#earthspark deadlock
transingthoseformers · 10 months
Finished most of my idea outline for my mini-ES!Dratchet fic. I am getting more excited for.
Ratchet leaves after Glit–known conscientious objector, youngling, and Pacifist–Glit is taken into custody and treated the same. He cannot stay after that. Maimings, arresting non-combatants, using locks. Ratchet goes for a drive and doesn't return.
I am referencing to my favorite Ratchet adventures: driving first to his friend Stitches, a human he meets in one of the short stories who is a former army surgeon who helps Ratchet preform surgery on a human woman caught in a car crash and who he befriends and eventually offers a prosthetic to, place because he can't think straight and talking to him; meeting the rogue and pissed off Grit; finding Deadlock who'd disappeared during the Earth Campaign rough and bleeding after saving a human boy and his pet dog who immediately went to get the Ambulance at Stitches place; them going on their decade long jaunt around the world including Japan which Deadlock deeply enjoyed.
Ratchet is not aware of the possibility of kindling. It was deeply hidden. Deadlock is aware and formally one of Soundwave's personal agents he knew of Soundwave and Ravage's child Glit. Soundwave and Ravage are an established couple and Ravage was friends with Megatron who was also Soundwave's lover and friend at least until he left.
Ratchet is relearning anatomy, doing deep dives to find suppressed and removed coding and quickly being forced to learn on the job with his own bearing.
Deadlock makes the decision to call in a favor from Onslaught who fucked off with his Combaticons to safety of another country. He doesn't tell Ratchet why until they find Soundwave and the Cassettes licking their wounds. With them is Glit, who it turns out is much younger than Ratchet suspected. Soundwave gives Ratchet all the information he has as does Ravage, who is one of the oldest Cybertronians alive. Onslaught offers old literature and plays referencing it.
Ratchet agrees to train Glit in exchange. Ravage and Soundwave are willing to trust him and Glit wants to learn more than they can offer. He agrees.
Deadlock and he settle down for a bit, Ratchet feeling broody with a sparklet on his heart and Glit to mentor. When they hear about the release program for some Decepticons and how they are being regulated to certain strict areas they head close to their to make sure they are taken care of. They end up meeting Decepticons like the Scavengers, Reflector, Sky-Byte and his ridiculous trio, Astrotrain and Blitzwing who are starving, and Blip.
They wind up moving between the areas both official and unofficial where Decepticons settle. They also run into others, like Thundercracker who has eloped with a human woman and a dog, Skywarp and Nova Storm who hiss but reluctantly let him repair them, and the Constructicons who are hiding out in a construction company who are fully aware of their identities and are paying them while the Constructicons support smaller Decepticons who've attached themselves to them.
There is time skips and finally Hot Rod is born after seven years and 170 days after Ratchet kindles. All this time what triggers them to return is the incident with the tower and Ratchet getting a call from Optimus saying he needs him. Optimus never once reached out respecting Ratchet’s decision. The Junxies, freshly so, head off to rejoin them. Deadlock still goes by Deadlock except around Ratchet who calls him Drift.
They reunite and are introduced to sparklings, Terrans, and Ratchet says he has some news too and breaks the news about his husband and child to MegOPLita.
Damnnnn, makes sense that eould be Ratty's final straw
It had to be such an experience for the others, Ratchet leaving.
I like to think this is one of those things they don't talk about, besides maybe long nights after difficult missions or while a little bit overcharged.
owo? Kindling? an intriguing detail to add here...
Oh I've thought about that! (The modifying code to prevent getting sparked up bit)
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Don't worry to hard about the word vomit i wrote that idea in (unless unless?)
The combaticons living in another country in hiding? Interesting
Damn is learning Glit's true age gonna make Ratty even more pissed at GHOST because not only did they treat Glit like shit but he's a kid; they had the audacity to treat a kid like that.
there are gonna be so many cool ratchet moments omgggg
Ratchet over here collecting decepticons like a twelve year old named Red would collect pokemon
So THAT'S where Thundercracker went!
Awww yes the Constructicons being hidden by some humans!!
Oooo yes yes, Oppy finally caving to bring Ratty back!
Of course, another child!
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pastelpaperplanes · 7 months
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Art Dump!
Dwatchet and some Earthspark inspired stuff ✨
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death-by-physics · 11 months
I'm almost done catching up on Earthspark and I hope, hope that Ratchet shows up next season but I need him to show up a certain way
Ratchet shows up for his dunno maybe a twice a year check-in, catches sight of the Terrans, and immediently starts tearing into OP and Megatron because THERES FRAGGING SPARKLINGS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???
And coming in behind him is Deadlock. Red optics, Decepticon symbol proudly displayed on his chest, dangerous energy overall
OP and Megatron are watching him warily because what is going on?? Deadlock??? Wat??? And Ratchet is just checking over the Terrans, muttering to himself threats on reformating OP and Megatron into toasters, ignoring the way everyone is suddenly tense because there's a very dangerous Decepticon Oh my Primus Ratchet why is there a very dangerous Decepticon
A very dangerous Decepticon who Ratchet turns around, points a finger at, and tells him to stop leering and make himself useful damnit Drift this is why I said I'd come alone
And Deadlock. Just. Melts. Awww but Ratty
Full on heart-eyes, following at his heels, speaking kindly to the Terrans and kids, the whole nine-yards
The only hiccup is when OP warily slides over and is like So Drift?
And Deadlock turns to him, fangs flashing, It's Deadlock to you
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whatwooshkai · 5 months
"put this guy in earthspark" "put that guy in earthspark" I think you are all correct but I've been thinking about it so here's who I would love to see in earthspark and why:
-sunstreaker and sideswipe (this show is all about family when was the last time the twins were on screen together huh. they are speedster twins twitch and thrash would love them)
-ironhide (would be plotting megatron's demise the second he saw him. like optimus' scary dog who barks every time megatron gets too close "he don't bite" "YES HE DO")
-jazz and prowl (I think they should show up together. I think prowl needs someone to handle people for him because if he showed up by himself it would not end well. also I love jazz and find their dynamic fun, plus jazz would love the terrans)
-ratchet and deadlock (specifically deadlock. it would be so funny. imagine ratchet comes into camp and they're like "holy shit thank god finally an actual medic who can help us" but look he's got the cybtertronian equivalent of a feral attack dog following him that adores him and hates everyone else and he's not doing anything about it)
-thundercracker and buster (GIVE HIM HIS DOG!! bonus points if skywarp and starscream are like "oh we don't know about thundercracker. we lost him years ago. we hope one day to find him and welcome him with open arms" and this whole time he's had a dog and been writing screenplays like "oh they know I'm fine" [they don't])
-first aid (I love ratchet but bro's been dominating the medical field. put first aid in. or literally any other medic actually. put fucking pharma in and let him go wild. that would be fun. but back to first aid I love his character and I think his "I'm a medic, but..." attitude would fit perfectly, and he'd love the terrans)
-whirl (do it you fucking cowards. and don't do it like cyberverse. make him unhinged. he would be such a bad influence it would be great)
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utane · 2 years
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Wake up babe a new Soundwave dropped
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spiritlion · 8 months
Going off of this post again of dratchet in ES x
I feel like Twitch would very much enjoy Drift for many reasons. Her just sitting on his shoulder as he cleans his swords and she’s asking tons of questions about his life and random things in general. I feel like Drift very much like Ratchet isn’t good with words but actions he is. So him listening to her ramble and commenting here and there is a great bonding experience.
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Nightshade should be a CitySpeaker and so should Drift 😎😎😎😎
I’m holding my breath as I type this, but I disagree slightly with the first part.
I don’t think Nightshade would enjoy being a Cityspeaker very much. They’re fairly independent and live for discovery and creativity on their own time. I can’t see them feeling too comfortable being responsible for the translation and communication of the mind of a Titan. I’m also unsure of how deep they’d want their bond with the Titan to be.
Could Nightshade learn the art of Cityspeaking? Absolutely. Would they want to dedicate a huge amount of their time and energy to forging and maintaining a relationship of that kind? I doubt it. I could see them acquiring the skills and doing it every now and then though.
As for Drift, I think his personality and desires align better for being a potential Cityspeaker.
Drift has excellent people insight that would aid him in communicating with a Titan. He’s compassionate and understanding in a way that would enable him to form a deep bond with his Titan, yet he’s not a pushover and has a strong will that would keep him from being totally overwhelmed in the case of a conflict of interest.
Best case scenario, the mind merge would become a safe haven for both parties and a source of joy and fulfillment as they work together. Worst case scenario, there would be intense conflict; in that case, Drift would just move on and find another Titan he gets along with better.
As I understand it, Drift’s deepest desires are to belong, to be understood, and to make a positive impact wherever he finds himself. Bonding with a Titan could potentially fulfill all three of those.
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decepti-geek · 2 years
something thats been making me very happy recently is listening to the Six soundtrack and reimagining it as some kind of musical semi-diegetic 'trial of Megatron' type thing (I think mainly because he has more people within his own faction who get like, overtly mad at him than Optimus does?) kind of with a similar vibe to Chicago in general? Beyond just the Cell Block Tango comparison. Like, the idea of there being a literal court proceeding going on with everyone in attendance but then simultaneously you have non-diegetic musical setpieces.
And some of the casting feels pretty obvious like, Starscream wouldn't be anyone other than Boleyn let's be honest ("I wouldn't be such a bitch if you could get it up" just makes me think of that one fuckin "Megatron has fallen" megastar post. every time). Soundwave would be Aragon especially given how earthspark is doing things atm and also because I mean, Soundwave-Starscream rivalry is a classic. Also this means Soundwave gets to be the Beyonce expy and he deserves nice things. I picked Optimus and Drift for the middle two and realised they feel weirdly interchangeable? Like, Drift/Deadlock being idealised as what inspired IDW Megs to envision the Decepticons, compared with Jane Seymour being the idealised wife (also the 'soon I'll have to go' section referring to his feelings around leaving the 'cons rather than literally dying), and then Optimus as Cleves being the least tethered to him/'queen of the castle' thing makes sense given. yknow. the creation of the Autobots. But right now I sort of like it the other way around, because then you get the 'deception' of Cleves being Deadlock's actual betrayal (plus Drift is fuckin loaded, and Cleves is the other one who has the most (sincere) religious references besides Aragon) and meanwhile the idea of Optimus having this whole thing about being Megatron's first/great love before everything went to shit TFP-style, and still genuinely kind of wishing they could have had an actual happy relationship whilst everyone else mostly just hates Megs now is pretty funny and also is a very Optimus sort of thing I think. (And besides which Optimus does literally die like all the time).
Meanwhile I have Tarn as Catherine Howard (potentially with Shockwave filling both roles of Mannox and Dereham just pre/post empurata) and Minimus as Catherine Parr (the sense of obligation starting with how Mims/Magnus is asked to supply the defence role in the actual canon trial) and I keep thinking about those two in particular for some reason.
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minniethemoocherda · 2 years
It’s in the Blood, It’s in the Will
A/N:  This takes place directly after my previous fic in this series After All is Said and Done but you shouldn't have to read that for this too make sense. I am loving all the headcanons that Ratchet is going to be super pissed that Bumblebee didn't check the Terran's energon levels till they were near zero! I really hope we get to see Ratchet properly in the show outside of the flashback! With Megatron having defected, I think it also make total sense for Drift to appear too! I tried something a little differently here with an almost outsiders POV with Robby so let me know what you guys think. Hope you enjoy!
By the time Robby heard the car's engine it was too late.
He was struggling to hold back laughter as Mum tried to show Optimus how to change the wallpaper on his phone so that she could send him the picture she'd snapped of Bumblebee sleeping snuggled against his side. Robby had no idea how Bumblebee was able to sleep over the shouts of his siblings playing hot potato (or hot cube as the Cybertronians called it) in the cow field next door. Which was probably why he didn't hear the car coming until it was parked right outside the barn.
In the split second it took Robby to wonder why an ambulance was at their house when no humans had been hurt that badly during the battle with Mandroid, the vehicle had already transformed into a twenty foot tall robot.
It wasn't a Transformer Robby had met before, nor was it one he recognised from TV.
"Er hi?" Robby said but the robot didn't appear to have heard him. Instead it marched straight towards Megatron who was perched on the grass opposite the barn. At the sight of the ambulance heading his way, Megatron clutched the battered remains of his arm and turned to glare in Optimus' direction.
"You called Ratchet?" Megatron hissed.
Optimus ignored him, pretending to be too engrossed in his phone.
The bot, who was apparently called Ratchet, paid the interaction no mind and produced an oversized wrench from who knows where and whacked Megatron over the head with it.
"I know your helm is as thick as a dinobot's tail but can you at least try to think next time before you try to use your fusion canon when your arm is half fallen off! Now sit!" Ratchet shouted.
Robby waited with baited breath for Megatron to start blasting but despite his scowl, the former Deception followed the orders without question, which even after everything that happened, was probably the most surprising thing Robby had seen that day.
He'd never seen Megatron follow orders that quietly before. Even with Optimus he usually had a sparky remark or two.
Who was this Ratchet? Judging by the way he was currently fixing Megatron's arm, Robby assumed he was some kind of Cybertronian equivalent of a doctor. And with his Mum's non-repulsed eye roll and Dad's silent freak out, even if Robby didn't know who this bot was, he was fairly certain his parents did.
That was when the second car arrived.
It must've been following right behind Ratchet although with everything that had happened in the last minute, it felt longer to Robby.
It too transformed from a flashy race car to a giant robot. His armour was a pristine white with swirls of red and yellow. Two swords larger then Robby's entire body were strapped to his waist with another across his back. But they weren't half as terrifying as the Deception logo tattooed across their chest.
Before Robby could cry out, his Mum was already standing in front of him, blaster poised to strike.
"Stand down Mrs Malto." Optimus said, in that gentle but commanding tone Robby recognised from his speeches on TV. "This is Drift. He has now switched allegiances to the Autobots."
"Funny, because last time we met, he was a Deception assassin called Deadlock." Mum snarled.
Robby noticed that his Dad had taken up a similar protective stance in front of the Terrans who had abandoned their game to watch the unfolding scene.
"My allegiance was not the only thing I changed." Drift said, hands raised in the universal sign of surrender, although he didn't sound to be that bothered by his Mum's blaster.
"Well who are you then?" Mum demanded, reluctantly holstering her weapon under Optimus' watchful eye.
"I'm Ratchet's conjux." The Deception stated with a soft smile that didn't match the rest of the walking arsenal.
"What's a conjux?" Hashtag asked, taking the question from Robby's mouth.
"What do you mean what's a conjux?" Ratchet scoffed as he finished welding Megatron's arm back together. "What are you, a bunch of spark-"
Ratchet glanced away from Megatron's injury taking his first real look at the plainly armoured bots around him. His eyes widen before suddenly flashing white. "Sparklings? You found sparklings! AND YOU DIDN'T CALL ME?"
Ratchet's thunderous voice left Robby wobbling on his feet and woke Bumblebee up with a start.
The glare Optimus sent in Rachet's direction did little to deter to doctor's tirade. Megatron was the only one who appeared happy, relieved that the doctor's ire was no longer focused on him.
"Please tell me you at least gave them a routine check up!"
"Errr..." Bumblebee replied eloquently, still sounding half asleep.
Ratchet tssked, a sound Robby had no idea how a robot could make without any teeth.
"Why do I always have to do everything?" Ratchet grumbled to himself. A ray of blue light spread over the nearby Terrans, making them giggle as he presumably took a scan. Whatever he saw on the results made his eyebrows disappear beneath his helmet. "Their energon levels are all below ten percent! How are they even still alive?"
"It's okay they don't need energon." Bumblebee told him, sounding more awake now.
"And you know this how?"
"Because they might have nearly collapsed of it- but then it was okay because we discovered that they just need Earth water to survive!" Bumblebee replied quickly, leaning more into Optimus with every word as though he could hide under the Prime's armour.
"Oh and you know this in your expert medical opinion do you?" Ratchet retorted, his armour plating shaking to the point Robby was worried that the friction would set it on fire. It was a sight Robby suddenly recognised from his own parents when their anger at him doing something particularly stupid was an explosion of their terrified concern.
"Ratty, remember your fuel line pressure. Take deep vents." Drift said, gently squeezing the crook of Ratchet's elbow.
Robby heard the doctor grumble something about where his conjunx could shove his fuel line pressure, but he did take a reluctant deep breath. It rattled the plates of his armour like the brittles of a cats fur, seemingly settling Ratchet enough that he no longer looked liked he was about to spontaneously combust. Sighing, he produced what looked to Robby like sticks made out of rust from his seams, holding them out towards the Terrans.
"Here. These should get your energon levels up. But don't eat too many at once. My days of cleaning up sparkling vomit are long over."
For some reason those words only made Bumblebee sink against Optimus even further.
Robby watched as his metallic siblings take tentative bites of the rust sticks. He had to stifle a laugh as all too soon they were gobbling them up like kids with candy on Halloween.
"Yes well thank you for your assistance Ratchet." Optimus said diplomatically. "But it must be a longer drive back home for you and Drift, so we'd best let you get on your way."
"Oh you're not getting rid of me that easily Prime! I'm staying here to keep an optic on these sparklings." Ratchet stated.
"And where Ratchet goes, I go." Drift declared from his side. Robby almost missed the twitch of a smile Ratchet sent in his conjux's direction. But he was glad he didn't. As it showed that underneath the medic's sharp exterior, was a spark that cared about the bots around him. Even if he was willing to offend their feelings to protect their physical wellbeing.
"Can we keep them Mum, please?" Robby begged, utilising his best puppy dog eyes.
She shared a quick look with her husband with was pointless since Robby knew his Dad would be over the moon at the idea more transformers staying with them. Sure enough, his Dad was jumping up and down like an excitable puppy.
"We're going to need a bigger barn." His Mum sighed.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
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If you enjoy my work please like, comment and reblog, but no presure. ❤️ ☕ Coffee Tips ☕
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Storm's Heat | f!robot reader - NEW
Soundwave I See You ❙ f!human reader
Shattered Glass
Optimus Prime Obey | f!robot S/O reader
Starscream Caught ❙ f!robot reader Sensitive ❙ f!human reader
Knock Out Crimson Lust ❙ f!human reader
Optimus Prime Disobedience ❙ f!human reader Rightfully His ❙ f!human reader
Wheeljack Imposter | f!robot reader
Ratchet Atoms Love ❙ f!robot reader Unforeseen Reunion | Drift/Deadlock
Dreadwing Lose Controll ❙ f!robot reader
Starscream Seeker Allure ❙ f!robot reader
Skywarp & Nova Storm Wicked Ones | f!human reader
Swindle His Princess ❙ Part 1 . Part 2
Breakdown Something Reckless ❙ f!human reader
BreakBee Lucky Winners ❙ f!robot reader
Bumblebee Missed You ❙ f!human reader
Megatron Jealous Type ❙ f!robot reader
Soundwave Mistletoe ❙ f!robot reader
Mirage Estrella | f!human reader
Downtime ❙ Crosshairs x Drift
Buried Deep | Warnings: Non-con, dub-con, incest, mind manipulation and stockholm syndrome.
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cosmics-beings · 6 months
i think that if dratchet was in tfp, it wouldn't be drift as much as it would be deadlock or a mixture of both of them. One thing I think would happen is that drift would be allowed to be multifaceted as both an autobot and decepticon, maybe a neutral. if dratchet is in earthspark i hope that we get to see him as a combination between drift and deadlock.
my personal opinion is that it's important for drift to keep his decepticon'ness and have ratchet fall for him while he is a decepticon because in a way it 'humanizes' decepticons from another perspectie. being deadlock helped drift survived, he had nothing so he made an identity to kept him alive and fought against oppression. that is something that doesn't go away, and it certainly shouldn't go away for someone he loves if he can find a good, healthy balance. and i think that ratchet would understand that mutl-faceted part of him, and it would also be a learning experience for ratchet too. deadlock isn't perfect or innocent by anymeans but i would like it if he could be a mixture of drift and deadlock without being overly demonized.
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soundwave-is-true · 1 year
Hot Decepticons
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Transformers Drabble/Fanfic Blog: Requests Open!
About Me:
Heya! My name is Blight, I go by he/they pronouns, and I am twenty years old. My main blog is @blighted-lights, where I post my art, reblog fandom content, and pretty much everything else. This blog is my Transformers drabble blog, where I take request and prompts from you guys and write for them!
I also have an AO3 account, Visual_Blurr, which will soon be active! There are no fics there currently but keep an eye out 👀, I've got a lot planned.
I won't put too much about myself here as this is primarily just going to be a writing blog. You are free to come over to my main blog and interact, and my DMs and inbox for my that blog are always open!
About Requests (2005 IDW, TFP, Earthspark, Cyberverse):
There is a lot that you can request from this blog and expect to see! I write platonic, familial, romantic, and antagonistic dynamics, and just about everything in-between. If you have any questions or would like clarification, feel free to ask!
Character Headcanons: Send in a character name and ask for some HCs, and I will provide! Be sure to specify what type of headcanons you want.
Reader-inserts: Human or Cybertronian, feel free to ask for a drabble revolving around you! Unless specifically clarified, all inserts will be made without descriptors of any kind. However, feel free to add something extra like faction or alt-mode if you'd like!
18+: Feel free to suggest 18+ content! However, please remember that I have the right to turn down any request I am not comfortable writing for. All mature posts will be tagged appropriately, so if you'd like to avoid them, there will be a warning above each response, a 'Read More' put in place, and the ability to filter them out by tag. Before sending in an ask with 18+ themes, please refer to this post.
Shipping Drabbles/Character Interactions: Want to see a specific romantic pairing with your own prompt, or maybe a what-if scenario between two characters who don't interact in canon? Send a request! These can be romantic, platonic, familial, antagonistic- there really is no limit to what you can ask for, folks 🤷‍♂️.
Cross-Continuity: Have a character that's in the comics and not a show, or in one show and not the other? Feel free to send a request and send them there! Please clarify if you want the character from, say, the IDW 2005 comics to be transported to TFP, or if you'd like to see something for that character as if they belonged to that continuity originally.
While I am always happy to fill in whichever prompts and requests you guys send in, here is a list of characters that I am especially interested in writing in currently! This list will be updated as my interests change, and I am more likely to write for these characters first if I see them in my inbox. Here goes, ranked from most interest!
Ravage: IDW 2005/Earthspark
Drift | Deadlock: IDW 2005, Cyberverse, Beastformer!AU (Confused? Check out these posts! 1, 2, 3.)
Knockout: TFP
Starscream: IDW 2005, Earthspark, TFP, Cyberverse
Shockwave: IDW 2005, Earthspark, TFP, Cyberverse
Velocity: IDW 2005
Arcee: IDW 2005, Cyberverse
Pharma: IDW 2005
ANY of the Cassetticons: IDW 2005, Earthspark, TFP, Cyberverse
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koboldisnotfree · 10 months
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micah-pl · 1 year
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K1-B0 (Danganronpa) vs Those weird dog things (Boston Dynamics)
Pharma vs Overlord vs Sunder (MTMTE)
C3P0 (Star Wars) vs Baymax (BH6)
Wheatley (Portal 2) vs Mettaton (Undertale)
Serial designation N (Murder Drones) vs Pornbots (Tumblr)
Serial designation J (Murder Drones) vs MTMTE Rodimus
Serial designation V vs Regis from World Flipper
MTMTE Tarn vs TFP Megatron
MTMTE Thunderclash vs TMNT 2012 Donbot
Monokuma (Danganronpa) vs Lil Hal (Homestuck)
MTMTE Getaway vs Earthspark Shockwave
TFP Megatron vs MTMTE Tyrest
Dr Kahl’s Robot (Cuphead) vs MTMTE Whirl
TFA Starscream vs IDW Swindle
Atlas (Astro Boy 1980) vs Isaac (The Orville)
TFP Smokescreen vs BW Megatron
The three mechanical bosses (Terraria) vs Ruin Guards (Genshin Impact)
IDW Prowl vs Unicron
Lord Imperious Delirious (Beast Wars Uprising) vs HK-47 (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game)
The Great Spirit Robot (Bionicle) vs Metroplex
RID15 Drift vs Cyberverse Soundwave
G1 Galvatron vs G1 Sunstreaker
TFA Blackarachnia vs MTMTE Tailgate
IDW Zeta Prime vs H2G2 Marvin
stray (the game) vs Ratchet from Robots (2005)
cl4p tp (borderlands) vs Doctor Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
King Andrias (Amphibia) vs Pitching Machine (Blaseball)
Video killed the radio star coach (just dance 3) vs Atomic Robo
dot matrix (spaceballs 1987) vs TFA Ultra Magnus
TFA Sentinel Prime vs Motormaster
Terminator (Terminator) vs IDW 2019 Megatron
IDW Deadlock vs Shitbot (Dreamfall Chapters)
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