t have any injections.” He says to himself. He tries a different approach after glancing at her tattoo again. “Uhh..ten E, state your name.” He says giving Alita a confused shrug.
“Subject ten E a.k.a Elisa Prime, humble servant to Nova and Zalem.” She says as if she’s said so many times before. Ido quickly does another scan to double check but it appears that she doesn’t have a chip in her brain. Therefore, hopefully Nova can’t tap into her like he does with his other watchers.
“You’re from Zalem.” Ido says quietly. “What is your purpose?”
“To protect Zalem from the Final Champions of Iron City and prevent further contamination.” She says with disgust.
“Who is Nova?”
“Nova is my master. I live to serve him.” She says with pure admiration. Ido and Alita look at each other again, knowing her opinion is the most opposite from theirs. He decides to try and break the spell she seems to be under.
“Elisa, look at me.” When she does she narrows her eyes at him. She recognizes him. He was the intruder. She growls and bares her teeth which elongate into fangs, but when she does she lets out a cry of pain. She struggles against the bonds as the sounds and smells of Iron city overwhelm her heightened senses.
“It’s too loud! It’s too loud!” She protests.
“Hey, hey, hey it’s alright.” Alita says coming to help her. She puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Elisa jumps and looks at Alita. “It’s ok…my name is Alita.” She smiles. Her body shifts back to normal again and she lets out a soft moan of relief.
“I’m not in the training room…I have to be in the training room for the sound tests.” Elisa says. “Where am I?”
“You’re in Iron city.” Alita says.
“What…but…but Nova said my mission was in Zalem. I have to protect Zalem. I have to go home.” She cries in fear. With every word Ido starts to put the pieces together.
“Elisa…you can’t go back to Zalem. No one goes back up there. It’s a rule that’s never broken.” He says gently.
“No, no, no…what did I do? Nova what did I do? I’m sorry Nova! I’m sorry! I’ll be good. I promise I’ll be good.” Elisa cries as tears run down her face. Both Alita and Ido look at her in sympathy. Ido retracts the restraints on her and she curls up on the medical bed crying and pleading to a master that has discarded her and moved on to better servant.
“We are not going to hurt you.” Ido says as he tries to calm her down. “Are you hungry?” He asks trying to get her mind off of her situation. She looks up at him, her eyes bloodshot with tears. She sits up and goes back and forth between staring at him and Alita.
“You’re…not an…invader?” She asks cautiously.
“No, I’m a cyber-surgeon. Alita is my daughter. I am a hunter warrior at night though. Which explains the rocket hammer I used in our first encounter.” He explains.
“I’ve heard of hunter warriors.” She says thinking.
“We just want to help.” Ido says taking her hand but she pulls away and hisses at him like a feral cat. “Sorry.” He says nearly jumping. She looks back at Alita.
“You’re a cyborg.” She says.
“Yes, Ido saved me.” Alita nods. “Are you hungry? Do you like oranges?” She asks. Elisa doesn’t answer as she gets up off the bed way to fast for Ido’s liking. She cries out in pain as she falls over. She lets out a strangled sob as she tries to move but her back is throbbing in pain. Why isn’t she healing like she normally does? “What is it?” Alita asks her.
“My back.” She rasps. She sobs and twitches as Ido picks her up and places her on her side as carefully as he can. He scans her back again and as before the scan shows multiple fractions and swollen disks. He watches and sees small cracks healing little by little. He concludes she has some type of healing capability but being in Iron city is affecting her body. She’s used to Zalem and who knows what kind of terrible things they did to her. Ido gives her a shot of pain medication. She mumbles as she dozes off.
“Do you think she was exiled like you were?” Alita asks him.
“Most likely but what reason, I’m not sure yet.” He says. Chiren or Vector might know more about her story, but he won’t contact them in case they decided they want to take her for motorball. Maybe Nova was changing the game so to speak. He knew they must have tortured her given all the needle marks on her body. She must have been some kind of experiment. A new step in the evolutionary process so to speak. Ido couldn’t be sure.
“What should we do?” Alita asks concerned.
“I don’t know.” Ido says sadly.
She woke up again later that evening. Her back was still in a lot of pain so she couldn’t move much.
“How are you feeling?” Ido asks, coming up to her.
“Hurts…” She mumbles.
“I’m sorry. You’re healing, but very slowly and I won’t interfere with that as I don’t want to cause any more damage.” He explains. She only nods. Ido helps her sit up and puts the bed up to support her. “I made you some food.” He says putting a plate in front of her. Despite the food not being Zalem, it smelled very good. Her stomach rumbled a little bit so she started to eat slowly. It doesn’t taste that much different from the food she normal has so she just eats it. She looks around and sees that it’s dark out. “Alita is asleep.” He explains.
“Thank you for the food.” She says respectfully.
“You’re welcome.” He watches her eat for a few minutes before he speaks again. “Do you remember what happened to you on Zalem?” He asks.
“I fought people. They told me I had to be the best…to make Nova proud. That I had to prepare for battle. I had to be stronger, faster, and smarter than my enemy.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“No, they made me better.” She says firmly.
“The experimented on you.” He states. She frowns in confusion.
“I don’t understand.” She says.
“They injected you with things. That’s why you have needle marks all over your body.” He says and gets up. “I took a blood sample and found that they genetically modified you DNA.” He says showing her the screen.
“So? That’s illegal Elisa. They hurt you.” He insists, trying to make her understand.
“No! Everything they did…I did was for the good of Zalem…for Nova!” She snaps.
“Nova doesn’t care about you. You’re just a puppet to him. Something probably happened and he moved onto the next test subject.” Ido adds.
“No!” She shouts at him shattering the plate in her hands and making Ido jump. “I am not a failure! I will go back to Zalem and I will beg for Nova’s forgiveness.” Ido wants to protest but decides to keep quiet as he doesn’t want anything else broken. He will let her believe what she wants. She will understand the truth eventually; perhaps it’s better if she learns it on her own.
“Is everything ok?” Alita asks coming downstairs.
“Yes Alita…just a little disagreement.” Ido says quickly to reassure her. He nudges her back to bed as Alita glances at Elisa. She sneers at them. Emotions were a weakness. Weakness will not be tolerated in Zalem. She lays back down and flinches at the pain in the back. Ido can tell the conversation with her is over so he lays down on the couch to try and get a few hours of sleep before the clinic opens.
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movieexpert1978 · 6 years
Upgrade Pt. 4
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Another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it and please leave feedback. 
Pt.4: Something is wrong with Elisa. She’s not healing right. 
Alita Battle Angel and it’s characters are not mine. 
“Did something happen?” Alita asks Ido quietly. Elisa has been quiet and curled up in the corner for most of the day.
“Zapan.” Ido says and that’s all Alita needs to hear.
“Uuhhh…he needs his nose broken or something.” She huffs making Ido chuckle. “Hey, you have a few credits? I have an idea.” She says to him. Ido hands her some and she goes over to Elisa. “Hey come with me. I’ve this one place I want to show you.” She says.
“No thank you.”
“Come on…it’s just for a little while ok?” Alita pleads. Elisa looks up at her and she relents and follows her out. They take a walk and come up to this food place. “Wait here.” She says. Elisa just stares at the ground for a little while when Alita comes back with something in both hands. “Here.” She hands Elisa one.
“What is it?”
“It’s an ice cream cone.” Alita says. She starts licking the ice cream to show Elisa how to eat it. “This is the ice cream part and this is the cone.” She says pointing. Elisa takes a little lick and flinches at how cold it is, but she tastes chocolate.
“Why is it so cold?”
“Because that’s how you eat it, otherwise it will melt and fall on the ground.” Elisa nods and starts licking the ice cream again. The chocolate tastes good on her tongue as they sit down to enjoy the treat. “Don’t listen to Zapan. He’s just pretty boy, loud mouth who spends all his money on his face.” Alita says.
“He called me a freak.” Elisa says quietly.
“You’re not a freak. You’re just different and that’s ok.” She insists.
“Is it?”
“Look…those people on Zalem…they did terrible things to you. It’s not your fault. They can’t hurt you now.” She says gently. Elisa just nods and eats her ice cream. Alita giggles every now and then as Elisa tries to get every drop of ice cream before it melts.
“What do I do with this?” Elisa asks when the cone is left.
“You eat that too.” Alita laughs. She takes a few bites to get used to the taste.
“I think…I like ice cream too. Thank you Alita.” Elisa smiles.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” She says. When they come back to the clinic Ido is glad that Elisa is smiling again. Still, she has trouble falling asleep that night. She’s scared. She’s starting to trust Alita and Ido when she is not supposed to do that. She’s not supposed to get attached to anyone. It was a weakness and she didn’t want to become weak, but Ido and Alita made her feel…happy. She knew she was safe with them. She knew she was going to get fed every day. She knew she was free to come and go explore as she pleased. She could fight and protect them both. She wanted to protect them both. She was starting to accept that maybe she couldn’t go back to Zalem.    
Maybe if she talked with Chiren just once, then maybe she could make progress.
“I’m telling you Chiren won’t help you.” Ido insists.
“Please Doctor, if I can talk to her just once.” Elisa begs.
“I told you, you don’t have to call me doctor.” Ido sighs.
“Please just tell me where she is.” She pleads.
“She works for Vector. She works on the players for the motorball games.” Ido says.
“Thank you.” Elisa says before she hurries out the door. Ido doesn’t like it and he knows she’s only going to get hurt. He braces himself for when she comes home.
Elisa gets a ticket to go into the stadium, but she doesn’t have enough money for a VIP pass. She tries to figure out when to do when a black man in dark clothes and sunglasses comes up to her.
“Excuse me?” He says to her. His energy nearly makes her jump back. There’s nothing positive about his aurora at all and it’s an ugly green color. “You’re looking for Doctor Chiren?”
“Yes sir.” He hands her a pass and she puts it on. “Follow me.” He says guiding her along. The game doesn’t start for a while yet and most of the pits are empty. He leads her into a nice lounge where Chiren is waiting for her.
“You’ve been busy I’ve heard.” Chiren says strolling up to her. “Being a hunter warrior and all.”
“I’ve been helping Ido get money for the clinic.” Elisa says.
“He used to work with me you know. We used to work together and make the best players for the motorball games.”
“Why did he leave?”
“Something came up.” Elisa can tell by her tone that she won’t say anything else more about it. Chiren’s energy is cold as well, but not as much as Vector’s. It’s a mixture of a deep purple blue with faint traces of gold…and something else…something that was missing.
“Can you get me back to Zalem?” Elisa asks.
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“Take your pick.”
“Why? I have to get back to Nova! I need to find out what I did wrong so I can do better!” Elisa pleads.
“You can’t go back. Nova doesn’t want you back.” Chiren says harshly.
“No!” Elisa shouts and she slams her fist into a nearby table, shattering it. Both Chiren and Vector freeze in shock as security comes in at the noise. Elisa turns and growls at the guards. They gasp at her unnatural blue eyes and fangs.
“It’s alright. No fighting.” Vector says making the guards go away quickly as Elisa collects herself.
“That’s very impressive…for a human.” Chiren says. “You could come work for us…be a motorball player. You could win a lot of money.” Chiren says. Nova said she couldn’t help her get back to Zalem, but not help her work for motorball.
“Never. I will never work for this disgusting game.” She snaps. She would never play motorball to become Final Champion to get to Zalem. She would not become the thing she was trained to destroy. There had to be another way. Another way that they weren’t telling her. “You know there’s another way.” Elisa says accusingly.
“There is no other way.” Chiren says not backing down.
“You’re lying!” Elisa shouts. She tries to go to Chiren but Vector takes something out and points it at her. She grabs it only to scream when her hand is severely burned. She groans in pain and clutches her wrist as her hands starts to heal slowly.
“If you change your mind make sure you have enough credits to buy a VIP pass next time.” Chiren says. Elisa leaves quickly as her hand keeps bleeding.
“She was healing…you saw that right?” Vector asks her.
“Do you think she’ll come back?”
“I’m not sure.”
Elisa does her best to ignore the pain in her hand as she walks back to the clinic. Her anger gets the best of her and she shouts as she punches the wall making some pieces of brick go flying. She grimaces in pain again as she kneels down. Her hand is bleeding and blistering. She tilts her head back and stares at the sky.
“Nova…please let me come back.” She whispers. She slowly makes her way back.
“What happened?” Ido asks, quickly come up to her.
“Nothing.” Elisa says quietly trying to hide her hand.
“What’s wrong with your hand?”
“Nothing.” She repeats.
“Elisa give me your hand.” He says firmly. She reluctantly does so and he gets to work. “What happened?” He repeats. He’s surprised to see that she is healing rather slowly.
“Vector burned me with something.” She says.
“He always carries a weapon around.” He says. “You’re healing slowly.” He adds as he treats her burns.
“You were right…she wouldn’t help me. She wanted me to join the motorball game, but I told her no. I’m going to become the thing I was trained to kill.” She says. Ido keeps silent as he starts to wrap her hand up. “I felt her energy again. She had traces of gold in her aurora like your energy.”
“I see.”
“There was something else too. It was as if her energy was missing something…just like yours.” She adds. Ido doesn’t say anything. “What happened that made you two separate?” She asks.
“It’s something you don’t need to know.” Ido says finishing up.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not of your business.” He snaps. She frowns and looks away from him. “You don’t need to know everything.” He huffs as he walks away from her. She glares at his back before she gets up and walks out again, slamming the door behind her.
For the first time Elisa goes hunting on her own. She has so much anger in her right now. She’s tempted to start punching walls again, but she doesn’t want Ido to patch her back up. It’s not fair. He knows everything about her so why won’t he do the same? She has to stop when she sees a figure walking down an alleyway. She follows them only to stop when she comes face to face with a metal bar pointed at her.
She found a mark.
She knocks his arm out to charge at him but he only jumps back thanks to mechanical legs. He chuckles as he pulls another pipe out where part of it is covered in blades.
“Let’s dance.” He rasps. Elisa charges and she leaps up with her foot pointed right at his chest, but again he leaps up and dodges her. She shouts when the blades dig into her back. She growls and swipes her claws that only swipe through the air.
“Stand still!” She shouts in anger at him, but he only laughs. Again he leaps over her but this time she braces for another cheap shot to her back so she quickly turns and catches the pipe that has the blades. Her wounded hand starts bleeding again as she takes a hit to her head from the other pipe before she catches it going in for another swing. She snarls and pulls hard enough to rip his mechanical hands right off making him scream in pain and fright. She tackles him to the ground and starts punching away at his chest breaking metal as her hands get covered in blue blood. When she’s done, she’s breathing hard as she looks over the dead mark. She takes his head to collect the bounty of seven thousand credits. Her body feels sore and stiff as she walks back to the clinic. She’s sorting through the money when Ido comes up to her.
“Here.” She says handing him five thousand. She figures two thousand will last her a little while as she puts it in her bag.
“You went out hunting by yourself?” He asks looking her over.
“Yeah so?” She mutters going to the couch.
“Your back is bleeding.” He says.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Hold still.” He orders her. Puzzled, she does so, only to yelp as Ido pulls out a piece of metal that was still in her skin. “Come on.” He says guiding her to the medical bed. He can see that she’s got bruises on her face too. “What did he hit you with?”
“He had these pipes. One of them had blades on it.” She says. He bandages up her back and gives her some pain pills for her head. It’s then that he notices her bandaged hand is bleeding again.
“You have to be careful.” He sighs as he wraps it up again.
“I said I’ll be fine. Why do you care?” She says bitterly.
“Because I’m responsible for you.” He says.
“No you’re not. I can take care of myself.” She states.
“Really…then why do you keep coming back here?”
“Because…because I don’t know where else to go.” She says quietly.
“You need to be careful Elisa. I don’t know why, but your healing powers are slowing down.” He says again gently this time, hoping it will get through to her.  
“Ok…thank you.” She says looking at the floor. He starts to get up when she speaks again. “I don’t understand. You know everything about me…but you won’t tell me everything about you.”
“Well…you see we have this thing called privacy here. We don’t tell someone we just met every little detail about our lives. We tell them as we get to know them and trust them. I’m guessing you didn’t have much privacy in Zalem because they were watching you all the time yes?”
“And I don’t know everything about you because you don’t know everything about yourself.”
“Is that bad?”
“Yes and no, it’s bad because you’re learning this so late in life, but it’s better late than never.” He says with a light chuckle
“Oh…well I’m sorry I asked about your privacy.” She says.
“It’s alright.” He smiles. “Are you sure you don’t want to sleep in my bed.”
“No thank you.”
“Ok…well goodnight Elisa.”
“Goodnight Ido.”
It took several days for Elisa’s wounds to heal, much to Ido’s surprise. He kept an eye on her and he started to notice a few things. She looked tired after her walks around Iron city and she wasn’t eating as much as she used to. She was sleeping a lot more. Alita noticed it too and she was getting worried as well, but Elisa insisted that she was fine even though she really didn’t feel fine. He wasn’t sure if he should take her hunting, but she insisted she come and he didn’t really want her going alone anyway. Now she was the one coming home with cuts and bruises. He could tell she was in a lot of pain, but she barely took any pain pills. Ido studied her body, but still he couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her.
“Maybe she’s got a virus or something?” Alita suggests one day.
“My equipment would have showed something like that Alita.” He says looking over the scans he took.
“Oh…sorry.” She grumbles. He rubs her shoulder in comfort.
“I know you’re worried about her too.” He says in comfort. They glance over at Elisa, who is sleeping on the couch at the moment.
“Do you think Chiren might know something?” Alita suggests.
“I’m not going to her for that. Not after Vector hurt her.” He says firmly. Not sure what else to do, they focus more on the patients of the day. Elisa finally gets off the couch closer to dinner time. “How are you feeling?” Ido says looking over her wounds. Some have begun to heal while others show no sign of healing at all.
“Tired.” She mumbles.
“Where does it hurt the most?”
“My right hand.” Ido looks it over again. She had caused more damage to her hand with every fight. She had small fractures on her fingers and palm.
“Are we going hunting tonight?”
“Elisa your right hand is basically broken. You’re not going hunting for a while.” Ido says showing her the scans.
“I can handle it.”
“Elisa, no. You’re not going out.” He says.
“I could go with you!” Alita blurts out before she can stop herself. Ido nearly glares at her as she gives him a sorry look.
“Just one more night. There’s a big mark out, worth ten thousand. If we can get him tonight I’ll stop for a while.” Elisa says. Ido sighs as he thinks for a moment.
“Alright…fine…but just for tonight. After that both of you are staying home.” He says firmly.
Ido is leading in front with his hammer in his hands. Elisa is helping him, her eyes an unnatural blue. Alita is behind her. At first it seems that they might not run into anyone and Ido is relieved, but just before they head back they hear a scream. Elisa runs ahead of them as another scream is heard.
“Get away from her!” Elisa shouts. The killer turns as the intended victim runs away. Ido and Alita hurry behind her.
“Ooohhh…three instead of one.” He smirks as he flashes his long blades. Elisa charges at the killer.
“Elisa no!” Ido shouts. She ducks his first few swipes and she gets a punch in making him stumble back. She glances back and forth when she gets an idea. She rolls in front of the killer making him puzzled. She does a few kicks that he can easily dodge, but he’s backing up to Ido. He gets the idea and activates his hammer ready for a swipe.
“Now!” Elisa shouts to Ido as she gets out of the way. The killer gasps as Ido swings and he hits him hard in the side, sending him flying into a wall.
“Aaahhhh…shit.” He grumbles in pain. Ido is quick to try and him again but the killer reacts fast enough and manages to roll out of the way. He swipes at Ido, who falls back. Alita tries to help, but Ido holds her back as Elisa goes in for her attack. The killer anticipates her move and even though he’s on his knees he manages to turn and stab Elisa in her side deep with one of his blades. She shouts in pain and crumbles to the ground.
“No!” Ido and Alita shout at the same time. Alita runs fast and tackles the killer, slamming him into the ground again.
“Alita get out of the way!” Ido orders. She ducks in time as his hammer slams into the cyborg’s body and it shatters instantly. Elisa hisses in pain as she gets up.
“Easy.” Alita says helping her. Elisa ignores her as she pulls out the blade and chops his head off. Ido looks at her in shock before he goes into doctor mode. He puts his hammer aside and puts pressure on her wound. He doesn’t like that his gloves are getting wet from her blood.
“Don’t forget the head.” Elisa mumbles. Ido can’t help but roll his eyes as he nods to Alita. Anything to get Elisa quiet and back to the clinic. He kicks the clinic door open and carries Elisa to the bed. He gets his coat and gloves off before he puts on medical gloves. He lifts up her shirt a little bit to see the wound and she flinches in pain.
“Is she going to be alright?” Alita asks.
“I don’t know.”
“Why isn’t she healing?”
“Alita please! I need to focus.” He says a little harshly. She only nods and backs away to let him work. Elisa is bleeding badly and he checks the screens to see how bad she is internally. He also sees that her eyes are red from sickness.
“Give…me…your wrist.” Elisa rasps.
“What?” He asks looking at her. Her fingers graze over his wrist. He holds it out to her confused. She takes it and suddenly bites down making him shout in both fear and fright. He tries to pull away, but she holds firm as she is actually drinking his blood! She finally let’s go and he nearly flies into the table. She groans as her body heals again. “What the hell?!” He gasps as she sits up. Her side wound heals right before his eyes as Alita stands up. “You…what…what was that?” He gasps as he clutches his wrist. “You…you drank my blood!” He yelps.
“I’m sorry…I had to. They called it a side effect of the enhancements they gave me. I got so used to them just…giving it to me that I didn’t realize I needed it again. I thought all I needed was food.” She explains.
“Side effect? You fucking drank my blood!” He shouts making Elisa flinch.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She nearly whimpers.
“You said I knew everything about you…but I didn’t know this. How do I know that you won’t attack Alita or Nurse Gerhard.” He argues.
“I can’t drink cyborg blood…and I would never hurt them.” She pleads.
“No…no…I’m not going to keep some…monster in my home. You’re not going to become one of my demons.” He rasps in a tone Elisa has never heard from him before. “Get your things and get out now!” He orders. Elisa can see the anger and fear in his eyes. She tries to hide her tears as she gathers her things.
“Dad, you can’t do this! Maybe there’s something you can do so that she won’t have to drink blood anymore.” Alita pleads.
“Alita, I am not helping her. My decision is final.” He states.
“But…but…you can’t just toss her out like Nova did!” She begs.
“Alita don’t argue with me.” He nearly snaps.
“It’s ok Alita…it’s a condition I have to deal with always. You can’t change that.” Elisa says gently.
“Don’t go Elisa please! We can work on this!” She says frantically.
“Alita…it’s ok. I’ll be fine. I’ll figure it out.” Elisa says. Alita pulls her into a hug and sniffles softly. Elisa carefully returns it.
“I’ll miss you.”
“I know…I’ll miss you too.” She says, wiping a few of her tears away. “Thank you for all your help…goodbye.” Elisa says to both of them before she is out the door. She silently cries as she walks the streets, ending up at the abandoned church. She sighs as she goes inside and curls to try and sleep.
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movieexpert1978 · 6 years
Upgrade Pt. 3
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Another chapter for the story. I’ve been typing away all weekend as I got off of work. Hope you guys enjoy it and please leave some feedback. I’d love to know what you guys think!!!
Pt 3: Elisa learns to be a hunter warrior with Ido. 
Alita battle angle and it’s characters are not my characters. 
The first night Ido and Elisa went out it, they didn’t catch any marks. After a few hours of travelling down dark alleys they went home.
“So are you a doctor or not?” Elisa asks confused as they walk.
“Yes I am a doctor, but when night falls and the insomnia hits I go out as a hunter warrior.” He explains.
“A hunter warrior?”
“Yes or a bounty hunter. We kill marks and collect bounties.” He says. He brings her up to a monitor that shows the data on the current marks.
“Oh…you kill for money.” She says.
“I take the money and use it to make sure the clinic stays open, otherwise it would have closed long ago.” He adds with a sigh.
“Are there others like you…hunter warriors?” She asks.
“Yes, plenty more. Most of them are not as…how should I put it…morally pleasing as I am.” He smirks.
“You mean some just do it for the money?”
“What’s in your case?” He kneels down and opens it, showing her all sorts of parts. She watches as he connects some pieces one by one and it forms a giant hammers. “This is my weapon of choice. It’s a rocket hammer.” He says proudly. She stares at him puzzled as he holds a trigger down and blue flame bursts out of one end. He swings it to the ground and makes a decent size hole. “It adds more power so I can take care of marks faster.” He explains. He releases the trigger and the flame disappears before he takes it apart and puts it back in the case.
“Why not use a gun?” She asks. He can’t help but burst out laughing.
“Oh my dear girl, guns are out-lawed in Iron city, punishable by death. They don’t want any weapons made that could challenge Zalem in any way. I would have thought you knew that.” He says.
“I never trained with guns.” She says.
“Well that explains it.” He mutters. They go back home and go their separate ways for the night. The next morning Elisa goes out and studies all the marks carefully before she goes around the city to try and find their trail. She has a few leads by the time she comes back before dinner. That night she leads him along and they come up on a team of marks. The three of them are armed and dangerous as they glare at Elisa and Ido.
“You better back away old man and take your little girlfriend here with one.” One of them says flashing a knife. Elisa doesn’t flinch and her eyes change color. The men looked spooked as no cyborg has ever done that before. Before Ido can make a swing Elisa snarls, baring her fangs. The mark with the knife charges at her. Ido watches with both curiosity and fright as he wonders what she will do. He tries to swing the knife at her, but she catches his wrist and breaks it easily making him shout in pain. She grabs the top of his head and her fingertips have turned into claws, which are glow blue, as she swipes his throat. His head cut clean off from his body. She drops the head as the second mark charges. He is more cyborg with mechanical arms as he tries to swing at Elisa. He’s stopped when she grabs his throat, crushing it instantly, before he punches him in the face and send him smashing into a wall. His body cracks and crumbles as he falls over lifeless. The last mark is almost right at Elisa when she catches him. She shoves one arm away as she manages a punch to his face. It doesn’t do the damage she expected as he bleeds blue cyborg. She frowns before she grabs him and shoves him into the stone wall head first, knocking his head clean off.
The fight is over in under three minutes.
“My god.” Ido whispers to himself. She glances over at him.
“Did I do good?” She asks him. He just stares at her for a moment trying to figure out why she said that when it was quite obvious she did.
“You did…amazing.” He says sincerely as he walks up to her.
“Really?” She gasps.
“Yes.” He chuckles.
“Thank you!” She says giving him a smile before she collects herself. Judging by her behavior, he’s sure she wasn’t praised often and probably sent back to her room or something when her training routine was over. They go to the factory to collect the money and go home.
“Here.” Ido says handing her a few credits. She stares at them as if he’s just put a bomb in her hand.
“Why are you giving these to me? Don’t you need them for the clinic?” She says holding them back up to him.
“Yes but you took them down. You earned it.” He says.
“What do I do with it?”
“Whatever you want. You could buy something for yourself or save them. It’s up to you.” He explains gently.
“Oh…ok…thank you Doctor.” She nods.
“You don’t have to keep calling me that.” He smiles. She only nods as she puts the credits on the table and goes to the couch to sleep.
Another pattern emerges as Elisa goes out in the day time to look for marks and when she finally catches a trail she and Ido go hunting. One night he reluctantly brings Alita along. Even then Elisa is too fast for even Alita to catch up with.
“Now that was cool!” Alita grins when the fight is over.
“Uuhh…thank you.” Elisa says to her as Alita gives her a thumbs up. Not to mention that she was glad Elisa did most of the fighting and Ido didn’t come home all battered and bloody any more. They soon had enough money for things to be comfortable for a little while, but Elisa still went out to walk Iron city anyway. She was just leaving the clinic when a woman with dark hair and elegant clothing walked up to her and she had the mark of Zalem.
“You’re from Zalem!” She gasps coming right up to the woman.
“Who are you!?” She snaps at Elisa in disgust.
“Subject Ten E a.k.a Elisa Prime, humble servant to Nova and Zalem.” Elisa repeats. The woman blinks in surprise as Elisa shows her tattooed 10 E. She stares at it for a moment before she looks up at Elisa studying her.
Ido glances out the window and sees Chiren talking to Elisa. That was not a good sign and he hurries out.
“Chiren.” He calls out as he hurries over to them.
“Let me guess you found her in the scrap yard too?” Chiren says unamused.
“Yes, but Elisa is human. She’s not a cyborg.” He says.
“I know.” Chiren says looking at Ido.
“Elisa this is my ex-wife Chiren.” He says, introducing them.
“Can you get me Zalem?” Elisa asks.
“If I could get back to Zalem I wouldn’t be here.” Chiren states unamused. He can tell her words sting Elisa a little bit, but then she looks back and forth between her and Ido.
“Ex-wife…wait you were on Zalem too?” Elisa asks.
“Have fun.” Chiren smirks before she walks away. Ido suspects she was going to talk to him again about returning to the motorball games, but now that she’s seen Elisa something obviously changed. Chiren knows a lot more about Nova’s activities thanks to Vector. Who knows what kind of things they were making in that lab scientist laboratory they had. Ido guides Elisa back inside.
“Yes I was on Zalem too. Chiren and I were exiled many years ago.” He says.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” He says.
“You displeased Nova.” She frowns.
“So did you.” He nearly snaps at her as he collects himself.
“Hey what’s going on?” Alita says sensing tension.
“Chiren was here.” Ido mutters.
“Oh…you don’t want to be around her. You can’t trust her…or did you not feel that in her energy.” Alita teases waving her hands and making Elisa frown.
“Actually…she felt a little cold now that mention it.” Elisa says.
“I’m not surprised.” Ido sighs. “Look, please just stay away from her. The people she works with…they’re not good people. They’re selfish and only do what’s best for them no matter who they hurt.” He says gravely. Elisa isn’t sure about what to make with his words, so she only nods.
“Hey I see you got some credits. Why don’t I take you to the market to get something?” Alita suggests, happily changing the subject.
“Ok.” She nods and follows Alita out. She’s not really sure what to get for a while as Alita makes suggestions.
“Oooh! Why don’t you get this bag?” She says holding it up. It was a simple black over the shoulder strap back, but it was nice and big and had a lot of pockets. Elisa looks it over. “You have to have something to put your credits in for starters.” She adds encouragingly. Elisa nods in understanding and purchases it.
“Thank you.” Elisa says to her.
“You’re welcome.” She says giving her a big smile.
“We have a situation.” Chiren says to Vector.
“And what’s that?” He asks very much uninterested.
“I need to talk to Nova.” She says.
“What…oh come on!” He protests before his eyes turn blue. “And how can I be of assistance Doctor?” Nova says even though it’s Vector’s voice.
“Subject Ten E a.k.a Elisa Prime.”
“Ooh, I see.” He nods.
“Who is she?” Chiren asks. Nova sits at Vector’s computer and starts typing a few things. He puts in a flash drive and after a few minutes he takes it out and hands it to her.
“She was the most promising subject we had. She had spectacular results. She was responding so well to all the training and stresses we subjected her to, but when we started the next stage things went haywire.” Nova says leaning on the desk.
“What did you do? Give her steroids or something?” Chiren smirks, that’s so primitive even for Nova.
“No, we were on the verge of a breakthrough in genetic mutation. We had only altered her DNA in small ways, but this…this was going to change it all completely.” He says.
“I take it she didn’t react to it well.”
“It’s on that drive. All of her files on are that drive.” He explains.
“Do you want me to do anything with her?”
“No, not yet. I want to see what else she does.” He says.
“Anything else?”
“Don’t help her. She’ll come looking for you, but don’t help her. I want to see her out in the wild.” He says before he leaves Vector stumbling around and clutching his head.
“This better be good.” He mutters to Chiren.
To try and distract her from trying to find Chiren, Ido helped Elisa register as a hunter warrior. When she came out she showed in her ID card and he gave her a proud smile.
“Is it ok I still go out with you?” She asked nervously.
“Of course!” He says wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “You’re always welcome to come with me.” He says as they walk down the steps. “You don’t have to be nervous when you ask me a question. I’m not going to get mad at you. I know you have a lot to learn here.” He says sincerely.
“Thank you.” She says gently.
“Come on, let me show you a place where all the hunter warriors go.” He says. They go to the Kansas bar where some of the other hunter warriors smirk at them, but otherwise leave them be. ‘Oh great…Zapan is here,’ Ido thinks to himself. He does his best to ignore the big shot and orders a drink for the two of them.
“What is this?” She asks looking at the glass.
“It’s whisky…try it.” He says taking a small sip. Elisa copies him and she grimaces at the taste as it burns her throat. Ido can’t help but chuckle. After a moment her throat feels warm and her body seems to tingle a little bit.
“What’s this feeling?”
“It’s called a buzz. People like it a lot and that’s why they drink alcohol, which is what whisky is. You have to be careful though because if you drink too much you’ll get drunk and feel lousy the next morning.” Ido smirks as he’s done that all too often after Chiren left.
“Who says that’s a bad thing doc?” Zapan says coming up behind Elisa. She turns and glares at him.
“Uhhh…Zapan you might want to give her some space.” Ido warns her.
“Got another one from the scrap yard did you?” He smirks with his accent. Elisa looks him over quickly. He’s a total replacement cyborg for starters, wearing black leather pants and boots and not much else. He has a sword on his belt as well. A normal woman might think him rugged and handsome as he spent a lot of money on his face to look so. A piece of metal was on the center of his chin and he had a Mohawk. His metal looked good too and she hadn’t even seen the skull pattern on his back yet, but she didn’t care anyway. “You on a date with the doc here?” He teases.
“No.” She says even though she doesn’t know what a date is, so she show’s her badge.
“Oooh how cute.” He laughs as she tucks it back into her pocket. “And uhhhh…how many people you killed deary?” He mocks getting closer. Ido just frowns, knowing Zapan is going to get it sooner or later.
“I killed three marks on my first hunt with Ido.” She says.
“Wait…oh no!” He laughs. “So you’re the one people are talking about. Is it true that you can grow fangs and smash people into walls?” He jokes waving his arms.
“I don’t know…maybe.” She growls. Her eyes change color and she snarls at him with her fangs bared making Zapan yelp and jump back, falling flat on his ass.
“What the hell?” He gasps.
“Now go away.” She says flashing her claws that are glowing blue. His jaw nearly unhinges as he gets up. Some of the other patrons look at her in shock.
“You sure know how to pick the freaks doc.” Zapan says before he gets up and walks out. Her eyes return to normal and she recognizes the fear in their eyes. She turns away quickly and downs her drink, ignoring the burn it gives her.
“I’m sorry…but can we go now please?” Elisa asks Ido quietly. He nods in understanding. He finishes his drink and tips the bartender before the go home.
“Are you alright?” Ido asks before he goes to his room.
“I’m fine.” She nods quietly. She keeps her back to him as she curls up on the couch. When she hears his bedroom door close she finally allows a few tears to roll down her face.
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movieexpert1978 · 6 years
Upgrade Pt. 2
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continuing my Alita story. Hope you guys enjoy it. 
Pt 2: Elisa is getting used to Iron city with Alita’s help. 
Alita Battle Angel and it’s characters are not mine. 
When he wakes up Elisa is still asleep on the bed. He does another scan and blinks furiously at what he sees. Elisa’s spine is completely healed. No fractures or swollen disks, or signs that any damage had been done to it. It was remarkable. She really did have amazing healing powers. The door opens making Ido look up and Elisa awakens.  
“Not another one!” Nurse Gerhad groaned when she came to the clinic. Ido can’t help but chuckle as he glances back at Elisa, who is starting her in the face with narrow eyes.
“This is Elisa and no she is not a cyborg. She’s human.” He explains. “Stop staring at her like that! This is Nurse Gerhad and she is not a threat.” Ido says firmly.
“Nurse?” Elisa asks curiously.
“Yes nurse.” He repeats. She knows what a nurse is…a doctor’s assistant. She had seen many in the lab up on Zalem, so she relaxed a bit.
“Yes doctor.” She says quietly. Gerhad gives Ido a confused look.
“You don’t have to be formal with me.” He says before he gets up and leads Gerhad away so he could explain her situation. Elisa turns when she sees Alita coming downstairs. She promptly gets up and walks over to her. “Hey!” Ido yelps, but Alita doesn’t flinch as Elisa stares at her with wide eyes.
“Hey…I thought you hurt your back?” Alita says confused. Ido watches nervously, but Elisa doesn’t hurt her. Instead she picks up Alita’s hand gently, her fingers grazing over the pale white metal of her body.
“I’m fine. You’re a total replacement cyborg?” Elisa asks her.
“Yeah, except for my core. That’s mine.” She smiles kindly. Elisa stares at the metal and the engravings that cover it. To her it looks…beautiful.
“Who made this?”
“I did.” Ido answers making Elisa stare at him.
“This is excellent work doctor. I shall try and put in a good word for you once I go back to Zalem.” Elisa says.
“No one goes up to Zalem. It’s a rule that’s never broken.” Ido says. Elisa frowns at him.
“Hey I could show you around Iron City!” Alita suggests.
“Ummm, Alita I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She quickly goes up to Ido.
“It could get her away from the clinic for a few hours.” Alita suggests quietly.
“I don’t want her alone with you. She could hurt you.” He whispers fiercely.
“Dad, it’ll be fine. I’ll be sure to watch her and you know I can handle myself.” She smiles. Ido sighs and glances back up at Elisa, who is just looking through the window. He goes and grabs a few credits.
“Here, for something to eat and to get her a new outfit.” He says handing the credits to her.
“I’ll make sure to buy you some chocolate.” Alita grins brightly. She kisses his cheek before she goes back Elisa. “Hey Elisa, come on, I’ll show you around Iron city.” She says.
“Ok.” Elisa nods and follows her. When they go outside, the door is barely closed before Elisa hisses in pain. Her senses are overwhelmed again and she almost runs back inside. ‘No, I need to focus,’ she thinks to herself. She takes a few deep breaths as she remembers her noise training. The sound was always loud and deafening in the training room. Alita sees her eyes twitch as a memory comes back to her.
When she wakes up the loud sound starts instantly and it makes her scream, cry, and her ears are bleeding. A voice tells her to concentrate and focus. She sobs and begs for the noise to stop. Eventually she curls up into a ball and passes out. They gave her time to heal before they did it again and again and again. She remembers going through the training seven times before she isn’t afraid when the noise starts again. There’s a voice that is counting off numbers and she focuses on the voice and soon she starts repeating the numbers before the pain gets to her. There are no voices now but Elisa has to focus on something. That was when she heard a heartbeat. She focused on that and when she opens her eyes she’s staring at Alita. It takes a moment for her realize that she is hearing Alita’s heartbeat.
“Hey are you ok?” Alita asks.
“Ok…come on let me show you around.” She says. She’s tempted to take her hand but decides against it for the time being. Elisa glances all around her, seeing all kinds of people with cyborg parts as they go about their business. Alita leads her to a clothing shop where she gets a grey shirt and jeans as they didn’t have anything black. They go around a few more blocks and Alita chuckles when they come across a few TV screens showing motorball.
“That’s motorball isn’t?” Elisa asks.
“Yes.” Alita nods. Elisa nearly growls at the sight of the players.
“They will all die in the end.” Elisa states.
“Come on; let me show this one place my friend showed.” Alita says to distract her. Elisa is again following her when they come across an abandoned church.
“What is it?” Elisa asks carefully touching the stone.
“It’s an old church.”
“Church?” Elisa repeats. She doesn’t know the word.
“It’s a place where people pray to God. It’s called a religion.” Alita explains, but Elisa stares at her in confusion. “Ok, so Nova is your master right?”
“Well people in Iron City believe that God is…like their master…but nicer.” She adds with a chuckle. “God has these rules these people follow and they believe that if they follow those rules they will go to good place…like Zalem.” Elisa nods as she understands it.
“But…no one comes here anymore?”
“No, it’s been abandoned for a while now.” Elisa looks around as Alita checks the time. They should be heading back, Ido would be done with most of his patients by now. “Come on, let’s get back to the clinic.” She says. They make one quick stop of Alita buying some chocolate before they go back.
“There you are.” Ido says in relief.
“Here’s some chocolate.” Alita smiles holding out a bag for him. He chuckles as he takes out a piece and Alita takes one out as well. “Have you ever had chocolate before?” She asks Elisa.
“Here, you’ll love it. It’s my favorite food.”  Elisa takes the piece and looks at it for a moment before she puts it in her mouth. It’s starts to melt on her tongue and it tastes…sweet…and creamy. She lets the taste swirl around in her tongue for a moment. “Isn’t good?” Alita asks excitedly. Elisa swallows and the sweet taste makes her mouth tingle almost.
“…yes.” She says quietly as if she’s afraid to admit.
“Come on, I started making dinner.” Ido says leading them into a small living room. There was a small table for three people with a water pitcher in the middle. Ido hands Alita a plate before he gives one to Elisa as well.
“Thank you.” She says politely to him and he is a bit surprised.
“You’re welcome.” He nods. He takes his own plate before they sit down and eat in silence for a moment. Alita starts talking about their afternoon and what she showed Elisa, who remains quiet and picks at her food. “Do you not like it?” Ido asks curiously.
“No…I just…I am just trying to get used to the taste.” She says. Ido can understand that as she needs to adjust to her diet accordingly.
“Hey how did your back heal so fast?” Alita asks.
“I always heal fast. I have to. I need the best healing capabilities.” She says, remembering what Nova told her. “I don’t care what you say. I’m going to get back to Zalem.” She tells Ido firmly.
“What happened to your hair?” Alita asks, trying to get her away from Ido. Elisa pauses as she touches her soft scalp. Another memory comes to her. She’s in a small room on a chair in front a mirror. A man picks up a razor and starts to shave off her curly brown locks. Ever since then she hated getting shaved. Appearance is a top priority; hair only gets in the way, one person explained to her one day after they shaved her hair off yet again. She manages to recognize the pattern. She was allowed to grow it just long enough to where she would like it and then they would shave it off. She learned to brace for it, but she still hated it every time.
“They shaved it off.” Elisa says, taking a bite of food.
“That’s stupid.” Alita frowns, but Elisa remains silent. They finish dinner and Alita goes up to bed.
“She means well. She wants to help you…as do I.” Ido says softly as Elisa stares out the window.
“Then help me get back to Zalem.” She says.
“Gosh, you sound just like my ex-wife.” He chuckles bitterly. “I’m telling you, you can’t go back.” He insists.
“I will find a way. I will beg for Nova’s forgiveness.”
“Nova doesn’t forgive anyone.” Ido says darkly, knowing the truth all too well. “Look, ummm, I can stay on the couch and you can take my bed if you would like.” Ido suggests.
“No, the couch will be fine.” She states.
“All right.” Ido shrugs, knowing it won’t help to argue.  
Over the next week Alita takes Elisa around Iron city. She starts to memorize directions making an internal map in her head that she studies over and over again. It doesn’t take long for Elisa to start leading the way back home, which impresses Alita greatly. One day they are walking around the market when a centurion comes through. It’s multiple legs stomp the ground with every step. Elisa recognizes the security robot and gets in front of it.
“Citzen, out of the way.” It orders.
“Wait! I need your help.” Elisa says as it gets closer. She’s suddenly knocked back as the centurion keeps moving, stomping the ground where she once stood. “Wait!” Elisa pleads again, but it keeps walking, ignoring her and all the other people in the market. She turns and sees Alita had moved her. “Why did you do that?!” She snarls.
“Because that centurion would have smashed you to bits.” Alita argues.
“Alita!” A male voice calls out. They turn and she smiles happily.
“Hi Hugo.” She says giving him a hug.
“Is this lady bothering you?” He asks pointing to Elisa.
“Oh no, she’s a friend.” She says quickly. “Hugo, this is Elisa. Elisa this is Hugo.”
“Oh…uhh, nice to meet you.” Hugo says holding out his hand. Elisa keeps silent making things more awkward. “I was just in the neighborhood. I thought I would say hi.” He says to Alita. She gives a quiet giggle. “See you around.” He says as he leaves.
“Bye Hugo.” Alita waves before he drives off.
“You shouldn’t trust him.” Elisa states.
“He’s my friend.”
“He’s no good.”
“How do you know?”
“I can see his energy. It’s bad.”
“Yeah right.” Alita says rolling her eyes. Elisa starts walking and Alita sighs as they go back to the clinic. “Elisa says she can see people’s energy.” Alita says during dinner.
“Can you?” Ido asks.
“Yes.” Elisa says firmly.
“Prove it.” Alita challenges. The tips of Elisa’s fingers glow blue and wave around her. She gasps when her whole body shivers and they all see flicks of color appear briefly before disappearing again. “Do that again!” When she does Alita sees purple…and white maybe?
“Everyone gives off an aurora or energy. I can see it and feel it.” Elisa explains.
“No wonder Iron city is so overwhelming to you.” Ido comments. She flicks her fingers around Ido, who yelps and nearly jumps out of his chair as he feels his whole body tingle.
“That’s so cool!” Alita gasps. “What color is my aurora? I thought I saw purple and white.”
“Purple and silver.” Elisa corrects her. “Yours is gold.” She says to Ido.
“I take it yours is light blue.” He says pointing to her fingertips as the glowing dies down.
“Yes and like I said I can feel it too. Your friend Hugo’s energy is bad. He can’t be trusted.” Elisa says.
“You saw Hugo?” Ido asks Alita.
“He just stopped by to say hi.” Alita says.
“He’s bad news.”
“Stop saying that!” Alita nearly shouts. She huffs and goes off to her room, leaving Elisa staring at Ido. He sighs at her before he gets up and goes to Alita. “Why would she say that?” Alita sniffles.
“Because that’s what she’s trained for.” Ido says patting the bed. Alita sits next to him as he wraps an arm around her. “I know she’s difficult, but she doesn’t know how to basically filter anything. She was taught to answer and be obedient…and not show much emotions.” He explains.
“I still don’t believe her.” Alita says firmly, wiping her tears.
“I know.” He nods.
“She almost got stepped on by centurion and she didn’t even say thank you.” Alita adds.
“Well she probably thought the machine would help her get to Zalem or something.”
“Oh…yeah that makes sense.” She nods. Ido chuckles and kisses her temple.
“Get some sleep.”
“Goodnight dad.” He walks back downstairs to see Elisa clearing the dishes away. When she’s done she goes to the couch and gets under the blanket he gave her. He goes back to his room and changes before wheeling out his case.
“Where are you going?” Elisa asks him.
“I’m going hunting. Care to join me?”
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Short interacrion: Ido and Chiren ♥️
Finally, the first of my "short interactions" is ready ! Hope you'll like it!
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Context: Dyson finds Chiren after her body is regenerated. I don’t specify what events lead to that or what happens after. If you want to write what happened next you’re free to do it.
Chiren couldn’t see anything except for blurred shapes, but she felt the embrace. The strong hands supported her upper body and lifted to the surface. Emerging from the liquid, she was dazzled but clinged instinctively to the person who held her in their arms, hoping it’s really the person she thinks it is, and not just a creation of her mind.
“It’s alright Chiren, I got you” said the familiar male voice.
Instantly, it felt as if something squeezed her heart.
“Dyson” was all Chiren could say at the moment, when the realization made her speechless.
And Dyson responded with a smile that radiated a certain kind of warmth she hadn’t experienced in a while. He put his hand on her cheek.
She observed him with astonished, doe-like eyes for a few silent seconds when the view of her husband eventually awakened a wave of emotions. The words started coming from her mouth uncontrollably.
“Dyson, I love you.” were one of the first, and upon hearing them, something changed on her husband’s face, as if he didn’t expect to hear that now. But there was also something else. As if they moved something inside him. Then, she continued, talking as if she was running out of time. “I’m sorry, for not telling you this, for everything, it’s all my fault, if I didn’t leave, we wouldn’t end here, I…”
She spoke like she wanted to express all those emotions and thoughts that hit her at once, and obviously the result was rather clumsy, completely not in her style. But she really was afraid, afraid something would separate them again, and she would make the same mistake of not letting him know how she loves him. That this could be the last chance and she couldn't waste it.
“Shhh. I love you too. It’s okay” Dyson took his wife into an embrace, where she laid her head on his shoulder, still sobbing but after a few moments she managed to calm down.
“Sorry for this” she spoke again quietly and tired, despite her body being almost like new after the reconstruction.
“It’s okay” he repeated, but it wasn’t like he was in a state to come up with creative responses. He appeared collected, but under that facade there was a big emotional load. He went through so much and was nervous about the moment of their reunion.
“I have so much to tell you,” she added.
“You will, but first we need to get you out of here” he responded quite joyfully. He was probably relieved that everything seemed to be alright so far.
Chiren turned around for the first time. She was sitting in an opened capsule filled with some unknown liquid, and the lower half of her body was still immersed in it. She quickly judged that the room they were in was a part of some laboratory, considering its looks.
“Yeah, you’re right,” she agreed. She wanted to land a small kiss on his face, but still had a sense of shame inside her, that didn’t let her do it. Maybe Dyson noticed it somehow, because to her surprise, he kissed her first, without a warning.
But she didn’t oppose it.
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[on hold] Choose some numbers and I’ll write a short interaction between those characters (also: enjoy those smol gifs)
Or don’t have to be numbers, can be names. 
Some combos would be rather an unexpected choice and difficult to write,  but I will take the challenge if that happens, lol.
You can write in the Ask Box: “Short Interaction” and pick from:
1. Alita
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2. Ido
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3. Hugo
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 4. Chiren
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5. Vector
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6. Nova
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7. Gelda
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(this is not a ranking)
You can pick more than 2 characters if you want
And you can participate in this as many times as you want!
And you never know if the short interaction will evolve into something long.
[don’t worry when this post gets old, you can always ask me if it’s still open]
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TF when you want to use ChirenxIdo ship tag, but the site only suggests those:
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A burden... [Alita: Battle Angel fanfic and prompt]
[Called it a prompt since you’re free to write a continuation to this!]
I hate where my thoughts sometimes go.
And Alita was thinking a lot after Hugo’s death, mostly in her free time when there was nothing to distract her. At that particular moment, she was reflecting on her attitude towards Ido. She couldn’t not notice how it changed after that damned conversation with Nova in Vector’s office. 
She was annoyed every time her dad expressed his concerns about her plans, her actions...or her mental health. 
And considering the behaviors she didn’t exhibit before, he was probably right. The state she was in couldn’t be healthy. 
But she didn’t want his help. Honestly, she wished he could disappear into some place outside of Nova’s reach so she wouldn’t have to worry about his safety anymore.
It sounded cruel, but Ido was Alita’s main weak point in her personal war with Nova. Being the only alive person she loved. The more loved ones, more people she cared about - the more leverage for Nova. It made her restrict herself from having close relationships with people.
After that conversation with Nova, Ido became his hostage in her eyes. How she can finish her mission in such situation?
She does something that displeases Nova? Puts him in danger? 
Bam, Nova pulls the trigger. Or tells her he will if she is not obedient. Weird he already didn’t do the second to ensure she’ll give up attacking him. Guess he wants to play with her first. But if she gets too close... 
There were so many ways he could hurt Ido, and various scenarios were haunting her.
What if eventually, she’ll have to choose between Ido’s “permission to live” and Nova’s defeat? 
The more she thought about it, the more hopeless her situation seemed to be. 
And it wasn’t just problematic during the potential assault on Nova in Zalem, but like, on everyday life here, in Iron City. 
That’s why she was afraid to let her dad go alone at night. Oh, the irony! 
Fortunately, her father understood her concerns and avoided doing it. But still... every time she wasn’t with him, she was stressed about his safety. 
She became paranoid. 
She was so tired of being afraid, afraid of losing him. 
Ido at this point was a bur...
Alita took a deep breath. 
No. Don’t finish that thought. Don’t use that word.
But her thoughts still wandered about the topic.
If she had no longer any loved ones, people she cared about - how free that would make her! So she can focus fully on her mission.
And lately, Alita was thinking more and more often about leaving, living on her own. She was an adult after all. Separating herself.
Maybe there was a way to trick Nova into thinking she doesn’t care about Ido, or anybody. That she had become this cold.
Make yourself appear to be a soulless, independent machine. Nothing to lose, indestructible . 
No, Nova wasn’t stupid. She could pretend as hard as she wanted, separate herself, pretend she don’t care -  but he knows Ido will be always close to her heart. And even if he ever loses confidence in her feelings for Ido, it costs nothing to test it, right?
Maybe they should fake’s her father’s death? 
It failed with Hugo.
The ideas were jumping in and out but nothing seemed right.
Then she heard footsteps, reminding there exist an outside world. As if she was isolated in a bubble that suddenly popped. 
She saw her father walking into the kitchen. Ido wasn’t aware he was being observed, and Alita rarely had opportunity to watch him like that.
Now he thinks he’s alone, and doesn’t have to pretend he feels better than he really does.
So how did he looked like? Worried. Tired.
She wanted to come and embrace this man - to take away all that pain from him. But a wave of guilt hit her and the concept of touching him made her cringe. She felt disgusted by herself, by her thoughts. She looked at this man, the only person who still loved her, and with this in mind she remembered how sometimes she... she  wished he was dead.
Yes, she was so afraid of him dying, she wished he was already dead. She had awful feeling it WILL happen sooner or later because of that bastard above them. The tension was killing her inside. She wished it could be over, and that she can throw away the rest of her humanity to become the perfect soulless weapon she was meant to be.
Yeah, she’s a weapon. URM’s most advanced weapon. Ido deserves a real daughter, not a fucking weapon. Not somebody who sees him as a burden, an obstacle on her path to finishing her task. 
Was he aware of her awful thoughts? Does he sees himself as a burden? 
What if she was a burden for him too? Of course she was! Who would like to have a target of a man who ruled the world under your roof. 
She wanted to hug him so much, but she couldn’t. 
You wouldn’t want something disgusting to touch your father. And you, you’re definitely disgusting. 
She took a step back, but apparently Dyson heard that.
“Alita?” he asked, turning his head towards the source of the sound. 
But Alita was frozen, hidden behind the slightly opened door. 
Did Alita overcame the anxiety and came to Ido? Feel free to continue this story!
Sorry, it’s far from being professionally written, but I wanted to capture certain feelings Alita can have after the events of the movie. Also to finish this and move on with different things.
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
Feel Anything ?
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anon:  Can you write a touch-starved / sexually frustrated doc ido? (he kinda has this deprived-love vibe when I watched the film, that silver fox deserves the world!) :3
lots of smut here 
Alita Battle Angel and Dyson Ido aren’t my characters 
Ido sighed as he rubs his eyes. His insomnia was acting up again, tonight as usual. He tinkered away at a few things on his desk, trying to make a few things for patients that would come in. He needed to make another trip to the scrapyard one of these days and look for some servos. He always needed servos. He heard his door open and close and then footsteps approached him.
“Hello Doctor.” Elisa says coming up behind him.
“Hello Elisa, didn’t I tell you not to call me that.” He smirks looking up at her.
“Force of habit.” She shrugs.
“Everything go ok?” He asks. Sometimes she will go off bounty hunting on her own or she’ll tell him to stay home. He won’t argue as she’s way stronger than him, being the end result experiment of Nova.
“It was a slow night. I only got five thousand credits.” She says.
“Oohhh…only five thousand.” Ido chuckles.
“Here, I saved a little for me but the rest is for you.” She says putting a bag on the desk.
“Thank you, you know you don’t have to do this.” He says.
“I know, but I want to.” She says.
“Thank you.” He smiles. She leans in and kisses his cheek. He nearly whines at the contact.
“You ok?” She asks rubbing his shoulder.
“I’m fine.” He whispers. He leans into her, his lips grazing her temple.
“Dyson…” She says caressing his face. Her touch feels so warm and tender that he can’t enough of it. He starts to caress her face as well as he leans in and kisses her. He nearly whines again as they kiss. She can tell he’s needy tonight. He almost always is. She knows that he’s sort of touch-starved in a way. Just the right tough could set him off. They drift towards the counter and Elisa brushes her jacket off and tosses it aside. She sneaks one of her hands up his shirt and touches his firm body. He lets out a soft moan into her neck as her back touches the counter. She eagerly jumps up and pulls him into her. Their kisses are frantic and feverish as Ido can’t get enough of her. Sher wraps her legs around his waist and teasingly rolls her hips against him and he moans into her shoulder.
“Don’t get me started you tease…” He rasps against her. She chuckles as she kisses his neck and rubs his side, down his back. He takes his t-shirt off quickly and her hands are all over him. She feels those scars from his fights as a hunter warrior. She is doing her best to make sure no more are added under her watch. They kiss each other again, deeply and tenderly, taking their time with it. Ido was the best kisser and sometimes she thought that was his favorite part. When they finally pull away Elisa quickly gets her shirt and bra off for him. His mouth is on her skin, kissing at her scars too. Some wounds are just too deep despite her healing powers. While his mouth is on her shoulders and breasts his hands work to pull her pants and panties down. She eagerly helps him with one hand while the other tries to work on his belt. Ido’s chuckle is cut short as he groans when she strokes his cock gently.
“Mmmmm…fuck Elisa…” He rasps as he leans in and kisses her while he positions himself between her legs.
“Dyson…ahhhhh….” She groans, leaning onto his neck as he slowly thrusts himself inside her. She wraps her arms around him as he starts to move. He’s careful at first. He always is. It’s just one more thing to admire about him. She kisses and nips at his skin as he keeps a steady pace making her pant softly every now and then. When he presses deeper into her, she gasps as she leans back on the counter. As she looks up at him, she sees sweat on his brow. She reaches up and caresses his cheek and he kisses her palm with a small whine. His hands are holding her hips firmly as their bodies slap together. She moans again, digging her nails into the counter top. “Dyson…I…I…don’t stop…don’t stop…” She pants as she’s getting terribly close. He’s driven on by her begging and frantically kisses her, trying to help her reach her peak.
“Never…oh fuck…never…” He gasps between kisses. He moves his hips slightly and hits her just right. She sobs and grabs his shoulders as she cums. He groans as he feels her and his pace falters slightly to let her enjoy herself before he’s thrusting frantically.
“Dyson…Dyson…cum for me Dyson…cum for me…” She rasps between her own kisses now. He’s quickly undone by her stimulation and he groans and stills at his release, gasping hard into her shoulder. They stay connected for a while before Ido pulls away and helps Elisa off the counter. He gives her a small kiss before he fixes his pants. She gives him a playful butt wiggle as she bends down and grabs her clothes. Ido can’t help but smirk at her. She grabs his hand and they hurry off to his bedroom. He’s quickly snuggling up to her as he holds her close.
“I love you Dyson…” She mumbles as she drifts off to sleep.
“I love you too Elisa.” He says. It isn’t long before they both settle into a pleasant slumber.  
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
Alita: Upgrade
trying to think of where to go next with the story.
any ideas?
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