#eBook Secrets Exposed
yourhomebizcoach · 6 months
Earn Abundant Sums of Money Using Your Own eBook
You can learn how to write and sell an eBook to generate income online by following Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel’s “eBook Secrets Exposed” course. Rather than providing generic advice on writing on any topic, the eBook walks you through the five most crucial steps in selecting a topic for your eBook that will appeal to a particular audience. They correctly point out that in order to know…
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rehnwriter · 5 months
New Haven - Novel Pre-Release
Hey there, everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! My second novel, New Haven is going to release in a month!
Pre-orders for the ebook version are already live and you can check it out here:
Here’s a short synopsis of the book for those of you who might be interested:
Tragedy strikes in the small, religious town of New Haven, Minnesota when the pastor’s daughter, Claire Owens, is found dead. Ethan Miller, the town’s only self-proclaimed atheist, enlists the help of sheltered Christian boy David Sullivan to unravel the secrets hidden beneath the town’s picture-perfect facade. As they dig deeper, doubts and dark truths emerge. Can they expose New Haven’s secrets, and if so, at what cost?
New Haven is a slow-burn horror mystery novel about faith, deception, and the dangerous secrets within the heart of small, isolated communities. And we soon learn that some secrets are best left buried, or they might consume you.
If you don’t want to buy the book, but still want to support me, I’m also sending out ARCs (advanced writer copies), which allows you to read the book for free in exchange for an honest review.
A link to the ARC can be found here:
All you gotta do is sign up as a reader, and you can download your free ebook copy of New Haven, but if you do, please leave a review, it would really help me out once the book goes live.
The book releases in all its formats (ebook, paperback, and hardcover, on the 01.03.2024.
Once again, I want to thank all of you for reading this little ramble, and I hope some of you are interested.
Hope you all have a good one.
- René Rehn aka RehnWriter
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🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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aleriaya-reads · 23 days
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🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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catsarno7024 · 2 months
🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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bellabrooks1510 · 2 months
🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 8 months
Since War of the Scaleborn will be releasing in a few hours (and ebooks, I've noticed, tend to drop an hour or two before midnight on release), I have compiled a list of all the questions I have going into this book. I'll update the post as they are answered, if I get to the end without them being answered, or if someone has a question they want added
1. How were the Primal Incarnates created? A: It's not really made clear, only that the ritual to do so was incredibly dangerous and has killed 99.9% of primal dragons who tried. Iridikron discovered how to do so, but Fyrakk is the first to do so successful. Fyrakk describes himself as being the first to successfully 'cross the breach.'
2. Are elemental-infused primal dragons a naturally-occurring phenomenon, or exclusively created through deliberate action? A: Vyranoth is identified as a primal dragon of ice even before her infusion, so it seems that elementally-infused primal dragons are naturally occurring in addition to unnaturally occurring. That, or Alameda is confused on what to call a regular primal dragon that utilizes ice magic but isn't elementally-infused.
3. Will my beloved Talonixa be mentioned, even in passing, a single time? A: Nope.
4. What's the family situation with the Primal Incarnates? They're pretty clearly established as siblings in the game, explicitly being called 'siblings' in several locations, but the previews and early release leaks of the novel make it sound like they're just a bunch of loosely-affiliated individuals of no relation. A: Not related in the book. Fyrakk is Alexstrasza's cousin. Iridikron is from a clutch of two eggs. Vyranoth and Raszageth do not even know each other before their meeting in the book, and Vyranoth only knows of Iridikron.
5. Why the fuck was Iridikron imprisoned in the Vault of the Incarnates if no one liked him? A: Alexstrasza didn't want to kill any of the Incarnates, even the one she never liked.
6. Will anything about Adamanthia be revealed? A: Nope.
7. How does Raszageth know all of Neltharion's business, to the point that she can attack his secret base that even his fellow Aspects don't know about? A: Raszageth randomly found the Reach while hunting tarasek with Iridikron's clutchsister Ikronia.
8. What's the deal with Stormshroud Peak? A: Not answered.
9. Addendum to 3: Will anything from Dawn of the Aspects be acknowledged at all, aside from Galakrond's existence? A: Nope.
10. What happened to Iridikron's chest? They HAVE to answer this one. A: It's... really kind of unclear? Neltharion ripped into his 'exposed chest' with the void. The "exit wound" on his back was a fissure he had the entire time he was an Incarnate.
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rayvnwolf17 · 4 days
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🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
Get it here --->
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focsle · 2 years
I haven’t shilled my Completed Projects in a while, and since I’ve gotten a number of new followers who might not know about them, I’m gonna shill again! Forgive me!
While waiting for me to take the length of a whaling voyage to complete my Whaleship Ghost Story Comic @goingtoweather, why not check out my debut ghost story novel, Lacrimore? It’s a slim self-contained gothic fantasy set in a house that isn’t really a house. Ooh Ahh!
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Here’s a synopsis:
Sivre Sen is a spiritual medium who's lost her faith. Though it's been years since the epidemic that swept the mainland and changed her life, she has yet to find the answers—or closure—that she's looking for. When she's summoned to conduct the funeral rites for a reclusive scholar, the unusual circumstances give her hope that maybe, finally, she'll find the answers she needs. Far from the mainland, on a small island in the middle of a lake, stands Lacrimore, centuries old and wreathed in grim legends. But something much darker than legends thrives within its walls, waiting to lay claim to the house's inhabitants. As Sivre rediscovers her place in the world, she'll need all of her newfound strength to dig her fingers into the monstrous foundation of Lacrimore and expose the secrets it is built upon.
It exists as a paperback, hardcover, ebook, and absolutely beautiful audiobook narrated by Rishi Katz! Here’s a bookshop.org link and an indiebound link to support your local bookstores! Other purchase options (including ebook ones that aren’t available in the former links) can be found here.
Maybe check it out if you like my ideas, words, and the characters I create to share them!
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This day in history
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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#20yrsago Developing nations shouldn’t respect US copyright unless farm subsidies end https://www.wired.com/2004/01/a-taste-of-our-own-poison/
#20yrsago Self-parking Prius https://www.seattlepi.com/business/article/look-no-hands-car-parks-itself-1134918.php
#20yrsago Disney selling off Celebration, FL https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/16/us/disney-is-selling-a-town-it-built-to-reflect-the-past.html
#15yrsago Zimbabwean $100 trillion note https://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/01/16/zimbawe.currency/index.html
#15yrsago UK MPs to hide their expenses from Freedom of Information requests https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2009/jan/15/freedom-of-information-expenses
#10yrsago The Encyclopedia of Early Earth, a graphic novel by Isabel Greenberg https://memex.craphound.com/2014/01/15/the-encyclopedia-of-early-earth-a-graphic-novel-by-isabel-greenberg/
#10yrsago Leaked: environmental chapter of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty https://wikileaks.org/tpp-enviro/
#10yrsago Booth babes are bad for business https://techcrunch.com/2014/01/13/booth-babes-dont-convert/
#10yrsago Blackphone: a privacy-oriented, high-end, unlocked phone https://web.archive.org/web/20140115183757/https://www.blackphone.ch/
#10yrsago HEADWATER: NSA program for sabotaging Huawei routers over the Internet https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/01/headwater_nsa_e.html
#10yrsago Judge rules TSA no-fly procedures unconstitutional https://www.loweringthebar.net/2014/01/judge-rules-for-plaintiff-in-no-fly-case.html
#10yrsago Dirty secrets of America’s most notorious patent troll https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/01/mphj-exposed-the-real-dirt-notorious-scanner-troll
#10yrsago UK consultation on orphan works https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/copyright-uk-orphan-works-licensing-scheme
#5yrsago Even the rightsholders think Europe’s Article 13 is a mess, call for an immediate halt in negotiations https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/01/even-rightsholders-think-europes-article-13-mess-call-immediate-halt-negotiations
#1yrago Normalize Dark Corners! https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/15/normalize-dark-corners/
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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jmswallow · 1 year
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A new year means new thrillers – and coming in like a thunderbolt today is the second of my novels based on the action-packed Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell espionage adventure series! Following on from my previous entry in the series Firewall, (itself a follow-on from the Splinter Cell: Blacklist videogame), this new story sends veteran Fourth Echelon operative Sam Fisher into danger deep inside hostile territory when a mission goes wrong and he’s left for dead…  
For veteran Splinter Cell operative Sam Fisher, what begins as a high-stakes stealth mission inside the borders of the hermit nation of North Korea unexpectedly spirals out of control.
Abandoned by his government, disavowed by the top-secret Fourth Echelon program, and hunted by remorseless enemies, Sam must adapt, improvise and call on all his skills to survive.
And a world away, inside the Splinter Cell team, lines of loyalty are tested to their limits as Sam’s estranged daughter Sarah races to track down her missing-in-action father before his luck runs out.
Together, they must expose the sinister scheme of the conspirators known as ‘The Dragons’ and stop a deadly chain of events exploding across the two Koreas – or millions will die…
As well as Dragonfire‘s new release today, my previous Splinter Cell novel Firewall is also currently available from publishers Aconyte – but you can also experience it in two different way on audio! The unabridged audiobook version read by Natalie Naudus is currently on sale for 50% off from Recorded Books until January 27th; or you can listen to all eight half-hour episodes of a full-cast dramatic adaptation of Firewall from BBC Radio 4 via BBC iPlayer.
Meanwhile, Splinter Cell: Dragonfire is available worldwide in eBook, audiobook and in paperback across the USA from today; the paperback version will be on sale in the UK on March 30th 2023, and a German translation will follow in August. Follow these links to order Splinter Cell: Dragonfire direct from Amazon or via the Aconyte website.
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buffyfan145 · 10 months
Wanted to finally put a pinned post on my blog about my original fiction. I've written novels, novellas, and short story collections that I've self-published through Lulu and they're available in both paperback and eBook formats on Lulu, Amazon, and other book sites. Most are romances but some are family dramas and soon will have my first fantasy/paranormal short story collection too. All the real world stories are interconnected too by various cameos. Will update when I have new books out.
If Not For You - A YA romance novel about two almost life-long friends and neighbors Lilly and Ben and how their feelings change for each other their senior year of high school.
Double Play - A romance novel about two twin brothers, Paul, a singer/guitarist in an up and coming indie rock band, and George, a up and coming pitcher in MLB; who end up falling in love with a pair of sisters Bexley, Paul's eccentric bandmate, and Anna, a shy bookseller who catches George's eye. Follows the couples through various dramatic events.
On the Outside - A romance novella about college student Lizzy who always felt different from her "perfect" family and is happy to escape them through school. While there she meets and falls for the mysterious "bad boy" Rob who accepts her for just being her.
Rennaissance - A romance novella set in Italy where popular British author Charlie goes for new inspiration and as a reset after his pending divorce. Tara, a young American, has also gone to Italy on vacation with her friends as an escape. Both meet by chance and sparks fly as they realize they can reinvent themselves together.
Angel Eyes - A mystery/thriller romance novel about Angie who goes back to her family's home in Boston after her mother dies. While there she reunites with her childhood friend and crush Vinnie, both realizing they have a second chance of exploring what they could be. However, family secrets and lies start getting exposed and lives end up in danger.
Playing with Fire - A romance novel set in Nashville's country music scene. When a popular country duo forms a supergroup trio with a famous solo artist sparks fly. Both Ian and Audrey are afraid to explore what's between them as bandmates dating usually always end in disaster. But their friendship deepens even through other relationships and they can't deny the connection they have.
Fire & Ice - Two romantic short stories set during the Olympics. One is about Veronika, a US gymnast, falling for US swimmer Nathan during the summer Olympics. The other is set during the winter Olympics about a reporter Melanie, who while overcoming a tragic past is tasked to follow a famous US ice dancing pair and ends up falling for one of them Sam.
Let Love In - An interconnected novel of stories about various members of the Ferrell family in New York City and love in their lives. For some it's new love, some it's starting over, some it's finding self-love, and others true love. Through it all the family bands together and impacts each other in different ways.
Bright Sparks - A YA romance novella about Olivia and Tyler, two opposites who are drawn to each other. She's a cheerful, optimistic girl with a bright future ahead, and he's a dark, guarded boy overcoming a tragic past.
Coming Soon: Songs of the Radio, Vol. 1 - A short story collection with the concept of each story being based off of one song. Will contain various genres.
Coming Soon: Enchanted Tales, Vol. 1 - A fantasy/paranormal romance short story collection.
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dongallant · 1 year
SECRET EXPOSED, how ulcer patients can survive hypertension crisis
Hi.. Hi everyone i am delighted to announce to my fans that i will give my money making machine pro course ebook that worths $220 to as many as will like and share this life changing opportunity blog site to upto 10 friends .i will give it to you for free as a way to say thank you for believing in my digital products. I will appreciate you as well as empower you..thank you all my fans How an…
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 2 months
🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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aleriaya-reads · 2 months
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🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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catsarno7024 · 1 day
🤫 Secret Lives 🤫
Dark secrets can tear even the highest walls down. Putting those you love the most at risk. Rex needs to trust those closest to him or forever expose them to danger.
Lizzy runs hot despite past relationship trauma, with her bestie Jacob in tow they attempt to rule the dating app scene... Rex always watched Lizzy...kept his distance until they crashed.
A chance encounter after Lizzy's date bails on her, Rex swoops in to rescue his little brother's friend only to fall for her!
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#terickablack #secretive #KindleUnlimited #availablenow #secrets #brothersbestfriend
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