#earth's polar wobble
carolinemillerbooks · 7 months
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Happy 90th Gloria!
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A writer near my age admitted on Facebook that though she loved the feel of paper between her fingers and the smell of a new book, she’d shifted to an e-reader. No longer comfortable with small print, she needed an electronic device to adjust for size.    Much in life is a tradeoff.  The earth has a polar wobble, which is natural, but growing more pronounced because humans are pulling quantities of water from the aquifer. Global construction is at an all-time high. That makes sand, a key ingredient in cement, a valuable commodity. The scarcer it becomes, the more illegal mining grows.  Today,  quarrying sand is a $200 billion to $300 billion industry, making it more valuable than gold, logging, and fishing combined. Developments in technology may ameliorate some of these challenges. Reading devices that adjust print size is an example.  Sometimes, though, the remedy poses new problems. Think of all those passwords we need to maintain our internet accounts.     A woman In my late 80s, I’d like to see the world slow down. Is there technology for that?  In his book, Successful Aging, Daniel J. Levitin warns that clinging to the past isn’t good for human health.  Old folks should keep looking forward. That’s easy for him to say.  He’s not at the end of the line trying to keep up. On the plus side, Levitin writes that old folks have an edge over the young. Wisdom enables them to make good decisions. They’ve lived long enough to discern patterns in nature and human behavior.  A newborn may cry, terrified by its first glimpse of the sun, but adults head for the beach hoping for enough sand to throw down a towel.   Lacking experience, young people’s judgments are prone to err. Many, for example, criticize Joe Biden’s slow response to the tragedy unfolding in Gaza.  As the head of a powerful country, they presume he has levers to pull to affect change. Yet not since Teddy Roosevelt’s interventions in Latin America during the 1900s has an American President imagined he could interfere with another nation’s sovereignty and escape paying a political price–the incursions being short-lived or ending in failure. The heady era of being a dominant player among weaker countries is history. Today, democratic nations exercise diplomacy rather than brute force.  Biden has an edge on that score.  He knows the world players, the genesis of foreign quarrels, and the cards each country’s leader is likely to hold.  True, he hasn’t sold Benjamin Netanyahu on a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. But Netanyahu isn’t thinking about the future. An unpopular figure in his country, he clings to power because of the war, holding fast to it the way a man lost at sea clings to an ice float even though it’s melting.  Youth may see Biden’s politics in the current conflict as uncaring, but their viewpoint may be too simple.  The suffering in Gaza is unconscionable, agreed. But, so far, Biden has kept our alliances intact in the Middle East; held Iran at bay; secured world trade by monitoring the Suez Canal, and made talks about a two-state solution credible. Not bad for a man forced to dance with wolves. In a bad world, only a fool looks for rainbows.  Hal Brands in an edition of Foreign Affairs argues that given the current morality,  “…the only way to protect a world fit for freedom is to court impure partners and engage in impure acts.” (“The Age of Amorality,” by Hal Brands, Foreign Affairs March/April, pg. 106.) Brands’ advice may be repugnant to young minds and old ones as well, but the difference between youth and age is that the latter is more pragmatic.  Older people know that facing reality doesn’t mean giving up ideals.  It means they may see taking a step backward as a prelude to moving forward.  Nothing I’ve written diminishes the contributions young people make in the world.  Innovation flows from their plastic brains the way stars burst from a supernova.  I doubt an 80-something could have invented Bitcoin. Because our complex problems require complex responses, neither youth nor age should be banished from the stage.  We achieve more when we make room for each other.   Gloria Steinem turns 90 this month.  After the loss of Roe v. Wade, she hasn’t given up on women’s rights.  When a fan asked if she was planning to toss her torch to someone else, her reply was unequivocal.  “I’m holding on to my torch. I’ll let other people light theirs from mine.”  (Successful Aging, by Daniel J. Levitin, Random House, 2020, (large print edition by Penguin) pg. 662.)  Happy Birthday, Gloria!
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timberwind · 5 months
High obliquity (axial tilt) worlds are really very strange. The ice caps of terrestrial planets with substantial water inventories creep down from their high polar latitudes as you increase tilt, blanketing more and more of the surface in ice sheets right up until you reach a tipping point found somewhere around forty to fifty degrees. There, due to the way sunlight is distributed across the planet seasonally - like a sunbather turning over just twice a year - the ice caps suddenly migrate into a new configuration, hot polar summers driving the formation of an ice belt around the equator. We know Earth likely can't enter such a state (although a few papers claim otherwise) - the tidal influence of the Moon, coming in at just over one percent of the Earth's mass, is thought to damp down the spin-orbit resonances that drive axial wobble.
But then there's Mars with its two pebble-like asteroid-moons, axial tilt relatively free to wander compared to the Earth. From <20 to >50 degrees it lurches around on, as far as we can tell, a timescale of hundreds of kiloyears to a few megayears - really surprisingly short in geological time. Interestingly, there's evidence* in the paper above that those periods of higher 30-50+ degree obliquity have, taken cumulatively over the whole post-Noachian history of Mars, lasted for up to a billion years. It'd have been interesting if we got to see Mars during these relative ice ages, a Mars almost more white than red, or a Mars with its lowlands bisected by a great wall of ice... The (orographic?) snow west of the four big Tharsis volcanoes in the high-obliquity present-atmosphere model (bottom right) below is kind of fun I think.
Also kind of interesting that so much snow piles up on the high-altitude uplands in scenarios with more Earthlike atmospheric pressures (if not compositions), mostly independent of obliquity. Seems fairly plausible that you'd get a similar kind of scenario when terraforming Mars or Marslike exoplanets, ending up with deeply glaciated highlands feeding glacial rivers down into lakes and seas in the more temperate lowlands. It does things just a little more difficult though - ice is more reflective than dirt, and all that increased sunlight bounced back into space means you'd need to ramp up the heat you inject into the climate as you get into the pressure ranges where polar ice can sublimate into the atmosphere and fall as snow or risk atmospheric collapse... realistically of course you're doing that anyway with your soletta mirrors and all that. Food for thought, though.
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(*)The paper looks for a specific kind of crater that probably only forms when a meteor strikes an ice sheet, and finds a fair chunk of them down in the midlatitudes and equatorial regions.
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prala · 2 years
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Ancient cultures — like the Egyptians, Persians, Vedic Indians, Essenes, and Mayans — have always relied upon the sidereal system. They considered it more accurate since it is based on an actual link between the time of birth and the natural world as opposed to a theoretical position like (Placidus) based on the seasons of the earth.
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Turns out that Western Astrology is a bit off on their Sun Sign dates. Western Astrology has been using the same start date on the Spring Equinox with Aries on March 21st since Rome fell and are now off 24 days.
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In Vedic Astrology the Sun Sign dates start one day later every 72 years because of the earth’s wobbling thru the precession of the polar axis.
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To find your signs you need to know the time you were born and where you were born as everything is measured by your first breath. When you clock into this human world there is a particular vibration and energy field happening and that’s what everything is based on🦉
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kiwihellenist · 1 year
Eratosthenes' wobbly Alexandria meridian
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In the mid-200s BCE Eratosthenes invented the device of lines of longitude and latitude. The Alexandria meridian held a central place in his Geography, an account of the geography of the known world.
Key locations on the meridian: Olbia (Ukraine), Lysimacheia (Türkiye), Rhodes (Greece), Alexandria (Egypt), Syene (Egypt), Meroë (Sudan).
Ancient geographers were aware that their meridians weren't perfectly straight. But measuring longitude was a difficult problem, and it wasn't properly solved until the 1700s.
Eratosthenes went on to use published reports of gnomon readings from three of these locations, and a traditional measure of the length of Egypt, to determine the earth's polar circumference. His result was 250,000 stadia -- ca. 46,220 km, plus or minus 2000 km (the stadion isn't a very precise measure). The true figure is 40,008 km.
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reallygrossstuff · 2 years
Dave - Undiscovered Gas Giant
Another gigafat story! This one long enough to warrant its own upload, so here it is. Let me know what you think, if I should focus on certain aspects more, plus who else you might like to see get this treatment in future. Responses really encourage me to keep going, and let me know what everyone would like to see most.
John wasn’t sure exactly what he was meant to be looking for this far away from Earth C. Some of the seers and science-y people in his friend group had told him there was something strange going on, but when he’d pressed any of them on it, they’d either been unable to provide more or strangely hesitant to do so.
Weird! But it wasn’t hard for him to get a few billion miles out and start floating around until he saw something obviously strange, which apparently he would “definitely know when you see, trust me, that’s all you need to know”.
He’d been flying for a few hours, and starting to wonder if he should take a break and try again later, when something pinged on the edge of his awareness. A disturbance in the natural cosmic winds, feeling almost like a hurricane back on Earth, only much, much larger.
Looking in that direction, all John could see was a... star? Planet? Hyperstructure? It didn’t emit its own light, but it was larger than a star, at least ten times the diameter of the sun, and it was definitely the source of his weird feeling. Beginning to approach, his first thought was that it looked like a much oversized gas giant - it was almost perfectly circular, the bulk of it coloured a pale pink with large white streaks across it and redder spots dotting it like storms. Almost definitely some sort of gas giant.
As he got nearer, John could see other bodies in orbit around the oversized planet. A thick belt of asteroids circled the planet, spreading out into a large ring further from its surface, and there was a strange and unnatural clustering of stars and planets at each of its poles. Weird, what could they be-
The deep rumble, so loud it pierced even near-perfect vacuum of space, was sufficient enough to knock John off course, the god backspinning for a few rotations before getting a hold of himself. When he could look at the planet again, he saw that the objects gathered around what could be its southern pole had been forced away from it by a violent eruption of gas. In counterbalance, the objects at its northern pole were beginning to draw closer, one or two of the dozens of celestial bodies splitting off from the cluster’s own gravity to sink and disappear into the planet’s surface.
Okay, that was definitely an anomaly. John picked up the pace moving forwards, eager to see what was going on.
The closer he got, the more he doubted the planet was a gas giant as he’d first thought. Sure, it was almost spherical, but that was a big ‘almost’. There was a significant dip in its shape at its north pole, and as the planet rotated on its axis - much faster than a regular planet would - he saw what looked like a crater near its south pole, directly below where the planet cluster was gathered.
On top of all of that, John wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a gas giant... wobble, before...
The planet continued to rotate as John approached, making him doubt he’d determined the poles correctly. Maybe it was like Earth, and the actual magnetic pole was offset from the pole of rotation? Though this planet had a much bigger gap between its poles, at least fifteen degrees. Its spin let him see another pair of divots in its surface, much deeper than its ‘polar’ craters but descending over a much shorter distance. He only had a few minutes to look at one before the planet’s spin concealed it, bringing him face-to-face with the north polar crater instead. His eyes followed the long, shallow descent to the crater’s base, where his suspicions were confirmed; instead of gaseous shapes at the bottom, John could see three mounds, arranged like an inverted pyramid, and in the centre of the three, where the planets had disappeared...
...was that a mouth?
John was once more blown back by the gas, even moreso this time since he was closer. But being closer, he could also tell this wasn’t pure air, or some other gas like hydrogen. It almost smelled like - like someone was belching at him?
John flew in close the second the noise ended, only spying a glimpse from the corner of his eye of the planets on the opposite side drawing closer to the ‘gas giant’. As he lowered, he felt himself entering some sort of atmosphere again, actual wind pushing against him and the air warming from space’s sub-zero. Pushing himself to get as close to the crater as possible, it was only a minute later when he arrived close enough to the planet’s surface to take in every detail of the crater.
Three mounds, as he’d seen from above. Two of them were opposite each other, each about half the size of the earth and sagging out in opposite directions. The third was about as tall but as wide as the other two combined, sitting across the ‘bottom’ of both the other mounds and amassing into a number of (relatively) smaller mounds, all leaned away from the first two.The three met around what was unmistakably a mouth, ringed by the largest and plushest pair of drool-covered lips John had ever seen, still quivering with the cosmic burp they’d just expelled.
Casting his eyes upwards, it was easy to see the rest of the planet’s face when he knew to look for it. The small point sticking up a bit higher between the two ‘cheek’ mounds, that was an almost-buried nose. The almost-flat span of land further up, mashed against but visibly separate from the sloped wall of the crater, that was a sweat-covered brow. And between them, almost forced shut by the sheer bulk around them, a pair of half-lidded eyes, red irises looking out in an expression of dismayed recognition...
There was a truly massive exhale of breath from the planet’s - Dave’s??? - mouth, before a familiar voice echoed out, albeit deepened and slowed by how huge he was. “Jawhn... ‘f coourshe yoou’re the one’sh gotta find me firsht...”
“Dave, man, what happened to you?” John moved as close as he could get while still keeping all of Dave’s face in sight, trying to process that the ‘hyperstructure’ he’d been approaching had been his best friend the whole time.
“Trickshter shooda... dooeshn’t micksh with mentoosh...” Every word made Dave’s cheeks flush a darker red (so that was what those spots were, did that mean the white streaks were stretchmarks?). “Guy ghot the jump on me...”
Looking around, John couldn’t see any sign that Dave himself was in Trickster Mode, which at least explained why he seemed resigned to this rather than ecstatic. And without the extra power boost that gave, of course he had no hope of moving (or shrinking) himself.
Just as John opened his mouth to speak again, Dave’s hugely puffy face paled, and his eyes latched onto John’s. “M-maybe yoou shhoould moove over a b-bit, man...”
“Huh? Why-”
The burst of gas didn’t come from Dave’s face (and what a gross thought that was), but it was still sufficient to make Dave wobble and quake from the force of it. Being on the other side of Dave meant he wasn’t blown away, but that just forced him to look at Dave’s shame-stricken face as he ripped ass for another solid five minutes, the atmosphere around them both growing thicker and warmer. Dave couldn’t speak immediately in the aftermath, the expulsion winding him such to force him into long, deep pants, and only then did John remember what he’d seen happen last time.
Dashing off to the side, John was only just fast enough to avoid having to fight against the gravity of the planets that had peeled off from above Dave’s face. As he hid behind the rise of one of Dave’s cheeks, he watched the first planet sink lower and lower, until it collided with Dave’s quivering lips like a cartoon jawbreaker.
John could hear Dave’s body-shaking swallow as the planet wedged between his parted lips, its surface quaking slightly as Dave’s lips twitched around it. Every time the sun-sized boy attempted to swallow, it dipped a few more miles into his mouth, causing rivulets of drool to fleck his cheeks as Dave groaned (and... moaned?) in exerted frustration. Eventually it had sunk far enough that, with one more inhale, it fully sank between his lips with an almost comical pop, pushed down his throat by a swallow so powerful it made his whole face ripple in a spreading bwomp of motion that made John wonder if he was still growing.
It was apparently such an effort to swallow a planet that Dave kept panting, attracting the second, third and fourth planet down past his lips. He repeated the same ordeal with each of them, coming out the other side redder, panting heavier, and uncomfortably damp with sweat where John was braced against him.
Finally it seemed no more planets would be dislodged from the cluster high above Dave, and he gathered his breath enough to speak. “I-it... really doeshn’t micksh... s-shoorry...”
“Y-you’re, um, you’re fine... so that happens every time?” John floated away from Dave’s cheek, returning to his previous position. “And you can’t do anything about it?”
“Yep and noope. ‘m shtuck like thish, at leasht ‘till yoou or shomeone elshe fickshesh me.” Now Dave fixed his eyes on John again, this time with much more intent. “You are gonna ficksh me, right?”
“Of course! Yeah, you can’t do anything like that, obviously I’ll help you, Dave!” John nodded quickly in response. “I’ve just gotta, um, figure out where to start... maybe I can alchemise something?”
“Well...” John got the impression Dave had tried to shrug, but of course nothing visibly happened except his brow creased slightly more than it already was. “Get the gearsh grinding, I guessh.”
“Right! But, uh.” Crossing his arms behind his back, John mumbled, “I miiiiiiiight do my brainstorming from the upper atmosphere? No offence, Dave, but you kind of, um, reek?”
The entire crater of Dave’s face went cherry red, but he just sighed. “Fair, I guessh. Plush yoou're not gonna get clipped by anythin’ up there.”
“Yeah, haha. But I won’t leave, I promise! Or at least I’ll come down and tell you if I do.” Before John zipped back up, a thought occurred to him, making him chuckle. “You know, when I saw you, I thought you were some kind of weird supernatural gas giant, but I guess-”
“-c’moon, man, doon’t finishh that-”
“-you kind of are, aren’t you, hehe! Or at least you’re getting there, ‘Planet Shtrider’!”
As John took off from the surface into the cooler (and cleaner) sky above, he giggled to hear a deep, flustered groan follow him upwards.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Scientists have known for centuries that the moon alters Earth’s ecosystems through gravity. As it spins around our planet, warping space-time, the moon contributes to a complex contortion of the oceans, producing twin bulges we call the tides. In turn, the daily marriage and separation of land and sea transforms the topography of numerous species’ homes and the access they have to food, shelter, and each other.
The moon also stabilizes Earth’s climate. Earth does not have perfect posture; it is tilted along its polar axis, circling the sun at an angle of about 23 degrees. The moon acts as an anchor, preventing the Earth from varying its axial tilt by more than a degree or two. Without the moon, our planet would likely wobble about like a dreidel, tilting a full 10 degrees every 10,000 years, and possibly oscillating the global climate between ice ages and hellish heat the likes of which no species has ever endured.
What is becoming increasingly clear, however, is that the moon also influences life in a more surprising and subtle way: with its light. Most organisms possess an array of genetically encoded biological clocks that coordinate internal physiology and anticipate rhythmic changes in the environment. These clocks are wound by various environmental cues known as zeitgebers (time givers), such as light and temperature. Sunlight is the best-studied zeitgeber, but it turns out that for many aquatic creatures, moonlight is just as crucial. In the past few years, scientists have rekindled a long-neglected curiosity about the moon’s power to manipulate life, reviving studies on biology’s secret moon clocks.
  —  The Lunar Sea
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royalservices · 2 months
Discover History at the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory
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Gaithersburg, MD, brims with historical and scientific treasures, with the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory standing out as one of its most captivating sites. Nestled in the city's center, this observatory offers a unique peek into the realms of astronomy and geophysics. As I toured this historic site, its importance and the significant contributions it has made to our understanding of the Earth left a lasting impression.
A Glimpse into the Past
Founded in 1899, the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory is part of a network of observatories built to measure the Earth’s axial wobble. This global initiative, the International Latitude Service, was vital in enhancing our knowledge of the Earth's shape and movements. Walking through the grounds, I felt deeply connected to history, knowing this observatory played a key role in scientific discoveries shaping our modern understanding of the planet.
Architectural Beauty
The observatory itself is a charming building, showcasing the architectural style of the late 19th century. Its white wooden frame and distinctive dome create a picturesque scene amidst Gaithersburg's lush greenery. Approaching the building, I admired its simple yet elegant design, a testament to the scientific endeavors of the era.
Legacy of Scientific Achievement
Inside the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory, its legacy of scientific contributions is vividly apparent. The observatory housed a zenith telescope, an instrument designed to measure latitude by observing star positions. Precise measurements taken here and at other observatories globally allowed scientists to detect and analyze the Earth's subtle axial movements, leading to significant advancements in geophysics and astronomy.
Importance of the International Latitude Service
The Gaithersburg Observatory was part of the International Latitude Service, which was crucial in refining our understanding of the Earth's shape. By tracking latitude variations over time, scientists could determine the planet's true dimensions and better understand phenomena such as polar motion. This international collaboration underscored the importance of global cooperation in scientific research, a principle still vital today.
Learning and Community Involvement
Today, the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory serves as an educational resource, offering visitors insight into its historical and scientific importance. The site hosts various programs and events aimed at engaging the community and inspiring future scientists and historians. During my visit, I attended an enlightening lecture on the history of the International Latitude Service, which deepened my appreciation for the observatory’s role in scientific progress.
Embracing Gaithersburg’s Historical Wealth
Visiting the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory is more than exploring a historical site; it’s about connecting with Gaithersburg’s broader heritage. The city boasts numerous historical landmarks and cultural attractions, each telling a unique story of its past. As I wandered through the observatory grounds and nearby areas, I felt a profound sense of pride in the city’s contributions to science and history.
In conclusion, the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory are beacons of scientific inquiry and historical significance. Exploring this remarkable site offers a unique chance to delve into the past and appreciate the enduring impact of scientific research. The observatory stands as a testament to the city’s rich heritage and its ongoing commitment to education and community engagement. Leaving the observatory, I felt a renewed sense of wonder and respect for the scientific pioneers who paved the way for our current understanding of the world.
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wikinley · 8 months
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Every 8.5 years or so, the Earth emits a signal—the result of a “wobble” occurring in the inner core. To explain this phenomenon, scientists from Wuhan University analyzed polar movement and length-of-day changes, and concluded that the inner core is 0.17 degrees off of the rotational axis of the mantle: https://rb.gy/dvvibr
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seekerslearnings · 9 months
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joeyvintage · 9 months
Challenging assumptions: The 8.5-year rhythm of Earth's inner core
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spacenutspod · 1 year
In December 2022, NASA lost contact with its Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) Mars lander, which had been operating on the Martian surface for just over four years. In the time since InSight’s mission was declared over, scientists have continued to analyze the incredible data the lander collected and have made some exciting discoveries. One team of scientists, led by Sebastien Le Maistre of the Royal Observatory of Belgium, recently published research that utilized InSight’s Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) instrument to show that Mars’ rotational speed is increasing. The measurements are the most precise measurements of Mars’ rotation ever taken, and even show how the planet wobbles due to the movement of the planet’s molten metal core. As mentioned, Le Maistre et al. used InSight’s RISE instrument, which is a collection of radio transponders and antennas, to make their measurements. They ultimately found that Mars’ rotational speed is accelerating by approximately four milliarcseconds per year squared. The increase in rotational speed corresponds to the length of the Martian day decreased by a fraction of a millisecond per year. Artist’s depiction of InSight on the surface of Mars. Note the RISE antennas on the lander. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) “It’s really cool to be able to get this latest measurement — and so precisely. I’ve been involved in efforts to get a geophysical station like InSight onto Mars for a long time, and results like this make all those decades of work worth it,” said Bruce Banerdt, InSight’s principal investigator of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. See AlsoInSight UpdatesSpace Science CoverageL2 Future SpacecraftClick here to Join L2 While the acceleration is quite small, scientists are still unsure of its cause. One scenario that scientists believe could’ve caused the acceleration is that ice accumulated on the polar ice caps or post-glacial rebound (the rising of landmasses after being buried under ice). By conservation of angular momentum, a significant shift in the mass of a planetary body leads to an acceleration in rotation — similar to how a spinning ice skater speeds up after pulling their arms inward. Using radio waves to learn more about Mars’ characteristics is not unique to InSight. Previous Mars landers, such as the two Viking landers and Pathfinder, employed the use of radio waves to learn more about Mars’ interior and characteristics. However, InSight’s access to advanced radio technology and upgrades to NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) allowed InSight to provide scientists with data that was five times more accurate than that from Pathfinder and the Vikings. So, how did Le Maistre et al. measure the rotational speed of Mars? When InSight was still operational, the scientists used the DSN to beam a radio signal at InSight, which operated in the Elysium Planitia region of Mars. When InSight received the signal, RISE reflected the signal back to Earth. When the DSN received the reflected signal, scientists would take a look at the data and look for small changes in the signal’s frequency caused by the Doppler shift. Measuring the shift in frequency allowed the scientists to determine the rotational speed of Mars. “What we’re looking for are variations that are just a few tens of centimeters over the course of a Martian year. It takes a very long time and a lot of data to accumulate before we can even see these variations,” said Le Maistre. Given the extremely small variations in the signal frequencies, Le Maistre et al. had to look at frequency data from InSight’s first 900 Martian days, or sols, to notice the variations. Furthermore, the slight variations in frequency meant that eliminating sources of noise, such as moisture from Earth’s atmosphere and solar wind, from the data would be a challenge. “It’s a historic experiment. We have spent a lot of time and energy preparing for the experiment and anticipating these discoveries. But despite this, we were still surprised along the way — and it’s not over, since RISE still has a lot to reveal about Mars,” Le Maistre said. As mentioned, the RISE data used by Le Maistre et al. was so precise that it picked up Mars’ nutation — the planet’s wobbling motion caused by the sloshing of Mars’ molten metal core. The RISE data allowed the team to measure the size of the core, which they found to have a radius of approximately 1,835 kilometers. Additionally, the nutation gave scientists further insight into the shape and characteristics of the core. Mars is spinning faster! Before it retired last December, @NASAInSight sent back radio science data that’s providing new details about how fast Mars rotates and how much it wobbles. See what the latest findings mean: https://t.co/G47N5oY89s — NASA Mars (@NASAMars) August 7, 2023 But Le Maistre et al. didn’t stop there. They continued with their research of the core and compared their measurement of the core’s size to other measurements derived from data collected by InSight’s seismometer. Specifically, the team looked at whether seismic waves within Mars reflected off of the core or if they traveled through the core uninterrupted, which allowed them to estimate the radius of the core. All three measurements showed that the core was anywhere between 1,790 and 1,850 kilometers. “RISE’s data indicate the core’s shape cannot be explained by its rotation alone. That shape requires regions of slightly higher or lower density buried deep within the mantle,” said co-author Attilio Rivoldini of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Le Maistre et al.’s results are just the beginning. The team will continue to analyze the RISE data in hopes of learning more about Mars’ rotation, core, and other planetary characteristics. Although InSight’s mission may be over, the incredible data it gathered during its four-year mission will continue to allow scientists to make groundbreaking discoveries in planetary science for the months, years, and decades to come. Le Maistre et al.’s data and results were published in the journal Nature in June 2023. (Lead image: InSight takes a selfie on April 24, 2022, the 1,211th sol of the mission. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) The post Using data from InSight, scientists discover that Mars is rotating faster appeared first on NASASpaceFlight.com.
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xtruss · 1 year
Humanity’s Groundwater Pumping Has Altered Earth’s Tilt! Massive Shifts of Water Have Caused Earth’s Poles to Wander
— 16 June 2023 | By Warren Cornwall | Science.Org
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Earth’s spin axis has shifted in recent years because of groundwater extraction, which redistributes the weight of the planet’s water. Alexsava/iStock
While spinning on its axis, Earth wobbles like an off-kilter top. Sloshing molten iron in Earth’s core, melting ice, ocean currents, and even hurricanes can all cause the poles to wander. Now, scientists have found that a significant amount of the polar drift results from human activity: pumping groundwater for drinking and irrigation.
“The very way the planet wobbles is impacted by our activities,” says Surendra Adhikari, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and an expert on Earth’s rotation who was not involved in the study. “It is, in a way, mind boggling.”
Imagine spinning a basketball on your finger. If you can keep the ball balanced, it will spin evenly along its axis. But add a little bit of weight to one part of the ball or remove it from another, and the ball will rapidly become unbalanced, wobbling and shifting its spin axis. Earth’s spin axis also wobbles, its North Pole tracing out a roughly 10-meter-wide circle every year or so. The center of this wobble also drifts over the long term; lately, it has been tilting in the direction of Iceland by about 9 centimeters per year.
Clark R. Wilson, a geophysicist at the University of Texas at Austin, and his colleagues thought the removal of tens of gigatons of groundwater each year might affect the drift. But they knew it could not be the only factor. “There’s a lot of pieces that go into the final budget for causing polar drift,” Wilson says.
The scientists built a model of the polar wander, accounting for factors such as reservoirs filling because of new dams and ice sheets melting, to see how well they explained the polar movements observed between 1993 and 2010. During that time, satellite measurements were precise enough to detect a shift in the poles as small as a few millimeters.
Dams and ice changes were not enough to match the observed polar motion. But when the researchers also put in 2150 gigatons of groundwater that hydrologic models estimate were pumped between 1993 and 2010, the predicted polar motion aligned much more closely with observations. Wilson and his colleagues conclude that the redistribution of that water weight to the world’s oceans has caused Earth’s poles to shift nearly 80 centimeters during that time. In fact, groundwater removal appears to have played a bigger role in that period than the release of meltwater from ice in either Greenland or Antarctica, the scientists reported Thursday in Geophysical Research Letters.
The effect was amplified because much of the water was removed in the northern midlatitudes, in groundwater depletion hot spots such as northwestern India and the western United States. If the biggest loss of water had occurred closer to the equator or the poles, the effect would have been smaller, Wilson says.
The extra wobble is far too small to affect weather or seasons, Wilson says. But the findings could enable scientists to use polar drift as a tool to gauge other phenomena. Ki-Weon Seo, a geophysicist at Seoul National University and the study’s lead author, says it offers a way to check how much sea level rise the groundwater pumping is causing, as the water flows downstream and ultimately reaches the ocean.
The new paper helps confirm that groundwater depletion added approximately 6 millimeters to global sea level rise between 1993 and 2010. “I was very happy” that this new method matched other estimates, Seo says. Because detailed astronomical measurements of the polar axis location go back to the end of the 19th century, polar drift could enable Seo to trace the human impact on the planet’s water over the past century.
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kammartinez · 1 year
By James Dinneen
Over the course of about two decades, humans pumped enough water out of the ground that we shifted Earth’s poles by almost a metre. This is equivalent to the polar drift caused by melting Greenland ice over the same period.
“Most people would go about their lives and wouldn’t be aware of [Earth’s] wobbles or the drift,” says Clark Wilson at the University of Texas at Austin. He and his colleagues modelled how changes in the distribution of water around the planet have affected the drifting of the poles.
Some of that polar wander is down to natural causes. Because Earth isn’t a perfect sphere, it wobbles like a top several metres each year. The poles also drift due to changes in the distribution of mass around the planet, such as the movement of water due to the seasons.
“There are a number of things contributing to polar drift, and they all add up,” Wilson says. Filling reservoirs and pumping groundwater, as well as climate change melting glaciers and the resulting sea level rise all contribute, though it wasn’t clear what was the influence of each specific change.
Wilson and his colleagues modelled the drift using estimates of the amount of groundwater pumped between 1993 and 2010, which totalled around 2100 gigatonnes, and the associated rise in sea level, which they estimated at 0.3 millimetres per year.
The polar drift attributed to these changes from groundwater pumping amounted to about 80 centimetres. Wilson says this is especially due to large aquifers located at mid-latitudes, which have the greatest effect on polar drift. The only thing that affected the drift more than changes in groundwater was the rebound of landmasses after the lost weight of melted glaciers from the previous ice age.
This doesn’t itself have particular consequences in terms of changes in the length of day or of the seasons, says Wilson. Although he says that knowing the precise location of the axis is essential for any GPS technology to work.
But the finding illustrates how much water people have pumped, says Manoochehr Shirzaei at Virginia Tech. “The precise number doesn’t matter really,” he says. “What matters is that the volume is so gigantic that it can impact the polar drift of the Earth.”
Groundwater pumping has accelerated in the 21st century, in part due to drought conditions driven by climate change, as well more crops growing in dry places, says Shirzaei.
0 notes
kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
By James Dinneen
Over the course of about two decades, humans pumped enough water out of the ground that we shifted Earth’s poles by almost a metre. This is equivalent to the polar drift caused by melting Greenland ice over the same period.
“Most people would go about their lives and wouldn’t be aware of [Earth’s] wobbles or the drift,” says Clark Wilson at the University of Texas at Austin. He and his colleagues modelled how changes in the distribution of water around the planet have affected the drifting of the poles.
Some of that polar wander is down to natural causes. Because Earth isn’t a perfect sphere, it wobbles like a top several metres each year. The poles also drift due to changes in the distribution of mass around the planet, such as the movement of water due to the seasons.
“There are a number of things contributing to polar drift, and they all add up,” Wilson says. Filling reservoirs and pumping groundwater, as well as climate change melting glaciers and the resulting sea level rise all contribute, though it wasn’t clear what was the influence of each specific change.
Wilson and his colleagues modelled the drift using estimates of the amount of groundwater pumped between 1993 and 2010, which totalled around 2100 gigatonnes, and the associated rise in sea level, which they estimated at 0.3 millimetres per year.
The polar drift attributed to these changes from groundwater pumping amounted to about 80 centimetres. Wilson says this is especially due to large aquifers located at mid-latitudes, which have the greatest effect on polar drift. The only thing that affected the drift more than changes in groundwater was the rebound of landmasses after the lost weight of melted glaciers from the previous ice age.
This doesn’t itself have particular consequences in terms of changes in the length of day or of the seasons, says Wilson. Although he says that knowing the precise location of the axis is essential for any GPS technology to work.
But the finding illustrates how much water people have pumped, says Manoochehr Shirzaei at Virginia Tech. “The precise number doesn’t matter really,” he says. “What matters is that the volume is so gigantic that it can impact the polar drift of the Earth.”
Groundwater pumping has accelerated in the 21st century, in part due to drought conditions driven by climate change, as well more crops growing in dry places, says Shirzaei.
0 notes
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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BOOKS I READ IN 2022 Mostly academic books I read for research purposes or to expand my knowledge of a topic, though this year was much more scattershot then 2021 in terms of topic, and I read a lot less. Indeed, this year, while there was a lot of books I loved and luxuriated in, or am proud I finished, there were a bunch of very frustrating or not particularly appealing academic works I almost regret reading, such as the Cavel & Noakes volume! Also, far more fiction - I somehow read sections from almost every volume of Christopher Tolkien's History of Middle Earth series. Generally, I read the majority of the book - monographs or collections where I read a single chapter or introduction aren’t included. I also included a few of the best or most interesting articles I read, though there are dozens and dozens more. Books marked with a cross are ones I particularly recommend. The first two entries are books I started reading in 2021 and the last three I’m still reading!
Anne Guérin, Prisonniers en révolte: Quotidien carcéral, mutineries et politique pénitentiaire en France, 1970-1980  +
Larry Wolff, Venice and the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of Enlightenment
Murar Ergin, 'Is The Turk A White Man?': Race and Modernity in the Making of Turkish Identity
Douglas Hamilton and John McAleer, ed., Islands and the British Empire in the Age of Sail
Allain Millard, Communaute Des Egaux: Le Communisme Neo-Babouviste Dans La France Des Annees 1840 +
Blaise Cendrars, L'Homme foudroyé
Victor Serge, Notebooks, 1934-1947 +
Peter Cole, Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly +
John Deak, Forging a Multinational State: State-Making in Imperial Austria from the Enlightenment to the First World War
Brock Millman, ed., Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914–1919
Elinor Barr, Silver Islet: Striking It Rich in Lake Superior
Gerry Boyce, Eldorado: Ontario's First Gold Rush
Nancy B. Bouchier & Ken Cruikshank, The People and the Bay: A Social and Environmental History of Hamilton Harbour
Franca Iacovetta, Roberto Perin & Angelo Principe, ed., Enemies Within: Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad
Janice Cavell & Jeff Noakes, Acts of Occupation: Canada and Arctic Sovereignty, 1918-25
Élisabeth Vonarburg, The Maerlande Chronicles
J. R. R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien, Morgoth's Ring (and bits and pieces of the rest of the History of Middle Earth series)
Elizabeth Hand, Winterlight
Jonathan Haslam, The Spectre of War: International Communism and the Origins of World War II +
William Clare Roberts, Marx's Inferno: The Political Theory of Capital +
Ruth Bleasdale, Rough Work: Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882  +
Dale Gibson, Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1: Settlement and Governance, 1812-1872
Fabrice Grenard, Une légende du maquis: George Guingouin, du mythe à l'histoire
Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark
Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda (1940)
Select articles I read:
Matthew Pehl, “Between the Market and the State: The Problem of Prison Labor in the New Deal,”
Ernest Allen, “Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943.”
Sarah Carter, “Two Acres and a Cow: 'Peasant’ Farming for the Indians of the Northwest, 1889-97.”
David Thompson, “Convalescent Comrades: The 1935 Siege of Winnipeg’s Deer Lodge Hospital.”
Benjamin D. Weber, “The Strange Career of the Convict Clause: US Prison Imperialism in the Panamá Canal Zone.”
Ernest Ming-Tak Leung, “The Japanese Factor in the Making of North Korean Socialism.”
Eugeny Morozov, “Critique of Techno-Feudal Reason.”
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, “Fascist Spectacle.”
Tiziana Terranova and Ravi Sundaram, “Colonial Infrastructures and Techno-social Networks.”
Looking forward to reading in 2023:
Ruan O'Donnell, Special Category: The IRA in English Prisons, Vol. 1 & 2
Garrett Felber, Those Who Know Don't Say: The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom Movement, and the Carceral State
Gavin Walker, ed. The Red Years: Theory, Politics and Aesthetics in the Japanese '68
Cheryl D. Hicks, Talk with You Like a Woman: African American Women, Justice, and Reform in New York, 1890-1935
Sebastein Elsbach, Eiserne Front: Abwehrbundnis Gegen Rechts, 1931 Bis 1933
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mimi-ya · 2 years
covert identity part IV
9,100 words | she/her reader
summary: who knew surviving the battle would be the hard part?
masterlist | covert identity chapter list
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Certain moments replay in a person’s mind when faced with death.
They’re not necessarily the most important, they’re definitely not always the happiest, they’re just what the brain picks out.
Portgas D. Ace’s go a little like this.
It starts with Gray Terminal, seeing the dump that for the first time in the young boy’s life he thought he found something that reflected his own worth.
Then it’s him and Sabo, cackling as they dump buckets of seawater on Luffy for eating the rest of the crocodile meat who’s collapsed with whines for his brothers to stop teasing him.
He remembers the taste of the Mera Mera no Mei and how it burned going down, the worst thing he ever ate. But he couldn’t lie and say it didn’t remind him of the rush of freedom he felt when leaving Dawn Island for the first time.
Then it’s you. Laying crumpled in that alleyway before he abandoned you and had to pretend like your desperate sobs meant nothing.
His life was a constant cycle of betrayal and reminders of the evilness in his blood. That is until Pops offered him something he had for so long pretended he didn’t need.
It wasn’t the best life, not by a long shot.
But if dying here means he could give Luffy a little more time on this shitty earth, then it’s a no brainer.
The last thing that crosses his brain is the day you and he were on that island looking for maps of Shikoku. You seemed so happy in that little boutique, letting him put hat after hat on your head and indulging in his childness.
Ace hopes you’ll be able to smile like that again.
He feels his stomach drop and the earth give away. This is it, he thinks, this is death.
It’s definitely not what he pictured.
“What the fuck, Trafalgar?”
“Fucking do something!”
“He’s overexerted himself!”
Ace watches from his hands and knees as the blonde man swears before looking down at him.
The dizziness in his head is overwhelming, but there’s something in his bones telling him he should know who this man is.
“Hold on to this.” A hat is tossed on the ground before the man dives into the water.
Ace can see the fight is still raging on, but from a new angle. Is this where the dead goes? They watch the living from the outside looking in?
“Captain! Wake up!”
Ace glances back at those on the ship with him. There’s a heavily tatted man collapsed with several in matching suits fawning over him, and a polar bear?
He’s never been more confused in his entire life.
Sabo, on the other hand, has never been more furious in his entire life.
The plan was straightforward. A simple switch and run. But of course, the pirate couldn’t pull it off. Sabo wishes he had planned for that instead of wasting the crucial moments waiting dumbly to be transported.
Because by the time Sabo realized he was still standing atop the submarine he could see in the distance you had already taken quite the blow.
But luck is on his side because it seems you switching places with Ace has sent everyone into a tailspin.
“Where is he?!” A ferocious voice roars, and blistering heat blows over the battlefield with Akainu’s rage.
It almost sends Sabo back into the water, but he grits his teeth and pulls himself up onto the ice.
The chaos of Ace’s disappearance has taken the attention from you and Luffy as eyes roam the battlefield for the missing pirate.
Sabo sprints as fast as he can, trying his best to keep his anger under control as he sees more details of your condition.
Wavering on your knees with a back lit aflame and blood pouring from your wound.
There’s nothing Sabo wants more than to take on the person who did this to you, but he knows this isn’t the time or place.
“(Y/N)!” Luffy’s wobbly and shocked voice carries to Sabo, “Is it really you?”
With Luffy overwhelmed by your sudden appearance, he doesn’t see the Admiral rearing his fist back for a second blow.
“Luffy!” Sabo screams, ducking down just in time to swoop you and Luffy into his arms when a blazing fist slams into the ground.
“(Y/N)!” Luffy screams trying to reach around Sabo for your limp body.
“Knock it off!” Sabo scolds, fighting to keep his grip on his squirming brother while he struggles to drag you along. It doesn’t help that the magma coating your skin is burning into Sabo’s side. His teeth dig into his lips as heated pain laces up his side.
“I will end these devil bloodlines!” Akainu rages in pursuit of the escaping trio.
The looming threat sends a signal through Sabo’s bones and he instinctively dives to the right, barely dodging a fired fist. The dive turns into a tumble, and he collapses on top of you. Sabo would feel horrible for roughing you up in your already devastated state but he’s more concerned when you don’t react at all. Face devoid of any of your usual color and movement.
“(Y/N)!” Luffy’s manages to scramble to you, voice filled with tremors, “C’mon (Y/N)! Wake up!”
“Luffy!” Sabo snaps, pulling his brother back by the shirt to look him in the eye. Being so close to Luffy after so long is a mix of emotions for Sabo. He wants to cry and scream and pull him so close that he can never let him go again.
But what Sabo really wants is for Luffy to shut the fuck up.
“Listen to me!” Sabo shakes Luffy, hand curled into his shirt, “We need to get out of here! We need to get to Ace!”
As if just remembering his brother Luffy quickly looks around, “Where- where is he?!”
Something sets off Sabo’s instincts before he can answer and he looks back to see Akainu coming towards them.
“I won’t let you get away!” He screams and Sabo quickly raises a haki covered fist, prepared to give it his all to protect you and Luffy. But before he even gets the chance his world is erupted in blue flames.
“You won’t kill him!” The man with flamed wings seethes, pushing back against Akainu fist.
Sabo isn’t one to let an opportunity like this slip by, so he quickly pulls your limp body into his arms and gets to his feet, “C’mon Luffy!”
The water is just in the distance, and if they can get there Trafalgar might be able to bring them back to the ship. Worst case scenario Sabo will swim the two of you over if he has to.
That is, if he has both of you.
Noticing only the sound of his footsteps are reaching his ears, Sabo throws a glance over his shoulder to see Luffy hasn’t moved from his spot, stumbling on his feet as his eyes begin to droop.
“Fuck!” Sabo curses, darting back to his brother just in time to catch him before he collapses on the ground from exhaustion.
“What are you waiting for!” The man holding back Akainu shouts, “Get out of here!”
Sabo growls to himself, shifting you onto one arm the pain from the burns making it harder to hold you. But he’ll do what he must to save you and Luffy.
“Allow me to help!” A voice rings through the commotion and Sabo looks up to see a familiar and imposing fishman standing over him, “I will protect Luffy with my life!”
There’s nothing more Sabo wants than to tell him to go to hell, that he can protect his cry baby brother on his own but then he feels the earth shake.
Past the fishman he can see Whitebeard has rejoined the fight and is practically splitting the earth in half and it’s no time for pride to get in the way of survival.
“Get him to the submarine!” Sabo directs, passing off his brother’s form to the fishman who runs off the moment he has Luffy in his hold.
With another jolt of the ground Sabo tries his best to follow but loses sight of the two in all the commotion, more chaos is erupting at every turn.
“It’s Teach!” The voices among him cry, their voices laced with pain and anger.
The name echoes in Sabo’s memory, thinking back to the desperate claims of innocence you had made for Ace when he unknowingly blamed his brother for the destruction of Barno Island.
But petty pirate squabbles are the least of his concerns when the yellow submarine is so close in the distance.
“Just a bit further, (Y/N).” Sabo whispers, trying his hardest not to think about the labored breaths barely leaving your lips, “Just a bit further.”
“Get off me!” Ace roars, trying to fight off the strange pirates, but in his weakened state they bear to be too much.
After regaining his senses Ace had come to the conclusion that he hadn’t actually died but was instead transported across the battlefield.
Not that he actually gave a shit about that when Luffy was still out there.
“Quiet.” The man at the front of the ship calls tiredly over his shoulder, “Went to all this trouble to save you, won’t have you drowning overboard.”
“My brother’s out there!” Ace finally kicks off the pirate on his left and easily overpowers the one on his right. He runs to the edge of the ship, ready to blaze his way back onto the battlefield until a name catches his attention.
“(Y/N)-ya is on it.”
Ace feels his blood run cold, head swiveling towards the man. Did he? He couldn’t have. Because there’s no way you could be here.
“There she is now.” The man nods, “And Sabo-ya too. Great.” He scoffs with a roll of his eyes, “Prepare the operating room!” He directs the pirates still standing in the back.
Ace turns back towards the battlefield, seeing that man in the distance. He’s sprinting towards the sea, an unmoving body in his arms. The world suddenly tints blue and then the two disappear.
“Where did they go!” Ace shouts, sprinting to the edge of the ship now that those holding him back have disappeared inside. Just as the words leave his lips, the sound of two bodies slamming onto the ship come from behind. Ace twist to see the blonde man falling to his knees, depositing someone onto the deck.
And in that moment Ace wishes he had died. Because it is you. Unconscious with a gaping wound through your chest as blood pours from your mouth.
This is worse than death.
“(Y/N).” The blonde man pleads, tapping your face, “C’mon!” His voice chokes, “Do that thing!  With your devil fruit!”
“She needs surgery, captain!” A voice calls, bodies moving around him in a flurry.
“Looks like we’ll have a full room.” The apparent captain mutters, “Bring Mugiwara-ya here!”
Ace feels his heart leap into his throat and only tears his gaze from you at the mention of his brother. He looks up to see a clown floating in the air, holding onto two forms.
“Who the hell are you!” The clown shouts from above.
But the squabbling is lost on Ace when his eyes zero in on Luffy. He’s completely knocked out, eyes wide and unseeing with a wound to match yours.
It’s all too much.
The battle. You. Luffy. Everyone around him dying. And for what?
For him?
“Fuck!” Ace presses digs his palms into his eyes, “Fuck!”
“Let’s go Fire Fist!” The deck has been cleared, “Unless you want to drown, get in this submarine!”
Ace looks back at the battlefield. He can see others are escaping, chaos as the world is turning upside down.
It’s one of the hardest thing he’s ever had to do, but he follows inside.
Sabo hurries inside with you in his arms, following through the twists and turns of the submarine as he’s lead to the operating room.
The commotion only picks up when he deposits you into one of the beds. He wants to help. Wants to wipe the blood from your chin, brush the sweat out of your brow. But he can’t move. Can’t do anything with these trembling hands.
What’s gotten into him?
“You know how to suture a wound?” A voice pulls him out of his thoughts.
Sabo cocks his head, dumbly staring at the one he thinks goes by Penguin, “Uhh, no?”
“Then get the fuck out.”
And is promptly shoved out of the room.
Sabo barely has a moment to stare at the door slammed in his face before more footsteps come thundering down the hallway. Jumpsuit clad pirates passing by so quickly that had it been anyone else they wouldn’t have caught sight of Luffy.
But Sabo isn’t anyone else and the scene makes him want to vomit.
How did everything go to shit so quickly? Both you and Luffy on the brink of death, even the fishman Sabo had entrusted his brother to.
And how many more above? Did the government not care about the senseless blood they had on their hands?
“Fuck.” Sabo clenches his hands, leather stretching over his knuckles, “Fuck!” He shouts, turning to slam his hand against the metal wall.
In his twist he catches a figure at the end of the hall.
His heart leaps into his throat and it feels a lot like when he was standing with you outside Luffy’s ship back on Sabaody.
“Ace.” Voice barely above a whisper as his once forgotten brother stalks toward him.
Closer and he can see the freckles Luffy and him would tease Ace about. Closer and he can see the scowl twisted on Ace’s face. Closer and he see the erratic movement of his chest with heavy breaths. Closer-
And the last thing Sabo sees is a fist coming straight for his face.
Ace shakes out his hand, knuckles smarting while he huffs in- in exhaustion? anger? everything wrapped up at once?
This morning he was prepared to die. He had accepted that best he could. Would have died happily if it meant he was the only one.
But then his crew showed up. Pops. Luffy. And you for some damn reason.
He wanted nothing more for them to leave, to turn away as he got his head cut off like his forsaken father. But they were as stubborn as he is, and a glimmer of selfish hope bubbled in his stomach.
And here he is.
“Quite the brotherly reunion.” The pirate from earlier snaps his fingers, a roll of bandages appearing in his hands, “Handle his burns, Fire Fist-ya” He instructs, pushing the gauze into his hands with a little more force than necessary.
“Oof!” Ace looks into his hands, “Hey! What’s this-” But before he can get his question out the pirate is already gone.
In Ace’s hands are the bandages, but also the hat the man who lays on the ground had tossed to him earlier.
It looks so familiar that it makes his stomach turn. And what did that pirate just say?
The bandages and hat make a soft thud when they hit the ground, Ace’s arms hanging limping at his sides.
“Ace!” The voice whines in the off distance, “Sabo!”
“Why are we doing this again?” Sabo whispers to his brother. Well, the one sitting beside him, his other brother is wandering aimlessly in the forest below.
Ace crosses his arms, a frown etched on his face, “Because he’s too stupid to find his way back home without us.”
“Aww!” Sabo croons, poking a finger into Ace’s arm, “Do you care about Luffy?”
“Shut up!” Ace snarls, shoving Sabo hard enough that the boy has to grip onto the bark to stop himself from falling out the tree, “You and I weren’t as dumb as Luffy when we were his age! He needs to grow up!”
Sabo scoffs, and grumbles to himself, “Sounds a lot like caring to me.”
“C’mon guys! I wanna go home!” Luffy cries, closer than before.
“Then go home already!” Ace screams.
“Ace!?” Luffy’s voice pops up with excitement, “Ace, where are you!”
“Nice going idiot!” Sabo shoves Ace, “You gave us away!”
“Whatever!” Ace protests, “He wasn’t gonna find us and I’m gettin’ hungry.”
Bushes rustle below, Luffy popping out, “Guys! Look!” He proudly holds up his hands to show a fish that could barely feed one of them, “I got dinner!”
“So stupid.” Ace grumbles, shaking his head.
Sabo chooses not to point out the small but pleased smile on his brother face.
A pained groan vibrates from Sabo’s chest as he presses a hand to the throbbing on his cheek, “Wha’ happened?” He slurs.
“’Bout time you woke up.” A voice to his right huffs.
And then something cold slaps him in the face, “Huh?” Sabo sputters, trying to knock off the object.
“It’ll help with the shiner.”
The person beside him is a little fuzzy as he blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the fluorescent lights of the sub.
“And watch the burns!”
“Burns?” Sabo reaches for his face, not sure what could be wrong with his decade old injury when he spots the bandages sloppily wrapped around his arm, blood already pinking its way through.
Sabo grimaces, flexing his forearm, earning a dull throb. When did this-
He’s hit with a flash of recent memories. Dragging you and Luffy out of the fight. Magma burning into his flesh as your body tried its hardest to protect it. Luffy throwing a fit until he passed out. The three of you making it back to the sub just to be whisked away for surgery. And then…
And then Sabo saw him.
The gasp tears from his throat and he’s scrambling to his knees, “Ace!” He chokes, “You’re okay!” His voice his raw from emotion, like he might break into sobs at any moment.
But the only thing on Sabo’s mind is touching Ace. Feeling his skin to make sure this is actually happening. That all of these memories aren’t just dreams and his brother is real. His hand reaches for his brother’s arm.
Decorated with the letters just like you said. So this has to be real. Sabo remembers Ace and Ace never forgot him. If he could just touch it, he could be sure, he could know for certain.
“Just!” Ace snaps, his fingers digging into his arms, head still turned away, “don’t.” His voice comes out softer, “Just don’t.”
Sabo’s hand flops to into his lap, mouth dropping slightly. He reaches for the ice pack that’s melting on the floor, just to have something to fiddle with as leans back against the wall.
Not without continuously peeking over at Ace who’s trembling with some emotion.
It has to be anger, Sabo thinks. What else could it be?
Disgust and fury that his so-called sworn brother would just waltz back into his life like nothing happened.
“I always wished for this day, so much.” Ace says quietly, pulling Sabo from his self-depreciative thoughts, “That you would be here, and not dead under the sea.” His nails dig deeper, blood rising from the imprints, “And that’s what makes me feel like shit right now.” He spits, “Because even though so many good people got hurt, died, today. I’m so happy.”
As soon as the word leaves Sabo’s mouth he’s ripped into a hug so fast it almost gives him whiplash. Fingers clawing into his back as he’s awkwardly crushed against Ace’s chest. The burns along his arm throbbing in protests and head ringing from the residual dizziness.
Sabo’s body finally catches up and he wraps his arms around Ace just as tight, burying his face into Ace’s shoulder with a broken gasp.
“I’m so sorry.” Sabo sobs, “I- I didn’t remember anything. I swear.” He shakes his head, “If I had- I woulda been here. I swear-”
“Quit your blubberin’.” Ace grunts, trying to mask the cracking in his voice, “I already have one crybaby brother, don’t need another.”
Sabo swallows, biting his lip hard enough to break the skin, “Yeah, we do.”
“Right.” Ace pulls back, looking straight into Sabo’s eye with a squeeze to the shoulder, “We do.”
Time stretches as Ace and Sabo sit side by side in silence.
They can hear the beeping of machines behind the door, shouting voices, and the clings of metal hitting trays.
Ace counts to three, flicks his fingers and then watches the sparks dissolve into his legs. Counts to three, flicks, dissolves.
Sabo is no better. Nail scratching at the bandages covering his arm until a tear forms and then he moves to a different spot. Scratch, tear, move.
Neither of them knows how many times they repeat their processes in silence. Just over and over until that door finally opens.
“They’re lucky.” Trafalgar steps out, wiping at his forehead, “Anyone else working on them and they’d be dead.” And it doesn’t sound like he’s saying it because he’s full of himself.
“So, they’re going to be okay?” Ace asks, his stomach in twists.
“I didn’t say that.”
Sabo is already on his feet, “Well can we go in?”
“Just don’t give them an infection.” Trafalgar says as answer, already walking down the hallway.
Sabo moves to the door as soon as Trafalgar is out of the way, but Ace-
Ace feels frozen to his spot. The image of what he expects on the other side too gruesome to handle.
“Hey.” Sabo’s paused at the entrance, door cracked just enough that Ace can see people are still inside, finishing up Trafalgar’s work, “You don’t have to-”
“Yes, I do.” Ace cuts him off harshly. Of course he does, because if he runs now, well. It’s not like he’ll ever forgive himself anyway.
Sabo nods and steps into the room. He holds the door for a moment, but as soon as his head turns, he disappears in a hurry.
Ace follows in and the first thing he notices is there’s three beds. Floored at the sight, because is that Jinbei? How the hell did he end up hurt too?
“Luf.” Sabo’s voice is wrecked as he’s leaning over his brother, hands unsure where to even touch if they should even touch.
A shudder rips down Ace’s spine. He’s never seen his brother look so small.
Luffy’s always been the runt of the three, always had the most bruises and cuts. But when he’s all hooked up with tubes and wires, patches covering his body, it’s a whole other level.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was never supposed to be like this.
Ace is the big brother. The oldest, even if it’s just by a few months.
But what a failure he’s been.
His one brother alive this entire time and he didn’t even bother looking. The other on the brink of death because he couldn’t take of himself.
What a joke, Ace thinks bitterly, having to look away from the scene of Sabo tenderly rubbing Luffy’s shoulder.
And it’s too late to correct his mistake, because then Ace’s eyes land on you.
You almost look like you could be asleep.
 His feet take him to the edge of your bed. And maybe it’s some sick penance, but he can’t look away. Won’t look away. Because no matter how painful it is for Ace to stare at your broken and worn form, it’s nothing compared to the fist that burned through your back.
“Why are you here?” Ace whispers, “Why didn’t you just stay put?”
Silence is his only answer. Not that Ace even wants one, not like he’d believe what you’d have to say anyone.
“You know she couldn’t do that.” Sabo answers in lieu of you, “Nothing was going to stop her from getting here.” He meets his brother’s eyes, “To you.”
Ace lets Sabo’s words sink in, but only scoffs in return, “I should have died. I should have just died and none of this would have happened.”
“Don’t say that.” Sabo hisses through his teeth, hands gripping the rail beside Luffy’s bed.
“I should have.” Ace reaffirms, “So many people would still be here if it weren’t for me.”
“And what about us?” Sabo demands, “You think any of us would have been okay?”
“Luffy has you now, should’ve been you the whole time.” Ace’s eyes flick over, looking at his little brother with despair, “You woulda never let him end up like this.”
“And what about (Y/N)?”
Ace is quiet. He thinks of the moments the two of you have shared. Every treasured laugh, smile, and touch, “All I ever did was cause her trouble.”
“I didn’t think you could get any stupider.”
“At least I know stupider isn’t a word, idiot.” Ace deflects.
“She loves you. You know that, right?”
Ace doesn’t answer, just looks away and tries to beat down the stinging in his eyes.
“You probably don’t believe it, I don’t think you fully believed Luffy and I loved you, but we do. People care about you, Ace.”
“And look what that gotten ‘em.”
“Lie to me all you want, but you don’t lie to yourself.”
“Shut up.”
Sabo’s eyes narrow, “You think everyone fought for you, what? Out of obligation or something?”
“I said, shut up.” Ace clenches his hands.
“Like it was all fake, or something?” Sabo keeps pushing.
“And what would you know!” Ace shouts, “It’s not like you were even around!”
The moment the words leave his mouth, Ace wishes he could take them back. Ace hasn’t gotten the full story yet, but even those snippets from earlier were enough for Ace to know it wasn’t intentional.
Sabo’s expression hardens, “You’re right. I wasn’t there. But I am now, and I’m never going to let anything stop me from being here. Can you say the same?”
The words cut at Ace, reminding him of what a coward he’s actually been this whole time. Because running from something is easier than getting left behind.
Ace looks at you.
The sight is something he can barely handle but would give anything to have every day, even if it’s this horrid picture.
“I don’t want to lose her, Sabo.” Ace mutters, fingers digging into his hair and shakes his head, “I don’t want to lose either of them.”
“Ace.” Sabo offers, coming around your bed to stand beside his brother.
The movement causes Ace to snap his head up, feeling like his heart is going to beat right out of his chest. “I- I can’t.” Ace gasps, eyes darting around the room that’s suddenly gotten smaller, “I can’t!”
“Ace!” Sabo tries to grab for him, “Wait!”
But Ace has already booked it out of the room, the door slamming closed behind him.
He sprints down the hall, looking for something, anything that will stop the walls from closing in on him. But it’s no use, and the voices in his head just amplify.
Devil’s blood.
“Stop!” Ace screams, tumbling to his knees, “Just stop.” He heaves, tears dripping onto his hands.
He’s no better than Rogers. Who did he think he could fool? Taking his mother’s name. Finding himself brothers. A new father’s symbol. None of it matters when there’s evil in your blood.
If he would have just died. No. If he just never would have existed, the world would have been a much better place.
But he’s here. And he must live with the consequences of his selfishness.
Ace slams a fist into the floor. Again, and again until he can feel his skin splitting and joints popping.
Each hit for someone he’s failed.
His mother.
His crew.
His brothers.
“Feel better?” Sabo voice carries from down the hall.
“No.” Ace throws his head back, clunking against the metal wall.
How long has he been sitting here? Long enough for his arms to have given out strength from his penance that all he could do was slump against the wall and wait for someone to find him.
“Trafalgar said we’re breaking the surface. If you need some fresh air.”
Ace doesn’t say anything but gets to his feet, following Sabo around the twists and turns of the sub he got himself lost in.
They round one last corner to see Trafalgar is blocking the entrance with a frown on his face. “We’ve got company.” He turns from the porthole, “You two stay here.” And is out the door with his sword slung over his shoulder.
“Shit.” Sabo hisses, catching sight as the door swings closed, “It’s the marines.”
Ace feels a heat flare in his veins, wordlessly approaching to the door.
“Wait!” Sabo reaches out to pin him against the wall, “We can’t risk a fight, not with everyone in their conditions.”
“Fuck that!” Ace snarls, the familiar and comforting feelings of anger rising in his chest. “If they’re looking for a fight then let’s give ‘em one!”
“We don’t know what they’re looking for!” Sabo snaps back.
“Where is he!”
Sabo’s eyes go wide, flipping around to face the door, “Oh no.”
“What?” Ace whispers, “You know those marines or somethin’?”
“Worse.” Sabo answers, leaning over to peek out the port hole. Rather than get a glance out onto the deck, he gets a smack of metal right to the face. “Shit!” He cries, falling backwards on his ass.
Ace immediately jumps onto alert as a precaution, igniting his fist. But he quickly extinguishes the flame when he recognizes this person who fell out of the sky with his brother.
“Sabo boy!”
“Ivankov.” Sabo mutters, rubbing at the welt forming on his forehead. His face seems to be quite the punching bag lately.
“When Straw Hat boy told me Dragon wasn’t Ace boy’s father, I assumed the Revolution wouldn’t be getting involved. But here you are!”
Ace’s head darts back and forth between the two, “Wait, you know each other?”
“Ahh!” Ivankov screams in delight, “Ace boy! I’m so glad you’re alive!” He pulls Ace into an unprompted hug, wailing against Ace’s cheek, “The pure desperation Straw Hat boy had for you! It was truly moving!”
“Uhh, yeah.” Ace grimaces, patting Ivankov on the shoulder.
“Ivankov is a member of the Revolution. And no, Dragon didn’t send me.” Ace picks up on the slight bitterness in his brother’s tone, “Luffy and Ace are my brothers.”
“Whaaat?!?” Ivankov practically tosses Ace to the floor, taking Sabo by the shoulders, “What is this mix of brothers! Who? How! My heart can’t take these dramatics!”
Ace grimaces but Sabo just smiles, “It’s kind of a long story.”
“Oh, so he can enter but I cannot? Do you know you who you’re talking to!” A haughty voice demands from outside the door.
“Neither of you should be in here!”
The door slams open again, and this time Ace has the unpleasant experience of being smacked in the face, “Watch it, lady!”
Sabo scoffs behind a hand, earning a glare from Ace.
“Excuse me? How dare you speak to- oh. It’s you.” Boa Hancock stares at Ace with unveiled disgust.
Ace gets to his feet, dusting off his knees, “Nice to see ya again.”
“Where is my Luffy?”
“Yours?” Sabo butts in, eyes wide.
Trafalgar storms into the crowded hallway, “I already told you, Hancock-ya!”
“That’s Empress to you!” She spins around, a finger pointed at Trafalgar, “You shall address me as such!”
“Tch.” Trafalgar spits with a glare, “Not while you’re on my ship.”
Hancock nearly laughs, “And you’re proud of that? This raft is nothing of importance! And it could never provide the tender care my dear Luffy will need to make a full recovery!”
Ace meets Sabo’s eye over the Empresses’ shoulder, “Tender?” He mouths with a funny look. Like this lady could ever be tender.
Luckily Sabo’s laugh is unheard as Trafalgar starts explaining the importance of his equipment and expertise to save Luffy’s life.
“Oh, come now sister!” Ivankov steps between the feud, “Straw Hat boy is in good hands! His brothers would never let anything come of him!”
“Brothers?” She turns, eyes zeroing in on Sabo when she catches the plural, “Luffy never mentioned anything of you.”
Sabo rubs his neck, “Yeah.”
Hancock asses the two with a tapping heel, “Fine. You may reprieve to Amazon Lily.” Hancock flicks her hair over her shoulder, “Luffy will need the finest treatment and I won’t let anything get in the way.”
“I already told you.” Trafalgar grits his teeth, “You don’t have the necessary equipment.”
The Snake Empress simply crosses her arms, “Then I suppose you will just have to come along as well. Luffy is my number one priority.” Without another word she exits the ship as quickly as she came.
All eyes slide over to Trafalgar who’s scowling at the exit. With curses under his breath, he turns and stomps down the hall.
“Well!” Ivankov claps, “You heard the Empress! I suppose I’ll see you two on Amazon Lily!” Blowing each of them a kiss before running after Hancock.
“Hey.” Sabo says, watching out the port window as Hancock leaps to the stolen Navy vessel, “You don’t think she…”
“Has the hots for Luffy?” Ace finishes, he scoffs with a smirk and shake of his head, “I’ve seen crazy shit on the Grand Line, but this…”
“Yeah.” Sabo smiles, meeting Ace’s gaze, “This takes the cake.”
And for the first time in a long time, the two brothers laugh.
“Captain! Captain!” The polar bear comes sprinting out of the ship with a wild look in his eyes, “He’s awake!”
Ace feels his stomach drop.
It was a day’s travel to reach Amazon Lily.
A day of no sleep for Ace as he sat between beds of unconscious patients.
Sabo flited in and out of the room, each time returning with something new for Ace. A plate of food. A blanket and pillow. Anything to stay busy.
Not that Ace needed any of it. Instead, he sat, the familiar orange hat in his hands he had found in the corner of the room. Although the scorch and blood marks were new additions.
He’d have to tease you for not taking better care of it.
If he got the chance that is.
“Bepo.” Trafalgar drops the ropes he was using to rig the Polar Tang, “What the status report?”
Bepo huffs loudly, bent over trying to catch his breath and Ace has never wanted to strangle a bear so much before this moment, “It’s- it’s- it’s the fishman!”
“Wait! Slow down!” Voices carry from inside the ship, “Please, come back here!”
Ace stares from his spot on the shore as Jinbei appears at the entrance of the submarine, “Leave me.” His deep voice leaves no room for argument.
Jinbei’s eyes scan his surroundings, briefly pausing when he meets Ace’s eyes but continuing until they land on Trafalgar’s.
“He doesn’t look good.” Sabo’s says besides Ace.
“No.” Ace agrees.
“You think- hey! Where you going!” Sabo calls as Ace determinedly moves towards the boat, propelling himself onto the deck.
His entrance has Trafalgar’s sliding uninterested eyes sliding over and then back to Jinbei, “Come in for an examine when you’re ready.”
And then it’s just Ace and Jinbei on the ship. Sure Sabo is still on the shore with a dozen Heart Pirate’s and women of Amazon Lily, but right now Ace is focused on he former Warlord he’s had such a tremulous past with.
“Never thought we’d meet again.” Ace says as a greeting.
“Nor did I. But I am glad to see you made it out of there.”
Ace deflates, thinking again of all of those who didn’t, “Yeah, right.”
Jinbei studies Ace, and Ace feels as though he’s being read like an open book.
“I must return to my rest.” Jinbei says as a farewell, turning back to the entrance.
“Jinbei.” Ace’s voice is strained, “Thank you, for looking out for my brother.”
Jinbei leans a hand against the door and looks back over his shoulder, “It was not because of your request I helped Luffy.”
“I didn’t think it was.”
“It’s so for me.” Sabo says smugly.
Ace turns away, “Shut up.”
“(Y/N) said everyone thinks you’re just stupid.”
“Shut up.” Ace snaps, a little louder this time.
“I bet the person that did it still tells stories about the idiot that wandered into their shop!”
“At least I have a tattoo!” Ace launches at his brother, “You used to cry when Luffy would pinch you! You wouldn’t last a minute!”
Sabo flushes, “That’s not true! I could last longer than you!”
“Say that to the one on my back! Took ‘em five hours!”
Sabo gulps, eyes widening at the thought of being pricked with a needle that long. But luckily he’s saved from having to come up with a defense.
“Ace?” A voice groans and both brothers swivel their heads.
“Luffy!” Ace almost sobs, knocking over his chair in the process of scrambling to his brother’s bedside, “I’m here, Luf. I’m right here.” He collapses to his knees, running a hand through his brothers thick hair.
“Ace.” Luffy smiles drowsily, “You’re okay.”
“Yeah.” Ace chokes out, “And you’re an idiot.”
Luffy lets out a pained whimper, turning his head towards the ceiling as he clenches his eyes.
Sabo, who’d been standing off to the side feeling like an intruder on such a personal moment finally pipes in, “I’ll go get Trafalgar, he probably-”
“No.” Ace snaps with a scowl, “Get over here.”
Sabo hesitates, watching as Luffy looks towards him to see just who Ace is talking to.
“I, uh.” He takes a step forward, “I’m glad you’re okay, Luffy.”
Luffy’s eyes focus in and out as he’s trying to place Sabo. Not that Sabo can blame him, doesn’t look like the child he once knew, even further with extra bandages covering more of his body than not.
“It’s Sabo, Luffy.” Ace whispers in his ear, “It’s really Sabo.”
“Sabo?” Luffy asks in disbelief, trying to sit up.
And that’s what does it in for Sabo’s nervousness, running towards his brother with frantic and concerned hands, “Hey! Slow down! You’re going to hurt yourself!”
But Luffy doesn’t listen, instead stretches out his arm to grab Sabo by the waist before slamming him into the bed.
The snap of Luffy’s rubber arm is an unpleasant feeling he’s missed so much.
“Sabo!” Luffy cries, snot and tears running down his face, “Ace! It’s Sabo!” He wraps his other brother up too, pulling both of them against his body.
“I know Luf.” Ace nods, “We’re both here.”
Luffy’s cries turn to hiccups as he nods his head up and down, “We’re all here.”
The loud and gross sobbing continues for a few more minutes before Trafalgar bursts through the door with a scowl on his face.
But by then Luffy has already worn himself out and is back to sleep with a smile on his face.
Ace is just glad Luffy didn’t ask about you.
“How many men do you plan to bring to this island!” The empress’s disgusted voice shrills through the air.
“Huh?” Ace looks up from the fish he’s cleaning.
Ever since Luffy woke up three days ago Ace and Sabo, along with every other man on the island, had be resigned to fending for themselves.
Not that Ace minded too much. He’d pick watching Luffy shoveling down a banquet’s worth of food in record time than seeing him lifelessly being pumped full of nutrients any day. Even if it meant having to fish for himself.
Although it did grate on his nerves a bit when the Empress hounded him while he was trying to cook his dinner since she was the one letting Luffy get first grabs every time.
“I made an exception for the doctor and you two, but this is not some resort!”
Ace rolls his eyes, “Lady, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” And Sabo holds back a snort of his own, purposefully avoiding the empress’s glare.
“Well, that’s odd.” She drawls, “Because they’re asking for you.”
Ace’s head turns so fast Sabo is surprised his neck doesn’t snap. But before he can make a comment about it Ace is already letting his feet take him to the island’s entrance.
There’s only one group of men that could be looking for him. And sure enough he spots them standing in a circle on the shore.
It’s been less than a week since he saw them last, even longer before that. And it still shocks him to take in the way they’ve all changed.
But war and death will do that to a man.
“Ace!” Izou yells, the rest turning now that his position’s been given away.
He barely has time to raise his hand in greetings before being tackled to the ground.
“Shit.” Ace grunts, the weight of a dozen men piled on top crushing the air from his lungs.
The Whitebeard Pirates had never leaned one way or another with physical affection, but for once it’s like they can’t get enough of each other. Grabby hands trying to get a feel for Ace, to know his skin is still alive with warmth and not from the heat of a fire fist like they had all expected to be their last sight of him.
“Wha- what are you doin’ here?” Ace manages to get out when his crew finally back off and dusting the sand from his shorts.
“We came to get you.” Marco answers, pressing a hand to Ace’s shoulder, “For Pops’ send off.”
Ace swallows, glaring at the ground. It was easy to avoid news of the war on Amazon Lily. Most the woman living here didn’t even know of the world outside, and Sabo sure as hell wasn’t going to bring it up around him.
“So, he’s really gone, huh?”
Their silence speaks volumes.
“I’m so sorry.” Ace collapses to his knees, burying his head into the sand, “I won’t even ask for forgiveness.” He clenches his hands, “For what I did. What I caused.”
The pain that’s been lingering in his chest amplifies in the presence of his brothers. No. Not brothers. He could never claim that title after he took their father away from each of them.
“Yoi!” A swift kick sends Ace sprawling onto his side, “Don’t start.”
Ace’s eyes go wide from his place in the sand.
“I always told Pops he was too stupid to be a commander.” Izou crosses his arms with a smirk.
“I always told Pops he was too stupid in general.” Marco mutters before taking a step closer to Ace, bending a knee in the sand, “No one here thinks it was your fault, because it wasn’t your fault. Got it?”
Ace wants to argue Pops would say otherwise. Thatch would say differently. That even the world knows the truth.
“You were his son, Ace.” Vista stands behind Marco, “Fathers will do anything for their sons.”
“Honestly.” Izou scoffs, “Thinking he’s special or something.”
There’s a ripple of laughter among the crew.
“But-” Ace tries to contradict.
“Ace.” Jozu gruff voice cuts in, “He didn’t even have to think about it. None of us did.” Every man nods their head and agreement, and Ace can’t take it.
His stare returning to the sand because it’s easier to look at then the faces of pure love from each of his brothers. Something he doesn’t deserve, has never deserved.
“But what I want to know.” Marco drawls, “Who the hell were the ones who saved you?”
Before Ace can answer, a loud splash is head from the water. Heads swiveling just in time to see an unconscious sea king crashing out of the water and back down as it’s limp form floats on the surface.
“What the fu…” The collective voices trail off as a man walks out of the water.
“Well, isn’t this just the party!” Silvers Rayliegh pushes his wet hair back with a grin, “It’s been a while, Whitebeard Pirates.”
“I wasn’t strong enough to protect you.”
Ace stops in his tracks, flattening himself against the wall. He doesn’t know if he should be eavesdropping on this conversation, as one sided as it was.
“I’m not strong enough to protect anyone.” Luffy’s voice cracks, “But I’m going to get stronger, you’ll see.”
Ace bites his lip. How did his crybaby brother grow up so fast?
“So you get stronger too, alright? I still want you back on my crew.”
Ace balls his hands into fists. He should have just left you on his brother’s crew. Because no matter what his brother though, Luffy protected you better than he ever could.
“And I still need to tell you about the adventures you missed. And you need to meet Robin, and Franky, and Brook! I finally got a musician, and he’s a talking skeleton!”
Ace turns back the way he came, letting his feet carry him to the deck. He needs to get away from this conversation as far as he can.
You could have had that.
You could have been sailing with his brother and crew and living and having fun and not dying on a fucking battlefield.
Ace bursts through the door, gasping for a breath of the cool night air.
He’s like a virus, just infecting people’s lives with misery. Doesn’t matter what anyone says. Not his crew. Not his brothers. No one.
Because the truth was as clear as day.
Ace leans over the edge, glaring at his reflection in the water.
People have tried to rid the world of his sickness over and over and over. Maybe he was the one that had to do it.
“At least wait until the morning to jump. It’ll be harder for them to pull you out in the dark.”
“Fuck!” Ace startles, turning to see Trafalgar resting against a sleeping Bepo, “Scared the shit out of me.”
Trafalgar shrugs, resting his head back against the bear’s stomach.
Ace learned quite quickly he’s not one for conversation. He turns back to the water, thoughts rolling through his head.
Luffy was leaving tomorrow to train with Rayleigh. Jinbei had left yesterday. The Whitebeard Pirates were sailing off in a few days. Sabo had gotten a hold of someone from the Revolution named Koala who gave him quite the earful over the transponder snail.
Ace didn’t even tease his brother about the pink dusting his cheeks.
Too jealous to even think of it.
It seemed like everyone was ready to move on.
Everyone but you that is.
“Trafalgar.” Ace says, his tone demanding attention before he takes a deep breath, “Give it to me straight, is (Y/N) going to make it?”
“Can’t say. She’s lucky that devil fruit of hers kicked and absorbed most of the magma. Still, portion of her liver was too burnt to save.” Law throws a leg over the other, his casualness in complete contrast to Ace’s rigid stance, “But that can regenerate on its own. It’s her lung and stomach that I’m concerned about.”
“So, what?’ Ace presses, “She need a new one or something?”
“Why?” Trafalgar cracks an eye, “You offering?”
“You’re so full of shit.”
“So’s your poker face.”
Ace sticks his tongue out and you erupt into giggles, “See! You know I’m right!”
“Whatever.” He scoffs, throwing his cards onto the table, “I fold. There, you happy?”
“Very.” You smile, pulling the berries towards your side of the table, “Another round?”
“You already sucked me dry of every berry I had.” Ace pouts, taking a swig from his bottle.
It’s just the two of you on the ship, the rest of the crew probably getting drunk or who knows what back in town. You were left behind to keep watch and Ace had insisted on keeping you company.
Your eyes rake over his body hungrily, “I’m sure there’s something you could put on the line.”
Ace’s eyes go wide for a moment when he catches that look on your face, his mouth pulling into a smirk, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to seduce me.”
“Is it working?” You bat your eyelashes.
You expect Ace to meet you head for head in your flirting. You’re usually the one who taps out first, unable to take the teasing without turning into a stammering mess. But instead, he drops his cheek into the palm of his hand.
“A little too much if I’m honest.”
You roll your eyes, trying to brush off the seriousness of his words, “You’re a sap.”
“Only for you.” His hand reaches for yours, a thumb caressing your wrist.
The warmth of his skin burns into your skin, and it makes you want to tell him everything. Expose the deepest and ugliest parts of you and hope that he won’t hate you.
“I think I love you.” Your eyes go wide and mouth drops. Any other day he might tease you to shut your trap unless you’re trying to catch some bugs but instead his smile softens, “Don’t say anything, I just-” He shrugs.
Your mind flits to the notebook you keep hidden in your satchel, beside the damn transponder snail that kills you a little bit each time it rings. To the words etched on paper with dates and names and details you wish he had told you instead of some Navy grunt.
You pull your hand from his, gathering the cards and shuffling them together to give you something to do. “Need to lay off the sake.” Your voice carries a forced ease.
“Sober or sloshed, doesn’t change what I feel.”
Your movements still, the cards fluttering into a stack. This was not part of the plan. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you.
You definitely weren’t supposed to fall in love with him.
“Yeah, yeah.” You laugh, trying to shrug off the weight of his words. Hands reach for the cards, hoping to ease over the awkwardness, but they’re gone. The entire table’s gone.
Head snapping up you see it’s all gone. All except him.
His mouth twists into a frown, “I’ll miss you.”
The first thing that you sense is pain. A groan scratching from your throat as you painfully crack open your eyes.
“You’re awake.” A deep voice cuts through your thoughts.
“Ace?” You mumble, trying to locate the voice.
“No.” A face comes into view, and you swear it’s familiar, “What are you feeling?”
“Pain.” You groan, trying to shift but it feels like the weight of the sea is pressing down onto you.
“Good.” The man grunts, fiddling with the IV bag over your head, “Means you’re alive.”
The beeping is still ringing in your ears, “Where’s Ace?” But it comes out more slurred than it sounded in your head.
“He’s gone.”
“Wha- what?” The cold panic washing over you and providing a newfound energy, eyes darting around the room.
“Tch. Go to sleep, we’ll talk when you wake up.”
“N- no!” You protest, using all your strength to pull yourself out of the bed, “Where is he?!”
“Watch it (Y/N)-ya!” Law snaps, the room falling into a blue tint and then you’re repositioned in the bed, “I spent seven hours cutting you open to fill you with new organs.” He seethes, “Don’t fucking kill them like you did your first set.”
“New organs?” You panickily glance down at your bod, feeling your chest and stomach as if you’d be able to sense the difference, “From who?”
Law steps closer, a cold hand pressing into your shoulder as he shoves you to lay down. A smirk stretches over his face, “Who do you think?”
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers, heart pounding in your ears as you search his face for any sign of joking, but you find nothing except a cruel smile.
“Liar!” The screech tears from your throat as you thrash against his hold, “You’re a fucking liar!”
Law rolls his eyes, quickly releasing his hold on you. He’s not interested in managing a temper tantrum.
“Ace!” You wail, “Ace!”
Suddenly the door bursts open, a figure shrouded in darkness as light pours in from the hall.
It’s him, you think. It has to be because he heard you and he came.
“(Y/N)! What’s wrong?”
But it’s not Ace.
“Sabo!” You cry as he sprints to your side, “Where is he? Where’s Ace?” You grab for his hands.
“Ace?” Sabo looks surprised, “He’s not here.”
“No, no, no!” You babble, “But we saved him! And, and he’s okay, he’s supposed to be okay!”
“(Y/N).” Sabo cups your face, forcing you to look at him, “Ace is alive. You saved him, okay? Ace is okay.”
“He, he is?”
“Of course he is.” Sabo answers.
“But, but where is he?” You ask, tears running down your cheeks, “And he- he said the organs. Tha- that they were his.”
Sabo’s eyes widen in shock before throwing a glare at Law, “You told her they were Ace’s?”
Law doesn’t even look up from his clipboard, “I never said that.”
Sabo turns back to you, “They weren’t Ace’s.” He moves a hand down to squeeze reassuringly at your shoulder, “He has a crewmate that’s a phoenix zoan. They can regenerate anything.”
“So, they’re not…?” You trail off, looking back down at you covered chest and stomach.
“No.” Sabo is halfway between laughing and halfway to killing that fucking doctor, “They’re not Ace’s. He’s alive and well.”
“Then where is he?” You ask in a small voice, eyes desperate.
“He’s with his crew. Laying Whitebeard to rest.” Sabo reaches into his pocket, “But he left this for you.”
You accept the folded up piece of paper, recognizing the messily scrawled letters. A small scrap of parchment flutters into your lap when you unfold the letter.
Doc says you should be wakin’ up soon. Probably don’t remember when I said goodbye, but you had a smile on your face I like to think you save for me.
We’re givin’ Pops a final sendoff, but you probably already know that.
Haven’t told Sabo or Luffy, but I don’t think I’ll be comin’ back. I can barely look at myself these days, let alone those two.
I’m sorry dragged you into all of this. From the beginning. Wish I had never taken you up on that offer to join the Spades, at least then you wouldn’t have been twisted up in any of this.
I know I said we’d stick together but I think it’s better this way, for you at least.
I hope you can forgive forget me.
next chapter
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