#e book
ilustrariane · 7 months
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It took days and days, but in the end, it worked out! Everything is finally ready to release the e-book of Love You To Death #1 for purchase 😱
Tomorrow, 10/16, the links will be available in the stories, bio, and other social media. Enjoy it, as we'll have a few days with an exclusive discount.
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kjscottwrites · 2 years
i just think that... maybe in those infuriating moments when the trad publishing industry begins to feel like a hopeless corporate cash grab weighted to favor superficial trends and to disfavor marginalized writers and creative risk takers and the most exciting new talent etc etc... those are good moments to like. Go hunt down a totally random, interesting-sounding indie e-book from an unknown author's storefront for like $2.99 or whatever and drop a goodreads review, or even gush about it on social if you really liked it. might be a salve. good soup for the soul.
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tinadablackthorn · 7 months
i’d like to make my opinion very clear
like if you read e-books actively, you don’t know the feeling of lying in bed, four or five blankets on you while you’re just absorbed in the book. AnD the SMELL OF BOOKS!!!
e-books you have to strain your eyes to read them, and as a person who gets headaches from more that four hours of screen time, i see this as a win-win
and you don’t have to keep recharging your physical copy if you take too long to read
it’s harder to lend e-books to friends. since they’re files, if wouldn’t work unless your friend has an e-book too
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dreamgirlvibes · 1 year
Exciting NEWS! 📖
I’m selling the short version of my E-Book for $5 as a soft launch! Get it now! 💎 I am so happy with the results and the beautiful rendition of it and so much advice! It’s giving Dream Girl Mood Board and I am sooooo ecstatic to share with all my dreamy babies! You can send me a message for the direct invoice and link to purchase! I’ll be making a video very soon to speak about the entire DROP which is coming out in 2 weeks with you all 💖🏆😮‍💨 I hope y’all love it as much as I do. Xoxo 💋
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pplivros · 1 year
O Príncipe Cruel - Holly Black
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Jude tinha apenas sete anos quando seus pais foram brutalmente assasinados e ela e as irmãs levadas para viver no traiçoeiro Reino das Fadas. Dez anos depois, tudo o que Jude quer é se encaixar, mesmo sendo uma garota mortal. Mas todos os feéricos parecem desprezar os humanos... Especialmente o príncipe Cardan, o mais jovem e mais perverso dos filhos do Grande Rei de Elfhame. Para conquistar o tão desejado lugar na Corte, Jude precisa desafiar o príncipe - e enfrentar as consequências do ato. A garota passa, então, a se envolver cada vez mais nos jogos e intrigas do palácio, e acaba descobrindo a própria vocação para trapaças e derramamento de sangue. Mas quando uma traição ameaça afogar o Reindo das Fadas em violência, Jude precisará arriscar tudo em uma perigosa aliança para salvar suas irmãs - e a própria Elfhame. Cercada por mentiras e pessoas que desejam destruí-la , Jude terá que descobrir o verdadeiro significado da palavra poder antes que seja tarde demais.
O príncipe cruel
O rei perverso
A rainha do nada
Como o Rei de Elfhame aprendeu a odiar histórias 
As irmãs perdidas 
Quando fizer o download de algum livro, deixa uma reposta para outras pessoas baixarem também.
Beijinhos e aproveitem ! <3
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Was für ein gut gemachtes E-Book, ich sehe keine Scanfehler hier.
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arctic-hands · 6 months
Ugggh it was free but I had to download an adobe program just so I could download the book I legally paid for from google (also ugh) play just so I could put it on the ancient ass e-reader that'll get here soon. There's got to be an easier way to download the shit you've legally paid for without having to deal with proprietary bullshit, right? On top of all that, amazon (uggggggh) changed their DCRM this very year to something Calibre hasn't been able to crack, so all the books I legally bought from kindle can't be put on the e-reader at all, keeping me reliant on the app on my phone.
Kobo was created by Indigo Books but is now owned by Rakuten, so the Indigo company doesn't get anything if I buy e-books from kobo, right? I wanna say kobo and Barnes and noble/nook don't have bullshit like this for the books themselves, just their proprietary e-readers only allowing books from their services onto the devices themselves, which is why I opted not to get a kobo or nook in the first place
Anyway I hate this crap lol. Someone once stated that when you purchase an e-book (or any media, really) these days you don't own the book, you just rented out the privilege to read it, and that privilege can be revoked at any time. It's so fucking dumb. I don't hate technology I just hate how it evolved into such bullshit. It didn't have to be like this
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ohgodnotagainplease · 4 months
Taking advantage of Amazons Stuff your Kindle day and some of these books i dont want to download even though they are free and sound interesting purely because of the title/cover. I dont want someone to look over my shoulder and judge me because the book is titled “sleeping my fathers best friend whos 20 years older than me”. Like I would never recover.
Also would like to shed some concern for the book I saw (and downloaded) with a key word that said “3 million year age gap”.
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jdslaytontheauthor · 1 year
Pug | Pug the Novel 💜
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radwaninsights · 8 days
For The Love of Cats-E-book
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There's no question that our cats are full-fledged family members. Their loyalty, their love, and their ability to comfort us are unparalleled. Sometimes, though, their hair or odors can leave an unwelcome footprint in our homes. Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it's up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.
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oakley-silva · 5 months
What is this 😨😨
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aenor-llelo · 2 years
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Hi, i'm an aro/acespec queergender taiwanese artist, and my first e-book is out for $2 USD on Ko-fi!
"Conversations With Dreams I" is a book of 31 short written works by aenor-llelo.
Opening with "The Dreamer's Anthology", a 13 piece journal of vivid dreams and nightmares, it also compiles aenor's previously known works using "Crownsworn" and "The Anger Interlude", before closing with their recent prose series "The Lovers", which features 3 new pieces made for this book.
A small book of short pieces that are never longer than a page, "Conversation With Dreams I" is a simple but compact read with tones ranging from absurd to horrified to deeply tender.
(Content Warning: gore, death, child abuse/harm, queerphobia, racism, antisemetism, implied domestic violence)
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cruzwalters · 7 months
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Ahhhhhh I got up to 10 buys of my book 'Loving in Grey'! This probably doesn't seem like a lot, but honestly as a really shit at advertising, queer, disabled 18 year old who can't work to gain more income, this is fucking exciting!
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dreamgirlvibes · 1 year
If you’re interested in buying my E-BOOK “It’s A Lifestyle” there is a SOFT DROP available now for only $5. If interested, send me a direct message and I’ll send an invoice! 💖
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pplivros · 1 year
A mulher na janela - A. J. Finn
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Anna Fox mora sozinha na bela casa que um dia abrigou sua família feliz. Separada do marido e da filha e sofrendo de uma fobia que a mantém reclusa, ela passa os dias bebendo (muito) vinho, assistindo a filmes antigos, conversando com estranhos na internet e… espionando os vizinhos. Quando os Russells – pai, mãe e o filho adolescente – se mudam para a casa do outro lado do parque, Anna fica obcecada por aquela família perfeita. Até que certa noite, bisbilhotando através de sua câmera, ela vê na casa deles algo que a deixa aterrorizada e faz seu mundo – e seus segredos chocantes – começar a ruir. Mas será que o que testemunhou aconteceu mesmo? O que é realidade? O que é imaginação? Existe realmente alguém em perigo? E quem está no controle? Neste thriller diabolicamente viciante, ninguém – e nada – é o que parece. “A mulher na janela” é um suspense psicológico engenhoso e comovente que remete ao melhor de Hitchcock.
A mulher na janela
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