#e.g. music on a radio or in a concert
kiralamouse · 1 month
"I thought that was non-diegetic!" is now my VERY FAVORITE leaning-on-the-fourth-wall line ever.
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zivazivc · 4 months
Holy shit! Ziva, I gotta share this with you!
How well would this version of Lady Gaga's "Heavy Metal Lover" fit your Floyd when he's on drugs and partying?
uhm, no offense but Lady Gaga is the probably the furthest from the music at the raves they go to in my headcanon. The pop trolls are still trapped in the tree/in hiding during that time period so there's very little pop trolls around hinterlands, and the band stays clear of non-troll races, so there's no pop music at the places they visit. The only time they hear it is if it's on the radio (e.g. music from mount rageous).
The concerts they attend are mostly what their band plays; nu metal or other kinds of alt. rock, and the parties they go to aren't much different. The underground raves I imagine are mostly located on the outskirts of the techno kingdom. That's Liv's domain, and she usually takes them to the ones with her kind of music which is drum & bass/electronic rock.
I have little music playlists for each of them and these are three songs from Liv's list (it's mostly Pendulum lol):
but if they go to a proper techno trolls' rave then i imagine this type of music playing there
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cloverdaisies · 1 year
contains: slight mature themes e.g drug misuse, strong language, that’s about it
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Radio announcer: “Let’s talk about alternative rock band the boyz, their lead singer Juyeon Lee announced their world tour over instagram this morning! How exciting! Their drummer Sunwoo Kim, actually commented on the post the singer wrote saying he wasn’t meant to announce the tour yet.”
Radio announcer 2: “That’s class actually, they’ve taken the UK by storm in recent months I actually saw a girl at a recent fan event for them in Manchester with ‘Eric Sohn sign my tits’ written on her forehead. I was gobsmacked.”
Radio announcer 1: “Honestly the ladies and men out there can’t get enough of them, here’s their newest track ‘Snap out of it’ here on Radio Z”
Blacking out, my hands clumsily falling against the strings of the guitar in my hands. The stage was a sickly blur, as it always was. Spinning at a head thrashing speed, the only thing I could decipher was Juyeon slurring into the mic.
"This ones for all those angels up there.. " He giggled the last part with a smirk, hanging on to the mic and leaning into it lowly. Whilst I slammed down onto the strings of my guitar, the intro faded out as the song started.
Chaotic screams and a huge ruckus erupted from the crowd, the tranquil verses bursting into the manic chorus. If I wasn't so high, I probably could of remembered the set we played that night. The destructive sea of fans bashing their heads into the air and throwing up their arms in uncontrolled moshing.
"I want to grab both your shoulders and shake baby-.." Juyeon paused as the music halted momentarily.
"Snap out of it..."  I finished his sentence with my own mic. Swinging along to riff, the ascending chords fitting together perfectly to the pitch Juyeon sang over it in. I smirked as we got to the last chorus, my fingers bleeding as they were split open from grazing the strings at an insane pace for the entire concert.
"It's been a good night, the lovely city of Los Angels. We've been The Boyz. Goodnight!" Juyeon announced from the mic, completely faded but sober enough to be understood. The lights faded into complete darkness, slinging my guitar over my head and handing it to the staff on the sidelines.
"Well done." Hyunjae, our bass player, limped over planting a kiss on my head unknowingly. I shrugged the intoxicated elder off of me, downing the open neck of beer on the side drawers.
"I'm gonna fucking pass out." Sunwoo threw his drumsticks on to the coffee table and plummeted on to the leather couch behind him with a lazy slap.
Lighting one up between my lips, no matter how much I drank, my mouth was completely dry - my tongue feeling trapped between the two walls of a paper-like texture. Exhaling the smoke into the closed room and tipping the excess off my ring finger tiredly. I leant back into the couch, Sunwoo's legs kicked up over my lap.
"Eric, the manager wants you." Juyeon walked into the backstage area last, sweat leaking from the strands of his hair as he collapsed on the couch beside Sunwoo.
"What for?" I huffed, crushing the cigarette into the ash tray and getting up to my feet lazily.
"I'd tell you if I knew." He snapped, rolling my eyes I slapped him with the back of my hand as I walked by.
Grasping the coolness of the silver plated handle with my bleeding finger tips. I swung open the door to the staff's room in the venue, coughing as I entered and announcing my presence.
"What?" I asked bluntly, falling on to the couch opposite the manger - sitting with his arms folded arrogantly, cocking brow at my snappy attitude.
"I wanted to speak to you about your image." He began, causing me to roll my eyes with snicker and flash a glint of my sharp teeth that grazed the chapped skin on my lips.
"What about it?" I chuckled, waiting for an outrageous proposal from the middle aged and balding man tutting his head across from me.
"You're in a rock band, not a bubblegum pop group, you're too nice. You need a scandal, you need to be hated by the wrong people. Destroy that glint of hope in the mainstream media's eye. Show them you're like the rest of your group, heartless, conniving, toxic, but have the girls love you." He vented, his mouth bubbling in an excited hiss, closing his fist in exaggeration as his eyes drifted into that one thousand mile stare of his.
"That's not the real me though." I argued artistically, playing off the idea with a shrug.
"Nothing in Hollywood is real kid. Unless you want your career ending, I'd do what I say." He smirked evilly, my hands trembled on my knees as a chewed on the nail of my index finger - whether that was nerves or the drug rush I didn't know myself.
"Whatever." I spat in defeat, getting up from the couch in an aggressive strop.
"Good kid." He sneered, leaning back into the patent leather with an demonic stare glued into his blackened eyes.
Outside the door, Sunwoo seemed to of heard the entire ordeal as he stood against the wall with a lit cigarette between his lips.
"I hate our management, why do we even do this?" I slammed my fist into the wall beside me with a sharp bang. Sunwoo seemingly unfazed by it, walked up to me with a casual stroll and patted my shoulder sweetly.
"You're the only one that has complaints." He smirked as I brushed him off in annoyance.
"Yeah that's because I'm not like the rest of you, none of your care about anyone but yourselves." I spat nastily at this point, not caring too much about what I was saying to the wavy haired brunette next to me.
"We do care, but it's because we want the best for all of us. The best thing for you, is to listen to management. They'll ruin your life and all of ours if you don't." He replied with tolerance, stepping back to give me some space since I was clearly worked up about the situation.
"Sounds like you only care because it affects you." I chuckled bitterly, brushing past him and back down the hallway.
"Eric you're being-" He yelled after me, throwing his hands up in the air exaggeratedly.
"Fuck off." I cut him off before he could claim I was being 'childish' or 'immature' - in realty I knew I was the only one with any emotional intelligence, not that it would change.
The moonlight shone on to the rooftops in the city, walking out of the building with my hood over my head. We were playing in our hometown that night anyways, the others would only assume I went home early. The wind blew harshly, the bottom of my leather ankle boots hitting the pavements in loud echos.
"Do you think they'll leave through this exit?"
"I don't know I think Juyeon's more of a 'through the fire door' type of guy."
My ears perked up to the sound of a few girls whispering amongst each other beside me. They were clearly fans, their baggy fan merchandise tucked into their black skinny jeans.
"Excuse me, sir." One began to approach me, with that I sped up - almost picking up into a light jog down the street. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
"Sir?!" They didn't move but stayed in the same place as I ran away. I didn't intend to run as far as I did, wandering far into the high street where the store fronts lit up in glistening neons and fluorescent whites that flickered on and off in malfunctioning glitches.
Where even am I? I looked around as best as I could without spoiling my low profile. I continued to walk, to try and find some familiarity in the area. But it was filled with nameless bars, small pawn shops and taxi services. The nightlife was wild, however I couldn't risk asking someone for directions without the risk of them recognizing who I was. It was slightly quieter when I reached the end of the street, sighing to myself I took my hood down and proceeded.
"Come on just let me take you home princess."
"Fuck off, No."
"I'll take real good care of you."
"Leave me alon- GET OFF OF ME."
Overhearing a conversation to my left, I whipped my head around to see a girl in a short black ruffle dress being tugged by a larger male on the sidewalk. Crossing the street, I yelled over quickly.
"Oh there you are! I've been looking for you!" I shouted, approaching the unknown girl closeby. "Who's this?" I pointed to the man holding her arm, with a strange look.
"I don't k-" She replied with great alarm before being cut off by the large man next to her.
"We're old friends, she's letting me take her home." The man spoke for her, still trying to force her into his car.
"Well I'm her boyfriend, so I think I would know who you were. Now please get off of her." I brought her waist close, the man dropping her arm with a defeated huff and sliding back into his car. The car sped off down the street, the engine firing in a high pitched squeal.
"Thank you- thank you so much." She huffed out in relief, bracing her knees in a release of fear.
"No problem at all, are you okay?" I pulled her up from her trembling hunch and supported her upright.
"Yeah I'm fine, seriously thank you for doing that, god knows what could of happened." She replied brushing off the gesture in curtesy.
"Do you wanna grab a drink or something? Can you get home safely?" I asked, watching her eyes glint in the night light. She glanced over to a nearby convenience store, the ones with the small metal tables outside.
"Sure. I guess I wanna know more about you." She smiled, I returned the small curl on my lips and leisurely followed her across the street.
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hi clo here ! let me know if you want to see more snippets like this from possible plots of mine!
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banqanas · 7 months
Guide on where to find official EXILE TRIBE contents
This list focuses on sites/services that is managed by LDH, therefore does not include social media
Includes free and paid contents
Disclaimer: Focuses more on Jr EXILE groups contents as they're the ones I follow most.
I try to include pictures for most points, please click on them to see the details clearly
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CL (LDH's own VOD site)
Type of content available:
live cast from groups & individual members
short live broadcast (<10 minutes) during concerts
original LDH show/programs (limited quantity)
is also one of the main platforms to interact with artists
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✅ Not region blocked, targeted for JP & international fans
✅ Some shows have subtitles and are available in multiple languages (English, Chinese, Thailand, Korean)
✅ Types of shows varies and some dated before ~2017 (you can get to know the group from their formation until their current state)
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2. Radio
Type of content available:
Early preview of new songs
Members responding to listener's requests & questions
Behind the scene stories
Some groups/members serve as DJ for various radio programs on different mediums. Some examples include:
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GENERATIONS: CultureZ (Sano Reo DJ - broadcasted live on YouTube) THE RAMPAGE: WEEKEND THE RAMPAGE (Zin and RIKU DJ - BayFM) FANTASTICS: Fantastics Radio (all members - OsakaFM), Design Your Fantastic Future (Nakajima Sota DJ - FM802), Quartet (Jr Exile) EP (Sato Taiki DJ - Exile Tribe Mobile), SawaSota's carefree radio show (CL) BALLISTIK BOYZ: BALLISTIKRADIO (all members DJ, free to listen on website)
❌ Most of the radio shows hosted on Japan's radio FM are region blocked
✅ Weekly updates
✅ You get to listen to your oshi talking about mundane stuffs that doesn't fit on camera like their favourite McDonalds order or them complaining how noisy some members are during their train rides
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3. TV shows
Type of content available:
Music TV show (e.g: Music Station, NHK Utacon)
Reality shows (e.g: Hirunandesu, Susteina)
drama series
Short segments in tv shows
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Mainly for tribe members that are also active in acting or often goes on variety tv shows e.g: Katayose Ryota, Shirahama Alan, Sato Taiki, Yagi Yusei etc. Most JP tv shows are archived at TVer and can be watched for free
❌ Need to find TV streaming service + VPN
❌ Archives on TVer are only viewable for a week after the tv broadcast
✅ Contents that are not covered by CL
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LDH's own monthly magazine. Contents include:
Event reports
Interviews with artists
✅ Can see pictures from closed events that most international fans can't participate
❌ Some articles can only be accessed for FC members of respective groups
TL;DR: the are quite a lot of free contents however they are restricted behind region blocks and language barriers. You have to be updated with the group's news to catch them on tv/radio.
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CL (premium account - monthly subscription)
Type of content available:
Includes aforementioned free content and more (e.g: PPV online broadcasts for concerts/events, live cast archives, CL anniversary stream)
Premium account members are also eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVD from LDH official shops
Detailed information between free & premium account here
✅ Payment via app store available
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2. EXILE TRIBE OFFICIAL FANCLUB (yearly subscription)
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Type of contents available vary between each group's FC but general content each FC has includes:
monthly calendar wallpapers
exclusive images and videos that are not posted in mobile sites (after concert message, seasonal videos, video call-like videos etc)
reports from FC Events (online talk, fan meeting, bus trips, live shows etc etc) that is not covered by Exile Tribe Magazine
Messages for celebratory days (birthday, Valentines', White Day, anniversaries etc)
AR cameras
Chance to get members forgotten belongings (FANTASTICS only)
✅ Eligible to get FC only merchandise (which changes every year)
✅ Eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVDs from LDH official shop
❌ Requires Japanese address and bank account
❌ Mainly used to get first dibs at concert tickets/fan events so unless you're planning on going to physical events, it's not that worth it.
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3. EXILE MOBILE SITES (monthly subscription)
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LDH's comprehensive blogging sites. Is considered Exile Tribe's/LDH main website where contents they covered is divided according to groups (refer to images above) and all of them covers:
latest news
backstage photos from concerts (rehearsals, off shots, events)
blog posts with photos/vlog updated by the artists themselves
original content (radio show, independent programs)
※ Members that are part of EXILE and other groups (e.g: Alan, Gun-chan, Mandy, SEKAI, Taiki, DEEP SQUAD) have separate blogs on EXILE mobile/LDH mobile and Tribe Mobile.
⚠️ Pictures that have the LDH/group logo on them are all pictures from their mobile sites. Please be careful of sharing them publicly (as they are widely known to be paid content)
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✅ Main source of online content for Exile Tribe straight from the members themselves
✅ Updated daily (depending on member)
✅ Contents are more personal and in-depth compared to their SNS posts. I've translated some of them here and here
✅ Chance of fans directly interact with members (some would reply back to fans replies, also depending on member)
TL;DR: Paid sites are not region blocked as long as you can get through the payment site
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Others (sites not managed by LDH but are official collaborations)
1.ABEMA TV - PAID (is not covered in the same category as free tv show because these are not available on regional JP tv channels:
Contents include but not limited to:
ABEMAxLDH: Concerts (PPV), documentary and fanmeets
Past and currently airing GENEkou TV episodes
Incomplete episodes of SHIBUEXILE (2020 - 2021)
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2. Tribe Kingdom (puzzle mobile game) - FREE: I have made a separate post about the game here. While the in-game stories are fictional, some parts (voice lines, kitchen talk) include real facts about the artists themselves
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How do you sign up/access sites that require JP address and phone number? A: I sign up to Tenso and use the address and number they provide. Most JP sites I've used accepts the address and phone number Tenso provides. None of the sites I've mentioned above require any sort of code to be sent to your Tenso phone number
How do you pay for the services that require JP bank accounts? A: I do not have any jp bank account and have only used my local (asean) bank account. I just pick a card and pray it's accepted by the payment site
Which site do you recommend the most for international fans? A: CL. Other than the fact that the contents are subbed, it is also the platform where you can openly post in other languages (not Japanese) whether in replies or live chats. I really encourage getting the Premium subscription to show LDH how international fans are supporting them.
What is the difference between Official Fan Club contents VS mobile sites? A: Mobile sites main contents are blog posts that are updated by members themselves so the contents mainly focus on individual members (good for people who are only fans of specific members of a group). Mobile site contents are also less formal (pictures/videos are not edited professionally). FC are mainly group-centered contents and the quantities are not as many as those that are posted in mobile sites. But no same contents are posted in both site. ※ Personal note: Mobile sites is worth your money more compared to FC
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END. Thank for checking this out and feel free to hit me up if you have any questions regarding these services/sites as I've had a chance to use most of them
(e.g: I can answer questions such as how to sign up to site A, what kind of contents members A, B, C post in their blog or how regularly they post blogs, or which VPN do I use when using site A or B. Unfortunately I can't help with any question regarding payment)
Let's try to support our boys where we can :) 👍
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my year of boygenius
Why do we listen to music? Is it just melodic noise that provides background to our daily existence or is it a space where we look for meaning, purpose and beauty? This is a false question, as music can be all of these things, but it is so much more. For many people, the beauty of music gives their life meaning, whether listening or creating it. Most of us will have fond memories of listening to the radio in the car or discovering an album that transported us to a seemingly magical place, expanding our understanding of what music could be and do (e.g. Jeff Buckley’s Grace for me).
Growing up in a relatively small town by the Baltic Sea, one of my favourite activities was to go to the seaside in winter, when it was stripped of human presence, sit down on the staircase of a lifeguard’s lookout and listen to the songs on my iPod. Years before that I had a silver cassette player and a CD player that I always carried with me, along with a CD wallet. Music has always been a comforting presence in my life. But even in this rich history, there are certain albums and artists that have had such a transformative impact on my life that they have become part of who I am. There are not many albums that fall into this category, but this year one of them did appear.
In March, 2023 the record had come out, the first full LP from boygenius. As I listened to it for the first time, I knew it was going to embed itself in my brain as I was going to play it again and again and again. I became obsessed with the record and the three women responsible for creating it - Lucy Dacus, Julien Baker and Phoebe Bridgers.
It was like being a teenage girl again, eagerly watching interviews, trying to find out ways in which to watch their Coachella performances and following a fan account that reposted every live video and tour photo imaginable. People always talk about separating art from the artist, but the songs on the record felt so grounded and rooted in familiarity, like they were made by people that felt real and compassionate and vulnerable. In interviews they would talk about books and artists they admired and how they valued each other, and for someone, who has long felt that romantic love should not be valued more than friendship, it felt almost revolutionary to hear that as a foundation of an indie ‘supergroup’s’ ethos.
In August I had a chance to attend Oyafestivalen with my best friend Tina, who had very kindly gifted me a ticket. boygenius were due to play in the early hours of the evening. This was my first time seeing them live.
‘I want to hear your story / And be a part of it’ / boygenius- without you, without them
Making meaningful connections with other people is probably one of the, if not the most, important things you can do with your life. As I stood on a lawn in Oslo and kept bawling my eyes out, I couldn’t help, but end up in existential ponderings about love, loneliness and human connection and the fact that my closest friend was sharing the gig with me. We live thousands of km apart, but I love her loads and appreciate that she’s a part of my life.
‘And it feels good/ To be known so well/ I can’t hide from you / Like I hide from myself’ / boygenius- true blue
After the concert ended, I sat down by a tree to regain my composure, tear streaked cheeks and red eyes, an emotional outpouring and connection that meant so much to me. A few weeks later, I saw them headlining at Gunnersbury Park, this time sharing it with Tina again and my other friend Peter. This experience was less rooted in existential ponderings and more just an overwhelming sense of joy. It was a scorchingly hot day and multiple people fainted, however everyone around helped to get those people taken care of as quickly as possible.
Queer care and joy was ever present in this audience, people had arrived with wonderfully crafted items of clothing or little references to boygenius lyrics on them. Tina and I handed out pink carnations to the younger girls behind us. There is something strange about loving a band, whose audience seems much younger than you are, but maybe the best kind of music manages to reach something within us that is shared, regardless of age.
As the fireworks went up into the dark night sky, I felt so much joy. This time their music had reached the part of me that felt an immense gratitude for being alive and being able to experience such happiness with more than 20’000 people. This performance felt even more explosive and raw, but also funny and deeply meaningful. It seemed that all of us were treating ourselves to some self-belief.
‘will you be a nihilist with me / if nothing matters, man that’s a relief / Solomon had a point when he wrote Ecclesiastes/ if nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy / if the bore becomes a void, we’ll treat ourselves to some self-belief’ / boygenius - Satanist
The last time I saw them live was thanks to Peter, in a small and intimate acoustic set in Kingston. It was another very special experience as the songs had become embedded in my brain and hearing them acoustically felt quite different from the previous shows with a full backing band, here were the three people who were responsible for all those captivating melodies. They embody a vulnerable compassion and a reliance on friendship that feels authentic, and it is wonderful to see creativity blossom from a place of deep love and appreciation for each other.
The record is an album I have grown to love deeply, because it seems to fit whatever mental state I am in. Without You, Without Them for when I want to remind myself of the love I feel for my friends, Cool About It as a reminder that all of have had to play it cool, when someone has hurt us deeply, Not Strong Enough and Anti-Curse for when my mental health lies somewhere in the bottom of the bin. Whatever I am going through, I can find comfort in knowing that the record is there to give me solace and company, whether I am staring at the ceiling or going on a walk around North London.
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dearweirdme · 11 months
I think there's an interesting discussion to be had about how marketing and promo can reasonably look differently for each member based on what it is they're trying to go for and achieve.
The issue is that Hybe has never treated Taehyung fairly, has always tried to dim his shine and has actively othered him since the beginning. Therefore, how Hybe ends up handling Taehyung's promo can't really be separated from this frustrating reality. At the end of the day we can't fully know what parts of it will be Taehyung's vision or the company's, unless something happens that directly opposes Taehyung's own spoken intent (e.g., Jungkook has actually talked about wanting to perform a solo concert, so if he never got to, we'd know that was the company doing him wrong).
I honestly feel a real tension here because I want the best for Taehyung, I believe the company holds him back, but I'm also trying not to assert my own vision and desires for him beyond what he actually wants for himself. I don't want to give the company a free pass on their bs and I think they need to be called out for a lot but I don't want to overstep or ask for things that don't actually fit Taehyung's own vision but then again I don't trust the company to truly actualize Taehyung's on vision so it becomes dizzying 😵‍💫 Where I end up landing is that the best thing for Taehyung when he releases his music is going to be us staying out of petty fights, associating only positivity to his name, and showing up to support his music to the best of our ability. I also think we can safely draw a line at any ARMYs claiming Taehyung doesn't care about streams because that's just never going to be true for an artist releasing their own music, so I'll gladly push back on ARMYs making excuses not to support him because of his promo.
Also, on the topic of gp appeal, I believe Taehyung has massive gp appeal on the whole, but I also agree that he seems inclined to pursue more niche styles of music than you'll hear on pop radio. I've always seen him more like an indie artist, while I think JK for instance is going to pursue more mainstream pop radio-friendly styles. But pop radio doesn't necessarily equate to gp appeal. On that note, maybe saying Taehyung isn't mainstream feels better than saying he's less gp-friendly, because I see being gp-friendly as an ability to appeal to a broader audience than just the context you're in and what naturally comes with that. For example, much of the SK gp doesn't even pay much attention to kpop; a kpop artist having a lot of kpop fans doesn't mean they appeal to the gp, then, and I believe Taehyung can and does powerfully appeal to the gp beyond kpop. I also believe Jungkook has gp appeal in his own right, as he'll naturally attract fans outside the kpop bubble too. But they have different lanes in which they do this.
Hi anon!
I understand your reasoning. I dislike how Tae has been portrayed too. He is so much more than what they made him out to be. Always the pretty one, never the one with depth. And I can understand how you have lost trust in the company because of that. I can see how, with the past in mind, you would be distrusting of the way things go now. I suppose a lot will be clearer once his album is released and we’ll be able to see how things are handled when Tae releases his own music.
I think you have landed in a very positive path to support Tae. Arguing does not help at all. Sending positive support into the world will.
I agree on the last part of your message. And yes, mainstream is probably a better way of putting it.
Thanks for your message. Very well laid out.
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burning-sol · 1 year
@scucondi responded to an ask about ship names and stated there wasn't really one aside from kianbecky. This WILL NOT do, we need to give them the most elaborate name PRONTO!!
kianbecky/beckykian <- honestly a bit bland to me and i think we could do better stonejones/jonestone <- another mashup name but i think it's a lil' cuter rockstars <- used by @scucondi rockstars reunion <- idea from scucondi the jasmine album <- the jasmine is the name of becky's motorcycle!! idea from scucondi willotstreet instrumental <- ... willotstreet album <- ... willotstreet jam sesh <- ... jam sesh <- ... love concert <- ... bikers band <- ... rollingstones <- the rolling of a wheel and kian's last name, has the imagery of gravel being kicked up by a bike, rock and roll, also a reference to the band the rolling stones i imagine. idea from @jugg4lojuic3
LOVER'S PEAK <- notable location that could maybe incorporated into a ship name
TRUNK <- the trunk of a car, the trunk of a tree
HEARTWOOD <- i think this is too nonspecific to be a ship name but the heartwood is the inner part of a tree trunk and that's so cute
STREAM <- streaming audio, the water by lover's peak
K + B / KIAN + BECKY / ETC <- not a name in itself but i thought about those carvings couples make into trees, rocks or metal and am throwing this out there in case someone is inspired by this
HEART <- a pulse, a heart beat, this idea is a classic
BRIDGE <- the bridge is a section of a song that’s intended to provide contrast to the rest of the composition and, i dunno, for some reason it popped into my head as something relevant to their relationship (on this same train of thought maybe other terms to do with song structure could be pulled for inspiration e.g chorus) the bridge is also a part of a guitar the strings run over
miscellaneous words - urban, suburban, city - engine, motor, vehicle - pitch, rhythm, strumming, strings, tuning pegs, headstock, pick guard, fretboard, strobe dots, belt drive, direct drive, stylus, plinth, speed selector, turntable - radio station, broadcast, satellite, dipole, directors, cradle, reflector - scratching records, burning tapes, friction, deteriorate, tearing, distortions - soulmate, temptation, impulse, leaving, runaway, stuck
The following section is dedicated to ship names and ideas that have spoilers for Blood in the Bayou:
bugjam <- idea from @scucondi the bug album <- idea from scucondi battle of the bugs <- like battle of the bands but bug!! idea from scucondi siren song <- "siren song for kianbecky? she pulled him into the hive like sirens pull sailers into the sea and music and yea. is this anything?" from anon revertebrates <- i'm personally attached to this ship name because it's fun to say!! the revving of a motorcycle combined with invertebrate willotveins <- inspired by the kiss me (kill me) lyrics "why do the trees have veins" with willot (as in willot st) instead of willow (willow tree) the song was brought up by @jugg4lojuic3
SHELLAC <- early phonograph records (like vinyl records) were made with differing materials, one such being shellac - this stood out to me for obvious reasons. also a headshell is a head-piece designed to attach to the end of your turntable's tonearm.
(speaking of tonearms, a tonearm is the movable part of a record player that carries the pickup and permits the needle to follow the record groove. this is my contribution to a potential kian x rolan ship name because music and also rolan's bug arm, you know?)
TRACT <- a mix of digestive tracts, car tracks and music tracks, i really like this word play
CARTRIDGE/CARTILAGE <- more word play :3
INSECT MIGRATION <- kian brings up the word "runaway" in his song to becky and it made me think of insects migrating so maybe something could be done with that
ANTENNA <- to do with radios and broadcasts but also bug anatomy
VIBRATIONS <- to do with music but also bug communication
RECORDING BUG <- you know how you have those "bugs" that can record conversations? like someone gets "bugged"? yeah that
miscellaneous words - bodies, bugs, insects, thorax, abdomen, elytra, exoskeleton, shedding, cocoon, metamorphosis, leaf
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dummerjan · 1 year
Shuffle your Spotify playlist and post the first 10 songs & tag people (I don't have Spotify and I don't make playlists. But I do have one on Youtube for songs I don't want to lose track of but might easily for one reason or another, e.g. when the title isn't in Latin letters and I can't as easily look it up, it's the only song by that artist, from a soundtrack or just a song I randomly found and want to hold on to.) tagged by @biveganpoetbat thank you <3 :) Auf eine Leierkastenmelodie (Kehr/Kaléko) - Charlotte & Elisabeth (Mascha Kaléko is my favourite poet and there are some really wonderful examples of her poems set to music. Her way of playing with the German language is sublime.)
Bruce Springsteen With The Sessions Band ‎– Live In Dublin - Blinded By The Light (I love the Klezmer vibes this version has.)
Zzoilo & Aitana - Mon Amour Remix
Wonderful Life - Smith & Burrows
Segundo Plato - Voz Veis (It used to be played a lot on a radio station I listen to and the ay ay ay ay ay ay bit got stuck in my head, there's something about it that is just so satisfying to my brain, like auditory stimming or something.)
ไหนว่าจะไม่หลอกกัน : Silly Fools [cover by JEFF] (Yay, a Jeff song! It's actually one of my favourite songs by him, regardless of original or cover. It's the kind of song that feels like it could never end and is perfect to be played on loop.)
עונות · Aviv Geffen
Gazzelle - Tutta la vita
Wo bist du - Rosenstolz (I totally forgot about this song until earlier this year, it gives me chills every time I listen to it. Also, I think 50% of my sexuality can be explained by the fact that I listened to a lot of Rosenstolz starting from the age of 9/10 all throughout puberty and watched concert recordings regularly.)
Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long, Long Time) - Elton John (I discovered this song when it was featured on After Life and now I get sad whenever I am listening to it.) tagging @mvickym @bisexualbard @lady-guts @antique-forvalaka @die-schwanenkoenigin @saturnskyline @fanfictionroxs @whirling-ghost as always, no pressure <333
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lonelyasawhisper · 2 years
My extremely jumbled thoughts from Q+AL @ O2 London, 17/06/22 (excuse the yelling):
Can confirm they’re VERY three dimensional and real?? It all looked super surreal the moment they came out even when it’s all the way back at the main stage. It’s way more intimate where I was standing. They’re right in front of me. Really recommend opting for the B-stage since you still see everything (a bit of your view might get blocked by a light projector if you happen to be standing in front of one tbh) on the main stage from afar and on the big screen if they’re not out on the B-stage. And idk if this is just my perception, but the acoustics and everything music-wise sounded better to me being in the middle of the arena at the B-stage, on top of the gorgeous big-picture visuals you get from the big screen. Plus being at the B-stage, you will have the luxurious experience of getting brutally attacked by the confetti at the end lol.
Roger kept looking at the montage during TATDOOL and there’s one moment towards the end of the song where a young Brian’s on screen and he did this thing where he’s comparing the two Brians. And there was one moment where Brian and Roger’s eyes met and they smiled and nodded at each other 🥺
And Adam messed up a few times tonight lyrics wise (e.g. at the beginning of Now I’m Here, where it’s super obvious since everyones background vocals are clashing his lol) and he did it again during CLTCL which was again really obvious since he started the bridge way too early when he was supposed to sing the second verse and this time Brian clearly shook his head and then shared a cheeky smile with Roger who was already trying not to laugh, it was so cute. I think he also forgot to sing at the start of Radio Ga Ga / missed his cue but the band just played the prelude again and Adam picked it up naturally. Brian messed up his lyrics a bit in ‘39 and also seemed to have some problems with his guitar at the start of AKOM, but everything sounded great when his guitar solo came. This show feels way more spontaneous than Birmingham’s first show, it was really exciting and fun seeing all of it play out organically and I think the band felt it too.
Brian started leaning on Adam and they did this back to back kinda thing towards the end of CLTCL, it was adorable
Bass is always thumping loudly live at Q+AL, but the entire rhythm section is especially loud and soul-shaking in the best way possible during IWTBF. Like you feel like you’re being literally shaken apart.
Overall this is the best concert I’ve ever been to, and I will go again in a heartbeat if I ever get the chance to. The queuing is a pain in the neck (and ass, literally) but the experience I got to have this time was so so worth it.
Edit: forgot to add that the ay-oh Freddie screen was right in front of me (!!!!!!) and that is something I will never forget :”)
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aa-line · 2 months
The adoption of new products
For tomorrow's class, we read about four products and their ability to reach market. As I was thinking about these products' potential success, I had two main types of questions in mind. The first question area centered around how quickly it was necessary for the customer basis to pick up the product (a coefficient of 1.5 or 5, for example). And the second set of questions then centered on all the parts of the customer base - who are they, how big is it, what do they care about, what is their WTP etc.
In terms of the products mentioned, I think the radio alternatives of XM and Sirius will reach their customers most rapidly. I may be biased as the granddaughter of a record salesman (and I think my Dad growing up did have these music services), but there are a few key reasons that I think that these products, once the first group of customers receive them, will grow most quickly. First, this is a user base that probably also exists in some form of community - whether that's online blogs about bands, concert goers, or something else - they interact with one another. Second, huge music fans of groups will continue to buy new merchandise/memorabilia/albums, and would be open to the next best thing (particularly after it's recommended by others) about a band or genre. Of course it is expensive, but I actually think it adds to the appeal - it seems to signal that this is a high quality way to listen to the music you actually want to, the way you want to, all the time - something that these fans really want.
On the flip side, I think the hardest product to diffuse into the market will be the sliced peanut butter. Contrary to XM/Sirius radio where everyone wants the same thing (e.g. to listen to their music), everyone can have a different definition of the perfect amount of peanut butter. Another comparison is that whereas the radio can be installed in every car, a large market share for the peanut butter product - schools (a place where they want no mess, quick clean up etc).- is a no-go because of nut allergies. There is not as large of a fanatic-peanut butter-as-a-certain-ratio community as there is music files, and coupled with a harder market, I don't see this diffusing as quickly.
This is interesting to think about my group's Nike sports drink topic for our branding lab as well, as you can separate between how successful this product will be and how quickly it would take to becoming successful. I'm intrigued to talk with my group more about this, but I actually don't see this is something that necessarily needs to be adopted so rapidly - given that Nike is already such a sizeable, important brand, it's not needed for everyone to instantly start drinking it. I could see it slowly cropping up in more and more places and ultimately becoming something that turns from pro athletes being sponsored to drink it, to others just drinking it, to the casual sports observer picking it up as well - thus ultimately causing a slow diffusion.
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ledenews · 8 months
Kentucky's Jeff Worley Set for Today's Lunch with Books at OCPL
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Jeff Worley, Kentucky Poet Laureate 2019-2020, is the author of seven book-length collections of poetry, including The Poet Laureate of Aurora Avenue: Selected Poems, Broadstone Books. Worley has received 3 Al Smith Fellowships from the Kentucky Arts Council and a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship. His poems have appeared in over 500 literary magazines and journals. Website: jeff-worley.com. The Poetry Series is curated by W.V. Poet Laureate, Marc Harshman. Watch LIVE on YouTube Watch LIVE on Facebook Thursday, Oct. 12 at 6 PM: Sounds of Appalachia: Lisa Bella Donna Live! Lisa Bella Donna is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and modular synthesist. She has many years of experience as a session musician and has developed extensive techniques with a variety of genres including musique concreté, micro-tonal music, orchestration, film composition, and more. Produced by Jesse James Johnson. Sponsored by the Wheeling Arts and Cultural Commission, and West Liberty University. Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 @12:30: Wheeling Symphony Orchestra Festival of Ideas: Violins of Hope Panel  As a prelude to the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra's Masterworks 1 concert, featuring the Violins of Hope project. https://www.violins-of-hope.com/, the WSO is offering a “Festival of Ideas” panel that will further inform audiences about the restoration of violins that were confiscated and discarded by the Nazis from Jewish musicians during the Holocaust and later discovered in a variety of locations. The panel will include Maestro John Devlin, Rabbi Lief, Barb Lewine, and Roi Mezare, the WSO's principal clarinetist.  Note: The is a special Friday at 12:30 edition of Lunch With Books. Oct. 17, 2023 Collective Chaos: A Roller Derby Team Memoir by Samantha Tucker and Amy Spears Through stories about playing this full-contact, theatrical, and revolutionary sport, Collective Chaos shows the value of gaining a truly radical self-knowledge through teamwork, love, discipline, and critical consideration of our local and global societies and of our roles and responsibilities within them. Oct. 24, 2023 WWII Hellships The National American Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor (ADBC) Museum, Education & Research Center in Brooke County will tell us about the horrors of WWII “Hellships.” Rich Lizza, Intro; POWs as the Museum’s Founders with Mary Kay Wallace; experiences as Pows. e.g. the “Hellships” with James Brockman; Liberation, Coming Home, and the Pows’ Postwar World with Joseph Vater. Oct. 30, 2023 (Mon. @ Noon): Halloween film: A Classic Vampire Horror film. Check the brochure for details! Then on Oct. 30, 2023 at 7 PM: Halloween film: Another Classic Vampire Horror film. Check the brochure for details! Oct. 31, 2023 Halloween Special: Or-Sean Welles as Count Dracula! For this year’s bloody-good Halloween special, we (OCPL staff and you, OCPL patrons!) will perform the radio play of “Dracula,” adapted by Orson Welles from the Bram Stoker classic and further adapted by Sean Duffy for our beloved Wheeling and OCPL Theatre On-the-Air!. First, we will screen the new OCPL Horror feature film: “The Hempfield Vampire!” Read the full article
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sysdo · 9 months
Push-to-Talk Solutions: Streamlining Event Coordination and Crowd Management
Organizing and managing events, whether they are concerts, festivals, sporting events, or conferences, requires efficient communication among event staff to ensure a seamless and safe experience for attendees. Push-to-Talk (PTT) technology has emerged as a valuable tool for event coordination and crowd management, providing instant and reliable communication. In this blog post, we will explore how PTT solutions are transforming the event industry and enhancing the way event organizers and security teams collaborate.
The Evolution of Event Communication
Traditionally, event organizers relied on radios, walkie-talkies, or cell phones to coordinate activities and manage crowds. While these tools served their purpose, they often had limitations such as range, clarity, and the need for multiple frequencies. Push-to-Talk technology has changed the game by offering a more efficient and robust communication system.
Instant Communication: PTT solutions enable event staff to communicate instantly with the push of a button. This real-time communication is invaluable for responding to emergencies, directing personnel, and handling unforeseen situations.
Group Communication: PTT allows for group communication, which means you can create specific channels or groups for different teams or departments (e.g., security, medical, logistics). This ensures that relevant information is conveyed to the right people without clogging the airwaves.
Coverage and Range: Unlike traditional radios, modern PTT solutions often rely on cellular or broadband networks, providing wider coverage and eliminating dead zones. This is particularly important in large venues or outdoor settings where coverage can be a challenge.
Integration with Other Technologies: PTT can be seamlessly integrated with other event management tools and software, such as GPS tracking, event scheduling, and incident reporting systems, further enhancing the efficiency of event coordination.
Enhanced Safety: The ability to quickly relay information about potential security threats or medical emergencies enhances the safety of both event attendees and staff. Event security teams can respond more effectively to situations as they arise.
Benefits of PTT for Event Coordination and Crowd Management
Efficiency: PTT solutions streamline communication, reducing the time it takes to convey critical information. This can be especially important during events where every second counts.
Cost-Effective: PTT eliminates the need for expensive radio infrastructure and offers more flexibility. Event organizers can use their existing smartphones or dedicated PTT devices, which are often cost-effective.
Scalability: PTT solutions are highly scalable, allowing event organizers to add or remove users as needed. This flexibility is essential for events of all sizes, from small conferences to large-scale festivals.
Real-Time Monitoring: Event coordinators and security teams can monitor conversations in real-time, ensuring that all communication is relevant and adheres to event protocols.
Reduced Interference: PTT technology reduces interference compared to traditional radios, providing clearer and more reliable communication, even in noisy or crowded environments.
Case Study: PTT in Action
Let’s consider a music festival as an example of how PTT technology can make a difference:
Scenario: During a music festival, a medical team receives a call about a festival-goer experiencing a severe allergic reaction. The medical team immediately activates a PTT channel, relaying the information to the nearest medical station. Simultaneously, security personnel are informed to ensure crowd control and keep pathways clear for the medical team’s rapid response.
This quick and coordinated response is made possible by PTT technology, significantly improving the festival-goer’s chances of receiving prompt medical attention.
Push-to-Talk technology has become an invaluable tool for event coordination and crowd management. Its ability to provide instant, efficient, and scalable communication has revolutionized the way event organizers and security teams collaborate to ensure the safety and enjoyment of attendees. As the event industry continues to evolve, PTT solutions are likely to play an increasingly central role in orchestrating successful and safe events of all sizes and types. Source: https://headsettactical.wordpress.com/2023/09/23/push-to-talk-solutions-streamlining-event-coordination-and-crowd-management/
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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KEIKO featured on her hairstylist’s Instagram
press.nabe (Source)
“Watch Along Party” for “KEIKO Lounge K007“
Today, KEIKO will do a live stream on YouTube where she will react to her concert “KEIKO Lounge K007“ and fans will be able to interact with her, sharing their thoughts and impressions.
Scheduled date/time: December 21 20:00~ (JST)
Go to THIS POST to find my Google Drive links.
2021/12/21 Tweet by KEIKO
Good evening\(^o^)/ Everyone, thank you for your hard work today. I am ready and waiting. At 20:00〜 we can get together during my 「KEIKO’s Room」 live stream on YouTube. Be sure to join! ☆  KEIKO (Source)
Please wait a little!KEIKO (Source)
KEIKO【KEIKO’s Room】#16 ◆ Watch Along Party with KEIKO~YouTube Live Stream Edition~◆
Now THAT was A LOT of fun (despite all the troubles they had with the stream).  Keiko even answered my question about today’s dress, SO HAPPY (although her reply was useless :P Still don’t know which brand it is. But she bought it in an import shop in Cat Street, Harajuku). In case anyone is wondering, she is wearing the same dress she used to wear almost daily back in 2017 (e.g. you can see her wearing it in Kalafina’s 10th Anniversary Film). On top of the dress she is wearing a tweed bustier from a Korean brand (it’s part of a set-up).
Other highlights:
Her bath water is usually 40° degrees
As a solo artist she rarely uses sheet music (unlike her days in Kalafina). Right now she mostly has lyric sheets.
This is the Candemina candy Keiko is raving about
She remembers her time as a radio host (after Itokubo broke up and before Kalafina was a thing). For a few months in the second half of 2007 she hosted a program called “Itokubo no Party Road” on FM Osaka.
Her MVs are self produced
Keiko keeps joking that with all the issues they have, it is no longer a “Watch Along Party”. Instead of watching WITH her, we are now just watching HER XD  This is why in the thumbnail they crossed out the “to” and replaced it with “wo”
Her power food is a boiled egg. On live days she has up to four eggs. Someone says their power food is banana and Keiko says that whenever she hears “banana” it immediately reminds her of “Wakana-chan” since she would always eat bananas ^_^ Waaaaah, always happy about a Wakana name drop :-)
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emptymasks · 3 years
Hello. I wanted to ask you whether you know if the Mozart l'Opera Rock 3D (2011) is available anywhere without Korean subtitles? I would love to find or buy a clean version but I can't seem to find it anywhere. ;-;
Sorry it took a while to get to this, had a lot of other stuff to deal with on this blog, but okay getting to it now.
I do love the 2011 over the 2009/10 production simply because of Salieri's ponytail, alright also because I think everyone's acting improved by the later production.
Sadly, you cannot purchase the 2011 production anywhere as it was never released for purchase. You can see it's listed on IMDB and Letterboxd, but that's because it was filmed professionally and streamed in cinemas, but never then released onto DVD or as a digital download. You can purchase the DVD of the original 2009/10 production, I got my copy of Ebay.
I don't know of any that have no subtitles, like the Korean ones that are on the copy on Youtube that also has English subtitles as well. If anyone knows of any copies of the 2011 proshot, whether that's to stream of if you want to trade for it, please shoot me a dm!!
Actually as I'm getting this together I just noticed the copy of the 2011 video that was on Youtube which was the only copy with English subtitles isn't there anymore.
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^ This version now shows as 'video unavailable'. The 2010 still is, but not the 2011 (well it is with Russian subs but not the English ones). There is a different copy now that has huge English subtitles on it, I don't know if they're the same subs but they take up much more of the screen than the old ones. You guys are lucky I save everything. I have the video and I also extracted the subtitles from the Youtube video so, I'm going to do what I just did with the copy of Mozart das musical with English subs that got taken off Youtube, and I'm going to put the 2011 with the English subtitles up on archive . org where it should hopefully stay archived. My account on archive is WennLi3b3.
EDIT: I've now uploaded the 2011 English subs that have been deleted/taken down off Youtube onto archive . org. You can stream it with the subtitles and also download it and the subtitles and I've put instructions in the description on how to play the subtitles if you download them.
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So, after realising that I'm turning this ask into a masterlist of all Mozart L'Opéra Rock videos (productions of the musical, concert versions, and solo and group concerts that the cast have done) that are online to stream/download:
(Slight problem, Tumblr won't let me post this if the links are clickable, so you'll have to copy and paste the links, apologies if you're on mobile)
*All concerts listed are concert productions of MOR unless stated otherwise (e.g. 'Beijing Concert' is a concert of MOR, 'Florent Mothe Beijin Concert' is a solo concert by Florent Mothe)
2004 French dub of the Phantom of the Opera movie adaption of the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical (Erik: Laurent Ban, Christine: Cecilia Cara, Raoul: Fabian Richard) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ks411N74z
2007 Mikelanglo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut411q7wD https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gs411173T
2009.10.15 Original Paris Production https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jv41157uv?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4DSrtjFv60APOl4Um-uNzWN
2009.12.13 Promo TV interview/gameshow?, Russian subtitles https://vk.com/video-15750382_170660914
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot/DVD rip, English subtitles (that you can turn off) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfdnnheqQcw
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kb411P7XV https://vk.com/video295457148_456239116 https://vk.com/video295457148_456239111 https://vk.com/video-76279204_456239030
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Russian subtitles https://vk.com/video260926392_456239343 https://vk.com/video-18597103_456241367
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12t411W739
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12t411W739
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1At411a7yM
2010 Original Paris Production Proshot, Chinese + French Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14i4y177JG
2010 Original Paris Production Behind the Scenes, English subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2uelclS0A
2010.03.01 Original Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xv41147dD https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xs41167mi
201.12.02 Original Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cZ4y1c76w?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4CsHS8M7Z4GUvwGC-a7TLv6
2010/11 Behind the Scenes, non subtitles https://vk.com/video-16675597_157143094
2011 Paris Production Proshot with English subtitles (options), and Korean subtitles https://archive.org/details/mozart-lopera-rock-2011
2011 Paris Production Proshot (Incorrectly labeled as 2010) with English subtitles posted half-covering the Korean subtitles (also to me it looks like the audio is slightly out of sync?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8gpKfSVWAA https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S64y1C7Bo
2011 Paris Production Proshot, Korean + Russian subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCjhKPZoL_A https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mX4y1P7SF
2011 Paris Production Proshot, Korean Subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11t411Z7xo https://vk.com/video-23729576_456240825 (HD)
2011.01.09 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ls411Q7nF
2011.05.06 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WW411E7GG
2011.07.08 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wq4y1J7Sz https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Agtk5S5JzvWqz3V7lAYpTMVFceysnNx
2011.09.07 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KQ4y197HT https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4BxNOz3AKbv1JtNvrqBBZ4l
2011.10.07 Paris Production, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YV411y7YJ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4A2vwmDl7Zs7oGwkmsowgy7
2013 Cast Interview https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hx411H7Ye? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCMuloz3BlA
2013 Florent Mother Moscow Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16s411r7eK?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzjNuWKbNNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXOZJGWhKHk
2013.02.18 Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qy4y1n7VV https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4D-NRBvaB5fXdaxRZXBxpkN
2013.05.21 Merwan Rim Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k7411c78x?p=1
2013.07.13 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zW411W7bo https://www.youtube.com/user/Cedmusiclover/videos
2013.10.07 Mikelangelo Loconte Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nf4y1173b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv52wpptTXE
2013.10.14 Odessa Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dx411W71Z
2013.10.16 Kiev Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411s7Hh
2013.11.09 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17W411H7Aj https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19s411y7GU?p=1
2014 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Meeting + Performing MOR songs https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KW411q744
2014.08.16 Concert au Festival de Carthage https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4AHHG--xdndK71wNUoa4UJx https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1d5411P7KE
2014.09.28 Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ni4y1c7Pu https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMPGrRiz3i4AiXA3Ja4E7piFBl5dH7H1h
2015.09.05 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gs41117AR
2015.11.07 Fort Boyard ft. Florent Mothe (the most random on this list, but Fort Boyard is a reality competition show, think like Ninja Warrior or Survivor or Wipe-Out type shows and Florent ws a contestant on this episode) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19s411i7P9
2016 Dancing With The Stars Season 7, France, Florent Mothe clips https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vs41147F9?p=1
2016.04.07 Asian Tour https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tx411i7Sg?
2016.07.23 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hs411173i?
2016.11.30 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gW41147uz https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLuspyNrQ57MOzPhZqPktx6SrR1wPXkIg https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15s411e7p7? (audio only)
2017 Gala of various French musicals, including performances from Roméo et Juliette, Notre-Dame de Paris, Mozart l'Opéra Rock, Starmania. Featuring Damien Sargue, Robert Marien, Laurent Ban, Mikelangelo Loconte, Hiba Tawaji(I'm currently dying from seeing Damien Sargue perform Belle from Notre-Dame de Paris) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mW411E78Y?
2017 Radio Interview with Florent Mothe, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ux411y7Lq
2017.02.15 RRM Music Live, French music concert featuring Florent Mothe https://www.facebook.com/31395019055/videos/10155788074034056 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Yx41127sk
2017.03.13 Moscow Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zx411C7tL https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mx411r7M2
2017.03.15 Saint-Petersburg Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411i7pM https://www.youtube.com/c/SanzouHoshiSama/videos
2017.07.02 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gx411B7De https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrE9zz-1mZiAmP4TvvI2Y7X1O-I9FkP6
2017.07.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kx411i7Mk?p=1
2017.11.24 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sW411778Q?p=1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrE9zz-1mZiAMca86nNT1iM2KGEKc6HH
2017 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Q&A in Beijing, both are speaking in English, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hx411b7si
2018 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FW411C78g
2018.03.11 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YW411s7fu https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tW411s7sp https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HW411s7yW https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pW411s7HU
2018.04.30 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1QW411372f
2018.05.01 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YW41137qF
2018.05.10 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Interview, in English with Chinese subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zglev8CcP7k https://www.bilibili.com/video/av23245495
2018.05.24 Laurant Ban Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16p411o7av
2018.07.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qU4y1G7xS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dg3if0YS5U
2018.08.11 Laurent Ban Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zs411K72e
2018.08.12 Laurent Ban Concert+ Fan Meet in Taiwan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqUM861EfmE
2018.08.18 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Beijing Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sW411k7Eq
2018.08.19 Mikelangelo Loconte & Florent Mothe Fan Meet Q&A & concert, no subtitles, they are both speaking English https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17t411W7AX (fan meet) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rt411p7Sp (concert)
2018.08.21 Mikelangelo Loconte & Noémie Garcia Fan Meet in Taiwan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg53iMkVTd4
2018.10.23 Fan Meet & Songs https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gt411d7AN?p=1
2018.10.25 Fan Meet (Mikelangelo Loconte, Laurent Ban, Noémie Garcia), speaking in English and French, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gt41167RC
2018.10.27 Fan meet (Mikelangelo Loconte, Laurent Ban, Noémie Garcia), speaking in English and French, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cb411w7rA
2019 Takarazuka Japanese Production, Chinese subtitles https://vk.com/video-20241239_456240740 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15z4y1X7Yo
2019 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16J411s7Vz
2019 Florent Mothe Concert (major audio warning, the microphone of the camera/phone is right next to the speaker and the audio is very loud and clipping) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XJ411r7KD
2019 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411A7HQ
2019.01.19 Asian Tour https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kt411h7mD
2019.03.01 Asian Tour (audio only) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S4411H7r4
2019.06.29 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ax41197RM https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ht411A7NL
2019.07.06 Laurent Bán Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j4411F7cE https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV174411w77V https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tJ411A7fj
2019.07.07 Laurent Bán Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1T4411F7vJ
2019.07.08 Merwan Rim China Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1it411378T
2019.07.09 Laurent Ban & Merwan Rim Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ht411576B?p=1
2019.07.13 Laurent Ban Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pt411V7Xe?
2019.07.18 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kt411n79C
2019.07.19 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zt411E7mw https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vt411n7h6? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bt411n7YL https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tt411M789
2019.07.23 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nt411j7BH? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1St411L7fT (audio warning for screaming at the beginning)
2019.07.26 Mikelangelo Loconte Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ut411P7LX
2019.12.14 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1CJ411Y7Pp https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TJ41147GF
2019.12.15 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TJ411r7ni
2019.12.17 Florent Mothe Beijing Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16J411t7RX
2019.12.19 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WJ411t7CZ
2019.12.20 Florent Mothe Concert https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cJ41147Sc
2019.12.24 Florent Mothe Concert (audio only) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZV411o7VY
2020.05.17 Mikelangelo Loconte Interview, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bK411W7qs
2021.01.30 Mikelangelo Loconte Livestream Concert, no subtitles https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kf4y1r7bH?
My playlist of odd small clips, interviews and other videos from Mozart L’Opéra Rock: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLBkeZOvj5B_YlWWASK-FMpsjsyN1kmFa
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“He didn’t like to stand out. However, his legs made him look fast so he would get chosen for the class competition relay. But as he didn’t want to draw any attention, he would purposely take a longer time running in P.E. class. “
Notes before reading: This is from Kaoru’s first book “Dokugen” in which his articles from “Ongaku to hito” magazine were compiled, but also an exclusive interview about his life was included. I already posted the first pages of this interview for Kaoru’s birthday  (pages 62-66) and you can read it here. This second part starts with his high school days, getting into metal music, HIDE and first music steps and bands. If you own the book, these pages are 66-75, if you don’t, you should consider getting it *wink wink* -You were a free and uncontrolled boy, right? K: That’s it. Somehow, I felt like I just liked to be where everyone else was. Rather than being an active part of the group, I would just follow it.  It was kind of like floating around. The so-called ego woke up in my body once I entered high school. I started to be my own self. -So, what about high school days? K: I was going to a high school near my house but,  until I went to get the application for the examination, I was like “is a place like this a high school?”, it  was a school that looked like a vocational school. Later, when I went to take the exam, even though it was a high school entrance examination, there was calculation, I remember doing the exam while thinking “if I fail this, I’m really a useless guy”. I was really nervous when I went to see the results days later. But even if I thought “It’s good that my name is there!”*  and I went to the school thinking “I’m a useless guy for sure!” when I was asked by a homeroom teacher “how was it, how was it” and I said “I passed”, they would say “Congratulations!” (laughs) As I feel embarrassed, I felt like “please stop!!”. *Often in Japan, if you name appears on a list of exam results, it means you passed, if your name is not there, it means you have failed. -What kind of school was it? K: It was really a hopeless high school. Bad punk guys, people with bad conditions or that couldn’t take middle school classes properly…. there were only that kind of people. When I was in middle school, I played sports, when I entered high school, there were many people who just gave up about their future.  The topics when they gathered were about girls, television, Idol clothes or hairstyles…that were the main topics of conversation. After that, as expected, as there were a lot of punks, there were guys that would bring to school knuckle dusters (a weapon attached to your fist). The first time it felt like saying “there are embarrassing guys” but gradually everyone started to feel similar(laughs) -Did you feel like you were deteriorating for being in such a place? K: Well, I was thinking about what I would do after that.  There were plenty of negative things too. I could no longer meet my acquaintances from middle school…. But gradually I started to open my eyes to bands, then I started to think that that was the only thing I had left. -Unexpectedly, the reason of that was because you found about “X” (X Japan), right? K: Yes. X debuted when I was in my first year of high school, so I listened to “Blue Blood”. Originally, when I was in my 3rd year of middle school, a transferred student came, he was a lot into metal and listened to various bands. Until then, if someone said metal, I only knew Seikima-II (laughs). Because of this person’s influence, I started listening to X’s “Vanishing vision”, DEAD END and Kinniku Shōjo Tai. However, I didn’t think about buying CDs myself, I was satisfied with the tapes that person dubbed for me. But with “Blue Blood”, I went expressly to the store to make a reservation and buy it. -Is that so? K: When I was back from school, I went to buy it. At an electronic chain stored called “Seidensha” I bought it and I got a poster too. Also, there was a rock flower ( a toy that moves as response to sounds) with the faces of the members of X at the store and I wanted it, but as one would expect, I didn’t get it (laughs) -Making a reservation and buying… that means that your expectations were high. K: That’s true. I never have booked anything besides Nintendo games. (laughs) -What do you think that motivated you to that point? K: Probably it’s connected with what we have talked about until now but, since long time ago, I have this tendency, I like to hang out with people and I also feel like I want to know what that people like. If someone says “this is interesting”, I honestly think “I’m going to try it too!” It’s like I’m trying to understand what people says it’s interesting. Maybe it’s because I like the other person, or I think “I want to get along with this guy”. I want to understand more about the other person. So, as I was good friends with this transferred student, I wanted to understand the things that he said that were “good”. -As if it was a recommendation…. K: The band that this guy said that was cool was about to debut soon. Then I should buy that too. Maybe that’s what I thought. -If you think about that, his existence is quite important, right? K: That’s true. If this guy didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Anyway, Hide looked like nothing but a ghost/spectre. “This person is hella cool….” I thought. He doesn’t look human. From that moment, I only could see Hide. -So, “Blue Blood” caused a huge impact on you.  Can you remember that moment? K: Of course. I came back home, with my uniform still on, I listened to it on the radio cassette. I had goose bumps all the time. Then, I was like “what a……”. Anyway, I listened to it all day at home and the next day I went to school and I “propagate*” it to everyone. I let the guys from my class listen to it. *Kaoru says “布教” which means propagation (e.g. a religion); proselytizing; missionary work. -You acted fast, right? (laughs) K: From that moment, I started buying magazines, I would cut the articles of X and put them in plastic sheet. Then, a guy said to me “Eh? I don’t listen to this band” but he liked ZIGGY, so I said, “X is a bit different”. There was a guy who covered BOOWY songs… I was “attacking” people, one after another. -This is the most active story I have heard until now (laughs) K: For sure! I would bring the videos I bought to that guy’s house and I would show him the magazines too.  The next day, I would tell another guy “Today we are going to hang out at your house” …. that kind of things. -So, your music friends increased…. K: That’s it. Then, from that moment I started playing guitar. -Why guitar? K: As one would expect, it was for HIDE.  I wasn’t really interested in guitar as an instrument until I saw a X Live. I thought that Hotei’s guitar strumming was cool though. I became obsessed with HIDE right after “BLUE BLOOD” was released, at the concert held in the medium hall of Kōsei Nenkin Kaikan in Osaka. It was my first-time watching X, my seat was at the back of the first floor, but as it was the medium hall, the stage was very close. Then, my eyes met TOSHI many times, it was like “he is pointing at me!” (laughs). Anyway, HIDE looked like nothing but a ghost/spectre. “This person is so hella cool……”. He didn’t look human. From that moment, I only could see HIDE. -So, you thought “I want to be like HIDE”?
K: The day after the concert, I looked up in a magazine where I could buy HIDE’s guitar model. Then, I went to an instrument shop at Amerika Mura, I think the shop is not there anymore, but I went there and if you didn’t do a reservation you couldn’t get it. So, I made a reservation on the spot and I paid it with the money I have saved from my part-time job and New Year’s gift. But it didn’t arrive for about 6 months.
-So, you started practising with a guitar borrowed from a friend’s sister.
K: Yes, yes.  I started with the strings. Of course, I couldn’t play any song of X, it always was like I was only strumming. Since then, I gradually started to be surrounded by guys who liked the same bands, so we would gather at someone’s house and without an amplifier, we would practise together.
-Did it feel like “I have finally found something that makes me go crazy about it!”?
K: I was totally addicted/absorbed by music at that point. I would go every day to the bookshop and the record store to check if there was something new. At that time, from corner to corner, I would read every page of WeROCK magazine. I would read the pages for the recruitment of members too. (laughs) Then, I would go to indies shops and shops that were selling metal style clothes. I was attracted by things made of rubber or panted leather, that kind of fashion.
-What about your hairstyle?
K: Of course, I started to grow my hair long. At high school, long hair was not allowed but I told a teacher “I’m moving forward on my music’s path, growing my hair long is job hunting.”
-Those are defying words….
K: I said, “Because I already decided my path”.
-You were really thinking that?
K: Make a living of it……but yes. “I will play in a band!”, “I absolutely will be up on a stage”, I think I already decided that. “I will play in a band after graduating from high school, so if I cut my hair, I won’t be able to do it!”, I said.  It wasn’t a homeroom teacher but a teacher who played guitar and I was told “if that’s so, then do your best”. But sometimes when I tied my hair up, I was told “if it is bothering you, cut it”, “I will overlook this but if it is bothering you, you should cut it, if you grow it that long, more than a man you will look like a Basset hound” (laughs) After that, during class I would hold a pencil and practise how to press down the chords, I was told “Take this class properly!” but I didn’t take it seriously.
-At that time, what about other music or bands besides X?
K: Unless the songs were fast, I wasn’t interested. One way or another, I’m a guy of sharp riffs and fast beats. Even though I really didn’t understand the riffs at that moment, it was like “fast riffs are life!”, that’s why at that moment I was barely clicking with Western metal. Rather than that, I liked punk because there were many songs that were fast. A person from the rental shop in my neighbourhood recommended IRON MAIDEN (British metal band) but I was like “I don’t understand anything at all!”. But I liked HELLOWEEN (German metal band)
The first song played at a studio was “NO NEW YORK” from BOOWY but we couldn’t cover it properly at all but I felt like “ We are getting closer a bit closer”, it’s like going up a stairway (laughs) -So, you liked fast songs, right? K:DEAD END didn’t have fast songs, but I liked them though. The melodies, the atmosphere of the songs, MORRIE’s looks, all that. As you know, I would get the information from magazines, so I liked people who looked cool and flashy. I also liked COLOR and D’erlanger among others. -That’s national metal. Before that, there were bands like LOUDNESS and 44MAGNUM. K: I didn’t go there. This is also a cool story but, the bands of that time, weren’t the ones with sauvage perm? -LA metal style?* *LA metal is  a Japanese term that refers to rock bands that were active during the 80s. K: Rather than those, the ones that put their hair totally up. The ones were the hair looked stiff until the very end. Also,I thought that if the hair wasn’t blonde or red, it wasn’t cool. That’s why COLOR and X were shocking. The hair was totally up and the songs were fast. The first thing I liked about those bands were the way the hair was standing up. -When did you try to put your hair like that for the first time? K: Probably months after I listened to “Blue blood”. I put it up by myself, at home (laughs) I was like “how do you do this?”. But, in a magazine said “use hair spray” so I went to buy it. I would my hair like that when I went to school too. It was like “this is what a man does” (laughs) -Later, you would finally be in a band. K: It was at my second year of high school. Our first live was at a school festival. Before that, everyone got into the studio to match the sounds. It was mostly imitation. -Do you remember entering at a studio for the first time? K: It was really messy. I think we were at the studio for maybe two hours. For the first hour, it was just a mess, playing around with the instruments. Then, I think we say “Let’s give it  try” and played “NO MORE NEW YORK” by BOOWY.  Of course,we couldn’t cover it properly at all but I felt like “ We are getting closer a bit closer” (laughs) -That’s something naïve/innocent, right? K: “We are like going up a stair way right? is it cool?” that’s how it felt. -Then the first concert came…. You wrote in an article that you were so immersed into playing that you don’t remember it. K: That’s true. I remember really well the preparations before the concert, though. -What was that band’s name? K: It was called “DIE:STERIA”. I attached the world DIE somehow with TERIA. -It’s a coined word. Did you make it up by yourself? K: That’s it. A lot of the bands that I looked at the magazines had D and then something else attached, so I thought it was cool. As I’m talking about this, I suddenly feel embarrassed (laughs)
-(Laughs) That’s being young, right? Did you make any original song with that band?
K: Just one. It was fast, like melodic speed metal. But I was just scratching the guitar.
-Is there a recording?...
K: I don’t think I recorded it. In the studio I would like “do this, then like this” “sing like that”…I explained everything.
-What about the lyrics?
K: The lyrics……I wrote them (laughs). The lyrics were pretty terrible. They were kind of violent (laughs) Then, there was a melody that could be played by an acoustic guitar with fast riffs.
-From that point, furthermore you could be part of an original band, CHARM.
K: I came up with that name too. I think I made it up thinking it means “to charm, to fascinate”.
- Even after graduating from high school, you continued in that band.
K: But as expected, my parents didn’t approve, so for the time being I got into a vocational school. After the first semester, I decided to leave the school, I went only to convince/persuade my parents.
-Even after graduating high school, the band activities were local.
K: That’s right but I would rather say that we didn’t do much. Some members were working so more than doing nothing, it was like we weren’t moving much. Some members were working so we had periods that we did nothing. I still felt like I have to do it properly, so I used to play at live houses. Even so, we would play once or twice a year. That kind of level. Then, we would hang out at someone’s house and made songs with MTR.
-By the way, did HIDE’s existence mean the same for you as before?
K: Well, even more, I was addicted/crazy about him. X was appearing more and more on tv and they were national wide. The more opportunities you have to see them, the more you are going to like them. “Ah, Hide is wearing new clothes” or “Recently his hairstyle changed a little”, things like that. I would record all their tv appearances and I would see all the magazines. At that time, candid/natural photos were sold a lot a the bookstores. I bought many of HIDE. I bought a big hat that looked like the one that HIDE was wearing.
-You were completely a HIDE geek/nerd.
K: That’s right. When they came to Kansai, I would definitely go to see them. I also went for Tokyo Dome performances, “White Night” and “Blue Night”. I took a night bus with my friends, we arrived at Tokyo very early and would kill time around until the time of the concert. After it, I slept at all-night movie theatre in Shinjuku and then took an early-morning bus to come back home.
-Admiring his presence in that way, did you ever think “I want to become like that someday?”
K: I didn’t. Because I was playing only locally. Because there weren’t things like sending a demo tape or doing an audition. That’s why after that, if I hadn’t had the encounters that I did, I would probably have kept being local.
-What would you say to the Kaoru of that time?
K: To myself at that time? I see…. “Practice more!!!, I guess (laughs)
 (Next part)
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僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ワールド ヒーローズ ミッション 【我的英雄学院:世界英雄任务】
僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ワールド ヒーローズ ミッション 【我的英雄学院:世界英雄任务】
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My Hero Academia THE MOVIE: World Heroes Mission is off to a plus ultra start at Japanese theaters. While most of the metropolitan areas of Japan are currently in a State of Emergency for record COVID-19 cases, thanks to the Delta strain, World Heroes Mission managed to increase its box office takings 200.2% over the previous film in the franchise My Hero Academia THE MOVIE Heroes: Rising.
Over the first four days of release, which was a long weekend in Japan thanks to Mountain Day being moved for the Tokyo Olympics Closing Ceremony, World Heroes Mission made more than 940 million yen (US$8.52 million) on 720,000 tickets sold. Heroes: Rising, over its entire box office run, made 1.79 billion yen (US$15.1 million), less than double what World Heroes Mission made in one weekend.
On its first three-day weekend, Heroes: Rising earned 422 million yen (US$3.86 million), and surpassed the lifetime gross of the first film, Two Heroes, in its 9th weekend. It's likely that the third film will be highest grossing for the franchise by the time its run ends.
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⭐A Target Package is short for Target Package of Information. It is a more specialized case of Intel Package of Information or Intel Package.
✌ THE STORY ✌ Its and Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) is a and aspiring musician who like only to honor his God through the energy of music. Leaving his Indiana home for the warmer climate of California and a college or university education, Jeremy soon comes Bookmark this site across one Melissa Heing
(Britt Robertson), a fellow university student that he takes notices in the audience at an area concert. Bookmark this site Falling for cupid’s arrow immediately, he introduces himself to her and quickly discovers that she is drawn to him too. However, Melissa hHabits back from forming a budding relationship as she fears it`ll create an awkward situation between Jeremy and their mutual friend, Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), a fellow musician and who also has feeling for Melissa. Still, Jeremy is relentless in his quest for her until they eventually end up in a loving dating relationship. However, their youthful courtship Bookmark this sitewith the other person comes to a halt when life-threating news of Melissa having cancer takes center stage. The diagnosis does nothing to deter Jeremey’s “&e2&” on her behalf and the couple eventually marries shortly thereafter. Howsoever, they soon find themselves walking an excellent line between a life together and suffering by her Bookmark this siteillness; with Jeremy questioning his faith in music, himself, and with God himself.
✌ STREAMING MEDIA ✌ Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the procedure of delivering or obtaining media this way.[clarification needed] Streaming identifies the delivery approach to the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies especially to telecommunications networks, as almost all of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio tracks CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the web. For instance, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of this content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, an activity in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user may use their media player to get started on playing digital video or digital sound content before the complete file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can connect with media other than video and audio, such as for example live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are considered “streaming text”. This brings me around to discussing us, a film release of the Christian religio us faith-based . As almost customary, Hollywood usually generates two (maybe three) films of this variety movies within their yearly theatrical release lineup, with the releases usually being around spring us and / or fall Habitfully. I didn’t hear much when this movie was initially aounced (probably got buried underneath all of the popular movies news on the newsfeed). My first actual glimpse of the movie was when the film’s movie trailer premiered, which looked somewhat interesting if you ask me. Yes, it looked the movie was goa be the typical “faith-based” vibe, but it was going to be directed by the Erwin Brothers, who directed I COULD Only Imagine (a film that I did so like). Plus, the trailer for I Still Believe premiered for quite some us, so I continued seeing it most of us when I visited my local cinema. You can sort of say that it was a bit “engrained in my brain”. Thus, I was a lttle bit keen on seeing it. Fortunately, I was able to see it before the COVID-9 outbreak closed the movie theaters down (saw it during its opening night), but, because of work scheduling, I haven’t had the us to do my review for it…. as yet. And what did I think of it? Well, it was pretty “meh”. While its heart is certainly in the proper place and quite sincere, us is a little too preachy and unbalanced within its narrative execution and character developments. The religious message is plainly there, but takes way too many detours and not focusing on certain aspects that weigh the feature’s presentation.
✌ TELEVISION SHOW AND HISTORY ✌ A tv set show (often simply Television show) is any content prBookmark this siteoduced for broadcast via over-the-air, satellite, cable, or internet and typically viewed on a television set set, excluding breaking news, advertisements, or trailers that are usually placed between shows. Tv shows are most often scheduled well ahead of The War with Grandpa and appearance on electronic guides or other TV listings. A television show may also be called a tv set program (British EnBookmark this siteglish: programme), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. A tv set Movies is The War with Grandpaually released in episodes that follow a narrative, and so are The War with Grandpaually split into seasons (The War with Grandpa and Canada) or Movies (UK) — yearly or semiaual sets of new episodes. A show with a restricted number of episodes could be called a miniMBookmark this siteovies, serial, or limited Movies. A one-The War with Grandpa show may be called a “special”. A television film (“made-for-TV movie” or “televisioBookmark this siten movie”) is a film that is initially broadcast on television set rather than released in theaters or direct-to-video. Television shows may very well be Bookmark this sitehey are broadcast in real The War with Grandpa (live), be recorded on home video or an electronic video recorder for later viewing, or be looked at on demand via a set-top box or streameBookmark this sited on the internet. The first television set shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within an extremely short range from the broadcast tower starting in the. Televised events such as the “&f2&” Summer OlyBookmark this sitempics in Germany, the “&f2&” coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famoThe War with Grandpa introduction at the 9 New York World’s Fair in the The War with Grandpa spurreBookmark this sited a rise in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The “&f2&” World Movies inspired many Americans to buy their first tv set and in “&f2&”, the favorite radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a well balanced, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The firsBookmBookmark this siteark this sitet national live tv broadcast in the The War with Grandpa took place on September 1, “&f2&” when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in SAN FRAKung Fu CO BAY AREA was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
✌ FINAL THOUGHTS ✌ The power of faith, “&e2&”, and affinity for take center stage in Jeremy Camp’s life story in the movie I Still Believe. Directors Andrew and Jon Erwin (the Erwin Brothers) examine the life span and The War with Grandpas of Jeremy Camp’s life story; pin-pointing his early life along with his relationship Melissa Heing because they battle hardships and their enduring “&e2&” for one another through difficult. While the movie’s intent and thematic message of a person’s faith through troublen is indeed palpable plus the likeable mThe War with Grandpaical performances, the film certainly strules to look for a cinematic footing in its execution, including a sluish pace, fragmented pieces, predicable plot beats, too preachy / cheesy dialogue moments, over utilized religion overtones, and mismanagement of many of its secondary /supporting characters. If you ask me, this movie was somewhere between okay and “meh”. It had been definitely a Christian faith-based movie endeavor Bookmark this web site (from begin to finish) and definitely had its moments, nonetheless it failed to resonate with me; struling to locate a proper balance in its undertaking. Personally, regardless of the story, it could’ve been better. My recommendation for this movie is an “iffy choice” at best as some should (nothing wrong with that), while others will not and dismiss it altogether. Whatever your stance on religion faith-based flicks, stands as more of a cautionary tale of sorts; demonstrating how a poignant and heartfelt story of real-life drama could be problematic when translating it to a cinematic endeavor. For me personally, I believe in Jeremy Camp’s story / message, but not so much the feature.
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