#... so the doctor is now aware of the fourth wall???
kiralamouse · 26 days
"I thought that was non-diegetic!" is now my VERY FAVORITE leaning-on-the-fourth-wall line ever.
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tinkerleaf · 3 months
Nose Bleeds
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Hi, everyone! In my head, this was hilarious, but I don't think it translates as well in writing.
Synopsis: Dazai wasn't stupid, but he was when it came to spatial awareness. Gn reader, lots of love from the agency.
Warnings: mention of blood, Dazai kinda ooc?
Words: 655
Ahh, the sweet smell of fresh baked cookies.
You carefully took them out of the oven and waited for them to cool before placing them into a Tupperware to take to the agency with you. You loved baking for the agency, and they definitely loved it too. Ranpo was especially happy when you brought in a bag of taffy from your hometown after visiting. It was impressive that his teeth weren’t rotten.
After a nice walk to the office, you open the door to the fourth floor. Of course, the same chaos as usual. Always heartwarming. 
Your footsteps sounded all the way to your desk that sat next to Dazai’s. Ranpo was immediately by your side, pilfering through the container that held the sweets he was after. 
“Hold on, hold on! I didn’t say you could have any yet!” you snagged your cookies back, scolding the detective for his behavior.
“Well what are you waiting for? I’m getting hungry.”
“Just for that, You’ll be the last person to get one.” 
He was flabbergasted, a look of utter betrayal on his face. He sighed and went back to his chair, propping his feet up on the desk.
“Mr. Kunikida, would you like one?”
He looked you from above his glasses as he held an empty palm to you. “Yes, please.”
While the other agents began to flood your desk for cookies, you left to use the restroom. When you came back, you saw Dazai standing by his desk, an hour late. He was telling some story about how why he was delayed, and Kunikida was clearly not having it. They didn’t notice that you were back, too involved with their current endeavors.
Dazai is the type of man to talk with his hands and body, and to hear him talk could be quite mesmerizing. However, this time, when describing something in particular, he whipped his hand around him and hit you with the back of his hand. You fell backward immediately. Atsushi and Kunikida gasped loudly at the loud smack to your face. Dazai’s head shot straight back to where you were, immediately grabbing your shoulders with wide eyes. “Oh my God, are you okay?! What were you thinking coming up behind me like that?!”
I held my hands out defensively, “I’m okay! I’m okay!” I tried pushing him away, to no avail. 
“You’re bleeding!” Atsushi pointed out.
 “Someone get Yosano! Their nose is bleeding!” Kunikida ordered. Junichiro went to fetch the doctor. “You idiot, you need to be more careful!”
“I didn’t think they’d be right behind me!” 
“I’m really fine! There’s no need for-” You were muffled by an ice pack shoved in your face.
“You’re crying!”
“I’m not trying to!”
“Can you see clearly? Do you feel dizzy?”
“He didn’t hit me that hard…”
“Let’s take them to my office,” Yosano offered after appearing. After about thirty minutes, you were patched up as good as new. Of course, not without a few members popping in to check in on you every now and then. 
Dazai stayed in the infirmary with you until you were completely fine. You saw him watch you from across the room, leaning against the wall. He came closer to where you were sitting. “Feeling any better?”
“Yeah! Just some bruising.” You flashed him a smile. 
“That’s good. Sorry about all of that. I really didn’t see you there.”
“Don’t feel bad, I know you didn’t mean to.” You hopped up from your seat as the two of you meandered back across the hall to the office. 
For the rest of the day, Dazai brought you ice packs when you needed new ones. He also teases you for not dodging him, saying that he was testing you. 
“Did you ever get a cookie, Dazai?” you ask, looking for your container.
“Yes, actually. They were really good. It seems everyone else thought so as well.”
“I can’t seem to find the…Ranpo!”
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youngpettyqueen · 25 days
elaborating on some theories a bit
theory 1: I believe that the Doctor is of the same species that the Toymaker and Maestro are
my evidence:
the fourth wall breaks. the Toymaker and Maestro are both able to break the fourth wall, and the Doctor does this as well towards the end of The Devil's Chord. side note- who else do we see do this? Mrs Flood (the working theory in my household is that Mrs Flood is Susan)
the Doctor can hear the music of the show. this was implied with 12, when he played the intro on the guitar, but 15 has now confirmed that he can hear the show's music. we know that Maestro can also hear it, as they play the intro on the piano
this does raise questions. if the Toymaker is play and games personified, and Maestro is music, then what is the Doctor? what does the Doctor personify?
I would like to propose theory 2: the Doctor is memory
my evidence:
when 13 regenerated into 14, and took on that same old face (Tennant's), it's said this happened so that he could come home and rest. he comes home to Donna, and her family, and a crucial part of this process is restoring Donna's memories- which he himself had taken away
the Doctor can share their memories, read memories, and erase memories of other beings. "but Queen," you say, "all Timelords can do that!" well, we know that many Timelord traits come directly from the Doctor- see regeneration cycles. it could stand to reason that these are abilities that the Timelords inherited FROM the Doctor
memories are CRUCIAL to the Doctor's identity. so much of 13's arc revolved around this- she had that fob watch, her missing memories and lifetimes, and no memory of who or what she was before she came through that portal. 15 is still dealing with the fallout of the Timeless Child revelation, directly continuing everything 13 struggled with
the memory with Ruby's biological mother at the church changed
speaking of Ruby's memory. I want to propose that it isnt just Ruby's memory that causes the snow- it's also the Doctor's
Ruby shouldn't be able to remember anything from the night she was left at the church. she was an infant. the Doctor, however, was there the night she was left. he was there and saw it snowing. he was there and heard the music. it's his memory that summons the snow
"but Queen," you say, again, "what about Ruby singing Carol of the Bells?"
yes, that would certainly throw a wrench in my theory. Maestro does say the song is hidden within Ruby. but, hear me out, what if Ruby and the Doctor aren't separate beings?
theory 3: what if Ruby is, in fact, an incarnation of the Doctor?
Ruby's DNA scan read as homo sapien. well, we know that the Doctor can rewrite their DNA to be biologically human, and rewrite their own memories to fit a human life- see 10 in Human Nature/Family of Blood, and also see the Fugitive Doctor. Ruby could very easily be an incarnation of the Doctor, who's memories were wiped, and who's grown up a human- much like the Master did when he took on the name Yana. and we know, from how 10 filled a journal with his dreams of his life as the Doctor, and from the Master's still remembering the drumbeat, that these memories do still bleed through in some way
thats how Ruby could remember being left at the church. she could be remembering it from experiencing it, or she could be remembering it as she saw it through 15's eyes. I think shes a future incarnation of the Doctor, one who became aware of her identity and her powers, and who had her memory wiped- either by force or by her own hand. I dont have a theory as to why that would be, at least not yet, but I do think that its at least a plausible theory at this point
Ruby and the Doctor are established to be the same, in one big way: theyre both abandoned, both adopted, and both seeking who they are. thats a pretty big coincidence when we know how important coincidence has been so far with 15. they're screaming at us that everything is connected, that the Doctor and Ruby are connected, and I think that connection is that they are one in the same- same software, different case, and they are the key to each other's questions
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luna-alatus · 1 year
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➷ Headcanon➷ ╚» Reader has decided to get new glasses, resulting is some.. comical events ╚» Prompt: "Hey there (reader)- Oh wow you got new glass-.. glasses... AH CRAP-!" ╚» Charcter/s: Dazai Osamu, Atsushi Nakajima Pt. 1 - Dazai Osamu | ft. Kunikida ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- » Dazai Osamu ● Currently the Agency was quiet once Kunikida was calmed down about the fact the bag of bandages was late, another reason he was probably so easily calmed was the fact the (reader) had just gotten a new pair of eye glasses for themselves. ● How does that co-relate to the fact he had calmed down for that reason? ● Well the (reader) seeing as they had new glasses, they were having slight headaches here and there and well.. the added noise made it worse- and well seeing as Kunikida was their friend he had quieted down for them. ● A small time skip later, the late bandaged detective had decided to finally show his face up to the agency. ● Sadly he wasn't exactly aware of the (reader) had gotten new glasses and needed their environment to be quiet for a while- ● So being the dramatic bastard he was- he had to make a grand entrance and immediately this entrance had caught Kunikida's attention. ● Fortunately or well.. unfortunately it seemed the (reader)'s new look with their new glasses on had caught the suicidal maniac's attention making him pause his dramatic entrance. _________________________________________________________ » Scenerio
The agency was it's usual quiet yet busy self this morning, right now everyone was basically doing their own thing and getting their own work done. It was quite a calm morning today actually-.. if you disregarded a certain blonde's soft cursing as his work partner was once again.. late as usual. Though asides from that- everything seemed to be as normal as ever. Although the (reader) did get new glasses, as after a certain mission- their vision was slightly, well to put it short broken. And they didn't want to go through doctor Yosano's treatment just for that... cause.. hah.. They had decided to just consult an optometrists and they had suggested to just get glasses, so they did just that. And well.. it was okay, granted the killer headache they were having because of it slightly sucked- But you do what you gotta do, besides at least their vision was a lot better now with the glasses and all. It was probably late afternoon, which was around 1 to 2 pm, by the time Dazai Osamu. (Kunikida's late partner and the well known suicidal maniac in the agency) Had decided to show up for work finally, to probably just end up laying on one of the couches and do nothing again for the entire day- then again, it was to be expected. This was Dazai after all. And of course, he just had to make his dramatic entrance- he was after all the Dazai Osamu. With that being said, a loud slam of a door would be heard once the brown haired detective entered the agency's office a bright smile on his face as always. "Good morning everyone!~" A crack of a pen was then heard. "DAZAI-!!! YOU IMBECILE- IT'S 2 IN THE AFTERNOON YOU BANDAGED SQUANDERING MACHINE..!"
They would go back and fourth for a while- before Dazai's eyes would catch the (reader)'s making him pause with his bicker with Kunikida for a while..
Their mouth slightly hanging open as he saw the fact they had new glasses on- as he'd ignore Kunikida's scolding. He was just ultimately told to just sit on his desk and do his work.
And for once in his life, Dazai just nodded quietly before heading over.. still, the male was slightly surprised and more or less also charmed at (reader)'s new look-
So much so that as he was about to head over to his desk he had accidentally bumped into a wall on the way.
"Ow-! Ah.. damn it.." The bandaged detective would curse as he'd back away from the wall he just bumped into.
Walking over to his desk again- before he felt someone take his face into their hands, and that someone was no other than the (reader).
"Woah, you okay there bandages?" Their eyes would be seen filled with concern over their friend.
Seeing as they had just collided into the wall like that- they had a good feeling that hurt, a lot.
"Ah is my belladonna worried about me?~" And as per usual, Dazai was once again making light of a somewhat serious situation.
Making the (reader) roll their eyes at them as they'd gently check the male's face for any injuries, clearly not seeing how their brown eyes would observe them so closely.. or how their eyes were softening as they'd check over them so worriedly.
"Always gotta keep that charm of yours up huh..?"
Dazai just chuckled at their words, as he'd subconsciously leaned closer into their hands smiling softly at them.
"You look pretty with your new glasses on.."
A pause.
"Ah.. really..?" (Reader) would flush slightly at the taller male's comment clearly not expecting that.
"Thank you.."
All the whilst the suicidal maniac just smiled at their flushed face, chuckling softly.
"I should be the one thanking you~ Your beauty is so blinding it had blinded me for a second and I had bumped into a wall!~"
"Dazai shut up..!"
Let's just say, he had a fun time teasing the (reader) about that throughout the entire day. But of course he'd tone it down for their sake as they would mention how loud noises were causing the headache they had currently because of the new glasses worsen because of it.
So in summary, Dazai basically would tease the hell out of you but at the same time care for you and tone it down for your sake seeing as again, the headache and all.
But that wouldn't stop him from complimenting you of course~
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boxxes · 10 months
Not caught up with the Recreyo lore? NO PROBLEM! This post will be updating every time we get new lore!
Here’s the ENTIRETY of Recreyo lore;
So the glitches ur seeing are all Recreyo Chan. A girl originally used to promote Recreyo’s Anime NYC event! Her first appearance was on twitter, when it was still believed to be a gag. This girl is clearly the same. Matching blue hair and red neck tie. This was season 1 of course, so it was still a joke. But in season 2 she takes on a new light.
So her first MENTION takes place in ‘SCP The Sculpture’ where we can make a safe estimate that Recreyo Chan is the thing that is “keeping a special eye on the recreyo crew.” (Curt has stated that SCP is easier to work with because you can change things as well as said the SCP lore could leak into other episodes so thats how we know RC and SCP are connected) But we didn’t know what curt meant by this until the release of ‘Doctor Stone’. Where Recreyo Chan glitched into the video for a few moments before returning things back to normal.
After this ‘FNAF 4’ incident, the next week Curt uploaded a video titled ‘We need to talk.’ Addressing the glitches. His solution to combat the glitches was changing the upload schedule to every other week to *intensify the edits and get rid of the glitches*. This worked for the most part, EXCEPT for small glitches where a spiral (referencing the swirl design on her cheek). These spirals would only appear when they were breaking the fourth wall. Whether it be through the art looking like they’re grabbing the screen (‘Scream’) or talking directly to the animators (‘The Menu’). These spirals originated in the 4th SCP episode ‘SCP Plague doctor’ where the plague doctor referred to an IT. This IT obviously being Recreyo Chan.
In ‘Rizz, Marry, Kill’ instead of the typical spiral, Curt *spiraled* out of the video into a blank void where he asks “Now..?” before getting transported back into the video. This shows he was self aware of the glitch happening.. After a few weeks of episodes that show Recreyo Chan always on the outside looking in at Curt, finally the long awaited ‘SCP Security Breach’ was finally dropped. Throughout the video, Curt seemed removed and monotone. Something is clearly off. Once we reach the end of the episode, the Recreyo Crew come across a portal, which Curt has been leading them to throughout the episode. Except now we truly can tell, Curt wasn’t the one leading them to the portal. It was Recreyo Chan, who seemed to shape-shift into him. She closes out the scenario with the chilling line “now I have everything I need to end the scenario”. After this, Curt’s voice and body have fully transformed and we see her true form.
But YouTube isn’t the only thing Recreyo Chan has been attempting to hack. The Official Recreyo discord has been hacked by an account on the 31st of March, and was assumed to be an April fools prank. This user originally named “ca” terrorized the server and even hacked curt, turning Curt’s profile into a creepy blue light, his name to ca as well. Den ended up banning him, only for him to return a day later. Every Friday, or day of a post, this user has been adding a letter to their name every day. What was originally “Ca” is now “Can you”. We originally believed she could be spelling out “Can you survive”, as it is a common phrase used in their video titles. However now, we believe she could be spelling out “Can you hear me” After joining a call and changing everyone’s names to one of the letters “C, A, N, Y, O, U, or H”
In the aforementioned call that this mysterious account joined, they played strange audio, we are yet to understand the meaning of the audio, but it seems the first is weird glitching audio, while the other sounds like scraping or mechanical noises.
Another website we can find Recreyo Chan on is pleasestopareyoulisteningcanyouhear.me . On this website we can hear Curt talking about the laws of physics and possibilities of other universes (an obvious reference to the portals we’ve been seeing in the episodes lately) In the background you can hear the others having a normal conversation and you can tell this happens before a recording because Ivan says “We’re ready to clap now.” to Curt. (Clapping is how they sync their audio in recordings.) If you want the transcript of the audio I have another post detailing it!
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minimoefoe · 22 days
Rewatch Thoughts: The Church on Ruby Road, Space Babies & The Devil's Chord
Over the last couple days I rewatched the two new eps (and the xmas special that I never got round to rewatching when it aired) and wrote down like every thought I had while watching. Here are those thoughts
Some of the points in this will probs get posted separately as well bc I'm very aware that few ppl will wanna read this whole thing, I just wanna have all my thoughts together I think some of these opinions are from other ppl I've seen on the timeline that I've kinda absorbed lmao
The Church on Ruby Road
Some moments have such a non-Doctor Who, kinda awkward vibe in a way that I don't full know how to explain? Like I can tell they're acting and the things they say don't feel fully natural idrk. It's something Chibnall's era struggled with too but it felt slightly different. Makes the show feel a bit more childish I think. The Star Beast had an issue with it a little bit too iirc. It's not constant thank God but it is noticable every now and then
The Doctor just.. in a club is crazy. It's a good scene but I can't help but be like who tf is this bc it Doesn't feel like the Doctor. He does go on in this ep and the next two eps to show some more Doctor-y vibes but this scene alone is like. What are we doing here. He just has no awkwardness about him. I couldn't imagine a single other Doctor being like that. I think healing him of various traumas is one thing but like, he's become too cool lmao
The woman with the pram that the Doctor saves is Libby from EastEnders???
On first watch and even this watch a tiny bit the scene with the police man kinda swept me up as being really fun and so Doctor-y but when I think about it for like half a second I'm like oh I might hate this. It just feels like it was written for a completely different Doctor (and by a completely different writer (Moffat)). I don't think there's been a single moment with 15 since this scene where he has this 'oh I'm so smart and mysterious' vibe to him. It's very strange. And the Sherlock-ing of that man was like. nice bc the Doctor was being nice but ultimately what are we doing. The sonic detects diamonds? Right..
Ruby asking if it's unusual that she has no traceable family is kinda interesting bc like. it's not massively unusual or noteworthy irl but in the context of the show....? Potentially very noteworthy. Like maybe Ruby's mum isn't on any database bc she's an alien or something
I don't ever wanna see those gravity gloves again idgaf
I love that the Doctor loves the name Lulubelle so much and mentions it a couple of times like 'damn what a good name' lmao
The Doctor-y vibes are wayyy better in the scene where him and Ruby are tied up liike trying to understand the vocabulary of rope, crawling around like a weirdo, love him
I'm so dumb I didn't clock that they were crawling around bc obviously the ship is built for the little goblins, not humans. Ruby was like 'We're like giants in this place and I was like ohhhhhhhh
The Goblin Song is a mildly catchy banger. The Doctor and Ruby joining in is quite cringe to witness but yknow. improv will do that to a person
The Doctor's curtsy to the Goblin King lmao
Cherry fancying 15 is soooo Jackie fancying 9 coded
The way the Doctor says he's got no-one.. funny but also I'm depressed
The Doctor and Ruby foundling etc parallels make me feel kinda insane tbh. I was hopeful that RTD would stick with the Timeless Child but I was kinda just expecting that to consist of him not retconning it and instead he's leaning the fuck IN and I love that a lot, it's so cool
The xmas song/carol that plays gives me chills for some reason, it's such a banger
Ruby's mum walking away is so crazy liike if I was the Doctor I would sooo have had to run over and just see who she is or scan her with my sonic or SOMETHING
The way he says 'I'm the Doctor' at the end is a bit weird
Mrs Flood breaking the fourth wall, knowing what a TARDIS is (I assume).. who tf are you woman
Overall very fun, very intriguing. 4/5 stars
Space Babies
The Doctor says 'space babies' 10+ times throughout this ep and it's annoying every time except the first. Repeating a phrase is very Doctor coded, and they literally did it well with him saying he liked the name Lulubelle in the previous ep, but it really didn't work for me here
Very mixed feelings on 15 being so open with Ruby right at the start of the episode bc like. it does make sense, we know he's more therapised and open, but it is kinda jarring to see him so open so fast and it does mildly feel like it's there to catch the new viewers up to speed more than anything else, and that's not a very creative way of doing it
15 being like 'Come here, butterfly, have it' was very cringe
Mildly embarrassing that both this butterfly mention and Martha mentioning butterflies in Shakespeare Code kinda have the same tone about them in terms of both time the Doctor is basically like 'Well, why would do that? What has a butterfly ever done to you?' Not a big deal, just kinda.. embarrassing. Come up with something new idk
At least this also then has Ruby actually stepping on a butterfly and changing something which I thought was really cool. The way she says 'If you have made an incorrect accusation I will have to kill you' kinda kills me
I love the Doctor's excitement when Ruby says five numbers lmao
Is there a reason the TARDIS keeps slamming around instead of materializing properly
The Doctor having his hand on Ruby's face and then being like 'oh yeah' SO DOCTOR-Y you love to see it. And the 'woosh' when he said about running away ugh, love him
The 'push the button' mentions and the way the scene in the TARDIS was edited is SO embarrassing like it's very clear there was supposed to be a scene in there where the song Push the Button played but it got cut for whatever reason but then they.. kept the references to the cut scene in? I guess part of it is maybe it woulda been diffiuclt to edit out a scene where you need the Doctor to physically do something (push a button) to keep the ep moving but idk. It's just sloppy
The phone scene..... I don't dislike it but it feels like we're getting through things so quick and the End of the World version is definitely superior bc it was like, off the back of them arguing and Rose was kinda worried about what she'd got herself into so the Doctor tries to reassure her by making her feel closer to her mum but this was like. he did that to her phone bc why not I guess. which.. is fine? I GUESS. but it's not that interesting, it doesn't add much. They coulda just.. not done that
I also saw someone say that the difference in the scenes is that with Nine and Rose the shots focus on Rose bc it's about her but with 15 and Ruby we don't focus on her at all bc it's not about her, it's about showing the audience a cool trick which is like UGH bc I do feel like a few of the things that happen in this ep are more for catching the audience up and throwing things at them than for story purposes (this, the key, the life story) and it's frustrating !!!
I did like the way the Doctor said 'phone your mum' and when Ruby was like 'that's the best signal ever, how much did that cost' lmao
The babies and their little voices are so fuckin cute. I know some ppl didn't like CGI mouths and stuff but it didn't bother me tbh
The babies never being hugged and asking if they grew up wrong got me teary eyed fr
I actually love 15's attitude to being alone again like obviously in that scene he was specifically tryna give the babies a pep talk so maybe it's not FULLY how he feels but idk. I'm glad we're not going the full on depression about being the last of the Time Lords again. I think there's defo a sadness there, which you can kinda get a vibe of whenever he mentions it and when he talks about being adopted in TCORR, but it's not the same as with 9 and 10 which I can appreciate
'That's not a doggo' so cute
The Doctor scaring the kids was kinda weird? Like, I feel like the Doctor wouldn't do that idrk. At least that's not the vibe I get from this Doctor. Actually I don't even get that vibe 9 and 12 and they're defo the asshole Doctors
The cut to the memory at the church and Ruby's mum changing to pointing at 15 and the fuckin snow !! I'm SO intrigued by what's going on here. I NEED it to be good
Them hugging and 15's expression changing... Welcome back 12th Doctor
Ruby being like 'don't call me Rubes' when at least two ppl have called her Rubes before this point lol okay
'It's snot' 'It's not'
The Doctor is literally like 'the machine is literal and it's called the Bogeyman' and for some reason Ruby still doesn't connect the dots about what the Bogeyman is made of..?
The thing of the Bogeyman also being one of the babies is like hm okay but it's clearly not the same as them though is it. It seems kinda like a bad guy, idk why we're so depressed about it dying. 'The only one of its kind' yeah for a reason babes. I liked seeing the Doctor be kinda emotional but it didn't fully hit bc I'm like that Bogeyman dying is probs for the best actually
Jocelyn sat there crying like we're supposed to believe what she tried to do was some irrational insane behaviour when really it was like yeah, letting the Bogeyman die kinda makes a lot of sense actually. Like are we supposed to believe it isn't a bad guy somehow just because it was created by the machines or whatever
Love that the Doctor nearly said shit. I feel like previously the Doctor has generally not been a lover of swearing like idk if they were necessarily against it but I don't think they were massively for it either so it's interesting that 15 literally had to stop himself from swearing
Ruby getting the key is something I have a lot of thoughts/mixed feelings on. I think ULTIMATELY I'm like whatever, the Doctor and her get on, she's done well in these first two eps, why not give her a key. I definitely don't think she's unworthy of it. But it didn't feel like it meant anything. Which I guess it doesn't HAVE to but I think it's better when it does.
When 9 gave Rose the key it was because she was worried he was gonna leave her so he was like no don't worry I'm not going anywhere here's a key, when 10 gave Martha a key it was after she saved his life again and was a long time coming bc of their 'only one trip, idk if I'm coming or going' dynamic.
And then with Victorian Clara, she got given the key quicker than Ruby, but it was this big thing of the Doctor has just spent however many years not going anywhere and he meets this girl who has made him WANT to travel etc for the time in a long time and it's this big thing and then she ends up dying right after. And also Clara was essentially MADE to be the perfect companion for the Doctor so him being willing to give her a key that soon isn't exactly surprising.
And now we've got Ruby getting a key for what feels like no reason other than they wanna tick off a bunch of boxes and show new viewers certain things and it's just BORING and feels so rushed. Bc of the six month time skip in the next episode, this ep is the only 'good' time to give her a key but like. It wasn't good, it was basic. And yknow, we don't NEED a key giving scene, they coulda just not done it at all. I kinda just assume all companions get a key at a certain point whether we see it or not. It doesn't matter. If they really wanted to tho they coulda done a moment down the line that shows or references the fact that Ruby does have the key and we just didn't see it get handed over
I love 15 getting it out there right away that he won't take Ruby back to the Church or whatever liike yeah he's made that mistake before lmao. Also odds on going to the church being EXACTLY what we end up doing...
The TARDIS absolutely fucking up the ceiling in Ruby's flat ?
Overall this ep feels kinda faced and rushed in places and defo features multiple scenes that just feel like they're to catch new viewers up (which in theory is fine but there are defo more creative ways to drop information on the viewers than those scenes) but for the most part I think it's fine. Kinda an unserious fun time. 3.5/5 stars
The Devil's Chord
The pronouns stuff when Maestro is first introduced is sooo much better than what we got in the The Star Beast with the Meep and Rose
The theme being played on the piano was so cool. I wish they committed to doing it for the entire thing
That red shirt and jeans is genuinely 15's worst outfit, it's so ugly. Ruby's blue outfit was giving Clara Oswald reincarnated tho you love to see it
The Doctor is being mildly dramatic about how innovative of an idea going to see the Beatles is but anyways
'If we're in the 60s, what about my clothes..' she says in a worried voice despite wearing something with full coverage that could defo pass for 60s attire
The Doctor's reaction to the orcestra and Ruby tryna comfort him lmao
Someone pointed out that the Doctor hasn't seen the face of the woman that's popped up in multiple eps recently which is INTERESTING and I was thinking maybe it's bc he would recognise her but realistically it's probs bc if he did see her face then after seeing her for a second or third time he'd probs be like bitch why do I keep seeing you everywhere this is suspicious. But this way she can be creeping around for longer yknow.
I have like no theories about who she is btw. The obvious one would be Ruby's mother but that feels TOO obvious. Maybe she's like the Toymaker and Maestro and part of her thing is infiltrating a person's timeline which is why she's appearing so much
The Susan mention and the First Doctor life story sharing is craaaazy and I love it like the Doctor going to a place for a second time and offhandedly just being like lol I'm literally also a few miles that way right now is so the vibe. This specific instance does mildly feed into the thing of these eps so far feeling like there's a lot of them tryna get info out there for new audiences but I'll let this one slide for my girl Susan
The mention of a 'great big cellular explosion' that could have killed Susan too is.. ? Like what are you on about. Are we supposed to believe that when the Master destroyed Gallifrey it was actually him also targeting every Time Lord out there (except the Doctor I guess?) and killing them? Or is this a Time War thing? Either way it felt like an unnecessary addition liiike king just admit that you abandoned your granddaughter and haven't kept up with her
The scene where everything goes silent is very cool
The Doctor chatting like he mentioned the Toymaker to Ruby in Ruby Road when he quite literally didn't. Another editing fumble. Embarrassing! Sloppy!
The new bigeneration info this ep gave is insane. Like, 'it tore my soul in half, I can't survive that again.' Well.. according to the Giggle commentary you've survived it like 14 times so idk what you're on about. I hope that addition means that RTD isn't gonna make that idea part of canon and it will just be left as his dumb commentary comment bc it was already dumb as fuck and now it doesn't even make sense.
Also 15 kinda acts like the bigen was hard on him but no one in The Giggle seemed to be sad at all, it was more like a celebration, two perfectly healthy Doctors (minus 14's alleged exhaustion and mental illness). It's very messy. I kinda can't believe RTD has said bigeneration is something he's been cooking in his mind for years or whatever bc the more info we get about it the more it feels like he pulled it out of his ass the day he started writing the Giggle script
A six month time skip when we're on our third episode with his TARDIS team is insane like I genuinely can't fathom why they'd do that.
Also tho I was thinking that like, we're literally missing the initial build up of their relationship and them getting to know each other but tbh with the way things have gone so far I feel like we haven't really missed much bc they get on so well and have like no drama. Which isn't a bad thing, but it is mildly boring? Like, I love them as a duo and I'm kinda glad that the Doctor has this easy friendship after all the dramas they've been through but also I need more.
I'm hoping it's gonna be a 13 situation in terms of her and the fam got on pretty well through S11 and it wasn't until S12/13 that we started to see cracks so. for now I'm like okay imma give them time and we'll see where it goes I guess but right now I genuinely can't imagine 15 and Ruby having a serious discussion/disagreement about something
Meanwhile you've got 9 and Rose who had a really rocky start. Which partially is probs to do with the kind of Doctor 9 was, a lot less open and more twatty than 15. And it's similar with 13. Things started going a bit dodgy for her and her companions bc she didn't know how to be open but we've got 15 here spilling half his life story within the first couple eps. Idk. I prefer when there's a bit of drama between the Doctor and companion so I hope we see some down the line bc it being plain sailing forever will be boring I fear
I actually just remembered some leaks and now I'm like hold on there could be drama FR if those leaks are true wait a second. Fingers crossed actually
So, it's been six months of travelling together and Ruby apparently doesn't know about how things getting fucked up in the past can mess things up in the future. Makes no sense luv
Love scene in that black room or whatever, v good
15 kissing the TARDIS and saying 'don't hate me' lmao
So is there something wrong with the TARDIS or did it make those noises bc of the fact Maestro was messing with her and now the Doctor and Ruby are leaving her alone or whatever. Idk. Could be something wrong, which could explain all the dramatic landings
The Doctor aggressively pointing the sonic at Maestro is really funny considering RTD apparently changed the sonic design bc he was worried kids would play guns on the playground
15 shouting at Maestro to fight him and leave Ruby alone oh wow I need to see more of him getting pissed tf off and losing it
Ruby singing and the carol playing OH MY GOD, actual chills. And she looked so cool. I'm very intrigued
The music that was playing the night she was born AND the Doctor calling it out is insane tbh like. the fourth wall breaking buisness is weirding me tf out
So Maestro is the 'essence of music itself' but doesn't understand why a song could be powerful? Idk about that
Maestro being like 'The Oldest One, he couldn't have been there', was SO on the nose and clunky it honestly makes me sad like idk if it's the dialogue, the acting or both. I'm sure there would be a way of mentioning the Oldest One in that scene as a hint and not making it feel so cringe and in your face but that was not it
The weird reversed movement and saying music battle backwards thing was a bit odd. Didn't love it
That final 'the One Who Waits' line was CRAZY like. genuinely hot steaming pile of shit. Why are there so many moments like that????
Part of me is like okay maybe those moments are on purpose and are part of the the fourth wall breaking business but it's been happening since The Star Beast and that was pre all that drama so that doesn't make sense. And even if that WAS the reason why it was happening, that wouldn't suddenly make it good
Also it's crazy how much of a mixed bag the arc stuff is right now. The stuff with Ruby is so cool and I'm so looking forward to seeing where that leads to and then you have the saying a name bullshit like what are we doing Russell !!!
The twist at the end song. Okay. Idrc. Fun that Harbinger is still around. I'm interested to see what's up there. In the Devil's Chord ep of Unleashed RTD said something about how the Toymaker isn't the one in charge like ppl may think so maybe it's actually Harbinger in charge?
Someone pointed out that in Space Babies Ruby mentioned Star Trek and then some people had Star Trek uniforms and then in Devil's Chord she mentioned strictly and a Strictly judge was dancing at the end of the ep so like ???????
This ep is overall a lot of fun despite it having multiple things in that are nonsensical and piss me off/ 4/5 stars
I'm looking forward to the next ep bc I think 15 and Ruby desperately need a more serious episode liike I wanna see DRAMA. Thank you Steven Moffat
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zorilleerrant · 22 days
people coming up with theories about the new run of Doctor Who seem to be forgetting a really important fact. the genre has changed. everyone reading this through the lens of a science fiction show is wrong, because the genre and narrative markers aren't science fiction anymore. and, yeah, it's hard to tell, because it was always more into the science fantasy end, so the particular clues were subgenre specific anyway. and they were there!
but the Doctor whispered into the end of the universe and brought magic to life. it's a fantasy show now, straight up fantasy. indications are going to be based on a different conversation. now the brand of fantasy is the kind of high camp, self-aware kind most familiar from recent podcasts, so it's a pretty specific subgenre too. the kind of meta-fantasy Shrek popularized, only taken a little more seriously. so, no, things aren't entirely contiguous with any previous installments of DW. but they also don't have the same rules
fourth wall breaking? it's not a clue. it's the kind of power that The Doctor gets to remind us he's an alien who doesn't quite experience the same world that humans do. deus ex machina, always having the helpful thing right to hand, or mysteriously finding it? also generally not a clue. that's genre specific shorthand, the way technobabble used to paste over those gaps. power of coincidence? I mean that's driving the season arc because it's generally a function of narrative, but it's not active or agentive the way it used to be, back in the Bad Wolf version of events.
now the interesting thing is - we're going to have to pay a lot more attention to the soundtracking. minor keys mean different things in sf and fantasy. and especially lyrics hold a lot of meaning in a fantasy context than can be overlooked in sf. and we're going to have to pay more attention to the color palettes too. they're not just mood setting anymore; they're secondary protagonists of a sort. the story's going to be more and more built around set and costume.
all those funny little jokes in the background of older episodes? in-jokes and references and little worldbuilding tchotchkes? those are your clues, now. they're not in there just to fill things out anymore. no, the accessories and accoutrements of our Doctor and companion and ship take their place in the "filling out details" section of the story. things in the background are there now because they're watching us. waiting to be noticed.
and you're going to find The One Who Waits (Ruby's bio grandma) in the details hidden in the corners there
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ajs-in-the-tardis · 16 days
(I’m an extremely new fan so bear with me.)
I think Fifteen, and the current season/Era of Doctor Who is a celebration of Doctor Who as a show and Television/Entertainment in General.
It seems like Fifteen as a bi/regeneration is representative of the lessons The Doctor has learned as a character over their previous regenerations.
And I feel like with The Sonic being a Remote now, and it’s fourth wall capabilities, it’s possible.
When David Tennant showed up again, the show changed I think.
I think the show literally became or is becoming self aware.
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shiawase-jouhatsu · 4 months
Tumblr media
I very like this AU. I will work on it.
There is many of text next (about the AU)
Mulling.AU (Crash bandicoot)
Cortex is the child of the clowns of traveling circus. He was thrown out of a running train in infancy, and so he died. But the soul, that didn't rest, returned back to the dead body and captured it. He became a mulling, in Scandinavian mythology - these are the babies of deceased children who were carried out to snow to kill them. Their restless souls persecuted their mothers and tortured to death.
All his life, Doctor grew up mainly as a human being, his soul could not completely take over the body, which is why he looks initially disproportionate. In order for the soul to prevail, the body had to be cooled. The more it freezes, the further the stage of metamorphosis develops. It is not visible at all until about -20C°, but after the appearance of severe and acute frost and temperatures below this one, his body begins to gradually change. All this will happen until the body dies and the soul completely takes over it (which happened).
At the 106% ending, we find out that he was thrown into a dimension in which there were only snowy mountains. He wandered in this dimension for a long time, which is why he managed to freeze very much. He was able to get out, but before that he froze to death.
Next, we are interested in the moment when Tropy and FemTropy already see him like this. The rest of the story will focus largely on their relationship. (There will be also a so-called "Guide", i.e. character outside the canonical characters, who is aware of all events and should help Tropy see Cortex).
Since the Cortex is already physically dead, he cannot return to his original phase. But, since he has warmed up, he returns to the previous phase. Since this is a long process, we can say that this interphase variant is his "statics".
Of course, Doctor became more calm and restrained not only because of the cold and the difficult path he had traveled. He knows how to handle his abilities, but sometimes he gives out terrible things, because he has not fully learned to control some emotions.
In fact, he himself didn't know (didn't remember) his story for a long time, and only the cold could remind him of his purpose - revenge. There is one problem - he doesn't know where his parents are or if they are alive at all.
Later, however, the heroe will realize that now he lives not only for revenge, and just the same he shouldn't end his life like this. By this point, he will have achieved his goal, but another feature will come into force, that he lived not only for this, but also his attachment to Tropy doesn't allow him to leave his life.
In addition to all the above, he has the peculiarity that he distorts any technique both in front of eyes and as a consequence. Photographs, for example, can reveal some of his true nature.
Mirrors also sometimes show his real appearance, but Doctor can influence this.
Also, his skin has become paler, and he is also as cold as Tropy.
Sometimes in "static" he can pass through walls, but this is more of a fourth phase possibility, so it's better to beware when he looks/passes through walls.
He can lift objects and things (and people) into the air, but it is also mainly a manifestation of the fourth phase (also not safe for others).
He always can transform into an owl, and he is often haunted by child's crying (his own (from mulling)). He has the ability to drive people crazy with his gaze and baby crying. Or at least scare them away.
He often has the same dream: a woman hanging from a large bare tree in the middle of the desert snows. He didn't see that in real life. He believes that this is either a call to action or an indicator that his mother has already hanged herself.
His presence is full of all sorts of weird chips that he cannot always control, for example, sometimes silent or absolutely static walking (only legs), his eyes glow in the dark and often until the light is turned on he will look exactly at you, outside the owl shape he can turn his head a large number of degrees, has good flexibility, though rarely uses it.
The further the phase goes, the higher he gets. In the last phase, he is about the size of a Tropy, but in "static" he is shoulder-high for Tropy.
He has gray hair.
In "static" his voice is a little hoarse, including from the fact that he started smoking, and he also speaks a little less often.
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spoofymcgee · 1 year
celebratory latkes
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Jewish Character: Spock
Bingo Squares Being Filled: Latkes & They Tried To Kill Us, They Failed, Let’s Eat
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning(s): minor mentions of blood and injury
“I think,” Spock says, the corner of his mouth tightening as he steps off the transporter pad and jolts his possibly-cracked ribs, “That I will make latkes tonight.” “...Latkes?” Jim asks, doing the smart thing and sitting down to wait for the doctor to come fix him up instead of running all over the place with a crap ton of injuries. “Yes,” Spock says, rummaging behind the transporter desk. “The fried potato pancakes.” “No, I know, just. Why?” Jim asks, leaning gingerly back against the wall.
Spock straightens, holding a small first aid kit. “You are aware that I am Jewish,” he says, factual, and sure, Jim is, but– “I didn’t know you were practicing,” Jim says, gratefully taking the gauze Spock hands him and pressing it to the sluggishly bleeding wound on his knee. Spock shrugs, the gesture unfairly fluid despite his injuries. If Jim tried to do that right now he would aggravate at least four separate cuts, three burns, a rolled wrist and his recently-relocated shoulder. “It is very private to me,” he explains, dropping down on the platform next to Jim. “I endeavor to pray three times a day. I do not always succeed, due to other obligations. I am vegetarian, so keeping kosher is no great ordeal. And I generally time my vacations to coincide with the holidays.” “Huh,” Jim says, trying to pretend he’s not reeling a little bit. He’d always figured Spock’s regular ten minute breaks on Beta shift were some Vulcan meditation thing, and he supposes they’re at least one of those. “Um. Apologies in advance for my ignorance, but what does that have to do with latkes?” “It is the fourth night of Chanukah,” Spock says, leaning his head against the wall next to Jim’s. “Latkes are a food traditionally eaten specifically on this holiday. In addition,” he pauses, hesitating. “Yeah?” Jim prompts gently, turning slightly to take in his profile. The soft gold light shines through Spock’s hair, turning it from near-black to hundreds of shades of brown. The cut of it against his face makes it seem like he’s almost glowing. There’s a smear of green blood under his eye and half a red handprint on his cheek from an ensign who’s hopefully recovering in Medbay right now. “It is a rather illogical sentiment,” Spock says finally, “But. Many view a significant part of the Chanukah celebrations to be about rejoicing in the survival of the Jews of the Second Temple against the odds. The Selucids attempted to kill them and failed.” “Like the assholes down there,” Jim realizes. “Hey, that’s pretty cool, you know?” Spock looks faintly amused. “Thank you, captain. I’m inclined to agree.” They’re quiet for a moment and then Spock opens his mouth, hesitating a second before saying: “I do not suppose–that is, would you like to join me? Tonight. While I make the latkes.” Jim draws back in surprise. “Really? It’s not, like, a religious ceremony or something?” “Yes, Jim, we dance around the shredded potatoes and sacrifice them to G-d,” Spock says dryly. “It is nothing compared to when we make the jelly doughnuts; that requires an altar, goat blood, incense, and the presence of at least four separate rabbis.” “There’s no need for sass,” Jim grumbles, crossing his arms. “I’m trying to be respectful of your cultural practices.” “It is much appreciated,” Spock says warmly. “However, latkes are simply a custom. There are no religious elements involved in their making. So?” “...So what?” “Would you like to join me?” Spock asks, and he doesn’t really do exasperated because of the whole Vulcan thing, but Jim thinks if he did, it would be at moments like this. “Oh! Uh, yeah, that sounds nice.” The transporter room’s doors hiss open, and Jim shrinks back at the sight of the fury on Bones’s face. “Assuming we survive that long,” he qualifies, and thinks maybe he hears an answering chuckle before Bones is across the room and submitting them to his furious ministrations. 
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Quick Thoughts on “Whose Show Is This?” from She-Hulk: Attorney At Law
...It stuck the landing.
No rushed out finales with awful pacing and a forced CGI fight like the past Disney+ shows. I mean, the pacing’s a bit wonky, especially in the end there, but I’ll take a bit over a lot.
And I’m gonna have to get into spoilers because it’s gosh dang hard not to, so skip ahead now if you want to ignore them.
The best part is that it was gearing up towards a bad ending. I felt it, but the crazy thing is that Jen felt it to. Which then results in her breaking--No--SMASHING the fourth wall to pieces as she goes to yell at her writers and Kevin about it. A couple things on that:
First off, that’s exactly the kind of stuff I wanted with She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. It always bothered me that the best the show could do in terms of Jen’s fourth wall breaks were to have her turn and talk to the camera. This is a character who yelled at her writer/illustrator and yelled at him for making her fight a weak villain instead of Doctor Doom. So to have her just wreak shop in Marvel Studios to fix her season finale is both hilarious and very in line with the character. It’s also becoming clear that Marvel is becoming aware of their issues, being willing not only to fix them but also call themselves out on their own mistakes.
As for the reveal of K.E.V.I.N...It is so funny...that I laugh every time that I picture it.
This finale was the best one out of every Marvel show, not only because it was actually well written this time, but also because it was mildly funny and unique. “Whose Show Is This?” proves that the most important aspect of a story is it’s ending. Because while a bad ending can make a person hesitant to watch something they loved, a good ending can turn something mediocre into something...ok. Even good.
And that’s what really what She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is. It’s OK and sometimes even good. Not every joke lands but it is proven that this show can be funny when it really tries to be. The episodic format also works for the show, giving me hope that more Marvel shows will be willing to embrace feeling like a show rather than an extra long movie like past projects. And the CGI is...not great, but it really is carried by the performance of Tatiana Maslany, who really nails the voice and wit of both Jen Walters and She-Hulk. Not everyone’s going to agree with that, but that’s fine. They’re welcome to stew in their hatred for a show that’s a silly, superhero sitcom that’s not afraid to embrace the wackiness that superheroes have to offer.
Is it perfect? Hell no! But I’m glad I stuck with it, if not for that finale alone. It has potential to be a fun series and I hope that there’s more wackiness in the future...that is, if it gets a Season Two.
And, weirdly enough...I’m hoping it does. I really am.
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lankylordoflevity · 1 year
What kick-started your interest in Joker? Have you always been a fan, or did something particular happen to make you notice and/or identify with him for the first time?
Hi anon! Thank you for the question!
The first Batman media I ever consumed was actually Joker (2019). Before then, I always avoided media in the superhero genre because I’m not a big fan of movies/comics with overblown action and/or fantasy elements. But my partner convinced me to give Joker a shot because I am a huge fan of psychological horror and gritty realism. Lo and behold, I was absolutely blown away by the film! Even though I now strongly prefer other interpretations of the Joker’s character, Joker still holds a very special place in my heart for several personal reasons I will place under the cut, because I know not everyone signed up for personal blogging on their dash:
I have treatment-resistant mental health problems, and I identified a lot with Arthur Fleck’s character. I know what it feels like to bounce from medication to medication and see little to no effects. I also know what it feels like to spend hours in the offices of mental health professionals who don’t know how to help me, and what it’s like to feel abandoned by the healthcare system. Joker made me feel seen at a very desperate time in my life, and I immediately latched on to the film and the character.
As I started to branch out into other forms of Batman media like the comics (Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth was one of the first Batman comics that really stuck out to me), I started to identify with the Joker even more. Everything from his abstract, undefinable weirdness to his queer rage to his existential dread seemed to speak to me directly. I struggle to identify with other people because I have a hard time feeling at home in any particular boxes; even when I’m with other queer people, other neurodivergent people, etc., I have a hard time relating. So, seeing a character whose entire schtick is being undefinable and unrelatable felt relatable to me, especially in the realms of sexuality and gender. As I’ve already kind of touched upon, I also know what it’s like to feel like some weird kind of enigma to therapists and doctors.
His character also just happens to align with a lot of my interests. I’m studying psychology and philosophy in school (with plans to continue my studies down the delightful road of ~academia~), and he has deep ties to both fields. I love that there’s this debate with his character as to whether he is actually insane or some form of “super sane”, which makes you question what it means to be sane in the first place (I’d argue that he is both simultaneously - maybe I’ll write a meta about it some day). I also love that there’s this nature-nurture debate in the form of not knowing where he came from, what created the Joker as we know him today, and the question of whether it even matters in the first place. There’s so many other things about him that interest me, like his fourth wall breaking (awareness about the true - and fictional - nature of his existence?), shifty personal identity (is a consistent sense of self an illusion? is he understanding something we don’t by embracing a constant state of becoming?), etc., but I could literally go on for days. :)
I’m sorry if that was longer or more personal than you bargained for, anon! I really enjoy talking about why I identify with Joker so much/why he is so important/interesting to me in the first place. I don’t know if I would go as far as saying that he saved my life, but finally having something to turn to that made me feel seen - at a time when I was genuinely beginning to think that the world simply wasn’t made for people like me - pulled me out of a very dark place and helped me in ways that more traditional mental health treatments didn’t. 
Anon, if you’re also a Joker enjoyer™, and you’d like to share what initially interested you in his character or made you identify with him, I would be very interested in hearing it! He’s a very special and deeply personal character to a lot of us; if he wasn’t, we wouldn’t be running entire blogs dedicated to him. That goes for anyone who has read this far into this post, too. Since there’s so much hate and stigma attached to his character, I think it’s important that some of us talk about why he is so important to us in the first place, even if it’s just because we find him interesting. Not everything is black and white - great things can come from the existence of horrible characters - and I think Tumblr has a hard time understanding that concept sometimes. :’)
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ziracona · 2 years
((I am working on the next chapter to The Kid. It’s just been...some kind of a fall for me. It would be so hard to explain. But I know I’ve got at least two people who follow me on Tumblr for this, so have a little chunk. I picked Cu kicking ass for you.))
I hear the shouts—mostly their own guys, but a few from us. It’s chaos.
God damn it! This was going so well! What kind of idiot-!
“We’ve lost visuals on Salieri!”
That’s the doctor, calling out. Shit, that is bad.
“Lancer, was he hit? Could you tell?” The man is frantic. One of Archer’s swords swings in my direction at random and almost takes a chunk out of my side, and I slide about five inches left just in time to avoid it. He’s shooting massive barrages at everyone—I don’t even really think he’s aiming. Wait…
Shit—okay—what did the Doctor ask? –‘Was he hit?’
No, I think, irrationally angry, scanning for the Avenger myself in case he’s been hit since the first barrage. They’ve shot their fucking missiles at least twice now. I don’t see him though. Which I should—hell—I should at least hear him! We were close like eighteen seconds ago! How fucking far did he go? I can sense him at least, faintly, but it’s weird? Erratic. Not in the way Archer is, at least… All I can tell for sure is he’s somewhere to my far, far right.
“He’s back the way he came from!” I call, trying to avoid more swords as about six slice in my general direction, pivoting to use my spear to cut down a golem in my way as I go, doing my best to fight toward the hoard of undead now moving like a slow wave towards the exit gate, “That’s all I can tell! But he’s not hit!”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure!” I snap back. Of course. Of course he would do that!
A barrage of smaller swords comes spinning out in every direction again, and I hop out of the way of three and deflect a fourth with my spear, finally zeroing in on Archer, about 20 yards away. Shit.
“Cu Chulainn—” Shit. The doctor must be worried for real to be using my true name. “—drop back! We need to find-“
“—No!” I call back, “We fall back, and this gets worse! Just don’t let the rpgs hit you—something in them makes things frenzy, got it?! Like a fucked-up madness enchantment!”
“-I know! -But—no, head back—We’ve lost connection to Salieri and Emiya! Even if the Avenger isn’t hit, something’s gone very wrong with him! We need to-“
“—Regroup, I know—I know!” I snap back, starting to carve my way forward in the crowd again, taking advantage of the chaos to down enemies so preoccupied with the guy on their left going rabid with his arsenal of swords, that they barely register me. I run a mage clean through without him even having time to turn his head and look. “Get someone else! We leave Archer alone or give them time to regroup too, this shit gets worse—I can keep the mages distracted, and I can handle Archer! Take David and find Salieri, and try to do something about the fucking wall of undead heading for the city!”
“—Handle?! –How! Lancer, you realize you can’t kill him, right?—and holding back,” starts the Doctor desperately.
“—Yeah, I ain’t gonna kill him!” I snap back, annoyed more by the situation itself than him, but pretty irritated by now. A couple of mages finally take notice of me and try to land a few mana shots and a stun spell, but they’re so slow that I can dodge easily and take a shot back without even losing my breath. “I’ve fought him non-lethally before! He’ll be fine. I’ll see if I can’t snap him out of it, and I know I can take him. Worst comes to worst, I’ll drag his unconscious husk back and let you people fix him. That’s more than the rest of you can say about the other half of this! I’ve got this—you two handle the city!”
“… You’re absolutely sure?” asks the Doctor.
“I’m positive,” I reply. I’ve almost caught up to him. About fifteen feet off now. I ready my spear.
“Okay,” says the Doctor, and his voice is gone from my head.
Past Archer, I’m very aware the rpgs have gone off about six times now—one almost took me out—and they’re hitting their own people to have a shot at us. The effects are sporadic, but less pronounced on the mages it seems. It’s like they panic, more than go rabid, but it has some weird affect for sure. No real effect at all on the golems and robots. The homunculi and undead though? They get caught in the blast radius, and suddenly they’re a seething mob, gunning for anything in sight. It won’t take long for them to crawl over the growing stack of bodies by the far wall, and make it out of the compound entirely, and the homunculi and undead aren’t even the biggest problem! It’s all the fucking ghosts. Before they were a pain; now with whatever magic shit this is coating them, they’re all trying to be the fucking star of a bad Hollywood paranormal horror flick. Things are flying past and screams echo in the night. I’m at a distance from the worst of it, but I can feel the hatred and chill in the air from the malice on those things alone. They aren’t so big, which is great, but there’s just way too many of them. And the idiots with the guns are still firing! Guess…maybe we scared them a little too much with our frontal assault, huh, I think with a grimace.
Still, we ain’t handling shit well while we’ve got a heroic spirit like Archer going berserk in the middle of it, so he’s the top priority. If the idiot hadn’t taken a round straight on like this, he’d be better than the rest of us are at holding these things back, with that area of effect he’s got with his phantasm! But noooo.
I mean. I get it, I guess. I know why he did what he did. I get it! That first rpg round went off, he sensed something we didn’t, and the Avenger was going to just take the round head-on like he’d been taking everything else for his damage-boost Avenger thing, and yeah so of course he—I mean, sure, something like Salieri going full-tilt monster on us would probably have been a lot worse, and it was the only tactical choice, and I guess his shield just didn’t quite make it up in time, and it was one of them or the other. But even so! Even so! This fucking guy! With his endless ‘heroic sacrifice’ shit, while being the edgiest motherfucker I know, just…it all pisses me off to no end, and this is no exception to that rule! Kind of glad I now have an excuse to slug him.
“Hey, ARCHER!” I shout. I wonder how much he’s in there at all, and how much it’s just the spell running his body. He turns at his name, in a stunted way, like a man asleep, and I slam the back of my spear into his head.
He moves back, quick even with something this wrong with him, but I catch him enough to slice his forehead open, and I’ve sure got his attention now.
Alright. Perfect.
“Wake up!”
I go for another hit with the reverse of the haft, and he jumps to try and get some distance on me, summoning his little shortswords, and just barely parries it, but the force alone knocks him back out of the air and into some of the closer automatons. Barely even registering them, he’s up again in a second, slicing through the ones close enough to try taking a shot, and running for me.
“Get it together!” I snap, catching his shortswords with my haft as he swings at me, “You’re still alive in there, right? So shake it off!”
He ducks under my lance and goes for my gut with a blade, and I swipe his legs out from under him before he can. I leap after, trying to capitalize on him being on the ground, but he’s too fast—rolling out of the way so my speartip hits concrete, and hopping up and back, firing off a barrage of swords at me as he goes.
Okay, how in there?
I’ve seen my fair share of shit. There’s a sliding scale from ‘madness enchantment,’ to ‘under command seal,’ to ‘the grail got them,’ to ‘totally fucked up by magic,’ and he seems…
-He stops retreating mid-motion and shoots forward so fast I barely see it, and I have to duck to avoid a dagger, spinning on my heel and elbowing him in the gut as he goes for a second swipe, and knocking him back.
Shit, it’s hard to get a look at the damn guy’s face!
I said I could take him, and I can, but I was kind of hoping this would be easier than literally beating him unconscious and dragging his body back. I mean, I’ve done it before. I can do it again. But shit. He doesn’t make it FUCKING easy, and I’m not exactly looking forward to the state my spirit origin’s gonna be in after that, either.
Maybe he won’t be as tough. He’s fucked up. That’ll help, right?
He’s back even faster this time—Well, at least I got his undivided attention—and attacking with a vengeance. Swings for my head, and I knock the first blade back with my haft, catch the other with my speartip just in time. I swing for an uppercut, quick, and rake him across the chest with my spear—not deep, he’s too quick for that, but this is good, because it means he is reacting slower than usual.
Okay. Alright, I can work with that maybe.
Archer ducks forward and makes a slice for my leg, and I parry him easily, but the barrage of swords he summons to run me through the back at the same time almost get me. Thank god my hearing’s so good. I catch the whistle of wind just in time to twist and slide out of the way, knocking one aside with my spear. I know he’ll go for my back the second I show it to him, and he does, and I’m about to dodge, when I decide it’s better to just let him. I need the guy to fucking hold still –for just two seconds—and he’s more floaty than a fucking bird! This might be my best shot at that. This is going to hurt.
I’m ready to dodge to limit the damage, but as I feel it coming, I realize I don’t have to. The dagger goes in at my abdomen, on the right side of my back, and yeah, it hurts, but also, what the hell? That’s the best opening he’s had, and he blew it—I mean, only our heart or our head being destroyed can actually kill one of us, so-?
No time to really think about it though. The second the blade is in, I reach back blind and clamp my hand around his wrist with a death-grip. I hear a bone crack and a cry of surprised pain from back there, and with my right hand still firmly around his own, I step backwards and ram my back into him, kneeling a little as I do, and I drag the arm forward simultaneously and use his sudden stature above me and all my body weight with it, to push him on top of me and then launch him over my side and onto the ground on his back. As he goes over, the guy rakes the knife in his free hand across my back, but I don’t care, because I’ve got him then, and quick as a blink I ram my lance through the arm I have the death grip on, clean through and into the concrete below, pinning him by it.
He cries out as the blade goes through, and I use the second of shock to make it on top of him, using my weight to keep him pinned down, one hand on my spear, the other catching the hand he still has in use as he makes a swipe for my head with it, leaning forward and using my body weight to force it against the ground, when usually we’d be evenly matched in a grapple. I’m breathing hard, leaning over him up close, and I’ve finally got a look at his face.
He's grimacing, teeth gritted, but not anger so much as intensity. Sweating too, breathing hard. There’s a film over his eyes, like if he’s in there at all, he’s down deep past something else. Not like a Berserker, then. Berserkers are too much all at once: not there, but for another reason. Ah, shit. So, I know less about what’s going on or what to do about it than I thought.
Well, let’s see if I can get any real reaction. He did focus on just me when I attacked, so there’s some amount of logical reasoning left, at the very least.
“Archer!” I snap. He’s struggling with me, trying to get a leg positioned so he can kick me off, and I gotta say, he’s pretty fucking good at that and it’s getting on my nerves. I should hit him. Yeah, that might help, but if I do, I have to let go of his hand, and if I do that, he’s going to throw me off. Shit.
Oh, wait.
I ram my forehead down against the bridge of his nose as hard as I can.
It makes a very satisfying crack, and he cries out, surprise and pain, but more surprise.
I jerk my head up fast, trying to get a look if there’s anything different in his eyes. He’s wincing, still struggling, but that hasn’t done much except hurt him, looks like. Maybe if I hit him harder?
“Come on! Snap out of it! This is getting irritating! You think I want to babysit you all battle, bastard?” I spit in annoyance. He looks up at me, and there’s almost something there—or maybe there is, for a second. He’s listening for a second anyway, and there’s a glint of almost…confusion. And he winces, like the confusion hurt.
Yes! It’s working, I think, and trying to keep the magic off guard, I slap him in the head with my own again, cutting open a cheekbone this time.
That’s almost a word! Great! More defined than just a cry of pain. He tries to lash out in return though, and actually gets a good kick against the inside of my knee—hurts like SHIT, but I power through, and ram my knee into his in return—not exactly a win for either of us, I gotta admit, and curse under my breath.
Behind me, I hear sounds of the battle. No WAY I can look—if I do, I’m gonna get run through. I’m actually not sure why he hasn’t tried that all ready. Maybe he thinks I’d snap his neck? I could. I would, usually, in a fight like this. If he doesn’t remember we’re on the same side, I guess that logic path makes sense. Anyway, I hear crazy amounts of fighting still, but it’s getting further away. Kind of good, because while I took him down in the middle of enemies we’d already taken care of, no way they’d avoid taking shots at me for more than a few seconds if the battle wasn’t being drawn off. Bad though, because it sounds like David’s still alone. I can’t hear music at all—no Salieri. And that’s a hell of a lot of crowd control for one guy with a rock.
I gotta speed this up.
“This is going to hurt you a lot, but you’ll just have to get over it,” I decide, and I rip my spear back out of his hand and go for his chest.
There’s panic in his face for an instant, and then I hear the shing of swords in the air all around me. Holy SHIT he summoned a lot of them. I have to roll off him to the side on a knee, and swing my spear behind me in an arc, deflecting as many as I can, and one still slices through my arm. He rolls backwards and springs up, but I haven’t lost focus, and I’m up to meet him, slashing at his chest. The man barely gets one of his daggers up in time to parry the blow, and I shatter it, press on hard, harder. No more swords being summoned around us; it’s all he can do to parry and dodge as I press on harder and harder.
UGH he’s so flightly though! It’s always hard to pin him down.
Wait. He doesn’t remember, then-
Hopping back suddenly, I give him a little room. He’s breathing really hard now, wary and intense, surprised, until he sees me ready my spear to throw.
“Your heart is mine,” I call, voice cold, and I see the realization and horror on his face. Immediately, an arm goes up—I can only assume going to desperately try and summon that shield of his. Perfect.
I try not to grin.
“Gae—” I let the mana surge around me, and then dash in with every ounce of speed I can muster, leaving the phantasm unfired.
It works. Taken off guard, he falls back a step in confusion, going for a normal counter suddenly instead of a shield, and I slice into his chest. I’m quick—I get the rune carved in just two motions. I think I’ve done it perfect until I realize his sword is in my side.
Shit, I think, mind registering pain faintly and on a delay. No stopping now though. I get my haft up and ram it into his neck and push him back against the building wall, hard, try to hold him while I wait for it to work. Please work.
I feel the dagger go in deeper as his back hits the wall, and twist. I expect it to rip out and try to come in again, but it doesn’t.
We stop, panting, me with a forearm pressed against my haft and his neck, a hand keeping it steady, him with one arm holding a knife in my side, another just limply hanging there with an unused dagger. I meet his gaze, and he looks…confused. No, distressed. Both, but. Maybe distressed about being confused. Blinks, then winces.
It’s working. I notice he didn’t aim very high, either. Kill shot for one of us is only head or heart. I’m going to walk off a stab in my side. So, whatever control that magic has on him, it’s imperfect, or it’s weakening already. I need it to go faster, though, so I let go with one hand and dig my fingernails into the rune I carved, Algiz, for protection, and I flood the mark with mana.
He jerks like he’s been shocked and gasps, or tries to with my spear crushing his throat, and I can feel the crackle of mana as my spell dispels whatever that shit was that got on him. Its energy sloughs off, like mud, and suddenly he’s looking back at me with focus and an expression I remember.
“Welcome back,” I pant, grin with an edge to it, “Now get your fucking sword out of my side.”
Archer glances at his hand like he didn’t realize it was attached to him, blinks, and rips the blade out. Hurts like shit, but I don’t show it, and I back off, relaxing my stance and letting him breathe freely.
“I don’t remember anything that happened after—” He stops, brow furrowed, and glances down at his chest and the faintly glowing rune there under his ripped shirt.
“Seems to have worked,” I offer, glancing off towards where the battle has moved to now that I can. They ain’t far, but it doesn’t look great. Well, least we’re back to almost our original numbers.
“Okay,” he says, not pursing a line of questioning. “Salieri—did the blast-“
“—Yeah, yeah, you did what you wanted.” I give him a look. “Only hit you. He went MIA right after though, anyway. The rounds fucked up their undead pretty badly too, and they’re trying to rampage towards the city.”
He lets out a sigh, then winces and looks down at his right hand and the hole through it, then holds it up and gives me a questioning look.
“You’re lucky I didn’t take a limb off,” I reply.
Archer decides to let that go and follows my glance towards the fighting instead. “Let’s go.” He summons his daggers.
“Yeah, you’re welcome,” I say, spinning my spear into a better grip and turning to face them with him.
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Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
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Readings of Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Reading 1
2 SM 18:9-10, 14B, 24-25A, 30–19:3
Absalom unexpectedly came up against David’s servants. He was mounted on a mule, and, as the mule passed under the branches of a large terebinth, his hair caught fast in the tree. He hung between heaven and earth while the mule he had been riding ran off. Someone saw this and reported to Joab that he had seen Absalom hanging from a terebinth. And taking three pikes in hand, he thrust for the heart of Absalom, still hanging from the tree alive.
Now David was sitting between the two gates, and a lookout went up to the roof of the gate above the city wall, where he looked about and saw a man running all alone. The lookout shouted to inform the king, who said, “If he is alone, he has good news to report.” The king said, “Step aside and remain in attendance here.” So he stepped aside and remained there. When the Cushite messenger came in, he said, “Let my lord the king receive the good news that this day the LORD has taken your part, freeing you from the grasp of all who rebelled against you.” But the king asked the Cushite, “Is young Absalom safe?” The Cushite replied, “May the enemies of my lord the king and all who rebel against you with evil intent be as that young man!”
The king was shaken, and went up to the room over the city gate to weep. He said as he wept, “My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!”
Joab was told that the king was weeping and mourning for Absalom; and that day’s victory was turned into mourning for the whole army when they heard that the king was grieving for his son.
Responsorial Psalm
PS 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
R./ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
Incline your ear, O LORD; answer me, for I am afflicted and poor. Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God. R./ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for to you I call all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. R./ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you. Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading. R./ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
MK 5:21-43
When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea. One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward. Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her that she may get well and live.” He went off with him and a large crowd followed him.
There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who has touched my clothes?” But his disciples said to him, “You see how the crowd is pressing upon you, and yet you ask, Who touched me?” And he looked around to see who had done it. The woman, realizing what had happened to her, approached in fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”
While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue official’s house arrived and said, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?” Disregarding the message that was reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” He did not allow anyone to accompany him inside except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James. When they arrived at the house of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and said to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep.” And they ridiculed him. Then he put them all out. He took along the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and entered the room where the child was. He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly astounded. He gave strict orders that no one should know this and said that she should be given something to eat.
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30th January >> Mass Readings (USA)
Tuesday, Fourth Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green: B (2))
First Reading 2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3 My son Absalom, if only I had died instead of you.
Absalom unexpectedly came up against David’s servants. He was mounted on a mule, and, as the mule passed under the branches of a large terebinth, his hair caught fast in the tree. He hung between heaven and earth while the mule he had been riding ran off. Someone saw this and reported to Joab that he had seen Absalom hanging from a terebinth. And taking three pikes in hand, he thrust for the heart of Absalom, still hanging from the tree alive.
Now David was sitting between the two gates, and a lookout went up to the roof of the gate above the city wall, where he looked about and saw a man running all alone. The lookout shouted to inform the king, who said, “If he is alone, he has good news to report.” The king said, “Step aside and remain in attendance here.” So he stepped aside and remained there. When the Cushite messenger came in, he said, “Let my lord the king receive the good news that this day the LORD has taken your part, freeing you from the grasp of all who rebelled against you.” But the king asked the Cushite, “Is young Absalom safe?” The Cushite replied, “May the enemies of my lord the king and all who rebel against you with evil intent be as that young man!” The king was shaken, and went up to the room over the city gate to weep. He said as he wept, “My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!”
Joab was told that the king was weeping and mourning for Absalom; and that day’s victory was turned into mourning for the whole army when they heard that the king was grieving for his son.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
R/ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
Incline your ear, O LORD; answer me, for I am afflicted and poor. Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God.
R/ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for to you I call all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
R/ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you. Hearken, O LORD, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading.
R/ Listen, Lord, and answer me.
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 8:17
Alleluia, alleluia. Christ took away our infirmities and bore our diseases. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Mark 5:21-43 Little girl, I say to you, arise!
When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea. One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward. Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her that she may get well and live.” He went off with him and a large crowd followed him.
There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who has touched my clothes?” But his disciples said to him, “You see how the crowd is pressing upon you, and yet you ask, Who touched me?” And he looked around to see who had done it. The woman, realizing what had happened to her, approached in fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”
While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue official’s house arrived and said, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?” Disregarding the message that was reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” He did not allow anyone to accompany him inside except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James. When they arrived at the house of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and said to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep.” And they ridiculed him. Then he put them all out. He took along the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and entered the room where the child was. He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly astounded. He gave strict orders that no one should know this and said that she should be given something to eat.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Monday, June 12, 2023
Canada’s Exceptional Wildfire Season (NYT) Canada is burning. That, at least, is the perception around the world as hundreds of fires have convulsed the country, forced tens of thousands of people to flee and sounded a global alarm about the perils of climate change. In a nation famed for its orderliness, the out-of-control fires have created the ominous feeling of a country under siege, stretching from the west to the east coasts and sending toxic plumes over major cities like Ottawa, the capital, Toronto, the largest city and financial capital, and Montreal. As the smoke poured into the United States, disrupting life around the Northeast, and turning New York City’s skyline an apocalyptic orange hue, the fires also underscored how environmental disasters don’t obey borders. While wildfires are common in spring and summer in much of Canada, they usually burn in remote and sparsely populated areas. But this year’s fires have already been remarkable: Hundreds are burning across much of the country. A dry, windy and abnormally warm spring created ideal fire conditions in many regions. So far, more than 2,300 fires have consumed about 9,142,899 acres of forest, far higher than the 674,357 acres that burn, on average, by this point in the season.
Many Americans think we're close to or in a recession despite their own financial optimism (Yahoo Finance) More than 2 in 5 (44%) Americans believe we’re in a recession now or will be by the end of this month, a new survey found, while three-quarters expect a downturn in the economy by the end of the year. A large share (57%), though, remain optimistic about their own household finances for the next 12 months—despite those recession fears—the highest level since the fourth quarter of 2021, according to a new survey of 3,000 US adults from TransUnion. The seemingly contradictory feelings reflect how many households remain bothered by higher prices and elevated interest rates eating into their budgets, but a still-robust job market has allowed many to keep up for the near term. “People are in a recession state of mind,” Charlie Wise, senior vice president and global head of research and consulting at TransUnion, told Yahoo Finance. “Yet a majority of consumers say they are feeling optimistic and expect higher personal incomes. It’s a strange type of conflicting forces.”
US confirms China has had a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019 (AP) China has been operating a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019, part of a global effort by Beijing to upgrade its intelligence-gathering capabilities, according to a Biden administration official. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the U.S. intelligence community has been aware of China’s spying from Cuba and a larger effort to set up intelligence-gathering operations around the globe for some time. The existence of the Chinese spy base was confirmed after The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that China and Cuba had reached an agreement in principle to build an electronic eavesdropping station on the island. The Journal reported China planned to pay a cash-strapped Cuba billions of dollars as part of the negotiations.
Colombian Children Rescued From Jungle Are Said to Be in Good Health (NYT) Four Colombian children who survived in the Colombian jungle for 40 days after their plane crashed were eager to play and asked for books to read, officials said on Saturday, one day after the group was rescued. The siblings, aged 1 to 13, were recuperating at a military hospital in Bogotá, the capital, and were said to be in good health and spirits on Saturday. The country has been captivated by the children’s story, with many eagerly awaiting news of their fate since their plane crashed on May 1. Carlos Rincón, the military doctor who evaluated the children, said they had survived with only mild cuts and scrapes. In photos released by the government on Friday, the children appeared gaunt and the doctor said they were not yet receiving solid food. He said he expected they could be discharged from the hospital in two to three weeks. Defense Minister Iván Velásquez, who was among the officials to visit the children, praised the oldest, Lesly Mucutuy, 13, for ensuring the survival of the group. “We have to recognize not only her courage, but also her leadership,” he said. “It was because of her that the three little siblings were able to survive by her side, with her care, with her knowledge of the jungle.”
Ukraine’s dam collapse is both a fast-moving disaster and a slow-moving ecological catastrophe (AP) The destruction of the Kakhovka Dam was a fast-moving disaster that is swiftly evolving into a long-term environmental catastrophe affecting drinking water, food supplies and ecosystems reaching into the Black Sea. The short-term dangers can be seen from outer space—tens of thousands of parcels of land flooded, and more to come. Experts say the long-term consequences will be generational. For every flooded home and farm, there are fields upon fields of newly planted grains, fruits and vegetables whose irrigation canals are drying up. Thousands of fish were left gasping on mud flats. Fledgling water birds lost their nests and their food sources. Countless trees and plants were drowned. If water is life, then the draining of the Kakhovka reservoir creates an uncertain future for the region of southern Ukraine that was an arid plain until the damming of the Dnieper River 70 years ago. Since the dam’s collapse Tuesday, the rushing waters have uprooted landmines, torn through caches of weapons and ammunition, and carried 150 tons of machine oil to the Black Sea. Entire towns were submerged to the rooflines, and thousands of animals died in a large national park now under Russian occupation.
Iran seeks ‘billions’ worth of Russian aircraft and weapons in exchange for drones, U.S. says (Washington Post) Iran is seeking to acquire large numbers of Russian attack helicopters, warplanes and air defense systems in repayment for its support of Russia’s war against Ukraine, U.S. officials say. The White House has warned that these weapons could substantially increase Tehran’s ability to threaten its neighbors or repel future attacks. The combat aircraft are part of an Iranian wish list that includes billions of dollars in Russian military hardware. Details of Iran’s request were released by the Biden administration Friday as part of an intelligence assessment describing deepening military ties between Moscow and Tehran. The assessment confirms previous reports about plans by the two countries to build a production facility for Iranian-designed attack drones inside Russia, giving Moscow greater domestic capacity to produce unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, for use in airstrikes against Ukrainian cities.
Heavy rains in northwest Pakistan leave 25 dead, 145 injured (AP) Heavy rains swept through Pakistan’s northwest on Saturday, causing several houses to collapse and leaving at least 25 people dead and 145 injured, authorities said. Rains and hail hit the Bannu, Lakki Marwat and Karak districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, senior rescue officer Khateer Ahmed said, uprooting trees and knocking down electrical transmission towers. Last year, monsoon rains and flooding devastated Pakistan, killing more than 1,700 people, affecting around 33 million people and displacing nearly 8 million.
From ‘Pariah’ to Partner, Saudi Leader Defies Threats to Isolate Him (NYT) President Biden vowed during his quest for the White House to make the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, a “pariah” over the killing and dismemberment of a dissident. He threatened the prince again last fall with “consequences” for defying American wishes on oil policy. Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, called Prince Mohammed, the oil-rich kingdom’s de facto ruler, a “wrecking ball” who could “never be a leader on the world stage.” And Jay Monahan, the head of golf’s prestigious PGA Tour, suggested that players who joined a rival Saudi-backed league betrayed the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks—carried out by hijackers who were mostly Saudi citizens. Now, their words ring hollow. Mr. Biden, visiting Saudi Arabia last year, fist bumped Prince Mohammed when they met and regularly dispatches officials to see him—including his secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken, this past week. Senator Graham grinned next to the prince—known by his initials M.B.S.—during a visit to Saudi Arabia in April. Also this week, Mr. Monahan jolted the world of professional golf by announcing a planned partnership between the PGA and the upstart Saudi-backed LIV Golf league, suddenly giving the kingdom tremendous global influence over the sport. “It just tells you how money talks because this guy sits on top of this oil well and all this money, so he can basically buy his way out of everything,” said Abdullah Alaoudh, the Saudi director for the Freedom Initiative, a rights group in Washington and a vocal opponent of the monarchy. Over and over throughout his eight-year rise to power, Prince Mohammed, 37, has defied expectations that his rule was in jeopardy while leveraging the kingdom’s wealth, its sway over oil markets and its importance in the Arab and Islamic worlds to evade repeated threats to punish him with international isolation.
Fighting resumes in Sudan’s capital after 24-hour truce expires (Reuters) Sustained clashes and artillery fire were reported in parts of Sudan’s capital Khartoum early on Sunday soon after the end of a 24-hour ceasefire that had brought a brief lull to eight weeks of fighting between rival military factions. War between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) broke out on April 15 over tensions linked to an internationally backed plan for a transition towards civilian rule. The conflict has displaced more than 1.9 million people, triggering a major humanitarian crisis that threatens to spill across a volatile region. Fighting has been concentrated in the capital, much of which has become a war zone plagued by looting and clashes.
Minor earthquake shakes Johannesburg (AP) An earthquake shook South Africa’s biggest city, Johannesburg, early Sunday. The U.S. Geological Survey, which records earthquakes around the world, recorded a 5.0 magnitude earthquake at 2:38 a.m. local time. It said the epicenter was 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from Alberton, a town on the southeastern outskirts of Johannesburg. There were no immediate reports of casualties or any significant damage. An earthquake of that strength is classified as minor but would be clearly felt and might cause small damage to buildings. An Associated Press journalist who lives close to the epicenter said the shaking felt like being on a moving train and lasted for about a minute.
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