#earth clan lore
qhazomb · 10 months
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all of my dedicated flight reps. i really like how they all turned out :)
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troutfur · 5 months
Wait, did people genuinely forgetting that people who believed in the same God would fight due to differences???
And that those differences were often along ethnic and cultural lines????
Anytime anyone says something to the effect of "But why is Rootspring considered weird for being able to talk to ghosts if Clans culture worships ghosts?" I just can't help but let out a weary sigh.
Guys the issue is he talks to ghosts the wrong way. People fight about interacting with entities the wrong way all the time. Open a history book, I beg.
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fatickono · 1 month
should i join earth flight…. i’m really considering it ….
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pestilentbrood · 11 months
My clan overview post on here was made less than 3 weeks ago and I already have 2 clans to add to it. Tells you how much I never stop making shit up
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hinderr · 1 year
Sorry for being MIA i went through the entire 'parental miguel o'hara' tag on ao3 and emerged a changed man (with a couple subcriptions heavier)
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risedarksideau · 2 months
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Hamato Raphael (18) After the invasion, Raph gets a whole lot of nightmares about the Krang and is always overwhelmed, which leads to him occasionally losing his temper. | After Splinter’s death, he finds a mysterious box in Splinter’s room that contains his journal, family scrolls, and secrets. He helps Donnie with translations while simultaneously managing his nightmares, temper, and making sure his brother’s don’t get killed (mainly Leo). Eventually, Raph discovers that he can tame Krang-infected people and makes the infected Foot Clan his family's guard dogs. This allows Raph to regain some sort of control over his trauma.
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Hamato Leonardo (17) After the invasion, Leo starts going out at night to look for trouble. He starts to believe that death and destruction follows him everywhere he goes. It starts with fighting bad guys, but he gradually starts blurring the lines between bad and good. | After Splinter’s death, Leo adopts the persona of Death and really leans into this character. He goes looking for suspects and uses unethical methods to get answers. After he learns the truth about the Hamato Clan, he feels less guilty about what he’s doing. 
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Hamato Donatello (17) After the invasion, Donnie coops himself up in his room and stays up most of the night tinkering with strange objects. He suffers from migraines, which is a side effect of integrating with the Krang ship. | After Splinter’s death, he switches focus and almost obsesses over the Hamato scrolls, which he’s tasked with translating. After knowing the truth about the Hamato Clan, he will find and utilize scraps from the Krang ship that crashed into Earth to build something that will ensure his family is protected. During this process, there is an explosion that causes Donnie to hallucinate.
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Hamato Michelangelo (16) After the invasion, Mikey’s adjusting to his injuries and starts drawing Krang symbols in his art. | After Splinter’s death, his drawings become more vivid as his mental state declines. After uncovering the truth about the Hamato Clan, Mikey convinces himself that everything bad that happened to their family was for a reason. He seeks comfort in the Krang and will view them as holy beings whom he'll worship.
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Yuichi Usagi (17) Usagi is on a mission to hunt down the man who had destroyed his village, and his family. He hires Murakami Gennosuke to help him track down and kill Hamato Yoshi. | After the deed is done, he meets Leo and helps him search for his father’s killer without knowing that Leo is Yoshi’s son. When Usagi finds out the truth about Leo, he’ll attempt to kill him. Usagi is afraid of the dark because he can hear the screams of his burning village.
Additional context:
Splinter has a secret box that is basically like an archive of all the bad things that the Hamato Clan has done in the past (I'll probably make a separate post that dives into the family lore). 6 months after the invasion, Splinter is killed by Usagi.
This post is describing what the turtles go through immediately after the invasion, when Splinter is killed, and the aftermath of uncovering their dark family secrets.
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recom-week · 14 days
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Our tag is #Return to pandora / #returntopandora
This year, we will be running a casual avatar event during the whole of December! 1st to 31st.
We are giving you 30 prompts (gen, nsfw, and tropes), as well as 7 alternate prompts which are "Fan Clan" focused. Pick and mix as you please, use any of your own as well.
There are no set days for this month, prompts come in any order.
Main prompts:
Combat — Tsaheylu — Sick fic/art Memory — Punishment — Reverse AU Eywa — Shibari/Bondage — Gender Swap Flying — Body Worship — Crossover Revenge — First Time — Modern Earth AU Food — Human/Na'vi Pairing — Fix it Visit — Edging — Whump or H/C Gifts — Voyeurism — Enemies to Lovers Medicine — Sex Pollen — Soulmates AU Awakening — Jealousy — Actors AU
Fan clan prompts:
New Biomes Fan-Clan Lore New Lab Creations Mount Designs Different Na’vi Types New Animal Companions Humans (RDA or Others)
You can start creating now, but please save your work to post in December, when we will start reblogging submissions. The AO3 collection will open on the 1st of December.
You can submit any medium. All characters are welcome, including OCs. You can work exclusively on recombinants, or your own clans, or spend the entire month crafting speculative meta for Avatar 3. You could make a month long comic, or share a progress-journal of your efforts crafting a cosplay. If it spreads the avatar love, we'll have it!
Our goal is to keep the Avatar fandom alive and the A3 hype going!
If you have questions, please check the rules and FAQ, or send us an ask.
Rules | Twitter | AO3 Collection | FAQ
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afraidparade · 8 months
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UM SO THESE ARE REALLY OVERDUE... but here are fresh 2024 refs of pazu and theo! if you're just interested in their surface information then there you go, but if you would like the really extensive lore on how the world of exorcists and ghosts work (this applies to #itsybitsyghost too) then check under the cut! :-)
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The Phenomenon of Lingering Spirits and the Role of Exorcists:
Human bodies do not last forever, but the material of their souls do. Death is merely the expiration date of a physical form, and should one’s role on the physical plane be fulfilled, their essence will be returned to the collective consciousness of the universe itself; a mysterious and incomprehensible force coined “the Divine Beyond” by those with the greatest understanding of it (which is to say, still not very much.) There, souls become energy, and that energy, though silent and intangible, is everywhere, maintaining the balance of life and death. And should the universe decide it is time to assign that energy another role, a soul will be born anew with fragments of past life essences.
But should one’s role on earth remain unfulfilled at the time of their passing, the universe will reject this incomplete soul from the Divine Beyond. These pseudo-beings have many names — apparitions, spirits, ghosts — but essentially, they are the result of unstable soul fragments without a vessel or means of passing on. As such, they remain in this world alongside humans, and without the memories retained in their physical bodies, are unable to remember who or what they are. They are invisible, intangible, and inaudible to most of the living. Most, but not all.
Exorcists are humans who, either through rigorous training or genetically gifted, are able to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts. Though their numbers are very few and scattered throughout the world, they carry out their cosmic duty to hunt lost souls and remove them from the physical realm. The majority of these exorcists belong to one of three (though in recent years, that number has dropped to two) major clans, each with their own methods of dealing with the dead. Some adhere to the belief that ghosts are still human souls and should be exorcized with dignity and respect. Others believe they are monsters that must be dispatched efficiently, by any means possible. Some even see the potential to work alongside them to better understand the mystery of the Divine Beyond.
Regardless of their methods, an exorcist’s primary duty is the protection of humanity. Should too much energy remain lingering on either side of the boundary, universal laws that act as the threads of the physical plain will begin to unravel. Vigilance and prescience is imperative, lest the world as we know it reach a point of no return.
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Facts About Ghosts:
Generally speaking, ghosts are the lingering fragments of distressed souls, and tend to act impulsively and violently as a result. They rarely resemble people at all, often taking loose, shifting, monstrous forms of impure energy, ranging from the size of a golf ball to the size of an average human. Since they are largely unintelligent and act on pure instinct, it is very uncommon for a ghost to be able to utilize or understand any spoken language. A ghost displaying any of these uncommon traits should be considered a major threat and eliminated immediately.
A ghost’s primary instinct is to attain more power, and the only way to do that is to absorb spectral energy – that is to say, they cannibalize each other to grow stronger. Because of this phenomenon, fresher, smaller spirits tend not to last long before being consumed by a stronger nearby ghost. Increased power often leads to increased size, intelligence, and motor skills. At a certain level of awareness, ghosts are able to consciously reallocate their power to differing areas of their form; this can manifest as sacrificing their intelligence for enhanced size, or vice versa. Ghosts at this power level can also choose how to adjust their outward appearance to their liking, though this is often seen as a sign of arrogance as it has little tactical value.
Exorcists have developed a classing system to determine a ghost’s danger level, consisting of: Wisp, Apparition, Wraith, Nightmare, and Demon. A ghost’s class is determined based on the amount of souls they’ve consumed, which can be inferred via the traits of their form and level of aggression.
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Even a seasoned exorcist would pray to never face a Nightmare Class ghost; this makes Demon Class ghosts a once-in-a-century cataclysmic event. Demon ghosts are assigned special names that reflect the severity of their class: Pazuzu (Pazu) and Lamashtu (Lam) are examples of this.
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Facts About Pazu:
Like all ghosts, Pazu does not know how he died or what his life was like. Any time it comes up, he changes his answer and gives a completely fictitious (and often over-the-top) story.
Several centuries ago, Pazu inevitably attracted the attention of exorcists and ultimately ended up defeated (though not without claiming several of the lives of his pursuers). Because even the most prominent clan couldn’t manage to subdue him long enough to exorcise him fully, he was instead sealed within a shrine and left in isolation until his energy spent itself to nothingness. The seal on the shrine could only be tampered with by the blood of those who sealed it, and even Pazu can’t believe his unprecedented good fortune in being released.
Despite his exaggerated claims of love and friendship, Pazu loathes Theo. Through no fault of his own, of course – after all, Theo is too inept of an exorcist to pose any threat, and even so kindly broke Pazu’s seal – but him being a descendant of the clan that caused Pazu so much trouble is the only excuse he needs to torment him for as long as he lives. That, and he also looks horribly similar to someone Pazu has a grudge with.
Pazu is an incredibly powerful ghost - possibly the most powerful ghost in centuries of history. The form he presents himself with, massive though it may be, is a shrunken avatar he uses to subvert expectations and stay better hidden. In the time he’s been released from his seal, Pazu has never assumed his true form in full.
Pazu is able to shapeshift to anything within his size threshold (which is, frankly, extremely vast) but refuses to limit his size to anything less than “huge.” The only exception is if he is actively possessing someone.
Speaking of ghostly abilities, Pazu is able to possess one person with full autonomy or multiple people simultaneously with limited autonomy, interact with physical objects (though even for a powerful ghost, this requires a good deal of energy), alter the memories and perceptions of a human mind, and, of course, interact effortlessly with Theo or any other exorcist.
Pazu is very secretive about his motives. He certainly possesses enough power currently to inflict serious damage onto the mortal world, yet he still chooses to keep a (relatively) low profile and consciously avoids causing too much chaos. The most information he’s ever given about the subject is that he is “biding his time,” but for what, it is unclear.
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Facts About Theo:
Although his decision to abandon his exorcist-related duties and move abroad certainly upset his family, they are still on good terms and care about each other’s well-being deeply.
Theo has not and will not contact his family about Pazu’s release for several reasons. Firstly, he’s mortified about being the one to accidentally unleash a monster that several of his relatives died just to contain, but there’s also the threat of harm ensured by Pazu should he reach out to them in an attempt to exorcise him.
Theo is an office worker for a rather generic sales company. He’s good at his job and plenty friendly, but his somewhat scary face and inexplicable ghost-related mannerisms tend to cause his coworkers to steer clear of him.
His only close friend is his cheery coworker, Gabriel. He knows about Pazu, but Theo frequently lies about Pazu’s demeanor and tells him that he’s a friendly ghost. Gabe is the only person in Theo’s life who has witnessed Pazu’s actions and didn’t have their memory altered. Furthermore, it appears that Pazu absolutely despises Gabe. Theo has no idea why.
He originally only sought out Pazu’s sealing place out of curiosity upon hearing a nearby shrine existed in his family’s name. Having forgotten a good deal of exorcism training from his youth and in being deceived by Pazu, he ended up accidentally nullifying the seal.
Theo has three older sisters. He loves them, but does not particularly miss the childhood regularity of being pushed around by them.
He enjoys collecting antiques, tending to his houseplants, and visiting coffee shops. Minus all the ghost business, he’s a very normal guy.
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Facts About Exorcist Clans:
The term "exorcist" refers to anyone with the ability to see, hear, and physically interact with ghosts; whether or not they actually choose to exorcise spirits is not a factor in that title. There are very few exorcists in the world, as these spectral abilities are can only be attained by biological inheritance or rigorous training. Exorcists' abilities are attached to their souls -- more specifically, the shards of souls from past lives that cycle between the material plane and the Divine Beyond. It is a near certain guarantee that a child born into an exorcist lineage will possess an aptitude for exorcism, though there have been rare cases of both a child in an exorcist family being born without abilities, or a child from a family with no ties to exorcism receiving these gifts inexplicably. Although it is possible to awaken some spectral abilities in a soul without these shards, it is no easy feat, and regardless of the effort put in, manufactured exorcists can not compare to natural exorcists in terms of spectral senses or arcane abilities.
For many centuries, there have been three dominant exorcist clans. Clans can be organized based on family ties, common interests, or even have a school-like structure; regardless of the criteria for belonging to a clan, each one embodies its own belief systems and trademarked techniques.
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(Please note this section is a W.I.P. More detailed profiles on each of the three main clans will be added in time.)
The existence of three clans played a key role in governing smaller exorcist organizations, freelance exorcists, and even each other in a harmonious balance. However, with the mysterious disappearance of the third clan, tensions between the remaining two have run high, and reports of rogue exorcists are increasing.
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explodingchantry · 9 days
dai harbors such disdain for the elves it's honestly baffling. Both of your elven companions hold disdain for the dalish. neither of them ARE dalish. a dalish inquisitor barely gets a say in being forced to carry the title of herald of andraste and inquisitor. their clan can be wiped out in a war table mission with no consequences, no cutscenes, no dialogue, no nothing as a result. you can get one of the most beloved companion of the game defending slavery to you. you can get an elf to command orlais from the shadows but the game goes to great length to let you know that she is corrupt and untrustworthy, too, like the humans.
solas, who is FRAMED as being not just trustworthy, but extremely knowledgeable and wise, denies his connection to the elves. he believes himself better than the dalish who are foolish worshippers of the monsters who enslaved them millenias ago, and better than the city elves who let themselves (in his eyes) be persecuted by humans. if you romance him he takes away your vallaslin, one of the most culturally significant symbols of the dalish, because it actually used to be a marking forced upon them by their evil slaver gods. ther dalish are constantly, over and over, portrayed as foolish and misunderstanding their past and heritage, with very little opportunity to argue against that even as a dalish inquisitor.
Non dalish know more than you even when you are a dalish inquisitor. Morrigan, a HUMAN, teaches you, a dalish elf, about ancient elvhen magic and artifacts. Solas, who through the game is portrayed as a non-dalish elf, teaches you about ancient elvhen magic and artifacts whilst at the same time mocking the dalish who wish to retain their culture, heritage and knowledge
it is so meanspirited. the reveal that solas is fen'harel does very little to soften the blow, especially since it's hand in hands with the reveal that flemeth, a HUMAN, is mythal.
i know there's some interesting lore bits that ties ancient elves to humans, but that doesn't matter, okay? What matters is that the fucking writing is biased against elves. the writing could've raised these questions, offered these earth shattering discoveries, without being so mean spirited and biased against elves and especially the dalish.
imagine being a player who doesnt care to dig into the deeper lore, whose never played a dragon age game before. you would be left scoffing about how foolish the dalish are, obsessed with their past to the point they'll happily believe falsehoods and venerate evil slavers. you wouldn't care about any of the lore implications. and even if you did, it wouldn't remove the negative bias the game really shoves at you. it's literally baffling how no one in the writer's room was like "hm, maybe we should offer a proper dalish point of view to some of these things. maybe we should hold back on the fantasy racism just a teensy bit, considering our fantasy races and cultures are deeply tied to real ones in the real world with very obvious inspirations. it might be best to not portray one of our marginalised races and people as stupid idiots who got their entire heritage all wrong. maybe."
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moonbiscuitsims · 5 months
Naruto Deco CC Collection (DL below)
Decals are BGC, the rest require SE. See in-game pics here
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Only the decals are base game compatible, found with the rest of the naruto wall decals. The light and curtains require SE pack. The curtains ALSO require this @channel4sims mesh (called curtain 1), which you can also find in requirements section. I needed at least five squares to spell 4 "Ramen" katakanas and the Ichiraku kanji, so I used their addon 6 square curtain, for the last square i just put different ramen pictures.
🍥Noren Curtains Sets (requires SE)
Get plain coloured curtains with no symbols in the Addon section. I don't remember the price but I left it the same as the snowy escape ones.😅💜There is a large four square and a small two square curtain of everything.
🍥Misc Naruto Symbols
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In order: Naruto bijuu seal, Naruto 6 paths sage mode, Sakura's crest (uchiha ones are with uzumaki package), ANBU, Land of Fire, Akatsuki, Gaara's love tattoo, Sage of 6 paths, sealed orochimaru curse mark. 🍥Konoha Clan Symbols
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Uzumaki + Uchiha (including police force symbol and the blue and white ones above 🍥Ino-Shika-Cho / Nara-Akimichi-Yamanaka clan symbols. There were 2 for Akimichi 🍥Sarutobi Clan, Senju Clan 🍥Hyuuga Clan Symbols 🍥Inuzuka (Kiba) I don't know if this is actually the clan symbol 🍥Aburame Clan
🍥Otsutsuki Clan Symbols
Again I found so many that I just made them all, I don't remember the lore about the main or branch family and found many symbols online. I think the one with all the circles is their earth clan symbol and the moon and sun (2 versions) are the two branches)
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🍥Hidden Villages Symbols
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Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)🍥Amegakure (Hidden Rain)🍥 Otogakure (Hidden Sound)🍥Sunagakure (Hidden Sand)🍥Iwagakure (Hidden Stone)🍥Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud)🍥Kirigakure (Hidden Mist)
🍥Naruto Wall Decals (Base game compatible)
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The decals include the ramen ones to match the Ichiraku set. The Uchiha decals are in their own separate package from all others, included bright, muted, worn/dirty swatches. All resizable, only minor issue is if they are thin black lines or sized down too much then when you zoom out they disappear a bit. They cost 0 simoleons and can be found in wall deco category. 🍥FILES INFO: Uchiha curtain symbols are with uzumaki clan symbols in separate package not in the misc or clan ones, the curtains had too many swatches so I divided them up; Otsutsuki also separate package; the names of the files are self explanatory if you wish to pick and choose, if you want the entire collection there is a merged file with everything, don't forget the mesh, don't install merged with anything else or you'll get duplicates) 🍥REQUIREMENTS ❗❗❗ Decals require nothing. All Noren Curtains require Snowy Escape. Ichiraku Set also requires SE, but apart from that requires this MESH by @channel4sims-cc (I mentioned above but forgot here, it is in the set called curtain 1)
🍥ABOUT THE SYMBOLS/DESIGNS: I included: misc symbols (Akatsuki, Gaara's love tattoo, ANBU, orochimaru curse mark with and without seal, Naruto's bijuu seal, all main konoha clan symbols (Sarutobi, Senju, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Haruno, Uzumaki, Uchiha), Land of Fire symbol, the main hidden villages (Konoha/Leaf, Kumo/Cloud, Kiri/Mist, Oto/Sound, Suna/Sand, Ame/Rain, Iwa/Stone), Otsutsuki and 6 paths symbols. In cases where there was more than one online or I wasn't sure which was the main symbol I just made various different ones, sorry if I got anything wrong, all images were found online. I tried to use colours that matched the colour schemes used in the anime for characters clans and villages. (Also didn't mention but the curtains further to the top are only brighter because of the lighting, they are all the same though, sorry I suck at the photos)
If you want MATCHING PLAIN CURTAINS in the same colours with no symbols, you can download them HERE.
🍥Please respect my TOU and do not:
❌ REUPLOAD -❌ PUT BEHIND PAYWALL OF ANY KIND -❌ INCLUDE CC IN YOUR DOWNLOADS ❌CLAIM AS YOURS HOWEVER I'm including the photoshop texture files for personal edits, please don't reupload mine (if you make a sort of original set, or some other item and wanna use the logos that's fine). You can use the plain colour curtains texture files from the addon download too if you wish as a background for your own creations as long as they are your own creation and aren't the same as my download. If you do use them or use my stuff for screenshots or something please credit and tag me, I would love to see! If you have any inquiries about anything please ask! I’ll always answer as soon as I see it! Thank you (✿◡‿◡)💜💜💜
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recom!Miles x Na’vi!Reader x Spider (Platonic)
Summary: Spider finally had enough of Quaritch’s oggling and decided to help encourage his advances towards the reader, he has a ship, and he’s determined to let it sail. Warnings: Brief mentions of abandonment/murder/existential crisis, Swearing Word count: 1.8k
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It was different, being accepted into Na’vi society. He was so used to being the bad buy, the killer among men, yet now he’s just..him. After becoming a recom he felt as if he did not belong, a human mind in an aliens body is something he had to get used to. He definitely had a lot of existential crisis up until now.
The last fight he had with Jake Sully in the reefs left him severely wounded and he had to retreat back to base to seek help, his men where gone and his morale was becoming low. Luckily his son, Spider, decided to join him. His reasoning was that while the Sully’s where kind to him growing up (especially kiri who he will miss dearly) he cant ignore the fact they never went after him when he got kidnapped by the RDA, he cant ignore how Neytiri was so willing to kill him after he showed the family nothing but loyalty and he cant ignore how he felt as if he never belonged with them as human. 
So there they are, holed up in the Tawkami Clan, learning their way of life and becoming part of the people.
Surprisingly they where quick to welcome them in despite them not having a good history with men kind, Spider said they where a peaceful clan with a persistent quest for knowledge and lore keeping, they were studious and make it their mission to preserve Eywa’s ecosystem. ‘So they wanted to study me, the human turned Na’vi, how could I say no to being the centre of their learning’
Quaritch was certainly liking the attention from the people, back at base he was oggled at yes, but for different reasons. Usually the looks he received where ones of admiration for his effort in the war all those years ago, or was disgust for his newly blue tinted skin. In Greenhome it was of great wonder, oh how her yellow eyes looked into his in fascination while talking about his past planet Earth, how she spoke about the plants and the forests of Pandora with great love, how-
‘’Hey man, you good?’’
Spider waved a hand in front of his face and looked around to see what could be stealing the man’s attention, once his sights fell on the beautifal Na’vi woman picking some fruit not that far away he smirked cheekily. ‘’You know you could always go and talk to her right? She wont bite’’. Quaritch blinked and scowled, grabbing his son into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles along his head at lightning speed. Spider laughed loudly and struggled in his fathers hold, wriggling and shouting for help, and when help did come the blue mans grip became limp embarrassingly fast.
‘’And just what do you think you’re doing to him hm?’’ ___ pried the boy gently from Quaritch’s arms and placed him on the floor to run around ‘’hurting children is not something we take lightly you know’’
Well shit.
The recom felt his face flush a cute lilac shade, it spread from his nose and across his cheeks, even going to the tip of his pointed ears. How did he become so weak in the presence of a lady? The old Quaritch would have never blushed at the sight of one. But then again he isn’t the man he once was. If ___ noticed the fluster of his face she didn’t mention it, instead she grabbed the hand that was rested on his lap, intertwined their fingers and pulled him towards the fruit she was picking. 
‘’Come, I will show you how to pick yovo fruit’’ she spoke in English. Spider has been a fantastic teacher.
If the purple on his face could become any darker, it certainly has. Her hand was so warm and small…
Spider could only follow and wiggle his brows to the man discreetly. He is determined to get this ship going.
Standing at the base of the large bush ___ started to show him how to pick the berry’s, ‘’they are delicate and must be handled with care, you must not squeeze them too hard when picking’’ she picked a couple of them into her hand, threw some into the basket with the rest and gave some to both boys. Spider lifted his exopack and quickly devoured them, sliding the mask back on and chewing loudly ‘’these are good’’ he stated matter of factly with a mouthful. The outside of his lips turning purple from the pigment.
___ giggled at his antics and looked to see Quaritch’s reaction, he rolled his eyes at the boy and slowly munched on a berry. Once deemed not poisonous (he has trust issues ok) he threw the rest into his mouth. ‘’Yea, these are fucking fantastic’’ the woman could only smile in glee, happy to share more of her planet with him.
That smile..it sent his heart beating incredibly fast. He was falling in love and he knew it. How couldn’t he? When she was just so gentle and sweet with his son, when she was one of the first to help them get comfortable within the clan. He needed to invite her out, fast. He wasn’t the only one with eyes on her. He mused, eyes glancing at a small group of hunters around a fire, some of which turned their heads away quickly as they got caught.
‘’I was uh wondering’’ he coughed. This is gonna be a pain in the ass.
‘’would you like to come out with me tonight?’’ Spider swallowed the last of the fruit and blinked up at his father, smiling wide. Finally. It’s not like he’s been waiting for months.
___ blinked in surprise, not expecting this sudden offer. She wondered if he was finally asking her to be mates. Could you blame her?  A 9 ft 5’’ Na’vi warrior, recently accepted as part of the clan and was a fantastic hunter. And those muscles…
Eywa give her strength.
Her tail swished in gradual hope ‘’yes. Of course I would Miles’’ she grinned, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth in sweet shyness, the same purplish hue coating the recoms cheeks starting to spread across hers. 
Quaritch let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Fuck, why was it so hard to ask for one simple thing. Never in his life has he felt like this, not with previous hookups, not with past girlfriends and certainly not with Paz – the deceased mother of his son.
‘’alright sweetness, meet me here tonight, after eclipse’’ ___ could only swish her tail at the nickname and nodded oh so cutely. Picking up her basket she patted Spider on the head and bid them a good rest of the evening, needing to go back to her chores. 
Miles Quaritch, former human, now Na’vi, was the ultimate womaniser. He puffed his chest out and smirked to himself. He deserved a pat on the back.
Like two peas in a pod, Miles Socorro read his mind and pat his lower back (the only part the poor kid could reach)
‘’well done dad, well done’’
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The sun hid behind the planet known as Polyphemus and casted darkness, but Pandora never truly sleeps.
Two blue figures where seen jumping across branches and leaping from root to root, the bioluminescent glow of the moon never ceased to fascinate the man who has never known fresh air and real plants. He looked around in awe at his surroundings and himself, lifting his hands in front of his face and taking note of all the little white dots speckled across his skin. 
___laughed joyfully and turned around ‘’Miles come’’ she beckoned him to carry on, wanting them to get to their destination as soon as possible. The recom dropped his hands and sprinted to catch up with the female, her being much more experienced with the terrain and therefore had the upper hand in their little race. 
On the way they both came across fan lizards and proceeded to disturb them, watching the light of the animal as they flew cross their faces and up into the air. Giggles sounded out throughout the forest, joyful laughs and quick inhales of breath as they finally arrived to where ___ wanted to take them. 
The tree of voices.
Both slowly crept towards the sacred space, their steps leaving glowing footprints in the grass. The tree shone beautiful pinks and purples as the hanging branches swayed ever so softly in the wind, it wasn’t the only thing that took his breath away.
There she stood, with the biggest grin on her face, eyes twinkling in the light of their surroundings and tail swinging happily. She moved to the centre of the tree ‘’this is Ultral Aymokriyä, the tree of voices’’ she whispered softly, ‘’you are a man now Miles, one of the people, you are able to hear our ancestors’’ she grabbed his hand and brought him closer to a cluster of hanging branches and connected her queue to them, inhaling as the voices of the past filled her ears.
Quaritch followed her actions and his pupils dilated at the newfound sounds, he never really believed in Eywa before, taking it up as some sort of false goddess. But this, this proves whatever he thought was wrong. ‘’They live. Within Eywa’’ the woman facing him sensed a change of air and looked up as atokirina fell slowly to land on their shoulders. She gasped and disconnected her queue, never has she thought that the great mother would bless them both tonight.
This is a sign.
Miles looked towards the atokirina and then to the love of his life and decided that she was the one for him. He walked closer to her until they where chest to chest and grabbed her face in his overly large palms ‘’___. Now that I am one of the people I am able to choose a mate’’ he felt her tense under his touch and looked straight into her eyes to look for any uncertainty ‘’you have helped me and my son in a time of need, despite us being humans, you have seen past our faults and accepted us into your arms with love’’. ___ started to tear up, not expecting this heartfelt speech.
And in such good Na’vi, thank you Spider.
‘’___.. oel ngati kameie”
The woman suddenly took his face into her own palms and connected their lips, it was soft and sweet. Both leaving them breathless and wanting more.
“Ma Miles, I see you’’
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Just couple of bushes away, a little boy with blue stripes was caught lurking, watching the two blue aliens as they confessed their everlasting love. He held his breath and lifted his mask, wiping a singular tear from his eye.
His ship has finally sailed.
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arkon-z · 5 months
I'm gonna say it:
Astor (AOC) was a bigger threat than Ganondorf (TOTK) was, in regards to the gameplay. Yes, I know The Calamity was the ultimate threat and not Astor, but that's just lore. What matters is that when the AOC plot said, "It's time to get serious about this story now," it actually got serious. Rather than TOTK's idea of "boy, it's sure going to get serious once you hit this area and trip an event flag!"
Like, TOTK Ganondorf's idea of being 'evil' was to make a puppet Zelda and go around and mess with Hyrule, doing everything from pranking some of the stables to summoning monsters to invade the temples. And because the game is open world, it makes for some really weird tone shifts. Things ranging from "our city is being overrun by unkillable monsters" to "there's a talking chicken spreading rumors." And where was Ganondorf? Down in the core of the earth, being evil. The biggest AND ONLY threat he ever directly posed to Link was in their final fight. There was nothing in the story itself to suggest that he posed any kind of threat. Especially because he made it look like Zelda was the one behind it all.
But Astor! We saw him working with/manipulating the Yiga in his plans. He lured the gang into the Lost Woods as a trap and sent the Hollows after them, coming within inches of killing Zelda. He managed to release the Calamity early. He tore the souls out of the Yiga to re-summon the Blights! He went after Zelda himself! And when it happens, it feels impactful, because of how the story unfolds in the game play. The tone shifts; you lose access to the Champs from every game menu once they're trapped in the Divine Beasts. When the Calamity hits, the tone of the entire game shifts. You're not on some action-packed adventure fighting off the Yiga clan anymore; now the apocalypse has happened and you're still alive, trying to find a way to reverse it. And throughout everything, you know that Astor is the one behind it and he's the one you have to stop. Even with the Calamity as the greater scope villain in the background, Astor is still the focal point.
So yeah, from a gameplay and story perspective, even if Astor was a flat character, he at least acted like he was trying to destroy Hyrule. Ganondorf did fuck all in TOTK. All his action scenes were flashbacks. Lazy ass man couldn't even be bothered to trek up to the surface and destroy a village or two to show he meant business.
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
Just spitballing some random pokethoughts...
Eternatus and the Darkest Day happened in Galar 3,000 year ago, and at the same time AZ made the Ultimate Weapon in Kalos, again 3,000 years ago.
And the two events lead to Devon co. studying Mega Evolution to develop Infinity Energy, and Macro Cosmos studying Dynamax and Power Spots to develop Rose's power plant. "Eternal" and "Infinite."
And the Eternatus power plant logo strongly resembles the new logo in the Z-A trailer.
And in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, the Infinity Energy was ultimately used to save the day by teleporting the Delta meteor into another universe. getting Mega Rayquaza to destroy the Delta meteor. And Eternatus fell to Earth on a meteorite (20,000 years ago).
Delta(Δ) being the mathematical variable for "Change," and obviously being a play on the Greek letter motif(ΩA). And of course Alpha and Omega as a pair are best known as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet(and the biblical "Beginning and the End")
So, go figure, ΩA is a synonym with ZA, so the title ...Z-A can be understood as "(from)The End to The Beginning," the reverse reading of A-Z as "A to Z."
There are two kings who helped defeat Eternatus who apparently at some point shared a bloodline? (Did their descendents marry later, or were the two kings already related?) Tragically their bloodline produced the brothers Shieldbert and Swordward.
AZ was a former king of Kalos and is succeeded by a younger brother from whom Lysander is descended.
King Louis XIV was dubbed "le Roi Soleil":"the Sun King" and famously obsessed over sun motifs. His Palace of Versailles is the basis of the Parfum Palace in Kalos. The Parfum Palace was built by either AZ or one of his descendents.
The Parfum Palace garden has statues of Zekrom and Reshiram
Zekrom and Reshiram were split in two from their original united form by the Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals, forming Unova in the process.
The Twin Heroes built the Relic Castle in what is now the Resort Desert. The Relic Castle appears to have been built "at least 2,500 years ago".
Possibly also built the Abyssal Ruins? One castle dedicated to the sun and the desert, one to the dark and the watery depths?
The Relic Castle enshrines Volcorona, "The Sun Pokemon" said to have appeared at a time when ash blacked out the sky and saved people by acting as a replacement for the sun.
Eternatus' Darkest Day involved summoning dark clouds to black out the sky.
Alder, Champion of Unova, has a Volcorona as his signature pokemon, a backstory involving losing a pokemon and wandering the region in his grief, kind of like AZ, sans the immortality.
Alder also has a flaming mane-like hair not too dissimilar to Lysandre's.
Alder is the basis of an unspecified character design in Legends Arceus who appears to be a third, perhaps seminal or unifying factor in the Maxi/Archie ancestors' Diamond and Pearl clans. A Platinum clan? The Sinnoh people? Or just a unifier, a peace maker, a mentor, or a shared ancestor?
Cogita and Volo as members of the Sinnoh people have fixations on lore keeping/seeking. Something Cynthia sort of inherits
Cynthia is from Celestic Town in Sinnoh, where Drasna said she's from originally
Zinnia is a Dragon trainer and "lorekeeper" in ORAS
Celestic Town in DPPt has a shrine that uses the same model as the one in Ilex Forest for Celebi in HGSS
Terapagos is supposed to have an ability to alter or shift timelines, relating to the presence of the Paradox Pokemon
But Black City and White Forest also seem to exist as a kind of paradox around polar opposite futurism and primitivism
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skyeventide · 1 year
there's like, things about Dragon Age and the ancient elven empire there that I don't believe can quite be grasped unless you have a cursory understanding of either Tolkien or the Tolkien-generated trope of elves as an advanced civilisation of superior beings with magic/technology/knowledge/lore that is now lost and/or that largely influenced the remnants of the human empire, which substituted the elven one as the leading force in the continent. fantasy worlds like Dragon Age are deeply in conversation with that (and I guess like the Witcher or smth but I never read or played that, and didn't finish season 1, so my knowledge is second-hand; but either way).
the thing in Tolkien and Tolkien-generated tropes is that these elves are good. they're superior, they teach things to the second-coming races, they're narratively exalted, they're borderline divine, any kind of more or less violent colonialism (it happens) and feudalism (also happens) they instate is good, narratively obfuscated, or even justified. Tolkien has criticism of colonialism in his work, but rarely if ever goes all the way when it comes to elves. criticism of elven hierarchies based on clan and level of holiness and greatness are often narratively undermined (e.g. Eol, a character whose criticism of Turgon and the Noldor is diluted by the fact that he's awful as a person)(you can go into detail about Galadriel and Nimrodel but this post is technically a Dragon Age post lmao).
there's a Tolkien paper called "The Wretched of Middle Earth: An Orcish Manifesto" by Charles Mills, which goes into scathing detail about how the narrative sets up the elves as a superior race and consistently characterises the other groups, orcs, humans, dwarves, as racial inferiors. it's not afraid to call out "aryan" comparisons, without trying to argue that Tolkien actively believed in that ideology. the racial herarchy is there, in the text.
tl dr elves have all the rhetorical trappings of an empire... without ever being one. they're good, they're paternally helpful towards the humans they educate (who are therefore the superior humans), and they're good also and particularly in the sense that they never "fell" in a religious sense, no matter their individual actions (fastidious details and contradictions notwithstanding). they didn't abandon the true god.
what's happening in Dragon Age is that these elves, who are narratively presented as the "true" elves, the lost ideal, the immortals before modern elves turned from their ways and lost that immortality, the great advanced civilisation that probably taught humans before humans feasted on their remnants, these elves... are an empire. they conquer, enslave, pillage from the dwarves (another trope turned on its head; don't tell me the dwarves-elves peaceful companionship where the dwarves keep digging to satisfy the demand of material but they're also best friends with elves, turned to explicit war of conquest for possession of raw material in Dragon Age, doesn't elicit mithril-lyrium comparisons), have pantheon wars. this is the sole logical conclusion of those tropes. it's the subtext, the unspoken, the unspeakable, brought straight to light. it's the rhetoric of empire that's been buried in stories about elves brought to its only possible sensible end: this is an actual empire. there's no way it could have been anything else.
(this goes deeper with the numenor-gondor-tevinter comparisons, which are absolutely blatant when you know that gondor's precursors, numenor, went full empire, and that their last action before the island sank was attack the elves' blessed realm. if ar-pharazon and numenor had won, we could have gotten something very similar to Tevinter in storyline. only the Tolkien racial hierarchy simply cannot be toppled like that, it's practically divinely mandated and protected. the maker-the allfather directly and personally intervenes. but without this extremely disruptive and literal deus ex machina, that too is turned on its head in Dragon Age: it's not god who sinks the capital of the human empire to prevent their violent conquest AND traps the fighting humans underground, after the elves have fled instead of choosing to fight; it's humans who arrive, the elves flee, and then humans presumably sink the capital city into the ground. once again, when the ontological hierarchy of races and the divine decree of goodness and favour is removed, the true logical conclusion comes to the fore. one empire substitutes the other.)
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oddclan-askblog · 5 months
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More slig stuff plus lore below the cut (there is a lot.)
Slig growth differences: 
free sligs can see well and do not need goggles. They maintain their lower set of mandibles which are used to feed food into their moths as well as taste. Teen sligs steel guns, ammo, and goggles from older sligs when they're not looking. While most of this goes to new escapees sometimes cool stuff "slips through". Teens don't really need any of it, they're seldom allowed to fight or raid. It all just looks really cool so of course they snag it. 
Adult tribal sligs new or original, are expected to leave the old gear behind in favor of copper jewelry and tattoos. Some keep their old gear but most move on. 
Slave sligs are blinded and their lower set of mandibles are removed while they're young. This makes tough food harder to eat and disincentives them from fleeing the factories in adult life. Additionally their tails are bound and cut short making movement without pants very painful. 
Occasionally baby Sligs are smuggled to freedom but very very rarely. Rescuing a squawking sadistic slug is quite difficult compared to a mud egg. 
New blood: 
Slaves who try to become free can not enter the community at will. They are required to bring their weapons and gear (unloaded), whatever they can snatch food wise, and must mark themselves to show their commitment. A mark consists of a very obvious "X" across the head or chest, anything hidden is likely to be missed and the latter will be shot on site. The X must be scarred over by the time they arrive unarmed. 
When this policy was first implemented there was a lot of success and their numbers grew by the day. Once the cartels caught on the deserters thinned out significantly. Recourses have dwindled. Some suggested the policy be changed so marks could be carved across other parts of the body, so as to be more hidden. Treun will not allow it he wants the mark to be obvious.  
Village life: 
There is only one above ground settlement left in Oddworld, the rest are numerous connected by a maze of caves. Escapees are allowed to congregate at the aboveground settlement but no further. Any interaction from the other clans require natives from above or below meeting in the middle. A free queen is rumored to exist but this has never been verified. The sanctuaries constant need for new support and supplies suggests otherwise. 
Sligs live minimalist lifestyles, their tents are woven fabric with leaf littered over the top to blend in with the ground. Each member hunts and gathers together for the clan. Trade with mudokon allow for the acquisition of new art and the occasional tattoo. Muds are not allowed into specially marked sections of the slig tunnels. 
Underground is more complicated, most of the smaller settlements are only three to ten homes strong. The inhabitants feed on cave mosses when desperate but otherwise eat off of dead animals swept into the caverns. Their homes are short dead end tunnels dug into a horizontal "s" shape. A flood room is built into the lower curve so excess water stays in the front half of the home. At the high point of the second curve a long vertical tunnel is dug up toward the bedrooms and other chambers. 
Almost everything is made of some form of clay with fabric and food being stored indoors. Rotten food and waste are disposed of ahead of the village by several kilometers so it flows down current come the storm. Sligs responsible for this travel on specific days of the week. In the interim, trash is carefully sorted and clutter is discouraged. 
The Catacombs: 
Under the swamps lie the ruined Slig cities and shrines. Tunnels and hidden enclaves dug deep into the earth over thousands of years weave a beautiful and dangerous tapestry out of the rock. They can be navigated and shrines can still be accessed but doing so requires careful effort. The biggest danger below is not getting stuck, crushed, or lost, its drowning. Rain is hazardous and inconsistent from above, mountain melt, swamp mog, and anything small enough to drag under, will flood even the largest chasms. 
Bells and bridges connect the highest non flooding point of the caverns. They are specially designed with grooves on their exterior so they will ring as the rain pours. If one can not make it to a bridge above, death is assured. 
The deepest settlements have specially dug water drain offs and bastions so other caverns remain safe. Many ancient cities and statues are closed off by collapsed tunnels or completely submerged underwater. All point to a powerful past where queens warred for power and free sligs thrived in abundance. 
Some areas are inaccessible due to toxic gas which can spread to other caverns if opened. Sligs have a variety of ways for assessing the danger of rooms ahead. Birds are the old-school method, less preferred given the scarcity of food. Repurposed gear can be used especially gas detectors if stolen.
The most common method is tying a trained rat to a string and allowing it to skitter through a small opening. The opening will be closed momentarily with food occasionally added in. The short string keeps the animal close by, its breathing and squeaking being an indicator if the environment is unsafe. If the rat stops squeaking all together the chamber has no oxygen. If the chirps are frantic and it begins scratching at the lid the room is toxic. If all is normal the room is safe. When the results are in the string will be pulled like a leash and the pet returned. This keeps the sligs and their fuzzy buddies alive without wasting resources or much time. 
As Ratz serve a vital role their is much cave art and carvings in their honor. Indeed it seems even ancient sligs understood these creatures genius. Rats and Mize are bred and sold across slig territory for looks, colors, size, and sometimes food. Other Odd races would find this disgusting but Sligs could give less of a damn about their opinions.
Sligs are not religious or particularly spiritual at present, they are mostly focused on day to day survival. Some settlements are zealous in their practices and preach their own version of a coming end time. A world borne anew from a great ancient flood where only the most steadfast are saved! Treun blows these isolated settlements off, his people are experiencing enough pain as is. Wouldn't help to preach of imminent death even if most would ignore the rapture too. 
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dantedemondino · 4 months
Alright screw it Planet of the Apes OC’s go brrr-
Meet my trio (someday quartet?) of apes.
(Full refs are on my Toyhouse, check my pinned post!)
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Locust! A kind hearted, yet rather confident bonobo. (Rather he lacks common sense-)
He grew up in “some clan”, it’s not important anymore to him. As much like other neighboring clans and tribes they were seized by Proximus, all in the name of “Caesar”. Who ironically Locust somewhat doubts ever existed- he didn’t mind it terribly, though he found this obsession with the door equally as foolish. In his mind he thinks: If this Caesar dude is so great and powerful and made humans fall, and you want to be him? Why do you need the human stuff? Of course that question doesn’t last long.
In the chaos of all the war and flooding, he found himself washed away from any ape he had gotten the privilege to know. He fled as soon as he could get on his four limbs- deeming that this constant aggression between gatherings of ape was too much. So he set to try the “Hermitcrab” life. (Hermit. For English is hard for humans, let alone apes.)
Darwin. A weathered chimp, with a sharp mind. (May be accused of witchcraft.)
Darwin gets his name for a reason- while he isn’t hell bent on being anything like a human/Caesar like Proximus? He is a very inventive/curious ape. His clan used to inhabit a faction in the factory area of a rundown city. While few dare to touch the human work, when it gets too dangerous? He had more wonder than preservation. He learned how certain rock dust reacts to heat- meaning he held the power of fire in his hand. (Only to brutally scar himself of course.) He was lucky to not ever meet Proximus, as I feel it would go terribly-
He meets Locust because that goofy bonobo doesn’t take a hint that someone might live in the conveniently lively building- and after spending that much time alone in the city? He can’t help but conveniently take pity on them. Eventually departing into the jungle with him too!
Ari. A chill but rather nerdy orangutan. (A self proclaimed scholar of “Caesar”)
Despite living in the treetops, she is very down to earth. And in a literal sense to how they met Locust & Darwin. She proclaims its fate the way she fell out the trees onto the only other two apes she has seen in a long time. Thanking Ceasar, she watches as the two scoff? Oh boy- two misguided people! She would proceed to try and join them in an attempt to teach them about the actual words of the law giver.
Little does she know she too will find some of her ways are lies…
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